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Anomalous Investigations

The Weird World............................................1
Rules Reference............................................2
The Panic Table........................................ 3 The Weird World
Character Creation.........................................4
Classes................................................ 6 I. There are many worlds, worlds that intrude upon the
Custom Character Classes............................... 7 safe borders of our familiar universe. Where these
other worlds intersect ours, the normal rules no
Skills.....................................................8 longer apply. The laws of physics change, people and
Altered Abilities.........................................10 animals gain strange abilities, and objects are imbued
with lingering effects.
Missions and Downtime.....................................12
Field Requisitions.................................... 12 II. The Federal Bureau of Anomalies investigates,
Political Capital.........................................14 contains, and secures paranormal objects, people, and
locations. Internally the FBA is simply known as “The
Paperwork.................................................16 Bureau”—Externally it is not known at all. Under cover
Security Clearance and Licenses...........................17 of secrecy and layers of government bureaucracy, the
Bureau keeps the population safe from dangerous and
Security Clearance.................................... 17
bizarre paranormal threats.
Licenses.............................................. 17
Equipment and Standard Loadouts...........................18 III. Others—academics, journalists, investigators—work
independently from the Bureau, most often because they
Weapons............................................... 19 had a brush with the paranormal themselves.
Armor and Personal Protective Equipment............... 19
IV. You may work for the Bureau, whether as a field
Scientific Equipment................................... 19 agent sent to investigate anomalies, a scientist
Tools................................................. 20 researching them, or a ranger sent to neutralize
Esoteric Equipment.................................... 20 aggressive threats. Or, you carry out investigations
outside the organization, perhaps even finding yourself
Vehicles.............................................. 21 in the Bureau’s sights. You may even be Altered—
Special Assets........................................ 21 changed by an anomalous event and given strange
Anomalous Assets...................................... 21
Running an Investigation..................................22 Whatever your role, you have seen a glimpse of the
Investigation Results................................. 23 true nature of reality, and there is no going back.

The Setting...............................................24
Memorandum on Bureau Operations 201-4A................ 24
Hatzlinger-Boroff Theory.............................. 25
Anomalies and Paranormal Threats..........................26
The Bureau................................................28
F.B.A Org Chart....................................... 30
Working for the Bureau....................................31 Created By: Elliot Norwood, Octopus Ink Games
The Unit.............................................. 31
Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games. For
Character Sheet...........................................32 additional information, visit or


Anomalous Investigations uses the rules from the Mothership RPG Each player should have access to the following:
system. Refer to the Mothership Player’s Survival Guide for
general rules and how to play using the Panic Engine system. Two d10 dice, or one set of d100 percentile dice for Skill and
Stat checks.
This book details rules that differ from those found in the
Mothership RPG. In particular these are: One d20 die for Panic and Investigation rolls.

Character Classes (pg. 6-7): 5 new classes are presented here, A character sheet (found at the end of this book or available
along with rules for making a custom class. for separate download) and something to write with.

Skills (pg. 8-9): New skill rules for a “flat” skill list.

Altered Abilities (pg. 10-11): Rules for characters with

paranormal abilities.

Mission Downtime (pg. 12-13): Actions characters can take

between missions to recover and grow.

Political Capital (pg. 14-15): The currency of favors and

Bureau approval used by agents.

Paperwork (pg. 16-17): Working for the Bureau is not all weird
portals and monsters. Some aspects of the job are truly

Equipment and Equipment Rules (pg. 18-21): How to acquire it

and what it does.

Running an Investigation (pg. 22-23): Tips for running an

investigation mission, and rules for progressing a case.

2 3
Character Creation

1. Roll Stats 4. Roll Health per Wound

You have four Stats: Strength, Speed, Intellect and Combat, Classes begin with a certain number of Wounds. When they are
which represent how well you act under extreme pressure. gone, you die. Each Wound has a certain amount of Health,
Roll 2 ten-sided dice (2d10), add them together, then add which is how much Damage it can sustain before it’s lost.
20. Record the results for each Stat. Roll 1d10+10 for how much Health Per Wound you have and mark
it on your sheet.
2. Roll Saves
5. Gain Stress
Your three Saves are Sanity, Fear and Body, representing how
resistant and reactive you are to different kinds of trauma Your current Stress and Minimum Stress both start at 2.
and danger. Roll 2 ten-sided dice (2d10), add them together,
then add 10. Record the results for each Save. 6. Note your Trauma Response

3. Choose your class Each class deals with Stress and Panic differently, which
comes into play later in the game. Mark your Trauma Response
There are five classes associated with Bureau operations. for future reference.
Additionally there is a ‘generic’ class option with some
more customization presented later in these rules, which can 7. Choose Skills
be used to create your own investigator. Classes have bonus
or penalties to Stats and Saves that will modify your base Each class starts with relevant Skills, which help
results. Additionally, they list a Trauma Effect, or how characters perform better at different challenges. Some of
your character reacts in stressful situations, and starting these skills are up to you to choose.
8. Description
If you like, you can use the trauma responses from the
Mark name, pronouns, and any other description you like. You
Mothership RPG Marine, Scientist and Teamster for the
are now ready to deploy on your first mission, agent.
Ranger, Specialist, and Union classes respectively.

Field Agent Detectives and investigators, the first in the
field to detect and assess new anomalous events.
Ranger Heavily armed response for hostile anomalous
threats. Also tasked with extra-dimensional
exploratory missions.
Specialist Scientists, technicians, and researchers of
Union General Bureau staff: administrators, research
assistants, emergency services, guards,
containment staff, and custodial.
Altered Anomalous humans, with an ongoing influence from
an anomaly, but stable enough to be employed in
service of Bureau operations.

4 5
Classes Custom Character Classes

If playing an investigative game without using the assumed

Field Agent setting presented later in this book, or otherwise wish to create
STATS/SAVES SKILLS an investigator outside the classes provided here, use these
+5 Intellect Firearms (Trained) rules to build a custom character class.
+5 Combat Investigation (Expert)
1. Name your class or profession (eg. journalist, doctor,
+15 Sanity Save 2 Trained Skills historian).
+15 Fear Save
2. Distribute +15 points to Stats and +30 points to Saves,
Trauma Response: When you make a Fear Save in close range to however you want, in increments of 5.
another Unit member, you get [+] on the save.
3. Choose: +15 additional points to Stats or Saves OR +1 Wound
STATS/SAVES SKILLS 4. Roll or choose from the Custom Trauma Response table, or pick
+10 Combat Firearms (Expert) a Trauma response from another class or Mothership class.
+10 Body Save Wilderness Survival (Trained) 5. Choose 4 skills at trained level, or 2 at trained level and
+20 Fear Save Athletics (Trained) 1 skill at expert level, or 1 skill at master level and 1
+1 Wound 1 Specialization or 2 Trained skill at trained level. Remember you can work with the
Director to make up new skills, if something would better fit
Trauma Response: Once per session when you Panic, you can your class idea than what is on the list.
choose to take 2 stress instead.
1 Hardy. 1/session gain [+] on a Body save or Strength check.
2 Bold. 1/session gain [+] on a Fear save or Speed check.
+10 Intellect 1 Non-combat Master Skill
+5 To 1 Stat 1 Specialization 3 Focused. 1/session gain [+] on a Sanity save or Int check.
+30 Sanity Save 2 Trained Skills 4 Lucky. 1/Session you can transpose the result of any d100 roll (ie 72 ->
5 Gifted. You have [+] on checks to your highest Stat.
Trauma Response: Whenever you fail a Fear or Body save gain 1
extra stress. Whenever you fail a Sanity save, lose 1 stress. 6 Flawed. You have [-] on checks to your lowest Stat.

Union 7 Weak. You have [-] on Body Saves.

8 Cowardly. You have [-] on Fear saves.

9 Unstable. You have [-] on Sanity saves.
+5 to all Stats 3 Non-combat Trained Skill
10 Anxious. Gain 2 Stress instead of 1 on a failed Stat check or Save.
+10 to all Saves 1 Expert Skill or 1 Specialization
11 Terrified. When you fail a Fear save, make a Panic check.
Trauma Response: You may choose to gain advantage on a Body 12 Nervous. When a close player makes a Fear save, make a Fear save at [-].
save, if you also gain disadvantage on your next Fear or Sanity
13 Credulous. When a close player makes a Sanity save, make a Sanity save at
14 Clumsy. [-] on Strength checks.
15 Unwary. [-] on Speed checks.
16 Incurious. [-] on Int checks.
+15 to one Stat 2 Trained Skills
+20 to Fear Saves Altered Ability (pg. 10) 17 Pacifist. [-] on Combat checks.

-10 to Sanity Save 18 Hemophobe. When a close player gains a Wound, make a Panic check.

Trauma Response: While your stress is 10 or higher, your 19 Indecisive. The first time you roll each of save in a session, it is at
Touched ability manifests out of your control whenever you fail 20 Panicky. The first time you panic in a session, take disadvantage on the
a save. roll.
6 7
Skills represent the knowledge and training of agents and
investigators. When you make a Stat Check or Save and have a ART PALEONTOLOGY
skill that would apply to the situation, you add a skill bonus ATHLETICS INVESTIGATION
to the Stat or Save.
Each Skill has three levels of expertise: HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT FORENSICS
For example, if you have the Forensics skill at Trained level,
and make a Stat check using Intelligence, you would add +10 to BIOLOGY JURY-RIGGING
your Intelligence score and try to roll d100 under the total. APPLIED ESOTERICS ESPIONAGE
There are also Specializations that can modify existing skills.
Specializations are a niche, more in depth field of study. To LAW ACCOUNTING
learn a Specialization, you must have at least Expert level in CHEMISTRY APPLIED ESOTERICS
the prerequisite skill. When you gain a Specialization, you add ENGINEERING
an additional +5 bonus to any roll where the Specialization
applies (adding to the prerequisite skill). The +5 bonus only ENGINEERING SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE
applies once per roll, even if you know multiple Specializations EXPLOSIVES MEDICINE
for one skill. PHARMACY PHARMACY
For example, a character has the Hand-to-hand Specialization for COMPUTERS SURGERY
the Athletics Skill. In a fight, they can add +15 (Skill bonus) APPLIED ESOTERICS MILITARY TRAINING
and +5 (Specialization bonus) to their Combat Stat, for a total HACKING ASTRONAUT TRAINING
of +20.
Sometimes Specializations are listed under multiple skills. You DISGUISE EXPLOSIVES
only learn a Specialization once, but if you reach expert level ESPIONAGE TACTICS
with a new Skill that has a Specialization you already know, you
automatically gain the Specialization for that Skill as well.
Skills are meant to be open-ended. A non-exhaustive list is ARMORED VEHICLES ENGINEERING
provided here, but players should feel free to work with the
Director to make up new ones. Likewise, for new Specializations, WATERCRAFT PSYCHOLOGY
discuss what its prerequisite skill(s) should be or make up a ELECTRONICS CRIMINOLOGY
8 9
— You can use hypnotic control on other people, making them obey
your will, but only if you maintain constant eye contact with
them. Even blinking may break the connection, and they will
recognize the manipulation.

— People forget you completely as soon as they stop speaking

Altered Abilities with or directly interacting with you, only remembering you
again if you interact with them further. Unfortunately this
Altered abilities are paranormal abilities granted to those who applies to your teammates as well. Animals are not subject to
are Altered, (ie. Human Anomalous Entities), or who have bonded this effect—in fact they are drawn to and agitated by you.
with an Anomalous object (Odd). These are paranormal ‘quirks’
— You can teleport short distances (under 50 feet), but only
that grant some special power to the altered person, though they
exactly due North.
often also have a drawback or unintended side effect.
— You have telekinesis that can affect objects up to 50 pounds,
Altered can always manifest their given ability, though using it
but only that are entirely comprised of organic material.
to accomplish a risky task still requires a Stat Check or Save.
Additionally, blatant use of paranormal powers is a good way to — You can breathe underwater by taking water into your lungs.
draw attention to yourself. If you are Altered, using your When you reemerge to the surface you are subjected to several
ability does not grant a bonus to your roll, but it does allow minutes of horrible coughing as you expel the water, and can
you to do something beyond normal human capability. do little else.
Critical rolls on a Stat Check or Save involving paranormal — You can see anomalous effects and traces as a colorful aura,
abilities means something exceptional and powerful happens and are drawn to them as a moth to a flame.
related to your ability—good or bad.
— You can choose to speak in radio waves, broadcasting to any
Altered who are cleared for field work by the Bureau only ever receivers within a mile over a wide band of frequencies. This
have one Altered ability. Those rare people that have more than cannot be directed, it issues from you in all directions in
one ability, or are more powerful, are usually proportionally that range.
unstable (mentally or physically) and the Bureau would not employ
them for typical field operations even if they were. — You can glow in the dark, providing sufficient light to see in
darkness. Your entire body glows when you do so.
The following list of abilities is not comprehensive. Work with
the Director to add another if you would like something not on — You can turn invisible, including your clothes and carried
this list. Altered abilities should be a strange, usually niche items, but cannot see while you do so.
effect, and have some kind of downside or quirky limitation.
— You can choose to gain a moment of unnatural luck, succeeding
Example Altered Abilities: at a task despite unlikely odds. Your luck immediately turns
for the next thing you do, causing failure.
— You can walk through up to 10 feet of solid matter, but your
clothes and other worn or carried items do not follow you. — You can heat your hands to high temperatures, easily high
enough to start fires. They take a while to heat and cool back
— You can dematerialize into a flying swarm of dust or particles. down, like an electric stove.
Extremely vulnerable to wind. It takes at least 15 minutes to
re-form. — Your physical form swells, giving you great strength and
bestial features such as sharp teeth and claws. A mighty,
— You are exceptionally good at visual pattern recognition, can almost uncontrollable hunger accompanies this transformation
see camouflaged people, creatures, and objects easily and and must be sated to fuel it for long.
track movement at great distance. However, viewing right-
angles and other artificially constructed patterns gives you — Anything mechanical loves you, you have a knack for making
a searing headache. such things work: older cars, machines, etc. Anything
electronic hates you, and always glitches out: computers,
— You can connect to and process wireless data sources (wifi, smartphones, etc.
telecomms, satellite, etc.) in your mind as easily as reading
a book, but the wash of data is hugely distracting from your
physical senses when you do so.
10 11
Seek Treatment. The Bureau retains specialist psychiatric and
esoteric therapists. Take this activity 3 times to remove a
permanent condition. Of course, all treatment is recorded in
your Bureau file.

Get Medical Care. Take advantage of Bureau medical staff to

Missions and Downtime recover from physical harm. You regain 1 Wound for each time
you take this activity. When you have healed all wounds, you
Play is organized into Missions and Downtime. Units are often can take this activity again to regain your maximum hit points.
handed missions through the Bureau, but also have some
Train a New Skill. Bureau training programs are provided to
discretion as to their operations. They may uncover information
improve staff effectiveness. Take this activity 5 times to
during a mission that requires further action as later
learn a new skill at Trained level, 10 to improve a skill to
missions, and Units are generally expected to handle any
Expert level or gain a Specialization, or 15 to improve a skill
operations that require follow up.
to Master level. The Director may limit the total number of new
Whatever way a Unit acquires a mission, they next prepare by skills you can learn.
gathering resources they expect they will need, then deploying
Work on a Project. The Bureau encourages personal projects
to the location of suspected anomalous activity.
related to the job (within reason). Of course, the results of
After a mission is complete, the Unit debriefs, reporting their all such projects are subject to Bureau containment and
mission status to the Bureau and adding up any Political classification protocols. Work with the Director to state what
Capital (pg.14) they might have received. Each mission also you want to accomplish and how many downtime activities it will
generates Paperwork (pg.16) that must be dealt with. require to complete.

Make Outside Connections. It is often useful to build

In between missions, each Unit relationships with those outside the Bureau. You gather
Field Requisitions
member has downtime to rest information or gain a useful personnel asset for the next
and recover. Each player has mission. Careful, if your connection learns about Anomalies or
Sometimes agents will need a time to take two downtime the Bureau it’s going to mean more Paperwork.
particular asset during the activities between missions,
course of an investigation. then it is back to work. Units Gain Political Capital. If you have nothing better to do with
They can make a field can test Political Capital your time off you could always schmooze your superiors (or try
requisition to the Bureau to once per downtime to gain one to clear your maligned reputation). Gain +5 Political Capital
obtain the asset, generating extra downtime activity. per downtime activity. You can only do this activity when your
+1 Paperwork for the current Downtime activities are Political Capital is 25 or lower (no one likes a suck up).
mission. Once a Field assumed to require a
Requisition is made, any significant amount of time to Requisition an Asset. Make a Political Capital test. On a
future requisitions will complete, so you don’t have success you gain access to a special asset for the next mission
require a Political Capital time to carry out a downtime (see special assets table pg. 21). If the requested asset is an
check as well as generating activity while on a case. Anomaly, make the check with [-].
extra Paperwork.
The following are activities File Paperwork. Paperwork in the Bureau is endless, but taken
Some assets can be delivered that can be done during very seriously. The Bureau frowns on uncompleted paperwork.
almost immediately. Others, downtime: Clear one unit of paperwork per downtime activity taken.
such as deploying special
equipment to a remote area, Relieve Stress. Blow off Request Information. Bureau Units are kept as separate cells as
will take some time to arrive. steam, reinforce bonds with accumulation of too much esoteric knowledge is dangerous (both
friends or family, relax. Make operationally and inherently—some ideas can literally change
While the Bureau’s resources a Sanity save. On a success, your mind). Bureau institutional knowledge, case reports, and
are considerable, they are not roll 1d10 and convert that research is kept in a secure library. Agents wishing to try and
unlimited. At the Director’s many points of Stress into correlate institutional knowledge to a current case have to
discretion, there may be no points of Sanity, Fear, or make a special request. Test Political Capital with [+]. On a
further support forthcoming. Body saves. On a failure only success you are given the information you seek, if the Bureau
reduce stress by the result. has it (if not, you do not lose any Political Capital from this
12 13
After each mission the unit gains (or loses) an amount of
Political Capital based on the results and actions taken during
the mission. A general rule for PC gain or loss are the

Mission Success: +10 PC

Political Capital
Minimal collateral damage or attention: +5 PC
Bureau operations are funded out of black book budgets—agents No loss of Bureau agents or major assets: +5 PC
don’t need to worry about raising or tracking funds for
operations. Likewise, any standard equipment needed for a Mission Failure: -10 PC
Mission is provided if it is reasonable for the mission profile
(firearms, communications, research devices, etc.). Collateral damage or Bureau exposure: -5 PC

However, that doesn’t mean there are unlimited resources for Loss of Bureau agents or major assets: -5 PC
any given operation. The Bureau values secrecy above all, but
secrecy is a double-edged sword when it comes to funding. Black Negligence or insubordination: -5 PC
book budgets dry up and get reshuffled, or government
representatives unaware of the Bureau start to ask too many Political Capital can go into the negative, meaning you have
questions, plus the day to day containment and cover up harmed your reputation within the Bureau. While your Unit’s
operations of anomalies consume a considerable amount of Bureau Political Capital score is negative, no one can test Political
resources. The Bureau is a bureaucracy at the end of the day, Capital until it is positive again. If Political Capital ever
and expenses must be justified (and submitted in triplicate). reaches -100, your Unit is re-organized, and all members are
sent to another Unit or job in the Bureau (usually light desk
Instead of money, each Unit has a special attribute called work where the agency can keep an eye on them). Everyone must
Political Capital, which represents the good will of the Bureau create new characters in a new Unit (unless the whole unit
toward the team. Political Capital has a maximum value of 100. decides to go rogue).
Whenever a situation calls for the use of Political Capital
(such as requesting a special asset, petitioning Bureau Of course, any Bureau agents that try to actively sabotage or
leadership, or requesting additional downtime) any Unit member work against the Bureau go beyond normal politics, and become a
can test the Political Capital score by rolling d100 under the hostile target which will be hunted down without prejudice.
attribute, with the following results:
Going Rogue
Critical Success: Your request is successful, and you do not
It has happened on occasion that Bureau staff attempt to
lower your Political Capital attribute.
leave the Bureau and operate independently. Rarer still,
Success: Your request is successful. Subtract your roll whole Units go rogue and begin operating according to their
result from your Political Capital attribute. own motivations. The reasoning may range anywhere from
disillusionment towards the Bureau, zealousness in a
Failure: Your request is a failure, but it does not affect particular mission against Bureau orders, or being ‘turned’
your Political Capital attribute. by an anomalous event and no longer acting in the Bureau’s
(or humanity’s) interests.
Critical Failure: Your request is a failure and you’ve hurt
your standing. Subtract the result from your Political Whatever the motivation, a rogue Unit is left without the
Capital attribute. considerable resources and support structure the Bureau
provides. They will have to gather resources independently,
and any cover personas will be burned. Furthermore, they will
become the target of other Bureau Units looking to contain or
neutralize them. Effectively, they will have become a new
Anomalous threat in the Bureau’s eyes.

14 15
Paperwork Security Clearance and Licenses

The Bureau is a bureaucracy, and that means lots of paperwork. Security Clearance
Detailed mission reports are critical for overall operations of
the agency. There is also a strict demand for accountability of Information and access in the Bureau is controlled by security
esoteric events and items. Some agents believe that because clearance levels. These may be assigned individually or in
they effectively cannot be fired, paperwork is used punitively groups. With Units, clearance is typically assigned equally to
for poor performing units. This is strictly a fabrication, and all Unit members. The clearance levels are:
not Bureau policy.
Level I: Minimum clearance level for the Bureau. Knowledge
Each completed mission generates one unit of Paperwork, plus of the general realities of the Weird World and Bureau
one for each of the following (making a mess of a mission operations.
requires a lot of explaining):
Level II: Standard clearance level for Unit operations
The mission failed working in the field to find and contain anomalies.
The Bureau was exposed or a civilian learned of Anomalies Level III: Clearance level for Unit Operation Heads, and
due to the actions of an agent mid-level Bureau operations.
There was significant collateral damage due to the actions of Level IV: High-level clearance for Bureau executives.
an agent
Level V: Bureau Director level clearance only, and those at
A Bureau special asset was destroyed or lost (two if an the discretion of the Director.
asset fell into hostile control)
You can attempt to access information up to your current
A Bureau agent was lost clearance level when you do a Request Information downtime
activity. Attempts to circumvent clearance restrictions can
Two if an Anomaly was created or released through the
result in loss of Political Capital, losing clearance levels,
actions of an agent
or other reprimands. Units gain clearance levels at the
Anything else at the Director’s discretion discretion of the Bureau executives.

Mission operations take precedence over paperwork, so it must

be completed in downtime in between missions. Paperwork is
shared by the Unit as a whole.

A Unit with outstanding paperwork has [-] on Political Capital Some equipment requires certain licenses in order to be used on
tests. A Unit with 20 or more Paperwork loses -5 Political missions, in order to demonstrate proficiency and safety of
Capital after each Downtime until the amount of Paperwork drops operation. This is represented by a character having a Skill at
below this number. at least Trained level or Specialization as listed in the item
description. An equivalent Skill or Specialization can be
substituted at the Director’s discretion.

16 17


Automatic Long 3d10 DMG 12 Gunshot Military
Equipment and Standard Loadouts Rifle Range
Combat Knife Adjacent 1d10 DMG N/A Bleeding

Flare Gun Long 1d5 DMG 2 Fire/ N/A Bright flare visible
The following are standard loadouts per class. You may swap out Range Explosion day and night from
equipment from the Equipment tables on a one-to-one basis, as Long Range
Grenade Close 1d5 1 Fire/ Military All adjacent must
long as you meet the license requirements.
Wounds Explosion Training Body save to avoid
Rifle Long 2d10 6 Gunshot Firearms
Equipment listed as a Special Asset (Special Assets, Anomalous Range
Assets, and some vehicles) require a Political Capital check to Sidearm Close 1d10 DMG 10 Gunshot Firearms
requisition (PC checks to request Anomalous assets have [-]). Shotgun Close 1 Wound 4 Gunshot Firearms 2d10 DMG at Long
Vehicles are requested separately from your normal loadout,
typically you can only request one or two vehicles at a time. Armor and Personal Protective Equipment

Field Agent: Altered:

— Sidearm — Backpack AET Ward Harness 4 Normal N/A Protects against esoteric energy
as an esoteric ward, with some
— Flashlight — Esoteric Ward physical protection.
Anti-Stab Vest 5 Normal N/A AP applies to Bleeding DMG only.
— Agency Badge — Anti-stab vest Gas Mask N/A Normal N/A Protects against airborne
chemicals and bio-hazards.
— Two additional items — Two additional items Restricts vision.
Hazmat Suit 2 Normal N/A Protects against bio-hazard and
of your choice of your choice chemical threats.
Kevlar Vest 5 Normal N/A Firearm protection.
Ranger: Union: Ranger Armor 7 [-] Military Special Ranger protective suit
Training that includes environmental and
esoteric protection.
— Automatic Rifle — Toolkit S.C.U.B.A. Gear 2 [-] S.C.U.B.A. 1 hour or oxygen for underwater
Training environments.
— Ranger Armor — Hardened Laptop Vacuum Suit 3 [-] Astronaut 1 hour oxygen for vacuum or
Training hazardous atmosphere.
— Radio Comms — First Aid Kit
Scientific Equipment
— Two additional items — Two additional items
of your choice of your choice
Specialist: Anomaly Field Scanner N/A Detects anomalous energy in Close range.

— Anomaly Field Portable Analysis Kit Biology, Analyzes samples with various tests.
Scanner Physics, or
— Sample Kit Sample Kit Biology, Full kit for taking scientific or medical
Chemistry, samples, including swabs, test tubes, and
— Portable Analysis Physics, or various chemical test strips.
Kit Sample Cold Storage N/A Plug-in or battery operated unit that
preserves samples as long as powered.
— Two additional items Battery lasts for 24 hours.
of your choice

18 19
Tools Vehicles


Backpack N/A Basic extra storage.
Rental Car N/A No Standard nondescript rental car.

Binoculars N/A 20x magnification. SUV N/A No Rental SUV with more capacity.
Body Cam N/A A camera worn on your clothing that can Boat Watercraft No Small boat rental.
stream video.
Camping Gear N/A Tent, sleeping, cooking, and lighting gear Armored Car Armored Yes Standard car or SUV modified with armored
for outdoor camping. Vehicles panels and windows.
Climbing Gear Athletics Rope. pitons, and other standard climbing Armored Personnel Armored Yes Heavily armored vehicle for troop
gear. Carrier Vehicles transport. Very conspicuous.
Cold Weather Gear N/A Heavy duty clothing for low temperature
Helicopter Aircraft Yes Small helicopter, holds up to 5 people.
First Aid Kit N/A Bandages and treatments for minor
Flares N/A Chemical lighting that can be seen Long Small Aircraft Aircraft Yes Small aircraft. Holds up to 5 people.
Rnage (if unobstructed) for 1 hour.
Flashlight N/A Standard battery powered lighting.
Warded Vehicle Applied Yes Experimental warded SUV. Protects all
Geiger Counter N/A Instrument for detecting radiation in Esoterics occupants as an esoteric ward.
close range.
Hacking Software Suite Hacking Specialized software suite for infiltrating
computer systems and networks. Gives [+] Special Assets
on Hacking checks, but can only be used
once per target.
Hardened Laptop N/A Bureau secured and encrypted laptop.

Lock Picks Jury-Rigging Tools used for unauthorized access to

physical locks. Explosives Military Grenades, plastic explosive, shaped
Night Vision Goggles N/A Allows for clear vision in the dark. Training, charges, etc. DMG tpyically 1d5 Wounds.
Radio Comms N/A Standard radio communication gear. Weapons
Typically handsets or shoulder radios. Heavy Weaponry Military Machine gun, flame thrower, rocket
Survival Gear N/A Water filtration and sterilization, high Training, launcher, etc. DMG typically 1d5 Wounds,
density shelf-stable rations, hand axe Heavy or other special effects.
(2d10 bleeding DMG), compass. Weapons
Toolkit N/A Drill, wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, Money N/A Large amounts of cash, large money
cutters, etc. transfer, bulk valuables, etc

Anomalous Assets
Esoteric Equipment


Class I ODD* Level I Low level Anomalous Object or Device
Containment Grid Applied Stationary powered grid used to contain
Clearance OR (ODD). Requires a Political Capital check
Esoterics esoteric entities in a 1 meter circle.
Applied to take as loadout.
Entities with 1 HIT or fewer cannot escape
the area. Other creatures can escape on a Class II ODD* Level II Mid level Anomalous Object or Device
successful check with their lowest Stat, Clearance (ODD). Requires a Political Capital check
but take 1d10 DMG (Fire). to take as loadout.
Esoteric Ward N/A Grows hot and vibrates in the presence of Class III ODD* Level III Mid level Anomalous Object or Device
Anomalous energy. If you would take damage Clearance (ODD). Requires a Political Capital check
from a paranormal effect, this prevents up to take as loadout.
to 3 DMG, then is destroyed. Class IV ODD* Level IV High level Anomalous Object or Device
Field Resonance Applied Stationary device. Typical field unit has Clearance (ODD). Requires a Political Capital check
Stabilizer Esoterics 10 meter radius. Inside this area, to take as loadout.
everyone has [+] on Saves against Class V ODD* Level V High level Anomalous Object or Device
paranormal effects. Clearance (ODD). Requires a Political Capital check
Shield N/A Experimental esoteric defense system. to take as loadout.
Provides 5 AP against one source of DMG of
your choice, once per mission. *ODD assets are left intentionally vague. Use the abilities from the Altered
Summoning Grid Applied Stationary powered grid used to attempt to ability list for inspiration on the powers an ODD can grant, especially for Class
Esoterics summon an esoteric entity. Each use adds I ODDs. Higher class ODDs should get exponentially more powerful abilities… and
+1 Paperwork when your mission ends. drawbacks. These should be used with caution.

20 21
Investigation Results
Running an Investigation

For Missions involving an investigation it’s important to allow 1. You gain the bare minimum information to proceed
them to run smoothly and not halt the game based on a poor dice after being stymied and hitting dead ends, and are
roll or failed check. To aid in this, there is a special check frustrated by your progress. Take 1d5 Stress.
called an Investigation roll.
2—5. You gain a brief amount of information needed to
When making an Investigation roll, the players always find proceed, such as an address, a name, or another small
enough information to proceed with the mystery or case. The clue that leads to a new scene. You also suffer a
roll determines the degree of success, and possible other complication: the target of your investigation or a
effects or complications. third party interferes in some way, slowing you down
or forcing you do deal with the new situation before
To make an investigation roll, one player present in a scene proceeding.
rolls a d20 die. Consult the Investigation Results table for
what happens. 6—10. You find most of what there is to learn, but not
everything. This may involve incomplete information or
A player may make a Stat check using a Skill to attempt to a minor complication.
modify the Investigation roll. The Skill must be relevant to
the scene and available clues. Any player in the scene may 11—15. You learn everything a competent investigator
attempt to use a Skill, but only one player once per scene may can learn about the scene.
do so to modify an Investigation roll.
16—19. You learn everything a competent investigator
If it fails, the Investigation roll is made with a -1 penalty can learn about the scene, plus put together something
(minimum 1), and the character takes Stress as normal. If it extra, such as a related story, rumor, or case file.
succeeds the Investigation roll is made with a +1 bonus and the
player may gain extra information related to their Skill check. 20. You learn everything a competent investigator can
learn about the scene, plus something extra. You also
Players can still use Skill checks in scenes as normal to delve too deep into the paranormal, connecting with
perform specific tasks, engage in combat, or similar. something beyond human knowledge or understanding.
Additionally, not every mission will require an investigation. Make a Panic check.
If your Unit is raiding a cultist compound or eliminating a FAE
invasion, you will likely not need an Investigation roll.

22 23
Hatzlinger-Boroff Theory

R. Hatzlinger, I. Boroff, et al

The Setting
After extensive Bureau research it has been determined that
human minds can influence the occurrence of anomalies.
The following is a description of the assumed setting for Specifically, as more people are exposed to the paranormal and
Anomalous Investigations, detailing the Bureau and its aware of the true nature of the world, the rates of anomalous
operations. Feel free to throw this out and use whatever occurrences increase exponentially. This has been demonstrated
setting and materials that work for you. in small scale experiments in redacted and redacted. Of course
results must be extrapolated from existing data, a larger scale
Memorandum on Bureau Operations 201-4A test may result in a runaway anomaly event.

Due to results of experimentation regarding human awareness on
the effects of anomalous activity (see Hatzlinger-Boroff Theory Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
FBA2304.123) the Executive committee is hereby enacting a Praesent viverra mattis justo vitae consectetur. Praesent
priority Bureau directive effective immediately. bibendum rutrum dolor eu molestie. Cras a metus vitae dolor
dictum ultrices. Duis varius mi ac odio vestibulum sagittis.
Anomalies must be destroyed or neutralized, securely contained,
Nunc arcu urna, varius nec viverra ac, gravida ut magna. Donec
or quarantined in place, in that order. Exceptions to this
vel justo eget purus vulputate porta. Phasellus neque ligula,
operational order can be made by executive-level Bureau
hendrerit a eros in, volutpat finibus nibh. In finibus sapien sit
amet quam elementum, a accumsan velit interdum. Sed congue
Whereas the wider public knowledge of anomalies may result in vehicula eleifend. Donec feugiat dui ullamcorper erat interdum,
cataclysmic dimensional incursions, the Bureau’s top priority ultricies facilisis felis auctor. Aenean eget tempus erat.
to hide the occurrences of the paranormal from wider public
Ut sollicitudin mi eget dignissim iaculis. Nunc vulputate
commodo velit in maximus. Ut sodales, velit ac dictum
The Bureau requires agents to carry out operations. Therefore fringilla, leo libero euismod est, quis dignissim purus libero
recruitment and staffing is a carefully balanced equation. The eu nisi. Integer imperdiet consequat est, sit amet consectetur
Bureau must run on as few members as possible, with departments mauris pulvinar vel. Ut vitae consequat risus. Vestibulum ante
split into cells so that no one team has too much anomalous ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
exposure. cubilia curae; Etiam id congue tortor, vitae eleifend nunc.
Quisque pretium ullamcorper rutrum. Aliquam vulputate gravida
Bureau agents frequently deal with civilians and uninitiated congue.
authorities in the course of an investigation which are exposed
to some degree to the paranormal. In most cases, once the Etiam rhoncus est eget magna sollicitudin, vel venenatis nibh
threat is over these people will forget or rationalize away auctor. Curabitur vulputate eleifend imperdiet. Nulla a magna
oddities as a defensive mechanism, and no further action is quis elit tincidunt euismod. Nullam a interdum lacus, ut tempus
needed. In the case of those who continue to pursue this massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
knowledge, the Bureau must evaluate options, including Vivamus id congue libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et
recruitment, surveillance, containment, or termination. magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Signed, eu nisi. Integer imperdiet consequat est, sit amet consectetur

mauris pulvinar vel. Ut vitae consequat risus. Vestibulum ante
Sebastian Mathisen, ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
cubilia curae; Etiam id congue tortor, vitae eleifend nunc.
Director, Federal Bureau of Anomalies Quisque pretium ullamcorper rutrum. Aliquam vulputate gravida
congue.em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vivamus id congue libero. Orci

24 25
Unfortunately, exposure to Anomalies extensive enough to
confer these effects usually have a detrimental effect on
the subject’s physical and/or mental health, leading to
unintended catastrophes. Even those who reach a stable
equilibrium with their new abilities are often confused and
Anomalies and Paranormal Threats panicked until Bureau agents can reach them. Those that lean
in to their new powers may be even more dangerous.

Paranormal events or entities (“Anomalies”) are the result of Foreign Anomalous Entity (FAE): FAE are any extra-
other dimensions protruding into ours and leaving lingering dimensional entities that can be considered some form of
traces. Bureau researchers have determined these intrusions may sentient being. This can range from beast-like creatures and
be caused for a number of reasons, including but not limited enormous monsters to hyper-intelligent or seemingly god-like
to: intense and concentrated bursts of energy (nuclear weapons, entities. They are, by their nature, extremely alien in
particle colliders), areas of massive traumatic loss of life, thought and behavior, and are often the most dangerous
intense emotional reactions from certain individuals, non-human threat Bureau agents will face. There are also entities
beings, application of esoteric theory (“spells”), and the extant in our universe with paranormal features, such as
intentional actions of extra-dimensional entities. extra-terrestrial beings, non-human hominids, and cryptids.
These have typically been influenced in some way by esoteric
The Bureau’s purpose is to investigate, contain, research, and effects, and are considered FAE, even if they live primarily
neutralize Anomalies that manifest in our world. These in our world.
Anomalies may take one of the following forms:
Applied Esoteric Theorems (AETs): A more abstract form of
Small Anomalous Zone (SAZ): Anomalous effects manifest in a Anomaly, AETs are the result of research and study in fields
small area, such as a single room, a house, a sports field, a such as esomathematics, esophysics, and parapsychology.
floor of a high rise, or a natural formation like a meadow or Unlike other Anomalies which are the result of extra-
cave. The effects are persistent throughout but contained dimensional intrusions, AETs can be brought about by the
within the area itself. Containment procedures are typically application of paranormal theories into practice, even by
to disable the anomalous effect with esoterics or brute normal humans. Such practices were once referred to as
force if possible, otherwise to quarantine and limit access. “spells” or “rituals”, but are now typically known as
A SAZ may also manifest as an inter-dimensional portal, applied esoteric theorems. In a modern context these are
allowing access between worlds. These have a sub-designation used to create devices made to protect from or contain
of SAZ-P. Anomalies. However, there are still known occurrences of
people using the “old ways” by those outside the Bureau.
Large Anomalous Zone (LAZ): As an SAZ, but over a much Such practices often require the physical and/or mental
larger area, such as the entirety of a small town, a large sacrifice of sentient beings, or carrying out esoteric
geographical feature like a desert or mountain, or a large rituals in locations of inter-dimensional resonance.
structure like an entire high rise or cathedral. Destruction
is typically not an option in the case of an LAZ, so instead Esoteric Organizations, Cults, and Individuals: While not
attempts are made to stabilize the region and quarantine it. necessarily anomalous or Altered themselves, there are
individuals, groups, and even large organizations outside of
Anomalous Object or Device (AOD aka “Odd”): Sometimes Bureau authority that have access to esoteric knowledge.
anomalous protrusions alter an inanimate object. These Some of these are Bureau counterparts in other parts of the
objects may begin manifesting paranormal effects on their world, or independent groups or individuals that for
own, or when manipulated by people. The effect is carried whatever reason the Bureau finds acceptable to leave alone in
with the Odd, even if removed from the point of origin. an uneasy truce. There are also groups and individuals with
People can sometimes bond with Odds, and are conferred knowledge of the hidden world that act against the interests
abilities from the object. These people become a form of of the Bureau or humanity itself. These try to remain hidden
Altered. Experimentation with creating Altered agents from in order to carry out their goals, and are the subject of
Odds is ongoing with only limited success. Bureau containment missions just as much as any Anomaly.
Oftentimes such individuals or cults have been contacted by
Human Anomalous Entity (HAE aka “Altered”): Humans that are a FAE and work to carry out its intentions, which left
changed from interaction with anomalous objects or areas are unchecked can result in a devastating incursion.
known as Altered. They begin manifesting paranormal
abilities that they may or may not be able to control.
26 27
Records: The knowledge repository of the Bureau, which
stores reports on operations, research, and history of
Anomalies or anything related to the Bureau. Restriction of
esoteric knowledge especially applies in this division, and
research librarians are divided into small, independent
The Bureau groups dealing in very limited subject matter. One reason
information retrieval takes so long is that cross-
referencing information is extremely difficult, and carefully
The headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Anomalies is housed controlled by this division. Librarian cells are almost as
in a nondescript office building in redacted. However, the suspicious of each other as they are to outside departments.
interior of the facility has several anomalous properties—
notably it is much more extensive on the interior than would Personnel: This division deals with all matters pertaining
seem physically possible from the outside. Whether FBA to Bureau staff, including recruitment, division assignment,
headquarters is an Anomaly of its own accord or as a result of and security clearance, as well as support operations such
the storage and containment of a multitude of other Anomalies as medical treatment, therapy, and training. Personnel also
is unknown, but the location is stable enough for FBA use. works closely with Containment in the matter of anomalous
entities, particularly HAEs.

Quartermaster: This small division provides and maintains

standard equipment for Bureau staff and operations. They
also manage requisitions for advanced assets, some of which
are stored in this division, while others are requested from

Executive: Bureau leadership, consisting of the director,

assistant director, and their support staff. Typically only
division heads interact with this division, and only the
assistant director and the director’s personal assistant may
interact with the director.
The Bureau is hierarchical in structure, led by the director
(currently Director redacted), under which is the assistant Maintenance: General upkeep of the Bureau headquarters,
director, and then various division heads. The following including custodial, repairs, and expansion. Though given
departments make up the Bureau: little credit or thought by most other staff, the
Maintenance division has extensive knowledge of Bureau
Operations: Bureau Units are self contained “cells” without
headquarters and its secrets.
cross contact to limit the scope of esoteric knowledge
bleed, but all report to a Unit handler, who then ultimately Institutional Knowledge: Storage of deceased agents’
answers to the head of Operations. Operations also works remains, such that their collective knowledge can be
closely with the Records division, who stores debriefings retrieved via esoteric means. Other divisions tend to steer
from missions. clear. Works closely with the Records division.
Research: This division is dedicated to the research of The FBA also maintains satellite offices in several major
Anomalies to better understand their properties and the populated areas under their sphere of influence to support field
nature of the paranormal universe in general. This is operations. However, some countries maintain their own
intended to better help Bureau agents secure and neutralize equivalent organizations, and the FBA has limited authority or
Anomalies, though frequently Bureau scientists have their access in these areas. In addition to field offices, the FBA
own agenda, including attempts to leverage Anomaly effects maintains several Anomaly containment sites, safe houses, front
for Bureau benefit. companies, and other facilities. However, due to the
requirement for secrecy and hidden operating budget, the Bureau
Containment: This division deals with the secure storage and
is often extremely limited in operational power or reach. Units
management of recovered Anomalies. It is thankless work that
frequently have to make due with their own ingenuity and
takes place deep in an extensively secured sector of Bureau
sometimes even outside resources.
headquarters, and Containment staff are often paranoid and
odd given their continual exposure to Anomalous artifacts
and entities.
28 29
F.B.A Org Chart

Working for the Bureau

Bureau agents are usually recruited from other government

agencies (including the military and law enforcement), the tech
Sebastian Mathisen sector, and private industry with relevant skills. The Bureau
is hesitant to expose people to esoteric knowledge, so staffing
DIRECTOR is highly selective. A common recruitment test is to send
potential new recruits (directed via their employer) to work on
Maximilian minor anomalous cases without reading them in on the full
Ludvik nature of the esoteric world. Other times, outsiders stumble
into the esoteric accidentally or intentionally. In such cases
To DIRECTOR the Bureau closely monitors the individual to determine if they
are suitable for employment or as an independent contact, or if
they are a threat that should be neutralized.

Once someone is inducted into the esoteric and the truth of the
Ilaria Jeffries Weird World, there is no going back.
ASST. DIRECTOR Attempts at selective memory removal for retired agents have
only met with disaster, so retired agents continue to be
closely monitored to prevent the unintentional release of
esoteric knowledge. Even in death, the Bureau takes possession
of the body as esoteric means can be used to extract knowledge
from deceased agents.

The Unit

The Bureau organizes many of its teams, including field

Violetta Thorn Stafford Leonard Ruskin Jia Wen operations teams, into small cells called Units. This is both
Jacobsen to provide good team cohesion and to limit the scope of
HEAD OF HEAD OF HEAD OF information any one team has. Most Units are made up of Field
OPERATIONS HEAD OF RECORDS CONTAINMENT Agents to carry out investigations, with Union workers and
RESEARCH Specialist scientists supporting them. While they typically
operate in tactical squads for severe threats, it’s not unusual
for a Ranger to be assigned to an investigative Unit to help in
field missions. The rarest Units are those that count an Altered
among their ranks.

If a member of a Unit is lost or retired, a new member may be

assigned from a reorganization, or from another Unit disbanded
due to heavy losses. Alternatively, a member of the existing
Unit may shift their role to cover the needs of the team. If a
player character is lost, taking over an NPC member of a Unit
Sauli Osbourne Stanislovas Renata Cabrera Frank Lamberti can be a good way to quickly get back into the action.

30 31




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