Alternate Glowing of LEDs Using Preset

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Alternate  Glowing  of  LEDs  

using  Preset
Circuit  Diagram
Materials  Required
i. Breadboard  -­‐  1
ii. LED  -­‐  2
iii. Preset:  100  kΩ  -­‐  1  
iv. Resistor:  330  Ω  -­‐  2  
            Colour  Code:  330  Ω  -­‐  Orange  Orange  Brown  Gold
v.     9  V  BaEery  -­‐  1  
vi.     ConnecHng  Wire  Pieces
Points  to  Remember
• In  this  experiment,  we  will  use  preset  as  a  variable  resistor.

• To  use   preset   as   a  variable   resistor,   we   will  use  its  middle  

terminal   (2)   and   any   of   the   side   terminals   (1   or   3).   On  
rotaHng   the   rotary   slot   on   the   preset,   the   resistance  
between   the   two   chosen   terminals   varies   from   zero   to   a  
maximum  value.  Thus,  we  will  also  use  a  fixed  value  resistor  
in  series  to  prevent  the  LED  from  geVng  fused.
Step  No.  1
  Take  a  breadboard.
Step  No.  2
  Connect  a  9  V  baEery  on  the  breadboard.
Step  No.  3
  Insert  a  100  kΩ   preset  on  the  breadboard  such   that  its  middle  terminal  
(2)   is   connected   on   the   upper   half,   and   side   terminals   (1   and   3)   are  
connected  on  the  lower  half  of  the  breadboard.
Step  No.  4
  Connect  terminal  2  of  the  preset  to  Vcc.  
Step  No.  5
  Connect  the  posiHve  terminals  of  two  LEDs  to  pins,  1  and  3,  of  the  
preset,  respecHvely.  Connect  the  negaHve  terminals  of  both  the  
LEDs  to  different  columns  of  the  breadboard.
Step  No.  6
  Connect  two  330  Ω  resistors,  R1  and  R2,  to  the  negaHve  terminals  of  
LED1  and  LED2.  Connect  the  other  leg  of  both  the  resistors  to  
different  columns  of  the  breadboard.
Step  No.  7
  Connect  the  other  leg  of  both  the  resistors  to  ground.
Step  No.  8
  Insert  a  screw  driver  in  the  rotary  slot  on  the  preset.
Step  No.  9
  Rotate  the  preset  to  the  extreme  right  (clockwise).
Step  No.  10
  Rotate  the  preset  to  the  extreme  leX.  
When   the   preset   is   rotated   to   the   extreme   right   towards  
terminal  3,  LED2  glows  brightly  and  LED1  glows  dimly.

When   the   preset   is   rotated   to   the   extreme   leX   towards  

terminal  1,  LED1  glows  brightly  and  LED2  glows  dimly.

When  the  preset  is  kept  between  the  two  extreme  posiHons,  
both  the  LEDs  will  glow;  however,  may  differ  in  intensity.
Next  Steps

Now   we  will   set  the  preset  to   a  posiHon  which  is  either  just  
closer   to  extreme  leX   or  right;   in  such  a  posiHon,one  LED  will  
glow  more  brightly  than  the  other.

At   the   corresponding   set   posiHon,   measure   the   resistance  

offered   by   the   preset   between   its   terminals,   1   and   2,   and  
terminals,  2  and  3.
Step  No.  9
  Rotate  the  preset  to  a  posiHon  where  LED1  glows  brightly  than  LED2.  
Ensure  that  the  posiHon  is  not  extreme  (leX  or  right).  Try  to  posiHon  
the  preset  just  before  the  extreme  posiHon.
Step  No.  10
  Remove  the  baEery  connecHons.
Step  No.  11
  Rotate  the  mulHmeter  dial  to  200k  in  the  ohm  (Ω)  region.
Step  No.  12
  Measure  the  resistance  between  terminals,  1  and  2  of  the  preset.  
MulHmeter  reading  =  13.1
Since   the   mulHmeter   dial   is   on   200k   posiHon,   we   will  
mulHply  the  reading  by  ‘1k=1000’  to  get  the  actual  value.

Resistance  between  terminal  1  and  terminal  2,  R12

                                                                                                                                                                                                     =  13.1  ×  1k  =  13.1  kΩ
Step  No.  13
  Measure  the  resistance  between  terminals,  2  and  3  of  the  preset.  
Step  No.  14
  Reconnect  the  baEery  supply.  
MulHmeter  reading  =  86.9
Since   the   mulHmeter   dial   is   on   200k   posiHon,   we   will  
mulHply  the  reading  by  ‘1k=1000’  to  get  the  actual  value.

Resistance  between  terminal  2  and  terminal  3,  R23

                                                                                                                                                                                                     =  86.9  ×  1k  =  86.9  kΩ
Resistance  between  terminal  1  and  terminal  2,  R12  =  13.1  kΩ
Resistance  between  terminal  2  and  terminal  3,  R23  =  86.9  kΩ

Sum  =  R12  +  R23  =  13.1k  +  86.9k  =  100k

We  know  that,
Resistance  between  terminal  1  and  terminal  3,  R13  =  100  kΩ
R13  =  Fixed  Value  =  Imprinted  on  the  preset

So,  we  can  see  that:  Sum  =  R12  +  R23  =  R13

Resistance   between  terminals,  1  and  3  =  Resistance   between  
terminals,  1  and  2  +  Resistance  between  terminals,  2  and  3
Step  No.  15
  Similarly,  rotate  the  preset  to  a  posiHon  where  LED2  glows  brightly  
than  LED1.  Ensure  that  the  posiHon  is  not  extreme  (either  leX  or  
right).  Try  to  posiHon  the  preset  just  before  the  extreme  posiHon.
Step  No.  16
  Disconnect  the  baEery  from  the  breadboard.
Step  No.  17
  Measure  the  resistance  between  terminals,  1  and  2  of  the  preset.
MulHmeter  reading  =  94.5
Since   the   mulHmeter   dial   is   on   200k   posiHon,   we   will  
mulHply  the  reading  by  ‘1k=1000’  to  get  the  actual  value.

Resistance  between  terminal  1  and  terminal  2,  R12

                                                                                                                                                                                                     =  94.5  ×  1k  =  94.5  kΩ
Step  No.  18
  Measure  the  resistance  between  terminals,  2  and  3  of  the  preset.  
MulHmeter  reading  =  3.8
Since   the   mulHmeter   dial   is   on   200k   posiHon,   we   will  
mulHply  the  reading  by  ‘1k=1000’  to  get  the  actual  value.

Resistance  between  terminal  2  and  terminal  3,  R23

                                                                                                                                                                                                     =  3.8  ×  1k  =  3.8  kΩ
Resistance  between  terminal  1  and  terminal  2,  R12  =  13.1  kΩ
Resistance  between  terminal  2  and  terminal  3,  R23  =  86.9  kΩ

Sum  =  R12  +  R23  =  13.1k  +  86.9k  =  100k

We  know  that,
Resistance  between  terminal  1  and  terminal  3,  R13  =  100  kΩ
R13  =  Fixed  Value  =  Imprinted  on  the  preset

So,  we  can  see  that:  Sum  ≅  R12  +  R23  =  R13

Resistance   between  terminals,  1  and  3  =  Resistance   between  
terminals,  1  and  2  +  Resistance  between  terminals,  2  and  3
Step  No.  19
  Reconnect  the  baEery  supply.

Preset  PosiMon R12   R23   Resistance   R12    +  R23   Intensity  

(In  kΩ) (In  kΩ) Comparison (In  kΩ) Comparison
Towards   13.1 86.9 R12  <  R23 100 LED1  >  LED2
Terminal  1

Towards   94.5 3.8 R12  >  R23 98.3 LED1  <  LED2
Terminal  3
When   the   preset   is   rotated   towards   closer   to   extreme  
posiHon   towards   terminal   1,   the   resistance   between  
terminals   1   and   2   becomes   minimum   and   the   resistance  
between  terminals  2  and  3  becomes  maximum.

So,  the  net   resistance  in  the  LED1   branch  decreases,  whereas  
the   net   resistance   in   the   LED1   branch   increases.   Therefore,  
the   current   flowing   through   the   LED1   branch   is   more   than  
that  of  LED2.  Hence,  LED1  glows  more  brightly  than  LED2.
When   the   preset   is   rotated   towards   closer   to   extreme  
posiHon   towards   terminal   3,   the   resistance   between  
terminals   1   and   2   becomes   maximum   and   the   resistance  
between  terminals  2  and  3  becomes  minimum.

So,   the   net  resistance  in  the  LED1  branch  increases,  whereas  
the   net   resistance   in   the  LED1  branch   decreases.  Therefore,  
the   current  flowing  through  the   LED1  branch  is  less  than  that  
of  LED2.  Hence,  LED2  glows  more  brightly  than  LED1.
Inside  PotenMometer/Preset

•  Terminal  2  divides   the  fixed  resistance  strip  (R13)  between  

two  resistances  ,  R12  and  R23.
•   Resistance  between   two  terminals   is   directly  proporHonal  
to  the  length  of  the  strip  between  them.
When  the  preset  is  rotated  towards  terminal  1   (or  terminal  
3),   the   resistance   between   terminals   1   and   2   decreases  
(increases),   whereas  simultaneously,  the   resistance   between  
terminals  2   and  3  increases  (decreases),  however,  the  sum  of  
both  the  resistances  remain  fixed  which  is  equal  to  the   value  
of  the  potenHometer.

R12  +  R23  =  R13

Project  Report
To  write  project  report,  refer  the  following  experiment  from  the  manual:

a)  Alternate  Glowing  of  LEDs  Using  a  Preset

In  the  report,  do  include  the  following:

a)  Circuit  diagram,  Circuit  ExplanaHon
b)  Final  circuit  picture  
c)  Pictures  of  ‘MulHmeter  readings’:  Step  No.  12,  Step  No.  13,  Step  No.  17  
       and  Step  No.  18
d)  ObservaHon
e)  Reasoning  (if  any)
e)  Result  (if  any)
f)  General  Theory:  About  components  used  (LED,  resistor,  mulHmeter,  DC  
baEery,  preset  &  potenHometer).

Refer  Manual
TroubleshooMng  Tips
• Ensure  that  the  baEery  voltage  is  more  than  6  volt.
• Ensure   that   the   wires   of   the   baEery   connector   are  
properly   inserted   into   the   breadboard.   The   red   wire  
should  be  inserted  into  the  first  row,  and  the  black  wire  
into  the  second  row  of  the  breadboard.
• Ensure   that   the   LED   is   in   working   state   using   a  
• Ensure   that   the   posiHve   terminals   of   LED1   and   LED2   are  
connected   to   terminals,   1   and   3   of   the   preset,  
• Ensure   that   the   stripped   ends   of   the   connecHng   wires  
should   be   long   enough   to   fit   inside   the   holes   of   the  
breadboard  completely.
TroubleshooMng  Tips
• Restrict  the  circuit  to  the  first   half  of  the  breadboard.  To  
provide   Vcc   and   ground  with  connecHng   wires,   use   only  
first   25   holes   of   the   first   and   second   row   of   the  
• Ensure   that   the   pins   of   the   preset   are   properly   inserted  
into  the  holes  of   the  breadboard,  and  are  not  popped  out  
or  twisted.
• Press   the  preset  aXer   connecHng  it  on   the  breadboard  so  
that  its  pins  go  completely  inside  the  breadboard.
• Ensure  that  there  are  no  loose  connecHons.


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