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Received: 2 November 2022    Revised: 28 February 2023    Accepted: 27 March 2023

DOI: 10.1111/petr.14524


Perioperative risk factors for neurological impairment in infants

with acute liver failure following liver transplantation

Kentaro Ide1,2  | Hajime Uchida3  | Seisuke Sakamoto3  | Itaru Hayakawa4  |

Satoshi Nakagawa1 | Tohru Kobayashi2,5  | Shuichi Ito2 | Mureo Kasahara3

Critical Care Medicine, National Center
for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Abstract
Background: Neurological impairment is not rare in infants with acute liver failure
Department of Pediatrics, Yokohama City
University Graduate School of Medicine,
(ALF). This study aimed to investigate the perioperative risk factors for neurological
Yokohama, Japan impairment following liver transplantation (LT) in infantile ALF.
Organ Transplantation Center, National Methods: Retrospective analysis was performed in infants who were younger than
Center for Child Health and Development,
Tokyo, Japan 1 year with ALF who subsequently underwent LT at our hospital between January
Division of Neurology, National Center 2005 and December 2016. Patients were considered to have neurological impairment
for Child Health and Development, Tokyo,
if the Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category score was between 2 and 5 at the age
Department of Data Science, Clinical of 6 years. A comparison between the groups of infants with and without neurological
Research Center, National Center for Child impairment was performed, and factors with p < .10 in the comparison were analyzed
Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan
using univariate logistic regression analysis for neurological impairment.
Correspondence Results: Twenty-­six infants survived until 6 years of age, and 31% (8/26) of them had
Kentaro Ide, National Center for Child
Health and Development, 2–­10-­1 Okura, neurological impairment. Patients with neurological impairment were significantly
Setagaya-­ku, Tokyo 157–­8535, Japan. younger in age at ALF onset, had significantly higher pre-­LT bilirubin and prothrombin
time/international normalized ratio, and stayed significantly longer in the intensive
Funding information care unit than those without neurological impairment. Total bilirubin (odds ratio
National Center for Child Health and
Development (OR) = 1.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02–­1.22, p = .012), indirect bilirubin
(OR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.01–­1.20, p = .025), direct bilirubin (OR = 1.22, 95% CI 1.01–­1.47,
p = .040), and age in month at ALF (OR = 0.76, 95% CI 0.58–­0.999, p = .049) showed
significant association with neurological impairment.
Conclusions: High pre-­LT peak bilirubin value and younger age at ALF onset can be
perioperative risk factors for neurological impairment after LT in infantile ALF.

acute liver failure, child, hyperbilirubinemia, liver transplantation, neurological impairment,
neurological outcome

Abbreviations: ALF, acute liver failure; CVVHDF, continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration; HE, hepatic encephalopathy; LT, liver transplantation; NI, neurological impairment; PCPC,
Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PT-­INR, prothrombin time/international normalized ratio.

Pediatric Transplantation. 2023;27:e14524. |

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1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N view of the retrospective nature of the study, and all the procedures
being performed were part of the standard care (receipt number:
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare, life-­threatening condition that fre- 1582).
quently affects formerly healthy patients and is characterized by
coagulopathy and neurological dysfunction.1,2 The overall survival
of patients with ALF has improved with advances in intensive care 2.2  |  Preoperative management
and timely liver transplantation (LT).3–­5 However, neurological im-
pairment (NI) after recovery from ALF, such as neurocognitive im- All patients with ALF were admitted to the pediatric intensive care
pairment or neuropsychiatric disturbances, has been reported.1,6,7 unit (PICU) and underwent standardized neurological examination
Neurological dysfunction due to hepatic encephalopathy (HE) by pediatric neurologists. Patients with HE higher than grade II or
leading to NI occurs by multifactorial events, such as astrocyte who had further coagulopathy deterioration were indicated for
swelling due to hyperammonemia or mitochondrial dysfunction, neuro-­oriented intensive care as described elsewhere.10 Continuous
altered blood–­brain barrier, or loss of cerebral autoregulation. venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) and plasma exchange
Furthermore, perioperative hyperammonemia has been reported to were prepared and implemented as described elsewhere.10,12
be a risk factor for mortality in pediatric ALF. However, to the best A scoring system established by the intractable Hepato-­Biliary
of our knowledge, no study has reported the perioperative risk fac- Disease Study Group supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour
tors for long-­term outcomes, such as NI in pediatric ALF. and Welfare of Japan was referred to indicate LT. The scoring system
NI, defined as an increased Pediatric Cerebral Performance included six parameters and graded as 0, 1, and/or 2: the interval
Category (PCPC) score,9 was observed in 23% (12/52) of the pedi- between disease onset and development of hepatic encephalopathy,
atric ALF survivors.10 They were classified into three types accord- prothrombin time, serum total bilirubin concentration, the ratio of
ing to the possible cause: patients with underlying systemic disease, direct to total bilirubin concentration, peripheral platelet count, and
patients with perioperative brain lesions, and patients with unclas- the presence of liver atrophy.13 The patient with score >5 points was
sified NI. Patients with unclassified NI were all infants less than estimated to be unlikely to survive through a native liver; thus, prep-
12 months old. Thus, we presumed that ALF, its perioperative care, arations for LT would proceed. If no improvements in liver function
and the vulnerable infant brain were the possible causes of unclassi- was noted, then liver biopsy was performed 5–­7 days after intensive
fied NI. Identifying perioperative risk factors for NI in infantile ALF care introduction. An open biopsy with minimal incision was typi-
that seemed to be at high risk for NI may help decrease the number cally performed immediately before planned LT. When histopathol-
of infants with NI. ogy showed massive hepatic necrosis and no regeneration of hepatic
This study aimed to investigate the perioperative risk factors for cells, LT was performed.
NI following LT in infantile ALF.

2.3  |  Donor selection, surgical procedures, and

2  |  PATI E NT S A N D M E TH O DS postoperative management

2.1  |  Study design and patients Patients with uncontrollable encephalopathy and on renal re-
placement therapy or plasma exchange were on the waiting list
All infants younger than 1 year with ALF, who subsequently under- for deceased donor LT, and were given the highest priority.14
went LT at the National Center for Child Health and Development, Simultaneously, the option of living-­d onor LT was discussed with
Tokyo, Japan, between January 2005 and December 2016, were the family members because the availability of deceased donors
retrospectively reviewed. Patients were diagnosed with ALF if the is limited in Japan. The donor surgery type was decided accord-
prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT-­INR) was 1.5 ing to the graft-­to-­p atient weight ratio, which is optimal between
or more due to severe liver damage within 8 weeks of the onset of 1.0% and 4.0% as a guide of graft size-­matching to the recipient's
disease symptoms.11 Patients who died before 6 years of age were physical size. The graft type selection was followed as described
excluded since the neurological assessment was performed in ac- elsewhere.15 The surgical procedures for the donors and recipi-
cordance with the conditions at 6 years of age. Furthermore, patients ents were performed as described elsewhere.16 Postoperative
who were with underlying systemic diseases, such as chromosomal care was provided in the PICU at least 1 week after LT. Blood ex-
abnormalities, metabolic diseases, or mitochondrial respiratory aminations and abdominal ultrasonography were performed twice
chain disorder, or those with perioperative brain lesions, such as daily. The prophylactic protocol for incompatible donor LT was
intracranial hemorrhage, brain infarction, or osmotic demyelination described elsewhere.17 All patients <2 years of age during study
syndrome were excluded since their neurological assessment was period were not indicated for B-­cell depletion therapies, and were
affected by the diseases or brain lesions. This study was conducted implemented identical post-­operative immunosuppression proto-
in accordance with the amended Declaration of Helsinki. The insti- col of ABO-­compatible LT. The postoperative immunosuppressive
tutional review board approved this study with waiver of consent in regimen consisted of tacrolimus and low-­d ose steroids, and the

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IDE et al.       3 of 8

regimen details were described elsewhere.10 Patients were fol- presented. For the cut-­off value selection, the value corresponding
lowed up by pediatric neurologists after LT, who were consulted to the maximal Youden index was identified, and the sensitivity and
when neurological abnormalities, such as seizures, encephalopa- specificity were calculated. Each hypothesis was two-­t ailed, and a p
thy, or psychiatric symptoms, were suspected. Neuroimaging was value <.05 was considered statistically significant.
performed on a case-­by-­c ase basis if needed.

3  |  R E S U LT S
2.4  |  Measurements
3.1  |  Patient characteristics and perioperative
Patients' records were manually extracted from the institutional factors
electronic health record database and reviewed by two investiga-
tors (K.I. and H.U.). Patients' data included patient characteristics, A total of 62 patients with ALF underwent LT between January
laboratory evaluation, modes and duration of artificial liver support, 2005 and December 2016. Among them, 26 patients were ana-
timing and details of LT, and outcomes. For the laboratory data, daily lyzed in this study (Figure 1). All patients had no history of perinatal
peak values on consecutive days up to 2 weeks before LT and after complications and no known neurological event before the onset of
LT were recorded. The presence of hypoglycemic episodes (blood ALF. Head computed tomography before LT was performed for 25
sugar level < 40 mg/dL for neonates and < 60 mg/dL for infants older patients, and none of them showed brain edema or abnormal brain
than 1 month) was recorded. A PT-­INR of 10 or more was indicated lesion. Of the 26 patients, eight patients had NI whose PCPC scores
as 10. For the setting of artificial liver support, peak values before LT at 6 years were 2 (four patients) and 3 (four patients) (Table 1). They
were recorded. Complications regarding LT, including surgical com- did not have any specific brain lesions, such as brain hemorrhage or
plications, or T cell-­mediated rejection, during the hospital stay were brain infarction; however, they presented with psychomotor devel-
collected. opmental delay, which interfered with getting age-­appropriate grade
(PCPC:2) or participating in regular class (PCPC:3). Among the survi-
vors, no patient had a PCPC score of 4 or 5.
2.5  |  Assessment and classification of NI Factors related to patient characteristics, preoperative care, and
LT were compared between the two groups (Table 2). Patients with
NI was assessed according to the status at the age of 6 years in each NI were significantly younger in age at ALF onset, and pre-­LT peak
patient using the six-­point PCPC score, with 1 indicating normal, laboratory values for total bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, and PT-­INR
2 indicating mild disability (regular school, but grades perhaps not were significantly higher in patients with NI. No significant differ-
age-­appropriate), 3 indicating moderate disability (age-­appropriate ence was observed between the two groups with respect to the
independent activities of daily life, requiring special education class- peak ammonia levels and the episode of hypoglycemia. Regarding
room), 4 indicating severe disability (dependent on others for daily artificial liver support and LT, no factor with a significant difference
support because of impaired brain function), 5 indicating persistent was identified between the two groups.
vegetative state, and 6 indicating brain death or death by any cause. A comparison of the postoperative factors is shown in Table 3.
The assessment and classification were carried out by a transplant Regarding the post-­LT peak laboratory value, no factor with a signif-
surgeon (H.U.), a pediatric neurologist (I.H.), and a pediatric intensiv- icant difference was identified between the two groups. Regarding
ist (K.I.) independently. When there were discrepancies, they were postoperative care, patients with NI stayed significantly longer in
discussed and decided upon. When the PCPC score was between 2 the PICU after LT, although no significant differences were observed
and 5, the patient was considered to have NI. in surgical complications during hospitalization.

2.6  |  Statistical analysis 3.2  |  Risk factors for NI

Statistical analyses were performed using R version 3.6.1 (R Table  4 shows the results of the logistic regression analysis for
Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Continuous NI. Pre-­LT total, indirect, and direct bilirubin and age at ALF onset
data were presented as the median with interquartile range and cat- showed a statistically significant difference. Cut-­off values were
egorical data as the actual count with percentages unless stated oth- calculated as 421 μmol/L for total bilirubin (sensitivity of 75% and
erwise. Categorical variables were assessed using Fisher's exact test, specificity of 94%), 294 μmol/L for indirect bilirubin (sensitivity of
and continuous variables were assessed using the Mann–­Whitney 63% and specificity of 94%), and 176 μmol/L for direct bilirubin
U test. Factors with a p value <.10 in the comparison between the (sensitivity of 63% and specificity of 83%). The cut-­off value for the
two groups were selected, and univariate logistic regression analysis age of 6 months had a sensitivity and specificity of 75% and 72%,
was performed to identify factors that might be associated with NI. respectively. Of the 18 patients without NI in this cohort, five pa-
The odds ratio and its corresponding 95% confidence intervals were tients without NI were ≤ 6 months old, three were 1 month old, and

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F I G U R E 1  Patient flow diagram of this


TA B L E 1  Characteristics of the patients with NI.

Laboratory data (pre-­LT peak value)

Age at
ALF Total Indirect Post-­LT PCPC at
onset Year Ammonia bilirubin bilirubin MV days days in 6 years
No. (month) at LT Sex Etiology (μmol/L) (μmol/L) (μmol/L) PT-­INR after LT PICU old

1 1 2010 Female Viral infection 228 566 344 10 4 11 2

2 1 2014 Female Indeterminate 93 470 294 10 13 21 2
3 1 2016 Female Hemochromatosis 88 708 359 3.1 8 35 3
4 2 2012 Male Indeterminate 224 506 378 10 83 83 2
5 6 2006 Male Indeterminate 168 662 583 5.7 12 15 3
6 6 2007 Male Indeterminate 81 421 162 4.4 5 42 3
7 7 2011 Female Indeterminate 122 221 130 8.8 4 16 3
8 9 2008 Male Indeterminate 71 183 60 4.1 6 20 2

Abbreviations: ALF, acute liver failure; LT, liver transplantation; MV, mechanical ventilation; NI, neurological impairment; PCPC, Pediatric Cerebral
Performance Category; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PT-­INR, prothrombin time/international normalization ratio.
The patient underwent a tracheostomy.

two were 6 months old, and none of them had total bilirubin of However, pre-­LT peak ammonia value was not significantly different
≥421 μmol/L. between patients with NI and without NI.
Hyperammonemia was reported to be a risk factor for HE and
mortality in pediatric and adult ALF.8,18–­20 However, no significant
4  |  D I S C U S S I O N difference was observed between the two groups with respect to
the peak ammonia values, and it did not seem to be a risk factor for
A total of 26 infants with ALF who subsequently underwent LT and NI in our cohort. Ozanne et al.8 examined children with ALF and re-
survived until 6 years of age were examined. Unclassified NI was ob- ported that peak ammonia >200 μmol/L within the first 48 h was an
served in 31% (8/26). Patients with NI were significantly younger in independent risk factor for mortality. In our cohort, the median peak
age, had significantly higher pre-­LT bilirubin and pre-­LT PT-­INR, and ammonia values, 119 μmol/L in patients without NI and 108 μmol/L
stayed significantly longer in the PICU after LT. This study showed in patients with NI, were relatively lower than those in the previous
that high pre-­LT peak bilirubin value and younger age at ALF onset report (Table 2). Furthermore, there were only two patients with a
can be perioperative risk factors for NI after LT in infantile ALF. peak ammonia value >200 μmol/L, even in patients with NI (Table 1).

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IDE et al.       5 of 8

TA B L E 2  Patient characteristics and

Patients without NI Patients with
perioperative care.
(n = 18) unclassified NI (n = 8) p value

Age at ALF onset (months) 7.5 (6.3–­9.8) 4.0 (1.0–­6.3) .037
Sex (male) 10 (56%) 4 (50%) 1.00
Days between onset and coma 8 (2–­11) 5 (3–­7 ) .11
Etiology .36
Indeterminate 16 (89%) 6 (75%)
Viral infection 1 (6%) 1 (13%)
Hemochromatosis 1 (6%) 1 (13%)
Laboratory data (pre-­LT peak value)
Ammonia (μmol/L) 119 (94–­145) 108 (86–­182) .89
Total bilirubin (μmol/L) 236 (210–­318) 489 (371–­590) .015
Direct bilirubin (μmol/L) 140 (109–­156) 181 (128–­262) .071
Indirect bilirubin (μmol/L) 103 (70–­198) 320 (156–­364) .035
Albumin (g/L)* 24 (23–­25) 27 (25–­28) .16
PT-­INR 3.9 (3.0–­4.4) 7.3 (4.3–­10) .044
Hypoglycemia 6 (33%) 5 (63%) .22
Artificial liver support
Duration of CVVHDF (days) 6 (5–­8) 5.5 (5–­9) .91
Dialysate rate (mL/kg/h) 493 (418–­518) 440 (270–­567) .98
Filtration rate (mL/kg/h) 83 (75–­100) 76 (35–­90) .18
Course of plasma exchange 6 (5–­8) 5 (5–­8) .61
Days between coma and LT 5 (5–­8) 7.5 (5–­16) .36
Days between admission and 6 (5–­6) 4.5 (4–­8) .76
Live donor 17 (94%) 8 (100%) 1.00
Incompatible donor 5 (28%) 1 (13%) .63
Graft-­to-­recipient weight 3.0 (2.7–­3.6) 3.3 (2.9–­3.7) .47
ratio (%)
Duration of operation (min) 526 (441–­580) 519 (438–­586) .72
Blood loss (mL/kg) 91.2 (54.0–­159) 90.1 (63.7–­203) .72

Note: Values are presented as median (interquartile range) or number (%). * The peak value
indicates the lowest value.
Abbreviations: ALF, acute liver failure; CVVHDF, continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration;
LT, liver transplantation; NI, neurological impairment; PT-­INR, prothrombin time/international
normalization ratio.

One of the reasons for lower ammonia values in our cohort may be kernicterus, and it may also affect cortical neurons and cause clum-
the implementation of CVVHDF. CVVHDF was implemented for siness, memory deficit, hearing deficit, language impairment, autism
patients with HE higher than grade II, and the dialysate flow rate spectrum disorders, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 21–­23
was increased to maintain an ammonia value <90 μmol/L. In this Bilirubin neurotoxicity is caused by a high level of unbound unconju-
cohort, all patients were treated with CVVHDF. Cardoso et al. re- gated bilirubin that is unbound to albumin since albumin-­bound bil-
ported that continuous renal replacement therapy was associated irubin probably does not cross an intact blood–­brain barrier. 21,22,24
with a reduction in serum ammonia level and an improvement in Although there is no research on unbound unconjugated bilirubin in
transplant-­free survival in adult ALF. CVVHDF implementation re- ALF to the best of our knowledge, Lin et al. 25 reported that the un-
duced serum ammonia and might have affected the outcomes. conjugated bilirubin-­albumin ratio constitutes the most powerful risk
Hyperbilirubinemia can cause bilirubin neurotoxicity, present- factor in the occurrence of HE in adult ALF. In this study, peak serum
ing as acute bilirubin encephalopathy or kernicterus. 21,22 Bilirubin bilirubin level was significantly higher in patients with NI. Thus, hy-
neurotoxicity is known to affect the basal part of the brain in perbilirubinemia might cause acute bilirubin encephalopathy and

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6 of 8       IDE et al.

TA B L E 3  Clinical course after liver

Patients without Patients with
NI (n = 18) unclassified NI (n = 8) p value

Laboratory data (post-­LT peak value)

Ammonia (μmol/L) 48 (42–­57) 58 (53–­68) .067
Total bilirubin (μmol/L) 79 (58–­97) 87 (62–­140) .52
Direct bilirubin (μmol/L) 39 (26–­48) 48 (27–­87) .39
Indirect bilirubin (μmol/L) 38 (27–­4 4) 41 (36–­60) .37
PT-­INR 1.7 (1.5–­2.2) 2.0 (1.8–­2.2) .20
Hypoglycemia 1 (6%) 0 1.00
MV days after LT 4.5 (3–­7 ) 7 (5–­12) .079
Post-­LT days in PICU 12.5 (10–­16) 20.5 (16–­37) .021
Post-­LT days in hospital 70 (56–­86) 62.5 (47–­94) .58
Surgical complications during hospitalization
Portal vein 0 1 (13%) .31
Hepatic artery 0 0
Hepatic vein 1 (6%) 0 1.00
Bile duct 1 (6%) 1 (13%) .53
Relaparotomy 2 (11%) 1 (13%) 1
TCMR (rejection activity index 11 (61%) 2 (25%) .20
≥4) during hospital stay

Note: Values are presented as median (interquartile range) or number (%).

Abbreviations: LT, liver transplantation; NI, neurological impairment; MV, mechanical ventilation;
PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PT-­INR, prothrombin time-­international normalization ratio;
TCMR, T cell-­mediated rejection.

TA B L E 4  Risk factors for NI. babies with clinical instability, 402 μmol/L (23.5 mg/dL), 26 or the
threshold identifying 90% of infants with bilirubin encephalopathy,
434 μmol/L (25.4 mg/dL). 27 However, only eight patients had NI in
Factors ratio 95% CI p value
this study. Thus, we do not think we can use the cut-­off value as a
Total bilirubin (pre-­LT) 1.12a 1.02–­1.22 .012
treatment threshold. Further investigations are needed for bilirubin
toxicity in ALF.
Indirect bilirubin (pre-­LT) 1.10a 1.01–­1.20 .025
(μmol/L) In this study, younger age at ALF onset was considered a poten-
tial risk factor for NI in infantile ALF. Infants less than 12 months
Direct bilirubin (pre-­LT) 1.22a 1.01–­1.47 .040
(μmol/L) old with ALF were reported to have a high risk of mortality.28,29

Age at ALF onset (months) 0.76 0.58–­ .049 HE and cerebral edema were the main causes of death in patients
0.999 with ALF.1 Thus, patients with a poor prognosis may have poor neu-
PT-­INR (pre-­LT) 1.34 0.99–­1.82 .063 rological outcomes, even if they survive. Also, brain development
Ammonia (post-­LT) (μmol/L) 1.04 0.995–­1.08 .089 in younger children may be affected by repeated or lengthy use

Post-­LT days in PICU 1.05 0.99–­1.12 .10

of general anesthetics and sedatives, as reported in the Food and
Drug Administration “Drug Safety Communications” (
MV days after LT 1.09 0.91–­1.30 .34
Drugs/​DrugS​afety/​ucm53​2356.htm). In this study, patients with NI
Note: High pre-­LT peak bilirubin value and younger age at ALF onset
were on mechanical ventilation for a median of 4.5 days before LT
can be perioperative risk factors for neurological impairment after LT in
infantile ALF. (Table 3) and a median of 7 days after LT (Table 4). The lengthy use
Abbreviations: ALF, acute liver failure; CI, confidence interval; LT, of sedatives during mechanical ventilation may affect the vulnerable
liver transplantation; MV, mechanical ventilation; NI, neurological infant brain. Furthermore, there may be an age-­related susceptibility
impairment; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PT-­INR, prothrombin to hyperbilirubinemia. Regarding bilirubin toxicity, immaturity is one
time-­international normalization ratio.
of the known risk factors associated with reduced albumin binding
Per 10 μmol/L change.
and increased vulnerability.22
There are various factors in the perioperative period that have
contribute to NI in infants with ALF. Regarding the cut-­off value for complex effects on the neurological outcome.1,2 To the best of
total bilirubin, a 421 μmol/L in this study was similar to the thresh- our knowledge, this is the first study that examined the periop-
old for exchange transfusion in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in term erative risk factors for NI in infants with ALF following LT and

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IDE et al.       7 of 8

showed hyperbilirubinemia as a potential risk factor. However, AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S

this study has several limitations. First, this was a single-­center KI reviewed and extracted data from the electronic health records
retrospective cohort study with a small sample size, which lim- and wrote the manuscript. HU and IH reviewed the electronic health
its generalizability. Also, the study period was relatively long as records with KI to access the NI. SS, SN, and MK conceptualized
11 years. Thus, practice changes, such as establishment of graft and designed the study. TK and SI supervised data analysis. All the
type selection, during the study period may affect the outcome authors read and approved the final article.
although the patients with NI were observed evenly. Second, we
included patients less than 1 year old. Thus, it is unclear whether AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
this can be generalized to patients older than 1 year. Third, neuro- This work was supported by the National Center for Child Health and
logical evaluation was performed using the PCPC. Although the Development (grants 2021A-­2 and 2022C-­11). The authors would
PCPC is useful for assessing overall functional morbidity, 30 neuro- like to thank the medical editor from the Division of Postgraduate
cognitive function tests, such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scales Education and Training, National Center for Child Health and
for Children, and health-­related quality of life assessments, such Development, for editing this manuscript.
as PedsQL4.0 Generic Core Scales, may provide precise and ex-
tensive information. Therefore, further investigations using these C O N F L I C T O F I N T E R E S T S TAT E M E N T
neurological evaluation methods are needed. Fourth, the patient's The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this
PCPC score was assessed according to the status at the age of manuscript.
6 years. Patients who died by 6 years were excluded, which can
cause bias. Furthermore, long-­term immunosuppressive therapy DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
or graft failure requiring repeat LT can cause complications. In ad- The data used to support the findings of this study are available from
dition, readmission to the hospital or prolonged hospital stay and the corresponding author, KI, upon reasonable request.
administration of medicines may affect the mental development.
However, those effects have not been fully investigated in this ORCID
study. Fifth, we did not evaluate the prognostic value of the coma Kentaro Ide
status during intensive care and at the time of LT since it was dif- Hajime Uchida
ficult to accurately assess the coma status for infants under me- Seisuke Sakamoto
chanical ventilation. As coma status may be important in predicting Itaru Hayakawa
clinical factors, further investigations are needed. Sixth, PT-­INR, Tohru Kobayashi
one of the indicator of liver function and liver regeneration, was Mureo Kasahara
not a statistically significant predictor for NI in this study. PE or
fresh frozen plasma improved the value and affected the result. REFERENCES
Seventh, the odds ratio for bilirubin was calculated per 10 μmol/L 1. Anand A, Singh P. Neurological recovery after recovery from acute
change, thus, it should be interpreted with caution. Eighth, un- liver failure: is it complete? J Clin Exp Hepatol. 2019;9(1):99-­108.
bound unconjugated bilirubin was not measured, although it plays
2. Alonso EM, Horslen SP, Behrens EM, Doo E. Pediatric acute
an important role in neonatal bilirubin encephalopathy. 21,22 Also, liver failure of undetermined cause: a research workshop.
the effect of hyperbilirubinemia on head image findings identified Hepatology. 2017;65(3):1026-­1037.
in cases of kernicterus was not examined. Thus, further investiga- hep.28944
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How to cite this article: Ide K, Uchida H, Sakamoto S, et al.
Transplant. 2016;21:479-­483.
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