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PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

1. What is PL/SQL.?

- It is a procedural language which is extension to SQL.

- The purpose of PL/SQL is to combine query language and procedural

programming language.

- A bundle of sql queries will execute in single call.

- Implement bussiness logic

-- 2. What is Cursor.?

- Cursor is a SQL private area where the query get passed and executed.

- It is a pointer to the memory location which holds the information about the
SQL statement and its resultset.

- Cursor is two types :

- Implicit Cursor
- Explicit Cursor

- Implicit Cursor can return eaxctly single row. It is constructed and managed by
PL/SQL, but can get information from
its attributes.

- Explicit cursor can return multiple rows. It is constructed and managed by us.
We can open, fetch and close cursor as we want.

-- 3. What is Exception.?

- An error which interrupts the normal flow of program instructions

- Exception which handle the error in run-time and compilation time.

- In PL/SQL , Exception block that raises the Exception which helps us to find out
the error and resolve it.

- We can handle exception by using some of Pre-defined and User defined


PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

4. What is Stored Procedure.?

- Procedure is a Named PL/SQL Sub Program which is compiled and stored in


- Procedures performs an action and mostly used to implement business logics.

- It is complied once and can be executed multiple times for Repeated Usage.

- There are two types of procedure

- Static Procedure - Without Arguments
- Dynamic Procedure - With Arguments

-- 5. What is Functions.?

- Function is named PLSQL sub program which compiled and stored in the

- Function is mostly used to Compute values and to fetching some data from

- Function must return one value and Function header contains return clause.

- Function can be executed in SQL SELECT statement.

-- 6. What is Pragma Autonomous_Transaction.?

- PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION is a independent session.

It can be executed without dependency of other subprograms.

- We have to use COMMIT, whenever your subprogram have PRAGMA

It act like independent.

- PRAGMA is a key and AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION is independent


-- 7. What is Package.?

- Package is a schema object which will groups logically related procedure and
PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

- A package will contain two mandatory parts

- Package specification
- Package body or definition

- We can declare global variable,

cursor and
exception inside the package
specification part.

- if you execute any procedure or function inside the package, the rest of the
program also get loaded into memory.

-- 8. What is Trigger.?

- Triggers are stored procedure, which are automatically executed or fired when
some events occur

- Triggering Events Like:


- DDL Statements [CREATE, ALTER]

- We cant execute trigger, it executes implicitly whenever the particular event

takes place.

-- 9. What is Refcursor.?

- Ref Cursor is an acronym of Reference to a Cursor.

- Ref cursor is a datatype. It used for multiple SQL statements in the PL/SQL

- Ref cursor is used to pass the resultset from one sub program to another sub

- Types of Ref cursor.

- Strong Ref cursor - With Fixed Return type.

- Weak Ref cursor - Without Fixed Return type.
PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

- Sys Refcursor - Oracle Builtin Weak ref cursor.

-- 10. What is Collection.?

- Collection is a ordered group of logically related information.

- It is a high level datatype used to store multiple values as single variable can be
declared by using TYPE keyword.

- There are three collection types −

- Index-by tables or Associative array

- Nested table
- Variable-size array or Varray

-- 11. What is Bulk Collect.?

- Bulk Collect is used to process large volume of data.

- It mainly reduces context switches between SQL and PL/SQL engine and allows
SQL engine to fetch all the records
at once.

using bulk collect we fetch records bulk.

- When we use BULK COLLECT in SELECT statement, as BULK COLLECT

fetches the record in BULK so the INTO clause should always contain a collection type variable.

-- 12. What is Dynamic SQL.?

- The SQL statements will be created and executed at run-time based on the
requirement is called Dynamic SQL.

- The advantage of Dynamic SQL is that we can use DDL statement in PLSQL

- These sql statements are executed by using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE keyword

and SQL statement should be inside the strings.
PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

-- 13. What are all Cursor attributes.?

1. %ISOPEN - Returns true if cursor is open, otherwise false.

2. %FOUND - Returns true if record was fetched successfully, otherwise


3. %NOTFOUND - Returns true if record was not fetched successfully,

otherwise false.

4. %ROWCOUNT - Returns the number of rows fetched from the cursor at the
point of time.

-- 14. What is parametarized cursor.?

- While declaring the cursor we can add parameter and passed them into the query
whenever the cursor are opened.

- It define only datatype of parameter and not need to define its length.

-- 3. What are the types Of Exception.?

1. Pre-defined Exception.-> This exception will get raised if certain database rule is violated by
the program.

2. User-defined Exception.-> In this Exception, User can create own exception and handle the
error. It must be declared and
raised explicitly using RAISE statement.

3. Application_Error. -> We declare a user defined exception with your own

customized error number and message and
display it in application.

4. Pragma Exception_Init.-> It is used to handle unnamed exceptions in oracle.

15 What are the types of Pre defined exception.?

- NO_DATA_FOUND - It raised when SELECT INTO statement returns

no rows.
TOO_MANY_ROWS - It raised when SELECT INTO statement returns
more than one rows.
PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

- DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX - It raised when duplicate values are attempted to insert in a

column having UNIQUE index

CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN - It raised when we try to open cursor which is already open

INVALID_CURSOR - It raised when we attempt cursor operation which is not


VALUE_ERROR - It raised when arithmetic, conversion, size constraints

error occurs.

PROGRAM_ERROR - It raised when there is any internal error.

ACCESS_INTO_NULL - It raised when a NULL object automatically assigned a

OTHERS - It is used to raise all remaining exception which we dont know.
- This exception which is used most.
- In others we can know the error message
and error code by using
- SQLERRM - SQL Error Message.
- SQLCODE - SQL Error Code.

-- 16. What is Local Procedure.?

- Procedure within a sub program(In DECLARE block).

- Scope of the procedure is only with in the particular block.

-- 17. What is Procedure Overloading.?

- Procedure can have same name but the Number of Parameters must be different
or order of the data type is different.

- Only local or packaged subprograms, or type methods, can be overloaded.

- You cannot overload standalone subprograms.

--18. What is Package Overloading?

- If the procedure and function name are having same, thenn Number of
Parameter must be different or
PLSQL Interview Question with Answer

order of the data type should be different.


19. What is Forward Declaration in Package?

- We have to declare the procedure or function name into the package


- But Inside the package body, We can include procedure or function which is not
declare in the specification
It is called forward declaration package.

- Program will be get success while compilation, but not executed which is not
declared in the specification part.

-- 20. Global Variable and Local Variable:

Global Variable : It is the variable inside the package specification.

Local Variable : It is the variable inside the subprograms of package body.

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