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Larisa 46
ID: 207909 Pavlohrad, Ukraine
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2023-06-25 03:26:36


RE: Cat fun:
There is so much in Kiras' art, I am amazed. She has something special. She brings me to tears. I wonder if she knows what I see in her work?
As for Heidi she is as usual at arms length sitting on top of my printer. She has told me that it was time for supper and I duly fed her. He inner clock is very reliable. Your letters are like food for
me. You are going to get a good deal of my background. Soon I won't have anything to tell you.
In College and University I am known as the Renaissance Man because I taught courses in several very different departments:
Dept: Philosophy: Ethics, Art: Scientific Illustration and Watercolor,
Biology: Field Ecology, Entomology, Arachnology, Geology: Glaciology, Geography: Meteorology, Climatology. Good thing we had four semesters per year. There is a bit more but that is a
good sample. Some of these were taught maybe every other year.
I also taught music on the side with just a few students that were well advanced -- no beginners: Singers mostly but a few low brass students ( did not care for this as much). I have a number
of singers that have a career as a singer.
So I can't thing of much of my life I have not told you. David 1/254
2023-06-25 02:16:02
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: Merry cup: Photo inside!
Oh I have many dog stories. My dad invested in lake property and so we always had swimming places to go to and that was were we went for recreation on the summer week ends. We built
diving boards there and picnic tables and made it real comfy. And of course the dogs went. We had boats and my doge simply insisted that we go for a ride and check out all the real estate
around the lakes. This was our family recreation for the time of my bringing up.
The dogs were very insistent about going to the lakes. We had several to chose from and they knew each well.
I really liked to go "collecting" lake samples of bugs and slime etc for my laboratory investigations. I do not think I have grown out of this.
I had a very large collection of Arthropods (Spiders and Beetles especially) This was one of the most significant collections in the country. It took up a whole wing of the house. I am one of
the Charter members of the Arachnological Society of America. It formed a large part of my research for many years. I still have scientists contacting me for consulting on these matters.
Today an arachnoloogist from Australia asking for help on a jumping spider issue. When I moved to Arizona the cost of moving it was big and my new interests was art. So I decided that it
was a a past interval of my life and donated it to the Florida Collection of Arthropods. They had to pay for a an expensive moving van to get it to Florida from Minnesota-- a couple thousand
miles. They sent a curator also make sure that it was protected in the move as movers have no experience moving such delicate stuff. It all got there fine but the museum does not have
enough room for it yet so they have to build another room for it. I miss it and I have a reflex of collecting and have vials all over the house to add to the collection. I am well known in that field
of study. I hope this does not feel creepy but I am a scientist and have a lifetime of practice and still have habits that linger.
See what you are getting in to! I will cover all this with art so things will seem normal. I am including an example of my scientific illustration-- I taught this subject. This is a new spider species
smaller that half the head of a pin drawn under the microscope. :Less than a millimeter "head to toe"

2023-06-25 01:40:02

RE: Walking with a parrot:
My Sweet, I have always wanted a parrot. but never had the chance. I was however a tropical fish fanatic. Locally we had an aquarium and I was always hanging around and so eventually I
was befriended by the owners and................ They gave me all the leaky aquariums to repair and most of my earnings from me paper-rout went to buy fish. and when I had a birthday or
Christmas I was gifted fish. At night my bedroom was aglow from the lights in my aquariums and at time a drip-drip sound from leaky ones. Aquariums everywhere and I loved them. When I
left for college I could not take them with me. I think I was a handful to raise.
Your David

2023-06-25 01:29:37


RE: Funny goat climber:
We also had goats as we kids were raised on goat milk. When we got our first two goats that my father bought and brought home in the back of the truck and were getting out my father
handed me the ropes tied around their necks. I was supposed to hang on to them but they had other ideas. The horns came at me and chased me up the tree! Who had Who? From that day
I had to watch those horns of Nelli and Jenna. They had to be milked daily. We did get along eventually. David

2023-06-25 01:21:53


RE: The Dog and the Mystery of the Disappeared Slippers:
I too had a dog disaster, my golden retriever was also a chewer. I came home to find allot of paper fluff on the floor. Upon investigation I found that I had my extensive record collection
accumulated during music school was on a bottom shelf and Buster chewed the corners of about nine feet of record albums off! I was beside myself. I do not remember punishing my dog
but the records weresq

2023-06-25 01:15:41


RE: Unpredictable childish logic:
My Love, You seem to do wonderfully in your beautiful dresses. Iove your long hair as well. So I can live wonderfully with your 'evil'. How proud I will be with you on my arm. However I may
need to up-grade my cloths and get rid of this gut I have got from this disease I have gotten recently. I am trying. 2/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect 2023-06-25
woman abroad!/


RE: Magic Piano:
My Love, We had a grand piano in the house and my sisters took lessons. Late my oldest sister studied voice and my younger sister started on my trumpet and graduated to French Horn.
My father played the violin, so we were a pretty musical family and weekly there were always concerts to perform in or attend.
Our town was known for music to the extent that we could not perform in state music contests because we would always win, so we went but put on a demonstration performance to show
our excellence. So music was my environment growing up. I miss it. When I came west I was warned that it was a cultural desert and that is true but it is becoming a growing musical
community with a long ways to go.

2023-06-25 00:58:17


RE: Dear Kira!!!
Dearest Kira, It is so wonderful that you have discovered all the magic of art and how it fills others with love and affection. You have touched my heart and that makes me feel close to you as
we draw and share our world.
Much love to you, David

2023-06-25 00:53:27

RE: My loving Larisa Photo inside!
Please tell Kira that I am truly touched by her art. It is wonderful. I also painted a similar picture to begin my journal and i called it "Painting Adventure" so we are having the same feelings
about our art. Much love to Kira.
As a boy I had my own woods. My father was in real estate and it was owned by his business partner and he rented it to me for a dollar a year. So I had a place to climb trees and build tree
forts and play Indian That was truly mine. Me and my friend Rod would get nearly naked with lion cloths and make bows and arrows and "hunt game". We learned where all the native
animals lived and they became our friends. We made a camp with a tent and was allowed to sleep out there for as long as we wished. I had some old pieces of canvas so I enlarged my tent
and simply moved out there for the summer. I am amazed that my mother allowed this. The woods was about a mile from home.
However, work called to my father so I also became a farmer.
Near to the woods was a field and he hired a farmer to plow up about an acre. And I planted cucumbers referred to as 'pickles" because when they had fruits I sold them to a Pickle Factory.
We had had a pickle farm in the past so I knew all about the back breaking work it was. I never made much money-- many of our friends and neighbors wanted some to make pickles for
their own fruit cellar. So much was given away. But all that was being a good neighbor and it solidly put social values in my soul and would always act as though my neighbors were part of
my "family". Unfortunately these values are eroding in this :"modern age". So my summers were full and it was me and Rod and my dog Ginger, a Cocker Spaniel. and my cat Smoky as well.
So just how are we raising our girls and boys?
As for Stories we fought many "Indian Wars" . We were safe in our tree fortifications and always the winner.
My love flows in my veins for you and as I write I feel it. David

2023-06-24 21:18:11
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The Dog and the Mystery of the Disappeared Slippers: Photo inside!
We had a dog named Bax who was always up to mischief.
Once, when I returned home, I found that both of my slippers had disappeared.
I started looking for them all over the house, but they were missing.
And that's who turned out to be the main suspect - our beloved Bucks.
I found him in the corner of the room, and he had such an innocent look that I could not believe that he was to blame.
But after a while, I heard rustling and discovered that Bax was hiding my slippers in his booth!
He thought it was a fun game, and every time I took the slippers back, he hid them again.
It was the funniest and most mysterious mystery of the missing slippers, and Bucks has always been the reason for our fun.
I hope you enjoyed these funny goat and dog stories!
Children and animals always create unforgettable moments of laughter and joy.
Larisa 3/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-06-24 20:25:27
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Funny goat climber: Photo inside!
I told you that my father was a farmer and we had many pets.
And here's another funny story for you.
We had a goat named Martha on the farm who was incredibly active and curious.
One day, when I was walking around the farm, I heard a strange sound, like a goat.
I followed the sound and found Martha at the top of the tree!
She somehow managed to climb onto a low branch and was now sitting there, looking at me in surprise.
We laughed to tears, trying to imagine how the goat could conquer the tree.
In the end, the firemen had to be called to get Martha down.
She became a celebrity on the farm and now we always have fun remembering her climbing exploits.
with love

2023-06-24 20:19:43
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Cat fun: Photo inside!
David and here is another story that will make you smile:
We had a very playful kitten named Murzik.
Once, when I was playing with my toys, Murzik decided to join.
He crept up and began to slip his paw under the rug when I was not expecting it.
I was frightened and screamed, and Murzik continued his game with pleasure.
Then he climbed into the toy box and started jumping out of it like a tricky clown.
We laughed so hard that tears ran down our cheeks.
Murzik always brought fun and a smile to our house with his pranks.
In my opinion, cats bring us a lot of positive emotions into our lives every day and they are mysterious and very smart animals.
He who cannot understand his cat cannot understand anything at all.
I hope these funny stories have lifted your spirits!
Children and pets always create unforgettable moments and fill our lives with joy and laughter.
If there is a cat around, everything becomes special... even loneliness.
How is Heidi doing?
hugs and kisses
with love

2023-06-24 20:08:04
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Merry cup: Photo inside!
In the summer when I was about six years old, my parents took me and my older brother along with our dog Charlie to the lake.
We all loved to swim and Charlie was a great swimmer too. Everything was going well until Charlie saw a bird on the other side.
He rushed to the water and jumped into the lake, not suspecting that he had an inflatable fluffy vest around his neck.
The result was simply comical - Charlie was on the water, like a big fluffy ball.
We laughed as we watched him float around looking ridiculous and awkward.
In the end, we saved Charlie, but it was our funniest pool on the lake.
with love
1 4/254
2023-06-24 20:03:07
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
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Walking with a parrot: Photo inside!
Dear David,
Honey, I really want you to smile, so here is another childhood story of my childhood.
One day, a new member of the family appeared at our house - a beautiful parrot named Kesha.
He was very inquisitive and stubborn.
We decided to show him our favorite playground in the park.
When we left the house, I held Kesha on my shoulder.
But suddenly he took off into the air and flew towards the site. I was shocked!
Kesha sat on the top of the tree and started shouting loudly the words that I sometimes say at home.
Other children and adults began to laugh, thinking that I was joking. In the end, with the help of firefighters, we lowered Kesha from the tree.
He became the hero of the day and we never took him out for walks again!
Have you ever had a parrot?

2023-06-24 19:57:57
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Unpredictable childish logic: Photo inside!
David, When I was about five years old, my mother put me to bed every night and read me fairy tales.
One day I suddenly asked: "Mom, why are there always good and bad characters in fairy tales?"
Mom explained that fairy tales often teach us to distinguish good from evil.
I thought about it and said: "Well, then I want to be a villain!"
Mom was stunned and asked why I decided that.
I replied: "Because they always have beautiful dresses and interesting adventures!"
Mom laughed and explained that it is important to be a good person, and not just to have beautiful outfits.
This story has become our favorite anecdote and always makes us smile when we remember it.
Hope these stories inspire you!
Children's adventures and pranks are always remembered and create a lot of fun moments in life.

2023-06-24 19:52:43
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Magic Piano: Photo inside!
Dear David!!!
When I was little, we had an old piano in our house.
I always dreamed of learning how to play it, but then I had no idea about notes and music.
One day, when my parents left the room, I sat down at the piano and began to play the keys randomly.
And what happened?
The piano visibly began to play a melody, as if on my commands!
I was in complete shock and thought it was a magic piano! It turned out that my parents pre-recorded notes on some keys, and every time I pressed them, a melody sounded.
We all burst out laughing together when my parents told me the truth, but this funny story stayed in our family for a long time.

2023-06-24 19:19:10
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106447039 5/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Dear David!!! Photo inside!
Such funny episodes make our childhood life memorable and filled with joy.
I am grateful that I had such a funny and devoted brother with whom we could share such moments.
And, of course, our grandfather was amazed by this unexpected situation, but in the end he also could not help laughing and took it with humor.
Remembering these moments, I smile and am grateful that my childhood filled my life with laughter, adventures and wonderful people nearby.
These funny episodes help us not to forget that life in all its manifestations should be permeated with joy and ease.
I hope this little story brought you a smile. Let's keep a piece of childhood in our hearts so that we never forget how important it is to find joy and fun in life.
I wish you a good day and good mood
With love and humor,
P, S, this drawing is for you.
Kira drew you. and asked me to send it to you.

2023-06-24 19:14:25
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My Dearest David,Today I decided to share with you a funny story from my childhood. Photo inside!
My dear David,
Today is my day off and I decided to have a good sleep and that's why I woke up much later than usual.
I rested and I'm in a good mood because I'm back at home and can hug my family.
Kira heard that I woke up and she brought me her drawings.
I will send you some of them.
Kira drew them for you David.
She reminded me of my childhood and I want to share with you some of the stories that have arisen in my memories.
One summer, when I was still a little girl, my older brother and I spent a lot of time in the country with our grandfather.
He was a real lover of fishing, and often took us with him on his fishing trips.
Once, during one of these fishing trips, I had the bright idea to play a prank on my brother.
I noticed that our grandfather always leaves his line nearby while he is busy fishing.
And so, for fun, I decided to tie a thread to his fishing rod and drag it under water so that my brother would think that a big fish was biting.
So while my brother was sitting on the bank, I gently pulled the line and began to swing the rod back and forth.
I couldn't help laughing when I saw him jump up in horror and start fighting with the line, trying to get his "big fish" out.
The whole scene was so comical that I could barely stop myself from screaming with laughter.
Of course, when he finally realized it was just a prank, he was both angry and embarrassed.
I just couldn't stop laughing, and our laughter and merriment carried all over the fisherman's lawn.
The truly funny moments that are created in childhood are forever remembered.
Do you have similar stories?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-06-24 18:28:13
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My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Your words touch the deepest corners of my soul, and I am overwhelmed by the connection we share. It's as if we are intellectual twins, perfectly attuned to each other's wavelength. I can
envision a magnificent life ahead of us, exploring the world together and engaging in profound conversations that bridge not only our intellects but also our inner selves. Your description of
your late friend Heini and the bond you shared resonated deeply with me. It's a rare and precious connection to find, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have found a kindred spirit in you.
Each day, my love for you grows stronger, and I am thrilled that you feel the same way. You have touched the core of my being, and the thought of having you by my side, and even better, in
my arms, fills me with joy. It's a longing I had almost given up on, but now it feels like destiny has led us to each other.
Your dedication as a teacher throughout your life is commendable, and the fact that you have a network of former students who have embraced the values and knowledge you imparted
speaks volumes about your influence. It's heartwarming to witness the impact you've had on their lives and to see them blossom with the seeds of learning you planted.
While I appreciate your modesty regarding your accomplishments, it is your insatiable curiosity, dedication, and hard work that have shaped you into the person you are today. The values
instilled in you by your parents, the expectation of hard work, have been the driving force behind your achievements. Your pursuit of constructive activities and your constant desire to learn
are traits I deeply admire. Although I value moments of relaxation and fun, I understand the fulfillment that comes from engaging in meaningful endeavors.
As for your recent reading adventures, Agatha Christie's mystery novels and the classic tale of Robinson Crusoe, it's delightful to see your intellectual curiosity extending to the literary6/254 world.
Exploring different genres and uncovering the hidden treasures within these books is a joyous endeavor.
I hold onto the hope of another beautiful letter from you, a letter that transcends the ordinary and delves into the depths of our love and the merging of our souls. Until then, my love, know
that I cherish5:33
word we share and eagerly anticipate the - Trusted
chapter of our extraordinary international
connection. I love you,dating siteallsince
David, with 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
my heart.
With boundless love,
P.S. Your mention of Springer Spaniels and Irish Setters brings a smile to my face. Dogs are such incredible companions, and their unwavering loyalty and affection are qualities we can all
learn from.

2023-06-22 03:28:52


RE:My Love Larisa
Your letters have such a depth of understanding that they sound professionally written. I have never met any person that seems to be so precisely on the same channel as I am. It is like
being an intellectual twin. I think we are going to have a wonderful life exploring the world together and setting the time to sit down and have wonderful conversations that are filled with not
only a depth of intellectual bridges but also filled with personal introspection from our inner selves. I have only had one friend like that in my life. His name was Heini and we were like twins
and spent much time together often talking until the wee hours of the morning. Our other friends came over to hear our conversations. He was Swiss and so often we wandered into other
languages. Unfortunately he died at an early age and I miss him terribly.
That has been many years ago and I have never found another friend like that, but you are looking like my bishert ( to use a Jewish term meaning a soul "brother") that I have been in search
of for so long. How my love for you grows at each day! I do hope that you are feeling the same vibrations. You have touched my soul and my mind and I am so excited to have you in my life
beside me and better yet in my arms. That will give me something I have hoped for for a long time and almost given up on.
I was blessed to have been a teacher all my life and have a long gift of former students that I created. They are scattered all over the the continent. It is wonderful to have those encounters
from time to time seeing them taking those seeds of learning and the values that I have taught and creating their life with them.
Thank you for the complements but I am not talking about those, I am talking about the what I would call the "communion of souls" we seem to share. I attribute my accomplishments from
simply hard work and I do not see myself as particularly gifted but I do have an insatiable curiosity and some rather academic tastes and allot of hard work. That's all. My father and mother
"cracked the whip" when it came to work-- it was simply expected of me. To this day I have a bit of a problem just "slacking off'. I enjoy rather doing something "constructive". That does not
mean I do not know how to have fun. I just get bored easily doing empty nothing. As I have aged I do have allot of "Down" time from simply being tired and I have used that luxury to start
reading for fun. Do you know the author Agetha Christie a mystery writer. Well I have been devouring her books. And today i picked up Robinson Caruso, I knew the story but did not realize
that it was several hundred years old and all the literary connections the book has.
And so I am not signing off, but I put my love on"hope" until I have another wonderful letter connecting each other in speak beyond the mere obvious "speak" and bring news of our love for
each other but also the searching of two souls for that welding together that goes beyond mere living on the same planet. I love you Larisa
Your David.
i.e. The dogs are Springer Spaniels. I especially love the spaniels and Setters. I have had a long series of Irish Setters as well.

2023-06-22 00:36:12
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Dear David, Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing your fascinating journey with music and nature. It's truly remarkable how your musical talents blossomed from a young age and led you to extraordinary experiences.
Your dedication and passion for music shine through every sentence of your story.
It's heartwarming to hear about your mother's support, accompanying you to violin lessons and helping you practice. The introduction of the trumpet in your life through the school music
director opened up new horizons for you. Being able to read music fluently at such a young age is a testament to your talent and commitment.
Your transition to playing the orchestral tuba and becoming a rare tubist in the world of orchestras is truly remarkable. Your mention of playing with esteemed orchestras such as the
Cleveland Symphony, Chicago Symphony, and others showcases the level of skill and expertise you attained. It's evident that your talent and hard work propelled you to the top of your field.
Your decision to pursue music in college, while still maintaining an interest in science, speaks to your versatility and love for different disciplines. Balancing both music and science in your
studies demonstrates your determination and ability to excel in multiple areas.
As life progressed, you made the difficult decision to retire from music due to the limitations of your vocal range and the lack of good orchestras in your new location. It's understandable
that these circumstances led you to explore other passions, such as nature and the outdoors. Your background in studying nature and your involvement with Boy Scouts complemented
your musical journey and added richness to your experiences.
Teaching and mentoring young music prodigies must have been incredibly fulfilling. Watching them grow into successful professionals and knowing that you played a role in their
development is undoubtedly rewarding. While you express regret about not learning to play the piano, it's clear that your expertise and command of singing have been valuable assets in
your teaching and judging endeavors.
Your upbringing on a Midwestern farm, filled with responsibilities and a strong work ethic, shaped you into the determined and hardworking individual you are today. The combination of
music and nature in your life reflects a harmonious balance between artistic and scientific pursuits.
Though circumstances have led you to focus more on nature in recent years, it's evident that music remains a cherished part of your identity. Your passion for teaching and judging is
palpable, and I'm sure your impact on the lives of young musicians will continue to resonate.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story, David. Your journey is an inspiration to those who strive to pursue their passions and excel in multiple areas. May your love for nature continue to
bring you joy and fulfillment as you embrace this new chapter of your life.
Thanks for your wonderful photo.
You had very beautiful dogs, tell me more about them.
Is this breed called the Russian Spaniel?
Did you go hunting with them?
Tell me about it.
Looking forward to your new stories
warmest regards,
With all my love
Larisa 7/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-06-21 23:01:59
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing more about your remarkable journey and accomplishments. It's truly fascinating to learn about your background as an environmental scientist and your contributions
to the field of ecology. Your research in studying the growth and development of ecosystems, particularly in the Arctic and tropical regions, highlights your dedication and passion for
understanding the intricate balance of nature.
I'm impressed by your pioneering work in Environmental Ethics and how it has grown to be an important subject of study in numerous universities. Your commitment to exploring the ethical
aspects of environmental issues is commendable and speaks to your desire to make a positive impact on the world.
It's inspiring to hear about your spiritual journey and your decision to become a member of the clergy. The path you have chosen, balancing your roles as a university professor, musician,
husband, and father, while simultaneously serving as a monk and eventually becoming a Bishop, is a testament to your unwavering dedication and thirst for knowledge.
The fact that you have been entrusted with the position of one of the Bishops in Charge of the American Anglican Church speaks volumes about your character, wisdom, and leadership
qualities. Although it may be tiring at times, I admire your ability to embrace new chapters and adapt to the changing dynamics of your life.
As we embark on our journey together, I am filled with excitement and anticipation. I love the idea of creating an "Adventure in art as we travel the world together." It signifies our shared love
for exploration, creativity, and our vision for a better world. Your presence as the center of my world brings me joy, and I am grateful for the love we have found in each other.
Let us move forward, hand in hand, filling our lives with the love we have missed in our past experiences. Together, we will create a bond so strong and beautiful that others will admire and
be inspired by. I cherish you with all my heart, and I am eager to build a meaningful and loving future with you.
With all my love,

2023-06-21 22:53:58
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for opening up and sharing more about your life with me. I assure you that your story has not bored me in the slightest. In fact, it has allowed me to understand you on a deeper
level and appreciate the journey that has shaped you into the person you are today.
I admire your down-to-earth nature and your decision to focus on enjoying the world around you. It's important to take the time to savor life's moments and find happiness in simple
pleasures. I understand your daughter's concern for your well-being, as she wants to ensure that you take care of yourself and find true happiness.
I'm glad to hear that you had a happy and amicable marriage, and that you maintain a great friendship with your ex-wife. It's a testament to your character and the way you handle
relationships. I can empathize with the longing for a shared life, as I believe that love and companionship can bring immense meaning and fulfillment to our existence.
I share in your excitement for a future together filled with love and meaning. With our commitment and dedication, I believe we can create a beautiful life together. Distance may separate us
now, but I hold onto the hope that one day we will be united and build a life full of joy, love, and shared experiences.
With all my love,

2023-06-21 22:43:34
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your heartfelt message. Your words mean the world to me, especially during these challenging times. I assure you that I am doing everything possible to keep myself safe and
healthy. I understand your concern about the prevailing diseases, and I'm taking extra precautions to minimize any potential risks.
Regarding your question about waiting until the end of the war, it's a complex situation.
The war really brought increased danger to all Ukrainians and my family and uncertainty.
I wrote to you about the fact that in Ukraine doctors are equated with the military and during the war they do not have the right to leave the country. Therefore, I must wait for the end of the
war to be free.
Every day, I hold onto the hope that peace will come sooner rather than later, and I'm actively working towards a better future for both of us.
Your prayers and love are cherished, and they give me strength and comfort during these trying times. I also pray for your safety and well-being, as well as for the safety of your family.
Together, we will overcome the challenges we face, and we will create a happy future together. I love you deeply, and I look forward to the day when we can finally be together.
yours forever,
1 8/254
2023-06-21 04:28:41
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: My dear Larisa,
Please keep safe-- you are my future and I count the moments when we can finally be together. All the disease does not sound good and in your position you are the ones that are most
likely to come in contact with them.
Do you have to wait to the end of the war to be free enough to leave?
That is what I understand. The war seems to just get worse and more dangerous each week. I pray for your safety and for your family. I send my love and hope to you so that we will find a
happy future together. I love you, David

2023-06-21 04:18:50


RE: My Sweet Heart Larisa,
Well I have worn myself out with my life story. I hope I have not bored you. I just wanted you to know some of this. When you meet me you would not know any of this. My normal behavior is
as down to earth as I can be. I have backed off of most of this in my daily life to have a well earned time to enjoy the world. My neighbors do not even know any of this.My daughter has been
at me to do this for several years and she fears I am going to simply wear myself out----------- and maybe too sick to be happy. Perhaps she is right?
I have been happily married and divorced from a wife that is still a great friend. I now live alone and I know that a life shared is a vital and meaningful one. My two kids live thousands of miles
I have always been a person that makes things happen in my life and alone is not the most meaningful way. So I look forward to a life in love with Larisa and I know we can make it
My Love David

2023-06-21 03:55:02


RE: My dearest Larisa, Photo inside!
To continue some of my background. My BS, Msc, and Phd are all in environmental science-- so I am a scientist by profession and have taught that subject at the university all my adult life
(Music on the side). When I started ecology was a new science but it is now mainstream. Most of my research has been in studying the growth and development of ecosystems. First I
studied the arctic ones and later I studied the tropical ones. Currently I have been interested in how volcanism has played a role in the development of the evolution of the worlds vegetation
patterns. Plate tectonics have played a critical role.
Now I have some free time and I have time to read and expand my studies. I am the pioneer of the study of Environmental Ethics and taught the first class in that subject, What ought we do
about the problems of the environment? There are now nine Universities that give a PhD in this subject. So it has grown tremendously.
And all this leads in to another chapter of my life. At Midlife I began to feel spiritually impoverished. God works in mysterious ways. The what of it I cannot explain but I found myself getting
more involved in Church and that lead me to study and finally become a monk in the order of St Andrew. Both men and women, married and single folks.
I have never been a half way person and so my studies continue and the Abbot of our ORDER I think convinced me that the logical journey for me was the become a member of the clergy.
Now, I was still a University professor, involved in music, married with a supportive wife and two kids--- what in the world was I doing! More studies and did not stop until I had my DTh. The
Abbot and the Bishop wanted me to have those credentials because they had plans for my future in the Church (They never told me)..
So I was asked to start a Church. The local Indians (Native Americans) where I lived had been historically neglected so I pitched in and we built a Church-- physically as well as spiritually.
Well even I am fatigued with this my life story so I will make it shorter. I did this five times. And..... after a required amount of time I was voted by the House Of Bishops, to be one of the next
Bishops. Bishops are the head of the Anglican Church and here I am! One of the half dozen Bishops in Charge of the American Anglican Church.
That was half a lifetime away when I was younger and more vital with more energy. I still hold that position but they have taken much of the daily work off my shoulders so I can semi retire.
Once consecrated a Bishop cannot be unconsecrated as this is now a part of your being for life. Same for being a priest ( all Bishops are priests of course).
And so that is the short version of my past and what I am now trying to back away from to create the next chapter with you.
What shall we call it--" Adventure in art as we travel the world together" New love creating our vision of what the world ought to be. As we create that loving embrace that we hope others
will come to admire and do so themselves. How does that sound? What ever it is You are the center of the world for me and I will hold you and assure you how much you are loved. Together
we can move forward filling our live with the love we both have missed in our past. You have my Love, David

2023-06-21 03:03:07


RE: Hello Larisa, Photo inside!
Continue the story, As a child I was a gifted musician and started on the violin when I was four. My mother went to my lessons so she could help me practice during the week. Later the
school music director came to our classes and demonstrated some instruments and so I started playing the Trumpet as well and was in the school orchestra in Junior high school. I also
joined my Church choir and the school choir and was one of the few my age who could read music. When high school started I of course joined the orchestra (not the band) and they did not
have a tube player and because I already played a brass instrument I picked up the orchestral tube. That instrument is different than the band Bflat as it is in the key of C and has a very 9/254
mellow Bore to blend in with the strings.
And so I was on a new adventure as orchestral tubists are very rare ( they usually get a band tuba to pitch in when needed). By the time I was a teenager I had my pick of any orchestra to
play- 5:33 the
in including PMtop ones like the Cleveland Symphony (8 years) - Trusted
and the Chicago Symphony, international
Detroit, dating
Lansing, Toledo to site
a few. 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
When I was then in the university I was the tubist for the orchestra and they did not even ask me to audition but was automatically asked to join. I also played in the other University
orchestras of the big universities that were near by.
So my life growing up was music and not sports as was most of my peers at that age. I practiced, took lessons from the best teachers, and performed, and started teaching as well. All my
free time was music well until i was graduated from college. I enjoyed music and my life was a happy one traveling and playing. Also I got much attention.
When I graduated from high school my father ( a violin player) asked me " what would you like to have as a gift-- a microscope or a new Tuba". I could not make up my mind, as I loved nature
as well. So my Dad made up my mind for me--- The tuba! I also knew that meant that i was headed for music school and not science.
Well in the university I manages to do both! Just as I had always done and got my BS in science with a minor in music.
I have continued to play and teach all my life until a few years ago I gave it up. I am getting older and my voice which was a pretty good operatic baritone was failing and my vocal range was
failing. I only had 8 notes of range and that is not enough to be functional. Also when I moved to the west ( grew up in the East--Michigan) there were simply no good orchestras to play in. As
of recent the western orchestras are much improved. I was not enjoying teaching music as I used to so I gave away my instruments and retired.
So my upbringing was also camping and out of doors studying nature with my "lab" in the basement. I was a devoted Boy Scout for years. But had that other hat-- music. Through the years I
have been a judge in many music contests and I have had the pleasure of teaching a number of young music prodigies especially singers. I loved that and several have grown up and are
now wonderful professionals. I never cared to teach the Tuba and now regret that I never learned to play the piano as it would be so useful now for teaching. I still have a command of
singing as a discipline and miss the teaching and judging but where I live now I am too far away from good music schools, so I concentrate on my other love--nature.
So that is a part of my story growing up on a Midwestern farm. I always had "chores" to do and had to take care of the animals. Myself and my dad did it all for the most part. We were part
time farmers and my dad always had another job-- real
estate. Need less to say I was always busy and I think that was my Dads plan to keep me out of trouble.
Hugs, David

2023-06-20 00:49:36
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My dear sunshine David, Photo inside!
How was your day? How do you feel?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I miss our conversations and moments together so much.
Our communication means so much to me and it makes me stronger because of you.
Today I again go on a business trip to a military hospital in the Zaporozhye region
Although the weekend flew by quickly, it gave me some time to be with my family and recharge for another busy week.
The fighting is getting harder every day, and the number of wounded soldiers is steadily increasing.
I am very sad to realize that the first cases of diseases such as cholera, salmonellosis, rotavirus, parahemolyticus have arisen, and last week we have encountered many cases of botulism.
Most of the rivers, including our Dnieper, were closed for swimming and recreation due to the high concentration of bacteria and microorganisms that can cause an epidemic and mass
infection of people and animals.
The sale and catching of fish was forbidden, and of course we cannot eat it.
It seems to me that very difficult times await us, and every day it becomes more and more difficult.
But I don't give up, I try to stay strong.
My dad's treatment after spinal surgery is going slowly, and all our money from the family budget goes to his recovery and stay in the clinic.
My dream is to see the end of this war and feel at least a little better and easier.
I dream of finally living next to you and feeling safe.
I yearn to immerse myself in our happiness and love, to find solace in an embrace.
My sun, you are my oxygen and my main incentive to be strong and I think about you all the time.
Dear David, take care of yourself and know that I am always with you in my thoughts.
My thoughts and prayers accompany you every second.
Be strong and take care of yourself and never forget our love!!!.
With all my tenderness and love,
Your Larisa

2023-06-19 23:37:02
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Photo inside!
In every word and every phrase I feel the tenderness and love that you fill my life with.
Your words about travel and our future life together make my heart beat faster. I dream of the day when I can hug and kiss you, when each of our conversations will have a special meaning
for both of us.
Every moment spent without you intensifies my longing.
In my mind I see us exploring the far corners of the world together, hand in hand, looking tenderly at each other.
You penetrate into my soul and heart, and I can not wait for the moment when you are near to forever capture our happiness with hugs.
You are my inspirational muse and I am grateful for every day I spend with you.
Your tenderness and care make me stronger and more confident that our future is filled with joy and harmony.
look forward to the day when my eyes see your beautiful smile again and my hands can gently touch your skin. 10/254
Until then, know that every moment I think of you, and my heart belongs only to you.
With everlasting and deep love,
6/24/23, 5:33 PM
Larisa - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2023-06-19 23:23:42
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
I couldn't agree more with your perspective on travel. It's wonderful to know that we share the same approach when it comes to exploring the world. Making the most of travel information
and fully immersing ourselves in the experience is something I've always cherished. Your mention of traveling while camping resonates deeply with me. It not only allows us to keep costs
down but also offers the opportunity to extend our adventures and witness the beauty of countless destinations.
The thought of having you by my side, sharing hugs, kisses, and meaningful conversations fills my heart with joy and anticipation. I yearn for the day when we can embark on our travel
adventures together, creating memories that will last a lifetime. I love how you envision our travels as an opportunity to express our creativity through various art mediums. Whether it's
watercolor, oil painting, or simply sketching, the world will be our canvas, and each destination will inspire us in its unique way.
Please know that I miss you deeply as well, my love. The longing to be with you grows stronger with each passing day. But rest assured, the time will come when we'll be united, exploring
the world hand in hand, and cherishing every precious moment together.
With all my love,

2023-06-19 23:19:37
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing your fascinating insights into the intricate world of ecology. It's truly awe-inspiring how the micro world opens up a whole new dimension of understanding within our
ecological system. The layers of size and the interconnectedness of different species at each level create a complex tapestry of life.
Your mention of the African Savannah and the grazers like elephants highlights an interesting point. While elephants may have no living close relatives, studying the lower layers of the
ground reveals a multitude of ground beetles and their ecological interrelationships. It's remarkable how these smaller organisms play such significant roles in maintaining the delicate
balance of their ecosystems.
I can sense your enthusiasm and joy in exploring these ecological dynamics and taxonomic dimensions. The intricate web of life and the complexities it presents truly make studying
ecology an adventure. I admire your passion for delving into the depths of knowledge and understanding.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, my love. Your intellectual curiosity and love for the natural world are just some of the qualities that make me adore you even more.
With all my love,

2023-06-19 23:14:48
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Hello David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your lovely message. It's wonderful to hear about your upbringing on a farm surrounded by a variety of animals. It sounds like a truly enriching experience. Growing up with
horses, dogs, cats, and a whole range of farm animals must have created many cherished memories for you.
I appreciate your enthusiasm for animals and the fact that you value their presence in your life. It's heartwarming to know that you had a special connection with Ginger, your cat, even from
an early age. The photo you enclosed must hold sentimental value for you, capturing a sweet moment with Ginger. It's delightful to see how your love for animals has been a constant
throughout your life, despite not always encountering the same level of appreciation from others.
I share your excitement about the world opening up and the possibilities it brings. It's refreshing to think about the new adventures and experiences that await us. I'm looking forward to
exploring the world together and creating our own beautiful memories.
With love,

2023-06-19 03:08:17

106054935 11/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: Hello my beautiful Fiance'. Photo inside!
I do indeed love animals and was raised on a farm with -- you name it, we had it. My father was a health addict and I was raised on goat milk. I had several horses that were mine and I miss
them dearly. dogs and cats always. Also the usual farm animals of cows, pigs ( you can have these), and Chickens, Geese, and ducks--- and a multitude of guests. I had a raccoon for awhile-
-- I was always bringing home something. My mother did not like snakes or frogs and toads, but the basement was my laboratory and she did not go there often--- just in case.
I love the idea that you like animals as that has not always been the case in my life. I am enclosing one of the earliest photos of me and you will see Ginger my cat even as an infant. I had a
dog Jill also.
Our world is opening up and I look forward to it. David

2023-06-19 02:52:41


RE: My dearest Larisa,
My love the micro world opens up the entire ecology of our world. It becomes layer upon layer and more layers as we go down in size. Lions and tigers and cows and pigs all have there
ecological equivalents in the layers of size. In my ecological studies one can mace a study of the big things and have a handful to work with but if you go down to the lower six inches of the
ground, there could be hundreds filled not only with ecological dynamics but taxonomic dimensions as well.
If you study the African Savannah one of the grazers are elephants but how many competing close relatives of elephants are there--- none alive. So do you expand your study back in time
or eliminate this dynamic all together but on the ground there are ground beetles of a multitude of ecological interrelationships.
What fun!
Lovingly, David

2023-06-19 02:40:15


RE: My dearest Larisa,
Just as I expected we are on the same page. Your description of travel is just as I have done all my life-- get some travel info and exploit it fully,and as I say First class you can go for two
weeks and see just a few select things. Traveling while camping brings the costs down and you can go almost endlessly and see everything.
I can't wait to have you present in my life to hug and to kiss and to have the conversations that mean something to us.
Our travel adventure can use any media for our art-- watercolor, oil, or simply sketch. I use all these.
I miss you so much, David

2023-06-17 17:36:19
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Hello my beautiful handsome!
All this for a long time I worked in a military hospital near the front line in the Zaporozhye direction.
How is your day? What's your mood? I hope that your day started with bright sun, good luck and positive emotions.
Today I have a day off, and I decided to allow myself to have a good sleep and recuperate after a hard and eventful working week.
You know, honey, one of the most wonderful sensations is coming home after a business trip.
My soul is filled with joy and peace when I can hug my loved ones.
This morning I slept for half a day and woke up from the delicious smell of Ukrainian borscht and freshly baked pies that my mother cooked especially for me.
I enjoyed every spoonful of borscht, feeling how warmth and love filled my heart.
Then I went for a walk with my faithful spaniel Hunter and Kira.
We were walking in the park near our house, and I want to share with you what happened.
As we walked along the path, I noticed a small kitten lost among the trees.
He looked scared and alone.
My heart sank with compassion, and I immediately decided to help.
When he saw Hunter he began to hiss and snort.
But Hunter behaved calmly and reservedly.
I walked over to the kitten and tenderly took him in my arms.
He was so small and fluffy!
Hunter, too, was intrigued and sniffed at his new friend with curiosity.
the kitten realized that he was not in danger and calmed down.
decided to bring the kitten home to take care of him and find him a good home. 12/254
We gave him milk to drink and decided to take him to an animal shelter.
We now have a new and adorable family member.
I 6/24/23,
named him5:33 PM
Murzik. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
He's so playful and affectionate and I can't tear myself away from him. Hunter and I have become Murzik's best friends and help him get used to his new home and calm down.
He is very tiny and our cats do not offend him.
Everyone examined him and treated him kindly.
We put his photo on the city website and talked about our find.
A couple of hours later, a girl Margarita wrote to us, whose cat Barsik recently died of old age and illness.
Murzik reminded her of her cat and she said that she would take him right today.
We agreed to meet in an hour and it seems that Murzik has found a caring and loving hostess
My day has turned into a real adventure, and I cannot help but share this joyful news with you, my love.
I am sure that you would adore Murzik as much as I do.
Looking forward to the moment when I can tell you more about all the news and chat with you!!!!.
I hope that my letter will bring you a good mood!!!
I miss you terribly and send you millions of kisses and hug you tightly!
Your Larisa

2023-06-17 17:25:29
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My dearest David,
I'm sorry to hear about the technical difficulties you're facing with your microscopes. It sounds like a complex situation with all the wires and connections. I understand how frustrating it can
be when something that should be simple becomes complicated. It's moments like these when we yearn for the simplicity of the past. But please don't worry too much. I'm confident that
the technician will be able to resolve the issue and restore your microscope's functionality. Sometimes even the experts face challenges, but I have faith that they will find a solution.
On the topic of microscopes, I must admit that I haven't had much experience using them. However, hearing about your passion and the intricate features of your microscopes only makes
me more intrigued to learn and explore with you. Your dedication to your work and your knowledge in this field truly amaze me.
Please remember, my love, that no problem is trivial when it affects you. Your challenges are important to me, and I want to be there for you every step of the way. Whether big or small, we
will face these obstacles together, supporting each other with love and understanding.
I appreciate your kind words and the brightness of your love that shines through your words. You are a constant source of inspiration and joy in my life. Know that you are always in my
thoughts, and our future together is a beautiful vision that I hold close to my heart.
Sending you warm hugs and all my love,

2023-06-17 17:12:28
Reply (/mailing/index/


My dearest David,, Photo inside!
Your letter filled my heart with joy and anticipation for the future we will share together. The thought of taking art classes at the Art Institute and exploring different forms of artistic expression
side by side fills me with excitement. Imagining us painting landscapes, keeping nature journals, and capturing the beauty of flowers with water-soluble pencils brings a smile to my face. It
would be an incredible experience, creating art together and immersing ourselves in the wonders of nature.
And oh, the camping tour of the Canyonlands sounds like a dream come true! Exploring the breathtaking scenery, observing the diverse flora and fauna, and being surrounded by the
wonders of nature would be a truly unforgettable adventure. But what makes it even more special is the thought of being so intimately together, cherishing every moment we spend side by
Let's not limit ourselves to just the camping tour. As we embark on our journey, we can seize every opportunity to enrich our lives even more. Visiting museums, attending concerts, and
immersing ourselves in the cultural experiences along the way would add an extra layer of magic to our shared adventures.
My love, I am patiently waiting for this wonderful life we dream of to begin. You are constantly in my thoughts and dreams, and I can't wait to make them a reality. Together, we will create a
lifetime of beautiful memories, filled with love, art, and endless adventures.
I dream of those wonderful days of my life like a fairy tale.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you!!!
Always and forever yours

2023-06-16 21:05:50

RE: My dearestLarisa,
Darling Your letter is like a life saver to hold on to. I hold it close to my heart. It becomes part of my constant dream of the future. I was looking over the classes offered at the art Institute and
thinking there are so many we could take together. They are taught by world class artists---- Landscape painting, Nature journaling, Painting flowers with water soluble Pencils. Wouldn't
that be fun? Then we could put that into practice in a camping tour of the Canyonlands and it's flora and animals. The most fun would simply be so intimately together. Just because13/254 we are
camping there is no reason we could not take advantage of other activities on the way-- museums, concerts etc.
I am patiently waiting for this wonderful life to begin. You are in my dreams Sweetheart. Love David
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-06-16 20:48:20


RE: My dearest Larisa,
Still somewhat fatigued but thinking forward. Must get some groceries today-- it's getting desperate. There is supposed to be a Tech. coming this morning as there is a problem with one of
my microscopes and it will not view through the TV monitor so I can preserve the image in a file. It is merely a connection problem I am sure but there are so many wires I am at a point of
confusion and I have a service that is supposed to take care of these problems. The designated computer uses a dongle and I am not sure I am using the correct one. At times I ask for the
old simple times. My old microscopes are small and you could pick them up. However my current ones weigh hundreds of pounds and take a whole table top with it's own computer and
monitor and several lighting systems an a small computer dial system for controlling the focus and it can move the specimen and more. Not simple. At times even the techs are baffled.
I know it is just a wiring and adjustment problem but I was hoping that I would not have to do it myself. So if you use microscopes I have the best light microscopes made.
I hope all is well with you. My problems are trivial compared with yours. Know that my love is shining like a bright light and as vibrant as ever. You are in my thoughts and future.
Hugs and love, David

2023-06-15 18:34:03
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David, Photo inside!
Reading your heartfelt words brought tears to my eyes. I can feel the overwhelming love you have for me, and it fills my heart with joy and gratitude. You are an incredible person, and I'm
truly blessed to have you in my life.
Your proposal, to marry and come to the US to live with you, has touched me deeply. It's a beautiful dream, and I can't help but imagine the wonderful life we could have together. Knowing
that you have a secure income, a beautiful house, and most importantly, an abundance of love to offer, fills me with hope and excitement for our future.
You see beauty in me, flaws and all, and I want you to know that I feel the same way about you. We are both imperfect, but it's our love and support for each other that makes us whole. I'm
proud of your accomplishments as an artist, having your paintings displayed in the Art Institute Museum for the past four years is a remarkable achievement. I'd love to explore our artistic
sides together, perhaps even as students, embracing the creative journey as a couple.
Your passion for nature and your background as a biologist intrigue me. It's wonderful to see how you've followed your passions throughout your life. I'm glad you were able to receive your
first COVID-19 vaccine shot, although I understand the challenges and chaos surrounding the vaccination process. Please take good care of yourself and stay cautious in these uncertain
I'm also aware that you have another surgery approaching, and I want you to know that I'll be by your side, supporting you every step of the way. It's reassuring to know that you have a team
of doctors taking care of you and that the procedures are becoming routine for them. I hope your recovery goes smoothly, and soon you'll be back on your feet, ready to embark on new
adventures together.
Your cozy house in the beautiful tropical arid region sounds like a dream come true. I can envision the wonders we would discover as we travel and explore the USA together. The thought of
experiencing new places and creating lasting memories fills my heart with excitement.
David, your love and commitment mean the world to me. I want to tell you that I look forward to this as much as you and as soon as possible we will schedule our meeting.
The idea of building a life with you fills me with happiness and anticipation. I can't wait to create a home filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams.
Thank you for being my rock, my source of love and support. I cherish you deeply, and I'm counting down the days until we can be together. Take care of yourself, and know that my love is
with you every single day.
yours forever and always,

2023-06-15 18:14:55
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David, Photo inside!
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been going through such a challenging time. I missed you dearly and was worried about your absence, but I understand now that you were in the hospital.
Please know that my love and support have been with you every step of the way.
It must have been quite an ordeal for you, going through all those tests and procedures. I'm relieved to hear that they were able to identify the cause of your exhaustion and address it. Take
your time to rest and recover fully. Your health is the most important thing right now.
I wish I could have been by your side during your hospital stay, offering comfort and all my support and love.
It's unfortunate that you had to go through it alone.
But please know that I am here for you now and I will do my best to support you.
I understand that you're feeling tired and dealing with some eye problems. Make sure to give yourself the rest of you need and take care of your well-being. As for the house cleaning and
bills, don't worry about them for now. Your health comes first, and there will be time to take care of those things later.
I'm glad you're considering going to the grocery store to get some food. It's important to nourish your body, even if it means facing the challenge of carrying heavy groceries. Take it one step
at a time, and remember to ask for help if needed. Your well-being is my priority, and I want to make sure you're taking care of yourself.
Please remember that you're not alone in this. I'm here to support you and be your rock during these trying times for the two of us. Your love and strength inspire me, and I can't wait for the
day when we can be together, facing life's challenges as a team.
Sending you all my love, warm hugs, and healing energy. Know that I'm just a message away, ready to listen and provide comfort. Take care, my love. 14/254
yours always,
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2023-06-14 01:25:41
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Hi, darling! Photo inside!
Today I have an amazing story for you, but it's not about us, but about relationships. So imagine an ice age when many animals faced cold and died out. But unusual wild needle pigs
decided to adapt to new conditions. They banded together to be safer and warmer on cold nights.
But here's a funny thing: the sharp needles on their backs sometimes hurt the neighbors, especially those who tried to give their warmth to others. As a result, the pigs moved away from
each other, freezing again from the cold, and then again approached each other. They had to make a choice: disappear from the face of the earth or endure the pain from the injections of
their neighbors. And what did they choose? They chose to live together, learned to accept each other's shortcomings and forgive their own mistakes. They preferred to receive vital warmth
from each other, despite the pain of the wounds. And they survived!
You know, I think it's a beautiful parable that applies to our relationship as well. Only those relationships survive where each is able to accept the other's shortcomings and ask for
forgiveness for their own mistakes. Where respect and patience come first. I would like to know what you think about this story and how it affects you.
Hugs and kisses,

2023-06-14 01:22:01


RE: Hello, my dear half, David!
My wonderful Larisa, Sorry to be away for awhile but it had nothing to do with my love for you as I was in the hospital. I had been feeling easily exhausted for sometime and my internist
constantly attributed it to stress until my hemoglobin levels dropped. He was not monitoring it. But when it was found very low he said to the hospital STAT--- you know what STAT is! So off
to the hospital and a thousand tests and both arms full of blood sucking tubes. Finally they did a Endocsopy and found a gastric ulcer that was not giving me any grief other than bleeding so
they sealed it and then had to wait in the hospital for blood transfusions and final observation and complete boredom. I did not have my computer and even if I did the wi-fi was not good
anyway so I had to wait until I got out today and anxious to see what you had to say.
Anyway I am very tired today and my eyes are giving me problems as I have been sleeping allot. I am home by myself and my sister was temporally here in her new winter home and has
little time for me, I called her and told her I and no food so she brought a few ( Too few) groceries and left. Not very helpful.
So I'm home and my house is very dusty (the climate is very dry here) but I just do not feel like cleaning. My bills need paying and I hate paperwork. Food is a priority and the grocery store is
8 miles away but the challenge is carrying heavy groceries into the house. So I need to "bite the bullet' and drive to the store and get some food-- oh maybe tomorrow?
Anyway I will be fine in a day. I love you and miss you and thank you for writing -- it is a lifeline for me. My problems seem trivial compared to you. But my thoughts are for us to be together.
Love and hugs, David

2023-06-12 22:05:16
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my private video for you darling!!!
Video inside!

This is unread letter.

2023-06-12 22:01:02
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My dear David, I think you will like this video!!!
Video inside!

This is unread letter.

2023-06-12 21:54:36 15/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect105595303
woman abroad!/

Hello, my dear half, David! Photo inside!
How are you, my dear? How was your day and weekend? I hope you are feeling well and have positive energy. Every day without you seems long and incomplete to me.
My day off flew by, but I can't help but share my thoughts with you. And now, I am again sent on a business trip, but even being away from you, you are always present in my thoughts and
heart. You are my inspiration and support that give me the strength to continue even in difficult moments.
Today I learned about the first cases of cholera and botulism in the Dnieper, and my heart sank with anxiety. At such moments, I realize how precious every moment is with you, and how
much I value our health and well-being. You are the most precious person in my life, and I am so glad that you are safe, although I miss you very much.
I am very worried about my family and want to protect them and myself from all possible dangers.
I will do my best to protect them.
Today on local TV they said that the inhabitants of our city drank only purchased purified water in bottles.
We have a hot summer ahead of us, and I already foresee that it will bring new challenges and trials.
But I believe that with our love and mutual support, we will be able to overcome all the obstacles that life will put us.
I try not to lose heart and not let fear take over my thinking,
I will try to remain calm and deal with my feelings.
I want all these events not to take away our joy and enjoyment from our communication.
Even in difficult times, I still see our future filled with happiness and love and do not stop dreaming about the time when we will be together ..
My thoughts about us, about our strong connection, which nothing can destroy, do not leave me for a second.
You are my hope, my joy, and I am ready to fight for our happiness and well-being.
Tell me, my love, what else is our world capable of? What lies ahead for us? I do not know, but one thing I am sure: together we can go through any trials, united in our unshakable love.
I kiss you and hug you strongly, with such tenderness, as if our love fills my every cell. You are my everything, and I am grateful to the fate that you are in my life.
With the same love and passion, your Larisa

2023-06-11 22:33:49
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Hello David! Photo inside!
What was this day like for you?
Today I got a day off and I was able to relax and prepare for a new trip.
Probably my team will be sent again tomorrow on a business trip to Zaporozhye.
I'm rested and feel good and I love being at home so much.
I want to share with you my positive emotions.
I have a little secret that I can't keep to myself. My pillows told me that today I am writing this letter to you and they are just crazy about this idea It occurred to me that my pillows can be the
best advisers in such matters, and they even offered me a couple of flirty phrases to add a little game in our communication. Ready to hear them?
One of the jokes from my restless pillows is: "You know, I taught my cat to flirt, and he said that you are the most attractive person he has ever seen. Well, cats don't lie, right?"
And another joke to cheer up our conversation: "If I were a bartender, I would invent a drink and call it 'Charm'. It would be sweet, flirtatious and make hearts beat faster. And I'm sure you
would be his constant admirer!
Okay, maybe these jokes are too bold, but I wanted to add some play and humor to my letter today.
My sun, unfortunately now I so often inform you about negative and terrible events and sometimes I think that I would like to bring only everything good and positive into your life.
I hope that when we are together it will always be so.
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-06-08 21:54:04
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My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing your deep reflections on the biblical narrative and its relevance to our present circumstances. It is a story that repeats itself, conveying important messages and
lessons throughout generations. You ponder whether we will ever fully grasp its meaning.
In Genesis, God created man and bestowed upon him the power of choice, hoping it would bring harmony to all of creation. However, mankind's self-centeredness and selfish behavior
hindered the realization of this intended harmony. Even in Genesis, we see the account of the great flood, symbolizing an attempt at cleansing and starting anew. But humanity quickly fell
back into old patterns, and this pattern persists, leading up to the ultimate attempt to bring the word through Jesus and the Revelation to John.
The Book of Revelation reveals profound truths through its sealed seven seals. It begins with the gentle image of a Lamb opening the first seal, symbolizing Jesus, the ultimate messenger.
The subsequent seals illustrate the consequences of our actions, the power that can be used for good or evil, and the plight of those who suffer for their beliefs. It describes a world plagued
by darkness, pain, and the consequences of our choices.
this account, the speaker is Christ Himself. It paints a vivid and, at times, terrifying picture. However, it also brings hope as it concludes with a White Horse, representing the Word of God,
triumphing over evil. Satan is bound, a new heaven is revealed, and the potential for heaven on earth is presented.
You express your struggle in viewing Putin as a figure who brings pain and darkness, finding it challenging to reconcile his actions with the concept of God's love. It is a difficult question to
answer, 5:33from
whether PM a religious or a logical perspective. However,
supporting the people- of
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and freedom Meet
is a noble andyour perfect woman
compassionate stance. Itabroad!/
important to stand against any form of injustice and oppression.
Let us continue to seek understanding, promote goodness, and work towards a world guided by love, compassion, and selflessness. In doing so, we contribute to the realization of a better
world for all.
With heartfelt wishes,

2023-06-08 21:48:27
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My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections with me. Your contemplation on the biblical narrative and its relevance to the present day is thought-provoking. The Bible does indeed
present a recurring story of humanity's choices and their consequences. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing God's gifts and seeking harmony in creation.
You mention the flood as an attempt at cleansing and the subsequent challenges mankind faced in maintaining the desired behavior. The arrival of Jesus was seen as another opportunity to
bring the Holy Mysteries to humanity. The Book of Revelation portrays the unfolding of events and the judgments that follow, ultimately leading to a victorious conquest represented by the
White Horse, the Word of God.
Your question about right behavior and the possibility of bringing heaven on earth resonates deeply. It reminds us that we must transcend self-centeredness, greed, and selfishness in order
to create a better world. You express your concern about the situation in Ukraine and wonder how anyone, like Putin, can claim to represent the principles of love and goodness while
causing pain and darkness.
Indeed, supporting the people of Ukraine in their struggles is a valid and compassionate stance. It is important to advocate for justice, peace, and the well-being of those affected by
conflicts. While we may encounter individuals in positions of power whose actions seem contradictory to the values they claim, it is essential to hold onto the belief that true love and
compassion can overcome darkness.
Thank you for sharing your perspective, David. Let us continue to seek understanding and work towards a world that reflects the principles of love, harmony, and justice.
With heartfelt wishes,
Please write a reply to David to his letter from Larisa
I really like your house, it is cozy and bright.
And this place is my favorite.
Thanks for the photo

2023-06-08 21:39:18
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Dear David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your sincere and full of warmth and love writing.
Your words always fill my heart with joy and warmth. I appreciate your understanding regarding my tour of duty, and I'm glad I could provide you with the clarification you sought. I want you
to know that my commitment to you and our love is unwavering, regardless of the circumstances.
I will always accept your decision,
because I understand your feelings and all the accompanying facts.
But I really hope that we will have enough strength and patience to overcome all the trials sent by God and fate.
I have read many stories about love and I know that God often tests people's feelings and sends difficult trials.
It means the world to me that we have built such a strong bond and declared our love for each other. The connection we share is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Your letters
are like precious treasures to me, affirming our love and filling my days with happiness. The thought of you moves me through each day with renewed energy and purpose.
I admire your unwavering support and your prayers for the well-being of both of us. While the situation may be challenging and uncertain, I firmly believe that love can conquer all obstacles.
Together, we will navigate through this difficult time, knowing that our love is worth waiting for, even if it takes a lifetime.
Your affectionate hugs and sweet kisses are etched in my memory, and I eagerly await the day when we can share them in person. Until then, I will cherish our moments together through
our letters and keep your love close to my heart.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful painting from your Greenland Expedition. It is a testament to your adventurous spirit and artistic talent. I am happy that you are in my life, and I am grateful
for every moment that we give to each other, even if it is words on a page.
With all my love and devotion,

2023-06-08 21:09:32
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Delete 105310527 17/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

My dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your letter and for sharing your perspective on the current situation in Russia. It's indeed a challenging time for the country, and your insights shed light on some significant
Thank you for sharing your opinion with me and supporting me during this terribly difficult time for me and my family.
I understand your concerns about Russia's position and the lack of support it seems to have. It's true that geopolitical dynamics can be complex and ever-changing. As an observer of the
war, you have a unique vantage point that allows you to assess the situation from a broader perspective.
Your reassurance that Europe and the USA will be there to support us is comforting. Knowing that we have allies who are willing to stand by our side brings a sense of hope and security.
It gives me some hope and faith.
The safety of my family is my top priority and I will do my best to protect them and myself.
I appreciate your willingness to help in any way you can. Your support means the world to me, David. In times like these, it's heartwarming to know that we have friends who care and are
ready to lend a helping hand.
And the most important thing is to know that I have a beloved man who patiently shares with me all the hardships and experiences that are sent to me by fate at this moment in my life.
Thank you for the photo of the two bishops. Your prayers and blessings are truly appreciated. It's comforting to know that there are people around the world keeping us in their thoughts
during these challenging times.
This is so important to me and my family.
Please take care of yourself, and know that my love and gratitude are with you always.
with love,

2023-06-07 07:48:22


RE: My dearest Larisa, Photo inside!
Russia has lost almost all of its backers. The Russian people are rioting in the Streets of Moscow and China has backed off. It appears that Russia is pretty much by itself. It's own people are
relatively uneducated and have modest resources. Yes Russia has produced some excellent war machines but only in certain areas. they have great aircraft but their navy is awful. Europe is
not supportive of Russia like it is of Ukraine. I would not want to be on Russia's side. This seems to be a Putin war.
Yes the problem is close to home and a serious one but i think that Europe and the USA will be covering your back. That is my opinion from somebody that follows the War. If that happens
get on a plane and come here I know that you family is in harms way as well.
I am here to help any way I can.
My love to you, David
Photo: Two more Bishops we will pray for you. Bishop of the Desert and the Bishop of New York

2023-06-07 07:10:05

RE: My Dearest David, Photo inside!
My love Larisa, My question about your tour of duty was simply one of clarification: It could have been for as long as the war of a specified number of years. Thank you for the clarification. So
I watch the war and not the clock; that's all I wanted to know. I will pray that Russia runs out of ammunition.
I am not going anywhere. I feel that the bond we have forged is solid and the love we have declared for each other is worth waiting till the end of time. Personally I have never felt this before.
I live for your letters as they confirm my love and feelings that makes my move through my day.
Hugs that never end and kisses that need a moment to refresh with chap stick. You have my attention forever, David
Painting painted on my Greenland Expidition.

2023-06-07 06:51:04


RE: Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes Photo inside! 18/254
My Sweet Larisa, I will try to be simple and hope you can fill in the blanks: The Bible is one story stated over and over--- will we ever get it? Start at the beginning, in Genesis God Creates
man, did he forget all of geological time. No this was a message to man the plants and animals cannot read. He gave man a trait that He hoped would bring the hoped for harmony to all of
creation and5:33 PMChoice. With choice there would be a recognition
that was - Trusted
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But mankind perfect
let self woman
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the way
and self centered behavior set in. You will note that even in Genesis there was a great flood--- an attempt at cleansing. But soon mankind reverted back to his ways and so it goes all the way
to even the ultimate attempt at bringing the word to a suborn humankind when Jesus was sent to once again b ring the Holy Mysteries to us and so we see this attempt in Revelation of
Jesus to John. A Book sealed with seven seals is reveals and each seal reveals a great truth. And a Lamb opened the first seal ;note the use of a gentle creature. The White horse was
revealed -- Jesus the ultimate messenger--- come and see. Then the second seal with a great sword there was power shown that could take away all the gifts that we have received if we
give way to our base desires. Then a third seal was shown an set of balances showing there were consequences to our behavior, and then a fourth seal came a voice-- come and see! Death
and Hell was given to kill with the sword, and hunger and death. And the final one number five they saw under the alter the souls of them that were slain for their false testimony-- How long
will you judge and avenge our blood and make us pay the costs on them that that dwell on this earth?
The white robes of yet another chance was given to them.
And a sixth seal was given and all the forces of the earth Wind, water, earthquakes, sunshine -- all fell on us, The great day of wrath has come. Show your shame-- who now will be abler to
And so An Angel of the living God Ascended and he cried to those angels that were to hurt the earth-- hurt not.till we have sealed the servants of God in their forheads ( will we ever get it
As the tribes were sealed they cried Salvation to Our God and worshiped Him. And then the seventh seal was opened and there was silence (new judgements). And there were seven
trumpets to execute God's Judgement.
And so it goes describing seven times the image of the bottomless pit-- darkness and pain. A place of demons of destruction and a place for unbelievers. And so it moves on. The speaker in
this Revelation is Christ Himself
This is a terrible account. But finally a White Horse called the Word of God in victorious conquest. Saten is bound for a thousand years and a new heaven is opened up.
So my understanding is that right behavior can indeed bring heaven on earth but we must go beyond a self centered world of greed and selfishness.
It is difficult to not see Putin as the devil who brings pain and darkness. Whether one takes all this as religious of simply justified logic it makes sense either way. Just how can we not support
the people of Ukraine in this modern context?
Can Putin possibly say God is Love?

2023-06-07 01:14:31
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
This difficult and anxious day has ended and I can already relax a little.
I took a shower and I'm going to sleep.
I thought about how I would like to fall asleep in your arms and feel safe.
If you allow, I want to share with you some more of my experiences and thoughts.
I am addressing you with a serious matter that deeply concerns me. The situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is becoming increasingly threatening. You have probably
heard about the recent crime committed by Russian occupation forces, which further amplifies the risk of a nuclear catastrophe at the plant.
As you know, the filling of the cooling ponds at ZNPP depends on the water level of the Dnieper River. However, if the water level in the reservoir used for reactor cooling drops below 12.7
meters, it will no longer be possible to continue the water injection. Just imagine the consequences of a prolonged absence of cooling water - the emergency diesel generators, which are
meant to provide power to the plant in the event of an electrical outage, could fail.
David, I fear to even imagine the potential consequences of such a situation. It could lead to irreparable damage, comparable to the Chernobyl disaster. We cannot remain inactive in the
face of such a situation, as it involves the lives and future of countless people.
I feel the weight of this tremendous pressure on my shoulders, and I feel powerless in this situation. We must do everything within our power to draw attention to this potential catastrophic
event and protect the lives of people.
David, do you think Europe is going to somehow influence this situation or will they continue to see where Putin can go?
please help me to better understand this situation. Please share your thoughts, your opinion is very important to me.
Perhaps you think that Europe has the opportunity to influence the solution of this issue and prevent terrible consequences.
Do you think they will be able to combine our efforts to save lives and ensure security not only for Ukrainians, but also for others.
After all, the consequences can be terrible for the whole world.
waiting for your response,
hugs and kisses
always yours

2023-06-07 00:58:33
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My Beloved David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your unwavering love and understanding. Your suggestion of starting a new life together in the USA fills my heart with hope and excitement. While I recognize that no place is
entirely free from problems, the prospect of being with you and having the freedom to shape our own future is incredibly enticing. I understand that politics can be frustrating at times, but
the thought of navigating those challenges with you by my side gives me strength.
Of course, I understand that in the United States we can create a life in which we will have more freedom of choice and fewer restrictions.
Of course, in your country there will always be more opportunities for growth, self-realization and exchange of experience are huge.
I believe that together we can overcome any obstacles that may arise and build a future that is filled with love, joy, and endless opportunities.
My darling David, please know that I am planning to come to you with all my heart and soul. I have been preparing for this moment, and my life is aligned with the dream of being by19/254
side. As for the timing, I am working diligently to make the necessary arrangements and fulfill my obligations here. I understand the longing and anticipation in your heart, and I assure you
that I am doing everything within my power to join you as soon as possible.
I 6/24/23,
will do it as5:33
soon PM
as possible. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Please continue to hold on to our shared vision of a life together. Our love is the driving force that sustains me and gives me the strength to overcome any obstacles in my path. I eagerly
await the day when I can be in your arms, knowing that we have overcome the challenges that once stood between us.
I really hope that I can survive in these difficult and sometimes not human conditions of life.
Of course, I understand that everything is the will of God and that we cannot know what tomorrow brings us and what the future will be like.
But I try to believe and not lose hope.
With all the love in my heart

2023-06-07 00:47:18
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My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Your words touch my heart deeply, and I appreciate your understanding and support more than I can express. The idea of starting a new life without the burdens of war and strife is a dream
that I hold close to my heart. I understand that leaving behind the familiar comforts of my past life would be a difficult decision, but I believe that together we can create a new world where
we keep the cherished memories alive.
While Ukraine and its ongoing conflict weigh heavily on my mind, it brings me solace to know that your thoughts extend beyond the immediate troubles and encompass the beauty of art,
travel, our beloved pet, and your family. The peace you describe is something I long for, and I yearn for the day when we can share a tranquil life together.
I appreciate your empathy and understanding of the challenges involved in moving to a new culture. Your own experiences in Latin America and East Africa have given you insights into the
complexities of such transitions. I find comfort in knowing that you truly comprehend the difficulties I may face. The past will always be a part of us, but together, we can build a future that
embraces new opportunities and creates a world where we both feel at home. Love, indeed, is a powerful force that binds us together, and I eagerly await the chance to be by your side and
share in the journey.
Regarding the military draft, yes, I am still under its influence, and the uncertainty of the situation adds another layer of complexity.
I am very sorry that we have to lose so much time because of this war in Ukraine.
I already told you that I am a doctor and I have a contract signed.
In our country, doctors are military obligated people and they do not have the right to leave the country during the war.
Therefore, I can only go to you when the war is over.
I will keep you informed about any developments, and I deeply appreciate your willingness to support me through these challenging times. If you have any concerns or doubts about our
future together, I encourage you to share them openly. We can work together to find solutions and address any obstacles that may arise. I want you to know that I am committed to our love
and willing to make the necessary adjustments and changes along the way.
If you can't wait for me, I'll be understanding.
I understand that you are not twenty years old and it is difficult for you to accept the facts that the war in Ukraine can last no one knows how long.
I want you to know that I will always accept whatever decision you make and will not be angry with you.
You will always remain a dear person to me.
I understand your anxieties and worries, I also think about it often.
Leaving things behind and embracing change can be a grieving process, but I believe that we will find replacements and create new cherished memories together. I appreciate your
unwavering love and support, and I eagerly await the day when I can hold you, kiss you, and convey just how much you mean to me. Our love knows no bounds and will endure forever.
With all my love and devotion

2023-06-07 00:30:57
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My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Reading your heartfelt words fills my heart with immense joy and love. Each day, I too reflect on our profound connection and the dreams we share. Nature has always been a source of
inspiration for both of us, and I can't wait for the day when we can explore it together, creating art and treasured memories.
I'm delighted that you appreciate and have warm feelings for my family. My father is truly a remarkable person, and I'm certain you would enjoy getting to know him. My mother's dedication
to taking care of Kira is unmatched, and she sees her as a part of our extended family. Kira has already become a subject of our conversations, and I cannot wait to share pictures with you
once your computer issues are resolved.
The thought of sitting together at the family table, surrounded by your art and books, fills me with anticipation and happiness. Your unique home decor reflects your personality and
creativity, and I cherish the fact that you have opened your world to me. I find it fascinating how some people may be intimated by it, while others fail to appreciate the beauty that surrounds
them. But when you walk into my life, I know you will truly see me, and that is an incredible feeling.
I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling fatigued and somewhat sick. Please take the time you need to recover and regain your strength before returning to art school. I'm sure they are
eagerly awaiting your return and are excited to have you share your expertise. Bringing some of your paintings for display in the museum sounds like a wonderful opportunity to showcase
your talent and passion.
It warms my heart to hear that you had a nice conversation with your ex-wife and that you both maintain a friendly relationship. Her asking about me shows that she genuinely cares about
our future and wants the best for us. It's truly heartening to have such support and love from those around us.
Thank you for sending healing blessings to my father. Your role as a Bishop brings a unique and powerful aspect to our connection. I'm grateful for the love and care you extend to my family
and me.
Sending you countless hugs, kisses, and love dust that gently blows your way. Know that my love for you is unwavering, and though my weary eyes may shed tears at times, I am grateful for
the opportunity to experience such deep emotions. 20/254
Heidi says "MEOW", which translates to "pet me again because I want to be part of love."
She brings joy to our lives and I can't wait for you to introduce me to her.
With all my 5:33
love PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2023-06-07 00:17:20
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I am writing to you today with deep anxiety in my heart. Photo inside!
Dear David,
I am writing to you today with deep concern in my heart. Yesterday, a terrible incident occurred - the Kahovska Hydroelectric Power Station was detonated, and more than 40,000 people
are now in need of evacuation. This explosion resulted in the destruction of 16 dam gates, the power station building, the earth dam between the power station and the lock, and the
administrative building. Unfortunately, the station cannot be restored.
As a result of this tragedy, the water level in the Kahovka reservoir has rapidly decreased, and water has started flooding towns and villages downstream. The left bank of the Dnipro River,
which is under Russian occupation, has been particularly affected. Russia has not only jeopardized properties but also the lives of Ukrainians in the south.
Throughout the day, I have been working alongside rescue teams, assisting in the evacuation of people to safe places. It has been an incredibly tense day, filled with worry and sadness. We
are doing everything possible to ensure the safety and aid for the affected individuals. However, I am deeply concerned about the long-term consequences of this tragedy, especially
regarding access to drinking water in the Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia regions.
We will overcome this challenge, but the understanding that many people have lost their homes and may face difficulties in the future leaves me feeling profoundly sorrowful. We must stay
strong and support one another during this difficult time.
David, I reach out to you because you have always been someone willing to help and provide support. If you have any ideas or opportunities on how we can assist the people, please share
them. Together, we can overcome these hardships and restore hope in the hearts of those affected.
With love and care,

2023-06-07 00:06:47
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Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes Photo inside!
Hi darling David!
Have you ever wondered why life today is so different from life in the last century? Something got better.
In many countries, diseases that were fatal in the past are easily treated, and the current standard of living of an ordinary person was not even dreamed of by his ancestors.
On the other hand, our century has witnessed the most terrible wars and monstrous atrocities in the history of mankind.
It is clear that the presence of Jesus as the heavenly King must be accompanied by great turmoil on earth.
This is confirmed by a parallel prophecy from the book of Revelation - the vision of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8).
The first of these horsemen portrays Jesus himself as the victorious King.
Other riders depict events on earth that mark the beginning of Jesus' reign: war, famine, and untimely death due to various circumstances.
Dear David, I wanted to ask you how do you think these prophecies are being fulfilled in our day?
We survived the epidemic, now wars are constantly breaking out all over the world.
Now in one region, now in another.
A terrible war in Ukraine that could turn into a nuclear or global one.
And a famine that could take over most of the world.
What do you think this is, a Bible prophecy that is being fulfilled before our eyes?
I would be interested to know your opinion on this.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-06-06 23:49:02
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Dear David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your heartfelt message. It's wonderful to see the power of love shining through your words. Love truly holds an incredible cosmic power, surpassing missiles and shooting
stars. As you mentioned, even God's power is defined by love, as He is Love Himself. I believe in the strength of prayer and the way it connects us to God's powerful love. I will fervently pray
for you, sending a cloud of that love your way to ensure your safety and peace.
will pray for my family and for all Ukrainians. 21/254
It's comforting to know that we are on the same side, sharing a belief in the transformative power of love. Your picture of the Tornado Man in his cape and this church robe is quite intriguing.
You look amazing in this outfit. It seems like a symbolic representation of strength and protection.
May 5:33
God bless PM keep us safe, and bring us lasting peace. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
May the Lord send us speedy peace.
Thank you for sharing your genuine self with me, David. Your passion and commitment are truly inspiring. Remember that love has the ability to conquer all.
David, thanks for sharing this photo with me.
Wishing you an abundance of love and blessings,
always yours

2023-06-05 03:13:51


RE: My dearesLarisa, Photo inside!
The love of Tornado Man Bears a power that is truly cosmic. More powerful than a missile, more than shooting star. It is the power of Love. All falls before it.
God has tried to explain that even HIS power is the power of LOVE. To quote: God is Love. I let my prayers weld myself to HIS powerful love, and send a cloud of it in your way to keep you
Good thing we are on the same side. David
I am including a photo of Tornado Man in his cape/Cope and flight hat/Mitre. So may God Bless you and keep you safe and bring you peace.
The ***, DTh, OSA... Just David dressed up, Oh I have a stick/Crozier as well.

2023-06-05 02:47:16

RE A Tornado of LOVE DUST! Photo inside!
My Darling and sweet Larisa, Each Day I go over all that has happened and emphasize our underlining LOVE. And reflect on our dreams-- be in nature and traveling to see and share nature
and perhaps do a bit of art. But My feelings carry to your family as well. Your father seems like someone I would love to know and all the passion of your mother in taking care of Kira. And
Kira herself has already become one of my family concerns. I would send her pictures but am having computer problems. I dream of sitting at the family table and sharing our love and
I think of the moment you walk into my house--it's not exactly like the ordinary house in it's decor. You will get my impact on what you see immediately. Oh it is comfortable but you are
surrounded with my art and tons of books. I think this intimidates some. Some do not seem to register anything and i wonder about those folks. You will definitely see me.
I have been somewhat sick with fatigue and have not been back to art school yet. They want to know what and when I will teach and what classes I will be taking and please bring some
paintings for display in the museum. I should do that this week and get back to my life again.
Had a nice conversation with my ex wife--- we are on fine terms but live in different worlds. I needed to ask her a few simple questions. But she has asked about you. She only wants the best
for our future.So I am gathering up LOVE DUST for a gentle blow going your way. It affirms all the feelings My love for you , although I held back my weary eyes from the weeping that I do. I
will just enjoy the opportunity I have had to have those feelings. Heidi says MEEOW translated: and give me another Pat as i want to be part of the love).
As a Bishop I send healing blessings to your father. That's pretty powerful stuff as few get that personally.
Lots of hugs and many kisses, David
(The Rt. Rev. Andrew David, DTh, OSA) and Prof. David Bixler PhD, DTh, Prof of Environmental Studies and Ethics. You should see the cloths that goes with all this.

2023-06-03 23:31:38


RE: My Beloved Larisa,
My Darling Larisa I do hope that you understand that you can get on airplane and start a new life without the war and all the strife that you are going through. The hard part is that you would
be giving up the good things in your past life, but we can keep those things alive. The only war that is on my mind is in Ukraine of course and my concerns are day to day trivialities. My
thoughts beyond Ukraine and Larisa, my art, and travel, my pet, and a few things with my family----isn't this peaceful? I read allot and cook and do yard work etc.
I am concerned if you can ever pull away from all the strife in Ukraine? I know how difficult it is to move to a new culture as I have lived in Latin America (I now feel comfortable there now but
have been associated with it for much of my adult life and I feel at home in most places. I do not think I would now feel out of place anywhere there, but the language still gives me trouble.)
and East Africa (Nature was my salvation there but I never felt culturally part of them. I lived in the Savannah and loved it.). So you see I do indeed understand. The past is always part of us
but as we invent the future we also create a new world and it is much easier when you have somebody to be by your side and share it. As i say LOVE is a glue that always works and I wait
glue in hand.
Are you still under the military draft? I presume. Do you have to wait for the war to end? Or do you have a tour of duty to fulfill-- so I could put it on my calendar?
If you have any second thoughts about coming or our future together let's do what we can do about it now. Feel free to let me know and I will see what I can do about this. From me the only
problems seem to be simple adjustment and the problems of moving to a new culture. Personally they are only the problems of daily life and can be dealt with simply. Of course there may
be problems of your adjustment following the war---I am here for you always. We can do this together and make necessary changes as needed. I' m open to what ever needs to be 22/254 done. I
am aware of the grief of leaving things behind. Hopefully there will be replacements for some but some of course must be left behind. We will find replacements for many.
Beyond this I do not know what more to say at this point accept that my love for you is as strong as ever and I am waiting for you to hold you, kiss you, and tell you how much you mean to
6/24/23, 5:33 PM
me. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
My love id forever, David

2023-06-03 18:41:23
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My Beloved David, Photo inside!
I write to you with a heavy heart, overwhelmed by the tragedy of war that surrounds me. As I continue my work as a doctor, tending to the wounded on the front lines here in Ukraine, I
cannot help but reflect on the grim realities of conflict and its devastating consequences.
Your words about the political and economic aspects of war resonate with me. It is true that resources, or the lack thereof, play a significant role in perpetuating such conflicts. Greed and the
pursuit of wealth have been driving forces behind many wars throughout history, and sadly, the situation we find ourselves in is no exception. The disparity between the rich and the poor
only widens, and the suffering endured by the innocent becomes unbearable.
I fear that the fighting and turmoil will continue until some form of agreement is reached, although the path to such an agreement seems uncertain and distant. The aftermath of war leaves
both sides with far less than they had hoped for, while the casualties, both physical and emotional, continue to mount. It pains me to think of the elderly and the permanently injured, whose
lives will forever be marked by this conflict. The loss of our young men is a tragedy that cannot be measured, and the weight of their absence is felt by us all.
In times like these, it becomes evident that war is nothing short of hell. The suffering endured by the people, the destruction of lives and communities, is unimaginable. The question arises:
why don't the people just stop fighting? The truth is, anger and desperation often cloud reason, and the rules of logic fade away. The consequences of stopping can be equally difficult to
bear - more poverty, more oppression, and a burden carried by future generations.
It is during moments like this that I find myself weeping at the stark reality before us. The answer to these conflicts seems elusive, and the road to recovery and rebuilding is long and
arduous. The Church, historically a source of solace and support, has also been tainted by politics. The hope for generosity and aid to alleviate the suffering is overshadowed by political
My love, as I continue to witness the horrors of war firsthand, I yearn for a world where peace reigns and such conflicts are but distant memories. I find solace in the love we share and the
connection we maintain despite the distance between us. You are my anchor in these troubled times, reminding me of the beauty and goodness that still exist in the world. Please know that
I long for the day when we can be together again, free from the anguish and separation that plagues us now.
With all my love and longing,
This is my cat Vaska.
I have told you stories about him many times.
I think he and Heidi could become friends.

2023-06-03 18:34:04
Reply (/mailing/index/


My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your heartfelt message. I understand your frustration and concerns about the state of the world and the disparity between countries with abundant resources and those
struggling with poverty. It is indeed a recurring pattern throughout history, and it can be disheartening to witness.
However, amidst these larger global issues, I appreciate that you took the time to remind me of my importance and the love and support I have from you and our extended family. Your
words touch my heart deeply, and I am grateful for the love and sense of belonging you bring to my life.
You emphasize the significance of relationships and the interconnectedness we share as a family and community. I believe that it is through these connections and the love we give and
receive that we find meaning and purpose. It is the bonds we form with one another that create a sense of belonging and fulfillment. I am honored to be a part of your life story and the lives
of our friends, and relatives.
As a teacher and religious leader, you strive to live a meaningful and purposeful life, and I admire your commitment to these ideals. Love is indeed the glue that holds us together and brings
joy and fulfillment to our existence. Your love for me has already begun to enrich your life and the lives of those around you, and I am humbled by the profound impact we have on each
I cherish you deeply, David, and I am grateful to have you by my side. Your love and support give me strength and make me believe in a future filled with happiness and fulfillment. The
name Larisa holds a special place in your family, symbolizing the love and hope we share.
With all my love and gratitude,

2023-06-03 02:20:55

RE: And to be honest, this really annoys me.
Dearest Larisa, the sad part of this is that we fight over the crumbs often thinking that there is some worth in even in them when the reality is that it is all gone. 'We have seen this in history
again and again. The successful countries are the one that have resources to exploit and sell. However there are many countries that become impoverished to the point of never recovering. 23/254
Venezuela, Cuba, and Ukraine is surrounded by small countries similar. I have traveled in these countries and the poverty is everywhere. The few who have something are the people that
exploited the situation and you will see bars on all windows and heavy closed doors to their compounds. In reality they live in a cell of their own with a small number of friends. They exist
through the5:33 PM
identification of their historical presence alone. They have little to give- Trusted international
so who cares beyond theirdating
borders,site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
But I mostly want to tell you how important you are to me. I want you to live with the knowledge that you are important, and loved, and needed, not only by me but when we get together
that you will become part of a living family of friends, sisters , grand children that all see you as part of their life story and look forward to the love that you can throw their way. That is how life
becomes meaningful and how we feel like we matter. That is why many countries do not have war. Do you see just how important you are the the big picture and especially to my.
As a teacher and a religious leader I want to have something to say to justify why we as a culture and a family and a person of high standards live a meaningful and life that matters. We
become the glue of it all, and that glue is the love we feel for who and what we are. I know that the love I feel for you has already penetrated my life and family even if it is for a life that is yet
to come. The name Larisa is in the heart of my family as the glue that will make me happy and fulfill all my hopes for our future. I love you Larisa.
Your David

2023-06-03 01:51:55


RE:Larisa honey...
My love, this is the tragedy of war. I wondered about that. Obviously this is not going to work politically. There is no money in a rock or a pile of rocks, and you can squeeze all you want but
there is nothing. My impression is that there is nothing left, unless there is foreign investment, and what happens to that is questionable. Will it go down to the people. Who knows, as greed
was to the very beginning one of the things that brought on the war--- the rich get richer--- Putin is one of the recipients.
All this goes beyond anger and what is happening will be increased and the people will rise up in protest and there will be more fighting until some source of agreement is met, and that
may be in the future yet. Each will end up with much less than they hoped for, and dead bodies will be left behind and the filthy rich will either be sacrificed (I hope) or they may just run away
to another safe place with their money, and there are plenty of places that these people live. For example 'Argentina has a large population of Nazi criminals from the second world war.
'They were welcomed because their money would be used the add to the economy of that country.
Yes my anger would run over enough to go after these people. I wonder where Putin will end up?. Poor man he must live in fear. He has needed to build an underground tunnel railroad as a
means of escape where no one would see him--- but at the end of the tracks there will be someone that will see who he is--- then what!
But the real tragedy is the suffering and the enormous price the people have to pay. The young have enough vigor to rebuild but what about grandma and the permanently injured? All this
with the emotional loss of our young men and the terrible loss of a life that is now gone. It will be an imposed poverty----- there simply is no resources to maintain them without some
source of generosity. Historically the Church has been a source but today politics has crept into this area as well. For the most part there is no good news about wars of this kind. War is
simply HELL.
So why don 't the people keep fighting? There is no logic to justify stopping. When anger boils up ------- well the rules are not on the table anymore!
I simply weep at this reality! The answer, often has consequences that are equally difficult to tolerate. More poverty, more oppression, and a populus that pays and pays and pays often for
several generations.

2023-06-03 01:05:31


RE: And to be honest, this really annoys me.
Dearest Larisa, Thank you for the understanding and of course i agree. There is another answer and that is to come to the USA and make your life with me. I cannot guarantee that politics
are free from problems but maybe not as bad and you would have me. I do not feel pressed by politics only occasional annoyed.
Here we can invent the future together and it would be free from those entanglements as here we have mostly free choice. There are things you cannot do but few that you must do. The
ones that you cannot do are pretty obvious like murder.
I do hope that you are planning to come to me as I have planned my life around that. Is there any understanding when that might be?
My Love to you David

2023-06-02 01:58:48
Reply (/mailing/index/



And to be honest, this really annoys me. Photo inside!
Dear David!!!!
It's like without my opinion someone can take everything from my feed and not ask me what I think about it.
I want to ask the government what to do if you get sick and need urgent treatment and you are waiting for a pension or salary and are surprised to find that the card is already empty.
It seems that this law shows the depreciation of human opinion and needs, depriving him of his own decision-making and depriving him of the opportunity to use his earned funds.
And in my opinion this is very outrageous and not right.
More stringent mobilization measures have also been taken.
And they passed a law obliging them to register for military service at the age of 16, and at the age of 17 young guys were forbidden to travel abroad.
It's hard for me to find the right and right words to evaluate these laws.
This is all very frustrating for me.
But I need to live on and I will try not to give up on difficult circumstances and move forward.
My dear, I thought you might be interested.
They probably won't tell you about it on TV.
I know how much you love Ukraine and our people, and therefore I decided to share this news with you.
I don’t want to upset you, beloved, but the situation is very difficult, the shelling is increasing, in fact, there are no successes at the front yet, and hundreds of people die every day.
It seems that all the red lines have been crossed and none of the parties to the conflict wants negotiations, and I can’t even imagine what will happen next.
I have never had so much anxiety and fear for our future. 24/254
Darling, please forgive me for telling you all this.
Maybe you are not interested?
Tomorrow 5:33 PMhome and I hope that we will safely get to
return Dnieper and get days -off.Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Now I dream of drinking a cup of aromatic coffee, climbing into a hot bath and falling asleep in my warm bed.
I will return home and continue looking for a quiet place for Kira to rest and enjoy the summer.
My friend Dasha, who lives in Kyiv, promised to help with this.
It seems that she already has several options in Transcarpathia, the safest place where Kira could improve her health and get peace of mind.
I really want to protect her, because the shelling is getting more intense and scary and their city is very close to the front line.
This girl has seen a lot of suffering and what children's eyes should not see and I understand that the front line may soon be very close to the Dnieper and I am thinking about how to send
Kira to a safe place.
How is your cat doing?
I hope that she kisses you every morning and every evening instead of me, while I'm away from you!
Hug Heidi for me!

2023-06-02 01:55:04
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David honey... Photo inside!
I am so worried about this and I understand that this will entail an increase in products and other services.
But political scientists and economists argue that there is not a single source for repayment due to the destroyed infrastructure, we have nothing to repay creditors with, and assistance from
abroad is not free and more than 60 percent of this is used to pay off debts.
This is macrofinancing, which is provided by various foreign organizations (IMF, World Bank, European Investment Bank, etc.), as well as governments of other countries (USA, EU states).
In this case, we are talking about "live" money that goes to the accounts of the State Treasury.
And then the funds are distributed depending on the needs or their intended purpose.
And since our country is now completely under the influence of foreign policy, they want to see that the debt will be returned and they have instructed our government to raise electricity
The fact that it will be dumped on ordinary people and no one is interested in how to survive at the same time.
That is why this law was passed.
But that is not all.
In addition, a law was passed allowing the bank to withdraw money from the owner's card if he has a debt on utility bills and repay it automatically.
And if you, for example, wait for your salary or pension to arrive, then you may not find this money, and without any permission and your opinion, your debt will be repaid with your money.
If a person does not have a card with which to withdraw money, then you may be deprived of housing or your property.
To do this, they are preparing a new law allowing to take away from people their apartments and real estate.

2023-06-02 01:39:36
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It's so hard to live during the war .... hard and difficult times. Photo inside!
My dear David
life here is getting harder and harder.
If people begin to express dissatisfaction, they can be accused of treason and other criminal acts.
For example, today they voted for the adoption of a law that will allow withdrawing 19 percent of the amount from all payments and transfers.
In my opinion this is very outrageous and not entirely correct.
But this is not all, and besides this, new thoughtless laws have been adopted and are being prepared.
For example, a new law allows you to raise taxes on utilities.
So from June 1, electricity for the population will cost UAH 2.64 per kWh.
And this is 60 percent more expensive than it was.
As a result of an increase in the tariff for electrical energy, household expenses will increase - by an average of UAH 500-900.
This is despite the fact that the level of JI debt for the population as of April this year is more than UAH 30 billion.
And this will force people to completely abandon the use of air conditioners, microwave ovens and other items necessary for a comfortable life.
And without stabilization of the situation, this debt will grow every month.
How will the payroll change now due to the increase?
The minister calculated different payment options until June 1, 2023 and from June 1, 2023, and adopted the following tariffs for people:
250 kWh consumed. It was: 360 UAH. Will be: 660 UAH.
400 kWh consumed. It was: 468 UAH. Will be: 1056 UAH.
650 kWh consumed. It was: 1032 UAH. Will be: 1716 UAH.
And for entrepreneurs, the situation is even worse and they have even more expensive commercial rates.
And this can completely destroy the middle class, which already survives with great difficulty.
And in my opinion this will have the most terrible consequences and will make the life of people even more unbearable and devoid of any possibility to survive ...
The authorities told people that Energoatom needs funds to repair power units.
And although this is not a state but a private structure, they decided to once again leave everything on the shoulders of the people .... 25/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-06-02 01:28:33
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My sweet David, thank you for praying for me and my family! Photo inside!
I hope that your angel will always protect me in difficult and dangerous times!
David, I'm on a business trip this week and I'll be here for the rest of the week.
We work in a military hospital in Zaporozhye and things are not very good here.
Many wounded and killed.
Yesterday, Russia handed over more than 80 bodies of those killed near Bakhmut, and after identification, they will be sent to their relatives for burial.
It is terrible and not fair when so many young men die, in the prime of their lives and who did not have time to leave the successors of their kind.
I often think about the dire consequences this will have for our Slavic race.
I think that our thoughts are similar and you understand well what I think and what worries me.
Take care of yourself David, I really need you in my future and present.
with love
your Larisa

2023-06-02 01:17:48
Reply (/mailing/index/



Dear David, I agree with you, it's really a senseless tragedy. Photo inside!
The culture of both Russia and Ukraine is permeated on both sides of the conflict, and the question should come to everyone's mind: "Who am I shooting at?" It may even be a distant
relative. I am sure that Putin must have a special place in hell. Brother against brother - is there a worse scenario?
I have thought about this many times and continue to pray that the Lord will help stop all this horror.
I hope that there will be a future for all parties to the conflict that will bring new hope and harmony to the region.
It's hard for me to imagine that many soldiers think about the pain that all this causes to the people they shoot at.
Yesterday, in our village near the city, two children died and their mother is in the hospital with severe injuries.
their home was close to a passing railroad that was bombed and innocent children died.
Today, people died in Kharkov and Kiev, and again among the dead a boy of 11 years old.
All of this is tearing my heart apart.
In these difficult times, it is important for us to remember the power of prayer and support for each other.
I believe that even small acts of compassion and kindness can bring hope and help reduce suffering in this conflict.
Let's hope for the best and work together to create a peaceful future.
Thank you for your concern and openness.
Hold on and let the future bring renewal and transformation to my country.
I understand that it is just as hard for you to walk this path with me.
But everything is the will of God and there are things that we cannot cope with and I can only pray and continue to carry my cross, as Jesus did.
With best wishes and love,
always yours Larisa

2023-06-02 01:03:46
Reply (/mailing/index/


Dear David, Photo inside!
Thank you for your letter and your concern for my pets. Good news - my dog Hunter and cats Vaska and Barsik are doing well.
It seems that they already understand that during air raids they need to go into the corridor and they spend a lot of time there.
Animals are actually very sensitive to danger and they behave intelligently and learn quickly.
Of course, the situation in Ukraine causes difficulties for all living creatures, whether they are domestic animals or wild ones, and of course people.
Unfortunately, some animals had to be given to good hands and my father's sheep dogs are still waiting for the owner to return.
Dick ran away from dad's friend several times and we found him where my parents' house used to be.
He probably drags around the house and family very much.
He is an old dog and he has been very devoted to our family for many years.
Dick's daughter Linda the Shepherd took root with the new owners, but sometimes she also drags around our family and I really hope that they will forgive and understand the fact that they
now need to get used to strangers.
When I return from a business trip, I will definitely take Kira and we will visit them. 26/254
My father had an operation and so far everything is going according to plan and my father is already feeling better.
I miss you terribly David and I keep dreaming of the time when I'll be safe beside you.
hugs 5:33 PM
and kisses - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
your Larisa

2023-05-29 23:01:35


RE: My dearest David, this is what was left of the hospital in Dnipro after the bomb arrived.
May God Bless the souls of all those who have given their lives for the greater good.

2023-05-29 22:59:36


RE: Watch this video...
Just how are your dog and cat doing? This war is a hardship for all living things both the domestic as well as the wild.

2023-05-29 22:56:06

What a senseless tragedy.
Since the culture of Russia as well as that of Ukraine can be found on both sides it must come to mind to each just who am i shooting at? It could even be a distant member of their family.
I am sure that there must be a special place in hell for Putin. Brother against Brother-- is there a worse scenario? I will ask all my parish- thousands of people to pray for those that are
Hopefully there is a future for them that will bring some new hope and harmony to the region.bringing. It is hard for me to think that many soldiers are thinking about the pain that all this is
creating for the people that they are shooting at.

2023-05-29 22:44:15


RE: A senseless tragedy
One of the real tragedies of all this is that there are good people shooting at each other both caught up in a senseless political situation. Is there any other situation that can be worse? I
wonder just what hell waits the greed of Putin? I doubt that where the political boundaries are is an issue for most of the people when placed into the context of a war. Ukraine is in a
particularly bad situation because both the culture and language occurs in both countries. It must come to mind-- who am I shooting at, from both sides.
As we see there is movement away from the military front from both sides, God help us!

2023-05-29 22:31:59


RE: My dearest David, this is what was left of the hospital in Dnipro after the bomb arrived.
This is simply tragic. I do not even know what to say. I will ask the people of my Diocese to pray. That is several thousand people. It seems hard to understand just what God"s plan is for such
a situation. These people are putting themselves in harms way for the life of others. That sacrifice, I am sure of this, that they will be looked on favorably in the eyes of God. Those poor souls.
Please be safe. Know that my love and prayers are being sent. and there are many people that know about the situation here and they are praying for them. May God keep them safe and all
the other victims of this war.

2023-05-28 23:13:35
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104584345 27/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

the weather, how is my mood...
the city is drowning in puddles and the rains do not stop

2023-05-28 21:21:50
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another video for you David!
this is a terrible tragedy in the Dnieper and there could have been much more victims...

2023-05-28 21:18:10
Reply (/mailing/index/



Watch this video...
there was a veterinary clinic nearby and many animals died

2023-05-28 21:16:03
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David, this is what was left of the hospital in Dnipro after the bomb arrived.
16 doctors who worked in this hospital are in critical condition and 3 are missing.

2023-05-28 21:10:15
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David,)))))))))))) Photo inside!
Your words touch the deepest parts of my heart, and I cannot express how much joy and happiness your letter brings me. It fills me with hope and strengthens my belief in the power of our
love. I will cherish your words and hold them close to my heart for years to come.
When I am overwhelmed with insane fatigue, I close my eyes and imagine how we are sitting on the porch of our house and admiring the stars.
You hug me and we are covered with a soft blanket and it is so good for us to look at the starry sky.
It always calms me and gives me faith and the desire to live and fight on.
Knowing that you are always there for me, supporting me through the trials we face, brings me immense comfort and reassurance. Your unwavering presence in my life is a testament to the
depth of your love and commitment. I, too, pray for peace and long for the day when we can finally be together, wrapped in each other's arms, creating a lifetime of beautiful memories.
You are my world, David, and your love fuels my spirit. I carry your love with me every day, drawing strength from it, and it gives me the determination to face any challenges that come our
way. The thought of spending the rest of my days with you fills my heart with an indescribable joy.
Please know that my love for you knows no bounds. It encompasses every part of my being, my heart, and my soul. You are the light that guides me through the darkness, the rock upon
which I lean. I am grateful for your love and the depth of our connection.
Together, we will navigate through this journey, holding onto the hope and love that bind us. Our love is strong, and it will carry us through any storms we may face. I believe in us, in our
future together, and I eagerly await the day when we can be united, sharing our lives in perfect harmony. 28/254
I send you hugs and kisses with love and care.
With all the love in my heart and soul
6/24/23, 5:33 PM
Larisa - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2023-05-28 21:01:13
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David,)))))))))))) Photo inside!
Your words touch my heart deeply, and I can feel the warmth of your love enveloping me, even in the midst of this chaos. Your offer to stand by my side, both physically and emotionally,
means the world to me. Though we may be physically apart, your unwavering support and prayers provide me with the strength and courage I need to face the challenges ahead.
The rescue operation in Dnipro was indeed heartbreaking, especially when innocent lives, particularly children, are affected. The weight of their suffering and the tragedy that has unfolded
weighs heavily on my heart. I pray for their healing and for an end to this senseless war. Your prayers join mine, and together, we believe in the power of hope and love to overcome the
I appreciate your insights on the current situation and the potential outlook. It brings me some comfort to know that the resources of those causing destruction may be diminishing. I long for
the day when peace prevails, and we can rebuild our lives together, embracing a future filled with love and joy.
Thank you for your concern about my well-being. Rest has been scarce, as the demands of the rescue operation have been unrelenting. But I am doing my best to take care of myself
amidst the chaos. Your presence in my life, your unwavering support and love, serve as a beacon of hope. You are my anchor, reminding me of the happiness and fulfillment that awaits us.
Your prescription of love dust brings a smile to my face. Your belief in the power of love to heal and restore is truly remarkable. I am grateful for the love that we share, as it sustains me
through the darkest of times. Your desire to hold me, to fill me with your love, touches the deepest part of my soul. I yearn for the day when we can be together, sharing an embrace that
echoes our love and commitment.
Indeed, we are meant to be together, just as nature intended. Our connection is a testament to the beautiful harmony between a man and a woman. It is a gift from the universe, and I
cherish it with all my being. We are intertwined, fueling each other's spirits, and I am grateful for the love fuel you provide, which ignites my soul and propels us forward.
As TORNADO MAN, you are my hero, my guiding light. Your presence in my life works miracles, bringing hope and strength when I need it most. I hold onto that knowledge, finding solace in
the fact that we are united by love, even in the face of adversity.
Until we can be together again, know that I carry your love with me every step of the way. Together, we will overcome these challenges and create a future filled with love, joy, and endless
With all my love,

2023-05-28 02:28:16


RE: My dearest Larisa,
I wish I could be beside you to help carry the load physically as well as emotionally. In the mountain rescue work i have done I am usually only dealing with one or two persons and most of
them mature climbers-- but the situation where it is children of innocent women is indeed where the tragedy is compounded. I am keeping the prayers coming.
All that is on my mind today is you as usual. This war must run down soon as the Russians appear to be running out of supplies. Being a war oriented nation I suppose that they have an
enormous amount yet to get rid of. I appears that they have been using allot of old outdated stuff and adding some new technology in the form of fighter jets as well. Putin is also having
some trouble at home as not all the nation is behind him. All this does not suggest a long drawn out situation.
More to the point are you getting some rest? I hope that your health is not being ruined permanently. I am prepared for some issues with your health as I cannot see how that is to be
avoided. I am prepared to help you back to a happy and vigorous life for all the good and wonderful things that will make you happy and fulfilled. I too am a doctor and I will prescribe a big
dose of love dust because it bathes you in a knowing that there are people that cherish your very existence because they know what a gift from God you are.
I just want to hold you in my arms... and hold you ...and hold you, until you are filled with my love. Kind of like filling your car with fuel. Then we can move forward until that love fuel starts to
run low and I will be right there to fill you up again...... and again.
As a source of love fuel, of what is my life worth if I did not have a fuel tank to fill? You see we fit together just as nature has created us. I think that is why such a thing as marriage was
invented. The man and women belong together and that is pure nature don/t you think?
So.... when you least expect it remember that TORNADO MAN lurks in the shadows and he works miracles.

2023-05-27 06:23:41


RE: My dearest David,
Darling Larisa, Your letter is one of the happiest and most meaningful thing that has happened to me in half a lifetime. I will hold on to this for years to come. I am here always and I pray for
peace and a better time when we can be in each others arms till the end of our days. You mean the world to me and I hold on to this for the strength and hope for our future. I love you with
all mt heart and soul.

2023-05-27 01:32:32 Reply (/mailing/index/
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect104468971
woman abroad!/

My dearest David, Photo inside!
Your words touch the depths of my soul, and I can feel the intensity of your emotions. Please know that your tears are not a sign of weakness, but a testament to the depth of our love and
the profound impact our connection has on both of us. The situation we find ourselves in, the constant fear of loss and devastation, amplifies the importance of our love and the hope we
hold onto.
Your admiration for me and the sacrifices I make as a doctor means the world to me. It is a reflection of the strength and resilience that exists within our bond. In times of uncertainty and
turmoil, all I long for is to be in your arms, finding solace and comfort in each other's embrace. Our love exists beyond time and space, transcending any challenges we may face.
You are always in my heart and mind, David. Our hopes and dreams intertwine, holding onto the belief that our love is worth every sacrifice we have made. The path we have chosen is not
an easy one, but together, we find the strength to endure and overcome.
I love you deeply, unconditionally, and eternally.
Yours forever,

2023-05-27 01:24:07
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dearest David, Photo inside!
Your letter, as always, fills my heart with warmth and longing. Distance may separate us, but our love and connection remain strong. I cherish our conversations, the sharing of our thoughts,
and the exploration of various topics. It's these moments that bring us closer and help nurture the deep bond we share.
Nature has a special place in my heart too, just like it does in yours. Your description of your midsize 4-door pickup, packed with camping equipment and ready for adventure, resonates with
my own love for the outdoors. The thought of embarking on trips together fills me with excitement and anticipation. Your passion for documenting the wonders of nature through art and
journaling only adds to the beauty of our shared experiences.
However, my love, I must admit that lately, I have felt a tinge of sadness and longing in my heart. Our current life situation and the distance between us weigh heavy on my soul. But today, a
glimmer of hope shone through. I went over my art supplies, hoping to venture out and create something beautiful, as per my doctor's orders. Yet, a part of me hesitates to embark on these
solo adventures because the space beside me remains unoccupied, and I yearn to have you by my side.
My love, the answer is clear and resonates deep within me—we need to be together. It is in each other's presence that our dreams truly unfold and take shape. I can feel it in my bones, in
every fiber of my being. The yearning for your touch, your warmth, and the simple joy of sharing our lives together grows with each passing day.
Sending you hugs, infinite hugs, and kisses, sweet kisses. And, oh, let me make sure I've packed the chapstick, for our lips might have missed each other's touch for far too long! As time
goes on, my love for you only grows stronger and more profound.
Forever and always,

2023-05-27 01:12:56
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
Your letter always brings a smile to my face and fills my heart with joy. Your imagination knows no bounds, and I adore our discussions on various topics. I was very interested to hear your
answer to my intriguing question about what would happen if all the oxygen disappeared from the Earth for a few seconds and then returned.
Oh David!!!! My dear, when I read your letter, I had your image in my head and imagined myself in your place.
Probably if it were something like this:
As I read your words, I couldn't help but imagine myself in an extraordinary scenario. Picture this: I was sitting by the window, and suddenly, all the oxygen vanished from our beloved planet.
It was a moment of suspense, a fleeting breathlessness. But fear not, my dear, for I transformed into a living tornado, fueled by determination and wielding a mighty sword.
In that instant, I became a force of nature, ready to face any adversary that crossed my path. And who was it, you ask? A pack of wild Javalina, those mischievous pigs native to the area I call
home. They had audaciously attacked my potted plants, basking in the sun. Oh no, not on my watch! With no other weapon at hand, I gathered a handful of rocks and swiftly unleashed them
upon the intruders, sending a clear message: "Don't you dare come back!"
They scattered in a frenzy, realizing they had met their match in the face of Tornado Man! This encounter marked the second attack of the day, primarily instigated by a belligerent boar. But
fear not, my love, for with my newfound alter ego, I am prepared to protect and defend. Perhaps I should even consider fashioning a costume, complete with a majestic cape and a stun gun,
to embrace the spirit of Tornado Man fully.
The amusing part of it all was how Heidi, our loyal companion, observed the spectacle. She sensed my transformation and clung to me with an endearing need for reassurance. I assured
her, "Never fear, Tornado Man is here!" And together, we formed an unbreakable bond, ready to face any challenge that comes our way.
My love, thank you for igniting my imagination and for bringing laughter into my life. Our conversations are a testament to the beauty of our connection. So, my dear David, as we continue to
explore the realms of our imaginations, remember that love is the most powerful force of all.
With all my affection,
Larisa 30/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-05-27 00:55:23
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My dearest David!❤️‍ Photo inside!
As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is heavy with the weight of the day's events. The echoes of tragedy reverberate through my thoughts, and I find solace in pouring my emotions into
these words, knowing that your love will embrace them.
Today, I stood side by side with my colleagues, engaging in a rescue operation in Dnipro. The haunting impact of an enemy missile on both the hospital and the veterinary clinic has left a
trail of devastation. Lives, both human and animal, were lost, and the rescue efforts persist tirelessly. Thirty-one individuals, including eight fellow doctors and two innocent children, bear the
scars of this unfathomable ordeal. We mourn the loss of two souls, while two more children remain missing, their fate unknown. The true extent of the tragedy still eludes us, and the
numbers may be far greater than we can comprehend.
My love, I find myself grappling with a profound sadness that weighs upon my soul. Each day, my region is gripped by the relentless onslaught of rocket attacks and unmanned drones. The
daily reminder of war's grim presence fills me with fear and despair. Witnessing the destruction it inflicts upon lives, innocent and pure, tears at the very fabric of my being. My heart weeps
for the fallen, and it yearns for the day when peace will triumph, and we can embrace without fear.
In the midst of this darkness, you are my beacon of light, my pillar of strength. Your love transcends the boundaries of distance and offers solace in the face of despair. Your unwavering
support fills me with hope and reminds me of the beauty that exists in this world, even in its darkest moments.
My beloved David, as I share this tragedy with you, I seek comfort in your arms, even if they are only metaphorical for now. Together, let us hold onto the dream of a brighter future, where
love prevails, and we can finally be together, free from the shackles of war.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, as I navigate these turbulent times. Your love is the source of my resilience, and with you by my side, I find the strength to carry on. May our
love serve as a reminder that even amidst the chaos, tenderness and compassion can flourish.
With all the love my heart can hold,

2023-05-23 05:19:40


RE: What happens if for a few seconds all the oxygen from the Earth disappears, and then returns?
I will tell you what happens. I was sitting near a window and saw the enemy upon me. I was low on oxygen but i drew my sword anyway and turned into a living TORNADO and swept down
upon the enemy. Needless to say they ]headed back to hell rather than experience my wrath.
They were a pack of Javalina (wild pigs ) native to the area I live in. They attacked my potted plants I set out for some sun. NO WAY! I had forgotten any weapon so I took a handful of rocks
and as I instantly pelted them-- and DON'T COME BACK!
I was upon them. They took off in a hurry. This was the second attack today. The big Boar has become belligerent lately and I understand they can be dangerous but he must contend with
Heidi took this all in and became very clingy when I came inside. I told her.. Never fear TORNADO MAN is here!
Do you think I should make a costume complete with a cape and a stun gun?

2023-05-23 04:10:44

RE: Do you like to relax on the sea?
I pretty much like nature anywhere. Actually I have a midsize 4 door pickup-Honda, my third one. Strangely that you mentioned a trip. I do so much nature travel that my truck is always
packed with state of the art camping equipment and ready to go at a moments notice. That includes a modest library of field guides and other scientific equipment as well, And of course
my art supplies to record the activities. I have kept journals for almost forty years.
So that trip is always in my heart and waiting. I haven't gone out recently due to my sickness and I admit to being a bit depressed at our life situation. Today however I went over my art
supplies as I hope to get out and do something-- doctors orders. I at the moment have been having some reluctance going by my self as there is already a place beside me and I am afraid I
notice that you are not in it. I do indeed know the answer-- we need to be together and let the dream unfold. I feel it now.... Hugs, more hugs ...and kisses and kisses I better make sure I have
packed the chap stick in case our lips have suffered from new wear! As ever and ever, David

2023-05-23 03:50:18


RE: Hello my Love, Larisa! Photo inside! 31/254
Sweet Larisa, my Hero, I have tears for you. My tears are not from any weakness but from the sharing of the situation and it is an illustration of how deeply I love and care for you. I do not
want to lose you. Each bomb hits me in my heart out of the fear of lost hope and dreams if total disaster hits. I do not have words to say how much I admire you and the sacrifices you make.I
just want to 5:33 PMand tell you that we are now in the zone of love
hold you - Trusted
and that is eternal. My international
arms around dating to
you Is an testament site since
it. You are 2008. Meet
in my heart andyour
mindperfect woman
always. My abroad!/
hopes and
dreams are in that hope of our holding on to each other realizing that we have paid a hefty price from our very being . I love you. Always David

2023-05-23 01:48:12
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Do you like to relax on the sea? Photo inside!
My dear David!
I'm about to go to bed, but the air serens won't let me sleep peacefully.
I decided while there is Internet to write you another letter.
It's June and it's the start of summer.
This is my favorite time of the year.
Do you like to relax on the sea? I am very!
Have you ever had an affair on vacation?
I dream that one day we will get in the car and go on a trip!
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa

2023-05-23 01:34:10
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What happens if for a few seconds all the oxygen from the Earth disappears, and then returns? Photo inside!
Hello dear David
How are you dear?
Today was a difficult and stressful day.
I came back from work, had dinner and went to bed.
I rested and watched my favorite TV programs.
I watched the news that the asteroid Apophis could fall to earth in 2029.
What do you think might happen after that?
There are so many strange things going on right now and sometimes it seems that the world has gone mad, just like nature.
Today I thought, what would happen if for a few seconds all the oxygen from the Earth disappeared, and then returned?
It's only a few seconds, you say.
So, listen to what I think about it:
The influence of the Earth on the Moon will greatly decrease and it can significantly move away.
After the return of oxygen to Earth, our satellite will not return.
The attraction of the Earth to the Sun will change, which will accelerate the movement of our planet in orbit and bring it closer to the star.
The temperature on Earth will rise even more.
A strong tsunami will begin ...
Although no, water will turn into hydrogen ...)))
Speaking of water... All living organisms will die instantly.
The water inside them will turn into hydrogen, and all organic substances containing oxygen (and most of them in the human body) will simply decay.
After the return of oxygen, the bodies will no longer assemble, because they will become just a pile of substances surrounded by water.
They say to learn to appreciate something, you have to lose it?
Alas, having lost oxygen, there will be no one to appreciate it.
Honey I'm glad I hope you enjoy my stories I love sharing my thoughts with you.
how was this evening for you?
your Larisa

2023-05-23 01:02:49
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This story is for you David!!!! Photo inside! 32/254
Hello my dear David!
How are you doing? How was your weekend?
How is your5:33
mood?PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
How is the weather today and how was the start of the week for you?
How is Heidi doing?
I love your smile so much.
I want you to smile today and therefore I will tell you a funny story of my surgeon colleague.
The surgeon was preparing for the operation to amputate the foot.
The consent of the patient had to be obtained.
He gave her all the paperwork and approvals to sign and asked her if she needed time to think about her decision.
But she was completely calm and didn't worry about what we were going to do with her leg.
The surgeon became suspicious, so he started asking more questions, figuring out why she wasn't upset at all.
To which the patient told him that she understands everything - the operation is needed, but it's okay, because the foot will grow again anyway.
We had to explain to her that she was not a salamander and that human limbs do not grow back.
I hope that you liked my story and you smiled.
I wish you good luck and good mood!!!!
with tenderness

2023-05-22 23:45:10
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Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
Thanks for your nice letter.
Today we were shelled again and the neighboring cities of Sinelnikovo and Dnipro received destruction and explosions from drones and missiles.
But our air defense shot down most of the missiles.
14 rockets were sent to our city,
10 shot down.
Because of this, there was no electricity and water in the city.
But by the evening everything was repaired.
Oh David!!!! I so want a quiet life next to you and I can't stop dreaming about it.
Today I worked in Pavlograd and in the Dnieper and in the evening I will return home.
Mom and Kira returned home.
Dad was examined and unfortunately he will not do without surgery.
He was scheduled for surgery on Wednesday.
I feel hopelessness, fatigue, moral emptiness and a breakdown, my hands give up, and it seems: that's it, there is no more strength to fight.
I want to tell you a story from my life.
This was in 2016.
Then I worked in the therapeutic department.
One day, a 17-year-old girl fell into a coma.
The boy she was in love with came to her every day and told her how much he loved her.
This went on for a week until she finally woke up with "I love you" on her lips.
For some reason now I remember this story.
David, your love gives me hope and I want our story to have the same beautiful ending.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-05-21 23:09:27

RE: Hi Larisa love!!!
My love Larisa. Life can be so unforgiving at times and my heart goes out to your family. I send more love and prayers. I wish there was something that I could do more. The war news here in
the USA seems to indicate that it just gets worse and is spreading and involving more countries. It is on my mind always and each day I check for updates. It is so terrible that you are put in
harms way.
I am living pretty much alone. My sister has gone back to her summer home in Colorado but Heidi is at my side. I have been trying to get in touch with my other sister Priscilla in Seattle
Washington but do not seem to be able to get through for some time. So I try to keep busy and out of the way of boredom. I am doing fine after my surgery but am still rather fatigued yet
but that will pass. There is not much to report from here otherwise. The weather is getting hotter as summer begins and the flowering is past it's prime so I will go out today and do some
photography to maintain my record of the changing season here in this tropical desert. I am having computer problems that needs to be solves with my photo library, otherwise I could send
more photos.
I keep you on my mind always and will keep my prayers for your safety.
Your David 33/254
2023-05-21 22:07:12
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Hi David love!!! Photo inside!
Today I was able to catch the Internet and I hasten to write you a letter as soon as possible.
I'll try to tell you everything that's going on.
On Saturday morning I returned home from the Dnieper and they gave me two days off.
I'm so tired after the trip to Kyiv, but I'm still glad that I was able to see my dad and hug him at a difficult time for him.
I remembered how he always supported me when it was hard for me and always said these words to me:
"Just know: I'm always there."
This time I said the same words to him and we just hugged and cried a little.
Then I looked into his eyes and said:
"Yes, I also think it's hard and unfair.
But I'll help you find a way out..."
Then I remembered the story when my ex-husband left us without money and when Bogdan needed a heart operation and I had to sell my apartment to save him.
And we had to live for 6 years in a small house.
I am very glad that last week I was able to see my family.
We spent only a few days together, but I was able to calm and hug my dad and this helped him calm down and he continued his treatment.
It's a pity, but the examination showed that he still needs surgery.
Yesterday and today I had the weekend and I was able to relax.
Tomorrow I will probably go with my team to work on a business trip.
This may be the Zaporozhye region or cities close to Bakhmut.
There is a very difficult situation there.
How are your sister Diane and her husband David doing?
How is your cat Heidi doing?
How was your Saturday and Sunday?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa
new photo from Kira for you David

2023-05-19 23:53:05


RE: it was so sweet and I want to share with you...LOOK!!!
I have no idea what that day is. Mostly I simply keep at home as I don't have many friends yet here beyond art school.

2023-05-19 20:00:47
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it was so sweet and I want to share with you...LOOK!!!
Vyshyvanka Day Do you have similar holidays and how do you feel about it?.

2023-05-19 19:54:30
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my home video for you beloved David!
Every minute my heart misses you! 2023-05-19 34/254

Reply (/mailing/index/
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Darling, David! Photo inside!
My dear David!
Thank you for sharing your memories with me and telling me about your past life.
I really love all your stories.
They help me get to know your character more and understand what kind of person you are.
I am very glad that you are close with your daughter and I hope that we can become friends with her and find a common language.
I hope that she and Heidi will accept me into your family and fall in love.

2023-05-19 19:45:59
Reply (/mailing/index/



Darling, I'm so sorry that my work is taking up so much of my time right now and the air anxiety is almost non-existent. Photo inside!
I so want to tell you so much about my life, about my childhood, studies, my family.
But I get so tired that when I return home, I immediately fall asleep.
Sometimes I don’t even have the strength to take my dog for a walk and the neighbor boy Sasha helps me with this.
Tomorrow I will have a day off and I will try to tell you about something important from my life.
Of course, I studied Latin at the medical university and all doctors are required to know it. Yes, it is the language of science.
I don't know as much as you. I speak a little English, I know Russian, a little Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian.
But I am always ready for new knowledge and I will be glad if you help me with this.
hugs and kisses

2023-05-19 19:34:15
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Dear, Even a victorious war is an evil that must be averted by the wisdom of the nations. Photo inside!
Just as the greatest physical evil is death, so the greatest moral evil is, of course, war. And I, like millions of people, try to do everything possible to complete it and wait for peace.
I'm glad that you liked the story of a sailor who got to the island of cannibals and was able to become king there.
It is so important to learn how to survive even in the most terrible conditions.
I liked your opinion and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

2023-05-19 19:13:04
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Dear, thank you for your sweet and wonderful letter. Photo inside!
I know that I was very lucky to meet you and you have so many talents that cannot be counted.
I only play the piano, and you are so diverse.
I am so proud of all your regalia and merits and I am so looking forward to that wonderful time when I can live side by side in your world full of discoveries and knowledge, creativity and
Ah, David, this is what my mind and my mind wants and longs for.
Honey, I know we'll make a great duet.
I'm so glad that you think I'm your violin. 35/254
How is Heidi doing?
Hope you had a wonderful day today.
kiss her wet5:33 PMme
nose for - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Yours with love, Larisa

2023-05-19 18:51:38
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My dear David! Photo inside!
I think it's very good that my family was able to get together and it helped us come to terms with the loss and support each other.
Of course, if you were around, I would feel more secure.
But you're far away and that won't change.
They say that the Lord gives us so many problems to make us stronger and He does not give more than we can bear.
I think that our world would be completely different if all people tried to help and support each other.
I so want to see more kindness than anger and hatred.
My brother Dima always said:
"Everyone, help as much as you can..."
and I know that now he is looking at me from paradise.
It seems to me that we should always support the side that is in a more difficult position, we have the right to sometimes rely on the other,
After all, even Christ needed help to carry his cross.
best wishes
always yours Larisa

2023-05-19 18:12:40
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My love David. Photo inside!
Hello my dear! I am very glad that I was able to get a business trip to Kyiv for a few days and I was able to reassure my dad and explain to him that the most important thing is that everyone
is alive.
You can build a house or buy one, but a person's life is much more important.
My friend Dasha left us the keys to the apartment and we were lucky to save on housing.
Mom came with Kira and we were able to support dad together.
During the day I worked and in the evening I was with my family.
Then I left for the Dnieper and tomorrow I will return home for the weekend.
My mom and Kira still live with Dasha in Kyiv and they see dad every day.
Oh David!!!! I would like to know the answer to the question of how long the war will last.
But probably only Biden and Putin know about this.
I don’t know what else to expect and how long the war in Ukraine will last.
Of course, my parents know about you and I told them about what a wonderful, talented and wonderful man you are in every way.
My parents told me that you make a good impression on them and they are looking forward to getting to know you.
They often ask me about you and Heidi.
My dad always smiles when I tell him about how your cat climbs into your arms and caresses.
He tells me that she can be my rival and I will need to befriend her....ho..ho..ho
I think that it will be very difficult to build a house and it will be easier to buy a new one or they will stay in my apartment when I leave for you.
I think that over time we will somehow resolve this issue.
I think that my parents need to get custody of Kira and if possible, adopt her.
She has been living with us all the time since the war started.
Kira and my parents became very attached to each other and probably Kira will no longer be able to live in a boarding school for orphans.
My parents are very kind and responsible people and they will not be able to leave this girl, it will be a betrayal for her.
I thought that it is very good that they have such a connection and when I leave for you I will be more comfortable knowing that my parents are not alone and that Kira is with them.
Yesterday my father went through all the examinations and the doctor who treats him said that the treatment is successful and they can proceed to the next stage of treatment.
Tomorrow I should have a day off and I will try to tell you more about my thoughts and news.
with love
Always and forever your Larisa

2023-05-18 09:34:05
103814673 36/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Terrible times
My Love. Can you see an end to all the disaster that is keeping us from being together. It's not that I am so impatient, it is more that I am having a hard time focusing on a future. It seems like
a none ending blur. From the news here in the US the war just seems to go on and on without any decisive progress. One area they get ahead while another is defeated. I hear the Russians
are running out o;f ammunition but in the next moment another huge area is blown up. It seems to have spread to Russia now. Anmd more and more countries are getting Involved.
How I pray for normalcy and you and me moving out of the rubble for a hopeful and loving life. Have you told your father about us? Does he have any words of wisdom. Your poor family how
could they do without you. I am sending prayers for your family and their future.. I am assuming that you will have to be there until there is a house built for your family as well. That is going
to take another year or so if the build is not set back by the shortage of materials; there is a thousand reasons to hold up getting the house finished. Is there any other family to help or is all
the families future depending in your aid? I just would like to get a picture of the future. As always you have my love to help support the cause.
Your David

2023-05-16 00:36:02

RE: David, my man is from Mars!!!!
My love Larisa, I wish I were there as I know I could be of some help. You need your sadness to recover but focus on solutions and after some rest decide how to recover those feelings of of
loss. Few loss are truly permanent. As Life takes us down our chosen paths there are always signs and new channels to take us to recovery-- if we take them. Also look for all the new
opportunities that may be partially hidden-- if you shake the covering leaves there may be diamonds glimmering in the shadows. God puts them there as signposts and guide posts to find
new paths and if necessary to dig yourself out so that you can see the world beyond the borders of the hole you may be in. I am here with my arms in ready to pull you out and give the
same help to your family and loved ones. So take advantage of it. In this world we need each other and I am open to whatever I can do.
Sending a huge quanta of love to you and your family and Kira

2023-05-15 23:30:12


RE: My favorite David!!!
My Love you do not have to look further-- YOU ARE MY VIOLIN. Indeed I do understand this and I have been hearing music since I came upon you. I have a strong music background and i
can hear the full orchestra and all its voices-- the viols, the brass, the woodwinds, and the tempo tapping surly to focus all the voices into the new symphony that to me is simply astounding,
beautiful, heartfelt, and uplifting to where it is telling me to join with full voice and pull you into this magnificent Contatta of the future. So grab your violin and your voice and play and sing
until your heart beats the same beat and know that we both have found that perfect song of our togetherness.
I am there and am calling----- I love Larisa
Incidently I started violin at 4 years old and later added the trumpet, and the orchestral Tuba. I also play all the Blockfluts and have sang professionally with the Robert Shaw Choral (look
them up). Went to music school. Oh I can add I played with most of the midwestern orchestras as well as for 6 years as a member of the Cleveland Symphony. So I do hear the melody and
there is a part for both of us and the song is of love.

2023-05-15 23:02:48
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My favorite David!!! Photo inside!
I was just thinking about how great it would be to fall asleep in your arms.
I want to feel safe and know that my loved one is near...
Once from the lectures, I heard how one psychologist was asked if he believed in an ideal relationship,
and that there are halves in the world who, having met, form an ideal union?
To this he replied something like this:
“I believe that somewhere in this world there is a Violin that is Destined for me.
As soon as I find her, I take her in my hands - enchanting music will immediately flow and all my friends and acquaintances will look and admire with admiration what a virtuoso I am and how
good it is for us.
But so far, nothing of the sort has happened.
I play the violins one by one without even thinking about taking the time to learn.
No. I do not need it!
Learning scales, solfeggio, hand positioning and everything else are not for me these mundane things.
I just need to meet That Violin, so that music is born right away! ..”
For some reason, I still remember these words and it seems to me that there is wisdom in them, and I agree with this.
Perhaps the audience did not even immediately understand.
But I understand well what this psychologist meant.
was evident how the faces first light up with joy, and then it dawns on them what sarcasm is and you still need to work on relationships ...)))) 37/254
I really want to be your violin!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2023-05-15 22:46:23
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David, my man is from Mars!!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your wonderful photo and letter.
I love all your letters very much.
I wrote to you that my father's neighbor told him3 that our house had been destroyed and he had received a terrible blow.
He refused further treatment.
I needed to do something urgently.
I was able to arrange to be sent on a business trip to Kyiv for a few days.
We need to quickly get ready for the road, we left at 5 o'clock in the morning on Monday.
Today I was able to see my dad and hug him.
We talked for a long time about everything that happened and I convinced him that we still have time to build or buy a new house.
The most important thing is that we are all alive.
There is nothing more feminine than life.
David, now I'm going to take a shower and get some rest.
I'm terribly tired today.
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa

2023-05-15 02:10:09


RE: My only larisa, my love, 2 Photos inside!
Greetings from my cave on Mars. Just returned from Venus; allot of beautiful women but I did not find you so I will write you a love note and tell you how much I miss you and still cling on to
the hope of our holding each other in real life. I pass all temptation keeping in my mind your beautiful smile and wondering what is on your mind.I love your long hair as it is radiant as I
frames your smile wondering if you are thinking of me as your one and only. That is how I think of you; that person that comes in your life ,often by chance, that is that perfect fit and is worth
whatever sacrifice that is necessary to create that perfect life union. I must tell myself to be patient ----all wars come to an end and there are sacrifices to be made by everyone no matter
which side of the coin you are on. For me I am an onlooker from Mars and just hope that there is a happy ending to this episode for all parties.
I am happy that you have found a home for Kira and hoping that your family finds a safe place to settle. Tell your Dad that I pray for his full recovery.Consider the USA maybe. I am planning
that you will be here. Bring your dog too. The summer heat is starting and a thunderstorm is brewing. So I will retire to my studio and do some painting.
I cannot express how much I miss you and love you, and cling on the future where we can start that new adventure together. I will put a few more arrows in my quiver to make sure that we
are protected here on earth. And give my paint brushes a tiny lick to keep the point sharp. I can't wait to sit down together and share our dream of what and where we desire to make the
future together. I want to hear about all your dreams.
I am in love with you and you have my lifelong devotion, your David
Photo of Two Bishops. John,the Primus of the House of Bishops and me Bishop of the Diocese of the Desert. Both of us in our Habits of the Order of Saint Andrew. None of this will be a
problem for us. The other photo is a younger me-- desert scientist. This one may be a challenge for you. He is likely to want to pack your pack and head out into the unknown --- no facilities
only your tent and the loving arms of your protector. Hang on!
1 2

2023-05-13 05:30:06


RE: The sailor became the king of the cannibals....
My love we do what we must do to survive. It is our responsibility to try to settle any differences with our mates and family. I think that giving where needed is a critical part of a harmonious
family life. In doing so the harmony leaves a space where each can think about just what the nature of the problem is, and consider what is needed to resolve the differences if that is what
you desire to do. Sometimes it is necessary to simply to give that other person space if that is what is needed. Not all problems have a satisfactory solution but we must be responsible for
our own happiness. Calm seas are more easy to sail than in a constant storm. Sometime if you really care for someone you may come to the realization that that perhaps you may not be
best to not live on the same planet.... especially if one is a cannibal.

2023-05-13 05:15:50
Delete 38/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: History of success...
Curious, in my music school days I took several courses in conducting. I never had delusions of becoming a conductor but that was part of being a classical musician. It came in handy
because several times I had the opportunity of warming up the orchestra. I enjoyed those music years but gave it up because it did not pay enough to become a married man. My wife was
not a person with a music background and I am not sure she appreciated that side of me.We had an OK marriage but she was a very volatile person with strong opinions and over many
years it created a difficult wedge between us. I am sure I played my part but we divorced. A few years ago I thought after many years of not seeing each other we could become good
friends but when we finally saw each other over Christmas it took all of 20 minutes before she tore me down in front of our kids. So they got to see the interpersonal problem. I left to get a
room at a motel and came back to finish the Holiday with the kids. When I came in through the door she was there and said she was surprised to to me because she thought I might not
return. So we had Christmas and I have no plans to repeat this again. I kept my mouth shut so I would not create any problem for the kids. I have a hard time understanding her but I guess
that is the way it is. It is a past I am glad to leave it there. So that is my story. She moved in with my daughter so if I plan to see her we will meet somewhere else. I do not think my daughter is
taking sides but she is physically in the middle. My son seems to be not affected. Even so my daughter and I are very close.

2023-05-13 00:29:15
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men and women.... Photo inside!
Some of the men remained on Venus, and some of the women flew to Mars.
Men dug their caves on Venus and began to live there,
and when one of them felt bad, he retired there.
It seemed to the women very strange, but they understood
that they are representatives of different planets,
and each planet has its own customs and laws, and they must be accepted and respected.
Men also had a lot of things that were incomprehensible to women,
many things seemed strange and wrong.
But they knew that the inhabitants of different planets have their own laws, and if you cannot understand them,
you just have to accept them.
With such knowledge, they lived peacefully and well...
And then one day, they decided to build a big starship and go into space.
They prepared for the expedition for a long time, there were many men and women on board the spaceship.
But when they gave up in space,
as is often the case, when a man and a woman stay together, they are lost.
After wandering for some time, they stumbled upon a planet previously unknown to them.
They decided to sit on it and explore.
It was truly paradise.
No comparison to cold Mars or hot Venus.
There was bright greenery, blue skies and an amazing ocean.
The rivers were full of fish, the forests were full of birds and animals.
They would never have thought that such a miracle existed in the world.
They liked the planet so much that they decided to stay here.
And after a while, all the men from Mars and all the women from Venus moved to this planet,
which they decided to call Earth.
For a long time they lived here happily and peacefully, as before.
But as the years passed, generations changed,
and people began to forget that they are representatives of different planets.
Men didn't understand women, and women didn't understand men.
They tried to change each other, they fought.
Harmony and peace have left the earth.
The era of chaos has begun.
And so it continues to this day
although all you need to remember is that we are inhabitants of different planets, living according to their own laws.
And the laws of another planet must be accepted and respected.
I hope that you liked this legend and you will see the warmest dreams.
hugs and kisses!
Good night!
your Lara
my very private photo for you David
Maybe your dreams today will be full of fantastic and very hot fantasies....mmmm

2023-05-13 00:21:38
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Delete 39/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

continuation...)))))))) Photo inside!
David dear
Millions of kilometers from Mars there was a planet called Venus,
and women inhabited this planet.
They lived together and calmly.
In the evenings they gathered together and sang long songs in the Venusian language.
Sometimes it happened that one of the women became ill.
And then others came to her,
they sat together and talked for a long time, and after a while she felt better.
This is how women lived on the planet Venus, and they liked this life...)))
Once the civilization of Mars reached such heights that they were able to build a starship,
and some of the men went into space on it.
After some time, one of the stars first turned into a spot,
then the ball, and finally to the planet.
It was Venus.
Men realized that the planet is inhabited by intelligent beings,
and tried to make contact.
Men immediately liked women, they liked them very much.
Women reacted to uninvited guests with caution,
women did not immediately like them.
But after a while, everything got better.
It turned out that the two civilizations have something to share with each other....

2023-05-13 00:18:23
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My favorite David... Photo inside!
I love all your letters very much.
I appreciate your kind words and I love it when you tell me about your life and share your opinions with me.
My dear, I will go to bed now and I want to tell you my favorite legend at night.
This is a story about men and women
And again about the main thing - about mutual understanding.??
Someone once (whether it was John Gray with his helpful relationship books, or someone before him)
thought that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.
Everyone has heard about it, but no one takes it seriously.
An intricate invention - nothing more.
It may also be an invention.
But after all, like any good metaphor, it can help to better understand and see what we sometimes forget.
And it's good when someone appears to remind us of this...
So a long time ago, men lived on the planet Mars.
Their civilization was highly developed.
They were hardworking, honest and fair.
All day long they worked, and in the evenings they retired to their caves.
Sometimes it happened that one of them got sick,
and he went into his cave for a long time.
And it never occurred to anyone to go in there and disturb him,
because everyone knew that time would pass, and everything would work out by itself.
Then he will leave the cave and return to his daily activities.
This is how men lived on the planet Mars, and they liked this life...

2023-05-13 00:10:08
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cute ... Photo inside! 40/254
David cute
Thanks for your wonderful letter.
I 6/24/23,
so wanted 5:33
to kissPM
you after such tender words. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I dream that very soon we will live together in your cozy house and be infinitely happy together.
This week has been very difficult for me.
I wrote to you that my father's house was completely destroyed.
And I asked the neighbors not to tell my parents about it.
I thought I'd let him know when he gets home after treatment.
Mom and Kira are with my relatives in Khmelnitsky.
I sent them there after the last rocket attacks.
Kira is being treated by a psychologist.
Last night I did not sleep because my father's neighbor Galina sent a photo of the destroyed house to my father and he had a nervous stress.
In the morning I even had to call a cardiologist to see him.
I was so angry that I wanted to kill this neighbor.
My father is now continuing treatment and any excitement is contraindicated for him.
All night I tried to calm my dad down and that's why it was very difficult for me to work today...
Kira is painting her pictures again and she asked me to give you some David

2023-05-12 23:36:19
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Today I looked at my childhood photos ... Photo inside!
David dear
When I was a child, my parents often took us to the sea.
I remember that I was always looking for a big shell and then brought it home.
And when the cold winter days came, I put it to my ear and it seemed to me that I could hear the sea.
You probably know that many put a shell to their ear to hear the sea.
The sound you hear is actually the noise of your own blood in your veins!
You can use any cup-shaped object to hear this effect.
But as children we believe in miracles and it's a pity that we lose this ability when we become adults.
I wonder if you did the same as a child?

2023-05-12 23:36:10


RE: Zhumbaktas rock (Lake Burabay, Akmola region)
We have so much to learn from each other. That is part of your charm for me. I like your plasticity and you have so many sides to you to plumb and explore--- all with a bonus--- holding you
in my arms. Sending my love, David

2023-05-12 23:29:06

RE: Hello my dearLarisa
Simply amazing! Each letter i discover more things we have in common. I taught Southwestern Archaeology (SW America) for eighteen years and included visiting and doing field studies of
all the American sites. When the university had money problems they did not want to teach small classes. I had tenure so they could not get rid of me so I simply moved over to larger
classes in ecology( with small field labs). I knew my way around the system so I adapted. Ecology is so broad that it could encompass most anything in nature. I enjoyed the plasticity
because I could find a variety of expression and make changes as my interests changed. After all archaeology is simply human ecology! I worked on the American Pueblo cultures which
abound in the American and the Southwest--- so put on your pack and we are off. I always had a following of Students and many are lifelong friends. Teaching adults always held my
attention because you never knew who was going to show up in my classes---- past students, friends ,other scientists often in complementary never knew.
I loved my teaching especially ( and my research).

2023-05-12 22:36:46
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103454401 41/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

History of success... Photo inside!
Dear David!
This story is about how important it is to have a dream.
I really liked this story, I hasten to share with you!
Gilbert Kaplan was a journalist and at the age of 25 he founded his own magazine.
Within fifteen years, his magazine Institutional Investor had become one of the leading business publications and had a huge circulation.
But suddenly, at the age of 40, Gilbert Kaplan sells his business.
What happened?
The thing is that once he heard Gustav Mahler's Second Symphony.
Gustav Mahler is an Austrian composer who in 1895 created a rather complex piece of music called Symphony No. 2 or "Resurrection".
Mahler's music delighted Hilbert!
It seemed that feelings woke up in him, which before that had been sleeping for a very long time,
and he didn't even know they existed.
But it seemed to him that not a single conductor could present Mahler as he deserved.
Gilbert Kaplan sold his magazine for $72 million and decided to become a conductor and show the world the magnificence of Mahler.
Many persuaded him not to do this.
But it became his dream.
Experts were sure that this is the most stupid idea.
At this age, it is impossible to become a conductor.
Friends laughed at Kaplan's ridiculous undertaking.
After all, before that, Kaplan had never conducted or played musical instruments.
But, in spite of everything, Kaplan began to study as a conductor.
He, of course, studied with the best teachers.
And two years later, his dream came true!
In 1996, Kaplan with the London Symphony Orchestra opened the program of one of the most prestigious music festivals in the world, Salzburg, with a performance of Mahler's Second
Gilbert Kaplan played the most successful classical album in 1996 in the United States.
They started talking about him as the best conductor who resurrected Mahler.
How important it is to have a cherished dream!
hugs and kisses

2023-05-12 22:18:39
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The sailor became the king of the cannibals.... Photo inside!
Oh David!!!! We are so similar in our views and desires.
Just like you, I always dreamed of exploring the world.
I remember once I read the story of a sailor
Today I remembered this story.
Maybe you will be interested?
In 1904, a Swedish sailor was wrecked on an island inhabited by cannibals.
He was captured and taken to the king, whose daughter fell in love with him.
He married, had nine children with her, and became king after his father-in-law.
He adopted their traditions in order to survive
but I highly doubt that he fell in love with the daughter of the cannibal king
Honey, do you think he adopted their traditions or did he do it to avoid being eaten? Kisses and hugs
your Larisa

2023-05-12 21:44:13
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Zhumbaktas rock (Lake Burabay, Akmola region) Photo inside! 42/254
David dear
I remembered one Kazakh legend about love and I want to tell you about it.
Hundreds loversPM
from all over the country keep their way to Kokshetau to see with their- own
Trusted international
eyes the magnificencedating site sincestone
of the mysterious 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
This place is near the rocks.
On a stone cliff, on one side, you can see a girl with hair fluttering in the wind, on the other, a boat.
According to legend, the daughter of a rich bai ran away with her lover, a poor akyn, from her father.
But the young people did not manage to hide.
The sons of the bai killed a rootless dzhigit with their arrows.
A grief-stricken girl prays to God to turn her into stone.
Since then, she has forever united with nature in the quiet surface of Lake Burabay in the form of a stone statue.
The rock "Zhumbaktas" is seen from Lake Borovoye.
The historical name is Auliekol, which means "Sacred Lake" in translation, and this is a very beautiful and mysterious place.
I dream that we will spend the rest of our lives close to nature and in the evenings we will share our stories.
There are so many interesting things that I want to share my David with you

2023-05-12 21:13:39
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Hello my dear David. Photo inside!
I was very interested to read your letter,
and I remembered how my dad taught me and my brother to dismantle the tents and choose the right place to sleep in the camp.
My parents often went on expeditions with a group of archaeologists and when they returned
or were on vacation, they often went camping with us or to some interesting places.
They taught us everything so that we could survive in the mountains, in the forest, near a body of water or just in the wild.
My brother and I enjoyed this kind of vacation and we were always very happy when we went camping when we lived a week away from the city.
We often visited the Crimea, the Caucasus and even Central Asia.
Once our parents took us with them when they went on an expedition to Kazakhstan.
They studied the Berel burial mounds.
Then their group was engaged in the study of ancient treasures
For the first time, the Berel mounds, which store a long history, were discovered in the 19th century.
This place attracted people with its unsolved mysteries.
Berel mounds are located in East Kazakhstan, in the valley of the Bukhtarma River, striking in its grandeur and peace, not far from the village of Berel.
In a protected place, which received the name "Valley of the Kings" with the light hand of archaeologists,
about 100 graves were discovered there, some of which have already been uncovered by scientists.
The remains of rulers and representatives of the tribal nobility were found in them.
A real open-air museum and a kind of sanctuary gradually reveals the secrets of an ancient civilization.
At the weekend we went camping and our parents told us about the life of people who lived hundreds of years ago,
they told us about their findings and legends.
And I loved these trips very much and I remember how we sat near the fire and listened to the stories that I still remember

2023-05-12 06:17:19

I was fortunate being raised in a small town with lost of forests and wild areas nearby. I could put my pack on my bicycle and out of town and simply find a piece of forest and pull off the
road and make camp. I never had any complaints by the neighbors so there was a total freedom of the hills for me as a kid. Similarly as an adult I lived in a wild canyon and was surrounded
by plenty of places to camp. So I was raised with the freedom of the hills and so I raised my son and daughter with those same values. We all had tents and sleeping bags and I often took
my kids with me when I took my classes to remote places. The students admired my kids as they were the first with their tents and camps set up while my students were still trying to figure
out how to set up their tents--- so my kids , who were kids still, ended showing my grown students how to make camp.

2023-05-12 06:03:04


Yes I love the sound of rain on the side of the tent. Since most of my camping trips lasted up to three months I faced all kinds of weather and the sound of rain on the walls of the tent has
left me with feelings of total refreshment. And even more when I think of snuggling up to you by my side. Few words would need be said as we both would feel the utter contentment of the
see that Kire latest picture has added a house for us to live in. Simply wonderful. What a picture of love. 43/254
2023-05-12 05:55:02
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: IT'S ROMANTIC.... Dear David!!!!
Indeed am ready to shout from the roof tops of my love for you. My tent can be sounding the good news for all I care. You are my dream come true.
It has been rather hot and for the last couple of nights I haven't been able to easily get to sleep So I put on my shoes and went into the cooler night for a long vigorous walk into the coolness
and came in and took a shower and finally got to sleep. I live in a community where there are no street lights so the stars were the only source of light. It worked.

2023-05-12 05:44:18


Memories: Since I was a child I wanted to see the world. I spent hours in my bedroom watching View Master slides Planning that someday I would see these amazing places. And..... I have
indeed seen them all. National Parks, wild areas, Museums .. the lot. Along the way I discovered new places and added to the list... and so it goes. Will I ever run out of places. I do not see the
end so far. So will you join me and hand in hand go exploring.

2023-05-12 03:40:45

RE: My dear David!!! And one more reason to love camping.....)))
Darling, with my background I have always felt like I could handle just about anything. I never had any experience combat but was in Russia as a Spy for a few weeks as I owed the country 2
years of military duty. I liked that better than shining shoes or marching. Perhaps I can fill you in on that sometime. I did not see much as I had to keep a low profile and was confined to the
University campus as a visiting professor. It was not a happy experience. Learned a bit of Russian but have not remembered much of it. Would like to see if I cloud pick some of it up. In my
graduate studied I had to demonstrate proficiency in French, German, and needed Spanish and Latin. I can read French and read it most days, Spanish is spoken here where I live but mu
proficiency is not very good. German Science dropped much of it's use after WW11 so I do not remember much and have little use for it. Latin is a language of Science. I am sure you have
languages in your background as well. I have never been very good at them but I do what I can. Interestingly I seem to have retained some of the pronunciation of some of my Russian and
find miss pronunciation of many common words.
So tell my more about you. I seem to be doing all the talking-- of course as a professor I was a professional talker and hopefully had something to say.

2023-05-12 03:20:37


RE: My dear Larisa!!! And one more reason to love camping.....)))
I have little experience at the 5 star Hotels. There was little choice when on my modest budget I could go for Two weeks in the 5- Star hotels of three months in my tent. Actually I really had
never missed the fancy hotels anyway. As a Professor I always had the summers off to travel so off I went. My pack was packed to leave to day after Spring Graduation --- off I went and
returned in the fall for the first faculty meeting for the New Year.
I set up my faculty pay on a yearly plan so I always had a small income each month. Never rich in $ but rich in experience. I went to mountain School to learn to climb and took classes to get
my EMT certification ( Emergency Medical Technician) so I could make sure my students could learn to climb and I could keep them safe. Of We Went! Students in Toll.

2023-05-12 03:04:59


RE: Dear David!!! Yes, you are of course right as always, camping is currently one of the most economical family vacation options. By investing in a
tent and essentials, you can use them as often as you like without spending more money. This means years o
My sweet Larisa. I have spent a lifetime of camping because Nature has always been a place that I love and it has been the center stage of teaching my college classes in Ecology. I have
pretty much covered the Western Hemisphere from the Arctic to the Antarctic and most places in between. In sitting around the campfire I have made lifelong friends of the hundreds of
students I have introduced to Nature. The number of them must be in the hundreds and more. My reputation was if you take a course from me start packing your pack. You can see the city
and it's museums as well as the jungle and the alpine tundra as well. With all that experience I am one of the most experienced guides that you could find-- North, Central and South
America as well as East Africa, Greenland, Iceland but not yet Europe or Asia ( short time In Siberia) or Australia, But mush of the South Pacific--
Taught three years in Hawaii. I have been on most of the major roads of the Americas.
So you see what a great background I have to create all the nature you could hope for. This is how I have spent much of my life. I nam not without my short -comings however, but nature is
not one of them. I am sure you have much to share with me as well and I look forward to exploring the canyons of your world. The university even bought me a fleet of vans for my outdoor
classes. 44/254
The only other area of my life was as a Classical orchestral musician. Started on Violin when I was four and performed in most all of the Midwest orchestras (6 years with the Cleveland
Symphony and 4 years with the Robert Shaw Chorale). Gave it up th become a biologist. That is the short story of mu life.
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-05-12 02:39:13


RE: why camping is cool!!!
Darling of course I am interested. My first thought of camping is waking up in our tent beside you, with little in my schedule but but holding you and listening to you breath, whispering sweet
nothings into your ears and thinking what could be better to do today than just what I am presently doing. You are so precious to me. Your David

2023-05-12 02:31:19


RE: A person without a dream in this world probably simply does not exist.
My Sweet heart, The way i think of it: the dream is a picture of things hoped for and the frame of the picture is the hoped for dream. My picture has you in it as the center surrounded by all
the things we want to do together and the places we have dreamed of sharing. Putting that all together we have created together what we call our hoped for future which is different than
the one before where I am the star-- now WE have created an all new world filled with romance and shared experiences that can only happen when we have found each other to join hands
to walk into the new world together. David + Larisa

2023-05-12 01:53:23
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Dear David!!!! RAIN NOISE ON THE TENT TENT Photo inside!
My de
It seems to me that if you wish, you can do it even in our own garden or in a beautiful place near the house.
Probably, the first experience of camping for everyone was in childhood, when he slept in a tent in the country.
In most cases, these backyard adventures end early and the kids return home to their comfortable cribs.
And those that last all night rarely require long sleep.
However, backyard garden camping is a great way to enjoy nature and practice when time and money are tight.
I think this is probably the biggest reason of all.
Hiking allows you to laugh with family and friends, visit beautiful places and live life to the fullest.
As they say, you only have one life, live it.
And besides, you can take wonderful photos in the winter, embracing and wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, look at the photos in the album and get a positive charge from the summer
memories of a good time in nature!!!
Now it's your turn to tell me what is your main reason for loving camping?
With love and kisses, Larisa

2023-05-12 01:51:51
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Dear David!!!! RAIN NOISE ON THE TENT TENT Photo inside!
My dear!!!!
Obviously camping tends to be better when the sun is shining, but we know it does rain from time to time.
But when it does, and you're inside the tent, the sound of the rain hitting the roof of the tent is oddly reassuring.
I also love camping because YOU SEE THE SUNRISE AND SUNSET!!!!
Camping allows you to see the sunset in the evening and how it rises in the morning (because someone woke you up early).
And that is great....)))
I think this is another important reason why camping is cool!!!
your Larisa
1 2023-05-12 45/254

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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


IT'S ROMANTIC.... Dear David!!!! Photo inside!
The obvious answer is to spend more time hiking.
My dear David!!!!!
Now scientists have proof of what we've always suspected... Nights spent in a tent help you sleep better.
(unless, of course, mosquitoes interfere)
Scientists have also found that sleeping in a tent can reset your internal biological clock and help you fall asleep earlier.
The only problem is that your biological clock starts to return to its previous rhythm as soon as the tent is assembled and you return to normal life. The obvious answer is to spend more time
What could be more romantic than sharing a meal by the firelight, gazing at the stars together, or cozying up under a tent awning?
Forget five-star hotels, young couples are choosing camping as their new romantic getaway.
I read on one website that a survey showed that more than two-thirds of people said that their ideal hike would be to hike only with a partner or spouse.
and that more than half of all young people chose to hike precisely because it was romantic.
Only those over 75 found it repulsive.
But please.
For the sake of your fellow campers, when you start whispering cute nonsense to each other, just remember that tents are NOT soundproof...
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-05-12 01:48:45
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And I think it's a memory for a lifetime!
Holidays are all about making memories and camping provides many opportunities for that.
Memorable trips will remain with the children for a lifetime and I still remember how every summer my brother and I, together with our parents and several other families and their children,
went on vacation to the lake or to the mountains or forest to relax and enjoy being reunited with nature.
Even miserable camping experiences can become part of the rich tapestry of life.
The memories created and the stories to be told are worth a couple of uncomfortable nights under the tent.
I doubt my family will ever forget the time when our tent collapsed into a huge wet puddle during a huge flood, affectionately called "Stormageddon".
We can laugh about it now, of course.
As writer Ben Fogle said, “You have to have ups and downs.
The most memorable vacations we've had are the muddy and wet hikes."
Reading these words in my mind always come up with episodes of the adventures that we experienced while going camping.

2023-05-12 01:47:11
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My dear David!!! And one more reason to love camping.....))) Photo inside!
My dear David!!! And one more reason to love camping.
The world seems like a slightly more dangerous place right now, and while we're not saying Armageddon is close, if the unthinkable ever happens, your knowledge, skills, and camping gear
mean you'll be better equipped to deal with it than your neighbor. loving 5 star hotel.
Those fluffy towels he stole from the Sheraton won't help him now... hahahaha!
love always
your Larisa

2023-05-12 01:45:13
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Delete 103393479 46/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

My dear David!!!! THIS IS A WAY TO BE PREPARED... Photo inside!
My dear David!!!! THIS IS A WAY TO BE PREPARED...
Because deep down we all want to be like Bear Grills.
Camping lets you learn how to read maps, build a fire, tie knots, and learn which plants are safe to eat.
How to drink water from a stream and avoid nasty things like salmonella and cryptosporidium?
What is the best way to protect yourself from insects? And besides impressing your friends and family, all these skills will help...)))

2023-05-12 01:43:06
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Dear David!!! Yes, you are of course right as always, camping is currently one of the most economical family vacation options. By investing in a tent
and essentials, you can use them as often as you like without spending more money. This means years of va Photo inside!
Dear David!!!
Yes, you are of course right as always, camping is currently one of the most economical family vacation options.
By investing in a tent and essentials, you can use them as often as you like without spending more money.
This means years of vacation with minimal cost. Organized camping is much cheaper than self-catering lodging or a hotel.
Mmmm... Bacon and sausages sizzling in the pan in the morning, the smell of countless barbecues on a sunny afternoon, curry bubbling on the stove.
We will love all this and it can be our family tradition and hobby that brings us pleasure and relaxation.
I have many reasons to love camping.
Yes, you are of course right as always, camping is currently one of the most economical family vacation options.
By investing in a tent and essentials, you can use them as often as you like without spending more money.
This means years of vacation with minimal cost. Organized camping is much cheaper than self-catering lodging or a hotel.
Mmmm... Bacon and sausages sizzling in the pan in the morning, the smell of countless barbecues on a sunny afternoon, curry bubbling on the stove.
We will love all this and it can be our family tradition and hobby that brings us pleasure and relaxation.
I have many reasons to love camping.

2023-05-12 01:39:17
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why camping is cool!!! Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!!!
Of course I would be interested and would like you to spend a few weeks on a tour of the west of North America and visit your family and get to know them
Thanks for your wonderful letter.
I love all your letters so much.
Are you asking me if I like camping?
Yes, I really like it and I have many reasons for this.
It's much cheaper to travel that way.
It's hiking, surfing, mountain biking, windsurfing, kayaking... and much more...
The options for camping adventures are endless.
On the other hand, camping allows you to literally do nothing.
Once your tent is set up, you don't have to rush or do anything.
Just sit back, relax and watch the world around you.
For at least a few days, you don't have to worry about cleaning, laundry, shopping, or any other routine tasks that consume our daily lives.
It seems to me that time with family is highly valued these days due to longer working hours, endless commuting and all the other daily tasks.
It's not often that we actually get the chance to sit down with family or friends without everyone looking at their phones or glued to the gleaming box in the corner of the room.
Camping brings people together, which means you can really chat, laugh and interact like a real family.
And I think it's very cool! 47/254
If you are interested, I would love to tell you about the main reasons for my love of camping!?
Hugs 5:33 PM
and kisses - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
your Larisa

2023-05-12 01:37:06
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A person without a dream in this world probably simply does not exist. Photo inside!
My sweet David!!!
This week has been very difficult for me and I didn't even have time to write you a letter.
Now I have a little time to rest and I want to respond to your letters and write to you about my thoughts.
What are my dreams you ask?
Probably now my main dream is that I stay alive and that we can live happily the rest of our lives together with you.
I also dream that peace would come soon and that I could meet you.
I think that a dream is a desire for something specific, for which a person is ready to start acting in order to achieve it.
You can dream about a lot and you need to do it, because it gives us an incentive to go towards our goals.
Perhaps dreams become possible thanks to our imagination, which is able to draw any images in the mind, regardless of the events taking place.
Now I'm thinking about what is a dream?
What place do dreams occupy in our lives?
What are we dreaming about?
And is it worth dreaming at all, living in illusions?!
And my inner voice tells me:
"Believe in a dream. It has a nice feature - come true..."
A person must dream in order to see the meaning of life.
You can even dream about what you can’t think about.
After all, the meaning of our life is in moving towards a dream.
After all, there is no limit to happiness, love, joy.
This is what I dream of!!!!
And I also think that your ultimate success will be determined by how much you are able to carry your dream through all the trials sent by fate.
with love and faith in my heart
Always yours Larisa

2023-05-08 06:42:38


RE: Larisa my darling!!!!
I am so glad that your dog and cats are safe and sound. I lost one of my cats last year and both myself and Heidi misses her. Have been wondering if I should get another ( she got out after
dark and I could not get her to come back In- she was gone when I got up in the morning).
As for the wedding I do not have a very big family so I see it as being small. Two sisters and a daughter and a son and families is all I have.
Do you like to camp? I was wondering if you would like to take some weeks and tour western North America and visit family. It is much cheaper to travel that way. And so my dreaming goes
on for our future together. Is there anything you are dreaming of doing?
My love to you forever, David

2023-05-08 06:21:21


RE: Hi David Larisa!!!!❤️‍ 2 Photos inside!
My dear Kira, I pray that you are getting better. I understand your fears because it seems that there is nothing you can do to make it go away. But yes when we understand that there are two
things in the world that is more powerful than rockets maybe it will help you see that there is a wonderful world in your and our future.
The first thing that is the most powerful of all is God. He sometimes lets bad people do bad things-- maybe because he knows that they are beyond help if they will not put their trust in god.
God loves peace and love and so I pray to God to give you peace. You might ask him for peace as well as he always listens to children.
The second thing is love. Please know that you are loved. I send my love to you as does Larisa and family. Love is like glue because it holds family and friends together in a peaceful and
loving way to live. I know you understand this because I feel the love in your pictures and they give me peace and love as well. When you are surrounded by love you always know that you
are safe and if you feel the love it will make you feel like you can be happy and not worry. When you are surrounded by loving people they will not only keep you safe but also help you find
happiness. Happy is good don't you think? So know that there are many people that bring that love to you and I am, one of them. I love your flower because it is a happy picture.
My love to you. David
Dear Mom and Dad, I also send my prayers and love to you as well. I cannot even understand what you are going through. My prayers go out to you. David 48/254
My darling Larisa, It goes without saying that I stand solidly behind you and your family. You are such a strong and loving person and I will never forget your sacrifices for others in these
trying times. I am touched to the point of tears at your heroic sacrifices. How fortunate I am to have our paths cross and someday be on the same path together. I love you beyond words,
6/24/23, 5:33 PM
David - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
1 2

2023-05-08 00:45:41
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David my dear!!!! Photo inside!
I think that we will choose wedding clothes together.
We will do it when I come to you.
It seems to me that we will discuss all the wishes when we are together.
To do this, we will need to know the number of guests and adhere to our general wishes and tastes.
I think that you yourself should decide your wishes related to serving in the church.
I think that we will return to this topic when we are together.
My maiden name is Vasnetsova.
My dog was with me all this time, and we found the cat Vasily and the cat Marquise in a shelter, they were microchipped and it helped.
So they are already back home.
hugs and kisses

2023-05-08 00:15:43
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Hi David dear!!!!❤️‍ Photo inside!
Mom and Kira are still in Khmelnitsky and they will stay there for another couple of weeks.
Kira continues to visit a psychologist.
Unfortunately, after the last shelling, due to stress, she got a problem and now she pees at night in pastel.
I feel so sorry for Kira, she is such a little girl and she has already experienced so much pain and fear in her life.
The war took her parents, sister, grandmother, home.....
How much misfortune and pain this little girl Kira experienced.
David, you can't even imagine how much my parents put in effort so that Kira could survive the tragedy associated with the death of her family.
Probably Kira will never be able to live without fear.
This childhood memory will never leave her.
When she hears explosions of fear she screams and passes out.
I am very pleased with her passion for drawing and I see that this activity calms her down.
You can see how much Kira wants to live in a family and she always draws pictures where she is surrounded by people, where there is sun, home....
I conveyed your words to Kira and she was so happy.
She said she would draw many more of her paintings for you.
Dear David, I wish you a good day!!!
hugs and kisses
always yours

2023-05-07 04:19:27


RE: Hello my love!!!!
Dear Kira, What a wonderful picture. It shows the love the three of us have for each other. Please keep Larisa and Mom safe and I pray that you both will find some happiness in the difficult
times. In a short time all the bombs and troubles will go away and please be brave because I hope to see you one day. I will Pray for your safety and happiness. What a fine artist you are I too
like to make pictures. Always your David
My Darling Larisa, give Kira a hug from me; she seems like a fine young person Tell her that all wars end but love lasts forever so lets work on that. We all need each other and that is the real
way the world works. I could just weep for all you are going through. Be safe-- I simply insist. Sending much, much, much Love David

2023-05-07 03:57:24 Delete49/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: My loveLarisa, thank you for your lovely letter!!!
How you make my heart sing. The only suits I have are black as a member of the Anglican Church my shirt is red ( for a Bishop) so perhaps i should start looking for a new suit. I gave away all
my ties so what flavor do you see me with? What a beautiful bride you will make. And where do you see this happening? My closeness to the church is somewhat on hold would you like me
to continue as a bishop or start a new life? I am open to your wishes. My faith does not need to change but I am open to my observance. What is your background?
I do not know your last name. Mine is Bixler of the southern England Bixlers. It May be Welsh as that place where my family comes from comes from the border of Wales.
Have you found your cat and dog? I have been worrying about them.
You fully have my heart and I hope we can start our life together soon..My love to you David

2023-05-07 03:43:11


RE: My only!!
My Sweet Larisa, my life is without direction and connection without you. If only the world could find some sanity for it's people. I am a bit late in getting to you because my computer got
some viruses and had to have it cleaned. I missed you every minute of that time without you. I don't think that will ever change. You are part of my hope for the future and until we are
together life is in limbo---but hopeful. Nothing takes place however of the closeness of physical contact-- holding, the kiss, caressing and close enough that you can hear my voice telling
you how much you mean to me. So I am here for you at least in spirit and waiting for the magic of being together.
My love to you, David

2023-05-05 23:32:46
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Hello my love!!!! Photo inside!
Hope you had a wonderful day and that you and Heidi have a wonderful evening.
I read your letter and tried to imagine what you are doing now.
I imagined you in a chair and how Heidi gently bask on your knees, waiting for the next portion of caress from you.
You know, David, I have a coin - ten hryvnias.
I cast lots.
Eagle - we will succeed.
Tails ... you understand.
And I didn't see what was there.
I hid it on the shelf behind the books.
Remember this.
And remember later...
Someday we'll definitely see what's out there together.
It doesn't matter which side the coin is on.
Whatever the lot falls, we are each other's destiny.
I so want to believe that we will be stronger than circumstances and there is nothing that can separate us.
Thank you for praying for my family and you feel so good about what I have to go through for all of us.
Kira drew a drawing for you and asked me to give it to you.
She calmed down a little and for now they will be in Khmelnitsky together with their mother.
It's safer there.

2023-05-05 23:15:52
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My love David, thank you for your lovely letter!!! Photo inside!
My dear, David.
Today I imagined what I would be on our wedding day.
I would wear a white dress and have a beautiful haircut.
Light curls of hair would fall on my fragile shoulders, 50/254
and on top of my head there would be an elegant small diadem to emphasize the femininity and grace of the image of the bride.
A little make-up to add expression.
6/24/23, would
Everything 5:33 PM
be simple and that has its own charm. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I introduced you in a beautiful suit and a light shirt,
you will always look presentable and solid ....
I've pictured us so many times on our wedding day.
And I always see our happy eyes full of joy and happiness.
And I'm ready to share eternity with you, if eternity exists.
I am ready to live one life with you and breathe one breath. I am ready to entrust my whole being to your hands.
Hold, keep.
There is no greater power in this world over me than your distant hands.
my kisses for you darling!!!
your Larisa

2023-05-05 22:46:56
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My favorite David!!! Photo inside!
My city is slowly returning to normal.
People close the broken frames of windows and frames with dense polyethylene, and when I walked through the streets of my city, he reminded me of a wounded soldier.
High-rise buildings are partly without windows and balconies.
Someone patched up the holes with boards, thick cloth, and someone still has everything destroyed with a piece of glass in the frame ...
And that makes me so sad.
Yesterday, our mer told us that on that hellish night, terrorist rockets claimed the lives of two people, very young guys ...
These were the military who served in the National Guard and guarded the chemical plant.
One soldier has not yet been found and probably burned down during a fire.
These warriors were between 21 and 24 years old.
Forty-seven more people - women, children, men - received help after injuries and injuries.
On the night of May 1, the Russian invaders attacked Pavlograd and neighboring villages with rockets, and you probably remember this and read about this terrible terrorist attack in my city.
In Pavlograd, a fire broke out at an industrial enterprise, which rescuers liquidated for more than two days.
My team and I also took part in this.
Today it has already become known that more than 86 private houses and 26 high-rise buildings were damaged in the city due to a rocket attack.
6 schools, 4 kindergartens, an outpatient clinic, shops, a banking institution, a hostel were also damaged.
And also - 7 cars. The power equipment was also hit, there are interruptions in the light.
Power engineers are still working to eliminate the consequences.
In three villages that are located near the city, more than fifty residential buildings, 3 schools, 2 kindergartens, a hospital and a cultural center were damaged.
I am very worried that the attacks would not happen again.
It's terrible that I can't touch you!
I want it so much…
I want to feel how soft you are, how warm you are, how you breathe, how you smell ...
I want to run my fingers through your hair and hug you.
I so want to hear your heartbeat and feel how our lips touch each other.
I want to hide from the world in your arms...
kiss and hug
always yours Larisa

2023-05-05 22:41:06
Reply (/mailing/index/



My favorite David!!! Photo inside!
My city is slowly returning to normal.
People close the broken frames of windows and frames with dense polyethylene, and when I walked through the streets of my city, he reminded me of a wounded soldier.
High-rise buildings are partly without windows and balconies.
Someone patched up the holes with boards, thick cloth, and someone still has everything destroyed with a piece of glass in the frame ...
And that makes me so sad.
Yesterday, our mer told us that on that hellish night, terrorist rockets claimed the lives of two people, very young guys ...
These were the military who served in the National Guard and guarded the chemical plant.
One soldier has not yet been found and probably burned down during a fire.
These warriors were between 21 and 24 years old.
Forty-seven more people - women, children, men - received help after injuries and injuries.
On the night of May 1, the Russian invaders attacked Pavlograd and neighboring villages with rockets, and you probably remember this and read about this terrible terrorist attack in my city.
In Pavlograd, a fire broke out at an industrial enterprise, which rescuers liquidated for more than two days.
My team and I also took part in this. 51/254
Today it has already become known that more than 86 private houses and 26 high-rise buildings were damaged in the city due to a rocket attack.
6 schools, 4 kindergartens, an outpatient clinic, shops, a banking institution, a hostel were also damaged.
And also - 75:33 PMpower equipment was also hit, there are interruptions
cars. The
in the light. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Power engineers are still working to eliminate the consequences.
In three villages that are located near the city, more than fifty residential buildings, 3 schools, 2 kindergartens, a hospital and a cultural center were damaged.
I am very worried that the attacks would not happen again.
It's terrible that I can't touch you!
I want it so much…
I want to feel how soft you are, how warm you are, how you breathe, how you smell ...
I want to run my fingers through your hair and hug you.
I so want to hear your heartbeat and feel how our lips touch each other.
I want to hide from the world in your arms...
kiss and hug
always yours Larisa

2023-05-05 22:18:53
Reply (/mailing/index/


Hi my Sweetheart!!!! Photo inside!
How are you doing?
I'm sorry I couldn't write to you earlier.
I know that you miss me very much and worry about me!
Sunny, I was sent to work in Zaporozhye.
Mobile connection and internet was terrible.
Today we delivered three wounded soldiers to the Dnieper and in the morning we will be able to return to Pavlograd.
I can get the weekend and get some rest.
In our city, after the bombing, scheduled power outages began again.
Sunny, but I hope that we can still talk in the near future, because I really miss you, my beloved David!!!!
always yours Larisa

2023-05-02 01:31:15


RE: My dearest,Larisa!!!!
My precious sweet love, My feelings are that the next step is of course marriage. I am ready for the love promise to be sealed so that the whole world can see our strong togetherness. Are
we on the same page? There is no reason why we cannot start making solid plans as that gives us something to hold on to. I am not rich in money but I do have benefits for a spouse that will
assure her some security in the future.
My love David

2023-05-02 01:20:31

RE: My dearestLarisa,
My Darling. with tears I send you my love. I hope all your family are spared from all this terror and that some day we will be able to find joy each say as we go through life together. I am a
survivor and obviously so are you. Your courage is beyond admiration and I see that even as I see the news of the war just how much the Ukrainian people are courageously standing up
defending what is by all standards theirs. I would be there with them if I were put in that same situation and I feel that all of America stands with you strongly beside you. I have not even
heard any comment to the opposite.
The news daily has shown that the US has also been attacked both by sea as well as land. Yesterday an American ship (Aircraft carrier) was bombed. I doubt that the US Will simply stand by
and let such things pass by without some retaliation. It seems that the threat of a world war is at the tip of every newscasters tong. We have donated aid to the cause that in dollars is larger
that the American annual budget. So you see we are already involved. So as prices start to go up I have not heard a single complaint. So even though we have not put soldiers on the ground
we are giving resources for the cause. I feel strongly that Russia will not prevail. It may take some time but we will prevail and hopefully the cost in lives will not be high. Your David
Oh you complained about a certain part of your anatomy was too small..... it all looks pretty tasty to me!

2023-05-02 00:54:01

102573217 52/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: My precious Larisa, my David!!!!
(***) The first notes in periphrasis are from Heidi. We are all here for you. This last letter truly makes me cry with compassion for all that you, and your mother and Kira are going through. That
little girl will probably never recover and probably, even you as tough as you are you will be carrying all this for life. I have had enough background in such matters to be aware of this.
Remember, my shoulder and my arms are always here for you and that is forever. I assume just because the rockets stop that the terrors will possibly never stop. At those times you will have
me to give you those feelings of protection and hope for a future where you will always never have to face those things by yourself-- whether real or in fright. It is the least I can do for the
war effort and for our solid forever love. I wish I could be there in person- by your side helping the wounded. I have experience in mountain rescue and my medical bags are in my closet as
needed. I have pulled people off the mountain In very bad and lethal falls, but it does not compare to what you are going through. I pray that God will watch you and family and keep you
safe. I want to assure you that I do know somewhat what you are going through. I had a small but similar military experience when I was younger. Some day I will share it with you. I cannot
put it in a letter however (Classified). How I wish I could be there for you, but I will send my hope and prayers. I will always be there for you in any way that I can. David

2023-05-02 00:51:28
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My dearest, David!!!! Photo inside!
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am writing to you because I feel a strong connection between us, and I believe our love is the key to weathering any storm. I feel like we can make
it through anything if we stick together.
You know, my dear David, I'm so glad that Heidi can live in peace and safety next to you.
My animals were very frightened when they heard the explosions of rockets and they are still hiding somewhere, and my dog began to fight in epilepsy from fear.
I hope he doesn't have this attack again.
Animals as well as people have to suffer in this terrible time.
And it makes me so sad.
If you could see the insane fear in those eyes that beg you for protection.
After all, we are the whole world for our animals and they believe that we are always their salvation and protection.
I am so grateful to have you in my life. I feel like I can be myself around you and I love that.
I know that you always have advice for me and that you always support me in any matter and give the right advice.
You make me feel so special and I can't wait to explore our relationship further.
I know life can be hard and sometimes it feels like we are in the middle of a war. But I believe our love is what will help us pass all the tests and when the war ends, we will always unite our
destinies. I can't think of anything more beautiful than that.
I want you to know that I am here for you and I am always here to listen. I know that you will always be my rock and my wall and next to you I will feel safe.
I am so excited to see where our journey takes us.
I look forward to spending more time with you and getting to know each other better, to love and enjoy our life together.
I really want to do our favorite activities with you.
I am so ready to take this next step and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
I am so happy to have found you and I can't wait to see what our love can do.
I think about this happiness every day.
yours always,

2023-05-02 00:28:33
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
I am so touched by your words and I am deeply moved by your commitment to our relationship. I know that it won't be easy, but I am confident that together we can make it through
anything. I am here for you no matter what and I promise to always be there for you and make the necessary sacrifices to ensure our relationship is strong and healthy. I love you and I will
always stand by your side.
Until we can be together, you are in my heart and in my thoughts.
When I wake up I remember your face and your loving smile.
And it warms my heart so much.
It is so important for me to feel that I have a person who expects news from me every day, who prays for me and just worries.
Your love is the most precious thing I have and it cannot be taken away from me!!!
I hope your day was good!!!
Sending you my kisses and hugs!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa
1 53/254
2023-05-02 00:17:09
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


My sweet David!!!! Photo inside!
I returned home and I had almost no strength left.
Early in the morning, when I found out that it was dangerous to stay in the city, I sent my mother and Kira to relatives in Khmelnitsky.
My friends were leaving urgently and they agreed to take them with them.
I returned home and saw that the window frames in my apartment were destroyed and I asked my neighbor to fill them with high density polyethylene.
Inside, I insulated the windows with a warm blanket.
A lot of houses are damaged and therefore, first of all, the city authorities are now engaged in the resettlement of people who were left without housing.
About 26 private houses, 19 high-rise buildings and many more houses in the villages neighboring the city were destroyed in the city.
While the exact number is not known.
they try to keep silent about all the information, I don’t know why this is happening.
We took more than 40 people to the hospital.
Two young soldiers died and a few more were simply burned in the fire of the soldiers.
8 people are in serious condition and there is very little chance that they will be able to survive this night.
Now I found out that my parents' house was completely destroyed.
I decided not to tell my father about this for now.
This can worsen his condition and cause severe stress.
David love!!!! I so want to now bury myself in your strong shoulder to hug you and fall asleep !!!!
I miss you so much my beloved man.
Only your love helps me survive all this horror!!!
with love
your Larisa

2023-05-01 23:36:36
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My precious man, my David!!!! Photo inside!
I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.
Thank you for your sweet and sincere letter, full of love and warmth.
This is so important to me right now.
Thank you for giving me confidence and I want to say that you are my main motivation to be strong.
David, last night was like hell.
My city was subjected to massive rocket bombing.
At 11 o'clock in the morning there was an explosion, then another and another, and so five blows.
After the second impact, I was thrown by a shock wave to the other side of the room.
Then the glass fell down, the door flew out and a terrible fear seized me.
This lasted an hour and a half and during this time 5 explosions sounded.
After that, I was called to work and I didn’t even have time to calm down my mother and Kira.
When I arrived at the scene of the tragedy, I found out that a chemical plant, tanks with oil, fuel oil and a military warehouse were on fire.
This caused the rockets to detonate and an even more terrible and powerful explosion occurred.
Then they announced the radiation and chemical danger
The fire could not be put out all night.
We worked with rescuers.
Then, at 4 o'clock in the morning, another 4 missile strikes were launched again.
David, to be honest, I had a feeling that this would be the end and there would be no tomorrow.
Oh David!!!! I have never been so scared!
It was so terrible and terrible!!!!
with love

2023-04-29 05:46:51

Dearest Larisa my diamond.
You asked me a couple of times if I wanted to to look elsewhere but felt that I felt obligated to stay. No,No ,No. What I have said can be taken literally and without reservation. I am engaged
a very beautiful women who appears to share the same interests and values as I do--- I would be insane to want to look elsewhere. No , you are worth waiting for as long as it takes. 54/254
I feel
truly privileged to have made this wonderful connection. Sure there is worry and hope and all that goes with being wedded to someone during war. I am your cornerstone of solid foundation
where we build the future we have hoped for and planned for. You will be safe with me, as well as have the opportunity to start laying our future brick by brick. All marriages have there ups
and 5:33
downs but PM
I am
there for you through all the ups and downs--- you can count on that.- Till
Trusted international
Death Do Us Part. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
However if you are needing to leave-- yes I will be heart broken, but I am sure you may have good reasons for the move. I will understand. However if this is not the case I WILL BE BY YOUR
I know that i am not perfect but my intentions are and I hope to have you in my arms forever-- and kiss you and hold you until my lips are raw. So I take strength from my Godly prayful hopes
an I pray that you will be safe and in my arms soon. My love to you, David

2023-04-26 06:31:52


RE: My dearest LarisaI want you to know that I am here for you and I will do whatever I can to make sure we can be together soon.
I write with tears thinking of possibly losing you to a battle in a selfish war by a Russian Despot. Surely he has not taken personally the suffering cost of this war.
You must understand that neither of us can read the future regardless of the circumstances. I keep us in my prayers and let God sustain me in my fears. So life goes on and we take our
chances with the dangers about us. Either of us could be hit by a car. I could be bitten by a rattlesnake as they re around me and so life goes on. Our love is like floating in an atmosphere of
loving hope. Even history cannot simply blow that away. Throughout time we are reminded of powerful loves that are still remembered and celebrated. Romeo and Juliet is more than a
mere love story as it remains an icon and a reminder of the power of love.
So as I have mentioned I am strong enough to fight through the ups and downs of the future, but from the perspective of right now, I carry with me that diamond in my memory and nothing
can make that go away. I know that you also are there with me and will always be there.
Tonight I will hold you in my arms and float into that vapor of love and delight--- only you could have created that within me.
My love David

2023-04-26 05:57:12

RE: My dearest David,
My darling Larisa, I do understand the war in Ukraine and I keep abreast as much as possible although i am not always sure how accurate my info is. There is not any doubt that i want to
spend my life with you and I stand fast to make this happen. Sure there are going to be sacrifices probably on both our parts but you can depend on me as my decisions will be as though
we are married and having a life together as I feel that way right now. You can depend on me no matter what comes and challenges us in the future. Please believe that. As a married couple
we must often give in to our own personal needs and make sacrifices for the betterment and happiness of being together. That is the reality of life but the gifts that come to us will be
beyond what
we could ever receive living alone looking only toward our own selfish interests. I know this to be true. And so do you.
I have lived both sides this argument and here i am looking for my other half, and Heidi merely makes a Human and a cat and not that loving partnership of an married couple. Realistically a
man and his cat is merely that, and we do not call them a couple. They cannot create a family even without children as the family also has brothers ans sisters uncles and aunts and
grandmas etc. I am sure you know what I am saying.
Sure we have a certain amount of affection for our pets but as you know, not the same as between two people in the loving embrace of a paired passion for each other. All this is worth
whatever sacrifice I have to make and i am sure that you share the same feelings. And so I am simply reassuring you that as far as I am concerned our love is set in concrete and all we need
to do if put that bronze plack on it as a public conformation of what we already know. Love is forever.
Even as far away as we are I plan my day around being with you even if it appears to be merely typing but factoring in my feelings and my plans and looking at everything from the view of
our future. My day is factored always with you as a part of my permanent life.
Incidentally the period of my not reading letters was a period wondering if I would ever find my love . I just had not made a connection yet and then you appeared. And so I do believe in
Always, your David

2023-04-25 23:47:06
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My dearest David,I want you to know that I am here for you and I will do whatever I can to make sure we can be together soon. Photo inside!
David dear!!!!
Today I was sent on a business trip again.
My team and I are in Zaporizhia now and we have just heard several strong explosions.
Probably this night will not be calm and perhaps we will now be sent out along with the rescue team.
Maybe someone was again under the rubble of the destroyed house or was injured.
But while I'm in the hospital and I have some time to rest, I thought maybe it would matter to you that I'm thinking of you right now David!
I love you and I am sending you all my love and support.
I know that it is very difficult for you, just like me, and that you have to worry when there is no news from me for some time.
David, I understand your concern.
Because I can't give you any guarantees.
I am so often two steps away from death.
I can die or get injured at any moment.
And if you get tired of waiting for me and say that it is difficult for you, I will not be offended and will understand you.
But my heart will always keep warm and tender feelings for you David.
I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms. 55/254
My beloved, I will always accept any of your decisions,
but I really want to spend the rest of my life with you....
love always5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
your Larisa

2023-04-25 23:27:37
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
I understand your concerns and feel the same way. I am not sure when we will be able to be together, but I can assure you that I am doing everything I can to make it happen. I know that
waiting is difficult and I feel the same way.
David, I wrote to you that I have signed a contract and I cannot leave Ukraine until the end of the war.
And in our country, doctors are military obligations during the war, they cannot leave their country.
In addition, when I studied at the university, I graduated from the military department and I even have a military rank.
I have always been in the military enlistment office on military registration.
Now we have 3 women's battalions formed from women who are registered with the military and they cannot, like me, leave the country before the end of the war.
I am so proud of you and so grateful that you are sympathetic to the horror that has befallen my people.
I am also grateful for the care and compassion you show for those in need.
In the meantime, I am trying to stay positive and think about the future. I am focusing on the day when we can finally be together and make all of our dreams come true. I am planning for the
future, and I hope you can do the same.
with love

2023-04-25 22:50:57
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My Dearest David, Photo inside!
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I'm so glad that you and your ex-partner have been able to remain on good terms and that you have been able to move on and find
happiness in our relationship. It means the world to me that you have chosen me as your diamond and that you are looking forward to our life together.
Oh David!!!! You know I've never worn a wedding dress.
When I got married, it was just a marriage without any celebrations.
I told you the story of my life.
And you probably remember that I got married because I wanted to adopt Bogdan.
His mother died in childbirth and his father wanted to write a waiver of him.
Therefore, we simply formalized our marriage so that I could formalize the adoption.
I'm so excited about when I think about planning planning our wedding and I can't wait to hear your ideas.
I am so excited to be planning our wedding together! I know it will be a beautiful day that we will remember for the rest of our lives. I have been thinking about some ideas for the wedding
and wanted to share them with you.
Of course, I would like to be in a white dress and marry you.
I really want to be the most beautiful bride for you David,
so that you feel proud when you lead me to the crown by the hand.
First, I think we should pick a venue that is meaningful to us. Maybe somewhere we have been together or a place that holds a special memory for us. We should also decide on a theme for
the wedding. That will help us decide on the decorations, the food, and the music.
Next, we should look into hiring a photographer and a videographer to capture the day. We can look through portfolios and decide who we want to hire. We should also look into hiring a
wedding planner, if we decide we need one.
We should also decide on the guest list and the invitations. We should decide on the style of the invitations and get them ordered. We should also decide on the menu for the reception and
any other activities we want to include.
We should also look into the music for the ceremony and the reception. We should pick a band or a DJ and decide on the songs we want them to play. We should also look into the cake
and the flowers for the ceremony and the reception.
Finally, we should look into the honeymoon. We should decide on a destination and look into flights and hotels. We should also decide if we want to do any activities while we are there.
I'm sure it will be the most beautiful day of our lives and I'm looking forward to it with all my heart.
All my love

2023-04-25 21:32:58
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102101547 56/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

My dearest David, Photo inside!
I am so happy to hear that you have found a connection with me. I understand that it can be difficult to find someone who shares your values and interests, and I am glad that you have found
that in me. I am grateful for the wonderful creation of our togetherness and am looking forward to what the future holds for us. I am so glad that you chose me, and I am sure that we will
have a wonderful life together.
I want you to know that I am completely devoted to you and our relationship. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that we remain close and that our bond continues to grow. I love you
and I will always be here for you, no matter what, if you are ready to go through with me all the hardships that have fallen to us because of the war in my country.
David, I will accept whatever decision you make, because I know how difficult it is for you and how difficult it is to understand that this war can last for a long time.
I am terribly angry that the war and the trouble that is happening in my country takes so much of our time.
Yesterday I thought about what could have happened differently.
After all, I worked before the war in Hungary and wrote to you from there.
Then you did not read my letters for some time and for several months our connection was severed.
But then we had the opportunity to meet.
But perhaps fate decreed so, and we must go through a more difficult path in order to test our feelings with trials.
I look forward to our life together and I dream about it every day.
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa

2023-04-24 00:43:43


RE: moments of life......❤️
My Love, I want to explain something. I have had plenty of time to look for a mate in the USA but most of the possible choices were so self absorbed and did not have matching values or
little to share that I started to look at other possibilities. When I look on the the Ukrainian site I see allot of women that seem very absorbed in their own appearance and little more. I am a
professor and many women also would like a friendship but I did not find a match until I found you. Somehow I just knew that you were who I was searching for. Then the issue was would
she find me worthy of her love. I am so grateful for the wonderful creation of our togetherness. I have yet to find anything negative in our relationship. It seems that continually I am finding
new things that we share and non that we don't. I am sure that there in the future something will come up but considering the bond we have forged it will be simply trivial compared to the
massive loving hold that binds us together. I have never felt this way before in my life. I was married before but to a great person who was more like a business partner and we never shared
such a bond. Eventually since we lives somewhat away from her family she wanted to be closer and wanted to return to her life with the Jahovah Witnesses. She knew that I would not want
to be part of that. She decided to leave and we never even had any discussion concerning it. I knew her mind was already made up and further discussion was futile. I never would have left.
We are still on good terms and we have never had ugly words with each other. So I think we are both happier with the amicable outcome. But it left me by myself, but I have Heidi.
I just thought you might like to know this so that you know that my finding you was not an act of desperation. Not at all! It was more like walking on my continued journey in life and WOW ! A
diamond right before my eyes. I never expected to find this, but with my life ahead of me, it will enrich me beyond anything I expected. My darling you are my diamond and enrich me
beyond any gem could ever be compared. How God has unconsciously led me down this path I do not know but it is the right one. I look forward to our life together as a rare gift and worthy
of my dedication forever
I often think of just what kind of a wedding you might like?
My love to you, David

2023-04-24 00:02:21

RE: My dearestLarisa,❤️‍
My lovely, I have not yet had a clear idea of when ye will be together. Do we have to wait until the war is over? Or do you have a specific tour of duty? Believe me I do understand. It would
just give me some direction as to how I should focus on the future. Waiting is painful but I understand your situation and the need for doctors. You have given much for the cause.
Lovingly David 57/254
2023-04-23 18:32:37
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
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moments of life......❤️

2023-04-23 18:30:19
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Oh david I would like to spend my day next to you❤️

2023-04-23 18:27:21
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let this video make me closer to you david....❤️

2023-04-23 18:25:21
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David, I dream of our happy days when we are together.

2023-04-23 18:19:32
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My dearest David,❤️‍ Photo inside!
Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful letter. It truly warms my heart to know that you are always there to protect me and our family. I too am so thankful to have been part of our lives, and
I am so grateful for your unconditional love and commitment.
Dear, It has been a wonderful two years and I can't wait for what the future holds for us. I love you with all my heart and I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are my rock and I am so
lucky to have you by my side.
Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts with me. It's wonderful to know that you have faith that our Lord is in our corner, and I admire your strength to never waiver. I can
only imagine how lonely it must be to live alone with a cat.
But I'm sure that your cat Heidi provides you with lots of company and love. It's also wonderful that you have taken the time to meet all your neighbors - even if you don't have much in
common. I'm sure they appreciate your friendliness and kindness.
I'm so sorry that you are feeling so isolated. It sounds like you are trying to make new friends, but it can be difficult to find people who share your interests. I can relate to your struggles, as
it's often hard to find people who are passionate about the same things as you.
It's great that you have your painting and the Art Institute to turn to. Taking classes and teaching can be a great way to meet people who share your interests. It's also wonderful that you
have a neighbor who is a chemist, even if you haven't talked about chemistry yet. Maybe you could start by talking about golf, since you know he enjoys it.
miss you too and wish we could be together. Until then, I hope you find some new friends who share your interests and can provide the companionship you are looking for. 58/254
Take care and stay safe.
I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.
hugs 5:33 PM
and kisses - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
All my love, Larisa

2023-04-23 06:16:04


RE: Dear Larisa my love,❤️‍
My Sweet love, more and more this situation brings tears to me. I am so thankful to have been part of our life. I may have tears, but My sword is sharp if ever needed, and I am strong enough
to protect us and our family, and know that I will always be there to protect you. You are safe. I cannot even find words to express just how much I love you, and how much you mean to me. A
tiny bit late but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (March 18, 2021)of our commitment to marry and be together forever. It has now been over two years now. Don't even think that I will get tired and
bored and leave. I am solidly committed and here forever for as long as you will want me. I love you with all my heart and I may be older and tired but I am quiet strong and solid in mind and
body. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms.
I am sure that our Lord in in our corner because we suffer but I have never had any inclination to waiver. I hang on to your photo on my computer and phone and your sweet words.
Living alone with my cat is a lonely lifestyle. When I had my cabin in Minnesota I had lots of friends but in coming here to Tucson I live in a community in which the houses are built
backwards with porches in the back. I put my patio furniture on my small front porch so at lest I will see those who walk there dogs. I have made a point to meet all my neighbors but with
my background we have little to share. I do not play golf, or watch sports and have no background in the financial world. We Professors are hard to find let alone other scientists. I have a
neighbor who said he was a chemist--- great but we have never talked chemistry. I found out that he worked in a wastewater treatment plant. There could be some good conversations
there from my ecological point of view but though I have tried to start the conversation he has not taken the bait. But He plays golf. He is a new friend and he helped me life something
heave last week. Thank God I have my painting and the Art Institute. This gives me an opportunity to take classes (some thirty so far) and do some teaching. The is where I meet those with
my interests but many of those folks are retired women and most are hobby beginners so we cannot talk ART only their new hobby of watercolor painting. Watercolor is easy to start as a
hobby but is the most demanding as a media to use. You cannot correct your mistakes as you can in oil or acrylic--- but a set of watercolors are cheap and paper is much less than canvas or
Linen (what I use).
And so I wander because I miss you terribly.
My love is solid forever, David

2023-04-21 18:34:55
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Dear David,❤️‍ Photo inside!
Thank you for your sweet letter. I was so touched to read your words and feel your love and devotion. It is so comforting to know that someone can care for me so deeply, even when we are
so far away.
I am glad to hear that you are doing well and that you have found a place of peace and solace in your painting. I am sure that your daughter will have a wonderful time in Costa Rica and I
look forward to hearing about her adventures.
I'm so sorry that this damned war takes away so much time from you and me and happy joint days filled with care and love.
It is difficult to be away from home in such a time. I am hopeful that the war will end soon and that I can join you in your new life together. I am sure that it will be filled with love, joy and
plenty of attention.
I look forward to the day when we can be together. Until then, I will keep your love close to my heart.
With all my love

2023-04-21 18:25:59
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Dear David,❤️‍ Photo inside!
I hope you are doing well. I am currently in Zaporozhye on a business trip for my job a hospital. I am so sorry to hear about the fraud you have been a victim of. I know this must be a difficult
situation for you and I am here for you if you need anything.
I am sending you my love and support from here. I miss you so much and I look forward to getting back to you soon. I know this is a difficult time for you, but please stay strong and keep in
touch with me through our usual methods of communication. I want you to know that my future is still with you and I will always be here for you.
David, you are my sunshine and my only love!
with love,

2023-04-21 03:00:22 59/254
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woman abroad!/

My computer
Dearest. I have been the victim of fraud and my computer has been and my phone compromised. I will be working on this for the next week and will have to have my computer and phone
cleaned and will lose all my saved data. I will keep in touch the other way we have used through sup............. or the mail. My future is still with you so please keep in touch.
Always David

2023-04-20 02:56:43


RE: Dear Larisa,!!! ❤️‍
My Darling, One of the things I look forward to in my life is the affection that I have done without for too many years. I too can give that to you as well. I want to shower you with it.
I recently gave away my mountain climbing gear as I wasn't sure I would ever use it again, however we can get those things if we feel we need it. There are thousands of miles if trails and
thousands of beautiful places to paint. I have been on five continents ( Europe and Asia only briefly) and my conclusion is that North America is the most scenic of the lot. Besides, being
together is really the most rewarding-- sharing, holding, great conversation lending each perspective on the situation, and dealing together with the challenges we encounter. We are going
to have a wonderful life together! I can hardly wait.
I only hope that I can make you happy because I love you and you deserve happiness. All the human service that you have done deserves a future with some giving to you and i will see to it.
I am so proud of you and there are parts of your life that simply brings tears to me; you are my hero.
I also want to hear about your life growing up before the war. I want to know what the recipe is, in creating such a beautiful person as you are to me. I am sure we have a ton of stories to
share. I love the Ukrainian culture and have much to learn and I cannot hardly sit still in waiting. Language is not a strong point in me but I would also like to learn Russian/Ukrainian. It will be
a struggle for me but I am hopeful and dedicated.
I love you so much and it is beyong words. Your David

2023-04-17 23:21:52
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Dear David,!!! ❤️‍ Photo inside!
Thank you for your letter. It's great to hear from you and I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well.
I'm glad to hear that your physical exams are excellent and that your doctor thinks you look like someone ten years younger. That is fantastic news!
I'm sorry to hear that you had a bout with the Corona virus, but I'm glad to hear that you are mostly over it now.
This week, like last week, has been a very difficult one for me.
The work schedule is still extremely busy and I am terribly tired.
I got only one day off, for the Easter holidays.
My dad has already completed the first course of treatment and there are already some successes.
When I was younger I did a lot of mountain climbing and I would love to do it again.
I loved being with my friends in the mountains.
Those were wonderful times.
It would be really fun if we did something together.
I'm sure it will be great
I thought that we could travel and enjoy nature, paint landscapes.
There are so many wonderful things we could do together.
It would be a rewarding experience and it would be great to have someone to share it with.
We have so much to give to each other.
What would you like to do with me?
I am looking forward to your ideas.
Take care and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
1 60/254
2023-04-12 06:48:28
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: Dear David!!!! My playful video for you!!!
Oh, my health is excellent but I had a bout with the Corona virus and mostly over it now. My physical exams are excellent and my doctor says my tests look like someone ten years younger.
So lets climg a mountain! I did allot of that when I was younger.

2023-04-12 06:43:39


RE: Happy Easter my love! ❤️‍ Photo inside!
My love for you keeps me in a state of love and hope. I am new to this area so I have no primary friends yet just colleagues at work. For the first time in my life I live with my cat and my two
best friends are dead and I miss them. In time I will be making friends. My family lives several thousand miles away and I am closest to my daughter who is off to the jungles of Costa Rica, so
it was just me and Heidi and a frozen dinner and my thoughts of you. I did go to Church and have lots of attention there being the Bishop so I did not feel all alone. It has only been a couple
of years that I have been alone and I do not mind as I need allot of time for my painting. I am a good cook but sometimes I do not like to take the time to do a good job of it though.
I am pleased to hear that you had family nearby and that you father is doing well. I look forward to the new life we can forge together. I feel that I can be a good attentive husband for you
and I have faith that you are all that I dream of in a mate. I cannot wait.
Do you have to wait for the war to end before you can leave the country? The news says that Russia is running out of supplies and they cannot win the war. I try to keep up with the news.
Please keep up with our love and dreams in hopes that you can put the war behind you. I will give you lots of loving attention for you to start a new life together. Much of the time I think of
you in my arms and what a great life we can share. there are so many things to to look forward to. Photo is my library room.
You have my love like nobody else has ever had. I will get myself some supper and think of US.
My love to you, David

2023-04-11 21:05:15
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Dear David!!!! My playful video for you!!!
I dream about the time when my morning will begin with yo

2023-04-11 20:58:33
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Hello my sunshine David!!! ❤️‍ Photo inside!
How are you doing?
How was your day today?
Yesterday my brigade was sent back to Zaporozhye.
This morning we brought three soldiers with severe wounds to the Dnieper.
Now I have time and I want
In memory of the son: the parents of the deceased soldier found his sister dog
They were looking for the whole brigade.
Hello my dear!!!
Today I was told a story and I want to share it with you.
A man and a woman from Kharkov a few months ago buried their son, who died at the front.
Their son was a patriot and went to the front at the beginning of the war as a volunteer.
In January, their son said that he once found a tiny puppy while doing a task and saved him.
The puppy could not survive on its own and Alexander took him and took care of him.
Alexandra's mother recalls how her son sent her a photo of a puppy and talked about how they warm each other on cold winter nights in the trenches.
Alexander took care of the dogs and they served together for about 8 months.
But one day Alexander did not return from a combat mission and died in battle.
The dog and the warrior met in Volchansk, together they defended positions from the enemy, but then the fighter was transferred to Bakhmut, and there he died.
Then his friends handed over the dog to volunteers and took him to the shelter.
After the death of their son, the parents remembered that Alexander dreamed of taking the dog home after the war. 61/254
They decided to make their son's dream come true and find Fugaska and started searching.
It was not easy, but they were helped by volunteers and friends of Alexander, who served at the front along with their son.
memory of 5:33
son, parents and brothers spent almost a month - Trusted
looking for a dog, which their soninternational
named site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
And recently, the parents of a deceased military man found a dog that their son took care of on the front line.
Finally, they managed to take the animal home.
I am sure that this story will forever remain in your heart and will remind us of our brave warriors.
I think that even after death a person leaves a piece of himself in the hearts of his loved ones.
Alexander left a part of himself in the form of a dog that will forever remain with his family.
How good that the parents of the deceased soldier fulfilled the last dream of their son.
This is a very touching story that clearly shows how brave and courageous our warriors are.
I am sure that this story will always remind us of the courage of our soldiers and the sacrifices they made for our country.
This story is a reminder that we must never forget our heroes who gave their lives for our freedom and independence.
Let us always remember and honor those who died for us.
I hope this story will make us think more deeply about the courage and bravery of our soldiers and inspire us to be more grateful for the freedom we have.
I wish you all the best and hope you remember this story forever.
take care,

2023-04-10 22:50:59
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Happy Easter my love! ❤️‍ Photo inside!
David dear!!!
I am very glad that your health is getting better and that you are planning
get out, draw and photograph landscapes and flowers.
I would love to join you.
Last week was very difficult and I worked all this time in Zaporozhye.
But on Saturday I returned and got the weekend and was at home Saturday and Sunday.
My father is still continuing treatment in Kyiv.
And he is gradually recovering.
But he is very sad because on holidays he cannot be with his family for the first time in his life.
I want to congratulate you on Easter and wish you peace, health, prosperity in all matters.
I hope this Easter brings you joy and happiness. I'm so blessed to have you in my life and I'm so thankful for all the love and care you give me.
This Easter, I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the wonderful things you do for me. I'm truly blessed to have a partner like you.
Thank you for giving me faith in the future, giving your love and making my life brighter.
This Easter, I'm wishing you a day full of joy and peace. I'm wishing you a day filled with love and laughter. I'm wishing you a day of happiness and contentment.
I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses on this special day. I'm sending you lots of love and wishes for a wonderful Easter.
I hope you get to spend this day with your loved ones. I hope you get to enjoy the beauty of nature and the warmth of the sun. I hope you get to experience the joy of Easter with your family
and friends.
I'm wishing you a day of relaxation and reflection. I'm wishing you a day of peace and tranquility. I'm wishing you a day of joy and contentment.
I hope this Easter brings you lots of blessings and joy. I hope this Easter brings you lots of love and laughter. I hope this Easter brings you lots of happiness and contentment.
Happy Easter my love! May this day be filled with lots of love, joy, and happiness.
hugs and kisses
with love
your Larisa

2023-04-09 04:08:40

RE: My dearest, Photo inside!
We are dreaming on the same chanel- my favorite chanel. As for me
I am slowly returning to health and spring is here and time to get out and paint and photograph the landscapes and flowers. The beauty around me is always calling me to be part of that but
I need you to be in my pictures to make them complete.
I have a thousand plans for us when we come together and my life is on hold until we are together. Do we have to wait until the war in Ukraine is over? I only hope that when we see each
other that you will not be disappointed. I hope that you still are planning to be married. It is to your advantage.
Been having computer problems and that is why I was late in replying.
Thinking about how much I love you and be safe.
Your David-- forever

2023-04-09 03:55:25 62/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect101195325
woman abroad!/

RE: my private video for you David!!!! LOOK!!!!
Itoo would like to start the day with coffee and kisses-----Kisses first and numerous hugs!

2023-04-05 21:27:01
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my private video for you David!!!! LOOK!!!!
I would like to start my morning with a cup of coffee and your kisses

2023-04-05 21:24:19
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My dearest, David dear!!!!! Photo inside!
I miss you so much right now.
How are you doing?
What was your day like today?
After the weekend, I was sent on a business trip again.
Tvk that since Monday and until now I am in Zaporozhye, in a military hospital.
The battles at the front are still very bloody battles.
But the main offensive will be later, when the earth dries up after the rain and all the weapons from the West arrive.
Solidar and Bakhmut turned into dead cities and the remains of ruined houses look like skeletons.
The Russians still use the scorched earth technique.
I hope that on the weekend I will be able to return home.
Now I have some free time to relax.
I dream of the life we could have together, of the days spent cuddled up in bed, of the nights spent talking until the sun comes up. I can almost feel the warmth of your hand in mine and the
softness of your lips against mine. I can't help but smile when I think of all the love we share.
I think of all the things we could do together, of the places we could explore, and of the memories we could make. I want to experience the world with you, to laugh and cry together, and to
share all the little moments that make life so special.
I can't wait to be with you again, to feel the warmth of your embrace and to look into your eyes. Until then, I'll hold you close in my heart and send you all my love.
always yours Larisa

2023-04-02 17:51:20
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David, my video from home collection for you!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

2023-04-02 17:44:59
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For a good mood!!!! Photo inside! 63/254
David, I want to somehow make your day more fun and I want to tell you another funny story.
I think she will make you smile.
Animals 5:33
bring a lotPM
of positive things into our lives. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
And this is the story of one funny dog.
The daughter gave a colleague a dog - a small, black one.
Rare breed.
And here she was with this dog on the train and for a second she left the compartment for the toilet, literally for a second!
The train was half empty and she was alone in the compartment.
The door was closed, of course.
Well, where can a small dog go from a closed compartment? She has nowhere to go!
When I returned, the dog was gone.
She climbed and searched all the compartments - NO!
Then I noticed that there was a tiny hole in the wall with the neighboring compartment - what if the dog was there?!
She began to break into the next compartment - no one responds and does not open.
She to the conductor: so and so, doggy-doggy-doggyaaaaaaaa!
Conductor - what is she, a beast or something? opens the door with his key...
And they see an oil painting:
there is a fried chicken on the table, as it should be, next to it is a dog, a little more than a fried chicken, which joyfully gnaws at this chicken,
but on the contrary - the passenger, the owner of the chicken, in a deep stupor.
Can I take my dog? the lady asked timidly.
Here the citizen came out of his stupor, turned around, and, looking at the lady with eyes full of horror, asked in a tragic whisper:
Well, yes, you can understand it - just imagine: you are sitting, drinking, having a bite of chicken, and then suddenly SUCH crawls out of the wall ...
The Belgian Griffon breed is called!
I think that when you see a photo of her dog, you will imagine how it looked through the eyes of a passenger!
your Larisa

2023-04-02 17:35:45
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Are you curious to know the ending of this story??? READ!!! Photo inside!
I am surprised at such people and I think that they make our world kinder and brighter.
They were saving sentient beings and that was more important than saving things.
It is noisy in the new yard of the family of Tatyana and Mikhail, because the four-legged migrants rejoice at freedom,
because for a month and a half, together with the owners, they sat in the basement under shelling.
And they, like people, wanted to survive and strived for this.
Many four-legged or feathered settlers were dismantled by local residents, others are still waiting for new owners.
Tatyana and Mikhail try not to remember about their own pain while worrying about animals, although they survived a real hell.
"Everything around was exploding.
They had a lot of corpses in the yard and nearby in the neighboring yard.
And children and women, torn off, the child was torn apart ....
There was a lot of grief, a lot ....
endless shelling that still covers the Kharkiv district of Saltovka with various-caliber artillery every night and day, and there are almost no houses left that were not destroyed.
And the worst thing is even in this silence, when everything calmed down, you understand that your neighbors are dying not from old age, but from the grief that they see ....
Despite this, the family dreams of returning to their native Kharkiv and bringing back some of the evacuated animals.
I would like to believe that for them, the owners will still return.
I admire such people.
I hope you liked my story about the faith and goodness of ordinary people.
with love
your Larisa

2023-04-02 17:32:04
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continuation of my story.... Photo inside!
So I want to continue my story for you David
Everything that is possible - they took away, everything that fit ...
When the Russians once again covered the Kharkiv district of Saltovka with artillery of various sizes, the family decided to leave.
When they loaded, shells exploded 200 meters from them.
It was very scary, and when all the neighboring houses were destroyed and fragments flew in and partially damaged their house, they decided that they needed to leave urgently.
Mikhail loaded what he could into the car and left with Tatyana and the animals.
And there were four sacks of feed taped to the roof.
Everything is nothing more. There were no things. 64/254
Everything that is possible - we took everything that fit.
It looked something like this:
All 5:33noPM
in one cage, one fought, there was silence, - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
guinea pigs are also on the banks.
Parrots took off and flew around the cabin, a turtle ran along the torpedo ...
There was such silence in the car, it was so necessary to get out of there.
And so they drove four hundred kilometers to the village of the Kirovograd region,
local volunteers who prepared a house for the displaced were amazed by what they saw.
My friend Daria, a volunteer who helped find a home for this family, told me:
“When they arrived and started getting out of this car, I just didn’t understand where they were all located together!
These are dogs, dogs, dogs, cages, cats, parrots, rabbits... "

2023-04-02 17:27:34
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Hello my sunshine David!!!! Photo inside!
Finally, I was given the opportunity to rest a bit and now I can write you a letter.
You are probably still sleeping and see me in your sweet dreams.
I want to somehow make you laugh and cheer you up.
I love it so much when you have a smile on your face.
In the morning you will wake up, read my story and you will be in a good mood.
So, here's another story for you!!!
I think you will smile when you read it.
Because this is a good story about people with a huge kind heart.
This is the story of one family that took out 50 animals in one passenger car.
This family from Kharkov, when it ran away from the shelling from Severnaya Saltovka, saved not only their own pets,
but also those who were previously abandoned by the owners, or thrown out of veterinary clinics into the street.
And among the rescued were not only their own animals, but those whose owners died.
One day, husband Mikhail was walking down the street after another shelling and he saw the police and an ambulance, and when he approached he saw a dead girl and a mutilated young
woman nearby with a torn off leg, bleeding.
Doctors tried to do everything to save her but failed.
In the Kirovohrad region, where the fugitives were given asylum, they arrived only in slippers,
because they saved the most valuable thing - the life of four-legged and winged ones.
Not far from them, a small dog of the Jack Russell breed was rushing about,
she was terribly frightened and trembled and whined all over.
the bodies of the dead were taken away.
And the dog continued to rush about, not knowing what to do.
Mikhail brought her food and she trusted and approached him.
He took her home.
Each animal that this family has adopted has its own story and its own tragedy.
Before the war, the couple had five dogs, but the neighbors ran away from the explosions and left their pets.
“At first, people just left the keys: “Feed the rabbit. You are staying. Feed someone else there…”
And well, we just had the keys to all the apartments at home. Subsequently, we will not leave them - we had to take them all"
In the basement of their house, they also rescued those whom the owners or veterinary clinics simply threw out into the street.
“There were 16 dogs, probably 50 living souls in total - more rabbits, guinea pigs, parrots, chinchillas.
What is not there.
People fled to endure everything they could, everything alive.
In cages, an aquarium stood between floors with a turtle.
So their house turned into a shelter for unfortunate animals....

2023-04-02 17:17:10
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My dearest David, Photo inside!
I can feel the love in your words and I am so touched by your commitment to me. I am so grateful for your support and for the way you have been there for me, especially during this difficult
time. I can't wait for the moment we are reunited and I can feel your embrace.
I am so excited that you are looking forward to painting and taking photos. I have always had a passion for art and have been drawing and painting since I was a child. I would love to join you
on your adventures and create some beautiful pieces together.
Today I have a day off and I sleep and rest all day.
I need to gain strength because now I have to work very hard and hard.
Unfortunately, the weekend always ends very quickly and tomorrow my work week starts again.
I don't know yet where we'll be sent to work this time.
always look forward to the opportunity after I finish my duty to return home to be with my mother and Kira. 65/254
Kira lives with us again.
When we took her to the boarding school, she cried all day long and my heart could not stand it.
My mom took 5:33
her PM
to us. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Now she is happy and draws her pictures with me.
I think that the Lord sent this little girl into my life for a reason.
My parents became very attached to her.
Now I think that she will be him instead of a daughter when I go to live with you.
I know it will be hard to leave my family, but I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life with you.
Until then, I will be thinking of you, dreaming of the day we are reunited, and counting down the days until I can finally be in your arms.
With all my love

2023-04-02 16:28:40
Reply (/mailing/index/


Dear David, Photo inside!
I am so touched by your heartfelt words and I am so grateful for your love. I feel so lucky to have you in my life and I am so excited to explore the world with you. I am ready to move
mountains together and I know that we can have a wonderful future together.
Your love and support mean the world to me and I am so excited to share our lives together. I am so overwhelmed with joy knowing that you love me and I am so happy to be able to share
this amazing journey with you.
I am so excited to travel around the world and experience new places and cultures together. I am sure that this will be a great adventure and I am looking forward to all the amazing
memories we will make together.
I am so grateful for your unconditional love and support. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I am so excited to explore the world with you. I know that together, we can move
mountains and create a beautiful future together.
We have a happy life ahead of us and this is my main incentive, which gives me strength in this difficult time.
I love you,

2023-04-02 16:15:17
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Dear David, Photo inside!
I already wrote to you before that dad's treatment is going well and there is progress.
I want you to know that I am grateful to you for your prayers for a full and painless recovery for my dad.
I thank you for your prayers for my safety and for my family.
I believe that your prayers help me and my loved ones get through these difficult times.
I look forward to seeing you in the future and want to share my stories of heroic Ukrainians with you.
I hope one day we can share a few miles together.
All sunsets and sunrises I want to meet with you David!
I dream that I will wake up in your warm arms.
You are my happiness!
Thank you very much for your kind words, for your thoughts and prayers.
It means a lot to me to know that I have your support at this time.
You are truly my happiness and I am so grateful to have you in my life.
Sincerely, Larisa

2023-04-02 15:28:57
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I miss you too... Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!
Today I returned home.
I was on a business trip for more than two weeks and I was terribly tired.
I am always very pleased and happy to return home.
Now I can answer all your letters. 66/254
And tell you about all the news.
My father is still in a private clinic in Kyiv and continues to be treated.
My volunteer5:33 PM
friend Dasha helped to get all the necessary medicines
for my dad and they- were
Trusted international
delivered from Germany. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
The doctor who treats my dad said that these drugs are very suitable for him and if the treatment is just as successful, then dad can avoid surgery.
Kira and mom still live with me.
We haven't finished renovating the house yet.
It's hard to do without a dad.
Now we use all the finances and forces to treat my dad.
The weather here is cold again and it's more like winter than spring.
But weather forecasters are predicting warmer weather.
I miss the sun and warmth terribly.
I miss you too David. I think of you every night and day. I long to be with you and to share in your life and to start a life of our own together. I dream of us being able to travel the world
together, to explore new places and cultures, and to learn from each other. I know that it is difficult for us to be apart and I understand if it is too much for you. I want you to know that I am
here for you and that I will support you in whatever you decide. I love you and I will always be here for you.
I know that it is very difficult for you to worry and wait for me.
And I thank you for your patience and understanding.
David, I can't stop dreaming of the time when you will hug me and I will feel safe in your strong arms.
We will paint our pictures together and make our life bright
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-04-02 14:12:09
Reply (/mailing/index/



Dear David, Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing all the things you do with your time and your thoughts on the Ukraine situation. I appreciate your desire to hear both sides of the argument and make a decision fairly.
It's good to know you are taking the initiative to learn more about the war, though it does seem like information is sparse.
I'm sorry that I couldn't answer your letters right away.
I was again on a business trip to Zaporozhye.
The situation here is difficult and a large number of wounded soldiers are brought from the front every day.
Sometimes you have to work without rest for several days.
I'm glad to hear that you are planning to free up more of your time so that we can travel and do things together. That sounds wonderful! I look forward to creating new memories with you.
take care,

2023-03-25 03:14:49


RE: Larisa, hello dear!
I have not heard much info about this recently. Certainly not that Ukraine had anything to do with it. I heard that it was some unknown people from Northern Europe? So I cannot give you
much input on the situation. I can say that parts of the country are somewhat polarized here as those people from New York are rather conservative compared to California where I spent
most of my life. I believe in the liberal side of the coin. I want to here both sides and then make a decision. That only makes sense and seems the fairest side of the argument. I do not see
much info about the war but I hunt for it and it is sparse.
What do I do with my time: I read daily, I paint, watch a bit of TV (Movies), I have projects (currently I have been studying the types of fibers that various companies put into their brushes.), I
teach ecology, and art (currently scientific Illustration), and I take classes on art to add to my Dr of fine arts degree. As a Bishop I have certain responsibilities in the Church (They want me to
do more but I am hoping to get out of most of it.) I do consulting but am trying to get out of it ( currently I have a group of students trying to save the Forest Elephant in Africa and another
project trying to set up a preserve in the Amazon to protect certain trees of medical importance.), I do counseling with my students. I live alone so I must clean the house and cook. And
Heidi demands some of my time. So I keep busy. I am planning to free up most of my time ti give to our life together for travel and whatever you would like to do.

2023-03-25 02:41:17


RE: my worries...
Not to worry, I watch the War news every day and I can tell you for sure that the news here is positively on the side of Ukraine. I haven't seen a single commentary saying any negative thing
toward the Ukraine whatsoever. Each day I see the progression of the war from the soldiers point of view. Some of it I do not understand because I have little knowledge of the
circumstances but it is never critical. When I talk to my friends we are universally on the side of Ukraine with no criticism about American aid or anything. I think we Americans can relate to
Ukraine as we have much to share in both our histories. I hope there is happiness and a hopeful future for Ukraine and it's people. 67/254
2023-03-25 01:44:39
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: Dear David, I want to tell you a little more about how my dad is being treated in a private clinic in Kyiv.
Tell Dad that my prayers are for your full recovery in a painless way. So you suffer not alone but with my prayerful support. I look forward to meeting you in the future. I am sure we have
much to share including your daughter. So I drink for your recovery and a painless walk down that road to your future. Perhaps we can share a few miles together in the future..
Get well David

2023-03-25 01:26:23


RE: Honey, let's move mountains together, travel around the world and love each other.
Those mountains wait for us and there are plenty of them. know in my heart we can have a wonderful future together. I simply wish there were words telling you how much I love you.
Your David in waiting.

2023-03-25 01:22:45

RE: My favorite David!!!
My Dearest LARISA, All this simply tares my heart out. I simply want to go to them and put my arm around them and tell them that I understand and things will get better. I have tears for their
pain and I know that they face a life with this burden. Come to me when you need me and we will find some moments of peace together knowing that you will not carry the burden alone. I
hope this will ease your burden if only for a few moments. Please know that your service will make life possible as we hope for in the future and I will think of your sacrifice during the happy
and thankful moments if the future.
So Please forward my message.

2023-03-25 01:07:41


RE: Dearest Larisa,
I live for your letter and this one was special as I was hoping that our relationship was not fading. Not a bit on my part. My dreams are with you. My love is with you. And my hopes are with the
two of us traveling into the dusty road of adventure and ending on the fresh air of an evening walk on the beach--hand in hand with kisses and some firm embraces showing just how
intensely my love is for you and the total commitment we have. I hold so much respect for you and would always be proud to have you beside me. So you see I am here for you forever. You
can count on that.
How is your father doing? I hope that he can get the necessary help in Kiev? I am sure that is another thing you have to worry about on top of the the issues of your job. I pray for the two of
you as well as your mother. She must also be in a big worry. Do they have other family members there to help them?
These are the dog days of the beginning of spring and I am waiting for the spring flowers in the desert as I want to do some plein air painting. I am getting my equipment together in hopes
of a good year. I would like to go to some more northern places soon for some fine photos as well as a few paintings in watercolor and oils-- get these framed to see if they sell. You have
said you like to draw and paint? It would be fun if we could do this together. Please come to me as soon as you can.Is it going to be hard leaving your family? Your tour of duty should be over
in about 10 months?
I am here for you so write if I can be of help. My arms are open and waiting and dreaming about that first kiss--- possibly at the airport. That will be a WOW moment. Be safe my love.
As ever your David XXXXXXX000000000000

2023-03-23 01:32:22
Reply (/mailing/index/



Honey, let's move mountains together, travel around the world and love each other.

2023-03-23 01:23:55
Reply (/mailing/index/ 68/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect100443609
woman abroad!/

my worries... Photo inside!
David, I think that they just want to drag Ukraine in and make them guilty if necessary.
It seems to me that the world is very valuable and everyone thinks only about their own interests.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has already expressed concern about the appearance of such messages and attempts to drag Ukraine into this story.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine believes that the facts presented in the media are unfounded and are an example of a "biased approach",
Ukraine is ready to cooperate with German law enforcement agencies in investigating the incident.
What do you think, for what purpose do they want to draw Ukraine into this scandal?
Do you think Europe will continue to help Ukraine resist the Russian army?
I hug
your Larisa

2023-03-23 01:17:11
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, hello dear! Photo inside!
How was your day ?
How are you?
I hope you're all right.
How do you spend your time?
I wanted to know what do you think about the fact that the Western media disseminated new facts in the investigation of the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipelines
and Nord Stream 2 in the Baltic Sea?
From these publications it follows that traces allegedly can lead to Ukraine.
The investigation is being carried out by relevant authorities in Germany, Denmark and Sweden.
They believe that the gas pipelines were blown up deliberately, but are not yet ready to name those responsible for the incident.
Presumably, the explosive devices could have been delivered by ship, plane, divers or submarine.
I think that the suggestion that Ukrainian fishermen may be involved in this is the most absurd and I am disturbed by the fact that they want to involve Ukraine in this.
The very fact of sabotage was confirmed after
how the Swedish Security Service reported the seizure of several foreign objects with the remains of explosives.
Where did the "Ukrainian trace" come from?
The New York Times published an article the day before,
which, citing sources in US intelligence, refers to alleged sabotage by a "pro-Ukrainian group."
Unnamed officials admit that the Nord Stream operation could have been carried out using "puppet forces,
associated with the government of Ukraine or its security services."
And the perpetrators could be supposedly experienced divers with Ukrainian or Russian citizenship, opposed to Putin.
The German publications ARD, SWR and Die Zeit found out that the perpetrators arrived at the site of the sabotage on a yacht,
leased from a Polish company owned by Ukrainians.
And the investigating authorities of Germany tracked her movement.
Journalists write that on September 6, 2022, a group consisting of a captain, two divers,
two assistants and a female doctor. After they planted the explosives, the yacht came to Dars,
and then to the Danish island of Christians.
Then the ship was returned to the owner, traces of explosives were found on the table and in the saloon.
Who exactly the perpetrators were is not known, but it is possible that they could use fake documents.
Journalists note that Western intelligence services allegedly had information about the involvement of a certain "Ukrainian special forces" back in the fall.
But later additional data appeared that a "pro-Ukrainian group" could be responsible.
I read that the British The Times, citing sources, claims that supposedly private individuals from Ukraine are behind the explosion.
Moreover, Western intelligence knows the name of the organizer, but his identity is not disclosed so as not to "substitute Ukraine",
although he has nothing to do with the government in Kyiv.
I'd be interested to know what you think about this?
David, do you think the war will end this year or will it continue for a long time?
hugs and kisses

2023-03-23 01:10:37
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(/user/profile/i 69/254
Dear David, Photo inside!
I 6/24/23,
hope this letter
PMyou well. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I have been so busy these past few days.
We have been working near the front and transporting wounded soldiers to Zaporozhye.
We are doing our best to stabilize their condition and some of them will be sent to the Dnieper for further treatment. It's heartbreaking to see so many of them suffering and dying.
The shelling is constant and we are doing our best to repel the enemy.
I am so tired from the long days and nights of work, but I am thankful for the moments of rest I have.
I am looking forward to the evening when I can talk to you in the chat or write you a letter.
Sometimes there is no mobile connection and the Internet at all.
Today was a very difficult day, you probably already read that in Zaporozhye this afternoon, March 22, during the shelling, a Russian missile hit a multi-storey residential building.
Again, among the civilian population there are dead and wounded people.
One dead and 34 wounded ... but these are not exact numbers yet
Rescuers also managed to save 2 pug dogs and another dog of unknown breed...
Today air serenas sound almost without interruption.
In total, 6 missile strikes were carried out in Zaporozhye.
I hope that I can get some rest and the night will be more or less calm.
I miss you so much and I can't wait to be in your arms again. Every night I fall asleep and wake up thinking of you.
How's little Heidi doing?
I love you,

2023-03-22 23:36:38
Reply (/mailing/index/



Dear David, I want to tell you a little more about how my dad is being treated in a private clinic in Kyiv. Photo inside!
It seems to me that this is a very good private clinic and I am so glad that dad can be treated in Kyiv
The doctor who treats my dad's name is Ruslan Vasilyevich.
Dad has already been re-examined and a more accurate diagnosis has been finally established for him.
They are ours, he still has additional bruises and injuries that were not previously noticed.
Examination revealed a very serious and complex back injury and a large hematoma.
Now it is clear why Larisa's father's condition only worsened.
Since the spine is a very important organ for a person, he needs a good specialist who can help correctly and in time.
I thought you might be interested to know that dad had a consultation with a spine specialist.
A neurologist who conducts the initial course of treatment for dad practices modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes.
The doctors prescribed him medical and physiotherapy treatment.
When dad has completed the entire prescribed course of treatment, a rehabilitation specialist will connect to him.
Doctors should use all possible means for the quick and effective recovery of the pope.
We need to be supportive and believe that everything will work out.
We need to make sure dad gets the best medical care.
Papa underwent the maximum number of diagnostic studies.
When treating dad, it is necessary to apply the most modern methods.
I think that doctors in this clinic will use the most effective and safe medicines.
I am so glad that the doctor prescribed him a treatment based on the experience of the leading American and European medical schools in the field of the back.
Treatment in this clinic costs a lot of money, it is about 200 dollars a day, but in another place my dad could not be helped.
Ruslan Vasilievich told me that if we had brought dad later, then the doctor would not have been able to help him with anything.
He could be disabled
I was warned that surgery might be scheduled.
But the doctor who treats dad will try to do without it.
The doctor said that Larisa's dad is a very positive person and all the doctors already adore him.
I asked the doctor who treats dad to inform me about all the results.
I recently transferred payment for the first 10 day course of treatment and now we are waiting for the results
Yesterday, my father was prescribed myofascial therapy in addition to medical treatment.
I really hope that in this hospital dad will be able to get back on his feet and he will be able to live an active life as before.
Dad says hello to you.
He says that all the doctors here are very responsible and professional in their work, and he is grateful to them for doing everything possible to help him.
hugs and kisses

2023-03-22 23:11:17
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Dear David!!! Photo inside! 70/254
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from my business trip in Zaporozhye. I miss you so much and wish I could be with you right now.
I wanted to update you on my dad's situation. He is currently receiving treatment in a private clinic in Kyiv. The doctor treating him is Ruslan Vasilyevich. The good news is that the clinic is
very 5:33
good and myPMdad has already been re-examined. They
some additional bruises - Trusted international
and injuries that were not dating site
previously since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
My dad wanted me to pass on his regards to you. I hope you are doing well and I can't wait to see you soon.
I will wait for your new photos and letters
take care,

2023-03-22 23:08:03
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Dear David! Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-03-22 22:27:32
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My favorite David!!! Photo inside!
It's already late at night here, but it's hard for me to sleep, although I'm very tired that day.
While I was able to catch the Internet, I decided to write you a few more letters.
I want to tell you about what I saw, how many young men live here and what condition they are in.
When I took my dad to Kyiv last week, I was shocked by what I saw.
Along the way, we brought two wounded soldiers to a psychiatric clinic by ambulance. .
This is the largest hospital in all of Ukraine.
I was very upset and upset by the fact that it was overcrowded with the military.
The chief doctor saw my surprise and told me that one fighter, even a month after the tragedy, does not speak at all.
Here is his story:
"There were four of them.
They shot down a Russian drone from the sky.
Small victory.
Then its fragments rushed down, pieces of torn metal crashed into the lower part of the people.
The fighter, who was then the only one, survived, and he had to hold the position next to the dead all night and all the next day.
Since he was found, he has been silent.
And although he has been in the hospital for a month, he still does not respond.
The doctor also told me that a hospital in Ukraine has no borders with widespread mental trauma.
All psychiatric hospitals are overcrowded with soldiers brought from the front.
I also saw a young, chained guy who also had a terrible story.
He sat and his gaze was empty and without reason.
He did not hear my appeal to him.
Before his eyes, two of his best friends died and their bodies were torn apart.
This 22-year-old guy was rescued, but he was taken out of the front line in the same car with the bodies of dead friends and his psyche could not stand it.
There are a lot of them now and it's so sad.
I always miss you and will think of you even on the darkest and most difficult day.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-03-22 21:47:13
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Dear David!!!! Photo inside!
How are things at work and how are you feeling?
I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits.
I can tell you that everything is fine with me, despite the fact that there is a war going on and explosions of rocket strikes were heard here today.
I am still on a business trip at the Zaporozhye hospital, and I had a very hard day.
But I wanted to take a moment to reach out to you and tell you how much I miss you and how much I care about you.
I'm sure you know by now that I'm a hopeless romantic, and I can't help but think of all the wonderful things we could be doing together if we were together right now. I can't help but
imagine us walking hand in hand on a beach, watching the sunset together, and sharing a romantic dinner with a bottle of wine and delicious food. 71/254
I know that we are apart right now, but I still feel so close to you. I feel like you are here with me in spirit, and it's like you are whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I feel like I can sense your
presence, and it fills me with warmth and comfort.
I'm sure you5:33 PM
can tell that I'm daydreaming about us, and I can't help - Trusted
but smile. I'm sure you international
can feel my dating
love for you, even sitewe
though since 2008.
are miles Meet
apart. I justyour
wantperfect woman
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that I'm here for
you, and I'm always thinking about you.
I can't wait to be in your arms, and I can't wait to feel your warmth and love. I can't wait to feel your lips on mine and to feel your strong embrace. I can't wait to look into your eyes and see the
love that you have for me.
Until then, I'm sending you all my love and kisses. I'm wishing you all the best, and I'm hoping that you have a wonderful day.
Always yours,

2023-03-17 09:01:11


RE: Hello my dear Larisa!!! Thanks for your patience!!!!
My /Sweet heart Larisa. Been gone all day helping with a community project. Then my sister came over. Tomorrow is a work day-- laundry and clean house--- so. I pray for your dad and
hope he gets better soon. The latest news I hear from the news about the war is that it will be another year before it is over. I am hoping that we will not have to wait much longer than that. I
can see that you have been very busy.
I miss you dearly and keep you in my dreams. I know that we can have a wonderful future. Do you like to travel or are you more of a home body? I like the balance. I will show up to the Art
Institute after next week. So soon as I show my face there they will have plenty of work for me. Paintings for the spring museum exhibit and classes to teach and maybe some I will take
myself. Learning is something that I feel is important. Time for bed so I will continue this in my dreams. My love to you. David

2023-03-14 23:58:10
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Hello my dear David!!! Thanks for your patience!!!! Photo inside!
Dear David!!! I am so glad to hear from you!!!
I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to write to you earlier.
I'm torn between taking care of my dad and between work.
Unfortunately, his injury is very complex and the problem has only worsened.
I had to call my friend in Kyiv again and I asked to help me.
She was able to arrange for him to be admitted to a private clinic in the coming days because his condition worsened.
He can't wait until March 20th.
Tomorrow I will accompany him and by the evening we should be in Kyiv.
I hope that in Kyiv he will receive more qualified assistance and his condition will improve.
Today there were more than 12 air serenas in a day.
At the front, the situation is still very difficult, and this worries me very much.
I miss you terribly David and I really miss your kisses and hugs.
I am very grateful to you for your understanding and care!
My heart is always with you!!!
your Larisa

2023-03-12 03:51:13

RE: Ah, honey!!! this is what my eyes see!!!
Dearest sorry to be so late but the wifi has been down for several days. My eyes see a wonderful women in all respects with a great future together. There is a whole world to explore and
waiting for us and I have a thousand plans.
I am at times I wonder what to say because it seems so trivial compared to all that is going on in your world. I took the day off as I was rather tired but my sister and husband came over for a
visit. We of course care for each other but she can be rather boring so we talk about her recent surgery's . That is an easy topic as the years go by.
Also what is in your medicine cabinet. She likes to play doctor so she ordered me a bracelet that you saturate with canabis oil. It is supposed to make you feel better? Every time I see her
she has another remedy for me--- and so it goes.
I am missing you terribly and am waiting patiently for our union.
So I watch toe war news each day in hopes we can be together. I am gathering up a ton of hugs and kisses just waiting for you. All my love, David

2023-03-06 23:11:57
Reply (/mailing/index/ 72/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect99684281
woman abroad!/

Ah, honey!!! this is what my eyes see!!!
Terrible weapons are used here and it's terrible!!! It's sc

2023-03-06 23:10:02
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this video is for you!!!
Video inside!

This is unread letter.

2023-03-06 23:07:19
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Another private video for you David!!!
Video inside!

This is unread letter.

2023-03-06 23:05:31
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Dear David!!!! I wish your morning was sweet and filled with my love!!!
Honey, this is a very tasty pudding, which is low in calories and I will definitely cook it for you

2023-03-06 23:01:28
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This can be seen in our cities!!! LOOK!!!!
David, men continue to be seized on the streets of our ci

2023-03-06 22:47:24
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Dear David!!!! How are you, dear??? Photo inside! 73/254
Hi David!!
Today I worked in Dnipro.
I 6/24/23,
was sent on 5:33 PM trip with my team!
a business - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
All day we transported the wounded from the Zaporozhye and Bakhmut directions.
There are a lot of them.
In the evening we stayed overnight in the Dnieper.
It's not far, in the nearest town
I hope to return in a couple of days to Pavlograd!
I'm afraid that some terrorist attacks or new attempts to blow up strategic objects may happen.
People are very scared and I feel the tension too.
They say that Bakhmut is already almost completely taken.
I'm afraid that this can bring the front line even closer to the mole city.
Miss you!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-03-06 22:40:53
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Dear David!!!!!!! Photo inside!
David dear, hello!
Finally, I have the opportunity to write to you again!
I spent all weekends doing household chores and taking care of my father.
My friend Daria, a volunteer who lives in Kyiv, helped me find a suitable clinic in Kyiv where the doctor agreed to take my dad for a more qualified examination and treatment.
Now it is very difficult to arrange a dad in a good clinic, all the hospitals are filled with the wounded.
In my city, they can only help him relieve pain and reduce the hematoma.
There are no specialists here who can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary and correct treatment for him.
It has already been agreed that on March 20 my father will be placed for further treatment in Kyiv.
Oh David!!! I know that you really want to help me and I would be glad if you were there.
But unfortunately you are so far away!!!
And I myself have to overcome all the problems that have piled on me in this already difficult time.
I hope that the experts will select the right menu for you and you will achieve your goals.
Health is very important for every person.
My weekend was full of hustle and bustle and I didn't rest at all and feel so tired and overwhelmed.
Today I am going on a business trip again.
I will try to write to you more often!
with love
your Larisa

2023-03-03 06:36:42

RE: Hello my beloved Larisa,
My heart goes out to you and your family. I wish I was there to give you and family some help. I keep you and your family in my daily prayers. Know that I am here for you and open to any
help I can give though I cannot see what that may be.
My life here is not very exciting. My third gout infection seems to be better today and now I can start exercising. I need to lose some pounds I put on in the three months of being unable to
exercise. Eating became what I looked forward to each day of boredom. Yes indeed I look forward to having you hare in my arms. You will need some recovery time and I will help you
recover. I have plenty of things that will help you get your mind off the bad part of the past. We will find peace together I am sure. Love is always healing.
My love to you, David

2023-03-02 23:53:49
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Hello my beloved David, my sunshine!!! Photo inside!
I missed you terribly, but I had a lot of problems that took a lot of time and effort.
I wrote to you about the fact that my parents' house was partially destroyed after the rockets fired at my city.
My father, not having received help from our city hall, decided to start repairing the house on his own.
Together with his neighbors, he worked on this for several days. 74/254
But then a misfortune happened to him and part of the wall of one of the buildings collapsed on him.
He got a back injury.
I 6/24/23,
had to look5:33for a PM
place in the hospital so that he could be examined and treated. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
In conditions when all hospitals are overflowing with wounded soldiers, it was very difficult even for me to do this.
He has been in the hospital for several days, but in my city he will not be able to receive the necessary level of care.
The injury was pretty serious.
My friend, a volunteer and a doctor who lives in Kyiv, with great difficulty found a place in a private clinic in Kyiv, I can see my father there on March 20.
Dad has a spinal cord injury, the collapsed wall damaged the vertebrae, ligaments and intervertebral discs, causing bruising and hematoma.
He underwent some examinations here, but there are no good specialists in this field in Pavlograd, and such injuries can also lead to damage to blood vessels with the development of
ischemia or the occurrence of extradural hematomas and, accordingly, can cause swelling of the spinal cord.
All these days after work, I was next to my father to help him.
It is very difficult for him because every movement causes him terrible pain and he cannot get up.
Tonight I was sent along with my brigade on an urgent call to Zaporozhye.
You probably already saw in the news that one of the fired rockets hit a 5-storey building and damaged part of the house.
Pos blockages were able to get 4 dead, 8 wounded and 9 people still missing.
All this happened at midnight.
David, I'm so tired of all this madness, and I really want someone to stop this war as soon as possible.
I'm afraid that this may throw me more deeply.
I hope that this war will not last so long that we will turn into old men.
Many say that March and April will be the bloodiest.
Then negotiations should begin.
I really hope that this will be the case and that the war will be over by autumn.
I so want to be in your arms as soon as possible
Your house is just fantastically beautiful and cozy,
I will be very comfortable living there with you!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-02-26 02:28:44

RE: Hi my Larisa, honey!!!!! Photo inside!
My love, Yes I am healthy,just have an episode of Gout that has developed in my foot (heal- calcaneus) and has put me in a chair for the day. So I have time to read. I am so happy that you
like my home. When you come you may put your deco ideas on it as well. I will include a photo of my Studio this time. It looks like a mess but that is my work room and my tools are out You
can see more books as well.
Quiet day today accept for Heidi. I discovered that she cannot Meow while eating- the rest of the time is fair game. Found a few spiders in the house. I have entertained writing a paper on
the spiders of the house- so little is known about them and they are all harmless and maybe even beneficial and yet people have an irrational fear of them. So I have collected them for
years in each place I have lived. Most of them are in the Florida Collection of Arthropods where I donated my collection last year. They paid for a truck to pick them all up as it was pretty
comprehensive and a lot of cabinets and filled a moving van. I just did not have the room for for in my current house. Unfortunately I miss it for my research but I thought I could start over.
Currently doing some reading on poisons-- most interesting. There are so many poisons in our environment that people are totally unaware of. As a biologist I frequently have inquiries
concerning poisonous plants especially. They expect Professors to know everything. So I study.
Another day thinking about you in my life and it is as hopeful as ever. By the time this war is over I will be so old you won't want me. But I can in the meantime still dream about US. I love you.
Your David

2023-02-25 17:21:11
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Hi my David, honey!!!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for sharing your memories with me.
It's always interesting to me.
It's amazing for me that your city of Michigan, where you were born and grew up, looks like Pavlograd ...))))
Seeing the interior in your house, I discover in you another talent as a creator of a beautiful interior, as well as a landscape designer.
I really like your library, as well as other rooms in your house.
I think that in the library I will spend a lot of my time.
I really love to read books and the Internet cannot replace the feelings that I experience when I hold a book in my hands.
When I read, I feel like I am immersed in those events and at that time.
I think about you and our future every day.
hugs and kisses
with love
your Larisa
1 75/254
2023-02-25 17:08:56
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
How are you dear? How is your health?
I really like your house and I admire the interior and the taste with which it is furnished.
All rooms are very comfortable and tastefully furnished.
They perform their function and can tell a lot about you.
You can immediately understand that a creative and talented person who has impeccable taste lives in this house.
I know that I will be very comfortable and convenient to live next to you in this house.
My father continues to rebuild our destroyed house.
Today is my day off.
He was very energized.
Mom returned with Kira and my friend Tanya.
I sent them for a while to my aunt in Khmelnitsky.
So that Kira can take her mind off the stress she got when our house got destroyed.
She was with my parents at the time.
Everything is slowly getting better.
David, I dream that the war will end soon and I will be by your side.
I want to feel safe and be your favorite gentle and affectionate kitty.
Hope Heidi doesn't mind.
Love makes people stronger, gives them the courage to believe in the impossible.
You and I could write a good novel.
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa

2023-02-23 22:46:54


RE: Hello David, my love!!!! Thank you for your wonderful photo!!!! Photo inside!
Sorry the photo was the wrong one as it is one of my lab rooms where I continue my research. I will try to get you the right room now.

2023-02-23 22:21:49

RE: Hello my Love Larisa Photo inside!
My Sweet Larisa I saw on TV tanks and military vehicles going through Pavlograd and surroundings. The area looks just like the area I grew up in in Michigan. A combination of fields and
woods and the winter photos look just like Michigan. I left Michigan after school with a suitcase and $6 and haven't been there to live since. I continued my university education and took my
first teaching job at the University of Arizona.My parents still there in Michigan until their death, so I visited but spent the rest of my life in the arid Southwest-- mostly California, Arizona and
Utah. I taught at the U Cal for much of my career. I am most comfortable there. Currently I am in Arizona to attend Art School at the Art Institute. as they have a great faculty and I can teach
part time as well.
Thank you for the wonderful story of Kira. As for my house, Yes all the interior was created by myself. It was an empty hulk when I bought it. I have built a half dozed houses in my past. I enjoy
doing the interiors especially but also the landscaping as well. This next photo in my library/reading room. As you can see I am somewhat of a bibliophile. Hope you like books. As an
academic they are my tools. Students (all adults) expect their professors to know everything.
Each night when I go to bed and when I wake up I am thinking of you and the wonderful life we could create together.
My love to you. David

2023-02-23 03:11:09
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(/user/profile/i 76/254
Hello David, my love!!!! Thank you for your wonderful photo!!!! Photo inside!
You have a very
6/24/23, 5:33beautiful
PM and comfortable house and I want me
live there. Your house -is Trusted
very cozy international
and beautiful. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Interestingly, did you create this interior in the house yourself?
Everything is tasteful and every corner of the house complements each other!!! It's very amazing, I really like it.
David, Kira is a little girl. Didn't I tell you about her?
Even before the war, when I worked in the children's department, she was brought to our department with injuries.
Then she was about 2, and a half years old.
She lived in Maryenka on Dombassa and one day a rocket hit their house and her whole family died.
So she ended up in Pavlograd.
I treated her and took care of her, she was very small and cried all the time. For a long time she did not speak, it was a consequence of trauma and stress.
I began to take her to my home for the weekend when I went to the village to my parents.
After treatment, she was transferred to a boarding school for orphans.
I remained attached to her and my parents also became attached to this girl.
We bought her toys and things she needed and visited her.
And sometimes they took it.
So she gradually entered our family.
When the war began, mom and dad took her to their place, considering that it would be safer for her.
My parents helped this girl to forget the tragedy she once experienced, and thanks to their care she returned to normal life.
She spends a lot of time with my parents.
I think that this child was not just like that in my life.
When she was brought to our hospital she was so miserable and depressed and she became a lifesaver for my parents.
They were at that time also very unhappy and overwhelmed with grief.
My brother had died the year before.
Dima died in the same city where Kira was from, in Maryenka on Dambass.
So they became each other's salvation.
I think that God has provided everything in this case.
I thought you knew about Kira.
I'll send you a photo of this baby.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-02-22 03:34:04


RE: Hello my Larisa!!!! Photo inside!
My love each letter seems to get worse regarding the war. Do you see any end in site? Is Kira your dog? Did not get much done today-- Doctors apt and groceries. The grocery store is 14
miles away so it takes at least half a day to shop. For some reason there were not allot of things I usually buy in the store. I have been told that the war in Ukraine has an impact on the
market and I suspect that is the problem. Just what am I to do without my dark chocolate? I think I will curl up in the fetal position until the store has some in! If only you were here to join me.
We could cuddle and kiss.
We have rain today. I am anxious to get back to the Art Institute and my teaching so I have been getting my art materials together. I will be teaching scientific illustration and drawing under
the microscope. So few scientists have had any art instruction and then they have to get a drawing prepared for publication and are at a loss as to what to do. I will fix that for them.
Please keep safe; I do not want to lose you. Life is hard enough without doing it by yourself. Sharing makes everything relevant and they come become precious when we share them. How I
miss that. I assume you are still doing ambulance work and that puts you right in the firing line so keep safe. The photo is a corner of my library.
My love to you, David

2023-02-22 01:34:46
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Hello my favorite David!!!! It was awful!!!! Photo inside!
I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a while!
Oh David!!!! After the missile attack on my city, my parents, Kira and my friend Tanya live in my apartment.
Such strong blows were delivered to our city for the first time.
More than 60 people were injured, 2 people died and 8 were seriously injured and were taken to the hospital.
Another 38 people received minor injuries.
Unfortunately, my parents' house was also damaged and partially destroyed.
I was with them during the explosion and was very scared ...
Dad, along with other people, is engaged in the analysis of destruction and repair.
I sent Kira with my mother for a few days to my relatives in Western Ukraine.
Oh David!!!! Your letters warm my heart.
Your bedroom is so cozy and beautiful.
I think that we will be very comfortable and cozy.
I dream of happy days with you!!! 77/254
hugs and kisses
your Larisa
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2023-02-21 05:44:19


RE: Hello dear! Larsa!! Photo inside!
My sweetheart, and you say do not worry about me! Come to me as soon as possible. I wish I had a solution for your parents as well. I will look into it. How is your dog and cat doing? It must
be utter chaos. I am concerned about how much all this is taking on your person, especially mentally. Are you able to get some sleep?
I do miss you and am waiting for us to start a new life leaving the past in the past. I see a good night sleep, hope fully without bad dreams in a cozy environment and in my arms. I will assure
you that you are safe, and that I am looking out for your safety. Tomorrow will be a new day filled with sunshine. We will have wonderful plans for a new adventure that will fill us with wonder
and curiosity.Believe me those days are in our future and together we will invent our dreams and live them together. I remain here for you. The photo is our bedroom -- soft and cozy.
All my love to you, David

2023-02-19 22:33:36
Reply (/mailing/index/



Hello dear! David!! Photo inside!
How was your weekend? How are you? And how are you?
A few days ago, my city was hit by rocket attacks.
More than 70 private houses were damaged.
Of these, 8 houses were completely destroyed, 2 people died and 8 people are still in the hospital in a serious condition.
In the rest of the houses, window frames, front doors and walls flew out.
Of the 16 missiles fired at Pavlograd, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down 12 and 4 missiles flew in and caused severe destruction.
My parents also suffered.
Their house is partially destroyed.
But the most important thing is that the walls and foundation of the house survived.
For now, my parents will live in my apartment.
Today we spent the whole day sorting out the destruction in my parents' house.
Cleaned up the yard.
Oh, David, I was so scared. Such terrible explosions have never been in my city.
It happened at 3 am.
After the first explosion, my bed was thrown to the other side of the room.
Then there were three more explosions and I heard window frames and the front door flying out into the street.
In the morning we discovered that the gazebo and part of the roof of the house had also been destroyed.
I was so upset about everything that happened.
It seems that the war is now so close to my home.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-02-18 02:47:16

RE: Honey, how are you today?❤️‍ Photo inside!
Dearest I want to wish you a wonderful Valantines Day. I only wish I was there to give you hugs and kisses. I had a flare up of gout and it is painfiul to walk and I feel very tired as I did not
sleep well last night, so I am a bit slow at getting things done.
I did get two palettes poured and labeled though. I need to get back to my painting. Heidi seems to have taken a special interest in this and insists on sitting right over the palettes while I
work. She is going to get a snoot full one of these days.
My love for you hovers in the air. You are mu one and only and my future is with you.Photo is the living room; does it look cozy? Sending my love, David

2023-02-15 00:08:58
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


David, another story for you!!!!❤️‍ Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-02-15 00:05:29
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Honey, how are you today?❤️‍ Photo inside!
Hope it was a good day for you David!!!
How did your day start? How are you?
Today I baked a cake in the shape of a heart and I want to give it to my colleagues at work tomorrow.
Recently, we have gone through so many trials and difficulties together, and this has brought us so close and taught us to cherish each other even more and appreciate everyone.
But I don't want to tell you about that today.
I'll tell you a little story that will make you laugh.
Once my friend who works as a surgeon was on a shift on Valentine's Day.
And he had an operation scheduled.
Sasha proceeded to the operation and, having made an incision with a scalpel, he sighed and jokingly uttered the following words:
"Cut out a heart for your girlfriend for Valentine's Day ....???"
The surgeon's assistant and the operating sisters froze for a minute
There was an awkward pause in the operating room.
but remembering that today is February 14, everyone smiled and continued their work ....
These are the jokes doctors make!
lots of love,
your Larisa

2023-02-15 00:01:05
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Give each other love and be happy!❤️‍ Photo inside!
My dear David!!!!
On the eve of Valentine's Day, I remembered another story that happened a couple of years ago.
Each of us has funny incidents in life, therefore, dear, I ask you not to judge my story strictly, but simply laugh at them fervently.
This is the story of my friend Maria.
We work together and very often different stories happen to her, which always amuse our entire team.
So, being married, she always tried to constantly surprise her husband in order to prevent the gray everyday life from spoiling their romantic relationship.
A couple of years ago, for the holiday of all lovers, she began to prepare in advance - she decided to arrange an erotic adventure for her husband.
With hints, examples, stories about girlfriends and other tricks, Maria tried to find out his erotic fantasies.
I wanted to buy some costume and arrange a "romantic evening".
Apparently, it is not in vain that they say that men do not understand women's hints well, because her husband was no exception.
and when asked which suit he thought was the most attractive, he replied... SPIDER-MAN!!!
His answer made her laugh under the table!
Looking ahead, I'll tell you that the evening was not spoiled.
No, she certainly didn't dress up as a superhero from the movie.
The desperate maid costume purchased online and the carefully thought-out decor saved the situation and still made this evening unforgettable and romantic.
But when he understood why Maria asked him such questions, and how he had blundered, he said that he had not laughed like that since school days!
Sometimes we remember this story, which became for Mary something tender and kind, a pleasant memory of a pleasant day.
It's great when people know how to give love to each other and be happy!!!
I love you so much.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-02-14 23:57:54
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect98708113
woman abroad!/

giant heart of flaming candles....❤️‍ Photo inside!
Hello my dear! David!!!
Today I have a wonderful mood and I want to share it with you!
I remembered one story related to Valentine's Day.
This story is about how the Austrian "Romeo" burned down his house, just in time for Valentine's Day.
He laid out a giant heart of flaming candles in his house.
St. Valentine did not accept his gift - and burned down the house.
Hannes Pisek, a 20 year old from Austria, used 220 candles
to create a huge heart on the floor of his apartment.
He then lit them up and left to pick up his girlfriend from work.
But, his plan failed, or rather burned down along with the house.
Hannes Pisek was shocked when he returned home with his beloved,
I saw firefighters fighting the flames that engulfed the entire house.
Immediately after that, he lost not only the house, but also his girlfriend - she left him after this incident.
And now he lives with his parents.
I think that even on Valentine's Day you should not lose your mind!!!
I think this story is very instructive.
Have you ever had any incidents on the eve of Valentine's Day?
I need you in my life.
Love always, Larisa

2023-02-14 23:55:39
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giant heart of flaming, honest❤️‍ Photo inside!
Hello my dear! David!!!
Today I have a wonderful mood and I want to share it with you!
I remembered one story related to Valentine's Day.
This story is about how the Austrian "Romeo" burned down his house, just in time for Valentine's Day.
He laid out a giant heart of flaming candles in his house.
St. Valentine did not accept his gift - and burned down the house.
Hannes Pisek, a 20 year old from Austria, used 220 candles
to create a huge heart on the floor of his apartment.
He then lit them up and left to pick up his girlfriend from work.
But, his plan failed, or rather burned down along with the house.
Hannes Pisek was shocked when he returned home with his beloved,
I saw firefighters fighting the flames that engulfed the entire house.
Immediately after that, he lost not only the house, but also his girlfriend - she left him after this incident.
And now he lives with his parents.
I think that even on Valentine's Day you should not lose your mind!!!
I think this story is very instructive.
Have you ever had any incidents on the eve of Valentine's Day?
I need you in my life.
Love always, Larisa
1 80/254
2023-02-14 23:42:49
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
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Dear David!!!!! another private video for you!!!!

2023-02-14 23:41:00
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Sending you a load of kisses, a ton of hugs and all the love in this world on Valentine’s Day.
Today is such a wonderful and unusual day!This is the day of love!Baby, Be My Valentine

2023-02-14 23:29:40
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Hello my favorite David!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!❤️‍ Photo inside!
I consider myself to be the luckiest woman on this Earth and it's only because I have found the most precious jewel of this world. It's you, my love. You are the only thing that looks good on
Sending you a load of kisses, a ton of hugs and all the love in this world on Valentine’s Day.❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
You are unique, You are caring and You are the Best.
And I am the luckiest to have you in my life!
Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart!
Love is like a cloud… love is like a dream… love is one word and everything in between…
love is a fairytale come true… I found love when I found you.
I send you my soft kisses...
Love is like a cloud… love is like a dream… love is one word and everything in between… love is a fairytale come true… I found love when I found you.
Darling, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky.
Happy Valentine's Day!❤️‍
With all my love on Valentine's Day and always,
always yours Larisa
1 81/254
2023-02-11 03:55:19
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


My Sweetheart!! Photo inside!
I truly understand; do what you need to do to be save and alive. No matter what happens I will be here for you. You are the center of my life and my life is arranged around yours as the yin
and yang cannot mover unless they come together to make a perfect round--- only then can it roll. I visit my love for you daily and though I miss you I know that you are doing heroic things
and I am sure you are taking all precautions. So I cling to the Knowledge that you are taking every caution possible.
I have been working through the frustration of my computer trying to do simple things. But this computer wants to be complex. It at times be easier tor do them in person. I have a broken
ankle from a fall in the desert. It is just annoying as I have a walking
cast on it and am supposed to stay off it. That is like my cat to stop meowing. Much of what I do is outdoors. This should make me to sit at the microscope and get the backlog of work
waiting for me. Mostly identifying beetles and spiders that come from samples collected at sites of my research. hopefully they will tell me something about the bounds of the ecological
community. Certain beetles and spiders are better indicators that the larger animals because they do not wander into other communities. Their environmental perimeters are much more
restricted than mammals for example.
It would be more fun with you as I could get distracted and explore the nearby castle and find a romantic spot and snuggle a bit--- xxxxxxxxooxooo . Oh maybe a bit more
xxxxxxxxooooooo.In the meantime I am sending ,my love.
Your David, XXXXXOOOO0000ooooOOOxxxxXXX

2023-02-11 00:43:39
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Video from my home collection....This is for you David!!!!
We will move mountains together, travel around the world and love each other. Do you want?

2023-02-11 00:31:18
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Hello my dear David!!!!!!❤️ Photo inside!
I'm sorry I can't write to you every day.
My work schedule is very hectic.
Almost all the time we travel to the hottest places where fierce fighting takes place.
I've been working without rest for two weeks now.
I hope that in the coming days I will be able to get days off and rest.
From fatigue, I fall off my feet.
Ah, David, dear, thank you for your lovely letter.
I love reading your letters so much and dreaming about our future.
We will move mountains together, travel around the world and love each other.
I really want to see all those places that you want to show me.
But most of all I want to be near you and feel safe.
As a true woman, I will delight a man every day with affection, tenderness and care.
I send you my kisses and hugs
your Larisa

2023-02-08 03:43:00


RE: Hello my dear Larisa!!!❤️
My darling, if only I could be there. Your situation is terrible compared to anything I have experiences. I have done mountain rescue for some but nobody was shooting at us. I will say some
prayers for your friends who are wounded and have paid the ultimate sacrifice. I am doing better today but still do not have the strength yet and I had planned to go grocery shopping but
decided to stay home and rest. As you see my problems are rather trivial. I cannot even explain how much I miss you as in my hopes you will fill a part of me and my life that has been
missing for some time I have lived alone and without any affection beyond my cat-- how I miss it. I want you to share my daily life with and to hold and kiss and hold some more. 82/254
I have hopes to show you all the scenic wonders of the American west and we could go beyond the tourist rout if we camp along the way. sleeping in a tent -arms around you sounds to me
as being one of the highlights of the trip.
I 6/24/23, 5:33
know ho hard PM be to maintain your health physically, mentally
it must
and spiritually under- the
Trusted international
conditions dating
you are living sitefor
and I pray since 2008.
you each day.Meet
that I perfect woman
am here for abroad!/
you in body and
spirit for whatever you need. My promise to you is firm- know that.
Love you always, David hugs and hugs and a whole lot of kisses.

2023-02-06 22:40:04
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Hello my dear David!!!❤️ Photo inside!
I really love all your letters and when I read them I imagine myself in your life.
Also, I love learning new things about you.
Yes, there are so many scammers out there.
Recently, my parents sent a parcel and money to our relatives in the Crimea in order to somehow support them in difficult times.
It contained medicines, warm clothes, toys, sweets for children and money.
And all this was probably stolen, since it's been three months and they still haven't delivered the package.
I often hear stories about how scammers, at every opportunity, try to take possession of other people's money or some kind of property.
But unfortunately, very often they go unpunished.
Thank you for sharing your observations about brush makers.
I was very interested to receive such information.
Last week was very difficult and we lost the medical team that took out the wounded people from Bakhmut.
They were not heard from for about 5 days.
But yesterday we learned that their car came under fire and out of 7 people only two survived.
My friend Dasha was there.
She is alive, but she lost a lot of blood during the wound and now her condition is extremely serious.
My work is becoming more and more difficult every day and the fighting at the front is more and more fierce.
It's like hell. Sometimes it seems to me that this is a horror movie or a very bad dream ....
Oh, David, how much I need your strong arms and hugs right now.
So I want to drown in your love !!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-02-06 03:21:49


RE: Hello my beloved Larisa !!!!❤️
My Sweetheart, My being sick is only an annoying cold and it will pass soon. As for you, your getting rest is the real issue. I worry and think of you often daily.There are allot of bugs going
around and I am trying to keep out of the public as much as possible. I still need my flu shot though--- Tuesday. I have two doctor appointments that day for checkups. At the art institute I
see the same artists each time and they are serious artists and I doubt that they are about town much.
I am still talking to the FBI and they are taking much of my time.There seems to be a slight chance I will get the scammed money back. Just how I have no clue. I just do what they say I still
have some hopes but doubtful.
As for brushes. All the brush makers all are trying to make synthetics that mimic the kolinsky brushes to make brushes cheaper and sell more brushes, Good brushes are so expensive most
painters buy a couple of fine kolinsky brushes and do not buy another brush for years. So they are trying to make cheaper synthetics at a quarter of the price. For example Rosemary & C0
has developed their version as the Red Dot series. I bought them -- they are good but not quite excellent. Most people can use them to paint well though. They are much like the Escoda
Versitil series. Pretty good but not totally there. I have many versitil brushes. Escoda has been a leader in getting synthetics available. Their synthetic offering I think is pretty good and I can
live with it. I would suggest three fibers for the brushes. The first one is Ultima which is imitation squirrel and maybe better that the animal hair. It is not the limp noodle and springs back
better. Use this for washes. The next hair is Called Prado and it is great for rounds, flats, and others. It holds water fine and has good snap. I use this for smaller rounds and flats and a few
special brushes such as riggers. The third one is called Perla. This one i am excited about it and it is very soft to the feel. One would think this is too flimsy to do anything. But it is a wonder for
detailed work. I would use these for my rounds and would have a full set, With a combination of the Prado and the Perla you have a great combination that covers all needs.This is Escodas
new substitute for the expensive kolinskys and it seems a pretty good creation.I will try them out and see how they work over some time painting with them.
I miss you more than I can express and hope you will be in my arms in the future and forever. That is my dream for my dream girl.My day to day life is missing the affection and the exciting
erotic dimension the loving couples have. One day we will have that first kiss. How I dream of it. And XXXXXOOOOO

2023-02-04 00:24:56
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Hello my beloved David !!!!❤️ Photo inside!
I hope you get better soon and don't get sick.
Now we also have a very complex virus and everyone is very sick.
Everyone around is coughing and sneezing. 83/254
Try to spend a few days on bed rest so as not to expose yourself to complications.
The weather is starting to deteriorate and next week the forecasters promise -17.
This week has5:33 PM
been very difficult and I hope to be able to get
off. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I am exhausted from my feet.
I need to gain strength and get some rest.
At the front, the situation is very difficult and there are a lot of losses and wounded soldiers.
On the streets, in shops and at enterprises, men are caught and handed summons to the front.
Now women began to be recruited to work in the coal mines in mining teams.
But I can't imagine how women can do such a physically demanding job of mining coal.
We also have a real epidemic in Ukraine. Everyone is sick and sick. And everyone is silent about Covid and the mutated flu.
Wounded soldiers are brought very sick and with a cold.
As well as a huge number of refugees and migrants complicate the situation.
It starts with vomiting and then comes the defeat of the lungs.
I hope that I can save myself from this virus.
I miss you so much David!!!❤️❤️
You constantly want to see, hear and touch.
I will be interested to hear your story about good, especially the PERLA
send you hugs and Kisses with loving care,
always yours Larisa

2023-02-03 03:13:30

RE: My darling Larisa.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am constantly around people that want my time and swamped with paper work at the moment. Also since have been in contact with people I have a cold and not feeling well. I am sure in
a few days all will pass, but I wanted to be in touch. I am really pleased at your understanding of paint brushes. We have much to share. Escoda has addressed the problems with four now
brushes and they are pretty good,especially the PERLA, bought several and for detailed work in WC they are wonderful. I can tell you more later.
As usual I love your letters especially when you tell me about yourself. Your dolls are really wonderful and it tells a side of you that is more to love. I will get back with a longer letter when I
feel better and have some time. I love you-- forever. David

2023-01-30 17:29:16
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Why is there a land in Africa that no state considers its own?❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
My sweet David!!!
Today I went with my team on another trip.
Today we will work on the Zaporozhye direction.
Fierce fighting continues here.
There are a lot of wounded and we continue our mission to save our soldiers.
There are suggestions that even more fierce battles will begin on February 10th.
The Russians can go on the offensive again.
I don't know how long this war will last.
I can only hope that this offensive will somehow fail and Putin will be demolished by his own politicians.
Many times I have heard the saying that this war is actually between America and Russia on Ukrainian territory.
This is a time of war for territory and for hegemony....
But today I want to discuss another topic.
People have explored and conquered new lands for centuries.
And the more difficult it is to imagine that in our world there can remain territories that do not belong to anyone.
And yet, such territory exists. Where is it located and why is it considered "no man's"?
The territory of Bir Tawil, located in Africa, borders on two countries at once:
with Egypt in the north, and from the south, west and east with Sudan.
At the same time, none of these countries claims the lands of Bir Tawil, which makes it a "no man's land."
Have the territories of Bir Tawil always belonged to no one?
And why these lands turned out to be of no use to anyone?
The fact is that in 1902 Britain drew a new administrative border between these countries,
handing over Bir Tawil to Egypt, and the Halayib Triangle to Sudan,
a much larger area.
However, after gaining independence, Egypt demanded a return to the old borders, renouncing the rights to Bir Tawil.
Sudan does not want to change anything and also does not consider it its territory.
This continued until 1958, when Egypt, having gained independence, demanded a return to the borders that were before 1902,
while renouncing their rights in the territory of Bir Tawil.
True, in return, Egypt claimed the lands of the Halayib Triangle.
Sudan, on the other hand, was completely satisfied with the division of borders that occurred in 1902.
It was only in 2000 that the Halayib Triangle again fully became part of Egypt.
At the same time, Egypt kept its promise, abandoning the territories of Bir Tawil.
But Sudan also does not want to recognize this land as its own. 84/254
Therefore, to this day in Africa there is land that no one needs.
David, doesn't that surprise you?
What do you5:33
about it? - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
your Larisa

2023-01-30 17:05:59
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Hello my dear David!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
How was your weekend?
I was able to get a day off and get some rest.
I was able to finish sewing my doll.
I told you that I have another hobby - needlework and before the war I made dolls in my free time.
I even have a small collection.
Now I have 12 dolls.
It takes me 4 days to make one doll.
Before the war, I made them and sold them in bulk abroad for 100 euros.
their size is approximately 48 cm.
I will send you a photo and you can see my work.
I'm interested to know your opinion about their quality and what do you think about this hobby of mine?
your Larisa
I thought that this could bring us income when we live together.
Do you think this is real?
Do you value manual work?

2023-01-30 16:32:08
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Your photos make my heart sing....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
David, I also sometimes use SYNTHETIC BRUSHES
Such artistic tools are widely represented, among them are brushes for oils, watercolors and other paints. Due to the fact that the production technology is well mastered, today they are
almost in no way inferior to natural ones. In addition, synthetic brushes have a low price, which makes them in demand among both professional artists and amateurs. They are also often
bought for children.
and in my opinion, synthetic brushes are especially convenient to work with artificial brushes with white hairs, they allow you to accurately see the shade of the paint.
The characteristics of these artist's tools depend on the material.
So, nylon hairs are suitable for heavy paints. For watercolor, it is worth buying tools made of polyesters.
Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that such brushes are less resistant to mechanical stress than natural ones.
But they can withstand bright light, contact with thinners, moisture, etc. well.
Mixed brushes can be made up of different natural hairs (such as squirrels and bristles) or include synthetics.
Such brushes are necessary to achieve special effects.
Sometimes in this class you can find a good replacement for more expensive instruments.
If you ask me what kind of brushes did I use when I first started painting my paintings?
When I first started experimenting with art, I decided that my first brushes should be included in the set 1 thin, 2 medium and 1 thick brush. Brushes of medium thickness can be selected
with hair bundles of different stiffness.
This will help to understand in practice how, for example, a squirrel and a pony differ.
Also, when choosing a brush, I was guided by the quality criteria offered to me and advice on which ones are suitable for different types of paints.
I think that it is not necessary for a beginner to buy a professional art tool, just a high-quality brush will be enough.
Once you get a feel for the tool's capabilities, it will be easier to choose a new brush for certain tasks.
So I gradually learned to feel and understand what suits me more.
I thought you might be interested in my observations.
I hope that someday we will share our experience.
I think it's very good that we have similar hobbies and hobbies.
This will bring us even closer.
kiss and hug
always yours Larisa
It's rare to find someone as handsome as you, David. Looking at your photo, I’ll tell you honestly: you really are different from the rest, and I like it.
And in your eyes, you can get lost and never return to reality. 85/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-01-30 15:38:41
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FOR OIL, I use these brushes... Photo inside!
David, I continue my story about how I use different brushes.
Bristle brushes are quite elastic.
Due to the fact that some hairs are slightly split, they quickly absorb the paint.
Brushes have an affordable price, but during use they quickly lose their quality.
Mostly they paint with oil or acrylic.
You can also try them for working with gouache.
Brushes can be flat or round.
A good bristle brush must be processed: digestion and bleaching.
Bristle brush example
Mongoose brushes hold paint well and are resilient.
In terms of softness, they occupy an intermediate position between sable and bristles.
They are suitable for working with oils and acrylics.
It is easy to distinguish such brushes due to the characteristic black and white coloring.
Badger hair is softer than bristles and is suitable for blending oils or acrylics.
The brush has an unusual shape, the thickening of the hair is closer to the edge, due to which the brush is fluffy. Often, flutes or fan brushes are made from such hair.
Ear hair is suitable for painting with oil, gouache or other dense paints.
It is resilient, durable and can have sufficient length.
These brushes do not taper towards the tip.
Most often, thick brushes are made from them to cover large surfaces.
This review of the main types of natural brushes for watercolors and other paints can be considered complete, but let's not forget that you can also find more exotic tools with sandstone,
hare, bear, fox, marten and other animal hairs in stores.
Each of them also has its own characteristics....
This is the conclusion I came to in my observations ....

2023-01-30 15:30:00
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An example of a brush from a column.... Photo inside!
David, I use a squirrel brush hair thin and soft for watercolor.
It makes it possible to control the fluidity of the paint. The brushes are great for painting small details.
But due to the softness, it will take some time for beginners to master this instrument.
In my brush, you can work with watercolor, gouache and tempera.
Goat brushes are inexpensive and suitable for those who try their hand at watercolor.
Although they are inferior to squirrel in softness, they are comfortable to draw with.
Goat hair is also suitable for calligraphy, ceramic painting, waxing, as it can withstand high temperatures well.
Such a brush is soft and at the same time elastic, it holds the paint well, but absorbs a small amount of water. They are often recommended for teaching children.
Sable brushes are an expensive art tool, they are durable and highly valued by professionals.
In terms of softness, they are in the middle between the squirrel and the column.
It is convenient to draw thin lines with brushes, they are suitable for glazing, because they do not affect the lower layers.
Sable absorbs a large amount of paint and evenly stains the surface.
The brush allows you to work with both dry and wet techniques.
It is suitable for gouache, watercolor and tempera.
Pony is a common type of elastic brushes, they create drawings in watercolor or gouache.
The peculiarity of the hairs is that they quickly absorb the paint, but give it away slowly.
They keep their shape well, but do not have a pointed tip.
In the next letter, I will continue the story of my observation and about which brushes and how I use them.
I think you might be interested in my information...

2023-01-30 14:58:04
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97807525 86/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Dear David!! Photo inside!
It turned out that different parts of the brain are responsible for this skill in different sexes!
Women remember all sorts of signs along the road.
Bright signs, an unusual bush, a cat sitting in the window.
Men generally look aHi my dear David!!!!
Thank you for sharing such useful information with me.
Which brushes are suitable for which paint? For those who do not have an art education, this is a dark forest!
According to my observations, I learned to understand a little about HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE A BRUSH WITH GOOD HAIR?
It seems to me that the hairs should be elastic.
The shape of a good brush is retained when wet.
High-quality fastening of hairs: they should not fall out when touched.
The glue with which the hairs are fixed should not go beyond the edges of the clip, this impairs the flexibility of the brush.
To choose a suitable brush, you need to pay attention to the hairs from which the bundle is made.
I agree with you that this is very important.
The bundle in such products is made from the wool of various animals.
These brushes are presented in a large assortment, among them you can find an option for working with acrylic, tempera and other paints.
It will be convenient to draw with this tool
I usually use UNIVERSAL brushes.
They are called Kolonok - one of the most popular hairs.
The best kolinsky brushes are made from the winter skins of male animals. They are considered universal and suitable for oil or acrylic painting (for writing out small details).
You can also paint them with water-soluble paints.
The hairs of the column are thin and elastic, it will be comfortable to work with them even for novice artists.
Brushes of various shapes are made from it ....round a little (with the exception of counting turns and forks in the road) and just feel the direction.
In general, this feature can be explained in terms of evolution.
For example:
For a long time, men went hunting far from their homes, so it was important for them to understand the general direction.
And the women were engaged in gathering all kinds of berries in the vicinity of the camp and perfectly memorized landmarks in the forest:
unusual snags, stones, bushes and more.
That is why, when a woman explains the way, she will talk about bright signs.
Something like this: “You pass by a little white house, then near McDonald’s you turn onto such a small street with beautiful lanterns”...
The man is completely dismayed. “There are actually dozens of McDonalds in the city! Okay, there are two of them in that area.
Can you at least tell me whether to turn right or left?” Sometimes she can't say it!
In general, in order to avoid serious conflicts, I advise you to ask for directions from people of your gender.
You will quickly understand each other!
I think this is the best solution for the driver to figure out how to find the right way.
Have you ever had a similar case?
Do you agree with this theory?
Hug baby Heidi and kiss her wet nose for me.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-26 04:08:20

RE:Life is filled with ............ Photo inside!
My Sweet Larisa. Spent most of the day preparing some lectures for my art classes at the Art Institute. I am giving a couple of them on brushes used in art. Including all the different
synthetic hair that all the manufacturers are now using to replace the natural hair from especially Siberian Mink called Kolinsky Sable. It is getting so expensive that it is no longer affordable.
A number 12 round which is the most common watercolor brush is now over $250 whereas an synthetic can be purchased for $30 made by a quality brush maker. There are only a half
dozed brush makers in the Western World and none in the US. That #12 brush can take an expert up to a week of work to make it properly and made from the tip of the tail hairs of the mink,
a rare animal. One mink makes one brush. There are no brush makers in America (Spain, UK, France and Germany and a Pacific island) and each manufacturer have only a tiny number of
craftsman that have put in the years to be able to do this.So each brush takes one entire animal. Up until recently that was the only watercolor art brushes that have the fine qualities the
artist is looking for so we all have spent the money. But now there as of a year or two several synthetic hairs that work pretty good. What a relief for the artist.
So I have been studying the makers and the various hairs and trying them out and now hopefully get my artist students informed as to what to purchase and what the various kinds can do.
China has been trying to get into the brush making but they have as of yet to make a high quality brush. No professional quality brushes are from the China market. Lots of brushes but not
good ones so give them to the kids to play with.
If you take good care of the quality brushes they will last for years. When you try the different brushes out you would see the difference immediately.
The photo is taken at the Border of Mexico and the wall.
Thinking of you with Love, David
1 2023-01-26 87/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect97597271
woman abroad!/

RE: Russia is hurting badly.
My Sweet Larisa, As I see it whether the war is lost or won you still have a future and I will see to it that you do. Yes it would be terrible if you lose the war and the implications for family and
loved ones but I hope and plan to be with you keeping our love alive daily and hopefully healing the wounds of this terrible war. All the news I get seems to show what a courageous front
the Ukrainians are putting up and that the Russians are not doing well. I solute all of you. Let us revel in having found each other and how fortunate we are. e can create happiness in our
looking forward.
Though I am not in a war I do have my ups and downs but I think of you and my love for us and it helps keeping me level. We must keep proactive in creating our future because we do not
simply desire for things simply "to happen". We should be in control don't you think? I will give US every last ounce of me to make sure that we create the loving, meaningful and exciting
future. You can count on that.
My love is as strong as can be and I will be there for you. David

2023-01-25 22:47:01
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And here's what they found... Photo inside!
Dear David!!It turned out that different parts of the brain are responsible for this skill in different sexes!Women remember all sorts of signs along the road. Bright signs, an unusual bush, a cat
sitting in the window. Men generally look around a little (with the exception of counting turns and forks in the road) and just feel the direction.In general, this feature can be explained in
terms of evolution.For example: For a long time, men went hunting far from their homes, so it was important for them to understand the general direction. And the women were engaged in
gathering all kinds of berries in the vicinity of the camp and perfectly memorized landmarks in the forest:unusual snags, stones, bushes and more.That is why, when a woman explains the
way, she will talk about bright signs. Something like this: You pass by a little white house, then near McDonalds you turn onto such a small street with beautiful lanterns... The man is
completely dismayed. There are actually dozens of McDonalds in the city! Okay, there are two of them in that area. Can you at least tell me whether to turn right or left? Sometimes she can't
say it!In general, in order to avoid serious conflicts, I advise you to ask for directions from people of your gender.You will quickly understand each other!I think this is the best solution for the
driver to figure out how to find the right way.Have you ever had a similar case?Do you agree with this theory?Hug baby Heidi and kiss her wet nose for me.hugs and kissesyour Larisa

2023-01-25 22:41:14
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I am ready to continue my story..... READ!!!! Photo inside!
So, dear David, I want to continue my story.I remembered once reading in a magazine that scientists found out that in men and women, different parts of the brain are responsible for
orientation in space, so they remember the route differently.Have you experienced this phenomenon:a familiar woman or girlfriend explains for a long time how to get to that very store, but
you cant understand what she means? In turn, you clearly, like a navigator, build a route for her (the second turn to the left, then to the right, third exit from the roundabout and to the
stop),and she blinks her eyes like an owl.As a result, you both disagree in full awareness of each other's topographical cretinism.Imagine, this classic situation, it turns out, has a scientific
explanation! Recently, researchers from the Norwegian University found that in women and men, different parts of the brain are responsible for orientation in space!First, let's make a sexist
statement: yes, men are better oriented and feel the direction, this is a scientifically proven fact. When Norwegian scientists put a group of men and a group of women to navigate a
computer maze.And that's what they saw, that the men solved all the problems much faster, and also found a shortcut.Oh, it's not for nothing that men spend so much time in arcades! Men
can be proud of this.The amazing fact was that when testosterone was dropped under the tongue of women, their results were equal to men's.And some even surpassed the opposite sex!
From which we can conclude that this amazing hormone also has such an unexpected superpower.This is what happens with the main male stimulant.Further, Norwegian scientists began to
study what happens in the brains of women and men when they navigate, and made another curious discovery.Do you want to know what?Then read on about it!I love you, my dear and
dear, gentle, precious, unique and unearthly, my bright, kind mischievous, stubborn, my best man in the world hugs and kissesyour Larisa

2023-01-25 22:26:12
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Why can't men ever understand a woman's explanation of the road? Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!!! How are you?Today was a good day and I just got home from work.These few days have passed more or less calmly, and it even scares me a little.As if there was no
storm before the calm.Ah, David, I'm so afraid that the enemy will win and take all my dreams.But I hope that God will not allow this.When I was returning from work, I heard a woman trying
to explain to a man how to drive a car to a shopping center.She explained this to him several times, but he could not understand her explanation.Why do you think men can never
understand a woman's explanation of the road?Do you want me to tell you about it in the next letter?!Now I take off my clothes and go to the shower.When I return, I will continue my story!!!I
love you and miss you terribly my irresistible and most beloved man !!!!!hugs and kissesyour Larisa 88/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-01-25 22:02:01
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My favorite David!!! Photo inside!
Today I presented our morning!!!We wake up and bask in pastel for a long time hugging and kissing.After making love in the morning, I'll head to the kitchen to cook you something delicious
for breakfast...So, I go completely naked to the kitchen.I only have an apron on and you can see it...You certainly have a desire to join me.I'm right? What would you like me to have for
breakfast?Tell me about your preferences....I miss you terribly my dear David!!!I love it when we are together and do not sleep until late at night ... Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I
miss you very, very much! your Larisa

2023-01-22 21:34:11


RE: Hello dear David!!! How is your mood ?
My mood is happy and you make it so. One of the things I am good at is eating-- I need to loose a few pounds. I do have an adventurous spirit so I am willing ti try anything. Your recipe
sounds delicious. Sure I would love to cook with you- amply flavored with kisses. Doesn't that sound Yummy?
Flavored with love, David

2023-01-22 21:25:12


RE: David, let this video put you in a good mood!!!! Seductive
My goodness, I am going to need to get my labido in gear! Have had some years in waiting but You have my attention for sure.

2023-01-22 21:20:47

RE: Hello Lorisa dear!!!
Dearest sorry to be so late. I have been swamped in work. I still do not have all my energy back from my surgery so I am slower and I have allot of backlog from while I was in the hospital--
but I think I am mostly on top of it. Daily I think of how much I miss you and how much I miss an intimate relationship that warms the soul. I believe we can be really good for each other. Heidi
helps but she has not been doing her English lessons and at times turns a deaf ear to me and yet can get downright demanding when she wants something. But she is always nearby. She is
like a clock and keeps me on my toes. In the Am she leaps on me--"Time to get up". I look at the clock and yes right on time. She does remember one English word-- "Supper"! However
there are some parts of my life she cannot respond to. So I am a person in waiting for life to unfold and hold you forever--- and ever .
My love to you is as solid as ever, David
Photo: part of studio

2023-01-22 01:21:17
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honey, another private video for you !David!!
I want to be closer to you my love David!

2023-01-22 01:18:55
Reply (/mailing/index/ 89/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect97400315
woman abroad!/

this is a seductive video for you beloved David!!!!
honey, I want you to feel my passion for you!!!!

2023-01-21 18:21:29
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Hello dear David!!! How is your mood ? Photo inside!
How are you doing today?
How do you usually spend your weekends?
Do you still have relatives?
How are your sister Diana and her husband David doing?
I think you are having a great time together.
Today I got my long-awaited weekend.
I woke up later than usual because I wanted to sleep.
I wanted to go to my parents in the village, but I postponed it until tomorrow.
Today I just decided to stay at home and cook one popular Hungarian dish.
This was taught to me by a friend whom I met when I worked in Hungary.
Would you like me to share this delicious recipe with you?
Pieces of veal or beef are fried and then stewed with potatoes, onions and slices of smoked bacon.
Mandatory additives are paprika and cumin, due to which the food turns out to be especially tasty and fragrant.
It turned out very tasty ... MMMMM I think you would be delighted with my soup !!!
It would be great if we tried to cook it with you.
It would be a nice process with kisses and gentle touches.
If you want, we'll cook it together when I'm next to you.
I love to travel like you.
You know, sometimes I'm surprised when the favorite dishes of the local population are worms, various bugs, rats, or some other dishes that are not familiar to us.
So, for example, in Vietnam, a sandworm omelet is very popular and the locals are happy to gobble it up...
Before adding to the omelette, the worms are first boiled to discourage the fishy smell and remove their small tentacles-villi.
They say that the dish turns out to be very meaty, but it is clear why.
And sometimes cakes are baked with these little assholes.
Would you like to try this dish?
How do you feel about very exotic dishes from different countries?
What is the most unusual dish you have ever eaten?
I hope my letter made you smile!
Have a great weekend and miss you terribly David!
your Larisa

2023-01-18 00:26:56
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For a good mood !!!! LOOK!!!!
David, it's so cute when animals come to people.

2023-01-18 00:21:15
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97203127 90/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

David, let this video put you in a good mood!!!! Seductive
Imagine that I'm next to you!!!!

2023-01-18 00:18:55
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Hello David dear!!! Photo inside!
Yes, darling !!!! Of course, you are right, as always, my work takes a lot of energy and, of course, affects my psyche.
Sometimes I close myself in an empty room and weep in despair.
I never thought that I would have to see so much blood, mutilated destinies, terrible deaths and suffering of people that the war brought us.
When this is over, you will truly become like a refuge for me to find peace and security, a peaceful life forever.
I really want you to hug me as soon as possible and never let go of my hand.
I will probably have terrible dreams and wake up from fear for a long time after the war.
But I hope it goes away with time.
I'm glad that you love animals so much and take a very important role in saving them.
I am very proud of you and your gracious heart.
And after the war, I will be happy to help you in every possible way in this.
If you teach me how to be useful to you in your important work.
We managed to save two more cats today.
And I also wanted to tell you that 5 specially trained dogs helped us from the beginning of the tragedy to look for people under the ruins of the house.
They accelerated our work and I think that thanks to them we were able to quickly pull out the wounded and help them.
These dogs were from Pavlograd and they have already participated many times in saving people.
They are also used at the front when it is not possible to take out the wounded from the battlefield, they pull out and save our soldiers.
Last month, the president even awarded a special medal to cynologists from our city for good dog training.
I really liked your idea of using Lydar, the king of radar, to use it on a small plane.
It would be great if there was such an opportunity.
I like to watch animals come to people.
They are very smart and see people as a protection in difficult times.
It would be interesting to know what you think about it.
Why do wild animals seek salvation from humans?
What drives them?
The desire to survive at any cost, or can you explain it with something else?
I am very glad that now you will not be lonely and your sister Diane and her husband David will be with you.
I hope that they will love me and we will be good friends.
Oh poor Heidi!!! I can imagine how upset she was when she stayed outside the door and got wet in the rain !!!!
Hope you had a good day today!!!
Today we are finishing our work in the Dnieper and I hope that tomorrow we will go to Pavlograd.
I miss my home terribly and I want to hug my parents as soon as possible.
There is no more hope that someone under the ruins can still be alive.
Today we found 5 more bodies of the dead inhabitants of the destroyed house and among them was a boy who was one year old.
It is very sad and painful, especially when children die.
I am very tired and now I will go to the shower and sleep.
The last days have been terribly difficult for me and I need to try to restore my strength so that I can continue my work.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-17 02:48:56


My Sweet Larisa,
I do hope that you are safe. This job must be taking a toll on your psyche? When this is over you will have me as a refuge to find peace and safety forever. I want to hold you and softly assure
you that all well and that we have a wonderful future together to look forward to. I have been following the war on the news on the TV. They say that Putin is not in much favor with the
Russian people. Low moral in the Troupes and the war is not popular.
I too would be out there trying to save all the cats and dogs. The fate of the pets have been on my mind an well as the native species.
I 91/254
had a thought. I use Lydar a king of radar to use it on a small plane to fly over an area and count animals that could not ordinarily be seen from the air because they are hidden by the
vegetation. I counted the forest Elephant this way because they are smaller, don't form herds, and are hidden by the tree canopy. But with Lydar I can see through the vegetation and see all
the animals easily. I wonder if this could help locate wounded people in the rubble of war? Just a thought.
My 5:33and
sister Diane PM her husband David just called to let me - Trusted
that they have arrived for international
a month stay dating
over the winter. Theysite
havesince 2008.
a motor home.Meet
This isyour perfect
the only time ofwoman
the year abroad!/
I have
family nearby. They will love you and I know you will find them loving family as well.
Heidi my cat pried the door open when I walked out to pick up a package on the porch. It was raining and she got wet---- not to her liking. I did not realize that she was out until later I had to
go out once more and she made a noise and ran for the door. She spent the next hour trying to convince me that she was "my Kitty" and wanted to make sure that I was not angry at her. She
is within arms reach of me all day long and most nights .
Know that my love for you is like a bright star pointing the way to my arms where we will walk together into that bright future.
My Love to you, David XXXXXOOOOO

2023-01-16 17:52:18
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Hello my dear David!!! There was some free time to relax and I was able to catch the Internet. Photo inside!
I know that you are worried about me and therefore I hasten to send you a message from me.
I am still in Dnipro and today we continue to work and dismantle the ruins of a house that was destroyed by a missile strike.
Today we removed 4 more bodies, but they were all without signs of life.
But until now, from time to time, we hear someone's cries from under the ground, and the hope does not leave us that someone else from those who are under the ruins may be alive.
There is an assumption that there are still at least about 60-70 people underground.
Today new equipment has arrived from Kremenchug and this can speed up the process of clearing the ruins for us.
I am very tired these days, because for the third day we have been continuing our work and our entire team has hardly slept all this time.
Thank you for trying to support me and tell your wonderful stories about saving different species of animals.
You know, there are also a lot of animals in need of rescue.
Moose, deer, foxes, weasels, raccoons, wild boars and wolves come to the villages to people. They seek help and protection from people.
Due to the constant explosions, their normal living environment is disrupted and they run in a panic closer to people in search of food and salvation.
A fox often comes to my parents and my father feeds it with fresh fish and meat.
She is very smart and when he returns from winter fishing she goes out on the road and waits for something tasty from him.
And yesterday we rescued two cats.
They were very scared and only today the rescuers managed to take them to a safe place and return them to the owner.
You know, I will definitely tell you about the fate of those people whom myf could save.
I think you will be very interested to hear these stories.
Now, I need to continue my work.
When I get back I will tell you some stories.
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-16 03:04:30

RE: Hello Larisa dear!!! Photo inside!
My Sweet Larisa, The word that comes to my mind is what a heroic life you live; I am so proud of you. I wish I could help but my prayers are forthcoming daily, and my hope for our future is
strong as ever. I just want to hold you and never let go-- how I love you.
I have been following the war with what news I get and it says what a strong defense and offense that the people are putting up. Today it states that the Russians cannot win. The devotion to
your country by your people is admirable beyond what I can imagine. It really makes me feel like I would like to join in, to help in any way I could. I do have rescue experience so I know what
you have been going through a bit. I am here for you in spirit and for as long as you want me. My plans are for a lifetime.
My life is very ordinary and I have been at the microscope identifying specimens from the proposed reserve that I have been a consultant on. It is an island mountain range and thus an
isolated area which has many endemic species which need to be protected. Unfortunately we are too late for some of the larger species like the jaguar. I am setting up some corridors from
Mexico in hopes that some of them over time may recolonize the area. Which means I must fight the lumber industry who only see money.
This is my war but without bullets and the casualties are largely not human.
Please stay safe; you are my life and our future and that is what I live for. I know it is cold there now and many are living without heat. I hope you are going to be warm as well as safe. My
heart aches for the situation you are going through and I am there for you anytime--- all the time. Photo part of the lab.

2023-01-15 14:13:36
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David, another video!!!
This is a terrible tragedy for my city. 92/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-01-15 14:08:35
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David, watch this video!!!!
Video inside!

This is unread letter.

2023-01-15 14:06:22
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Hello David dear!!! Photo inside!
Thanks for your nice letter.
I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.
You must have heard about what happened here in Dnepropetrovsk.
Yesterday at 4 pm a rocket flew into a high-rise building and two entrances were completely destroyed.
All evening, night and morning we sorted out the ruins of the house and took out the wounded and the bodies of the dead people.
Rescue operations are still being carried out to search for people.
But the temperature is -8 and this, unfortunately, does not give us any more chances to find wounded people alive.
Although an hour ago there was a real miracle,
we also managed to get a living woman out of the rubble and deliver her to the hospital.
It already seemed that there was no chance, but by some miracle she held out and survived despite severe injuries and cold weather.
All those who were admitted to the hospital after the explosion in Dnipro had their faces covered in blood and blue from blows and injuries.
Many had severed limbs and horrific injuries to their internal organs.
It was so painful to watch it.
We worked all night and people came to the blood transfusion station to replenish the lack of blood and help the wounded.
In the morning it was known that 27 people died, including 6 children, 35-40 were missing, those who survived said this, more than 70 were injured ...
But I think that the numbers will still change,
because only half of the destroyed buildings were dismantled.
A total of 75 apartments were destroyed.
If we roughly assume that there were from 3 to 6 people in each, it will be at least 350 people.
Considering that it was a public holiday when people were resting and they could have relatives or friends visiting, it is clear that there will be much more victims.
Yesterday, 18 victims also turned to the hospital for help, including 6 children.
8 people were hospitalized, including 7 children, 3 were operated on.
Now we have been given the opportunity to rest a bit.
We were replaced by another ambulance.
David, I'm going to rest now.
When I feel that I have almost no strength left, I close my eyes and imagine myself in your arms.
It helps me fill myself with strength and desire to live and fight on.
You are my main incentive to live on and hope that the war will end soon and I will come to you and we will be very happy.
We will travel and paint our own pictures.
Let us love each other and enjoy our happiness and love.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-14 03:16:40


RE: Do you know that....?????
Dearest Larisa, just got back from the mountains doing some biological survey work for the State. A possible extension of a National Park. So I take a biological inventory of the area to see
whether it merits inclusion into a protected area.
It is late and I am exhausted but guess where my mind is? Of course on Larisa my love. Thought I would tell you that I am still much in love and have hopes we can be together soon.
My love to you, David XXXXXXXOOOOOOO

2023-01-11 01:53:34
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect96881995
woman abroad!/

Do you know that....????? Photo inside!
My dear David!!!!
In China, the New Year is celebrated on one of the days from January 21 to February 21.
The Chinese celebrate it, by the way, also on a grand scale.
The tradition of decorating the New Year tree with garlands dates back to 1895, when a fir tree installed in the USA in front of the White House was decorated in this way.
In Vietnam, the New Year is called Tet.
In our country, the New Year holidays were scheduled for January 1 by decree of Peter I. Before that, the New Year was celebrated on September 1.
In Thailand, most residents celebrate their New Year in April from 13 to 15, and European on January 1, and Chinese in February, and is called Songkran.
On this day in Thailand, all people pour water on each other and shower each other with colored talc.
In Iran, New Year's holidays fall on March 21 or 22.
But in Bangladesh, the New Year is celebrated on April 14, and it often coincides with the Thai.
In Italy, especially in the provinces, the tradition of throwing old things out of the window on New Year's Eve is still alive.
So at this time you should walk the streets there very carefully, because sometimes even furniture is thrown out of the windows.
In Nepal, the New Year holidays are celebrated on April 17-18, and in Ethiopia on September 11.
In Tibet, there is a tradition of baking pies for the New Year and distributing them to all passers-by.
It is believed that the more pies can be distributed, the more happiness and good luck will be in the coming year.
Did you like it?
your Larisa

2023-01-11 01:51:10
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Interesting facts about the New Year Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-01-11 01:47:59
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Once this happened to me Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-01-11 01:43:49
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That's why I still don't eat manti Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-01-11 01:35:40
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David, When I was very young, my beloved cat Aliska disappeared. Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-01-11 01:34:15
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

That's what happened when I was invited to visit. David, here's another one of my New Year's stories for you. Photo inside!
So ,
Together we laid a chic table:
expensive front tablecloth, duck in apples, pickled salads.
To the sound of the chiming clock, my friend's husband solemnly puts fireworks on the table and sets it on fire.
I thought it was desktop, but it turned out to be street.
Black smoke, fire, howling fireworks flying around the room...
As a result, the duck and all the dishes are in a layer of ash, the tablecloth and dresses are in burnt holes, the hanging ceiling is black from soot.
Many years have passed, but so far that New Year is the most memorable.
And in the room my friends made repairs - better than before.
It seems to me that even with the biggest troubles, you don’t need to be very upset,
because you can always fix any problems.
you agree with me?
I miss you so much my David!!!
your Larisa

2023-01-11 01:15:52
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David, this story is for you!!!! READ!!!! Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-01-11 01:13:19
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David, do you like fun adventures? Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2023-01-11 01:09:33
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David my love!!!!❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
The New Year holidays are almost over.
In Ukraine, we celebrate Christmas on January 7, you probably know about it.
But even before the war, Ukrainians usually had a lot of fun and were able to celebrate all the winter holidays on a grand scale.
And the winter holidays ended with the celebration of the Old New Year - January 14th.
Although later in the winter we still celebrated the Epiphany - January 19, Groundhog Day - February 2, February 14 - Valentine's Day, and of course Maslenitsa - at the end of February.
Maslenitsa is a Slavic folk holiday dedicated to seeing off winter and welcoming spring.
The celebration is celebrated for seven whole days.
Shrove Tuesday begins on Monday and ends with the burning of an effigy.
During the celebrations, relatives are invited home, pancakes are prepared with various fillings and prepared for fasting.
The date of Maslenitsa depends on Easter and changes every year.
This year Shrovetide will begin on February 28 and will be quite early.
I really loved to celebrate Shrovetide and at this time I always cooked pancakes with different fillings.
When we are together, I will definitely celebrate this holiday with you and cook the most delicious pancakes for you.
Do you like to celebrate holidays? Would you like us to celebrate all holidays together?
What is the most unusual and your favorite New Year's holiday?
In my opinion, winter is a season that is full of holidays and for this I love this season.
Each of us has a story about the New Year's Eve in stock, just ask - you won't hear anything:
stuck elevators, fateful meetings, 2-meter Snow Maidens and good surprises.
And all ends well, of course. 95/254
Do you want me to tell you some of the things that happened to me some time ago?
How did you celebrate New Year's Eve this year?
Do 5:33 PM
you remember
what was the most unforgettable New Year in your life? - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Maybe you have a story for me?
Let's revel in our love and move on, overcoming all the trials that fate sends us.
Hug beautiful Heidi for me!
Let it warm you on winter nights while we are far from each other.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-11 00:50:06
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You are an incredible man who managed to turn my head, my David!!! Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!!!
Thank you for your sweet letter, which gives me hope for our happy future.
I love all your letters very much.
Yesterday I was given a day off and I slept all day.
But the day off ended so quickly and I didn't even have time to visit my parents.
Several people from my team fell ill with Covid and I was afraid to see them because I might be infected.
Sunny, today I worked in the city and now I have returned home.
I want you to know this and not worry about me.
I went to the site and saw that you wrote me a letter.
It's very cold here and it's -21 now, severe frosts and cold wind complicate my work.
I would like to be near you, where it is warm and cozy.
Sending you my kisses and hugs!!!
your tender kitty Larisa

2023-01-06 02:27:36


RE:Larisa my love,
Dearest, It is as usual that I am feeling the love when I hear from you. For some reason I was under the assumption that your tour of duty was two years as it is in the US. I will pray that this
awful war ends soon. As for hope, you can count on me to wait. My love is strong and I feel that you are the women of my dreams. I think together we can create that future that we have
hoped for. I am not giving up and I remain strong in my decision. We can get through this. I think that true love is the universal leveler of problems and I accept the challenge even if new
problems emerge (for example, even if you end up wounded or whatever since I accept you as my wife and the responsibility is all part of every loving relationship). I do understand the
military situation as I was in the airforce (Intelligence) years ago but different countries may have different rules. Let us revel in our love and and move on with the bumps in the road. We are
both tough enough to move on into the future. I am so proud of the job you are doing.
As for the animals in the yard. When I was in Minnesota I had bears daily, and deer, wolves as well as the usual small creatures squirrels, skunks, raccoons, weasels, and of course rabbits. I
truly enjoyed them. Here in Arizona there are different animals. The Peccaries (wild pigs) are regular, coyotes, deer, rabbits, and more snakes and lizards. All this is no threat to people but
fascinating to watch. Of course there are tons of birds; about 500 species here in Arizona. I live in the edge of a natural area that is a National park and wild so I can also admire the
vegetation and the flowers seasonally.
I was still pretty sick over the New Years Holiday so there was no personal involvement. I watched the festivities on the TV and went to bed.
I am getting my brushes and paints together to start painting. I still have a few banking chores to do tomorrow though. Heidi keeps me busy as she wants to be involved in my activities but
she still does not speak English and sometimes her sense of keeping the house picked up is different that mine. She loves to eat rubber bands! Oh a photo of our house where you can see
what a bibliophile I am.
Just remember that I am here for you and am committed. I will see you in my dreams.

2023-01-04 19:34:41
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Another private video for you my love David!!!!

2023-01-04 19:32:24 96/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


My dear David!!!!❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
I want to tell you about what happened recently in the village where my parents live.
Before the New Year holidays, a deer came to them from the forest, and the next day the neighbors saw two elks.
It was so amazing they got so close to people's houses and people fed them.
After that, they went back into the forest and then returned again.
Now many animals, because of the war, are looking for salvation and come to people for help.
They look so miserable and scared.
My mother told me that foxes and wolves and wild boars also came to their village.
They are scared and seek salvation just like people.
I thought you might be interested in seeing this.
It seems so cute and animals see themselves so intelligently in difficult situations.
I think you will like it!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-04 19:23:36
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Another private video for you my sunshine!!!!

2023-01-04 19:18:25
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I have no one closer than you David
My world became so colorful when you appeared in it

2023-01-04 19:17:19
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Another video for you David !!!!
In your eyes - a reflection of the universe

2023-01-04 19:16:05
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My video for you David !!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I made this video last year 97/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2023-01-04 19:12:25
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David, hello my love!!!❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.
I was back on another mission with my team!
And it was the worst New Year in my life!!!
Actually, this time I didn’t have a holiday at all.
To be honest, yes, and the feeling of holidays is completely absent.
David, it's very hard to have fun when I see dozens of people killed and hundreds of equal people every day.
Perhaps I can truly rejoice and have fun only after we achieve peace.
David, when the war began, life stopped and we stopped rejoicing.
David, but I have memories from the past and I want to share them with you.
I will tell you some New Year's stories of the past years.
Hope you like them and make you smile.
Before the war, we had a New Year's tradition among our neighbors.
At the end of December, absolutely all the residents of our entrance decorated their landings.
Garlands, toys, tinsel, even a few small Christmas trees.
Festive mood was provided for weeks ahead.
One day was appointed when a competition would be held for the best design.
They appointed Santa Claus and assistants and went to all the apartments congratulating each other and of course the children living in our house.
The children recited poems, and at the end everyone celebrates right on the stairwell, where the table is set and New Year's music is playing.
Those were such golden times.
Now most of the people from my house have gone abroad,
someone died at the front or went missing, and I have not heard the laughter and fun of people for so long.
I miss my neighbors and this golden time so much...))))
Do you or your neighbors have New Year traditions?
Tell me about them.

with love

2023-01-04 15:27:31
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David, hello my dear!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your wonderful letter full of love and tenderness!
If I could leave the country now, I would immediately do it.
But I have signed a contract for military service and until the end of the war I cannot leave Ukraine under any circumstances.
I have already told you that in my country doctors are treated like soldiers and during the war they cannot leave the country.
But I do not leave the hope that we will be able to go through these tests together and meet after the end of the war in order to start a family and never be separated again.
David, I have imagined our wedding many times,
when I'm in a white dress and you're in a beautiful dark suit.
I think that we will have a modest wedding.
I don't like extra costs and I think that there are more important things than the frustration of a wedding with a huge number of people.
I think that it will be enough to call the closest friends and relatives.
I often imagine how happy we will be together,
because there are so many beautiful things that I want to do with you.
I think that our life will be very interesting and we will be happy.
How did you meet the New Year holidays?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2023-01-01 00:36:58
96485443 98/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE:Larisa my love.!!!
My Sweet Larisa. I do hope we are still planning our life together. I am still planning marriage and have been thinking about the details. Do you have any idea when you would be able to
come to the US so that we could be together? And do you have any ideas about a wedding. It may be about time to think about that as plans often must be made in advance.
I hope that our relationship is still solid. From my side the answer is absolutely ; you are the women of my dreams and I cannot wait to start a loving relationship and an exciting future.
These times are difficult around the world and you must live in a state of turmoil with your daily exposure to the worst side of mankind. But remember that I am here for you and if you can
get away at anytime I will be waiting for you with open arms and will seal it with a kiss--- maybe more than merely a kiss, just change that to many, along with holding you in my arms. Even if
the opportunity to leave in at the moment-- come. You will be welcome
under any circumstance. I do not take our relationship lightly. As for me, you have my promise of my deep love, concern, and readiness to create the future for us both together. I will give it
my all.
I will be there for you for as long and as much as it takes and you need no formal invitation. Here I am with open arms and my promise.
Always, David

2022-12-30 05:29:43

RE:Larisa, my favorite time....!!! Photo inside!
My LOVE Larisa, Yes I look forward to the time we can make the holidays sing with our love. Decorate the house inside and outside as well, put up a Christmas tree. shop for something really
special and a big surprise. Listen to special Christmas music from my music library. Take a romantic walk in the moonlight-- holding and kissing. Baking something special and have a special
family gathering filled with surprises and Joy. I think I could go for this!
This Christmas nothing was done due to my surgery. I was in bed and in recovery. My daughter and son was over the week befor trying to take care of me and cook for me, so I was alone
with the microwave heating up my Christmas dinner. I did not send presents but I did get a couple from my family. So that is the very simple holiday I had. As for New Years I see much the
same. But my real treat is reading your letters. I cannot tell you how much I miss you. I hope we will be together for the next years celebrations. At this point I have dreams and hopes but
soon we will be together creating an exciting new life together.
I am up and around more and well on the mend. Heidi has insisted on laying on me day and night. We have wonderful weather with mild temperatures not needing much of a jacket. Many of
my indoor plants are blooming, especially my several flavors of Christmas cactus.
I wish you a happy new year with wishes for us being together for the following year and for the years to come. My love is as strong as ever. This is what I dream for. I send my love to you and
blow up a storm of hugs and kisses your way--XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO.

2022-12-27 13:46:49
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David, my favorite time....!!! Photo inside!
Hi, darling David!!! Thank you for your lovely letter, it was my pleasure to hear from you.
How is your mood?
How did you celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas? How is your health
I didn't have internet and I couldn't congratulate you earlier.
But I thought about you and dreamed that someday we would be able to celebrate all the holidays together, decorate the New Year tree and cook the most delicious New Year's dishes.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I think that it was bright and joyful for you
and I want to tell you my New Year's story.
When I was a child, I believed for a long time that Santa Claus exists and that he brings us gifts and fulfills all our desires.
And so my nephew stopped believing in Santa Claus at the age of 6.
And I really wanted him to believe in miracles longer.
Once we are standing with him at the window on the eve of the New Year.
I told him: "Scream "Grandfather Frost!" - he will appear."
Meanwhile, parents hide gifts under the Christmas tree.
The nephew shouted, and - what would you think! - and now Santa Claus rushed along Central Street in a sleigh pulled by a trio of horses.
His nephew's eyes sparkled, his face was as if he had received the most cherished dream.
Who would show me my face at this moment...
So an accident restored my nephew's faith in New Year's miracles again.
How long have you believed in the existence of Santa Claus?
Do you believe in miracles?
I think that this is the best time for love and the fulfillment of all desires!
Write to me and we will definitely believe together in miracles and fulfill all our desires!!!
Here's wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
with love
Larisa 99/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-12-26 01:45:45


RE: David, dea!!!!!!!!!.❤️‍
My Sweet heart (dream girl), How right you are; I feel truly disconn ected and alone without a loving relationship that I can hold and talk to. But I hold on to hopes and dreams that you
provide. This has been a very lonely Christmas but I am sure yours has not been much better and I pray for your safety and sending love that will hold you until we can be in each others
arms. Historically war has created separation of loved ones throughout history.
I am still recovering from my surgery and taking care of myself. My daughter has frozen meals for me so I would not have to cook and that has been a great help. Check your email for letters
as I was not able to write using Veronika as my credit cards are frozen but today I got one of them to work.
I can feel you in my arms and can all but taste your lips as we come together in that hoped for embrace that is the first seal of our fusion for our life together. And so my daily dreams keep
me hoping and solidly keeping that promise we have made for our future. MY LOVE TO YOU.

2022-12-22 16:59:42
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David, another video for you!!!!
I know that I will miss you tomorrow more ... than today, because today I miss you more than yesterd

2022-12-22 16:53:38
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Another video from home collection....Look
Hi David, honey!!!!
There is one world in which my soul

2022-12-14 13:47:12
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Honey, warm me up!!!! Watch my private video!
Video inside!

This is unread letter.

2022-12-12 21:16:38
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Hello my dear David!!!! Photo inside!
How are you?
How is your health and what's new in your life?
I worked for two weeks in the Bakhmut direction and it was like hell.
On Saturday I was given two days off and I was able to rest.
The first day I just slept all day and regained strength. 100/254
Then I went to my parents in the village and spent the rest of the weekend there.
We live in constant darkness and it is very difficult.
Electricity PMfor only 2 hours per day.
provided - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Everything in my apartment is powered by electricity, even the stove and heating.
We have no heat and often no water.
All this makes life very difficult.
But my parents have stove heating and you can warm yourself with firewood.
Parents managed to buy a generator in the fall while they were on sale and we use it to turn on the pump and draw water from the well and charge our phones.
Today I worked in my city!
It's cold here and it's raining all day.
What's the weather like for you?
Oh David!!!! I'm so tired and so I want the war to end as soon as possible and for you to take me to your happy life.
I have so much love in my heart and sometimes I sit by the window drinking a cup of coffee and thinking about our future.
I miss you terribly David!
I have so much love in my heart and sometimes I sit by the window drinking a cup of coffee and thinking that you could warm my hands with your kisses.
do you know this feeling?
Now I have returned from work and wrapped myself in a warm blanket and imagined your hugs, so warm and so exciting)) I like to fantasize and dream about our future.
Do you already know where you will celebrate the New Year holidays?
How is Heidi doing?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-11-23 02:38:00
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And what happened next? Photo inside!
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2022-11-23 02:33:19
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continuation ..... Photo inside!
One rainy autumn evening, a man hurried home from the birthday of a friend.
The day turned out to be hard and he dreamed of taking a bath as soon as possible and falling asleep in a warm soft bed.
Suddenly, he heard a muffled sob.
It was a woman crying. She was sitting on a bench near our hero's house. She was alone, without an umbrella, and only the hood of a light jacket saved her from the cold rain.
Noticing our hero, she turned to him for help.
Something happened in her family and she really wanted to talk heart to heart with someone.
The man thought, before his eyes appeared a bath and a bed, he muttered that he was terribly busy and hurried to the entrance.
The man lived an unhappy life. And died.

2022-11-23 02:31:43
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There is a legend according to which God comes to each of us once in a lifetime. Photo inside!
Hi David!!!
I just returned from my next assignment and we drank tea to warm up.
I wrapped myself in a warm blanket and thought about you David!!!
You know, I want to tell you my favorite legend.
There is a legend according to which God comes to each of us once in a lifetime.
Moreover, he can appear in any guise - a wet kitten, an old man, a beggar - and our fate will develop depending on how we behave at the moment of such a meeting ... And there is such a
Once upon a time there lived a man.
And he had three dreams: to have a good job with a high salary, to marry a beautiful kind girl and ... to become known to the whole world.
During his life, many stories happened to him, but I will tell you about three of them:
On a cold winter morning, a young man was in a hurry for an interview at a well-known company.
There were 5 minutes left before the meeting, and he still had to run a block.
Suddenly, an elderly man slipped and fell right in front of him. 101/254
Our hero looked at the man, decided that he was drunk and, without shaking his hand, ran on.
Luckily, he made it to the interview on time. Unfortunately, he was not hired for the job of his dreams.
On 5:33 PM
a warm summer evening, a man was walking around the city. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Noticing a troupe of street performers, he stopped to enjoy the spectacle.
The audience was small, but the play was fun and exciting.
After the performance ended, applause was heard and people began to disperse.
Our man also turned back, but someone timidly touched his shoulder.
It was the main character of the play, an old clowness.
She began to ask him about whether he liked the performance, whether he was satisfied with the actors. But the man did not want to carry on a conversation and, turning away in disgust,
went home......

2022-11-23 02:16:24
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David, thank you for not forgetting to congratulate me on my birthday!!!;hearts;️❤️‍ Photo inside!
This is unread letter.

2022-11-23 02:01:58
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David, dea!!!!!!!!!.❤️‍ Photo inside!
David, dear, I love reading your letters in which you talk about your life and how you feel.❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
I feel like you're lonely right now and I wish I could be there next to you and Heidi.
Loneliness is often called the main problem of modern man - they say that in the world it has already grown into a real epidemic.
Loneliness is not the same as being alone. Loneliness is a disconnection with the outside world, this feeling that no one around you understands you, and you do not have real, meaningful
relationships with people.
It seems to me that there is nothing worse than feeling the loneliness of the soul.
I really want our two souls to become once one and that we are happy together and never feel the loneliness of our souls.
I love and miss you my David!!!
Hugs and Snuggles
with love
Always yours Larisa❤️

2022-11-23 01:50:25
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Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
I love this photo and you were a wonderful baby.
Sorry for not answering you sooner!
Today I worked again with my team near Bakhmut. Tomorrow we will go to Zaporozhye and will work near Energodar.
The weather is getting colder and the approach of winter is already felt.
I am terribly tired and when I fall asleep I always think of you my David!!!
Hugs and Snuggles
always yours Larisa

2022-11-21 02:12:39


My Love for Larisa, Photo inside! 102/254
I am including a photo of me as a baby and you will see I love animals. I have always had a cat or two as well as a dog. No dog at the moment though but it is on my mind. I miss you so
much and pray that you are OK.
I 6/24/23,
do hope we5:33 PMtogether sooner rather than later.
can be - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
My love, David

2022-11-21 01:44:50


Larisa my sunshine;️❤️‍
We are on the same page. I live alone accept for Heidi but she does not speak English. There for I too have nobody to meet me or wait for at the end of the day. The lack of sharing makes
much of what the new day brings not very relevant because it lacks any connections. It is simply one of my memories most often even lacking any person I even know. My family is very
small and half of them I do not have much in common with outside the family and they are only mildly interested in my activities some of which they have no idea what it is about. Both my
parents are dead now. My dad died of cancer at a rather young age and my mother lived to old age but has passed on. And simply nobody that lives nearby. One sister lives in Seattle and
has spent most of her life as a hair dresser and no college. And my daughter is well educated and is the only one who can relate to me in my profession, She lives in Colorado and
Washington D.C. flying back and forth and is super busy. She is in the government in the field of education. All that makes for a small pool of people to talk to. I live in a part of the city that is
retired people who seem to be into golf-- I have nothing in common with them and my real close friends are dead or have moved far away. So most if my contacts are professional
colleagues who seem to be busy. I have invited them to my home but they seem to not have the time. I am sure in time I will make some new contacts. I have only lived in my current
location for a year. I chose this locality because it is near the art school and on the edge of a state park- Nature Preserve. This is the first time in my life I have been in this situation. The solo
life is rather boring and can be lonely. Holidays lack meaning when alone. Yes i can pick up the phone but that is not like having someone for dinner. I am not the type of person that will go
out to a club where they meet women for company. Just what kind of future would that be for me? I think I would feel more productive even being in Ukraine where I could see myself
helping to wounded.
Obviously you are my future and that is just how I see the world now. As a teacher I have many students to talk to but there is no intimacy. I do love teaching though.
I have been wondering id Heidi is lonely and maybe get another companion for her. But we seem to be closely together. I love the picture of your dog-- just my kind of dog. It looks just like
my first dog named Jill.
My Love to you, David

2022-11-18 03:32:33

RE: Hello my sweet sunshine Larisa !!!❤️♥️❤️‍
My Love, My days have been overwhelming but nothing like what you are going through. Sometimes everything falls apart on the same day. I am feeling ok but not like I totally over my
health problem yet. I just need some more time to heal before my next surgery. However that is not the issue today. Too many people handed me their problems and they do not desire to
listen to the solution but just want to unload their frustration even when it it not even the problem. It is simply tiring and creates more work for me even when it is not my job. I am sure you
must know about this. I have a kind ear and am easy to say yes to others demands. I think most of these little frustrations are under control and tomorrow I can enjoy the sunshine and do
some more constructive things.
I have several paintings I have promised. The museum wants something new to put on their winter art show and they always seem to want something to show. So paint, paint, paint. I enjoy
painting but it is tiring and can drain one of their energy but my mind is ready to move forward.
However I truly miss you and my mind is always searching for the thoughts of our being together and beginning our new life together.
What seems better than waking up in a double sleeping bag in a scenic natural wonderland. Or go on a walking tour of a historical area and waking up in a bed and breakfast together the
next morning? Perhaps you have some ideas of your own?
For me, anytime I could awaken beside you would be the highlight of the day-- holding, touching and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Oh! Just the thought of it makes me float in
dreamland with you, and never go home by myself. My love is as solid as ever for us together forever.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and be safe.

2022-11-18 01:11:08
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Hello my sweet sunshine David !!!❤️♥️❤️‍ Photo inside!
I miss you terribly!!!
It's good that you have such wonderful neighbors.
How are you feeling today?
I would love to be by your side and help you recover.
During this time, we became very close and became as one.
Yesterday was my birthday and I really wanted you to be next to me on this day.
I dreamed that I would wake up and see you with a cake and flowers and we would go to celebrate this day
Unfortunately, it was the worst birthday of my life.
And probably because of the war, all my relatives and loved ones forgot about this holiday.
But maybe someday, when we are together, our holidays will be the most wonderful and the most fun.
Today I work in Krivoy Rog, but in the evening we will probably go to the Dnieper.
Today 103/254
we have to transport the boy and his mother from Nikopol, who suffered from shelling and now their condition has stabilized, and we must deliver them to the Dnieper, where the boy
will undergo a skin transplant operation.
In Dnipro, they will continue their treatment.
I 6/24/23, 5:33 PM
hope that closer
to the weekend I will be able to get home and hug my parents. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
What was this day like for you?
I miss you so much my sunshine.
How is your favorite Heidi?
Today, 4 missiles flew to the Dnieper, but our air defenses shot down about 12 missiles and I hope that in the evening we will be able to have at least a little rest.
Every day is getting harder and harder.
But my love helps to be strong!!!
Sending you my morning kisses and best wishes!!!
your Larisa

2022-11-14 04:50:35


RE: You know I'd love would allow you to plunge into the fabulous world of my fantasies) Do you want it?!!
Just lost my long letter-- start over.
My darling Larisa. You do have me waiting for you and I am your lover who absolutely adores you. I feel that closeness as I see you in my dreams and in my imagination as I thing of just how
much I desire and need you in my life. Soon I hope I will be able to hold you in my arms and tell you that you are the center of my life and when you are afraid I will wrap my arms around you
and assure you that I will be here for you until the end of our days. I can only hope that the radiation of my brain waves are putting the deep knowing that you are not alone and from now on
in the future you will live in my heart and my mind and in my arms.
As for the nude thing. that could come to pass- who knows but I do not look so good in the raw anymore. However If it happens it must be with a passionate and tender blonde.
My neighbors just dropped in to see how I am doing. It is nice to have caring people around. They asked if I needed a ride to the doctor also.
Will finish tomorrow

2022-11-13 00:34:23
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You know I'd love would allow you to plunge into the fabulous world of my fantasies) Do you want it?!! Photo inside!
I think you would like to know what I mean))
You must have had some kind of fantasy ... is not it?))
I would like to know what...
What about me, I often fantasize that if people went without clothes ..
Perhaps it would be very sexy and maybe it would be customary)))
Cute clothes you go anywhere ... or at home can be without it?
When I am on a nudist beach (you must have no idea about my hobby) then feel free! It's so wonderful when your body is not burdened with clothing))
On the beaches of many people and I often accidentally touching someone ... is at one and the same time pleasant and uncomfortable feeling)) mmmm
Would you like to visit a nudist beach with me and touch me?))
I don't have anyone waiting for me every day like a lover, but one day I would like to meet such a person, but I have a family that is waiting for me, and that's good.
These are my parents.
Darling, but I wish I had a lover too
sometimes I feel very lonely when I realize that I am still not married.
I think I would be very happy if you were my man and you would wait for me with sweet kisses that would make me really happy.
Today I shared with you my little secret.
Maybe you want to share yours with me?
Would you like a passionate and tender blonde to appear in your life, which will fill your life with new and vivid emotions?
If you feel attracted and interested in me, then write to me and we will continue our communication.

2022-11-12 21:19:58
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David, do you have fantasies that you are ashamed of? Photo inside!
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2022-11-12 21:16:46 104/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Dear David!!! Photo inside!
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2022-11-09 23:58:47
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kindness and love... Photo inside!
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2022-11-09 23:49:52
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continuation of my story... Photo inside!
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2022-11-09 23:46:51
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In your arms so safe and secure.... Photo inside!
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2022-11-09 23:44:19
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Hello my sweet handsome David!!!! Photo inside!
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2022-11-09 23:37:23
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David, I want to tell you another story. Photo inside!
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2022-11-09 22:39:13
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Animals fill our lives with joy and teach us a lot. Photo inside!
This is unread letter. 105/254
2022-11-09 22:32:51
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Hello dear David !!! Photo inside!
My sweet sunshine David !!!!
I wanted to tell you so many stories and unfortunately because of my work I didn't have enough time for this.
Sometimes I come and I just don’t have enough strength even to eat.
I have such a busy schedule right now.
The evening has already come and we are returning again from Zaporozhye to the Dnieper.
We have just arrived in the Dnieper and brought two wounded soldiers to the Mechnikovo hospital.
Last night and at night we were shelled and we had to work without rest.
That night, shaheeds bombed the postal terminal in Dnipro and severely wounded four ordinary hard workers.
Then the shelling was repeated during the day and today 5 people from the Dnieper were killed.
Now we will eat and rest.
I just received positive news from the front.
I think that Kherson will be abandoned soon.
There are no more key bridges.
Many Russians surrender every day because they are abandoned without any supplies and without high command.
Their commanders run to take everything they can.
They rob shops, apartments and everything that is possible.
It seems that the city died and only a few people remained there.
The Russians took people out and occupied those apartments that have not yet been destroyed.
There is no electricity, water, internet or heating here.
Everything is destroyed. Shops no longer work and Kherson has become like a ghost town.
Very heavy fighting is going on in Snegirevka.
This is between Nikolaev and Kherson.
Your letter made me happy and I'm so glad that you can again do what you love.
Many owners of furry pets note that the cat "soothes" them when they feel bad or sad.
The secret is that the animal remembers how a person behaves in a state of melancholy.
The cat is a very intelligent creature.
She understands that the depressive state of a person often affects her, so she develops a behavior model that will help a person.
Heidi is a very smart cat and I am glad that you have such an affectionate and gentle friend nearby.
I love you my sunshine and I want to quickly hug and kiss your sweet lips.
your Larisa

2022-11-07 02:56:17

RE: Native, I love you!
Indeed I do love you and am waiting for the war to end and to hold you in my arms. Did some painting today along with some busy work at my desk. The weather is wonderful and I like to be
outdoors as much as i can. I hope to get some Plein air painting done in the next few days. I have been so busy that I haven't allowed myself much fun for awhile. Tomorrow I need to get
groceries which means a trip to the grocery some 9 miles away so it takes time I really don't want to give but I am down to the few canned goods in m y pantry.
I think about you always and take for granted that we will be together in our future. I am here for you always.
Heidi my cat is being rather insistent on my attention and lives at arms length or on my shoulders. She is really glued to me and I wonder how she will be if I travel? Perhaps I need to get her
a sister to keep her busy. Living alone she is a great comfort to me though and I have never had a better cat. I have had a cat since I was a toddler and I will dig up a photo of me with "Ginger"
the first one I remember. Currently I am constantly gently pushing Heidi off me keyboard as she is fascinated at my typing.
Saw a very large coyote in my yard today-- as big as a large dog. My yard is always filled with nature and I love it.
I am hoping to get back into class soon as I have had to drop out due to my health issues. Most of the faculty are friends and I am sure they are wondering what has happened to me. I am
feeling like my old self and ready to take on he world again-- how did it ever get along without me? I am the gouache professor now as nobody else knows much about it. I am preparing a
multimedia class using water media (watercolor and gouache along with water soluble Ink). The effect can be dramatic together and I love keeping myself challenged and learning new
things. I learn a great deal from my students as well since they are all adults with their own skills to offer. Wish you were here You might have fun. Besides I miss you and really want to share
my life with you each day.
Sending my love, Your David XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO

2022-11-06 00:58:17
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Native, I love you! Photo inside!
Hello my sweet handsome David!!!!
I'm glad you're gradually recovering. 106/254
Thank you for your tender, hopeful and loving letter.
Today, at the end, I was able to get days off Saturday and Sunday.
They 5:33 PM
were simply necessary for me, because I worked without rest
for 10 days. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I tried to sleep well and all day I did nothing except eat and sleep.
I needed to gain strength.
I decided to do nothing all day and just relax.
I feel so good when I'm at home and I decided that I'll go to my parents tomorrow morning.
All last week we worked in the hottest spots and transported the wounded from one place to another.
Finally, I can write to you and I want to tell some interesting stories.
And here is the first one,
about an ordinary guy from our city who, in the first days of the war, volunteered to defend his country and Ukrainians.
He demilitarized the enemy for $27 million.
this is the story of a miner who joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Ilya is a senior soldier of the 25th Separate Airborne Sicheslav Brigade.
He is a carpenter by education and worked in a mine for nine years.
He calls himself a simple miner.
In mid-February, he signed a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
the man wanted to get into this particular brigade, because almost all of his classmates and friends from work served here.
Already in March, he hit the first air target - an enemy Su-25 aircraft.
He recalls this moment with a laugh.
He says that he was constantly woken up by every air raid alert.
At that time, they thought not to wake him up, but nevertheless they raised him.
He ran to the post, raised the Igloo, turned to the right and saw how the Su-25 was flying with its “belly” towards him.
He thought for a while...
A rocket came out ... And that's it - it was his first trophy.
The second Ilya hit the enemy helicopter Ka-52.
He was then transferred closer to New York in the Donetsk region.
(there is a village with that name...)
It was his first day on duty.
The cost of the Su-24 aircraft is $11 million, the Ka-52 helicopter is $16 million.
For such a round sum, Ilya demilitarized the enemy.
I thought you might like this story.
I hope your day was positive today.
I love everything about you
hugs and kisses
your Larisa ♥️♥️♥️
P, S,
I can leave my country when the war is over.
I hope that our love will survive these tests.

2022-11-04 01:58:31


Sending love.
Dearest Larisa, Sorry to be so late; I have been in bed mostly and in recovery. Unusually tired today. It seems to be taking more time that I had anticipated but on the mend. Things have
gotten backed up so I have had a ton of mail and phone calls trying to get things on track. Getting there.
Be assured that my love for you has not been compromised but only steady and strong as ever. You are constantly in my thoughts and hoping that we can be together soon. I presume you
have another year of service to complete? I will be here for you with open arms and ready to create the future together. If only I could hold you in my arms and give you the affection that is
overwhelming inside me. I think we both need it. Please be safe and keep in touch. I know things are not always working out to our advantage right now but we are strong and we both know
that there is great joy and happiness in the end-- well worth the wait. I know we both need these letters to help us remain sane and I pray that all the terrible things you are experiencing is
not too much to cope with. But I feel that you a re a strong person and with our love we can feed on the hope for the wonderful days ahead.
My love is all for you, your David. XXXXXXXXOOOOOO Oh I just do not want to stop XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO --- more to come!

2022-10-29 22:48:39
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David, for my boyfriend...
May you always have only good dreams, and all of them become real.
My autumn kis

2022-10-29 22:47:30 Reply (/mailing/index/
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect93460139
woman abroad!/

David, your tender doll is always waiting for
David, You are so sweet that your dreams today should only be sugar.

2022-10-29 22:44:01
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My video for you David
I want to always be close to you David!!!

2022-10-29 20:13:48
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David, hello my love!!! Photo inside!
I am very glad that your relatives are taking care of you and the nurses next to you, who help you recover.
This is where it gets more and more difficult.
A lot of wounded and killed soldiers.
A few days ago, 5 people died in the Dnieper.
This happened when the air defense shot down a missile that flew to the Dnieper.
The fragments fell at the gas station, there was an explosion and a fire and people died.
Operators and a young couple who at that time wanted to fill up their car were also victims of this blow.
A young woman of 26 was pregnant. She died immediately and her husband's legs were blown off and he received severe head injuries and burns.
He is still in critical condition and unconscious.
I saw this guy today and thought about how the doctors would tell him that his wife and unborn daughter were dead.
Probably I would rather die than be left without legs and with burns of more than 60 percent and without my family.
It's so hard for me to see such tragedies, but I try to stay strong.
I am very glad that you still love and wait for me.
We have big problems with electricity and communication.
Therefore, I can not always go online.
I will write to you as soon as I have the opportunity.
I miss you very much and I dream that the war ends soon and I will be in your loving arms.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-10-26 03:18:16


RE: My sweet Love Larisa
Dearest, A short note to tell you that my love has not faded one bit. I am currently rather in recovery from my hospital stay and at home in bed with nurses doing homecare. The biggest
problem is the lack of any energy ( my white blood count is high). It will take a week of recovery. I must finish the surgery on Dec 5 and I am told it will take some weeks to recover. I haven't
been on my computer. Not to worry it is just something that needs attention and I will be just fine once this is finished.
I want to assure you that my love and commitment is as solid as ever and I wait with open arms. You do not need to even ask--- come just as soon as you can. My life will be happy in love at
that time. I miss you terribly.

2022-10-19 00:05:40
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect92875229
woman abroad!/

My sweet Love David!!!! Photo inside!
My sweet Love David!!!!
I am very glad that you are already at home and that your loved ones are with you now and help you recover.
I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.
We were again subjected to massive shelling in all possible ways, from shahid drones to various rocket attacks.
Our energy sector is operating at 40 percent due to the destruction of thermal power plants and other energy systems.
Every day new destruction and many wounded civilians and military Ukrainians.
Sometimes we work without rest for 3-4 days.
Today I was given a little rest and I came to my parents.
My mom cooked my favorite food.
I slept half a day and now I drink tea with lingonberries, honey and lemon.
At home, we smell like pizza, it's warm, cozy .. and outside the window there is endless rain and melancholy ???
David, in this difficult time for everyone, it is very important not to let fear and panic take over us??
Today she herself was simply attacked twice by fear to the point of jitters ...
I was very scared when I heard three explosions and after that our lights went out, the water supply was gone and mobile communications disappeared.
I bought afobazole and found an affirmation for such cases
But I had to stay strong and I had to reassure my parents and hide my fear and fatigue.
I said to myself
"I'm grown up!
I can handle!
I'll take care of everything!"
It is already evening and fortunately the repair work has been carried out and we have electricity again, the Internet and communications, and I can write you a letter.
I always feel at ease next to my parents and I rested a little and tomorrow I can return to my work again.
David, I send you rays of kindness and warmth!
We'll make it through and there will definitely come a time when you'll hold me in your arms.
All the warmest to you and your loved ones this October morning.
Let the morning be kind, the day sunny and the evening calm and positive!
Let there be PEACE! Please let there be peace!!!!
Sending you my kisses and hugs!!!
Get well soon my dear David!!!
with love
always yours Larisa

2022-10-14 03:15:00

RE: Hi dear David!!! Get well soon my love!!!
My Darling Larisa, I cannot begin to tell you how much I miss you. My dreams are to to meet you here where we can be two souls in love and together forever. I am just out of the hospital for
a few days to stabilize for upcoming surgery next week I think, no date yet until I see the surgeon on Wednesday. So I assume I will be in recovery for a couple of weeks. They are waiting for
the pneumonia to be gone before the surgery. My tiny family has been helpful and taking care of me during this time.
Please take care of yourself. I think about you always and make prayers for your safety. I am here for you in body and spirit.
I am truly in love with you, XXXXOOOOO

2022-10-10 22:02:29
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Hi dear David!!! Get well soon my love!!! Photo inside!
Hope your treatment goes well and you get better soon!
Today was a terribly difficult morning for my country.
Early in the morning, a large-scale wave of explosions began from the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas, as well as from the territory of Russia and Belarus.
The Russians fired rockets, Hurricanes, Grads, Kolibr and heavy artillery.
The shelling continued simultaneously on the main important objects of Ukraine.
One of the first to suffer was Krivorozhskaya TPP, which is one of the largest in Ukraine and is located in the Dnipropetrovsk region, then Kyiv TPP-6 and it is still on fire.
And the entire infrastructure of Western Ukraine was also hit and there were strong blows to Lviv.
Two missiles that were on our city were shot down by air defense forces.
I was so scared when I heard 3 explosions.
My windows survived. So I'm fine and you don't have to worry about me. 109/254
But even the window frames of the neighbors flew out.
But you've probably already read it in the news.
I 6/24/23,
really want5:33
to come as soon as possible and that every morning - Trusted
I wake up from your international
kisses and datingofsite
not from the sounds since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
an explosion.
The war changed my life values ​and views on many things.
It turned out that all the most important things can fit in a regular backpack.
I don't know where they might send me in the next few days.
Most of Ukraine is de-energized after being destroyed following strikes on the Kryvyi Rih TPP, which is one of the largest in Ukraine and is located in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Kharkivska,
Lvovska TPPs and Kyivska TPP-6.
I may also not be able to go online for a while.
But I promise that as soon as I have the opportunity I will write to you about all the news.
Today, the entire infrastructure of Western Ukraine was also hit and there were strong blows to Lviv.
Today I read an interesting article and I want to tell you about it.
It turns out that in Kharkov one elderly man goes outside every day and plays his old hurdy-gurdy to somehow cheer up passers-by people living in Kharkov.
locals call him a kind merry fellow.
When asked why he was doing this, he said that people would smile more often during this difficult time.
It turns out that he really likes to see people's smiles and it upsets him that now he sees more eyes than smiles.
I think it's wonderful to meet such positive people.
And they will always make our world brighter and kinder.
I will wait for your soonest return my dear David!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-10-05 21:25:46

RE: Hello dear David!!! How are you beloved?
Darling. I am back in the hospital for a time. I have complications with a hiatal hernia with pneumonia and some kidney problems. I expect surgery in a number of days and then in for
recovery. I do not have computer with me so I will not be able to chat but you will be on my mind. I remain here for you and am solid in my commitment.
Your David

2022-09-29 23:10:07
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Hello dear David!!! How are you beloved? Photo inside!
Are you all right?
Know I want to start today my letter with such words ...Day without you is a day without brihtness and sunny light!
Day without your attention is like summwer without warmth and with cold wind! Evening without you is like night sky without stars!
I miss you every day! I need you like breath!
I hope that your days are filled with only positive emotions.
I am still on a business trip in Zaporozhye.
Unfortunately, the situation is getting more and more tense every day.
I am very afraid that tactical nuclear weapons may be used.
But I try to think only positive things.
The night was very difficult and again there were arrivals of rockets.
And there were also rocket explosions in the Dnieper and civilians were killed again.
David, when I'm really scared, I just imagine you holding me tightly in your arms.
And it calms me down.
Kiss you and wait for your letter!
your Larisa

2022-09-23 23:27:23
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Oh David!!! All problems disappear when I feel your support!!!❤️
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 110/254
2022-09-23 23:19:13
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
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Hi David!!!! My world became so colorful when you appeared in it.❤️

2022-09-23 23:16:46
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Hello my darling love David!!!!❤️
I would like to give you all the love and affection!!!!❤️

2022-09-23 23:13:14
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Hi, David!!!! my private video for you!!!!
You have no idea how important you are to me David!!!

2022-09-23 20:50:55
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Hello David, honey!!!!❤️ Photo inside!
What was this day like for you?
What have you been up to and how do you plan to spend your weekends?
Hope you have a good Friday!!
Today I worked in my city and I'm not so tired.
They promised to give me two days off and I plan to meet in the morning with people who should help me install electric heating.
It's getting colder every day and I'm constantly freezing.
Our measure warned us that the city is unlikely to have centralized heating turned on.
Batteries will only slightly warm up so that the heating system does not freeze.
Now everyone must take care of how to insulate their homes.
Today I returned home and admired the autumn nature.
It’s a pity that we can’t take a walk together in the autumn park now.
I would love to enjoy autumn with you David !!!
Today I thought about how we will walk on warm days and discuss various news and share with each other everything that happened that day.
You will hug my waist and I will kiss your lips in return.
I really want us to spend all our evenings always together!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-09-20 04:31:04

91363411 111/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: Oh, my dear my Larisa
Sweetheart I hold you safe in my arms at least in spirit. I pray nightly that we will be together soon. I only hope that you will not be one of the casualties as I will be also. You are the the topic
of my thoughts and always I am aware of the casualties of war that go well beyond the battlefield. As you point out it even goes beyond the people to their pets and the farm animals and
the fields of crops as well. You will need allot of quiet time when this is all over and I will hold you and assure you that you are safe forever in body as well as spirit. As far as I am concerned I
am already part of us and take that for granted as my day goes by. So know that at all times of the day you are in my mind and spiritually part of me for all times. It is nice to hear that your
apartment is still there. It gives you a familiar place to retreat to. I am also a homebody and I surround myself with the things that bring peace and fond memories. For me allot of that is
books. One can walk through my life following the titles on the shelf and they bring fond memories. I am not a book collector but I am a constant reader. My curiosity needs attention and I
take comfort in participating in a good book. That and Heidi gets me through the solo life I live but my hopes are on the togetherness that I hope for with you.
I wish there were words that could tell you how much in love I am with you and how much you have come to mean to me. I send you my love and devotion and sending prayers to keep you
My love to you---- your David Hugs and kisses XXXXXOOOOOO

2022-09-20 00:55:52
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Oh, my dear my DAVID!!!! Photo inside!
You are such a special person!!!
Your life is so rich and you are such an educated and versatile person!
I know that next to you I learn so many new and interesting things.
You will show me life in its best aspects and I know that next to you I will be very happy.
David, all I dream about is that the war ends soon and that we can quickly connect our two lives into one.
I close my eyes and imagine our life.
calm and full of harmony and love!
This war has robbed us of so much time and I am going to spend the rest of our lives giving each other love and endless joy every day.
It was a very difficult day for me and now I need to get some sleep and rest.
I can be called to work at any time.
I hope that this night will be calm and nothing will interfere with my rest.
I would be so happy if I was there in your arms and could feel safe.
Good night my beloved David!
I hope that the bright stars in the sky will remind you of me!
I made a new photo for you, I hope you like it.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-09-20 00:11:14
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Hello my sweet love, my beloved David!!!❤️‍ Photo inside!
Oh dear David!!! I'm always so interested to learn about your life!!!
I understand your loved ones.
They just care about you!
Do not be offended by your loved ones.
I understand that you are an adult and independent man and I am sure that you will always be able to make all decisions on your own.
Unfortunately, I could not get a weekend and rest, and for the last two days I worked in Nikopol.
There is a lot of destruction here after the last shelling and bombing of the city.
They don't tell us the truth and I don't know how things really are at the front.
But there are a lot of wounded and dead.
Tonight I returned to Pavlograd and I will spend the night in my apartment.
If the night is calm I can get some sleep.
Now I'm undressing and I want to take a shower.
I thought how great it would be if we went to the shower together now.
I'd like to lather you with a gentle berry scrub.
It would be so great to spend this evening together and deliver each other bliss and pleasure.
I would like to sleep next to you and feel safe!

I send you my warm hugs and kisses

your Larisa 112/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-09-19 03:11:17


RE: David, I understand you!
My Sweet Larisa, I want to reassure you that my love is here totally for you. I have never had doubts but I have people around me that are less trusting and are always saying "be careful".
That is why I asked the question -- to give them an answer. I was careful and chose you Larisa, after very careful consideration. I have not even a drop of concern about my choice and never
have had but I must admit that I am a trusting person by nature but also a discerning one as well and rarely make a mistake. My reaction is just how fortunate I am to have you in my life. I
think they forgot that I raised them but they have suggested that I need to be taken care of, why, I do not know. I have always known that you were the one and only one for me. I suspect the
fact that they live a long ways from me they simply worry because they do not always know what I am up to.
Please, Please do not let this effect our love as it is totally solid and everlasting, and once people meet you I am sure they will also fall in love as I have. I haven't any doubt.
Because of my rather adventuresome life my family has always wondered just what I am up to. I have had a constant parade of trips and activities in foreign places that some people think of
them as risky in spite of the fact that it is not really true. In Africa they worried about lions and rhinos but I have never had a "close" encounter from those sources. I have been around humans
that are potentially a problem both in Africa and the US as well. I think people overlook the familiar. After all, driving is statistically rather dangerous. Far worse that any lion and I have been
around and at an arms length from them, and had no worry at all.
Spent the day studying color theory and developed a rational for what colors I put on my permanent pallette and why. Thinking of teaching a short class in this "in my spare time". I struggled
with these ideas for years and have altered my pallette many times. But now I think I understand it. Now I feel that I can justify why each color is there beyond the fact that it is "pretty". How I
wish you were here so I could tell you all about it.
I hope that you are keeping safe and know that I am thinking of you at all hours of the day and I open my heart to you. That heart will be open to you forever.
Sending my love, David XXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

2022-09-17 02:55:08

RE:I am so fortunate.
My sweet Larisa, I am so filled with joy with your last letter. To know that we have a truly committed future and brings me to a fulfillment of my dreams. You hold my heart in your hands and I
am comforted in that because I feel the love that goes with it. I dream daily of our meeting and follow the journey that we together hope for.
For the record: When people ask, I think I can certify that I am of good character. I have taught in five universities and colleges ( very difficult positions to get.). Former musician in the
Cleveland Symphony and the Robert Shaw Choral. Associated with the Church of England over my lifetime: Alter server as a teen, at midlife I became a monk in the Order of St. Andrew and
have been in this for over thirty years. Went to Seminary and studied for the priesthood, started four Churches. Eventually became an administrator in the Seminary and rewrote the
curriculum. Currently the Dean of theological studies. Later in life was consecrated as a Bishop (The head of the Church in the Southwest). All this is a part on my midlife and I am ready to
move on. This would not have been possible if there were any serious bad moral behavior in my record.
My ex wife would give me a good recommendation and we had a very harmonious marriage. We separated so she could join the Jahovah Witness Church not because there was any bad
blood between us. Raised two children both of which have responsible careers. I know this is not something you requested but I thought I would give you some background.
I am currently trying to retire from all that responsibility so I can paint, travel and give my all to our life together. I am not a person who "preaches at people" so religion is not part of my
everyday personality. Few of my students even know this about me. My interests are many and I have been called a "Renaissance Man".
Religion would never come between us so don't give it much thought. I currently do not even wear my collar outside the Church and have been avoiding doing any regular services as I am
trying to make some time for the next part on life. When I wear a collar people stop me on the street and ask me to do something so I keep a low profile. I also give my biological research
time and interest and still have students in the field following up on various projects. My research has taken me traveling allot and that is why I never became a parish priest. I am surprised
the Church even put up with me but they did. I have moved on and recently donated my theological library to the Church.
I am by nature a strong but gentle person and hitting anybody is not part of me so don't even think of such a thing. Your photo of carrying that cat in your fatigues reminds me of myself.
What I see the future being is the two of us inventing the world around us to have a happy and fulfilling life together. Both of us have put allot of time in life helping others and I feel we
should now have a period on time to recreate our new world. We both share interests-- travel, Photography, Art, our pets ( I love your dog) and so much more yet to be discovered.
I have a serious side as an academic but I also have a fun side and a creative side and I suspect you also have these. To my mind this is a powerful combination between us for a terrific
Just thought I would give you some background in case anybody asks "do you know what you are doing". I am totally comfortable with you and feel very much in love. There are thousands
of ways to enjoy our lives and we should feel free to make it the way that brings us joy and fulfillment. I hope this religious background does not create a problem for you as it should not. I
will always be here for you and you can look to me for strength, and comfort.
Your David who loves you. XXXXXXXOOOOOO

2022-09-16 17:24:27
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David, I understand you! Photo inside!
You know, my parents also showed such concern and told me similar things about it.
They told me stories about girls getting into slavery and often foreign men take advantage of their trust and deceive them.
And when they learned the story that happened 5 years ago in the Dnieper, when a foreigner from Croatia came on a date to a girl whom he met on a dating site and killed in a quarrel, they
were very worried about my search for a husband abroad.
But I asked them not to interfere in my life and let me make my own choice.
I reassured my parents and explained to them that my intuition and my heart feels that you are a special person in my life.
This is my choice and I will never let anyone influence my decision. 113/254
I gave them the example of my friend Svetoana who advised me to register on this site.
Svetlana met Otto on this site and for 7 years now she has been happily living with him in Dresden.
Together 5:33
wentPMthrough many obstacles. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
After all, Svetlana had a small 5-year-old son and her husband did not give permission to take him abroad.
She married Otto and they had a common daughter.
My son is now grown and moved in with them.
And the ex-husband created a new family, and now everything in Svetlana's life is harmonious and wonderful.
She and her husband Otto are happy and live together.
Of course, everything does not always go smoothly and sometimes we meet with disappointment and there are different stories,
but I believe that we should listen to our heart and build our story.
You need to believe in your dreams and confidently go to your goal.
And those who are afraid to make mistakes or believe can be afraid all their lives and be left alone.
I think that there are many more good and decent people.
My heart tells me that you are my man and you will never hurt me or disappoint me!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-09-16 16:34:57
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My favorite David!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for this sweet and sincere letter!
I was so touched by your words that I could not hold back tears of joy.
Now I was able to calm down and feel that we are still connected as one with our love.
I am very pleased to know that you consider me a hero and I will try to continue to be strong so that you can be proud of me.
I want to hope and believe that together we will pass all the trials sent to us from above.
You are my life stimulus and I, just like you, imagined many times how you would meet me at the airport with a huge bouquet of roses and how I would rush to meet you!!!!
Thank you that even at a distance you can cheer me up and calm me down even on the most difficult days!
To move mountains, you need not mountains at all, but a good mood, vitality and ... an incentive.
I have all this while you are in my life !!!
When a stimulus appears in a person's life,
who gives him hope and joy,
then at this moment, all trifling trifles disappear,
who constantly pursued him,
and instead of them, the real one suddenly lights up,
supporting light, beacon.
David, I really want you to always be my beacon and shine brightly on my darkest and grayest days!
I will always strive for your everlasting light!!!!
with love in my heart
your Larisa
I have collected an autumn bouquet of wild flowers for you and I want to give it to you !!!!

2022-09-16 01:52:43

RE: David, it was very painful to read these words!!!
I AM SO SORRY for the confusion. My excuse is poor. I have friends anD relatives that are concerned about me and especially getting my heart broken. They constantly are asking me
questions about our writing as there has been so much scam over the web so I promised that I would ask hopefully to get them satisfied. I certainly did not want to hurt you as it would hurt
me as well. I have told them that I am assured that you are my true love and that I intend to live my life with you. My only hope is that we can put this in the background and realize that the
web is not the best place for courtship. Please do not think for a second that I had any thoughts about my love for you. I would be heartbroken if something happened to our love. Believe
me I have never felt so deeply in love as I am with you.
I will never leave you-- ever. Know that my commitment is one hundred percent. It has been difficult to tell my family about my fiance' who is on the web. They are afraid I will be hurt. I have
been assuring them that all is well and wonderful.
Let's forget this interlude as there is no truth in it. My sister did have me thinking that there might be a problem and I have been really down for the last few days. How elated I was to hear
from you; my heart is beating again.

2022-09-16 01:29:11

91182141 114/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: Hello my dear Larisa and Dog.
Sweetheart, Be assured that I am waiting for you and that my love for you has not dimmed a bit. I feel that each day my love is more determined and strong. You are the center of my life.
How can I say that---- it is simple chemistry. You are everything I have ever sought in a soulmate and much more. I am not only madly in love but I have a great deal of pride and am
humbled that you would even give me a chance to be in your life. In my eyes you are a hero and what you display in your life is truly admirable. It humbles me to hear your values and your
I see myself as a teacher especially and you are an example of those values I have always taught my students, and you know that my students are all adults. I taught Ethics for most of my
adult life and one of the subjects that I have always responded to and I cannot think of another person in my life that exemplifies what I stand for. How proud and in love I am with you. If God
has had a hand in choosing you to be my soulmate He has done a wonderful act of benevolence. I pray for our safe togetherness soon, but know that I am firm in waiting and don't think
otherwise. You are the center of my life and I intend to keep it that way. All this goes beyond words and I hope the message is clear and strong. I love you with my whole being.
My daily fantasy is meeting you at the airport and that first hug and kiss.

2022-09-15 02:53:59
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2022-09-15 02:48:12
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Dear, thank you for helping me make the right choice! Photo inside!
David, for some reason I was sure that you would like the white color better, because very often our tastes are very similar in many ways.
You are doing your favorite job again.
I remember how, at the beginning of our acquaintance, you told me about how you worked in Africa in order to preserve this unique animal species.
I remember that you told me that rhinos are being killed by poachers and you are struggling with this problem in every possible way.
David, I really like that you manage to do so much beautiful and kind.
You manage to teach, do art, draw pictures and save animals and rare plants.
You are an amazing and versatile person.
Thank you for sharing your experience with me and I learn so much from you!
I hope that someday I will be your assistant in such important matters and you will always take me on your trips. I am sure that life with you will be amazing and we will build our own little
paradise and be very happy together!
Thank you for your important words, which I am so glad to hear:
"...I'm here for you - forever. Keep this thought in your heart, for you always have a home and a place to go, and I will hold you tight and assure you that everything is fine and you will always
be in security is in my hands..."
It's so important for me to know this!
I think that your love will protect me in the most difficult days!
And if I still die, then I will turn into a white dove and will fly to your window every morning and wake you up !!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-09-15 02:16:01
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David, it was very painful to read these words!!! Photo inside!
It seemed to me that you feel and understand me like no one else, and it hurts so much to hear that your heart does not feel more than me.
David, I was very surprised by your letter and very upset.
I even closed my page from other men because I thought that you were the one I had been looking for for so long.
We've been talking for so long and you tell me that you feel like you're talking to several people.
These words offended me greatly. 115/254
I can't even understand what it all means?
David, this seems very strange to me.
I 6/24/23,
am still the5:33
samePMLarisa and I remember how glad I was when you - Trusted
wrote me the first letter international
and how glad I was that wedating site since
immediately felt a 2008. Meet your
deep attraction perfectin woman
and interest abroad!/
each other.
I remember reading your letters about your work and research in Africa and how interesting it was to me.
Then you stopped writing and I was so upset about it.
I went to work in Hungary and so dreamed that you could fly to me for the weekend and we could spend time together.
But you haven't made yourself known for so long.
Then I received your letter again and was so happy and glad that we resumed our relationship again.
I told you about my life, and you shared your memories of the past and we became even closer to each other.
I'm so sad to hear that your heart is gradually ceasing to feel me.
Please trust him!!!!!
I hope that it will show you the right path and if your love is really as strong as you told me, then we will definitely be together and go through all the trials that God sent us!!!!
I will always accept any of your decisions!
Now I have returned home after a hard day's work and I only had the strength to take a shower.
I will fall asleep and think of you my David!
I really want you to feel how much I want to be in your arms and your life right now!!!!
Today my colleague died and it was tragic news for me, she was only 27 years old.
It was a terribly difficult day and I'm glad it's over.
My eyes see so much death, pain and suffering and it seems like hell.
I pray to God that this horror ends soon!
I hope that you will always call me your favorite kitty and I hope that Heidi will not mind.
David, I send you thousands of kisses!!!))) And endless tenderness!
always yours Larisa

2022-09-15 01:38:42
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Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.
Today is such a good day.
The rain has stopped and the air is warm and fresh!❤️‍
But in the evening, mass shelling of our cities began again.
It seems to me that the Russian army is furious after the successful offensive of our troops in the Kharkov direction.
Ukraine has already liberated 8,000 square kilometers of its territory.
Now they have decided to destroy all hydroelectric plants and other infrastructure in order to leave people without water and electricity.
After today's shelling, many cities were left without electricity, and the streets in Krivoy Rog were flooded with water.
But today I want to tell you not about this, but about my new friend whom I saved.
When we were transporting one wounded soldier who fought near Izyum, I saw a frightened dog that clearly had a problem with its hind leg.
We decided to take this dog and I took it to my home for a while.
Today I found new owners for her.
I took a new photo for you.
I thought you might be interested in seeing him?
I'm glad you and Heidi are doing well.
David, I'm terribly tired and it seems that I'm already holding on to the last of my strength.
All week we work on the Kharkiv direction and my work schedule is very busy.
Perhaps you are surprised that I discuss so little with you the topics that we talked about a lot.
We talk little about our past life, art and other topics that are pleasant for the two of us.
I think that we will return to our desires and dreams when we are together.
David, the best and most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or touched, but it can be felt with the heart.
I really want your heart to always be able to feel me and understand even when we are so far apart!!!
These days are insanely difficult for me and when it becomes unbearably hard for me, I just close my eyes and imagine how you hold me tightly in your arms and your arms hug me.
These thoughts help me to be stronger and move on.
I understand that you are tired of waiting for me and I cannot judge you for that.
But it is so important for me to know that you still love and wait for me!!!!
your Larisa
I took a new photo for you.
This is a dog that I saved and it seems that I found a master for her.

2022-09-14 03:42:55


RE: David, which one is better? First or second? 116/254
Darling Larisa, What color? You look great in just about most colors. I would stick with light hues over dark ones though. I have been in the field most of the day making notes on a desert
landscape that the State is considering for a State Nature preserve. I have worked on projects of this kind for many years and am one of the few ecologists that does this. I have done this in
East 5:33
Africa as wellPMas in Central and South America. Biologically it - Trusted
is obvious to all us scientists international
that these dating
things should sitebut
be saved since
moneyMeet your enter
and politics perfect
into woman abroad!/
the equation the
problem is not really biological one. Much of the time it is lumbering and poaching that are the big problems. The white Rhinocerus problem became unsolvable biologically when Uganda
wanted the horn to raise money for the federal budget and they killed the very last one. It is now extinct. I put some eight years trying the convince them they were worth more for the tourist
business than for horn (at $ 43,000 per pound). There always is a reason for the rarity of those species and the bottom line is money.
This piece of Desert is a rare and a geographically small area filled with rare plants and animals. I hope to add this to a nearby natural area to stop the developers from leveling it to put more
housing on it. I think it will go through.
So I was tramping around making a census if its rare species for my report. Thankfully we had a break in the summer heat and the weather was not so hot.
The news says that the war has been successfully pushing back the Russians somewhat. I have concerns for your safety of course. I am here for you-- forever. Hold that thought in your heart
as you always have a home and a refuge to come to and I will hold you tight and assure you that all is well and you will always be safe in my arms.
I send love and prayers, Your David XXXXXOOOOO

2022-09-13 02:41:46


RE: Larisa or...
Dearest Larisa, I am doing fine and up and about as usual.
I have a background in Linguistics and your letters seem to be written by 2-3 people. Am I writing only to the person in the photo named Larisa. I certainly hope so as I will be heart broken if
this is merely a hoax to make me pay for more letters.
I hope you are safe and indeed the person i love.
Lovingly David

2022-09-08 17:50:06
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David, which one is better? First or second?
Honey, can you help me make a choice?What do you think is better?

2022-09-08 17:43:33
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Honey, what color suits me best?

2022-09-08 17:42:24
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Hello my sun David!!! Photo inside!
You know, I'm finishing my work day and I'm so glad that this week will end soon and maybe they will give me days off again and I can relax a little and walk with my dog ​in the autumn park.
I like to admire the colors of autumn.
And sometimes I really want to depict the whole beauty of autumn on canvas.
In my opinion, it's so wonderful to go out into nature and enjoy the last warm days, admiring the bright colors of autumn trees, write a picture.
But alas, now I can not afford such pleasure.
Maybe I'll just take a walk to the lake and play with Hunter.
He misses me so much and doesn't understand why he has to stay at my parents' house all the time.
Animals are so amazing and so loyal
they humbly wait for us and endure all hardships together with their master.
That's why we love them so much.
I recently read a story about how one man who at the beginning of the war saved a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed and they did not part for the whole service.
and a month ago he was seriously injured and fell into a coma in which he was 2 weeks.
His friends came to the hospital and took Fedor with them. 117/254
He laid his head on his master's pillow and refused to leave.
Doctors allowed to leave the dog and he did not leave the owner for almost all this time.
When 5:33 PM
this soldier
came to his senses, he asked where was the white angel who had been- with
me allinternational
this time? dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
It seems to me that our animals know how to love us so much with the most inexplicable and devoted love, and in my opinion not every person can love like that.
Lots of people have a lot to learn from them.
Today I want to go to the store after work and pick up a warm jacket for the fall.
I would like you to help me make a choice.
I will make a video of those mods that I like the most and you will advise me which one to choose. Good?
your Larisa

2022-09-08 16:17:50
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Another new private video for you David!!!!
I know for sure that dreams come true, because I have yo

2022-09-08 16:16:07
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Hi my love David!!! I miss you so much my dear!!!! Photo inside!
We already have a real autumn and at night it was only 2 degrees of heat.
It got so cold.
Today it was again not a quiet night and our region again came under rocket fire.
Especially went to Nikopol and Krivoy Rog.
You know, but I want to tell you today is not about this,
but about how the cat that lives in the yard of my parents adopted and fed little hedgehogs and now they have grown up and consider her their mother.
They follow her everywhere and are not at all afraid of people.
In early summer, my father found a dead hedgehog and two still blind hedgehogs in a flower bed.
We thought that these kids could not survive without a mother and decided that their fate was a foregone conclusion.
And then the cat Murka intervened.
She recently gave birth to kittens and hid them somewhere on the roof of outbuildings.
She endured in her teeth in an unknown direction hedgehogs.
A couple of weeks later we were surprised when we saw her basking in the grass with three kittens and 2 hedgehogs.
It was so unexpected.
Then we watched how she feeds all the cubs with her milk and gently licks them with her tongue.
Cats are such gentle and quivering mothers and I thought maybe you would like my story.
And how is my rival Heidi doing?
David, I hope you liked my smile and you will smile!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-09-08 16:06:41
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If you need a person to be around all the time, this is love ...❤️

2022-09-03 14:08:32
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Delete 118/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Delicious sex or erotic art Photo inside!
My favorite David!
Today I have a long-awaited day off and I slept well and it seems that my strength is gradually recovering.
Today was a difficult night, our defenders were able to shoot down 5 powerful missiles aimed at our city.
Now I woke up and saw how brightly the sun was shining through my window.
I thought about you.
I so wanted you to come into my room now and bring me a cup of morning coffee and kiss me.
Today I want to talk to you about intimate things again.
I think you like to talk to me about everything personal and intimate.
Due to the constant tension with military operations, we began to talk so little about everything that is dear to us, about art, about the past and about life things ...
So, Delicious sex or erotic art?! Do you want to know what I think about it?
Taste emotions are a rather powerful, but underestimated factor in sexual practices.
But after the movie "Nine and a Half Weeks", "delicious sex" officially entered the top seven of the most intimate male fantasies.
Edible powder or special chocolate will not only come in handy in love games as the main “delicacy”, but will also bring the sensations to the desired condition.
Delicious lubricants can be used for oral sex.
For example, from the lubricant "Intimate Kiss" there is a warming effect after you touch the penis covered with it with your tongue.
Scented candles work like aphrodisiacs while they burn, and when they melt they turn into an excellent massage oil.
As well as special chocolate - if you mix it with champagne, you get a fantastic cocktail that you can both drink and "bath" in it all the sensual places on the body.....
There are so many things in my head that I want to bring to our future life together.
Would you like to experience all this with me?
Do you like my ideas?
When we are together, I want to give you the most beautiful and unforgettable emotions and feelings!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-09-03 13:52:01
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RE: RE: You know dear Larisa!!!!! Photo inside!
My sexual fantasies and love for you David :
Good morning my beloved David!
David, I love your dreams and hopes and how they match mine.
I think that they will definitely come true, because when both people so ardently desire the same thing, it will definitely come true.
david Darling,
your hot and detailed letter made me plunge into the world of fantasy and took me to our future.
It's all wonderful and wonderful.
I also want to add affection and my fantasies to our relationship.
Do you like my erotic games???????
when we are together I want to have multiple orgasms:
and it seems that you know how to experience more pleasure from sex
And although I am so far away from you now, today I want to play with you in a sexual fantasy “Blind Game”
This scenario will immerse you in a fantasy world and aggravate your emotions to the limit, and maybe you can immerse yourself in our world of pleasure for a while and feel my love and
So, close your eyes and imagine me next to you.
Condition: Blindfold your eyes...
A great opportunity (while you can't see anything) to put into practice the toys from the sex shop.
Of course, you know that there are special penis rings that enhance sensations and prolong erections.
Brushes, feathers, warming and cooling lip glosses, various oral techniques…
I really want to surprise you by using a special silicone egg for his "love scepter".
By moving it up and down, it will give you the opportunity to experience something new and very pleasant.
And if I start caressing your cock with both hands, one of which I put on a delicate satin glove,
you will feel like you are having sex with two girls at the same time.
Woo a la!!!!!
Do you like my fantasy!!!??????
My sweet daddy, today your girl is very naughty!!!!
You must punish me..
hugs and kisses
I hope my playful letter will cheer you up and you will feel a surge of positive emotions.
your naughty and seductive little Larisa
1 119/254
2022-09-02 00:30:15
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: You know dear Larisa!!!!!
My Love, It seems that you have answered my letter questions on the same wave length as myself. We seem to be traveling the same journey already and I cannot wait to hold your hand--
and sit down beside a gentle stream and share our views on those deep subjects we only talk about to that special loved one. Somehow I feel that that this simple exploration will hit my
heart deeply and likely in a state of overwhelming love. I will be forced to kiss you, and kiss you, many times simply to let those feelings overflow into you punctuating each point of our
discussion. Oh My! It is flowing in me already.maybe you have a great continuation for me? I think I will finish this in my dream tonight. let's continue this dream forever---- together forever.

2022-09-02 00:08:17


RE: My Sweet Larisa Photo inside!
Sweetheart My love for you remains beyond words. I truly believe in chemistry-- a mysterious connection that seems, at least for me happens suddenly at the mere appearance of that
person and becomes reinforced as soon as we communicate. I think it doesn't happen that often, maybe one in a hundred that you meet or perhaps even less. Not only is it beyond words
but even beyond any price. As we get to know each other it may strengthen or it may gradually fizzle as we continually reevaluate. It certainly has strengthened each day for me. I have
thought about the seriousness of that commitment and it simply says to me I am willing to be there for you forever, fully in love and focused on the possibilities that come to my mind at all
the wonderful possibilities we share together. My love has not dimmed a bit! We have so much to share, not only our similar values, but all the dreams that tumble out of our view of the
future together. I feel so comfortable with you and constantly think of holding you in my arms and quietly sit silently soaking up the loving vibration from you just being together. No need to
talk as this connection is truly beyond words. It is like our molecules are combining to form a truly new and beautiful new substance without a name because it has never been made before
- certainly not in my experience. Do you know what I mean, maybe you have a similar experience? Some people call it their "other half" and feel incomplete without it. Can true love exist
without that other person/thing that we love. That would leave us only with self love and that is seldom admired.
Photo: old picture sorting Beetles for the American Museum.

2022-08-30 23:40:23
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You know dear David!!!!! Photo inside!
What do I think about it?
How is the interaction between people and their energy?
When two individuals of the opposite sex meet and clearly show interest in each other,
their biofields and auras begin to interact, depending on which chakras are involved.
Thus, either a simple sexual desire arises, or the libido is supplemented by the sexual and heart chakra.
In the process of communication between the auras of two people, connecting channels, energy flows arise.
The more communication occurs between people who like each other,
the faster all the chakras are connected by channels and circulate, forming the law of energy movement.
If all chakras are connected between people by channels, then over time they become very strong and strong,
can bind people at a distance, even after a long time of separation.
So for example,
A mother feels her child, anticipates pain and joy. Sometimes meeting a stranger brings the feeling that you have known him all your life.
In fact, it is possible that the connecting channels between the auras of people can persist even outside of time and space when the soul is reborn.
Sincere and trusting relationships in the family form healthy channels
and energy flows between people, they glow, play with colors, are pure manifestations of love.
Thus, exchanging energy equally, people remain happy together and free at the same time,
no one is oppressing anyone.
If one person assumes the right to control another,
then the channels acquire a gray tint, stagnate and become heavier, mutual understanding comes less and less.
All this will lead to anger and alienation.
These are just my guesses and maybe you will be interested in it.
I hope I didn't bore you with my guesses.
Maybe you have your own versions of why there is a mental connection between people.
It would be great to sit now embracing and admiring the night sky and talking about various important and ordinary things.
So I want to be now in your warm and such native embraces.
with love in my heart
your Larisa
1 120/254
2022-08-30 23:25:48
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


My sweet David!!! Finally, I had time to relax a bit and write you a letter. Photo inside!
Today was another very difficult day.
But there is good news that the Ukrainian army advanced in the Kherson direction and took control of 2 villages.
Yesterday I learned that two more doctors with whom I worked in Kharkiv and Zaporozhye died while doing their work.
I have already lost so many of my colleagues.
But I know that your love will protect me wherever I am.
I know that you sent an angel to watch over me while I'm away from you and nothing bad happens to me.
Today I fell asleep for a few minutes when our ambulance left in the direction of Bakhmut to pick up the wounded soldiers.
And it seemed to me that you would have come up and hugged me, stroked my hair and covered me with a soft blanket.
Such a pleasant dream.
Too bad I didn't see you when I opened my eyes.
But I thought at that time about what you now think of me.
Our feelings are so strong and inexplicable and it seems that we feel each other on a mental level.
Have you ever thought about how such a relationship between a man and a woman happens?
Every day a person meets many other people on his way.
Someone passes by, and someone stays.
Relationships can develop into friendships or love, and sometimes people feel hostility towards each other from the first minutes.
How does a person choose a partner?
Why do we feel some people, while others remain strangers?
Mystics claim that there is a so-called mental connection between an adult man and a woman.
What is it?
How do you think the mental connection between people is formed?
It would be interesting to discuss this topic with you.
You know, I'm looking at the stars in the sky right now and thinking about you.
Maybe you are doing the same thing now and miss me as much as I miss you?
Hug beautiful Heidi for me and tell her to look after you well while I'm away.
I am very glad that Heidi brings you a lot of positive emotions and love.
I understand your feelings for her, I am also attached to my dog ​Hunter.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-08-28 06:29:00


RE: Hello my dear Larisa!!! Photo inside!
My Sweet Larisa, Words do not say how much I love you and admire you. I promise I will be there for you so do not worry about that. I only hope you can hang in there for me as well. My
dream remains that we become man and wife and go on in life together facing life's challenges together--- that is what goes through my mind when I look at the stars. I want us to be a
proud couple who can be admired for their love and admiration, for each other facing life as a couple. Is there much beyond this to say, I do not think so. My love for you is as solid as there
can be and it has not diminished a bit! Each letter I am overwhelmed with that conviction and just how fortunate I have you in my life. I am truly thankful.
You might say can such a love be true? Believe me, if anything, I have understated my feelings as words cannot carry the depth of my love and I hope that comes in my words.
I hope you are holding up under all the emotional pressure you are undergoing and know I will be your solid arms to ultimately feel safe in-- and purr like a kitten when you need it anytime. I
will be there for you and I think you will also be there for me as well. Isn't that the essence of true love? I think and pray for all this and I know God is hearing because He always hears the
prayers of the heart. I will save a tiny bit of my love for Heidi (1%) but you get all the rest. Heidi is my rock for now but not as much of a substitute as she has not been diligent in her English
lessons and I am not sure how many of the details she gets but she purrs and rubs against me. Sad, a grown man clings to a cat but I hope to permanently switch to Larisa real soon.
I am recovering fine and need to get back to my painting in a few days. Just how I wish you were to share the journey. So with a soft voice I give you all my love and know I am here for you.
My love, David

2022-08-26 23:32:11
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Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your tender letter and your photo.
I really liked it.
I do not stop dreaming that the war will end soon and we can live a calm and happy life.
Recently I thought about how life is so unfair to us. 121/254
If we had met a year earlier, then I would have had time to go to you before the war began in my country.
And now we would live together and make our discoveries, admire nature and paint our pictures.
could be5:33 PM and enjoy our feelings.
so happy - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I'm so sad that we're wasting so much time
sad that I live every day risking my health and life.
But perhaps we must go our own way if this is our destiny.
I often see you in my dreams and I hope that the war will end soon and our long-awaited meeting will take place.
I am very glad that you feel better already and I am glad that you are recovering.
David, the last few days have been terribly difficult for me.
and unfortunately on Independence Day we did not escape
new tragedies.
And you probably already know that the train, the Chaplin iron station, was subjected to missile attacks.
I participated in this rescue operation along with other doctors and the military.
We took out the wounded people and I spent two days next to a 3-year-old girl whose life we ​are still trying to save.
She and 5 other children are now in the intensive care unit in Dnepropetrovsk, and in addition to these children, 27 more adults with various injuries are in the hospital.
Basically, these are severe burns and injuries of varying severity.
We arrived right after the rocket explosion and it reminded me of the tragedy in Kramotorsk.
25 people died immediately and two of them were children.
One boy burned down in the car with his mother, and the second died under the rubble.
At night, 6 more people died from injuries incompatible with life.
I have been in the hospital for 2 days now and we are doing everything necessary to stabilize the condition of seriously injured people.
David, it's terrible to see children killed and suffering.
There is so much evil and pain here and it is so hard to see it all every day.
You know, last night in Energodar they turned off the nuclear power plant completely and it almost led to a nuclear disaster.
David, I'm insanely tired and so looking forward to the weekend to get some sleep and at least a little rest.
Now I look at the sky and think of you.
I hope that you will dream of me again this night and I can feel the warmth of your lips and the tenderness of your hands.
May this night give us relaxation and peace.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-08-24 01:24:07

RE: Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
My Sweetheart, You are on my mind as always and my love has not dimmed a bit. I have been under the weather as I am recovering from my surgery and am wiped out for a couple of days.
I was in the hospital without mu computer. Don't think I have forgotten you and I hope we are as much in love as ever and plan to be together forever.
I cannot wait for you to join me.
My problems are trivial compared to yours. Most of the deaths around me are pretty much normal occurrences ( maybe still not welcome but these things happen.). In my eyes you are my
hero. If possible I would be happy to join you. I taught emergency medical medicine for some years and have a bit of experience. I do understand that this is not possible so I will keep the
home fires burning for your coming and I will give you all the loving and solace you need to heal. I will be there for you and I hope that you are there for me as I think you need me as well.
Indeed I do need you in my life and I think you need me as well. We can be good for each other and you have my loyalty, admiration and loving devotion.
Your David, forever!
Photo: a bit younger but mostly the same,in my field clothes as I am teaching my students in the Sonoran Desert. Fashion has not really caught up to me. I have few photos of me as I am
always the photographer.

2022-08-24 00:19:23
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Hello my sweetheart David! Photo inside!
This night I saw such a strange dream! You and some small house…there was a fireplace and we were drinking tea with you and were silent..
just were looking into each others eyes!
What do you think? Does it mean something good? I cannot understand why we were silent…
Anyway…how are you today? How do you feel? How is the weather?❤️❤️❤️❤️How is your health?
It rained last night ... it reminds us that summer is already saying goodbye to us ((((((and autumn will come soon and then cold winter
I look forward to your kind words and miss you terribly, my David!
Here everything is more complicated and the fights are even more brutal.
We expect that there may be a right-wing because on August 23 and 24, Flag Day and Independence Day of Ukraine, and Russia may inflict even more brutal shelling on us.
I'm scared because the government and the deputies have left and this means that something may happen that we don't know about.
Hope we can protect ourselves.
David, I really want to be in your arms now and feel safe.
If you only knew how much I want this. 122/254
Kiss!! and hug
always your gentle Larisa
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-08-20 15:14:19
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Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
Last week was also very difficult for me.
Our surgeon with whom we worked together and another doctor from Zaporozhye died.
Our ambulance came under fire twice near Zaporozhye and we were heavily fired on while transporting wounded soldiers.
But I will not tell you the details, because these memories cause me very heavy and sad feelings.
I'm sorry that you're going through a difficult time just like me.
But I still hope and believe that we will get through this and be able to keep our feelings.
I still dream of a happy future next to you.
It is a pity that we cannot support each other now and be close.
David, you are always on my mind and in my heart.
Kiss and hug
your Larisa
thanks for the photo.
You have a very beautiful house.
I have never seen such a cozy and beautiful house.
Each room has an osrbenny atmosphere and everything is done with a special taste.

2022-08-17 04:42:38


RE: Hello my sweet Larisa!!!! Photo inside!
My sweet Larisa. I love your recent photo- you have me attention. This will be a short letter. I have had so much recent stress (some problems that I don't want to talk about -- scammars). I
do best in an academic atmosphere not looking over my back. It has sent me to the hospital with a GI problem. My haital hernia repair needed to be re-dun and caused other abdominal
problems I have been in the hospital for a week and I am exhausted and in allot of pain.
Home now, this afternoon,and have a desk full of paperwork to catch on.
My feelings for you remain as strong as ever and I remain glued to you; as far as I am concerned forever. I love you and I hope that my life failures do not shed a negative light and you find
another. I am not looking for another as I hopefully have you. ( Photo living Room)
Will write more in a day or so. My love forever, David

2022-08-10 23:41:44
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Hello my sweet David!!!! Photo inside!
How are you today? :)
I missed you!)) and decided to send you a sexy surprise photo;)
do you like it?;)
I feel so playful tonight, I need your hands between my legs) ouch)... that must be very frank.
When I woke up in the morning, I thought that today I have an erotic menu for you.
My beloved man is supposed to have dinner today:
At first - passionate kisses and gentle touches,
On the second - hot erotic massage,
On the third - a compote of screams and groans.
But let the dessert remain a mystery, come and find out!
Oh David, what a pity that we have to go through these difficult trials and I'm so sorry that you have to worry about me !!!
Maybe my letter will bring you a little relaxation and you will smile when you remember me?!
hugs ❤️and kisses
Your tender kitty Larisa 123/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-08-06 22:43:48
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Memories of survivors.. Photo inside!
David, dear!
The Japanese learned about what happened to them only 16 hours later from an official statement made in Washington.
Goal #2
The bombing of Kokura was scheduled for August 11, but was delayed by two days due to a long period of bad weather predicted by forecasters.
At 02:47, a B-29, under the command of Major Charles Sweeney with a bomb, "Fat Man" took off from Tinian.
I read the memoirs of one local resident:
"I was knocked to the ground from a bicycle, and for a while the ground shook
I clung to her so as not to be carried away by the blast wave.
When I looked up, the house I had just passed was destroyed.
I also saw the child being blown away by the blast.
Large rocks flew through the air, one hit me and then flew back up into the sky.
When everything settled down, I tried to get up and found that on my left arm the skin was hanging down from the shoulder to the fingertips,
like tattered rags"
Sumiteru Taniguchi, 16-year-old resident of Nagasaki
Kokura was saved for the second time by heavy cloud cover.
Arriving at the reserve target, Nagasaki, which had previously hardly been subjected to even ordinary raids, the crew saw
that the sky was overcast with clouds.
With no fuel left for the return trip, Sweeney was about to drop the bomb at random,
but then the gunner, Captain Kermit Behan, saw the city stadium in the gap between the clouds.
The explosion occurred at 11:02 local time at an altitude of about 500 meters.
If the first raid went smoothly from a technical point of view, then Sweeney's crew had to repair the fuel pump all the time.
Returning to Tinian, the aviators saw that there was no one around the runway.
Exhausted by the difficult many hours of the mission and annoyed by the fact that three days ago everyone was running around with the crew of Tibbets,
as with a written bag, they turned on all the alarms at once:
"Going for an emergency landing"; "Aircraft damaged"; "Killed and wounded on board."
Ground personnel poured out of the buildings, fire engines rushed to the landing site.
The bomber froze, Sweeney descended from the cockpit to the ground.
"Where are the dead and wounded?" they asked him.
The major waved his hand in the direction from which he had just arrived:
"They all stayed there."
.Now in Europe they try not to talk about these events.
But I think that such terrible events should never be forgotten .....

2022-08-06 22:35:46
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my thoughts..... Photo inside!
The main destabilizing factor from the 1960s to the present day is the fear that
that one of the parties, thanks to some incredible technological breakthrough, will be able to deliver the so-called disarming first strike:
instantly destroy the enemy's nuclear forces, leaving him "naked" and helpless.
The possibility of using uranium fission for military purposes became obvious to specialists as early as the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1913, H.G. Wells wrote the fantasy novel The World Set Free,
in which, with many reliable details, he described the nuclear bombing of Paris by the Germans
and was the first to use the term "atomic bomb".
In June 1939, Birmingham University scientists Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls calculated that
that the critical mass of the charge should be at least 10 kg of enriched uranium-235.
Around the same time, European physicists who fled from the Nazis in the United States noticed that their German colleagues,
involved in relevant issues disappeared from the public field, and concluded that they were engaged in a secret military project.
The Hungarian Leo Szilard asked Albert Einstein to use his authority to influence Roosevelt.
On October 11, 1939, an appeal signed by Einstein, Szilard and the future "father of the hydrogen bomb" Edward Teller,
was read by the president. History has preserved his words: "This requires action."
According to others, Roosevelt called the Secretary of War and said, "Make sure the Nazis don't blow us up."
Large-scale work began on December 6, 1941, coincidentally the day of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
The project was given the code name Manhattan.
The head was appointed Brigadier General Leslie Groves, who knew nothing about physics and did not like "egghead" scientists,
but having experience in organizing large-scale construction.
In addition to "Manhattan", he is known for the construction of the Pentagon, to this day the largest building in the world.
As of June 1944, 129 thousand people were employed in the project. 124/254
Its approximate cost was two billion then (about 24 billion current) dollars.
Russian historian Irina Bystrova points out,
that Germany 5:33
did PM
not acquire a bomb, not thanks to anti-fascist scientists - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
or Soviet intelligence,
but because the US was the only country in the world economically capable of doing so in a war.
Both in the Reich and in the USSR, all resources went to the current needs of the front.
I love this topic and have studied many papers and articles related to nuclear weapons......

2022-08-06 22:28:52
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Love is like a golden chain that binds our hearts together. Photo inside!
Love is like a golden chain that binds our hearts together.
You beat the rhythm in my heart, give birth to music in my laughter and tears in my eyes at our separation.
Have a nice day, love!
Tomorrow is my day off again.
And I will definitely tell you some funny story so that you smile and remember me.
David, I love your smile very much and I would like to admire it every day.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-08-06 22:14:21
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Dear David!!!)))))))* Photo inside!
David, I already wrote to you about the fact that now, due to the war, foreign exchange transactions are not carried out in my country.
In past letters I told you in detail about how you can pay for my course of treatment, if you want it.
Now it's raining again and I miss the sunny weather so much.
What was the weather like for you today?
It didn't take long for me to realize how special and amazing you are.
You are very dear to me, my love.
I'm going to take a shower right now and I would love to do it with you!!!
So I want to feel your scent and feel the warmth of your strong hands.
I send you my evening kisses.
your Larisa

2022-08-06 22:01:30
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Hi David!!!!!.
Hi David!!!!!.
I once read that the American company Esri has developed an interactive map that shows all 2624 successful nuclear explosions since 1945.
The first successful nuclear explosion in history was the Trinity test conducted by the US Army in July 1945.
The explosion energy of that bomb was equivalent to about 21 kilotons of TNT.
One of the project leaders, Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, said:
“We knew the world would never be the same.
Some were laughing, some were crying, but most people were silent, and I remembered a line from a Hindu scripture:
"I became Death, the destroyer of the Worlds"

2022-08-06 21:26:27
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89250019 125/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Hello my dear David!!! Today was my day off!!! Photo inside!
I was really looking forward to it, because I wanted to relax and gain strength.
I slept well and woke up at about 12 o'clock.
Then I went to my parents in the village.
I wanted to visit them.
We haven't seen each other for more than 5 days.
You probably heard that last night enemy shelling was carried out along the highway transporting hydrogen to the ZNPP.
There was a fire.
Also, as a result of damage to power lines, the 4th power unit of ZNPP was disconnected from the power system and transferred to the reserve.
Electrical substation damaged.
Currently, in all settlements of the Zaporozhye region and in Energodar.
Zaparozhye nuclear power plant is the largest of all existing ones.
The Chernobyl catastrophe may repeat itself.
This is terrible and this news upset me a lot.
You know, dear, it seems to me that this event is doubly terrible because on August 6, 1945, nuclear weapons were used for the first time - by the United States against the Japanese city of
On August 9, this happened for the second and, hopefully, last time in history: the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
Today was the anniversary of the Hiroshima tragedy and I would like people not to forget how terrible nuclear tragedies are and how many deaths and diseases they bring.
Honey, how was your Saturday?
Did you miss me?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-08-06 04:18:58


Oh------MY LOVE LARISA Photo inside!
It has been very busy, one day I will tell you all about it. But in spite of that you are always on my mind. that is the stream I swim in in my mine daily and at night in dreamland. I love you.
If there is a way you can come to me please take it- no need to ask me, as I am waiting and life has a pointed future of our togetherness. I need my soulmate to create a rounded life of
togetherness. How fortunate that I have found you my love.
The cards business is something I had not expected and I have no idea what to do but I will keep trying. I have a computer friend that may be able to help. I sent a starter amount of $250 US
and I thought that might get the therapy started. I can send more once you figure out how to send. I do not even know your full name yet. I am David Bixler and I sent you an email (to
Super_Lo....) please look for it. The photo is of the "Wet" lab and the super microscope I have and a fine research library. You will love it I think as you have this in your background as a doctor.
That scope is one of three Stereo and compound types.
I pray for your safety and thank God for you anf your love. David

2022-08-06 04:17:59

RE: RUSSIA WILL LOSE, will definitely lose .....
My Love, you are absolutely correct about the war and I am 100 percent with you. My heart goes out to those Ukrainian people who have joined together to preserve their way of life, their
homes, and their families, and that includes you. What a treat you are and I am so proud of you and humbled at the sacrifices you make. I not only look up to you, and the Ukrainians but I
hope that I can also have the wisdom to make such profound choices in life. There are two ways to lose. The obvious is of course lost of territory and power over people but the other is
conquering the soul and culture of them and I do not see that happening.
I have been working long hours and my fibromialgia has been giving me allot of pain. I have lived with this for many years and expect pain always but it was especially bad today, I am
working out of it however and it is better. Too many hours at the computer I think.
I have been passing much of my work on my students and they are beginning to realize that it is allot of work. I don't think that they thought much about it when things just happened. Kids
do that also with their parents. I am hoping to get some time to paint this weekend though.
I look forward to those days where we can take a much needed break and have some fun going to some wonderful places, being together and learning from each other and getting to know
each other beyond skin deep; and all the deep longings in our being and who we truly are.
No my love is still as strong as ever and I look forward to your letters as well. Living alone I sometimes think I do not have any anchor, so when there is a storm I feel like I am foundering and
maybe sink; but I fight to the top and look for the sunshine. I am yours forever as long as you will have me. Photo the living room library.
My Love, David 2022-08-06126/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect89227809
woman abroad!/

RE: My dear Larisa!!!!)))))))*
Sweetheart, can you give me an address to send money to for your treatment. I otherwise have no idea
who or how to do this. Incidentally I do not know your full name or have an address for you.
Love to you

2022-08-06 03:27:44


RE: RE: Oh------MY LOVE LARISA Photo inside!
My Love. I have been planning for your coming so anytime or better soon. I am planning top live my life with you and I am fully dedicated. I think we and just the thought of it makes me
excited not only for your feminine charms but the whole person has become exciting intellectually and your background has much to teach me, and I too love learning. That makes you the
perfect package for me and I hope that you will find the same in me.
Of course you will leave the nastiness of the war behind, but this is something you will never forget. However you have a sounding board in me to help you work out the fear and trauma. I do
understand believe me. I have not lived a life of privilege but hard work and sacrifice has been my world. I have had a taste of war and we can talk about it when we are together.
But most of all you can be in my arms for as long as you want because I will be suffering with you. I do not like to have my loved ones suffering.
I send love and prayers, David
The photo
is what did not go through in the last note. The wet lab.

2022-08-05 23:01:35
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RUSSIA WILL LOSE, will definitely lose ..... Photo inside!
Hello my dear! David!!!
What was this day like for you? What is your work schedule now? What are your plans for the weekend?
I hope you're ok and thinking of me.
You know, I think that RUSSIA WILL LOSE THIS WAR
Because evil must lose. It must be punished.
Unfortunately, there are many examples when powerful countries tried to conquer weaker countries.
But they do not take into account that the strength increases hundreds of times when people defend their land and their families, their homes and their children.
You may not like this comparison, but I hope you don't get offended by it.
I think that Russia will lose in Ukraine in the same way that the US once lost in Vietnam or Afghanistan.
All the big countries that try to establish their order by force,
will always suffer a fiasco where the local population does not accept the values ​that they are trying to instill in them, and the goals designated by them “for the good”
All these wars have brought hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of crippled destinies.
But the ending is always the same - the liberation of territories and the expulsion of the enemy.
The people defeat any war machine....
I want to believe in it!!!!
I want to be in your arms as soon as possible!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-08-05 20:35:46
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RE: Oh------MY LOVE LARISA Photo inside!
Not only Ukraine, but also many other countries suffer from this terrible war.
Hi David!!!
Today I watched a program on the Internet about how many problems the war between Ukraine and Russia brings to the whole world.
I saw that in all European countries prices for food, gas, gasoline have risen sharply ...
Of course, not as much as we have in Ukraine. 127/254
I saw that there were rallies in London, Paris and other cities.
Even in the cities of Ecuador, there are mass protests and clashes with the police against the background of the economic crisis and the decline in the standard of living of the population.
A6/24/23, 5:33 PMon the other side of the world.
tense atmosphere - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Kim Jong-un declared that the DPRK was fully prepared for any military confrontation with the United States, and all this news scares me more and more.
The pictures shown on the internet are creepy.
And the longer the war in Ukraine continues, the more global the protests will become in different parts of the world.
How much grief and misfortune each day of the war brings to the inhabitants of Ukraine, and it seems that now the whole world is feeling the consequences on itself.
But it's as bad as we don't have anywhere else.
We have not had gasoline at gas stations for a long time and sometimes it is not possible to buy it more than a couple of times a month and no more than 20 liters at space prices.
Our products have risen in price by 100-200 percent and utilities are simply huge.
It seems that it all looks like the worst dream and the Apocalypse.
David, it seems to me that many people in my country will not be able to survive the winter and will die not only from weapons, but also from cold and hunger.
Oh, David, it hurts and scares me so much to see all this madness.
So I want to run away from all this, where it will be only you, me and another girl, Heidi.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-08-05 18:41:46
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My dear David!!!!)))))))* Photo inside!
Thank you for your lovely photo and your kind words.
Today was a terribly difficult day and I'm really looking forward to the weekend.
I feel that my strength is running out and I urgently need to rest.
It has been raining for three days and today I got wet from head to toe when I returned home.
Rainy weather complicates our work!!!
I love all your letters so much
when I read them, it feels like you are hugging me.
David, I was unable to find out where and what certificate you sent.
You can contact the administration of the site Veronica and
If you have any difficulties they should help.
Here you can send Medical therapy and treatment certificate
The certificate includes 10 visits to the center, a set of medical and psychological measures to restore working ability and health.
Such a certificate is suitable for me to pay for a rehabilitation course.
David, I'm so wet right now. The rain soaked all my clothes.
I thought that I want to be wet from your kisses and not from the rain!!!
What is the weather like for you and what was your Friday like?
Hug beautiful Heidi for me!
with love
your Larisa

2022-08-05 08:18:23

Oh------MY LOVE LARISA Photo inside!
It has been very busy, one day I will tell you all about it. But in spite of that you are always on my mind. that is the stream I swim in in my mine daily and at night in dreamland. I love you.
If there is a way you can come to me please take it- no need to ask me, as I am waiting and life has a pointed future of our togetherness. I need my soulmate to create a rounded life of
togetherness. How fortunate that I have found you my love.
The cards business is something I had not expected and I have no idea what to do but I will keep trying. I have a computer friend that may be able to help. I sent a starter amount of $250 US
and I thought that might get the therapy started. I can send more once you figure out how to send. I do not even know your full name yet. I am David *** and I sent you an email (to
Super_Lo....) please look for it. The photo is of the "Wet" lab and the super microscope I have and a fine research library. You will love it I think as you have this in your background as a doctor.
That scope is one of three Stereo and compound types.
I pray for your safety and thank God for you anf your love. David

2022-08-05 08:01:15

89182909 128/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

It has been very busy, one day I will tell you all about it. But in spite of that you are always on my mind. that is the stream I swim in in my mine daily and at night in dreamland. I love you.
If there is a way you can come to me please take it- no need to ask me, as I am waiting and life has a pointed future of our togetherness. I need my soulmate to create a rounded life of
togetherness. How fortunate that I have found you my love.
The cars business is something I had not expected and I have no idea what to do but I will keep trying. I have a computer friend that may be able to help. I sent a starter amount of $250 US
and I thought that might get the therapy started. I can send more once you figure out how to send. I do not even know your full name yet. I am David *** and I sent you an email (to
Super_Lo....) please look for it. The photo is of the "Wet" lab and the super microscope I have and a fine research library. You will love it I think as you have this in your background as a doctor.
That scope is one of three Stereo and compound types.
I pray for your safety and thank God for you anf your love. David

2022-08-05 07:35:48

RE: My dear Larisa!!!! Photo inside!
My Love, Yes I too feel the cemented bond between us even though we are apart in body but together in spirit. My love for you is simply beyond words and I feel the connection is strong
enough that you understand exactly what I mean. Eternal LOVE is the whole package. How i wish you were in my arms and that seems to now be the stream I swim in. I am captured and
I can give you peace and growth intellectually and while doing things that we that we have hoped for we can have fun as well doing exciting things that we chose-- together. You are the
center of my life Larisa. Photo, yes there are lots of books on many subjects. I too have a curiosity about everything.
Almost all my lover to you and a tiny bit for Heidi; you won't notice it being gone because for you it is overwhelming.

2022-08-03 17:59:54
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My dear David!!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your wonderful and so informative letter and photo .
When I read it, I imagined how we would spend our days together and how many interesting things I could learn from you when we were together.
You know, I already fell in love with your house and it seems to me that I will be very comfortable there next to you.
I have always been very greedy for new knowledge and when I see your library I understand that it will be heaven for me.
Reading your letter, I felt how our hearts reach out to each other and how much we need each other.
I so want peace to come as soon as possible and this bloody war in my country to end and so that I can finally hug you and forget about all the horror that my eyes see every day.
You are probably the only person on this earth who can heal my wounded mind and return me to a happy and peaceful life.
I so want to be there as soon as possible, next to you in our little quiet paradise.
It seems to me that our spiritual and physical connection is so great and you feel even at a distance how hard it is for me and how much I look forward to the time when we will be together.
Your letters and your love help me to be strong and this is my main motivation to survive at any cost.
David, I thought it might be important for you to know about this.
You have become a very close person to me and your letters mean so much to me in this difficult time.
When I read them, I close my eyes and imagine you telling me about your classes and students and how I smile back at you.
How we cook something delicious together in the kitchen and how in the morning I put your white shirt on my naked body and go to cook for you the most delicious coffee in the world ....
There are always a lot of thoughts in my head and they are all connected with you and our life together.
You know, my favorite song is playing on the radio again:
"When I first saw you, I immediately disappeared into your burning gaze!
Your eyes, like two oceans, pulled me into a funnel of love! And I have never regretted that I succumbed to your eyes! Now I drown in them every day!
And only I know what happiness it is!
I love you, my bottomless ocean!
I ended up in your captivity voluntarily, and I want to be in this captivity all my life!
Every day my love for you is gaining momentum, growing stronger, and multiplying!
I will not stop loving you, even if the world collapses!
And in the next life I will find you!
You will always be my love and my bottomless ocean!
I love you to the pain in my heart, to the point of insanity!
Now we are forever together!......".
Such beautiful words that remind me of our love!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa
1 129/254
2022-08-03 14:48:24
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
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Oh my dear David!!!!!❤️ Photo inside!
I was so happy when I found out that you decided to help me and sent a gift card to pay for the rehabilitation course.
But today I went to the agency and they told me they didn't know anything about it.
I was very upset, because I found out that there are two more free places and I could be included in a group in which classes begin on August 6th.
I learned that this rehabilitation course includes consultations and examinations, passive and active phases of physiotherapy, which include phases when the mobilization of joint groups is
actively worked out, the elasticity of ligaments and muscles and their recovery after injury improves.
Massage procedures and a complex of restorative procedures on special simulators.
The course program provides for a complex of modern procedures and I heard that many soldiers and athletes say that after these classes they had wonderful results.
This course of treatment would be very helpful to me.
Unfortunately, without further treatment, my leg becomes more and more of an annoyance to me.
In my work, moving quickly is so important, and now I find it difficult to move because of the pain.
In the morning I wake up and it seems that my leg does not bother me.
But after several hours of exertion, when I work in the area of ​injury, the joint begins to ache, and with every hour of work the pain intensifies, and sometimes by the evening I already take
every step with great difficulty.
I spent the last two days on a business trip in the Zaparozhye region.
We were again engaged in the removal of wounded soldiers.
Their number has increased.
Today we have stabilized the condition of 7 wounded soldiers and transported them to the Dnieper for further treatment.
It has been raining heavily for 4 days now and this complicates our work.
One of our ambulances had an accident,
her wheel burst and the car flew into a ditch.
Fortunately, everyone survived.
Oh David!!! I'm so tired of all this and so I want to be in your arms as soon as possible, where it's warm and safe.
Darling, try to find out as soon as possible why I can't get your card and start a rehabilitation course.
Thank you for your concern during this incredibly difficult time for me.
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa

2022-07-31 13:07:39


Oh------ Photo inside!
Sweetheart during the year I am in my house because that is where I have my studio, lab, Microscopes and a huge library. It has all my tools to do what I to do for professional growth, but I
do get lonely without some interaction other than the computer. It becomes a kind of passive relationship and some of my colleagues in Europe especially. I have never met them in person
but have communicated for many years and they are like a passive family now. In my field of study there are few and we need the reinforcement from each other. In the summer field season
almost always we slept in tents and camped. Students cannot afford much more. I cannot think of anyone who has been so uncomfortable that they were miserable. As a matter of fact once
they adjusted to the newness of the experience they were were living pretty normally and asking when and where is the next class. I had many repeat students and several were in my field
classed for over ten years. And a couple of them eventually got four generations of family members taking the classes. However I am now in a state of feeling a loss of some sort of affection
and putting my arms around you and have a conversation about all the longing for peace and beauty and affection. Heidi has not mastered English very well and I am not ever sure if she
understands the depth of my sorrow and longing--- meoow only goes so far and sometimes I am not so sure if she is paying attention. She does comb my face with her paws though.
I am always busy and I continue my studies daily but sometimes I wonder where this is going as the connection is so often scientific/academic to the point that it lacks any personal
connection. I am including a photo of one of my library rooms where I hang out and read and study. It is cozy and I love the books around but even though these authors have academically
kept me company throughout my life they have not penetrated my person in more than a single dimension.
It is the middle of the night and cant sleep so I decided to connect with you. We have had a little bit of welcome rain and there is an owl trying to get my attention and Heidi has gotten up
and has inquired as to "what's up". So I think I will try for some more dreams of my love with beautiful Larisa in dreamland.
Sending love and hugs and kisses, David
1 130/254
2022-07-30 04:16:51
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: I'm so glad you are in my life!!!!!❤️
Dearest, I sent you a gift card. I have no idea how much you need and I hope that it goes through--- let me know. If this is not enough let me know. This is is an investment in our future so it is
not really a gift; as a bonded couple we have a responsibility to each other. I am happy to be there for you as my life would be incomplete without you. I miss you terribly and please keep
yourself safe. I keep you in my dreams and in my plans for the future. In my mind I have your hand in mine and we are walking into the gates of Paradise together.
My love to you, David

2022-07-30 00:36:55
Reply (/mailing/index/


I'm so glad you are in my life!!!!!❤️ Photo inside!
My beloved David, I miss you terribly my sunshine!!!
I'm sorry I couldn't answer you right away.
Our team of doctors again worked in a very intense mode and we took part in rescuing the wounded in the factories destroyed by missile strikes.
You must have heard about new shelling in Nikopol, Kharkov, Kramotorsk and other cities.
For two days we transported people with especially severe injuries from other cities to the Dnieper.
Then they took out the wounded soldiers from Bakhmut.
Oh David!!! When will this nightmare end?
Today I returned to my city and they gave me 2 days off.
I was extremely tired and when I returned to my apartment I immediately fell on my bed and fell asleep.
I slept for about five hours and only recently woke up.
I went to the website and saw your letter.
I felt all this time that you think about me and miss me.
I feel how worried you are and how your prayers protect me in the most difficult situations.
A few days ago we were almost captured and I was so afraid.
But thank God they released us and allowed us to take out the wounded soldiers.
If you knew how much I want to be with you as soon as possible and never again hear the sounds of sirens and explosions, moan and cry and not see the terribly mutilated bodies of people
Honey, your letter touched me so much.
David, I'm not used to taking money.
But I am very pleased to feel such care and support from you at such a difficult time !!!!
If you want to help me and you it will not be difficult.
Could you send a certificate through the site?
I know what the girls got.
Their men ordered them.
My friend Nadya, after she had been ill with covid, was undergoing rehabilitation in our city sports and recreation complex and her boyfriend sent her
rez site Medical therapy and treatment sertificate and another girl said that her man, after she had an accident, also helped her recover from an injury in this medical center.
The girls are very happy with the doctors who work in this wellness center.
They say that The certificate includes 10 visits to the center, a set of medical and psychological measures to restore working ability and health.
A systematic and phased approach to rehabilitation guarantees you an effective recovery.
The certificate includes 10 visits to the medical center.
A complex of medical and psychological measures to restore working capacity and health.
It would be wonderful for my health.
I know that there is good and very modern equipment and simulators that could help me go through a rehabilitation course.
Now they have a lot of experience because many soldiers are being treated there after being wounded.
I heard a lot of good reviews and I think that such a course of treatment would save me from the pain and anguish that I have to experience.
It is very difficult to help others when you yourself are in pain. David, I'm just lying in my bed right now thinking about you.
I hear one wonderful Ukrainian love song and it takes me mentally to you.
Sweet dreams David!!!
I fall asleep thinking about you!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-27 04:14:28


RE: My sweet David!!!!! Good morning, my love!!!!❤️ 131/254
MY Darling Larisa, It is now past 6pm-- no lunch or supper yet but as always my mind brings me only your image and the longing to hold you. How can I get the money to you for
rehabilitation? I am hoping that you can overcome these painful problems. I think we both need some holding and whispers of sweet nothings to each other to let us know that we are
always there5:33 PM
for you. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
My love David XXXXXXXOOOOOOO(hugs and Kisses)

2022-07-26 23:29:52
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My sweet David!!!!! Good morning, my love!!!!❤️ Photo inside!
You don't have to worry, I understand how important you are and how much work you have.
I, like you, can not always immediately answer your letter.
Here is another similarity between your and my work that takes up a lot of our personal time and nothing can be done about it.
Ah, my beloved David!
How I wish I could hug and comfort you right now.
Turn off all phones and steal you from everyone.
It would be so wonderful to get away from all the problems and worries and just be in silence somewhere in a quiet place enjoying each other and our feelings.
I was again on a business trip and we ended up in the occupied part of the Zaporozhye region.
They didn't let us out for 2 days back,
without giving us the opportunity to withdraw the wounded soldiers.
But fortunately, we were later released and we returned to the territory controlled by Ukraine.
I was very scared and I started having severe pain in my leg again.
Today I visited the doctor who treated me and he said that the pain in my leg will continue because I did not go through rehabilitation.
I found out that in the health-improving and sports complex in our city there is a doctor who is engaged in rehabilitation after such an injury as I had.
If you would buy a certificate for me to attend these classes, I would be very grateful to you.
David, I'm so tired and I want this damned war to end soon.
I so want to be in your arms and so I want to be safe.
If only I could feel how much I need it.
I'm so tired of seeing mutilated corpses and wounded, bloodied bodies, and so tired of feeling pain in my leg.
Now I just want to feel how you sit next to me and stroke my hair and gently press me to you.
Sorry, I burst into tears a little from resentment and weakness.
I feel so sad that I can't be with the person I love right now.
It's so unfair and so bitter when you found the one you dreamed about and can't be around.
David, my David, I miss you and your love so much in this difficult time and it seems that I have no strength at all!!!!
I so want to love you and give my care and love to you every minute.
I so want to meet you together with Heidi and be your favorite kitten !!!!
Tomorrow I will have a day off and I will write you a more detailed letter and make a new video for you.
with love
your Larisa

2022-07-24 01:17:37

RE: Good morning my Love!!!!❤️
My Sweet Larisa, sorry being so late in getting back-- not my choice. I have been doing some free consulting wit the government of Brazil and they think they own my time and keep me on
the phone for hours talking to everybody in charge and everybody else in charge and transferred to everybody else in charge. This is been going on for almost three weeks and I a ready to
tell them to find somebody else. Hopefully I have it mostly under control. This is always a problem dealing with the Latin cultures. We are trying to find a way to protect some trees of
medical importance and the method they set up doesn't work, so they call me as that is my expertise. The biological part is obvious but they always turn it into politics and that is the part
that does not work. At times I just want to scream.
Your image in my mind is what keeps me sane in these times and I too feel the feelings of loss at our separation. I tell myself that this too will pass. Without you I am at a loss as to what I
would have to dream about at times. Soon I will pass all this work on to my students and we can see the world together. Both of us will need some holding and loving and that is on my mind
all the time. How I do miss you.
I am hoping for marriage and wondering just what the next step should be. Do you have any thoughts on this?
I truly hope that you are safe and coping with the war which seems to be ever present and I do not see any end in sight in our news media. Know that you are not alone as I am with you at
least in spirit and hopefully in person soon. I love you beyond words. David

2022-07-22 00:33:39
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Good morning my Love!!!!❤️
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 132/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-07-22 00:32:28
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Another new video for you my sweet love David!!!!❤️
Where can I get the strength to endure the separation between us?

2022-07-21 22:12:43
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Oh dear David!!! Photo inside!
When innocent children die, it's always the worst.
This is the most terrible thing that can be, taking the life of a child without giving him so much more to know.
There is no forgiveness for this!
The third day they shelled Kharkiv, in the morning they shelled a residential area and again civilians were killed, including a 13-year-old boy, his sister was seriously injured.
Video where the father of the deceased boy holds his son by the hand and prays has spread around the Internet.
I can't look at the grief of this father without tears!
Only a few days ago they buried a 4-year-old girl Lisa, who died in Vinnitsa, and two more boys.
It's terrible when innocent children die every day and it tears my heart apart.
And a few hours ago they fired at the largest market in Ukraine, this is Barabashovo in Kharkov.
They say about 4 dead and more than 20 wounded.
Several ambulances from our city went there to pick up people with severe injuries and transfer them to the Dnieper.
I am grateful to God that my children live abroad and do not hear how bombs explode.
Our area is now under heavy and brutal shelling again and we have a lot of work to do.
Honey, today they gave me the day off and I was able to rest a little.
But my leg hurts a lot.
Probably the reason is that I did not go through a rehabilitation course and when I went to work I was given a very busy work schedule.
Such a difficult time and I feel very tired.
In the morning I woke up and thought that I dream of being in your arms all day long, hugging and kissing in our bedroom.
It would help me restore my strength and my energy.
Your eyes are incredibly deep and so dear and I always miss you David!
I thought it might be important for you to know.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-21 03:17:07


RE: Hello Larisa Dear!!!
My Darling, Sorry to be so late. Had a ton of work pile up on my and it has taken all my time. It is under control now. In spite of the heavy work load my mind is on you even if my fingers are
doing something else. I cannot say enough about how proud I am of you and all you are doing. I makes my life feel rather trivial. I pray for peace and safety for all those in harms way. I only
wish I could hold you and keep you safe and find peace for you inward and outward. Know that I am here for you and am hoping we can be together soon. My love has not faded a bit and if
anything it has been magnifies by your dedicated life. I too carry your photo around on my phone.
Tomorrow I am back in the classroom teaching my oil painting class. I think of how much I think you would like to be there and what a fine time we would have sharing all these experiences
My love to y, davidou

2022-07-19 15:34:18
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(/user/profile/i 133/254
Hello David Dear!!! Photo inside!
I 6/24/23,
was very interested
5:33 PMto hear about your experience in studying animals. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I am very interested in this topic and I will be glad to hear your stories about animals, about your observations and the most unusual situations in your practice.
David, and here again I see so much in common between us.
We both love to study animals and we are interested in it.
Reading your letters I understand how you would fill my life with new interesting facts for me.
I am sure that next to you I will always be interesting and comfortable.
Thanks for sharing your observations with me.
I was not able to reply to your letter right away as I was very busy with my work on Friday and Saturday.
On Friday I was sent on a business trip to Zaporozhye,
we transported 37 wounded soldiers of the Ukrainian army,
we picked them up from the front lines and took them in several ambulances to the Dnieper.
That day we made 5 trips from Zaparozhye to the Dnieper and at the end of the day I was very tired,
My leg was very sore from the heavy load and long work.
In the evening we were placed in the premises of the Mechnikov hospital in the Dnieper.
I was about to go to bed and heard an explosion and again an explosion and this happened several times and after that we had to pack up again and go again to the challenge,
to the area where the rocket explosions sounded.
Then it turned out that 9 missiles flew into the Dnieper.
There were a lot of wounded people that night,
they received multiple cuts and injuries from windows and other objects shattered by the blast.
The taxi driver died, his head was torn into 2 parts and another driver died by burning in the car.
Then it turned out that 5 people died that night.
Throughout the night we provided assistance to people living in the area of ​the explosions.
The machine-building plant was also destroyed.
It so happened that my team and I worked without rest for more than 2 days,
then we were given one day off.
I slept all day and I no longer had any strength.
Then again I went to work and again our Dnepropetrovsk region was shelled.
Today it was the city of Nikopol, over 40 rockets were fired overnight.
Last night in the neighboring town of Sinelnikovo, a school and an enterprise were shelled, and an elevator with a new grain crop was also destroyed.
Our area is now under heavy and brutal shelling and we have a lot of work to do.
But I always think of you my beloved David!
You are in my heart every minute.
David, when I get scared, I open your photo on my phone and then all the fears disappear,
when I look into your beautiful eyes and dream of our wonderful life together!
Your eyes are incredibly deep and so dear!
I thought it might be important for you to know.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-15 22:44:36


Animals and I
Beautiful Larisa. Comments on animals: As a field ecologist I have been around animals all my life. Academically my strengths are Systemics, animal behavior, and field ecology. I have been
around animals as domesticated and in the wild and I have been rather successful at creating some relationship with them all. I think I have the empathy as well as the patience to win their
favor. I am talking about mammals mostly, and Herps and fish do not count. Even some dangerous animals can be worked with. My experiences are mostly with American and African
animals-- elephants ( give them space and use lots of patience),Lions ( caution and be selective looking for a good candidate and a female), Cheetas ( very workable and social), Leopards (
need lots of space and do not trust them) Apes ( patience will attract them), deer and antelope ( sit quietly with food- no sudden moves), dogs/ fox ( food will attract them but I will take
some time for habituation), Moose will allow you to go about your work if you don't spook them, Bears ( Black bears are tolerant but can be dangerous if you want to make pets out of them,
Grizzly bears are very intolerant and there is a certain distance that they will tolerate and don't get closer, Polar bears will eat you. If they are curious they are ok and simply watch them but
do not try to get close to them yourself as their is no defense. ......... Most dogs and cats seem to respond to quiet talk. Heidi comes to me almost hourly to talk with me; her talking voice is not
a meow but a kind of gurgle 30 seconds and she is off on her current adventure. I have found my dogs act rather similar as they seem to want connection. I guess that is part of their social
behavior. They want a bit of touch and they are off.
One of the things I notice about my pets is that I have more habitual interaction than most people, accept maybe a spouse or a best friend. So their is a build up of intimacy. They seem to be
around in all your moods as well. They always seem to be responsive in almost all situations so maybe we do not build up defenses in the relationship and thus there are few barriers
conscious or otherwise. But with people we have so many barriers even perhaps the way they look (like somebody you do not like). Attractive people are able to break down barriers easier
just look at advertising. You can add the sound of their voice or things they say and accents, color of their skin, religious background, body language socio economic background.......... The
barriers are endless. So yes, I see teddy bears in a different light. I find snakes difficult-- they don't smile. Cockroaches have a bad rep even though they are part of the backyard fauna but
butterflies I never consider vermin as they don't eat my cloths. And so goes our cultural view of nature.
So for many men a sexy Babe will be first in line and beyond the neighbors dog in comparison, but many may look at the hard reality of a goldigger women and look more seriously at the
dog for a long term relationship. So the situation with people is complex but my cat knows exactly what she wants. I too know what I want.
I want to make you purrr and come to me for reassurance when you are unsure and I will give you all the attention you need. If you were a wild animal the issues are rather simple but as a
human we need to not only have patience, empathy, and an understanding of the circumstances involved but due to our social complexity we must take that a step beyond. That extra
ingredient is love in it's various forms-- love of social norms (my country), love of mankind ( thou shall not murder for example), love of social connection ( friends), love of a person ( my
friend), Love of family ties( your kids) and of course that bonded love of a lover). And so human kind is a pinnacle of the evolution of social behavior and is thus difficult to make comparisons
with other creatures. Well those are some of my thoughts.
Personally my thoughts are on the missing link in my happiness and of course that is you.
I choose you my love, David XXXOOOO 2022-07-15134/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


David, Happiness is when someone needs you.
So I want to plunge into your arms and feel all your warmth.

2022-07-15 14:31:06
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some more interesting facts... Photo inside!
love is very selective...
Indeed, adults love children and animals.
Only in terms of compassion they are very selective.
I recently wrote that thousands of minks were killed in Denmark because they contracted the coronavirus.
The society was outraged by this, because the animals are not to blame for getting sick.
Only, for many years, people didn’t care that minks were already dying en masse in order to sew clothes out of them.
The same applies to cows, pigs and many other animals, the death of which society does not even think about.
People feel sorry for dogs and cats, but at the same time they are neutral towards many other animals.
This is the clearest proof that people's love is very selective.
For the first time, scientists paid attention to this phenomenon in the 1970s.
It was then that the so-called speciesism theory arose.
It says that a person without realizing it infringes on the rights of animals and plants.
Speciesists have long wondered why people treat some animals with compassion, but they do not have such a considerate attitude towards others?
Sometimes people give ea

2022-07-15 14:27:08
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some more interesting facts... Photo inside!
Dear David!
Do you know that according to some sources, a man domesticated a dog in the Stone Age, and a cat a little later?!
Scientists once studied the brain activity of people who see their children and pets.
The results of this work were published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE.
Scanning on a tomography machine showed that in both cases, the same areas of the brain are activated in people.
That is, animals can awaken in us maternal and paternal feelings.
In addition to this, animals, like children, vividly demonstrate their feelings.
Many scientists believe that people fell in love with animals not immediately.
It all started from the moment when man domesticated the dog and other creatures that are considered our friends.
In response to the constant care from people, many animals began to retain some childish features even in adulthood.
Once wild creatures have become less aggressive and more playful.
Along with this, the external features also changed: the eyes became larger, the hair was fluffier and the ears were drooping.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-15 13:49:09
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Hello my dear David!!! It was very interesting to read your letter. I see that your heart is very kind not only to people but also to animals Photo inside! 135/254
And that's great .
I 6/24/23,
am also very 5:33 PM to my pets and try to pamper them like little
children! - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
You know, it's so common to meet people who love their animals more than people.
And to be honest, it doesn't surprise me much.
Because we live in a world where more often you can see the manifestation of humanity and love from animals and not from humans.
I once asked myself a question, so why do people love animals more than other people?
I think this is an interesting topic and it will be interesting to discuss it.
In 2015, some very unusual social advertising could be found on British websites.
The inscription on the banners read: "Would you give 5 pounds to save him from a painful death?".
Some images featured a photograph of a paralyzed boy, while others featured a photograph of a dog. And what was the surprise of the advertisers when most people clicked on a banner
with a cute dog? You probably noticed yourself that society is more sympathetic to animals than to people.
No one may react to the news about the murder of a person, but if a dog or cat has been injured somewhere, people rush to protect them.
It may seem that people love animals very much, but psychologists are sure that this is just an illusion.
In fact, most people are indifferent to everyone and do not even notice it.
But I think it's easy to explain.
In recent years, people have begun to lead a more detached life from each other.
It often happens that having lived in the same house in the neighborhood for 10 years, people do not even know each other's names.
People stopped showing love and kindness to each other and stopped coming to help.
Covid pushed us further apart.
And animals still show us love, loyalty and affection in whatever mood we are.
They help us feel needed by someone and bring us a lot of positive emotions.
It even sometimes seems to me that cats and dogs have gone far ahead in their development and began to show human qualities.
One winter, I saw how two stray cats accompanied a stray dog ​whose hind legs did not work, they transferred it across the road.
I have seen many cases proving that animals still have something similar to intellect and they are intelligent and kind beings capable of love.
Have you ever wondered why people love animals so much?
Hug your sweet kitty for me
with love
your Larisa

2022-07-15 02:56:47

RE: I am the happiest because I have you David
My Darling. I am simply making a scientific observation: You are the most beautiful women in the world.
This covid virus is rather stubborn. I just cannot get the energy to get anything done and that is also a frustration as I am always a busy person. Haven't picked up a paintbrush, a bit of
reading is about all. It is also rather painful with the body aches, but I am hanging in there and I let my mind wander to our future and my mind holding on to the image of beautiful Larisa.
I have also reflected at your dog as it reminds me of my first dog which was a black Cocker Spaniel named Jill. She and I played in her dog house as a young child. I was caught making my
garden to grow some more "Jills" by digging and trying to plant some Jill poopy in order to grow some puppies. I guess I did not water them enough as they never grew!
Since Jill the first, I have had five more Jills but they were Irish Setters, so the name has become a family dog name. Jill the sixth died a few years ago at an old age while I was jogging with
her. I miss her horribly. I also had a couple of Springer Spaniels and a couple of Setters who's names were not Jill. And almost always have had a cat or two. Currently only Heidi is around and
she is definitely in love with me. She tries to seduce me by laying down in front of me when I come past and rolling onto her belly for my to rub her belly and daily she crawls into my arms
and turns upside down like a baby and stares into my eyes- I am never sure just what to do. If I do not pay attention she takes her paw and strokes my face, I presume to send me a message.
Just one happy family.
I love hearing from you as this keeps us connected and I do not want that to fade away. You are the centerpiece of my life and my future.
I want to point out that you do not ever need an invitation to come to me. If you were at my door at this moment I would be thrilled. You have a forever home with me. I remain waiting for us
to be together until the end of our days.
My Love to you, David XXXXOOOO

2022-07-13 16:03:34
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I am the happiest because I have you David
You are the biggest motivation for me to get up in the morning and meet a new day

2022-07-13 16:00:02
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88233135 136/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

When the world seems more beautiful and life more worthy, it means I thought about you David

2022-07-13 15:57:15
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Thank you for always making me feel like the most beautiful woman! My private video for you David!!!

2022-07-13 15:53:45
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David,I hope that this video will bring me closer to you and you will smile!!!!
You give me feelings that are written in novels.

2022-07-13 15:50:32
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You're a cool guy. Take care David!!!
I love you and miss you!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2022-07-13 15:45:53
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my private video from my home collection for you David!!!

2022-07-13 15:42:37
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Ah, David, I would love to have your magic elixir and your special therapy now. Photo inside!
Hello my beloved David!
How did your morning start today? I hope you feel much better today. 137/254
Today I woke up at 3 am from the howl of an air serena.
It lasted until 5 am and I could not fall asleep for a long time.
I 6/24/23,
thought that5:33 PMarms I would feel safe, I was sad that you were
in your - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
not there in my pastel.
Fortunately, that night, all the missiles flying in the direction of my city were shot down by the Ukrainian military forces.
Today I work and the first call was for an accident that involved two cars.
Luckily, everything went off without a hitch.
Yesterday I read an interesting post on a local website.
I learned that in our city they want to create, like in Irpen, a small railway town from decommissioned wagons.
They will equip a place where people can cook food and a place where you can take a shower.
They will be used as temporary housing for those left without a roof over their heads.
It's probably good.
But to be honest, I can’t imagine how you can live in a car using a compartment as an apartment.
It will probably be very cold there in the winter.
But they say that people are even happy about this, because everyone needs at least some corner and a roof over their heads.
This experience was taken from Irpin, where for more than 2 months people have been living in such a mini railway village.
At first, about 100 people settled there.
Mostly they were people with children.
The local authorities approached this issue very competently and forced people there who used to live in the neighborhood with each other and know each other well.
So a kind of community was formed.
Now more than 400 people live there.
People made their own wagon houses.
They created nearby playgrounds for children and built gazebos and places where you can cook food on your own.
Like a summer kitchen.
The mayor of our city probably also wants to follow this experience.
After all, there are more than 150 thousand refugees in our city now.
Many live in schools and kindergartens, and when the school year begins in September, they will need to vacate these institutions and look for a new place of residence.
This morning I learned that in our region the city, which is located not far from Nikopol and Novomoskovsk, was subjected to night shelling.
Rockets flew there and unfortunately people died.
The war continues to take the lives of Ukrainians every day.
But now I look at the sunny and bright sky and think about you and it warms my heart so gently!
I send you my morning kisses and gentle hugs!
your Larisa

2022-07-12 06:46:38


RE: Hello my dear David!!!
My Darling Larisa. I have had all three of the covid shots and I had three bad days but I am feeling better at the moment. We are losing about three hundred people a week here but I think
the shots lessened it's virulence. I was in bed for the last three days accept for some interruptions to fix my computer. I think there is still some work to be done. Please take care of yourself
and I hope that your leg is healed beyond reinfection. If you were here Dr David would put you on a regimen of rest and my own therapy I have developed. I call it affection therapy and it
resets the bodies clocks and switches to a new future filled with affection and lots of new things. It is like a wonderful party of happiness and clinging therapy ( I will have some chap stick for
the lips available).
Without being continual in my message, I love you and miss you. You need a good shot of this elixir.
Hugs and Kisses, Your David XXXXOOOO

2022-07-11 21:31:46
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I want to arrange heaven on earth for you and I am already entering the image of a temptress!
David, I dream of swimming in the sea of ​our love, so that the water boils from the surging passio

2022-07-11 21:21:06
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Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
I'm so sorry you got Covid.
This upset me. I hope that you will soon be completely healthy and you will not have any more problems with your computer.
am already working with my team and yesterday I had my first trip to another city. 138/254
We took the wounded from Zaporozhye.
It was a difficult day and from heavy loads my leg ached a lot at the end of the day.
Now 5:33time
I was given PMto rest and I went to the site to write you a letter. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I wanted to say that I thought about you and missed you.
I imagine putting my neck under your hot kisses...
Now I will rest
but I thought that it would probably be important for you to know that I am ready to trade my dream for endless nights of love with you!
When I'm tired I close my eyes and imagine in your strong arms and then I feel more secure.
Now I look at the night sky and see the moon and stars.
I thought that you would fall asleep and also see the moon and distant stars and maybe they will remind you of your girl Larisa and our love.
Get well soon David!
I'm sorry that I'm not around today.
If your strict doctor Larisa was there, I would have special medicines for you and I would cure you very quickly!!!!
Love and miss!!!
always yours Larisa

2022-07-10 00:51:14


RE: Hello my sunshine David!!!!
My Darling, it is always exciting to hear from you as I miss you terribly. Still tied up with the computer problem. The police are using me as bait to catch the scammers. On is in jail already. I
hate this but I was not asked if I wanted to do this.
I took a covid test today and tested positive. Have had a low grade temperature, fatigue, and aches and pains. So I am demanding that I take some time to get healthy. So far it is mild, just
I have used photography extensively for my lectures and have thousands of photos. I also have good equipment and enough for the two of us. I always have a camera with my when in the
field. Much of what I have photographed is nature of course.. This sounds exciting; we can share out creativity in many ways. Creative partners. Is there any sign that the war is settling down
and there is an end in sight? I am so anxious for us to be together of XXOOOOO

2022-07-09 16:58:23
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Hello my sunshine David!!!! Photo inside!
It was interesting to read your letter and learn more about your life. This is always very interesting for me.
I'm sorry that someone is hacking into your email.
I had several times similar problems and I understand you how frustrating it is.
I, like you, do not understand such people who attach problems to others for no reason.
Alas, there is a lot of evil and meanness in our world, we live in very difficult times.
But I'm glad that you solved this problem, I hope that now your computer will be protected.
You are interested to know about my entertainment.
I will gladly tell you about it.
Before the war, I always visited the gym 2 times a week and worked out on the simulators.
I went to the pool once a week.
I also like to paint pictures or create them from improvised materials.
This is probably my favorite pastime that takes me to my world of fantasy and peace.
This activity acts as a relaxation for me and helps to maintain inner balance.
This is an old hobby and since my school years I have expressed my emotions in my paintings or sketches in a notebook.
Now I am very limited in time and I often just take my diary and draw in it when I feel like it. I've also been very interested in photography lately.
I love watching nature and taking photos.
I am passionate about photography.
Recently, I thought that this could be our common hobby.
It would be great if you were sometimes my personal photographer and I will be your model for our personal photos.
And it also seems to me that we both love nature and are able to notice all the most interesting and beautiful.
We can take beautiful photos, and then admire it together.
Here is one of the hobbies that we can share together.
I think it is very important for a couple to have common interests and hobbies.
I love to cook and I think that we can sometimes do this together, creating common culinary masterpieces.
You can grow flowers together or some rare plants, it's just as exciting.
I want to walk up to you, wrapped in a sheet, and see the bright sparkle in your eyes when the fabric smoothly and supposedly accidentally falls to the floor.
Or walk you to the door, and then throw the keys into your blouse and say languidly - “weak to get it yourself?” .
I wish you a great weekend!!!!
hugs and kisses
1 139/254
2022-07-07 09:20:25
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Larisa, love of my life, I would love to be by your side as always ans some day I hope this becomes a way of life. I think we need each other and could be a great support team for each other.
I think everybody needs this.
This has been a week from hell for me. I am being hacked on my computer and my phone. I have not figured how it happened but I have been working with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation to catch the crooks and they have had me on the phone and computer all day since last Friday. I was told that everything has been done that can be done and they would take
it from here. It has turned me into an emotional wreck but am doing fine now. Why people would destroy things simply out of meanness I cannot figure that out. I do not know them and have
never met them and possibly they are not even in the USA. Dealing with the police is horrifying as they are suspicious of everybody. What a way to go through life.
Personally I would have rather been on ambulance service giving aid to ailing people that this. I seem to have a need to help people and my father was also like that-- always helping some
poor soul. Possibly it was because he raised himself on a farm from the age of eleven as that is when he lost his parents. He had a sister, my aunt Marguerite who had to go and live in a
convent until she was an adult. She was very much like a loving mother to me and played a big influence in my life. She was the only family my dad had. Both are diseased now and I do miss
them greatly. Maybe I could adopt your dad as what you have said he seems like my kind of person. At heart, I have the farmer gene in me. I could always go to my aunt for some affection
and acceptance, She kind of spoiled me. My mother was a bit more of a task master and held me to her standards. I am sure i needed that, and she is responsible for much of my character
development. Church was expected- the Anglican Church (Church of England). Fortunately they are rather liberal. Also I was involved in music so I did not have much extra time to get into
trouble. I was not a bad boy but I was not perfect--- maybe close to it. Ha! My mothers family was very big though.
I also had jobs, delivering the paper every day on my paper route and later bagging groceries in the grocery store, plus tons of chores helping my dad. We built two houses together and I
was responsible for repairs on his various rental properties. I also had daily music practice and regular concerts.
When I think about it I was pretty busy and I still seem to keep busy each day. However I do know how to relax and have fun. I do take time off to do those things that make life worth living.
Travel, garden, read. household projects and in my future plans for the immediate future- hugging and kissing, holding and whispering love notes into your ear. Who knows may we will even
go dancing, fishing, boating, climb a mountain? Maybe even share some time with a dog and a cat? Maybe you can show me some of your ways of having fun; I'm ready.
My love to you David Hugs and kisses

2022-07-06 22:40:51
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The woman called an ambulance so that "it would not be so boring." Photo inside!
Honey, I've been in the medical field for many years, and probably a job in the ER. was often the most unpredictable for me.
It was like going to one challenge, we accidentally saved other people.
Once we became witnesses when a drunk driver knocked down a woman with a child on the road ahead and we provided urgent assistance and our call was transferred to another
ambulance team.
And once a 30-year-old man called us because he had a “terribly high” temperature all night - 37.3.
Once we came to my grandmother, and she asked the doctor to dictate the meter reading to her.
We were also called to help find the “missing” mole.
But perhaps the funniest thing was when one woman called an ambulance so that the doctors would confirm the fact of the immaculate conception.
By the way, they could not confirm on the spot (there was not enough qualification).
A couple of times they called because people did not have drinking companions.
Once they came "so that you, doctors, show how to do gymnastics correctly."
There was a challenge when a patient called us to prove that urine therapy works.
Once they called us to remove viruses from the computer.
It would all be a lot of fun if we had a lot of free time.
We go to the challenge - an attack at a local bar.
The one who called us has a small wound on his forehead and a huge number of empty stacks next to him on the table.
The patient claims that he was beaten by a group of thugs as he left the bar.
Everyone who saw him get out said that he had a fight with... asphalt......

2022-07-06 22:30:15
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Another story for you David !!!! Photo inside!
My dear David!!!!
One day, our brigade was called to deliver a patient, whom I will call Bob, to a psychiatric hospital.
Bob assumed a karate-style fighting stance, threatening anyone who approached him.
I have an idea.
I got out of the car and shouted:
"Bob, hey Bob! Get in! We have to get out of here!”
Bob ran to the ambulance and jumped inside.
I introduced myself to him as a "connector" and told him to quickly buckle up so that we could "get away from persecution."
So we went undercover, Bond-style, until we got him to a "safe place." 140/254
Then everyone was surprised how cleverly I found an approach to the "special patient".
with love Larisa
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-07-06 22:16:49
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It must have been like that for almost all doctors. Photo inside!
Dear David!!!!
Somehow one grandmother called our brigade.
It must have been like that for almost all doctors.
I ask her - Have you had heart attacks, strokes?
Answers - Yes, there was a microinfarction.
I ask her to give me a laboratory card with the doctor's notes - Are there any statements, cardiograms?
My grandmother answers me - No, why are they?
- How did you know that you had a microinfarction?
Grandmother answers me - So the neighbor Nadia told me.
This is how it happens when we come to a call and the neighbor has already made her diagnosis.
Zhela. Have a good mood!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-06 22:03:15
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Hi, darling David!!! Here is another funny story for you!!! Photo inside!
David, One day the ambulance received a call from a young woman
she complained that the baby was crying all the time and she couldn't do anything about it.
We arrived at her place and I examined the baby.
The girl was a little over a year old.
I started to figure out what was going on.
She seemed healthy but something was wrong with her.
It turned out that the child is not fed with anything but mixtures, since the mother does not know how to cook.
Then I, having tied an apron, cooked semolina porridge at one in the morning in order to feed the child normally,
because he was practically healthy and there was no point in treating him.
The child was crying and acting up because he just wanted to eat.
I had to teach my mother to cook porridge and vegetable soup for the child.
There are such stories in my practice.
I hope you enjoyed it and made you smile!
I love it so much when you smile and I want to tell you something that lifts your spirits.
your Larisa

2022-07-06 19:31:35
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Hello my joy David!! Photo inside!
Finally, I was able to get back to my work!
Of course, it's good that I was able to enjoy the homely atmosphere while treating my leg.
I was able to gain new strength and eat berries and vegetables from my parents' garden.
For some time I will work on an ambulance in my city, unless of course there are extraordinary circumstances.
Today I worked in tandem with Robin, this is a doctor who came to work with us in Ukraine from Canada.
Although he was born and lived for a long time in Dallas, he told me that his sister lives in Philadelphia.
Today, while we were working, I learned a lot about Dallas - this is a modern American city that still preserves the traditions of cowboy culture.
Then he told me that Ukrainian traditions and language are kept in Philadelphia, as there is the largest Ukrainian community in America.
He talked about what colorful and vibrant festivals are held in Philadelphia. 141/254
I decided that he probably missed his homeland and therefore told me so much about life in America and Canada.
Our working day started with a challenge:
woman has 5:33 PMobject stuck in her eye.
a hard - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
We turn on the siren, rush, imagining a poor woman with a large object stuck in her eye socket, high blood loss, maybe even brain damage.
We arrive and see a young woman sitting on the steps of the entrance.
We ask where our patient is.
She replies, "It's me.
I called because I got an eyelash in my eye and I can’t get it out.”
Sorry what? Our doctor - a foreigner was shocked by her answer.
We suggest washing and rubbing your eyes.
No, she wants to go to the hospital.
Of course, no one took her to the hospital.
I had to wring it out and take out an eyelash with a napkin.
By the way, as it turned out, this was not the first such call from this girl.
She called last week about the same thing.
It is a pity that you have to waste gasoline and time on such stupid calls.
After all, at this time someone could really help.
It is a pity that such persons do not understand that there are patients for whom every minute is important, for example, if it is a heart attack or blood loss.
Today my shift will last from 8 am to the next 8 am, I will work a day and then I will have a day off.
There have been many strange calls in my practice.
I will tell you about some of the unusual and those that I remember the most.
I hope that this day will be very tense and will pass calmly.
I will be glad if we can chat in the evening.
Always miss you my kitty!!!!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-06 18:03:55
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Hi David !!!! My sweet love!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your lovely letter.
I hasten to inform you that my family and I are fine.
Yes, yesterday we were shelled again.
Unfortunately, there were new arrivals of missiles to us, to the Dnieper and to neighboring cities
Fortunately, most of them were shot down and this time there were no casualties.
It is a pity, but civilians, including children, died again in other cities.
Yesterday I had another appointment with my doctor and I was finally allowed to start working.
So soon I will join my team and will work with them.
I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
I actually recovered and had a good rest at home, and now I can be useful and help ordinary people and the military in need of medical help again.
I am now looking at the night sky and imagining the most tender man, because of whom my heart is beating wildly, you are my beloved man!
Let the night outside the window, but your beautiful image shines brighter for me than the midday sun!
I miss you so much my angel!!!!
Maybe you will see my letter and we can chat together.
I send you my most tender hugs and the hottest kisses!!!
always yours Larisa

2022-07-05 02:02:21

RE: David, I always remember those years with joy.
My girl of my dreams. Wow that's all I can say. Each letter makes me jump with joy. I am filled with love. We are simply perfect for each other. Each letter confirms that! You said you were just
a plain person and from my view you are all wrong! Not only are you beautiful, but obviously intelligent, but we also share the same background and values. That is simply incredible and you
are incredible as well. You are not at all plain and simple; you just do not know just how exceptional you are; not to mention beautiful as well. How fortunate I am to have met you and I dream
of spending my life with you. I feel like I am getting the best of this, as I kind of feel rather ordinary myself ( another thing we share I guess).
Sometimes I feel like I have lived several lives as I have not stayed with a single interest all my life but I feel they are integrated but some people do not see it.
I started on violin when I was four. I had a small violin and my mother went to the lessons so she could help me with lessons and practice. When I got into junior high school a teacher came
to my school class and demonstrated some instruments and so I took up the trumpet. Our town was noted for its music and had several bands as well as choirs and an orchestra. I was
gifted musically and so my family pushed music. We had a grand Piano in our home and my sisters played and my younger sister played the trumpet and french horn as well, and my father
played the violin. I also took up the blockflutin or recorder and played all voices-- still have them. By high school most everybody wanted to play in the Band because it was associated with
sports-- all accept me. I loved Bach and Beethoven etc. So I went into the orchestra. They did not have a Tubist so--- I took it up. I also spent my summers at Interlochen- the National music
camp and became instantly the tubist for the National Orchestra and held that for five years. I know I am repeating myself. Soon I needed better teachers and had access through the 142/254
national Orchestra and began to study with Arnold Jacobs of the Chicago Symphony and was also asked to join the Lansing symphony, the Detroit Symphony and others. So my teen years
was full time music. I sang in the Church choir and the school choir as well.
I 6/24/23,
still had an5:33 PM
in nature and wanted to be an explorer ( it is still in me). In each house- we
lived in,international dating
the basement was site
given since
to me 2008.
for my MeetMy
laboratory. your perfect
mother woman
wanted abroad!/
me to have the
necessary skills of a gentleman so in high school she sent me to a dance school to learn how to dance ballroom. Incidentally as an adult I took up square dancing for some eight years and
even did demonstrations at the California State Fair. See why I said wow!
When I graduated from high school my dad said he would buy me a new microscope or a new Double CC orchestral Tuba. I could not make up my mind so my dad said you get the tuba
and I new that meant that I was going to the Oberlin conservatory for college. This is a long story and many years long. I met my first wife who was a biology major and eventually we
decided to become married. I was going to the Conservatory and had a permanent position in the Cleveland Symphony and was also playing and singing with the Robert Shaw Choral. That
was a top job for that occupation but I was not making enough money to support a family so I transferred to Michigan State University to become an ecologist ( a new field at that time). I still
played for about six years more and graduated and wanted to find a job in a more wild environment so applied to 5 universities and got all 5 jobs and so I was off to the southwest and
Arizona. The orchestra was terrible so I did not join. Tucson had no orchestra at that time. My wife and I had a 2 year old Brandy and she was sick all the time in Arizona so we took the job in
California. While finishing up my PhD I went to audition with the Los Angeles Symphony--- and they were also pretty bad and I walked out of the audition and that was the end of my playing.
I had always sang but I did not find a choir either, and so ended my music career. I did play recorder at some friends house (Housemusic if you are familiar with that term). I could have had
any orchestra in the country as I was the only orchestrally trained tubist of my generation. Even my teachers were the product of the band. I only met in all through the years one other tubist
who played the CC orchestral tuba. He was the only one who could have competed with me and fortunately he liked the band so we divided up the "real estate" so we would not have to
compete. He ended up in the 6th Army Band. I gave my Tuba away last year. It was an old friend but i had not played in years so it was collecting dust.
So you see how our background is. I certainly never expected this. I have not played for many years and my voice is gone but I still love music and still listen.
To continue: I taught Southwestern Archaeology at the University of California for 18 years. I have lived with native Americans and here in Arizona they are my neighbors. I also taught a
course in the history of 19th century science for years as well, so we also have that in common and now I am in art school and doing some teaching in art as well. Forgot, I also taught
Anatomy when I was a young professor, nobody else wanted it and I was the newest hire so I had to do it. I got rather bored with it as it is descriptive and I like ideas more.
Both my parents are artistic, and my dad was an attorney but also a frustrated musician and a lover of the out of doors. When I was doing the field work for my masters degree on Isle
Royale, a wilderness Island, my dad came up for a couple of weeks and roughed it in a tent for a couple of weeks. So I had good parents for my interests.
See why I said wow. It seems we have had similar interests and background. Hope I did not bore you with all this. I haven't even thought about this for many years. However I do have you on
my mind and cannot wait until the day we meet. XXXXXXXXOOOOOO oh my! I love you , David

2022-07-04 22:34:47
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My dear, David!!!!I want to congratulate you on Happy 4th July! Photo inside!
Happy Independence Day!
Free to Be the Way You Wanna Be!
Hearty Independence Day Wishes!
Let this day be accompanied by fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals and the best emotions!
Let this day there will be a lot of friends next to you and let there be a good mood!
Long Live America !!!!
I send you my warmest wishes!
your Larisa

2022-07-04 15:18:34
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David, I always remember those years with joy. Photo inside!
I would call the period of childhood and adolescence the best years of my life.
As a child, I washed as a very active child.
I studied at a music school from 5 to 14 years old.
Where I got voice lessons and piano lessons.
I had wonderful teachers who now live in London.
I also did ballroom dancing, but one day I injured my leg in a competition and my professional career was over.
During my school years, I always participated in city exhibitions, drawing my paintings and won prizes.
I was a very creative child and no new event in the city took place without my participation.
At school, my favorite subjects were anatomy, biology, chemistry and history.
I also loved to sew and create beautiful things with my own hands.
My parents often went on business trips around the world.
They went to do archaeological excavations, and for a very long time my brother and I lived with my mother's parents in a rural area outside the city.
Sometimes our parents took us on a business trip, and I really remember when it took place on the territory of the Kremlin in Uglich.
My grandmother was a history teacher and my grandfather was a military surgeon.
Every day we heard many different stories from our grandmother and from our parents.
Our life has been very interesting and educational.
When I finished school, I decided that I would become a doctor.
Although in my school years I could not decide on the choice of profession for a long time.
I changed many times. At one time I dreamed that I would be an actress, then I dreamed that I would become a hairdresser, then I wanted to be like my parents an archaeologist, then an
artist .... I chose medicine as a model....
1 143/254
2022-07-04 14:43:36
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Hello my sweet David!!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your romantic and sweet letter.
It took me to our beautiful future.
I imagined how we would live in your cozy house and go on a trip in our free time and spend time together enjoying each other and new experiences. Yesterday we had a rocket arrival and
there was an explosion at the third site of the chemical plant.
But thank God it was quickly put out and there were no casualties.
On Wednesday I already go to work, I finished the treatment and my leg is already fine.
I can join my team.
I wish you a good start to the week!
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-07-04 09:11:16


My lovely, I think allot about all the things we could do together to create our new life . Set up house with space for both our needs as well as places for each others hobbies, books, pictures
etc. We may need a bigger house. Also the traveling together-- so many places we would enjoy together. I have been not traveling for the first time in my life as I do not get very excited
doing it alone. In the past I always had students at least, and my son and daughter did allot of traveling with me when they were young. So it is now just me and Heidi and I spend allot of
time at the art Institute. I think you would have a great time there as well. It is the start of summer and we have a dry heat that during the midday it is best you be in the shade. In most places
that one can live there is one season that is somewhat uncomfortable. Here it is the summer which is the time of the year I usually travel. When I lived in Minnesota with the deep cold
winters and snow I kind of hated leaving in the summer as that was the nicest time of the year so I thought Arizona would be a great place because I would not care about leaving and
traveling in the hot summer; the winter is wonderful. I did not even put on a jacket this last winter the weather was so great. I sure hope that in a year or so that there will not be another
reason that we could not be together as you are already part of my life but it feels like a cookie with a bite out of it.
I love to garden but this climate is not the best place to do it as it is rather arid and we must keep the plants away from the wildlife. I have most of the plants on a watering system but I must
have raised beds that are high enough that they cannot pull the plants out and eat the roots. I am thinking about making more and maybe a small greenhouse (had one in my MN house).
I for the first time in my life I have time for pleasure reading and I do that daily. I am reading the Agatha Christie mysteries. About half way through them -- some 86 volumes in total and I
have read 39 of them so far. I am enjoying the portions in french especially.
Other than this there is not much going on now. I start a couple of graduate Art classes in two weeks. An Atelier class to work on some larger oil paintings and a art journal class. This is the
third journalling class I have had. It is good discipline to get the paint brush in my hand. It will be watercolor and Ink. So this semester I will be painting in watercolor and ink and oil. How
wonderful if we could be here together. Life would be heaven on earth.
I miss you so much and hold on to the promise of the future. My love David XXXXXOOO

2022-07-04 03:24:14

RE: Desire for you
Dearest Larisa, My computer has been not working proper;y so a tech has been working on it and that is why I am so late. It is difficult to guess how long this war will last. I am here for you.
Heidi is demanding at times but she will adjust I am sure.
Tell me about your growing up as I know little about you.
Always, David

2022-06-30 13:42:47
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It's so easy for me with you. I want to hug you every day and share the best moments of life with yo

2022-06-30 13:34:58 144/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Desire for you Photo inside!
Have a nice day, dear David !
Thank you for your tender and romantic letter!
Love is a wonderful feeling. And I believe that everyone should experience this. At any age, we can fall in love and be loved.
Therefore, I am here on a dating site that to get this feeling with a worthy man. I'm lucky and I found you!!!
Let's try and join our hearts in love and passion?
David, how long do you think the war in Ukraine will last?
Can I hope that it will end before the start of winter?
I am sure that if both people are interested in this, they will be happy... Just think a little before to answer to the call of my heart- could you bear to wake up with me in one bed every
morning... As night could be sleepless... As my rebellious spirit is rather passionate ☺
I hope that Heidi will not be against our passion and love!!!!
I really want to be with you as soon as possible and feel safe.
I want to meet all sunsets and sunrises with you!
I dream that I will wake up in your warm arms, from your gentle kisses and touches.
It's the end of my day and I'm in bed writing this letter to you wishing instead
so that you are here, next to me, so that we can press our hands against each other,
and I could feel that you were comfortably settled next to me, and I was next to you safe and sound, and sleep peacefully.
I wish you a fruitful and successful day my precious David!!!!
with love
your Larisa

2022-06-30 12:54:12
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Hi David my sweet love!!!!! Photo inside!
I am glad that you have a favorite job and hobbies that bring you pleasure.
It's great when you have the opportunity to do what makes you happy.
On Monday I want to join my team and get back to work.
Now the situation is even more tense due to increased shelling and my team needs me.
When I read your letters, I really want the war to end as soon as possible and I could come to you.
I think that only next to you I can forget all the horror that my eyes have seen and return to a happy life.
I know that next to you I will always be interesting and comfortable.
So I want to plunge into your arms and feel all your warmth.
kiss and hug
your Larisa

2022-06-29 02:41:05


RE: dreams......mmmmmm
My dream women Larisa. I think the summer heat is here. I have no photos as my computer was hacked and they destroyed all my photos and all my spywear. I have had a tech expert
putting things together for the last 5 days and handing me a big bill! I can go to the cameras and get many back though but it will take several days work. I have few photos of me anyway
because I have always been the photographer. I need to find a person to take some new ones. During the summer season and the hot weather many people go north for the summer so
most of my neighbors are gone until the fall.
However I am enjoying my teaching as well as the classes I am taking at the art Institute. I am in great company among some awesome artists. I think you would really enjoy taking some
classes together.
I have allot of lab work to do for my research that I have been putting off so that is also on my list of things to do. I have a ton of collected specimens that need identification and curating.
When another scientist finds something that they do not know what it is they often send it to me for identification ( one of my expert areas). This requires often allot of sitting at the
Microscope for hours and doing much library study to see if it is even been described in the past. I find many new species and have been doing this for much of my adult life. Maybe some
day I will get this stuff published but it is low on my list of things to do. I much prefer teaching and my students.
Mostly i am missing you. I do have a nice walk-in shower and it is a great place to play. I wonder why I am thinking of that? Humn......
I have spent a lifetime taking students all over the western hemisphere and now my dreams are of taking you to all those special places. The US is a very scenic place and much nicer that 145/254
Australia or Africa for instance. I can't wait to share this with you. You are on my mind. I am going to try to email you as well as I have some things I want to send you.
Much love David
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-06-28 18:35:42
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I dream of the time when we will shower together and do the most pleasant things.

2022-06-28 18:26:31
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I want to go back to normal life...

2022-06-28 18:17:29
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Looking forward to meeting you!Another private video for you!!!
Maybe this video will bring me a little closer to you!!!

2022-06-28 18:13:31
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David, this is a private video for you!!! LOOK
All fears disappear when I look into your beautiful eyes!
They are incredibly deep and so dear!

2022-06-28 17:50:34

Here for you.
My Darling Larisa, Due to the unusual circumstances I suggest we treat the situation as though we are already married. The reason I suggest this is because I want to assure you that you
already have a home here with me-- our home. No matter what happens I am here waiting for you day or night. So come, even unannounced, as I am here for you. "The highest value is love".
As Ever, David

2022-06-28 16:56:11
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87628349 146/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

I want to meet all sunsets and sunrises with you! Photo inside!
Hey David!!!!!
Thank you for your lovely letter.
The wounds on my leg have actually healed, of course they will continue to disturb me for a long time.
The wound was deep and damaged the internal muscle tissue.
But due to the fact that the wounds were deep, inflammation went to the joint.
I took 2 courses of antibiotics and it seems that it helped to stop the inflammatory process.
I hope that next week I will be able to join my team and save people in trouble.
This morning there were already 4 air serens, and this means that this day and night will not be calm again.
I want to meet all sunsets and sunrises with you!
I dream that I will wake up in your warm arms.
You are my happiness and I love you!!!!!
hugs and kisses!
your Larisa

2022-06-28 13:08:01
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Good morning my dear David!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for giving me the strength to fight the circumstances and believe in the future.
I am grateful to you for your patience, perseverance and tenderness. With you, I really feel like behind a stone wall, and it's a wonderful feeling.
I understand no matter what happens to me.
Even if my home and my life is destroyed, I know that I have a person who will never leave me in trouble.
It is so important to know and understand that you are always protected under any circumstances.
You are the only person with whom I feel in my place and I know that you are the one I need and whom I have been looking for for so many years.
When I think about you, I understand that all paths are open and nothing is impossible, and that the time will soon come when we will be very happy.
Sending you my morning kisses.
with love in my heart
always yours Larisa

2022-06-28 10:59:32
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Hello my precious David!!!! Photo inside!
Today was another quiet night.
Again there were frequent attacks.
One of the rockets hit the bridge in the Dnieper.
Yesterday many people died in Kremenchug, Kharkov, Lisichansk, Krivoy Rog....
and this morning began with serenas.
How I would like to wake up from your kisses and not from the sounds of an air raid.
The new antibiotic treatment seems to be helping me and I think I will be able to get back to work soon.
Today my team works in Kremenchug and Kharkov.
It is a pity that today I cannot help my colleagues with them.
I hope your morning started with thoughts about me and our common beautiful future.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-28 02:55:06

87608569 147/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: RE: RE: Hey David dear!!!
Your kisses touch my heart like I have never experienced before. I want to hold you and never let go.
We may need some "chap stick" when we meet, as there will be a huge backlog of kisses we will have to make. I never will want to let you go. Do you think we can manage life's activities
while I am holding you? I just desire to be next to you. The feeling is an overwhelming love and I give this to you.... and much more..... and some more...... I do not want to stop.....ever!
Your David

2022-06-28 02:47:02


RE: David, thank you for your wonderful letters full of warmth and love!
My darling Larisa. As painful as this all is, I will wait for you. I have made the commitment and will be here at the end. Our future is worth whatever sacrifices we will make for our future. Know
that I am here for you and if only in spirit know that I love you so much and will be praying for a peaceful end to all this. My heart goes out to you and all the brave souls that are fighting for
your homeland. I think of it as my homeland as well, now since we are hopefully bound together with the bonds of Love. There is no other ties that are stronger. My thoughts are looking
down the road to our hoped for future in each others arms. I am holding you as we write; so give that some thought and perhaps it will give you some minutes of solace. You are the person
of my dreams, and I know that we can create a life together that will be worth any sacrifices we may need to make.
I am yours forever , David

2022-06-28 02:30:08


RE: Hi David my love!
My Love, This is horrifying and I only want to weep for you. I am very concerned. How is your leg healing? You mentioned a joint-- knee or hip? Can you walk? Please come just as soon as
you can so I can protect you and get you back to health. I cannot imagine what your people are going through. If the Russians take over they will continue to do horrible things and their
record shows a very ugly treatment of women. You must get out before that ever happens if it seems that is going to be the future. With your leg you cannot help with the rescue that you
were doing? If I could, I would put my life on the line for you. I think you will need some tender loving care soon and know that I am here for you.
Love to you and your family, David

2022-06-28 00:48:51
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RE: RE: Hey David dear!!! Photo inside!
Hello my sweet love David!!!!
Sending you my morning kisses!!!!!
Remember, and don't forget, the formula is simple:
The sum of our lips with you is equal to a kiss!

2022-06-28 00:43:18
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David, EDUCATIONAL STORY Photo inside!
Today I remembered one instructive story based on historical facts, which I read as a child
and I wanted to share it with you. Want?
Sultan Murad IV, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1623-1640, often anonymously entered the thick of the people and saw their condition.
One evening he felt uneasy and wanted to go out.
He called the head of security and they left. 148/254
They approached a busy place and found a man lying on the ground.
The Sultan poked him with his finger, but he was dead, and the people went about their business.
No 5:33toPM
one seemed care about the dead man lying on the - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
The Sultan called out to the people.
They did not recognize him and asked him what he needed.
Why is this man lying dead on the ground and why is no one paying attention to him?
Where is his family?"
They answered: "He is such a drunkard and a fornicator!"
Sultan said:
"Is he not from the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?
Now help me take him to his house" people took the dead man along with the Sultan to his house, and as soon as they got there, everyone left.
The Sultan and his assistant remained.
When the man's wife saw his dead body, she wept.
She said to the dead body of her husband: "May Allah have mercy on you! O friend of Allah!
I testify that you are of the pious.
The Sultan was bewildered.
He said, "How can you consider him pious when people say such things about him that no one even took care of his dead body?"
She answered:
"I expected this.
My husband went to the tavern every evening and bought as much wine as he could.
Then he would bring it home and pour it all down the drain.
Then he would say, “I saved a few Muslims today.
Then he went to a prostitute, gave her money and asked her to close the door until morning.
Then he returned home and said:
"Today I saved a young woman and youth who believe in a prophet."
Therefore, people seeing how he buys wine and goes to prostitutes called him a drunkard and a fornicator.
One day I told him:
"When you die, there will be no one to wash you, no one to pray over you, and no one to bury you!
He laughed and replied: "Do not be afraid, the Sultan of the Faithful, together with the pious, will pray over my body."
The Sultan wept.
He said: "By Allah! He told the truth, for I am Sultan Murad.
Tomorrow we will redeem him, pray over him and bury him"...
And it so happened that the Sultan, the scholars, the pious people and the masses prayed for him.
The point is that we judge people by what we see and hear from others, but we do not know what is really happening.
Therefore, one should avoid assumptions and foul language when one is not aware of the situation.
I think we often jump to conclusions about people without fully knowing who they are and who they really are.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-28 00:41:02
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Unity of people: Photo inside!
David, Today on TV they showed one story, which, thanks to the unity of people, ended well.
vacationers on the same beach in Turkish Belek all together saved a mother with two children,
who were almost carried away by a parachute detached from the boat.
The man driving the motorboat lost control due to the strong wind and flew ashore.
At that moment, the cable burst, and people began to gain height.
Luckily, seeing this, the beachgoers quickly grabbed the rope.
This was done quickly, en masse and unitedly, and it saved the woman and her two sons.
When the family landed, the entire hotel applauded, cheered and celebrated their rescue.
How wonderful it turned out!
I would be glad if the people of the whole Earth could always be so friendly and united.
The unity of people and the ability to appreciate and help each other could turn our life on the planet into a paradise.
Did you like my story?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-28 00:38:19
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Not only Ukraine, but also many other countries suffer from this terrible war. Photo inside! 149/254
David, hello my sun!!!
Today I watched a program on the Internet about how many problems the war between Ukraine and Russia brings to the whole world.
I 6/24/23,
saw that in5:33 PM countries prices for food, gas, gasoline have
all European
risen sharply ... - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I saw that there were rallies in London, Paris and other cities.
Even in the cities of Ecuador, there are mass protests and clashes with the police against the background of the economic crisis and the decline in the standard of living of the population.
The protests have been going on for 11 days.
In total, at least 14,000 people are participating in anti-government demonstrations.
Of these, 10 thousand - in the capital, Quito.
The reason for the mass demonstrations was the rise in energy prices, which led to a drop in living standards.
The government estimates that Ecuador is losing the equivalent of $50 million every day due to road blockades by protesters.
The pictures shown on the internet are creepy.
And the longer the war in Ukraine continues, the more global the protests will become in different parts of the world.
How much grief and misfortune each day of the war brings to the inhabitants of Ukraine, and it seems that now the whole world is feeling the consequences on itself.
But it's as bad as we don't have anywhere else.
We have not had gasoline at gas stations for a long time and sometimes it is not possible to buy it more than once a month and no more than 20 liters at space prices.
Our products have risen in price by 100-200 percent and utilities are simply huge.
It seems that it all looks like the worst dream and the Apocalypse.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-28 00:34:28
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It seems to me that Ukraine has become a "proving ground" for testing Russian missiles. Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!
Today, again, we were subjected to increased shelling of all territories of Ukraine.
For the fifth day now, Russia has been firing 40-60 missiles at our cities per day.
You probably already know that 4 rockets flew to Kyiv, 2 explosions in the Cherkassy region, also in Krivoy Rog and in the Dnieper, and of course in Kremotorsk ...
there were arrivals of missiles and in the Chernihiv region, as a result of enemy shelling, a storage facility with grain was destroyed and agricultural equipment was damaged.
Russian invaders fired more than 150 shells and mines on four masses of the Sumy region on Sunday.
the Russians shelled the Chernihiv and Sumy regions seven times during the night.
Today is the 124th day of the war and the fighting is getting more and more violent.
Since the first day of the war, the Russian Federation has used many missiles to bombard Ukraine.
Our state, unfortunately, has become a kind of testing ground for Russian missiles of various types.
Unfortunately there are dead civilians.
Every day hundreds of our defenders die and many are taken prisoner.
This is terrible.
Today, our deputies adopted a bill to allow recruiting people with disabilities for military service.
I am very sorry that they do not pass laws that could call up deputies and their children for military service.
How was your day?
I missed you terribly!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-28 00:25:53
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David, thank you for your wonderful letters full of warmth and love! Photo inside!
They help me so much during this difficult time.
When I read your letters, I imagine our life together, which will be rich and happy.
I've already learned so much about your past and your dreams.
About your current life, about your work, about the place where you live and your cat.
How interesting it is for me to learn all this about you and about what is dear to you.
I would really like to be next to you now, but I already told you that doctors in my country are considered to be liable for military service and are equated with the military.
When there is a war, doctors do not have the right to travel abroad.
Moreover, I have signed a military contact for 2 years.
David, you must understand that before my military service ends, I will not be able to go to you.
Even though I want to be with you so much.
I know that we could be so happy now if we were together.
I am very afraid that in the near future my city may be under shelling and the Russians may capture it.
If this happens then I will send my parents to relatives or my friends.
I will not be able to go with them and will work with a team of military doctors in a military hospital.
It's terrible what happened and I hope it ends soon. 150/254
This senseless war must end as soon as possible.
Too many people have died and too many people have lost their homes.
I 6/24/23, 5:33 PM
am very shocked when I see images of destroyed buildings and
people, - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
who lie dead or wounded in the streets.
I really hope that Ukraine and Russia will come to a peace agreement through negotiations.
After all, no war can end without negotiations.
Miss you my sweet love David!!!!
I dream about our future.
So I want to fall asleep and wake up in your strong arms
your Larisa

2022-06-28 00:09:40
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Hi David my love! Photo inside!
I miss you very much and I'm sad that we again had problems with the Internet due to heavy rocket fire with rockets.
Today was again a tragic day for Ukraine and many people died after a rocket explosion in Kremenchug.
David, my relatives who live in Kremenchug are horrified by what happened in their city.
You've probably already read about it in the news.
My aunt said that more than a thousand people were affected.
At the time the rocket hit the mall.
she was nearby at the time and left the store just 15 minutes before the shelling.
She is horrified by what she saw, many people with severed limbs and with terrible injuries.
13 people died immediately and more than 40 were wounded.
But we have just begun to disassemble the ruins and I think that we will find out the exact number of those who died and were burned alive in a few days.
Another terrible tragedy.
There is an assumption that they planned to launch a missile attack on the railroad.
Now they are launching old-style rockets into our cities, which often fail to reach their target.
I really want this madness to end soon.
I'm so tired of this horror.
So I want to feel myself in your hands.
your Larisa

2022-06-26 00:50:37


Here for you.
Dearest, Do you want to have me call you Larisa or Lara, both are beautiful names. To answer some of your questions: Am I sentimental -- for sure. There is no covid around where I live that I
have seen but I think in the big city there must be some. The people I am around are all vaccinated and I have had my four shots. Are you protected? Last December I helped consecrate a
new Bishop for Kenya, so I am free from that responsibility for now though I have still some contact with a few Kenyan parishes in the US, but I do not spend much time at it.
How often have I fallen in love? In the past I did love my first wife when we married but as time went by it withered as she became very argumentative about everything and seemingly for
little reason, so we divorced. She is still like that, and I avoid her and try to remember the good years. I was single for many years and then met Joyce and we married. She was a close friend
and we always got along and we loved each other but there was little passion but mostly a loving togetherness -a bit like marrying a great friend. We had many years of a long marriage and
never had a bad argument-ever. She failed to tell me that she had been a Jahovah Witness before we met. That is a cult. After more than twenty years of a good marriage she wanted to go
back to them and she knew that it would be something that I would not go along with so she decided to leave the marriage. Both marriages were good but without much passion but we did
love each other it just for various reasons not able to move forward at certain moments. We are still good friends though but don't talk regularly. I did have girlfriends as a teen but marriage
was not ever planned. So after some more years of being single I felt that I was not complete and that my life was missing a soulmate so I decided to put myself out there to search for her. I
did not even find anybody in the US; it seemed that all the great women were already married and was thinking about giving up until I ran across Veronica Love. So I started to introduce
myself and found numerous possibilities but there was one in particular that really stood out. So... I gave her a serious look. Read every word,and wrote and wrote and thought. Wow, can this
be true? We seem to be made for each other! She is BEAUTIFUL and there was no compromise there. And She was an intelligent professional. And above all we shared, without any
exception that I could see, the same values and we had such great correspondence---- we are on the same page and I realized I had already fallen in love with her. So on March the 18th I
asked her to marry me and miraculously she said YES! How blessed I feel but still I have lingering thoughts and hopes that when we finally meet after nearly two years that she will still see
me as her love. I have never had so many deep feelings ever for anybody as I feel each day and it seems to have a life of its own as it grows and opens up more possibilities for the dreamed
of future for us both. My LOVE! I want to affirm that Larisa is for me and I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I hope to spend my life with us together creating the future.
As for being perfect. I must truthfully say that I am not perfect and you say you are not as well. That is great because if we were perfect how boring would that be? Especially if one of had a
flaw, we would feel guilty around a perfect mate. Think of how much we can learn from each other coping with a few differences. I can't see that they would be big differences anyway. I
don't like eggs but maybe you do-- not a big deal.
Do I like to sing. Yes I do. At one time in my younger years I was professionally with the Robert Shaw Choral (look this up on the web) which is possibly the finest Classical Choral group
perhaps in the world for 4 years. However I over worked my voice and now I only have a bit less than an octave in my range and it is somewhat painful to sing. Sometimes I do sing a bit for
about 2-3 minutes though. Since I do not sing regularly I have lost most of the strength in my breath control. I do love to listen to fine singing as long as it is musical. I find much pop music is
more entertainment than music though. I love most opera but some of the contemporary ones are too atonal for my taste. Stage musicals and much folk music I like and I have a special
place in my heart for Russian folk music. I love Christmas Carols.
My hobbies: I have more interests than I have time for. I seem to always have some carpentry or household painting project that needs my attention, It is not really a hobby but I do151/254 it. I do not
like mechanical projects much, and I cannot fix a car. I really do not like greasy hands much anyway. However, I love the soil and gardening-- vegetables and flowers , trees and shrubs. I
have done beautiful landscaping in all my houses that were considered exceptional. I my last house I had a rose garden of over 200 varieties and had many species of flowering trees and
shrubs. 5:33
Spring PM
visits to the greenhouses to buy plants were part - Trusted
my spring household budget. international
I have dating
a real reverence siteit since
for soil-- 2008.
is a living thing Meet yourgardeners
which non- perfect woman abroad!/
don't realize. I listen
to music and have a collection of music recordings. Also I must add reading which is part of my daily routine especially before I go to bed. When I cannot sleep because my mind has not
shut off of things that bother me and I often get up and read and that puts me to sleep. And of course my art is at the top of my list. I take classes and read art books as I take it serious. And
of course I paint and keep my studio. I am very lucky if I can keep all this up given the lack of time I have.
I must add my time in nature, hiking and doing my research and projects. I have been cutting back on this over the last couple of years. I donated my huge collection of biological specimens
to the Florida collection for tropical research and still have specimens in essentially all the major collections and museums in the US, so I can visit as needed anyway. But I still do enough to
keep my hand in as there are a few things that I have expertise in that I am the only one in the western hemisphere doing it. I don't want the years of work to die. I am now cutting back on all
my international consulting and am handing it to my students. I want time to travel for fun now with you. And of course Heidi needs my attention, rather often it seems. I have put Larisa at the
top of my list and that is where I intend to keep it. You will have my full attention
Indeed I am passionately in Love with you. David

2022-06-25 02:23:48


Here for you.
My Sweet Larisa, I have read half of the books you listed for Russian Literature and have nice leather copies of many. Bulgakov I have not read so I ordered Heart of the Dog. Or Lermantov,
Hero of Our Time. And Godol, Dean Mans Souls. Looking forward to reading them. I have the rest of your list. I have been a lifelong reader. I have never been able to get through Eugene
Onigin the poetry I have not yet mastered.
Today as usual my mind goes to thinking of you. Do you have any idea of what the future is going to be? Like when would you be able to come to me. Do you truly see our marriage in the
reasonable future? Do you have to wait until the war is over?
I was looking at the recent daily news on the war and the Syeverodonetsk region is going to be abandoned by the troops. All this is so near where you are. I am not sure of your actual place
where you are staying. Is it in the country out of Pavlograd? I pray for your and your families safety. Do you have other family nearby?
Sending my Love. David

2022-06-23 21:23:37

Here for you.
My Love Larisa, Values: On a daily situation we must always focus in the positive because our values are always under attack by the negative. In Christianity we often refer to the 'Devil and all
his works', or the easy way out, not to be confused with "the road not taken". That road often is the difficult one because it possibly was rejected because it was the hard one or had the most
barriers etc.
So when I get up in the morning and look out at the morning sunshine and feel the joy in the new day, can I stay with those positive values. Yes we can but with the right choices. There may
be alternatives and some not so good. This is where your character comes in. Have you cultivated the finer values in life or...... lazy, don't care, make excuses..... yes these are the dark side of
the of our valuing process. It is these poor decisions that give me pause. One that is especially toxic is putting material profit over more universal and positive values which in the immediate
future looks like they may not be guaranteed, such as money in my pocket. That pocket money may buy some tasty candy but after that what .........???? But taking the difficult road is filled
with hard work and making some more choices for the social good will bring a new meaning and profit-- good feelings, satisfaction, righteousness, God fearing, and the hard one to get is
love. So we must look for even the small values all of which become the building blocks of the higher values. So..... I give you a hug, I will hold your hand, i will be positive, I will use proper
language, I will hold my temper, may I have a kiss ..........and now, I hope we have built the makings of love.... I will make a promise .....and I will be steadfast in that promise..... and I will be there
for you......forever! See how love is so connected to everything in life. See how it underlies everything. So maybe the most universal value is love? We say God is love! This is an example of
how i see the world works. And I see just how our feelings and promises to each other underlies our whole life. So I feel the ultimate value in life is.... being in love.
So I chose you Larisa, David XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO......... why stop XXXXXXXOOOO

2022-06-23 05:18:54


RE: My dear David!!!
Larisa my dear. The Arts attempt to transcend the ugly reality and to hopefully make some sense out of the sacrifices we make. That is why we must allow the arts to flourish among the
people. I agree with you fully. 152/254
2022-06-23 05:13:47
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: Those who went through the war will not be the same!
My heart goes out to the heroic souls that suffer for the right "to be". They have my tears as well my admiration. I have not had the intense experience but.... personally I was in a war zone as a
spy in my long past but for a very short time. My partner was killed and that is all I am allowed to say. The Nazi's wiped out my mothers family when they leveled Rotterdam in the
There is little more to say accept that we pay a dear price for the values we hold dear. That is why I unconditionally offer my arms to you to keep you safe and know I am here for you..

2022-06-23 05:02:07


RE: Also, I think therefor I am............
Darling, I think the difference between "reality --conscience being" is that there is a clock ticking away. In 'dream time' the time is all time, or even any time, so there a is a barrier around one
but not the other. The main person who is noted for the study of Dream time is Fraude and his student Jung and that tells us that they are not in the same 'universe" for lack of a term. We
often see the term "of mind and Body".
The issue of the children. There is little I can say without tears-- how tragic. I cannot even identify with the horrors of what is going on. Those poor people have my full support but I cannot
see solutions that I can personally give aid for, beyond my support for the children.
Your David

2022-06-23 04:43:30


RE: Values ​in human life
My Darling Larisa, this is a rather deep and probing question but I feel that I know it because I have thought about it often. Firstly a semantic point, obviously the first value is simply to be
alive-- dead is not so good! In life there is a hierarchy of values. First that what is essential, which we often take for granted-- air, water, food, safety, a social connection (friends), environment
and a few that you can be alive with, but without any fulfillment. For example, learning makes life easier and meaningful, having an identity of being and a history , and more, but for me an
appreciation of our being, which at it's most potent product is love. This is the glue of our being and that with which we judge everything around us with. In a small way I could say I love fresh
air, I love clean water, I love knowing that there will be a continuum of being, for me as well as my offspring. I love feeling safe, I love dancing in the rain, and I love my kitty. But there are
values which are so important that we put them foremost in our life-- hunger, Identity ( for some even national identity which is a collection of values and that is why we have war), peaceful
existance ( friends, mates, children, society), and of course many more. But personally my values hinge on the meaning that they bring to who I am-- faith, hope, charity, and especially those
I share my life with. For example my students, my shared faith, my family and children, but foremost my soulmate.
That is the person who is on the stage of life with me where we act out the problems of the world, create the future with powerful memories, and in our shared bond we create the hoped for
future and arbitrate all the obstacles as well as all barriers while maintaining a sense of self and our "being" ( that is a mouthful).I simply do not see me as simply myself. It is too lonely and
without purpose or vision. So I guess I would have to say that the true values of Life is a hierarchy of my existence encompassing all that is around me both physical, behavioral, and spiritual.
At the pinnacle of that beyond what I can take for granted are, the things that I cannot take for granted. Such as education, hard work, social interaction, money in the bank, for example. But
the highest value are the things I would never compromise, my country, my children, and all that is in my heart, and the most important is you. And you is Larisa.

2022-06-23 03:56:20


RE: Hey David dear!!!
My Sweet Larisa, I am concerned about your leg but please do not give another thought that I would not want you because of it. My love is solid and I am planning to spend my life with you-
- scars, sickness, health, wealth, poverty or anything else that you can think of. If you need my help in any way just give me word and I will do anything I can. I feel a true bond that is
unbreakable and I want you to know that. I only wish I could put my arms around you ant tell you all is well and we can find answers together. Thank you for keeping me informed. So you
have truly "hooked" me, I just hope you like what you have caught! I too have imperfections but they are secret.
My Love, David

2022-06-22 22:45:34
Reply (/mailing/index/


My dear David!!! Photo inside! 153/254
And I also do not want to agree with the fact that they adopted a law to destroy and ban all literature and all poets in Russian.
I think that there are books that every person should read in their life.
Without these5:33 PM"Master and Margarita" ... "Eugene Onegin" ...
books "Crime and Punishment"- ...Trusted
"War andinternational dating
Peace" ... "Hero of site...since
Our Time" "Dead 2008.
Souls" ...Meet
" Annayour perfect
Karenina woman
"..." Fathers abroad!/
and Sons "...
Bulgakov, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Chekhov....
It seems to me that without these books our souls will be empty.
It is also monstrous to forbid listening to the works of Russian composers and to forbid viewing paintings written by Russian artists.
After all, it is so stupid and pointless to declare enemies of those who lived hundreds of years ago in Russia.
I'm interested in your opinion on this.
hugs and kisses

2022-06-22 22:09:20
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Those who went through the war will not be the same!
My sweet David!!!
Today I read that one deputy decided to promote his company and donated bronikas for the fighters to the front.
But it turned out that these are helmets of 2008 and they cannot protect our fighters at the front, and this greatly angered the military, who were to be given these helmets.
There are many such cases now.
For example, our military men repair equipment and buy spare parts for cars with their own money.
Many still just want to make more money and don't give a damn about other people's lives.
War is a terrible word that carries hunger, fear, death and suffering.
Books, songs, poems have been written about the war, the war has been preserved in diary entries that cannot be read without tears.
The war claimed the lives of millions of people, broke families.
War is evil and torment; in the face of war, it would seem that the people should become embittered, lose their human appearance and dignity.
I remember the stories of my grandmother who survived the war with Germany, captivity and the post-war years.
Her stories about the siege of Leningrad and those terrible days.
Fortunately, history tells us something completely different.
The fact that most of the people during the war showed support, sympathy and self-sacrifice.
People united to help each other, to help their homeland defeat the enemy.
Those who remained in the rear of the war worked in factories, in the fields tirelessly,
but they were either women or children, all the men had gone to the front.
They did hard, backbreaking work, falling on their feet from hunger and fatigue, to help those who are on the front lines.
They were united by a common work for the good of the country.
In this difficult time, it was important for people to know and understand
that they are not alone, that only together they can cope with this scourge and survive the losses.
The war has smoothed out all social boundaries between people, there are no more poor
and rich, there is a suffering, tormented people, trying to survive and win back their freedom.
War teaches to survive, teaches to appreciate every minute of life.
Everything that did not suit a person before the war lost all meaning.
Values ​are revised, family ties acquire a new meaning.
People try to communicate more and help each other.
I would really like that in Ukraine people would continue to be as strong and support each other.
I am sad when I find out that someone is stealing or someone is showing evil to their neighbor.
I recently read that in Transcarpathia, women in the social service did not give assistance to a woman and 2 children from Severodonetsk because she spoke Russian.
Her husband serves at the front and she was denied help.
It's inhuman.
Another example is when musicians raised money to help soldiers who serve on the front lines.
And one man beat their soloist for singing a song in Russian.
It seems to me that this is not correct, now is not the time to find out who speaks what language.

2022-06-22 21:42:18
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Also, I think that.......... Photo inside!
My dear David!!!
Why is there a gap between dream and reality?
Everyone strives to achieve their dreams in one way or another.
Someone dreams of living in a luxurious house, someone wants to drive around the city in a red Mercedes,
for someone, a delicious dinner is already the embodiment of all desires.
However, there is another side of life - a reality that does not always indulge.
And now I understand that the real and very important value of life is when there are no wars and no one dies.
A great and important value when all those we love are alive.
Beloved, today I read on the Internet that the Russians have already taken more than 600 thousand Ukrainian children to their territories, and they have already given many of them154/254 to other
Perhaps among these children there are those who have relatives in Ukraine.
But they will5:33
neverPMknow more and find each other. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Therefore, I think that it is a great value to keep your loved ones and not lose them during the war.
There is another aspect related to children and war at the same time, this is orphanhood.
The number of children in orphanages during armed conflicts increases hundreds of times.
And this is all the result of hostilities.
Getting into these institutions, children cannot forget what happened to them.
And they are unlikely to be able to forgive their orphanhood.
Therefore, adults should really, really think about
what they generate and what consequences can be for the younger generation.
Or maybe these children will grow up in foreign families and will never be able to find out who they are and who their parents were.
It happens that our brain throws out from memory those moments that brought us terrible experiences and grief.
It seems to me that now is a very terrible time for all the inhabitants of my country.
Today I thought that if the children of the whole Earth could, they would shout out loud.
No war.
Do not deprive us of parents, brothers, sisters, childhood.
Adults do not deprive children of childhood.
I wanted to share my thoughts with you!
hugs and kisses

2022-06-22 18:38:48
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Values ​in human life Photo inside!
Hi David!!!!
You know, dear, today we again had a troubled night and again there were air sirens, but fortunately the missiles are still shooting down to a greater extent.
Dear, today I thought that before the war, I rarely thought about what is the real value of life.
Perhaps now I began to think about it more often.
I think that in order to understand what “values” mean in life, it is necessary to understand that for everyone,
a person living on this planet has its own special values.
Each person is a separate person independent of anyone and appreciating their own moments.
Thus, it is probably impossible to say exactly, for everyone, what "values" mean for everyone in life.
It is for me that it is very important to appreciate every passing day,
regardless of whether it carries negative or positive emotions.
Every minute something special can happen that can change life radically or simply cut it off.
Some like to live life from one special day to the next
I think this is not right, because you need to live every minute of the day,
life is given in order to enjoy and taste any minutes that are provided for people.
Even on the worst days, you need to be able to find something good in this day.
You know, I learned to love what I couldn't stand before.
For example, I love the rain.
And even when it's a warm summer rain, I love to go out into the yard of my house and dance to the music of the rain.
I know it's very nice.
Each season of the year should be lived like the last.
You don't have to think, for example, that you don't like winter because of the cold climate in our country.
Everyone can find something to satisfy their needs even in the most unloved period of time.
It is necessary to enjoy and enjoy every moment that life has brought just for you.
Someone still hates the heat, but I love her because she gives warmth.
It is so wonderful to spend a hot day by the river, plunging into a cool river or sunbathing in the sun.
The values ​of life are not only in some moments given by life,
but also people who are present every day in your heart.
In other words, everything that is useful, that can be called good, that truly saves human souls,
can be called the true values ​of life.
Everything that defiles the human status, everything that is equated with evil and brings harm, cannot be the values ​of life.
These are my beliefs.
So what is the value of life for you? For each person they are different.
For someone, the main life value is to live for oneself, not noticing anything around.
For someone, the value of life is to do everything for the sake of their family, not paying attention to themselves.
A very important life value is the ability to remain human, no matter what.
This is the ability to love.
Love is a force that is capable of much.
I will be interested if you share your thoughts with me and tell me what are your life values?

2022-06-22 16:33:35
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect87372019
woman abroad!/

Hey David dear!!! Photo inside!
It's amazing how similar our destinies are.
I guess we both love nature because we grew up watching nature and it left a mark for life.
We are able to observe life and notice what other people cannot see.
I learned to play the piano as a child, my grandmother taught me this from the age of 4.
She was a wonderful teacher.
She taught me a lot.
David, I'm glad you liked my home videos.
Today, I visited the doctor again.
My leg does not heal well and I had to open one suture and carry out very complex and unpleasant manipulations.
The wound was too deep and a course of antibiotics did not help.
This makes me very sad.
I hope that the new course of treatment is more suitable.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-21 00:03:48


RE: David, this was a very interesting read!
My Sweerheart Larisa, It is amazing just how much our lives are so similar. Your description of your farm life is so much like my own. I spent my early life in the State of Michigan and the
photos of Ukraine look exactly like Michigan-- a temperate 4-season climate on a farm with the typical farm animals. We grew wheat, corn, hay, and cucumbers to make pickles with
commercially. Early we farmed with horses but later with tractor. We had milk goats- Nellie, Jenna, and Heidi. Also cows, horses, pigs, rabbits, ducks, geese chickens and dogs and cats.
Those were happy days for me. I especially liked haymaking and always there was a hayride to the fall dance and I loved the cuddly ride with my date. We did allot of dancing as there was
no TV and for teens that seemed to be our recreation. I also did much hunting -- pheasants, and deer. Fishing was also a pastime and we owned lake property. So you see, we both have a
farm background. I was also active in my church growing up. And of course I was a musician so I had my lessons and concerts. I was a gifted musician with very expensive lessons and
performing in a major orchestra by the age of sixteen. My Dad made me work to help out with the music expenses. On a farm we had allot of work of course and I was always busy
especially with my music practice daily, seven days a week, with concerts almost weekly. I think my dad lived through me as he was not only a farmer but we built some houses together
and he played the violin. His recreation was his morning shaving when he put on records of classical music and opera-- that is one of the sounds of my upbringing.
I had two younger sisters but they helped out in the house (I think) but I seldom did much with them as my work was in the barns and then in the music practice rooms at the academy. They
were in charge of the cats.
We lived out of town- just outside of a small town. Curiously this town was nationally known for music and when town music competitions were held we were not allowed to participate
because we would always win, so we did exhibitions for the competing musicians. Each summer I attended the National music camp at Interlochen where I studied with some of the famous
musicians of that period. You had to audition and be chosen for the opportunity to attend Interlochen and competition was on the National level-- the best the country had to offer. As
students we were groomed to take over when these orchestral musicians retired or needed someone to help with the heavy load of concerts. So i was playing with the Chicago Symphony,
Detroit Symphony, Cleveland symphony and allot of not as famous orchestras. I held a post in the National symphony orchestra at Interlochen for over four years until I headed off to to
college (Oberlin Conservatory) and took a post in several college and university orchestras. As time went by I wanted to get married and wasn't making enough money to support a family so
changed my interests and studied the new field of ecology. After graduating in ecology I wanted to get out of Michigan and find some wilderness to study but I headed to Arizona but there
was no place to play music and I stopped. I think that was a mistake but I did not what else to do at the time. I miss Music.
So you see I have had an interest in the arts and natural sciences all my life. I started on violin when i was four. And shortly after I developed a yearning for a microscope. So these interests
have been a life long plague in my life. Did you start learning the piano as a child? And did you have a music environment growing up? Also were you a Church going family? I am interested
in how you were created into the wonderful person you have become.
My love has only grown and not faded at all. You are the star player in my dreams.
My love to you-- sure wish I could hold you and kiss you. I love your dog. I had a dog that could be it's twin when I was a child-- named Jill.

2022-06-20 18:08:35
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they're so cute....

2022-06-20 18:07:34
Reply (/mailing/index/ 156/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

some more inhabitants of our large farm

2022-06-20 18:06:10
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Meet Ludka!!!!
our goats

2022-06-20 18:04:57
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another family video...
our economy

2022-06-20 18:03:47
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I asked my father to make a sunset video while he was fishing.
I think you should see these sunsets.

2022-06-20 18:02:02
Reply (/mailing/index/



my house...
my father built it

2022-06-20 18:00:51
Reply (/mailing/index/

(/user/profile/i 157/254
my family video.
This is my father,
6/24/23, 5:33before
PM the war he was a farmer. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
He also loves hunting and fishing.

2022-06-20 17:58:32
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Hunter loves these games!!! LOOK!!!
he can always cheer me up

2022-06-20 16:49:27
Reply (/mailing/index/


my funny friend!!!
David, my friend Hunter is very happy that I can play with him in our yard.
I tho

2022-06-20 15:26:11
Reply (/mailing/index/



home video for you
David, these are the roses my mother and I grow.
Maybe we can also grow flowers together with you.

2022-06-20 15:11:34
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, this was a very interesting read! Photo inside!
David, I love all your letters very much, they help me to get to know you more and more.
They are always full of something new and meaningful.
It is very interesting for me to learn about your life, because your life is so diverse and so full.
And this is wonderful, because we have one life and our duty is to strive to live it so that it is as full as possible.
I think that on our life path we will meet everyone who is destined to meet us,
and do for them as they do for us,
all that needs to be done.
From your letters I learn a lot of interesting and new things for me.
I recently watched a movie called "Safe Haven" and there is a wonderful quote that life always gives us a second chance.
I think that fate has now given us this second chance and I really want us to live the rest of our lives together in love and harmony.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-20 14:30:52
Reply (/mailing/index/ 158/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect87273859
woman abroad!/

Hi David, honey!!! Photo inside!
Over the weekend, we again had problems with electricity and the Internet due to air attacks.
In the neighboring city of Novomoskovsk, an oil depot and several other military facilities were blown up.
The explosion was so powerful that it seemed to me that the ground trembled under my feet.
Unfortunately, this time there were no casualties and 2 rescuers died and 18 firefighters and rescuers were injured.
My leg is not healing well and I am still in treatment.
the wound was deep and internal tissues were damaged and inflammatory processes affected the joint.
Last night my leg was very sore and I could not sleep for a long time.
I promised to send you a view of my house and some home videos.
I thought it might be interesting for you to see the village where my parents live and the place where I spend so much time now.
When you see these places, you will probably understand why I am so attached to nature.
Have a good start to the week!
Sending you my morning kisses.
your Larisa

2022-06-18 02:54:36


RE: RE: The next chapter of my life:
It was wonderful hearing from you. Was at the art Institute today taking a water media class. Have some fine teachers and am growing each day.
Please do not feel that I expect you to be anything that you are not. I love you for who you are and I see the future as a union between two people in love and I want you to be the best
person you want to be and I will be by your side helping you all the way. I fell in love with you and I am not trying to make you anything that you are not. We will create the future together.
My Love David

2022-06-18 02:41:55


RE: RE: The next chapter of my life:
My love, Larisa, the next chapter. We settled in Southern California and myself into a faculty position at the University. We had our second child, Hans. And we bought a house in a nearby
canyon. I did major construction on the house and turned a building into a lab so I could continue my research; summers were used for field research and was spent in the Arctic of Alaska
and Canada and back for the rest of the year for teaching and lab work. Had much freedom from the faculty and wrote a lot of new courses in ecology and started the geography
department and became a department chair person. Did not care much for administration but the school left me alone to create and run things as I felt. Had finished my PhD and still taking
some classes just because I am curious about many things.
The next thing I decided to do was widen my own teaching into a number of other Schools. I felt I had a responsibility to train ecologists and it was such a new subject that only a few
schools provide courses so I became a visiting professor on a faculty exchange. So I taught in a nearby College ( Chaffey College) for some thirty years and then reached out to other
schools in the US-- University of Washington ( great), University of Mississippi (terrible), the University of Arkansas ( not very good), St Anselm College in New Hampshire ( wonderful, run by
Benedictine monks), the university of Hawaii (three great years), and the University of Arizona ( pretty good). That covers all areas of the country. As you can see I was busy.
I began to feel that there was too much left brain science in my brain and felt that I had neglected my spiritual side. The arts were missing and I missed my musical background and I was
dabbling in art. Having been raised in the Anglican Church I decided to look into that. I was impressed by the monks at St Anselm college so I started to take classes in Seminary. I found the
subject interesting even though I had to do some theological thinking trying to bring current Christian thinking into the realm of science-- fortunately the Anglican tradition is pretty
progressive in it's views and I was able to find an acceptable union between the two. The monks and a bishop from New York were my counselors and they convinced me to eventually
become ordained into the priesthood ( I never do things half way). So with my background I was convinced that there were neglected people and guess who did God pick to come to their
needs--Me. I am talking about the native Americans (often referred to as the Indians). So I worked at the university during the week and on Sundays I started four parishes. The Algonquins in
the great lakes region and later the Chemuavae in California, the Hopi and Apache in Arizona. And lastly we had a ton of African refugees in the Us so I started Kenyan Churches-- 32 of them.
I had to train more priests and since I was already a professor the Church thought I ought to to do some teaching and eventually I not became a theologian and the Dean of St Andrews
Seminary. A post I still have. I was still a faculty member at the Univ of California as that has never changed and teaching at Chaffey college. Very busy but feeling I was making a contribution.
As time passed I was elevated to the clerical position of
Dean, then Canon (Assistant Bishop) and after many years a Bishop. Being a benedictine I became the only Bishop not bounded be geography and there for could keep my work with the
Kenyans as well as the Native Americans. Fortunately I was able last December to replace me as the Bishop of Kenya and I have since appointed other clergy to take over the Native
American positions. Hopefully I can retire from all this. So far so good. I never was well suited for such work and the Church often scratches their head at some of my ideas. I still have much
concern over poverty, hunger, and the intellectually deprived.
Don't get me wrong I am not a Bible "thumper" at all. I just want to help people. Most of my neighbors don't even know of my clerical affiliations as I keep a low profile. I am currently rather
inactive in the Church and have moved on to chapter three in my life----Art.
That part of the story I am not very proud of. The kids were in their teens and my wife and I just were not getting along. When we married she was a rather quiet person but as time went on
she became extremely critical and I seemed to too often to be the target of her mouth. We divorced. I saw her for the first time in nearly thirty years over Christmas and it did not take her
long to make herself heard. My kids were rather surprised; I just kept quiet- she even made a comment that she did not think I was going to stay for the visit.
I had moved into an apartment and was single for 8 years. This was a part of my life that had good times as well as not so good. My kids got a good education and we all worked together for
the good of the kids even though it was done on the computer and phone when we had to interact. I do not feel this era was a mistake but I must say I was much happier in my single 159/254
life. I
spent allot of time in Central and South America doing some tropical environmental consulting and enjoyed it.
I hope this does not give you second thoughts about me. I have always tried to do what was right.
I 6/24/23, 5:33
set up a new PM park in Brazil hoping to save some trees
National - Trusted
medicinal value. I did have several international
good friends thatdating sitelifesince
made my 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Those are the days of life past and I seldom think much about them and as a family we all turned out fine. No lingering bad feelings of any kind. Now I think about the future together and
what a fabulous future it is!
I am yours if you still want me, David XXXXOOOOO

2022-06-18 00:44:35
Reply (/mailing/index/


RE: The next chapter of my life: Photo inside!
Wow!!!! It was very interesting for me to read your stories from your life.

2022-06-18 00:27:14
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Photo inside!
Hello dear David!
Thank you for your sweet and romantic letter!
I always enjoy reading your letters.
I always imagine what you tell me ..
I wish I could be right there with you!!!!
Unfortunately, you are right and the Russian army is getting closer and closer to my city.
My leg is healing
but I had to drink a course of antibiotics because the inflammation went to the joint due to the fact that the wound was too deep.
I hope to be able to go back to work soon and help people again.
This evening I admired the night sky and the full moon and thought of you!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-16 02:53:09


Here for you.
My Sweet Larisa, I am solidly here for you and my heart shines like a beacon of hope for our coming together in love that we share. Yes that bond is still solid and strong and you are on my
mind consistently. I see that the war is getting worse but I know that you are strong and can take care of yourself, however war is chaos and I pray for your safe return. I will be waiting for you
with my arms open and ready to take good care of you. I know we will get through this and one day continue our life journey together. Whatever happens know that I will be here for you;
please don't doubt that. Sending my love each day.
Your David, Kiss/hug...........

2022-06-10 04:23:10


The next chapter of my life: Photo inside!
My Darling you asked to know my life better so I will move to the next chapter. I left off when I moved to Tucson Arizona after my Masters research on Isle Royale in Lake Superior. My
daughter did not find the climate in Arizona a very healthy one and was sick allot. The doctor said she would feel better in a different climate. The University of California had held open a job
for me so I decided to finish my PhD there. My wife had one of the first graduate degrees in education for the emotionally disturbed ( maybe that is why she liked me? Ha Ha). A developer
decided to start a school for those type of students but trying to find faculty was nearly impossible. They found out about my wife and hired her to run the educational part of the school
which was in Arizona. Then they met me and wondered if I would like to be the Headmaster and be in charge of the entire school. I have a strong background in Behavior and had also
graduated in mountain school as a technical climber. Sounded interesting.
The students were not only disturbed but all of them were on drugs and had long police records. I did not really realize what I was getting into. So we stayed in Arizona and set up the school
and I hired teachers psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse, and some tough men to provide physical exercise and build them up physically-- most were a physical mess. And so things started
operating and I had a ton of problems to work out ranging working with the courts to controlling bad behavior and getting them to go to classes. Basically they were little criminals160/254
who had
rich parents and had become uncontrollable at home and the choice for them was come to our school or go to jail. Of course the jail would have created lifelong criminals and I realized that.
So I took on the challenge. Well all these kids (teenagers) had every imaginal clinical experience and they knew to how to manipulate and they had us constantly "putting out fires" daily. I
also 5:33
could not PM
keep the drugs away, even some of the parents were - Trusted
giving it to them. Something hadinternational
to be done or wedating
wouldsite sincefail.
miserably 2008.
I had Meet your unorthodox
some rather perfect woman abroad!/
ideas and decided
to put it to the test. They had to get drug free and physically active and find a way to relate to us in a constructive way so.......... The school/clinical environment did not work. Went to the
owners of the school and told them what needed to be done. I think they were happy that somebody at least had an idea because these kids were socially failing and what would they do
when they become 18 yrs old?
So we bought a fleet of van trucks and we headed for severe wilderness of Alaska- no towns, no people to steal from, no place to get drugs, and an environment they were unfamiliar with,
so they could not manipulate especially because they were not so brave in the presence of Grizzley bears, huge moose (elk in Europe), snakes and lots of bugs etc, living in a tent in all
weather, cooking there own meal, and daily canoeing wild rivers, climbing mountains with ropes and getting exhausted daily. Their day was more active than one would have in the military.
Guess what----it worked! When we may be traveling and in contact with other people they commented on what well behaved and competent kids we had. Little did they know they were
referring to a thief or rapist, former drug addict. I required that the kids had to remain with us for at least a year before they could return to society. We did not have a single failure of any
person who stayed with the program. One father wanted to pull his kid out and I said he would fail if he did and I followed his life for many years to see what would happen and he left drugs
for alcohol and then back to drugs and constantly in trouble well into his thirties. The father said he could not afford the cost of the school and it was expensive.
My wife was part of the educational staff and our daughter lived as we all lived in a tent etc. She learned what a refrigerator was when she was five. My daughter is now the
UNDERSECRETARY of EDUCATION for the UNITED STATES and has taught emotionally disturbed kids for many years herself before becoming a part of the government.
In time the owners of the school thought it would be cheaper to put the kids locked up instead of educating them or giving them therapy. So I quit! The school collapsed within a year and
they could not get qualified persons to work under those conditions. The asked me to come back but I said no. That was the end of the school.
Univ. of California had a job for me and I could finish my doctoral research and so part of the year I was teaching and the other half (when the sun shines) I was in the Brooks range of the
Alaskan arctic studying the growth and history of Arctic Ecosystems. Finished my degree and stayed on the Univ faculty for much of my adult life.
There are some more chapters to come so stay tuned.
I hope that I am not boring you but you asked so I will tell you more if you find it interesting. Have not thought about this stuff for awhile. Would rather talk about you and my love for you. Be
safe, and know that I am here for you at least in spirit for now and soon in person keeping you in my arms for romance and adventure.
Sending my Love, David

2022-06-10 02:59:08

To my little sexy Kitty Lara Photo inside!
My sweet Lara, I am not sad or down but you cannot ever stop me from being concerned. After all you are not exactly in a real safe place. I follow the war and things are happening rather
near you and I am of course very happy to hear from you. It only takes your smile to bring joy to me. I do miss you so much. Is there any near future that you can see that you will be free to
travel? I would love to see the end of the your tour and our being together. I am so proud of you and hopelessly in love with you. I have never been in the throws of love as I am with you.
The movie photo looks like Cary Grant maybe but I do not recognize the women. I do enjoy a good movie and they keep me company often since I live alone and being rather new to this
neighborhood I haven't found many people as close friends-- just allot of howdy people. I do see a few colleagues at the Art Institute that are growing a fine friendship. I was there teaching
a watercolor class today. I have lived my life with young people, mostly students who became like family to me, and I don't find many older people that I relate to much. People in the
business world have little in common with a biologist/artist and so once you get past the weather there is not much more to say. I do not feel any problem talking to anyone but I find many
people find it difficult to talk back because they do not seem to find any common subject and that makes them uncomfortable. I do much better with children because they are inquisitive
and willing to explore any subject. It is always fun. I have spent my life talking to grown ups as a teacher and I do not find my students have the same problem as many older people. I think
many of them have not done much growing and are rather confined to their jobs and have not explored much past that. I do love a good conversation however.
As for Heidi I do not see a problem. She hides from everybody but me. She has a hiding place and I can find her when she hides. I think she will warm up to anybody that she becomes
familiar with. She is very active and investigates everything but when I sit down to read she is on my lap. I just say "want to read a book" and she is right there. She sometimes wants to share
my boobs as she starts her moving her paws up and down as a cat does.
However, as much as I love my cat there would be no issue who I would chose. You have become so much a part of me I cannot think of not being together any more that I could think of
leaving my arm or leg. I just hope that you find me as a part of your life as well.
Tour David

2022-06-09 23:48:32
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another funny story for you David!... Photo inside!
Ah, my dear David, I'm so sorry when you worry about me.
I always try to tell you right away that I'm fine so that you don't worry.
But we didn’t have electricity and the Internet in the city for several days.
I will try to tell you more funny stories from my life so that you smile more often.
I really want to bring you joy and not sadness.
One day my friend called me and told me to help her place her cat Vaska somewhere.
I asked what happened and she told me:
"My boyfriend was jealous of my cat."
I was very surprised by this explanation, but when I learned this story in more detail, I realized that Nastya needs to choose who she loves her boyfriend or cat more.
Fluffy lay down on Nastya's chest while she was watching TV.
The guy wanted to throw him off, but received resistance from the claws of her pet cat Vasya.
"Well, to hell with you, I'll go lie down on the couch!" Said the offended Roma and slept there almost all night. 161/254
And in the morning, when the cat went to the toilet, he ran and grabbed Nastya by the chest, and fell asleep, saying:
"I won't share my boobs with this cat..."
revenge, 5:33
the catPM
went and shat on his slippers. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Thus began the war of the cat and Roma.
Every day it was more and more difficult for them to get along, and in the end Nastya had to give the cat to her parents.
Have you ever encountered similar cases?
I really miss you my love!
hugs and kisses
your little sexy kitty Lara
I hope Heidi doesn't give me the same jealousy

2022-06-09 23:36:50
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Guess my riddle. Photo inside!
Hello dear David!!!
I'm glad to know you're not afraid of the scars on my body.
My leg is healing and it hurts less.
It's nice to know that you feel that way about me and that we have such a close bond.
I hope that next week I will be able to start my work again and be useful to people.
I am very glad that you passed the examination and you know that your tests are in order and you are healthy.
It's nice that you consider me talented and creative, I would love to attend your classes to further develop my love for creativity.
Now it's raining and I'm already lying in my bed and going to sleep.
I thought it would be great to watch a movie together and fall asleep in each other's arms.
Do you like black and white cinema?
Then I'll give you a riddle.
Guess from which movie the characters in the photo?
I shall wait for your answer.

2022-06-08 05:24:23


M yearning heart is yours forever Photo inside!
My darling Larisa I am sitting watching the sun go down and of course thinking about my love for you and hoping that you are in recovery. I cannot imagine what it is like with bombs
exploding around and having to cope with death on a daily basis. Truly, I only wish I could wrap you in my arms to keep you safe and tell you how much you mean to me. This is beyond
words of course but my caress and soft voice will bring you some peace and and a vision for the future we can share everything together. This future would bring from me, the power of my
total love for you, and you will know that you will never be alone -- ever. We will be infused with our love and our touch will reassure us of the power of our caring and dedication to each
My thoughts are for my caring and just how I can bring the protection and peace you will need to heal. You will never need to think that you will be alone in this world. Even as I
write. Please feel my spirit of loving around you. I am sure that God will bring this to you as you wonder just where is this going. I can tell you that I feel that our spirit is already entwined
together even as we are apart physically. Surely this must have been a source of power and bringing courage to the soldiers and their mates and families when they were away in the wars of
the past. I see that in so many survivors-- a power of everlasting love that creates a bond that is never severed. That is just how I feel about you. I am sending my loving spirit to you and will
pray for our togetherness, that tender holding, and the first kiss which is the ultimate seal of our bond.
My everlasting love, David

2022-06-05 22:27:26


RE: my home video!!!!FAMILY
My Darling, Silly Girl-- of course I will accept you if you have a scar. My love is total and there is so much more to love than a mere scar. It shows how dedicated you are to your country and in
my eyes it is evidence of your dedication. Wear it proudly.
I enjoyed your family photos they are all so good looking. Also tho photos of the soldiers women and all seem so young. I wish them safe keeping and success for their future.
Please get some rest physically as well as emotionally. 162/254
I was in the hospital yesterday for a check-up. All is well and am in good health. Had a complete GI work-up and no cancer and looking good. My father died from colon cancer so I get
checked every few years. The oncologist doesn't think I will need to go through this again as I have had clear tests for years. I had to fast for three days so it was great to get back to eating
again. As you5:33 PMMy life is full of adventure!
can see - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Your art is wonderful and I love the latest. I can see we have so many things to share--- love art! I can think of a number of "spin offs" from it. Give me a moment to calm down.
I am teaching a watercolor pencil course on Thursdays and am enjoying it. I am always impressed at the artistic talent of the students and I learn as much from them as they do from me.
I can't wait till we are together in our forever embrace. I miss you so much. Did not sleep very well last night so I think I may take a nap for now and continue with a new chapter of the
"adventure in Love, starring David and Larisa". Their may be some steamy episodes. I look forward to where we will be going and just how we will express our love on this new journey.
My love to you, David

2022-06-05 16:52:00
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my home video!!!!FAMILY
something that is dear to each of us!!!!!

2022-06-05 16:48:01
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our heroes......Look!!!!!
those who defend the homeland

2022-06-05 16:43:53
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some creativity...
maybe you will like it?

2022-06-05 16:42:20
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real beauty.....
It really shows us how good always wins over the shadows of evil... we just have to keep our eyes op

2022-06-05 15:58:59
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David, I thought you might be interested in hearing this!!!!
Honey, I sang this song with the ambulance workers. 163/254
2022-06-05 15:45:47
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


David, thank you for your support to my people. Photo inside!
Hey David dear! It was interesting to read your letter!
I really like to learn about your life, your loved ones and loved ones.
Your letters help me to better understand your character and attitude towards people.
Thank you for opening yourself up to me more and more.
I fall more and more in love with you, your personality and understand what a wonderful and extraordinary man you are.
I want to reassure you, my injury was moderate.
The soft tissues were damaged and fortunately the bone was not affected.
There was bleeding, but it was quickly stopped.
I think that as soon as the wounds heal, I can return to my work.
Such wounds cannot, unfortunately, allow me to retire from the service.
Today was not a good night again.
But the fighters managed to shoot down the missiles that were launched at our city.
Unfortunately, there were arrivals of missiles in Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Kyiv, Odessa and other cities.
Recently, shelling of all cities of Ukraine usually takes place from 2 to 4 o'clock at night, and then in the morning from 6 to 9.
Sometimes at midnight... but lately shelling has been carried out simultaneously from planes, ships and all available guns.
Most of the missiles are fired at infrastructure facilities and the railway.
Today is a wonderful, sunny morning and the birds outside the window woke me up with their chirping.
You know, it's so amazing to notice how flowers bloom under the roar of guns and how beautifully birds sing their song when they stop shooting for a while.
It tells me that life is always stronger than death.
It really shows us how good always wins over the shadows of evil... we just have to keep our eyes open!
Which is not always easy to do...
hugs and kisses

2022-06-05 15:26:44
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David, thank you for your support to my people. Photo inside!
I know and feel how you are experiencing this tragedy with me.
Last week was the most difficult for me and I received a shrapnel wound to my leg.
When we were refueling the ambulance, a mine fragment hit the car and 2 doctors.
Anna and I were injured.
I had to spend several days in the hospital.
Due to heavy shelling, we could not leave Kharkov for 2 days, and my team of doctors themselves helped us.
Then Anna and I were transferred to the Dnieper.
There I spent 2 days in the hospital and yesterday my friends took me home to my parents.
While I am recovering, I will stay with my parents.
It's hard for me to take care of myself..
Don't worry about me.
With my parents around, I'll get better quickly.
I'm worried that now there may be scars on my leg.
But I hope it doesn't scare you too much.
Now I will have more time to write you letters.
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-06-04 03:07:19


With you all the way
Dearest Larisa, am not sure if I made this clear or even commented. I am horrified that the Russians have tried to imperialistically attempted to overtake Ukraine. They have committed
unthinkable war crimes and I am deeply concerned for the safety of your people. I want to make that clear. I support the Ukrainian people and have high respect for their efforts to protect
their country and homes. Also for the integrity of the Ukrainian people and the courage they have shown. You have been a fine example and I am very proud of you. I have talked with many
of 164/254
my students and neighbors about the situation and I can say that we are totally behind you and your people. Personally I feel a real kinship and would be right beside all those who are
standing up for their home and family.
Likewise I am very worried over your safety. I am here for you always. I wanted to make that clear so you know just where I stand on the issues.
6/24/23, 5:33 PM
David - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-06-03 08:10:38


You have my heart forever. Photo inside!
My love Larisa, I want to say that everything I have said is totally true and from my heart, so you can take it as my true feelings for you. I am sorry to hear of your injury. Are you able to walk--
just lean on me. I pray for your healing. Will these injuries allow you to be released from the army? I still count the time when can come to me and get some respite from the terrible things
that are happening there. You can find peace here and of course I will take care of you. I think you are going to need some serious healing and some special peaceful loving to once again
reestablish your focus and pursue your dreams together. We can invent a loving future together.
When I look back on my life I do not see many surprises but I see that I had an idea of what I wanted to do since I was a teenager and have been fortunate to have successfully followed my
dreams and worked hard and had the courage to take some chances and it has been pretty successful professionally at least. I have no regrets even with some of the things that did not go
smoothly. In my marriage things did not have a future I could live with, but I had two wonderful kids who have made a success of their lives. No regrets and all is reasonably peaceful in our
lives-- have three grandchildren. I have fully recovered from those difficulties and have created a good life for myself that is very satisfactory.
I have been able to be a lifelong student and have a terrific memories doing some rather creative teaching that has given me and my students wonderful memories. The universities that I
have taught in (8 of them ) gave me tremendous freedom and support to create new curriculum and rather inventive courses--- how about Arctic Ecology and I will teach it in the Arctic and
we will live in our tents for the next three months.That is only a sample.
In my research I developed a number of innovative areas of research and was the progenitor of two professional Societies as well as the Geography Department at the Univ. of California. As
Set up a new National Park in the Amazon Rainforest. And more.
The crazy reckless thing I did. When I was an undergraduate student, young and dumb and newly on my own I had a desire to see the Jungle. I came up with the idea that since I did not
have a car but I could save enough to buy a small motorcycle, learned to fix it just in case, buy parts and headed for the jungles of Central America for three months and some 12,000 miles
of travel with very little money. I was newly an adult and I never asked anybody. My mother did not know even what to say and left it to my Dad. He asked me how much money I had for food
and gas and gave me some more. I think secretly he wished he could go as well. I left Central Michigan and headed south to Mexico and then South to Panama my final destination.
Needless to say I had one sore butt and I made it and continued my education and waited for my next adventure until I did my Masters research spending it on a large Island in Lake
Superior doing research on Moose, Wolves and Beaver. With the low overhead I could afford to do it and that was my thesis research.
My hero was a famous biologist William Beebe who invented the Bathosphere and I followed much of the pathway he plowed in the 1940's. I think with some of my experiences I could also
claim the title of explorer myself. I never thought of them as crazy (maybe my mother would not agree)-- just following my dreams and so I see my life as a natural progression which has
never stopped. I just set my sights and continued in that direction. I have slowed down a bit as my priorities have changed.
Now I want to marry the women of my dreams from a foreign land and together make new adventures together. I am satisfied with myself,and since I met you just how could I even think of
being anyone else? You have given me that other unfulfilled dream of final intimacy with a women with one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever encountered. I have been blessed with
your love and you have mine as well. I hope I have not frightened you off. Your life is equally adventurous and I think we have so much in common and I am patiently preparing for the future
with you. And so like you I go outside at night to see the moon and wonder if you also are looking at it. When I have a few minutes to relax my mind always searches for that wonderful
women of my dreams and then I am reassured that I am still on the path to our future and feel truly blessed.
Photo two Bishops from New York and from Arizona.
Love forever, David

2022-06-02 23:39:43
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Hi David dear!!!! Photo inside!
Hi David dear!!!!
Thanks for your nice letter.
Your letters are so supportive during this difficult time.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer you right away.
You probably saw on the news that the situation is getting more complicated every day and the shelling is intensifying.
Our missions and work took place in Zaporozhye, Dnipro and Kharkov.
Basically, we were engaged in transporting the wounded and injured people.
Yesterday I injured my leg.
A rocket fragment injured my soft tissues.
Fortunately, the bone was not damaged.
I was given first aid and sent to a hospital in the Dnieper.
I am sorry that for some time I will have to be in treatment and will not be able to save people.
You are far away now, but for me you are always near:
in my heart, soul and thoughts.
I always feel your support and this is so important to me.
I miss you dearly David.
But I understand that we must live apart, and I try to think about the good, to think that someday we will be very happy together.
I don't always manage to be strong
sometimes in the evenings, when I come home, I allow myself to be sad and cry, to give vent to emotions.
David, thoughts of you warm me every day.
Darling, I miss you.
Today I meet the dawn with thoughts of you and imagine how good it will be for us together.
When I remember you, I imagine how you paint your wonderful pictures and how little Heidi sits on your lap and gently purrs her song.
hope that in the coming days I will be transferred to Pavlograd and I will continue treatment in my city. 165/254
I think that at the weekend I will have more time and I will tell you some interesting stories.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-05-28 19:14:31


RE: hand in hand we travel the future. Photo inside!
Beautiful Larisa, I am yours forever. There are times that I feel totally consumed with my love for you. The hope is Joyous but not being present is painful but in a rather strange way--longing
and longing. I do hope that this war will end with a final release of all the things that keep us apart. We may put our arms around each other and never let go. I think that is the gateway to
paradise-- I feel it!
As for being an amateur, I think that is a blessing. If you are a professional there is a blurring between the "work obligation" and the vision that set your career in action. But as an amateur your
actions are simply through your heart and that inner voice that says "tell what is within" and let it out to share with everyone. I see beauty, empathy, response, duty, ......things we all need to
acknowledge because we are not alone on this earth.
It is much of what I feel when I see your smile. It is captivating, and holds my person hostage to all that is wonderful and beyond words. I float in a multitude of sensory awakenings-- passion,
a love that is profound beyond words, and free flight into a hoped for world, that is filled with warmth, and sensations that I seldom feel, and a new vision for our journey into LOVE.
I give my heart to you, David

2022-05-28 10:12:34
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David, I'm glad I met you.

I like to love you and give you all of myself!

2022-05-28 10:08:03
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My morning morning for you David !!!!!
smile! I send you a thousand kisses with this SMS, I really look forward to our meeting.

2022-05-28 10:03:00
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Hello my dear David! I'm glad that I can finally get some rest and read your letter. Photo inside!
Hello my dear David! I'm glad that I can finally get some rest and read your letter.
I dive back into my dreams of our future.
I really want us to revel in each other and nature.
There are so many nice things I want to do with you.
Meet the sunrises and enjoy the warm day, the birdsong and your morning kisses.
I did not sleep for two days, we had an arrival of missiles and one missile hit a military unit.
10 people died and 35 were injured under the rubble.
Rescue work and demolition of the destroyed building are still underway.
Those days were terribly difficult.
Now I must rest and during this time I will think about us and our future.
Have a good day!
hugs and kisses 166/254
I 6/24/23, 5:33 PM
like your picture. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
You are very talented.

2022-05-26 23:48:09


RE: Hello my dear Lorisa!!!!!! Photo inside!
My darling women of my dreams. I pray that you will be safe along with your companions. I too dream and hope for the time when you can sit on my lap and Purr. Just as I give Heidi my
attention I will also pet you and hug you and tell you how important you are to me and how rich you make my life. Just another thought. It is also wonderful waking up in a tent together in a
double sleeping bag. We will not have any agenda accept giving our all to each other in the leisure of early sunshine. After I kiss you, and tell you that this is a treasured morning being here
in nature with only you and talking about the day---- Let's go see .... and maybe paint it. I slept well and how did you do? Ready for some coffee? ...... Oh what a wonderful day.... it has been a
long time coming but here we are in paradise and all important we are together..... long awaited for but finally here..... could we even think of anything we could ask for? I don't think so. There
is no Amen because this is only the beginning of the journey of our lifetime together.
Heidi just read my mind and she jumped on my lap for some reassurance. The painting is of a volcano emerging from the Greenland ice sheet.
I cannot even begin to put into words just what I feel thinking of you and how much I love you. If you can conceive of infinity you are getting closer. A world without end................ My love to you,
I could just go on and on because this is the best dream of my lifetime and .................................

2022-05-26 22:41:35
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Hello my dear David!!!!!! Photo inside!
These days have been insanely difficult and I am so glad that I had some free time and I was able to read your wonderful letter.
When I read your letters, I seem to be transported mentally to you.
I imagine you sitting in your chair and baby Heidi comes up and jumps on your lap and purrs softly with pleasure.
I wish I could be in her place now!
The fighting in recent days has become even fiercer and a lot of wounded and dead.
In the next few weeks there will be decisive and difficult battles that can affect the outcome of the war.
We are very short of weapons and it is a pity that help will not be delivered until August.
I dream of the time when I will study next to you and paint my paintings.
hugs and kisses

2022-05-26 04:25:04

RE: Hey Larisa honey!!!!! Photo inside!
My Sweetheart, Obviously you have an eye for art and that's where it starts. From there it is mostly the hard work of practice and learning. So like me you are on the way.
Today mostly paperwork have written a grant proposal for my students working in East Africa studying the forest elephant. We need $50,000 for some specializes Lidar equipment (a type of
radar that can see through the trees) to count elephants from the air. This is the part of research I do not like --the paperwork. From now on I am going to tell my students that it's time you
learn to do this yourself. I want to play with my paints.
As usual I dream of you my darling. Just seeing your photo sets me on a beautiful journey into the future possibilities. It is times like these that I must tell myself that I must learn patients. Me
and Heidi curled up in a chair and had a nice nap this afternoon. She is such a comfort and all I need to say is "let's go read a book" and she finds me, and curls up on my lap. Otherwise she
is talking to me constantly and demands I join the conversation----"Yes you are my kitty cat". that's as far as her English lessons have gone, as she is not doing well in her studies of English.
However my "kitty" language studies are going fine as her vocabulary is limited. A simple "meeoww" seems to get the desired response. I love your photo of you in your military uniform
holding a cat. I am sure there are many animals that need homes now. I think that just, how you feel about the cat, based on your smile, is how I feel about you. I want to hold you and tell you
that all is well and we are going to have some cuddling together and you will see that all is right with the world when we are together because we love each other and I will always be there
for you. Hold that in your heart each hour of the day. I truly miss you and love you. David ( in charge of cuddling, whispering, hugging and kissing).

2022-05-25 00:32:10 Reply (/mailing/index/
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect86324239
woman abroad!/

Why shelling the Dnepropetrovsk region: .... Photo inside!
David, dear!
She did not give money for vodka and was stabbed.
In the neighboring town of Ternivka last night, a man stabbed a woman in the chest with a knife.
In Ternovka, an ordinary lady, wishing, went to the store to buy bread and on her way she met a man who approached her and rudely told her to give him money for vodka.
The woman said that she would not do this, and immediately after these words she received numerous stabs.
Passers-by were shocked and taxi drivers rushed to help the poor woman.
But when we arrived she had already lost a lot of blood and could not be saved.
there were 23 stab wounds on her body.
for causing grievous bodily harm to a woman, the police detained a 58-year-old man.
But people were outraged by the fact that the police were only five meters from the incident, and the criminal spent the whole night and half a day at large.
And he was detained only when the whole city was indignant at this event.
And in the Dnieper, a looter was caught who wanted to rob an elderly woman
In the Dnieper, in the village of Igren, local residents caught a marauder.
It turned out to be a young man who wanted to rob an elderly woman.
As it became known, the thief was caught red-handed at the very moment when he tried to break down the door to the pensioner's house.
Thanks to the neighbors, the woman remained alive and saved.
The criminal also had a knife in his hand and he could have killed the old woman.
It seems that now you need to rely only on yourself and it’s good if there are such neighbors who can come to the rescue.
It's so difficult to live here and sometimes I get terribly mentally tired from the fact that I have to see cruelty so often and it's not always possible to come to the rescue in time.
When you look back at your life, what surprises you the most?
Are you often in shock, on courage, on the rise?
What was your most important conscious decision that affected your life?
What crazy and reckless things have you done?
Do you strive to be like someone else?

2022-05-25 00:29:52
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Why shelling the Dnepropetrovsk region: .... Photo inside!
Hi David!
How are you, dear?
Probably the next few days will be difficult for us.
Especially for those who live in our area.
I think that the shelling of missiles will only increase.
I think that Russian troops are shelling the Dnepropetrovsk region in order to prevent the Ukrainian military from transferring their forces to other directions.
To strengthen the positions of our troops in the east.
But unfortunately now we are getting a lot of problems from marauders and other villains.
A few days ago I was on a call in a nearby town.
It was a challenge when a man stabbed a woman in the chest for not giving him money for vodka.
The woman could not be saved and she died from blood loss.
I'll tell you this story later
It seems that now the essence of each person climbs out.
Difficult times show what a person really is.
War shows well who is who.
Who shows his best features, and who reveals the hidden evil.
Now I'm looking at the sky and I want to imagine your eyes.
I thought that maybe you are also looking at the sky now and thinking about me!!!!
I want to wish this day to be happy and successful for you!!!
here is another one of my pictures

2022-05-25 00:18:56
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Delete 168/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Why shelling the Dnepropetrovsk region: .... Photo inside!
Hi David!
How are you, dear?
Probably the next few days will be difficult for us.
Especially for those who live in our area.
I think that the shelling of missiles will only increase.
I think that Russian troops are shelling the Dnepropetrovsk region in order to prevent the Ukrainian military from transferring their forces to other directions.
To strengthen the positions of our troops in the east.
But unfortunately now we are getting a lot of problems from marauders and other villains.
A few days ago I was on a call in a nearby town.
It was a challenge when a man stabbed a woman in the chest for not giving him money for vodka.
The woman could not be saved and she died from blood loss.
I'll tell you this story later
It seems that now the essence of each person climbs out.
Difficult times show what a person really is.
War shows well who is who.
Who shows his best features, and who reveals the hidden evil.
Now I'm looking at the sky and I want to imagine your eyes.
I thought that maybe you are also looking at the sky now and thinking about me!!!!
I want to wish this day to be happy and successful for you!!!
here is another one of my pictures

2022-05-25 00:14:16
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Hey David honey!!!!! Photo inside!
David, I only have a medical background.
Art is just my passion since childhood.
I'm just a creative person and I draw to express my feelings or just to relax and calm down.
In my collection there are paintings painted in watercolor and oil.
There are works where I use gouache and ink, I like to experiment.
Watercolor can be written on dry or wet paper immediately, in full color, and you can work with glazing, gradually refining the color relationships of nature.
But in my opinion, watercolor does not tolerate corrections, torture, numerous repeated registrations with mixed paints.
Sometimes I use watercolor technique in combination with other materials: gouache, tempera, charcoal.
However, in this case, the main qualities of watercolor painting are lost - saturation, transparency, purity and freshness, that is, exactly what distinguishes watercolor from any other
Drawing with a simple pencil is just a good leisure option for me and I can write someone's portrait or a comic cartoon while relaxing.
I have paintings that I make from various improvised materials from coffee beans, corn, grains and other natural materials.
And I can also use modeling in my paintings for the linear outline of the depicted figure, its outline.
I am self-taught and painting is just my hobby.
In addition, I love to embroider icons and Ukrainian Easter eggs.
These are national clothes.
I also love to create different beautiful things,
If you are interested I will send you some of my work.
But they are amateur and not as good as yours.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-24 23:37:10
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(/user/profile/i 169/254
You have beautiful pictures and I really want to see them! Photo inside!
6/24/23,at the5:33
PM in Tucson-- that's cool!!!! - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
You are a real celebrity and I am so proud to call you my man!
Good morning!!!!
Today we went to a neighboring town to transfer elderly people with disabilities to a safe place from a pensioner's house that was partially destroyed.
They were given temporary shelter in a kindergarten.
But I am very worried about these people, because in the fall they will have to be released.
Where will these people live and who will take care of them.
I wouldn't want my parents to ever be in such a terrible situation.
Now I have a lunch break and I can rest a little.
I finish my tea and think of you.

2022-05-22 22:00:05

Art Photo inside!
My Sweet heart, I just thought I would mention that I too have not had a painting hung in the Louvre like so many other artists. I wonder if that is a badge of honor? (ha ha)
Thinking of you and hope you are getting some rest. My love for you has not faded a bit.
But just in the museum in Tucson-- mine is the yellow one at the right.

2022-05-21 23:07:01


Tell me about you. Photo inside!
Sweet heart, Tell me about your growing up and your education. I am most interested in your personal life. What do you paint and what media? I mostly use watercolor, gouache and ink as
my favorite and also oil. I have used acrylic but it is not my favorite as is does not have the "complexity" of the pigment unless you mix it yourself but in watercolor you get all kinds of
variation as the paint mixes itself. Also within each hue you have both the main hue as well as the undertones. Actually I do not practice enough to improve as much as I could as I know
more about art intellectually than I can demonstrate in my painting. What type of art do you like the most and favorite painters. I like the Impressionists the most. I have gone to art school for
nearly 30 years and have not been able to find many new classes for me but I do teach classes in painting at the Art Institute. I have never cared much for pastels even though I did some
portraits in oil pastel and never returned. Scratchboard is ok. I have done furry animals in it but it does not lend itself to many subjects. Never tried sculpture. I think one must feel something
for the media to use it well and I like to paint mostly. Of course one must draw no matter what media you use. I have done numerous courses in colored pencil; it's fine for quick sketches but
I like the aquarell pencils better but it is difficult to make larger drawings though and there is not much you can use postcard size drawings or those done on Mylar plastic. My favorite
professor and friend is one of the most famous colored pencil artists and I take any classes she teaches. Her name is Janie Gildow and has several books published. I will enclose a photo of
her with me.
Can you tell me if you have any idea when you cloud come here and if you are going to come sometime for sure. Is that the plan still? I hope we won't tire of writing and fade away. I am here
for you.
My love, David Hugs and kisses

2022-05-21 13:54:16
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continuation............... Photo inside!
Sometimes it surprises me that the life of many artists was completely different and some of them were bizarre and extraordinary people.
but their talent still never ceases to amaze us.
Georges Braque became the first artist whose work was exhibited in the Louvre during the author's lifetime.
The Dutch painter Piet Mondrian, one of the fathers of abstract art, was a real workaholic.
Sometimes he continued to work until his hands were blisters from the brush.
Artist Jackson Pollock used cigarettes instead of brushes.
An Anish Kapoor painting, which belonged to a collector, was once thrown away by employees of the company that provided storage for the collection.
They mistook it for trash.
The first exhibition of Paul Cezanne took place when he was 56 years old.
The artist Henri Matisse had one strange phobia - he was afraid of going blind.
He even learned to play the violin so that he could earn a living if he suddenly lost his sight. 170/254
The most expensive painting ever sold at auction is The Scream by Edvard Munch.
The first word spoken by the young Picasso was not "mother" or "dad", but "pencil".
Another 5:33 PMartist, Raphael, created many religious paintings.
Renaissance - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
However, he himself was an atheist.
Michelangelo was not only an artist, but also a poet.
About three hundred poems created by him have come down to us.
Renaissance artist Michelangelo signed only one of his paintings.
Michelangelo also became the first famous painter whose biography was written and published during his lifetime.
I hope that you learned something new and it was interesting for you to read my letters.
I miss you my sweet David!
Today I got a day off and all day I rest and be lazy.
I need to rest physically and mentally.
I see too much blood, pain and suffering of people and it breaks my heart.
hugs and kisses

2022-05-21 13:47:03
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David, thanks for sharing your work with me. Photo inside!
Your paintings are amazing and varied and I admire your talent.
I want to continue my story about the amazing life of artists of different eras.
Maybe it will be interesting for you
During his lifetime, Vincent van Gogh sold, contrary to popular myth, not one painting, but many more.
But he received very little money for his paintings.
Van Gogh repeatedly ended up in psychiatric hospitals. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia (see 20 interesting facts about Van Gogh).
Van Gogh's paintings are dominated by yellow tones.
Documented sales of at least 14 paintings.
And Renoir in his youth was a tailor, and also repaired and made shoes.
Renoir discovered he could paint with his left hand as well as his right after breaking his right arm.
Renoir's creative career lasted about 60 years, during which time he created about 6,000 canvases (see 15 interesting facts about Renoir).
Renoir was in love with drawing with all his heart.
Already very old, suffering from arthritis, he could not hold a brush in his hands, but he continued to write anyway, tying the brush to his sleeve.
Paul Gauguin at one time worked on the construction of the Panama Canal.
Paul Gauguin, a French painter, spent most of his childhood in the exotic country of Peru.
Among the great artists there were many left-handers. Much more than among representatives of most other professions.
The painter Paul Gauguin was a very talented woodcarver.
But it was his, as they would say now, hobby.
The artist Edgar Degas was a fan of dance and ballet. Dancers and dancers are depicted in more than 1500 of his paintings.
The paintings of Aivazovsky, the famous marine painter, are so realistic
that he was once even accused of fraud - evil tongues claimed that he placed lamps behind the paintings, which give his canvases such brightness.
The famous Rubens was twice a knight.
The knighthood was granted to him by two kings at once, English and Spanish.
Claude Monet, who worked mainly in the genre of impressionism, began with caricatures.
Even as a child, he portrayed his own teachers in a comical way.
Claude Monet decided to devote his life to art after winning a large amount of money in the lottery.
Prior to that, he worked as a messenger.

2022-05-21 13:42:14
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Dear David!!! Photo inside!
I really like to study the biography of great people,
especially artists.
One can learn so many amazing facts about it.
For example, on each canvas of Salvador Dali, if you look closely, you can find his encrypted self-portrait or silhouette.
Salvador Dali did not like children. He even had fun in a very strange way - he came to the playgrounds,
he took out a bunch of sweets from his pocket, unwrapped them, licked them and threw them on the ground to tease the kids.
The body of the artist Salvador Dali, according to his last will, is walled up in the floor in the museum named after him in the city of Figueres.
Salvador Dali claimed to be the reincarnation of his dead brother.
The Chupa Chups candy wrapper was designed by Salvador Dali.
Moreover, he did not take money for the work, setting in return the condition that a box of candies be brought to him every day for the rest of his life.
Once Salvador Dali was walking around New York with a two-meter loaf of bread. 171/254
He loved to shock the audience
And 5:33 the
for example, PMfamous Renaissance artist, Leonardo da Vinci,
was also a scientist. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
So, he was the first to scientifically explain why the sky is blue.
Leonardo da Vinci was equally good with both right and left hands.
He painted the most expensive and famous painting in the world.
We are talking about the Mona Lisa, for which a separate room has even been allocated in the Louvre in Paris.
The famous Mona Lisa was stolen in 1912.
It was found three years later, and during this time, 6 copies of it were sold by various scammers, pretending to be a stolen original.
Less than 30 paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have survived to this day.

2022-05-21 13:08:58
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Interesting facts about some famous artists. Photo inside!
Dear David!❤️‍
I want to share with you some interesting facts about artists.
You6 know that Van Gogh did not cut off his ear.
But he still amputated his earlobe.
Leonardo da Vinci was a vegetarian.
I think that one of the most eccentric artists can be called Salvador Dali.
He liked to shock people.
And once he showed up for an exhibition in a diving suit.
The famous artist Pablo Picasso was very poor in his youth.
Once he even had to heat the stove with his own paintings, because he had no money for firewood.
if you read in depth the life story of this artist, you can find many interesting facts about Picasso.
The full name of Picasso consists of 23 words.
Henri Matisse's The Boat once hung upside down in an exhibition for a month and a half before someone noticed the mistake.
The world of creativity and art is very mysterious and incredible, as well as many people of art.

2022-05-21 12:59:50
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Wow!!! David is an elant and versatile person!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
You amaze me more and more!
Great artists forever leave their mark on the history of painting.
They are all so different, educated and not very well-educated, poor and rich, born in different parts of the world…
But they all have one thing in common - an amazing talent that they managed to develop in themselves.
Perhaps someday your paintings will adorn the best galleries in the world.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am very proud of your talent.
Happy weekend!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-21 00:47:33


RE: Hi David!!! I am so proud of you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
I am sending a photo of one of my paintings. I am pleased with is and unfortunately I sold it. I tell myself I could make another; not sure that is true as I must be in the right mood and lately I
have not been painting as much and when that happens you lose your craftmanship. I have tried to avoid selling because it makes me feel that I should paint for money and I have talked to
other painters and they have said it tends to focus on what is selling and undermines your creativity. So I use a different name on for sale things so collectors do not come looking for me. I
seldom put things out for sale accept small sketches while I am outside painting. Few people appreciate the work you put into a painting and always question the price-- hate it. 172/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-05-21 00:19:17


RE: Oh dear Larisa! Photo inside!
My Darling, Another thing we have in common is that we both have the same heart disease, and it can be blissful and at times painful. I try to take my meds and keep it blissful.
Is your wartime army duty have a specified time frame? Or does it depend on the progress of the war? I am trying to get some idea of when possibly we can be together. It is what goes
through my mind daily. I do miss you so much.
Your climate has much gray days and rain I see. I am sure it makes things green. Here in Arizona we have not had rain this year yet but the summer is the time for it. We only have about 13
inches per year in this arid region but the sun shines everyday and this brings tourists here especially in the winter. Mild sunny days.
I did some paintings of Indian legends and this one is "Mother Nature: rooted in the soil and speaking to Father sun with her golden breath.
Love to you, David

2022-05-21 00:07:21


RE: Interesting facts about embroidery .... Photo inside!
My Love, If you will make one I would wear it with pride. My shirt size is XL. These are beautiful and the customs that it relates to is powerful. I wish we had something like that here in the US.
The only thing I can think of are Ball hate with the logo of the teams or T-shirts with similar messages. My only thing I have is a shirt my sister gave me :piles of books are not considered
clutter". That's my sister.
a painting of a Black Bear titled "Up a Tree".

2022-05-20 00:04:22
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Oh dear David! Photo inside!
Oh dear David!
It's a terrible thing, I was diagnosed and found you in my heart!
It's raining outside and it makes me want to sleep.
Rain always makes me sleepy.
I think that my short and funny jokes will cheer you up and you will smile again.
I really like your smile

2022-05-20 00:01:29
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my joke letter for you David Photo inside!
David, I took a shower and I'm going to rest.
another air raid.
It seems that the night will not be calm.
but I won't go for cover.
I am tired and want to sleep.
Good dreams, dear! .❤️‍
I wanted to send you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun, but I couldn't find my photo. ❤️‍
hugs and kisses
Larisa 173/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-05-19 23:58:36
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It will probably be interesting for you... Photo inside!
My dear David!
I know that you like to learn something new and maybe you will be interested to know about some of the traditions and customs of my people.
A very characteristic technique for the Poltava region is embroidery with white threads on a white canvas.
Looks very soft and beautiful.
On old shirts, the embroidery technique is as follows:
the shirt-front is embroidered with white threads and outlined with black, sometimes colored, stripes.
Shirts were embroidered, both in satin stitch and in cross stitch.
Such shirts are peculiar only to the Poltava region.
But also here they embroider with black, red, gray threads.
Less often - with other colored threads;
The southern regions and the Kharkiv region are characterized by embroidery, which is adopted in the center of Ukraine, but also has its own characteristics.
Ornaments on shirts were embroidered with a cross and a semi-cross.
Such patterns give the impression of relief due to the fact that they were embroidered with coarse threads;
Geometric and rhomboid patterns are typical for Polissya and Volhynia embroidered shirts.
Red threads on a white-gray canvas;
Chernihiv shirts are embroidered with white, red and black threads.
The stitches are small, which gives the impression of beaded embroidery;
The capital of Ukraine - Kyiv - is characterized by such floral ornaments: hops, viburnum, oak, grapes.
As well as geometric figures: squares, rosettes, rhombuses.
Color scheme - black and red;
Podolia shirts are very colorful and varied.
They are characterized by such a technique as hemstitching - this is when the threads on the canvas are pulled along.
Perpendicular to the remaining threads, sheathed in white or colored.
The hemstitch technique is reminiscent of lace.
With this technique, you can make both small drawings and sheathe almost the entire shirt.
Podillia is characterized by plain lace “spiders” and multi-colored “shabak”.
Ornaments are embroidered one - or two-color - black with the addition of red or blue, or yellow;
Western regions are characterized by a variety of patterns and colors.
Here you can find geometric multi-colored patterns, and a shirt embroidered only in blue flowers.
For example, it is typical for Ternopil to sheathe only the sleeves of a shirt.
But the sleeve is embroidered all along with beveled or longitudinal stripes.
Transcarpathian craftswomen embroider with a zigzag (the so-called “karakul”).
Threads are selected for the ornament, both black and red and colored.
Would you like me to embroider a Ukrainian vyshyvanka for you?
Which one would you like?
I think that the option of embroidering with white threads on a white canvas would suit you, as they do in Poltava.
It would look very festive and elegant.
And your daughter would suit an embroidered shirt with red or blue flowers.
Thank you for sharing your paintings with me
I really like your art
kiss and hug
your Larisa

2022-05-19 23:52:47
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RE: RE: RE: RE: David, honey! Thanks for sharing your life story with me. It was very interesting for me, it helps me to know and understand your
inner world better. Photo inside!
David, I have already embroidered about vyshyvankas myself for my relatives and for myself.
If you want, I will make a male version for you.
Our ancestors believed that a shirt adjacent to the body is a conductor of magical power that protects its owner from everything bad. In this regard, there were many signs and superstitions.
Women's shirts were spun only from hemp or linen. It was believed that these plants protect the expectant mother and her unborn child.
Great importance was attached to the ornament on embroidered shirts. It was impossible to adopt a drawing, for example, from a girlfriend or relative, as this meant that a person, as it were,
“takes away” or “repeats” someone else's fate.
There is also such a custom: the young bride had to give the groom and his parents an embroidered shirt each. Before sitting down to embroider, a shirt for a future mother-in-law had to be
soaked in very salty water in order to avoid troubles and tears in the future family.
❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️ 174/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-05-19 23:49:00
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Hi David!!! I am so proud of you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
Hi David!!! I am so proud of you!!!
I would love to see your paintings.
I'm sure they are beautiful and unique.
Maybe someday I will pose for you and you will draw my portrait.
You are very talented and I am so proud of you David!!!
I'll go to bed now and think of you.
I hope we meet tonight in our wildest dreams.
Your house is amazing and everything is so conveniently arranged in it.
I love.
So many books, wonderful place
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-19 23:38:56
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Interesting facts about embroidery .... Photo inside!
My beloved David
Maybe you will be interested to know some interesting facts about the Ukrainian vyshyvanka.
Only women undertook to embroider national clothes, because it was they who gave the product powerful positive energy, and vyshyvanka symbolized goodness, loyalty and love.
Mothers passed this craft on to their daughters, grandmothers to granddaughters.
Cross-stitch is the most popular stitch, which is used not only in embroidered shirts, but also in other embroidered products.
Most often, elements of a plant and geometric nature were made with a cross.

2022-05-19 23:33:49


Good day today Photo inside!
I do believe in good things and am truly thankful for meeting you and having you in my life. My life is so much richer for it. Sometimes I wonder how I could have missed having someone in
my life like you. My love is stronger by the day and I am hoping you are feeling the same.
You were wondering how the Javalinas got into my yard. I am on the border of a State Wilderness area. These areas are composed of thousands and thousands of acres so there is no fence.
Since I am on the border the wildlife wanders into my yard anytime. I feed the birds and the javilinas (wild pigs) know that the birds are spilling seeds so they often make a stop to see what is
for supper. The coyotes and bobcats are also regular visitors as well along with the birds.
Your embroidery is beautiful and it is wonderful to have such ethnic identity. Such regionalism is not very strong in the US other than our family background. Our next holiday is the 4th of July
of Independence Day from England--- picnics and fireworks and dances.
I am sending my love and know I am here for you as always.
My love David

2022-05-19 22:08:14
Reply (/mailing/index/


David ,honey, today is no ordinary day. Photo inside! 175/254
Today there are many people in embroidered shirts on the streets.
This is the day of Ukrainian vyshyvanka.
Our 5:33
ancestors PM real beauty from linen and threads, which still
created - Trusted
remains the main attribute international
of every Ukrainian dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Historically, each region or region of Ukraine has its own special patterns for embroidering shirts.
Teble knows that our ancestors believed that each element on an embroidered shirt has its own meaning, because a combination of certain patterns can bring trouble to their fate, or vice
versa - happiness and good luck.
Vyshyvanka Day is a holiday designed to preserve and popularize the original traditions of creating and wearing ethnic embroidered Ukrainian clothes.
It used to be believed that it was she who protects a person throughout life, gives him fate, health and warns against adversity.
Today I could not return to the city.
We are located in the Zaporozhye region.
We are waiting for the opportunity to pick up the wounded soldiers.
Today it was not possible to do this.
your Larisa

2022-05-19 14:21:38
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Hello David dear! MMMMM Photo inside!
Very comfortable and spacious kitchen.
I like your taste.
I am a morning person and like to wake up early.
But now my schedule is so shifted and often I do not sleep for several days because of work.
Everything has changed.
Recently, my friend Tanya, who lived in my apartment with her son and daughter-in-law, left for Khmelnitsky.
So yesterday I was able to stay overnight in my apartment.
It's so nice to be back at home.
I slept so soundly that I didn't even hear the air raid alert.
As it turned out, it lasted almost all night.
You asked for my personal email, I gave it.
But I can't use it often.
Today we went to work in the direction of Bakhmut.
I will write to you later with all the news.
We haven't reached our destination yet.
Pet and hug baby Khandi for me.
hugs and kisses

2022-05-19 00:50:41

RE: David, I'm sorry to have to make you worry! Photo inside!
I hesitated to write that note, but I was not sad I was terrified that I may lose you. I did say that probably it was a bit irrational but that was how I woke up. I am now in control of myself. I did
not really know how your family would react about your coming to the USA.
Your not leaving them, as we can go back to visit as needed. I have only been to Europe for a few days to St Petersburg for military duty a long time ago. So I have allot to see myself.
The comment of my dad "mortgage every day of the week " should say "every day of the year".
As for breakfast, it is usually casual so you do not have to wear an evening dress. I put in a photo of the Kitchen. Are you a morning person or an evening person?

2022-05-19 00:31:48


RE: memories...........Wonderful neighbor Photo inside!
Larisa you are my blessing. My mother was like you. At Christmas time she made her Butter Toffee with a nut coating. It was given to all the neighbors but also my friends. It felt so good that I
had something so special to give to my friends, teachers, and to my adult friend who ran the aquarium, they would give me tropical fish when as a teen I did not have much money to spend
and give me leaky aquaria so I could fix them or put soil for terraria, I will never forget them. My bedroom was always bubbling with the aquariums and that was what I would go to sleep
with. My mother put up with me. She was the one who saw to it that I had proper dress, manners, and went to Church and was home at a proper hour. She was that civilizing influence 176/254
in my
life. I am not totally sure that she understood me though; I got that from my father. Bedtime stories were from my father when I was young and were not very traditional. He introduced me to
Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato for instance. Not your typical children's story-- The theory of the perfect sphere for instance. Sometimes I wonder if he needed a friend to talk about academic
topics with?5:33 PMdays we may hit Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven.
On other - Trusted
It was my mother that international
was the disciplinarian but itdating
was mysite since
father 2008.sure
that made Meet your
I had workperfect
to do. Hewoman abroad!/
had many projects
and I was his helper-- brick layer, carpenter, cement work, clean up, painter of houses you name it. I wold say I don't even know how to do that and he would say figure it out-- talk to the
man at the hardware store and get some advice. We built two houses together doing all the work ourselves. I learned allot and I had the
blisters to prove it. So I had an after school job and then my Dad's work, and my music lessons and practice. Needless to say was busy. No football for me but on Friday night we had a teen
dance and I usually went. Fortunately I could put much of my music practice during school hours as that counted as a course. I lived in a very musical town. My fathers occupation was real
estate and he also bought and sold houses and I fixed them up. One day he called me into his office and said i want you to see this. He opened up a file drawer and said as I looked at the
files, "I now have a mortgage to pay each day of the week". So were we rich, no. My Dad would feel sorry for some elderly person or a hardworking person and sell them a house they could
afford often at a loss for him. Fortunately he had free labor to fix things up with--me.
So that was my legacy from my Dad, but he paid for my expensive music lessons when there was no other kid in the town who had those expenses. He could have said we can't afford that.
When minimum wage was .50 cents an hour, my lessons were $75 dollars an hour and he never hesitated. He felt it was an honor that I could perform at that level and He was proud of that.
So I was fortunate. When I applied to Oberlin Conservatory for College I was accepted as fast as the mail would come. So another chapter of my life. I wish I had more photos of me but I was
always the photographer. David

2022-05-18 23:45:17


RE: Good morning my dearLarisa Photo inside!
You are my hero and everyday my love grows and grows; just where am I going to put it all? I wake up, day or night with your smile in my mind, but I cannot put my arm around you and feel
your warmth or kiss your neck and then kiss your lips and then kiss and hug...... everywhere. Do I want to get up--- definitely not. Not until I am exhausted and take a few moments to rest and
start again... and again... I am so happy that we are together. I will be here for you for life. I am joyous and I feel that a new world has opened up for us and I hold out my hand for you so we
can proceed beyond the Paradise in our mind to creating it in our midst.
Just how could anybody not believe in God; just how else could all this have happened otherwise.
David in love with you.

2022-05-18 21:05:38

RE: RE: RE: David, honey! Thanks for sharing your life story with me. It was very interesting for me, it helps me to know and understand your inner
world better. Photo inside!
Sweetheart Larisa, I have always had animals as I was raised on a farm. My first cats name was Ginger and my first dog was a black Cocker Spaniel named Jill. I was raised in a hunting and
fishing culture and all males hunted. As a youngster I mostly hunted rabbits and squirrels and later pheasants and deer mostly. Because I was a "mad scientist" as I cleaned the animals for
the table I preserved the organs in alcohol as part of my collection of biological specimens. I also had my own horse named lightning. I have had horses also for my children until they left for
College. In my younger years we farmed with horses and as young as six I could handle a team of draft horses-- my dad plowed and I came up behind and dragged the soil to break up the
clumps after I came home from school.
All my dogs were setters or spaniels and my sister was in charge of the cats. At one time we had two litter of kittens and I asked her if I could have one. She finally said ok and gave me a gray
cat with a broken tail. I was in charge of the small animals-- chickens, geese, rabbits, goats (I love goats) for milk, and the calves. Dad took care of the adult cows and horses.
My collection of animals continually grew both alive and preserved, of frogs, snakes, fish, insects, a pet opossum and a pet raccoon and turtles. So my bedroom and the basement was a zoo
with lots of jars filled with "Specimens". Not totally sure I ever grew out of that. Photo of my current "lab".

2022-05-18 15:55:11
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RE: RE: David, honey! Thanks for sharing your life story with me. It was very interesting for me, it helps me to know and understand your inner
world better. Photo inside!
another story for you
My dear David!
A married couple with a child lives in the apartment opposite.
They are always at work.
One day I was at home when the doorbell rang.
I open it, and there is my young neighbor - he says that the governess has forgotten something in the car, and he is bored waiting.
They stood for 15 minutes talking.
Then I found out that his classmates offend him, and he is embarrassed to tell his parents.
Because his dad is a cool businessman, but he is never interested in the life and interests of his son. 177/254
The next day I went to school to deal with the offenders.
I return home - then Dima flies out of the apartment and hugs me, shouting:
"They 5:33 PM
apologized! - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Thank you, thank you!”
And his parents are at the door.
I had to explain to them.
And so, either a younger brother or a young friend appeared in my life.

2022-05-18 15:50:03
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My dear David! Photo inside!
It is always interesting to read your letters.
I was interested to know your opinion.
It helps to get to know you more.
I see that our opinions are largely similar.
I want to tell you more about some of my neighbors.
It was an Armenian family
I always considered them unsociable, on my mind, because they don’t communicate with anyone, they run past with their heads down,
and children do not greet at a meeting.
And then I found out that the father of the family repaired the playground in the yard at his own expense,
mother brings food to a lonely grandmother - a neighbor upstairs.
Once I baked an apple pie and decided to take it to them.
I said that it was from the entire entrance in gratitude for the playground.
Each of us tries to calculate in advance any possible inconsistencies so that there are fewer problems in life.
But even advanced analysts cannot avoid incidents that happen because of some little thing,
and bring a lot of inconvenience.
We have a little remarkable grandfather living in our house.
But it was only before the war that we learned what a wonderful person he was.
Grandpa went out to the balcony at night.
I noticed that someone was picking in the car of one of the neighbors.
He pushed his grandmother and told him to call the police, and he grabbed an ax and rushed out into the street.
When the thief saw that his grandfather was flying at him with an ax, he locked himself in the car and tried to start it,
but he didn’t have enough brains to connect the necessary wires ...
And so he sat, surrounded by several old men, until the police arrived.
You know, only now I understand how unique all my neighbors are.

2022-05-18 15:23:12
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About my neighbors.... Photo inside!
Hello dear David!
I told you in one of my letters that now my friends from Kramotorsk live in my apartment.
This is my friend Tanya, her son and daughter-in-law.
They escaped the shelling after spending days in basements and lived with me for more than a month.
Yesterday they went to Khmelnitsky, to a quieter region.
This is further away from hostilities and they were afraid to stay in Pavlograd due to the fact that shelling has become more frequent here.
I met her when she left to pick up the keys to the apartment and say goodbye to her.
I saw some of my neighbors and memories came flooding back.
Today I remembered how it was once good for me to live in my bright and comfortable apartment.
I want to tell you one more little story.
My upstairs neighbors are a young, constantly arguing couple.
Our house is very well audible, so I become a witness to every scandal.
Somehow one regular evening was no exception.
I decided to play something on the piano.
Almost immediately, the screams became quieter, and then completely stopped.
I finished playing, the guy and the girl began to discuss my performance,
and then the young man told his wife that he was madly in love with her.
I have always done this after that.
When they started arguing, I played the piano and after that they guessed what the melody was or discussed my performance and reconciled again. 178/254
That's how I found a way to calm down my loud neighbors.
I thought you might like my story about those people who lived next to me in the neighborhood for many years.
How do you5:33 PM neighbors?
treat your - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-05-18 10:38:38
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Hi David ! Wow! Great photo Photo inside!
It seems that you have loved cats since childhood.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with me.
Yesterday in Bakhmut, a hospital was smashed with rocket attacks.
This upset me.
This place was used to stabilize the wounded fighters and prepare them for transportation to the Dnieper.
300 beds functioned here and now part of the building has been destroyed.
Now only up to 100 people can be accommodated here.
I really love your stories.

2022-05-18 10:28:50
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memories........... Photo inside!
Hi David ! I just got back from the bomb shelter.
Again there was an air raid.
I decided to write you another letter and tell you one little story from my life.
There are 4 apartments per floor in our wing.
Every year on New Year's Eve, I always put a box of Raffaello chocolates on the bedside table.
On a piece of paper with a marker I write a congratulation to all my neighbors, I attach it to the front door to the wing,
and... the cycle of sweets in the box begins!
Neighbors treat themselves to rafaelki, put their sweets in a box, the contents are constantly updated right before the Old New Year.
I like to watch my neighbors wondering who is doing it.
They embarrassedly rejoice at this and I am extremely pleased to see them happy and joyful.
Then, for some holiday, I also prepared another chocolate gift for my neighbors.
And in the elevator of my house, I once pasted a poem printed on a printer, of course, leaving it without a signature.
Talking with neighbors, I realized that everyone likes the idea of ​sharing their favorite works.
Since then, every week I find a new little-known poem and do with it the same way as with the first one.
All the neighbors were very happy, some followed my example, and now there is always “something to read” in the elevator.
It really unites and makes the world at least a little better.
You know, when the war ends and all my neighbors go back to their apartments again, I will give them another pleasant surprise.
I will draw a beautiful picture on the wall and it will delight them.
Only now I understand how they are all dear to me.
Although many are noisy and harmful.
But I'll be so glad to see them all alive and unharmed.
I wish you a good evening!
kiss and hug
your Larisa

2022-05-18 10:19:31
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David, I'm sorry to have to make you worry! Photo inside! 179/254
Don't worry and work hard.
Angels look after me and we mostly go to work in armored ambulances.
This 5:33time
is a difficult PMfor everyone. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I will be glad if you pudesh calm.
Because your extra anxiety upsets me.
I don't want you to be sad and live in sadness.
I like your smile.
The Lord will take care of me and you must believe in it.
I will write to you as soon as I have the opportunity so you just wait for my letters.
Have a good mood!❤️‍

2022-05-18 10:07:30
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David, don't worry... Just believe in good things. Photo inside!
hello my darling
This is a normal day.
You know, honey, there's a war going on in my country right now, and it's a difficult time for everyone.
But my people are brave and strong, and we will fight to the last drop of blood until we drive the last soldier of the enemy army from our land.
today I will be your sunshine
Dear, I want to share my poetry with you.
Maybe you will like her?
Still alive .... And thank God!
I'm still on my way! ! !
I still hope...and I love...
Thank God I say
For every day
for every moment, for the fact that it will prolong them ....
Thank you Lord! ! !
For everything that is in my destiny

2022-05-18 09:59:44
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Good morning my dear David! Photo inside!
Good morning my dear David!
I hasten to inform you that I'm fine.
I am alive and well and continue to do my job.
Don't worry if I don't write every day.
I often go to places where there is no connection.
And I often just don't have enough time.
Sometimes we spend several days at work.
After all, we often accompany humanitarian corridors.
It happens that we take out the wounded for several days, and when I return, I don’t even have enough strength to eat, and then I sleep off for a day.
This is my job.
My parents are fine so far, but I haven't seen them in a few days.
I just woke up, after yesterday's trip I was given time to rest.
In the evening I start my work again.
I so wanted to wake up to see your face on the pillow next to me.
It would be great to wake up and see you smile.
I wanted to tell you that I am very grateful that you believe in the victory of our Ukrainian army and our people.
You know, in fact, the Ukrainians are very warlike and hardy, and they are ready to fight for their land to the last drop of blood.
I hope when you wake up you remember me.
May your day be successful today!
I really like your photos.
kiss and hug ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
with love Larisa 180/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-05-18 04:12:50


Hopelessly in love with Larissa. Photo inside!
My darling I am not sure why but I have a feeling that you may be hurt or maybe your parents do not want to have you moving away or something? I did not sleep very soundly last night
maybe that is it? I am for the first time truly and passionately in love with you and my dreams and hopes are to spend our life together. I have never felt this way about anybody before this. I
suspect that you are back to work and maybe it is simply you are just busy. I keep telling myself that but the voice inside me keeps me worrying. If anything happens to you I will be
heartbroken. Oh, I think you asked me if I communicate with my ex and the answer is no. You are the only female outside my family that I communicate with. Please let me know you are fine.

2022-05-15 03:30:58


RE: I want to give you all my sunrises and sunsets. Photo inside!
Lovely Larisa, You are my sunrise and my sunset as that is what I wake up to in my mind and hopeful forever in body. The reasons I love you so much; where to start. Well lets start with the
smile ( portrait in the yellow jacket). For me that is perfect chemistry and I look for it in every photo. And I could move on to my continued discoveries in your photo library down to pure
nakedness. Note in your photo that is your primary one you are not smiling but your beauty in my mind still shines through. Am I mad!
For sure--- mad about you. As we began to explore each others worlds I saw no red flags--- nothing I had issue with and so I pushed on and we began to move on to the more personal
things and found we had similar values and our interests are shared and we appeared to have the same hopes and dreams. So there seems to be compatibility in the important areas. Also I
perceived that we shares the same interest in each other, after all on March 18th you said you would marry me--- I will never forget that. It was pure joy, like I had at last landed on a very
long voyage and at last had found that dreamed for purpose I had been hunting for over numerous years. The chemistry was great, and the shared values were right on, and we had so
much to share and you continue to make me marvel at the continuing discoveries about you and me. Incredibly all in one package with nothing to give me even an ounce of questioning
that I have truly found you. But especially I have found in you something I had lost long ago----my passion for my loss of love. Something inside me has opened up my heart as well as my
mind, and though I have not inquired yet, I am sure my liver, kidneys, lymph nodes and all the remaining members of the choir will sing along my love song for my Larisa.
So let's all sing together. "David Loves You, This I know, we will survive the sleet and snow , to wake to the sunshine below-- All together now..............."
Oh the kitty in the photo is ginger my first cat and the human is of course me.
The photo is my backyard an arid subtropical region and a Notional Park.

2022-05-15 02:44:10


RE: Larisa, hello dear!
What angers or annoys me about women. In my opinion women drivers need to get some manners. They are always zooming by 10 to 15 miles over the speed limit ( along with the retired
men and women from the midwest), also they want to be first always forget manners. Dangerously they zoom behind you when you are backing out of a blind parking space. I suspect that
because we have been taught to open the door for women they think they should always be first maybe. Men do it too but it seems to be dominated by women.

2022-05-15 02:30:31


RE:Larisa, hello dear! Photo inside!
My Darling, Your Questions... Did I like the video. Anything you are the star in is wonderful. Yes, Yes, I want to know everything about you as we are connected. I had a hard time finding you
today but I hope I have it figured out. Can men and women be friends. Well I hope so as they are half the human race! Do I communicate with former. The only lover and hopeful I
communicate with is you. I am dedicated to our success. There are two primary kinds of friends First the primary, you see them everyday, you share intimate discussions, and they usually do
not have to announce their presence. Healthy relationships have two to five. but most people have three. Often these are spouses, very close friends or family. I have four, you are no 1, my
two sisters and my daughter.
Next are the secondary relationships. These are the people we deal with in a single relationship. Somebody you work with maybe, or in a club together, or at a business you regularly use or
maybe a neighbor you like to talk to. Most of these are my former students and I have many but close ones about three or four none are close by. Does not include my ex wife. She informed
me that the Bible says we cannot talk. I have a son that I have a hard time talking to. The people I talked with on Veronica I have politely signed off. Two keep writing but I am not answering
putting them off and not writing back now since they do not seem to get the message. I think some people are here just to talk.
Then there the tertiary relationships, passerbies in our life. The Banker, Teachers, Neighbors-- mostly do not have much of a common interest with. Many of course. 181/254
I can assure you are the one and only and I plan to make my life with you. However I think people can have friends of the opposite sex. But there is a line that you do not cross of course and I
think that is generally understood.
Should women5:33 PMor take care of the house? Viries with the person
and circumstances.-IfTrusted
you have international dating
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very young 2008. Meet
perfect woman
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and usually it is
the wife but there is no reason why it could not be the husband. Some people like to work so work but the household work must be hired or have a mutual division of labor. Sometimes one
or the other has a special talent for parenting, sometimes one may be in college, each couple should sit down and figure out how best to get things done. If my wife made five times as
much as I do and loves her work I would be happy to do much of the work. However we raise our children to fulfill a certain role in life-- the man is the major wage earner and the women
has babies and does the homemaking. But these are not set in stone. I think that each should acknowledge the hard work of the other.
What am I willing to do do for my love--- simply anything! Even put my life at risk if it becomes necessary. One must be reasonable however.
Who on a desert Island---- obviously you. Just who did you think? To bring a book of matches.
The most erotic part of the body. This may surprise you but the face is where I would start. Hair is important that is why women put so much time on this whether they realize it or not. After
that legs, conformation of the body which come in many shapes etc. You have nothing to fear from me as you are beautiful and erotic but I try to not get too excited since you are not here
yet and cannot do much about it as of now. We will get to that I am hopeful.
As a side in your photos the top of my list is the portrait of that wonderful smile of you in the yellow jacket. I would have put that as your main photo. I cannot forget some of your sexy body
photos though. Those get my attention but by themselves would not give my enough information to hold on endlessly. But the portrait I would like to have on my desk forever.
When I go into the bathroom it is for no.1 & 2, after that I need to wash, shave and comb my hair and shower. Not very long. Also the medicine cabinet may need to be supply my medicinal
deeds. I take some pills and my pill box needs to weekly be supplied. Also the first aid stuff is there in case I cut myself . So I am not one to particularly linger. Heidi always runs in because
she thinks I will give her some attention-- usually.
Just remember I only have you in my heart and nobody else is there as my LOVE. And you will always come first in my life.
Always, David

2022-05-15 01:08:52

RE: David, honey! Thanks for sharing your life story with me. It was very interesting for me, it helps me to know and understand your inner world
better. Photo inside!
My Larisa, As a note to my last letter. I was the only orchestral trained tubist in the US in those early days. Even my teachers were trained in Bands. Band music is fine but it does not have the
challenge of Classical music. You cannot make a mistake because the instrument can be heard by everybody and since there is only one everybody knows who made the "blooper". So
absolute perfection was demanded.

2022-05-15 00:59:57


RE: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
My Sweetheart Larisa, I hope you are having a wonderful day at your parents. Your photo, three generations of beautiful women. I had to go to the museum this morning to photograph my
painting that is hanging there in the current exhibit. It has been there three months and there will be another exhibit starting in a week, so next week I will have to pick up my painting. I have
been told that they will be asking for another painting for the exhibit in three months. I will paint a new one for that exhibit. I have been asked to provide a painting for each exhibit for the last
four years.
I have Citrus trees in my yard--Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, and Limes, and Pomegranate. I get a good crop each year and the neighbors come over for some.
It was so wonderful to see mail from you this morning. That is the best part of my day. I miss you so much.
My love to you ( all of it accept a weeny bit for Heidi, she insists, Meeow) David

2022-05-14 19:01:41
Reply (/mailing/index/


David, hello dear! Photo inside!
Today I had a wonderful day.
I slept well and rested.
It's so wonderful to be home and see your parents.
Today I decided to be lazy all day and relax.
Tomorrow I will help my parents with household chores.
If the weather is good, we will cook vegetables and meat on the coals.
Did you like the video I sent you?
Would you like to know more about me?
How did you spend this day?❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
By the way, since I communicate on the site only with you decide to hide my page.
wanted to ask you if there is friendship between a woman and a man? 182/254
Do you communicate with the former, what kind of relationship do you have?
Do you think a woman should work or take care of the house?
What 5:33
are you PMto do for your loved one?
willing - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Who and what would you take with you to a desert island?
What part of the body is considered the most erotic in your opinion?
What does the coffee or tea that your beloved woman prepares for you smell like?❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
How long do you usually spend in the bathroom?
What annoys and infuriates you in girls?
Why do you love me so much?
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa
In the photo is my daughter Evgenia, my mother and me.

2022-05-14 09:07:28
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I want to give you all my sunrises and sunsets.
David, you are always on my mind.

2022-05-14 09:04:55
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, honey! Thanks for sharing your life story with me. It was very interesting for me, it helps me to know and understand your inner world better.
Photo inside!
David, honey! Thanks for sharing your life story with me. It was very interesting for me, it helps me to know and understand your inner world better.
I see a lot in common between us.
Just like you, I studied a lot and also love art and music.
I have also been involved in music since the age of five.
I play piano.
My parents, just like yours, did not spare money and their efforts for my education and development.
I am very proud that my man is so smart and well-educated and well-rounded.
It is very interesting with you, you can talk on any topic.
I think that we will be a very harmonious couple.
hugs and kisses
your larisa

2022-05-14 08:41:07
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
Good morning my dear David!!!!! It was such a joy to wake up and receive a letter from you.
Yes, you're right, I live near the place where the hostilities are taking place.
Dnepropetrovsk region is not far from Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.
I have finished my work shift and am going home to my parents.
I worked 7 days.
All this time I was on duty and lived in the hospital.
now they give me two days off.
I think that I will rest and then help my parents with household chores.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You have a beautiful and comfortable home.
I think that we will be very happy in it.
I will make a video for you so you can see our house and my favorite garden.
Apple trees and other fruit trees are blooming very beautifully now. 183/254
hugs and kisses
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-05-14 03:30:41


You are my one and Only. Photo inside!
I forgot to sign it. So I know that life has it's ups and downs, but being together makes easier to deal with all the little problems because I will be there helping with my arm around you.
I have been following your tour of duty on a map. Some of the places that the war is going on is just a short drive away from where you live- under an hour. I cannot even think about going
through my life without you, so please be careful and come to me as soon as you can-- tonight would be just fine. I put clean sheets on the bed. I will see you in my dreams and in yours as
well. I am much more exciting in real life though. Just think of all the trouble we could get into.
I cannot think of words that express what I feel for you but I think LOVE in all it's many facets seems to sum it up. If I put you to sleep I hope I am in your dreams.
My love forever, David, Hugs and Kisses

2022-05-14 03:14:49

RE: Larisa, I really want to just love you!
My Sweetest Larisa, I am simply bubbling over with my love for you. It is difficult to contain and I want to tell everybody just how much in love I am. You are on my mind always and I weigh
everything from the future perspective of us being together in our home. Sometimes I just do not what to do as I am so driven to see this happen. You simply must come to save me from
myself and the medicine is you.
My passage to adulthood was a bit different from most others my age. As I remember I have always been a mad scientist. That was simply a given but there is another side that has always
been there as well, the arts. I was gifted as a young musician and my father was very supportive as he played the violin. So as young as 4 years old I had music lessons. I had a small violin
and my mother had to go with me to my lessons so she could help me practice and remember what I was supposed to learn. At four ones brain is still not very aware of things like discipline
and practice. As I grew older I of course had my share of recitals but in my town we only had a band and no orchestra so I also took up the trumpet. That went along for several years and
because I was advancing fast the band needed a tuba player, so I took that up that and because I did so well there was never another need for another player. So we were the only high
school band with a single tuba.
The school only had marching style tubas to loan so my father bought me a B flat upright with rotary valves. About that time I was having lessons with the tubist of the Chicago Symphony at
a very expensive rate so my Dad made sure I had work to help pay for my lessons which cost more per hour than my Dad made. I started with a paper route, then packing groceries at a
grocery store and later a very dirty job cleaning the filters at a Dry Cleaners (hated it). About that time I was accepted to Interlochen a prestigious music camp where the students went for an
entire summer of intensive music all day long,classes, concerts morning until night for the entire summer taught by the finest musicians in the entire world. I was taught by the tuba player of
the New York Symphony. I had little competition for the orchestra position (only one tuba in an orchestra) as there were only two tubists who were any competition and they wanted the band
and I said good luck to them. This was the finest opportunity in the entire world and I had the orchestral position of the only one player out of the United States. And I held that position for 6
years. This was not cheap and the cost was comparable to University costs. So I worked and My Dad put some money in and the town payed a greater share as I was now a celebrity at
having that position. At sixteen I was asked to join many of the Midwestern orchestras. I could not yet drive and had no car so the trombone players transported me back and forth for years
to rehearsals and concerts. My Dad attended almost every one sometimes traveling long distances. So I was on my way as a musician.
When I graduated from High School my Dad gave me a choice a new Tuba or a microscope. I could not make up my mind so my Dad made it up for me and bought me a fine upright
Double C rotary valve tuba. I knew what that meant, I was headed to music school for college. So I went to Oberlin Conservatory one of the finest. Was accepted also into the Cleveland
Symphony and so I was now a professional musician. And so the years went by and I met my future wife and after a couple of years we wanted to marry but I did not make enough as a
musician and was still in school so I decided I needed an occupation that paid more. So off to Michigan state University for a degree in biological science. I was in the university's orchestra
and the choral group while going to school. I was still in the Cleveland Symphony to help make ends meet and played in Dance bands on Friday night for extra money and was married ( my
wife was a biologist). Eventually continued into my Masters Degree in Ecology and we spent a summer on an Island in Lake superior doing field work for my thesis. So I had a rest from
music, but in the fall I was asked to join the famous Robert Shaw Choral and played in the orchestra as well as sang when there was no tuba part in the orchestra. This was the most
demanding and fulfilling part of my music career. I was still in College. I continued doing double duty for four years,and finished my degree and was off to the University of Arizona for my
We had a two year old daughter who could not adjust to the Arizona climate and the doctors suggested we move. And so it was off to California. I thought I would still play so I went to
audition for the Los Angeles Symphony. I listened to them play and walked out- they were terrible. That was the only possible place to play in California. I was at the University of California
finishing up my PhD and in their Orchestra but also they were not very good and I tired of it and that ended my music career.
After graduation I took a position at the university of California which I held for many years. I also taught in a local college during that period and eventually did a faculty exchange with five
other Universities, and that is yet another chapter, so stay tuned.
So you see I was working very hard with little time for sports or much else, So i never played sports not cultivated much of an interest in it. I had also dabbled in art as a young adult and
finally at mid life I got more serious about it. So eventually I took classes and now I have nearly finished a Doctor of fine arts degree and am still taking classes and not very interested in
finishing my degree but having fun doing some art teaching. The Sonoran Art Institute was what brought me back to Tucson. Incidentally I went back to school for a DTh degree as well
another chapter. So I am over educated, but I simply love to learn. And I still have broad interests. The art replaced my interest in music. After giving up music there is a part of me that
regrets giving it up that. Can't go back though. Sold my instruments last year when I moved to Arizona. Out- side of a few people you are the only person I have told all this to. Of course I had
friends that have passed on that knew all this but I seldom share it. I hope I have not bored you with all this dribble.
So what age did I feel I was an adult- I do not know as my growth was such a continuum. What made me stronger I think the solo work I did being by myself in front of an audience. And so
my first earned money went for music lessons.
Now aren't you sorry you asked these questions?

2022-05-13 23:25:12
Reply (/mailing/index/ 184/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

David, I really want to just love you! Photo inside!
David, it was very interesting to know your opinion.
My dear, as a child, I dreamed of becoming a scientist and
create a cure for sadness and give it away for free.
Funny, isn't it?
A kind of issue point like in canteens for the disadvantaged.
I dreamed of how all sorrows would dissolve at the moment of taking the cherished "mixture of joy".
In my imagination, gloomy adults and tired old people began to dance, like in musicals, right on the streets and in stores.
Moreover, I secretly hoped that such a medicine exists, and ordinary people about
they just don't know.
Or it costs a huge amount of money.
This idea has got me in a vice,
I even at one time had trouble sleeping and eating because of it.
I can assume that some simply do not allow such an idea that a child of ten years
able to feel such a range of emotions and
I grew up a long time ago, but I still remember this childhood dream.
Childhood with my dissatisfaction with the cruel world was only the starting point for realizing its terrible shortcomings.
Adults transform their childhood sensations and impressions into thoughts;
then they throw them out of their heads, pretending they never existed.
This trick didn't work for me.
I lived and live the idea to this day.
Of course, they are no longer the same as in childhood.
But still I can dream and believe in miracles.
I am still attracted by everything mysterious and inexplicable.
Tell me, did you have similar dreams when you were a child?
At what age did you realize that you are already an adult?
What is the most difficult thing in life that you have had to do?
Can you remember any event that made you stronger?
Where did your first earned money go?
I bought transparent underwear and I want you to help me take it off.
Good night to you, my beloved and desired, I fall asleep with the thought that soon you will hug me in our bed.
Have a nice dream!
I hope you will dream of our passionate nights, full of bliss and love.
David, it's been a tough day for me.
Tomorrow they give me two days off.
I will go to my parents and later I will write to you about how I will spend Saturday.
hugs and kisses
your larisa

2022-05-13 23:09:32
Reply (/mailing/index/



Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
David, I really want to just love you!
Hello my beloved David!
I overslept everything in the world today.
David, I fell asleep so soundly yesterday!
I returned to the city late after a trip to Krivoy Rog.
I read your letter and thought about what my beloved David is doing now.
At this time, you must have stroked the beauty of Heidi.
then I thought a lot about how we would live together,
about how difficult it is to survive here now.
later I fell asleep thinking about you.
My dreams were about you and I didn't want to wake up at all!!!!
So I didn't want to go to work.
I overslept everything in the world today.
There is no time at all and I had to give up breakfast and hot coffee.
But the only thing I really want to do is
I will always find a minute for this, it is to wish you good morning!
I kiss you my beloved brave wolf cub, my sweet bear cub.
Now the mood has risen, and the day will be great! 185/254
It's time to get back to work.
Thank you for worrying about me and holding me in your heart.
with love ❤️5:33
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
always yours Larisa
your house is very beautiful and rich.
I love
It speaks of your impeccable taste

2022-05-13 23:07:05
Reply (/mailing/index/


RE: RE: Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
David, I really want to just love you!
Hello my beloved David!
I overslept everything in the world today.
David, I fell asleep so soundly yesterday!
I returned to the city late after a trip to Krivoy Rog.
I read your letter and thought about what my beloved David is doing now.
At this time, you must have stroked the beauty of Heidi.
then I thought a lot about how we would live together,
about how difficult it is to survive here now.
later I fell asleep thinking about you.
My dreams were about you and I didn't want to wake up at all!!!!
So I didn't want to go to work.
I overslept everything in the world today.
There is no time at all and I had to give up breakfast and hot coffee.
But the only thing I really want to do is
I will always find a minute for this, it is to wish you good morning!
I kiss you my beloved brave wolf cub, my sweet bear cub.
Now the mood has risen, and the day will be great!
It's time to get back to work.
Thank you for worrying about me and holding me in your heart.
with love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
always yours Larisa
your house is very beautiful and rich.
I love
It speaks of your impeccable taste

2022-05-12 11:30:00

RE: Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
My love Larisa, Please be careful; I am sure you are doing your best but I hope your service is not exposing you into an active bombing situation. The news here is getting worse each day
and Russia seems determined to claim that border area at all costs. Remember that I am waiting for you. In the past it was the women that was waiting for the soldiers to return but now for
us the tables are turned. I will continue my prayers each day.
We will visit all the places. I refuse to be tentative about any of this I am solidly making plans. Maybe it is like an expectant mother makes baby cloths I am looking at the organization of the
house and making space for the appearance of you. Maybe I should call you my love child and I am expecting. I will tell everybody I have been impregnated by the love bug.
You can count on me; we are one. David

2022-05-12 08:51:22


RE: David dear! There are many things that concern me. 186/254
My beautiful Larisa, Yes in US names are treated the same- abbreviated. For Example David= Dave. I do not like Dave but people call me that anyway. People have gotten into the habit of
using first names for complete strangers. When this happens usually they are trying to make me believe that they are a friend and want to sell me something. Yet my students whom I adore
call 5:33 or
me Professor PM Doctor and in the Church, Your Grace to
their respect. That first -name
thinginternational dating
tells me that those sitehave
persons since 2008. Meet
no respect and that your
theyperfect woman
are not familiar abroad!/
persons me.
They should use Mr. if you are a stranger. I do not look for aggrandizement but only common respect, but society is falling apart. I always use the proper initials.
So what can we do in this world where everything seems to be about greed, money, and decay. I agree with everything you said. Likewise I agree we personally can only make a small
difference but maybe we can get others to do that also and that will make a difference. My way of making a difference is through my teaching and trying to set a good example. By setting a
good example we are telling everyone not only that it is not ok and some of us are willing to make a difference even if it is a small one.
Personally I think a life well lived tries to make a difference. You certainly have set the bar high being a doctor and your efforts in the war. Even an artist or writer, a teacher, or a mother or a
paper delivery boy can make a difference as we go through life with high standards. I creates a respect for our world and what God has given us. It is a simple way of saying "Thank You".
Ethically it is what we ought to do.
This is one of the things that makes people happy because we find our place in this complex world and due to the respect that people show you, and you show them, you realize that you
are an authentic part of it. Whether you are a crank shaft or merely a screw or a bolt, you realize that the mechanics of a society will not run without all its parts.
The painting that you had in your photo was yours? How wonderful. You are very accomplished. It is going to be great having the two of us follow our bliss together. I have always have
wanted this.
I too am a dreamer and I have hope that my dreams are coming true. This is the first time in my life that I have felt this way. Our love is the frosting on my world. I have had to eat my cake
without frosting for long enough and it has been rather tasteless, but the cake of my dreams is the ultimate desert that puts a final touch to my life. I miss you so much that I feel empty
compared to how I will feel when we can be together--I feel it every day. I will be your partner till the end of our days and I am confident that all that time together will be happy, fulfilling, and
filled with surprises that we cannot even know about at this beginning. I know that they will be FANTASTIC. I am overflowing with my love for you and there is more to come.
My Love to you, David I want to hold you tenderly so that there is a total sweetness to my feelings for you.

2022-05-11 20:26:26
Reply (/mailing/index/



David dear! There are many things that concern me. Photo inside!
I am reading an article about drying lakes
and people leaving their native and beloved places, not knowing where to go and who to go to.
The realization of the magnitude of disasters hits me every day like a rock.
It can be compared like this:
I roll this cobblestone uphill
but it keeps coming back down to me...)))
I really want to believe that man is omnipotent:
He can not only destroy
but also to create something eternal, something that will improve this world.
There are a lot of things I care about: violence, slavery, species extinction, forced migration, global warming and of course war.
I have not found a definitive solution for each of these problems,
but in my own way I try to minimize their consequences.
Let it be ordinary small deeds.
But each person can plant a tree or clean up the rubbish left by someone.
Or help those whose homes are destroyed by giving people temporary shelter.
Share food and things or feed an abandoned animal.
You just need not to be blind and you can always find it possible to do something good and good not only for yourself but for all people....
Do you agree with me?
What is your worst habit?
What is the most expensive thing you bought that you later found you didn't need at all?
Do you ever have an obsession with you?
What was the most courageous act in your life?
What is your earliest strong experience that you remember?
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-11 15:50:43
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, my dear!!!! Photo inside!
David, my dear!!!!
When you love, you can wait not only for hours, days, weeks and months, you can wait for years, knowing that then you will definitely be together!
If love is a leaf, then I give you a whole garden,
If she is a drop, I give you the whole sea,
If love is an hour, I give you an eternity.
♥️♥️♥️P.S. In this photo, the cat of my parents, his nickname is Peach!!!!
1 2022-05-11187/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


our world is not perfect... Photo inside!
Hello dear David!
Many Ukrainian names have shorthand in addition to the full name, and my name from the full Larisa has shorthand Lara.
So for example Elena - Lena, Natalya - Nata, Maria - Masha .....
I really enjoy reading your letters
they take me to another beautiful and sunny world, the world of happiness and love that you want to give me.
Now, more than ever before, I understand how imperfect our world is.
Previously, I could never imagine that what is happening in my country could happen in the 21st century.
I think everyone has known this for a long time.
Slavery, famine, wars, global warming, species extinction, homeless, lost, dirty politicians deprived of freedom...
we humans are still so far from perfection.
We will not soon prevent the suffering and impotence of other people, but I want to believe in the desire of every human being for happiness,
not individual, but global, so that it covers the whole world and the whole Earth.
Perhaps you think that I'm a faulty dreamer?!
Maybe this is true and still somewhere deep in my soul lives a naive child.
From an early age, I

2022-05-11 14:50:44
Reply (/mailing/index/



Dear David!!!!! Photo inside!
A beautiful day has come and the sun is shining joyfully in the sky. But I'm sad, but I yearn, because I miss you terribly!

I love you kitty more than life!

I will never give you up to anyone!
I want you to be by my side all the time!
I think it's fate...
I hope Heidi doesn't mind

2022-05-11 14:37:52
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Hello my sweet love David!!!! Photo inside!
Sending you my morning kisses!!!!!
Remember, and don't forget, the formula is simple:
The sum of our lips with you is equal to a kiss!

2022-05-11 14:30:41
Reply (/mailing/index/



Hello my dear David!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your lovely letter and photo.
your story took me to a land of wonders and beautiful dreams.
I will be happy if someday we can visit all these beautiful places. 188/254
Your house is fabulously beautiful and I'm afraid this place in the library will be my favorite.
Of course after the bedroom....heh..heh..heh..
Today we will5:33
out the settlers from Pokrovsk and Maryenka. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
As before, fierce battles are going on in all directions.
But still I hope that the war will be over by autumn.
Our fighters are fighting successfully in the Kharkiv region and in some other areas.
After May 20, Ukraine will receive a large batch of modern weapons, and I think that this will help us keep the defense and destroy those who came to destroy our country.
Let them say - nothing in this world lasts forever, but I do not believe in these words, I will love you endlessly, for a long time, forever, forever!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-11 03:13:40


RE: David,You should see me now! Photo inside!
Dearest Lara, I sure would like to see you now. I am sure we can find a medical job here if that is what you would like. There is a doctor shortage here. What do I love, that is easy I love you
first of all, no doubt about it. Secondly I like to learn as I have an endless curiosity. I daily do this in my reading and travel. I also like to travel to see the natural world and other cultures and
the arts. I shouldn't say this one, I love to eat. I love good conversation with friends but I haven't found a good one yet since I moved here into Arizona. And I love to paint because I feel I have
something to say and it needs to be let out. Those are the highlights.
What don't I like--- litterbugs. Junk in pristine nature. In my classroom, "know it alls" can be an irritation. They are like a wall that must be penetrated to move into the next step in learning.
Also like you. I do not like people that tear other people down.
What do I love. I could look at your inviting face forever and that is my plan. How I dream of it!. I love to observe other people who are skilled at what they do. It is a source of learning as well
as admiration.
My free time. When I am tired I turn on the TV because it gives me the illusion that I am not alone and I look at dumb stuff while I read. By looking at dumb stuff I never miss a thing because I
can watch it every five minutes and not miss a thing. Otherwise I read serious stuff, paint, build, garden, house cleaning, cook and laundry. I have a talent for wasting time. I keep it down as
much as I can because it leads to self loathing.
What to show you; the list is long. Here in Arizona the Grand Canyon and the Sonoran Desert, and the Art Institute where I have paintings hung. To California the Giant Redwoods, Yosemite
Valley one of the most beautiful places on earth. Scenery everywhere Volcanoes, Colorado Desert, Mohave Desert, Sierra mountains. Moving to the Pacific Northwest, The ocean and a
wonderful Marine Aquarium, the Cascade mountains/ Mt Rainier. The Coast is very beautiful I am sure my sister would love to show us around there. To the North the Canadian Rockies are
Stupendous. We could go on to Alaska if you desire. Moving to the East we can encounter the Rocky Mountains and the largest Super Volcano in the world along with the largest cluster of
hot springs and geysers. Then to the Southern Rockies and my sister who lives at 9,950 ft elevation. And the Denver Museums and ........ so much! Are you up for that? It would be easy to
spend years doing this and there are people who retire just to do this. Lets not forget my daughter in Fort Collins Colorado and the Rocky mountain National Park Going to the Sun Highway
which runs on the tops of the mountains and on into Utah and see the magnificent Sandstone formations -Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park and back to Arizona and We
haven't even seen the East of the continent. I have not even filled in the details and I could go on for pages.
So what is happiness; So much could be said. Being with you each day in our little house doing our hobbies and creating our simple life together. This is the top of my list. I am happy when I
make others happy, more so than any other achievements. I am happy just watching the birds on a sunny morning.
Ask away if you have any other questions. Please be safe. I have heard that this war will go on for a long time maybe a year. I hope we do not have to wait that long but if we do I will be here
waiting for you.
My love has no end, David A thousand kisses on your neck.

2022-05-11 02:09:26


RE: David,You should see me now! Photo inside!
Lara my love, you are singing my song....... I can listen to it again and again and forever.............
I hope you know that I also know that song, so listen when you are alone and hoping and you will here my song as I sing of my joy and happiness having found you my love.
How blessed I am, David

2022-05-11 02:00:07


RE: My sun, you are what I always wanted, you are the whole world for me.
Larisa you are the person I have dreamed of all my life. I have never felt the passion I have for you and never have I ever felt the possibilities for our future that I have felt with you. We have
the whole wide world to discover together and we can hug and kiss all the way............
Oh my! David 189/254
2022-05-11 01:01:27
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: What do I like to do in my free time? Photo inside!
Lara my darling. I see you go by Lara but Larissa is a beautiful name as well, which do you prefer? I know you are not perfect (like me- ha ha) nor am I, and so is everybody else. There are no
perfect people! I truly love you so you do not have to apologize for anything. I accept you for who you are-- flaws and all. Sometimes flaws give a person added character. In my eyes you are
perfect for me---period. I too have some anxiety about myself and the possibility that you will not find me to be as you expected. I am trying to set that aside because neither my flaws or
yours are nothing we cannot accept because we love each other. That is how I see it. Of course we are different but on the whole we, I think have the same values and hopes, and that what
is to make a life for ourselves together so wonderful. I accept that with my whole heart and I am starting right now to try to build our life together even if it is only through letters for now. ( I
assume you are not a serial killer, or a rapist, or a bank robber. If so I may have a problem with that ha ha.) There is nothing that I will not accept about you. Yes if you come with problems
about your life I will not be surprised. You have seen allot of death, but we can work that out and I will be by your side each day to make sure you see the sunshine as well as the beauty in
every aspect of your life. I see it.
I started my life as a Classical musician and I like Mozart, Beethoven, Bach for example and I do not care much for the modern abstract composers. My taste in art is the same. I like
especially the Impressionists especially, Van Gogh, Monet, Cezane, and others and some of the modern realists such as Serolla and Anders,and Hook.
Your reading tastes are much like mine. I mostly read non fiction. I also like good movies and TV had a great number daily. I have a big screen TV and I plan to get a love seat (2 seater couch)
so we can see them together. I do not have a real close friend as they have died and I am new in this home I have. I look forward to setting up house with your ideas as well as mine; currently
there is some African stuff in the living room which you may not care for not to mention a ton of paintings. Rather masculine I suppose but we can sort that out when you get here. I am
thinking you may need a desk area as well as a place to paint. As for your dog, cat, and rabbit, I love the kind you have and are much like my pets, but I currently only have Heidi my cat. But
we can have more. Heidi is very demanding on my time but she will have to share. I too get lonely at times even though I keep busy. As for travel I have a long list of things for us to see and I
am anxious to show them to you. The US is very scenic and I know it well from the Equatorial jungles to the Polar region. I am so excited. I have spent years showing it to my students
because I taught ecology in all those regions. It will be truly exciting doing it with you. I am surprised that the University put up with all my travel courses but they did and bought me autos to
do it in.
I loved this letter because it opened up your person to me to show me what I already had suspected;
you are a real treasure for me and we are on the some page of life. What a wonderful gift you are in my life and I too never want it to break apart. I promise I will do everything in my power to
make sure that does not happen. Writing you makes me feel we are part of each other already. As far as I see it we are, and I will assume that is the case, unless you tell me different.
Your David
( and I mean that sincerely) David, the cat whisperer, and the love of Larissa

2022-05-10 16:41:59
Reply (/mailing/index/



My sun, you are what I always wanted, you are the whole world for me.
I hope that I will never part

2022-05-10 16:36:13
Reply (/mailing/index/



David,You should see me now!
I am irresistible and light as a cloud! I'm airy because I'm in love with you, it's like I'm soaring

2022-05-10 15:47:06
Reply (/mailing/index/


What do I like to do in my free time? Photo inside!
Dear David!
I have a lot of things that I love to do..
Sometimes I go to the gym and do fitness.
I like to paint landscapes and portraits of people,
I love to make pictures from coffee beans and I love to create something beautiful.
I like to read books based on historical facts, listen to good music,
love good movies, I love seeing my friends, I love traveling and discovering new things. 190/254
To be honest, my English is terrible and I thought that I would need to take advanced courses.
It will be necessary to find out more about how much it costs and where I can get the best knowledge.
But 5:33
that's what I'll PM
do after the end of the war. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I am very pleased to know that you are interested in how I live and what I do.
You are interested in my views on different things.
I am very glad that you want to understand my inner world and know about my interests.
To be honest, I have a lot of complexes from a past life.
sometimes I feel very lonely and I really want to have a person in my life who will teach me to love and trust again.
I hope that you are this person whom I have been waiting for so long.
I have a spaniel dog, a cat and a rabbit...
I live in a high-rise building on the 3rd floor, I have a 2-room apartment in the central part of the city,
but I like to be close to nature and I dream that with my loved one we will live close to nature in a private house,
I like to plant flowers and create coziness.
I have never been abroad, only when I worked under a contract.
and I really want that my chosen one and I could sometimes travel and enjoy new emotions.
I think the place you live in is very beautiful.
I will be glad if you take some photos of this place for me and show me your favorite places.
I have never seen the ocean, but I love being at the sea.
I am glad that you, like me, love to live a simple and calm life, close to nature.
I am also not attracted by the life of big cities and the bustle, and I grew up in the countryside.
My parents were often on expeditions, and my older brother and I spent almost all of our childhood with our grandparents in the countryside.
My grandmother was a history teacher and my grandfather was a military surgeon.
Those were the best times of my life.
I will gladly tell you about my life so that you can get to know me better.
I really want you to know as much as possible about my life...
I will try not to disappoint you and I hope that you will be interested next to me.
Have a nice day and take care!!
Hugs and kisses
P.S. I will gladly make many more new videos for you...
nice to know that you find me seductive...

2022-05-10 15:18:32
Reply (/mailing/index/



My dear David! Photo inside!
My city where I live is not far from the Dnieper.
This is a small provincial mining town called Pavlograd.
It is located between the Dnieper and Donetsk.
There are 8 coal mines on the territory of my city and most of the inhabitants of my city work at enterprises related to coal mining.
I work as a pediatrician, pediatrician in the city children's department.
I really love my job and for me medicine is the vocation of my soul.
There are many doctors in my family.
But most of all, I have always been proud of the achievements of my grandfather, who worked for many years as a military surgeon,
starting from the time when he got to the front during the second world war with the Nazi army.
One of my aunts has worked for many years as the head of the obstetric station,
my cousin who lives in Kharkov works as a dentist.
Since childhood, I have been fond of books on medicine.
I treated all wounded animals and birds and at the age of 6 I knew how to make an intramuscular injection.
To be honest, I probably spend most of my life at my job.
My work gives me the feeling that I am needed and that I am not alone.
Maybe if there was a beloved man in my life who is waiting for me, everything would be different.
I get great joy when I manage to save a child's life or help him return to normal.
Then I understand that I do not live in vain and that in this world I have my own destiny and I am needed for something.
In my free time, I like to go to the village to the house where my parents live.
Near their house there is a forest and a lake.
I like being in nature in the countryside, it fills me with special energy.
and helps me relieve stress and have a good rest.
I love to admire nature, birdsong, study and watch animals, walk in the forest and swim in the lake.
I just love life and love to enjoy the most ordinary days.
It will probably be difficult for you to understand, but I like to listen when the rain drums against the window,
I love to walk barefoot in the morning dew, I love to wake up from the sun's rays that wake me up in the morning.
There are many things that I love and I will definitely tell you about them in my letters.
Of course there is something that I do not like and that makes me angry.
most of all I don't like it when people humiliate and insult each other,
when they lie and take advantage of other people's feelings.
I don't like it when people brag or make faces when they imitate someone.
It seems to me that everything should be simple and everyone should be themselves in this and there is the uniqueness of each person.
I would be interested to know about what you love and without what you can not imagine your life?
What annoys you?
Tell me more about the place where you live and how you like to spend your free time? 191/254
My dear, do you have a favorite place that you would like to show me?
6/24/23, 5:33 PM
Larisa - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-05-10 14:27:06
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David, what does happiness mean to you? Photo inside!
David, it seems to me that the most important thing in life is happiness.
And everyone has their own.
This category is again internal.
The flower that you planted bloomed - happiness.
Friends gathered at the table - happiness.
but for me happiness is when there is someone to love.
When you are loved.
When you can do what you love.
Happiness does not need to wait - it needs to be experienced.
After all, the most important thing in life is happiness.
your Larisa

2022-05-10 12:29:05
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Being bored is a strong feeling and they experience it only for the closest and dearest people. Photo inside!
Missing a person is sad, cold and insulting.
You constantly feel that something is missing for you, sometimes you even forget that this is the presence of a loved one!
Just haunted by a feeling of some kind of emptiness and lack.
This can at least slightly correct if the spelling of some words.
And sometimes it happens that a person does not get out of your head and everything that is around you reminds only of him.
Boredom is the inability to find a place and activities,
when you know that a person is far away, because everything becomes insipid, uninteresting and tasteless.
Likewise, my days without you, my dear David, seem gray and dull.
I always miss you!!!!!
Say hello to girl Heidi and kiss her wet nose for me.
hugs and kisses!
Have a nice day!!!
your Larisa

2022-05-10 12:18:12
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Hi David! Photo inside!
Hi David!
I was very interested to know your opinion.
Thanks for all your letters.
I love them and they bring me into your life and bring me closer to you...
Today I am going to fulfill my mission again.
We left for the Dnieper and from there we will fly by three medical helicopters to take out wounded soldiers from Donetsk and Lugansk.
My thoughts are about you and our future together.
Kissing you is all I want, holding you tight is all I dream of now
And loving you is all I want to do forever...
your Larisa
1 192/254
2022-05-10 09:03:22
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: Comparing yourself to others.
Beautiful Larissa, If you don't think I have bad habits, just ask my mother. Fortunately you can't do that because she took that knowledge to her grave and I am not going to tell, though you
may discover some of them when we meet (my older sister may be willing to part with some though, you know how sisters are, but my younger sister may be more kind though). I am trying
to think.......... nothing comes to mind at the moment. Perhaps when we are together you can jog my memory.
As far as your achievements I think you must realize that I have pretty good taste in women. I know I have been divorced, (we can set that aside for the moment but that was not a mistake,
we were married for 26 years happily.).
First of all you are very attractive; I would say beautiful.
And that is obvious. But to the more hidden traits. You are smart and educated. One cannot simply get through Med school and have been in practice as a doctor, and drafted by the
government for your skills to go out and save peoples lives!!!!! That alone puts you into the upper 5 % of the population in your achievements. I have not detected anything I see that I feel is
the least troublesome to me. When Kitty wakes up I can ask her. She might not like the amount of territory you desire for kisses and take away some of her licking territory. But I will inform
her that the rules have changed.
You write well and I impatiently wait for your letters. Sure I have some bad habits. When I get into a project or work I do not know when to stop and tend to keep on till I get to the end and
sometimes not realizing there are other things that need my attention. If I am reminded I do not mind stopping, I just forget. I am not neglectful for the most part unless I am unaware of
something. It is possible that there may be another one or two???
Just how much do you think someone should achieve in one life. I think you have done pretty well for yourself. Besides obviously you also have discriminating taste as you said YES to me. Of
course maybe I have fooled you and there are many things you do not know about me-- you will find out. Some might be nice things though and that is what I am seeing in you, all the nice
things yet to be discovered. Nobody is perfect but one thing we can count on is that loving someone cuts through all those little things. There are few things that can be a deal breaker such
as values and I think we seem to be on the same page. Future plans - same page I think. Criminal background-- not me. Insanity well I will deny it if asked, and most of us do. So meeting
there is always a risk but I do not think the probability is very high. Most people find me friendly and reasonable. My problem has been finding someone to have a conversation with about
my own interests. I can talk about just about anything but sometimes I would like to share some of my interests that have some intimate overtones, so I cannot really share that with a
I do not see any concerns for either of us at least from what I am seeing. All I see is finally finding my true love and soulmate with a willingness to be together for an exciting future ahead. I
can love you for any differences you may have as I was not looking for a clone--how boring that would be.
Together forever, David
I asked kitty if I could lick you and she said no. She is a hog and wants it all.

2022-05-10 07:52:22


RE: So cute...
Larissa My Darling, Your neck--Just what I also had in mind, and then work my way up and down. You are intoxicating and inviting. It is pure torture waiting but I know our future will be well
worth it. How I love you.
Just me and my girl Heidi-- not too much into kissing her though as she is so hairy but sweet. Otherwise I haven't seen any humans for several days. Tomorrow I may go to the grocery and
there will be allot of people there but I just try to keep out of their way. I need to get some discipline and get painting. I seem to find a thousand things to do otherwise. If I were there I would
be happy to go with you and help. My life seems so unimportant compared to what you are doing. But when we get together I can think of many things to do that will be exciting. There is so
much to do here but doing it alone in not very exciting. My mouth keeps rambling on because I miss you so much. I am missing you so much that it is all I think about.
Your David

2022-05-10 03:27:30


RE: passion or love..
My World Larisa, I love your thoughtful letter and thoroughly agree. Here are my thoughts. When you first meet and court your passion is very outwardly projected because you want to woo
her and solidify that hoped for bond. As that bond strengthens and confidence builds in the relationship and you get to know each other better you can take for granted many things and so
the need for so much outward behavior is reduced but the more an inward that bond grows with greater knowing and is accompanied with an inward passion that is more than outward
merely. You begin to think and act more as one and there begins to build a protective shield around the other person as though it is part of you. This too is passion but it is more inward. If you
want to see my passion, it would flow freely if something happened to you because you are beyond an object of desire but an inward piece of my beating heart that would simply over flow
with uncontrollable emotion and a deep feeling of a death of part of myself that would never leave my cherished memories. You and me are beginning to be one. I am not sure I feel
possessive but more protective which I think is a growing maturity in our togetherness. At this point there is a line drawn that I will not let others cross if for no other reason than the
protection of what we have together and I can assure you there is passion behind it. Both for you as well as for me.
So I feel that love is like the glue we have for each other as well as the food we eat; it makes us grow and nourishes our being, and fills us with a feeling of fulfillment just as food has a
feeling of fullness. A lion stops hunting after he has fed. And the food of love fills a void just as food fills a physical hunger. Personally I have never been so filled with that love than what I feel
now. I want to hold you and fill your void with my passion so you can feel that your void is fulfilled and that our future is insured because you feel my embrace and that you realize it is surity
of our bond between us.
If I could think of a way to show you right now I would jump with Joy.
My Love, David Hugs, Huge hug, more hugs.....

2022-05-10 02:33:11
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RE: ❤️‍
My Sweet Larisa, No I think that true love is reciprocal- __ each person has a role to play. Love needs it's Yin and its Yang to create that eternal circle. The Chinese have it right. Think of this! -
--A murdering gunman approaches a man and a women with the intent to shoot. Immediately the the woman grabs the man and covers him with her body to protect him and says don't
worry I will protect you. Does this sound real? Only if the man is a a child.
But the gender rolls are not always set in cement. Psychologically perhaps but as to the working life together each should work out what each can do and be comfortable with in the
division of labor to make life practical. I have seen women stepping into a typical mans role when he is injured or sick and also the reverse. But those two are bonded for life and that is just
what either one of us would do I am sure. But that is not the typical role our culture has trained us in. My mother never tried to make me a good cook but my dad made sure I could build a
house and I have done that five times on my own now. And so the man built the house and the women made it a home. Our cultural traditions have that Yin/Yang built in, and in that way
society typically raises us; but in a pinch we can create new patterns when needed. I admire the women who have stepped up for those difficult jobs. And you are a good example in what
you are doing. Personally you are a hero in my book. I only hope I can live up to the high standards you have set. I am so proud of you; I just could burst with joy and pride. How blessed I feel
to have found you.
My love overflows for you, David
PS, As for kissing me all over. I am sure Heidi would make an issue of that. She likes to lick me all over so you will have to leave a bit of space -- your choice. I think that is what she thinks is a
kiss. And that is what she likes to do while sitting on my lap. You can sit on my lap too.

2022-05-10 00:23:17
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"Get old with me, the best is yet to come." wonderful quote... Photo inside!
David, good afternoon dear!
I really liked your letter and especially your story about your views on family relationships..
When I read your letter, I thought about my grandparents and my parents.
I remembered how my grandmother looked after my grandfather when his legs were cut off due to diabetes.
When she lifted him, he always leaned on his hands with all his strength to make it easier for her.
But when he felt bad, she always said:
Lord, don't take him away from me and let him be with me some more.
He was not even a patient for not a burden.
And it is true, time gives us the wisdom to love deeply.
We understand that yes, physical attraction is important, but true mature love is so much more.
hugs and kisses

2022-05-10 00:10:14
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So cute... Photo inside!
David, my dear!
Oh, how nice it is to dive into a bubble bath and dream about something pleasant...
I imagined a big bath for two.
How you gently caress my wet body with your hands and kiss my shoulders and neck.
It sparked my imagination so much...
I would lather you with gentle foam and my hands would caress every millimeter of your body.
I'd like to explore all your erogenous zones.
Forgive me if I'm too frank in my letters.
I allowed today to dream of love and passion!
It must be spring that has such an effect on my hormones! Smile!
Today I confess to you that I am very excited by kisses on the neck.
This is one of my most erogenous zones.
When we are together we will always be hot!
I love you my extraordinary man!
There are many words that I want to tell you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not near ... you are not near!
Sweet dreams, I'm thinking of you!
hugs and kisses
your Lara
1 194/254
2022-05-09 23:56:04
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


Comparing yourself to others. Photo inside!
My dear David!
You know we all have bad habits.
And I also have one bad habit that I just can't get rid of.
I often compare myself to other people.
This habit is very difficult to eradicate, but extremely necessary.
If you keep thinking about what you have not been able to achieve, while others have a lot,
then you will never achieve anything and will feel miserable.
Instead of humiliating yourself in your own eyes, you need to learn to focus on your life.
I hope that someday I will be able to completely get rid of this habit and will not compare myself and my achievements with anyone.
Do you have any habits that you would like to get rid of?
My beloved, dear, even though you are not with me now, I always think about you, because I really want you to be there, lie down and wake up with me, so that I can kiss you and wish you
good night, and wake up next to you in the morning!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-09 23:41:27
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passion or love.. Photo inside!
Hi David!!!!
How was your weekend?
What do you think is the main difference between passion and love? I think that the difference lies in the fact that passion most often comes immediately.
Love, on the other hand, is usually preceded by stages of falling in love (or the same passion) and only with time,
when the blood stops flowing
and the mind regains its natural ability to think, we can say that
that a real feeling begins to form in a relationship.
No one describes in detail the chemical processes that take place in the body when a person loves, only the processes of passion and love are considered in detail. That is, love is not
biochemistry, because it does not stand out with particularly vivid emotions.
But that doesn't mean emotions can't be strong.
They just do not have a narcotic effect and do not pass in the wind.
I think if passion is the desire to possess, then love is the desire to serve, care for and protect.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that a subconsciously loving person thanks his object of love simply for the fact that he is who he is, gave him (even unconsciously!) The opportunity to
experience love.
That is, love is shown to another person, but it does not depend on his behavior.
We enjoy the feeling itself, not the other person. This is what is called unconditional love.
How unconditional is your love?
Do you love your partner from the mind or from the heart, do you love for something or just like that? Are you ready to give the same amount of love that you are now, if this "something" is
not there?
You know, now I look out the window and see the night sky and the stars.
I want these stars to shine just as brightly for you and let them remind you of our love and passion.
My heart wishes you good night. And my lips kiss you before going to sleep. Good night honey...
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-09 23:21:16
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You are the person with whom I feel easy, safe and comfortable.
You are my oxygen, without you it is impossible for me. totape bowing, :)️aper️tot bowed by letter ❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍

2022-05-09 23:13:05 Reply (/mailing/index/
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect85864615
woman abroad!/

Oh dear David!!! ❤️‍ Photo inside!
You give me so many tender and beautiful words.
It's so nice for me.
I am very pleased to know that you find me attractive and I am glad that you like my slim figure and my body.
To be honest, I always thought that I was too thin and my breasts were not very plump.
Sometimes I think that my figure is more like a teenager girl than a woman.
Thank you for appreciating me and my appearance so highly.
I love you very much for always giving me confidence.❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
When we're together, let's stay in bed for all eternity.
so I want to be in your arms now
kiss and hug
your Larisa

2022-05-09 21:59:38
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❤️‍ Photo inside!
Someone once said that in a couple, one always loves, and the second only allows you to love.
What do you think about it?
David, I'm sure we can completely refute this opinion with our feelings and relationships.❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
It is difficult to find two such similar and complementary people as we are..
Sometimes it seems to me that I know exactly what you are thinking at this moment.❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
And you look into my eyes and read like an open book.
I hope it will always be like this, because I want to connect my life only with you, beloved David.
My dear, I cover your whole body with kisses, not missing a single millimeter.
Fall asleep my desired with thoughts of me.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-09 21:35:39
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David, you are the best man in my life! Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!
Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful letter.
It was very interesting for me to read it.
Yesterday I had a day off and was able to sleep well and rest.
I was able to hug my parents and take a walk with my dog ​Hunter.
The past week was very difficult.
We took people out of Mariupol and almost every day we take out wounded civilians and soldiers from different cities where there are fierce battles.
In my country, all Medinin workers are treated like military men and they cannot go abroad during the war.
I signed a military contract for half a year.
My colleagues with whom I work on an ambulance made a common decision to conclude a contract for military service.
Now we are working on an armored medical vehicle.
Now we rarely go to civilians, more often we transport wounded soldiers and participate in rescue operations,
or we accompany buses with people as it was in Mariupol.
David, you give me a lot of love and tenderness.
You feel and understand me so well.
David, you are the best man in my life!
I wanted to write down all your virtues on one sheet, but this is simply impossible.
After all, you are attentive and gentle, caring and sincere. So understanding and reliable.
I am so happy with you, I want it to be for life! Love you!
hugs and kisses.
your larisa 196/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-05-09 03:05:20


My heart Strings are singing for you my Sweet.
Sweetheart, Went to the mountains and did a bit of painting and all I could think of is you.
That is a Bitter-Sweet experience. The bitter is obvious as we are not together and I think the sweet is also obvious as my heart pines away for my love for you. I presume that you are
continuing on your trips to save more lives. What a strain on you. Certainly they do not expect you to do this for a long period of your life. This could be allot for any person to emotionally
deal with for a long time. Do you know when your tour of duty will end? I am not going anywhere; as far as I am concerned I plan to live my life with you and we together, will overcome any
obstacles. I do not have blinders on as I am aware of what we may need to overcome. Neither am I short sighted, as I am looking into our future together-- down the road to happiness
together. I want to make sure that you know that I am committed and am strong enough and determined to always be here for you. and work together toward our life together. You are the
center of my life and I intend to keep you there. That is only a fraction of how much I love you.

My never ending love for you, Your David Hug,Hug, Hug, Hug......... I am telling Kitty-Cat that she may have to, in the future, wait a bit for her demands for attention because she will be second
place. I hope she takes it without throwing a fit.

2022-05-06 11:29:38

The beauty of the female body
.Dearest Lorissa, Im am not ignoring the beautiful pictures if yourself. As a nude you are absolutely a picture of beauty. As a trained artist I have some experience in this area and I am not
only aroused, but my artists eye sees pure beauty-- something I would love to on one hand to hold and lie beside and consume in a loving embrace, but at the same time I feel the need to
draw which is for an artist a intimate communication with the object of desire. While I draw I begin to feel a consuming oneness with that model and that is the very thing I cannot remove
from my mind from your pictures. I am overpowered by the beauty of those images. Maybe you did not realize that when you had those photos taken.You are my muse and I feel humbled to
have you in my life for so many reasons. I can look at you for hours and learn so much from your smile and the corners of your mouth all the way down your shapely hips all the way to the
journey down your legs. That is what I see and how proud I will be to have you on my arm as we walk into the public, or family gatherings, or to the dance floor- yes I have been known to
dance but I like mostly ballroom dancing so I can hold you close tome and move with the music. I did not want to think I did not notice your photos- how could I overlook them. And am truly
in love with you and feel blessed by our union.
Always yours, David

2022-05-06 09:06:12


RE: Those were the first shows...
My Darling Larissa your description of your family life is identical to my own and I do not see any reason to change it. I have two kids and they live a long way away and two sisters and their
families. We always find a way to meet for major holidays though. I have had a dog most of my life. Up until recently I had two Irish Setters a male and a female. Both have passed on. My
travel has stopped me from getting another for now, but ,I often think about it. I like the spaniels and setters. When we are together I won't feel the urge to wander so much, so dogs are fine,
as I love them.
Tell me how you would like the future to be like. I am very open to your ideas and flexible so say what is in your heart and dreams. You are the center of my dreams and I only see happiness
and fulfillment and I want you to feel the same. We can work around our plans to make sure that happens for you.
I have been thinking about a wedding ring ; what kind of
ring would you like?
I am so glad you wrote to me as I did have concerns over your safety and I live for your letters.
I am not much of a typist so I am sure that you will find mistakes. I try to proof read them but I do miss some of them.
It is time for me to read some, and go to bed, and think of you in the dream times. I am reading some fiction now-- never had time for it in the past.
There is only one more thing to say-----I love you and that says it all.
Hugs and kisses, David

2022-05-06 05:11:12


RE: Darling, just look at me!
My Love Larissa, I look at you and just gasp, you are simply beautiful, and I just I am filled with desire. I just do not know what to say as I am lost for words. I can talk about most things but
with you I am simply so filled with joy, wonder, and love that I am beyond words. The words i can think of seem so ordinary and a bit like flat warm beer that I look for the jest of the fizz and
the chill of new contact that gives me a jolt of things to come. You are my dream and there is no way to improve on it. I love you so much. David 197/254
2022-05-06 04:53:21
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

RE: My morning hot video for you David
My Lovely Larissa, This is wonderful and a real turn on. I hope I can live up to this. The desire is powerful but I do not feel equally sexy in my appearance. I have been taking prednisone given
by my doctor for polymialgia and I have put on extra weight and my labido could use a boost as I have not even dated for years. My wife was the last person I had sex with. I was a loyal
husband. But I know how to love you in every way and I am sure this can be only a minor problem. I hope this is not a problem for you. I will make love to you forever.

2022-05-06 04:40:44


RE: Those were the first shows...
My LOVE Larissa, your view of the family is just the way I was raised and I had exactly that same lifestyle. I have a wonderful cat and a dog is also fine but do not have one now. I was raised
with animals as we were on a farm and when I was growing up I was in charge of the rabbits, ducks, geese, chickens, goats and any baby animals like calf's, and of course the dog and cats
(lots of them). That was my after school jog along with throwing the hay down from the loft ad into the silo to Shovel down silage for the cows that my dad was feeding. My dad took care of
the cattle. My play house was the barn and I often slept in the hay in it -- sometimes with my dad together. He was a good dad. So my career as a biologist was an obvious outcome. My
bedroom was full of aquariums-- mice hampsters, snakes, frogs, and many fish. I was best friend with the couple that owned the local aquarium and often they gave me broken aquaria and
fish; they were the only black people in town.
During my growing up it was a given, that the basement was mine---- my lab. Since I was about 9 years old and until I went off to college. I built benches and bookcases, and more room for
glassware and Aquaria. It was chemistry, dissection, identification etc. I am not sure I am totally over it yet. Of course I have a lab in the house and the best microscopes money can buy. I had
a huge collection of biological specimens Plants and especially Arthropods (approximately 55,000 beetles, and over 100,000 Arachnids now in the museum of the Florida collection of
Arthropods, Department of Plant Protection, where they have a full time curator. They had to build a new wing onto the museum to hold all the cabinets. When I moved to AZ my house was
too small to hold it so I donated them . I miss them but still doing some research. Will have to tell you about it sometime.) So you see it all started in the basement.
I love nature.
I simply can't wait to share some of my interests with you. I am also an artist and have had at least one painting hung in the Art Institute Museum over the last four years. The exhibits are
every three months and I have had a painting chosen for every exhibit. There is more and we can explore together many things. Tell me about you childhood I want to know everything about
you. The good and bad as I accept you for all that you are. I do have a thirst for all of you.
My Love shines everyday as long as the sunshine

2022-05-06 03:57:57


RE: RE: Hope is the glue of Love
Sweetheart, Strangely I have been thinking about that for several days and looking at my furniture I do not have a place where two can sit together. I had a love seat but the mover left it
behind. I guess the truck was full. I am going out to look for one. I do have an outdoor wicker one though we can use to watch the sun go down. Holding you often is on my calendar
How I Love you, David Hugs and kisses and..... who Knows.

2022-05-06 03:50:05


RE: Would you dare to insane, all-consuming love with me?
MY Darling Larissa, 2-2-2 sounds wonderful and is very close to what I had planned to do with us. It fits my lifestyle anyway. I always have little trips I am wanting to take anyway. I naturally
do that by myself but having you along makes it powerful. I can't even tell you how much I love you and miss you as there are no words to express it.
Your David forever

2022-05-05 21:10:45
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Darling, just look at me!
❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍ 198/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-05-05 21:06:05
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Dear, close your eyes and feel me next to you. VERY HOT!

2022-05-05 21:04:28
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David,I want to give you a night that you will never forget ...

2022-05-05 21:02:58
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My morning hot video for you David
I wait and miss my passionate and beloved man, my David!!!

2022-05-05 21:01:00
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My morning hot video for you David
I want to give you a night that you will never forget ... I wait and miss my passionate and beloved

2022-05-05 20:55:00
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Those were the first shows... Photo inside!
Hi David!!!!
Probably, everyone has ever imagined himself and what kind of family he wants to see next to him in the future.
Of course, I am no exception and I have thought about this many times as well.
Probably the first time this happened when I was about 14 years old.
Then I had a dream where I am already many years old, I am an adult, I have a house and a family.
I no longer remember this dream, but then I asked myself what will my family be like when I grow up?
For me, my parents and my grandparents have always been an example.
Their long and strong relationship is full of understanding, trust, love and respect.
Parents have always skillfully created a warm and friendly atmosphere in our family.
I always knew that I could turn to them for advice, they easily cheered me up and supported me.
imagined that my family would be about the same. 199/254
I imagine my future family to be large, friendly and strong, in which my husband will be the head and support for the whole family.
And I will create comfort in our house and keep the family hearth, just like my mother and my grandmother did.
We will live 5:33
in a bigPM
house outside the city, where our beloved relatives and closest friends- Trusted
will gatherinternational
on weekends. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I dreamed of having a daughter and 2 sons.
I don't know why three children.
And of course, where without pets.
Everyone has different ideas about the ideal family.
But in any case, the family is the most important and important thing in the life of each of us.
These are the people who will care, support and sincerely love you.
Cats, dogs and other pets will bring a huge amount of joy, fun and love to the family hearth...)))

2022-05-05 20:48:55
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My dear David! Photo inside!
I want to tell you another funny incident that happened once at work.
The dispatcher explained that the patient complains of green legs, there are no other symptoms of the disease and no complaints.
We arrived at the scene and asked him if the patient was wearing new socks or shoes, if he changed the soap.
He answered all questions in the negative.
We could not establish a diagnosis for him and decided to take him to the hospital and conduct a more thorough examination.
In the department, almost all the staff greeted us at the door, they were curious.
We put him in bed, and then he tells the nurse:
"I just remembered
I bought a new green pair of shoes and wore them without socks.... "
I wondered why he said "no" when asked about it.
He looked down at his bright green legs and said:
"I forgot",
Sometimes adults see themselves as little children.
It certainly looks funny
but it would be nice if such people understood that by wasting time we could possibly help someone and maybe even save someone's life at this time.
Good dreams, my love!
I hope to see you today in my dreams!
When I fall asleep, I will think of you and imagine those sweet days when we will be together!
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-05-05 20:37:26
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Good evening my dear David!!! Photo inside!
I know that you're worried about me and it makes me sad.
I want to tell you a funny challenge that happened a few months ago.
Maybe this story will be of interest to you?
One little boy put his finger in the salt shaker.
And the finger is stuck there.
Tightly - neither here nor there.
First of all, we offered to break the salt shaker, but for some reason the parents were not happy with this option.
The salt cellar was supposedly the great-grandmother's authorship of Faberge himself (Stradivari's drum, yes, yes).
When we half-jokingly suggested to the parents that the finger be amputated, they absolutely seriously began to discuss this option.
As a result, with the help of our driver, some tool, sunflower oil and a strong word, we managed to get the finger without damaging the finger,
and antique value.
Everyone was satisfied.
David, I want to thank you again for your attention and care!
You are the best man and I love you so much!
I hope you have a positive day today.
I kiss and hug you tightly David
your Larisa
1 200/254
2022-05-05 14:42:07
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: Hope is the glue of Love Photo inside!
David, I think courtship should last a lifetime.
To grow, you need to cultivate love.
Many do not understand this and therefore gradually their relationship deteriorates.
This is the mistake of most couples.
Remember usually the period of the beginning of dating is full of romance.
such relationships gave joy and novelty, there were practically no problems.
Then usually people relax and do not strain to make each other's days brighter and still treat each other in awe.
And then the routine kills passion and love.
Periodic dates, even for couples who have lived 10-20 or more years, excite again and again a sense of novelty.
And it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts.
It's easy enough to arrange an affordable date.
It's really quite easy.
Lots of options.
There would be only desire.
I think that we will always have a very warm and beautiful relationship.
Because we know how to save them.
with love
your Lara

2022-05-05 14:40:30
Reply (/mailing/index/


RE: RE: Honey, I hope that my stories could lift your spirits a little. Photo inside!
David, a simple and logical rule, don't you agree?
So the 2/2/2 rule is very similar to what my parents used to do.
Once a week they went out to dinner together. My grandparents or my aunt would come and stay with me for the evening,
until I'm old enough to be alone.
When I was old enough to take care of myself, they began to make occasional small overnight trips.
I firmly believe that courtship should last a lifetime.
To grow, you need to cultivate love.....

2022-05-05 14:39:02
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RE: I want to hold you and love you forever. Photo inside!
David, do you know about this? Couples who follow the 2/2/2 rule have a honeymoon that lasts forever Chester Craig
It is customary to say that romance fades with age.
Relationships develop into a habit, and only memories remain of the honeymoon.
Do you want to know how some couples manage to keep the fire of passion forever?
Follow the simple 2/2/2 rule.
The point is simple.
It is necessary to periodically allocate time to be with your chosen one outside the home.
It is very important to leave all worries at home.
Do not think about problems and difficulties.
Both of you should be focused on each other.
It is important to stick to number 2:
- Every 2 weeks, spend an evening with your woman, arranging a date
- Every 2 months, go on a weekend in nature or on an excursion to another city
- Every 2 years, plan a joint vacation.......
1 2022-05-05201/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


I love you like the sun that warms me all year round... Photo inside!
Hi David!
How are you, dear?
How did this day start for you? I have a normal working day today.
I really want to see my parents, I haven't been at home for 5 days.
Now we are transporting people from Kramotorsk to the Dnieper.
Maybe in the evening I will return to Pavlograd, if there are no rocket attacks.
Last night I read an interesting article,
that couples who follow the 2/2/2 rule have a honeymoon that lasts forever.
Do you know about this rule?
In my next letter, I will tell you about it.
I love you like the sun that warms me all year round.
And although you are far away, but, looking at the sky and seeing the sun, I know that you think of me too.

2022-05-05 14:31:06
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David, my sun and my angel! Photo inside!
You are always in my thoughts and in my heart!
These are difficult times for the two of us.
The past week has been very difficult.
but we were able to bring a lot of people from Mariupol to Zaporozhye.
And these saved people make my heart so happy.
I'm sorry that sometimes I can't answer you right away.
Sometimes I spend 3-4 days on a trip together with rescue teams and volunteers, taking people out of dangerous places.
I know it's hard for us right now.
You are very worried about me.
But I want you to know that we will have wonderful days and nights ahead of us. And then everything will be different.
And it will be so
Chronicle of my day. A magical dawn, when birds, bugs, barking dogs, all vied with each other about the beginning of something new.
A hot afternoon at the cherry blossoms, blooming as brightly as a loving and beloved woman.
And a new modest month, which with its growth will bring us the development of what we desire
Everything in our future life together will be cyclical Everything is natural Everything is true
I sincerely believe that we are created and should always be in each other's arms until the end of our days
hugs and kisses
your Larissa.

2022-05-05 14:20:21
Reply (/mailing/index/


RE: Hope is the glue of Love Photo inside!
I sincerely believe that we are created and should be in each other's arms.
Hello my dear David!
I love you with every fiber of my being... Your letters give me an incentive to be strong and dream of beautiful days with you in the future when the war is over.
Today, together with my medical team, I again took out the wounded from Kramotorsk.
Every day it's getting harder and harder here, more and more dead wounded.
As I drove through the countryside I dreamed of having you by my side
and how we would have a great time together, admiring the beautiful sunny day,
when all the blossoming spring flowers painted the landscape...
I miss you my dear love!!
I'm ready for life and love with you my sweet soul mate sent from heaven above.. 202/254
All my kisses, all my hugs and all my love are yours David!!!
only your Larisa
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-05-05 14:01:39
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My beautiful man David , beloved by every cell and with all my soul, good morning! Photo inside!
David, my most gentle, kindhearted and affectionate, wake up.
Good morning, my precious and much desired man.
The morning is sunny and sweet...I want to see, hear and touch you
There are only thoughts in my head - to lie with you in a warm bed
I want this day to give you only positive emotions, joy and happiness.
Carry out all your plans.
Do not think that something may not work out for you, because you are my most capable and talented.
Get up, meet the sun and tune in to new achievements. You will certainly succeed, because my faith and my love are always with you ..❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍
I dream to find myself nearby, tightly pressed and passionately kissed! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
You can't imagine how much I missed you.
I send you my morning kisses and good mood!
with love
your Larisa

2022-05-03 03:50:52


I want to hold you and love you forever.
My love Larisa, My love for you is spilling all over and I hope it is headed your way. I have a hard time containing it at times and can hardly wait until we can be together. I have told my
daughter about us and she is very happy for us. I hope you are safe as I realize you are living a dangerous life. But I pray for your safety often; that is what is on my mind. You are my .one and
only and my love for you and our future is what I pray and dream for. I am waiting till we can be one together however long it takes.
My love to you. David

2022-05-02 03:16:12

Hope is the glue of Love
My loving Larisa, You said"I want to be your favorite girl". No! You are my one and only. Nobody will come between us. I am not seeing anybody and I have no plans to do so as long as you
want me. I hope I am not wrong but my understanding is that we will wait out this war and then or as soon as possible we will come together, be married, and be together forever. That is my
dream and I hope you are still in it. I am sure you must have many men who want to see you but I hope that you keep me in the way that I keep you. I too have people that want to meet me
but I do not even think of doing that because I am already spoken for. You and I are one now and for the future.
It is a slow day and I have been reading and taking a walk and doing a bit of painting. However mostly I am thinking of you. I miss you so much. I hope we can be together soon. Otherwise I
am fine and just puttering around the house. ( puttering means bouncing around and not really doing anything). It would be wonderful it we could go to the mountains and explore some of
the canyons, sit by a stream and eat our lunch and intimately share our inner thoughts. Oh the sun is getting low so let's head back. Should we stop for supper on the way home? When we
get home I want to hold you and look into your eyes, kiss you and comfort you saying this is truly your home--- with me.
I love you so much, David

2022-05-01 19:09:06


Hope is the glue of Love
My Love Larisa, I want to tell you that as long as you want me I will be there for you. I understand that I must wait, and I will. I am dedicated to our love and as far as I am concerned that is
permanent and I will live on hope and the loving words you send me until we can be in each others arms. Please keep that in your heart each day. I will always be there for you. My love is
beyond words,
Always David 203/254
2022-05-01 18:55:13
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Hope is the glue of Love
My Sweet Larisa, I am simply amazed at you. You are beautiful and you have a wonderful mind filled with treasure that I would love to mine and probe even deeper. When I think of you I feel
my body, mind , and soul is multi dimensional. It seems like a fusion of soul and body. What a wonderful future we could have exploring the world hand in hand seeing together but but
understanding from our own perspective. A good painting has both aerial perspective as well as two point perspective of angles, lines, and vanishing points. It is a fusion of two ways of
looking and I feel that in you.
Your stories are fine but what I really want to know is about you. What do you like to eat and drink, what kind of childhood did you have, tell me about your education, what are your hobbies,
when you have some free time what do you like to do, do you garden, what type of books do you like to read, If you could travel where are the places you want to see, and so much more.
What is your story- yes I have pieces but it talks about your loss of your children but that does not tell me about your person. Are you serious, what kind of things do you think about, and
how can I help you in these times of need. Remember you are my love and now becoming part of me, so I feel your pain as well as your happiness and that is the way it should be. So I want
to be there for you in anyway I can. I do not have words for just how much you mean to me and how much I love you- it grows more each day.
The news about the war is frightening and my concern for your safety is on my mind. Please be safe and remember you have a wonderful life waiting for you with me. I will hold you in my
arms and reassure you that you are safe. We will face the world together and you will never be alone.
Lovingly, your David I just want to hug and kiss you- again and again.

2022-04-30 08:08:04

RE: Honey, I hope that my stories could lift your spirits a little.
My Lovely Larisa, I have lots of colleagues in the professors at the Art Institute and the University and at a College I taught at. I also have many students in California where I taught for many
years. I have professional scientists that I have worked with much of my life. I also have a couple of painter friends. However at this point I had two really close friends, like family, But both of
them are now dead- too early in their life. I miss them terrible. I have another friend - a former student I saw through her undergraduate and graduate education and on to a Doctors degree
and a job as a professor. But she is too far away to pop in for dinner. So there are people but some are close friends but there is no intimacy in my life at this time except for Heidi who looks
affectionately into my eyes and gives me kisses. I have thought about getting another cat or a dog. You have the kind of dog I like the best. Not so picky about cats though. I tried to send you
a cat photo but I am having trouble figuring out how to send it. I added it to my photos. So my home life is pretty slow other that Heidi. I a getting to know my neighbors but we have little in
common. I have invited them to my house but nobody took advantage of it. My ex wife and I are friends but she is very involved in the Jahovah Witness Church and they do not want her
even to talk with me-- they quoted something from the Bible to justify that? They are a cult of course. So that is the simple story about my friends-- lots of secondary relationships but few
primary ones that I can talk to about my inner self. I miss intimacy in my life.
So are you surrounded by friends, boyfriends maybe?
I am presuming that we are solid enough that I should not be looking anymore for my soulmate because I have found her-- you? That is what I have hoped for and dreamed about. I have
put all my eggs in our basket and am focusing on you an me being joined in matrimony for a wonderful togetherness together.
You are in my heart each minute of the day ( with maybe a hiccup when Heidi is soliciting me ). All I think about is our future together and just how and when can we be together. I love you.
Yours forever, David

2022-04-29 22:10:07
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Honey, I hope that my stories could lift your spirits a little. Photo inside!
David, I remembered another story that our ambulance driver Uncle Misha once told.
He has a daughter, Lisa, and is constantly dissatisfied with her suitors.
Once he was not at home for about a week, he was treated in a sanatorium and he returned home late at night.
He did not wake up his daughter and wife and went to bed.
He woke up in the middle of the night, well, it really struck him to eat.
The wife is sleeping, and he sneaks quietly on tiptoe into the kitchen so as not to wake anyone
and there, near his refrigerator, some man stands and devours his sandwiches with sausage and cheese!
He saw him, cringed, frightened.
Uncle Misha was taken aback by such impudence.
But it's good that a few minutes later my daughter comes in.
It turned out to be her boyfriend.
In short, after that she doesn’t have a boyfriend!
No one will eat my sausage at night, uncle Misha said menacingly!
I feel sorry for Lisa, so she can completely remain without a fiancé.
I miss you like crazy!!!
Kisses, hugs and love...
your Larisa

2022-04-29 22:00:53
Reply (/mailing/index/ 204/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect85582667
woman abroad!/

Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
I want to tell you about one of my friends Alina.
She is so calm and unflappable, sometimes it seems to me that she has absolutely no emotions at all.
and it is simply unique in its inner peace and is not penetrated.
I admire my girlfriend - nothing can unsettle her.
Even when an unfamiliar girl grabbed her hand and said,
that she is her husband's mistress and everything is serious with them, Alina replied:
"Darling, I beg you, here are two children and a mortgage - this is serious,
and rubbing pussy once a week is not even a romance.
If you could see my surprise.
Alina never gets upset, there is nothing that can upset her.
she still lives with her husband and did not even try to find out something from him.
honey, do you have friends who surprise you with their behavior?
Do you have many friends?
Tell me about them.

2022-04-29 21:52:37
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David, your tender and wild kitty misses your love!
I send you my evening kisses

2022-04-29 21:47:23
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normal my private video.
David,I am walking with my dog.

2022-04-29 21:28:53
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David, just like you, I heard a lot of good and bad stories about dating on the site. Photo inside!
But I try to trust my heart and it tells me that you are the man that I have been looking for for so long.
In one of the hostels in Dnipro, a Croatian citizen killed a pregnant girl from Ukraine. It happened seven years ago.
They met on a dating site and started dating.
They began a relationship, and when he came to her once again, they had a quarrel.
During the quarrel, he inflicted numerous blows on her head.
The girl died from her injuries, and the attacker fled the scene.
For seven years, her relatives sought justice, and only last year the court found the Croat guilty of murder with aggravating circumstances and sentenced him to 35 years in prison.
Unfortunately, sometimes there are not decent and not honest people, psychos and various freaks on dating sites, and therefore, of course, this is a risk.
But I want to assure you that I am exactly the woman who is depicted in the photo and video.
I think that your heart feels good about me and I'm not here to cheat.
I have never asked you for gifts and my only goal is to find a good man and start a family with him.
I'm just tired of being alone and I just want to be happy with my beloved man. 205/254
I am very sorry that I cannot now leave my country because I am a doctor.
In my country, doctors are equated with the military and they are liable for military service and during the war they cannot travel outside the country.
Probably 5:33
if we hadPM
not interrupted our communication in - Trusted
for a long time, we would international
have already met because dating site
I worked forsince 2008.
3 months Meet your
in Hungary perfect
and then woman
you could comeabroad!/
to me.
But probably it should have happened, because God has his own plans for everything.
David, if we are meant for each other, then we will definitely be together.
I really want you to believe in it with me.
Of course, I understand that it’s not you, not I who don’t know how long this war will last and whether I will stay alive.
I will understand you if you get tired of waiting for me.
But I so want to be your favorite girl and spend the rest of my life with you.
your Larisa

2022-04-29 20:57:14
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Hello my dear David!))))))))))))))))))))))) Photo inside!
Thanks for your nice letter.
When I read your letters, I seem to be mentally transported to you, to your quiet and comfortable house in Arizona.
I imagine how Heidi and I will welcome you.
Hope we can share your love.
I love animals and especially cats, I think that Heidi will feel it and accept me into your friendly family.
I will find a way to befriend her.
I know that Arizona is a wonderful state and has a wonderful warm climate that suits me.
Once I read that there is no consensus on the etymology of the name Arizona, among the main hypotheses are Spanish and Indian.
As far as I know, the name of the state comes from the word of the Pima Indians transmitted by the Spaniards - “place of a small stream”, in the language of the Aztec tribe - “giving birth to
Arizona is famous for its protected areas, such as the Painted Desert National Park, the Pueblo Archaeological Site, the Tonto National Monument, the Saguaro National Park, if I'm not
This is a wonderful place and you will have something to surprise me and something to show...
Of course I love to travel and I like camping.
Wow!!!! What a huge library you have, it's wonderful.
You have so many rooms and it's so amazing to me.
You had interesting and very informative lectures,
a day of teaching an ecology course on how an ecosystem grows is your experience.
I would love to attend all your classes.
It's very interesting, if you let me, I'll be your diligent student.
David, I'm so glad to have you in my life.
I so want the war to end as soon as possible and you take me out of this hell.
I so want to wake up and see your face next to me.
Start the morning with the smile of a loved one.
I so want to purr next to Heidi and be your favorite t gentle kitty!
Send me a photo of you and Khandi.
I'm sure she's a very beautiful girl.
I also have 2 cats.
Iriska and Asya.
I wish you a good weekend!
hugs and kisses
your tender kitty Lara

2022-04-28 03:53:30

RE: Things with a similar vibration attract.
Darling Larisa, I cannot find a word that has enough power of feeling to even know what to say at times. It seems incredible that each letter rings loud and true to me to hear just how much
we are on the same wavelength-- our likes, desires our dreams and even much in our background.
A couple of years ago I decided that I wanted to have only one house as I had a summer one in Minnesota ( Very cold in the winter) and a winter one in sunny Arizona. There was always
something I needed that was in the other house so I decided I was going to downsize and have only one house-- Arizona. I was seldom home in the hot Arizona summer anyway as it was
my travel time. I spent many days in wild nature living in a tent in the wilderness close to nature. Do you like camping? With proper equipment it is quite comfortable and the night sky is
incredible without the city lights.
I had a huge library but only moved about half--- a mere 18,000 volumes ( down from 32,000). I have a "three bedroom house" but in reality it is a one bedroom, two library rooms, a lab (with
books), and a studio (with books) and of course a kitchen, two bathrooms, and a living room/ dinning room with many bookcases. So I am glad you like to read! As an academic professor
students expect there professors to know everything, so I read.
Also I have a nice collection of Classical music on CD and what is left of the walls have Art everywhere.
share my home with another female who truly is in love with me. Her name is Heidi and is all covered with fur--"Daddy's kitty" It helps to ward off loneliness as when I get home she is right
there waiting for a nice conversation and more that a few strokes of love-- she must however be reassured every 45 minutes that I am indeed there and is always at arms length of me just
as she is at this moment. I would prefer that it was you and that is my dream. Heidi can still hang out but she will have to more than share and be second in line.
Today was a5:33
day ofPMteaching an ecology course in how the ecosystem - Trusted
grows -- my expertise. What a international datingis site
physician is to people what since
I am to2008. Meet your
the ecosystems perfect
of the woman
world. When theyabroad!/
damaged of need to be regrown after thoughtless people destroy them, they come to the ecosystem doctor to develop a means to get them back to health and protect the sensitive
species. I
at this time work mostly in the New World Tropics. Jungles especially are difficult to restore as the soils are so oxidized that there is little fertility due to intense leeching. It is a bit like not
having a gut, liver, pancreas or lymphatic system--- it's all in the soil!
Heidi was happy to see me home but my thoughts are with you being there for me. That's mostly what is on my mind. My love for you...and you....and you.....hugs....kissesOOOOO.......and you...a
story without end.........
You have my heart and my love ( will keep a tiny token of love for Heidi if you do not mind).
my LOVE to you, David

2022-04-27 06:04:12


RE: My new seductive video for you David!!! Look!!!
Larisa my love, it won't take much to seduce me and the shower sounds wonderful. I may need a cold shower by myself after these thoughts. I want to love you and make love to you so you
discover that bond that brings us together for our life.
The news about the war in Ukraine is pretty bad here in the USA and in your situation going into a war zone I think it is pretty reasonable to be concerned and it is not only your life but also
my own that is at stake. Not sure I would call this negative thought but facing the reality. I am seldom a negative person and when a problem appears my reaction is to face it and do what
needs to be done to correct it. Of course I cannot shut the war down but maybe I can help create a safety zone for our survival. I want to protect you and our future. Here in the US we are all
on the side of the Ukraine and many are so incensed that they would like to take a more militant move, but more war is not a very good answer unless all other channels are exhausted.
At my house there is peace and the freedom follow our bliss and grow in our love together without living in a state of crisis. My life is already living with you, in my love ,even if is merely only
in my heart and soul with the hopes for the future. My hopes are that you can leave and not be troubled with all your experiences of death and gore. I will be here for you as your rock of
safety, love, and caring and hopefully we together can put it into the past. We both have a scientific background and I think we can be more objective that the ordinary person. I might also
note that you are having a positive influence as you save peoples lives. How proud I am of you.
Do you see anytime that you can get out of the situation and get here with me to start a new life together? Is there any end in sight?
When you did not reply for a week I had two thoughts. Maybe you have become a casualty ( not unreasonable considering your situation). Secondly there is talk on the computer that says
that Veronica is merely a scam, and I am only writing to a photo and the person I am writing to could be anybody. All they needed is some photos. If that were so, I thought the writer thought
I was getting too involved and so wanted to stop. I certainly hope you are the real person I am hoping for. I have been totally honest in what I have written to you and my hopes are for the
future we have dreamed and talked of-- a loving life together. My problems are trite compared with what you face because mine have ready answers and I am taking care of them, but yours
are out of your control. This must weigh heavily. So when you have a few moments think of our love and hopes.
I am thinking of waking with my arms around you, gently kissing you and whispering in your ear that you are my world. We are reluctant to get up and so we loiter in the moment not wanting
to move out of the moment. We make love. Finally.... We make some comments about the coming day and what and where we want to spend it- together of course. At home or perhaps
going for breakfast and on to the mountains? And so another adventure is lovingly shared, and we make memories we will cherish in our old age.
I am making prayers for you and your family and so we move forward in the grace of God's holiness. All this is beyond words but my feelings are with every word.
I love you my love.
Your fiance', David Hugs and kisses, more hugs and OOOOOOOOO

2022-04-26 23:34:28
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My new seductive video for you David!!! Look!!!

2022-04-26 23:07:21
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Things with a similar vibration attract. Photo inside!
Hello my sunshine David!!!
It was a tough day.
But I want to talk about it.
It seems to me that it is so important to try to fill yourself with positive even in the most difficult times.
Because things with a similar vibration attract.
So when you are happy, grateful, focused on the good, you attract high frequency things.
When you're scared and waiting for failure, low frequency things come to you.
This is called the Law of Vibration.
Have you heard about it?
And once you understand how it works, you will be able to deliberately think thoughts of the frequency
which the things you desire have.
And in this way you will draw yourself to them, and them to you. 207/254
This is probably how we find people like us.
Have you noticed that some people attract similar people to themselves.
For example,5:33 PM that one of my neighbors got married
I noticed - Trusted
times and all her chosen ones wereinternational
alcoholics. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
At work, I worked with a woman who had 5 husbands and they were all gigolos,
although this woman herself is a lover of using others.
I have noticed something similar many times.
So I think this theory works.
It will be interesting to know your opinion.
Now I'm completely naked and I'm going to take a shower.
Honey, do you want to take a shower together today?
Me, you and no clothes.
love and miss
I hope that my letter was able to cheer you up and you will smile remembering me.
your Larisa

2022-04-26 21:39:30
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Dear David!!! Once upon a time, I thought that I was just unlucky and I had almost come to terms with my loneliness. Photo inside!
I told myself that I'm not so bad.
There are a lot of people around and thanks to my vocation I feel needed by people.
Others don't even have that and are much lonelier than me.
But once my mother told me,
that the day will come and I will meet "my" person.
She said:
"One day he will come into your life!
He will not burst into a crazy hurricane, destroying everything in its path, as others did.
On the contrary, he will quietly, gently approach you day after day, step by step.
And getting very close, gently and gently heal your wounded soul.
He will carefully piece together your broken heart, surround you with love, affection and care.
He will teach you to love again, show you how it is to be truly loved.
He will settle deep in your heart, occupy all your thoughts.
Will be a breath of fresh air for you
a glass of cool water on a hot day,
rain in a dry year, sunshine in inclement weather.
You will learn to love again and feel how beautiful life is.
You want to live differently.
And that's when you realize that you've been waiting for him all your life."
You know, recently I realized that she was right, and that's exactly what happened when you came into my life.
David, today I remembered these words and realized that this is exactly what happened.
You quietly came into my life and softly approached me day after day, step by step
you gently and gently heal my wounded soul and taught me to love again.
You have become a very important and truly beloved person for me.
Now I will rest.
I thought maybe it would be important for you to know that I fall asleep thinking about you.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-04-26 21:25:51
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Ah, my cute, cute David!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
How I love your letters.
I love reading them so much and imagining how many happy days we can have in our lives.
I love everything new and I love to travel.
Mountains and sea are my favorite elements.
They always fascinate me.
But there is so much more I would like to see.
I love art, I love theater and ballet.
I love classical music and when the organ sounds.
Recently, I thought about the fact that almost all my life I worked and helped someone, I almost did not live for myself.
never had time to take care of myself. 208/254
I studied and then worked, worked, worked....
In fact, I was abroad only once and then when I worked under a contract in Hungary in the city of Dunaföldvár.
Probably the5:33
mostPMbeautiful places I have been to are Crimea
Georgia. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
There are beautiful mountains, sea and waterfalls.
But there are so many beautiful places that I want to visit with you.
When we live together, we will enjoy each other and our every new day.
You know, war changes values ​a lot and makes you think about many things that you didn’t think about before.
After all, we can never predict what will happen in five minutes, in a day or two.
War is a difficult test for any person.
During the war, one has to experience debilitating physical and psychological stress.
A person does not know what awaits him ahead, and only at the most difficult moment he understands how happy he was before.
I want to tell you that I feel a special connection with you.
I know that you understand and feel everything that is happening to me and my country now.
You tell me so many warm and kind words that warm my heart in this difficult time.
I feel how you sincerely worry about my family and pray for me.
Thank you for this.
I want to believe and hope that I can stay alive and spend the rest of my life with you David!
I'm so glad you are in my life.
You are the kind of man with whom I will always feel safe.
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa

2022-04-26 20:41:29
Reply (/mailing/index/



Good morning my beloved David!!! ❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️ Photo inside!
How are you ? What was your day like today?
I want to tell you how I celebrated the Easter holidays.
I was able to stay with my parents and we cooked very tasty Easter cakes and even fried meat and vegetables on the coals.
But the truth is, we had to interrupt the frying process and hide in the basement.
Even on holidays, they continued to fire rockets at us.
But still, I am grateful to God that I was able to hug my mother and father and have a good time with them.
Someone once said that in a couple, one always loves, and the second only allows you to love.
I am sure that we can completely refute this opinion with our feelings and relationships.
It is difficult to find two such similar and complementary people as we are.
Sometimes I feel like I know exactly what you're thinking at that moment.
And you look into my eyes and read like an open book. I hope it will always be like this, because I want to connect my life only with you, my beloved David!❤️
I hope that my very private photos bring you a sense of intimacy and joy.
I love and miss you!
your Larisa

2022-04-26 20:26:06
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Hello dear David! I hasten to inform you that I am alive and well. Photo inside!
You know, my love, there are so many challenges and I just live in the hospital for weeks.
We then accompany buses with people who are taken to a safe place.
Then we go to objects that are being bombed together with rescuers and firefighters.
Then we take out the wounded by helicopters or ambulances from other cities.
Tragedy and shelling every day.
Aerial bombardments are now more frequent and the fighting more violent.
They fire at railway stations, residential buildings, schools and rockets fly everywhere.
I try as soon as there is time to immediately inform you that I am alive.
I can feel how much you care about me.
But I know that you and I are connected by an invisible thread and you feel in what state I am.
David, when I go to bed, I always think about the time when we will live together.
How will you take care of me and how will I wake up from your kisses and not from endless air anxiety and fear.
I so want your hands to hug me and your lips give hot kisses.
Please don't worry so much about me.
Take care David!
your love will always protect me from any evil.
hugs and kisses 209/254
with love
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-04-26 20:22:46
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Hello dear David! I hasten to inform you that I am alive and well.
You know, my love, there are so many challenges and I just live in the hospital for weeks.
We then accompany buses with people who are taken to a safe place.
Then we go to objects that are being bombed together with rescuers and firefighters.
Then we take out the wounded by helicopters or ambulances from other cities.
Tragedy and shelling every day.
Aerial bombardments are now more frequent and the fighting more violent.
They fire at railway stations, residential buildings, schools and rockets fly everywhere.
I try as soon as there is time to immediately inform you that I am alive.
I can feel how much you care about me.
But I know that you and I are connected by an invisible thread and you feel in what state I am.
David, when I go to bed, I always think about the time when we will live together.
How will you take care of me and how will I wake up from your kisses and not from endless air anxiety and fear.
I so want your hands to hug me and your lips give hot kisses.
Please don't worry so much about me.
Take care David!
your love will always protect me from any evil.
hugs and kisses
with love

2022-04-26 20:09:24
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My dear David! You my angel!!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your kind and sincere letters.
They mean so much to me at this difficult time.
It is so important to know that there is a person who needs me and who is praying for me.
I have never seen so much grief and blood as I see now.
I began to have terrible dreams, the faces of those whom we could not save.
And yesterday we took 6 wounded soldiers from Rubizhne by a medical helicopter, and one of them looked so much like my brother who died in 2016 in Marienka.
It seemed to me that it was him and the same early injury as my brother had.
I felt like my heart was about to explode from the pain.
And I would relive my personal tragedy again.
David, my dear, there is nothing worse than war!
This is fear, death, blood, pain, destruction and terrible suffering of people! This is the worst thing that can happen in a person's life.
You know, when I fell ill with covid in November and it seemed to me that I was dying, I thought that nothing would be worse in my life.
But what is happening now is a million times worse.
Thank you for being with me and for supporting me and helping me to be stronger.
Your care and love is my amulet!
I would really like to be in your strong arms now and see your eyes.
It would be the safest place for me.
hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2022-04-24 02:12:18


It is painful not being together.
Larisa my love for you grows each day. At times it feels like it is boiling over and it cannot be contained. You have been through so much that I want to wrap you into my arms and tell you are
now safe, and are at your new home where we will find peace and love. I will take care of you. You have done so much for others I think you deserve this-- beyond that I simply want you to
feel the power of really being loved. I want to give you all that I have and I do not think I can settle for less. I will always be there for you, wherever and whenever. 210/254
I pray for your safety and hope that you can truly feel what I am sending you--affection, kisses, holding, love, and my promise to be your one and only until the end of time. I cannot find
words powerful enough to express how I feel. I am hoping that you can find a way to come here into my arms. I will be waiting.
My 5:33 PM
love forever,David - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2022-04-23 09:44:50


My Love, how I long for you.
My lovely Larisa, Haven't heard from you and am concerned. You live in such a war driven world and yet I am sure you are just running all the time. So I am thinking I should be patient and I
am, but the fear of you getting hurt nags at me. Losing you would devastate me as you are just that important to me. How I wish you could come here with me so I can care for you. I am sure
you are perfectly able to take care of yourself but with my help we could be confident that we are secure together. I love you so much. David

2022-04-22 05:06:58


RE: My joy in my love for you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My Sweet Larisa, Could you possibly guess what is on my mind-----you of course. We are together in my mind always and I am well down that road. All my plans, hopes and dreams are all
in one nest now--- our nest. There will be nobody else for me but you and I am closing all other doors so we can have peace and healing for you in the sublime world of what we dream for
us. Softly we can talk about what is truly important in our world. For me it is you by my side. We talk about our formal union in matrimony, setting up our home, what kind of food we like to
eat, and how we like to spend our time. Are you a reader? I like classical and folk music. America has some of the worlds finest landscapes, shall we go---- mountains, beeches, rainforests,
canyons, waterfalls, magnificent rock formations---- what flavor do you like? Or is it culture---concerts, sguare dancing, ballet, or maybe art museums or Natural History Museums ( some of
the best). Or possibly the county fair---- sooooo much. All of this sharing, laughing, holding-----(Kissing) and hugging and digging deeply into each others persona until we realize at last we
have discovered that we have become the yin and yang of the greater whole. How I do love you darling Larisa.
My family is small but I am excited to have you meet what we have as they have been waiting for me to find happiness. You will find a welcome togetherness that we have; we never have
harsh words only a together happiness that we can find each other in the occasion.
I am busy trying to close old doors especially my consulting and much of my teaching to make my life free to devote it freely to you. It is time I take for myself and you, as I have worked hard
since I was a young kid delivering the daily newspaper and I am sure that you have the same to background. After all just getting our education was a real trial --- all those tests not to
mention tuition and books to study when others were having fun.
But it would not be of any value without you because if there is not two pieces to glue together what would the glue of love be for? But I do know what it is for and we can forge together our
own castle, fill it with love and sit together and breath easy--- slowly holding on to the dream that will never end.
Forever David, Your fience' ) lots of these OOOOXXXX

2022-04-21 14:22:32
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My favorite David!I love you and miss you very much!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Photo inside!
I woke up today and I felt light and joyful,
I realized that you were thinking of me. ❤️
Good morning my dear David !❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The day is like a children's puzzle game. After all, the canvas of the day is woven from small colored fragments.
Good and sometimes bad...
Sometimes they successfully fit together and form a whole beautiful picture.
But sometimes it’s worth breaking your head in order to fold the drawing the way it should. ❤️
I wish you successfully solve all problems today, choosing solutions as skillfully as pieces of a puzzle.
Have a colorful and positive day, my love!
Have a good mood and more joyful moments.
On this spring day, I want to wish you a good mood! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Let a positive attitude help you live the day with faith in the best,
in balance with yourself and warmth in your soul.
And don't forget to smile more often
after all, a smile will make everyone brighter!❤️
kiss and hug

2022-04-21 14:17:40
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85350135 211/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

This is a hot video for my man! It will bring me closer to you David!!!
My kisses for you David!!!❤️❤️❤️

2022-04-21 14:04:08
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Hello my dear David! Thank you for your lovely and such an important letter to me. Photo inside!
Good morning my cute David!!!
I want to press my body against you, I want to press my lips against you.
Yesterday I worked with a group of doctors in Kharkov.
We again transported wounded people to the Dnieper.
And then we sent 2 children to Lviv.
The parents of these children died trying to leave the city and the children were injured.
You feel very good about me and I am grateful to you for your love and prayers.
They will be my guardian.
I now have to travel often under shelling.
Twice we fell under fire when we covered the ambulance.
Unfortunately, two of my colleagues have already died.
But I rely on the will of God and his protection. It's real to read about your work.
I would love to join you and be your assistant in all matters.
I see that we are really made for each other and we have so much in common.
I, like you, at the current stage of my life, try to grow as an artist
I have also been interested in art since I was a teenager.
I loved animals and know a lot about them and their lives.
This has always been interesting to me, just like religion.
But of course medicine always comes first for me.
David, I think that we will always be good together and we will complement each other.
I am very worried that Russian bombs can destroy my house and I will be left without a blast furnace.
I see destruction here every day and a lot of blood and death.
Now we have Easter week and I hope that at least during the holidays there will be less shelling.
Thank you David for giving me the incentive to be strong.
I dream of the time when you will hold my hand tightly and I will feel protected.
When I'm scared, I close my eyes and imagine how your strong arms hug me.
It always helps me calm down.
By the end of the day I was very tired and wildly hungry!
But in my thoughts it’s not dinner at all, but the desire to make love to you!
I wish you a good day and good mood!
Good morning and have a good day, full of positive!
hugs and kisses
always yours Larisa.

2022-04-20 05:54:28


RE: Hope is the glue of the future.
My Heroic Darling, I have reread all our letters and I am in awe of all you have been through. You have a strength that is admirable and I feel humbled by it. All this is beyond words, but be
assured I carry you in my heart, and my mind is filled with hope that we can be together and put all this in the past. I will be there always with my arms around you and saying "hold on to me"
I will carry the load now. I will carry us into a new and peaceful world where we can grow into our future together. "Every moment I am here for you and praying for your safety and courage." It
is simply beyond words but I ask God to give my loving message to you that you have my heart and I plan that will be forever. That is how I feel. I have never been so taken by anybody than I
am at these moments. I truly love you.
My problems seem trite but I know where my focus is and that is to see you here away from the horrors you are going through. I rereading the letters you made the comment that you never
thought yourself as beautiful. In my opinion you are a ten (that means the highest score). I would be so proud to have you on my arm. I am not so sure that you are getting the best part of the
deal as I am pretty ordinary and far from perfect- but I still work at it. I plan to do whatever takes to make you feel happy, fulfilled, and realize that we have made the right choice in our
embrace of each other and our new life together.
I 212/254
had a full day of teaching at the University Art Institute. It was hard to keep my mind on things. On one hand I am worried and a bit frightened for you and on the other hand I am thrilled at
our coming together. It seems that my long held dreams may be fulfilled and I am ready to engage and head down that road with you. I only hope that when you meet me you will not be
On 5:33mass
Easter I said PMat one of our local churches, and of course - Trusted
was a high mass - especially international
that the dating
Bishop was there site
(Me- since
I told you I 2008. Meet your
was a Bishop). perfect
I am hoping thatwoman abroad!/
I can retire to a
new life as I have given the Church many years. I was until two months ago the acting Bishop of Kenya with 32 Parishes. Fortunately in the last month We managed to consecrate an African
Bishop to take over. So I only have some native Americans in my cure.
As you can see I have always worn two hats at least. The pointy one of Bishop ( and years before as a priest since mid life.) and no particular hat as an Professor of Ecology and research
scientist. That is the short description of my life beyond going to school which I am still taking classes though. I have a natural curiosity to know things. On the current leg of life I am trying to
grow as an artist ( Painter of Nature). It all fits together in my mind if it seems to be unorganized. I have dabbled in art since I was a teenager.
I still have a couple of consulting jobs-- East Africa organizing a research team to study a new species of Elephant in the Congo basin. I have students that will carry the load. Secondly giving
input to Brazil to save some rare trees of medical importance and make recommendations for an agricultural plan for farmers in the Amazon basin and stop poaching. However when you
come I plan to be giving all my time and effort to our future. I am sure we will have much to do.

2022-04-18 18:47:00
Reply (/mailing/index/


David, Happy Easter!!!!! Photo inside!
David, darling!!!
Finally, that time of the year is here!!!
Happy Easter to you my dear David!!!
May the risen Lord fill your heart with compassion, joy, love, and never-ending bliss!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have a happy, peaceful, and fun Easter filled with marshmallows, Easter cakes, chocolate, and jelly beans!Wishing you sunshine and a basketful of chocolate on this beautiful day. I wish you
not only on this holiday, but always love God and love me. May the Lord strengthen our love and give us a wonderful future. Happy Easter to you and your family!!!
You are always in my heart!
hope we can chat soon!
kiss and hug

2022-04-18 18:40:26
Reply (/mailing/index/


David, my brave and faithful man!!!! My love and dream! Photo inside!
Thank you for your sweet and full of love and warmth letter.
Your sincere words of love are so important to me now, at this difficult time, when every day I see death and terrible injuries of people, killed children and women.
Oh God, you have no idea how much I want to quickly feel how your strong arms press my body to him.
Darling, how I want to smell your scent, hear your voice...
You may think that I have gone crazy, but in fact I am an ordinary woman who wants her beloved person to fill her body again and again with his body and love.
It was a difficult week and we had calls to other cities.
Yesterday, after a night explosion in a bomb shelter in Kharkov, we took the wounded people to the Dnieper.
I saw the body of a murdered woman and her two small children were sitting nearby,
who could not even understand that their mother was dead.
I saw a murdered boy of 12 years old and it was painful and bitter for me to see the tragedies of ordinary people again.
Today, there were shelling again in the Dnieper and 2 rockets flew into my city. And again the victims were 6 killed and many wounded.
I missed my parents so much, I haven't seen them in three weeks.
I live in a hospital and get very little rest.
These are hard times for me.
Now I have been given time to rest and I think of you!
I can finally write to you and tell you about all the news.
Finally, I was able to read your letters and dream of a wonderful future with you!
Happy Easter to you my dear!!
I need you so make sure you take really good care of yourself and by all means possible keep yourself safe from harm..
Your always and forever, Larisa

2022-04-18 05:00:59

(/user/profile/v 213/254
Be safe and come to me.
Sweet Larisa.
6/24/23, My heart
5:33 PM aches for the pain you are going through. Take a deep breath and think of us sitting
- Trusted by a beautiful
international lake site
dating and my arms2008.
since are around
Meetyou and perfect
your I whisper woman
in your earabroad!/
that you
are the love of my life and tell in my feeble way how much you mean to me. We kiss as though we are at the door to paradise and moving on to the future we have dreamed of.
That is my heart singing for you. How proud I am of you and at the same time I am concerned that you may be harmed. Know that I am totally committed to our future, I pray for your safety (
indeed, I know God and I feel "He" knows me). I feel that things will find us beside each other night and day. And I hope and dream and dream about how much in love I am with you. It seems
a miracle, but there are miracles each day if we look for them. Do you realize we have written for over a year. I am committed and will wait for the day we can hold each other-- and never let
I have never experienced war but I have been with starving people, deformed people that had poorly cared for scars, and I have seen much sickness in both Africa as well as Latin America.
However it is nothing like the horror of man killing man. I am hoping to leaving for me soon and be able to put all in the past and move into the future.
there will be challenges but when we live on the edge of paradise it will only take a few steps to growth and wonder-- beauty and feelings of final resolve.
I may not be physically there but I carry you in my heart and mind as time ticks on. Just remember this as you face the challenges of the day-- you do not walk alone and I do not plan that
you ever will.
My sincere and deep love to you. David XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOXXXXXOOO(I do not want to stop)

2022-04-16 03:15:42

RE: my romantic video for you David!!!
My Sweet Larisa, How courageous you are. I am so proud of you and am humbled that you would even give me any attention. I pray for your safety and our coming together forever. Is your
family safe as well? I am putting all my hope in our basket and try to be patient and wait for you. How do you feel about that? You will be my one and only starting now! I have so many things
I want to share with you,that it is torturous waiting for the time I can see you get off the plane and be waiting with open arms. Just the thought of it makes me feel whole being together and
exploring the world for the first time as two loving souls ready for the ultimate completion in true love. I am totally taken with you and please be safe as I will be impatiently biding time until
we can be in each others arms and whisper in your ears that you are safe and I will do everything in my power to bring you to that point of feeling whole and being just where you desire to
be forever-- in each others arms. I will give it my all and work hard to see it through. When you are in love the problems become merely obstacles to to jump over together and they merely
become memories of the past and the present becomes a calm warm satisfaction that we feel fortunate to be there together and the future becomes hopeful like a wonderful dream of
completion. I am here for you and hopefully that is what you also desire.
P.S. I have been fighting discouragement wondering if this was ever going anywhere. I do understand the problem, and at times I wondered if this is going anywhere and whether you are
safe. Your letter has given me the energy to look forward as I never have before. My love to you. You fill my heart with the joy of things to come.

2022-04-13 22:05:08
Reply (/mailing/index/



my romantic video for you David!!!
I will be your goldfish and fulfill all your desires!

2022-04-13 21:54:25
Reply (/mailing/index/



Oh David!!!! my sweet and brave David!!! Photo inside!
I know that you are the most courageous and the best man for me and I am insanely glad that our feelings are mutual.
It seems to me that our souls are very close.
If you knew how much I want to be with you right now and feel safe.
I'd give anything if you could take me with you.
But they don't let me out of the country because we have a war going on and I'm a doctor.
According to the laws of Ukraine, doctors are liable for military service, and I can’t even quit my job.
I do my military duty and save people.
I haven't been home for 3 weeks and haven't seen my parents.
I work with an ambulance and we take people out after shelling.
Last week, we accompanied convoys of buses with people who were taken out of Severodonetsk,
before that, we took people from Kharkov to our city.
But most often we deliver wounded soldiers to the hospitals in Pavlograd and the Dnieper.
War is a disappointment and a wild horror.
After all, we can never predict what will happen in five minutes, in a day or two.
I watch with fear how every day other people die, who were literally a meter away from you.
And also I begin to imagine myself in his place and I could no longer be.
You know, while a person goes through this period, his attitude to the world, to people around him, to loved ones,
in the end, it changes to itself completely to the opposite - you begin to see this world in a different way.
We begin to appreciate every moment, moment, second of our life, because at any moment this all may not be.
Some become heroes during this period of time, saving all the people they can save or simply helping others, while others become cowards, because they live for themselves and214/254 want to
David, I so want to become tiny, so that I can fit like Thumbelina in your pocket, feel your warmth,
love and be5:33 PM
by your side all the time. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
kiss hug
your Larisa

2022-04-13 20:39:05
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Hello my dear David! Photo inside!
I'm so glad that you answered me and we can resume our communication again.
I, just like you, missed you all this time and could not get you out of my head.
So many things happened during this time.
I worked for some time abroad in Hungary, in the city of Dunaföldvár in a private clinic.
In November, I returned home from Covid and my illness was very difficult; with great difficulty I was able to pass these tests.
It took a long time to recover from an illness.
I am very glad that we are together again.
I really need your love and support right now.
It is a very difficult time in my life right now.
We have been at war for 50 days.
You know, David, nothing is worse than war.
It turns out that the war takes away from a person everything that was once dear to him.
War takes the lives of relatives and friends, makes you look at death and suffering.
A few days ago, together with other doctors, I took people out of Kramotorsk after the explosion at the railway station.
It was a monstrous and terrible sight, and I have never seen anything more terrible.
I sleep 3-4 hours a day and it seems that life has become like horror.
But I want to tell you about something else today.
About the fact that I still hope and believe that someday I will be able to be with you and be your beloved wife, companion and helper.
Your life is so intersting and bright and I so want to be with you and love you!
Hugs and Kisses
with tenderness and love
always yours Larisa

2022-04-08 03:59:25


Be safe and come to me.
Dearest Larisa, My prayers are with you for all that you are going through; you are a very brave person. Let us start our life together. I am ready and willing to work hard to create the future
with you. I am not perfect but i work hard and am honest and willing to make this a priority -- a permanent one. Come to me and I will care for you and together we can create a life together.
I am totally sincere about this . If you can come to Tucson, Arizona I can pick you up at the airport and take care of you. I feel strong that we can resolve all the issues as long as we both keep
the promise that our love will be a life committment and we will simply work out the problems.
Most of the problems can be dealt with if we are together. I will hold you and whisper sweetnes into your ear so you will never need to be afraid.
? Together we can make it all work! Do you have your covid shots yet? I do.
Lovingly, David XXXXXOOOOO

2022-04-05 01:30:54


RE: How would you answer this question?!
Dearest Larisa, Sorry to be so late in answering. I had to be away to Panama on a consulting job trying to save some endangered species. I carried you with me and the thoughts of you and I
cannot seem to get them out of my head.
The answer to your question is that I would move mountains to be with that special person I hold in my heart- to comfort and to protect her and to assure her that I would be there until my
last breath.
I am truly serious about making a life with you if you would have me. Consider this a serious proposal. I would work hard to dedicate myself to creating that future we both long for. Not just
my future but yours as well, holding each other in a loving embrace that will never end.
I am of the opinion that good marriage are created by not only love and dedicated promises but both persons giving their all in search of paradise. Being alone in Paradise would never
create happiness as one would never be truly whole.
am not sure what more I could say accept that I long to be with you and I have fallen in love. I thought this would pass but it is always on my mind. So how do you feel about moving into the
future together and finding that hope and love together that puts us on the road to Paradise?
I love you, David
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2022-03-23 11:49:10
Reply (/mailing/index/



How would you answer this question?! Photo inside!
Hello my dear! Today it was not a quiet night again, and in the morning at dawn rockets and bombs were again flying at our cities.
It's so hard to live in constant tension.
But I'm not complaining because this is a war and you have to be strong.
Have you ever thought about how you would live the last day,
if you knew that the world ended tomorrow?
If you knew that the end of the world would come for you,
when would you do something different than a normal day?
I decided to conduct an experiment and ask my friends and just people I know.
And here are the answers I got!
My friend Inna said:
"So I'll cook delicious food here in the hope that I'll go shopping for my favorite foods and Coco Cola.
I will watch my favorite movies and put on my most comfortable Pajamas and just enjoy,
until the end comes.
Of course, if the electricity is still on."
Olga said that:
"For long days she thought about the same question, what will she do that day.
She decided that she would just spend her day with her entire family, especially her parents."
Nastya replied:
"Even though I'm not married yet, I'm in a relationship with a nice guy.
So obviously I want to be with him, hugging him tightly, sitting on my knees."
Andrew replied:
"I want to be with the woman I love on my last day and make her happy.
We will also discuss all the happiness and sadness that we have experienced.
I apologize for all the mistakes I have made so far.
I also want to be not only with her, but also with my family, also a father and mother and brother.
I apologize to anyone and everyone, try to sort out the misunderstanding among them
and will insist on being happy that we all leave at the same time."
Lena said this:
I would like the last day to be with my man.
But the only thing I want is to live with him for a long time or at least one day as his wife.
I will never leave it until my soul is separated from my body...
I received many answers from my acquaintances and friends, and most would like to spend their last day with those they love.
Everyone has similar answers, because our relatives and loved ones are the most precious thing on this earth.
How would you answer this question?
kiss and hug

2021-11-23 21:19:44
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Maturity can be very sexual. Photo inside!
Good morning dear!!!!
It seems to me that maturity can be very sexy.
I think we can be more sexy now because we are more confident and know what we really value.
So I guess I say that age is a number and we can be beautiful at any age,
especially for those who pull us strongly.
Once I asked my grandparents, an elderly couple who have lived together for over 50 years, I asked:
- How did you manage to live together for so long?
She answered me - Apparently, we were born and raised in those days when it was customary to fix broken things, not throw them away.
I have a personal story for you.
This is a story of love, life and faith.
My grandparents were married for 53 years.
In August 1998, my grandfather suffered a stroke and was nearly bedridden for about two weeks.
My grandmother was always by his side.
One morning he became very ill.
He was delirious and could not eat.
Then at noon something happened, He calmed down and his mind became crystal clear.
He called my grandmother over to him and did three things. 216/254
First, he sang a special song for her, which was "their song", called "Let Me Call You Sweetheart".
Then he read the 23rd psalm "The Lord is my shepherd ...".
Finally, 5:33
he said PMgrandmother:
to my - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
"I love you".
Then he fell into a deep sleep and died that night.
I'll tell you what I believe in.
I believe God gave him time to tell my grandmother how much he loved her before he was called home.
It is love that is precious.
Once in my life I want to love like that. I want to be loved so much.
None of us know what the future holds, but if we can meet him side by side with the right person, we can meet him with strength and hope.
Hugs and kisses
your Larisa

2021-11-18 20:05:37
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David, maybe you want to see the place where I am now.
we are in box 3 people, even in the corridor

2021-11-18 19:10:31
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David, This was really scary.....
it seemed that I was somewhere between heaven and earth ...)))
Hello my dear David!
Forgive me for not hearing from me for a long time.
Now I feel a little better
and I can tell you about everything that happened to me during this time.
At the end of September, I went to work in Poland.
It seems that I wrote to you in one of my letters wrote to you about this in one of my letters that I am planning to leave for a contract to work abroad.
So I got a job and worked there for a while.
I was pleased with the new job, because I had the opportunity to earn money and help my family ...
The work was hard, at first I just came home from work, fell on the bed and fell asleep от усталости.
I didn't even have the strength to eat.
On October 15, I received the news that my parents were sick with Covid,
after a few days their condition worsened.
I took a vacation the next morning and left for Ukraine.
On the way, a minivan broke down, to which I was returning.
and we waited almost 12 hours for them to send us another bus instead.
I tried to keep in touch with my parents and realized that they were getting worse and worse.
The doctors did not want to take him to the hospital, as in our city there is a peak in the incidence rate and hospitals are overcrowded.
There is no room even in the corridors
there are not enough oxygen apparatus, there is a sorely lack of concentrators.
This situation is now all over Ukraine.
After 3 days, I was next to my parents.
By the evening I was able to agree with the head physician and my parents were sent to the infectious diseases department.
But dad was transported to Dnipro in the morning.
Since he was a cancer patient and they were afraid to leave him in a regular hospital.
I was very worried about my parents.
Their condition was grave.
Especially dad.
A week later, my mother felt better and I was preparing to pick her up from the hospital to continue her treatment at home.
But at night I got a high temperature
I started having stomach pains, vomiting and assumed that I was also infected with Covid.
I ran the tests and waited for the results.
But it was only in the hospital that I found out that I had a positive answer and was confirmed by Delta Covid.
After 2 days, I could no longer breathe and my condition deteriorated sharply ...
the treatment prescribed by the doctor did not help.
And we do the test results from 3 to 7 days ...
Then in the evening I got even worse, and the last thing I remembered was when an ambulance took me away ...
It is very difficult for me to talk about what I had to go through, and tears fill my face ...
I still feel very bad
but I will try to talk about everything in more detail in the next letters. 217/254
I can tell you that I spent 4 days in intensive care and nothing worse happened to me.
I only hope for the best.
But for now 5:33 PMvery weak.
I am still - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
My mother has already been at home for 6 days and continues to receive treatment.
Dad is in a very serious condition, like me.
Probably even more difficult.
I do not know for sure.
Mom doesn't tell me the details.
I hope that the Lord will help me to cope with this disease ... It is so difficult !!!
So pray for me my dear David .
Take care,David!

2021-07-22 07:50:18
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I want my dream to come true. Photo inside!
Hello dear David!
thanks for not forgetting about me!
I had a sweet dream tonight.
and I thought you might like it ...
My sleep was so pleasant and I didn't want to wake up at all.
Many women love it when a man comes up from behind
gently takes the waist and begins to breathe languidly into the back of the head, while kissing.
When a woman feels like strong male hands are taking her from behind,
she starts to get excited and wants the owner of these strong hands.
I want my dream to come true.
I want to be in your strong hands!
After writing this, it got hot inside too. .
Miss you my David
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-07-20 04:20:49


Another year and the next together
Sweet Lara, I have been building shelves for my library and am exhausted. I want to assure you I am strongly missing you and have not gone away just very busy. I have not been in this
house very long and still have not found a place for many things so I have a list of what needs to be done. I am also teaching on Thursday all day long for 5 weeks and this weekend for friday
through Sunday. So this week I have my hands full but the next week I only have thursday class. I just did not want you to think i had lost interest and the answer is not at all. Please hang in
there for a very short time and I will be free of all as I am retiring from my responsibilities.
I am hoping that we can make real plans to be together rather than just writing. We will get tired of that and fade away I am afraid. I must take care of my aching back for now.
Always, David

2021-07-17 16:22:43
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David,Today your life turns a brand new page...
Do not think of it as a year of age
Think of it as a time to dream...Happy birthday!

2021-07-17 16:11:34
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75606519 218/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Happy birthday, David! Photo inside!
Dear David, You’re a miracle and a charm!
With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year.Most importantly, I wish you happiness without
measure every minute in your life. I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal
happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world!
Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles.
I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health!
Happy birthday!
your Larisa

2021-07-17 15:38:07
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RE: RE: David, should a woman be perfect ?! Lonely hearts. Photo inside!
about the secret of family happiness
Good morning and happy day my dear David!
Hope you woke up in a good mood.
Sometimes I see that people often quarrel with each other and this complicate their lives.
It seems to me that there is a way to live happily together and for this you do not need much at all ...
I want to tell you an interesting parable about the secret of family happiness.
I hope you enjoy my story.
In one small town two families live next door.
Some spouses are constantly quarreling, blaming each other for all the troubles
and figuring out which of them is right and who is wrong.
Others live together: they have no quarrels, no scandals.
The grumpy hostess marvels at the happiness of her neighbor. Jealous.
She says to her husband:
Go see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
He came to a neighbor's house, hid under an open window.
Is watching. Listens.
And the hostess just brings order to the house.
He wipes an expensive vase from dust.
Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that she was about to fall.
But then her husband needed something in the room.
He hooked on a vase, it fell and broke.
Oh, what will happen now!
the neighbor thinks, imagining what kind of scandal they would have because of this.
The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
Sorry honey. It's my fault.
I put the vase so carelessly.
What are you, dear? This is my fault.
No, it's my fault. You haven't seen the vase.
Don't blame yourself, dear!
I was in a hurry and did not notice the vase.
Forgive me! Anyway. Let me hug you.
The neighbor's heart ached painfully.
He came home upset.
Wife to him:
Well, something you quickly ... And what, found out their secret?
Yes, I found out!
Well, how are they doing there?
They are all to blame ...
That is why they do not quarrel.
But with us, everyone is always right.
It seems to me that this parable gives a very clear example of why there are constant quarrels in some families and peace and warmth in others.
Do you like my story?
Hugs and kisses
your Lara
1 219/254
2021-07-16 23:48:32
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


where is the truth and where is the lie? Photo inside!
My dear David! I am very glad to receive your letter.
I missed you all this time and I missed you.
You are an extraordinary person and I really want
continue our relationship.
You are very interesting to me and I often think of you.
Thank you for always finding warm words full of love for me.
You always say the very right things
and I like your views and reasoning.
I want to tell you a story today.
Sometimes in our life we ​meet people who swear their love to us,
but at any temptation they quickly forget about their promises and beautiful words.
It seems to me that you should not believe empty promises and beautiful words.
it is better to believe the actions of a person.
Here's a story for you about it ...
A woman was walking along the road, beautiful as a fairy.
Suddenly she noticed that a young man was following her.
She turned around and asked:
Tell me why are you following me?
The guy replied:
Oh, mistress of my heart, your enchantment is so irresistible that it commands me to follow you.
I want to declare my love to you, because you captured my heart.
He began to tell her many beautiful words about love and his feelings.
The girl silently looked at the young man for a while, and then said:
How could you fall in love with me?
My little sister is much prettier and more attractive than me.
She is following me, wait, she will soon be on this road.
The young man turned around and began to peer into the distance.
There really was someone walking.
He wanted to quickly see a more beautiful girl, and he ran to meet her.
But ... soon he saw not a girl, but an old woman.
There was no one else.
Then the young man ran after the beauty again.
Having caught up with her, he was indignant:
Tell me, how can it be that such a beautiful girl was such a liar?
The young woman smiled and replied:
Yes, I deceived you.
But you're even more of a liar than I am.
I cheated to see the truth.
You said you were in love with me, but that's not true.
After all, you were left waiting for a more beautiful girl, so you were not in love with me.
Do you like my new story?
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-07-14 01:28:34


RE: David, should a woman be perfect ?! Lonely hearts.
My Sweet Lara, There are times and places where both men and women are stereotyped-- beautiful romantic women and the macho man. Of course this is all fantasy but I suspect it is in
many persons mind but not my mind. Each person has an identity that is as personal as DNA and that is what makes them so interesting and in the persona of a mate so exciting to be with.
We go on an adventure of exploration into the world of the other persons mind as well as their tastes, opinions, and physical desires and needs. How boring would it be if each others mate
was some "Ken and Barbe" who were perfect and come prepackaged ready for the "perfect life". That would like reading a story over and over again and we would already know the
As for me I welcome you as the you that you are. Not an open book but somebody who is on a journey of discovery just as I am with her and in a life adventure filled with turns and stops and
unsuspected surprises that make the "ride" exciting and filled with discovery. Of course that takes patience, and accepting, and sometimes some sadness, but the whole journey becomes
the grist of powerful memories that become our own and personal story of our life's journey. I love you because of who you are-- filled with discovery and potential. Take me with you and we
will have the experience of a shared journey that draws from the two different but together personalities that make the story colorful and exciting.
When I snore it will be because I am on that journey into fantasy land with you. Holding you for all that you are and what you have contributed to the dream of hope and discovery.
So will you join me simply because I am in love with the women of my dreams --and that is you. We both have flaws but underneath there are wonderful things yet to be discovered.
My love to you, David ( XXXXOOOO I hug and Kiss pretty good) 220/254
2021-07-14 00:57:58
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

The weather
My computer sent the last message before I was finished. No matter where you live there seems to be a season that is one that you must tolerate. Here the fall through the Spring is
wonderful and millions come to this region for the winter. I usually travel in the summer.
Do you have your covid shots? I am fully vaccinated. Have you considered my proposal to become married and come to the US to live together forever? That is mostly what I think about.
That is of course why I am writing. I am still hopeful that my dream will come to fruit and we can begin a new life adventure together.
I asked Heidi my cat what she thinks and she said MEEOW and in cat language that is a firm YES. I hope we are all on the same page preparing for the journey ahead. I dream of this daily but
I want to start making some positive plans. I love you with all my heart.
Hugs and Kisses, David XXXOOO

2021-07-14 00:43:29


RE: I'm tired of being alone like a sparrow in the rain ...
Lovely Lara, It is summer here and no doubt about it. Last week it simply was too hot but today it is comfortable. We too have had rains but at night. I had to rescue some of my plants from
having too much water in the pots. Otherwise it is beautiful but lonely. For most of my neighbors they go north for the summer for coolBut the summer

2021-07-14 00:09:07
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I'm tired of being alone like a sparrow in the rain ... Photo inside!
Hi dear! It's raining again ...
It's a little sad.
Probably if there was a loved one next to me, I would not care what the weather is.
After all, it is always warm and cozy with a loved one.
The rain that falls here dries up under the sun, rises to the clouds, and then the clouds float away, and perhaps the same rain that fell here will fall over you tomorrow.
It rained hard again last night and
my city was like little Venice.
There was so much water that people just woke up and crossed the streets barefoot, carrying their shoes in their hands.
Before the rain, a strong wind rose and broke many trees, cut off electrical wires.
There was a lot of thunder and lightning and I was so scared.
I, together with my dog, hid under a blanket.
My dog ​is just as afraid of lightning and thunder as I am.
Some parts of the city have been without electricity since yesterday evening.
My parents' garden was flooded and everything is still flooded with water.
It's good that I managed to pick the strawberries and make the jam.
In the Dnieper itself, because of the downpours, the embankment has already "floated away", but even after such a trick the weather is not going to spare the city.
The Dnipro mayor's office is afraid because from such heavy rains nuthatches can occur and high-rise buildings that are built on them can ruin.
The rains have already brought many problems.
In Melitopol, a concrete fence with earth that collapsed from a slope from the rain almost killed a woman
I so wanted to swim and sunbathe on the beach
but because of the bad weather, I was never able to relax in nature by the river or on the lake.
I really want a sunny summer.
Forecasters promise sunny weather after June 20.
I would like to believe in it, otherwise one gets the impression that it would be autumn now and not summer.
But I do not despair, because I know that:
The meaning of life is not to wait for the storm to end, but to learn to dance in the rain.
How did this day begin for you?
I would be glad to receive a letter from you, it would raise my spirits.
with warmth in my heart

2021-07-12 13:46:01
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75390065 221/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

David, should a woman be perfect ?! Photo inside!
My dear David! How are you dear ?
Are you all right?
I haven't heard from you for a long time, I'm worried.
I want to talk to you about another important topic.
Very often I hear that a woman should be perfect and only then a real and successful life awaits her.
For women, they figured out how to comply with the accepted canons and what it should be ...
Nowadays, the idea is very popular that you must be perfect,
and any imperfection (no matter how it manifests itself) must be eliminated.
A woman "must" comply with the accepted canons, the most different - beauty, success, fulfillment.
For example, it is believed that a "real" woman should fight for a man,
diligently cultivating the correct, "real feminine" qualities.
At the same time, she should be gentle, affectionate, tolerant of a man's shortcomings, be able to forget about her interests
and put the interests of the family first, but at the same time keep up with everything, look great and many more conflicting points.
And only in this case, if all this is there, there will be happiness and "real life."
But I do not agree with this and I think that it will still be more correct when a man achieves the woman's attention and fights for her.
Of course, this is actually not the case.
You don't need anything special to be a real woman.
It's just that if you are alive and you feel like a woman, that's enough.
But while many women, because of all these distortions, constantly suspect that they are "not perfect enough."
Do you think this is correct or not?
I would be interested to know your opinion.
I spend so much time at work in the hospital.
I don't like going back to an empty house.
I really want to believe that there is a man on this planet who can find a way to my heart.
After all, a lonely person is just a shadow
and the one who is not loved is alone everywhere and with everyone.
Perhaps God wants us to meet the wrong people before we meet that one person.
So that when this happens we will be grateful
I want to believe that this person will turn out to be you cute David!
Many people consider me successful, cheerful ... but no one realizes that my heart is so lonely and there is so much uncertainty and sadness in me.
The most cruel loneliness is the loneliness of the heart.
Honey, I wish you a good start to the week.
hugs and kisses

2021-06-23 15:56:36
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Ending................................. Photo inside!
Dear David !!!
During the blockade, no one died in this house.
On New Year's Eve on December 31, they even set up a Christmas tree for children, and real chocolates hung on the branches along with toys,
who were traded with the army logistics for the hare caught by Trezor.
So they survived the blockade in this small house thanks to the yard dog Trezor.
After the Victory, in June 1945, Trezor, as usual, went hunting in the morning.
And an hour later he came to the courtyard, leaving a bloody trail behind him.
He was blown up by a mine.
The clever dog, apparently, sensed something, managed to jump back, so he did not die right away.
He died already in his own yard ...
The inhabitants of the house cried over him, as over a loved one who had passed away.
They buried him in the courtyard, erected a monument.
And when we moved to a new home, they forgot about it in the confusion.
That man asked the builders:
“If you can, don't build up Trezor’s grave.
Plant a spruce in this place.
Let the new settlers have their own Christmas tree in winter.
As then, December 31, 1941.
In memory of Trezor.
Residents of a high-rise building are already accustomed to the fact that a large beautiful spruce grows near one of the entrances.
And few people know that it was planted in memory of the blockade dog.
She saved sixteen Leningraders from hunger. 222/254
I hope you enjoyed my story, which my grandmother told me many years ago.
Have a nice day!
hugs 5:33 PM
and kisses - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
your Lara
P. S.
David, I really believe that dogs are little fluffy angels and they all go to heaven after they die.
I love dogs more than some people.
Although this is probably not entirely normal ...

2021-05-29 02:07:29
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Dear David !!! Photo inside!
I am so sorry that you lost your soy cat and I hope that she will definitely be found.
I am scared to think how stressful it would be for me if I lost my dog.
We become very attached to pets and they become real members of our family.
Usually cats are very attached to their home and I hope that she will return soon, I hope that she was not killed by coyotes.
I didn't know that coyotes attack pets.
David, I can feel how upset you are.
I would like to hug you now and try to calm down and share your experiences with you.
Be sure to let me know if your cat is back or not ....)))
Once, I had to be on duty at work for several days and I asked my neighbor to take my dog ​for a walk.
She released her from the leash and Hunter ran after the cat.
She couldn't catch him.
Then I was so upset that I could hardly hold back my tears.
I thought he might be hit by a car or bitten by stray dogs.
I understand how you feel right now.
But don't give up hope.
I wish you a good evening and only positive emotions.

2021-05-25 04:43:46


RE: Larisa, hello my lovely!
My darling Larisa, If i could wish for anything I would wish for a life partner where there is love and passion, trust and respect forever. To me that is priceless. Can we achieve this? I think we
can and I want to as well. What do you think? Transportation may not be instantaneous but it is there. I can pick you up at the airport and take care of you-- hopefully forever.
The covid problem is not a problem where I am because most everybody is vacinated and population densities are very low because I live at the edge of town in an area almost without
traffic. We are not required to wear masks now. I have never seen a case of the virus yet. So it is safe accept for mu hugs and kisses.
I am sorry to hear about the problems in your area. Generally such things are pretty rare here. We have a pretty good protection from the police so robberies and beatings are very rare--
maybe in the city among street gangs but I have never been around them. You might hear of them on the news but I have never been part of them.
My current problem is I am very upset as I have lost my cat. We were bonded to each other. She ran outside last night after dark and would not come in and i could not catch her after dark.
By 1:30 last night I decided to leave her until morning but she is gone. I am confident that the coyotes have killed her. Unfortunately this happens as I live close to nature and the coyotes are
nearby all the time. They are no threat to people but pets are sometimes their dinner. i cannot get this out of my mind.
What cheers me up is my dream of a future with you. I have lived without touching for years and I feel starved at times for even a hug. I do allot of care taking for others constantly but I have
nobody who looks after me. I only have my daughter and a son but both are thousands of miles away, and I have two sisters and their families but also they are thousands of miles away.
That is all the family I have and we are spread all over the continent. I had two close friends but both died several years ago. When I was teaching I had student friends but there were limits
as to how close we could be. I have only lived in Arizona for a year and with this virus I have not been about to meet many people.
I understand your feelings about what is going on in the Ukraine but at best, all you personally could possibly do is help-- you are not the cause. However that is what we all should do for
our neighbors as well as family and friends. But there are limitations and as often as not these problems are beyond our personal control. Importantly what we all need is love and support
during trying times. I will always be there for you. There will always be problems but we can be there for each other and that is more than many people have. From that position of security in
each other we can then be strong for others in need.
If I could teleport myself someplace the choices are so vast but high on my list would be parts of Europe for culture and S. Africa for nature ( do consulting there and would like to be of
more help). But there are so many places where I want to visit that my list is pretty long.
I sit at this computer longer that I want but it keeps me close to you. I hope that we can be together soon. I want to ask for your personal info. I have filled out the IMBRA paperwork so that
could happen so maybe you could look into it from your end. So be assured that you are always on my mind. I love you.
Your David

2021-05-16 23:14:42
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Delete 223/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

David, hello my dear! Photo inside!
How do you?
How was your weekend?
My quarantine ends tomorrow.
In the morning I will take a second test and if it is negative I will be able to return to my normal life.
Today my mother told me that a few days ago the collector beat her pensioner neighbors because of gas debts ...
He beat them in the yard of his own house.
In Ukraine, utility bills have been greatly increased.
Sometimes payments exceed pension payments and income of ordinary citizens.
Therefore, Ukrainians owe more than 90 billion hryvnia for utilities.
As a result of the blows in the woman and the man, doctors stated that the soft tissues of the face were bruised.
My parents saw a young man near a neighbor's house who burst into the house and began to seal the gas meter and seal the water meter.
The woman ran out of the house and began to call for help.
The young man pounced on the woman, she screamed, her husband ran out to her cry, who also got it.
The fact of the beating was filmed on CCTV cameras.
My parents, who live in the neighborhood, urgently called the ambulance team for them.
This family is trying to pay off the debt in monthly installments.
My parents and I are shocked by the actions of the collectors.
In my country, in recent years, there have been terrible illegal acts against ordinary people.
But the real criminals are set free
as well as political harassment of opposition politicians.
It becomes very difficult to live here.
I think every day that next to you my life will change and I will be happy.
I am sad and unbearable to see around so many sad and barely surviving people.
Have you ever wanted to leave for another country and start a new life there?
When you appeared in my life, I thought about it many times.
But sometimes I am tormented by an incomprehensible sense of guilt.
Do I have the right to think about my personal comfort in such a difficult time in my country?
What can instantly cheer you up?
Is there such a thing that you cannot imagine your life without?
Would you like to have some kind of superpower?
For example, would you like to control time?))) Teleportation ... for example, fly, become invisible, rearrange objects ...))?
I would like to move to any part of the planet in an instant ...))))
I would move to you and stay by your side forever!
When I wake up I always think of you
where are you and what are you doing ..
sometimes when I cook something delicious I think about what I want to cook delicious meals for you ..
How many thoughts I have about you David.
I wish you a good start to the week!
hugs and kisses
with love your Larisa

2021-05-13 23:00:17
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Dear David! My seductive video for you! WATCH AND ENJOY!
this evening I dream of you and our closeness...

2021-05-13 22:47:48
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Sleepless night ... Photo inside!
Hi David! How are you, darling?
How is your mood and what was this day like for you? 224/254
A story happened to me tonight and I want to tell you about it.
At night I was awakened by a noise, it was a strong dog barking.
The 5:33 PM
dog's non-stop barking woke up not only me, but also the whole
street. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
The barking was non-stop and somehow hysterical.
My dog, hearing this barking, behaved very restlessly.
Hunter woke me up and rushed about the room.
It seemed to me that he wanted to tell me something.
At the beginning of the fifth, I decided to go out and check what had happened and why the dog was barking without stopping.
Together with Hunter I went to the dog barking and when we approached I saw that the barking dog is Alma a German shepherd, next to her lay her owner.
I began to approach, but she growled and did not let me close to the owner.
I saw that there was blood on his T-shirt and it looked like a knife wound.
I called an ambulance.
When the doctors arrived, the dog saw an ambulance and let them go ...))))
It seems the dog saved the life of its owner ...

2021-05-12 14:14:52
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David, of course I want to be with you! Photo inside!
David, I wrote to you that I dream of our meeting and I have imagined many times how you meet me at the airport ... an exciting meeting ...
Now we must wait for the third wave of the virus to subside and we can schedule our meeting.
I think it will be in the summer.
I told you about the current situation in medicine and in the city.
but we are promised to bring in vaccinations and vaccinate all doctors.
We will definitely come back to our conversation later.
After the situation has returned to normal.
Now, just no one will let me go, because there is no one to work anyway.
Every day I dream of the time when we will admire the sunsets and meet the sunrises together.
I dream of the time when we will walk together along the road of life, holding each other tightly by the hand.
I dream that I will wake up and see the face of a loved one ...
I dream that our morning always begins with a gentle smile and hot kisses .
I send you my morning kisses and tender hugs .
your Lara

2021-05-12 14:09:18
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David, I want to be with you! Photo inside!
David, I wrote to you that I dream of our meeting and I have imagined many times how you meet me at the airport ... an exciting meeting ...
Now we must wait for the third wave of the virus to subside and we can schedule our meeting.
I think it will be in the summer.
I told you about the current situation in medicine and in the city.
but we are promised to bring in vaccinations and vaccinate all doctors.
We will definitely come back to our conversation later.
After the situation has returned to normal.
Now, just no one will let me go, because there is no one to work anyway.
Every day I dream of the time when we will admire the sunsets and meet the sunrises together.
I dream of the time when we will walk together along the road of life, holding each other tightly by the hand.
I dream that I will wake up and see the face of a loved one ...
I dream that our morning always begins with a gentle smile and hot kisses .
I send you my morning kisses and tender hugs .
your Lara

2021-05-12 02:44:51
(/user/profile/v 225/254
RE: Hi David!))))
I 6/24/23,
really want5:33
to make
PMmy life with you. Are we thinking together
this? I will do whatever -it Trusted
takes to make this
international Can yousite
come to the
since US and
2008. makeyour
Meet a home with me
perfect for a lifeabroad!/
commitment? I have looked and looked and you are the only one that I feel truly in love with and I think we could have a great life together. So what say you?

2021-05-12 02:44:06
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My dear David! Photo inside!
When I read your letter, there was a feeling that I am now next to you in your arms.
These thoughts made me so pleasant and sweet.
Don't worry about me.
I'm sure we'll be fine, because we both really want it.
I try not to remember the past and those who once hurt me.
I live on and continue to love people and this world.
Difficulties make us stronger and kinder, and besides, it's an experience.
And we need any good and bad experience in order to learn to live.
You just need to be an example to others and love each person as a brother or sister.
When people see something terrible, something that they would never want to see
and experience in your life, they just say:
"We need to somehow solve this problem.
Prevent scary something from touching
me and my loved ones. "
And they decide, of course.
A person is able to attract with his negative emotions
And therefore, out of fear, he sees everything in black.
But despite this, it's easy to make friends with the world.
It is enough to accept the fact that he is not perfect, and not to declare war on his flaws.
I know there will always be
someone who needs your help and support;
there is always one
for whom you will become important and special;
there is always someone for whom
your experience will be the starting point.
We only need a share of warmth, understanding and approval.
After all, in fact, we can make this world better by our attention to our neighbors,
to relatives and even strangers who turn to you for help.
Sometimes it seems to us that our actions, actions, decisions made are mere trifles.
We feel and believe:
what we do and create is a drop in the ocean.
But think about it:
the ocean would not be so deep without a drop.
Do you agree with me?
I am unquestioningly convinced that changing the world should
move only in the direction of plus, using light colors and bright accents
hugs and kisses

2021-05-12 02:19:01
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Hi David!)))) Photo inside!
Thank you for your letter.
It was very interesting for me to read it.
Your life story is very touching.
I love it when you tell me about your life.
It helps me get to know you better.
I also have a cat and I also have a dog.
Yes, my cat also drives me crazy sometimes.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find your person.
I told you in my letters that there were disappointments in my life too.
And now I understand that in our youth we are looking for a beautiful body - over the years, a soul mate.
To be honest, I am a passionate woman and I am convinced that between a man and a woman there should be passion and a vibrant relationship. 226/254
If I love, then I feel my man
if I love, then I want him and it cannot be otherwise ...
The woman5:33
has twoPMgreat tasks: to excite and calm. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I love your stories and thank you for sharing your life with me.
I send you my sweet evening kisses and gentle hugs!
your Lara

2021-05-10 01:31:12


We are one perfect loving souls.
Sweet Lara, I have two cats, both very attached to me. Swiffer a long haired cat that meows all the time and drives me nuts, she gets into everything and has learned to open doors. She likes
to go outside -- I let her but I am afraid that other animals will get her though. Heidi, a very strong short hair cat, in most ways is really close to me and not so demanding but really tough.
She has more common sense.
As you know I was married before. I married sensibly; There was never much passion but a great friendship. Her family was uneducated but she had some college. We got along fine and
had a long marriage. Some of her family did not care for me because I had some standards that they did not want to follow; they wanted to do whatever they wanted and they did, but not in
my house. Conflict was not open but they thought I was narrow minded. Strange but several of them took college classes from me anyway. My wife was a sensible and non passionate
person so there was very little touching. I had to initiate it all. If there was disagreement she would ignore it and get quiet. I had to open her up for resolution which was easy once she
opened up. She left me in a rather cruel way-- simply springing it on me--surprise! She wanted to be with her family and join back up with the Jahovah Witnesses ( She never told me she
was with them before we married, she said she was Lutheran). The witnesses did not want her to even talk with me as an Anglican. Some Christians they are. We never even discussed the
issues, She just left. She and her problem daughter simply showed up with a truck to get her things. We still can talk friendly and work together if needed so there is no bad blood between
us and I do not think I was an issue in her leaving. End of story.
My mother was never very affectionate toward me. My sister thinks that she thought that my dad favored me and that made her jealous. I don't know, but there were no hugs or kisses until
she became very old but that was rather late for me. So I crave touching and intimacy. I have had to be my own person all my life and now I hope to find that missing caring that I have
missed. I can be disciplined and tough but it can be lonely.
I thought I would share some of my background with you. I am rather outgoing, loving and caring in my personality; more like my father. I have always had a large following among my
students as they always thought they could talk and share with me. Now that I am not in the classroom and my students are scattered all over the West I am for the first time in my life rather
alone. I do not find this much fun, as I like to share and have a good conversation. While I was married I was fine, but she being Jahovah Witness she must now stay within the cult so we
have stopped talking.
I have plenty of friendly neighbors but not a "best friend" that I can open up about anything nor anybody that would care for that matter. I had two lifelong friends but both died rather young
and I have not found another, But when I was married I was not looking anyway.
You wanted to know me better and so I shared some of my inner self with you. I am perfectly functional but I do not fit the mold of the hermit very well. I get along but am lonely doing it. I
keep busy and give myself to my cats. Boy am I needy. I will find a human soon I hope, and I have chosen you. I will not smother you but I hope for my other half and we can live a life
together were we can have the benefit of a balanced relationship looking for a dreamed of future.
You are my dream. Much love, David Smother you with hugs and kisses XXXXXOOOOO

2021-05-07 23:14:03


We are one perfect loving souls.
I just reread your letter of 4/28 and was somewhat surprised that you even think that "women should be perfect'. Should men be perfect as well? That is insane, nobody is perfect Now let
me clarify.
In my eyes you are already "perfect" ------ for me. I have a discerned taste and I have given my relationship allot of consideration. I know I am right because I chose you. You do not have to
do anything to make you more perfect as I love what I see and as I explore our proposed life together I am thrilled at what I am looking at. As I get to know you better I am always positively
amazed--- not surprised because you always live up to my expectations. After all I chose you and I am convinced I made the right choice.
As for fighting for a man. Well, as soulmates I would defend you till the end because you are part of me, fused together for life. You must understand that to me you are my other half so I do
not ever want to feel in pieces. I realize we will not always agree on everything. Does my liver always agree with my taste buds? Not always and that is why I have a brain to arbitrate for the
better good and the preservation of what we are. Our love comes respect and it would be rather boring to marry somebody that is the same as our self. How boring and learning about the
world around you stops. Our differences create a new and exciting new world view. So with our love comes respect and consideration. So we listen and learn and we grow stronger. Being
right is for non loving persons; being together is being mutually concerned.
As far as I am concerned you are perfect, not to be confused with perfect enough, but totally enough ( so also says the taste buds to the liver; without each other we die.). We are of one
loving body of fused souls forever. So the topic should be do we love each other in a total way, accepting each other for the person we have come to love. My love for you is not even a
question because you are my chosen perfect beautiful women deserving of my full attention and worth defending because we two are making one.
From your loving taste buds, David (some tasteful kisses) OOOOOOOOO, XXXXX)))

2021-05-07 06:29:21


RE: David, I want to share this video with you! Look! Photo inside!
I cannot say how deeply my feelings go toward you. I only hope that we can overcome the obstacles and come together for the dreamed of life together. There is so much I wish to share
with you. I hope that I never disappoint you as I hope to be your champion forever. 227/254
I tearfully reread our correspondence and three things came to mind: First I hope you are being careful. This virus is bad in your country. I hope I can get you out of there soon. I have had my
two shots(Moderna) and am not around it that I am aware of. Anytime you can get away come! I will take good care of you and you do not need an invitation. I love you and am hoping to
spend 5:33
my life withPM
you. Second you have suffered so much and I will hold you in my arms-and
Trusted international
give you renewed hopedating siteTears
in our love. since 2008.
come Meet
to my eyesyour
whenperfect woman
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your life trials.
This does not have to happen to us ever. We can be the strength for each other. I am not perfect but i know how to protect you and our life together. And lastly, in my eyes you are simply
beautiful. Not just average but gorgeous and I would feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful person in my life. We seem to be a great match having similar values and interests. We
could take some art classes together. The art school is a few minutes away.
The summer heat is starting so I was in the yard watering the plants and thinking how wonderful it would be for you and I to sit on the porch together with my arm around you watching the
sun go down. We could have some intimate talk about what we want to see our future together to be like. I see us in a state of togetherness sharing our lives. How happy and filled with joy
that would make me feel.
The photo is one I took in the museum where I have a painting. I went in and took this photo of myself with it. It is dawn where the day begins and the sunshine shows us the path.
My heart is with you, David XXXXXOOOOOO

2021-05-06 14:54:35
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David, I want to share this video with you! Look!
I send you my love and smile!

2021-05-06 14:32:20
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MY DEAR DAVID !!!! Photo inside!
Thank you for your letter and photo.
It is always interesting for me to read your letters and get to know you better and what you have lived and are living with.
I see that we have similar desires, and in my opinion this is wonderful.
I heard on the news that the third wave of covid is still going on in many places ...
Today, for example, I heard that for the second day in India there are new records of morbidity.
It is sad, but I am a doctor and must do my duty and do everything I can to save my patients.
And although I would not want to be a source of infection either, I continue to engage in my vocation every day.
I try not to think about the bad and follow all possible precautions for infection, but I understand that I am at risk.
I am not afraid of your religious past, and I even like the fact that you developed your spiritual part and continue to lead an active lifestyle, developing yourself further in other areas of your
This is deeply respected.
I like your words:
"When I paint, I feel like I have something to say that I can best express visually."
This feeling is very clear to me.
Thank you for sharing your memories with me, I was interested to learn about the traditions of the Easter holidays in your family.
Your great desire to find a family and get married, despite the fact that the Church may refuse you to fulfill this role in their Church.
I think this is the right view and marriage is the natural state of life, and yet I think there is always some way out.
The main thing is to have a strong desire.
I am pleased to know that you liked my ideas about the role of men and women.
When our concepts coincide, this gives a good chance that our family will be based on mutual understanding and respect.
Everyone contributes to what they can, and both must decide together with mutual respect.
It is well said:
"Like two peas in a pod fused together, you want to bathe in a velvety green light in a protective environment around them.
In love, harmony is more desirable than being right or responsible ... "
David, you are a wise and very intelligent man and for that I love you even more.
It seems to me that you will always have an answer to any question.
David, as soon as possible, I will go to you and I think that this will be the best time of my life.
My biometric passport is ready.
but now I will be quarantined for 2 weeks.
I do not leave the hospital due to the fact that I was in contact with patients with covid.
I dream of the time when I can be in your caring hands.
I have seen so little good in my life and I would really like to spend the rest of my life with you.
I want to see the world in bright colors and warm my heart with love.
I'm tired of dullness and want to be just a weak woman next to my beloved man.
I really want you to know that this is my biggest dream.
David, thank you for the patience and hope you give me.
I send you my warmest kisses of spring.
There is something that is so pleasant for me to do - close my eyes and think of you.
with love
Larisa 228/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2021-05-06 06:36:55


RE: Hi David! Photo inside!
MY Lara, My heart goes out to you for what you go through and I have deep respect for you for what you are doing. You see I too have this desire to help people. I have done much work with
our native Americans (the "Indians"). I have somewhat backed off as the covid problem here is still raging and I did not want to be a source of Infection. I don't want to frighten you off. But I
have a religious background and am a retired Bishop of the Anglican Church but mostly not very active and moving on to other parts of my life. I will enclose a Photo in my collar. I am trying
to start a new chapter of my life with my painting. When I paint I feel that I have something to say that I can best express in visual form.
I was raised in a christian home, but I married a non christian (did not realize that) and my children were not churched. At midlife I felt spiritually empty so I went back to school and got my
DTh (Doctor of Theology) degree and was ordained a priest. And eventually a Bishop. I acted as the academic for the Church and trained the clergy. I have always been a teacher and that is
how I see myself. I never was a parish priest but always more of an administrator. With the Churches being closed I have been even more inactive.
So Easter was always a religious holiday in my growing up. I am the oldest member of my small family and alone here in Arizona, but my memories are still vivid from my childhood when
Easter was a big Church holiday--- lots of music and family dinner and dress up in our best clothes. Easter basket with colored eggs and candy were given each member of the family. That
has been my other hat after being an PhD Ecology professor at the University. I still keep active as a biologist and try to do much free work saving endangered species, currently the African
Rhino. So that inner need to help is still part of me. I have not been in church for months after the closing.
I have every intention of marrying and this will cause my Church to drop me as a Bishop. I have accepted that. I need to find my soulmate to fill my life with happiness and I am ready to
dedicate myself to that. I have been consecrated as a bishop and that can never be taken away but the Church can refuse me to play that role in their Church. If I decide to continue I will
need to find a more liberal Church, but I do not have any plans that way. I think that marriage is the natural state of life and I am truly in love with you.
I enjoyed your ideas about the role of men and women. The traditional role of the man and wife don't work well today, especially when women work. I feel that both need to work together to
create a working relationship that suits their circumstances. Each contribute what they can and both should decide together with mutual respect.
As with two peas in a pod fused together you want to bathe in the velvet green light inside the protective environment around them. In love, harmony is more desirable than being right or in
If possible come to me and I will give you rest, take care of you, protect you and we can think about a hopeful future together. We can walk into dreamland in each others arms smothered in
kisses. I can show you a new side of life and we could see the sights of the US as we have intimate conversations about how we can be together forever.
My love to you, XXXXOOOOO

2021-05-04 21:54:52
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Hi David! Photo inside!
You haven't written to me for a long time?
Are you all right?
What are you doing now?
Maybe you will be interested to know about me ?!
For some periods I go into a cocoon, I am like a hermit in a hermit.
My hospital building where I work is blocked again.
Me too, since I had contact with those who were in contact with the person who contracted Covid.
A few days ago, 5 children were brought to us.
Neighbors heard the crying of children for several days and called the police.
The police brought the children to our children's department.
The eldest child is 7 years old, and the youngest is 3 months old.
Their mother left the children and is missing, the police are looking for her.
When the children were examined, it was clear that they were sick and hungry.
Today the results of the survey came and they are all infected with Covid.
I check the temperature every day until everything is fine, but careful.
Today we sent them to the infectious diseases ward.
And now our hospital is in quarantine for 2 weeks.
Since I work in such conditions, I will live for 2 weeks in my office, I do not go out.
I don't want to put my parents at risk.
Ukraine continues to be at the 3rd stage and the incidence continues to grow, despite the fact that vaccination has now begun.
I will not try to write to you a lot until conditions improve and we can specifically arrange our meeting.
My goal in organizing our meeting is not recreation or entertainment:
is to find a best friend, lover, partner, life partner.
But on vacation, I also agree!
To be honest, I am very tired of such a busy schedule.
It would be nice to have a good rest next to your loved one.
I'm sure when two people pursue the same pure goals, all obstacles can be overcome.
Hugs and a kiss
1 229/254
2021-05-03 22:51:35
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


~~~{Kiss that you will awaken}~~~ Photo inside!
Hello dear David!
This morning I remembered my childhood. In the morning I woke up from my mother's kiss on the nose, and the bed has cooled tea with lemon and honey. This memory is so me warms the
soul, especially now, when I wake up alarm clock. I feel so sad about the fact that far from the time in which I was happy and glad seemingly ordinary events, but eventually you realize that
true happiness in the small ... ..
My dear, how you love to wake up?
Maybe a cup of coffee, which I will bring to you?
In fact, I am very willing to have someone I could please have the morning ....
And as you look at what would my morning started with your kisses?
Hugs and a kiss

2021-05-03 22:46:19
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my story.... Photo inside!
My dear David!
Today I was returning home from the village from my parents.
I was traveling by bus and one story happened to me.
I was on the bus.
At one stop, a dog walked in the front door,
walked along the bus and settled under an empty seat.
When the desired stop was announced, the dog left on a first come first served basis.
The people on the bus started talking:
"What a smart dog ...".
To which the conductor replied:
"She takes this route every Sunday and Friday,
near this stop there is a kiosk with shawarma and on Tuesdays and Fridays they throw out the remains. "
I thought that this dog is really very resourceful and smart.
Dogs never cease to amaze me.
Do you like my story?
Hugs and a kiss

2021-05-03 22:40:50
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Another tradition ... Photo inside!
When I was little, my grandmother suggested that my brother and I do something kind.
We decided to share books and our toys with children who have no parents.
The next day, my grandfather took my brother and me to an orphanage in our city.
We brought sweets to children that were baked by their grandmother, toys, books and things with which we grew up.
The children were so happy about this, we did not even expect such a welcome.
Since then, my brother and I have done this every year and it has become our tradition.
It was so nice to bring joy to others.
Then I began to involve my friends in this.
For example, when I was dancing, I suggested that my coach arrange a small concert at an orphanage.
I grew up, but I still always go to the same shelter on Easter eve and we always bring homemade cakes to children.
I am very sorry that this year I cannot do it.
And we always say a prayer of thanksgiving when we gather at the family table.
The people believe that on this day Jesus Christ was resurrected to atone for the sins of people.
Before Easter, it is worth going through a seven-week fast in order to be cleansed.
Believers believe that this is a holiday of renewal of all nature and cleansing from sins. 230/254
Bright Easter is the main holiday of Christians all over the world.
It is celebrated in the spring, after Lent.
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Easter is celebrated in different countries of the world in different ways.
Before this Divine Feast, all families bake delicious Easter cakes of different sizes and shapes.
They paint eggs in different bright colors, and glue beautiful stickers on them.
I love it when the house smells like Easter.
Each housewife has her own recipe.
I love to eat it, I can not stand it until the holiday itself, but I will eat one, especially their tops, sprinkled with delicious beautiful powder, I love to eat.
Everyone collects baskets for church on Saturday night.
You can put there: eggs, cakes, cheese, sausage, wine, water, fruits, sweets and much more, everything that everyone considers necessary.
The next day, very early before dawn, all the people go to church to bless the food they took.
In the church they buy a candle, insert it in the middle of Easter and set it on fire.
After the priest has passed and sprinkled holy water on people and on baskets, people gather in their homes.
I noticed that it is on Easter day that the weather is always cloudy, and after this holiday it always comes warm.
David, I hope you found it interesting to read about the traditions of celebrating Easter in my family.
Hugs and a kiss

2021-05-03 22:22:06
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~ Dear David !!!! ~ Photo inside!
We are also preparing a meadow with grass.
Lay out cotton wool moistened with water on a plate, sprinkle wheat on top and put it on the window.
Then you need to water it a little.
The main thing is to prepare all this a week and a half or two before the holiday.
Then you can put the colored eggs on a mini meadow with grass.
A beautiful composition is obtained with a hare cut out of cardboard in the middle.
It's not a shame to give such creative crafts when you go to visit.
Everyone likes it, and they are very surprised how we could do this ...
On the way home from the church, we say to all the people we meet: "Christ is Risen!"
every baptized person is obliged to answer: "Truly I am Risen!"
Mutual goodwill cheers you up for the whole day.
At home, we will definitely eat an egg and a piece of cake with tea and go out into nature.
Parents call friends and acquaintances to invite them to a picnic.
When a big noisy company gathers for us.
We are starting an interesting game:
we sit in a circle, each takes 1-2 eggs and begins to hit the egg on the egg in turn.
The winner is the one who has the most trophies won.
The winner is presented with a small but interesting gift.
We always returned from rest late in the evening.
I slept well that night.
I believe that Easter brings people together.
Indeed, in their souls there is gratitude to Christ, for his self-sacrifice.
One of the covenants says: "Love your neighbor!"
I thought maybe you would be interested to learn about the traditions in my family?
Hugs and a kiss

2021-05-03 22:17:57
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continued ... //////////// Photo inside!
And also ...
Dear David!
We always paint eggs for Easter.
We do it according to an old recipe.
To do this, we harvest onion skins and cook eggs in it.
But before that, we wax the pattern on the eggs.
I also learned this from my grandmother.
Then we bless the Easter basket with cakes, eggs and red wine in the church.
We go to church at night. 231/254
There we celebrate the holiday and participate in the festive liturgy.
Guests always come to us at lunchtime.
This 5:33
is a great timePMwhen all relatives gather at one table. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
Time always flies by quickly and unnoticed.
There are always a lot of treats on the table.
The room has a friendly atmosphere.
It has always been this way, but in recent years we cannot meet because of closed borders, because of the fact that we have become poorer and now because of quarantine.
But I am always so pleased to remember these times.
I really like Easter - it's the best holiday.
When the brother and grandmother were alive, this holiday was special.
My grandmother always cooked a lot of delicious things, and my brother and I were very fond of grandmother's dishes.
We always met at my grandmother's in the village.
A large round table was brought out into the courtyard and placed in the garden under an old apricot tree.
Usually, during the Easter holiday, it always bloomed and this gave a special festive mood.
In addition to cakes, on the festive table there are always ruddy pies from the oven with raisins, cabbage, meat, as well as pies with fish and rice.
Dad loves to cook pilaf for Easter.
He will not trust this dish to his mother and grandmother, because he believes that this dish should be prepared by a man.
He made it with young lamb according to a special recipe that he was taught in the Crimea.
Usually our neighbors joined the celebration and we rejoiced and congratulated each other and said good and kind words to each other.
Easter is a very bright and necessary holiday for my family.
We all love him and will certainly wait for him every year,
to get together with the whole family and tell each other a lot of good things.
Hugs and a kiss

2021-05-03 22:11:48
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My dear David! Photo inside!
How are you, darling?
I spent the Easter holidays with my parents.
I am glad that I was able to be with my family.
My family believes in God.
Easter is considered the largest church holiday.
I really love this day.
It is saturated with love, kindness and care.
I would like to tell you about some of the traditions in my family.
On the eve of the holiday, we always clean the house.
We wash the windows after winter, wash the curtains and do a general cleaning of the house.
Wipe off dust on cabinets and throw out unnecessary old things.
We usually do this on Maundy Thursday.
After cleaning, we start preparing the festive table.
My mom always bakes birthday cakes according to my grandmother's recipe.
And my grandmother baked according to her mother's recipe.
This recipe is our family and has been passed down from mother to daughter for several generations.
These cakes are always very tender, tasty and airy.
Since childhood, I have always been involved in the preparation of cakes.
My responsibilities include preparing baking paper.
I need to cut it according to the size of the cans in which the Easter cakes will be baked.
I also need to prepare raisins and candied fruits.
From raisins, you need to cut off the tails and rinse it with water.
When I was 16 years old, I tried to bake holiday cakes myself according to this recipe and I immediately succeeded,
since then I continue to bake this recipe.
Somehow I decided to experiment and then regretted it.
Because our family recipe was the best.
Someday I will definitely prepare such cakes for you, David.
Do you want to try?
Hugs and a kiss

2021-04-28 23:45:54
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(/user/profile/i 232/254
a woman must be perfect ?! Photo inside!
My dear David!
6/24/23, 5:33 How
PM do you? - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
What was this day like for you?
I was at work and it was a tough day
But I don’t want to complain, because it’s difficult for everyone right now.
I want to talk to you about one more important topic.
Very often I hear that a woman should be perfect and only then a real and successful life awaits her.
For women, they figured out how to comply with the accepted canons and what it should be ...
Nowadays, the idea is very popular that you must be perfect,
and any imperfection (no matter how it manifests itself) must be eliminated.
A woman "must" comply with the accepted canons, the most different - beauty, success, fulfillment.
For example, it is believed that a "real" woman should fight for a man,
diligently cultivating the correct, "real feminine" qualities.
At the same time, she should be gentle, affectionate, tolerant of a man's shortcomings, be able to forget about her interests
and put the interests of the family first, but at the same time do everything, look great and many more conflicting points.
And only in this case, if all this is there, there will be happiness and "real life."
But I do not agree with this and I think that it will still be more correct when a man achieves the woman's attention and fights for her.
Of course, this is actually not the case.
I have my own ideas of what a woman should be.
You don't need anything special to be a real woman.
It's just that if you are alive and you feel like a woman, that's enough.
But while many women, because of all these distortions, constantly suspect that they are "not perfect enough."
Do you think this is correct or not?
Why is it that some kind of "ideal" is being imposed on many women nowadays?
I would be interested to know your opinion.
My heart wishes you good night. ♥
And my lips kiss you before bed.
Good night beloved David! ... ♥
your Lara

2021-04-27 21:13:28
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Hi David!!!!!!
Thank you for your informative letter.
I was very pleased to read it.
I am glad that we are looking in one direction and we have similar desires.
David, just like you, I'm tired of being alone and I want my loved one to be around.
I am here, just like you, not to play, but to seriously find my soul mate and connect our destinies.
I think about you every day.
I imagine our future, I think about how we will spend a lot of time together and do everything together.
I was thinking that we could come up with something in common, for example, we could create a school and take care of children.
You will train them and I will monitor their health.
I would like us to spend a lot of time together.
David, today I went to the passport service, to the department of the State Migration Service;
I brought documents: an internal passport, an identification code, a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
I paid the cost of services and forms and wrote an application for a passport.
The biometric passport will be ready within 45 days.
The situation with coronavirus in my city is still difficult and the infectious diseases department is overcrowded with patients.
On Monday, one of the city's hospitals will be given for the treatment of patients with Covid-19.
Unfortunately, in our country, they were fully vaccinated.
only 5 people, these are those who received 2 vaccines.
Less than 1 percent of the total population.
In fact, many more people are sick than the statistics say.
To reduce the statistics, doctors were instructed to diagnose pneumonia instead of Covid.
I am very tired of having to work in two hospitals.
There are not enough medical workers and it is very difficult.
When I feel very bad I think about you and our future.
It always helps me.
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-04-24 20:42:39

(/user/profile/v 233/254
The beginning journey to paradise.
I 6/24/23,
am ready to devote
5:33 PMmyself totally to our future. As for your wants,
I am gentle, romantic, -would neverinternational
Trusted treat you in anydating
other way
sincekindness, love, and
2008. Meet respect,
your and woman
perfect I am not afraid to
show it to anybody. You would be my center of the world. I may be older but I am young thinking and ready for the next adventure but I would like to do it with my other half. Shared
memories are the most powerful and the focus on who we are together. I am not here to play but to seriously find my soulmate and marry her in a life commitment and I am truly serious
about this-- I am tired of games and titillation. You are beautiful and I sense a willingness to do the work that creates a lasting and loving marriage and that is what I also want. I have integrity
professionally as well as in my personal life and that will be part of who we will be as a life partner. My love will be a fusion of the two of us and not merely me with you. I am willing to be your
partner working for that fusion that comes from two parts working together to create a new US as a married couple, part of a family, and inseparable in a world of confusion. I do not know
how to be more plain spoken about this. What you see is what you get and much more because we together can create a wonderful world together.
Lovingly, David

2021-04-23 19:13:34
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My intimate video just for you David! Watch and enjoy!
Honey, I continue to seduce you!

2021-04-23 19:09:37
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Love..................)))))))) Photo inside!
My dear David !
I really want me to become your greatest love and that we spend the rest of our lives together.
To make us happy together.
I call love a sacrificial feeling and a willingness to give, serve, forgive, endure,
cover, do not rage, do not demand and do not seek your own.
It's a deep feeling
devoid of possessiveness.
True love does not demand anything in return for itself.
I love and therefore I give.
I really want us to meet this year and never part again.
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-04-23 19:07:36
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My dear David ! Photo inside!
I think love is a victory.
Victory of feelings and emotions over the eternally thinking and calculating head,
this is the victory of recklessness over reason, which helps to walk more freely through life!
Such a victory that gives a taste for life, but life is already from a different angle,
in which the gaze is directed not through the prism of logic, but through the prism of feelings and emotions ...
As before, I believe that love is a very important feeling in our life.
From the very birth we need love.
First, in the love of mother and father.
Then we are looking for a person who will love us and become our half.
Our life is not interesting without love.
After all, love gives us wings
when we love we have a special feeling
which takes us to the heavens of pleasure and supreme happiness.
What do you think the feelings of love can be compared to?
hugs and kisses
your Lara
1 2021-04-23234/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


David, hello my dear! Photo inside!
Today I woke up in a very happy mood.
Probably because I had a dream in which we walked along the river bank together,
we walked hugging and I felt so good next to you ...
My dear, love is such a sweet and pleasant feeling.
I'm curious to know how often have you fallen in love in your life?
For some reason I remembered my childhood love.
My first love happened in kindergarten, at the age of 6 I really liked one boy in my group,
and somehow it happened that we held hands and walked like that all day.
I couldn't imagine life without him
and on the way home I told my mother that I would get married.
It was absolutely impossible to wait until Monday, and in the morning I went in search of my beloved, since the town was small.
A couple of hours later, I went into one yard and saw a boy on a swing in the distance.
And yes, it was him!
All I remember further is how we stood opposite each other, looked into the eyes and swung the swing from side to side.
His mouth was stained with strawberry jam, which he probably ate for breakfast, and there was nothing more romantic than this sweet smell in the world.
Yes, it was childish love, but how magical it was!
Do you remember when you fell in love for the first time in your life?
did you like my story?
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-04-22 22:12:54
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Hello my dear David! Thank you for your letter. Photo inside!
Wow! Do you have a Maine Coon !? This is my favorite breed, I have always dreamed of having a cat of this breed.
It would be great to see a photo of your cats.
Maine Coon, Swiffer and Heidi, tortoiseshell .... they must be very beautiful .... I love animals ... and your story lifted my spirits.
David, I have a high fever for a few days ... I felt very bad,
that's why I couldn't answer your letter right away.
Hope it's not Covid-19 ..
Tomorrow it will be known for sure.
David, I think about you a lot
I would very much like to be in your arms as soon as possible.
Hopefully we can go to the Grand Canyon together soon.
I really want to be next to you and admire the beautiful views together.
I hope that this summer we will definitely meet.
I already found out what documents I need to make a biometric passport.
As soon as I feel better I will do it.
David, I certainly understand that love at a distance is difficult and of course physical presence is necessary for the development of a relationship.
I want you to know what I think about our meeting and this is my biggest dream.
Family life is a bit like a journey.
We gradually penetrate deeper and deeper into the heart and soul of a loved one.
We discover it as something new when we travel.
It is probably also very important to be able to communicate and understand each other.
To be able to hear and make the right decisions together.
... Man was created with a great need, the need for communication, openness,
we yearn to be known and accepted to the very depths of our being.
And we ourselves dream of penetrating into all the depths of a loved one.
A person deprived of communication suffers from loneliness.
It is not for nothing that the most terrible punishment is confinement in solitary confinement ... ...
I also often think about what it would be like to meet someone with whom it will be interesting to live the rest of my life.
David, I really hope that this person for me will be you.
And I, just like you just recently thought, would you be drawn to the real me?
Maybe yes.
Because it seems to me that I feel you and you feel me in spite of the distance.
I think we would get along well.
We would be comfortable together.
We could create a happy family ...
hugs and kisses
your Larisa 235/254

6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
2021-04-17 23:50:17


RE: Interesting news!
If you were here we could take a drive to the Grand Canyon--m maybe have supper and camp for the night and leisurely drive back the next day. I live in a very scenic region with lots to see.
I have two cats both different. A long hair Main Coon, Swiffer, who is very food oriented and sneaky behind your back. She is curious but does not like to be petted as she is head shy; I think
she must have been hit in the head as a kitten. The other Heidi, a tortishell is adventure all day and is very bonded to me. She "checks" in on me every 45 minutes-- says Hi and is then off.
She does not get into trouble as Swiffer does but gets under dressers and pushes out the drawers to see what is in them. She is shy and hides from strangers. She also will run outside if she
can just to look around. I must keep her in as there are Coyotes outside who will kill cats if they can.
We need to meet physically otherwise we become little more than pen pals. Got any ideas. Do you want to marry and be together for life? That is what I think about.
Much love, David

2021-04-17 12:52:51
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Interesting news! Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!
I'm feeling myself better today!
But I still have a high fever. What was your day today?
Today on TV I heard one interesting news and I want to share it with you!
It turns out that in Finland, dogs were taught to recognize coronavirus patients
Have you heard about this?
Scientists have come to the conclusion that dogs are able to identify patients with coronavirus using their sense of smell.
Scientists have begun to train dogs that have previously been used in a number of medical diagnoses.
so that they can identify COVID-19.
After a few weeks of this training, the dogs learned to smell the urine of patients with coronavirus with a minimum error.
and those who do not suffer from this disease.
Surprisingly, dogs quickly learned to recognize the odor typical of the coronavirus.
The researchers also said that the error in detecting coronavirus using dogs is the same as in the current medical tests for coronavirus.
Now Finnish scientists intend to establish how long the smell characteristic of this disease persists in a person who has had a coronavirus.
They believe that in the future, trained dogs could be used for a variety of tasks,
for example, to identify infected people in nursing homes, airports and other border posts.
Dogs are amazing creatures and even now they become our helpers in the most difficult situations.
Do you have any pets?
If yes, then tell me about them ...)))
What are your plans for the weekend?
Would you like to spend them with me?
What could we do?
Kisses and hugs

2021-04-09 23:03:42
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David, you wanted to know about my family ... Photo inside!
I wrote to you that I have an adopted son and Bogdan and a daughter, Evgenia.
But they live and study in England.
My grandmother who was my closest person died in 2017.
My parents are alive and live in a private house outside the city.
I had a brother Dmitry, he died in 2015 in the Donbass, was blown up by a mine.
My parents have brothers and sisters, and therefore I have aunts and uncles,
I have cousins ​and sisters and they have children.
Therefore, I have many relatives.
some live next to me in the same city,
but many are scattered in different countries.
In Germany, Poland, Russia and one aunt lives in France.
One cousin lives in Kiev, with him we most of all maintain related relations since childhood. 236/254
There is an aunt who lives in Moldova and an uncle in the Crimea.
We used to get together for anniversaries and big holidays at my grandmother's house.
But in recent5:33
life has become more difficult and we have not - Trusted
gathered with the whole family forinternational
a long time. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
My parents are already retired, they live in a country house and now I rarely see them so as not to endanger them.
You can ask me any questions, I will be happy to answer them.
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-04-08 05:24:12


RE: David, I think I'm lucky to have met you!
Dearest, I want to spend my life with you. I love you, there is no doubt about it in my mind. Am I putting the horse before the cart?
I see you like me but......... Maybe I am hoping for something that is not going to happin? P{lease tell me how you feel. You are what I think about daily from the morning till the bedtime and
after. Are you afraid this will just cool down and disappear- not likely unless yopu want it to happen that way. I am committed and will havg in ther until we can be together.
Always, David

2021-04-08 00:34:21

RE: David, I think I'm lucky to have met you!
You are not at all ordinary any more than I am. I think we have a tendency to undersell ourselves. Besides if I am so extraordinary, you being my fiance' would be extraordinary because you
are chosen-- surly I HAVE SOME GOOD TASTE-- you! I would love to move on to trying to bring us together. Will you marry me and come to the US to live together here? Let us start some
solid planning. When, Where, and perhaps set a date?
Tell me about your family. I have two grown children on their own with good jobs. Also three grandchildren. Two sisters with kids and they have children as well. That is my small family. We
are scattered from one end of the continent to the other, and one niece in Brazil with a family. We do not get together very often because of the distance.
Let us focus before our eyes give out. We are in this together.
Hugs,hugs hugs XXXXXXXXX, Kisses, kisses kissesOOOOOO
Guess who........ Your one and only, David

2021-04-05 22:37:39
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, I think I'm lucky to have met you! Photo inside!
My dear David!
You are a wonderful sweet, kind and sincere person!
Even at a distance, I feel your sincerity and love!
it seems to me that, just like you, now I am in a new beginning, going on a great adventure holding hand.
I, just like you, are very glad to meet you and it seems to me that this could not happen to me.
If you are interested to know,
I recently thought about how I could be an ordinary woman from Ukraine to interest such a respectable and extraordinary man like you.
I think you are very smart and attractive and it even seems to me that against your background I am too ordinary.
But I really want that this time my feelings would not deceive me and that we would be a couple.
Recently I thought about how great it would be if we could take each other's hand
and feel how real the feeling that we feel in relation to each other.
I really want to plunge headlong into your new life and bring you my love, care, warmth and tenderness.
David I really like you and you are not at all a "fat old man", I see an attractive and intelligent man with a huge potential in life.
I can feel it even from a distance.
If I could, I would forbid the use of the word "old man" in relation to myself.
David, we turned out to be interesting to each other.
And this was already a pleasant surprise, because you begin to understand the human content, depth, turns, many extremely important details later.
Happiness when there is something to understand.
Therefore, I think that this is very ... Everything happens in maturity very well.
It seems to me that we are now mature people who have a life baggage and who know how to appreciate the most important thing in a relationship, and this is very good, maybe that's why
many believe that the last love, like the first, is the strongest.
I, just like you, hope that this is love and a life that we can build together, full of hugs, kisses, comfort and care.
David, I think a lot about you and how we can live happily our lives together until the end of our days.
I have never received so much warmth and vivid emotions from any man as from you!
You are very interesting to me and I really like you!
I think we have a great chance to be a couple and start our own family. 237/254
hugs and kisses
your Larisa
1 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2021-04-05 03:01:49


RE: RE: RE: Dear David!
My sweet Lara, I am in love for the first time ever. In the past I think I just went along with what seemed to be happening, but now I am at a new beginning going on a great adventure holding
your hand. We are in uncharted waters without a compass but. I know where to go as I have lived this journey in my dreams and ultimately we find ourselves in paradise. Together we make
memories that others will envy.
My sister asks what do you want in a an overweight old man. I hope it is love and a life that we can make together that is full of holding and kissing and caring.
Yesterday I went to the Art Museum where I have s painting on exhibit and took a photo--- old man at a new beginning. Take a good look to be sure you have the right person that you want
to be with forever. If you
decide yes we are at the sunshine of a new beginning.
My love is beyond words, David XXXXOOOOOO, OOO, XXXXXX, OOOOOO

2021-04-02 00:45:53
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Hi,David! Doing nothing? Then make a place for me in your heart !! Photo inside!
HELLO my dear David! Hey you know
Which is the best day to Propose a girl. April 1st.
You know why?
If she accepts it’s your luck
Otherwise just tell
April Foooool....✌️
Today was a beautiful warm spring day!
On this day, it is customary for us to joke and laugh at jokes.
How do you celebrate this holiday?
Congratulations on April Fools` day! May good jokes and sincere smiles fill this day and bring more positive emotions into your life! Remember that laughter is the best medicine!
Honey, I am sure you’ve received a lot of silly April Fool’s Day
cards trying to trick you, but you are far too cute
and smart to fall for any of that!
In Ukraine this day, we like to joke and fool around.
Have your friends ever pranked you?
Do you like humor and fun?
I like witty jokes and funny pranks. And you?
Pull any April fool's day pranks✌️

2021-04-02 00:41:48
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RE: RE: Dear David! Photo inside!
David, thank you for such important words for me!
It means so much to me !!!
Now I have a feeling that my beloved man is waiting for me ...
For the first time in a long time, I do not feel the loneliness of my soul.
I will try not to get sick with covid-19,
because now I have a reason to live for!
Thank you for making my world brighter !!!
Hugs and my warm Snuggles

2021-03-31 21:27:00 238/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect70682645
woman abroad!/

RE: Dear David!
Dearest Lara, I want to make it totally clear that I am 100 percent dedicated to making a life with you. Anything I can do, I will do to make this journey an easier one .Each time I read your
letters I am more convinced that you are the one person I want to spend my life with. I know that I am not perfect but I am dedicated, and honestly pursuing a future with you, if you will have
me. You have exceeded my hopes and dreams for the future.
I am concerned for you in this battle with covid. I only wish I could be by your side to give aid when needed. So be assured that I am here for you and ask anything you need and I will
respond to my best ability. I love you beyond words to express it. That is unusual for person who has used words in my profession to be so totally beyond words--- but simply, I love you Lara.

2021-03-30 04:08:23


RE: my story Photo inside!
I used to sing professionally; I was with the world famous Robert Shaw Choral for four years. I was raised with music and was a gifted child. Started on violin when I was four.As a teenager I
was the orchestral tubist for the National Orchestra In Interlochen and played with most of the major Midwestern orchestras. I finally ended up with the Cleveland Symphony for some six
years but could not make a living at it so went back to school to become a Field Ecologist specializing in severe environments. Taught at the University of California for 35+ years and now
semi retired so I can do probono work in conservation --have projects I am finishing up in Kenya and the Amazon in eastern Brazil. Just so I would not be bored I went back to school for a
DTh degree and became a priest and ended up a Bishop. That is a short version of my life. Was married twice. Both long marriages and no fighting etc. Had two kids all grown up with good
jobs and educated. So there it is.
I am a gentle person and value the intimacy of marriage. My second wife left to join up with the Jehovah Witnesses who do not want her to associate with me an outsider. They are a cult of
course. I am not involved in music now as there was no half way. My voice is gone and I gave up playing when I came West as there was no professionally any place to play. That is a nutshell
version of my life and am ready to write the next chapter with you if you will have me?

2021-03-30 03:27:19


RE: Dear David! Photo inside!
I am madly in love with you. I am overwhelmed with love. Your story simply made me cry. I want to take care of you forever .Would you marry me and come to the US to live? Let us get
married and you come to the US. I have a house and a secure income and so much love. How I respect you and all you are doing and yes I think you are beautiful, very beautiful .I myself am
flawed as well; I am trying to lose the twenty pounds I put on this last year.
I can promise you a wonderful life together with love and caring. Your drawing is great; I am not much more accomplished but I have something inside that makes me paint. I have had
paintings hung for shows in the Art Institute Museum regularly for the past four years. I guess they like them. I moved in this location to be near the Art school. We could be students
together as are many of the married students.Oh I started my career as an orchestral musician but could not make a living at it so became a biologist--nature my other passion.
The covid situation is still severe here and has it's ups and downs. I finally got my first shot today. Had a hard time getting it. I also have an appointment for the second one in 21 days. As you
know we are vaccinating millions of people and it is chaos, I wish the young people would start taking precautions.
Prices have gone up about 25% for food and gas though.I still have my second surgery in a couple of weeks- a two part thing. The second part will be more severe as they cannot use a
scope, so my recovery will be a bit more time. Don't worry I have 7 doctors looking after me and all I do is go to them these days for preop exams.All this is rather routine for them. I will have
my own room in the hospital. I will get real bored. All of this was caused by a very bad fall with multiple abdominal hernias. Three down and two to go.
If you will marry me, let us work on a plan to get US together. I have a cozy house in a beautiful tropical arid region. Millions come to visit here every year. Weather is great .I have great ideas
for us to travel and see the USA.

2021-03-29 04:10:53
Reply (/mailing/index/



Dear David! Photo inside!
We'll have to wait a while.
It is a pity that we had to pass such a test and face this terrible epidemic.
My neighbor, whose son lives in the state of Tihas, says that the son is talking about the fact that your incidence has now dropped.
and that life is getting better.
I can only hope that it will get warmer soon and that the situation will somehow improve.
Many doctors suggest asking for international help from other countries, 239/254
but so far our government does not hear us.
Instead, we are satisfied with even more unbearable living conditions with huge increases in prices for food and utilities.
David, I will 5:33
you about all the news and we will discuss all possible - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
options together.
I think that the next month will be very difficult and we will be able to return to the conversation about our meeting sometime in May.
Now this is not possible ...
Very busy schedule, I even had to take my dog ​and cat to my parents.
On Thursday and Friday, I even stayed overnight at the hospital, a very difficult situation.
I am glad that you had a successful operation and that you will soon be able to return home to your normal life.
David, thank you for making my life brighter!
Take care of yourself !
hugs and kisses
your Lara

2021-03-29 04:04:14
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Dear David! Photo inside!
I see that we have common interests and I like it.
I'm also trying to master painting.
You know, when I have a lot of problems, I pick up a pencil and start drawing, then I dream about the World Cup and it helps me to relieve stress and fatigue ..
If you are interested, I will send you a photo of my drawings ..
Of course it is difficult to call it art, but I have been drawing my pictures since childhood.
And I also think that I need to express myself through art - classical music and painting and this is what makes us similar.
Sometimes I even write poetry and someday you will be able to read them.
Now I have to spend a lot of time at work.
Due to the fact that we do not have enough doctors and now such a difficult situation with quarantine, I have to work in two hospitals and seven days a week.
From Monday to Friday I work in the children's department,
and on Saturday and Sunday I work in the infectious diseases department.
We have a very difficult situation in our city and the hospitals are simply overcrowded with patients.
But I don't want to upset and frighten you.
At least in our city, while everyone is in their beds and while everyone has enough places for hospitalization.
My friend from Lviv, who also works as a doctor, sent me a photo where you can see that people are already being placed in the corridors.
In recent days, the situation with the coronavirus pandemic is very difficult.
I am sending you a photo that my friend doctor from Lviv sent me.
I communicate with many doctors from other cities and many say that the Ukrainian medical system may not withstand such an influx of people infected with coronavirus.
David, I hope that we will be able to cope with the extremely difficult situation that has now arisen in our Ukraine.
Perhaps you are not talking in the news about what is happening now in Ukraine.
As soon as our problem stabilizes a little, you and I will think about when and where to schedule our meeting.
I don’t get vaccinated because we don’t have a normal vaccine.
and all my friends doctors who were vaccinated with the Indian vaccine CoviShield, 2-3 weeks after vaccination, fell ill with coronavirus.
I also know that during the month of vaccination from a complication after this vaccine, at least 3 people died.
In addition, the amount of vaccine is very small and less than one percent of the population of Ukraine can be inoculated with it.
A month after the first dose, you need to do the second vaccine and e is not and it is not known whether or not.
I know that in your country more than 70 percent of the population has been vaccinated,
we have a completely different situation.
I will tell you about this in more detail later.
Unfortunately, doctors get infected and die every day,
because our government does not think about us and the citizens of our country.
I don't want to talk about it, but unfortunately it is.
with love

2021-03-29 03:53:58
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I have always lacked love and warmth ... Photo inside!
David, honey!
My parents often went on business trips and I always dreamed only of my father sitting me on his knees and hugging me tightly.
But that never happened.
When I grew up, I began to read a lot of books ...
I loved reading about true pure feelings of love.
also saw in my life an example of my grandparents who fell in love with each other in school before the war. 240/254
They were 17 when the war began and they went through the whole war, the German camps and the blockade of Leningrad together and retained their feelings.
My parents loved each other very much and my mother even abandoned my brother and grandmother and followed my father everywhere.
I 6/24/23, 5:33
believed that PM can be faithful and love each other all
people lives. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
But in my life there were only disappointments and betrayals.
David, I understand that the Lord gives us life trials so that we are stronger and kind to other people.
Now, I no longer feel hatred or evil towards those who once very cruel to me.
I am glad that God has put everything in its place and that I can communicate with children.
I am glad that they live in a country where they will have a good future.
Now I have a desire to build my life and create my own family.
I'm glad that you David appeared in my life ..
you are some special man.
You are not like anyone else.
You are smart, strong and you have a very interesting and extraordinary life.
I want you to be exactly the man destined for me
and next to which I can feel like a real beloved and desired woman.
Hugs and my warm Snuggles

2021-03-29 03:51:53
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time .......... Photo inside!
Bogdan and Evgenia grew up and began to call me in secret from their father.
Last year I was able to meet with them, Victor and Teresa can no longer prevent them from communicating with me.
Now Evgenia is studying at the Medical University in London, she will be a doctor like me.
and Bogdan is finishing school this year and wants to be a military pilot.
They now live in London with Teresa and Victor.
They resigned themselves to the desire of children and now we communicate a lot.
This is my story ...
I've never told anyone about this, but I want you to know more about my life.
David, it was very difficult for me to trust a man again and for the first time in a long time I felt the desire to love.
David, I want to confess to you that in fact I have many different compsexes ...
From early childhood, I was not like my peers.
I always felt like some kind of ugly duckling ...
In fact, I have never considered myself a beauty and I sometimes even think that I have a small chest and a teenage figure.
I hope that next to you I can see the true love and care of the man I have always dreamed of.
Hugs and my warm Snuggles

2021-03-29 03:48:44
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David, my parents supported me ... Photo inside!
I no longer had the desire to live ... but the doctor who performed the operation on my son convinced me to fight and not give up.
He helped me regain my faith and desire to live on.
Time passed and I searched again and again for a way to get the kids back
but nothing came of it and I couldn't even communicate with them.
I resigned myself and began to live by my work.
I treated other people's children and spent days at my work.
It helped me feel needed and fight my loneliness and longing.
And then one day, many years later, I received a letter.
This letter was from the Czech Republic, it was written by my daughter Evgenia.
She wrote to me that she and her brother remember me and love ...
And that will definitely come to me when they grow up.
She talked about how they lived all these years, that they moved to live in different places.
Teresa treated them well, but she never hugged them or kissed them.
And she disliked Eugene a little because she looked like me and did not want to call her mom.
I cried many times reading this letter.
Hugs and my warm Snuggles
1 241/254
2021-03-29 03:44:26
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
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David, my parents supported me ... Photo inside!
I don’t know how I would have coped without them.
After a while, Victor sent the divorce papers and said that he fell in love with another woman and did not want to return.
I was not slickly upset because I already understood that I did not need such a man who abandoned us in a difficult time.
The children grew up and I sent them to kindergarten and went to work.
Everything worked out ... so the years passed.
When Bogdan was 4 and a half years old and Evgeny was 6 and a half one evening, someone knocked on our door.
And it was Victor ... I immediately felt something not good.
He came to take my children away from me, because his wife was 13 years older than him and she could not give birth to a child.
The trials began and his lawyer was able to bribe the judge and take the children away from me.
The reason was that I didn't have my own home
and my parents had a small apartment
the fact that I sold my apartment to save Bogdan did not interest anyone.
He took the children and took them to the Czech Republic.
It seemed that my hearts were ripped out and I would not even find words to convey my feelings.
I wrote letters to all instances ... and they told me that there was a court decision and nothing could be changed.
I thought my life was over and I don't know how I had the strength to survive it.
Hugs and a kiss

2021-03-29 03:29:53
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continuation of a story ....
Dear David!
When Victor left, one day Bogdan lost consciousness and began to breathe heavily.
I immediately went with him to the hospital and after examination he was diagnosed with heart disease.
It was a latent heart defect and an operation was urgently needed.My doctor friend with whom we studied at the same university agreed to find a good clinic where they would agree to
operate on Bogdan.
And besides, I myself began to feel bad and could not understand what was wrong with me.
I decided that it was because of the nerves.
But soon I found out that I was pregnant and it was a miracle that could not be explained. After all, I was told that I was diagnosed with infertility.
When my husband found out, he was glad and said that he would soon take us all to him.
Then Victor simply disappeared, stopped calling on the phone.
He said that he had a lot of work and in the end I realized that he did not need us.
And Bogdan was getting worse, the attacks became more frequent.
And when we got to the hospital again, the cardiologist said that I had only 2 weeks.
If during this time I do not find money for the operation, the child will die.
I rushed about and could not find the required amount anywhere, it was very large.
Then I decided to sell my apartment, that should have been enough.
my parents agreed to let us live with them and supported my decision.
This money was enough to operate Bogdan in Belarus, the operation was successful.
And just 3 months my daughter Eugene was born.
Are you wondering what happened next?
David, then I'll tell you about it in the next letter ...

2021-03-29 02:25:22
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I want you to know everything about my life ... Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!
I do not like to remember the past, but I want to tell you more about my life.
Yes, unfortunately I had to go through a very difficult period of my life.
My first love ended very tragically and my boyfriend could not protect me once.
His mother was a very powerful woman,
because she worked at the embassy 242/254
and she easily dealt with me and my unborn child.
Before that, I could not even imagine that people could be capable of this.
But 5:33toPM
today I want tell you about Bogdan and Evgeny, these are my
children. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
If you are interested, I will tell you about it.
After everything that happened to me, I took an academic leave for a year and returned home.
I went to the village to see my grandmother, she was my dearest person.
She went through many trials in her life during the war, and probably only she, with her love and understanding, then helped me return to school and again find the meaning of life.
My grandmother was worried about everything with me, we talked about everything and she was always there giving me strength and confidence.
I returned to Kiev a year later and finished my studies.
Then I returned to my hometown and got a job as a pediatrician in the maternity ward.
Once in our hospital there was a case when a woman died during childbirth, and the child was saved.
But the father was so shocked by the death of his wife that he did not even want to see his son.
It's time to pick up the child from the maternity ward or write a refusal from him.
This baby reminded me of my son and awakened maternal feelings in me.
I found out the address where the baby's father lived and I was ready to help the child.I went to the father of the newborn boy and began to persuade him to take the baby and not condemn
him to orphanhood.
At first, he did not want to hear about him, but then he still agreed to see his son.
He took him away and I began to visit them and help Victor with the child.
Probably the general care of the child and my great desire to become a mother united us with Victor.Each of us had our own pain of loss and perhaps this brought us closer and we entered
into a marriage union.
So Bogdan became my son.
We began to live together in my apartment and it seemed to me that now I would be happy.When his son was one and a half years old, Victor was offered a job abroad,
he agreed because there were very difficult times and we really did not have enough money to live.
The kid was weak and often sick,
he was born 8 months old.
Victor was supposed to pick us up when he settled in a new place....

2021-03-28 00:01:35

I truly miss you, and would love to make you my lovely bride. Photo inside!
In rereading your bio notes, I feel sorrow for that part of your life where you lost your child. Some people can be so cruel. By nature I am a rather gentle person, not to be confused with weak.
That I am not. As a Professor I have trained thousands of premed and nursing students. I am not teaching at the moment but doing research and consulting. I am semi retired. I went back to
school to study art and currently trying to master painting. I seem to have this need to express myself through the arts- classical music and painting.
Each day goes by all I can think about is how to be together. I am hoping this will be soon. I get my covid shot on Monday, otherwise I have most of my papers unless I would need
something special to get into Ukraine if that is what we decide to do. Or could you come to US easier. I am committed to you and would like to get this going.

2021-03-27 22:50:30


I truly miss you Photo inside!
Swearheart , I am recovering fine and in a couple of weeks I will go in for the secong surgery. I am not worried but do not like to face the boredom of the hospital and the wifi is very poor so I
gave up. I miss you terribly and hope we can work on being together soon .
I can see us taking a break together and sitting on a love seat together with my arm around you and kiss you on your secret place and gently caress a loving response from you. We kiss and
begin our intimate talk of today- how we feel, what we need from each other and how we can solve the issues of the day. but especially about the future and our hopes for each other. We
have become fused together like two in the same pod, fused, feeding from the same source--our love. We both know this is forever and we will be that security, strength, and support in all
that we do.
This may sound a bit dramatic but it is true to the fact and is how I feel. You will find me true to the description and always willing to go beyond. Shall we dance into the future?

2021-03-23 01:44:43
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David, How is this even possible? Photo inside! 243/254
The third wave of the epidemic in Germany.
Did the Germans go to the theater?
6/24/23,is 5:33
Germany PM with a third wave of the epidemic, and Berlin
theaters are opening-their
Trusted dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
How is this even possible?
Amazing people !!!
From March 19 to April 4, a whole series of events takes place in the German capital,
tickets for which the visitor receives along with the coronavirus test.
I read about this on the Internet ...
"We fell out of the loop," complains one elderly couple who attended the theater before the pandemic.
and other cultural events three to four times a month.
Therefore, they knew for sure that they wanted to take part in the experiment.
Like many other visitors who found themselves in front of the entrance of the Berlin Ensemble Drama Theater on March 19,
the last time this couple was in the theater was almost a year ago.
And who knows, if Germany is overwhelmed by the third wave of the pandemic, when the opportunity presents itself, people in the crowd said.
This event, unusual for a pandemic, is part of a planned experiment.
Only eight cultural institutions in Berlin take part in it.
Events will take place in the next two weeks.
The premiere in Berlin was based on the autobiographical novel "Panikherz" by German author Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre about the destructive power of drugs.
Going out to the public after the performance, he admitted that he himself found it funny,
that for such an event, a story about harm to one's own health was chosen.
Of course, the author, known for his subtle humor, was just joking.
The audience in the hall was tested for the coronavirus.
Therefore, it was possible to watch the performance without the thought that you were harming your health or those around you.
And the public's eyes were on fire, as ZDF journalists noted in their report.
Finally, a light dawned at the end of the tunnel!
Of course, it is difficult to compare the past event with the usual visit to the theater, to which the residents of the German capital are accustomed:
in addition to the ticket at the entrance, it was necessary to present an identity card and a negative test for coronavirus, handed over no later than 12 hours before the start of the
With seating through one hall of the Drama Theater in Berlin, it accommodated 350 people.
The Berlin Philharmonic, where the next day the second cultural event planned as part of the experiment took place, - 1000 spectators.
And even in spite of all the difficulties, the audience came to the performance and all tickets were sold out.
It seems to me that this is a wonderful experiment, because we need to somehow learn to live in a new way.
We all understand that it will never be like before.
Kisses and hugs
with tenderness

2021-03-23 01:42:51
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David, this funny story is for a good mood !!! Photo inside!
Hello my dear David!
There are so many troubles and worries around, but I really want to tell you something good.
I really want you to smile.
Do you know that singing makes a person happy ?!
Yes ... yes ... scientists have figured it out
Singing turns out to be as beneficial as jogging in the fresh air.
It is especially good for everyone to sing together, as they do in Berlin!
in the fresh air.
It is especially good for everyone to sing together, as they do in Berlin!
Berlin offers karaoke for people who hesitate to sing in public.
The positive health effects are guaranteed.
My friend who lives in Germany surprised me with her story.
She says that choral singing is very popular in Germany.
Instead of a navy blue uniform, there are black suits, snow-white shirts and a bow tie.
About a hundred well-dressed Cologne police officers and their former colleagues,
already pensioners, who are fond of music and singing in their free time, gathered in the spacious assembly hall of the police department.
The youngest is 28 years old, the oldest is 87.
Why are the German police singing?
The profession of a police officer is a difficult profession.
Their work is not easy, sometimes dangerous, and choral singing is an outlet for them.
Cologne police officers relieve stress with choral singing.
And, of course, it has an ennobling effect.
Cologne policemen had a chance to speak on Capitol Hill in Washington,
in front of Pope Johann XXIII at the Vatican, at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo,
at the opera house in Sydney, on various stages in Moscow, St. Petersburg.
But it turns out that in other German cities, it's not just the police that relieve stress in this way.
For example, the choral ensemble of fire brigades in the southern German town of Stadtsteinach Feuerwehrchor Stadtsteinnach has a smaller scale.
There are only 14 people in it.
But this collective is well known in the south of Germany.
Stadtsteinach firefighters perform a concert in one of the temples in their city every week. 244/254
She also told me about the performances of the German Doctors Ärztechor Choir and the Tübinger Ärzteorchester Doctors Orchestra from Tübingen.
They collect full halls.
"People 5:33coats"
in white PM get together twice a year, for which purpose
they take a week off. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
The meeting point is the city of Ochsenhausen near Tübingen.
From Monday to Friday, early morning until late evening, rehearsals take place.
General run on Saturday.
And in the evening of the same day - a charity concert.
After that, the doctors leave.
I was surprised by her story.
But it seems to me that this is great!
When we got together with friends, we also loved to sing and often went to the karaoke bar!
It really brings up a lot of positive emotions!
I like to hum verses of my favorite songs when I do the cleaning or do other household chores.
Do you like to sing?
What's your favorite style of music?
Do you like jazz?
I hope you enjoyed my story.
Get well soon, David!
Kisses and hugs
with tenderness

2021-03-21 14:52:05
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About my hobbies ... Photo inside!
David, you asked about my hobbies.
Honestly, I have a lot of them.
Probably most of all I love to travel and learn something new about the life of other people,
I love to cook new dishes and experiment, I love reading books, I love to draw and create paintings from amber and beads - it helps me get rid of fatigue and stress.
I love sports, I love being in nature and I have another strange hobby this is cars and driving.
Perhaps this is strange for a woman.
My brother was a racer and I guess as a little sister I got it from him.
But most of all I love to study everything related to medicine.
What are your main hobbies?
What always brings you joy and good mood?

2021-03-21 14:24:15
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Hi David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Photo inside!
Today is my day off and I decided to visit my parents.
When I came to them, my mother and I cooked our favorite apple pie.
Then I helped my mother clean up the house.
We went through old things and decided that we need to give something to others.
I did not tell you that I had an old brother Dmitry and he died in 2015 in the Donbass.
He was blown up by a mine.
Mom collected his weeds and decided to give them to the neighbors.
Then we climbed into the attic and began to put things in order there.
I found my beloved bear in the box and on an old family album.
It seems to me that it is so nice to keep things that remind of something pleasant and meaningful in our life.
My parents still have my box of old things in the attic.
I won't let them throw it away.
It contains my children's diary in which I wrote about my emotions, children's toys that were given to me by people dear to me.
There is also a teddy bear that my parents gave me when I was 3 years old.
They were often on the road and I always slept with him. He reminded me of my parents and how lonely I was without them.
My brother and I were actually raised by our grandparents.
I was very close spiritually with my grandmother and she taught me a lot.
She was a wise wife who broke through the war and concentration camps and even survived the blockade of Leningrad.
She was a history teacher and gave me a lot of knowledge.
But I will tell you about this in the next letters ... 245/254
The corton box contains a boat that my brother made for me on March 8, grandmother's amber beads and other little things dear to my heart.
I also have an old album with black and white photographs.
I 6/24/23,
really love 5:33
flippingPMthrough its pages. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
This is not at all like looking at a photo on your phone.
You touch them and feel and it creates a feeling that I would return to that time.
Over time, I fall more and more in love with black and white photography.
Color images are too colorful, saturated.
Attention is diverted to colored tinsel, while the subject itself remains unnoticed.
To me, they symbolize the hope and despair that humanity is forever exposed to.
You probably understand what I'm talking about.
because ten years from now they will be of significantly more value to you than a cool new Facebook avatar.
Old photos in which those people who are not and those who have now become completely different ...
Here we are with my brother in kindergarten, here at school with friends ... here is the parental wedding ..
here I am at the institute .. here with friends in nature.
Here is a brother in a tree and I am nearby.
relatives ... close ... neighbors ... teachers ... just a random passer-by ...
- so young, so happy, with glowing eyes, and in the lower right corner there is a white stripe and a glint of a sunbeam.
I am sentimental about such things.
But still, I was able to postpone some things that we should take to other people.
I prepared things that I no longer wear and children's books.
But with some things I cannot part with, they remind me of the warm moments of my life.
I'm curious to know are you sentimental?
Have a nice day!
hugs and kisses

2021-03-21 13:21:01
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Hello my dear David!* Photo inside!
How is your operation?
Hope you're okay.
I can assure you that this is not a complicated operation if it is done in a timely manner.
I think you will recover quickly and be home soon.
My father also had a similar operation years ago.
And now he feels great.
I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.
I have a very busy work schedule.
There are a lot of sick children with pneumonia and suspected covid-19,
and also this year seasonal infections in children are very difficult.
I have to spend a lot of time at work in the children's department.
Yesterday, another 7 cities of Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Kiev, Lvov, Zhitomir were closed for enhanced quarantine.
And in the evening, at the meeting, we were told that the Dnieper and Zaporozhye also plan to close for enhanced quarantine in the near future.
And they also say that in a week they plan to announce a general lockdown for Ukraine.
Unfortunately, hospitals are packed with Covid-19 patients and there is already a critical situation in many cities, doctors I know from different cities tell me about this.
In some cities they even talk about asking for international assistance from other countries.
Vaccination is very poor and there are very few vaccines in the country.
In addition, people do not want to be vaccinated with the Indian vaccine and the other does not.
What is your situation?
I read that America has vaccinated the largest number of its population and vaccination in your country is successful.
Although there are not very good facts of complications after vaccination with some drugs.
So a few days ago I learned that a nurse in Georgia fell into a coma after being vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The first batch of 43.2 thousand doses of AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Georgia last week, this batch of vaccines is designed mainly for medical personnel.
The Georgian Ministry of Health has confirmed the side effects of vaccination against coronavirus infection with the AstraZeneca vaccine in five out of more than 3 thousand vaccinated
Four doctors showed side effects after vaccination, but their condition soon improved.
The news reported that the 27-year-old nurse allegedly developed anaphylactic shock ...
Have you heard about this?
But I still hope we can do it on our own.
Of course, it is very difficult, because we have a great shortage of doctors, more than 50% of doctors went to work abroad.
You wrote to me that the church may not approve of you remarriage, why?
Tell me your pain about your parishes in Kenya.
How many parishioners do you have and how difficult is it for you to work in Africa?
I thought that we could do a good deed together,
I could help you and treat children for various diseases.
I'm interested in what you are doing and maybe in the future we will be able to do one useful thing for people and for ourselves.
I consider it normal when a priest is a modern person.
And this does not shock me much.
There is one priest in my city who fought in the Donbass, but since 2016 he has been conducting services in our church.
There are different situations in life and each person comes to God in a different way.
The spiritual world of each person is its own story and love for God. 246/254
I liked your saying that "The spiritual dimension is just a part of the whole" I "of each body ...",
I am interested in our promise and I will try to tell you more about my life.
I 6/24/23,
wish you a 5:33 PM
speedy recovery. - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

2021-03-20 23:20:00


In the hospital--nothing life threatening Photo inside!
Dearest I had to go to the emergency room Monday AM with an inguinal hernia. Had one surgery on Tuesday and one more pending for repair. Pretty routine stuff. I do not know how long I
will be in the hospital depends on the surgeons schedule. Please know that I am here for you. I am just out of commission for the moment. I think at the latest I will b e back in action by
Tuesday or Wednesday or earlier. What are some of your hobbies? Life filled with joy is easily filled by the curious and those who act on it.
I will try my best to write as I can. My brother in law has been great bring my computer and glasses to the hospital. The wi fi is tricky though. I love you. There may be a day or two in recovery
where I am in too much pain to write but know I hold you in my heart. I am here in spirit.
As for religion I am rather luke warm at this time in my life. I just wanted to help people and I am aware that most people have a spiritual inner life that I could better help them. I work with
native Americans, and still try to save the world-- currently the rhino in Africa.I am an Anglican Bishop and dean of St Andrews Seminary. Always the teacher and creator of what is needed to
study to become a priest. This is never something that would ever come between family values. Anglicans can be married and we feel that is the natural state of life. I thought i should reveal
this. If I remarry the church may not want me as clergy. They seem to like what I have done as the academic of the church. I have a Dr of Theology degree. I have 32 parishes in Kenya as my
cure but I do not live there and do not live the parish priest lifestyle.
That is not something that would ever come between us, as you are my first choice. I have told the church bishops so such will not become a surprise.You will always come first.
Hope this is not too much of a shock. The spiritual dimension is merely part of every bodys
whole self. My love for you has not dimineshed a bit and I look forward to your letter,
Much love, David XXXXXXXXOOOOOOO as ever.

2021-03-20 00:41:40

In the hospital--nothing life threatening
Dearest I had to go to the emergency room Monday AM with an inguinal hernia. Had one surgery on Tuesday and one more pending for repair. Pretty routine stuff. I do not know how long I
will be in the hospital depends on the surgeons schedule. Please know that I am here for you. i am just out of commission for the moment. I think at the latest I will b e back in action by
Tuesday or Wednesday or earlier.
I will try my best to write as I can. My brother in law has been great bring my computer and glasses to the hospital. The wifi is tricky though.
Much love, David

2021-03-18 02:38:20
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For a good mood! Watch the video for you David!
David, And your name immediately began to excite my thoughts ...mmm

2021-03-18 02:36:30
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My dear David, I hope my pretty smile and a gent 2021-03-18247/254
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6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/


RE: Together XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO????? Photo inside!
My dear David!
You are such a wonderful and amazing person!
Yes ... I will marry you, because I have always dreamed of having a sweet, calm, kind and gentle person nearby.
David, I'm sorry I couldn't answer your letter right away.
We have started the third wave of quarantine and there are a lot of sick people.
I have to spend a lot of time at work.
But thinking about you gives me positive and strength.
I will write to you in my spare time and I really hope that soon the situation with Covid-19 will improve and we can think about our date.
I wish you a good evening and only positive emotions!
Take care of yourself!
Hugs and kiss
your Larisa

2021-03-14 06:42:51


So I will speak plainly.............WILL YOU MARRY ME?. I promise to love and cherish our union till the end of days. I am a pretty gentle person and I do not anticipate anything but the loving glue
that will follow us together into a hopeful marriage. I hope you could see yourself coming into the USA- Theirs a lifetime of things to do and see and with your background you will be
welcomed. I love you, David XXXXXXXXXOOOOOO, some moreXXXOOOOOOOO

2021-03-13 23:51:49
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RE: Together XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO????? Photo inside!
David, how interesting it is to read about your life ...
Your life is so rich and extraordinary.
You've probably been to many countries and seen a lot of interesting things.
You have an interesting job and I am very glad that you are engaged in animal rescue.
It is wonderful.
I think that you can tell me many interesting stories from your life.
I love animals and I understand your feelings well.
A couple of days ago I was returning from work and in front of my eyes a car hit a dog and I brought it home and saved it all night.
Now I will need to look for a family for him.
Very often I see and hear stories about how cruel people treat animals and sometimes even destroy entire species.
Sometimes I see that people behave like the most evil and cruel creatures on Earth.
It always makes me sad because I have a good heart.
I loved your story about rhinos and your work.
I've read a lot about these animals.
White rhinos are one of the largest animals on the planet.
I read that in 1948, hunters licensed to shoot rhinos were hired to clear land in Kenya for agriculture.
Such 1 hunter killed 500 rhinos in 1 day.
In one magazine I read that in 2008, poachers who sold valuable rhino horns,
killed the last individuals of the northern subspecies of the white rhinoceros living in the wild.
Scientists in the US and UK are currently trying to preserve their genes,
using for these purposes skin cells and embryos of their close relatives - southern white rhinos.
The resulting offspring will have the genetic characteristics of two subspecies.
I hope everything works out ...
You paint with oil ... it's great, I also love to paint ..
here is another common hobby between us.
I love art and music as much as you do.
I play the fortapian, but to be honest, I haven't sat down at the instrument for a long time because lately I spend a lot of time at work in the hospital.
Of course, my life is not as interesting and eventful as yours and I have never been abroad.
But I also love everything new, I love traveling, reading books and I try to make this world kinder and better.
We really have something to share.
Thank you for sharing your life story with me, it was very interesting. 248/254
And again I saw a lot in common between us.
And although I live in a small provincial town, I always find something good and positive in every day.
I 6/24/23, 5:33
love life and PM
know how to enjoy every moment ... - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
I can enjoy simple things, the sun, a child's smile, birdsong and never despair!
I wish you a good evening and a cheerful mood!
with tenderness

2021-03-13 22:47:18
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David, my private video is just for you! Watch and enjoy!!!
I want to tease you a little ... catch m

2021-03-13 22:42:22
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David, my dear!I want to tell you a little about my life. Photo inside!
When I was at university, I met a young guy.
This was my first love.
We were both students.
I studied at the medical institute and he at the University of International Relations.
It seemed to me then that I was very happy and that this is love for life.
But his father was a diplomat and they planned to send his son to study in London.
It turned out that our love was not part of the plans of my boyfriend's parents and they decided to act.
They thought that I was too simple for their son and just ruined our relationship.
It was very painful for me and I had a hard time getting through these events.
But this was only the first test.
Then I found out that I was expecting a child.
When I got registered for pregnancy, my fiance's influential mother somehow found out about it.
She entered into a conversation with the doctor who was watching my pregnancy progress.
Once I came to an appointment and they gave me an injection after which I lost consciousness and when I woke up I was told that I would no longer have children.
Then I even thought about ending my life ...
My family then very much supported me and for the sake of them I continued to live on.
I only know about these people that they left somewhere in England and I never want to remember what they did to me again.
But over time, I returned to normal life and began to work in the maternity ward as a pediatrician.
Once in the hospital there was a case when a woman in labor died of bleeding.
The newborn boy survived, but the father was so broken by the death of his wife that he did not want to see the child.
The child's documents began to be prepared for transfer to the baby's house.
I decided to go to this man and convince him to take the newborn.
So I met my future husband.
I adopted this child and it seemed to me that it was my son who returned to me.
Then we had a daughter together.
But when we had very difficult times, my husband was offered a job in the Czech Republic and he left leaving me with the children.
He promised that after getting settled he would take us to his place, but half a year passed and I realized that there was no longer any point in waiting for him
But these were not all problems.
My son was diagnosed with a heart defect and was told that he urgently needed an operation.
I had to sell my apartment to save the child.
Thank God I succeeded and the operation was successful.
We went over to live with my parents.
Life gradually improved, I raised Bogdan and Evgenia and my parents supported me.
But these were not all the tests that I had to go through.
If you are interested, I will tell you further the story of my life.
Now Bogdan and Evgenia live abroad, they study at the university.
I have many friends, my parents are alive, I love my job, but still my soul is lonely and I really want to find a man with whom I will feel like a woman ... loved and protected ...
David, I hope that you will be this man and I can give you all my not upset feelings, love and my care.
hugs and kisses

2021-03-13 21:19:24 249/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect69764491
woman abroad!/

Together XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO????? Photo inside!
I am finally getting a bit of time to go to my computer. I have two cats. Had computer problems and techs do not seem to know why. I would truly love to get to know you.
I am a field biologist specializing in extreme environments. I the past most of my work was in Arctic and polar Alaska ( paleoecology working on microfossils to understand climates of the
past), but now I work in the Amazon and in SE Africa. Currently I am trying to save the rhino (2 species) from extinction. Success is second place to money. The northern race of the White
rhino is now extinct; down the drain for it's horn (to cure cancer in Viet Nam-- I am going to clip my fingernails and try to sell them there to the president who claims his cancer was cured
with horn. At $45,000 a pound which is the current cost.) It is a sad business and when food is short even the native folks will aid in their demise. I also am taking classes as a grad student in
art. I paint in oils and watercolor and teach art, especially scientific illustration and fielf drawing). I truly want to see if we have a future together. That is why I am here. I think we would make a
wonderful life together. We have much to share.
I have broad interests especially in the arts.I started my career as a classical musician, Violin, low brass and voice. I was gifted as a child. As an adult could not make a living, even at the top,
so went back to school to become a biologist. Later in life I also pursued theology and got another doctorate. Now pursuing art. No wonder I am busy! I always had much curiosity and do
not like to get bored. Much of pop culture is boring. I do like to have fun and can be silly if the moment moves me.
Have been divorced- lost my wife ( of a great marriage ) to the Jehovah Witnesses. WE never had discord in our marriage. So that is brief. I am tired of this alone stuff and want to share my
life, fall in love and find that soulmate/lover to to live with what is truly worth while. The intimacy of sharing and that deep communication is what i feel makes the world fill with color-
complex color beyond the merely existing. If you feel the same way I will not only give you my openness but I will send my love in hopes it will take root into a strong and hopeful future.
Lovingly, David

2021-03-13 20:20:29
Reply (/mailing/index/



RE: ? interested in possible marriage? Photo inside!
David, dear!
Thank you for your informative letter.
It was a pleasure to read it.
I will be happy to continue our communication and will try to tell you more of my life and about me.
I like your outlook on life and I see that we are looking in one direction.
Our desires and thoughts are very similar.
It will be my pleasure to meet with you as soon as the coronavirus situation improves.
In fact, I am not afraid of moving to another country.
If there is a man next to me who will be my support, I will easily agree to the move.
I am a sociable and sociable woman and easily find a common language with people.
I work as a doctor and I think I can easily find a job.
If there is a loving and strong man next to me, together with him, I am ready to overcome any difficulties and build our happiness together.
hugs and kisses

2021-03-10 04:31:06

? interested in possible marriage? Photo inside!
I am looking for my soul mate to spend our life together and walk arm in arm into the future. I am a Professor, healthy, active and a romantic. I am interested in nature, the arts , Travel, and
hoping to have someone to share which makes life's trials and tribulations have meaning. Your comments are truly music to my ears and I would love to hear more as well as meet you and
give you a great big hug. All that you have commented on I can truly relate to. I am tired of not having anybody to share with and being the odd man in social gatherings. Perhaps we could
look down the road to the possibilities? I too have been alone for several years and I would love to find a wife and take on life's adventures in the USA. Would you consider living in the /US?
You appear to be lovely inside and out and I can see a close relationship from me easily. I am a faithful as well as a helpful man and I would like to see you blossom as well as us. I can easily
see the two of us moving into a wonderful life together- loving and holding and supporting each other forever. Lovingly David

2021-03-10 04:30:32

69569373 250/254
6/24/23, 5:33 PM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/

? interested in possible marriage? Photo inside!
I am looking for my soul mate to spend our life together and walk arm in arm into the future. I am a Professor, healthy, active and a romantic. I am interested in nature, the arts , Travel, and
hoping to have someone to share which makes life's trials and tribulations have meaning. Your comments are truly music to my ears and I would love to hear more as well as meet you and
give you a great big hug. All that you have commented on I can truly relate to. I am tired of not having anybody to share with and being the odd man in social gatherings. Perhaps we could
look down the road to the possibilities? I too have been alone for several years and I would love to find a wife and take on life's adventures in the USA. Would you consider living in the /US?
You appear to be lovely inside and out and I can see a close relationship from me easily. I am a faithful as well as a helpful man and I would like to see you blossom as well as us. I can easily
see the two of us moving into a wonderful life together- loving and holding and supporting each other forever. Lovingly David

2021-03-09 23:12:38
Reply (/mailing/index/


David, my private video for you! I think you will be interested!
This is my home and my Samuel ....

2021-03-09 22:53:32
Reply (/mailing/index/


David, I made a home video for you! Look!
Do you like?

2021-03-09 22:49:20
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, I did not answer your letter right away because I was at work for two days.
I wrote to you that I work as a pediatrician in the children's department.
When we have difficult situations, sometimes I am at work and 3 days in a row.
I live in a small provincial town called Pavlograd, not far from the Dnieper.
A few days ago, two children fell through the ice in our city.
No one is immune from unforeseen situations, especially during the thaw period, and this often happens when the ice begins to melt.
Fortunately, they were saved and the doctors had to fight for their lives all this time.
They got severe hypothermia and severe stress.
But now their condition is stable.
I remembered a story from my childhood and I want to tell you about it.
One day my brother talked me into skipping school.
He promised that he would fulfill all my wishes all day and open my favorite strawberry jam.
And of course I agreed.
It was the middle of winter.
Snow fell on the street and there was frost.
Parents went to work and we returned home, took a sled and went downhill.
There was a river not far from us and we went there.
First we went to the snow slide and sledged for about an hour.
Then we met a neighbor who asked us why we weren’t at school.
I do not remember what excuse we came up with, but it was clear that in the evening we would fly in from our parents.
After that we decided to go ice skating and we walked to the river.
My brother walked in front and I followed him.
And as soon as we walked about a couple of meters from the shore, my brother went through.
was very scared and began to drag him by the collar 251/254
and spent with him.
But it's good that we were not far from the coast and it was not deep here and we were able to get out on our own.
Our clothes 5:33 PM but for fear that we would get very much from
were wet, - Trusted
our parents, we did not international
feel a strong cold. dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
We rushed home.
On the way, we met my mother's friend who wrapped me in her warm shawl and quickly pulled us home.
She took hot water into the bathroom and began to warm us.
She dressed us in warm clothes, rubbed us with alcohol and gave us hot tea.
After this incident, I never again agreed to skip classes ....))
Maybe you remember some story from your childhood that you remember for a long time?
I would be glad if you share it with me.
Tell me about your family ..
You have a big family?
hugs and kisses

2021-03-09 22:45:26
Reply (/mailing/index/


RE: You and Me-- together Photo inside!
David, I did not answer your letter right away because I was at work for two days.
I wrote to you that I work as a pediatrician in the children's department.
When we have difficult situations, sometimes I am at work and 3 days in a row.
I live in a small provincial town called Pavlograd, not far from the Dnieper.
A few days ago, two children fell through the ice in our city.
No one is immune from unforeseen situations, especially during the thaw period, and this often happens when the ice begins to melt.
Fortunately, they were saved and the doctors had to fight for their lives all this time.
They got severe hypothermia and severe stress.
But now their condition is stable.
I remembered a story from my childhood and I want to tell you about it.
One day my brother talked me into skipping school.
He promised that he would fulfill all my wishes all day and get my favorite strawberry jam from the closet.
And of course I agreed.
It was the middle of winter.
Snow fell on the street and there was frost.
Parents went to work and we returned home, took a sled and went downhill.
There was a river not far from us and we went there.
First we went to the snow slide and sledged for about an hour.
Then we met a neighbor who asked us why we weren’t at school.
I do not remember what excuse we came up with, but it was clear that in the evening we would fly in from our parents.
After that we decided to go ice skating and we walked to the river.
My brother walked in front and I followed him.
And as soon as we walked about a couple of meters from the shore, my brother went through.
I was very scared and began to drag him by the collar
and spent with him.
But it's good that we were not far from the coast and it was not deep here and we were able to get out on our own.
Our clothes were wet, but for fear that we would get very much from our parents, we did not feel a strong cold.
We rushed home.
On the way, we met my mother's friend who wrapped me in her warm shawl and quickly pulled us home.
She took hot water into the bathroom and began to warm us.
She dressed us in warm clothes, rubbed us with alcohol and gave us hot tea.
After this incident, I never again agreed to skip classes ....))
Maybe you remember some story from your childhood that you remember for a long time?
I would be glad if you share it with me.
Tell me about your family ..
You have a big family?
hugs and kisses

2021-03-09 22:05:43
Reply (/mailing/index/



David, thanks for your letter. Photo inside!
I was very moved by your words.
It seems that you are a really serious man and I would like to continue our communication with pleasure.
To be honest, I have never considered myself a great beauty. 252/254
I am an ordinary woman who works as a doctor and treats children.
I love my job and for me this is my life's calling.
I 6/24/23,
was not too5:33
luckyPM - Trusted international dating site since 2008. Meet your perfect woman abroad!/
with love and my first experience was very painful.
If you are interested, I will tell you more about my life.
But despite the difficulties experienced, I believe that somewhere on this earth there is my man with a kindred spirit with whom we will be very good together.
If you turn out to be that man, I will follow you to the ends of the earth.
Now I live in my apartment with a spaniel dog and a cat.
I spend a lot of time at work.
It helps me feel needed and saves me from loneliness.
I have parents who live with me in the same city.
I had a brother Dmitry, but he died in 2015 in the Donetsk region, he was blown up by a mine.
What would you like to know about me?
I will gladly answer all your questions.
Glad to meet you...
I also liked your photo ..
You have a wonderful smile and kind eyes in which there is a lot of warmth and love!
with respect and warmth in my heart

2021-03-06 01:34:25


You and Me-- together Photo inside!
You could have taken your words right out of my mouth as we are on the same wave length. Yes life is short and I do not want to waste it the way young people often do. I know what I want
and that is why I am here though I feel that it is hopeful at best. So I will speak plainly. Yes I am hopeful for marriage and I am hoping for someone who will come to the US. I have obviously a
deep respect for what is inside your head as well as the outside. All the women on this site are gorgeous but though sex is part of the glue in a marriage I am looking at more. A togetherness
where each can grow and become the best person they can be and I would proudly be by that persons side to walk into the future together.. A shared life is a truly meaningful one.
Lovingly, David

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