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Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
The Microscope
One of the most important inventions in the development of science and medicine was the microscope.
It was (1) ........... the principle that light could be “refracted” or bent, by a glass lens. It was soon
discovered that tiny objects could be magnified (2).............size when viewed through a glass lens that had
been ground and polished in a specific (3) ........... Although the principle was known to the Chinese as
early as 1000 A.D, it was not until the 13th and 14th centuries in Europe (4) was put to practical
use in the form of eyeglasses.
In Europe the first microscope was invented by brothers Zacharias and Hans Janssen, two Dutch
eyeglass-makers, around 1590. They built a “compound” microscope, so called because of its two lenses.
The most significant development and use of the microscope during this period, however, belongs to
another Dutch optician, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. Bom in Delft, Holland, he became skilled at (5)
........... very sharp and accurate magnifying lenses.

Question 1: A. based upon B. based by C. based in D. based at

Question 2: A. by B. on C. in D. with
Question 3: A. procedure B. manner C. fashion D. character
Question 4: A. when B. than C.then D. that
Question 5: A. granting B. grinding C. scraping D.rubbing
Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
After winter months, the days become longer, the buds (1) in the trees, birds sing, and
the world (2) a green dress. Spring passes (3) summer. Everyone knows that
summer will not (4) . The power of all the wisest men and women in the world cannot keep it
for us. The com becomes ripe, the leaves turn brown and then drop to the ground, (5) the
world changes its green dress for a dress of autumn colors.
Question 1: A. fall off B. take up C. put off D. come out
Question 2: A. looks after B. puts on C. carries on D. deals with
Question 3: A. into B. by C. from D. on
Question 4: A. forego B. evaluate C. succumb D. last
Question 5: A. yet B. therefore C. whereas D. and

Exercise 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word
Can we see (1) the earth is a globe? Yes, we can, when we watch a ship that sails out to sea. If
we watch closely, we see that the ship begins (2) . The bottom of the ship disappears first, and
then the ship seems to sink lower and lower, (3) we can only see the top of the ship, and then we
see nothing at all. What is hiding the ship from us? It is the earth. Stick a pin most of the way into an
orange, and (4) turn the orange away.
Question 1: A. if B. where C. that D. when
Question 2: A. being disappeared B. to be disappeared
C. to have disappeared D. to disappear
Question 3: A. until B. since C. after D. by the time
Question 4: A. reluctantly B. accidentally C. slowly D. passionately
Question 5: A. the same B. alike C. just as D. similar to

Exercise 4: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Spring is coming and it’s time for us to grow plants. Of course, not all plants are (1) in
season. This makes it very (2) to pick the best plants to grow. The good news is that there are
tons of choices. Do you know that plants can grow in nearly every climate?
It's true that some plants are picky but most are super (3) and only require water, dirt and of
course sun. This spring is the (4) time to start your own garden. There are three amazing
plants that work in every single climate. The first plant is spinach. Spinach is very easy to grow because it
removes water well and can (5) different levels of heat. The second one is carrots. There are
many types of carrots you can grow. Most carrots are very quick to grow and also handle all types of
climates as well. The third one is tomatoes. There are tons of different types of tomatoes. It’s easy to find
the perfect tomato for any location. Go plant some plants!
Question 1. A. actually B. today C. currently D. actively
Question 2. A. easy B. fun C. stressful D. difficult
Question 3. A. flexible B. picky C. divine D. cranky
Question 4. A. worst B. fun C. perfect D. better
Question 5. A. hold B. sit C. stand D. remove

Exercise 5: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
People come to this small country for many reasons. They can admire spectacular (1)
meet friendly natives, and enjoy a vibrant arts scene. Some are searching for their family (2)
or others just want to get away from it all and, digging up old memories from their English Lit class of
gallant heroes engaging in larger-than-life struggles, their minds wander to faraway lands, to somehow
familiar yet different destinations. Why not go to Scotland? But what kind of country are they coming to
and what should they expect once they get there? Scotland (3) of an area of 30, 418 square
miles - so it's a fairly compact and "doable" country - with a population of about five million people - not
too small, not too big. It is one of three countries that form the political (4) called Great
Britain, the other two being, of course, England and Wales, which, along with their fourth partner,
Northern Ireland, becomes the United Kingdom. Scotland is bordered on three sides by water and on its
fourth by England, which has had both its advantages and disadvantages. Geographically speaking, the
country can be divided into three broad areas, the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands, and the
Highlands. Although the rugged Highlands (5) about two-thirds of the land area, the vast
majority of the population lives in the Central Belt between Glasgow, Scotland>s largest city, and
Edinburgh, Scotland's capital.
Question 1. A. scene B. scenery C. view D. panorama
Question 2. A. roots B.race C. basis D. source
Question 3. A. consists B.includes C. embraces D. comprises
Question 4. A. entirety B. entitle C. entry D. entity
Question 5. A. take out B. take in C. take up D. take off

Exercise 6: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In the past, the process of choosing a career was a much simpler matter than it is today. Aboy often
followed in his father’s footsteps. His sister learned the household skills that (1) her to
become a wife and mother. Nowadays young people grow up in a much freer society (2) they
enjoy almost unlimited career opportunities. In recent years, there (3) an enormous increase in
the kinds of vocations from which it is possible to choose. In addition, many of the barriers to career
opportunity that existed only a few decades ago, such as (4) based on sex or religion or ethnic
origins, are (5) disappearing.
Question 1. A. had prepared B. may prepare C. was prepared D. would prepare
Question 2. A. where B. when C. why D. whom
Question 3. A. had been B. has been C. will be D. was
Question 4. A. judgment B. perception C. devotion D. discrimination
Question 5. A. rapidly B. incessantly C. categorically D. vigilantly

Exercise 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
Welcome to the Netherlands, a tiny country that only extends, at its broadest, 312 km north to
south, and 264 km east to west - (1) the land area increases slightly each year as a result of
continuous land reclamation and drainage. With a lot of heart and much to offer, ‘Holland,’ as it is (2)
known to most of us abroad - a name stemming from its once most prominent provinces - has
more going on per kilometer than most countries, and more English-speaking natives. You’ll be
impressed by its (3) cities and charmed by its countryside and villages, full of contrasts. From
the exciting variety on offer, you could choose a romantic canal boat tour in Amsterdam, a Royal Tour by
coach in The Hague, or a hydrofoil tour around the biggest harbour in the world - Rotterdam. In season
you could visit the dazzling bulb fields, enjoy a full day on a boat, or take a bike tour through the
pancake-flat countryside spiced with windmills. The possibilities are countless and the nationwide tourist
office is on hand to give you information and help you (4) reservations. You’ll have (5)
language problems here, as the Dutch are true linguists and English is spoken here almost
Question 1. A. so B. despite C. in spite of D. although
Question 2. A. regularly B. occasionally C. commonly D. unusually
Question 3. A. historic B. historical C. historically D. historian
Question 4. A. sit B. catch C. do D. make
Question 5. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

Exercise 8: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The story of gold is an adventure involving kings, queens, pirates, explorers, conquerors, and the
native peoples they conquered. Throughout history, gold has woven a magic spell over those it touched.
Gold is beautiful and rare; a soft shiny metal that can be moulded into many (1) . It has been
used for money, jewelry, and to decorate special buildings such as palaces and places of worship. (2)
the precious metal was discovered, prospectors rushed to mine it, starting new cities and
countries as they went. Gold and the people who love it have helped shape the world we live (3)
today. Gold is one of many elements, or substances that cannot be changed by normal
chemical means, that are found in the Earth's crust. Gold has a warm, sunny colour and (4) it
does not react with air, water, and most chemicals, its shine never fades. In its natural (5) ,
gold is soft and easily shaped. When heated to 1,062 Celsius it melts and can be poured into moulds to
form coins, gold bars, and other objects. Stories have been told, movies made and legends bom about the
discovery of the world’s great gold deposits. It is a saga of dreams, greed, ambition and exploration.
Question 1. A. formats B. outlines C. shapes D. lines
Question 2. A. Whoever B. However C. Forever D. Wherever
Question 3. A. at B. in C. for D. on
Question 4. A. yet B. despite C. because D. so
Question 5. A. estate B. stage C. state D. position

Exercise 9: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
The use of computers has meant that students can study language programmes (1) their
own speed when and for how long they want. What’s more, in the virtual classrooms of the future the
student will put on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the
books they need off the shelf and hold conversations with other computerised students. They might
instead choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (2)
of a button they would be transported to 3) realistic settings where they could
practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the
computer, from the comfort of their home: no 4) to catch the bus to college, or a plane to
England. Exciting? Certainly, and it’s an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But
would it ever (5) the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people talking
about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to
uzcx be exc eg at least a little of their time with real people.
Question 1: A. on B. in C. at D. of
Question 2: A. force B. hit C. depress D. push
Question 3: A. so B. such C. like D. alike
Question 4: A. role B. duty C. obligation D. need
Question 5: A. replace B. Restore C. succeed D. recover
Exercise 10: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
No one can know when sports began. Since it is impossible to imagine a time when children did not
spontaneously run races or wrestle, it is clear that children have always included sports in their play, but
one can only speculate about the (1) of sports as autotelic physical contests for adults. Hunters
are depicted in prehistoric art, but it cannot be known (2) the hunters pursued their prey in a mood
of grim necessity or with the joyful abandon of sportsmen. It is certain, (3) , from the rich
literary and iconographic evidence of all ancient civilizations that hunting soon became an end in itself at
least for royalty and nobility. Archaeological evidence also indicates that ball games were common
among ancient peoples as different as the Chinese and the like those recommended for health by the
Greek physician Galen in the 2nd century AD.
Question 1: A. emergence B. emerge C. emergency D. immersion
Question 2: A. when B. whether C. how D. why
Question 3: A. therefore B. so C. consequently D. however
Question 4: A. competitive B. competitively C. noncompetitive D. competition
Question 5: A. definite B. defined C. definitive D. definition
Exercise 11: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
What is meant by the term economic resources? In general, these are all the natural, man-made, and
human resources that go into the production of goods and services. Economic resources can be broken
down into 1) general categories: property resource - land and capital, and human resources -
labor and entrepreneurial skills.
What do economists mean (2) land? Much more than the non-economist, land refers to
all the natural resources (3) are usable in the production process: arable land, forests, mineral
and oil deposits, and so on. What about capital? Capital goods are all the manmade aids to producing,
storing, transporting, and distributing goods and services. Capital goods differ from consumer goods in
that (4) satisfy wants directly, while the former do so indirectly by facilitating the production
of consumer goods. It should be noted that capital as defined here does not refer to money. Money, as
such, produces nothing.
The term labor refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce goods and
services (with the exception of a certain set of human talents, entrepreneurial skills, which will be
considered separately because of their special significance). Thus the services of a factory worker or an
office worker, a ballet dancer or an astronaut all fall (5) the general heading of labor.
Question 1: A. many B. some C. two D. six
Question 2: A. calling B. with C. using D. by
Question 3: A. these B. what C. they D. that
Question 4: A. lately B. the latter C. the latest D. later
Question 5: A. into B. to C. from D. under

Exercise 12: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Easter is a holiday in late March or early April, the first Sunday after the first full moon after 21
March. Many people (1) it with their family or have a short holiday/ vacation. It is also an
important Christian festival. Easter Sunday, the day of the Resurrection, is the end of Lent (2)
the most important date in the Christian year. Many people who do not go to church at other times go on
Easter Sunday. It was once common for people to wear new clothes to church on this day. Women wore
new hats, called Easter bonnets. Today, people sometimes make elaborately decorated Easter bonnets for
fun. A few people send Easter cards with religious symbols on them or pictures of small chickens, lambs,
rabbits and spring flowers, all traditionally associated (3) Easter.
The Friday before Easter Sunday is called Good Friday and is (4) as the day Christ was
crucified (= hanged on a cross to die). On Good Friday many people eat hot cross buns (= fruit buns
decorated with a simple cross). The Monday after Easter is called Easter Monday. In Britain Good Friday
and Easter Monday are both bank holidays. In the US, each company decides for itself (5) to
close or remain open on those days.
Question 1. A. take B. use C. spend D. expend
Question 2. A. for B. as C. and D. nor
Question 3. A. toward B. with C. to D. from
Question 4. A. missed B. recalled C. reminded D. remembered
Question 5. A. if B. how C. why D. whether
Exercise 13: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
In order that they could ensure higher (1) , TV producers have developed a whole new
breed of programmes featuring real people. In Europe the most famous of these (2) reality TV
shows was probably Big Brothers, where 12 ordinaiy people volunteered to live under the watchful eye of
TV cameras 24 hours a day. In America, the top show was Survivor, based on a similar concept, in which
16 constants are abandoned on a desert island. But the ultimate example of the genre must surely be The
Osbournes, first (3) on MTV in 2002, in which the homelife of rock star Ozzy Osbourne and
his family was laid bare to public scrutiny. Obsoume himself was already a (4) name as the
former lead singer of the highly successful heavy-metal group, Black Sabbath, The show was described as
a real-life sitcom because it (5) light on Ozzy’s softer, more humorous side. It revealed his
devotion to his teenage kids, even though he was often heard yelling and swearing at them. The
programme brought in millions for the Osbourne family and certainly blurred the boundaries between
reality and television.
Question 1. A. scores B. levels C. sequences D. ratings
Question 2. A. so-called B. alleged C. renowned D. adept
Question 3. A. played B. dubbed C. cast D. broadcast
Question 4. A. common B. known C. household D. domestic
Question 5. A. opened B. wound C. shed D. set

Exercise 14: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Mobile phones emit microwave radio emissions. Researchers are questioning whether exposure to
these radio waves might (1) to brain cancer. So far, the data are not conclusive. The scientific
evidence does not enable us to say with certainly that mobile phones are categorically (2) . On
the other hand, current research has not yet proved clear adverse effect associated with the prolonged use
of mobile phones.
Numerous studies are now going on in various countries. Some of the results are contradictory but
others have shown an association between mobile phone use and cancer. (3) , these studies are
preliminary and the issue needs further, long - term investigation.
(4) the scientific data is more definite, it is prudent for people to try not to use mobile
phones for long periods of time. Don’t think that hands free phones are any safer either. At the moment,
research is in fact showing the (5) and they may be just as dangerous. It is also thought that
young people whose bodies are still growing may be at particular risk.
Question 1. A. cause B. bring C. produce D. lead
Question 2. A. risky B. secure C. unhealthy D. safe
Question 3. A. While B. Though C. Additionally D. However
Question 4. A. Until B. When C. Provide D. As
Question 5. A. way B. truth C. opposite D. fact

Exercise 15: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
A worrying question which requires global attention is severe overpopulation and its drastic effects in
the countries of the Third World. In regions where the birth rate is extremely high, poverty and starvation
are (1) . In India, there is an average of thirty five infants being bom every minute, yet the
most shocking figures are those which (2) the enormous number of the victims of famine in
certain African territories. Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with
illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases (3) the indigenous populations.
There is an urgent need for these problems to be solved. Unless measures are taken to ease the suffering
of the impoverished underdeveloped nations, desperate crowds of immigrants will (4) in flooding the
richer states in search of a brighter future. It’s the most challenging task for the international giants
nowadays to help the poor populations get out of the poverty (5) .
Question 1. A. profuse B. rife C. generous D. predominant
Question 2. A. appear B. refer C. indicate D. comprise
Question 3. A. decimating B. enumerating C. discounting D. outnumbering
Question 4. A. linger B. maintain C. persist D. remain
Question 5. A. lure B. pitfall C. snare D. trap

Exercise 16: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, 0, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Always arrive early. If you do not know (1) the organization is located, call for exact
directions (2) advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, parking, or unexpected
events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The best time to arrive is
approximately 5-10 minutes early. Give yourself the time to read your resume one more time, to catch
your breath, and to be ready for the interview. Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter
with respect. Be (3) to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.
Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (4) are
extremely important in the interview process. Women should (5) wearing too much jewelry
or make-up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too much perfume. It is also important that you feel
comfortable. While a suit is the standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is an
informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed if you are wearing a
tailored suit.
Question 1: A. when B. why C. where D. that
Question 2: A. with B. in C. on D. for
Question 3: A. happy B. pleasant C. disappointed D. excited
Question 4: A. attendances B. attentions C. impressions D. pressures
Question 5: A. avoid B. suggest C. enjoy D. mind

Exercise 17: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
School exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of tests we take. They find out (1)
much knowledge we have gained. But do they really show how intelligent we are? After all, isn’t it a fact
that some people who are very successful academically don’t have any common sense?
Intelligence is the speed at which we can understand and react to new situations and it is usually tested
by logic puzzles. (2) scientists are now preparing advanced computer technology
that will be able to ‘“read” our brains, for the present, tests are still the most popular ways of measuring
A person’s IQ is his intelligence (3) it is measured by a special test. The most common
IQ tests are run by Mensa, an organization that was founded in England in 1946. By 1976 it had 1,300
members in Britain.
Today there are 44,000 in Britain and 100,000 worldwide, (4) in the US. People taking
the tests are judged in relation to an average score of 100, and those (5) score over 148
are entitled to join Mensa. This works out at 2% of the population.
Question 1: A. what B. how C. which D. why
Question 2: A. Although B. Until C. Because D. Despite
Question 3: A. that B. as C. so D. how
Question 4: A. enormously B. considerably C. mainly D. highly
Question 5: A. why B. who C. which D. whom


Exercise 18: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Dear Parents,
The exams of your children are to start soon. I know you are all really anxious for your children to do
But, please do remember, amongst the students who will be (1) for the exams there is
an artist, who doesn’t need to understand Math. There is an (2) , who doesn’t care about
History or English literature. There is a musician, whose Chemistry marks won’t matter. There’s an
athlete, whose physical fitness is more important than Physics. If your child does get top marks, that’s
great! (3) , if he or she doesn’t, please don’t take away their self-confidence and dignity
from them. Tell them it’s OK, it’s just an exam! They are cut (4) for much bigger things
in life. Tell them, no matter (5) they score, you love them and will not judge them.
Please do this, and when you do, watch your children conquer the world. One exam or a low mark
won’t take away their dreams and talent. And please, do not think that doctors and engineers are the only
happy people in the world.
(Source: https://www. inspire more, com/principals-test-letter-to-parents/)
Question 1: A. sitting B. making C. doing D. taking
Question 2: A. business B. entrepreneur C. venture D. enterprise
Question 3: A. And B. Also C. So D. However
Question 4: A. down B. off C. out D. away
Question 5: A. what B. how C. which D. when

Exercise 19:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
One of the greatest concerns parents have when facing an international move is “What schooling will be
available to my child? Will my child be disadvantaged academically as a result of this move?” (1)
this fear is certainly strongest in families moving overseas for the first time, even those
who may be more experienced often have concerns about their children’s education.
Dr. Ernest Mannino, Director of the State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools, and Dr. Keith
Miller, Deputy Director of the office, spoke candidly (2) some of the common concerns
parents have regarding the education of their children. Dr. Mannino and Dr. Miller (3)
parents against making assumptions about their children’s education. To make an educated choice,
parents need to (4) through schooling issues and to research post schools as far in advance
of a move as possible.
Children (5) are internationally mobile have many choices of schools to attend. In most
major cities, there are schools based on the U.S., French, German, and British systems. Some parents also
choose to become their children’s teachers through home education. Which school is appropriate for your
child is an individual decision based on many factors.
Question 1: A. When B. Because C. Therefore D. Although
Question 2: A. on B. to C. from D.about
Question 3: A. discourage B. caution C.oppose D. approve
Question 4: A. think B. put C. fall D. take
Question 5: A. who B. which C. whose D. whom

Exercise 20: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
We are all too well aware that the extinction of animal and plant species is one of the biggest and most
horrifying threats (1) our planet these days. Having said that, there has recently
been some good news out of Russia regarding something called regeneration - a(n) (2)
solution to this ever-growing problem.
Regeneration involves (3) tissue from a plant or animal that has become extinct and
‘bringing it back to life’. In recent Russian experiments, scientists took fruit and seeds from the
underground burrow of a long-dead Siberian squirrel and process to regenerate a beautiful flower called
the Silene stenophylla. To date, it is the oldest plant to be produced from the innovative regeneration
Understandably, experts are over the moon about their success as it shows once and for all that tissue
can survive ice conservation for thousands of years. Those who participated in the regeneration of the
flower are pleased and are now hoping to find prehistoric squirrel tissue or perhaps even (5)
tissue from the great woolly mammoth, which could lead to the resurrection of those two
[From: STARLIGHT 8, Workbook, Express Publishing. 2010]
Question 1: A. heading B. facing C. confronting D. hallenging
Question 2: A. probable B. possible C. likely D. expected
Question 3: A. pulling B. moving C. taking D. bringing
Question 4: A. succeeded B. managed C. directed D. conducted
Question 5: A. icy B. freezing C. iced D. frozen

Exercise 21: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
21 century teachers need to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the all-knowing sage
providing them with everything they need. Nowadays, with so much access (1) resources
of all kinds, children invariably know more than teachers on different topics, step ahead of the
technology. Teachers need to be empowered as facilitators for learning, so that they can empower their
students in (2) . This shift is great news for teachers. Instead of struggling to give kids all
the information in areas (3) they know little about, teachers can support students as they make their own
steps into different fields. It’s about preparing them to go beyond their seniors, ensuring they have the
skills to do it, and assisting them along the way. (4) , teachers need to be forward-
thinking, curious and flexible. They must be learners: learning new teaching methods, and learning
alongside their students. Simply asking questions like “What will my students need dozens of years from
now?” or “How can I help give them those skills?” can change teachers’ (5) , make them
a leader, and bring about changes in the classroom, school and community.
Question 1: A. to B. with C. for D. in
Question 2: A. sight B. use C. line D. turn
Question 3: A. what B.that C. where D. whom
Question 4: A. For instance B. Therefore C. In practice D. Otherwise
Question 5: A. knowledge B. prejudice C. mindset D. judgement

Exercise 22: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
The reality is that everyone uses jargon. It is an essential part of the network of occupations and pursuits
which make up society. All jobs have an element of jargon, which workers learn as they
(1) their expertise. All hobbies require mastery of a jargon. Each society grouping has its
jargon. The phenomenon turns (2) to be universal and valuable. It is the jargon element, which, in a job,
can promote economy and precision and thus help make life easier for the workers.
When we have learned to command it, jargon is something we readily take (3) in
whether the subject is motorcycling, baseball or computers. It can add pace, variety and humor to speech -
as when, with an important event approaching, we might slip into the related jargon. We enjoy the mutual
showing off which stems from a fluent use of terminology, we enjoy the in-jokes (4)
shared linguistic experience permits. (5) , we are jealous of this knowledge. We are quick
to demean anyone who tries to be part of our group without being prepared to take on its jargon. And we
resent it when some other group, sensing our lack of linguistic awareness, refuses to let us in.
(Source: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language by David Crystal)
Question 1. A. develop B. raise C. extend D. expand
Question 2. A. in B. on C. out D. up
Question 3. A. notice B. control C. grant D. pleasure
Question 4. A. who B. which C. what D. when
Question 5. A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Moreover D. However

Exercise 23: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Many people enjoy lying in bed in the morning, but can you imagine having to spend 90 days in bed?
Could you stand the boredom and the frustration of not being (1) to get up? That was the
task that faced 14 volunteers when they started out on a bed-rest experiment being conducted
(2) the European Space Agency.
The study had a serious purpose: to investigate the changes that take place in the human body during
long-duration spaceflight. Lying in a horizontal position was the best way of (3)
weightlessness. The aim was to discover what effect period of weightlessness will have on the health of
astronauts spending several months on the International Space Station.
The volunteers ate their meals, took showers and underwent medical tests without ever sitting up.
That’s even tougher than it sounds, especially when you (4) that no visitors were
permitted. However, each volunteer did have a mobile phone, as well as access to the latest films,
computer games and music. Surprisingly, Everyone was in a good (5) at the end of the
90 days, “I would do it again,” said one of the volunteers. “It was disorientating, but we knew we were
‘contributing to medical research and space exploration.”
Question 1: A. helped B. allowed C. granted D. approved
Question 2: A. by B. on C. for D.about
Question 3: A. simulated B. simulate C. to simulate D. simulating
Question 4: A. reckon B. realise C. regard D. remark
Question 5: A. attitude B. spirit C. feeling D. mood

Exercise 24: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
What make a good souvenir?
On my desk at home, I have a collection of souvenirs; objects that remind me of places I’ve visited and
important events in my life. These objects include a model boat that I saw being carved from a piece of
wood on a Caribbean island, a piece of lava that emerged hot from a volcano in the year I was bom, and a
shell (1) on my favourite childhood beach.
Unlike everything else, from which memory and detail fades, it is as if the longer you hold on to certain
objects, the (2) their associations with the past become, and the sharper the recollections
that gather around them. They are, (3) , real souvenirs, encapsulations not only of the
place, but of your time in the place. But these days, the term “real souvenirs” sounds like a contradiction
in terms, and this is because the objects sold to tourists as souvenirs are often cheap mass-produced
imports that have nothing to do with the place at all.
It’s often the (4) that the best souvenirs, like my shell, are found rather than purchased,
but browsing for souvenirs can also be a fun holiday activity. But if you are buying souvenirs on holiday
this summer, make sure they (5) the reality test. A good souvenir is not just made in the
area where it is bought, it also says something about the culture of that area. It is something made by local
people using sustainable local materials, and because you are effectively supporting the local economy, it
shouldn’t come too cheap, either.
Question 1: A. come across B. found out C. picked up D. bumped into
Question 2: A. larger B. wider C. harder D. greater
Question 3: A. therefore B. whereas C. however D. otherwise
Question 4: A. point B. case C. fact D. truth
Question 5: A. pass B. win C. take D. beat
Exercise 25: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Without transportation, our modem society could not (1) . We would have no metal, no
coal and no oil nor would we have any (2 made from these materials. (3)
, we would have to spend most of our time raising food and food would be limited to the
kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of our neighborhood.
Transportation also affects our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the side of a
sick person, even if the patients’ lives on an isolated farm. It can take police to the scene of a crime within
a moment of being noticed. Transportation (4) teams of athletes to compete in national and
international sports contests. In time of (5) transportation can rush aid to persons in areas
stricken by floods, families and earthquakes.
Question 1: A. establish B. exist C. take place D. happen
Question 2: A. producers B. production C. products D. productivity
Question 3: A. Even B. Besides C. Although D. However
Question 4: A. brings B. fetches C. enables D. gets
Question 5: A. disasters B. accidents C. problems D. wars

Exercise 26: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Many Americans believe that manners have gotten worse and official figures confirm this. In a recent
survey, nearly 70% said that people are (1) than they were 20 or 30 years ago. This is
true of both large and small towns, although 74% of (2) living in cities said that people
have become ruder, compared with 67% in rural areas. However, few people believe that they have bad
manners themselves! For example, only 8% in the questionnaire (3) they have ever used
their cell phones in public in a loud or annoying way. Many people (4) new technology for our changing
manners. Computers, MP3 players, and cell phones take us away from face-to-face contact, as well as
being very annoying in public places. “All of these things result in a world with more stress, more
chances for people to be rude to each other,” said Peter Post, an instructor on business manners.
But what can we do about it? Some people would like to see a rail car (5) for cell
phone users so that the rest of us can travel in peace and quiet. In fact, one train company, Amtrak, has
banned cell phones in one car of some trains, which is called a “Quiet Car”.
Question 1: A. ruder B. older C. wiser D. smarter
Question 2: A. those B. them C. they D. ones
Question 3: A. confess B. admit C. accept D. agree
Question 4: A. reproach B. reprimand C. command D. blame
Question 5: A. founded B. prepared C.reserved D. suited

Exercise 27: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
I had never been to Denmark before, so when I set out to catch the ferry in early May, I little suspected
that by the end of the trip I’d have made such lasting friendships. Esjberg is a (1) port for
a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be obtained and money changed. A cycle track leads (2)
town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night. The only appointment I had to keep
was a meeting with a friend who was flying out in June. I wanted to use my time well, so I had planned a
route which would include several small islands and various parts of the countryside.

In my (3) , a person travelling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and
this trip was no (4) . On only my second day, I got into conversation with a cheerful man
who turned out to be the local baker. He insisted that I should join his family for lunch, and, while we
were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense. Within minutes, he had (5) for me to
visit her and her family. Then I was sent on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the
feeling that this would turn out to be a wonderful holiday.
Question 1: A. capable B. ready C. favorable D. convenient
Question 2: A. into B. upward C. out of D. upon
Question 3: A. information B. experience C. knowledge D. observation
Question 4: A. exception B. difference C. exchange D. contract
Question 5: A. fixed B. ordered C. settled D. arranged

Exercise 28: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The technique to (1) a kite was described very accurately by Marco Polo, the European
explorer who went to China m ore than seven hundred years (2) . The men Polo saw
flying a kite were (3) engaged in a game, or a pastime. They were a ship’s crew
superstitious (4) all sailors are, and they believed the kite would show them whether or
not their voyage would be prosperous. If the (5) went straight up, it was a good sign, and
they would immediately
Question 1. A. play B. fly C. start D. blow
Question 2. A. before B. previously C. former D. ago
Question 3. A. not B. really C. actually D. 
Question 4. A. so B. like C.such D. as
Question 5. A. kite B. ship C. sail D. wind

Exercise 29: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks .
You may have heard that tomatoes and processed tomato product like tomato sauce and canned
tomatoes protect (1)
some types of cancer. The cancer-preventing properties of tomato
products have been (2)
to lycopene. It is a bright red pigment found in tomatoes and
other red fruits and is the cause of their red color. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, where nutritional
content such as vitamin C is diminished upon cooking, processing of tomatoes increases the concentration
of lycopene. Lycopene in tomato paste is four times (3) in fresh tomatoes.
This is because lycopene is insoluble in water and is tightly bound to vegetable fiber. Thus, (4
tomato products such as pasteurized tomato juice, so up, sauce, and ketchup contain the
highest concentrations of lycopene. Cooking and crushing tomatoes as in the canning process and serving
in oil-rich dishes such as spaghetti sauce or pizza (5) increase assimilation from the
digestive tract into the bloodstream. Lycopene is a fat-soluble substance, so the oil is said to help
absorption to a great extent.
Question 1: A. out B. off C. against D. away
Question 2: A. pressed B. responsible C. attributed D. original
Question 3: A. much more B. as much as C. as many as D. further than
Question 4: A. fresh B. processed C. contained D. raw
Question 5: A. largely B. chiefly C. mainly D. greatly

Exercise 30: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In a small village in North Yorkshire, there is a big old farmhouse (1) three families
live together. Alice and George and their three children, Joe and Pam and their two children, and Sue and
her baby daughter. The adults divide up the work between them. George does the cooking, Joe and Sue do
almost the housework. Pam looks after the shopping and (2) the repairs, and Alice takes
care of the garden.
Alice, George and Sue go out to work. Joe works at home (3) computer systems, and
Pam, who is a painter, looks after the baby during the day. Two of the children go to school in the village,
but the three oldest ones go by bus to the secondary school in the nearest town, ten miles away.
The three families get (4) well, and enjoy their way of life. There are a few difficulties,
of course. Their biggest worry at the moment is money - one of the cars needs replacing, and the roof
needs some expensive repairs. But this isn’t too serious the bank has agreed to a loan, which they expect
to be able to pay back in three years. And they all say they would much rather go on living in their old
farmhouse (5) move to a luxury flat in a big city.
Question 1: A. that B. where C. in where D. which
Question 2: A. does B. has C. prepares D. fulfils
Question 3: A. designs B. and design C. designing D. who designs
Question 4: A. on B. of C. with D. in
Question 5: A. then B. than C. to D. therefore

Exercise 31: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Almost 90 percent of American students below the college level attend public elementary and
secondary schools, which do not charge tuition but rely on local and state taxes for funding. Traditionally,
elementary school includes kindergarten through the eighth grade. In some places, (1) ,
elementary school ends after the sixth grade, and students attend middle school, or junior high school,
from grades seven through nine. Similarly, secondary school, or high school, traditionally comprises
grades nine through twelve, but in some places begins (2) the tenth grade.
Most of the students who do not attend public elementary and secondary schools attend private schools,
for which their families pay 3) . Four out of five private schools are run by religious
groups. In these schools religious instruction is part of the curriculum, (4) also includes
the traditional academic courses. There is also a small but growing number of parents who educate their
children themselves, a practice known as home schooling.
The United States does not have a national school system. Nor, with the exception of the military
academies, are there schools run by the federal government. But the government (5)
guidance and funding for federal educational programs in which both public and private schools take part
and the U.S. Department of Education oversees these programs.
Question 1: A. whereas B.therefore C. however D. moreover
Question 2: A. with B. of C. on D. at
Question 3: A. money B. tuition C. cost D.expense
Question 4: A. where B. what C. which D. that
Question 5: A. provide B. give C. make D. offer

Exercise 32: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Teaching English as a foreign language can be a great way to travel around the world and earn money at
the same time. However, some graduates actually like the idea of (1)
a career in teaching
English long-term, and there are numerous courses at various (2)
of teaching,
from the fast-track TEFL to a diploma or masters.
To find the right course a good place to start is - a website with lots of relevant information
and helpful advice, including a comprehensive list of institutions in the UK offering TEFL courses. The
site also offers a job search facility to assist qualified students (3) finding work.
When deciding which course to take, the best bet is to look at what your needs are. If you want a career
in teaching English then definitely find one designed for that (4) like an MA or diploma;
but if you want to travel around the world, then do a shorter course which will supply you with teaching
Some countries, like Japan, will employ people without a teaching qualification as (5)
as the teacher is a native speaker of English. However, most countries do now expect a qualification.
(Adapted from ‘‘Earn after you learn" by Kate Harvey)
Question 1: A. tracking B. pursuing D. hunting D. chasing
Question 2: A. levels B. categories D. groups D. classes
Question 3: A. to B. for D. at D. in
Question 4: A. function B. use D. lesson D. purpose
Question 5: A. far B.soon D. long D. well


Exercise 33: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
My first job was a sales assistant at a large department store. I wanted to work part-time, because I was
still studying at university and I was only able to work a few nights a week.
I came across the advertisement in the local newspaper. I remember the interview as though it were
yesterday. The (1) manager sat behind a large desk. He asked me various questions
which surprised me because all I wanted was to work in sales. An hours later, I was told that I had got the
job and was given a contract to go over. I was to be trained for ten days before I took my post Also, as a
member of staff, I was (2) to some benefits, including discounts.
When I eventually started, I was responsible (3) the toy section. I really enjoyed it
there and I loved demonstrating the different toys. I was surprised at how friendly my colleagues were,
too. They made working there fun even when we had to deal with customers (4) got on
our nerves. (5) , working there was a great experience which I will never forget.
Question 1: A. personal B. personable C. personage D. personnel
Question 2: A. catered B. given C. entitled D. supplied
Question 3: A. for B. with C. in D. to
Question 4: A. which B. why C. when D. who
Question 5: A. In contrast B. However C. Moreover D. On the whole

Exercise 34: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Shopping centers have become a (1) more than just places to shop and look for
bargains. They are places of entertainment where people meet and have fun. Some modem shopping
centers are so big they can takes days to (2) properly. For example, the Cehavir
Shopping and Entertainment Centre in Istanbul covers 420,000 square meters and is considered to be the
largest shopping center in Europe. It has around 350 shops and 50 restaurants to choose from. And if you
fancy (3) your friends in the evening, there are 12 cinemas, a bowling alley and even a
roller coaster ride.
Another huge shopping center is the Mall of the Emirates in Dubai. As (4) as around
700 shops and restaurants, you can go to Magic Planet, which is a mini theme park, or watch a film in one
of the fourteen cinemas. And if that isn’t enough, (5) about visiting Ski-Dubai, the
world-famous indoor ski slope? Some people want to have a more cultural experience. This is easy at the
Mall of the Emirates. There is a Community Theatre and an Arts Centre on the second floor of the
building with a theatre, art galleries, a music school and a library.
(Source: Pre-intermediate Solutions by Tim Falla and Paul A Davies)
Question 1: A. much B. lot C. few D. many
Question 2: A. invent B. explore C. find D. search
Question 3: A. meet B. to be met C. to meet D. meeting
Question 4: A. soon B. long C. well D.good
Question 5: A. how B. where C. when D. which

Exercise 35: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
You may have heard that tomatoes and processed tomato product like tomato sauce and canned
tomatoes protect (1) some types of cancer. The cancer-preventing properties of tomato
products have been (2) to lycopene. It is a bright red pigment found in tomatoes and other red fruits and is
the cause of their red color. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, where nutritional content such as vitamin
C is diminished upon cooking, processing of tomatoes increases the concentration of lycopene. Lycopene
in tomato paste is four times 3) in fresh tomatoes.
This is because lycopene is insoluble in water and is tightly bound to vegetable fiber. Thus, (4)
tomato products such as pasteurized tomato juice, so up, sauce, and ketchup contain the
highest concentrations of lycopene. Cooking and crushing tomatoes as in the canning process and serving
in oil-rich dishes such as spaghetti sauce or pizza (5) increase assimilation from the
digestive tract into the bloodstream. Lycopene is a fat-soluble substance, so the oil is said to help
absorption to a great extent.
Question 1: A. out B. off C. against D. away
Question 2: A. pressed B. responsible C. attributed D. original
Question 3: A. much more B. as much as C. as many as D. further than
Question 4: A. fresh B. processed C. contained D. raw
Question 5: A. largely B.chiefly C. mainly D. greatly

Exercise 36: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The worst prediction for the next century (1) the weather. Many people think that
global warming will cause important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests
cities on the coast may disappear if the sea level (2) There is better news regarding
health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be more successfully diagnosing
an illness (3) of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be
easier. Technological progress will give experts the (4) to manufacture invisibility
cloaks, which may be (5) the market before the end of the century.
Question 1: A. concerns B. participates C. contacts D. relates
Question 2: A. roars B. lifts C. rises D. raises
Question 3: A. because B. approving C. regardless D. in spite
Question 4: A. love B. chance C. tool D. power
Question 5: A. at B. in C. to D. on

Exercise 37: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Education and Employment
All men should study, we have to study to (1) our knowledge and develop our
intelligence. An uneducated man can only utilize his (2) strength to work and live.
An educated man, without this strength, still has the faculty of his intelligent brain and good reflection.
This intelligence and thought enable him to help his physical strength to act more quickly and cleverly.
In a same profession or work, the educated man differs from the uneducated considerably. Therefore,
intellectual workers have to study, this is a matter of course but (3)
workers must also (5)
an education.
In civilized countries compulsory education has been applied. Man must spend seven or eight
years studying. From ploughmen to labourers in these nations, no one is (5) to read a
book or a paper fluently.
Question 1: A. last B. stretch C. enlarge D.increase
Question 2: A. body B. power C. labour D. brain
Question 3: A. simple B. easy C. hard D. manual
Question 4: A. learn B. study C. acquire D.know
Question 5: A. able B. unable C. not D. never
Exercise 38: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting (1) fun. And
every year, more and more people start a stamp collection on their own and discover an interest which can
last a lifetime. Starting your collection is easy (2) stamps can be found everywhere.
Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (3 )
you with stamps from all over the world. But once you have started collecting (4)
, you will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors’ Club (5) exists to
provide collectors with new British stamps.
Question 1: A. also B. at C. or D. and
Question 2: A. moreover B. although C. furthermore D. because
Question 3: A. take B. consider C. give D. provide
Question 4: A. seriously B. competitively C. greatly D. attractively
Question 5: A. where B. which C. what D. when


Exercise 1:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án A
- be based on/ upon: được dựa vào, căn cứ vào
E.g: The film is based on a real-life story. (Bộ phim được dựa theo một câu chuyện đời thực.)
" One of the most important inventions in the development of science and medicine was the microscope.
It was based upon the principle that light could be “refracted” or bent, by a glass lens. (Một trong những
phát minh quan trọng nhất trong sự phát triển của khoa học và y học là kính hiển vi. Nó hoạt động dựa
theo nguyên tắc khúc xạ ánh sáng qua thấu kính thủy tinh.)
Question2 Chọn đáp án C
- in size (phrase): về kích thước, độ lớn
“It was soon discovered that tiny objects could be magnified in size when viewed through a glass lens...”
(Người ta đã sớm khám phá ra rằng những vật thể nhỏ có thể được phóng to về kích thước khi được quan
sát qua một thấu kính thủy tinh...)
Question 3 Chọn đáp án B
- procedure (n): phương pháp, cách thức, thủ tục
- manner (n): cách, kiểu
+ in + a/ an + adj + manner: the way in which something is done or happens: theo cách ...
- fashion (n): kiểu cách, thời trang
+ in fashion: đúng mốt, hợp thời trang
- character (n): tính cách
“It was soon discovered that tiny objects could be magnified in size when viewed through a glass lens that
had been ground and polished in a specific manner. (Người ta đã sớm khám phá ra rằng những vật thể
nhỏ có thể được phóng to về kích thước khi được quan sát qua một thấu kính thủy tinh được mài và đánh
bóng theo cách riêng.)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án D
Cấu trúc: - It was not until + S + V2/ed ... + that + ... (Mãi cho đến khi... thì...)
E.g: It was not until midnight that I went home. (Mãi cho đến nửa đêm thì tôi mới về nhà.)
"... it was not until the 13th and 14th centuries in Europe that it was put to practical use in the form of
eyeglasses” (nhưng mãi cho đến thế kỉ 13 và 14 thì ở châu Âu nó mới được đưa vào sử dụng thực tiễn
dưới hình thức kính mắt)
Question 5 Chọn đáp án B
- grant (v): cho, cấp
- grind (v): mài, giũa
- scrape (v): nạo, cạo, gọt, gạt
- rub (v): cọ xát
“Bom in Delft, Holland, he became skilled at grinding very sharp and accurate magnifying lenses”
(Sinh ra ở Delft, Hà Lan nên ông rất giỏi trong việc mài các loại kính lúp rất sắc và chính xác.)
Exercise 2:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án D
fall off (ph.v): rơi xuống, giảm (về số lượng)
take up (ph.v): bắt đầu một sở thích
put off (ph.v): trì hoãn
come out (ph.v): xuất hiện, lộ ra, nở (hoa), nảy (chồi)
“After winter months, the days become longer, the buds come out in the trees (Sau những tháng mùa
đông thì ngày trở nên dài hơn, cây cối đâm chồi nảy lộc)”
Question 2 Chọn đáp án B
look after (ph.v): chăm sóc, trông nom
put on (ph.v): mặc
carry on (ph.v): tiếp tục
deal with (ph.v): giải quyết
Question 3 Chọn đáp án A
pass into: chuyển qua, chuyển sang
E.g: Many foreign words have passed into the English language.
“Spring passes into summer. (Xuân sang hè tới.)”
Question 4 Chọn đáp án D
- forego (v): thôi, bỏ
- evaluate (v): đánh giá
- succumb (v): không thể chống nổi, không thể chịu nổi (bệnh tật, tấn công, ...)
- last (v): kéo dài
Everyone knows that summer will not last. (Mọi người đều biết rằng mùa hè sẽ không kéo dài mãi.)”
Question 5 Chọn đáp án D
- yet (conj): nhưng mà, tuy nhiên
E.g: It’s a small car, yet it’s surprisingly spacious.
- therefore (adv): vì vậy, vì thế
- whereas (conj): trong khi đó, trong khi mà
- and (conj): và
“The com becomes ripe, the leaves turn brown and then drop to the ground, and the world changes its
green dress for a dress of autumn colors. “(Ngô bắp chín, những chiếc lá chuyển sang màu nâu rồi rụng
xuống, và thế giới chuyển từ màu xanh sang màu của mùa thu.)

Exercise 3:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án C
- if: nếu
- where: ở đâu
- that: rằng
- when: khi nào
Cấu trúc: see + that + a clause “Can we see that the earth is a globe?” (Chúng ta có thể nhìn thấy trái đất
có hình cầu không?)
Question 2 Chọn đáp án D
- begin + to V/ V-ing: bắt đầu làm gì (chủ động)
“If we watch closely, we see that the ship begins to disappear” (Nếu chúng ta quan sát kĩ thì chúng ta thấy
rằng con tàu bắt đầu biến mất)
Question 3 Chọn đáp án A
- until: cho đến khi
- since: từ khi, vì
- after: sau khi
- by the time: trước
“The bottom of the ship disappears first, and then the ship seems to sink lower and lower, until we can
only see the top of the ship, and then we see nothing at all.” (Phần dưới của con tàu biến mất đầu tiên, rồi
sau đó con tàu bắt đầu chìm xuống càng thấp hơn, cho đến khi chúng ta chỉ nhìn thấy phần trên của con
tàu, và sau đó chúng ta không nhìn thấy gì nữa)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án C
- reluctantly (adv): một cách miễn cưỡng
- accidentally (adv): một cách tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên
- slowly (adv): một cách từ từ, chầm chậm
- passionately (adv): một cách đam mê, say sưa
“Stick a pin most of the way into an orange, and slowly turn the orange away from you.” (Cắm một cái
ghim vào một quả cam và từ từ xoay quả cam hướng ra khỏi bạn)
Question 5 Chọn đáp án C
- same (adj): giống nhau
the same (N) (+ as): giống (với)
E.g: We lived in the same house.
- alike (adj, adv): giống nhau
E.g: My brother and I do not look alike.
- just as + S + V: giống như, đúng như
E.g: It’s just as I thought. (Điều đó thì đúng như tôi nghĩ.)
- similar to: tương tự với
E.g: Their house is similar to ours.
“You will see the pin disappear, just as a ship does on the earth. “ (Bạn sẽ nhìn thấy cái ghim biến mất,
giống như con tàu trên trái đất.)

Exercise 4:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án C
- actually (adv): thực sự, quả thật
- today (adv): ngày nay, thởi nay
- currently (adv): hiện nay, hiện thởi
- actively (adv): tích cực hoạt động
“Spring is coming and it’s time for us to grow plants. Of course, not all plants are currently in season.”
(Mùa xuân đang đến và đã đến lúc để chúng ta trồng các loại thực vật. Tất nhiên, không phải tất cả các
loài thực vật hiện đang trong mùa.)
Question 2 Chọn đáp án D
- easy (adj): dễ dàng
- fun (adj): vui vẻ
- stressful (adj): căng thẳng
- difficult (adj): khó khăn
“This makes it very difficult to pick the best plants to grow.” (Điều này khiến cho chúng ta rất khó để lựa
chọn thực vật tốt nhất để trồng.)
Question 3 Chọn đáp án A
- flexible (adj): linh hoạt
- picky (adj): kén chọn
- divine (adj): thần thánh; tuyệt diệu
- cranky (adj): lập dị, cáu kỉnh
It’s true that some plants are picky but most are super flexible and only require water, dirt and of course
sun. (Đúng là một số thực vật rất kén chọn nhưng đa số thì cực linh hoạt và chỉ cần đến nước, đất và dĩ
nhiên là ánh nắng mặt trởi.)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án C
- worst: tồi tệ nhất, kém nhất
- fun (adj): vui vẻ
- perfect (adj): hoàn hảo, tuyệt vởi, tốt nhất
- better: tốt hơn
“This spring is the perfect time to start your own garden.” (Mùa xuân là thởi điểm rất tốt để bắt đầu khu
vưởn riêng của bạn.)
Question 5 Chọn đáp án C
- hold (v): giữ, chứa đựng
- sit (v): ngồi
- stand (v): chịu đựng
- remove (v): loại bỏ, rút ra
“Spinach is very easy to grow because it removes water well and can stand different levels of heat.” (Rau
chân vịt rat dc trồng vì nó chịu hạn tốt và có thể chịu đựng được nhiều mức nhiệt khác nhau.)

Exercise 5:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án B
- scene (n-countable) ~ view: quang cảnh, cảnh
E.g: I like to have a room with a breathtaking view.
- scenery (n-uncountable): the natural features of an area such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests:
phong cảnh
E.g: The scenery is magnificent.
- panorama (n-countable): a view of a wide area of land: cảnh tầm rộng, toàn cảnh
E.g: You can enjoy a panorama of the whole city from the hotel.
+ spectacular scenery (collocation): phong cánh tuyệt đẹp
“People come to this small country for many reasons. They can admire spectacular sẹẹnẹry, meet friendly
natives, and enjoy a vibrant arts scene.” (Mọi người đến đất nước nhỏ bé này vì nhiều lí do. Họ có thể
ngắm cảnh đẹp, gặp người bản địa thân thiện và ngắm sân khấu nghệ thuật sôi động.)
Note 27
"Collocation" là một cụm gồm hai hay nhiều từ thường đi cùng với nhau, và theo một trật tự nhất định.
Chúng không có quy tắc hay một công thức cụ thể.
Để có được cách diễn đạt tự nhiên như người bản ngữ thì chúng ta phải học các cụm "collocations" đi với
nhau. Điều này giúp chúng ta có được cách diễn đạt phong phú hơn. Vì vậy mỗi học sinh nên có trong tay
một quyển từ điển về "collocations”.
Các loại "Collocations"
Có một vài hình thức khác nhau được tạo thành từ sự kết hợp giữa động từ (Verb), danh từ (Noun) và tính
từ (Adjective), có một số hình thức như: Adv + Adj; Adj + N; N + N; N + V; V + N; V + Prepostional
phrase; V + Adv
Question 2 Chọn đáp án A
- roots (n): nguồn gốc, gốc rễ
- race (n): nòi, giống, loài
- basis (n): nền tảng, cơ sở
- source (n): nguồn
+ family roots (collocation): nguồn gốc gia đình
“Some are searching for their family roots or others just want to gel away from it all...” (Một số người
đang đi tìm kiếm cội nguồn của mình hoặc những người khác chỉ muốn thoát khỏi tất cả mọt thứ...)
Question 3 Chọn đáp án A
- be comprised of/ comprise (v): bao gồm
E.g: The collection comprises more than 200 paintings.
- include (v): bao gồm
E.g: The price included tax.
- embrace ~ include(v): bao gồm
E.g: The shows embraced a wide range of issues.
- consist (v) + of: bao gồm
E.g: The committee consists of five members.
“Scotland consists of an area of 30,418 square miles” (Scotland có diện tích 30.418 m2.)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án D
- entirety (n): toàn bộ, trạng thái toàn vẹn
- entitle (v): cho ai quyền làm gì
- entry (n): sự đi vào, lối vào
- entity (n): sự tồn tại, thực thể
+ political entity (collocation): thực thể chính trị
“It is one of three countries that form the political entity called Great Britain, the other two being, of
course, England and Wales, which, along with their fourth partner, Northern Ireland, becomes the United
Kingdom.” (Nó là một trong ba nước hình thành thực thể chính trị gọi là vương quốc Anh / nước Anh
thống nhất, hai nước còn lại là tất nhiên là nước Anh và xứ Wales cùng với thành viên thứ tư là Bắc Ai-
Question 5 Chọn đáp án C
- take up (ph.v): chiếm
E.g: The table takes up too much room.
“Although the rugged Highlands take up about two-thirds of the land area...” (Mặc dù vùng cao nguyên
gồ ghề chiếm khoảng 2/3 diện tích đất...)

Exercise 6:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án D
Vì động từ “leam” phía trước được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn nên động từ “prepare” được chia ở thì tương
lai trong quá khứ với “would + V”.
- prepare sb... : chuẩn bị cho ai...
“His sister learned the household skills that would prepare her to become a wife and mother.” (Chị gái
cậu ấy đã học các kĩ năng nội trợ sẽ chuẩn bị cho tương lai cô ấy trở thành người vợ và người mẹ.)
Question 2 Chọn đáp án A
- where: trạng từ quan hệ, thay thế cho từ/ cụm từ nơi chốn
- when: trạng từ quan hệ, thay thế cho từ/ cụm từ chỉ thởi gian
- why: trạng từ quan hệ, thay thế cho từ/ cụm từ chỉ lý do
- whom: đại từ quan hệ, thay thế cho tân ngữ chỉ người
Trong câu này từ cần điền vào là đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho cụm từ nơi chốn “in a society”.
“Nowadays young people grow up in a much freer society where they enjoy almost unlimited career
opportunities” (Ngày nay, những người trẻ lớn lên trong một xã hội tự do hơn nhiều, nơi mà họ có được
hầu như vô số cơ hội nghề nghiệp.)
Question 3 Chọn đáp án B
- In recent years: trong những năm gần đây => động từ chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành
“In recent years, there has been an enormous increase in the kinds of vocations from which it is possible
to choose” (Trong những năm gần đây, đã có sự tăng mạnh về các loại nghề nghiệp để cho mọi người lựa
Question 4 Chọn đáp án D
- judgment (n): sự đánh giá, óc phán đoán
- perception (n): sự tiếp nhận, sự nhận thức
- devotion (n): sự tận tụy, sự hiến dâng
- discrimination (n): sự phân biệt đối xử
“In addition, many of the barriers to career opportunity that existed only a few decades ago, such as
discrimination based on sex or religion or ethnic origins...” (Thêm vào đó, nhiều rào cản đối với cơ hội
nghề nghiệp đã tồn tại một vài thập kỉ trước đây như sự phân biệt đối xử dựa trên giới tính hoặc tôn giáo
hoặc nguồn gốc dân tộc...)
Question 5 Chọn đáp án A
- rapidly (adv): nhanh chóng
- incessantly (adv): không ngừng, không dứt
- categorically (adv): rõ ràng, minh bạch
- vigilantly (adv): thận trọng, cảnh giác
“In addition, many of the barriers to career opportunity that existed only a few decades ago, such as
discrimination based on sex or religion or ethnic origins, are rapidly disappearing.” (Thêm vào đó, nhiều
rào cản đối với cơ hội nghề nghiệp đã tồn tại chỉ một vài thập kỉ trước đây như sự phân biệt đối xử dựa
trên giới tính hoặc tôn giảo hoặc nguồn gốc dân tộc đang nhanh chóng biến mất.)

Exercise 7:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án D
- so: vì thế, cho nên
- despite ~ in spite of + N/ V-ing: mặc dù
- although + a clause (S+ V): mặc dù
“Welcome to the Netherlands, a tiny country that only extends ... although the land area increases
slightly each year (Chào mừng đến với Hà Lan, một quốc gia nhỏ chỉ rộng......mặc dù diện tích đất tăng
nhẹ mỗi năm,..)
Question 2 Chọn đáp án C
- regularly (adv): thưởng xuyên, đều đặn
- occasionally (adv): thỉnh thoảng
- commonly (adv) ~ usually, very often: thông thưởng
+ commonly known (collocation): widely known usually or by most people: thưởng được mọi ngưởi biết
đến '
- unusually (adv): bất thưởng, không thưởng
Question 3 Chọn đáp án A
- historic (adj): important or influential in history: quan trọng trong lịch sử, có ý nghĩa lịch sử
- historical (adj): connected with the past: có liên quan đến lịch sử, đã xảy ra trong quá khứ
- historically (adv): về mặt lịch sử
- historian (n): sử gia, nhà sử học
+ a historic city ~ a very old city: thành phố rất cổ kính
“You’ll be impressed by its historic cities and charmed by its countryside and villages. ” (Bạn sẽ bị ấn
tượng bởi các thành phố rất cổ kính và bị quyến rũ bởi các vùng nông thôn và những ngôi làng.....)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án D
- make a reservation (collocation): đặt chỗ trước
“....the nationwide tourist office is on hand to give you information and help you make reservations” (văn
phòng du lịch trên toàn quốc sẵn sàng cung cấp cho bạn thông tin và giúp bạn đặt chỗ trước.)
Question 5 Chọn đáp án A
- few + N đếm được số nhiều: rất ít, hầu như không có mấy (mang nghĩa phủ định)
- a few + N đếm được số nhiều ~ some: một vài, một ít (mang nghĩa khẳng định)
- little + N không đếm được: rất ít, hầu như không có mấy (mang nghĩa phủ định)
- a little + N không đếm được ~ some: một chút, một ít (mang nghĩa khẳng định)
Danh từ phía sau là “language problems” => loại C, D
“You’ll have few language problems here, as the Dutch are true linguists and English is spoken here
almost universally” (Ở đây, bạn sẽ gặp rất ít vấn đề về ngôn ngữ vì ngưởi Hà Lan là các nhà ngôn ngữ
thật sự và Tiếng Anh được nói ở đây gần như phổ biến.)

Exercise 8:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án C
- format (n): định dạng, khổ
- outline (n): đề cương, đường nét
- shape (n): hình, hình dạng
- line (n): đường kẻ
+ mould sth into shapes: nặn, đúc cái gì thành nhiều hình dạng
Question 2 Chọn đáp án D
- Whoever (pronoun): bất cứ ai, bất cứ người nào
- However (adv): tuy nhiên
- Forever (adv): mãi mãi
- Wherever (adv, conj): bất cứ nơi nào, ở nơi nào
“Wherever the precious metal was discovered, prospectors rushed to mine it, starting new cities and
countries as they went.” (Bất cứ nơi nào mà kim loại quý được phát hiện, những người thăm dò vội vã
đến để khai thác, thành lập các thành phố và quốc gia mới khi họ đến.)
Question 3 Chọn đáp án B
- in the world: trên thế giới
“Gold and the people who love it have helped shape the world we live in today.” (Vàng và những người
yêu thích vàng đã giúp hình thành nên thế giới mà chúng ta đang sống ngày hôm nay.)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án C
- yet (conj) + a clause: nhưng
- despite (prep) + N/ V-ing: mặc dù
- because (conj) + a clause: bởi vì
- so (conj) + a clause: vì vậy, cho nên
“Gold has a warm, sunny colour and because it does not react with air, water, and most chemicals, its
shine never fades” (Vàng có màu ánh kim và vì nó không phản ứng với không khí, nước và hầu hết các
hóa chất nên độ sáng bóng của nó không bao giờ phai.)
Question 5 Chọn đáp án C
- estate (n): bất động sản
- stage (n): giai đoạn
- State (n): trạng thái, tình trạng
- position (n): vị trí
+ natural State: trạng thái tự nhiên
“In its natural state, gold is soft and easily shaped. When heated to 1,062 Celsius it melts and can be
poured into moulds to form coins, gold bars, and other objects” (Trong trạng thái tự nhiên, vàng mềm và
dễ tạo hình. Khi được đun nóng đến 1062 độ C thì nó tan chảy và có thể đổ vào khuôn để đúc tiền xu, thỏi
vàng và các đồ vật khác.)

Exercise 9:
Question 1 Chọn đáp án C
- do sth at one’s own speed: làm việc gì theo nhịp độ mà mình thích/ muốn
“The use of computers has meant that students can study language programmes at their own speed when
and for how long they want” (Việc sử dụng máy tính nghĩa là học sinh có thể học các chương trình ngoại
ngữ tùy theo nhịp độ mà họ muốn học lúc nào và trong bao lâu)
Question 2 Chọn đáp án D
- force (n): sức, lực
- hit (n): đòn, cú đánh trúng
- depress (v): ấn xuống, nén xuống
- push (n): sự xô, cú đẩy, ...
+ At the push of a button: very easily: rất dễ dàng
E.g: He could get everything he needs at the push of a button.
Question 3 Chọn đáp án B
- so (adv): quá, rất
+ so + adj/ adv (+ that clause); quá ... (đến nỗi mà)
- such (deter): như vậy, như thế
+ such (+a/an+ adj) + N ...như vậy
- like (v, adj, prep): thích, giống như, như
- alike (adj, adv); giống nhau
“At the push of a button they would be transported to such realistic settings where they could practice
their English” (Rất dễ dàng, họ sẽ được chuyển đến môi trường học thực tế như vậy, nơi mà họ có thể
luyện tập tiếng Anh của mình)
Question 4 Chọn đáp án D
- role (v): vai trò
- duty (n): nhiệm vụ
- obligation (n): nghĩa vụ, bổn phận
- need (n): nhu cầu
+ no need to do sth: không cần làm gì
E.g: There’s no need to buy more food.
Question 5 Chọn đáp án A
- replace (v): thay thế
- restore (v): khôi phục lại, phục hồi lại
- succeed (v): thành công
- recover (v): khôi phục lại, sửa lại, bình phục
“Exciting? Certainly, and it’s an interesting alternative to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever
replace the classroom? (Hấp dẫn ư? Chắc chắn rồi và đó là một lựa chọn thú vị so với các bài học ở lớp
học truyền thống. Nhưng nó sẽ thay thế lớp học chăng?)

Exercise 10:
Question 1: A.
Question 2: B
Question 3: D
Question 4: C
Question 5: B

Exercise 11:
Question 1:C
Question 2:D
Question 3:D
Question 4:B
Question 5:D

Exercise 12:
Question 1:C
Question 2:C
Question 3:B
Question 4:D
Question 5:D

Exercise 13:
Question 1:D
Question 2:A
Question 3:D
Question 4:C
Question 5:C

Exercise 14:
Question 1:D
Question 2:D
Question 3:D
Question 4:A
Question 5:C

Exercise 15:
Question 1:B
Question 2:C
Question 3:A
Question 4:C
Question 5:D

Exercise 16:
Question 1:C
Question 2:B
Question 3:B
Question 4:C

Exercise 17:
Question 1:B
Question 2:A
Question 3:B
Question 4:C
Question 5:B

Exercise 18:
Question 1:A
Question 2:B
Question 3:D
Question 4:C
Question 5:A

Exercise 19:
Question 1:D
Question 2:D
Question 3:B
Question 4:A
Question 5:A

Exercise 20:
Question 1:B
Question 2:B
Question 3:C
Question 4:B
Question 5:D

Exercise 21:
Question 1:A
Question 2:D
Question 3:B
Question 4:B
Question 5:C

Exercise 22:
Question 1:A
Question 2:C
Question 3:D
Question 4:B
Question 5:C

Exercise 23:
Question 1:B
Question 2:A
Question 3:D
Question 4:B
Question 5:D

Exercise 24:
Question 1:C
Question 2:D
Question 3:A
Question 4:B
Question 5:A

Exercise 25:
Question 1:B
Question 2:C
Question 3:B
Question 4:C
Question 5:A

Exercise 26:
Question 1:A
Question 2:A
Question 3:B
Question 4:D
Question 5:C

Exercise 27:
Question 1:D
Question 2:C
Question 3:B
Question 4:A
Question 5:D

Exercise 28:
Question 1:B
Question 2:D
Question 3:A
Question 4:D
Question 5:A

Exercise 29:
Question 1:C
Question 2:C
Question 3:B
Question 4:B
Question 5:D

Exercise 30:
Question 1:B
Question 2:A
Question 3:C
Question 4:A
Question 5:B

Exercise 31:
Question 1:C
Question 2:D
Question 3:B
Question 4:C
Question 5:A

Exercise 32:
Question 1:B
Question 2:A
Question 3:D
Question 4:D
Question 5:C

Exercise 33:
Question 1:D
Question 2:C
Question 3:A
Question 4:D
Question 5:D

Exercise 34:
Question 1:A
Question 2:B
Question 3:D
Question 4:C
Question 5:A

Exercise 35:
Question 1:C
Question 2:C
Question 3:B
Question 4:B
Question 5:D

Exercise 36:
Question 1:A
Question 2:C
Question 3:A
Question 4:B
Question 5:D

Exercise 37:
Question 1:D
Question 2:A
Question 3:D
Question 4:C
Question 5:B
Exercise 38:
Question 1:D
Question 2:D
Question 3:D
Question 4:A
Question 5:B

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