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TELEQUIPMENT VERTICAL MODULE TYPE V3 Iilustrated above is the registered trade mark of the TELEQUIPMENT division of TEKTRONIX U.K. Ltd. Tektronix U.K. Ltd. 313 Chase Southgate, Road, London, N14 6JJ, England. Telephone: Telex: Cables: 070-1428-00 01-882-1166 262004 TELEQUIPT LONDON N.14 © Copyright, Tektronix U.K. Ltd. (1973) All rights reserved TEKTRONIX, INC., P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, Oregon (97005) Telephone: (503) 644-0161 Telex: 36-0485 Cables: TEKTRONIX. Issue 2 (1008) MARCH, 1973 INTRODUCTION The V3, a single channel, high gain, differential module, provides the parent unit with a high sensitivity vertical facility with up to 100,000 : 1 ‘common mode rejection ratio and maximum bandwidth of 2 MHz. This manual should be read in conjunction with those manuals mentioned below. References are annotated “PU” and ‘‘S” for the parent unit and sweep module respectively The design of this instrument is subject to continuous development and improvement, consequently this instrument may incorporate minor changes in detail from the information contained herein, which would, in the main affect the Component List and Circuit Diagrams. The reader should pay particular attention to the notes at the beginning of Chapter 5. NOTICE TO OWNER In the event of this Instrument being returned to TELEQUIPMENT for servicing, do NOT send the following items unless they are suspect, in order to prevent damage during transit and facilitate packaging Manual Probes Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 CONTENTS SPECIFICATION OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATION COMPONENTS LIST Electrical Assemblies Mechanical CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS Volts/Div ‘Amplifier PC Boards Page 5/2 Page 5/4 Page 5/5 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 14 144 11.2 CHAPTER 1 SPECIFICATIONS VERTICAL SYSTEM Deflection Sensitivity Calibrated (17 ranges 1-2-5 steps) Uncalibrated (with variable) 50 uV/div—10 V/div =3% deflection factor increased X3 Bandwidth and Risetime =3 dB Bandwidth Min.| Risetime Max Deflection factor D.C. or 2 Hz to (10% — 90%) 0-05 mV/div 150 kHz 24 ns o-1 mV/div 300 kHz 12 us 02 mV/div 600 kHz 0-60 ys 05 mV/div 12 MHz 0-30 ps 1 mV/div 1-6 MHz 0:22 ps 2 mV/div—10 V/div 2 MHz 018 us Bandwidth limited to about 2:5 kHz on all VOLTS/DIV ranges by operation of pull switch associated with VARIABLE control. 14.8 ‘Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (minimum) Range ‘MRR. DC to 5 KHz 5 kHz to 100 kHz 0-05 to 05 mV 100,000 10,000 1 and 2 mV 50,000 5,000 5 and 10 mV 20,000 2,000 20 mV to 10 V 1,000 200 vs ‘When the input is AC-coupled, CMRR at 50 and 60 Hz is reduced to 1000 on ranges 0-05 to 10 mV and to 500 on ranges 20 mV to 10 V. Common-Mode Input Voltage Li vp Peak V Reduced to 12 V on ranges 0-05 to 10 mV 2 V (0-05 mV to 1 V/div when the high 20 mV to 04 V +120 V common-mode input resistance 02 V to 10V 400 V condition is selected. Input Impedance. Normally 1 Mf 1% in parallel with 40 pF max. at each input. When the two-pin plug is removed from the attenuator board, the common-mode input resistance on ranges 0'5 mV to 1 V/div is increased to at least 100 MO, the differential input resistance remaining at 2 MO +-1%. The input resistance on range 2, 5 and 10 V/div is unchanged by removal of the plug. Output 0:25 V/DIV, direct coupled. 1" CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 FUNCTION OF CONTROLS AND CONNECTORS ‘These are situated on the front panel except where otherwise specified. For those controls not Covered below, reference should be made to Chapter 2, of the manuals for the parent unit and 3" madule 24a CRT 242 SWEEP 243 TRIGGER 24.4 CONTROLS voLTs/o1v VARIABLE. DC-END.AC vs PU" Manual Manual. ‘S" Manual. provides seventeen steps of attenuation of input signal. Calibrated sonsitvitios are only valid when VARIABLE Is fully clockwise. ‘enables all deflection son- Sitviies between that selected by the VOLTS/OIV ‘switch and the noxt blow to be covered. The contro! must be fully clockwise for a calibrated display. Pull for 2:5 kHz Bandwidth. Restricte bandwidth, thus Feducing displayed noise and improving internat trigger. moves the trace in the coupling. In the DC position, the signal from tho INPUT con- rector is coupled directly to the attenuator Inthe AC position a capacitor is inserted in ‘series. In the GND position the Input to the attenuator is ‘grounded and the input socket ie disconnected. Where only ona Input socket Is in use, the input ‘switch associated with the Unused. socket should be set to GND. When DC BAL Is boing adjusted or when the zero level of the signal is to be ascertained, both ‘witches should be set to GNo. POSITION AL De BAL, 2.4.8 CONNECTORS INPUTS INPUT ourpur 0.25 Weiv Out ‘ano INTERFACE moves the trace in the vertical axis 4 preset; adjusted to correct the sensitivity of the VOLTS/DWV. NOTE: VARIABLE should bo fully clockwise. adjusted to eliminate trace movement when the VOLTS / DIV. contro! turned through its range. ‘A positive voltage applied to the + socket dot the trace upwards; a similar signal applied to the — ‘socket gives a downward dotection. Coupling selec tion refer to DCGND-AC (para. 2.1.4). A differential signal is connected to both INPUTS. DC-GND-AC set the same. ‘A BNC socket, providing a direct-coupled output signal ‘of about 025 V per dis- played division. this is connected to the ‘chassis of the instrument ‘an edge connector situated at the rear of the module; ‘connects with the mother board in the parent unit. 2.2 PRE-OPERATIONAL CHECK 22.1 POWER SUPPLY 22.2 CONTROL SETTING 1 eter to "PU" Manual. Rofer to "PU" Manual 2 Fofer to 'S” Manual. 3. Set controls as follows: POSITION CENTRAL voLTs/o1v 5 mv VARIABLE. Fully clockwise DC-GND-AC oc INPUT CONNECTION + INPUT 2.3 OPERATION Roter to "PU" Manual an CHAPTER 3 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 9.1 Diflerential amplifier type V3 is a three-stage amplifer, providing calibrated current output to the display unit vertical amplifier. An additional amplitying stage provides a groundevel output at a front panel ANG socket. Fig. 1 shows the input coupling circultry land the circuitry associated with the VOLTS/DIV switch; Fig. 2 shows the circullty of the remainder of the amplifier 32 $902 is the + INPUT coupling switch. It allows the “+ INPUT to be connected directly to the + INPUT socket, or via a 100 nF D.C. — blocking capacitor 901, ‘or to be grounded when not in use. $903 gives similar control to the — INPUT, On the ight VOLTS/DIV position 005 to 10 mV, signals connected to both + and — INPUT sockets are ‘connected directly o the amplifier input without attenua- tion. Adjustment of C906 allows tho input capacitance of the — INPUT to be made equal to that of the + INPUT on these VOLTS/DIV positions. On the 005 mV/DIV position the ampliler operates. at maximum gain. On the 04 to 10 mV/DIV positions, the gain of the ampifier input stage Is progressively’ reduced by ‘connecting resistors O18 to R825 between the collectors of TREQS and TRSOB. 6924 and C925 main- tain constant bandwidth on all positions from 2 mV to 40 V/DIV. On the 20, 50 mV and 0-1 V/DIV positions, ‘2 capacity compensated attenuator reduces the ampll tude of each input signal by a factor of 10 before it ‘appears at the amplifier input. Amplifer gain on those positions i arranged to be the samo as on the 2, § and 40 mV/DIV positions, By selecting appropriate resistors jn the RO1B to R925 group. ROO, RBO7, ROB and ‘associated capacitors provide the ton-times' attenuation for the + INPUT; R06, RO16 and associated capacitors ‘attenuate the — input signal by the samo factor. ‘Adjustment of R908 allows the attenuation of the low: frequency components of the two input signals to be equalized so that the lowfrequency common mode response of the ampliier is minimized. C916 is ‘adjusted 10 mako the attenuation of the — input signal the same at all frequencies within tho range of the amplifier. Adjustment of C911 allows. the high: frequency attenuation of the + input signal to be made equal to that of the — input signal, so that the high- frequency common-mode response of the amplifier is minimized, 903 and C909 are adjusted to mako the input capacitance of both inputs the same on all postions from 0-05 mV to 0" V/DIV. On positions 02, (06 and 1 V/DIV each input is attenuated by a factor ‘of 100 and on positions 2, 6 and 10 V/DIV by a factor ‘of 1000, The +100 and +1000 attenuator sections are similar in operation and adjustment to the +10 sections. described above 3.3. When plug PL9OI is removed from its socket $K905, the common line of the +10 and +100 attenuator sections and the common point of input resistors ROI ‘and R602 (Fig. 2) are disconnected from chassis potential, This increases the common-mode input Fesistance to about 100 MA on all ranges except 2, 5 and 10 V/DIV. If either or both input switches aro fet to GND, removal of PLOOt ts inotective, vs 84 D801 and D602 supply @ small current to the “+ INPUT, which is adjusted by means of REO7 to compensate for the reverse leakage of D607, D609 and tho gate leakage of TREOIA. D607 and D600 are low: leakage diodes whose function is to protect the input FET, TROO1, if a large input voltage is applied to the + INPUT. "As soon as. the input voltage reaches + 21 V, 0807 and 0605 conduct and tho gate voltage Is provented trom exceoding this value. if a large negative voltage is applied, D609 and D606 conduct. If tho excess voltage is targe enough and the signal ‘source can supply sufficient current, fuse FS801 will blow, isolating the input FET. D603 and D504 provide. leakage current compensation to the — INPUT. 0608, D611 and FS602 protect TREOIB from large input voltages, 35 The input stage consists of TRSO! A and 8, TAOS ‘and TR608 connected as a cascode long-alled pair providing a maximum gain of about 130; TRSC2, TR603, TREC4 which serve to improve the common-mode ejection of the stage and provide a neutralization signal. TREO2 maintains the total source current of TREO constant. This current is adjusted by RBIS to ive the required mean D.C. voltage at the collectors of TR605 and TABOS. TREOS and TASO4 are cascaded ‘emitter followers which, in conjunction with D613, fensure that the common-mode signal appearing at the ‘sources of TREO! is accurately reproduced at tho bases of TREQS and TRSOB, Connecting the positive end of R62 to the positive ond of D613 maintains constant emitter current in TREG3, 80 that the high diferentia! resistance of the source circuit is not significantly degraded. R619 is adjusted for maximum diferential resistance at the collector of TRS02, C808 Is adjusted for z0r0 etfoctive capacitance at this point. R24 pro- vides an amplified and inverted version of the common- ‘mode tignal, suitable for neutralizing Unwanted signals at the gates of TR6O1. These unwanted signals, ‘coupled to the gates by stray capacitance both inside and outside TREOT, are cancelled by the correct adjust- ‘ment of C603 and C804. R14, REIS and ROIG provide sufficient negative feedback to stabilize the gain of the stage. RBI6 Is a coarse D.C. balance control, which compensates for diferences between TREOIA and B. R631, the front panel D.C. BAL control, is used to compensate variations in TR6Ot balance occurring ‘during operation. C512 is adjusted to equalize the capacitance between base and collector of TR60S and ‘TRBOE, thus decreasing the high frequency common- mode response of the stage. As described sarlier in this section, the gain of the stage is varied as required at any particular setting of the VOLTS/DIV control by selecting the resistance connected between the collectors of TR605 and TREOG. (Connexions 134/4 ‘and 134/5.) 36 The second stage comprises TA6O7, TRENS, TRS09, TRGIT and associated components. The gain of the stage is determined by the feedback resistors A641 R642, AES and ABE as modified by the salting of R643, the front panel VARIABLE control, The negative: foedbeek in this stage serves to increase the input an resistance of TR607 and TAEOB, so that loading on the preceding stage is negligible, This is important in maintaining the accuracy of the VOLTS/OIV steps. [RB4S is adjusted to provent the trace moving when the VARIABLE control Is operated in the absence of a signal. The base of TRBI1 is a low resistance point land 30 ie @ convenient point for mixing in the positon- ‘control current, derived from the front panel POSITION. control. A current adjustable by means of R627 is also injected at this point, withthe purpose of balancing the later stages of the amplifier. With VARIABLE set to COAL, the voltage gain of this stage is 17 37. The signal at the collectors of TR809 and TR611 is connected both to the third stage of the amplifier, TROIS and TRBI4, and to an auxiliary stage which 32 provides an output at the front panel socket. The transfer-conductance ofthe third stage is determined by the resistance connected between the emitter of TR613 land TAS14, The front panel preset CAL. potentiometer, G62 ie part of thie resistance. R671, R72 and C619, constitutes @ low-pass filter, solocted by operating a pull switch associated with the VARIABLE control. By limiting the bandwidth, this fier reduces dispiayed rncise and improves triggering at low deflection factors. ‘TRG12 dofines the 0.C. current In TR613 and TRGI4 a8 required for the frst stage of the vertical amplifier in the display unit. TRGIS and TA6I6 supply tho frontpanel output socket. R658 is adjusted to provide zero output voltage when the trace is in the middle of the screen. CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE AND CALIBRATION 4.1.0 GENERAL 4.1.4 This manual should be read in conjunction with the manuals for the parent unit and sweep module in use, 41.2 Before it ie assumed a fault condition exists, Controls setting should be verified with reference to the pre-operational checks, para. 2.2. Where components are replaced it Is advised that tho calibration check etailed in para. 44.0 be carried out 4.2.0 MECHANICAL 42.1 ACCESS TO INTERIOR Withdraw module and remove covers. 422 LOCATION OF PRESET CONTROLS ‘Atenuator (PC135) is situated on the right, vertical = amplifier (PC1S4) on the let. 43,0 CALIBRATION 43.1 The following procedure enables a calibration check = ‘of the module to be accomplished. It is advised that isolated adjustments are not made, due to risk of Interaction with sottings made in earlier checks. A functional check be carried out es detalled in para. 4.4 below, checking parameters aro met, then proceeding to the next check. Tho following tools and facilities will be required TooLs ‘Soroweriver| Plain 4-mm blade Lowcapacitance. Fixture, Exten. Flex 067-0689-00, ~ Leads Coaxial c/w BNC plug ‘Three-way co-axial splitter (1 BNC socket to 3 BNC plugs) ce Probe X10 ¢/w earth lead Probe for voltage measurements. FACILITIES. . Voltage measurement to 30 V. ~ Input signals ‘100 VDC Sinewave Squarewave SV 100kz = 10 1 He ~ 10V 100 kHz 25 mV(1%) 1 kHz 100 kHz 432. INITIAL CONTROL SETTING - (a) Set both DC-GND-ACs to GND. (b) Push and turn VARIABLE fully clockwise, (e) Set DC BAL to midrange. Note: Reference should be made to ‘PU' and = ‘manuals for the respective control settings. 4.4.0 CALIBRATION Note: Remove ‘V' module and module cover, connect ~ ‘extension lead 067-0880-00 to “PU.” 441 ‘TRANSISTOR TR612 COLLECTOR VOLTAGE. 1.0 Check TR612 collector voltage. 141 Set POSITION to mid-ange. 12. Set DC BAL to midrange. 1.3 Set VOLTS/DWV to 10 mV. 4.4 Push and turn VARIABLE fully clockwise, 115 Set both DC-GND-AC to GND. 116 Measure DC voltage at collector (can) of TRS vs 444 CONTROLS, Front Panel. Chock POSITION range symmetry. Ropoat para. 4.4.1, Ops. 1.2 through 1.5. Odserve trace is central Adjust 627, ‘Check OC BAL range symmetry. Repeat para. 4.4.1, Ops. 1.2 through 1.6. Sot VOLTS/DV to 1 mv, Rotate DC BAL to extremitias. CHECK trace travel equidistant of centre. ‘Adjust R616. PCIS4, ‘TRANSISTOR, TR6OS and TREO6 MATCHING. Check TREOS and TRE06 match. Set VOLTS/DIV to 0-05 mV. Set both DC-GND.AC to DC. Push and turn VARIABLE fully clockwise, Link INPUTS. Connect 10 V, DG to link (Op. 1.4) Observe deflection. If defection >1 division, change elther or both transistor, selecting a pair giving a defection ‘<1 division. If a transistor has been changed repeat Ops, 2.1 10 24. VERTICAL AMPLIFIER Chock LF. CMRR. Set VOLTS/DIV to 10 mv. Ropoat Ops. 1.2 through 1.5 above, ‘Observe deflection. Adjust RBI9. PCIS4 for zero deflection Disconnect link Ropeat para, 442, Op. 2.0, Chock varlable balance, Set VOLTS/DIV to 10 mV. Set both AC-GND-DC to GNO. Rotate VARIABLE through range. Observe for movement. Adjust R49, PCI34, to eliminate movement, Check gate current compensation. ‘Set VOLTS/DIV to 005 mV. Push and tum VARIABLE fully clockwise ‘Connect both INPUTS to earth NOTE position of trace. Set + DC-GND-AC to AC. Observe for trace shift. Adjust 607, PC134, to oliminate shit, Set DC-GND-ACS; + to GND, — to AC. ‘Observe for trace ahi. ‘Adjust FOB to eliminate shit, ‘Check calibration and variable function, Set VOLTS/DIV to 5 mV. Push and turn VARIABLE fully clockwise. Connect 25 mV (41%) 1 kHz squarewave to INPUT. CHECK ampitude=: Adjust CAL. Turn VARIABLE fully anti-clockwise, CHECK amplitude <20 aWv. a. an Check 0:25 Voll/DWv. Out balance and accuracy. Sot VOLTS/DIV to 10 mv. Push and turn VARIABLE fully clockwise. Set both DC-GND-AGs to GND. ‘Adjust POSITION to contralize trace. Connect Volt Meter between 0:25 V/DIV OUT and chassis, Chock Meter roading Adjust R658, PCI, ‘Tum POSITION to move trace vertically 2 div. Check pulse response. Connect 100 kHz squarewave via ter INPUT. Set VOLTS/DIV to 2 mv. Push VARIABLE and turn fully clockwise. Observe trace for over and undershoot. ‘Adjust ©608, PCI35, for optimum response. Reduce squarewave frequency to 10 kHz. Observe response, If necessary adjust C807 and 518. ‘Check —Input neutralizatir Connect 1 kHz squarewave to +INPUT. Set VOLTS/DIV to 10 mv. Push VARIABLE and tutn fully clockwise, ‘Set both DO-GND-AC to DC. Observe trace for over and undorshoot. ‘Adjust C603, PCI35, for optimum response. ‘Check +Input neutralization. Connect 1 kHz squarewave to —INPUT. Repeat Ops. 7.2 through 7.5, Adjust C604, PC195, for optimum response: ATTENUATOR (Check LF. CMRR. Link INPUTS, Connect 100 V DC to link (Op. 4.1). Set VOLTS/DIV to 20 mV. Repeat Ops. 7.3 and 7.4, para. 4.4.6 Observe trace deflection <1 division. ‘Adjust R913 to minimize deflection. ‘Sot VOLTS/DIV to 02 V. ‘Observe trace deflection <0-4 division ‘Adjust R911 to minimize doflection. ‘Set VOLTS/DIV to 2 V. ‘Adjust F908 to eliminate detection. Check HF. compensation. Link INPUTS. Puch and tun VARIABLE fully clockwise. Set DC-GND-AC to Col. 1 & 2. Set VOLTS/DIV to Col. 3. Connect signal, Col. 4, t0 link, Observe trace for under or overshoot. Adjust Cir, Ret, Col. 5, to minimize under or ‘overshoot. -HINPUT INPUT VoUTS/oIV. to lee ADJUST Dc GND 20 mV 100 mV C913 GND DC 20 mV 100 mV COB GND DG o2V) 1V¥ cas Dc GND 02¥ tv OBZ Dc GND 2V¥ 00 10V can Cy to Ay toy tn ‘Check HF. CMAR (amplifier). Link INPUTS. Connect 5 V 100 kHz sinewave to tink Repeat Ops. 7.3 and 7.4, para. 4.4.4. 510 sat 512 60 64 62 63 65 ‘Set VOLTS/DIV to 0.05 mv. Observe trace deflection <8 div. ‘Adjust 0612 to minimize deflection Set VOLTS/DIV to 10 mV. ‘Observe trace deflection <02 div. ‘Adjust ©608 to minimize deflection. Ropoat Ops. 8.8 through 38 above. Check HF. CMRR (Attenuator). Link INPUTS, Connect 10 V 100 kHz sinewave to link Ropoat Ops. 7.3 and 74, para. 4.44, Set VOLTS/DIV to Col. 1 below. Observe trace deflection <, Gol. 2 Adjust Cir. Ref, Col. 3, to minimize Col. 2 1 2 3 Detection (ivy VOLTS/DV Permissible Adjust 20 mv 2 aia 50 mV os 913 ory ot ca13 o2V 02 cata 2V NIL oot Check Input capacitance. Connect 1 kHz squarewave to +INPUT via X10 probe. Set VOLTS/DIV to 10 mV. Push and turn VARIABLE fully clockwise, ‘Set DC-GND-ACS; + to DC, — to GND. Observe trace for under and overshoot. Adjust probe to minimize under or overshoot. (Reler to probe leaflet.) Set VOLTS/DIV to Col. 1 below. Observe trace for under and overshoot. ‘Adjust Cit. Ref. Col. 2 to minimize under or ‘overshoot. 1 2 vours/ow Adjust 20 mv ‘0305 o2v 6208 2V 6903 Connect probe (Op. 5:1) to —INPUT. Set DC-GND-ACS; + to GND, — to DC. Ropoat Ops. 5.7 to 8.9 roforring to table bolow. 1 2 vours/o1v Adjust 10 mv ‘2908 20 mv ‘e309 o2v 0308 av 307 ‘Check Bandwidth, ‘Set VOLTS/DIV to Col. 1. Connect Col. 2 signal to + INPUT. ‘Adjust Signal Generator to give 6 dv ampltudo. ‘Adlust Signal Generator to give Col. $ signal Check amplitude >42 divisions. ool. 4 Col. 2 co. 3 VOLTS/DIV Sinewave ¢ Sinewave Signal ‘Signat kee Hr cos my 150 omy 4 300 oz mv 4 600 k 05 mv 50 12M 10 mv 80 16M 2mv-10V 50 20M vs SNOIXENNOD HOLIMS AIG/SLI0A — a1EVL, CS =——-—= = maa] Loe = 7 = 1 0 eeu | = = = = nw 20 aa es = = = = mS aa re = = = = a eeu et = 7 7 = ae seen ‘ie = = = = nus “0 een ‘ies = = = = mao eee sige as Te wae eset | Tn ‘seo 0 “io exscs uses aves vse | nos 80" ve ‘so ‘as vse uses ouvses cvs Aso ee “08 sts eset orm zit nea ‘sna 0 “io ees ses ae aves Aso — ves ‘co ‘ie uses eves set AL ee 68 set os vast az ‘sens 20 ‘ema "sz ste vss sie wns wrest As 200 200 “rou ‘sou coou Ve ie vest srs ses sos Ao ona | wna | Tw wa | Aw ses 7 ‘pms guna u por ay uzava | u pov ae unava | u pov ae uzava | w pon aruaava | NOwO% avonomae, | “sa onomtse’ | “ae ohiontse” | “ae oaloatas NOLIN onmouine nivo nan inant as ve CHAPTER 5 COMPONENTS LIST Values of rosistors are stated in ohms or multiples of ohms; ratings at 70°C are in watts or sub-mutiples of watts. Values of capacitors are stated in sub-multiples of farads; ratings at 70°C aro in volts or kilovolts. Whenever possibie, exact replacements for components should be used, although locally avallable alternative may be satistactory for standard components. ‘Any order for replacement parts should include: 1 4. Component part number ‘5, Component Value 3. Component circuit reference CIRCUIT REFERENCE BLOCKS ‘The table below gives the biocks of circuit references, so that the readar can relate the items listed in this chapter ‘and their location in the circuitry and printed circult boards in Chapter 6. a Pe. Cireuwit Fig. oe 601 700 Differential Amplifier 2 14 900 960 Volts/Div Switen 1 135 ABBREVIATIONS am Button mica CMP Cormet proset Ps. Pobstyrene c Carbon E Electrolytic Se Selenium op Carbon preset Ge Gormanium si Silicon wv ‘Carbon variable Me Metal fim sM Silver mica CER Mo Metal oxide ww Wirewound cr PE Polyester Ww —— Wirewound preset cu PP Polypropylene WWV —— Wirewound variable TELEQUIPMENT, division of TEKTRONIX U.K. LIMITED 313 Chase Road Southgate London Ni4 6JJ England Telephone: 01-882 1166 Telex: 262004 Cables: TELEQUIPT LONDON N14 ‘All requests for repairs or replacement parts should be directed to the Tektronix Feld Office ‘of representative in your area. This procedure will assure you tho fastest possible service. va sn cr Part Description cir Part Description Ret Number Value Type Tol Rating Ret Number Value TypeTol_‘Rallng F oY F ® Vv ce01 281071000 10n CER 250 001 802281071000 100 CER ioe | roca) eee ee we €603 281-0156-00 1464p PP 500 ‘0903, 281-015500 222p PP 500 0604 281-015600 1464p PP 500 90s 281.015500 222 p PP 500 G505 285-105400 270 PS 850 C905 281-015500 222 p PP ‘500 ©5085 281-0157.00 5 5.855p PP ‘500 G00s 281-018400 242 p PP 500 607 281015400 242 p PP 500 C007 281015500 222 p PP 500 C608 281016400 242 p PP 500 (0908 281-015500 222 p PP 500 C509 28906620075 p = SM OS p 350, C009 281-018500 222 p PP 500 csr 21071000 10 CER. 250 cei 285001500 100n PE 20,100 Cott 281-015600 1464p PP 500 siz 281015600 1484p PP 500 C912 281-015600 1464p PP 500 C83 281071100 39 p CER 750 6013 281-015600 1464p PP 500 C514 281071000 ton CER 250 C914 281-015600 1464p PP ‘500 ces 281071000 10n CER. 250 Cat5 —281-015600 1464p PP +500 cs1e 281071000 10n CER 250 C316 281-015600 1464p PP 500 coy 285101400 1h = PE 20. Cor7 285088600 47n PE 20100. CoB 285-1000 tn = PE 20100 cos 285087400 470p = PSB 125 cBi9 285091500 100m PE 20100 Cato 285-088700 20p = PSs p80 cozt 285-080600 47m = PE 20100 C922 285087400 470 p PSS 128, 6923 285086700 20p = PSs p80 cas 285101800 22p = PS p80 6925 285001000 12p = PS p80 ‘Matched pair cir Part Value Description Type Tot Rating Rot Number v % 601 152-0062-01 aNoT4/1NGTAB si 75 Deo 162-0062-01 ANOTA/INGTAB si BY 803 152-0062-01 ANOTA/INGTAB 8 BY D508 152006201 sNoTa/iNatas si Vv D605 152061000 20 Zener si 5 330 mW D508 152-061000 2 Zener si 5 330 mW 607 1452-08240 Tektronix spec. si 50 V 808 152-0824.00 Tektronix spec. 8 sv 609 152082400 Tektronix spec. si 50V bert 152-0824-00 Tektronix spec. si 50 V Det2 152-0347.00 7s Zoner Si 5 330 mW 913 152-0545-00 0 Zener si 5 330 mW Det 152-0511-00 5 Zener si 5 7700 ‘mW ce Part ating Ret Number Description FB £276-0597-00 Ferrite bead Mullard FX1115 Feo 159-0108-00 Fuse 60 mA F602 159-0108-00 Fuse 60 mA oe va Description ce Part Value Type Tol Rating Ret Number ohme. * Ww Root sztogsi8 1M MF 1 125m Re02 92-046148 «1M 0 MF 1125. m FE0S —3154207-01 200M C — +100 250 m “0 R604 st5-0207-01 200M ¢ +100 250m ~o B05 307018600 22M = C20 280. m R606 307.018600 22M G20 250m Reo? 311076500 100k © GP-S 20.250 m 0B 311076500 100k cP 20250 m eos s15047202 47k «00 550m RO 315047202 47k «CS 80m Ret 315012802 12k 0 OS 50m Roe 315012902 12k = C5280 m RBIS 311-105900 150k CP 20250. m Rois 921012048200 MF 1125. REIS 921012648 2000 MF 1125. m R16 311-197900 47 wwe 10 4 ReI7 315030202 3k = CSO m REIe 311-0051-00 1k —CP_—20, 250m REIS S11-138000 22M CP 20,50. m Reo S1700501 1M CS 25 m Re21 S15010S0T 10k = C28 m Re22 818047401 470k «== 250.m RE 31600201 tk = 10250 m Rez g0101se01 isk «= SSD m Re2s 915002202 82k «CS 280 m Re2e 915035902 33k 0580 m Rea? 311076500 100k CP «20250. m R628 921095642 409k «MF 0S 125. m Rezo 921-095642 499k «MF «0S 125m Rego 316095401 380k = C10 250 m Rest 311-196000 220 «CV 20 250m Rex 316010801 100 «= C1050. m Ress SI60101-01 10010 28m Rea 3111957.00 100k CV. 20250. m REIS 916-0224. 220k = 10250 m REI 916090401 390k = 10280 m Rea? 915003401 380k === 10 250. m REI 921190248 «1k «MF 1 125 m Reso sisoso02 ok «6 CS 280m Req s15000002 39k «= CS 5m Rest s2tgeaias 22k MF 1 125m Rei2 s2toeen8 «22k | ME 1 125m Reis 911149000 10k = CV 20125 m Peas 21190248 120k «= MF t 125m ReIS s210e7e48 90k | MF 1125. m Rede 921-007448 30k | MF 1125 m Red? 3210573848 75k 0 MF 1 125m dB 921007948 75K 0 MF 1 125m Reso 911080200 47k «© CP 20280. m Fest 316068301 6B = C1050. m ce Part Ret Number Value 8601 3111490.00 Pull (with B43) $801 260441900 Rotary (17-position) $902 -2604271-00 Lever (3-positon) vs Description Value Type Tol ce Part Rating Ret Number ohms %* ow Rese 316088801 68K = C1080 m F653 321022048 181k MF 1 125m Ress 315012202 «12k «CSO m FESS 315012202 12k C 8 250m Rese 31503201 33k CS 80m Res7 315035201 33k = C&S 50m Fess 311-090500 680 = CPS 20250 m Rese SI701301 1902125 m Rest 817013101 190 C125 m Res2 311157400 470 «= CY. 20250 m Ress 315082202 62k C5 250m Rest si50¢71-01 470, «G58 m Fess 315012002 12k «65250 m Rees 916010101 100 C= 1050 m Res? 301027201 27k «CSD Ress s16010101 100 = C1050. m Re7t 15022102 2200 G5 250m Re72 gisa2-02 2200 G5 280 m Root getodsd2 1M 0 MF OS 125m R002 925012400 900k «= MF 0S 125. m R008 825012500 800k = MF OS 125. m Roos s2t0d842 1M MF OS 125. m R005 925012400 900k «MF 058125. m R908 925012500 900k = MF OS 125.m R007 setored2 978 MF OS 125 m Re08 311138200 68 wwe 104 Re09 s21007142 988k «MF 05 125m Poit s11-1981-00 680 WP to Rei 921008842 07k «MF OS 125 m Reis st198900 10k = WP 04 Rove s2totes42 1k 0 MF OS 125 m ROIS $21-126042 101k MF OS 125. m FOIG 321198042 111k «MF 05125. m Oe 321491042 67k MF 05125 m Roo 321020042 10k = MF OS 125 m oat 321026042 409k «MF OS 125m ov © 321-095642 499k «MF 05125 m Rees 921-098542 100k «= MF OS 125. m ozs gororeeq2 tk MF 0S 125m 25321097242 187k MF OS 125m with $603 ow Part Ret Number Value 8903 -2604271-00 Lever (S-positon) 8K905 198-0205-00 Socket 5/3 9 «oe (2001 (061 (70) o2svfow our postion vanaate | VOLTS/DIV 2B 5 Scat of 5 ay ©) & : c - q © « @ © oirrenewna. aururen v8 FRONT PANEL econ ratte __ ben tn nee rome ars = gare amines iS sees SEE oe = soe Sas re EES BE wees | Siem hae heme S20 iS Bree eae . see | BAS bs oat es eae : exe | ES a aise STs va 5/5 CHAPTER 6 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS To minimize the tisk of misinterpretation of component values on circuit diagrams, the decimal point has been replaced by the multiplier or sub-multiplier of the basic unit For instance, 22 megohme is shown as 2M2 and 18 picofarads is shown as 1p8 To aid the reader further, in addition to the block Circuit Reference Table in Chapter 5.1, to locate a component in the circuit diagrams, a table is provided at the top of each circuit diagram, in which the circuit reference will appear, where practicable, directly above the component being sought PRINTED CIRCUIT Blue shows the rear track as seen through the board. Yellow the component side track, 79 nan Fiaa. DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER TYPE V3 VOLTS / DIV SWITCH FIG.1 an a BH 7 aes cc a a a ep tees comet a oe = Aa Iv -24ve— 2 Tre OENOTES COMPONENTS. NOT MOUNTED ON RC. BOARD. = 2. Toafa DENOTES Re: BOARD/EVELET OR TERMINAL Ne. -+1osv—— 4 ou ton coucren +l _ tv] = | ro iE Fou BACK SO as = "se ° 8 ae =e 2 7 2 a DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER TYPE V3 PC.134 FIG.2. dg TET

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