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The Pearl of the Mediterranean

Situated on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, Alexandria is Egypt's second-most populous city. Now a major economic regional hub
and industrial center thanks to its location and its easy access to oil and gas due to pipelines connecting the city to Suez and the Red Sea (Egypt's
main source of energy resources), Alexandria has a long and glorious history as an ancient center of literature and education.
Alexandria is named after the world-famous Ancient Greek monarch and conqueror Alexander the Great, who is believed to have founded
the city in 332 BCE during his conquest of North Africa.
A Brief History of Alexandria
Alexander the Great ordered the foundation of the city of Alexandria in the 4th century BCE with the intention of building a new city to confirm and
celebrate his rule over Egypt and to act as a link between Greece and the fertile Nile valley region of Egypt.
Designed by Alexander's trusted architect Dinocrates, the city soon became a major intellectual and cultural center of the ancient world. The Library
of Alexandria which was established in the 3rd century BCE under the patronage of the Ptolemaic Dynasty was one of the largest and most important
educational centers in the world.
Alexandria suffered major destruction during the Kitos War in 115 CE and was largely rebuilt by the architect Decriannus under the orders of the
Roman Emperor, Hadrian.By the 7th century CE, the city fell under the rule of the Sassanid Persian Empire and was then conquered by Arab forces
who converted the city to Islam and established the Mamluk Empire. The city lost much of its previous importance as a site for trade and education as
the nearby city of Rosetta grew to eclipse it.
After being conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1517, the city rose to prominence again in 1798 as Napoleon, the leader of Revolutionary France,
occupied the city, making it one of his main power bases in North Africa.
The city passed into the hands of the British soon after the Battle of Alexandria in 1801 and was rebuilt to retain much of its former glory in the first
half of the 19th century under the rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha.
Many of the European communities who called Alexandria home abandoned the city after the Suez Crisis of 1956, which saw Arab nationalism and
the desire to get rid of foreign influence in Egypt become stronger.
However, the city has retained much of its cosmopolitan essence and is now one of Egypt's most important tourist destinations, with its rich and
varied history attracting visitors from around the world.
Citadel of Qaitbay
Situated on the eastern side of the northerly tip of Pharos Island, which lies at the mouth of Alexandria's Eastern harbor, the Citadel of
Qaitbay is one of the finest surviving examples of the Mamluk Empire's defensive fortresses constructed in the 15th century.
Built in 1477 by Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay, the fortress stands on the exact site of the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria, which
was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and whose ruins were used as part of the material to build the fortress.
The citadel was extensively renovated during the rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the first half of the 19th century, before being damaged by
the British navy during the Orabi Revolt of 1882. The building was restored to its former glory in the 1980s by the Egyptian Antiquities Organization,
who turned the building into a Maritime Museum.
Many visitors to Alexandria are drawn by the opportunity to view the remains of the Serapeum, an ancient Greek temple built during the reign
of Ptolemy III Euergetes (246-222 BCE).Although most evidence of the temple no longer stands above ground, after the Serapeum was thought to
have been destroyed by Christians in 391 CE who disapproved of its history as a site for the worship of Greek gods, excavations have uncovered an
extensive series of catacombs or tunnels underneath the former site of the temple.
The Serapeum is also the site of Pompey's Pillar, one of the largest ancient Roman columns ever constructed outside of the ancient capitals
of Rome and Constantinople at 88 feet (26.8 meters). Although mistakenly named after the Roman General Pompey, the pillar was in fact constructed
to commemorate the victory of the Roman Emperor Diocletian over revolting Alexandrians in 297 CE.
Montaza Palace
At the heart of the beautiful Montaza Royal Gardens stands the Al-Haramlik Palace, commonly known as the Montaza Palace, one of
Alexandria's most beautiful and historic landmarks. Built in 1892 by the Khedive (viceroy or ruler under the Ottoman Empire) Abbas II, the palace was
constructed for use as a hunting lodge and secondary residence of the Khedivate of Egypt and Sudan.
Built using a combination of Ottoman and Florentine architectural styles, the palace's main tower is decorated with elaborate Italian
Renaissance flourishes. Surrounding the palace are a number of exclusive luxury cabins, built by wealthy Egyptians and foreigners during the time of
the Egyptian monarchy to stay close to the palace.
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
This impressive library and cultural center on the shore of the Mediterranean is both a commemoration of the ancient Library of Alexandria
that was destroyed during the classical period and an attempt to reinvigorate Alexandria's worldwide reputation as a center of learning.
Established in 2002 after seven years of construction work, the library complex contains six different specialized libraries housing books
written in English, French, and Arabic, as well as four museums hosting a range of different Egyptian antiquities and manuscripts as well as the
personal collection of former Egyptian president Anwar al Sadat.
An Authentic Alexandria Dish
Alexandria is one of the best places in the world to eat Ful medames, a classic Egyptian dish made with cooked fava beans prepared with
vegetable oil, cumin, and lemon.
A typical breakfast dish, often served with bread, hard-boiled eggs, and fresh vegetables, ful was traditionally prepared in enormous pots which cooked
overnight in the fires used to heat the bath water of the city's many hammams or public baths.

Mutiara Mediterania
Terletak di pantai Mediterania Afrika Utara, Alexandria adalah kota terpadat kedua di Mesir. Sekarang menjadi pusat regional ekonomi utama dan
pusat industri berkat lokasinya dan aksesnya yang mudah ke minyak dan gas karena jaringan pipa yang menghubungkan kota ke Suez dan Laut
Merah (sumber utama sumber energi Mesir), Alexandria memiliki sejarah yang panjang dan gemilang sebagai pusat sastra dan pendidikan kuno.
ACAlexandria dinamai menurut raja dan penakluk Yunani Kuno yang terkenal di dunia Alexander Agung, yang diyakini telah mendirikan kota itu pada
332 SM selama penaklukannya atas Afrika Utara.
Sejarah Singkat Alexandria
Alexander Agung memerintahkan pendirian kota Alexandria pada abad ke-4 SM dengan tujuan membangun kota baru untuk menegaskan dan
merayakan kekuasaannya atas Mesir dan untuk bertindak sebagai penghubung antara Yunani dan wilayah lembah Nil yang subur di Mesir.Dirancang
oleh arsitek tepercaya Alexander, Dinocrates, kota ini segera menjadi pusat intelektual dan budaya utama dunia kuno. Perpustakaan Aleksandria yang
didirikan pada abad ke-3 SM di bawah perlindungan Dinasti Ptolemeus merupakan salah satu pusat pendidikan terbesar dan terpenting di dunia.
Aleksandria mengalami kehancuran besar selama Perang Kitos pada tahun 115 M dan sebagian besar dibangun kembali oleh arsitek Decriannus di
bawah perintah Kaisar Romawi, Hadrian.By pada abad ke-7 M, kota itu jatuh di bawah kekuasaan Kekaisaran Persia Sasaniyah dan kemudian
ditaklukkan oleh pasukan Arab yang mengubah kota itu menjadi Islam dan mendirikan Kekaisaran Mamluk. Kota ini kehilangan sebagian besar
kepentingan sebelumnya sebagai situs perdagangan dan pendidikan karena kota terdekat Rosetta semakin menutupinya.
Setelah ditaklukkan oleh Kekaisaran Ottoman pada tahun 1517, kota ini kembali menjadi terkenal pada tahun 1798 ketika Napoleon, pemimpin Prancis
Revolusioner, menduduki kota tersebut, menjadikannya salah satu basis kekuatan utamanya di Afrika Utara.
Kota ini jatuh ke tangan Inggris segera setelah Pertempuran Alexandria pada tahun 1801 dan dibangun kembali untuk mempertahankan sebagian
besar kejayaannya pada paruh pertama abad ke-19 di bawah kekuasaan Muhammad Ali Pasha.
Banyak komunitas Eropa yang menyebut Alexandria sebagai rumah meninggalkan kota itu setelah Krisis Suez tahun 1956, yang melihat nasionalisme
Arab dan keinginan untuk menyingkirkan pengaruh asing di Mesir menjadi lebih kuat.Namun, kota ini telah mempertahankan sebagian besar esensi
kosmopolitannya dan sekarang menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata terpenting Mesir, dengan sejarahnya yang kaya dan beragam menarik pengunjung
dari seluruh dunia.
Benteng Qaitbay
Terletak di sisi timur ujung utara Pulau Pharos, yang terletak di mulut pelabuhan Timur Alexandria, Benteng Qaitbay adalah salah satu contoh terbaik
dari benteng pertahanan Kekaisaran Mamluk yang dibangun pada abad ke-15.
Dibangun pada tahun 1477 oleh Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay, benteng ini berdiri tepat di lokasi Mercusuar Alexandria yang terkenal, yang
merupakan salah satu dari Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Kuno, dan reruntuhannya digunakan sebagai bagian dari bahan untuk membangun benteng.
Benteng ini direnovasi secara ekstensif selama pemerintahan Muhammad Ali Pasha pada paruh pertama abad ke-19, sebelum dirusak oleh angkatan
laut Inggris selama Pemberontakan Orabi tahun 1882. Bangunan itu dikembalikan ke kejayaannya pada 1980-an oleh Organisasi Purbakala Mesir,
yang mengubah bangunan itu menjadi Museum Maritim.
Banyak pengunjung Alexandria tertarik dengan kesempatan untuk melihat sisa-sisa Serapeum, sebuah kuil Yunani kuno yang dibangun pada masa
pemerintahan Ptolemeus III Euergetes (246-222 SM).Meskipun sebagian besar bukti candi tidak lagi berdiri di atas tanah, setelah Serapeum dianggap
telah dihancurkan oleh orang Kristen pada tahun 391 M yang tidak menyetujui sejarahnya sebagai situs pemujaan dewa-dewa Yunani, penggalian
telah menemukan serangkaian katakombe atau terowongan yang luas. di bawah bekas situs candi.
Serapeum juga merupakan situs Pilar Pompey, salah satu tiang Romawi kuno terbesar yang pernah dibangun di luar ibu kota kuno Roma dan
Konstantinopel dengan ketinggian 88 kaki (26,8 meter). Meskipun secara keliru dinamai menurut Jenderal Romawi Pompey, pilar itu sebenarnya
dibangun untuk memperingati kemenangan Kaisar Romawi Diokletianus atas pemberontakan warga Aleksandria pada tahun 297 Masehi.
Istana Montaza
Di jantung Taman Kerajaan Montaza yang indah berdiri Istana Al-Haramlik, umumnya dikenal sebagai Istana Montaza, salah satu landmark Alexandria
yang paling indah dan bersejarah. Dibangun pada tahun 1892 oleh Khedive (raja muda atau penguasa di bawah Kekaisaran Ottoman) Abbas II, istana
ini dibangun untuk digunakan sebagai pondok berburu dan kediaman sekunder Khedivate Mesir dan Sudan.
Dibangun menggunakan kombinasi gaya arsitektur Utsmaniyah dan Florentine, menara utama istana didekorasi dengan hiasan Renaisans Italia yang
rumit. Di sekitar istana terdapat sejumlah kabin mewah eksklusif, yang dibangun oleh orang Mesir kaya dan orang asing pada masa monarki Mesir
untuk tetap dekat dengan istana.
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Perpustakaan dan pusat budaya yang mengesankan di tepi laut Mediterania ini merupakan peringatan Perpustakaan kuno Alexandria yang
dihancurkan selama periode klasik dan upaya untuk menghidupkan kembali reputasi Alexandria di seluruh dunia sebagai pusat pembelajaran.
Didirikan pada tahun 2002 setelah tujuh tahun pekerjaan konstruksi, kompleks perpustakaan berisi enam perpustakaan khusus berbeda yang
menampung buku-buku yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris, Prancis, dan Arab, serta empat museum yang menampung berbagai barang antik dan
manuskrip Mesir yang berbeda serta koleksi pribadi mantan presiden Mesir Anwar al Sadat.
Hidangan Alexandria Otentik
Alexandria adalah salah satu tempat terbaik di dunia untuk menyantap Ful medames, hidangan klasik Mesir yang dibuat dengan kacang fava matang
yang diolah dengan minyak sayur, jinten, dan lemon.
Hidangan sarapan khas, sering disajikan dengan roti, telur rebus, dan sayuran segar, ful secara tradisional disiapkan dalam panci besar yang dimasak
semalaman di atas api yang digunakan untuk memanaskan air mandi di banyak hammam kota atau pemandian umum
The City of Contrasts
The official name of Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is al-Qahirah, which in Arabic means "the Conqueror" or "the
Victorious". A legend suggests that when this North African megacity was founded, "the Conquering Star" (an-Najm al-Qahir
in Arabic), another name foR Mars, was rising in the sky. Such a powerful name suits this inspiring city on the Nile River.
A Brief History of Cairo
• Situated on the Nile, the site of Cairo had a strategic value for Ancient Egypt. Archaeological ruins show that the ancient
capital of Memphis was located nearby.
• In the 4th century, the Romans built a fortress called Babylon along the east bank of the Nile. This fortress is the oldest
structure in Cairo today.
• As Muslims took over many territories in the region, they established a settlement north of Babylon. The settlement,
called al-Fustat, became the first capital of Islamic Egypt.
• One of the Islamic dynasties, the Fatimid dynasty, wished to build a new capital for themselves in 969 AD. The capital,
which we today know as Cairo, quickly grew to be the center of learning, having had a library with hundreds of thousands.
• Over the next few centuries, Cairo expanded so much that it grew to have a population of half a million people in 1340,
which made it the largest city west of China. At that time, Cairo was at the crossroads of the famous spice trade route
where people from Africa, Europe, and Asia met.
• Today, Cairo is the city of contrasts. The city's landscape includes tall skyscrapers as well as ancient pyramids.
Al-Azhar Mosque
The Al-Azhar Mosque is as old as Cairo. The then-ruling Fatimid dynasty had ordered its construction and dedicated
it in 972. Already in 989, thirty-five scholars were hired to teach at the mosque, which makes it the second oldest university
which still runs today.
The University of Al-Azhar remained the foremost institution for studying Islamic law and theology for 1,000 years
until it was turned into an independent, non-religious school in 1961.
It is not certain why the mosque is called Al-Azhar. One explanation could be that azhar is the masculine form of
zahra, which means "splendid". Zahra was also a name often associated with Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, the
central figure in Islam. The mosque has seen many rulers and occupying forces during its long history, some of whom have
expanded it by adding minarets (towers) and gates.
Giza Pyramid Complex
On the outskirts of Cairo lies the only remaining wonder of the Ancient World, the world famous pyramids of Giza.
There are three pyramids which have survived for 4,500 years since they were originally built as monumental tombs for
Egypt's pharaohs (leaders).
The ancient Egyptians believed that their pharaohs became gods after they had died, so these massive pyramids
were supposed to provide them with all the things they might need in the afterlife (for example, food or gold). The largest one
of them, known as the Great Pyramid, is made of 2.3 million individual stone blocks, each of them weighing 2.5 to 15 tons.
Besides the pyramids, the Giza complex also includes the Sphinx, an enormous monument of a creature which has
the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh. The Sphinx represents the Pharaoh Khafre, who ordered the construction of the
second pyramid. We know that no pyramid could have been built without the tireless work of thousands of workers, we do not
know exactly how many were employed. Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, reported hearing that 400,000 people built
the Great Pyramid in 20 years.
Citadel :The Saladin Citadel in Cairo was founded as a fortification in the 12th century on a hill near the city center. It was
built to protect the city. Many people and animals lived in the citadel, and they were able to have enough water supplies
thanks to the Well of Joseph, a 280 feet (85 meters) deep well which was connected to the Nile River. Citadel was also the
center of Egyptian government until the 19th century, after which it was used for military purposes. More specifically, it served
as a barrack for British forces during World War II.
Things to Do in Cairo
• The Nile River is the second longest river in the world. While in Cairo, use the opportunity to take a ride in a felucca,
a traditional wooden boat, along the river, and enjoy the wonderful sights of the city.
• Egypt has for a long time been known for colorful spices and strong coffee. The get the best taste of this aspect of
Cairo, visit the busy market of Khan el-Khalili. Bargaining is very welcome!
• Camel-riding used to be a much more popular means of transportation before than it is today, but all interested
tourists are still able to try it out. The best way to do it is to ride through the desert around the Giza pyramids comple
Nama resmi Kairo, ibu kota Mesir, adalah al-Qahirah, yang dalam bahasa Arab berarti " Sang Penakluk "atau"sang
Pemenang". Sebuah legenda menyatakan bahwa ketika kota besar Afrika Utara ini didirikan, "Bintang Penakluk" (an-Najm
al-Qahir dalam bahasa Arab), nama lain untuk Mars, muncul di langit. Nama yang begitu kuat cocok dengan kota yang
menginspirasi di Sungai Nil ini.
Sejarah Singkat Kairo
* Terletak di Sungai Nil, situs Kairo memiliki nilai strategis bagi Mesir Kuno. Reruntuhan arkeologi menunjukkan bahwa ibu
kota kuno Memphis terletak di dekatnya.
• Pada abad ke-4, bangsa Romawi membangun sebuah benteng bernama Babylon di sepanjang tepi timur Sungai Nil.
Benteng ini adalah bangunan tertua di Kairo saat ini.
* Ketika umat Islam mengambil alih banyak wilayah di wilayah tersebut, mereka mendirikan pemukiman di utara Babel.
Pemukiman itu, yang disebut al-Fustat, menjadi ibu kota pertama Mesir Islam.
* Salah satu dinasti Islam, dinasti Fatimiyah, ingin membangun ibu kota baru untuk diri mereka sendiri pada tahun 969 Masehi.
Ibukota, yang sekarang kita kenal sebagai Kairo, dengan cepat berkembang menjadi pusat pembelajaran, memiliki
perpustakaan dengan ratusan ribu.
* Selama beberapa abad berikutnya, Kairo berkembang pesat sehingga berkembang menjadi populasi setengah juta orang
pada tahun 1340, yang menjadikannya kota terbesar di sebelah barat Cina. Saat itu, Kairo berada di persimpangan jalur
perdagangan rempah-rempah yang terkenal di mana orang-orang dari Afrika, Eropa, dan Asia bertemu.
* Saat ini, Kairo adalah kota yang kontras. Lanskap kota mencakup gedung pencakar langit yang tinggi serta piramida kuno.
Masjid Al-Azhar
Masjid Al-Azhar setua Kairo. Dinasti Fatimiyah yang berkuasa saat itu telah memerintahkan pembangunannya dan
mendedikasikannya pada tahun 972. Sudah pada tahun 989, tiga puluh lima ulama dipekerjakan untuk mengajar di masjid,
yang menjadikannya universitas tertua kedua yang masih berdiri sampai sekarang.
Universitas Al-Azhar tetap menjadi institusi terkemuka untuk mempelajari hukum dan teologi Islam selama 1.000 tahun hingga
diubah menjadi sekolah independen non-agama pada tahun 1961.
Tidak pasti mengapa masjid ini disebut Al-Azhar. Salah satu penjelasannya adalah bahwa azhar adalah bentuk maskulin dari
zahra, yang berarti "indah". Zahra juga merupakan nama yang sering dikaitkan dengan Fatimah, putri Muhammad, tokoh
sentral dalam Islam. Masjid ini telah melihat banyak penguasa dan pasukan pendudukan selama sejarahnya yang panjang,
beberapa di antaranya telah memperluasnya dengan menambahkan menara (menara) dan gerbang.
Kompleks Piramida Giza
Di pinggiran Kairo terletak satu-satunya keajaiban Dunia Kuno yang tersisa, piramida Giza yang terkenal di dunia. Ada tiga
piramida yang bertahan selama 4.500 tahun sejak awalnya dibangun sebagai makam monumental bagi firaun (pemimpin)
Mesir.Orang Mesir kuno percaya bahwa firaun mereka menjadi dewa setelah mereka meninggal, jadi piramida besar ini
seharusnya menyediakan semua hal yang mungkin mereka butuhkan di akhirat (misalnya, makanan atau emas). Yang
terbesar, yang dikenal sebagai Piramida Agung, terbuat dari 2,3 juta balok batu individu, masing-masing dengan berat 2,5
hingga 15 ton. Selain piramida, kompleks Giza juga termasuk Sphinx, sebuah monumen besar makhluk yang memiliki tubuh
singa dan kepala firaun. Sphinx mewakili Firaun Khafre, yang memerintahkan pembangunan piramida kedua. Kita tahu bahwa
tidak ada piramida yang dapat dibangun tanpa kerja keras dari ribuan pekerja, kita tidak tahu persis berapa banyak yang
dipekerjakan. Herodotus, seorang sejarawan Yunani kuno, melaporkan mendengar bahwa 400.000 orang membangun
Piramida Agung dalam 20 tahun.
Benteng: Benteng Saladin di Kairo didirikan sebagai benteng pada abad ke-12 di sebuah bukit dekat pusat kota. Itu dibangun
untuk melindungi kota. Banyak orang dan hewan tinggal di benteng, dan mereka dapat memiliki persediaan air yang cukup
berkat Sumur Yusuf, sumur sedalam 280 kaki (85 meter) yang terhubung ke Sungai Nil. Benteng juga merupakan pusat
pemerintahan Mesir hingga abad ke-19, setelah itu digunakan untuk keperluan militer. Lebih khusus lagi, itu berfungsi sebagai
barak untuk pasukan Inggris selama Perang Dunia II.
Hal yang Dapat Dilakukan di Kairo
* Sungai Nil adalah sungai terpanjang kedua di dunia. Saat berada di Kairo, gunakan kesempatan ini untuk menumpang felucca, perahu
kayu tradisional, menyusuri sungai, dan menikmati pemandangan kota yang indah.
* Mesir sudah lama dikenal dengan rempah-rempah yang berwarna-warni dan kopi kental. Dapatkan cita rasa terbaik dari aspek Kairo
ini, kunjungi pasar Khan el-Khalili yang sibuk. Tawar-menawar sangat disambut baik!
* Menunggang unta dulunya merupakan alat transportasi yang jauh lebih populer daripada sekarang, tetapi semua turis yang tertarik
masih dapat mencobanya. Cara terbaik untuk melakukannya adalah dengan melewati padang pasir di sekitar kompleks piramida GizA
Vocabulary Questions ALEXANDRIA 13. The ___________ used to heat Alexandria's public baths were
1. What does "intellectual" mean? also traditionally used to cook ful medames.
A. relating to sports and athletics A. sparks
B. relating to learning and education B. flames
C. relating to music and dancing C. fires
2. What does "eclipse" mean? 14. It ___________ seven years to build the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
A. to dunk something in salt water A. took
B. to cover something so as to block out any light it gives out B. appropriated
C. to hang something on a wall C. stole
3. What does "essence" mean? 15. Many non-Egyptian residents of Alexandria ___________ the city
A. the most important element of something after the Suez Crisis of 1956.
B. stench or bad smell A. bolted
C. sensation or feeling B. absconded
4. What does "catacombs" mean? C. fled
A. a series of spikes to protect valuables Wh Questions
B. heavy wooden ornamental doors 16. What was the name of Alexandria's first architect?
C. underground tunnels or burial chambers A. Decriannus
5. What does "lodge" mean? B. Dinocrates
A. a weapon with a sharp hook at one end C. Demosthenes
B. accommodation or temporary home 17. Why did Alexandria's importance decline between the 7th and
C. a kind of pot for cooking meat 16th centuries CE?
Collocation Questions A. because of the rise of the nearby city of Rosetta
6. The Al-Haramlik Palace ___________ at the heart of the B. because its harbor was blocked as a result of an
Montaza Royal Gardens. earthquake
A. rests C. because of an outbreak of the Bubonic Plague
B. perches 18. Where was the Lighthouse of Alexandria built?
C. stands A. Pharos Island
7. The Library of Alexandria was one of the ancient world's B. Taros Island
___________ educational institutions. C. Baros Island
A. foremost 19. How is Ful medames traditionally served?
B. first A. with cream, cheese, and olives
C. high B. with sausages, bacon, and poached eggs
8. The city is thought to have been founded by the Ancient Greek C. with bread, hard-boiled eggs, and fresh vegetables
ruler and conqueror, Alexander the ___________. 20. When was the Bibliotheca Alexandrina opened?
A. Good A. 2001
B. Great B. 2002
C. Awesome C. 2010
9. Much of the city had to be ___________ as a result of the
destruction of Kitos War in the 2nd century CE. Evaluating Statements
A. remodeled 21. Based on the information in this lesson, which statement is true?
B. reclaimed A. Alexandria is located on Egypt's Mediterranean coast.
C. rebuilt B. Alexandria is located on Egypt's Red Sea coast.
10. Alexandria was ___________ by British forces in 1801. 22. Based on the information in this lesson, which statement is false?
A. engendered A. Islam was the religion of the Mamluk Empire.
B. busied B. Hinduism was the religion of the Mamluk Empire.
C. occupied True or False?
11. The column built to commemorate a military victory by the 23. Based on the information in this lesson, is the following statement
Roman emperor Diocletian is usually ___________ called true or false?
"Pompey's Pillar". "The Citadel of Qaitbay was built using the ruins of the Library of
A. mistakenly Alexandria."
B. erringly A. True
C. misguidingly B. False
12. The Khedive or ruler of Egypt in the time of the Ottoman 24. Based on the information in this lesson, is the following statement
___________ would spend their summers in the Montaza true or false?
Palace. "Napoleon occupied the city of Alexandria in 1897".
A. Kingdom A. True
B. Empire B. False
C. Realm

Vocabulary Questions CAIRO 13. Cairo quickly became the __________ of learning.
1. What does "foremost" mean? A. spot
A. having a promising future B. point
B. standing in front of something C. center
C. most important, leading 14. Muslim forces took __ many territories in the region.
2. What does "victorious" mean? A. over
A. having won B. out
B. having lost C. away
C. being associated with someone called Victor 15. To get the best ____ of Cairo, visit Khan el-Khalili.
3. What does "tireless" mean? A. flavor
A. working energetically and continuously B. taste
B. a vehicle without any tires C. smell
C. feeling constantly tired Wh Questions
4. What does "barrack" mean? 16. How did the residents of the Citadel get water?
A. place where parties are thrown A. directly from the Nile River
B. building where soldiers are accommodated B. from the Mediterranean Sea
C. military hospital C. from the Well of Joseph
5. What does "bargaining" mean? 17. Where was the ancient capital of Memphis located?
A. paying with golden coins A. in the Citadel
B. offering to work for free B. close to Cairo
C. negotiating a trade, trying to lower the price C. It is unknown.
Collocation Questions 18. Who were the pyramids built for?
6. You probably feel __________ about Egypt's history. A. residents of Cairo
A. puzzled B. the god of the sun
B. curious C. pharaohs
C. nosy 19. Why did Cairo quickly become the center of learning in
7. The Romans built a fortress along the east the 10th century?
__________ of the Nile River. A. because people came to learn about the
A. border pyramids
B. rim B. because it had a large library
C. bank C. because many smart people lived there
8. Tourists are recommended to try __camel-riding. 20. What are feluccas?
A. out A. boats
B. of B. cheese pies
C. in C. camels
9. Muhammad is the central __________ in Islam. Evaluating Statements
A. person 21. Based on the information in this lesson, which
B. figure statement is true?
C. identity A. The Sphinx is half-lion, half-human.
10. The pyramids were built thanks to the __________ B. The Sphinx is half-bird, half-human.
work of thousands of workers. 22. Based on the information in this lesson, which
A. forceful statement is false?
B. tireless A. The Al-Azhar Mosque might have been named after Fatimah.
C. dynamic B. Muhammad's daughter Fatimah built the Al-Azhar Mosque.
11. The site of Cairo had a great strategic __ True or False?
A. merit 23. Based on the information in this lesson, is the following
B. benefit statement true or false? "The city of Cairo is as old as
C. value the Giza pyramids." A. True B.False
12. Cairo was at the crossroads of the spice trade__ 24. Based on the information in this lesson, is the following
A. course statement true or false? "In the 14th century, Cairo was
B. route one of the largest cities in the world." A. True B.False
C. passage

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