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oh 7 #New Edition iT STUDENT'S BOOK e . = > Talk about dally routine and activities > Ack and answer about dally routine. > Write a past about daly routine > Identify sequence markers, > Talk about means of transport > Write an interviews OODCRLS Oo QO Oo O QO >> Think and share your ideas with the class. How do you fee! about this picture? Have you usually gota busy wook? Why? How do you organise your day? Do you use & calendar for school work? tfs0, do you use an analog or a digital calendar? Z 7 2 (22) Listen to Dana talking about her daily 3 Look and match the phrases. routine and complete her e-calendar. 1 get 2 hav 3 go 6 \ 4 watch ees) | | = ae to school ‘ied 4 2b Listen to Dana again and write true (T) or false (F). | play volleyball with my friends on the beach. [ have lunch at school. [] My friends and surf on Bondi beach. [J | do homework in the evening. [| I check my chats after dinner. [J | brush my teeth and go to bed at 10:00pm. [ 1 ©} eee es ‘Simple Present (affirmative) We use this tense to talk about routine and habitual 5 Match these sentences with the nie corresponding pictures. 1 | watch 7v inthe evening. 4. Dana gets up at? am You | play tennis with your fiends. 2 She gets dressed for school He | getsup at 80am. 3. She has a shower She | brushesherteeth | everyday 4 She has lunch at noon Ie | runsinthe park | inthe morning 5 She brushes her teeth We | go to schoo! at noon, 6 She goes to bed at 10:30 pm. You | have lunch at school They | gotobed at 10:30pm, Su 2 Remember! F 7 G2) Listen to Julia describing her routine and complete her calendar. i ee a 6 Read this post by Dana's mother and complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. g My name's Ana. t'm Dana's mother. My dally routine is very different from most people's because |, (work) in the evening am a doctor at Sydney Regional Hospital A (tar) work at 9 pm right after dinner. My husband, Victor, (tay) at home with Dana, my Shiierig——— fant?” | gy orn pa set cnn sau Aeietine Dens ye activity 7 and tell your partner about ig {geb hore at 730m y 7 ane tal a have) breakfast with my ene fay When Dara (galt school, |p (go) to bod. Its a 9 |\ complete a calendar about your daily stressful outne! routine and write a short post for the school blog. Use the text in activity 6 as a model. Oo) 03 LESSON 2 1 QS Warmeu : Have your grandparents got a smartphone? Can they use it without help? Do you ever help them with apps or chat messages? 26 fetes SOCIAL MEDIA Pehas 4h See isetaacd Hh ee BRIDGING THE GENERATION GAP a 11 Mary goss to school in the evening. [] 2. She wants to study Information Technology. [_] 3. She teaches Tom every day. [| 4 Tom’ favourite app is the video call, {| 5 His grandchildren live in Califomia, [] 3 Look at the Useful Tips box. Then write the -s /-es forms of these verbs. a teach finish i climb ee work : os wovoununa have 10 do 64 “) Read this article and write true (T) or false (F). ary is 14 years old. She is from Califormia, JUSA. She loves computers. When she finishes school, she wants to study Information Technology. Every afternogn after school she teaches elderly people to use their computers, tablets and smartphones. She is a volunteer for a well-known ‘American organisation. She loves that hobby. One of her studentsis Tom, 2 78-year-old man. Every Tuesday and Friday he turns an the computer, clicks fn the Internet Web browser icon and waits far Mary happily. Every class she teaches him something new. Now he knows how to surf the net and to chat with friends, ‘My favourite is the video call app’, says Tom, ‘Tm happy to connect with my grandchildren. They tive in New York and it is great to see them on the screen, © #Useful Tip > Spelling Simple Present (aff) 3° person singular Spelling rules: > Add ~s for most verbs. work - works, buy - buys, ride - rides, return - returns > Add -es for verbs that end in -ch, watch - watches, pass - passes, rush - rushes, relax- relaxes, buzz - buzzes ash, > Change the -y to ~fand add -es when the base form ends in a consonant +y. study studies, hury - ures, dry - dries > Do not change the ~y when the base form ‘ends in @ vowel +y. Adds play- plays, enjay- enjoys Remember! ‘A few verbs have got irregular forms. be - is, do - does, go- goes, have - has ©} ##Sign Up to Grammar Sequence markers: first, then, after that, next, Finally First, J urn on my computer Then, | click onthe internat browser, After that, | type the video cell app URL. Next, {click on my grandchildren’s names. Finally, my grandchildren’s faces appear on the screen, Remember! We use sequence markers to organise ideas in chronological order 4 sa) Joshua is at Green Hills Summer Camp. Listen to his audio message to his parents and number the pictures in the correct order. @ eee) 6 \\ Mary is teaching Tom to download anew app. Rewrite the steps she takes. First, I tap on the app store icon. Then, | ype the app name in the search box. After that, ! tap on the app icon ta download it Next, Insert my password. Finally | tap ‘2ccept to initiate the installation process. When itis finished, can start using the new app! Now its your turn. You do it First, Mary taps on the : Then, she — Finally, she as 7 62% stelta and John are Mary's students too. Listen and complete the sentences. 1 John __gets up very early on Saturdays. 2 love Marys computer lessons, 3 haves computers. 4 —___goto the gym. 5 likes junk food, 6 7 8 listens to classical music. — reads the newspaper every day, _ {gets up at 11 am on Saturdays, 5 2) Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. In pairs, take turns to make sentences about Joshua's routine at the summer camp using sequence markers. First he makes hs bed. Then ©om 65 LESSON 3 1 2) Warm-up: Name different ways in which people communicate today. Do your parents or grandparents understand your chat messages? Why? Why not? 2 |) Dora and Maggie are classmates. Read thelr chat They are chatting onli and match the cyber acronyms to their meanings. Hi Maggie. RU there? yess Yeah. WU? se How do you go to school? ass By bike. And You? sexo Me 2. Lets go together! sus {GRBL BTW, Leo's in our Drama class! @ ts ‘GUCCI! What time is the Drama class? 6 730 am OMG FA sssi LOL Justkidding! Its at 30 pin. gs Be) #Useful Tip > Vocabulary How do you go to school? By bus / car/taxi/ train / bike, On foot, Re-read the chat and answer these questions. 1. When are the Drama classes? 2. Do Maggie and Dora lke Leo? 3. How do they go to school? Look at the survey results below and answer the que the negative sentences. GOs sana Dope. sess | ack [wary | 7 UO us | Megsie v Ls i el a a) + RU {1 Metoo 2wur [1 Seeyou 4 Does Jack go to school by car? 3-Me2 [1 Bythe way. dons He ans ta schal an GM G1 talgh outloud 2. Do Dora and Maggie go to schoo! by tain? 5 BTW —[_} Excelent / Awesome 6 GUCCL [ ] Oh, myGod! 3. Does Noah go to school by ca? 7 OMG — [1 Whatsup? Blo 1 Awyou 4. Does Mary goto school by taxi? Go tee 5 Does eo go toscoalby vat 66 ions. Complete the information for © ES eens Simple Present Attmative | Negative Interrogative Short answers 1 |phy. don't play. be Racer ae Facer You A you 2 you Yo! | have don't have po |" Ihave ie TheY | work ae they york 7 NO |they [dont plays loos ply ay.? ia cesta Yes, |po [dows She has doesnithave.. Does |she |have..? + ——she ie i wale |e works doesn't work work..? : fa 5 (30 Dora and Leo are going home after the Drama class Listen to thelr conversation and circle the correct options. 6 (2) Work in pairs. interview your partner Dora and Leo play / plays sports Dora plays / doesn't play tennis on Fridays. Leo plays basketball on Fridays / Saturdays, Dora likes / doesn't lke rock ' ell Dora doesn't play the piano / guitar. Dora and Leo don't love / love ice cream. and complete the table. Swap roles. A:Do your 1d magacines? B:¥esdo./ Nol dont [ Name: get up early read magazines chat with fiends watch TV play the guitar and your Imagination. 7 \\ Write a paragraph about Dora and her friends. Use the information in activity 5 These are Dora and her clessmates. Dora LESSON 4 1 (2) Warm-up: Are you concerned about climate change? Why? Why not? 2 [) Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then read the article and complete the interview with the questions in the box. MEET A CLIMATE ACTIVIST Fridays for Future is an international climate movement. 1s August 2018, Greta Thunbera, 2 Swedish 15-year-old, and other ‘young activists sit in front of the ‘Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks to protest ‘against the lack of action on the climate crisis. She posts what she's doing and it soon goes viral. Here we interview her about her efforts to ight climate change. ad the article and answer true (T) or false (F). 1. Greta Thunbergiisatesnager. [J 2. Sheisfrom Switzerland. [1 3. She is part of an intematicnal climate movement. [| 4 She doesn't use social networks. [1 4 Match the columns to make questions. 1 Where [|] doyoudo in your free time? 2 How [1 doyou live? 3 What [1 doyoudo your homework? 4 Why [1 doyou go to school? 5 When (1 doyou lve with? 6B & Who [1 doyou study English? Where do you get together? Howold are you Greta? Who do you do it with? When do you usually do that? Howdo you do that? What do you do every Friday? Why do you want to promote action? Reporter: = Greta: rm 18 years old now. Reg —________—__ 6: We promote action. ie 6; Because I want to protect the environment and to raise awareness bout it nt G.I post messages on social media, a: G:I post messages with other activists, There are activist all over the world. 02 ee oe 6:On Fridays. it all started on three sunning Fridays in 2018, a Reo ae Anywhere! From the school entrance 10 social media, any place is suiteble for environmental care, R: Thank you, Greta x ~ © ‘#Useful Tip > Grammar We use why to ask questions and because to answer ther. ‘A: Why do you study Art? BB: Because {love it! 5 Now answer the questions in activity 4. 6 Read this interview to John. Write questions for the underlined phrases. Interviewer: What do you do to take care ofthe planet? in: | recy waste a J: separate nubs from recyclable items. ‘¢——________— 4'No. be dassn't- My brother doesn't help me ata (ee 2 en J Trecycle because tis one of the ways to protect our scovironment a —— 4: Vusually recycle in the evening afterschool Ee Jelrecycle in the hack yard 2 Work in groups. Do some research and make alist of tips to protect the environment. Design a poster with useful advice. ‘Tumoft the lights Seve water 4, Q) Use th information in atvty 7 Ra weil quash. Than ensiioa a classmate and complete the hare below. ORI? Yes & No questions ‘The answer to this question is sither yes or no: A: Do you play computer games? B: Yes, Ido. /No, I don't. Wh- questions The answer to these questions gives more detailed information: ‘A: What / Which actions do you take to protect the environment? Bi cocycle waste A; When do you recycle? B: In the evenings. A: Why do you recycle? B: Because its important to take care of our planet. A: Where do you recycle? B:At home or at school. ‘A: Who do you recycle with? B: Alone or with my family A: How do you recycle? B:tseparate ubbish from reqelable tems. Then I find new uses for recyclable items. (&) 1 Complete Samantha’s post with get, go s or have. tg wish am, dressed and, —_____breaklast. 1 to school on foot. At noon, 1 lunch at the school canteen. 8 ‘We use recyclable containers to protect the environment. At 3:30 pm I — When Ip, home, | 1 shower and de my homework. Then, I help my mur to separate the rubbish from recyclable tems, \ Listen to Peter describing his routine <@{__ andiwite sentences following the clues. . 1. Peter/ shower / morning 2 He /bike 2 He / breakfast / home Create post e 4 (arb Listen to Peter's routine again and write questions for his answers. +1 what time do you getup? I get up at 620 io) eecenacntee = | go to school by bike eee | have breakfast atthe school canteen a (On Tuesdays and Fridays 5 — = {play football with my friends. 5 Complete using by, on, at, or in. 1. Mysister and I don't go to school bus. 2. My fiends and | play football Sunday momings, 3. Tom and his brother are athletes. They get up 5:00 am every day. 4. My cousins haven't got English lessons the moming, 5. My house is next to my school. | go to school feat. 6 Justin and Mike are brothers. This table shows how they go to different places. Look at the table and answer the questions. 1. How do they go to the shopping centre? “Thou go to the shopping centre by underground. 2. How do they go to their grandmother's house? 3. How do they go to the sports club? 4, He / Tuesdays and Fridays 4 How do they go to school? / 7 Think about the Monday's routine of a family 9 (> Workin pairs. Write five questions to member. Complete his / her calendar. ask your partner about his / her family. Swap roles. BA uhattime does your mum / bother getup? . June 2021 2 _ «> 3 — 4 MONDAY 12 5 10 Read about Greta Thunberg’s routine. Complete with the verbs in the correct form. read have get post eat create go getup walk . GRETA’S BUSY ROUTINE Greta Thunbers, at 7.00 am and breakfast At 00 8 posters and fiyers. At she , for 2 walkin the park, When she back ome she prepares her speeches and interviews * {At 12:20 she has lunch. 5 balanced 1 dishes, She is against the environmer e meat industry. In the afternc hd ‘an social media, At 4 . er dogs, At 5:0 she has e with her family and then she hangs 8 |\ Use the information in activity 7 to write friends. At 2.00 pmsh a paragraph about your family member. ind books till she falls asleep. My___ name is She /He gets up 2s > Cescribe people's personality > Bsk and answer about how often ene does something. > Talk about what people and animals, can or cantt do. Identity speech connectors > Ask and answer about wishes. Use frequency words and express > Express permission and prohibition. > Write a blog post. #PICOF THE UNIT >> Think and share your ideas with the class. What is the message behind this collage? Do you find it good fun? Why? Why not? ‘Are you an animal lover? Have you got a pet? 1¥s0, what is your relationship with your pet? LESSON1 1 2) Warm-up: De you read horoscopes? 2 ©) what is your Chinese sign? Read your Do you know the difference between zodiac __sign description. Do you agree with your sign and horoscope? Read the introduction _—personality description? HORSES have got Slot of nergy and love adventure “They ote BE ae butsomotmes ory sige GOATS ike beauty Sg na GRR Ty id he ats. They hike recor ‘Jon tak much anc thair fend bi are are tw thoy se often iba rarely talk to whan things 99 won strangers. TIGERS are natural MONKEYS are leaders. They always ‘ery BORE They fight for whats ight. Jove partes! They Thay ie to thik but ror and ket sole problems. sometimes they fed itdicu to make a fs a RABBIT x2 ROOSTERS oe BRIGAEATER ond have ‘ise! 2° > hate tetany tren. They (aig They RABBIT DRAGON Beautiful things. They havent got many fends and hey ahnays think they a ‘ight (DOGS sR anc oop ther frends secrete They a0 Ke lke to protect people a They hardly ever get into confi, DRAGONS uss Fe the fect, They > eum sommes) oe ‘MONKEY ROOSTER Dos. SNAKES are very PIGS ae GE (iitisee Tey and like the Dollve in intution peopl. They haven’ They 2 te ‘gotmary fends Th ©? Bee! 0 OA, ON ER andlow: en 2 ©) Useful Tip > Vocabulary Saying the years 2000 = two thousand 2008 = two thousand and eight 2021 = 202) = twenty twenty-one Read the Chinese Zodiac again and classify the highlighted personality adjectives. Remember! NEUTRAL 4 a Listen and find out these people's Chinese Zodiac sian. 1 Jenniferis arabic Bites ees 3 Judithis Oe eee 5 5 (2) Workin pairs. Describe a family member's personality and challenge your partner to guess your family member's Chinese zodiac sign. {A Mg Ste is shy and she rare talks to strangers but ‘she likes her friends, She also likes beauty and the arts. B:Your ster goat! 6 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then put the words in order to make sentences. reads / My/ always / horoscope page. / sister / the Mysictor alvoysreads the horescope page 2 ig /mum / rarely / My / angry 3 never gets / father into confit. / My 4 homework /us / gives / My / usually /Yeacher 5 my/I/ go out/ tends. / sometimes / with ©) cer toed Frequency adverbs 3 Frequency adverbs are used to describe how often things happen. [DZ sometimes - Dogs are sometimes distant at patios, ODOOC DIDS DIEIG Never Roosters never listen to people. Be careful with the position of frequency adverbs. ‘An oxis often angry. ~ verb to be + adverb Snakes often believe in intuition. = adverb + other verbs Always > Roosters always think they’te right Usually = Dragons usually help their friend Often => Monkeys are often creative. Rarely / Hardly ever “> Sheep rarely talk to strangers. © #Useful Tip > Vocabulary We use personality adjectives to describe people’ qualities Emily friendly but she is sometimes abit sty. 7 Look at the prompts and write sentences. 1. Roosters / never / people ever listen to people 2. Aragon / usually / friends 2 Atiger often /angry 4 Rats / usually / charming and easy-going 5 Aherse / sometimes /impatient 8 (2) Work in pairs. Interview your partner about his / her personality and routine. Complete the table below. How ftenda you 9 |\ write about your partner's personality 1 routine i ctebook, {and routine in your noteboo! — 76 1 LESSON2 Warm-up: Do you tink animals can have a job? If so, what jobs can they have? De you suede Wal working elinaict Animals work: We all know that dogs can’t talk but they can help the police to catch criminals and to find missing people. Guide dogs can help blind people to move freely avoiding obstacles. But what about other animals? Well, you will be surprised A truffle pig is a pet that hunts for truffles. A truffle is a special type of fungus that grows underground, The pigs have got such a good sense ofsmell that they can sniffoutatruffleeven ‘when it is buried a metre underground. The pig owners train their pigs. A truffle pig can walk on leash and sniff out truffles between the fallen leaves in the forest. Truffles are very expensive. ‘They are popular in the Middle Eastern, French, Spanish, Italian and Greek cooking, Land mine rats are rats which ean find mines that are buried in the ground, especially in countries such as Mozambique, Cambodia and Angola ‘The rats are very small so they can’t set off the mines. When they smell a mine they freeze and make quick scratches on the ground to signal where it is, It takes about nine months to train the rats, and, like all workers, they get paid for a job well done ~ with food, often bananas. Ifyou can’t walk or move your arms, a monkey can offer a helping hand. Capuchin monkeys are trained to do a variety of daily tasks: they can pick up dropped items, turn on and off electronic gadgets and open and close doors. Of course, they can’t go shopping or cook but are great friends for some people. 13 pick up dropped items b find truffles detect land mines 3 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar Box. Read the article again and answer these questions. 4. Can pigs smell truffles? ‘es they can. cers 2. Can truffle pigs walk on their own in the forest? 3. Can ats set off land mines? 4. Can rats smell land mines? 5. Can capuchin monkeys cook? 6 Can monkeys open and close doors? SS 4 a0» Listen to Jason's pedeast and complete with can or cant, — a SO Per eae Can / Can't ability) Affirmative / Negative Interrogative Short anwers 1 dance the tango, 1 runa marathon? 1 You jump. you use tablet? you He trun a marathon he read amap? Yes, he can. She can sing. she drive? she can't play a sport Con ie jump? * We swim, we playthepiano? | No, we can't You take photos. you tellthe timo? you They cook pizza they follow instructions? they Remember! In affirmative sentences, the main verb is stressed: We can do it In negative sentences, can'tis stressed: We can't do it #Useful 10:00 AM < JASON’S PODCAST a Hi, folist In today's episode | want to share some of my abilities with you. I'm 3 sporty guy 1, fun a marathon and play football but | jy do yoga or martial arts. Iollow a training programme. run 3 km a day and | usualy play football en Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ig Canyou play football” ip> We can use and, or and but 0 jin two sentences. Monkeys can walk and jump. (adclition) Sam can’t ride a horse of a ike. (evo or more ideas in the negative) ‘Dogs can run but they can't fly (contrast) (nd 5 Look at the Useful Tip box, Then re-read Jason’s podcast and circle the connectors. 6 (2) Work in pairs. Interview a partner and complete the table. Then complete the column about you. You. play the centre forward and the striker position Roast but I definitely —___— play the goalkeeper position ae Thank you for listening. Remember you can vain your follow ma an social media, We'll mest in my et to follow next episode! {Somnmands? paint or draw? walk on your hands? 7 \\ Write a paragraph about your partner's abilities in your notebook. Om” 2B LESSON 3 1 (2) Warm-up: What breed is the dog in the article? What is this breed well-known for? Do you agr highlighted words. with their reputation? Tere alt of controversy coud pitbul Some peopl say that these dogs reoffectonae and ‘oy notre Some thes ay tha they are degerous unpredictable and aggresive What pt bl ones vis ave tay? >> KATE PEARSON has got 22-year-old pit bull called Oca. ‘at says hel sweet dog andl as, He loves tobe withthe {amily and enjoys plying. Hes the guaran ofthe font dor ‘when the doorbell rings, he Bal, But he does it. On the > ARTHUR WHITE has gota feet story to tel 'My ‘eighbous Henry Thompsa, has got ait ull alle Ray. hes 3 yeasoldandshes ver stongand energetic aby neve wears 2 mand enya eepsheron avn the ain ‘eset Henry sy that Ruby des bite and that she at angers but the thr day by tacks hi, Tats tele! {ink that tbls ae ey aggesive and dangers 3 Read the article again and write true (T). 4 (2) Would you like or false (F). to have a pit bull? bameyouse | | 3 Heisasillydog. [ } ‘would / wouldnt lke to Gee tested boxe 5 She wears a muzzle in the street, [ ] pitbulls are usually. 6 Henry always keeps heron aleash. [ ] ‘They can / cant. ———EEEEE——— 5 0b Listen to Kate from Adopt a Dog Foundation and tick () the information you hear. 1 1 Adopting a dog is very expensive 2 1 1 You always have to train an adopted dog, 3 [1 Adopted dogs are usually good with children 4-[ 1 Adopted dogs are usually friendly with other pets 5 [1 Adopt a Dog foundation matches you with any dog. 6 [1 The foundation website offers anew pet alert 7 [1 Adopted dogs are sometimes sgaressive, 6 QW would youths to adopt a os? Ife, which dog nthe picture would you ‘o adopt? Why? Discuss. Tike to adopt (Lucy) because HARE wer = ©} erated Would/ Wouldn't like to verb We can use would lke to to talk about things that people want to do or have. | would lke to have & dog. = I'd like to have a dog. What would you lke to do on Saturday moming? | would not (wouldn't) lke to get up early. Remember! The short form of would is‘. Fd lke to live in a big house one day. 7 Write sentences about what you would or wouldn't like to do with your new dog. ‘You may use the ideas in the box. walk play with my dog keep my dog on a leash feed my dog. give mydoga bath teach him tricks Lovin ike to wall my dog to the park 8 (2) Find a classmate who has got a dog and ask him / her the questions below. NAME: [What breed is your dog? |_——__ What's his / her name? [Can he / she play with : ball? [Can he / she fetch a stick? _ (Can he /she play dead? 9 \\ inyour notebook, write a post for My Dog amagazine about your classmate's dog. Use the information in activity 8, Oem 79 LESSON4 Vai leptin Sancti Chiang Ma How about haingam hcl cesousm erica in Thailand? ‘ur gait teach isto aout elephants ma natural esr and to protect thee giant sina Weean ese cleanin dag ‘cae on an fed hem wh the roney we getfnm donations and entrance tia Warm-up: What do you know about elephants? Are they in danger of extinction? Do you know what an elephant sanctuary is? Read the leaflet and answer the questions. IESCRIPTION 6okm to the north afthe city of Pern Chiang Mal ee ‘You can interact with the elephants You rt] can touch them, play with them, give eee them abath every moming and even havea mud spa together with them. Pe playing withthe elephant IMPORTANT INFORMATION ‘e Language: English spoken by guides ‘SCHEDULE ‘© Potable water available wie Two Thsimeasin the fll day vst vem ides from andtoyourhoten Morning wt pana ae 6:30 am to 12:30 pm ng Mal for a full day visit CChiang Mal fr a Full day ee 10pm 10.645 pm allay visit 30am 2645 pm ASL What is Elephant Jungle Sanctuary? 2. Where is Elephant Jungle Sanctuary? ‘What ere the goals of this natural reserve? 4 How long can you stay there? 5 What language do guides speak? ae 3 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then read the leaflet again and write true (T) or false (F). Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is open once aweek. { ] You can't play with the elephants U1 You can give the elephants abath every day. [| You can drink potable waterin the reserve. ] You can ride on the elephants twice ayear [1 You can have a Thei meal three times aay [1] 4 Gord Listen to Rta talking to her mum in the Elephant Sanctuary and tick (/) what she can do, [1] play with the elephants [_ ] Fide elephants [J drink water [L_] ask the photographer to take a picture of them [J have an ice cream [ ] eat Thai food 5 Rita is chatting with her friend in England. Complete her message: Hi, Karen!! How are you? Good. What about you? The elephant sanctuary is fantastict I! Tell me about it. Can you ride on an elephant? Oh, and can you play with them? a —— You inthe mud with them . Cool! Cen you give them food? 6 But |, ——— Thai food! Thar’ for us. Realy tasty! gp —___— photographs? ea But there's also a photographer. Illtext you later. have to go! Ep ayi@ uy 8 \w ©} a eos Frequency Expressions We can use the following frequeney expressions to talk about how often we da things Every day / week / month / year ‘Once a day / week / month / year Twice 2 day / week / month / year Three times a day / week / month / year How often do you. wash the dishes? Every day lay tennis? Once 2 week | go dancing? Twice a month, © 4#Useful Tip > Grammar Can or can’t are sometimes used to ask for or give permission. A: Can | have an ice cream, Mum? 2B: Yes, you can. //No, you can't (2) Work in pairs. Use the information in activity 4 and role play a dialogue between Rita and her mum. Rita Can | ide on an elephant, Morn? ‘Mum: Na goucant. “) Werk in pairs. Use the cues below to ask and answer questions. Swap roles. A:visit/a natural reserve B: once / year ‘A: How often do you visita natural reserve? Bist a atural reserve once a year. 1 A:walk /your pot B: every day 2 A:take/ your pet tothe vet Br once or twice / year 3. A:give/yourpet a bath Brtwice / month 4 A:brush / your pet’ teeth Betwice / month 5 A:play /with your pet B: once/ day a post for the school blog about your classmate’s routine with his / her pet using the information in activity 7. Oe») a 1 da2b Listen to Jake's podcast about his : routine and colour his weekly schedule in the table below. 2 Complete the interview to Jake. Use the information in activity 1. Jake: Ok, I'm ready. Interviewer: Jake: | play video games every dey. I ove them. Interviewer: — Jake: Yes, Ihave. His name is Rigo, Interviewer: ee Jake: take him for a walk twice a week Interviewer: " Jake: | play football three times a week, & Interviewer: How often do you de homework? Jt Interviewer: How often do you get up late? take: — Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Jake. Jake: Welcome! Interviewer: Well, Jake, let me ask you some questions, Answer about you. 1. Can you play any sport? 2. How often do you do your homework? 3. Have you got a pet? 4 Can you cook? 5 Are you easy-going? 6 How often do you take selfies? 7 What would you like to do next weekend? 5 Write sentences about what these animals can or can’t do. Use the cues below and a suitable connector (and / or / but). =D : _A tortoise a, run / walk jump / bark fly /climb glass walls | 6 Finish these comments with your own ideas. Hove pets but | haven't got any. would like setae | want to have an ice cream Dogs often bark when les hot in here. Dogs sometimes bite when Elephants can walk fast but Unscramble these personality adjectives. 1 AOCSILEB SORUCEAGOU XREOTERVDET RATCVEIE CRATPCALI SONHET, 2 3 4 MPTIAENIT 5 6 7 8 RDEETIMEND Describe your best friend’s personality. Use some of the personality adjectives in activity 7. My best friend's names. * S FRE swim / walk 1 Read the 1 2t 3 a a ea icle and match the headings to the texts. 1] My Typical Day 5 1 Fun Facts ] Multi-talented Young Wornan PTTONLG AVL spi Sue vin n stain mated You 8 sings, once an aces bt kes wen won her wide conservation wo arm on 2th uly 1996 Bins eve vis nse Me famous oodle ner Mer her’ eat in 2006 ws the CONSENT of stingray ting. Herb, Robert and erates Ter ae a0 conservationists Ter homeisin Aska Zon Queen The) 8 and continue steve’ egacy faring fr anal Te) tke Fa? of rie the is, 2 ‘amescan ely series which shows the Wt inthe zo twice week Tris bind Suma tig at thee. Te vet ne totestitseyesoncea yearuthecattesiseyesnles thei under sedation. n season 1 of Thy cnsee the igesanmual je rece. sin also mates her beloved boyiend Cand! Pomel, a profesional atone, in epde 1 se 2TH weed ot as expected rca they mary nee le he cond T9 ANTI ut oe preva Inthe end tht rants The Wife Warn he family ht for an catremaly moran cause—ropaet te we and wid places! et © Like @ Pat) Weng sce: Australis Zoo 1% Peta p09 (dog) Fave aninat eine $ Business Bind’ eco-clothing & WS aw orteg isthe rvins (Season 2 ede Sas 2-dieteds) a 2 Complete the reporter’s questions for his Interview with Bindi. Reporter: Bindi: My birthday is on 24th July. FEET pp Bindi: lve in the zoo. Reporter Bindi: Our realty series is on twice a week. Reporter: Bindi: He tests its eyes once a year. BBR OF IST oy Bindi Yes, Ive got a pug ae Bindi | get up at 600 am, very early indeed ge ee Bindi Yes, Ido. visit them every day. Reporter eee Bindl:| have dinner at 800 pra and then | go to bec Reporter: Thank you for your time, Bindi Bindi: Don't mention it D8 treaties > IBE845 vist aninasin the 200 200 cord 1) stow wth me fami I 250 bch ith ben cna Raters B00 sag cess BOO acting cass B 1800 have shower 2000 dnner with Chender 3 Work in pairs. Answer the questions using the information in the article. The first pair to finish is the winner. What Bn yerof bik? ow olds in? ae fas onc a a Whats ins mathort roma Whois Stove rin? iB n ony cle? Wie is ic Hasse gta bohiendt ha dae heen nL, WEE Dose id geeup on? When Cray he oa on ie ea in Sanat SS ace Ec aa DRT Eccl vot at i Se ee Where is Bindi from? oe sini a dren? apra pledge Bind ang? twisted Whats the goal of The Wildife Wario Aa oe vec ENT ity Bc vedsing wecall 4 Think and discuss in groups. >> What two interesting facts would you highlight about Bindi? Why? >> Ie she a role model? Why? Why not? re} [a ee c= = Jr “oe HING? ca ALY LESSON1 Warm-up: What is a reality show? Would you like to take part in one? Why? Why not? Read the interview to Jack Smith, the host of Big House. Then write the names of the rooms in the house. Reporter: Big House is the new realty show ‘on channel V6. This is Jack Smith, the host Congrats on this new programme, Jack When exactly does Big House start? Jack: Next Monday at 10:00 pm. Reporter: How many contestants are there in the show? Jack: Six but | don't know them yet ReporterIs the house big? Jack: Yes, itis! I's a comfortable house near London city centre Reporter: How many rooms has the house got? Jack: Well, i's got a big living room and a dining room on the ground floor. There's also the kitchen, a playroom and a small bathroom downstairs Reporter: That sounds good! Are there any rooms upstairs too? Jack Yes, of course, There is the master bedroom and a big bathroom. Reporter: ls there only one bedroom? Jack: Yes, there is, We don't know who will sleep thore. At the beginning of the game all the contestants sleep on a mattress in the garage. Reporter: That's good fun. Well, Jack, break your leg in this new programme. Jack: Thank you! Hive in a house in Buenos Aires We're all at home now. We're in the dining room, ‘The kitchen is on the ground floor. One of the bathrooms is upstairs. The other bathroom is downstairs. ©} Ea eee Present Continuous (affirmative) tobe+verb + -ing 11am ('m) cooking inthe kitchen, You are ('e) brushing your teath in the bathroom. He is (') reading 2 book on the stair. She is ('s) making a phone callin her bedroom, Is () running ia the garden, We are 're) watching TV in the living roam. You are ('e) putting the bikes in the garage. They are 're) eating in the dining room. Remember! Use th Present Cones ok cimusdomtntechpeyeston ma anemone i) Ge3b Listen to Jack Smith with some breaking news from Big House. Match the contestants with the actions and the rooms. 1. Marco and Jahn sitting living room 2 Isabella playing garage 3 Linda cooking bathroom 4 Mel having ashower kitchen 5 Britney sleeping playroom Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then write sentences using the prompts, 1. Marco and John / play video games / playroom Manco and Jobn ane paying vdeo games inthe playroom 2 Isabelle / read ebook / living room 3. Linda / have a shower / bathroom 3 Re-read the interview and ae — answer true (T) or false (F). 4 Britney / cook / kitchen 1 The name ofthe new reality [] Eyal /llses/ garage ee 3} workin prs mast you ae tha haat Thewaesscontetins 11” of Bgninuss ieee ener inthe game, contestants are doing in the different rooms. the master bedroom. @>~) 89 File broadcasting ve frm Big House, At the moment Britney is. Jobn and Marco are no LESSON 2 ‘cartoon character? Who Is your favour with the furniture and household items. ‘ate the four-year old naughty children in the family Thay've gota cat, Flix who they love bothering Christopher loves watching football matahes and ‘Muriel does home working Don't iss the ops and downs of The Chesters! Ther good fn! ‘This type of text isa fact file /a recommendation “The Chesters are on TV /on the radio, ‘The Chesters live in a country house / flat CChvistopher and Muriel have got no children / ‘wo children QQ 5 Muriel works in an office / from home. 1) Warm-up: Do you like watching cartoons? What cartoons can you mention? 2 Look at the picture of one scene of The Chesters, a popular cartoon, and match the numbers fridge [1 cupboard [1 coffee table cocker (UK) ~ stove (US) [1 sofa (UK) = couch (US) L199 armchair [1 table LL chai lame [1 bookcase Read about The Chesters. Then circle the correct options. You have an appointment at 630 pm from Monday to Friday. Watch the well-known cartoon family, The Chesters,on channel V6. The daly life of the typical American family és depicted in 30-minute-episodes. “The Chester ive ina fat in New York city. Christopher and Muriel are the twins’ parents, Alex and Phil 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. ‘Then answer about what the Chesters ‘are doing at home right now. 1. Are the twine playing? 2 Ie Christopher eating a sandwich? 3. |s Muriel talking an the phone? 5 Ace the parents having lunch? 6 Ie the cat sleeping? © ea Present Continuous (interrogative, answers & negative) Interrogative Short answers Negative ‘An [reading? Yes, !am./No, Vm not {am not (m not) reading ‘Are you cooking? Yes, you are. /NNo, you aren't. | You are not (aren‘t) cooking, Is he working? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. He / She Ie is net (isn't) working Aro they playing? Yeo, they are. / No, they aren't. | We / You / They are not (aren‘t) playing, Answers What are you doing? {'m working on the computer What's Mr Chester doing? | He's sitting on the sofa, What are the twins doing? | They're playing with their toys 5 ab Listen to four dialogues from The Chesters and match the names with the actions. 1. Christopher (I ride a bike 2 Muriel [1 cook 3 Alex [1 play with a ball 4 Phil [ ] talk on the phone 6 asd Listen again and write questions for these answers. cl No, he isn't. He’ riding a bike. 2 Yes, he is. He's cooking pancakes, oS No, she isn't. She's talking on the phone, Yes, he is. He loves playing with his ball © #Useful Tip > Spelling For most veros, add ~ing: do, doing When a verb ends in -y, add ~ing: play, playing When a verb ends in -e, remove the ¢ and add ~ing: writ, writing When a verb ends ina vowel and 2 consonant, repeat the consonant and add ~ing: put, putting 7 (2) Workin pairs. Mime different actions for your partner to guess what you are doing. Swap roles. ‘A; What am | doing right now? (mime an action) B: Are you eating hamburger? ‘A;Yes, lam. / Non not. Tr again! Look! Answer these questions. 1. Ate you listening to music right now? What are you doing? 3. Is your teacher writing on the board? What is he / she doing? ‘Are your classmates dancing? 6 What are your classmates doing? 9. Find an image of your Favourite cartoon and write a description about it in your notebook. In thisimage Bart watching TV, LESSON 3 10 you usually post your 3 (1) Becky Brown, the reporter for News daily acti Would you Today, i reporting the results of an interesting posta pic of you helping with housework? challenge. Read and answer the questions. Why? Why not? ‘Nowe’ mave onto the ws of sail media and teenagers Da ees expose thor priate too much? Do thay postal ‘ther see ndphotagrophs? Do they near she possible consaqueness of tor posts! There is uly a ret controversy shox But thiscasa is dierent teenagers are posting the is Falgng withthe huseold chores They ae taking part inthe Help A: Home Chatngeorgansedty a welknun iene, hich cars ox tbe a god opportunity for psychologists end loots todo research onthe ani Research shows tha onl 20% of taenagecs help rund the hasan ha bones where hdr ep their gant re much happier laces Reseach aso shows tha tecragesusoly make their bad and thay often ean thei raon. They sometines st the {abl for rch o diner and hey racy dothedshes afterword. The stud shows that heping a home ‘helthy. sit ret Doctors and cholo agreo with thea ~ Tes pot ut Mune 2 Match the pictures with the household chores below. Then tick (/) the chores you usually do at home. 41 What kind of photographs are teenagers posting? 2. Why are they posting those photographs? 3. Whats the most popular household chore? 4 (as) Listen to Becky Brown finishing her report on Help at Home Challenge and write true (1) or false (FD. 1+ Alarge numberof teenagers make theirbeds. [| 2 Tecnagers never take outthe rubbish. 3 Most teenagers dilike doing the ining. [J 4 Teenagers sometimes set the table. {_] a OE cs © vacuimthefcor {5 (2) “td biscuss with your classmates. How f dotmecishes[] offen doyoudo the household chores in {9 cothelouncty [] activity 22 Woule you like to make a change h tskecutthonubbish| | nany aspect? make the bed [ J setthetable [J de the ironing [1 clean the room [_] ©} See ‘Must or musn't Cobligation & prohibition) Affirmative | must help out at home, | must not (mustn't) be late for school. ‘You must elean your room. You must not (mustn't) touch thet pl. He must keep everything in order He must not (mustn't) chew gum in clas. She must set the table before lunch She must not (mustn't) eat between meas. ‘We must make the beds every day. We must not (mustn't) talk during the class. You must do the dishes after lunch You must not (mustn‘) point at people. They must vacuum the house at weekends, | They must not (mustn't) leave their things around. Remember! We use must for orders and for strong suggestions, ee ee ee 8 6 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then read the leaflet and complete the sentences SAFETY AT HOME: RU Le Beery the ee ee ey a Sa p shamp: a eee + Place a non-slip mat on the floor of your pen the hot water tap without check rer peers eee ee ec 1 Yeu putlecric gadgets rea he shows, 7 \ imyour notebook, write a 2 You pi aronatiprton he for sou set of safety tips at ome (or Hie trample, inthe kitchen) fore 3 we keep th batvoom for clean and dy. Schoo! biog Voi = acinar rpc bles comin ra hot water tap. You must keep knives and 5 You leave shampoo and soap far from the shower. from chee: You cat 6 You leave babies alone in th bathtub Op) 03 ksancy LESSON 4 1 (2) Warm-up: Do you prefer watching traditional TV or streaming services? Why? How many hours do you watch a day? 2 Match the types of TV programmes with the pictures. Then give an example of each type. 1 [1 acartoon 2 [ ] adocumentary 3 [ ] atalkshow 4 [ ] areality show 5 [ | asitcom 6 [| s0ap (opera) 7 [| anens programme 8 [ ] asports progremme The Simpsons is @ cartoon. 3 (2) impairs, ask and answer questions about activity 2, Student A chooses one pleture and describes it. Student B makes @ guess. Swap roles. A Theteis aman n the open ac He taking ona microphone Biit’sa sports programme. Picture @. 4 (a) Bridget and Ethan are siblings. Listen to their conversation and match the pictures with the names. Bridget Ethan Mum and Dad 5 (aah Listen again and write true (1) or false (F). 41. There is only one TV set inthe house. [1] 2. Mum and Dad are watching a fun programme. [1 3. Ethan and Bridget want to watch the same programme. [ 1 4 The reality show is at eight o'clock. [J 5. Bridget is angry with Ethan. [1 6 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box and circle the correct options. 1 Ethan is watching / watches a basketball game on TY now. 2. Bridget watches / is watching the same reality show at 8 O'clock every week, 3. Bridget and Ethan's parents are watching / watch a documentary at the moment, 4 Bridget and Ethan fight / are fighting because they want to watch different TV programmes. 5. The realty show is starting / starts at the same time every week. 7 Answer these questions about you. 1. What kind of programmes do you prefer? 2 Are you watching a soap at the moment? ‘3. Whats the best TV programme ever? 4. Why do you like the programme in question 3 so rnuch? Read Ethan's blog post. Then complete the text © jer €og way BLOG sunny TNE! rm than ander show ou some pictures of ay. ntsc, ith my rani, fie) at the seaside and, (cab himoncea wee. He, (ose him very fen. summer we sale, ove} being with wand we usally ro inthis ctr Dod Bilge ag run to these, We (si the beach at sunset but Mn ay marin, nf st, (ov inthe sea every ring whe grandpa —__" orfortis ming walk wath og ern and wear al hands oni the act Iesreat to spend the sumer wth rand Thanks fo eing an ope you ej the blo! — (st granpain bishose yt er) gong these eat nthe (nal) rales with Mu, Dad and det. nis piawe we read) he redipe wl be puting mare pltwes son. Dart is them } Soars ple Present vs. Present Continuous We normally use the Simple Present to talk about permanent situations, fr about things that happen regularly, repeatedly or all the time (habits or routine in the present) ‘My sister often watches documentaries ont. We normally use the Present Continuous to talk about temporary actions and situations that re going on now (before, during and after the moment of speaking): IMy sisters watching a reality show now. have 8 \ inyour notebook, stick a picture that shows you and your family doing something. Then write a short description of the picture. Use the descriptions in activity models. Oo 95 1 Label these furniture and household items. 2. Now read the clues and guess the furniture * and household items. ‘You keep food here: Midge t 1 = 2 Two ormore people can sit here \ 3. You keep books here a E 4 Youhave your meals at this: 5 Yourumiton when itis dare 3 dard Sarah is giving a short interview for her school newsletter. Listen and tick (/) the correct picture. 4 Gar Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. Sarahllves in an 2. Her favourite room ig 3 There are _________beds inher bedraorn 4. She does her homework when her sister is sleeping. 5 Sarah and her sister fight because they have got 5 Write the -ing form of these verbs. 1 vacuum vacuuming 7 write 2 cut 8 sit 3 come 9 watch re oS i 6 120g 6 Complete these sentences about Sarah’s inter activity 3. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Simple Present or Present Continuous). 1 Sarah _t¥ doing _(do} her homework now. She (tal to Delia 2 Sarah sister (not / sleep) now. She (play) on the computer 3 Sarah and her sister ____(leep) in the same bedroom, 4 Sarah and her sister always —_ fight) ‘over the computer Sarah's family — the kitchen, 6 Sarah's mum the moment (have) their meals in (coold in the kitchen at 7 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences describing what these people ar doing right now. 1. Naney'inthe kitchen, She song _ the dishes but she the ironing 2a Nina cleaning the dining room? B:No, she __.. Shes. 3 Zoe the laundry. She is sitting and she video garnes. 4 Luke's downstairs inthe lving room. He the floor 5 AilsTom ‘out the 2 8: rhe 8 Match the sentences with the types of TV programmes. 11 The players are standing in a queue ready to un into the field 2 Dua Lipa is talking to the interviewer about har musical career, 3 The fon is waiting patiently for its next vctin in the dark savanna 4 love Tom and Jerry Look! Tarn’: running after Jerry now. Its s0 funny! 5 They are a group of friends in their teens. Thay go 10 a music school. They have fun ups and downs 6 The couple are walking hand in hand at sunset on the beach, 2 sports progremme astcom | a soap opera talkshow a documentary 9 Complete with must or mustn't. 1 We follow safety tips to avoid accidents at home. » 2 You throw iter on the sar 3 AcWhat_ Ido to watch my favourite programme? BiYou agree with your family 4 You rake noite of alk when your parents are watching TY, . 5 You help out athome, 10 Draw or giue a plcture of your favo oe itto poston social media, 7G OmE=n > Describe people’ personality. > Talk about past experiences > Ack and answer about the weather > Identify clothes. > Askand anewer about natural disasters, > Talk about feelings and emotions. >> Think and share your icleas with the class. How do you fee! about this collage? How are the pictures connected? Ifyou had to choose only one part of the picture, which would you choose? Why? Have you got old pictures like these at home? LESSON1 1) Warm-up: De you know the meaning of tbe con social media? Do you use this hashtag? When? Why? Do you like to share anecdotes about your childhood? 2 (1) ead these fttbt posts and write the correct usernames on the pictures. 6 My sister and I were bom on a warm surnmer day; we ae tins We were completelyIBBI&. Nobody believes me when Ital them this story because veewe got s0 much hairnoe! Unfortunately wasn't very BBB chil. vias ust Mum and! the two of us fer some time; but we were never “Today things ae different. ve gota stepfather and three stepbrothers that ae really cool. | simply love my family! @P st Hchildhoodmemories #kidslongago vay A a | was bor in winter on avery cold | was 2 BEBE baby ond people tell me | was BUto0. | was ‘and my father’s side so all the family was ‘of their eyes, even dla with lots of snow everywhere the fist «grandchild on my mother's tghted with my bit, | keep on being he apple though ve gota younger brother anda sister, Luckily 'm not that chuioby now. ‘tb thapeytimes i vay 13 write the hiahtighted ci adjectives In activity 2 fons. @ se ee The weather was really nice on the day | was born. It was spring andit 2 _______-alitle fet was aight sunny day Poople tel me wasnt ety I nf, ae (usual for chide) ‘er BUBB ven that me. And tsa big suprs for you to know ea that 0 ely especial becase m ble now, When was ety a baby Iwas nay hung ust ike todey! OF course, my es mes jee a weren't hamburguers, my favourite dish nowadays. They were mostly ae tnlk betes. bt tchichood | ee ae 5 ____= the apposite way ofa Ay Gfwellbehaved cbediert feeling alone 100 ee a ©} Ey eee Verb to be(Simple Past) Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative_| Short answers Twas. [wasn't Was ..? Yes, youwere No, you weren't. You wore. You werent Were you..? | Yes, Iwas. No, I wasn't Ho/ She /Itwas...| He/She /t wasnt. Was he /she /it..2|Yes, he/she /itwas. No, he/she /it wasn‘. We were We woren's Werewe..? | Yes, we were. No, we weren't They were They werent Were they...2 Yes, theywere, No, they werent. 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then circle the correct options. When Jeffrey was born, he was / wasn't bald, The twins was / were bom in a small family. Sophie wasn't / weren't born on a warm day. She was / were 2 chubby baby. Ie was / wasn't rainy when Max and the tins was / were born. Max wasn't / weren't a quiet baby. 7 When Maxwas a baby, his favourite dish was / were the bottle, 5 ood Listen to Jack interviewing her friend Sylvia for his school project on people's childhood. Complete his notes. SCHOOL PROJECT Name: ss Happy? = Why? Slings personality: Her personality: —_ 6 des Listen again and complete Sylvia's e-photo album with captions. | 7 Q) Work in pairs. interview your partner about his / her childhood, Swap roles. 8 \\ inyour notebook, create a photo album about your childhood. You may include your birth date, favourite toy, favourite food, first word, physical description and personality when you were a baby, Ox 101 LESSON 2 1 (Q) warm up: What kind of clothes are you wearing now? Are they appropriate for today's weather? 2 Eel read tis rave blog entry andanswer rue cn ertala >. QD) #UsefulTip> Vocabulary — In winter, itis cold susone 1 WSermeERS | abaTME | eowtcT and snowy in Berlin, = 7 Inspring, itis sunny and cool. In summer itis hot ‘and rainy. In autumn, itcan be rainy and windy. Bete Pian nau gives = warm but doo Toget to include Some Jacket and of course, don't forget jumpers and a jacket, Autumn is also jyour umbrellal It isnt baking hot a wonderful season to visit Berlin. You in summer, T-shirts, light shiets, can see the parks in diferent shades Shorts and sunglasses are suitable of yellow and orange and the ety isnt for this time of the year. But, mind crowded with tourists. In any cose, you, the overings can turn chilly so Berlin is a city you can enjoy all year dont forget to pack a ight jacket or round! Just remember to pack the coat. Spring is definitely a very nice right clothes! m= tis very hot in Berlinin the summer, [] ) #Useful Tip > Vocabulary 1 2 Itiswory cold and snowy in winter {1 a ee 3. Spring frovely sunny in Bevin. [1 Headwear: hat, cop, headband 4 Autumnis ance season to be outdoors inBerin. [1 3 Q) Work in pairs. 11 What's the weather lke in your cty in summer / Warm clothes: scar, gloves, jumper (sweater in ‘AB), overcoat, wool jacket, wool skirt, corduroy trousers iscuss these questions. Light clothes: shirt, Tshirt, skirt, tank top, shorts, jeans, trousers (pants in AE), denim jacket Footwear: shoes, socks, boots, trainers rar gtd maar Ae sn 2. What tnd of ates do you wearin ech season ead are e 2 Were were you on yours hans? What was Posreehoeia aii the weather like? ———$—$—_—_—_— ©} sete © #Useful Tip > Vocabulary Mio 0° = zer0 degrees (Celsius) -3° = minus three degrees / three degrees below zero O°C (Celsius) ~ 32°F (Fahrenhen) Tee eee ee vith Spl Pat ys aa eek ony atl, Elie iene eral ea eerste pe oer eerie ek ech reneeee eet peice merece Snail eee fs 4 Goo) Listen to the weather forecast and complete the chart. (cee 6 || write about your city for the school blog. Corse Inercomnen | So EES sh sony oy ° Se A iE coed sea »——_ samy | People generally wear 5 Read the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then look _ at the information below and complete the It’s a great time of the year to conversation between Melanie and Jack. 7 (2) Work in pairs. Choose a city or town. in your country and find out last week's Jack: Ok Melanie lt sarc the information to weather Make notes and ask and answer complete the project for tomorrow questions. Melanie: Ok Wehave to find out yesterdays weather concitions in thee diferent ties, yom Jack Right. The weather in New York, Pais onc won | 7 [wo [a [sar [ sm Montevideo, Lets 00 Tedoyi Tuesday. aa peut the weather [esa + Ike in Paris yesterday? Melanie yy And what Aha asthe weather ist Mandingo ty? 7 Montevideo? twas. The tampeatr was. What abot your ct? a aes What wes the weather elas.” Melani: What, in New York? sack a @ers) 103 LESSON 3 é ) #Useful Tip > Pronunciation Sometimes we don't pronounce all 1 (2) Warm-up: Can you Identify the natural the letters in a word disasters in the pictures below? Which one / tsunami: we don't pronounce the t ‘ones are you more afraid of? Why? have: we don’t pronounce the e listen: we don't pronounce the t What happens in words such as walk, climb and bomb? 2 Label the pictures with the words in the box. tsunami tornado hurricane flood earthquake volcanic eruption pe uve ait sa: Sa ee ca IME tech 3 doo) Listen to a documentary about 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then natural disasters and complete the slides to use the Information in activity 3 and write accompany the pictures in activity 2. sentences. 4 Thane was huricane in Alabama Flavia, Mississippi and Louisiana in August 2006, There were 2000 deaths. 5 Match these natural disasters to the four natural elements. Volcanic eruptions Tornadoes Teunamis Earthquakes Floods my arene © eon There was & there were Affirmative Negative Singular] Ther was a teunaminIndonesis in 200. beseet pha ee = Plural | There wore at of tomadoes two yeas 090, | There were no werent) ay vce, Interrogative Short answers Singulr| Was ther flood in nin 20207 Yes thre was /No, there wasnt Plural | Were there any hurricanes in South America in 20197 | Yes, there were. / No, there weren't fal 6 (Ul) read the newspaper article and answer the questions. _DAILY NEWS Fay 8 2h TEN YEARS AFTER THE VOLCANIC ERUPTION fer $1 years of inactivity there affected. There was voleanic- ash svas a voleanic eruption in covering the city the lakes and even Chile tn years ago. The Puyehue- the Limay river It was dificult ta Corin Caullevoleano erupted on breathe inthe area andthe ski season 4th April 2011 forcing 35000 leave was out of the question. People their home, in Vila La Angostura were under ‘The ash cloud was so big that there a blanket of ash, trying to restore was voleanie ash in diferent cities water and power services. Evacuated tround the southern hemisphere, ranches were worried about the cows including Parloche, Buenos and sheep without grazing pasture Aires, Montevideo, Porto Alegre, The situation was very sad and Sydney, Melbourne and many worrying more. Consequently, there were Today, ten years later, people stil cancellations in domestic and remember the temible. economic international fights, causing travel consequences. There were 0 chs. tn fact, there were air taffic tourists in Bariloche, Villa La problems all over the globe Angostura and nearby areas for a Villa La Angostura, x touristic area long sme and it was Fad to vestore jn Patagonia, Argeatina, was teibly the norma hy in these cites, #Useful Tip > Vocabulary iia Ast: 250% rey 0 lack substance ‘expelled from 3 volcano daring an 1 When was the last The Puyehue-Cardén Caulle eruption. voleanic eruption? —_______ 7 Q) work in pairs. cover activities 3 and 4 2 Were there any human deaths? and take turns to test your partner's memory. 3 Was there any trafic chaos? ‘A Ws there] hricae in the USA ir 2000? B:Yes there was / No, there wasn 4 Were there ary ash clouds in Australia? = AP Well done ThatScorrect. / ee Sorry. Thats wrong. Oo) 195 eee LESSON 4 1 Q) C2 Warm-up: Do these adiectives describe a positive (+) oF negative (-) experience? Can you tell any funny, great, incredible, terible, terrifying or terrific experience? 111 funny 41 1 terrifying 2[ 1 terible 5 [ ] incredible 31 1 great 6 | tentfic Riding 2 roller coaster canbe a great experiance. 2 [1] read india McDowell's post on social media. How Is India feeling? Use an appropriate adjective from activity 1 Ingiao vay is burnt, Animals are really scared and every few minutes you can hear trees falling in the distance. Ws very loud and haunting! The whole town is a complete mess, so so so much 3 (si) Read the article about the fires in ‘australia in 2020 and complete the interview with India McDowell with the Questions in the box. Then listen and check. ‘And what about after the fre? Were you afraid? {Where were yor wherthefrewesreeryourhere? What time was it? Who were you with? nal a INDIA FIGHTS AUSTRAGAN BUSH FIRE: Mp CRTY Dem ial sere ae Reporter Hi India! Can lask you a few questions ‘the day the fire gat into your town? re, go ahead, Reporter: y, where’ ere yau when the fre wasn ~wouchome? India: | was at home. | remember itwas 30th December ‘and our community was under evacuation emergency, it was extremely hot and very windy Re nda: was with my father. Do you remember India Yes, it was about eight o'clock inthe evening. We were checking the hose he fire was practically at our door dia: Oh, yes! We were terrified, The fre very quickly. Reporter And hew did you feat when you finally put out India: We were very relieved but tired. Unfortunately parts ‘four house were ttally burnt. And we were happy that we werent injured or burnt Reporter ‘The first month was very difficult. We were very sad because we lost part of cur hore and lots of ro electricity in the house forth things. Thera ‘alter the disaster, and many of our neighbours 1d when they lost their homes. But sting better now ©} #Sign Up to Grammar Wh-questions + was / were # | Where were you yesterday at 8 pm? Iwas at home. Who | were you with? {was wit my sister and some fend “How many | people were there? There were eight orton. fm not sure What | wos the weather ike then? | ft was cold andl humid 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. 7&2) ia and Roy are talking on a video call. Then circle the correct option. Complete their conversation. Then listen and check. 1. R Where / What were you at the time of the fire? Indie: We were at home. 2 R When /Who were you with? India: My father. 3. When / What time was it? Indias twas 8 pr, 4. R: What / How was the weather ike? India twas very hot and windy. 5 R: How many / Who people were in the house? India: Two. 5 Match these adjectives to the emojis. Then circle these words in the text in activity 3. 1 relieved [ | 4 sad [1 . ee nae A Mia: Hi, Roy! What's up? I'm back from holidays! 3 terrified { | Roy: Lucky you! = ar ‘Mia: was in Australia. My cousin India and her family live there, Roy: Coal there? Mia: My mum, my dad and my brotFer, Roy: And, 1 Mia: It was sunny and hot. Roy: Great! y — a fon the beach? Mia: Yes, we were on Bondi beach. ls a popular beach near Sydney. Roy: ‘on the beach? ‘Mia: Yes! There were a lot of people! Many of them were surfers. lave surf! Roy: Awesome! | want to see that place, post some pis on social media! 6 (2) Work in pairs. Have a conversation 8 ‘\ Do you know any natural disaster in about yesterday with your partner using your country? Do you remember when similar questions to the ones in the Sign. it happened? Write a paragraph Up to Grammar box. about it. ©) 107 1 Competition time! Work in pairs and challenge another pair. Complete two words for each category. The first pair to finish is. the winner. 4 Two clothes tems for summer: 2 Twodlothes items for winter: ‘3, Two adjectives ta deseribe catastrophes: 4, Two feelings: 5 Two adjectives to describe the weather: 2 Unscramble the questions and answer. 41. was /when / your / What / favourite / you / were / af toy child ‘What was your favourite toy when youwerea child _? Where / you / night / last / were / Friday holiday / your / was / lest / When < ten / ago / How / you / old / were / years How / year / people / at / were / there / your / many /birthday /last party 3 Read about these famous people and complete the texts with was, wasn’t, were ‘or weren't. Jorge Luis Borges yy ‘a writer, He ,, ——_— from Switzerland, He ,, from ‘Argentina, His secretary and ___Maria Wile Kodama. She is stillin charge ‘of Fundacién Intemacional Jorge Luis Borges ‘Juan Manuel Fangio, Juan Galvez end Oscar Galvez 9 ——__—2er08. They a racing (car drivers, Juan and Oscar Galvez y brothers but Juan Manuel Fangio jy their brather. The three of them = ( Argentinian. 4 Re-read activity 3 and answer the questions. 1 Was Jorge Luis Borges French? Was he a racing car diver? Was Borges married? Who was Borges’ wife? Were Juan Manueal Fangio and Juan Galvez writers? What was Fangio’s occupation? Were Juan and Oscar Galvez brothers? 5 Look at the online weather forecast. Complete the questions and answers. sseesse isthe weather Ike in London yesterday? ewas cold and windy. “what was the ternperature? lewas two degrees. 2 e —in Londen two days ago? It was one degree below zero, 3 in Vancouver two days ago? 4 In Buenos Aires yesterday? 6 Look at the list of natural disasters. Complete the questions and answers. Cres © volcanic cropion(Vilories) 2015 © brrrcane Dorian) ‘Where? Chile Bahamas South Barling, USA Isjkstan 6D tornados © sere sarthquakee a voleanic eruption in tay in 20157 wasn Chie, 2— a hurricane in 20192 twas in Bahamas, = any tomadoas in the Usa in 20207 4 any serious earthquakes in Peru in 20209 QE 7 Gab Listen to Mark and Jessie's conversation and complete the factfile below. pune 8 ‘\ Write a short article about Lali Espésito for an e-magazine. PiLate Exporite | PROJECT 3 My superhero 1 Look at the fact file about Malala and answer. Do you know her? Why is she a hero? What about her routine? What can’t girls do under the Taliban regime? re Co errs Beer er Prd eine c Pe Sa Pos : .. Think about a person you admire. Look up information about his / her family, routine, abilities, education, etc. and make a fact file similar to the one in activity 1. 3 Create a presentation and write a short article about this person. You can use butcher paper, magazine ‘cutouts, coloured markers, ete Or: You can make the presentation and short 4 Present your hero to your classmates. You aticle using an online web tool. Add photos, can put the fact files together in a binder to 4 video clips, etc get a class magazine about all your heroes. ——— >PROJECT 4 Keeping memories 1 Do you like taking photos? Why do you take photos? Look at Sue’s scrapbook and complete the sentences with the words in the box. vacuuming wes rainy chubby rides. summer were Grandad and Grandma read 9 goont. Ted —— soon! oer when ornwasaaballt dancer shewasateen Nowshe'saPE teacher Al ‘Dad was a cyclist. He never abiyce nom urn and Dad on thee wedding =, A Meco the sea '<—— 28. —— ay ew - haiys some ‘The wedding party ee hist a8 bat. Poorer ey 2 Create your own scrapbook about you and your family history. Add captions to your Photographs. Dad Cac aee ‘You can use constuction paper, gtr maloar magazine cutouts, photos, washi tapes, etc. Or: You can use an online web tool to make a digital scrapbook. ‘groups. Prepare a short speech to present your work to your classmates, 445, LESSON1 1 Complete the table with the phrases in the box. football yourteeth homework to school breakfast dressed a shower the guitar dinner up backhome tobed lunch 2 Look at Simon’s routine and match the pictures with the actions above. ah Sea 3 Look at the pictures in activity 2 and complete Simon's diary. My DAY | Sy] SUSU ES | get up 2t 630 in the moming.L. —_—— 4 Circle the correct option to make true sentences about Simon. Simon gets up early / late in the morning, He have / has breakfast at 6:45 am. He goes / go to schoo! at 7:00 2m, He has lunch at home / school / friend's house. He does his homework in the morning / afternoon / evening. 6 He brushes his teeth before dinner / bed / school 7. He gets / go / goes to bed at 10:45 at night. a Now write sentences about your daily routine. | SESE EEC ES) Ce 1 Read about Jennifer and complete the sentences with sequence markers. Jennifer is 15 years old. On Mondays and Thursdays after school she goes to Amy's house. “Amy is 75 years old and she wants ta learn how to use her smartphone. Jennifer is her teacher, in Jlennifer shows Amy how to turn fon her phone. ., — she teaches her here to tap her finger to unlock her phone. That’ difficult for her. y she asks Amy to tap. ton the app icon she wants to open. Her favourite appis video calls. ,, she shows the difference between phone call and video call. Amy is very happy with Jennifer. Now she talks to her children and grandchildren every day, They ere glad Amy is a new techie. 2 Read activity 1 again and write true (T) or false (F). 1 Jenniferisa teenager. [ ] 2 Amy knows how to use her smartphone, {| Jennifer goes to Amy's house every day. [_ 4 Amy unlocks her phone with a number pattern. [] 5 Amy talks to her friends every day. [J 6 Jennifer is anew techie. [ ] —— LESSON 2 3 Read Jason’s messages to his grandmother. Use the emojis to write the missing words. Hi Jason! How are you? ssemm Hi Grannis, I'm tired. sae v/ Why? sare Because Monday's a busy day! I get up very ea ASE te got FLD _ class in the mmoming, Then! gy ‘noon, | wi friends. In the afternoon, |. ile homework When get Bananigee Jo ee a a Jason, I don't understand your message with all hose pictures! yn 4 Look at the example and complete. 1 I study She — — 2 Webnush He —_ 3 Theygo She ae 4 I chat He = 5 Wewatch She 6 They do He. = 5 Look at the prompts and write sentences. 1 Jack /do / homework / evening ck does homework inthe even 2 Sally / watch TV/ after lunch 3. My brother / chat / fiends all day long 4. My bestfriend /isten to musie / smartphone 5 Dad / read / newspaper every day 6. Mysister/ play / video games with her friends —___——.- LESSON 3 1 Look at the icons and write the means of 4 Use the prompts to write questions. Then transport. answers. Dina / play volleyball /? No, Jane / get up /é am /? Ye, a 2 Peter/lke sports /? . No eee 4. Daniel / go to school / car /? -_ _—_ . ¢ 5 Write suitable questions for the answers in ae ee this interview. 2 Answer the questions. &9———— ae d oe B: Ye, do. brush my teeth everyday. That’ very ee _— good 2. How does your best friend go to school? 4: g@——_ —? renee a ee ccmen eee” 8: No, dont. 1 ga ta schoo inthe afternoon, 3. Does yourmum / dad goto work on foot? . . : ee B: No, | don't. | have lunch at home. | love home- 4 Do you go to your friend's house by car? ees, = = ah : 3 Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. Yee is, Ara ( pley-tis guitar hs good fin. page ee 4. get up at 5:00 every mornin: t ane ae B: No, he doesn't. He plays the piano, 2. My brother plays basketball 6 Write three things your best friend does and three things he / she doesn’t do every day. 3. My father writes online messages to Grannie every dey. 4. My best friend loves social media 5. I go to school on foot 6 We have lunch at the school canteen, 1 Look at Olivia and her sisters" profiles. Then use the prompts to write questions and answers. MY PROFILE NAME: Olivia 2 HOME ADDRESS: 10 Stes Road, Toronto, Canada SCHOOL: Green Valley Iteenatonsl PP Schoo HOBBIES: FREEING @ eo Up | MY PROFILE } NAME: Carol 3 | HOME ADDRESS:05¢ meron | Tor Cra | es ScH0OU eet | Sha | wossies. sneenime (age RIMM, wor 3 | MY PROFILE We | ) Home ADDRESS: 105t James Road, Toronto, Canada PP. scHo01: Niagara Falls School ar HOBBIES: FREETIME oe ACTIVITES 9 = 1. Where / they /live /? Where do they lve? 2 they /go/ same school /? 3. What / Carol / hobby /? 4 What / Linda / do /in her free time /? LESSON 4 5 Carol / like / sports /? 6 Olvia / play / guitar /? 2 Circle the correct option. 1A: Who / Why do you do sports? B: Why / Because | want to be fit, 2A: When / What do you exercise? B:| exercise in the morning /n the gym, 3. A: Where / Who do you exercise with? B: With / To my bestfriend, Lucy A: Why / Where do you exercise? B: | exercise in the gym / on gym. 5 A:What / Where do you eat to be healthy? B: | eat healthy / junk food, 3 Write questions for the underlined phrases. 41 hat time do you get up? | getup at 8:00 am, 2 ‘She goes back home on foot, 3 : a) She studies English because she loves it qo They go on holiday to the mountains every 5 > | go dancing with my friends, 4 Now answer these questions about you. 1. Where do yau lve? 2 What do you do in your free time? 3. When is your birthday? 4 How old are you? 5 Doyou like music? & Doyou do any soort? Iso, what spert do you do? 135 LESSON1 Read and tick (7) the correct option. 4. Find ten personality adjectives in the word 1 search. 1. always read the horoscope page. PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES ' [L] teead it every day 1 tdon't read it SCLVIS|RIUELWEEOINH 2 She often goes tthe gym. KUP AB GVLGOXLRNO 1 She goes tothe gym every day. tiwrelelzitlolplultielslyisis (J) She goes to the gym almost every day. clwiwleltiyialpirit|Pla|sitiN oe edoswrtest mest ZwitialeiFloomeLiHtiy (5 He eats meat some days. LINJEElPiAlVIT CIR Zicly INE ee play. oRCLLERS J UKON CU | | don't play tennis. C LURE KO|Y RT SA TIK CO I pay tennis every day. s RialtiF[oli[ole|civiwix i lF 5. They usully go tothe cinema, alxletwlalaizfelkis|tielzivia FAeyartotecranasinacoyees Ts [efx lolutajetoletutetety lela LAC IT CAR PN QUIET 2 Colour the graph about your routine. umMoK LK K|W Ss BT J/x/N A ! vieiv PT K SiZ/S F.K RIK Y } BNAR1UJHOWF OOOH 5 Complete these sentences with the correct personality adjectives. | 41 You ike to create antstic pieces. You are 2. You ate very good at solving Maths problems. You 3. You are not patient at all. You are You lice talking to people. You are 5 You always want to achieve your goals and you don't allow any dffulty ta stop you, You are > 3. Now write about your routine using the information from activity 2. 6 Create a mural about your own personality. NCD co sally get up eat, PITY 1 Look at the pictures and write sentences | about what these people cam or can’t do. a)W__||8 1 Patricia can't do yoga 2 Jen and Lucas. LESSON 2 2 Now turn the sentences in activity 1 into the interrogative form. Then answer. 1 _CanBatrina da yoga? : 3. Match these questions to their answers. ‘Can your parents speak Japanese? ‘Can you walk and run at the same time? Can your sister ride a motorbike? Can a dog help people? Can you take good selfies? [1 Yes, it ean. [1 No, they can't [1 No, she can't [1 Yes, ean, [1 No, Lean't Its impossible 4, Interview two people and complete the chart. CAN YOU... { Name: sing well? L dance tap? ride horses? fun a marathon? 5 Write five sentences about the chart in activity 4. Use but, or, and. LESSON 3 1 Read Anne and Tom’s posts. Then fill in the 2 Re-read the posts in activity 1 and put the blanks with the words in the box. information in the correct column. barks leash climbs licks bite muzzle intelligent obedient sloepsin my bed friendly barks when hears something strange licks your face docen'tbite climbs upthe table independent BELLA so v Q vo 7 ‘ete Balay ent Sheisveyntaligent Sey seeeals md chain bur senor Dela ening Balls ‘Pdepandort athe some ine, a ea compan. | Spears ny bed and ver enn the moming she aoe Hy cn and wakes WP | cman boners donthtedosbst 9 I yoUF notebook, write about these animals. Tent et hve a dog becote thre they ae ily Beep ere aeace hen rung festive apa would ike ta havea because Q-— gecko _ a alike: “ a sen a yd op Senet ee rabbit 1 Read about Elephant Jungle Sanctuary and fill in the blanks using frequency expressions. 41 Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is open from Monday to Monday. Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is pen | 2 Elephant keepers collect watermelons and ‘bananas for ther on Mondays and Thursdays. Elephant keepers collect watermelons and bananas for them 3. Visitors can feed elephants in the moming and inthe afternoon, Visitors can feed elephants 4. Volunteers can join the Elephant Jungle project every Monday. Volunteers can join the Elephant Jungle project 2 Answer these questions about you. 4) How often do you wash the dishes? | 2 Howotten do you play video gomes? | 3. How often do you goto the cinema? 4 How often do you exercise? - | 5 How often do you chat online? 3 write the questions in this conversation between Paul and his dad. Paul: Can | take apictutof you? (take / picture of you) Dad: No, you can't, | don't lke pictures, Paul: g Dad: Yes, of course, Pauly — open / window) Dadi Yes, please. Its vary hot in here. Paul: Dad: Yes, you can. ode (go / Peter's house) Dad: No, you can't, You must de your homework. oy have / drink) _ 2 use / tablet) 1 LESSON 4 4, What can or can’t animals do? Write sentences using the prompts. 41 (chimpanzees - live over 50 years) 2 ffrags-vorit) X 3. {dolphins -hear sounds that humans cannot hear) 7 4 (monkeys - be sad about dead farily members) 7 5 tortoises be pets) X 6 (elephants -jump) ¥ 5 Imagine you are at an anit with your mum. Write a information in the box. touch he ching iene ae sear the aninals x feed the elephants Pla with cherabs LESSON1 BREAKING NEWS FROM BIG HOUSE! Hieveryoe! This ithe afternoon breaking news fom Big Howein ‘hisnew eition of ou success programe Jake, Joay Karen Par, Mike Christine and Selena ate the Hej —— 2 Complete with in, on or at. 4. Big House is __— channel V6. 2. There are seven contestants _— the house, 3. Theres a big kitchen the ground floor. 4. You can watch breaking news from Big House __—1:30___the afternoon. 5 Three of the contestants are having good fun the master bedroom, 3 Read the clues and write the words. 4. You have a shower in this oom: —_____—— You cook in this room: —__— You sleep in this room: You have dinner in this room: ‘You watch TV sitting on a sofa in this seven pele whole together nti argohawse Do gou wert to know what care doing raw? Inmwatcing them throb 2 TV carer atthe moment. A few of th contestants ae interacting right no Pm inheiving roo Ste (yoga. Andere’ Joe? “Tete hei HeSinthetchenandhe,, (Cook) Lt ok at Karen Pon? nd Sloat Thee in the bedroom. Can even sete batrea batitbn te backreuned They , aes ad Cee Wgeatonl ‘and what abot at? Hey — (pain) some ctson the wal . The cats — (eat) ram paper cvs Wiit.What’s happening to Mike? He ooks very sors and worried He, (tale at the table ea Gut) in fis dary Semeting et going an wen the hese. Thats si lon me coi do' forget to wate uti veing again for mre news about ig Housel 1 Look at this new edition’s contestants on Big House. What are they doing? ‘Complete the news report with the correct form of the verb: | brackets. 4 You want to sell your house and get anew one. Write a description of your place for 2 real estate agency website. ‘Arey looking fora new lace ove in? This isa good opportunity “Te house / fat, —_— |F yovare interested please leave a message an thissita ‘Thanks!

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