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IDIOMA EXTRANJERO (MENCION INGLES) Learning environment 26 Oct. 2020 APELLIDOS:Arrok evel. Library NOMBRE: Masta. Documentation DNI / PASAPORTE: 2239840 -T CORREO ELECTRONICO: aluovortissz0@ ul es: 3 Hou 1/ > Keep reviewing the videos ofthe frst topics. Practice makes perfect. 34. Watch the video “The leaming environment as the third teacher. 4) Find information on the role of play in children’s learning. ») List and describe the eight basic leaming centers in the classrooms of American elementary schools 3.2, Read Elizabeth Mulvahill's “Anchor charts 101: why and how to use therm” 2) Explain what they are, Gather suggestions on how to use them in class, ) Authors lke Thomas Dit! dislike anchor charts. What are their objections? Do you agree? 3.3. Discuss what makes a good learning environment. 3.4, Watch the video "Should | be using Google or the library resources for a paper?” 4) What services do public Ibraries provide? And what are the main functions of a national library? ») Explain what the Universal Decimal Classification is and how it works. List the nine main tables. Take a few ‘examples of books from your library and analyse their UDC code. €) What is Google Scholar? Comment on its main advantages and limitations, 3.5. Watch the video "Introduction to citations." 8) What isa citation? Explain the difference between in-tex citations and full citations 'b) What is the purpose of citations? Is it necessary to document every single idea we present in a paper? 16) Which are the core elements ofa citation? 13.6. Compile a short bibliography in APA style. Include at least a) a book with one author, ») a book with two authors, ©) an essay or chapter in a book, {) an atticle ina journal, (9) a page on a website, f) a YouTube video. ‘3.8. By the end of this week your glossary should already have 210 terms Teaanty [age are eavountegy|om Sent [Gsay [pono [woke firchor croee | Choe ffetwenes [Gerace Toath. G9 gree | Scncloe TRepeocn [Oa OGaren elerpower —Nontscnrg [maternal | Prowcmabon | Seectot nana Actas ‘Cuahen | erenus frgeetress —[Opporhrsitg —[Rostsrer [Strate risks [Casreons WR Erceonber (Oe) merronte [nechmioren [Regret [Ste ssegrent [Comet Eemqeroe [influence [Oreste [Reference [Teacre: [covers [Greciass [owrorment Bren [Retanownip —[ronwrg ROT Cake Greatly [expecta hor Regions [Reseach [Te BS cccgapy [Uractocks [Roomate Plethora, [Resouces | yon Rexcoth Eaoesnonst | Goat [Rocetre PRespowwe [Vera ces BALE oll ust the Kiar all the time cloud hows Ahei job ot school fo ao thinking and learKing. So thay Occ. 50 for Wrale theb they get to do thei Keocoing, Hhrcagh play. And Leconce we Ore O pay-Lased progom, ve do ex athe play. But ibis my feeling that gay nents fo be ntntiocl, becouse Ge nest te le encowagiog them fo be Hhdnking cbout Whol they! ve doing ot at Cccontala lary pece. in Os Lass 's Hat whan they Gre Thanking oF liwmang - ge. fo the Block Center, for example - they shoud be ccenting a plan fo what they are courg Cr document offer Urat ik is theyve made. So, porfculary fx ov Kindecaptten children, we, have 66- decly uactng shongs-here board, find On br =deuly= eecing, Forge hee band they read 49 boxe Some Kind of documentation, op Here every dy, So Ghethe A'S a pelae al Sagam, sore type of uacheg #2 document Rak their learmang Wes fa JK day, Aral & ov goal 24D) The Ucening canter skalegy wes cighe tose Learning earl by oddest He Contless cljechies of Amercian early chikiloas classrooms, ofembng fo develop the Shudent's saiol, emotional, physical, cog hie, One desthetic obi kes. Thece Gre eight base Leamnirg Caters inom eacly childhoos /elomentary Clossroom, accoumg tothe Stephen Fo Aushn State Unversity Charter Schoot proyor cach structines [fe eppord -the Shalents! coperinces > A vanety, of means ora effective sunys. Foch center S corciuced to encompass Mumeaus Oyechue, jncluaing State one ereral slorctéras Shook Stonads, Cad Community SHoraos “We leaming cartes Gpprocch faeises On shatent custonemy dad Leccang, Shyle by quer each Shuent Snlgpmhnty fs plow hit larg surah hands-on ing daclopmenially appepate classrcom. Teaches act as facdioiees , praviaing wetenols Grd guiteree, AS well OS plomarg dacussions, cchaties, damonstiehions ares rede, Leaming centers Gre Hpcally Set up ho clossreom fe excourege children Yo make choices As they Sok in the centers, they lea fo tk wdependently wet os coopeatiely. Ths ques the chi moe conlrat Ove what they do, Leeming Centers Offer Gre easy rove to addressing chilkens Utiisnal Gomog styles One impatont Leaning canter that iS inchuable tb on indepeded Loming criscrrent frat fookss Creahiily and expresses is the “art canter) Recoing fo Denge, alk, ond beroman,, the art canter alles chitin te Usually apres, Ahemeselas, Childe alse leain how Wo ccheolly evoluate hus OrhGok pas welt fas the Octo oS others, helping them to pactce and develop ther copnhie Skills, largeoge SKUE Gnd aasthehes Ark alse clfes mang opporloithes for coe Sobiek inleyahion, cspeiolly iq raged fo aeience, Stok shetes a lengucee ats, For instante, when shading the Qratoras Of a flecer, te teacher coukl OSK Shudents to dees and celoe tree ons (lowes bass OV da Cecucehe repesentehon of healt ob Lahaye iz) Newt, the “Hccks canter” cssenkial In pre-Kadegurten Classroom » cind geal ly, valued mh cker gioaks, The Bled canter give children On opperkincly to recreate Sxpsierces and saplere the elements and Complexhes of shyctures, Chikteen Leoen clbcud thee commonaty nd vs frchors whale building pesentahons of cen Leataings Like fe stakons, hours, bones ond gece A\ plethora of other sugects con be nbegictes in the blocks center, melucting (tency, mathemahes, science, soca shicies ort and technology . The blocks centr 8 on Spec gous place for chile, {© erplow the rules of society, tloionshigs: ane Jeamwsoik® Anathe conte is “Disteuery? ja place hed dulven eon Seplore the Gnawwes fe qushons dnwen by their natural cuncsly, Serene 6G speclol nhect m ciscoey, 8 gees chaltien the chonce te gpice life, encth ond the (ous of nahire The dscevery center sts the stage fix students 4s use the scierhfic methos to prakch ond. fit Solutions starting during the second half of fast gd Tyler, Eras’ Dacowry Sciece Ploce [eaters numeras types of dicocry cenlers TDromahe ploy" Centers pramcte social interechos, cole exploration ad ohstrect Phanking. Children Ore quan the opycknity fo deeply plore “les of poaple is Per family ord commonly | Prctoing & Gn important perk dedaping cbstract thought, Sch cS conecting tymbds With nal ctjpds and ents Drona pay qeally ectorea child's socal “and emctaul dewlopement eden children coopecala, fel empathy nd control their ereohons Tn the United States, Uiteracy © G nombe Ge pionly foc sth pica’ Pructe edtcaton Th fect, the Unites Stchei' Lteracy rete soe of te hig G the Wold, reching 5A Of re Popahen Fe dhs recsin, “Libary caters’ ore a mays confrikubos te net only leornirg center Cumculum, bul atl other classroom stralagtes Tn the Ubrary center, children leon the impertonce Of redeing And Gentig by eoqing ta mohvehorel Lieracy ochuiles theegh meaningful conteds The Gbrary conte else GhMS the chills OppoTehes te pectee recding share inmediole Gcceas te pant motenals Foc indeperkent teasing, pochicipate lin rod-claas Gnd rehbhings, and share experiences he, hoe baa with Locks! The Girany conte con enharce the theme 6f ony clases carnculum Fi instance, When doing G Sience Unit On mamma, shulyng human Umpact Gn Snamel fe in Scant shes, Gre creating pedbtel of Grumals in act, the fecha: Cod also focilstale Keoki and chilies ts the Ubrary Canter obsut animals, creating comechens belunen Sects . Tithetmore, mang Children ave not expases ty, Cierature is theie hones, Scerely Giiting their print Knowlaige The Gbrany canter provides these childhen Gath regulor Gnd cote ilerechion With punt AL getinent canter to the Arencon health end hasty epiimic isthe “mosele L center, Tn the muscle center, shodlents engage is achiihes that exercise heir bosies, ond Rabatequently “Weake up" their minds: Moverert also clicuss challien ts cudlet Pre igh enecqy Ont Ceenhuily Daring muscle achihes, students lain ts corel | Mhsiy odies OW opply gress mofer UL fo mei Hypes Of movement © Ned the S music carla” Grates oppoctattes for critaren bo cooperate Sockithes Chak stimulate ceenhuly, Ushaning Od longege When singing, aad shaven feck harmony UAH Sretel classmates Music (sskuctions has Ske ban > & Colegio CisnerosAlter Prokn 1b jncrense inelugerce ‘qotient. Music alte offers cn easy wey for those Chilikes os 6 Lauer delopmental lat, te peck ach Je Keceiflly 8 toh Goo Lolely, thet table games center" offiss G uae way fo. children to plow esfoblished roles, create fheic Own rules Gnd anface thos rules Table qures also prorote heclthy competion Guig shulents © chance Ho cope Guth vegehee feckings ty a Safe and supparhie Gacronment Children clove wartheto tical corceps tokule playing gpmres Like cords dike Gad Zrnrcd Foor Children most plon skoteyies ia Grd $ problem sole ced win the game Another important center that shod ke included io this Ust 6 @ Wonting Center, Seb upon emiranment that Sipprts cod mohuales ueriting, Rowide Uuching matewats to all of gov leoming canters. Gree uniting becomes statlishes ty the dossroom, ype! find that WC cores der inte o venely of ackuihes . Memo pads, Notepads, Ond stahorery plotas ic manipwehie, Liming or ort oreny Con rans form the cchuities children hpically enapge inthere These writing motertals AMOS children fe Geate thee Clun Ochuitis God ploy Kenaccos , rein foang the innpeccoat messoge thd there or mony uses for Lorting 3.2.0) Be anchor chart is @ tock used to Supper inttnchion As you teach o Lesson, \yoo create a chart, tayether ith gai shunts thal caphars the mest Aenpoctont Content ond telvant state ges Archer chorts bik a cultwe of Ltereey is the clossrocm bby making thiking ~ both the Jencter's cad shadente! — sible, Here ore a feo WES to get the most kong fr yo buck = Brehor chods= maximon enepagement: Shen shdants ore Snychea in the Peces of Gecting Lecwang eds, Hey eve wore Likely fo Comprehed more dap Crd remember tree Of tiked they lecin. Recher cherts drag Comechions Wah the taal ssn = Bring Lessors te Life: if you ore Stusiging a top thet Lends ihe pcheularly Well too! usual alt, coaste On crchor chert! Ef you ore Shidiing plosts, draw a Qicsk Plows end Glo CM the pacts Gahile yas Hach abou them = Soppor inakpertent wok: onchor chods provide shideds With @ sauce te reference shen, Guccking Oh thee Ouan. They Pot Oly supped Siudents, bud they also sexe teaches fom hong, to Spore classreom hme going Our concepts mullple Himes = Geote o Ubtory of reference materials: to help shuknts Keep afarrehos slreught (8 math, you cond crente OF for Gometic Shapes the difference, be hun Pedmeter Gnd aren, how te molhiply and dinse fiochons ete |= Reinforce classroom preceases: praise Sshuamts Guth 0. Lisuall fo ferind them Of roubnes that males your Classreom in sneothly Bef Aiy Hem in shores Uinting: made how fo Uncle On inhratachon, | Me Gorts of o Latter, ood the prope Use Of grammar such 6s quolake. ea Pranks, Commas, ete. = Use them os G companion te tecd-clouss: Greate 6 Pt Stop te make ‘cbstriations. ask gestions, take noks of ste Preictions. i nts OF mete 3.2 b\Ne dslikes anche chats become of thee Shaterts leowr i af €S eacches, HOSES KAS ie Sbrecdly Qeatnate, ferent ways, prety does'( mole lagcning happen, Uf co: astro! we Ta my Opinion 3 nck blak of ue ie have gray fo MSe Qrcher charts, bat oot OU. them. As he soys:!shuderts learn in different Wwoeg!, Se maybe Gre of these Gaus lenaing Widh oncher charts: So why Shoda We eLimate then? We hove 16 fist a miageint Yank ue con 3 FA lemening caironmert 6 0. diverse plotfem where Users engge Gnd interact te oon mens) sells Lume lebenes coin eown in Gr array Of sebinge the Lan veers to De Mex pelemms Grd occumte Altecratie tote Aroctionol classrcom. The term does wnot poss On a traditional oc Gmnited comatation Sch as room full of desis ot chalkboard, Devdopeg an enaging and guste learning eotirenment for leerres Speciclly a O particular course, 6 Gre Of the mest create aspects a) teaching. Typeaity, te focus 1s either on the physical lanraing eauroments Uke leckwe theaters Casrems & Labs, cx on. different technalages thot ore Used fe aedep calire Lonung environments, However, the learning eriromment is an expression thal i «let broods than these components. The term comprises of = Lecenees! chaclershes. = Leatning ane fadeing gents = Retities thot Sopport learning = Assessment sholeges Cot due ont menswe lamang = A culture thot directly infuses a Leaning enviranment Bel The Gorey ques yoo ay eces fo a huge range of arasenic cues = GOAL SelectEr Cf Fal, elchOre Grad dgrlal Sues thal yoo Gon'l find jut Searching online - GUL of which ore verhes, pric fix, ard reody fy Lue free of Chonge And Gon" forget the Ubrary's Sxret weapon Gbranans ore dhare to help yor Red oppropinte reseuces tb Lhe Ulery ond on the work 3.4)6)The Maulhilinquol Universal Decimol Clossi(cation Summary vepssents 0. Sclechon of orgud 2600 classes extracts from de ODC Master Referens Fle 2044 wahith COrtein Fecee clastes. “The selachon cOmpiies main qumbes, Commor [ susillog nombss OW spreol anriWiany numbers ond iC gpecnks een Gouge] SOUL oFeds Of Krawledgp OS Centciines by fhe sheme LOC yetalea Grneally dnd [URC Suimrany repeats clivay the lahat yesigh e( UBC. 5 ColegioCisneros Alter Tre DC Summary is hela in a muhlinguod dobabase thal micrors fhe Sfruchoe of the UDC MRF salakase Gnd In Chat tespact cepuonts (he full Set el dota Cra con be used OS 0 UDC demohater fo rasan, resaich, wrow infomation Sigpnizerion Sed relneval poxpoics TR plos fo the UDC Sommony Us Uist & inclodes Konslahos te os Prony lergucces G8 posible and mapping 48 Gther Knauleage & Ganiaalion Systems che Bhat ths dota 6 mage auailoble for Fee in Ueoer Slondoe fo inats Since 20-4, UDC Surmaiy has been avaulable os linked dota from hip ukkdala. info) The enrichment of the ginal dala Sel with Langucgie Ona Prepping: Sepads on voluntony input From wie Commouhes wcll uide \._ Googe Scholar preuses 6 simple Way to broodly semen for shclorly terature Fram one places yeu Cam senrch acres many disciplines and sources @chebes, theses, backs, alishacts ond court op uidis) from academe publishes pejsiod Soeehies, Online repcshtores, Uniesthes Ond other usb mks. Googe Schlor helps yee Kora relevant usik ocross the U0 Id of Scholary research Grose Scholar has several adkantages = Seqvch AMC scholary Gkchue from Ore Gneueat place = Erdlore relates UcxkS, citation, author and pblicahens, = lscete Whe complete document throgh gar Llbmay oF oF the Une Keep op sith resent developments i Gry ores Of reseeucn = Check tuhals Ging yor pibuahoss, create © pike autho: proble Hoae, UF hes some Limtobos too: = Sjou con't occtess OU the information + Th incluses dirty dota = Tk may vot lest = EL won't allo Asct{ Go ee enprousct ogee = TU oly peas @ hans Kind of Eholorly, inpoct 35.0) UN's bags, Fest, wile defining exactly whak is a Coho Fe rescore. purges Ye icon think of a tobe os @ speafcally shied reference thot pats fo He Gigunol souce of a geen piece of information Ord cous resders Of yor wok ta find wakes Shek infamohon Cowes Citations hase Neo clistinch pos dhol Look tagelher: Phe full chaos ona ere inchext ciation The bull catahos i Where you pide ll the mbamohon needed fo Wenh{y vahet the source is Gnd shee ta fos it. The full citation is locates in Ore Of hoo! ploces ak the end of a document, in whol is hpcalli, cates Tobliogophy, teferne Lat or Woks ced schon; OF if & fared ol Me ballon of poge a8 a faotncle. “The secens port of o citahor & the n-Sert citarhon jwhich Me is the notadon Qeu Use Within Phe bed Of gar Cunhng These ton be either pofedtetcal [eretion F Hhate dan Be a | nalmbel eprasponsg feat foctmoles BS b) Eahons que creat ty the Worle of other thet qou've uses Th ohe woes, You ore cxciaing plagacsm by Showg Whol t nal gor cagrel WoK. Gkotio Ssccease the creailsliby of you Work by backing wp your chums Guth eviterce they demonshale hed You indeed da you mesech Cabins also shaw ieoiders hot Lind of nfomertion youl uscd Gnd where they con find Cf they cont by demere veseach on Chair Gun. Final o sthelory cenvenation Lehacen \yasicl| Gal the othe recorches thal you bre chag by wemanstoking hous uur Gals Use buls oper. qlestions conics, ond em canktenicls Gre Gols of others ahons dUow you, tte iter, to pocicspole in you reed to cite dni, dens of othes that you how ether directly goka, Pecciphrased oF hove wierd in Some cthar mamer within oor uusiting oe presentation. Jou. Wit cbse need fe Cle ron tonkin types of Weiks thal you hove wed f they ce Creates by Someone else) Such as deta oe images. Plane note thot whes Yee Using Imoggs yo may also need fe Hunk about cepymeht, Wich 6 a Seperate sssie from cthahors. You doo" neeat to ctle something that (s Consiceres geneicl OF carmen Knowlaige, Which S someting Hal Uscd be Kron by the Gewel public, such ay. the Garth tevalves axausd the Suv BSC) Where Gre mony differed Mahon skls, bi veapales of haw ecen style ffers, ALL cao attempt fy camaier He who, Whol, when and here about & guen Souce Who refers fo he Wrote o Creches She Scuce, medning the eadhos, edites, Gther creators) such Os @ grotayapher, “UUhaL 6 the infs mation Saxce caller?" refers te the title Of the Saxce, whether dd be o book ile orticle Kile, 0¢ 0. ueb page “When np Gealed?” would hpealiy tele to the pibbicetion wate, bd could, in the case 0) O Weed page, Ther te the “Last reusea? ete Mod, finally, “Whe is the infecmation saxce fand?'s fer cx cchele, Huis could be a garnat, neaspags oF a magne HHe 6s VelLas valume GF le number Cae pOgE rombes. Fox © beck, His Scud bbe the publisher nome ond Loukas; ona fe c Ud page, the URL, ©) Sevith, 3D. Goon). Reseach ethics » Mew Fabra A short qude Rode. Press 1B) Smith, TD 2 Khan, V. (2088) Research ethics in Wau) Roland. 0 shicent quate. Rake Ress | ©) Smith, J.D. 2008 Fens in dsccanse cralysis. Th G. Schyocts £ UN. Oven, (Eds\, Reacdings ih qualitahie reecach obsign. (pp. 43-58). Rota Press. 1D) Smith, J.D. a0. Méor voices Approaches to blingol research. Tarra of Aackme Methcoblanies, a8 8), 7 = 28 1) Massey University Crd’ Abzad [Racdoock pagel. Facebcci. Rehieves Taaiary 8, 2020, hs Pusu, fscueaok. com /pyfmauayyine itylobawl ie = page internal BIN Gatgeiveins,| 1: (Cosecter\. C200. Ah ndahveniant edh Ci |Usnintente | Prater: Prasschons; Portcigant, Preachers | Bidet } |

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