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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Name: ___________
Inquiry Question
What causes a gravitational force? How does it vary with distance? How
can we determine the Universal Law of Gravitation and the gravitational

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe with
a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between their centers. This is a general physical law derived from empirical
observations by what Isaac Newton called inductive reasoning. Wikipedia

With careful measurements you should be able to build his equation and even determine the universal
constant, G.

Using a pencil, answer the following questions. The lab is marked based on clarity of responses,
completeness, neatness, and accuracy. Do your best! Please ensure that any data measured (or
recorded) includes the appropriate number of significant digits (only one uncertain digit).

This activity is divided into three sections:

• Core – this first section explores only the basic “core” ideas involved in understanding.
Students must demonstrate a sound understand with all of their answers in this section
BEFORE attempting the next section.
• Mastery – Your instructor will NOT review this section if the Core section above shows any
misconceptions. In this section students will make predictions and apply the concepts and
ideas learned above. For complete mastery it is expected that data collection and scientific
procedures will be as accurate as possible. All work shown should be clear with any units
included. Answers should be rounded off to the correct number of significant figures based on
the data collected.
• Ace – Once again, your instructor will only look at this section provided he/she is confident
that the above Mastery criteria has been met. In this section students will demonstrate a deeper
understanding of the concepts through error analysis, experimental design etc. Physics
concepts from other units already covered will often be required here.
This Project will be graded according to this Marking Rubric (link).

Open the PHET sim entitled Gravity Force Lab, watch the introductory video and proceed as outlined

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Using a pencil, answer the following questions. The lab is marked based on clarity of responses,
completeness, neatness, and accuracy. Do your best! Please ensure that any data measured (or
recorded) includes the appropriate number of significant digits (only one uncertain digit).

This activity is divided into three sections:

• Core – this first section explores only the basic “core” ideas involved in understanding.
Students must demonstrate a sound understand with all of their answers in this section
BEFORE attempting the next section.
• Mastery – Your instructor will NOT review this section if the Core section above shows any
misconceptions. In this section students will make predictions and apply the concepts and
ideas learned above. For complete mastery it is expected that data collection and scientific
procedures will be as accurate as possible. All work shown should be clear with any units
included. Answers should be rounded off to the correct number of significant figures based
on the data collected.
• Ace – Once again, your instructor will only look at this section provided he/she is confident
that the above Mastery criteria has been met. In this section students will demonstrate a
deeper understanding of the concepts through error analysis, experimental design etc.
Physics concepts from other units already covered will often be required here.
This Project will be graded according to this Marking Rubric (link).

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Open up the Phet sim entitled Gravity Force Lab:


• To determine the factors which affect the force of gravity, Fg, between two masses.

• To determine the relationship between Fg and m1, m2, and r.

• To graphically determine the value of the Universal Gravitation Constant, “G”


• You can control the masses with the sliders on the right or by directly inputting the values.
• The distance between the masses, r, can be changed by dragging either mass left or right.
• Always measure from the CENTRE of the blue mass, m1, to the CENTRE of the red mass, m2.
This will be the value of r in metres, m.
• The value of the force is represented by black vectors as well as a magnitude in Newtons, N.

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Part 1: Core
1. Choose two masses and keep them constant. Slide them closer (smaller r), then farther apart
(larger r) and describe how the Force, F, varies with separation distance, r. Make a general
statement only.
2. Set the distance between the two masses to 5m. Change the value of the blue mass, m1 and make
a note of how this affects the Force, F. Repeat with the red mass, m2.
3. What do you notice about Fg acting on the blue mass compared to Fg acting on the red mass.
Make the blue mass as large as possible and the red mass as small as possible. Do your
observations hold up? State why this is so by quoting the appropriate Newton’s Law.

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Part 1: Force of Gravity vs Mass

• Place the centre of the red mass 5m away from the centre of the blue mass.
• Complete the table below. Be sure to write your forces in scientific notation.

Table 1: Force of Gravity vs Mass (distance, r, held at 5m)

Blue Mass, m1 (kg) Red Mass, m2 (kg) Force of Gravity, Fg (x 10-9N)

20 20 1.06
20 40
20 60
20 80
20 100
40 20
40 40
60 100

1. What happens to Fg when you doubled m2 while leaving the m1 constant? Circle your best choice
a. Stays the same
b. Doubles
c. Halves
d. quadruples
2. If m2 is held constant and m1 is reduced by a factor of 3, what happens to Fg? Circle your best
choice below:
a. Stays the same
b. Triples
c. Reduced to 1/3 of original value
d. Reduced to 1/9 of original value

3. What happens to Fg when m2 is increased by a factor of 5 and m1 is increased by a factor of 3?

Circle your best choice below:
a. Stays the same
b. Increased 8x
c. Reduced to 1/15 of original value
d. Increased 15x
e. Increased by a factor of 5/3

4. Based on your data above, describe the relationship between Force of Gravity, Fg, and masses m1
and m2. Circle your best choice below:
a. Inverse, Fg α 1/ (m1 m2)
b. Direct, Fg α (m1 m2)
c. Quadratic, Fg α (m1 m2)2
d. Inverse Square, Fg α 1/(m1 m2)2

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Part 2: Force of Gravity vs Distance

• Choose values for m1 and m2. Make them unequal to each other and larger than 20kg but less
than 40kg.
• Move the blue mass, m1, as far left as possible and position the rule so that 0m lines up with the
centre of m1. Position m2 at 3m to start.
• Record your two masses below and keep then constant throughout as these will be controls.

m1 =____________ kg m2 = _____________ kg

Table 2: Force of Gravity vs Distance

Force of Gravity, Fg (x 10-9N) Distance, r (m)


1. Based on your data above, describe the relationship between Force of Gravity, Fg, and distance
between the masses, r. Circle your best choice below:
a. Inverse, Fg α 1/r (eg. If r triples, Fg is reduced by a factor of 1/3)
b. Direct, Fg α r (eg. If r triples, Fg increases by 3)
c. Quadratic or Square, Fg α r2 (eg. If r triples, Fg increases by 32)
d. Inverse Square, Fg α 1/r2 (eg. If r triples, Fg is reduced by a factor of 1/32)

2. Based on your answer above, predict what a graph of Force of Gravity vs Distance would look
like? Sketch below (be sure to label axis).
Graph Prediction: Fg vs r

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

3. Using the data from your table create a graph of Fg vs r.

4. Based on the shape of the graph, what type of relationship is represented? Circle
a. Direct
b. Quadratic or Square
c. Some sort of Inverse (Inverse or Inverse Square)

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Part 2: Mastery

1. Your chosen relationship (based on your answers above) will help you determine what must be
graphed in order to create a straight line (so that you can determine the slope). The graph
straightening method is always the same. Your answer to question 1 and 4 tells you what to
graph. For example, if the relationship is
a. Inverse, F α 1/r then graph F vs 1/r
b. Direct, F α r then graph F vs r (no manipulation required as this is already straight)
c. Quadratic or Square, then graph F vs r2
d. Inverse Square, then graph F vs 1/r2

You will notice that you have one blank column on the above data table. Use this column to
calculate what must be plotted (either 1/r, r2, or 1/r2). Complete this column and graph this
“straightened” data below. If the graph is NOT straight, you have chosen the wrong relationship
and you must try again. (Hint: the equation always gives it away)

2. Determine the slope of your straightened graph and include any units. (Remember, slope =
Δy/Δx. In other words, the slope is the RATIO of the y-values to the x-values)

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Slope = _______________

3. Based on your formula sheet and tutorials, rearrange mathematical formula that relates Fg, m1, m2,
and r together to represent the slope of your graph? (i.e. re-write the equation to represent the
same ratio as your slope does)

4. Using the slope of your graph along with the above ratio determine the value of the Universal
Gravitational Constant, G. Remember, your masses were held constant (refer to the beginning of
Part 2).

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

5. The original Cavendish Experiment is drawn (simply) below:

a. Explain how this apparatus works.

b. Outline a possible procedure one might follow to determine the relationship between the
force of gravity, Fg, and the separation, r, between two masses, m and M. Be sure to discuss
the necessary measurements to enable one to determine the force. Point form is fine.

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

Part 3: Ace
1. A creative physics student decides to determine the relationship between masses, separation
distance, and force of gravity using the apparatus below:

a. Outline a possible procedure the student may have followed to determine the relationship
between mass and the force of gravity. Include details as to what the student would control, what
they would measure, and what they would vary.

b. Outline a possible procedure the student may have followed to determine the relationship
between separation, r, and the force of gravity. Include details as to what the student would
control, what they would measure, and what they would vary.

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Physics: Law of Gravitation

2. As it turns out, this experimental setup yielded no discernible conclusions. What are the major
flaws in its design? Predict what would really happen when data was collected or attempted to be
collected. Be specific as to why this setup would not work.
3. Calculate the angle, θ, if the above two masses were initial separated by a distance r = 15cm.
Show all work below:

Θ = _______________

4. How does the answer to (3) support your answer to (2)?

5. Describe a modification to the experimental procedure that could be made so that meaningful
results could be attained. It could be a change in the way data is collected, or a change in the
laboratory itself. Be sure to justify your answer with a solid physics explanation.
6. Discuss how the original Cavendish overcame the problems with the above attempt.

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