Holden Characterization

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JD Salinger's novel Catcher in the Rye published in 1951

revolves around the story of yearold

Holden Caulfield a sixteen depressed teenager

who has just been expelled for academic failure from hisschoolFrom
the eight chapter of the novel it is seen that Holden cannot deal with
realityandnuns notonlyfromotherpeople butalso himself

In Chapter 8 Holdengets on a train in themiddle of thenight Heisnotsupposed

to leave Pencey theschoolhegotexpelled but he feelsno obligation tostaythere after
a fightwith his roommate

withthe lights on andthewindows so black p 57 11.1516 This


allhe does is takingoffhishuntinghatlp58,1 1 which is theproofthatheis feeling

vulnerable whilesitting alone Because the funnylooking hunting hat is a partof Holden's loud
he'saroundother people Acting all onbotheredandreckless
fright Ei
is a method Holden uses to distance peopleand we see throughoutthebookhewearshis

After a while a woman sits besidesHolden andtries to talk to him

aftershe seesthe Percy Prep Sticker on his suitcase because her son Ernest
Morrow alsogoes to that school EventhoughHoldenadmits he
goesto Pacey helies
abouthis name and says he is RudolfSchmidt which isactually the name the of
janitor his dorm
p59,11 5 6 He talks about the schoolbutwhen it comes to talking
about Ernest he starts lyingAndthen he keeps chucking the oldcrap around when he
realizes he hasher attention I had herglued toherseatYoutake somebody'smotherall
they want tohearabout is what a hatshottheirsonis p 60,1130 31 Andhedoesnot
stopfor a longtime He lies to her abouther son'ssituation at school andalso abouthisour
lifeHeeventellsherthat he needs to have a surgery and that is why he neededto leave
Percyearly Heeventuallystopsand admitstohimselfandtothereaderthathecannotstoplying
Then Istarted readingthistimetable I hadin pocketJust to stoplying Once I getstarted
I can go on forhours if Ifeellike it po62,11 25 27 This is an example ofhow Holder
useslying to avoidreality He creates a bubbleby lying sothathedoesnothavetodealwith
hisown emotionssothathedoesnot have to be Holderevenfora Shorttime
In conclusion it is der that the main character HoldenCaulfield
uses lying as a copingmechanism to avoid facing reality andthishas become a habitandever
an addictionforhin

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