What Is New Materialism

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Article  in  Angelaki Journal of Theoretical Humanities · November 2019

DOI: 10.1080/0969725X.2019.1684704


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3 authors, including:

Thomas Nail
University of Denver


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Journal of the Theoretical Humanities

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Christopher N. Gamble, Joshua S. Hanan & Thomas Nail

To cite this article: Christopher N. Gamble, Joshua S. Hanan & Thomas Nail (2019) WHAT IS
NEW MATERIALISM?, Angelaki, 24:6, 111-134, DOI: 10.1080/0969725X.2019.1684704

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/0969725X.2019.1684704

Published online: 19 Nov 2019.

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journal of the theoretical humanities
volume 24 number 6 december 2019

Le Croisic 13 by Roger Martin.

christopher n. gamble
introduction joshua s. hanan
he increasing prominence of “new materi- thomas nail
T alism” signals a growing cross-disciplinary
effort to challenge longstanding assumptions
about humans and the non- or other-than-
human material world. This paper argues that
there is currently no single definition of new MATERIALISM?
materialism but at least three distinct and
partly incompatible trajectories.1 All three of
these trajectories share at least one common terms nevertheless take on sharply divergent
theoretical commitment: to problematize the meanings across the three approaches we ident-
anthropocentric and constructivist orientations ify. Likewise, as we examine below, this same
of most twentieth-century theory in a way that divergence also underlies new materialist
encourages closer attention to the sciences by efforts to problematize anthropocentric binaries
the humanities. (e.g., “meaning and matter,” “culture and
The common motivation for this “materialist nature,” and “gender and sex”).
turn” is a perceived neglect or diminishment of Alongside the rise of new materialism, there
matter in the dominant Euro-Western tradition have also been numerous critiques. For
as a passive substance intrinsically devoid of example, new materialism has been criticized
meaning. In what has become a kind of de for exaggerating the extent of earlier feminist
facto motto, new materialists routinely empha- scholarship’s “biophobia” or neglect of
size how matter is “alive,” “lively,” “vibrant,” matter;3 for rejecting Marxism and cultural
“dynamic,” “agentive,” and thus active. As we materialism on mistaken grounds;4 for uncriti-
will argue, however, while new materialist scho- cally embracing and conflating the scientific
lars tend to use them interchangeably,2 such study of matter with matter itself;5 and for

ISSN 0969-725X print/ISSN 1469-2899 online/19/060111-24 © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis

what is new materialism?

overstating its alleged “newness.”6 Unfortu- separation by refusing any presumption of

nately, however, these critiques have largely something external to matter – including
placed all new materialists under the same human meaning – that guides, structures or
umbrella and thus have often misidentified grants meaning to its behaviors. In such a
their target. At least, this is what we hope to view, matter simply “is […] a doing,” as
demonstrate. Karen Barad puts it.11 Matter is what it does
This paper emerges from our desire to offer a or “how it moves,” as Thomas Nail puts it.12
response to such criticisms but not in order to And since the performances of humans are not
defend new materialism in general. Instead, external to those of the rest of the material
we hope to help redirect each arrow of critique world, this view also leads, importantly, to a per-
toward its proper target, and on this basis to formative understanding of science in which
advocate for the approach we call “performa- every act of observing also constitutes, at once,
tive” or “pedetic” new materialism. We think a transformation of what is being observed.
this approach has the greatest value and poten- Such a view enables the following responses to
tial for future development but has unfortu- the criticisms of new materialist work we men-
nately been badly misunderstood and wrongly tioned above:
conflated with the other two types of emerging
new materialism. We therefore aim to illumi- (1) The neglect of matter. While we agree
nate how “negative new materialism,” “vital that some new materialism work does
new materialism,” and “performative” or unwittingly reinforce the binaries it
“pedetic” new materialism are simply not com- seeks to problematize,13 we believe this
patible.7 Even if their motivations are similar, criticism does not apply to the performa-
their basic guiding premises are not. tive approach. For example, when the
More specifically, although each of the three latter speak of a prior “neglect” of
types of materialism seeks to critique anthropo- matter they do not mean that
centrism’s presumption of matter as inherently previous theorists did not talk about
passive and devoid of meaning, we argue that matter but rather that those theorists
only the performative new materialist approach neglected or discounted matter as inher-
radically undermines a discrete separation ently dynamic and meaningful (precisely
between humans and matter. In distinct ways, due to the anthropocentric presumption
both negative and vital new materialism con- that meaning, and whatever else might
tinue to foreclose an appreciation of the truly make humans exceptional, is
performative movements of matter. On one immaterial).14
hand, negative new materialism embraces (2) Science envy. While we also agree that
either a radical division between human some new materialists have embraced
thought and inorganic matter or a “withdrawn” science uncritically in ways that conflate
essence, both of which we think persist due to its findings with matter as such, in a per-
its uncritical embrace of an external, human- formative account scientific practices and
observer perspective.8 On the other hand, discourses are just as productive of the
while vital materialism explicitly rejects any very world they describe as is any other
form of essentialism, we think it nevertheless action, human or otherwise. Such an
manages to sneak back in through a metaphysics account therefore agrees with poststructur-
of life projected onto inorganic matter.9 In these alism and science-and-technology studies
crucial ways, as we elaborate below, non-perfor- that all human discourses are constitutive.
mative new materialist theories continue to The novel argument, however (at least
implicate certain objectivist, non-relational within the dominant Euro-Western tra-
and, thus, idealist assumptions or residuals.10 dition), is that those discourses are them-
The performative approach to new material- selves also – and only – particular
ism, however, successfully eschews discrete configurations or performances of matter.

gamble, hanan & nail

(3) The fetish of novelty. Although we fully external to (the rest of) matter that enables us
embrace historically oriented work ques- (and only us) to access matter’s true nature or
tioning the alleged newness of new materi- essence.
alism, we again do not agree that this
critique applies to the performative
ancient materialism
approach. Matter always has been in
motion. We have shown elsewhere how The roots of materialism are generally traced to
the creativity of this movement has been pre-Socratic atomism and its later modification
erased or excluded in the Western tra- by Epicurus. We begin here because ancient
dition.15 Furthermore, arguably the most atomism provides such a pivotal expression
important historical Euro-Western pre- not only of how materialism has long been
cursor to performative materialism is the defined but also, as we discuss in Part 3, of
ancient Roman poet Lucretius, whose phi- what new materialists both recuperate and
losophical poem, in many ways, is con- seek to overcome about this old or standard
nected to a performative materialist account. In this section, we therefore discuss
understanding of Homer.16 In addition, the key features of ancient atomism – its onto-
we also find a great deal of merit to the logical account, its conception of matter’s
recent call for greater recognition of and inherent passivity, and its presumption of
sustained engagement with the affinities humans as external, objective observers – in a
(and differences) between a performative way that highlights their significance for the
“new” materialism such as Barad’s “agen- shift to new materialisms. In doing so, we also
tial realism” and the many and varied provide a critical consideration of ancient
agent ontologies discussed in indigenous atomism from a performative materialist
studies literature, which in some cases vantage, which we think yields a helpful set of
can be traced back many millennia.17 We criteria for assessing new materialist efforts, to
thus understand performative materialism which we return and develop further in Part 3
as a recovery in novel form of older subter- below.
ranean or largely disparaged or disre- As is well known, Leucippus and Democritus
garded materialisms and certainly not as argued that all of reality consists, ultimately, of
an ex nihilo appearance. nothing but eternal, tiny, and indivisible atoms
careening perpetually through the void.18 Hence
The aim of this paper is to clarify what dis- everything, in their view – from the biggest stars
tinguishes a performative or pedetic approach down to the smallest creatures, including
to materialism by illuminating its differences humans and even the gods – is reducible to
with both older materialisms and other new the ongoing collisions and resulting compo-
ones. The general aim of Part 1 is to develop sitions and decompositions of indestructible
the former distinction. bits of flying matter too small to observe
The most important feature of ancient
part 1: old materialisms atomism that today’s new materialists embrace
In the first part of this paper we compare two is that it is ontological rather than merely epis-
types of old materialisms: ancient and modern. temological. According to ancient atomism,
Each is distinct from the other but also shares that is, humans need not remain trapped
a conception of matter as essentially passive, within the biases or limitations of their
non-performatively constituted, and discretely sensory perceptions, cultural conventions, or
self-contained. In both cases, moreover, this language but are capable, instead, of accessing
conception derives from the non-performative, real being: atoms and void. And although
crypto-idealist presumption that humans Democritus opposes the “bastard” knowledge
uniquely occupy an objective vantage radically of the senses to the mind’s ability to provide

what is new materialism?

“genuine,” reliable truth,19 he asserts that even cosmic possibilities is predetermined and
mind is in fact constituted solely of material immutable, even as an infinite number of
atoms as well.20 Ancient atomism thus avoids worlds emerge and disappear (randomly)
what Quentin Meillassoux calls correlationism within it.
– the view that the real is accessible only as a Later on, perhaps as an effort to secure a
correlation of human thought – as it claims measure of human agency, Epicurus granted
instead to provide access to the real itself.21 individual atoms a modicum of spontaneous
What new materialists find most problematic unpredictability with his famous notion of the
about ancient atomism, however, is its con- swerve, thereby also attenuating Democritus’
ception of matter as intrinsically passive. That determinism.25 In this modified account, while
passivity, moreover, reveals a profound – and atoms generally remain on random, predeter-
profoundly unsatisfying – irony at the heart of mined paths, occasionally a single atom will
atomist ontology: the atoms “produce” nature swerve onto a neighboring path, thereby poten-
through their collisions and resulting combi- tially triggering a cascade of events that, much
nations based on their infinite number of pre- like the “butterfly-effect” of chaos theory, can
existing shapes and sizes. And yet the atoms result in enormously changed outcomes.26
exert zero creative agency over their own pro- Some new materialists have embraced a gen-
ductions, since their shapes and sizes are eralized version of the Epicurean swerve as a
eternal and unchanging and their immediate vel- means of understanding matter as inherently
ocity determined only by their most recent col- creative and “alive.”27 Others, however, have
lision. How, then, could entities so utterly rightly recognized that such a view actually
lacking in agency ever give rise to living, think- leaves matter and reality just as essentially
ing creatures? Atomism can endeavor to answer non-generative and confined to an unchanging
this question only via a thoroughgoing deter- totality of possibilities as ever.28 While agreeing
minism that deprives everything, including with this latter view, we would like to state our
humans, of any agency at all. reasons for such agreement in explicitly perfor-
Furthermore, as some new materialists have mative terms.
recognized, despite their tremendous variety, In essence, it is only because the atoms of
the atoms’ inherent passivity entails a funda- Democritus and Epicurus remain internally
mentally random and non-creative Universe as unchanged across their movements and encoun-
well.22 The atoms, that is, “produce” only ters with one another that the sum total of
through totally random collisions that passively cosmic possibilities remains unchanged as
realize pre-existing possibilities.23 And thus, well. Conversely, as we elaborate below, a per-
whatever compounds particular atoms may formative understanding of matter maintains
form, the totality of possible compounds that what matter is, at every scale, is iteratively
remains just as eternally fixed and unchanging transformed by each new movement and
as the atoms’ given characteristics. And encounter, however slightly. Performative
although it would certainly be extremely unli- matter is thus never exhaustively quantifiable,
kely for such haphazard collisions to result whether in random/deterministic (Democri-
only in this one complexly ordered world we tean) or probabilistic (Epicurean) terms.
know, Democritus argues that our world is in Instead, matter’s iterative performances are
fact far from unique. Indeed, he asserts that, always partly incalculable because they cease-
just as there are an infinite number of atoms, lessly constitute novel entities and/as relations,
there are also an infinite number of coexisting thereby also ceaselessly generating novel possi-
worlds, or kosmoi.24 And because of the bilities and impossibilities that did not exist
atoms’ inherent randomness, the realization of already.
any possible kosmos, including ours, is there- Before concluding this section, one remain-
fore equally likely. In short, due to matter’s ing non-performative dimension of ancient
essential passivity and fixity, the full range of atomism must also be noted, which we think

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continues to be the most deeply entrenched and of discrete “atoms” or “corpuscles” whose
under-examined presumption of all. As the clas- bodies fit together like the gears of a clock.32
sicist Daniel W. Graham noted recently, Greek However, there was always someone (God) or
atomism (like Western metaphysics generally) something (force) winding up the clock and
begins from the presumption that the universe transmitting the movement through the gears.
is “a closed system of natural explanation.”29 Matter, for the moderns, therefore did not
This presumption, moreover, positions us move itself but instead was moved by something
humans – due to our allegedly unique capacity else: force. For example, in the sixteenth
for reason and language – as privileged, radi- century, the English philosopher Francis
cally external observers of a self-contained Bacon (1561–1626) not only followed the same
material world that remains unchanged by our formulation of divine impetus (force) proposed
observations of it. As we argue in the final originally in the sixth century by Philoponus
section below, only performative new material- and later in the fourteenth by Burdian but
ists have managed to fully challenge this pre- also described nature as a clockwork machine
sumption and, thus, to theorize human that operated according to the laws of this
meaning and observation in thoroughly material force: “The laws of Nature, which now remain
terms. and govern inviolably till the end of the world,
began to be in force when God first rested
from his works and ceased to create.”33
modern materialism God creates nature and then imbues it with
The second type of old materialism is modern force (the laws of nature) that, just like clock-
materialism, which emerged around the six- work, unfolds itself autonomously according to
teenth century. Just as atomism allowed for the transfer of tensional motion imposed by
human access to the metaphysical real of these very simple principles. “The force
matter (atoms and void), modern materialism implanted by God in these first particles”
allowed for human access to the metaphysical makes up all the “variety of things,” according
real of force to explain the movement of to Francis Bacon.34 God externalizes himself
matter. In both cases, humans (and only in the form of atomistic particles of matter,
humans) were granted ontological access to the which then, through collision, produce all of
real even though what that real was differed in nature following a force or impetus initially
each case. Modern materialists largely accepted imparted by God. Bacon was thus one of the
the passive materialism of Greek atomism but first to introduce a synthesis of theology, natur-
also invoked an active vital power to explain it. alism, and mechanism in a single theory of vital
It is a grave mistake in the history of philos- force relations. From this point on mechanism
ophy that the so-called “age of mechanism” has almost always included some kind of metaphys-
been thought of as an age of corporeal determin- ical vitalism.
ism.30 It is true that there was a rise in material- Although René Descartes espoused a very
ist physics and naturalist theologies in the hardline dualism between matter and spirit,
medieval and early modern periods, but in the what is less well attended to is the crucial role
last instance the primary motive cause of that vital forces play in his physics.35 Just as
matter’s mechanistic motion always remained humans can make automatons that are capable
a force – a metaphysical power that caused of several kinds of motion, so, Descartes says,
bodies to move. In short, the ancient formula God made humans and nature in the same
of “form and matter” was increasingly replaced manner, albeit capable of vastly greater
by the early modern one of “force and mechan- motions. The movements of nature and the
ism.” Far from opposing each other, then, vital- human body therefore follow “just as necess-
ism and mechanism go hand-in-hand during this arily as the movement of a clock follows from
period.31 In the modern mechanistic vision, the force, position, and shape of its counter
nature was increasingly described as composed weights and wheels.”36 Just as the motive

what is new materialism?

force of a tensional weight is communicated Furthermore, modern materialism, again

through the gear train, so God’s force is simi- following ancient materialism, continued to
larly externalized into and through the coordi- treat matter as irreducibly composed of discrete
nated parts of nature. simple bodies, particles, or atoms. In this way,
Like Descartes, Thomas Hobbes also despite offering a revamped account of matter,
stripped God of direct control over motion modern materialism simply continued the
and left him nothing but efficient causality, atomist trend of treating matter as a passive
from which nature then takes on its own auton- entity that must be animated by something
omous laws. Therefore, because motion, for immaterial and outside the flux and movement
Hobbes, is “a continual relinquishing of one of matter itself: force.
place, and acquiring of another,”37 the begin-
ning of a body’s motion must constitute an infi-
nitely small change in that body’s place. This
part 2: an epistemological interlude
infinitely small change is what Hobbes called In this part, we discuss a theoretical orientation
“endeavor” or “force.”38 that we think is an important intermediary
Whereas Descartes introduced the metaphy- between old and new materialisms. While its
sics of conatus in order to explain internal ten- most recent formulations by Jacques Lacan
dency and external causality, Hobbes argued and Judith Butler are often treated as material-
instead that conatus was nothing other than an ist by contemporary theorists,42 we think such
“infinitesimal movement.” Hobbes thus tried treatment has contributed a great deal of con-
his best to bury force in the infinitesimal inter- fusion over what may be “new” about new mate-
stices between motions. Where Descartes expli- rialist theories or about how to distinguish
citly separated the determination of motion among them. As we hope to make clear,
(force) from the tendency toward motion, despite its partial overlap with both old and
Hobbes tried to unify them. “Endeavor,” new materialisms, failed materialism is not a
Hobbes writes, “is to be conceived as motion,” materialism in an ontological sense at all.
but not a quantified motion.39 “For, the very Instead, it ought to be understood as part of
first beginning of any thing is a part of it and the epistemological, anthropocentric, or, in
the whole being motion, the part (that is, the Meillassoux’s terms, correlationist tradition
first Endeavor) how weak soever, is also from which new materialists all seek to move
Motion.”40 Hobbes thus wanted there to be away.
nothing but matter in motion. However, he
did not achieve this insofar as his views still
make recourse to an infinitesimal cause of
failed materialism
motion, which is different from motion itself, As we have seen in the previous two sections, all
and which he calls endeavor, conatus, tenden- ancient and modern materialisms deny matter
tia, and appetitus – and which God initiates. any self-determining agency over either its
Thus, once again transcendent vital forces ulti- own characteristics or the invariant, external
mately prevail as the cause of matter’s mechan- laws or forces that constrain or determine its
istic motion. movements. Likewise, these materialisms all
Modern materialism is thus defined by the share the assumption that we humans are excep-
passivity of matter insofar as matter is what is tional given our ability to know those funda-
caused or moved by something else: vital and mental properties, laws, or forces. While failed
causal forces or natural laws of motion. As materialism agrees with old materialisms that
with ancient materialism, matter again is not (non-human) matter is incapable of such (self-)
what is creative or performative in itself. knowledge, what distinguishes failed material-
Through a religious modification, however, ism from them is its denial of such knowledge
matter now is what is moved by God and the to humans as well, at least in any direct or
laws of nature he ultimately sets in motion.41 non-correlational form. Accordingly, any

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attempt to capture matter and render it mean- Through his particular phenomenological,
ingful through mathematics, human language, psychoanalytic, and structuralist inflections of
or discourse must result in either partial or com- Kant and others, Jacques Lacan argued that
plete failure. the acquisition of language imparts humans
In critical ways, the roots of a failed material- with an essentially fragmented subjectivity,
ist perspective can be traced to Immanuel Kant, what we could call the human subject manqué.
according to whom reason can never perfectly Occurring through his “mirror stage,”44
comprehend things-in-themselves (noumena). language acquisition culminates in the tripartite
Whereas the Cartesian and Newtonian efforts Real–Imaginary–Symbolic registers of human
to comprehend matter and its mechanics of subjectivity that Lacan famously represents as
motion presupposed a one-to-one correspon- three overlapping Borromean rings.45 In this
dence between mathematics and physical account, the Imaginary marks the image
reality, Kant restricted such knowledge to the (imago) of the whole or unified subject that is
confines of an ostensibly universal structure of distinct from our actually always already frag-
human reason. And thus, while Kant considered mented subjectivity, as well as a minimal kind
the mechanistic view of matter developed by of awareness of this distinction. Only through
Descartes and Newton to be the greatest language (the Symbolic), however, do we regis-
achievement of modern science, he also ter this distinction on a more conscious level,
thought they erred in believing this knowledge which at once constitutes our self-recognition
to correspond to a reality beyond what he on the basis of a mis-recognition or méconnais-
called the “transcendental subject.” In this sance. The Real, meanwhile, acts as the ultimate
way, Kant advanced what Meillassoux calls “cor- enabling condition for this méconnaissance,
relationism,” which maintains that “we only given that it is figured – retroactively, from
ever have access to the correlation between within language – as a pre-Imaginary, pre-Sym-
thinking and being, and never to either term bolic domain of absolute wholeness and pleni-
considered apart from the other.”43 tude which now remains lost irrevocably.
Although not quite a form of failed material- Since in Lacan’s account the domain of
ism, given that for Kant reality consists ulti- language or the Symbolic is not simply a given
mately of immaterial noumena, Kant’s but is constituted only through the failure to
correlationism nevertheless set the stage for (re)capture that which forever eludes and
the various constructivist and failed materialist exceeds it (the Real), human subjectivity
theories that followed due to its assertion of a emerges as much more unstable and thus his-
radical discontinuity between ultimate reality, torically mutable and contestable than it was
on one hand, and the constructed “reality” we for Kant. Nevertheless, a non-historical anthro-
humans can know or access, on the other. And pocentric residual continues to haunt and struc-
by essentially replacing Kant’s immaterial ture Lacanian subjectivity insofar as meaning
noumena with a material real, the subsequent remains an exclusively human purview whose
theories remain equally correlationist and, – utterly uncontestable – limit is marked by
hence, equally epistemological in their orien- the non-linguistic material Real itself. In other
tations toward matter. In many ways, construc- words, as that which precedes the Symbolic
tivism and failed materialism come to dominate and from which we derive our biological
nineteenth- and twentieth-century philosophy. bodies, the Real is a domain of plenitude and
Given space affordances, and because the wholeness only by virtue of its absolute lack
partial overlap between failed materialism and or absence of (always fractured) meaning.46
new materialisms specifically has led to con- Moreover, given Lacan’s phallocentric associ-
fusion, we restrict the remainder of this ation of the Symbolic with the “Law of the
section to a discussion of two key figures of Father” and of the Real with “Woman,”
failed materialism, namely Jacques Lacan and women and other historically marginalized
Judith Butler. groups arguably remain confined to a logic of

what is new materialism?

deficiency that is just as essentialist, ahistorical, must continually get drawn somewhere. In
and incontestable as in Kant. other words, Butler continues to presume that
In what is perhaps the most sophisticated there really is a pre-existing and unchanging
version of failed materialism, Judith Butler ontological division between human discourse
develops a performative alternative to Lacan.47 and matter, as domains. As Vicki Kirby puts
Indeed, a number of scholars have even insisted it, matter as such “is rendered unspeakable
there is nothing in new materialism that is not and unthinkable in Butler’s account, for the
already in Butler.48 Butler’s aim, more specifi- only thing that can be known about it is that
cally, is to show how the failure of discourse to it exceeds representation.”52 And thus, in
capture matter is never absolute but is instead Butler’s rendering, matter is “constitutive” or
an ongoing process of “iterative citationality” “active” only by virtue of its recalcitrance,
that is never fully or finally settled.49 With each that is, only insofar as it passively resists
new (partial) failure to capture matter, then, dis- being captured by what is essentially not
course constitutes human identity in novel ways. matter (i.e., human discourse).
Thus, matter does not enable discourse for-
mation merely through its absolute or irrevoc-
able absence, as in Lacan, but instead plays a
part 3: new materialisms
mutable and dynamic role through its always What, then, is “new” about new materialism?
partial and particular exclusions. According to The general consensus seems to be that new
Butler, these “constitutive exclusions”50 mani- materialism embraces a non-anthropocentric
fest – within a given discourse – as particular realism grounded in a shift from epistemology
abject or non-normative human identities. And to ontology and the recognition of matter’s
it is therefore precisely those non-normative intrinsic activity.53 We believe that the nature
identities that harbor the greatest potential for of the relationship between these terms has
rearticulating discourses anew, that is, by conti- been widely misunderstood, however. Contrary
nually opening and foreclosing novel possibilities to common assumption, neither an ontological
for identity contestation. focus nor a recognition of matter’s activity
We can illustrate both the important contri- necessarily implies the other. Nor do they
butions and limitations of Butler’s performative suffice, either alone or together, to provide an
account of the materialization of meaning by escape hatch from anthropocentrism – as we
returning briefly to the Borromean rings. In hope Parts 1 and 2 help to clarify. Although a
Lacan’s version of this image, the boundaries shift to ontology eschews correlationism and is
between the three domains are utterly static, certainly “new” compared to failed materialism
unmoving, and uncontestable. The discrete sep- or poststructuralism generally, such a shift
aration of matter from meaning is complete and could simply mark a recuperation of a material-
final. In Butler’s version, by contrast, the rings ism such as ancient atomism. This is no less
of Discourse and Matter would be perpetually true, moreover, if atomism’s passive conception
moving, engaging in a continual performative of matter is merely replaced with an active one
process of negotiating just where the boundary that still positions (fully material) humans as
line between them gets drawn.51 exceptional, external objective observers of a
Despite this important difference, however, material real.54 In what follows in Part 3, we
Butler’s theory of matter is still fundamentally argue that both vital and negative new material-
defined and driven by a failure – that is, by ism indeed preserve human exceptionalism in
the perpetual, ongoing failure of human dis- this respect.55 Only the ontoepistemology of
course to ever fully or completely capture performative new materialism, we argue, pro-
matter. While the specific location of the blematizes human exceptionalism at every
boundary line between matter and discourse is level. As we address at the end of the performa-
always shifting, Butler nevertheless continues tive section, this does not render such an
to presume that that very same boundary line approach radically “new” in a way that would

gamble, hanan & nail

perpetuate a non-performative account of powers in the infinitesimal interstices of

novelty. In fact, what we find most novel and matter in motion as Hobbes did, Spinoza
compelling about performative “new” material- raised conatus to the highest ontological
ism (in relation to the dominant Euro-Western level: God and/or nature, deus sive natura.
tradition) is that it enables a recuperation of Spinoza’s is thus an ontology of immanent
many ancient, subterranean, and non-Western power or conatus. He thereby makes explicit
ontologies. what was already essential and primary in
Descartes – the inner force, striving, and
power of all material things – and raises it to
vital new materialism the infinite.
By far the most prevalent type of new material- In Specimen Dynamicum (1695), Leibniz
ism is almost certainly that of vital new materi- even goes so far as to reduce motion, space,
alism, so much so that it tends to overshadow and time to unreal mental constructions
and absorb important differences between derived from the force of substance:
itself and the other two kinds – as we shall see. Space, time, and motion have something akin
Historically, vitalist new materialism to a mental construction [de enterationis]
emerged from Gilles Deleuze’s 1960s reading and are not true and real per se but only
of Baruch Spinoza’s (and to a lesser degree Leib- insofar as they involve the divine attributes
niz’s) theory of conatus.56 Deleuze first turned of immensity, eternity, and activity or the
to Spinoza and Leibniz because, in contrast to force of created substances.58
other modern materialists, Spinoza and
The only thing that is real for Leibniz, then,
Leibniz thought that all of nature was defined
are relations of force. Motion is only real
primarily by an immanent vital power or
insofar as it is “a force striving toward change.
force. For Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, and
Whatever there is in corporeal nature besides
Newton, for example, vital force was something
the object of geometry, or extension, must be
distinct from mind or matter and thus remained
reduced to this force.”59 Therefore, Leibniz con-
extrinsic to them, often in the form of God or
cludes, force is what is real and absolute, and
deistic natural laws. In Spinoza and Leibniz,
motion (and matter) simply belongs to a sub-
however, force was immanent to matter,
class of relative phenomena.
because matter is nothing other than an
Vital new materialists have today taken up
expression of force itself.
this tradition in an attempt to move beyond
According to Spinoza, God expresses his
the ancient and modern mechanistic materialist
power through the conatus of singular determi-
treatments of matter as the passive object of
nate things, which simultaneously express
external forces (natural or divine) and the
God’s power of being and acting. Together the
anthropocentrism of the failed materialists.
two express the same conatus:
For example, Jane Bennett, the post-Deleuzian
Singular things are modes by which God’s source who is likely the most cited proponent
attributes [thought, extension, and others of this approach, explicitly calls attention to
unknown to us] are expressed in a certain this difference:
and determinate way, that is, things that
express, in a certain and determinate way, What I am calling impersonal affect or
God’s power [Dei potentiam], by which material vibrancy is not a spiritual sup-
God is and acts […] Therefore, as far as it plement or “life force” added to the matter
can, and it lies in itself, it strives [conatur] said to house it. Mine is not a vitalism in
to persevere in its being.57 the traditional sense; I equate affect with
materiality, rather than posit a separate
Instead of deploying a concept of conatus force that can enter and animate a physical
without giving it a formal place in his philos- body. My aim, again, is to theorize a vitality
ophy as Descartes did, or trying to bury causal intrinsic to materiality as such, and to

what is new materialism?

detach materiality from the figures of vague flat ontology of force in general. As
passive, mechanistic, or divinely infused sub- N. Katherine Hayles argues, vitalist new materi-
stance. This vibrant matter is not the raw alism tends to be extremely “imprecise about
material for the creative activity of humans the nature of ‘force’ and fails to distinguish
or God.60 between different kinds of forces, although
these kinds of distinction have been extensively
Following Spinoza and Leibniz (and Deleuze), investigated in various scientific fields.”65
matter, for Bennett, is nothing other than the Flat vitalist ontologies are additionally proble-
relations of forces as such. As Diana Coole matic because they have chosen to ontologize
and Samantha Frost argue, there is “an excess, only the historically dominant side of the life/
force, vitality, relationality, or difference that death binary (life, activity, agency). If death, pas-
renders matter active, self-creative, productive, sivity, and receptivity literally have no being and
unpredictable.”61 Variations of this view no place in the “flat ontology” of life, this has
appear in numerous vital new materialist philo- dangerous conceptual and political conse-
sophers in discussions of things such as “pre- quences, which have been noted by numerous
accelerations,” “vibrant matters,” “virtual critics.66 Conceptually, vitalist new materialism
forces,” and “affects.”62 A major difference simply cannot account for the entangled relation-
between old materialism and vital new material- ship between life and death, activity and passiv-
ism is therefore the ontologization of an imma- ity. Politically, it cannot avoid the historically
nent activity of vital forces minus the rooted privileging of life over non-life and the
mechanistic passivity of atomic matter. Vital implications this privileging has had on the
matter is therefore neither deterministic, exploitation and expropriation of human and
deistic, naturalistic, nor epistemological. Vital non-human bodies associated with non-life.67
matter is not something constructed by human Finally, the ontology of force leads to a non-per-
consciousness, language, or social structures – formative view of matter because, for Bennett,
nor is it something that enables their construc- things possess “a certain vital force”68 before
tion through their failure to fully capture it – entering into performative connection. “In other
but is really and actually creative in itself. words,” as Thomas Lemke rightly observes,
Problematically, however, vital new material- “there is a vital force before and beyond assem-
ism is not so much about materialism as it is blages that pertains to the assembled individual
about the forces of an ontological vitalism. Eli- entities regardless of the relations they enter
zabeth Grosz seems to be one of the few vital into.”69 But if force precedes material relations
materialists who has recognized the intimate then it cannot simply be the performative intra-
link between materialism and idealism in the actions of relations themselves. Accordingly,
new vitalist tradition. “With the rise of so- vital new materialism remains a deeply metaphys-
called new materialism,” Grosz writes, “it is ical, ahistorical, and apolitical position.
perhaps necessary to simultaneously call into
being a new idealism,” because “Deleuze’s
rereading of Spinoza is responsible for a ‘new
negative new materialism
idealism’” as well.63 Therefore choosing to call The second type of new materialism is perhaps
vitalism “materialist” or “idealist” ultimately the oddest one. What we are calling “negative
amounts to a rhetorical strategy grounded in new materialism” here is the theory that
something else, as Leibniz already made expli- matter is non-relationally external to thought.
citly clear: an ontology of forces, not matter.64 We call this “negative” because it denies the
If all matter is active to the point that it has relation between thought and matter. This
been stripped of passivity, then how can approach thus results from the rather surpris-
matter act without an object on which to act? ing/interesting combination of the rationalism
This affirmative vitalism thus risks “flattening” of old materialism and the discontinuity of
the multiplicity of material practices into a failed materialism. The two main traditions of

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negative materialism we will look at here are contingent that it can become even God, why
“speculative realism” and “object-oriented is this called “matter”?75
ontology.” Although the two fundamentally dis- The second strand of negative new material-
agree, they both share a commitment to the non- ism is “object-oriented ontology” (OOO) – a
relationality of thought. term Graham Harman coined that defines a
In Quentin Meillassoux’s speculative realism, theoretical commitment to thinking the real
beyond the human experience of matter.
[M]aterialism holds in two key statements:
“What is real in the cosmos,” he asserts, “are
1. Being is separate and independent of
thought (understood in the broad sense of forms wrapped inside forms, not durable
subjectivity), 2. Thought can think Being. specks of material that reduce everything else
Thesis number 1 is opposed to any anthropo- to derivative status. If this is ‘materialism,’
morphism which seeks to extend subjective then it is the first materialism in history to
attributes to Being: materialism is not a deny the existence of matter.”76 For Harman,
form of animism, spiritualism, vitalism, the essence of beings is to withdraw from all
etcetera. It asserts that non-thinking actually the objects that compose it and think it. As
precedes, or at least may in right precede such, being is never something anthropocentric,
thought, and exists outside of it, following experienced, or relational but is something
the example of Epicurean atoms, devoid of
absolutely and non-relationally “withdrawn”
any subjectivity, and independent of our
from everything else, as though it were comple-
relationship to the world. Thesis number 2
affirms that materialism is rationalism.70 tely “vacuum sealed.” As it happens, this essen-
tialist view of identity as something radically
For Meillassoux, matter is independent of self-contained is in fact perfectly captured by
thought, and yet it is precisely thought and the three discrete, individually circumscribed
rationality alone that can think matter in its circles, zeros, or “O’s” that have become the
radically non-relational being. Meillassoux theory’s standard iconic shorthand. This view
recognizes Greek atomism as ontological but also leads Harman to affirm what he calls “a
rejects their claim that atoms and void are new sort of ‘formalism.’”77
necessarily the ultimate elements of reality.71 Timothy Morton similarly argues against
Matter, for Meillassoux, is necessarily and radi- “some kind of substrate, or some kind of
cally contingent and, thus, capable of producing unformed matter”78 in favor of essential forms
absolutely anything at all at any given moment, that infinitely exceed the human domain of
even God.72 meaning-making. For example, Morton
Although Meillassoux is careful not to con- describes “hyperobjects” such as global
flate the scientific and mathematical thought of warming as “real entities whose primordial
matter with human thought, he also says that reality is withdrawn from humans.”79 For him,
no other being yet known is capable of as for Harman and Tristan Garcia, “objects”
thought – which emerged ex nihilo in ultimately refer to an infinitely hidden essence
humans. Non-thinking matter existed before that never even partially reveals itself in any
humans and then suddenly thought emerged relation.
non-relationally from non-thinking matter. The crucial problem with this from a perfor-
Meillassoux’s materialism is therefore based on mative materialist perspective, however, is that
a kind of unexplainable miraculous ontological since the withdrawn essence is not itself rela-
dualism between matter and thought with no tionally constituted, then that essence never
explanation of how one could possibly emerge changes. Furthermore, we see no reason to
from the other.73 What he calls the “Hyper- count any philosophy that rejects the existence
chaos” of being is a direct consequence of this of matter as a “materialism” at all. Just as vital-
deeply non-relational philosophy.74 If being is ism defines matter as a mysterious subjective
non-relational then it can become anything, force that transcends the performative and rela-
including God. But if being is so radically tional movement of matter, OOO defines matter

what is new materialism?

as an ideal withdrawn essence that also trans- performative approach, in contrast, ontology
cends the performative and relational move- and epistemology are inherently co-implicated
ment of matter. and mutually constituting. That mutual consti-
In the end, we think negative new material- tution, moreover, neither requires nor is in
ism is not actually a materialism at all because any sense restricted to humans.
of its staunchly non-relational rationalism that Barad provides a particularly compelling
cuts thought off from matter. Although its basis for such a view through her “intra-
sincere aim is to overcome anthropocentrism active” account of the “measurement
and put forward a new realism, both versions problem” in quantum physics. This problem
of negative new materialism allow thought arose with the famous double-slit experiments
only for humans and end up treating this in which, depending on the experimental
thought as immaterial. Critics are therefore arrangement, light (or atoms etc.) appears
right to note that the radical and withdrawn either as a wave or particle, despite their
realism of OOO is much closer to a kind of mutually exclusive properties. While debate
rational subjectivism than it is to a theory of continues to rage even today over how best to
objects.80 Indeed, Meillassoux himself has interpret these conflicting findings, its basic
aptly critiqued Harman for being “subjectalist,” contours were largely defined by the early
and hence also anti-materialist.81 At the same interpretations of Erwin Schrödinger, Werner
time, however, Meillassoux applies the material- Heisenberg, and Niels Bohr. Barad’s interven-
ist label to himself in part because he endorses tion into this debate begins from her novel
old materialisms’ assertion of a strict externality reading of Bohr as having advanced an “ontic”
between being and thought, an externality that a interpretation against the “epistemic” interpret-
performative materialism refuses.82 ations of the former two. What Barad seizes on
Finally, negative new materialism also tends as Bohr’s ontic breakthrough insight, which had
to privilege a Western canon populated by not previously been appreciated, is that entities
white male philosophers, bringing to light the simply do not determinately exist apart from the
political limitations of its agenda, as well. particular, physical measuring apparatuses that
constitute them one way to the exclusion of
others.85 Inherently, then, light, like all
performative new materialism matter, is indeterminate. And thus, what light
The third type of new materialism is what we are is, as a (relatively) determinate entity, does
calling “performative” new materialism. To not entirely precede – and is not fully separable
date, the performative approach has, unfortu- from – the physical, material apparatus used to
nately, been largely overshadowed by and con- observe it.
flated with the other two. In this section, we Through a careful elaboration and radical
seek to clearly differentiate the performative extension of this insight, Barad proposes an
theory from the others – specifically regarding “ontoepistemological”86 account of reality in
its account of ontology, agency, and the status which observations never simply “disclose pre-
of human observation – in order to elucidate existing values”87 or properties but, in fact,
why we find it the most promising one. We do also always play a role in constituting them.
so primarily through a discussion of the work Moreover, whereas Bohr’s humanism limited
of Karen Barad83 and Vicki Kirby,84 which we his consideration of the constitutive role of
see as formative and exemplary of a performa- observation to the confines of scientific labora-
tive approach. tories in which pre-existing humans wield deter-
In distinct ways, as we have seen, all new minate tools and technologies, Barad pursues
materialisms embrace a shift from epistemology the implications much further.88 Crucially,
to ontology. Nevertheless, all non-performative Barad argues that since there is in fact no
theories continue to take ontology and epistem- strict or fixed boundary line dividing even a
ology to exist independently of one another. In a scientific laboratory from the rest of the world,

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humans can therefore never observe the uni- refuses any ultimate or unchanging totality of
verse as though from outside of it.89 Thus, she what is possible. Instead, a generative “ontologi-
argues, “[t]o the extent that humans participate cal indeterminacy”98 prevails at the heart of
in scientific or other practices of knowing, they such an account such that with each new per-
do so as part of the larger material configuration formance the very “possibilities […] and impos-
of the world and its ongoing open-ended articu- sibilities” of what matter can do “are
lation.”90 As such, humans (like everything reconfigured,”99 albeit always through internal
else) always partly constitute and are partly con- divisions only, that is, local limits determined
stituted by that which they observe. by specific and always somewhat indeterminate
This ontoepistemological account, which she “constitutive exclusions.” Unlike Butler’s
calls “agential realism,” leads to a thoroughly exclusions, however, Barad’s do not result
“performative”91 and relational materialism in from the failure of human discourse to fully
which matter just is what it does or how it capture something radically outside itself but,
moves.92 No property of any discernible thing, rather, from an internal cut or fold that provi-
that is – whether its physical features, agency, sionally resolves matter’s inherent indetermi-
or even its speech or thought – entirely precedes nacy in a particular way.100 And unlike OOO,
or remains unchanged by its actions or encoun- what is excluded or withdrawn is therefore not
ters with other things. an unchanging essence but is also always perfor-
Such an account, therefore, radically refuses matively and relationally constituted and, thus,
a flat ontology wherein a vital force pervades novel.
all things or remains unchanged across a In advancing an equally compelling and thor-
thing’s actions. Agency and vitality, rather, oughgoing performative materialism, Kirby
simply do not exist apart from particular highlights the larger theoretical consequences
intra-active performances. A given plant, for of such an approach in especially vivid and pro-
example, performs – and thus constitutes – vocative terms. Kirby is struck, in particular, by
agency differently from a particular rock or the implication that if we humans are perform-
human. And so, whereas Bennett’s vital mate- ances of matter as much as anything else, then
rialism can be rightly critiqued for erasing any anything allegedly exceptional about us must
distinction between organic and inorganic be but a particular inflection of a fully generaliz-
things,93 or for a “naı̈ve realism” that able behavior of nature. Thus, if humans speak,
imputes a “more-than-relational” agency to perhaps it is because nature already speaks, in
all things,94 Barad’s materialism cannot. More- countless proliferating languages, and therefore
over, although Barad’s word choice does tend spoke us into existence. And if we humans read
to emphasize vitality or liveliness more than and write, then surely we ought to entertain the
death or inanimacy, she states directly that possibility, however “scandalous,” that “nature
by the former she does not mean “a new is literate,” that “nature scribbles or flesh
form of vitalism, but rather […] a new sense reads.”101 Encapsulating this line of inquiry in
of aliveness,”95 one that “makes possible the the title of a 2008 book chapter, she asks:
very distinction between the animate and the “What if Culture Was Really Nature All
inanimate.”96 In sharp contrast with Bennett, Along?”102
then, Barad’s notion of matter’s vitality does In further pursuing such questions in a sub-
not derive from alleged essential differences sequent book, Kirby explores this “originary
between life and death, but is what performa- humanicity” through numerous ingenious
tively engenders those differences. For this forays into domains both human and otherwise,
reason, in fact, Barad can recognize the examining, for example, how lightning is a non-
death and mortality even of quantum local phenomenon that is aware of and even
particles.97 sparks a conversation with the ground before
Without any radical exteriority between striking,103 and proposing that geological scien-
things, moreover, performative materialism tists are but one particular instance of nature’s

what is new materialism?

actually ubiquitous (yet always specific) practice humans are fully material beings who do math-
of studying, analyzing, quantifying, and predict- ematics, then matter does mathematics.110 And
ing itself.104 In doing so, we must stress that indeed, how else could nature have produced
Kirby has no interest in flattening reality by pro- human mathematicians if it were not already
jecting any sort of uniform linguistic, cognitive, mathematical? How else could it have generated
or affective equivalent of vitality onto every- the very principles that mathematicians claim to
thing. Instead, she begins from the premise discover? And why else, finally, do those prin-
that if there is no radical or absolute boundary ciples, despite their undeniable success, never
line between things, including between quite manage to fully quantify or predict
humans and non-humans, then humans have matter – unless matter is also inherently perfor-
no more monopoly over what counts as intelli- mative and improvisational?
gence, language, or even scientific inquiry than In short, Kirby advances a performative
anything else does. Kirby’s rendering, thus, materialism in which matter continually
enables an appreciation of the endlessly prolifer- studies and reinvents itself without any strict
ating specificity and variegation of such notions or unchanging external limit. As she pithily
as they are ceaselessly (re)constituted across encapsulates her approach, while also indicating
countless human and non-human performances. her indebtedness to (a materialist reading of)
In pursuing the mathematical implications of Derrida, Kirby’s argument that “there is no
this argument more recently, Kirby provides an outside of text” means ultimately that “there
extremely incisive performative materialist is no outside of Nature.”111
response to Meillassoux’s ultimately non-perfor- Finally, we would like to note briefly the rather
mative views about mathematics.105 Interest- striking resemblance between the performative
ingly, as Kirby notes, both she and materialisms formulated by Kirby and Barad
Meillassoux recognize inorganic matter as and the ontologies we find in both the Homeric
“inherently mathematical.”106 Where they fun- epics and in Lucretius’ Homer-inspired philoso-
damentally diverge, however, is over who or phical poem De Rerum Nature. Indeed, in a
what does and does not perform mathematics. recent book, Nail makes the case for reading
In effectively adopting the prevailing scientific Lucretius as a full-fledged performative new mate-
view on this question, Meillassoux deems inor- rialist who, rather astonishingly, aptly anticipated
ganic matter mathematical only insofar as it pas- many of the most important new materialist-
sively enacts a fixed, predetermined nature. friendly views currently emerging in the natural
Mathematical thought, meanwhile – the ability sciences, including in quantum physics.112
to actively do mathematics in order to access Equally astonishing is Nail’s discovery that, con-
and represent that nature107 – is for Meillassoux trary to how the poem has always been translated
a uniquely human capacity that arose simply into English, Lucretius appears to have studiously
miraculously, ex nihilo.108 avoided any variant, version, or translation of the
While similarly struck by “the unreasonable word “atom.” Indeed, based on our preceding dis-
effectiveness of mathematics” in understanding cussion, we can understand why Lucretius could
and predicting the natural world, Kirby draws not be an atomist and also espouse a fully perfor-
nearly the opposite conclusion.109 For Kirby, mative and relational view of matter. In a work in
just as language is not exclusive to humans, progress, Chris Gamble argues for a performative
neither is mathematical thought; everything prac- new materialist reading of the Homeric epics as
tices mathematics, albeit always in particular well.113 A key aim of the latter work, moreover,
ways that also serve to ceaselessly (re)define is to pursue the implications of performative
what mathematics is. However strange or new materialism as a means of illuminating
absurd such a view may seem to those con- important connections with Western history’s
ditioned by human exceptionalism, it nonetheless own oral, indigenous past, thereby also facilitat-
follows quite directly from what we think is the ing and encouraging greater engagement with
rather modest and reasonable premise that, if indigenous ontologies in the present as well.114

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part 4: the future of new Pedesis (from the PIE root *ped-, meaning
materialism “foot”) is the motion of semi-autonomous self-
transport: the motion of the foot to walk, to
In the fourth and concluding part of this article, run, to leap, to dance somewhat unpredictably.
we would like to propose three general theses or In contrast to deterministic, probabilistic, or
criteria, extracted from historical and contem- random theories of motion, pedesis is directly
porary thinkers of performative materialism, and iteratively related to its immediate past
that we think are central for the future develop- but is not determined by it.
ment of a performative new materialist philos- Pedesis, therefore, is an irregular and partly
ophy: pedesis, ongoing process, and relation. unpredictable motion, but it is neither random
It is not enough merely to say that everything nor probabilistic.117 As pedetic movement,
is matter. This amounts to saying everything matter not only generates metastable formations
that is is.115 For us, there is “nothing but but, crucially, these formations also generate
matter,”116 but unlike old materialisms this is novel possibilities for subsequent formations.
not a reductionistic claim because matter is By contrast, while randomness and probability
not a substance that everything can be reduced are at least partly unpredictable, they are not
to. Matter, for us, is a fundamentally indetermi- generative. Randomness, as we have discussed,
nate performance or process-in-motion. We can is defined against a predetermined and fixed
put these in the form of three entangled theses range of discrete, equally likely possibilities.
on performative materialism: Through their interactions, an infinite number
(1) The activity of matter itself must be of randomly moving entities (such as Democri-
pedetic, or characterized by indetermi- tus’ atoms) can realize infinite outcomes or
nacy, otherwise new materialism will fall even worlds within that finite range of possibili-
back into attributing the activity of ties. Across iterations, certain combinations of
matter to something else such as forms, those random outcomes may occur more or
deterministic or probabilistic natural less frequently and so reflect a higher or lower
laws, forces, or God. probability than others, just as repeatedly
(2) Matter must be an ongoing iterative rolling two six-sided dice will produce more
process, or else new materialism will fall sevens than twos. However, because the intrin-
back into substance-based ontology or sic characteristics of randomly moving entities
risk reducing matter to something else like dice or Democritean atoms do not change
like rationalism or formalism. across interactions, the complete range of possi-
(3) Matter must be fully relational and imma- bilities that can be realized never changes,
nently self-caused. Matter is not the either. That range, in short, remains an absol-
merely passive effect of God, nature, or ute, immutable limit because random matter is
humans. Nor is matter a merely active not performative matter. In fact, the very idea
agent, however. Material relations are of a purely random motion presupposes that it
always asymmetrical (both active and was not affected by or related to anything else
receptive at once) – not “flat.” previously, which, itself, presupposes that it
was the first thing and before it was nothing,
Together, we believe that these three theses which is a version of the internally contradictory
outline the core insights of performative materi- hypothesis of ex nihilo creation: something
alism. To conclude, let us briefly develop each in from nothing.
turn. Unlike random or probabilistic motion,
pedetic motion is thoroughly relational and
thus also performative and generative.
pedesis Whereas the former two are unpredictable
The first criterion for a performative new mate- insofar as each entity remains essentially
rialist philosophy is that matter is pedetic. unchanged by its interactions, the

what is new materialism?

unpredictability of pedetic motion is due pre- bounded planet; however, given enough pedetic
cisely to such relational change. It is the intra- iterations, those rocks can help create such a bio-
action or mutual influence of matter with itself sphere and indeed eventually become those
that gives it its unpredictable character. winged and legged creatures.
Through its ongoing processes, the pedetic Such transformative becoming is possible,
motions of matter combine and stabilize into however, only on condition that, while every
relatively fixed patterns, synchronies, and “individual” iteration is somewhat novel and
relations, giving the appearance of stability unique, none is ever completely determined or
and solidity, only to become turbulent again separable from any other. Even the always-
and enter into new conjoined relations. This is partly-unique-and-unpredictable performances
how indeterminacy is increasingly deter- of the tiniest “single” electron, thus, serve to
mined.118 In other words, pedesis is neither reconfigure the “entire” open-whole of the
random, determinate, nor probabilistic, but cosmos anew. In short, performative matter
generatively indeterminate.119 Matter is thus always remains radically entangled and there-
active and receptive only if its movement is fore also always partly indeterminate and
pedetic or relationally improvisational. Other- improvisational.
wise its being and motion could be explained Furthermore, as an inherently indetermi-
by something else. nate process-without-finality, there can be no
underlying substance that unifies all of
material reality as a continuous whole. Nor
ongoing iterative process can matter create or bring into being some-
The second criterion is that matter is performa- thing that was ever absolutely absent. Perfor-
tive if and only if matter is understood to be an mative matter, thus, is neither a continuous
iterative, ongoing, indeterminate process.120 If nor discontinuous substance nor a discontinu-
matter is nothing other than what it does or ous process.121
how it moves, and if its movements – from the If matter were a radically continuous sub-
very smallest to the largest spatiotemporal stance, it would be a homogeneous totality.
scales – are never finally or fully complete, Matter would be One – a finite or infinite unity
then the only essential characteristic of matter – without the possibility of change or motion
is its unending pedetic reinvention. outside of itself since there would be no outside
Certainly, then, the fundamental character of to it. In this case, all movement, as Zeno and Par-
performative, pedetic matter cannot be pinned menides once argued, would be an illusion.
down and captured by the unchanging, eternal However, if matter were One total being that con-
natural laws of older materialisms. But neither tained all of being, the being that contained all of
can such matter be animated by an unchanging being would have to be different from the being
– and therefore non-performative – vital force. that was contained by it. Material being would
However creative such a force may be, that crea- thus be separate from itself, i.e., non-total. We
tivity will always be limited in advance by what thus reach the paradox of the One that Gödel
essentially defines it: life, agency, vitality. The and others discovered long ago:122 that the One
pedetic movements of performative matter, in cannot be included in that which it contains. Sub-
contrast, ceaselessly (re)articulate their own stantial continuum without motion thus results
limits and boundaries, without ever permanently in a paradoxical conception of totality that
fixing or standardizing the meaning of what falls cannot include itself in its own totality.
on either side. Nevertheless, while no boundary On the other hand, if matter’s movements
or limit is absolute, this does not lead to a were ever radically discontinuous substances
world of radical contingency or caprice such as or processes, they would need to radically
Meillassoux’s Hyperchaos. Floating space-rocks begin and end and so, paradoxically, there
cannot sprout wings or legs with which to roam would be no movement at all. Strictly speaking,
around the biosphere of a particular, relatively a radically “discontinuous movement” is

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therefore not a movement at all. For example, and therefore also to the specificity – of particu-
for an entity moving from point A to point B lar material relations.124
through a succession of radically discontinuous Ontology is not merely an anthropic con-
leaps, the spatiotemporal distance between structivism or failed materialism in which “the
each leap would be divided by an infinity of real” of matter always recedes. Rather, matter
intermediate points, themselves divided by an and ontological practices are really co-con-
infinity of intermediate points, and so on ad infi- structed and entangled in the interminable
nitum. Moreover, if it remained the very same movements of their performances.
entity across each new leap, then that entity The primary inquiry of new materialism
would clearly not be performatively constituted. therefore must be ontological but not founda-
Instead, we could merely say that a radically dis- tional; that is, it must be historically rela-
crete and abstract entity underwent a series of tional.125 In other words, it does not aim to
changes in its location along its route from A identify the absolute or immutable structure
to B. Each change in location, then, would not of being for ever and all time (being qua
constitute different aspects of the same move- being). Rather, it seeks to identify, given a par-
ment but radically different points without ticular historical emergence of which we our-
any movement between them at all. Radically selves are an integral, fully-material part, the
discontinuous movement is therefore not move- real conditions of that emergence.
ment at all but merely discontinuous, formal, or We wish to be absolutely clear, however: this
logical change.123 is a notion of history in which humans, when
they are involved, are reading and writing as
particular performances of matter reading and
relation (re)writing itself. For us, performative new
The third criterion is that matter must be fully materialism is therefore a strictly historical
relational and immanently self-caused, other- and regional ontology of ontological practice
wise it remains the merely passive object of itself, limited by the present but not reducible
another non-material agency such as God, to it – without any ontological claim on the poss-
nature, or anthropic structures. This has direct ible being of the future. Performative material-
consequences for the philosophical practice of ism is not metaphysics. Following Marx’s
new materialism. Both vital new materialism retrograde reading of history, we can say that
and negative new materialism posit something it is precisely the appearance of
outside relationality (whether a vital force, with- increased material entanglement
drawn essences, or ex nihilo creation). Accord- in the Anthropocene that makes
ingly they treat materialism as a strictly possible for us this new histori-
ontological type of inquiry about the nature of cal ontology of a moving and
matter as such. However, if there is nothing entangled matter.126
but performative and kinetic matter, then the
very inquiry of ontology must itself always
amount to a particular material practice of
disclosure statement
matter observing, excluding, and thus constitut- No potential conflict of interest was reported by
ing itself anew. the authors.
Furthermore, relations are always asymmetri-
cal (temporally, spatially, politically, and so on)
– not flat. In contrast to vitalism, which flattens
out all relations into generalized subjective 1 “Vitalist,” “negative,” and “performative” new
forces, and to OOO which eliminates all materialism. For three widely cited sources defin-
relations completely by privileging the with- ing “new materialism(s),” see Stacy Alaimo and
drawn essences of particular objects, the perfor- Susan Hekman, eds., Material Feminisms (Minnea-
mative approach attends to the asymmetry – polis: Indiana UP, 2008); Diana Coole and

what is new materialism?

Samantha Frost, eds., New Materialisms: Ontology, between human meaning and biology as what
Agency, and Politics (Durham, NC: Duke UP, Barad calls a “mixture,” not an “entanglement”
2010); Rick Dolphijn and Iris van der Tuin, eds., (71, 75 n. 5). The former presumes a pre-existing,
New Materialism: Interviews and Cartographies discrete, unchanging boundary and so implicates a
(Ann Arbor, MI: Open Humanities, 2012). The “both/and” or “interactional” logic, whereas in
introductions to the former two collections the latter case boundaries are mutually or “intra-
define new materialisms as attending to inter- actively” constituted. We argue that only performa-
actions between ontology and epistemology, or tive new materialism enables an intra-actively
matter and meaning, which neglects the ontoepis- entangled account. For an important recent cri-
temological intra-actions or entanglements of per- tique of feminism’s “antibiologism,” see Elizabeth
formative new materialism (despite the former A. Wilson, Gut Feminism (Durham, NC: Duke UP,
collection including performative new materialist 2015).
chapters by Karen Barad and Vicki Kirby). The
4 Simon Choat, “Science, Agency and Ontology: A
second source’s introduction also endorses a
Historical-Materialist Response to New
vitalist approach. The third book includes inter-
Materialism,” Political Studies 66.4 (2011): 1027–
views with proponents of all three new material-
42; Joss Hands, “From Cultural to New Materialism
isms and, in its second half, puts them into
and Back: The Enduring Legacy of Raymond Wil-
productive conversation with one another in
liams,” Culture, Theory and Critique 56.2 (2015):
order to develop a “transversal” new materialism
which in many ways embraces a performative
approach. None of these sources theorizes what 5 Angela Willey, “Biopossibility: A Queer Feminist
we consider the key differences between perfor- Materialist Science Studies Manifesto, with Special
mative, vitalist, and negative new materialisms, Reference to the Question of Monogamous Behav-
however, which is our paper’s primary theoretical ior,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
aim. 41.3 (2016): 553–77.
2 Except that negative new materialists tend to 6 See Sarah Ellenzweig and John H. Zammito, eds.,
eschew terms such as “alive,” “lively,” or “vital.” The New Politics of Materialism (London and
See, for example, Timothy Morton, The Ecological New York: Routledge, 2017). This collection
Thought (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2010), describes itself as “the first to ask what is ‘new’
who says calling the Internet a “‘Web’ is a little about the new materialism and place it in interdis-
too vitalist […] for my taste” and prefers the less ciplinary perspective.” Most chapters answer this
vitalist-sounding “Mesh” instead (28). question in a critical way.

3 For the initial formulation, see Sara Ahmed, 7 See note 1 above.
“Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary
8 See Carol A. Taylor, “Close Encounters of a
Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the ‘New
Critical Kind,” Cultural Studies – Critical Method-
Materialism,’” European Journal of Women’s Studies
ologies 16.2 (2016): 201–12, most directly in
15.1 (2008): 23–39; pursued further by Nikki Sulli-
relation to the object-oriented ontology theorist
van, “The Somatechnics of Bodily Inscription: Tat-
Ian Bogost (210). This criticism is reiterated in
tooing,” Studies in Gender and Sexuality 10.3 (2009):
Thomas Lemke, “Materialism without Matter:
129–41. More recently, see Caroline Braunmühl,
The Recurrence of Subjectivism in Object-
“Beyond Hierarchical Oppositions: A Feminist Cri-
Oriented Ontology,” Distinktion: Journal of Social
tique of Karen Barad’s Agential Realism,” Feminist
Theory 18.2 (2017): 133–52.
Theory 19.2 (2017): 223–40; Dennis Bruining,
“Interrogating the Founding Gestures of the New 9 Thomas Lemke, “An Alternative Model of Poli-
Materialism,” Cultural Studies Review 22.2 (2016): tics? Prospects and Problems of Jane Bennett’s
21–40. For responses, see Davis, “A Response Vital Materialism,” Theory, Culture and Society 35.6
and Feminism’s Anti-Biologism: A Response to (2018): 31–54. “To put it in an old-fashioned voca-
Sara Ahmed,” European Journal of Women’s Studies bulary: Bennett endorses an ‘idealist’ account of
16.1 (2009): 67–80; Iris van der Tuin, “Deflationary materialism” (46). “To put it bluntly: there is a
Logic,” European Journal of Women’s Studies 15.4 lack of materiality in this vital materialism” (47).
(2008): 411. As Davis notes, the feminist science For a consonant critique of vital new materialism,
work that Ahmed cites treats the relationship see Quentin Meillassoux, “Iteration, Reiteration,

gamble, hanan & nail

Repetition: A Speculative Analysis of the Meaning- 22 Ibid. 99–101.

less Sign,” trans. Robin Mackay, Freie Universität,
23 On the atoms’ random movement, see DK
Berlin, 20 Apr. 2012, 4.
67A14, 68A37.
10 While not proposing a (fully) performative 24 DK 67A24, 68A40.
solution to this recurrent problem, for a
related critique of how materialisms have 25 See David Sedley, “Epicurus’ Refutation of
continually been plagued and undermined by Determinism” in SUZHTHSIS: Studi Sull’ Epicureismo
various idealities, see Jean-Michel Salanskis, Greco E Romano Offerti a Marcello Gigante
“Some Figures of Matter,” trans. Ray Brassier, (Naples: Biblioteca della Parola del Passato, 1983)
Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy 12 11–51.
(2001): 5–13. 26 For an accessible introduction to chaos theory,
11 Barad, Meeting the Universe 151; emphasis which opens with a discussion of the “butterfly
added. effect,” see James Gleick, Chaos: The Making of a
New Science (New York: Viking, 1987). Neverthe-
12 Thomas Nail, Being and Motion (Oxford: less, it is worth noting that, despite this similarity
Oxford UP, 2018). of small divergences resulting in large changed out-
comes, only the Epicurean swerve is truly spon-
13 See note 4 above.
taneous (i.e., immanently caused and thus
14 For example, Barad’s influential assertion in irreducible to any external laws or forces),
Meeting the Universe that “There is an important whereas the butterfly effect of chaos theory is
sense in which the only thing that doesn’t seem unpredictable due simply to our lack of knowledge
to matter anymore is matter” (132). about initial conditions and natural laws that, in
principle, are knowable (or would be to an omnis-
15 Nail, Being and Motion; Christopher N. Gamble cient being).
and Joshua S. Hanan. “Figures of Entanglement:
Special Issue Introduction,” Review of Communi- 27 On seeing the swerve as a “lively impetus
cation 16.4 (2016): 265–80. intrinsic to materiality per se […] the vital materi-
alist sides with the Epicureans,” see Jane Bennett,
16 See Thomas Nail, Lucretius I: An Ontology of Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things
Motion (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018); Lucretius (Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2010) 68. However,
II: An Ethics of Motion (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, Bennett critiques Epicureanism’s “imagery of indi-
forthcoming 2020); on Homer, see Christopher vidual atoms falling or swerving in the void” (xi;
N. Gamble (MS in progress). emphasis added), emphasizing instead the compo-
site agency of Deleuzian assemblages (see ch. 2).
17 Jerry Lee Rosiek, Jimmy Snyder, and Scott
For a critique of this vitalist interpretation of
L. Pratt, “The New Materialisms and Indigenous
Lucretius, see Nail, Lucretius I.
Theories of Non-human Agency: Making the Case
for Respectful Anti-Colonial Engagement,” Qualitat- 28 See note 22 above.
ive Inquiry (forthcoming 2019).
29 Daniel W. Graham, Explaining the Cosmos: The
18 The atomists’ void, however, is distinct from a
Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy (Princeton:
contemporary conception of empty space. David
Princeton UP, 2006) 15.
Sedley, “Two Conceptions of a Vacuum,” Phronesis
27.2 (1982): 175–93. 30 New materialists have made a similar error.
See Charles T. Wolfe, “Varieties of Vital Material-
19 DK 68B6-11.
ism” in Ellenzweig and Zammito, New Politics of
20 DK 68A28. Materialism 44–65; Coole and Frost, New
21 Quentin Meillassoux, After Finitude: An Essay on
the Necessity of Contingency, trans. R. Brassier 31 For an example of an essay that opposes vital-
(London: Continuum, 2009) 36–37. Meillassoux ism and mechanism, see Georges Canguilhem,
addresses Epicureanism (“the paradigm of all mate- “Aspects of Vitalism” in Georges Canguilhem,
rialism”), yet the point applies equally to Knowledge of Life (New York: Fordham UP, 2008)
Democritus. 59–74.

what is new materialism?

32 Edward Dolnick, The Clockwork Universe 47 Judith Butler, Bodies that Matter: On the Discur-
(New York: HarperCollins, 2011). sive Limits of Sex (London and New York: Rout-
ledge, 2011).
33 Francis Bacon, A Confession of Faith
[1602] in The Works of Francis Bacon, ed. 48 See, for example, Ahmed, “Imaginary Prohibi-
James Spedding (London: Green, 1857–74) 14: tions” 33; Bruining, “Interrogating,” esp. 39.
49 Butler, Bodies that Matter 11–14.
34 Idem, “On Principles and Origins According to
50 Ibid. 141.
the Fables of Cupid and Coelum” in The Works of
Francis Bacon, ed. James Spedding (London: Green 51 See Vicki Kirby, Telling Flesh (New York: Rout-
1857–74) 10: 648. ledge, 1997) 101–28, for a brilliant and incisive
critical reading of Butler from a performative
35 Rodolfo Garau, “Late-Scholastic and Cartesian
new materialist perspective to which our own
Conatus,” Intellectual History Review 24.4 (2014):
account is deeply indebted.
479–94 (484).
52 Vicki Kirby, Judith Butler: Live Theory (London:
36 René Descartes, Discourse on Method, Adam
Continuum, 2006) 70; emphasis added.
and Tannery edition of the Oeuvres de Descartes
(Paris: Librarie philosophique J. Vrin, 1976) VI: 53 This is indeed the case according to the intro-
50; emphasis added. ductory chapters of the three highly cited edited
37 Thomas Hobbes, De Corpore in English Works collections on new materialism referenced in
1: 109. note 1, notwithstanding the differences among
them that we also note there.
38 Ibid. 206.
54 Adopting what Angela Willey calls a “science
39 Ibid. friendly disposition,” such new materialist work
40 Ibid. 207. endorses recent scientific findings allegedly estab-
lishing matter’s true nature as dynamic and active
41 See Wolfe, “Varieties of Vital Materialism.” rather than passive; see “Engendering New Materi-
42 For materialist treatments of Butler, see Bruin- alizations: Feminism, Nature, and the Challenge to
ing, “Interrogating” and Ahmed, “Imaginary Prohi- Disciplinary Proper Objects” in Ellenzweig and
bitions.” For such a treatment of Lacan, see Zammito, New Politics of Materialism 131–53. As
Christian O. Lundberg, “On Missed Encounters: Willey rightly notes, such a disposition “operates
Lacan and the Materiality of Rhetoric” in Rhetoric, as a neo-positivist agenda that ultimately reconso-
Materiality, and Politics, eds. Barbara Biesecker and lidates the authority to say what we are and
John Louis Lucaites (New York: Peter Lang, might become in scientific disciplinary ways of
2009) 161–83. knowing” (149).

43 Meillassoux, After Finitude 5. 55 Coole and Frost explicitly accept a framework

“commensurate” with (a non-performative under-
44 Jacques Lacan, “The Mirror Stage as standing of) the human-centered sciences (New
Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Materialisms 5). Meillassoux grants thinking
Psychoanalytic Experience” in Reading French Psy- humans alone objective access to reality – see Dol-
choanalysis (London and New York: Routledge, phijn and van der Tuin, New Materialism 81. Finally,
2014) 119–26. it is worth mentioning that Bruno Latour, by our
45 Idem, “Rings of String” in On Feminine definition, is a new materialist because he is a
Sexuality, trans. Bruce Fink (New York: Norton, non-anthropocentric realist. He has a relational
1978) 123–36. ontology like vitalist materialists but does not use
the term “vital.” However, his view differs from
46 As Lacan puts it, “The lack of the lack makes performative materialism because he holds that
the real” (Jacques Lacan, The Seminar of Jacques humans alone have a symbolic capacity to rep-
Lacan: The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoana- resent the material world, which is therefore dis-
lysis (Book XI), ed. Jacques-Alain Miller; trans. Alan tinct from that world. For a wonderfully nuanced
Sheridan (New York: Norton, 1998) ix). appraisal and critique of how Latour’s view

gamble, hanan & nail

ultimately ends up requiring “a human scribe to observations rooted in the senses’ “bastard”
represent itself,” see Vicki Kirby, Quantum Anthro- reasoning. For Meillassoux’s direct critique of
pologies (Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2011) 79–88. atomism, see 36, 51, 99–101.
56 This is true even if some do not agree that 72 See Meillassoux, “The Immanence of the
Deleuze himself was a materialist. As Coole and World Beyond” in The Grandeur of Reason: Religion,
Frost (New Materialisms) note, “Gilles Tradition and Universalism, eds. Peter M. Candler
Deleuze, whose work has been influential in and Conor Cunningham (London: SCM, 2009)
much of the new ontology did not count 444–78.
himself a materialist despite his radical empiri-
73 On how “the principle of pure contingency”
cism and some evocative descriptions of materi-
allows for explaining the “miracle” of “ex nihilo”
alization” (9).
emergence such as organic, sentient life from inor-
57 Spinoza, Ethics, Book II, Postulate 6. ganic dead matter, and human thought from
organic matter, see Meillassoux, “Iteration, Reiter-
58 Leibniz, Specium Dynamicum 445.
ation, Repetition” 14.
59 Ibid. 436.
74 Ibid. 11.
60 Bennett, Vibrant Matter xiii.
75 Meillassoux describes his own project as “neo-
61 Coole and Frost, New Materialisms 9. materialist” because it seeks to overcome subjecti-
vism and access material reality directly, via math-
62 Bennett, Vibrant Matter xiii; Erin Manning, Rela- ematical thought (see ibid. 6–7). Nevertheless,
tionscapes: Movement, Art, Philosophy (Cambridge, for Meillassoux, the ex nihilo emergence of
MA: MIT P, 2012). thought (and life) demonstrates that matter can
63 Elizabeth Grosz, The Incorporeal: Ontology, manifest in a radically non-relational – and thus,
Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism (New York: in our view, idealist – manner.
Columbia UP, 2017) 13. 76 Graham Harman, Tool-Being: Heidegger and the
Metaphysics of Objects (New York: Open Court,
64 See Thomas Nail, Being and Motion (Oxford:
2011) 293; emphasis in original.
Oxford UP, 2018) 309–19.
77 Ibid.
65 N. Katherine Hayles, Unthought: The Power of
the Cognitive Nonconscious (Chicago: U of Chicago 78 Timothy Morton, “Here Comes Everything:
P, 2017) 80. The Promise of Object-Oriented Ontology,” Qui
66 For an example of this critique, see Choat, Parle 19.2 (2011): 163–90 (177).
“Science, Agency and Ontology.” 79 Idem, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after
67 Mel Y. Chen, Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Matter- the End of the World (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota
ing, and Queer Affect (Durham, NC: Duke UP, P, 2013) 15.
2012); Alexander G. Weheliye, Habeas Viscus: 80 Lemke, “Materialism without Matter”; Taylor,
Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist “Close Encounters.”
Theories of the Human (Durham, NC: Duke UP,
2014). 81 Meillassoux, “Iteration, Reiteration, Repetition” 7.

68 Bennett, Vibrant Matter 24. 82 “We are materialists in so far as we obey the
two principles that belong to any materialism:
69 Lemke, “Alternative Model of Politics?” 41. being is not thought, and thought can think
70 Dolphijn and van der Tuin, New Materialism 79. being” (ibid. 12).

71 For Meillassoux, the only absolute necessity is 83 Barad, Meeting the Universe.
reality’s radical contingency, which, he argues, is 84 Kirby, Telling Flesh; idem, Quantum
revealed solely by “the luminous clarity of intellec- Anthropologies.
tion,” not by the senses (After Finitude 91 (cf. 90–
92)). The rationalism of the atomists goes astray, 85 In contrast, Barad considers Heisenberg’s
then, because it begins instead with empirical view “epistemic,” for example, because for him

what is new materialism?

(at least initially) measurement invariably “dis- 90 Ibid. 342; emphasis added.
turbs” a measured object (e.g., an electron’s pos-
91 Ibid. 134–37.
ition or momentum), thus limiting our ability to
know it, yet without also changing what it is; 92 See notes 11 and 12 above.
see Barad, Meeting the Universe 115–31. For
Barad, then, unlike Meillassoux, observation of 93 Arienne F. Conty, “The Politics of Nature:
reality (by humans or non-humans) always partly New Materialist Responses to the Anthropocene,”
constitutes reality. For an extremely lucid alterna- Theory, Culture and Society 35.7–8 (2018): 82.
tive rendering of quantum physics’ philosophical 94 Steve Hinchliffe, “Vibrant Matter: A Political
implications to Barad’s that begins instead from Ecology of Things,” Dialogues in Human Geography
an ontological appreciation of Heisenberg, see 1.3 (2011): 35.
Michael Epperson, Quantum Mechanics and the Phil-
osophy of Alfred North Whitehead (New York: 95 Barad, Meeting the Universe 177.
Fordham UP, 2004). Despite much agreement 96 Ibid. 437 n. 81.
between their accounts, however, Epperson
embraces quantum mechanics’ unrivaled precision 97 Transmaterialities: “Trans*/Matter/Realities
in making probabilistic predictions that work only and Queer Political Imaginings,” GLQ 21.2–3
under the assumption of a closed universe that (2015): 394.
mathematics can accurately represent. Barad’s uni- 98 Barad, Meeting the Universe, e.g., 344–45.
verse, in contrast, is never absolutely closed – the
mere act of thinking a mathematical “represen- 99 Ibid. 149.
tation,” an act no less material than any other, is
100 On Barad’s critical appraisal of Butler’s notion
therefore enough to physically change the universe
of “constitutive exclusion,” see ibid. 64; on Barad’s
being represented. Accordingly, Epperson and
own use of this term, see 135–36.
Barad advance incompatible views about tempor-
ality. Epperson argues for “absolute” temporal 101 Kirby, Telling Flesh 127.
asymmetry in which past actualizations remain
102 In Alaimo and Hekman, Material Feminisms
forever settled but the future remains open (94–
214–36. More recently, see Vicki Kirby, ed., What
97). In her discussion of the “quantum eraser”
if Culture Was Nature All Along? (Edinburgh: Edin-
experiments, meanwhile, Barad argues that since
burgh UP, 2017).
even the past was never a fully determinate
present, “‘past’ and ‘future’ are iteratively 103 Kirby, Quantum Anthropologies 10–13.
reworked and enfolded through the iterative prac-
tices of spacetimemattering” (315; cf. 310–17). 104 Ibid. 39–40.

86 Barad, Meeting the Universe 43–44. 105 “Matter out of Place: ‘New Materialism’ in
Review” in Kirby, What if Culture Was Nature All
87 Ibid. 265. Along? 1–25. It is worth noting that Kirby’s essential
disagreement with Meillassoux is directly at odds
88 Insofar as Bohr is limited by such humanism,
with Dolphijn and van der Tuin’s reading of them.
Barad characterizes his account as “epistemological.”
Dolphijn and van der Tuin, wrongly, in our
89 For a wonderfully poignant example, see opinion, find essential congruity between Meillas-
Barad’s discussion of the Stern–Gerlach exper- soux and Kirby via Massumi’s notion of “ontologi-
iment, which first empirically demonstrated space cal priority.” See Dolphijn and van der Tuin, New
quantization. As Barad discusses, the success of Materialism 174.
the experiment just so happened to hinge not 106 “Matter out of Place” 12; emphasis added.
only on the particular performances of matter
and the apparatuses of observation used to 107 For example, Meillassoux, After Finitude 108;
measure matter but also on the intra-action of idem, “Iteration, Reiteration, Repetition” 18.
Walter Gerlach’s own unwitting performance of
108 Meillassoux, “The Immanence of the World
gender and class, which manifested itself in the
Beyond” 461.
high sulfuric content of the smoke emitted by the
cheap cigars he was smoking. Barad, Meeting the 109 See Kirby’s earlier chapter titled “Enumerat-
Universe 161–68. ing Language: ‘The Unreasonable Effectiveness of

gamble, hanan & nail

Mathematics’” in Quantum Anthropologies, which here. For a more detailed theory, see Nail,
provides a broader yet equally compelling discus- Being and Motion 55–123. For Barad’s
sion of mathematics. account of iterative, “posthumanist performativ-
ity,” see Meeting the Universe chapter 4; see
110 See, for example, Kirby’s discussion of the also 310–17.
“code-cracking capacities” of bacteria in “Matter
out of Place” 5–6. See also Thomas Nail, Theory 121 We fully endorse how we understand Barad
of the Earth, under review. Nail also examines to use the term “quantum dis/continuous,”
how inorganic matter is mathematical, for where the slash disrupting the latter word perfor-
example, in phyllotaxis and the lattice bonding pat- matively invokes the notion that matter is “neither
terns of minerals. fully discontinuous with continuity [n]or even fully
continuous with discontinuity, and in any case,
111 Quantum Anthropologies x. surely not one with itself” (“Quantum Entangle-
ments and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance,”
112 Nail, Lucretius I.
Derrida Today 3.2 (2010): 240–68). Nevertheless,
113 Christopher N. Gamble (MS in progress). we do not adopt this term ourselves due to the
concern of at least one of us that the slash may
114 For a recent and compelling essay
be misread as invoking a both/and kind of logic
encouraging such engagement, specifically on
like that espoused by a Whiteheadian “continuous”
the basis of important affinities between
process of fully discontinuous actualizations, each of
Barad’s agential realism and the “agent ontolo-
which is marked by “the evaporation of all indeter-
gies” of many indigenous cultures, see Rosiek,
mination,” rather than the neither/nor logic of per-
Snyder, and Pratt, “New Materialisms and Indi-
formative indeterminacy (Whitehead qtd in
genous Theories.”
Epperson, Quantum Mechanics 135).
115 As Salanskis puts it, “the assertion ‘what there
122 See Kurt Gödel, On Formally Undecidable Prop-
is is matter’ means no more than ‘what there is is’”
ositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems
(“Some Figures of Matter” 5).
(New York: Basic, 1962).
116 Ibid.; emphasis in original.
123 Geach used this phrase to describe Russell
117 The argument we are glossing here is that and McTaggart’s theories of formal change. P.T.
randomness, determinism, and probability are all Geach, God and the Soul (New York: Schocken,
essentially part of a single mathematical and stat- 1969) 71–72. See also Alfred North White-
istical framework that has dominated Western head’s theory of change in Alfred North White-
metaphysics and that invariably figures matter as head, Concept of Nature (Cambridge: Cambridge
inherently passive and non-generative. In a UP, 1978) 73, 59. According to Whitehead,
paper in progress, Christopher N. Gamble change is only “the difference between actual
fleshes out more fully both how performative occasions comprised in some determined
new materialism implicates a wholesale critique event” and thus it is “impossible to attribute
of such a framework and what such a critique ‘change’ to any actual entity.” Change and
entails. motion thus relate to a succession of actual
entities, and are constituted only by the differ-
118 This is a major question that cannot be fully ences among them. Every entity is simply
answered here. For a more detailed theory of “what it is” and becomes with its whole set
how indeterminate flows of matter become of relations to other entities inherent therein,
metastable processes, see Nail, Being and Motion and thus cannot change or move.
55–123. For Barad’s congruent discussion of
how indeterminacy gets (relatively) resolved, 124 This point requires more space and several
see Meeting the Universe chapters 3, 4, 7, examples. See Thomas Nail, The Figure of the
esp. 342–50. Migrant (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2015).

119 Lucretius, De Rerum Natura 2.114–28; Meeting 125 Choat, “Science, Agency and Ontology.”
the Universe 114.
126 The authors of this paper are pursuing new
120 A complete theory of indeterminate and materialism work in several directions following
iterative motion cannot be fully developed these three criteria. See Nail, Being and Motion;

what is new materialism?

Christopher N. Gamble (MS in progress); Joshua

S. Hanan, Rhetorical Economies of Power (MS in

Christopher N. Gamble
Department of Communication
University of Washington
102 Communications
Seattle, WA 98195
E-mail: cng120@uw.edu

Joshua S. Hanan
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Sturm Hall, Room #200
2000 E. Asbury Ave.
Denver, CO 80208
E-mail: joshua.hanan@du.edu

Thomas Nail
Department of Philosophy
University of Denver
2000 E. Asbury Ave., Suite 257
Denver, CO 80208
E-mail: thomas.nail@du.edu

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