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A Project Study

Presented to the Faculty of the

Computer Sciences and Information Technology Department

Veritas College of Irosin

In partial Fulfillment
Of requirement for the Degree





January 29,2023

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
Chapter 1
In this Chapter, the researcher discusses the
background of the study, review of related studies, review
of the related system, the importance of the study,
statement of the problem, the objective of the study, and
the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

The agricultural sector incorporated technology to
produce enough resources for our society, one of the demands
is grains for example rice. Rice farming is commonly known
in the Philippines, rice is present in any type of meal for
Filipino families. For several years’ technology is already
a part of Rice farming even applications.
In the days of modernization, we have to secure our
future, our elders will not accompany us all the time to
teach us about planting this important grain, and also, we
need ways to adapt to changing environment. To address that
we have to be innovative and used our modern learnings to
assist our current and future rice farmers. Rice Farmer’s
Seasonal Harvest Monitoring System is a guide and technique
application for rice farmers for monitoring their activity
in the rice field, and also to assist them in rice

Related Literature

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Foreign Related Studies
To begin with was a study entitled “Inbred varieties
outperformed hybrid rice varieties under dense planting with
reducing nitrogen” by (Lu et al., 2020), Two years of field
experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of
different factors, such as the planting density and the
nitrogen input rate, on the grain yield and the nitrogen use
efficiency (NUE) of hybrid and inbred rice varieties. The
results of the studies revealed that the interaction between
the two factors had a significant effect on grain yield. The
observed advantage in the performance of inbred types over
hybrid varieties was mostly accounted for by a larger number
of panicles per square meter and spikelets per panicle.
Nitrogen absorption efficiency, nitrogen recovery
efficiency, and partial factor productivity improved by
24.6%, 28.0%, and 33.3% in inbred varieties, and by 32.2%,
29.3%, and 35.0% in hybrids when nitrogen input was low.
Regardless of nitrogen input amount, inbred cultivars had
superior nitrogen absorption efficiency, nitrogen recovery
efficiency, and partial factor production than hybrids.
Nitrogen was positively linked with panicle number,
spikelets per panicle, biomass production at flowering, and
biomass production after flowering in inbred varieties, but
only with panicle number and biomass production at flowering
in hybrids. Inbred cultivars are better suited for high
planting density with less nitrogen input due to greater
grain yield and NUE. These findings have crucial
implications for current rice production systems aiming for
high yield and efficiency in nutrient absorption and use.
The stated study demonstrates the effectiveness of the
type of fertilizers used by rice farmers in cultivating the

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rice plant, considering what type of rice planted by the
farmers affects the flowering stage of the rice plant. In
connection with the current study, the proposed system has a
function that shows the farmers a list of rice types, and
give the details about the specific rice variety. Also, the
said study tackles about the nitrogen intake of plant which
is significant to the proposed study, the farmer can be
guided using the fertilizer calculator of the app, this
feature assists the system in guiding farmers in determining
what sort of fertilizer and rice seeds to use in the rice
field to ensure a successful harvest.
In addition, the article entitled “Photoperiodic
flowering: time measurement mechanisms in leaves. Annual
review of plant biology” done by (Song et al., 2015), stated
that to maximize reproductive success, many plants use
information about changing day duration (photoperiod) to
coordinate their flowering timing with seasonal variations.
A method for measuring photoperiodic time exists in leaves,
and a significant final result of the route is the day-
length-specific activation of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)
gene, which produces florigen. Researchers outline the
present understanding of the molecular pathways by which
photoperiodic information is received in Arabidopsis and the
major cereals wheat, barley, and rice to regulate FT
expression. Differences in photoperiod are assessed in these
plants by interactions between circadian-clock-regulated
components like CONSTANS (CO) and light signaling. The
interactions take place under specific day-length
conditions, as anticipated by the external coincidence
model. The coincidence mechanisms in these plants are
regulated by multilevel regulation with several conserved

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and unique regulatory components, demonstrating the breadth
of photoperiodic regulation across plant species.
Based on the stated study, the flowering stage of the
plant especially the rice plant is based on the season. The
rice plant is a short-day plant it requires a photoperiod
shorter; this is why there is genetically modified rice that
can withstand the other seasons with longer daytime. With
the present study, the system has a function that recommends
what type of rice plant is beneficial for the current
season, to guarantee a successful harvest.
Additionally, in the study of “Rice domestication” by
(Fornasiero et al., 2022), Scientists are using genes from
multiple rice types to boost rice's tolerance to pests,
illnesses, and environmental stress as part of ongoing
attempts to solve the long-standing challenge of food
security and sustainable agriculture. Rice genetic
development is vital for global food security and increasing
socioeconomic advantages while lowering agricultural
environmental consequences. Scientists are using genes from
several rice types to boost rice's tolerance to pests,
illnesses, and environmental stress as part of ongoing
attempts to solve the long-standing challenge of food
security and sustainable agriculture. This Primer discusses
the history of rice domestication, the usefulness of wild
relatives of rice for crop development, and the
domestication of wild rice species not previously cultivated
by farmers – a novel strategy known as neodomestication.
This study is similar to our research because the
researcher wants to help the farmers to overcome the change
in the environment in a way of giving a list of appropriate
rice seeds to plant in a specific season. The present study
proposed a feature, this feature shows the suggested list of

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rice seeds, this list can guide the farmer to cultivate the
perfect rice plant for the season.
In the study entitled “Rice pest management with
reduced risk pesticides in India” by (Arora et al., 2019)
they contributed to the identification of insecticides with
low environmental danger. The environmental effect quotient
(EIQ) has been utilized as a pesticide risk indicator model
comparing integrated pest management (IPM) and non-
integrated pest management (NIPM) programs to quantify and
compare hazards, the observations concluded that the EIQ
model is a useful tool and can be easily used by the
pesticide managers for assessing the risk against NIPM.
In this study related to our proposal entitled Rice
Farmer’s Seasonal Harvest Tracker System the work is to help
the farmer in identifying the right pesticide for the pests.
The system offered a feature that assists farmers in
selecting a suitable pesticide for rice pests and giving
them the option of whether they will use a NIPM or IPM
approach. This helps the farmers in adapting and save the
current environment.
Also, according to the article entitled “The Deviation
of the Behaviors of Rice Farmers from Their Stated
Willingness to Apply Biopesticides-A Study Carried Out in
Jilin Province of China”. Authored by (Guo et al., 2021)
state the use of biopesticides in place of chemical
pesticides is critical for agricultural product quality and
environmental sustainability. The survey was then conducted
on 163 rice farmers in seven prefecture-level cities in
Jilin Province of China. The logistic model was used to
analyze the influencing factors resulting in the deviation
of the behaviors of the rice farmers from their initial
willingness to application of biopesticides. There are still

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many farmers using chemical pesticides and there are many
deviations between their willingness and behaviors in the
application of biopesticides, so it is not promising to
promote biopesticides as an alternative to chemical
pesticides on a full scale. The divergence between the
willingness and behaviors of rice farmers to apply
biopesticides is influenced by various factors. In terms of
individual and family characteristics, both education level
and scales of rice planting damage it. In terms of farmers’
awareness, biopesticide awareness, awareness of hazardous
effects from chemical pesticides, and quality and safety
awareness of agricultural products harm the deviation. The
better the farmers’ awareness of environmental protection,
the lower the possibility of deviation taking place. As for
external factors, peer influences, emergency conditions, and
price affordability have positive effects on the occurrence
of deviation.
Not only does the article of Arora et al., (2019)
tackles the alternative and effective pesticides but also
the study by Guo et al., (2021) contributed to the use of
alternative pesticides. Integrated pest management is not
commonly practiced in the Philippines most Filipino rice
farmers rely on the non-IPM approach, as for the
biopesticides most rice farmers didn’t use natural materials
as a solution in pest elimination. Biopesticide in the
Philippines is widely used in gardening and as a home
remedy. Similarly, the present study also offered the
appropriate list of pesticides to be used by the farmers, it
gives the option for the farmers to choose an eco-friendly
approach to properly eliminate the pest.
In conclusion, foreign-related studies give the
researcher additional information about rice diseases,

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pests, and other alternative approaches to solving the rice
planting problem. The foreign-related studies focus on the
challenges that rice farmers face every season, such as
pests, pesticides, and alternative pest control methods.

Foreign System
According to the study entitled “Rice pest lab: Android
based mobile application for rice crop management” by
(Vijayakumar et al., 2021) is an Android mobile and tablet
software intended for rice researchers, students, and
extensional personnel to collect and analyze data in the
rice field. Pest Screening, Pest Monitoring, Pest Diversity,
Pest Loss Assessment, and Pesticide Evaluation are among
the features provided in this software. This software
uses web-based application tools to make it easier for
researchers, students, and personnel to share information
with farm scientists. They can utilize this app on their
rice fields as an analytical tool, and the reports can be
used in their ongoing research. This APP may also be a very
useful tool for the students studying rice crops in
different states as well as in the country. The institute
has taken great care to cover the majority of the needed
rice research modules in the current version of this
software Rice Pest Lab. With the help of important
comments and suggestions, the institute will add additional
information and other components in the future to make this
App more comprehensive and effective.
This system is related to our project since this system
aims to help farmers to collect data in the rice field such
as different kind of pests in rice that gives problem to
farmers, this app guide and give knowledge to farmers about
the kind of pest and what is the proper ways or the right

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pesticide to eliminate this pest since our proposed project
has a list of pests that causes a problem in rice field too
and of course the right treatment and the right pesticide to
solve this problem, our project also aims to help the
farmers, and technicians to avoid or eliminate pests.
The study by (Deobhanj, 2018) entitled “The Story of
the Rice Expert Exploring New Vistas of Science
Communication” has been developed by the ICAR-National Rice
Research Institute (NRRI), Cuttack. It is an initiative to
promote knowledge, expertise, and activities in the area of
rice cultivation among the stakeholders of the agriculture
sector. The riceXpert app is designed and developed on the
android platform. It is compatible with mobile phones the
Android version 4.0.3 and above, which will operate in the
online system. This app provides a real-time diagnosis of
insect pests, diseases, nematodes, weeds, nutrient
deficiencies, and toxicities for farmers. The App has other
features like rice varieties, agricultural implements, news,
expert consultation through the e-advisory services module,
weather information and customized Pest Solution and
Fertilizer Calculator, etc. Farmers and farm women can use
this App as a diagnostic tool in their rice fields and also
make customized queries through text, photo, or voice and
that would be addressed by a panel of experts on a real-time
basis and get quick solutions along with recommendations of
their problem through mobile phone messages. This App also
provides a platform for farmers who have no organized way to
sell their products. Farmers can post their prices or rice-
related products for display to the buyer. The buyer can
access detailed information about the products through the
app and get the products at the best prices through direct
interaction The App is also a very useful tool for

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researchers, Scientists, Students, and village-level workers
working on rice crops.
This system is related to our project since in this
system farmers can search for a variety of rice that is good
to plant in a particular season, and it is about insect
pests, nutrients, weeds, nematodes, and disease-related
problems, the intention is to eliminate pests, and disease
in rice fields that gives problem to farmers, also weed that
compromise the growth of rice plant, this project can help
and give advice to farmers on how to solve the said problem,
our project also has the features where farmers can type,
for example, a type of rice to plant precisely to a season
and same as a pest, weeds, and disease. The system can give
some advice or the right solution to eliminate the problem
that occurs in a rice field.
The study by (Vijayakumar et al., 2021) entitled “Rice
doctor: Android-based mobile application for rice crop
management” is an interactive application for extension
professionals, students, researchers, especially farmers who
wish to learn how to diagnose and treat pests, diseases
, and other problems that might develop in rice. An
international collaboration comprised of IRRI, the University
of Queensland in Australia, the Philippine Rice Research
Institute in the Philippines and the Research Institute
for Rice in Indonesia developed this product. Over 88
pests, diseases, and other problems are included in the
key. The usage of a combination of written descriptions
and visuals aids clients in diagnosing their issues. Brief
descriptions of the signs and symptoms of various
problems, as well as details on any relevant management
choices, are provided in fact sheets for each probable
disorder. A keyword search option allows visitors to go

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straight to a specific fact sheet. For further information
on these disorders, users can link to full fact sheets on
the IRRI Rice Knowledge Bank website.
This system is related to our system since this system
aims to guide the farmers diagnose problems occurring in a
rice crop that compromise production, by the use of a search
function where a farmer can search for a solution to a rice
problem, with the help of that feature the farmers can able
to determine what are the possible solution to do, what is
the proper way to prevent and eliminate the said problems on
its first stage. Our proposed system has that sort of
feature where the farmer can search kind of pests, weeds, or
diseases together with the solution to control or eliminate
the problem.
The system entitled “Guidelines for Rice Production in
East Africa” by (Kalro, 2019), includes Agronomic practices
and Rice Varieties, Rice Diseases in East Africa, Rice Pests
in East Africa, Rice Weeds in East Africa, Physiological
Disorders in Rice in East Africa, Pre-harvest, Post-harvest
and Value Addition of Rice in East Africa and Rice Gross
Margins in East Africa.
This system is related to our system since this project
aims to help and give guidelines to the farmer to lessen the
problem in rice farming, regarding pest and disease and weed
control. Our project also guides the farmers on how to
manage their crops by the use of its features such as the
search function where the farmer can search for a variety of
rice to plant or the solution to a problem that he/she
doesn’t know for example exact pesticide for a specific
According to the article of (Matias et al., 2021)
entitled “Soil-app: A tool for soil analysis

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interpretation”, a Correct interpretation of soil tests is
required if soil acidity correction and fertilizer
recommendations are to be successful. The crop yield depends
on the nutrient balance which is related to the availability
of nutrients and their interaction in the soil solution. New
software and tools have been developed in Brazil and other
parts of the world, demonstrating the need for more user-
friendly, low-cost, and easily accessible information
regarding the management of soil fertility and plant
nutrition. FertFacil was developed for the southern region
of Brazil for the nutritional interpretation of maize,
wheat, and soybean (FertFacil, 2018). Fértil Agrowin is a
software system used in the interpretation of plant and soil
analysis (Agrotis, 2003), while the FOS (Fertilizer
Optimization System) can be used for fertilizer
recommendations and the cost of fertilization (Tieppo et
al., 2010). These tools are not yet used as agents to
promote the learning and teaching process for students in
agronomy courses but will become more important in the
coming years. Our approach allows students to improve their
knowledge through the evaluation of many hypothetical
scenarios and how parameters may influence each other and
the final scene. The main goal was to develop a user-
friendly and open-source application through
the Shiny package in the R software program. Our web app
comprises the following modules: physical and chemical soil
test interpretation, different methods of liming and gypsum
recommendation, NPK fertilizer recommendation, soil
amendment scenario simulation, and statistical analysis
tools for experiments in soil science.
This system is related to our system since this project
is about farmers’ guidelines for proper application of

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fertilizer in soil which is very important in farming in
able for the farmers to apply an exact amount of fertilizer
that the soil needs to grow their crop healthier and come up
with a good profit. The proposed project also can guide the
farmers to properly apply the amount of fertilizer that the
soil need.

Local Related Studies

The Journal entitled “Adoption and Appropriation of
Mobile Phones among Rice Farmers of San Juan, Batangas” by
(Silva & Muya, 2019) conclude that the demographic profile
of the respondents is one of the significant impacts on the
adoption of mobile phones. Relating to past studies, income
and educational background are the two factors that affect
mobile phone adoption of farmers as most of them are
primary-school-educated. The cost of mobile phones and
mobile phone subscriptions are also factoring that farmers
consider in choosing as they only earn a small amount of
money in a month. This study also concludes that the
majority of farmers choose the brand of mobile phone based
on its affordability and not the good reputation that the
brand has. The influence of their family, friends,
relatives, neighbors, and co-workers affects the choice of
farmers in choosing the brand of mobile phone and network
services as they will find more information and feedback
from those who already have the products. All the farmers in
this study are prepaid consumers and prefer better service
followed by a lower tariff. Ultimately, the coordination
between service providers and mobile phone manufacturers
plays an important role in satisfying the needs of farmers.
Also, evidence from this paper shows that perceived ease of
use is a major antecedent to mobile phone adoption. On the

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other hand, perceived usefulness influences mobile phone
adoption positively.
The journal stated the availability of smartphones for
the farmers, and the factors that affect the farmers in
using and acquiring smartphones. This will give the
researcher a background of the future end user of the
system. Relating to the proposed system the article helps
the researcher in adapting to the status of the farmers.
Seeing some factors, the researcher utilizes it to develop a
feature that is easy to comprehend, like a list and
notification, considering the farmers ability to access the
application, this will help to deploy the application
According to the article entitled “Top 4 most popular
rice varieties” by (Anna Marie Bautista, 2018), Rice
varieties (such as NSIC Rc 216, Rc 160, and Rc 300) bred by
the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and Rc
222 produced by the International Rice Research Institute
(IRRI) were the top four most preferred rice varieties of
Filipino farmers in irrigated lowland fields nationwide,
both for dry and wet seasons. “These pool of inbred rice
varieties were previously tested for biotic and abiotic
stresses to ensure that these can adapt to the current
conditions of the climate and the environment, which the
breeders and the rice farmers have been dealing with,” says
Thelma Padolina, the PhilRice senior plant breeder. These
selected popular rice varieties were the results of farmers’
participatory trials under the Accelerating the development
and adoption of next-generation rice varieties for major
ecosystems in the Philippines, known as the Next-Gen
project. Aside from the Next-Gen data, the other bases for
the identified top varieties are the: National Cooperative

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Test results, production data based on the seed system
workshop, farmers’ preferences based on the report of the
regional seed coordinators, and value chain analysis survey.
Rc 216, also known as Tubigan 17, when transplanted, has a
maximum yield of 9.7 t/ha with a maturity of 112 days after
sowing (DAS). It is moderately resistant to brown
planthoppers (BPH) and green leafhoppers (GLH). Rc 160, on
the other hand, has a maximum yield of 8.2 t/ha if direct-
wet-seeded and matures in 107 DAS. It has an intermediate
reaction to blast, bacterial leaf blight (BLB), and GLH, and
is resistant to stem borer. This variety is also known for
its good eating quality because of its low amylose content.
Transplanting Rc 300 or Tubigan 24 could yield as high as
10.4 t/ha and matures in 115 DAS. It is moderately resistant
to both BPH and GLH and has an intermediate reaction to BLB.
Rc 222, known as Tubigan 18, has a maximum yield of 10 t/ha
matures in 114 DAS. It is moderately resistant to BPH, GLH,
and stem borers.

“Performance of these inbred rice varieties is evaluated

based on their stability across seasons and locations. 
While we have these at hand, breeding institutions will
continue to breed new varieties to help farmers adapt to
their changing farm conditions,” Padolina noted.

Based on the related article, four inbred rice types

are commonly planted here in the Philippines. Our project is
quite relevant to the study since; this study gives relevant
information that can help in the feature of the system, like
the list of rice seeds. The proposed system requirement is
to have a feature that lists the varieties of rice that is
suitable to plant in a certain season, and environment and
can cope with certain types of diseases. This will help the

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farmers to choose between the varieties of inbred or hybrid
rice seeds that are commonly planted and can cope with the
present and future seasons.

In the article entitled “PhilRice Recommends Rice

Varieties for Rainy Season” written by (Raffy Rico, 2015)
Planting early-maturing and high-quality rice varieties are
vital for rainy days. Dr. Norvie Manigbas, head of
PhilRice’s Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Division, said
that after the onslaught of drought, the next challenge is
to select the varieties suited for the rainy days. Farmers
are advised to plant varieties, which stand at most 100 cm
with strong stems that can withstand 40-60 kph wind speed.
Some of these varieties are PSB Rc14, PSB Rc68, NSIC Rc9,
and NSIC Rc222. “There are also varieties released in 2011,
which are good for dry conditions or for areas that normally
experience delayed or almost no rainfall. These Sahod Ulan
varieties are NSIC Rc272, NSIC Rc274, NSIC Rc278, NSIC
Rc284, NSIC Rc286, NSIC Rc288, NSIC Rc346, and NSIC Rc348,”
Manigbas said. Rainfed areas are also prone to flooding. The
varieties suited for this condition are PSB Rc18 (Ala),
which can withstand 5-7 days of complete submergence, NSIC
Rc194 (Submarino 1), which can survive, grow and develop
even after 10-14 days of complete submergence, and PSB Rc68
(Sacobia), submergence- tolerant and a drought-resistant
variety. These varieties can recover when submerged during
the vegetative stage. Additionally, PhilRice also emphasizes
the reduction of fertilizer application rates. “While
fertilizers are beneficial for plants, in high amounts, they
may cause lodging. Fertilizers cannot be maximized, as there
is a limited amount of sunlight during the rainy season.
Depending on soil analysis results and recommended nutrient

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requirement rates, it is better to reduce fertilizer
application rates by 20-30% in the wet season,” Manigbas

The stated article tackles the varieties of rice that

is suitable for the rainy and dry season. This article gives
the researcher additional information about the rice seeds
and their ability to survive in harsh weather conditions
like typhoons and also discusses the number of fertilizers
to be applied to the rice plant during the rainy season.
With the proposed system, the application will provide the
farmer with precise information to assist in maintaining the
rice crop, and guide the farmer in rice cultivating
activities such as fertilizing.

The journal (Clarete, 2015) entitled “Philippine Rice

Self-Sufficiency Program: Pitfalls and Remedies”, concludes
that the Philippines' rice self-sufficiency program is
expensive insurance against food insecurity concerns. From
2010 to 2016, the government would spend Php 142 billion
pesos to produce 4.52 million tons of incremental rice,
which is importable at a cost of Php 51 billion less than
the world market. Given that ASEAN produces about half of
the world's exportable rice, the chance of not obtaining
rice to buy on the global market is low. Small rice farmers,
particularly the poorest 7%, are penalized rather than
rewarded by import bans since they must pay the same high
rice price as the rest of the customers.

Based on the stated journal, most of our farmers are in

a poverty state, this only emphasizes that most of our
farmers have been neglected in the past years. About the
proposed system, the said study helps us to emphasize the
requirements needed in adapting to the environment of our

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farmers, developing the system with consideration to the
farmer’s ability to use the app is a major challenge, but
overcoming this gap the system will be successful in helping
the rice farmers secure and increase their seasonal harvest.

According to (Manalo et al., 2019) in their article

entitled “Exploring Youth Engagement in Agricultural
Development: The Case of Farmers' Children in the
Philippines as Rice Crop Manager Infomediaries”, The study
engaged 30 farmers' children at the high school level from
the provinces of Pangasinan, Isabela, Camarines Sur, Iloilo,
Bukidnon, and Davao del Norte from November 2016 to October
2017. They interacted with the research team (the authors)
and the RCM-SMS platform that sends text messages regarding
fertilizer recommendations. A staff member from the
Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) also called the
students for some follow-up questions. The research team
conducted three rounds of interviews with the students
concerning the messages and calls that they received and
what they did with the information. This study finds that
farmers' children can perform infomediary roles quite
effectively. Academically excellent children and those
involved in farm work performed best. The study guides
similar initiatives tapping young people in agricultural
development. Hence, the identified outcomes may be revisited
for clarity and to make the paper document actual parent-
child interaction when the latter is mobilized to serve as
an infomediary to access nutrient management-related
information on rice.

The study shows the expected end user of the system,

even the youth can use the system. With the help of the
stated study, the researchers noticed that the age of the

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potential app users is getting younger. With the assistance
of the youth the system can achieve its goal. The proposed
system’s goal is to help the farmers even if they are young
or old, in successfully performing the rice cultivation for
the successful harvest.

In summary of the local studies, the research,

journals, and article relating to the study discuss the
status of the farmers in the Philippines and also discusses
the rice plant that is commonly planted by the rice farmers.
These related studies help the researcher to gain additional
knowledge in flourishing the future system.

Local System
According to the study of “AgRiDOC App, a farm
management android application for the Filipino rice-based
farming households” by (Pangilinan et al., 2017) smartphones
and tablets are handheld computers capable of processing and
storing data and information, and connecting to the
internet. Through software applications or apps, users can
accomplish tasks and activities using these handheld
devices. AgRiDOC App is a farm management app designed for
Filipino rice-based farmers. Using the app, they can easily
keep records of activities and expenses accumulated
throughout each season. But more than that, the app provides
alerts for possible occurrences of pests, diseases, and
nutrient deficiencies based on crop age (DAT/DAS). It also
notifies the farmers during the transition in growth stages
and gives recommendations on required input applications
(i.e., fertilizer and water). Moreover, the app has embedded
information about rice varieties, pest and disease

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information, and rice management key checks links to useful
resources and other apps (e.g., knowledge banks, Rice Crop
Manager, MOET App, DA website) are attached for easy access.
The interface of the AgRiDOC App is graphically designed in
a manner that constiTE-S to a game-feel of a farm simulation
game 'Farmville'. It also provides geovisualization of the
plots of the farmer's field. The purpose is to provide a
playful impression and entice the children of farmers to
assist in managing the farm using the app.
This system is related to our system since this project
helps the farmers manage their rice field, it has a feature
that shows recommendation for the farmer using infographic,
similar to the stated system the proposed system also has a
feature that assist the farmer in determining the pest in
their rice field.
The study of “Binhing Palay App: Philippine modern
rice variety catalouge App” by (Caballong & Alday, 2019)
contains more than two hundred rice varieties and their
characteristics from private and public rice breeders. The
information available in the Binhing Palay app includes its
yield potential, rice reaction to disease and pests,
suitable growing environment, total percentage of milled
rice or milling recovery, and whether the rice is soft or
hard when cooked. Through the Binhing Palay app, farmers,
extension workers, and researchers can use the app depending
on what category they want. Rice varieties can also be found
based on the ecosystem where irrigated, rain-fed, salt-water
permeable, flatland or upland, flooded, cool and high-
altitude rice varieties are suitable. The Binhing Palay app
also provides recommendations on what is best to plant based
on data from regional field offices and survey results
regarding farmers' preferences to plant. Binhing palay app

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can be used even without internet. ICT specialists Nehemiah
Caballong and Paul Austian Alday of Philippine Rice Research
Institute (PhilRice) to develop the Binhing Palay app with
the National Cooperative Testing Group.
This system is related to our system since this app is
for rice farming, aiming to help the farmers to know
variations of rice and the precise type to plant according
to location and season by the use of the applications rice
variety list, also its reaction to disease and pests for the
farmers to know what step should they do to cure the said
problem. The researcher’s proposed project also has a
function where a farmer can search rice variations including
a short description.
According to the study entitled “e-Damuhan: a weed
photo recognition and catalog app” by (Caballong et al.,
2019) stated that the weeds pose a great threat to rice
production. If not controlled, this group of pests can
reduce yield from 44-96% by competing with rice on
nutrients, water, and even sunlight. Correct identification
of weed species is a prerequisite to selecting, deciding,
and implementing effective and economical weed management
strategies and techniques. Materials needed for weed
identification (books, pamphlets, and techno-bulletins),
however, are very limited to the country. Nevertheless, a
mobile application tool that is capable of recognizing weed
species. The app lets the users capture the photo of the
unknown weed then it automatically analyzes the captured
image and provides a shortlist of the possible identity of
the weed. eDamuhan features a digital catalog of the book
Weeds that grow in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice fields
in the Philippines. It shows common rice field weed species
with their morphological characteristics, life cycle,

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
habitat, photosynthetic activity, and impact on rice. It
explains the importance of proper weed management in rice
production and provides measures to control weeds. With the
recognition and catalog features of the app, farmers and
AEWS will be more equipped to correctly identify and manage
weeds of rice in the field.
This system is related to our system since its feature
aims to help the farmers to know different varieties of
weeds in a rice field that compromise the growth of the
rice. This project has a weed book that can help the farmer
recognize the type of weeds and what is the right solution
to control, our proposed system also has that kind of
function where a farmer can input the kind of weed, and the
data given will be processed by the system and shows some
guidelines on how to control that kind of weed to get a good
crop production.
The study entitled “PhilRice mobile app to help
optimize fertilizer dosages” by (Revin Mikhael D. Ochave,
2020) checks the nitrogen status of the rice plant and is
based on an older tool, a leaf color chart.
“Designed for farmers, extension workers, researchers, and
students, the mobile app generates nitrogen recommendations
in just under a minute based on the digital images of intact
rice leaves photographed directly from the field,” PhilRice
said. According to PhilRice senior researcher Ailon Oliver
V. Capistrano, the users must photograph the topmost, fully
expanded rice leaf on a smartphone using available light.
Mr. Capistrano said the nitrogen levels can be determined
from photographs, guiding decisions on fertilizer use. “The
app measures the intensity of green color based on the
captured leaf images and converts this into values
correlated with the amount of nitrogen in the leaf,” Mr.

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
Capistrano said. PhilRice Deputy Executive Director for
Development Karen Eloisa T. Barroga said the app will keep
farmers from using excessive nitrogen fertilizer during the
wet season and also cut down on pest infestation. PhilRice
said on its Facebook page that 75% of the clients are
farmers, while the rest are students, extension workers, and
researchers. “Many farmers are now online. They also have
their children to assist them. I’m sure that the app will
quickly find its way to them to guide them in the accurate
application of nitrogen,” Ms. Barroga stated.
This project is related to our system since this
project is aiming to help the farmers by guiding them with
the use of its features like digital imaging that help the
farmer determine the amount of nitrogen in their plant based
on the coloration of the rice leaf and to avoid too much
application of fertilizer that may harm the growth of rice
and result to less production also help the farmers to cut
down the pest’s infestation. Our project although didn’t
have the same feature as image processing to determine if
the rice is overdose to kind of fertilizer, it is then
related for the reason that the proposed system has a
function that give the farmer the ability to print the Leaf
Color Chart that can help them in their schedule of
The study by (Agting et al., 2017) entitled
“Performance of Rice Crop Manager in Agusan Del Norte
[Philippines]” illustrates a web-based decision support tool
that extension workers can use to provide farmers with crop
management recommendations suited to their specific field
conditions. Research trials were established in actual
farmer's fields in several municipalities of Agusan del
Norte to verify the performance of the recommendations

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
provided by RCM. The ultimate goal of the research is to
make RCM better through good science by enhancing the
capability of RCM in providing personalized farming advice
that matches field-specific needs and conditions. Field
trials were conducted from 2013-2016 to compare the
performance of the existing RCM recommendation (RCM1) with
that of the farmer practice (FP) and to further refine and
improve the nutrient management component of RCM. A modified
RCM recommendation (RCM2) was also included to target
alternative yield targets based on season or climate. The
results of the research trials were used to improve and
upgrade the existing RCM versions. For the five cropping
seasons, RCM1 and RCM2 obtained higher yield levels compared
with the FP. In season 4 (Jan-Jun 2015), the highest yield
of 7.2 tons/ha both in RCM1 and RCM2 obtained higher yield
levels compared with the FP. In season 4 (Jan-Jun 2015), the
highest yield of 7.2 tons/ha both in RCM1 and RCM2 was
obtained while only 6.5 tons/ha for FP, RCM2 provided
consistently greater added net benefit compared to RCM1 and
FP from seasons 3 to 6, ranging from Php3,941-11,192/ha.
This research project showed that the existing RCM
recommendation (RCM1) was successful in increasing the
yields and added net benefits to the farmers in Agusan del
Norte. Moreover, modification of the recommendations based
on alternative yield targets from climate-adjusted yield
targeting to the application of a new level of N at the
panicle initiation stage.
This study is related to our project since this project
helps the farmer through guidelines on how to manage their
crop to get proper profit, our project also is a tool that
can give guidelines on farming like how to eliminate pests,
weeds and diseases in their field and it is a tool that

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
guides the farmer in fertilizing trough leaf color chart for
the farmer to schedule their important activity.

Importance of the study

The proposed study entitled “Rice Farmer's Seasonal
Harvest Monitoring System” will be beneficial and favorable
to the following:

The researchers. This project will provide them the

opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills that they have
gained throughout their four-year degree course. It will
help them in the compliance of their bachelor’s degree.
Agricultural personnel. This project will support their
campaigns for rice farmers, and provide them with additional
data in assisting the rice farmers.
The farmers. This research will help and assist the
farmers in monitoring and providing additional information
for cultivating the rice plant.
To the future Researcher. The result of this study will
serve as a guide for their future research, and when they
conduct their future studies.

Statement of the problem

The main objective of this study is to design and
develop “Rice Farmer's Seasonal Harvest Monitoring system”.
This study will aim to address the following problems and

1. What is the existing process?

2. What are the problems encountered by the existing
manual system?

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
3. What are the essential features of the proposed

Objectives of the study

1. To provide a system with features that makes it easy
for the farmer to manage their rice field.
2. To identify the problem encountered in the existing
3. To monitor the activities of the farmer in the rice
field to assist them in terms of scheduling for rice
farming activity.

Definition of Terms
Android Application. A software application running on the
Android platform. Because the Android platform is built for
mobile devices, a typical Android app is designed for a
smartphone or a tablet PC running on the Android OS.
Android Platform. Is a framework of services that
application programs rely on for standard operations, an
application platform operates across five principal areas:
development tools, execution services, data services,
operating systems (OSes), and cloud services.
Android Version. are used to describe the various updates
for the open-source Android mobile operating system.

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
Android. is a Linux-based mobile operating system that
primarily runs on smartphones and tablets.
Application. a computer software package that performs a
specific function for an end user or another application
based on carefully designed features.
Data input. the information collected by the Authorized
Endpoints, which may include Personal Information. 
Data. information that has been translated into a form that
is efficient for movement or processing.
Digital catalogue. an online document that showcases your
products or services, can be accessed as a direct link, and
is easy to navigate around.
Digital imaging. is the art of making digital images –
photographs, printed texts, or artwork - through the use of
a digital camera or image machine, or by scanning them as a
End-user. the person for whom a hardware or software product
is designed by the developers, installers, and servicers of
the product.
Fertilizer. fertilizer, a natural or artificial substance
containing the chemical elements that improve the growth and
productiveness of plants.
List. a number of connected items or names written or
printed consecutively, typically one below the other.
Mobile application tool. software designed to assist in the
creation of mobile applications.
Notification. an alert (typically a pop-up or other message)
generated by an application to notify the user of a new
message, update, social media post, etc.
Online. connected to, served by, or available through a
system and especially a computer or telecommunications
system (such as the Internet)

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
Pesticides. A pesticide is any substance used to kill,
repel, or control certain forms of plant or animal life that
are considered to be pests.
Scheduler. a procedural plan that indicates the time and
sequence of each operation.
Smartphone.  is a cell phone that lets you do more than make
phone calls and send text messages.
System. is a set of things working together as parts of a
mechanism or an interconnecting network. A set of principles
or procedures according to which something is done; an
organized framework or method. 
Web-based. is an external application that is accessed via a
web browser over the Internet. 

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This chapter’s scope includes the software

delimitation, data development gathering methodology,
techniques, and source of data. This methodology shows how
the researchers made their system. In an accurate way of
processing the information or data to make it clearer and

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
understandable for the user. Also, this system has its own
coverage and limitations that it can't or can do.

Software Development Methodology

The researchers shall use the Rational Unified Process

(RUP) as a guide in designing and developing the proposed
Rice Farmer’s Seasonal Harvest Monitoring System. RUP is
used as a guideline for creating a paper works, thesis, and
book. It is used to have a successful output for the

The researchers gave importance to the problem in

conducting a survey. The system lessens the errors that
occur during the survey. They had to apply all the
information gathered to ensure that the product was high-
quality and user-friendly.

Figure 1 illustrates the different phases of RUP namely

Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition. RUP
establishes four phases of development, each of which is
organized into a number of separate interactions that must
fulfill certain criteria before progressing to the next


The proposed system aims to develop an application that

can help the rice farmer to have a successful yield. This
project focus on assisting farmer in cultivating their rice

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
plant, assist in searching for different varieties of rice,
helps them in choosing the right pesticides, and assist them
in choosing fertilizers. The RUP has four phases, inception,
elaboration, construction, and transition to develop the
system. In comparison, the other methodologies require
several steps to build a system.

Figure 1 Rational Unified Process

Rational Unified Process

Inception. In this phase, the researcher conducted an

interview and research to distinguish the needed information
of the system like the list of rice varieties, fertilizers,
and pesticides. By studying the data gathered, the
researchers shall determine the scope and delimitations of
the system and the system requirements.

Elaboration. The researchers analyze the requirements and

necessary architecture of the system. They shall develop the
project plan and its architecture. The researcher analyses
the requirements in which the system shall restrict the
system functions based on the system users.

Construction. The researchers developed the system using

Android Studio. The application is developed based on the
user’s needs and the information gathered.

Transition. Under this phase, the system is ready for bug

fixing, performance, and usability based on the user’s
feedback. The researcher planned to deploy the system after
the debugging and testing, when the system is free for
modifications system can successfully be ready to be used.

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
Scope and Delimitation

In the proposed System, the application monitors the

task of the farmer and the activities needed in the rice
field. The activity includes calculating the budget spent in
the rice field, displaying the soil type, soil analyzation,
list of the rice plant suitable for the season, arranging
the day for fertilizers, step-by-step procedure of
fertilization, assisting in pesticide selection and use of

This study is limited only to knowledge about Rice

Planting and the persons associated especially rice farmers
and people who are incorporated in rice planting like the
Department of Agriculture and this study will gather the
data in Municipality of Irosin only. The proposed system
does not include the prediction of any natural phenomenon
and human intervention that can also affect rice planting.

Data Gathering Techniques

The researchers use some techniques to get information

needed in Rice Farmer’s Seasonal Harvest Monitoring System.
The following data gathering techniques shall be used in
this study.

Interview. The researchers shall conduct an interview, in

order to gather important data about rice cultivation, pest
control, and fertilizers.

Research. The researchers get some idea came from the

internet. Browsing some important documents about the

San Julian Irosin Sorsogon
varieties of rice, pest, and fertilizer needed in rice

Data analysis. The researchers analyzed all of the data that

they collected in order to provide an idea of how to develop
the system and what things should be prioritized.

Sources of Data

The primary source of data in this study is the

responses gathered from the series of interviews conducted
with the researchers. The proponents asked the R & D
Coordinator of D.A Philippine Rice Research Institute in the
province of Bicol, the Provincial Rice Program Coordinator
of Sorsogon, and the Municipal Agriculturist of Irosin VSPC
officer about the rice varieties, fertilizers, soil type,
and other recommendations that needed in rice cultivation.

Mrs. Rona T. Dollentas, R & D Coordinator of PhilRice Bicol

for her permission in letting us interview her for the data
needed in the proposed research.

Mr. Levi Barcelona, Provincial Rice Program Coordinator of

Sorsogon for giving additional ideas about rice cultivation
and giving confidential data to help the researchers in the
proposed system.

Mrs. Nimfa M. Ferolino, Municipal Agriculturist of Irosin

for letting the researcher interview her despite her busy

Mr. Ronaldo Hila Instructor and Faculty Member of BSIT

department in guiding the researchers and giving insights to
complete the proposed system.

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San Julian Irosin Sorsogon

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