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Help Desk 07/05/2023


Data Room Revision Date Data

Data Item Ref. Description Action Owner Due By Source of Data Contact Name Document Name / Details
Ref. No./Date Received Catalogued

6.1. Business Plans - Please have the following available for review
6.1.1. See Section 5.1

6.2. Human Resources

6.2.1. See Section 5.2

6.3. Cost, Assets & Contracts - detailed requests in Sections 1.0 and 3.0

6.4. Process & Procedures

6.4.1. Describe Help Desk functions
6.4.2. Define Help Desk hours, identify primary contact and phone number
6.4.3. Explain what is tracked: software, hardware, application, assets, PC, software/hardware, change controls, etc.
6.4.4. Phone directory; hard copy/on-line; update methods
6.4.5. Provide documentation specifics for use of tracking system
6.4.6. Identify users of the problem tracking system and administrators of problem dispatching, escalation, closures
6.4.7. Describe current change control procedures (network, system software, system configuration, and customer notification)
6.4.8. Describe all hardware/software including any automation tools used to perform HD services.
6.4.9. Detail the equipment that is still under manufacturer's warranty and indicate the date of expiration

6.5. Help Desk reporting

6.5.1. Describe requirements for daily/weekly status reports from help desks
6.5.2. Describe how data currently is gathered to provide status reports
6.5.3. Describe usage of reports
6.5.4. Describe any Help Desk meetings in reference to the daily operation viz., daily meetings weekend schedules, post-mortem

6.6. Plans for Migration to New Systems or Platforms:

6.6.1. Documentation of planned hardware or software upgrades, operational improvements or hardware or software decommissioning

6.7. Processing (Call) Volumes

6.7.1. Current call volume statistics for prime and off-shift hours
6.7.2. Document recent trends with explanations for major variances
6.7.3. Project volumes by year over the life of the contract

6.8. Service Levels & Performance Metrics

6.8.1. List service level objectives and explain any extraordinary service requirements Operational hours Peak work loads Response Times System outage notifications
6.8.2. Document actual service levels achieved in recent months with explanations for major deviations from objectives.
6.8.3. Provide results of customer satisfaction surveys
6.8.4. If applicable, provide copies of service level agreements
6.8.5. Project service level objectives by year over the life of the contract

6.9. Disaster Recovery, Back-up & Off-site Storage

6.9.1. Describe disaster recovery process and provide copy of procedures
6.9.2. Describe test requirements and provide copies of recent test results
6.9.3. Identify Third Party DR vendors and provide a copy of each contract
6.9.4. Describe back-up and offsite storage process and provide copy of procedures
6.9.5. Quantify current and future off-site storage requirements

6.10. Projects in Progress:

6.10.1. Provide a comprehensive listing of a all significant projects underway including current status and the projected completion date
6.10.2. Identify third party consultants and their mission.

6.11. Support Services Provided By Non IT Departments

6.11.1. Who performs support tasks such as installation, software purchases and upgrades, consumable supplies, training, repairs
and maintenance?

6.12. Documentation
6.12.1. Please have the following documents (or software files) available for review Standard Operating Procedures (including user problem resolution) User procedures Software: Documentation of E-mail services used (both internal and external) and systems used to track trouble calls Provide copies of all forms and instructions for their use Provide lists of functions, contacts, phone numbers, pagers, dispatching routines Copies of all scripts, tracking and escalation procedures or any other hard or soft copy documentation
6.12.2. Please indicate how these documents are maintained and refreshed
6.12.3. Who is responsible for documentation?

6.13. Security
6.13.1. Provide details of physical and logical security procedures at each location, emphasise any special requirements
6.13.2. Provide information on any system or procedural changes planned or in progress

6.14. Tools
6.14.1. Provide a list of software tools used to manage within this framework (such as capacity, performance, configuration, licensing,
desktops, network management, etc.)
6.14.2. For each tool listed, please identify the owner and the site where the tool is used. Describe the process and indicate if the
process is documented

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