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RECIPE Ingredients

Low Fat ●

½ cup of 1% cottage cheese
1 ½ cup of frozen whole strawberries

High Protein ● ¼ to ½ cup Milk of choice (I used soy milk

for added protein).

● 1 tbsp of Honey, maple syrup or agave

Ice cream 1. In a small blender or food processor add
all the ingredients.
2. Start with putting a ¼ cup of milk to
begin blending. Add as much as needed
to blend well. You may have to move
things around and scrape the sides with a
spoon to blend well.
3. Once it reaches the consistency of ice
cream, you are ready to eat.

You can add toppings like reduced sugar dark
chocolate chips or fresh berries, but keep in
mind this will add to your sugar and calorie
Ready in 10 minutes Serves 2 people
138 calories per serving
Total fat: 1.6g
Sat fat: 0.6g
cholesterol: 5mg
Sodium: 211.3mg
Total carbs: 22.5g
Fiber: 2.5g
Sugars: 18g
Protein: 8.8g

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