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Is the peer review system in scientific publishing broken?

Philosophical discourses have been a do- have to become acceptable to the scientific Another phenomenon that has emerged
minant force behind the advancement of fraternity after scholarly discourses, debates in recent times is the ‘author-pays’ model
knowledge through human history. We and peer-review. Indeed, among the many in journals, due partly to pervasion of the
have examples of such discourses happen- aspects that modern science has adapted as internet across all endeavours. The on-line
ing in many parts of the world, and thereby methods of acceptance of paradigms, argu- publishing adopted by many journals com-
the emergence of great learning centres in ably the most influential has been the peer- bined with author-pays has by far chal-
Egypt, Greece, India, China and Peru, review system. Despite the many differing lenged most aspects of modern methods of
among others. For example, in India some opinions on the process and value of the dissemination of scientific discoveries.
of the greatest learning centres were Na- peer-review system, by and large, the sci- Commercial interests have driven these
landa, Taxila and Vikramshila. In all the entific body world over has acknowledged models hard leading to proliferation of
cultures, the central theme in such learning this as a method of acceptance and adva- many predatory journals. The penetration
centres was discourses by learned people, ncement of scientific views. of this model has been complete with
debates on the current status of knowledge Learned societies offered a powerful many leading journals beginning to offer
and passing on the contemporary views of platform for the peer-review system in the on-line and author-pays articles, if these
our understanding from generation to gene- early days of modern scientific discourses. are rejected by their respective mainstream
ration. Even preceding the emergence of This continued until the 20th century, al- print journals. Indeed, this makes tremen-
these learning centres, there are examples though a few scientific journals already dous commercial sense. But if commerce
of the famous unbroken ‘guru–shishya’ made their debut earlier1. Arguably, as the were to drive scientific discoveries, or
tradition in India, which led to the scholarly number of persons practising scientific re- their acceptance to the larger scientific
works such as the Vedas, Upanishads, search as a profession grew, the learned bodies, would the world of knowledge
grammar of Panini and Arthasastra of societies became more and more exclusive, perhaps have reached thus far? It is our
Kautilya. The emergence of new know- thus denying the opportunity to the less- opinion that editorial and peer processes
ledge and its transfer from generation to endowed scientists to present their results have been affected significantly during the
generation, therefore arose out of the before these societies. The process of pres- course of emergence of print journals, and
gatherings of learned people, where dis- entation of new scientific ideas therefore subsequently accelerated due to the emer-
courses happening therein offered plat- changed distinctly in favour of scientific gence of on-line and author-pays models
forms for an elegant peer-review system. publishing in print journals in the mid-20th of scientific publishing.
Individuals had an opportunity to share century2. Surely, soon the scientific world There is increasing uneasiness among
their views before the learned audiences at witnessed the emergence of many private scientists due to the personal bias intro-
such platforms. If these views were agreed houses publishing results of research car- duced by referees and editors of journals.
upon by all those concerned, they would ried out around the world. The printed Most of the well-known journals and their
be accepted, only to be further enhanced in journals added to those managed and oper- powerful editors vehemently deny any bias
subsequent such gatherings. ated by many societies, including the jour- in the selection of articles that are accepted
Although philosophy and science were nals which emerged in the 20th century. to be published in their journals, or even
synonymous in ancient times, starting All the journals adopted similar principles more, those that have been rejected. Yet,
from the 18th century, the term ‘science’ of the peer-review system for the accep- journal policies and the very basis of their
started to be used to distinguish it from the tance of results and publishing them. Thus, existence demand that only certain kinds
larger perspective of ‘philosophy’. How- we now have an established peer-review of views be presented with little room for
ever, the methods of novel scientific dis- system in all the journals, which by and contrary ideas. Moreover, unknowingly,
coveries continued to be their acceptance large consists of sending a submitted arti- articles from lesser known institutions/
in the first instance by a larger body of cle to a few peers – typically 2–3, whose locations get little or no attention from the
scientists, who subjected such discoveries expertise matches closely with the research editors/reviewers. Many journals being
to rigorous debates and scrutiny. Only after field of the article under consideration. owned by private corporates also raise the
these were accepted by a larger body of This is for obtaining their views and a possibility of catering to only limited
peers, the purported thoughts of individual valid criticism of the article. In the ideal views, despite camouflaging of the profile
scientists came to be accepted as novel world, this is a powerful tool for the ad- they have attained over the years. The re-
discoveries. Mere thoughts, premises or vancement of knowledge, and indeed cent case of the article published by Mehra
hypotheses did not necessarily lead to the modern science has considerably progres- et al.3 on the effect of hydroxychloroquine
accepted principles of science. The com- sed by adopting such a system. Although (or lack thereof) on COVID-19 cases in
monly accepted principles of science, also the modern peer-review system, which has the Lancet is a good case in study. The arti-
referred to as exemplary instances among evolved in the last 100 years or more, has cle passed surprisingly through the so-
scientists, such as scholarly texts, books continued, has it been free of personal called stringent editorial and peer-review
and scientific principles, are referred to as biases of the 2–3 selected peers? More- system, despite glaring errors in it. Funda-
paradigms, according to the highly influen- over, do such personal biases lead to the mental flaws in the analysis of the results,
tial book Structure of Scientific Revolutions exclusivity of research findings and their even while ignoring the dubious company
by Thomas Kuhn. Shifts in paradigms occur publication, much as the learned societies which provided the data, were so glaring
during the course of time, but these shifts fell into the trap 100 years ago? that any reasonable peer-review system

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would have rejected it instantly. It is to the present ideas to a much wider audience, and translation. Further, for developing a
credit of the Lancet that corrective action instead of only 2–3 reviewers, and/or be more inclusive peer-review system, con-
was taken after pressure to retract the arti- subjected to even a smaller number of edi- cepts and opinions can be invited from a
cle mounted worldwide, and some of the tors or the editorial board, allows for a bet- larger audience, subjecting the ideas to
participating authors offered to do so. ter critical review system. criticism and debate. At the end, one also
Peer-review systems in different subjects, A possible way of engaging a larger requires to comprehend that an open re-
e.g. mathematics, physics, biology and audience by journals can be adopted by view system will be as good as the com-
chemistry, have had their own share of uni- permitting the display of a submitted ma- mitment and involvement of the scientific
queness. For example, in purely theoretical nuscript for open criticism for a reasonable community, which takes back the discus-
subjects, the peers typically validate every period of time, say a month. This can be in sion to our old methods of peer reviewing,
result reported in a research article before addition to adhering to the peer-review the ‘philosophical discourse of science’.
it is accepted. This led to the establishment process of 3–4 reviewers, wherein the re-
of arXiv in the early 1990s, which has now viewers can refer and collate the views and
received wide acceptance. Such is not the comments of a larger audience along with 1. Fyfe, A. et al., R. Soc. J. Hist. Sci., 2015, 69,
norm in fields such as biological sciences, their critical comments. While such pro-
even with the presence of bioRxiv or cesses may have their challenges, these
medRxiv, as the experiments can be highly can evolve only when attempted. The in-scientific-journals/
involved and impossible to reproduce be- present peer-review system needs breaking 3. Mehra, M. R., Desai, S. S., Ruschitzka, F.
fore the paper is accepted. This has led to more shackles besides engaging a larger and Patel, A. N., 2020; doi:https://doi.
great concerns about reproducibility of data, audience for discussions and debates. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31180-6.
even with suggestions of setting up con- Needless to say, unprejudiced reviewing 4.
sortia to reproduce some of the published will also require freedom of journals from 47546/
work4. biases in accepting negative results or
So, is it a good time to go back to the failed hypothesis, ignoring ‘less priority’
old system of peer review, i.e. to present research fields or dubbing data as ‘unin-
new scientific ideas to an audience and spiring’, as research outcomes need not Department of Biochemistry,
allow the audience to accept/reject the idea? necessarily be ‘inspiring’ to be informative School of Life Sciences,
Indeed, some fields allow papers to be to the research community. It is also un- University of Hyderabad,
published in meetings/conferences, and derstandable that these are arduous goals Hyderabad 500 046, India
then be communicated to print journals. A for journals in view of the massive surge Council of Scientific and Industrial
small caveat associated with this is that the in the submission of research articles. Such Research,
papers to be presented is such conferences processes and policies can be encouraged Anusandhan Bhavan,
are also peer-reviewed by a small number when the scientific career structure is less 2, Rafi Marg,
of referees – with the possibility of bring- underlined by the quantum of publications, New Delhi 110 001, India
ing personal biases. Thus, this chance to instead of its impact in terms of knowledge *e-mail:

878 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 122, NO. 8, 25 APRIL 2022

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