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● Good [morning, afternoon, evening] everyone.

● I'm glad to have taken the time to discuss this important issue with you all
● Before I begin, let me introduce myself.

About the campaign

● The reason I am here today is to talk about the campaign against Gender based
violence. The 16 days campaign with a theme “ending femicide and UNITE."
● This campaign is done in collaboration with the
● The purpose of this campaign is to draw our attention to GBV.

What the law (VAPP Act) says about Gender Based Violence
● What is violence? The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or
actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either
results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,
maldevelopment or deprivation
● What is GBV? Gender-based violence (GBV) is a form of violence that is directed at an
individual based on his or her biological sex OR gender identity. It includes physical,
sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic
or educational deprivation, whether occurring in public or private life.
● Based on the above definition, emphasis (to listeners )on the fact that GBV affects
both men and women. State the fact that the law VAPP also does not segregate on
who victims of GBV are - men and women are protected by the law. But for the
purpose of the 16 days of activism, our focus is on ending any form of violence
against women and girls.
● Talk about the law - Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act, also known as the
VAPP, is a very important legal tool and first criminal legislation in Nigeria to, prohibit
and punish for the acts of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM),verbal, emotional,
economic and psychological abuses, harmful widowhood practices, expanded
concept/crime of rape.
● The Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act (VAPP Act) came into force on 28th
May, 2015. These act has been domesticated in 32 states including Akwa Ibom states:
the VAPP law
● The Act criminalizes the following sexual and gender-based violence:- Rape, Spousal
Battery, Forceful Ejection from home, Force Financial Dependence or Economic
Abuse, Harmful Widowhood Practices, Female Circumcision or Genital Mutilation,
Abandonment of Children, Harmful Traditional Practices, Harmful Substance Attack
such as Acid Baths, Political Violence, Forced Isolation and Separation from Family
and Friends, Depriving Persons of their Liberty, Incest, Indecent Exposure and
Violence by State Actors (especially government security forces), among others, are
Punishable offenses under the VAPP
1 Rape ( vagina, anus, mouth penetration without consent, the consent is obtained by force,
threat, intimidation, fear of harm, false or fraudulent misrepresentation, use of substance or
additives (intoxicants), in the case of a married person by impersonating his or her spouse, )
● Punishment ranges from 12- 20 years imprisonment without an option of fine
2 Female circumcision or Genital Mutilation
(cutting off all or part of the external sex organs of a girl or woman other than on medical
● Punishment ranges from 4 years imprisonment (maximum) or fine of N200,000.00
(maximum). The person who aids and abets or attempts to commit the offense of
female circumcision or FGM the penalty is 2 years imprisonment or a fine of
N100,000.00 or both.

3 Harmful widowhood practices (Such practices include shaving of hairs, sitting on the floor
or mat, being refrain from bathing for a number of days, seclusion and being made to swear
the late husband's corpse) (some Ibibio clan still engage in this practices till date ) emphasis
on forceful)
● Punishable for a term not exceeding two years imprisonment or a fine not exceeding
N500,000.00 or to both.
● The person who incites, aids, abets or counsels another person is liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year to a fine not exceeding N
200,000.00 or to both
4 Spousal and partner battery (
● Punishable by 1 year imprisonment for intimidation and 3 years imprisonment for
beating your partner/spouse or fine of N200,000.00 (maximum) or both.
5 Emotional, verbal and psychological abuse (examples of such abuse are repeated insults,
ridicule or name calling; repeated exhibition of obsessive possessiveness et.c)
● Punishment - not more than one year imprisonment or fine not not exceeding
N200,000.00 or to both such fine and imprisonment.
6 Physical Injury (wilfully causes or inflicts physical injury on another person by use of
weapon, substance or object liable for a term exceeding 5years or a fine not exceeding
N100,000, attempts to commit the act of violence is liable to a term of imprisonment not
exceeding 3years or a fine of N200,000 or both, incites, aid, abets or counsels another
person to commit the act of viable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or aa
fine not exceeding N200,000.
7. Forceful Ejection from home (forcefully evicts his/her spouse for home or refuses him/her
access commits an offence and is liable to a term not exceeding 200,000 or both, a person
also incites, abets or counsel another person to commit the offence is liable to a term of
imprisonment exceeding 1year or a fine not exceeding N200,000 or both

8. Damage to property with intent to cause distress (a person who causes mischief or
distribution or damage to property of another with the intent to cause or knowing that it is
likely to cause distress or annoyance to victim commits an offence and is liable on conviction
to a term not exceeding 2years or a fine not exceeding 300,000

Note: talk about two or three of this offenses

Reporting Institutions and Mechanism

● Let listeners know that there are agencies empowered to handle cases of abuse as
well as NGOs and Civil societies who help identify and aid prosecution of abusers.
Conclusion. Elaborate on
● How GBV is a serious social problem.
● The COVID 19 brought with it a surge in cases of Sexual and Gender Based Violence.
Before the pandemic, violent and domestic attacks on women were common.
However, the lockdowns caused a significant spike in incidents.
● Encourage listeners to report incidences of rape and other violent crimes against
them to any of the reporting institutions listed above (list institutions again)
● Allow for listeners to call in and ask questions
● Throw questions to listeners with airtime reward (to be decided)

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