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It would be a tragedy to damage a valuable
 by trying to remove the varnish
painting  if
you have not had any experience in varnish
removal. The best advice is simply to take it
to a conservator.


However, there may be occasions when you

feel you can remove the varnish on your
own. The best product to use for this is
Winsor & Newton Distilled Turpentine.
Dammar varnish can be removed using any
of our three oil colour solvents: Distilled
Turpentine, Artists’ White Spirit and
Sansodor. Distilled Turpentine is
recommended, as it has the strongest


Starting in a corner of the painting, dip a lint

free cloth into the turpentine and gently rub
the surface of the painting. The varnish
should come off on the cloth – but
This website uses cookies to improve your
remember to keep a close eye on the cloth
experience. You can manage your cookies in
and stop if you see colour coming off.
your browser settings at any time. To learn
Working in small squares, make your way

more about how we use them, click here.
across the surface of the painting and try to

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