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______/13 points

_____/8 points
3. Match the Phrasal verbs with their definitions:

Snap out A accompany someone to the door when they are leaving

Cut off B to fail to do something as quickly as required or expected

Try out C extinguish, as of a candle, fire or a light

Get behind D distinguish someone or something from a group.

Pick out E to save for later

Cut down F go somewhere to collect someone, typically in one's car

A pretty penny G to improve

Pick up H deal with a task in due course

Put out I stop experiencing something unpleasant and stop

behaving in a negative way

Get round to J complete an unpleasant or tedious but necessary task


Cut out K to joke or tease someone

Pull one’s leg L remove part of something (usually with scissors and

See out M a large amount of money that will cost a lot

Get over with N reduce

Pick on O disconnect, interrupt, or discontinue something or


Put aside P to test something by using it

_________/16 points
4. Fill in the correct form of the phrasal verbs:

1. I have all the information that you need but I’m busy. Can I ___________ you __________ in
half an hour?
2. The energy company ____ our electricity because we didn’t pay.
3. We heard the bomb ______________________ from the hotel where we checked in.
4. Large companies sometimes ______________________ smaller ones.
5. My brother and I ______________________ very well most of the time, but occasionally we
do have a fight.
6. I ______________________ playing football a long time ago because of a knee injury.
7. Don’t worry, we’ll try to ______________________ the problems and find a solution for
8. That story cannot be true. You have surely ______________ it ______________ .
9. After browsing the internet for some time, we finally ______________________ where he
10. I had no use for the books so I _____________ them ______________ to the library

_______/10 points
5. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: be through, go on, fill in, take off, stay out,
speak up.
1. Could you ………. this application form, please?
2. I´ll never talk to you again. We ………. !
3. If you don´t ………., we can´t hear you.
4. I´m tired because I ………. too late last night.
5. The plane ………. late because of the bad weather.

6. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: go off, put off, see off, take off, turn off.
1. Let's go to the airport to ………. them ……….
2. The plane doesn´t ………. till 5 o´clock.
3. He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock ……….
4. The meeting has been ………. till next month.
5. Don´t forget to ………. all the lights when you leave.

7. Match the phrasal verbs with their corresponding synonyms.

1. put off a. cancel
2. call off b. switch off
3. look up c. postpone
4. go off d. continue
5. carry on e. explode
6. turn off f. Check
__________/16 points

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