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1. Multiple Choice Question:
a) Which of the following is not a terrestrial habitat ?
i) Forest ii) grassland
ii) Lake iv) desert
b) Which part of the plant performs photosynthesis in cactus?
i) Leaf ii) stem
ii) Flower iv) fruit
c) Which is the breathing organ in the earthworm?
i) Lungs ii) gills
ii) Blowholes iv) skin
d) Which plant is commonly known as TOUCH-ME-NOT ?
i) Mimosa ii) cactus
ii) Basil iv) lettuce
e) Adaptations take place in-
i) Few days ii) few weeks
ii) Few months iv ) thousands of years
f) Lions claws are present in their
i) Front legs ii) hind legs
ii) Teeth iv) tongue
g) Spines in cactus are :
i) Roots ii) stems
iii) Leaves iv) fruits
2. Fill in the blanks –
a) Frogs have feet.
b) is a part of respiration.
c) plant folds its leaves when touched.
d) do not have streamlined body.
e) Mountain trees have branches.
f) Deer has long ears to hear movements of .
3. Give one word for the following –
a) The study of the relationship of a living organism and its environment.
b) An area where a particular organism lives naturally.
c) The seasonal movement of animals and birds from one place to another.
d) Organisms that spend the majority of their lives on trees.
4. Write the habitat of the following :

a) b) c)

d) e) f)


1. Tick the correct option in each question:
i) If light passes through an object, it is said to be;
a) opaque b) transparent c) translucent
ii) Which is the natural source of light?
a) Sun b) torch c) tubelight
iii) Book is-
a) Transparent b) translucent c) opaque
iv) Moon and planets are –
a) Luminous b) non luminous c) transparent
v) Shadow is formed with
a) Opaque object b) big object c)air
vi) Image formed by a pinhole camera is –
a) Erect b) inverted c) laterally inverted
vii) Image of sun through a pinhole camera would be the shape of –
a) Square b) circular c) triangular
viii) What helps us to see an object?
a) Light b) moon c)god
2. Match the following:
i) tube light a) non-luminous
ii) light b) a region of dark patch
iii) shadow c) changes direction of light
iv) moon d) travels in a straight line
v) pinhole camera e) inverted image
vi) mirror f) luminous
3. Tick ( ) the statements that are correct and cross ( ) the incorrect statements:
a) A thick book is transparent. ( )
b) A pinhole camera can be used to get the image of the sun . ( )
c) Light travels in a straight line. ( )
d) A shadow can be of any colour . ( )
e) Moon is a luminous body. ( )
f) Shadows change the direction of light falling on them. ( )
4. How will these words appear in the plane mirror?
5. Give one word for the following –
a) What is the colour of a shadow of a girl wearing an orange dress?
b) How does light travel?
c) The ray of light that returns after falling on a mirror.
d) What kind of image is formed with a pinhole camera?
6. Answer the following questions –
a) A card with the word BULB written on it, is placed in front of a plane mirror.
What will be the lateral inversion of the word “BULB”.
b) At night, we sometimes see more than one shadow of ourselves. Explain, how this
could happen.


1. Tick the correct option in each question :
i) Which of the following devices change chemical energy into electric energy ?
a) bulb b) radio c) cell
ii) Thin wire inside a bulb
a) Thick wire b) filament c) fuse
iii) A device that breaks the circuit is
a) Bulb b) filament c) switch
2. Match the following:

a) copper i) insulator
b) positive and negative signs ii) broken filament
c) electric cell iii) source of electricity
d) fused bulb iv) conductor
e) glass v) terminals
3. Safety Time : Tick ( ) the given statement which helps you to be safe.
a) Wash your hands and switch on the fan .
b) Do not touch an electric circuit with wet hands.
c) Use rubber gloves while joining the electric wires.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below-:

Insulators conductor Non-conductors Two Current

a) An electric cell has terminals.
b) Switches , electrical plugs and sockets are made up of .
c) do not allow electric current to pass through them.
d) The bulb glows only when flows through the circuit.
e) Our body is a of electricity.
5. Identify the following pictures.

a) b) c)

6. Answer the following questions –

a) Rohan’s father is planning to construct a new house in which he wants to install
solar panels. Why is he doing this? State any one advantage.
b) What alternative devices can be used if there is a sudden breakdown in electric
c) What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that
have switches built into them.


1. Multiple Choice Questions:
i. Which of the following is a magnetic material ?
a) iron b) plastic
c) glass d) ceramic
ii. If a bar magnet is brought close to iron fillings, in which portion of the magnet
will they be attracted the most ?
a) In the middle of the magnet
b) Between the north pole and the centre of the magnet
c) Between the south pole and the centre of the magnet
d) At the poles of the magnet
iii. What will happen if the North pole of a bar magnet is brought close to the north
pole of another bar magnet ?
a) The magnets will be attracted to each other
b) The magnets will repel each other
c) The magnets will first attract and then repel each other
d) The magnets will first repel and then attract each other
iv. Along which direction does a freely suspended bar magnet align itself?
a) East-West b) North-West
b) South-East d) North -South
v. Which of the following materials should be placed between two bar magnets
while storing them ?
a) Wood b) copper
b) Soft iron d) glass
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below-:
a) North Pole of one bar magnet will attract the pole of 2nd bar
b) The of magnets attract each other.
c) Plastic rulers will not be towards the magnet.
d) is a simple device for finding direction.
e) Magnet aligns in north-south direction because earth acts as a
huge .
f) is the surest test of magnetism.
3. Give one word for the following –
a) The force with which a magnet attracts a magnetic substance.
b) The locations on a magnet where its force is maximum.
c) A device used by sailors and navigators to find their direction.
d) Force between similar poles of two bar magnets.
4. Identify the shapes of magnets.

5. Answer the following questions –

a) A magnet should not be dropped on the ground. Why?
b) You are given a magnet. How will you find different directions by using it?
c) ATM cards and Smartcards also have magnetic chips inside them. What
precautions will you take to keep them safe?


1. Complete the following passage:

The earth is known as the b planet because of the presence of
w on the earth. 97% 0f water is found in s and
o . Water of s and o cannot be directly
used by us due to its high s_ content . Only a small fraction of
f is available for our consumption . Water is a good
s . The n and s present in our food
get dissolved in water. Water regulates the body temperature . Water dissolves the
w of the body which are expelled out as u .

2. Give one word for the following –

a) The process in which a liquid changes into vapour.
b) The phenomenon by which plants lose water through their leaves.
c) The continuous circulation of water in nature.
d) Recharging the underground reservoir of water by making use of rain water.
e) The state caused by very little or no rain for a long period.
3. Match the following:
i) mountain water a) plants
ii) transpiration b) conservation of water
iii) rooftop harvesting c) excess rainfall
iv) ocean water d) streams
v) natural cycle e) saline
vi) floods f) water cycle
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below-:
Population saline rain condenses plants floods continuous
a) can cause damage to crops.
b) Demand of water is increasing with increasing .
c) Water cycle is a process.
d) Ocean water cannot be used directly as it is .
e) releases water during the process of transpiration.
f) At higher altitude , water vapour to form water droplets.
g) Falling water droplets are called .
5. Answer the following questions –
a) List any two ways each by which you can conserve water at home and in school.
b) Water continuously moves through water cycle in nature. It never gets lost. Still we
talk about water shortage. Why?
c) Why rainwater harvesting should be made mandatory for all buildings.
6. Label the diagram given below –

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