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University of Pittsburgh

Chemistry 0250
Spring 2020 – Dr. Morgan
Exam #2

Name: _______________________________

PeopleSoft ID: _________________________

1) If you are printing these exam sheets, fill in your name and
PeopleSoft ID on this front of this page. If you are using blank pages to
solve the problems, include your name and PeopleSoft ID on the first

2) You have 50 minutes to complete the exam. You are expected to

complete the exam on your own. You must show your work for full

3) Required tables and general equations are provided.

4) There are 11 questions and some have multiple parts. The first two
questions are worth 5 points each. Problems #3-11 are worth 10 points

5) The exam is to be submitted via GradeScope by 11:15 AM.

1. For the reaction below, the oxidizing agent is _______________ and it
________________ electrons, and the reducing agent is ______________ and it
______________ electrons.

8 H+ + MnO4 + 5 Cu+ Mn2+ + 5 Cu2+ + 4 H2O

A) MnO4 ; gains 5; Cu+; loses 1

B) H+; loses 1; Cu+; gains 1
C) H+; gains 1; MnO4 ; loses 5
D) Cu+; loses 1; MnO4 ; gains 1
E) Cu+; loses 1; H+; gains 1

2. An electrode has a potential of 0.867 V with respect to a saturated silver-silver

chloride electrode. What would the electrodes potential be relative to a saturated
calomel electrode (S.C.E.)? E = 0.197 V for the saturated silver-silver chloride
electrode and E = 0.241 V for the S.C.E.
3. The potential of a silver electrode is measured relative to an Ag-AgCl electrode for
the titration of 80.0 mL of 0.200 M Cl– with 0.150 M Ag+. What is the potential
when the number of moles of Ag+ are equal to the number of moles of Cl–. Eo =
0.7993 V for Ag+, E = 0.197 V for the Ag-AgCl electrode and Ksp = 1.8 × 10–10.
4. The potential of a silver electrode is measured relative to an Ag-AgCl electrode for the
titration of 80.0 mL of 0.200 M Cl– with 0.150 M Ag+. What is the potential after 75.00
mL of titrant is added. Eo = 0.7993 V for Ag+, E = 0.197 V for the Ag-AgCl electrode
and Ksp = 1.8 × 10–10.
5. The potential of a silver electrode is measured relative to an Ag-AgCl electrode for the
titration of 80.0 mL of 0.200 M Cl– with 0.150 M Ag+. What is the potential after
110.00 mL of titrant is added. Eo = 0.7993 V for Ag+, E = 0.197 V for the Ag-AgCl
electrode and Ksp = 1.8 × 10–10.
6. The half-cells below are connected via a salt-bridge and potentiometer. What is the
voltage read by the potentiometer when Ag+ = 1.75 and V2+ = 1.25?

Ag+ + 1 e– → Ag (s) E° = 0.7993 V

V2+ + 2 e– → V (s) E° = –1.125 V
7. The iron content of a well water sample must be quantified. A 10.00 mL aliquot of well
water is transferred to a 100.0-mL volumetric flask and 20 mL of 0.10 M nitric acid is
added to oxidize iron(II) to iron(III). Next 30 mL of a 0.1 M sodium thiocyanate
solution is added to form the deep red complex iron(III) thiocyanate. The solution is
diluted to volume with distilled deionized water. If the absorbance of the iron
thiocyanate solution is 0.5213, calculate the iron concentration for the water sample.
The molar absorptivity for iron(III) thiocyanate is 3200 M–1 cm–1. Assume a pathlength
of 1.250 cm and a 100% yield.
Fe3+ (aq) + SCN- (aq) FeSCN2+ (aq)
8. A transmittance of 0.3847 is measured for a 0.00023 M solution. Assuming a pathlength
of 1.000 cm, calculate the molar absorptivity of the solute.

9. Sulfide in a water sample is titrated with electrolytically generated Fe2+. If a 10.00 mL

aliquot of the water sample requires a current of 0.78 A for 6.5 minutes to reach the end
point, what is the molarity sulfide in the water sample? (10 points)
10. Based on the following oxidation–reduction reaction,

8H+(aq) + 6Cl–(aq) + Sn(s) + 4NO3–(aq) → SnCl62–(aq) + 4NO2(g) + 4H2O(l)

Write the:
a. Balanced Oxidation half reaction.

b. Balanced Reduction half reaction.

Identify the:
c. Oxidizing agent

d. Reducing agent

e. The number of moles of electrons transferred according to the reaction.

11. Calculate the potential for the half-cell below for [ SO32 ] = 0.150 M, [ S2O32 ] = 0.500 M
and the pH = 11.50.

2 SO32 + 3 H2O + 4 e– S2O32 + 6 OH- E° = –0.566 V

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