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A one-page adventure for heroes level 5-6

scott malthouse

A foul fog creeps over Beyonne, devoted to Gofannon, featuring a large

Benwick. As the fog rolls over grave statue of the muscle-bound god
and tomb the dead return with a working at his divine anvil. Robed
hunger that can be only sated with priests are carrying out daily prayers,
human flesh. This can only be the but upon seeing the heroes they reveal
work of scheming Red Magisters who themselves as Red Magisters (one per
seek to deal as much harm to King two PC’s). Knowing of the horn’s
Ban’s realm as possible. legend (but not how to access the
tunnels) they have infiltrated
Getting the PC’s involved Greychester.
Inga, the court cunning woman, speaks
of a legendary golden horn in the Finding the tunnels
ancient tunnels beneath Greychester. A The statue is missing one element: a
Regular Magic Knowledge or History blade to forge. It appears Gofannon is
roll reveals the horn belonged to a long striking at nothing (a Simple Religion
dead band of warriors whose spirits check reveals this to be very odd). The
are said to haunt the tunnels. Blowing stained glass window shows the same
the horn will cause the fog to dissipate image but with a sword on the anvil.
and the revenants to return to the Placing any sword on the stone god’s
earth. Begin the scenario in medias res, anvil will cause the statue to move
with the heroes facing one revenant backwards, revealing stairs to the pitch
per PC in the fog, panic erupting black tunnels.
around the city streets.
Navigating the Tunnels
The road to Greychester The air down here feels thicker, owing
The town lies half a day’s ride from to the concentration of magic from the
Beyonne. The outlaw group The otherwordly beings here. The tunnels
Oaken Guard prowl the road (two per are long and twisted, making it easy to
PC, use brigand stats), looking get lost. Finding the room of the
specifically for magical artefacts. Their Golden Horn requires three
leader, Gregoria, is known as the she- consecutive successful Survival checks,
wolf of the northern road (Tough Simple, Regular and Tough. Only one
History check). She’s proud but should leading PC can make this roll. A failure
her men be slain there’s a good chance results in 2 hours exploration an a d4
she may offer to help the heroes. She roll on the events table below. If all
carries a sapphire ring that increases events have taken place the PC’s
her AP by 2. stumble on the final room.

Entering Greychester 1. Bubbling fountain: Two trooping

Greychester is a small walled town fairies per PC dance around a stone
whose banner depicts a roaring bear’s fountain imploring the PC’s to drink
head. Sir Benedict, the local landowner, for great wisdom. The water ages the
has ordered a full lockdown after drinker to 80 years-old for a day,
hearing news of the mayhem in increasing Mind by 2 and reducing
Beyonne. The three guards can be dealt Might by 2.
with diplomatically (Tough Persuasion) 2. Burial chamber: One leaneshe
or intimidated (Regular Intimidate). per PC awaits in the shadows to strike.
Crossing their palms with 10gp 3. Collapsing floor: The ground
reduces the check difficulty by one crumbles. Regular Acrobatics to avoid
step. Failure to gan entry may mean falling 20ft into a watery pit filled with
having to scale the walls (Regular 10 adders.
Athletics) or don disguises. As night 4. Sleeping ogre: Must not be
falls three new guards take up their disturbed, requiring Stealth checks.
station. Angry if woken.

Chapel of Gofannon the Golden Horn

Local lore states that the tunnel is The horn hangs from an ancient statue
found beneath the western chapel of Morrigan A group of ghostly
(Regular Magic Knowledge or History Slaugh warriors guard the horn (one
check, or a local might let them know per PC). The leader has +4AP and +1
without a check). The chapel is damage.

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