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How far do you agree with Interpretation 2 about the extent of support for the Nazi regime in the

years 1933-39?

Explain your answer, using both interpretations and your knowledge of the historical context. (16)

I would partially agree with interpretation two about the extent of the support for the Nazi regime in
the years 1933-39 because it fails to mention the opposition the Nazis faced. Although,
interpretation two gives an insight into the amount of support the Nazis gained it doesn’t mention
any opposing factors unlike interpretation one which fills this gap in.

Interpretation two correctly mentions that “hundreds of thousands of Germans from different
classes joined the Nazi party.” Hitler had manged to secure the support of wealthy industrialists and
farmers by stating he would protect them from communists and manged to secure the support from
women by promising that the government would take care of their families. For example, the Law for
the Encouragement of Marriage in 1933 saw Hitler’s government provide loans to women who had
left their jobs in order to raise a family. Also, by promising to protect wealthy industrialists from
communist Hitler secured funding for the Nazi party allowing the party to further appeal themselves
to Germany through means of propaganda and political rallies.

Interpretation two also mentions that there was a heavy influx of support from the Nazi party from
the years 1933-39 stating “the Nazi party gained four million new members.” Not only had the Nazis
secured support from adults living within Germany but the youth too. Hitler banning all youth groups
not associated with the Nazis saw a massive influx in membership of the Nazi party through different
organisations such as the Hitler Youth or League of German maidens. For example, by 1939, 9 million
youths across Germany had joined a Nazi party youth group. This supported by interpretation two
which states, “A flood of people also joined the other Nazi organisations.”

On the other hand, as mentioned above, I would partially agree with interpretation two.
Interpretation two fails to mention they types of opposition the Nazi regime experienced from the
years 1933-39. Interpretation one clearly mentions that “widespread complaining amongst the
German people showed that they did not always fully support the Nazi regime.” For example, some
youth did not enjoy the military discipline the Nazis had wanted and expected from them and would
prefer more freedom in doing the activities they enjoyed, such as dancing to American music and
copying American dress culture. Interpretation one says, “Some Germans told jokes about the
Fuhrer, while others listened to foreign radio stations or danced to American swing music.” The Nazi
regime from the years 1933-39 faced clear opposition which interpretation two fails to mention.

In conclusion, I would partially agree with interpretation two as although it does mention high
numbers of people joining the Nazi party, it primary focus in on support and it fails to mention that
the Nazis did indeed face and experience opposition as mentioned in interpretation one.

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