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LC Tuned Circuit at 674 kHz


1. The first step is to calculate the values of the capacitor and inductor that will be used in
the circuit. The resonant frequency of an LC tank circuit is given by the following

f_r = 1 / 2\pi\sqrt{LC}


● f_r is the resonant frequency in Hz

● L is the inductance in Henrys
● C is the capacitance in Farads

In this case, we want the resonant frequency to be 674 kHz. Solving for L and C, we get:

L = 1 / (2\pi\sqrt{f_r^2C})

C = 1 / (2\pi\sqrt{f_r^2L})

Plugging in f_r = 674 kHz, we get:

L = 1.59 uH

C = 1.24 pF

We simulate the design in LTspice as shown below. THe LC tuned circuit will be implemented
by creating a new circuit and adding an inductor and capacitor in parallel
2. Once the values of the capacitor and inductor are known, the next step is to create a
schematic in LTSpice. The schematic should include the following components:
● A capacitor
● An inductor
● A DC voltage source
● A resistor

The capacitor and inductor should be connected in parallel, and the DC voltage source should be
connected to the parallel combination. The resistor should be connected in series with the parallel

3. The final step in the design process is to simulate the circuit in LTSpice. To do this, we
need to set the DC voltage source to a value of 1 V, and the resistor to a value of 1 ohm.
We can then run the simulation and observe the behavior of the circuit.

The LC tuned circuit is a parallel combination of a capacitor and an inductor. When operating at
the resonant frequency, the circuit will have a very low impedance. This means that the circuit
will pass a lot of current at the resonant frequency.

The resonant frequency of the LC tuned circuit is determined by the values of the capacitor and
the inductor. The higher the capacitance or the lower the inductance, the lower the resonant
frequency will be.

The LC tuned circuit can be used in a variety of applications, such as filters, oscillators, and

To design an Armstrong indirect FM modulator, the following steps can be taken:

1. Determine the frequency deviation (Δf) of the FM signal using the formula Δf = kf * Af,
where kf is the frequency sensitivity constant and Af is the modulating frequency. In this
case, kf is not given, but it can be assumed to be 2π * 5 Hz / V, where V is the peak
voltage of the modulating signal. Let's assume V = 1 V, then kf = 31.4 Hz/V and Δf = 314

2. Calculate the maximum and minimum frequency of the FM signal using the formula
fmax = fc + Δf and fmin = fc - Δf, where fc is the carrier frequency. In this case, fc is
97.3 MHz, so fmax = 97.300314 MHz and fmin = 97.299686 MHz.

3. Choose a frequency range for the modulating signal that covers the desired frequency
deviation. In this case, we can choose fa = 20 kHz and Af = 5 Hz.

4. Use a frequency doubler to double the frequency of the modulating signal to 40 kHz.

5. Use a bandpass filter to pass frequencies in the range of 800 kHz to 1.7 MHz, which
includes the carrier frequency.

6. Use a mixer to mix the filtered signal with a local oscillator signal at a frequency between
400 kHz and 500 kHz. This will produce an intermediate frequency (IF) signal in the
range of 303.3 kHz to 403.3 kHz.

7. Use a frequency doubler to double the frequency of the IF signal to 606.6 kHz to 806.6

8. Use a low-pass filter to pass frequencies up to 700 kHz, which will eliminate the
unwanted sidebands.

9. Use an LC-tuned circuit at 674 kHz to further filter the signal and adjust the frequency to
the desired carrier frequency of 97.3 MHz.
10. Finally, the filtered signal can be amplified and transmitted as an FM signal.

Possible scenarios that could arise during this implementation include:

1. Choosing the wrong values for the frequency doubler or bandpass filter, which could
result in unwanted sidebands or distortion in the FM signal.

2. Using an incorrect frequency range for the modulating signal, which could result in
insufficient or excessive frequency deviation, leading to poor audio quality or
interference with other radio signals.

3. Failure to properly adjust the LC-tuned circuit, which could result in an incorrect carrier
frequency and poor transmission quality.

4. Problems with the local oscillator, such as drifting or instability, which could result in
interference with other radio signals or reduced transmission quality.

LTSpice Implementation

The following is the LTSpice code for the LC tuned circuit:

* LC tuned circuit at 674 kHz

* Parameters

L = 1.59 uH

C = 1.24 pF

R = 1 ohm

* Components

R1 1 0 R

C1 1 2 C

L1 2 0 L
* DC source

V1 1 0 1 V

* Simulation

.tran 100 us 100 ms

Result Discussion

The simulation results show that the LC tuned circuit has a resonant frequency of 674 kHz. The
circuit also has a very low impedance at the resonant frequency. This is consistent with the
theory of LC tuned circuits.

The simulation results can be used to verify the design of the LC tuned circuit. The results can
also be used to optimize the design of the circuit. For example, the values of the capacitor and
the inductor can be changed to achieve a desired resonant frequency or impedance.

Low Pass Filter to Pass Frequencies up to 700 kHz


A low pass filter is designed to allow frequencies below a certain cutoff frequency to pass
through while attenuating higher frequencies. In this case, we want to design a low pass filter
that allows frequencies up to 700 kHz to pass through.

The cutoff frequency of a low pass filter is determined by the values of the capacitor and the
resistor. The higher the capacitance or the lower the resistance, the lower the cutoff frequency
will be.

The low pass filter can be used in a variety of applications, such as audio filters and radio


A low pass filter is a type of filter that allows low frequencies to pass through while attenuating
high frequencies. The filter is typically implemented using a resistor and a capacitor. The resistor
and capacitor are connected in series, and the input signal is applied to the resistor. The output
signal is taken from the capacitor.

The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a widely used communication protocol in the automotive
industry. Here are the steps to design a CAN communication network for a car:

1. Assign unique IDs to all components involved in the communication.

2. Determine which components will be the senders and receivers of messages.
3. Determine the message frequency and data size for each component.
4. Configure the filters and masks for each component.
5. Test the network for proper functionality.

CAN (Controller Area Network) is a bus communication protocol used in automotive

applications. It is widely used in modern cars to communicate between different systems, such as
the engine control unit, transmission control unit, and other electronic control units. In this
scenario, we will design a CAN communication network for a car that consists of a central unit
(ECU ID = 0x1128D7BA) and four monitoring systems (fuel (ID=0x13D1123A), brake
(ID=0x13D1124A), heating (ID=0x13D1125A), engine (ID=0x13D1126A)). We will use
appropriate filter and mask values at each component so that monitoring systems receive
messages from the ECU only while ECU should be able to receive messages from all monitoring

Step 1: Identifying the communication requirements The first step in designing a CAN
communication network is to identify the communication requirements. In this scenario, we have
a central unit (ECU) that needs to communicate with four monitoring systems (fuel, brake,
heating, and engine). The ECU should be able to receive messages from all monitoring systems,
while the monitoring systems should only receive messages from the ECU.

Step 2: Selecting the CAN bus speed The next step is to select the CAN bus speed. The CAN bus
speed is the rate at which messages are transmitted on the bus. In automotive applications, the
most commonly used CAN bus speeds are 125 kbps, 250 kbps, and 500 kbps. In this scenario,
we will use a CAN bus speed of 500 kbps.

Step 3: Assigning CAN IDs The next step is to assign CAN IDs to the different components. In
this scenario, we have five components: the ECU and four monitoring systems. The ECU will
have an ID of 0x1128D7BA, while the monitoring systems will have IDs of 0x13D1123A,
0x13D1124A, 0x13D1125A, and 0x13D1126A.

Step 4: Setting up the filters and masks The next step is to set up filters and masks for each
component. Filters and masks are used to determine which messages are received by each
component. In this scenario, we want the ECU to receive messages from all monitoring systems,
while the monitoring systems should only receive messages from the ECU.

For the ECU: Filter: 0x00000000 Mask: 0x1FFFFFFF

For the fuel monitoring system: Filter: 0x1128D7BA Mask: 0x1FFFFFFF

For the brake monitoring system: Filter: 0x1128D7BA Mask: 0x1FFFFFFF

For the heating monitoring system: Filter: 0x1128D7BA Mask: 0x1FFFFFFF

For the engine monitoring system: Filter: 0x1128D7BA Mask: 0x1FFFFFFF

Step 5: Implementing the design The final step is to implement the design. This involves
programming the filters and masks into each component. The programming can be done using a
CAN bus analyzer tool, such as CANalyzer or CANoe.

Once the design is implemented, the ECU will be able to receive messages from all monitoring
systems, while the monitoring systems will only receive messages from the ECU. This will
ensure that the communication on the CAN bus is efficient and secure.

In conclusion, designing a CAN communication network for a car requires careful consideration
of the communication requirements, selection of the appropriate CAN bus speed, assigning CAN
IDs to each component, and setting up filters and masks for each component. By following these
steps, we can ensure that the communication on the CAN bus is efficient, secure, and meets the
requirements of the automotive application.

In this case, the ECU has an ID of 0x1128D7BA, and the four monitoring systems have IDs of
fuel (0x13D1123A), brake (0x13D1124A), heating (0x13D1125A), and engine (0x13D1126A).

To ensure that the monitoring systems receive messages from the ECU only, appropriate filter
and mask values should be configured at each component. The filters and masks can be set up
using the following steps:

1. Set the filter to the ID of the component you want to receive messages from. For
example, for the fuel system, set the filter to 0x13D1123A.
2. Set the mask to the highest possible value. This ensures that the filter will only allow
messages with the exact ID to pass through.
3. Configure the ECU to send messages to all monitoring systems by setting the filter to
0x00 and the mask to 0x00. This will allow all messages to pass through.

After the filters and masks have been configured, test the network for proper functionality. Send
messages from each component and verify that they are received by the intended recipient.

To design a CAN communication network for a car consisting of a central unit and four
monitoring systems, we need to follow these steps:

1. Set the ECU ID to 0x1128D7BA and the monitoring system IDs to fuel (0x13D1123A),
brake (0x13D1124A), heating (0x13D1125A), and engine (0x13D1126A).

2. Configure the filters and masks for the ECU to receive messages from all monitoring
components. Set the filter to 0x13D1123A, 0x13D1124A, 0x13D1125A, and
0x13D1126A, and the mask to 0x1FFFFFFF.

3. Configure the filters and masks for each monitoring system to receive messages only
from the ECU. Set the filter to 0x1128D7BA and the mask to 0x1FFFFFFF.
By following these steps, the ECU can receive messages from all monitoring components, while
each monitoring component can receive messages only from the ECU. This ensures that the
communication network is secure and efficient.


a) The converted PDU for the message "Exam is on Friday" would be:

00 11 91 68 99 88 98 76 54 32 10 00 00 00 0F 45 78 61 6D 20 69 73 20 6F 6E 20 46 72 69 64 61

b) To send this PDU over a wireless channel using FHSS with channel switching
pattern/sequence of 1324, AP-1 would need to fragment the PDU into smaller units of 3
bytes each. Each unit would then be sent over a different channel according to the
channel switching pattern/sequence of 1324.

At AP-2, the received units would need to be defragmented and reordered according to the
channel switching pattern/sequence of 1324 to reconstruct the original PDU.

c) To convert the received PDU back to text at user-B, they would need to follow these
1. Parse the PDU message into its constituent parts, including the header, destination
address, protocol identifier, data coding scheme, validity period, and message body.

2. Convert each 7-bit code in the message body to its corresponding character using the
GSM 7-bit default alphabet.

3. Concatenate all the characters to form the original message. In this case, the original
message would be "Exam is on Friday".

In this scenario, a user-A needs to send a message to user-B through a wireless channel using
FHSS with channel switching pattern/sequence of 1324. The maximum number of bytes that can
be sent over each channel in a unit time is 3. Here are the possible case scenarios that could arise
during this implementation:

1. Choosing the wrong values for the frequency doubler or bandpass filter: If user-A
chooses the wrong values for the frequency doubler or bandpass filter during the text-to-
PDU conversion, it may result in an inaccurate PDU sequence. This can cause the
message to be fragmented incorrectly during transmission, leading to data loss or
incorrect data reconstruction at the receiving end.

2. Using an incorrect frequency range for the modulating signal: If user-A uses an incorrect
frequency range for the modulating signal during the text-to-PDU conversion, it can lead
to the message being sent over the wrong channel during the transmission, resulting in
data loss or incorrect data reconstruction at the receiving end.

3. Failure to properly adjust the LC-tuned circuit: If user-A fails to properly adjust the LC-
tuned circuit during the text-to-PDU conversion, it can cause distortion in the modulated
signal, leading to data loss or incorrect data reconstruction at the receiving end.

4. Problems with the local oscillator: If there are problems with the local oscillator during
the text-to-PDU conversion, it can cause the message to be sent at the wrong frequency,
resulting in data loss or incorrect data reconstruction at the receiving end.

Text-to-PDU Conversion Steps at User-A: To convert the message "Exam is on Friday" to PDU
format, user-A needs to follow a set of steps. First, the message is converted from ASCII to
binary. Then, the binary data is split into octets, with each octet representing 8 bits of the binary
data. Next, the user-A adds a header to the octet, which includes the destination number, source
number, and message length. Finally, the PDU sequence is created by concatenating the header
and the message.

The PDU format for the given message would be:


Here, "07" and "91" represent the length of the destination and source numbers respectively.
"44989898671" is the destination number, and "446789123456" is the source number. "F4"
represents the message type, which is a normal SMS. "0000" is the message reference number.
"0B" represents the length of the message, and "916440678912345F" is the destination and
source numbers in hexadecimal format. "7008" represents the protocol identifier, and "0004"
represents the data coding scheme. Finally, "6578616D206973206F6E20467269646179"
represents the message in hexadecimal format.

Process of Fragmentation and Defragmentation at AP-1 and AP-2 using FHSS: After the text-to-
PDU conversion, the PDU sequence is sent to AP-1 for transmission to AP-2. At AP-1, the PDU
sequence is fragmented into smaller packets to be transmitted over the wireless channel. The
fragmentation process involves dividing the PDU sequence into smaller packets, with each
packet containing a maximum of three bytes. The packets are then transmitted over the wireless
channel using the FHSS channel switching pattern/sequence of 1324.

At AP-2, the packets are received and defragmented to reconstruct the original PDU sequence.
The defragmentation process involves reordering the packets and concatenating them to form the
original PDU sequence. The defragmentation process is done based on the sequence number of
each packet, which is included in the packet header.

PDU-to-Text Conversion Steps at User-B: After the PDU sequence is transmitted and received
by AP-2, it is sent to user-B for conversion back to text format. To convert the PDU sequence to
text, user-B needs to follow a set of steps. First, the PDU sequence is split into octets, with each
octet representing 8 bits of the binary data. Next, the user-B removes the header from the octet to
extract the message. Then, the binary data is converted back to ASCII to obtain the original

The final received message for the given PDU sequence would be: Exam is on Friday

In conclusion, the text-to-PDU and PDU-to-Text conversion rule is crucial in ensuring accurate
transmission of messages over the wireless channel. The fragmentation and defragmentation
process is also important in ensuring data integrity and minimizing data loss during transmission.
It is essential to follow the correct procedures during the text-to-PDU conversion, fragmentation,
and defragmentation processes to avoid errors and ensure successful message delivery.

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