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Performance evaluation and optimization of capacitive

deionization desalination process

<Title font size and style: 18-22, Time new roman>

Final year project for the award of degree of Bachelor of Science in

Mechanical Engineering

Celebrating the 100 Years of Academic Excellence

Submitted by:
Name 1 2010-ME-01
Name 2 2010-ME-01
Name 3 2010-ME-01

Supervised by: Prof. XYZ

Mechanical Engineering Department

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
Performance evaluation and optimization of
capacitive deionization desalination process

Submitted to the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Engineering and

Technology Lahore in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Degree of

Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering

Internal Examiner Name: ________________ Signature: _______________

External Examiner Name: ________________ Signature: ______________

February 2018

Mechanical Engineering Department

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
<Body font size and format: 12, Time New Roman >

I hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own, except where explicitly stated
otherwise. In addition, this work has not been submitted to obtain another degree or professional

Signed by the author:


Write down the abstract as a paragraph of one page…

The acknowledgement and the people to thank go here, don’t forget to include your project


Write down to whom you want to dedicate your work…

CLOs and Assessment Method
CLOs 1-7, their domain & levels, PLOs mapping and corresponding assessment method are
applicable to all projects. However additional PLOs and their associated domains, PLO mapping
and assessment method may be added by the project supervisor.

Domain and
CLOs Description PLO

Students will be able to develop a broader Cognitive PLO1,

CLO 1 Understand (2) (Engineering Knowledge)
understanding of the problem area.
Students will be able to collect and review the Cognitive PLO4
literature from various sources. Remember (1) (Investigation)
Students will be able to devise suitable Cognitive PLO3
CLO 3 methodology for the solution of the given Apply (3) (Design/Development
problem. of Solutions)
Students will be able to evaluate and analyze the Cognitive PLO 2
results. Analyze (4) (Problem Analysis)
Affective PLO 11
Students will be able to organize and plan the
CLO 5 Organization (Project Management)
assigned project.
Students will be to demonstrate their work in the Psychomotor PLO 10
form of a report and presentation. Precision (3) (Communication)
Students will be able to apply modern Cognitive PLO 5
CLO 7 engineering/IT tools for data analysis of the Apply (3) (Modern Tool usage)
Students will be able to assess the problem in Cognitive PLO 7
CLO 8 environmental perspective for sustainable Evaluate (5) (Environment and
development. Sustainability)
Students will be able to demonstrate ethical Affective PLO 8
principles, responsibilities and norms of various Valuing (3) (Ethics)
practices involved in the project
Students will be able to apply the contextual Cognitive PLO 6
CLO 10 knowledge for addressing the issues of society Apply (3) (The Engineer and
related to engineering practices. Society)
Affective PLO 9
Students will be able to defend the work
CLO 11 Respond (4) (Individual and
effectively, as an individual or in a team.
Students will be able to identify the learned Affective PLO 12
CLO 12
values into priorities. Respond (4) (Lifelong Learning)

Table of Contents
AUTHOR'S DECLARATION..........................................................................................................iii



CLOs and Assessment Method.........................................................................................................vii

List of Figures.....................................................................................................................................x

List of Tables.....................................................................................................................................xi


Chapter 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................12

1.1 Research motivation...........................................................................................................12

1.1.1 Types of desalination...................................................................................................13

1.2 Problem statement..............................................................................................................16

1.3 Objectives...........................................................................................................................16

1.4 Outline of the project..........................................................................................................16

1.5 Project Gantt Chart.............................................................................................................16

Chapter 2 Literature survey..............................................................................................................17

2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................17

Chapter 3 Theory and Mathematical modelling...............................................................................18

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................18

3.2 Solution Methodology........................................................................................................18

3.3 Modern Tool Usage/Software............................................................................................18

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion.....................................................................................................19

4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................19

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future work...........................................................................................20

5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................20

5.2 Significance of Research....................................................................................................20

5.3 Gantt Chart Compliance.....................................................................................................20

Appendix A.......................................................................................................................................21


List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Total worldwide installed capacity by technology since 2015 based on IDA
desalination yearbook 2015-2016.....................................................................................................14
Figure 1.9 Structure of the dissertation............................................................................................16

List of Tables
Table 1.1 Comparison of energy consumption between RO and CDI processes.............................15
Table A.0.1 Pareto solution set with 38 different possible combinations of operating parameters for
optimized performance functions.....................................................................................................21

C¿ CDI inlet feed concentration [mM/L]
V Applied voltage for CV [V]

CDI cell series resistance [ohm]

C electrodes capacitance [Farad]

Applied adsorption current during CC [A]

F Faraday’s constant [C/mole]
Va CDI cell dead volume for CC [L]
Vc CDI cell dead volume for CV [L]

Adsorption process time [s]

Adsorption target voltage for CC [V]

Desorption current [A]

Desorption voltage [V]

Greek Symbols
η CDI cell charge efficiency
ɛ Molar ionic valence of the CDI inlet feed solution

CDI desorption feed flowrate [mL/s]

CDI adsorption feed flowrate [mL/s]

CDI columbic efficiency

CDP Potential difference across the membrane and half of the spacer [V]

CDP dimensionless potential difference over the diffused layer [V]

Subscript and Superscript
efcv Effluent in CV
in Inlet feed
s Spacer
series Series
c Cell
shift Shift point
t Target
ch Charging stage

CDI Capacitive deionization
M-CDI Membrane CDI system
WR Water recovery
SEC Specific energy consumption
CV Constant voltage process

Chapter 1
<Chapter heading font size & format: 14 Bold Arial

Sub heading font size & format: 12 Bold Arial

Body font size & format: 12 Time new roman

Paragraph: Justify

Line spacing: 1.5

Reference style: ASME endnote style

Page numbering: page number should not be mentioned on title pages

Page number should be in roman for initial pages of thesis

However, numerical value should be used when the chapter start

Heading and subheadings can be adjusted according to project work.

For further details how to format a dissertation, do visit following website

1.1 Research motivation

The world’s population has increased to 7.5 billion and is estimated to be over 8 billion by the
end of 2025 [1]. Consequently, there is an ongoing need of fresh water for domestic, industrial,
and agricultural use. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), half of the world’s
population will be living in water-stressed areas by 2025 [2]. The United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), global environment outlook report states that almost 1.1 billion people still
lack access to safe drinking water and approximately 40% of the world population is suffering
from water shortage issues that are big environmental threats, which cause health issues [3]. 71%
of the earth’s surface is covered with water, and 96.5% of global water is in the oceans and

rivers. Almost 1.7% of global water is groundwater [4]. Normal concentration of dissolved salt
ions in seat water and brackish water are 35000 ppm and 1000 ppm, respectively [5]. Drinkable
water concentration according to WHO should be less than 500 ppm. Thus, desalination of
seawater and brackish water drawn a lot of attention as a strategy for addressing the water issue.

1.1.1 Types of desalination

Existing desalination process are generally grouped based on their principle of operation such
as thermal, membrane, and electrical desalination process [5, 6]. Thermal desalination is
considered the oldest and first commercially viable process due to its ability to integrate with
dual-purpose cogeneration facilities [7]. In this process, energy is used to evaporate the water
through latent heat of water evaporation to obtain pure water as a distillation product and solid
waste as a by-product. Three major thermal desalination processes are multistage flash
distillation (MSF), multiple effect distillation (MED), and vapor compression (VC) [8].
However, a drawback of the distillation method is the requirement of high evaporation energy.
Membrane-based desalination processes are currently the most commonly used processes [5, 9].
In these processes, the salinity feed is purified through a pressure gradient developed through a
pump or temperature difference. The two major desalination processes are reverse osmosis (RO)
and membrane distillation (MD) [5]. 65 % of total worldwide desalination installed capacity used
RO and remaining almost 30% used thermal desalination (Fig. 1.1). Due to high energy
consumption, these membrane-based processes are good for high salinity feed water [10]. For
low salinity feed water, electrical desalination is an alternative process [11]. As the name depict,
an electrical desalination method is based on the application of electrical potential. An electric
field is developed to extract salt ions from the inlet feed solution and produce deionized water as
a desalination product [12]. Two fundamentally different methods used for electrical desalination
are capacitive deionization (CDI) and electro-dialysis (ED) [13].

Figure 1.1 Total worldwide installed capacity by technology since 2015 based on IDA
desalination yearbook 2015-2016

<Table should be in black n white style, no color scheme should be used>
Table 1.1 Comparison of energy consumption between RO and CDI processes

Feed water Energy consumption

concentration (kWh/m3 ¿ ¿ References Comments
( g/ L ¿ RO M-CDI
1.2 0.6 0.2 [11, 14-16]
1.5 1.4 0.3 [11, 15, 17]
1.35 CDI perform
0.7 better
2.0 0.8 0.42 [11, 15, 18]
3.0 1.0 0.85 [11, 17, 19]
RO perform
4.0 5.0 1.4 [11, 14, 15, 20]

1.2 Problem statement

1.3 Objectives

1.4 Outline of the project

CDI Performance

Electrode’s adsorption Process modifications of

property CDI

Chp:2 Chp:6
CDI-SGP integration for pure
Hybrid CV-CC process of Performance optimization
water and energy generation
CDI of CDI process

Chp:3 Chp:4 Chp:5

Integration of CDI with CDP CDI integration with RED CDI integration with PRO
process process process

Figure 1.2 Structure of the dissertation

1.5 Project Gantt Chart

Chapter 2
Literature survey

2.1 Introduction

Chapter 3
Theory and Mathematical modelling

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Solution Methodology

3.3 Modern Tool Usage/Software

Chapter 4
Results and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

Chapter 5
Conclusions and Future work

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Significance of research

(At the end of chapter 5 before Gantt Chart)

Utilization/significance with respect to engineer and society, environment and

sustainability, industry/academia.

5.3 Gantt Chart Compliance

Appendix A
Table A.0.2 Pareto solution set with 38 different possible combinations of operating parameters
for optimized performance functions.

[1] Counts, T. W., 2017, "The World Counts,"
[2] Organization, W. H., 2015, "Drinking-water."
[3] United Nations Environment Programme, 2007, "Global Environment Oulook."
[4] Gleick, P. H., 1993, Water in crisis: a guide to the world's fresh water resources, Oxford University
Press, Inc.
[5] Anderson, M. A., Cudero, A. L., and Palma, J., 2010, "Capacitive deionization as an electrochemical
means of saving energy and delivering clean water. Comparison to present desalination practices: Will it
compete?," Electrochimica Acta, 55(12), pp. 3845-3856.
[6] Demirer, O. N., Naylor, R. M., Rios Perez, C. A., Wilkes, E., and Hidrovo, C., 2013, "Energetic
performance optimization of a capacitive deionization system operating with transient cycles and brackish
water," Desalination, 314, pp. 130-138.
[7] council, N. R., 2008, Desalination: a national perspective, National Academies Press.
[8] Subramani, A., and Jacangelo, J. G., 2015, "Emerging desalination technologies for water treatment:
A critical review," Water research, 75, pp. 164-187.
[9] Chaudhry, S., 2003, "Unit cost of desalination," California Desalination Task Force, California
Energy Commission. Sacramento, California.
[10] Shrivastava, A., Rosenberg, S., and Peery, M., 2015, "Energy efficiency breakdown of reverse
osmosis and its implications on future innovation roadmap for desalination," Desalination, 368, pp. 181-
[11] Zhao, R., Porada, S., Biesheuvel, P. M., and van der Wal, A., 2013, "Energy consumption in
membrane capacitive deionization for different water recoveries and flow rates, and comparison with
reverse osmosis," Desalination, 330, pp. 35-41.
[12] Jia, B., and Zhang, W., 2016, "Preparation and Application of Electrodes in Capacitive Deionization
(CDI): a State-of-Art Review," Nanoscale Res Lett, 11(1), p. 64.
[13] Porada, S., Zhao, R., van der Wal, A., Presser, V., and Biesheuvel, P. M., 2013, "Review on the
science and technology of water desalination by capacitive deionization," Progress in Materials Science,
58(8), pp. 1388-1442.
[14] Ghermandi, A., and Messalem, R., 2009, "Solar-driven desalination with reverse osmosis: the state
of the art," Desalination and water treatment, 7(1-3), pp. 285-296.
[15] ZARCO, D., GARCÍA SOTO, C., and BUENDÍA CANDEL, R., "Experiences on desalination of
different brackish water," Proc. IDA World Congress, DubaI, ref: IDAWC/DB09-135.
[16] de Carvalho, P. C. M., Riffel, D. B., Freire, C., and Montenegro, F. F. D., 2004, "The Brazilian
experience with a photovoltaic powered reverse osmosis plant," Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and
Applications, 12(5), pp. 373-385.
[17] Al-Karaghouli, A. A., and Kazmerski, L., 2011, "Renewable energy Opportunities in water
desalination," Desalination, Trends and Technologies, InTech.
[18] Maurel, A., 1979, "Dessalement et energies nouvelles," Desalination, 31(1-3), pp. 489-499.
[19] Libert, J., and Maurel, A., 1981, "Desalination and renewable energies-a few recent developments,"
Desalination, 39, pp. 363-372.
[20] Weiner, D., Fisher, D., Moses, E. J., Katz, B., and Meron, G., 2001, "Operation experience of a
solar-and wind-powered desalination demonstration plant," Desalination, 137(1), pp. 7-13.

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