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How common?

Error List Count of errors\

PaymentCenter 777
TrustedEUR 660


PaymentCenter: Antifraud - fraud detected 141


PaymentCenter: 3DS self.result was not received 73

Required parameter 'pspStatusMessage' missed|PaymentCenter: Required
parameter 'pspStatusMessage' missed
PayClub: InsufficientFunds|PaymentCenter: 3DS self.result was not received 1


PaymentCenter: Authentication error (Try again later) 67

PaymentCenter: Internal error 52
PayClub: DoNotHonor|PaymentCenter: Authentication error (Try again later) 4
PayClub: DoNotHonor|PaymentCenter: Internal error 2

PaymentCenter: Available payments per day has been exceeded 73

PaymentCenter: Payment system internal error (Try again later) 47
PaymentCenter: General failure of the issuer or payment system including
issuer or payment system's temporary unavailability


PaymentCenter: Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder 42


PaymentCenter: Not passed the fraud check 34


PaymentCenter: Insufficient funds 24

PayClub: InsufficientFunds|PaymentCenter: Insufficient funds 1


PaymentCenter: Card blocked as UserCountry is UK and the card is



PaymentCenter: No active channel found, please see logs 11

PaymentCenter: Invalid fields found(PapiRequest): ['cardHolder'] 5
PaymentCenter: Invalid fields found(PapiRequest): ['cvc'] 1

TrustedUSD 95


PaymentCenter: Internal error 43

GumBallPay: Transaction+declined+-
+please+contact+support+with+the+following+code%3A+1176%3A10166| 15
PaymentCenter: Internal error


PaymentCenter: Available payments per day has been exceeded 26


PaymentCenter: Not passed the fraud check 3

GumBallPay: Transaction+declined+-
+please+contact+support+with+the+following+code%3A+1176%3A10166| 3
PaymentCenter: Not passed the fraud check


PaymentCenter: Invalid fields found(PapiRequest): ['cvc'] 2

GumBallPay: Transaction+declined+-
+please+contact+support+with+the+following+code%3A+1176%3A10166| 1
PaymentCenter: Invalid fields found(PapiRequest): ['cardHolder']

GumBallPay: Transaction+declined+-
+please+contact+support+with+the+following+code%3A+1176%3A10166| 2
PaymentCenter: Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder

TrustedUSD_2 22


PaymentCenter: Available payments per day has been exceeded|Available

payments per day has been exceeded

PayClub 352


PayClub: InsufficientFunds 76
PaymentCenter: Not passed the fraud check|PayClub: InsufficientFunds 19
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BINSUFFICIENT_FUNDS%5D+|PayClub:
PaymentCenter: Antifraud - fraud detected|PayClub: InsufficientFunds 12
PaymentCenter: Invalid fields found(PapiRequest): ['cardHolder']|PayClub: 10
PaymentCenter: Payment system internal error (Try again later)|PayClub: 4
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BDECLINED%5D+|PayClub:
PaymentCenter: Insufficient funds|PayClub: InsufficientFunds 3
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|
%5BPlease+contact+customer+support+quoting+the+support+code.%5D+| 2
PayClub: InsufficientFunds

PaymentCenter: Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder|PayClub:


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|
%5BOperation+temporarily+rejected+because+the+system+is+busy.+ 1
+Try+again+in+10+seconds.%5D+|PayClub: InsufficientFunds

PayClub: Failed 55
PaymentCenter: Antifraud - fraud detected|PayClub: Failed 34
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BDECLINED%5D+|PayClub: Failed 6
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BINSUFFICIENT_FUNDS%5D+|PayClub:
Failed 5
PaymentCenter: Payment system internal error (Try again later)|PayClub:
PayClub: InvalidCvn2 1
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|DECLINED|PayClub: Failed 1
PayClub: HighRisk 1
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|PayClub: Failed 1
PaymentCenter: Internal error|PayClub: Failed 1


PayClub: DoNotHonor 28
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BDECLINED%5D+|PayClub: DoNotHonor 27

Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|83+Fraud%2FSecurity+
%28Mastercard+use+only%29|PayClub: DoNotHonor

Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED|PayClub:
PaymentCenter: Authentication error (Try again later)|PayClub: DoNotHonor 1
PaymentCenter: Antifraud - fraud detected|PayClub: DoNotHonor 1
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|DECLINED|PayClub: DoNotHonor 1
PaymentCenter: Operation is not applicable|PayClub: DoNotHonor 1


PayClub: processing 21
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BDECLINED%5D+|PayClub: processing 2
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BINSUFFICIENT_FUNDS%5D+|PayClub:
PaymentCenter: Insufficient funds|PayClub: processing 2
PaymentCenter: Authentication error (Try again later)|PayClub: processing 1
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|
%5BPlease+contact+customer+support+quoting+the+support+code.%5D+| 1
PayClub: processing
PaymentCenter: Internal error|PayClub: processing 1


PayClub: Card blocked as UserCountry is UK and the card is BinCardCategory


Payneteasy 304
altitudepay 12


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|DECLINED+AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 7
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|Declined.+Timeout. 3
(blank) 2

altitudepayFTD 133


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|Declined.+Timeout. 15
(blank) 9
Payneteasy: Transaction+Declined. 7
Payneteasy: BIN+Country+not+supported%3A+Country+-+
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED 6
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|51+Not+sufficient+funds 4
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|05+Do+not+honour 4
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|DECLINED+AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 3
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|BIN+Country+not+supported%3A+Country+-
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|83+Fraud%2FSecurity+
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 2
Payneteasy: BIN+Country+not+supported%3A+Country+-+%27ROMANIA+
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|PENDING+AUTHENTICATION_PENDING 1
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|Missing+parameter.+value%3A+null+-
+reason 1

Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|cURL+error+56%3A+OpenSSL+SSL_read
%3A+Connection+reset+by+peer%2C+errno+104+%28see+https%3A%2F 1

Payneteasy: BIN+Country+not+supported%3A+Country+-+%27LITHUANIA+
Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|62+Restricted+card 1
Payneteasy: BIN+Country+not+supported%3A+Country+-+
%27NEW+ZEALAND+%28NZ%29%27 1

Payneteasy: PM3+-+555UBAPMET%3A+MID+Error%3A+Daily+


Payneteasy: Card blocked as UserCountry is UK and the card is

Payneteasy: Card blocked as UserCountry is UK and the card is BinType 1


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|05+Do+not+honour 15


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|Declined.+Timeout. 13

Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|51+Not+sufficient+funds 10


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT 5


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|DECLINED+AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 3


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|62+Restricted+card 1


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED 1


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|83+Fraud%2FSecurity+

Dropayment 159

Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT 54
PaymentCenter: Antifraud - fraud detected|Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|
PaymentCenter: Not passed the fraud check|Payneteasy:
sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT 13

PaymentCenter: Invalid fields found(PapiRequest): ['cardHolder']|

Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT
PaymentCenter: Internal error|Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|
PaymentCenter: Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder|Payneteasy:
PaymentCenter: Authentication error (Try again later)|Payneteasy:
sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT 3

PaymentCenter: Payment system internal error (Try again later)|Payneteasy:



Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BDECLINED%5D+ 23


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|%5BINSUFFICIENT_FUNDS%5D+ 5


Payneteasy: Card blocked as UserCountry is UK and the card is


Payneteasy: sale_3d_validating|DECLINED 1

I/O error on POST request for

"": Read timed out;
nested exception is Read timed out|
Payneteasy: I/O error on POST request for
"": Read timed out;
nested exception is Read timed out

EzeeWallet 96


EzeeWallet: Source wallet account not found 37


(blank) 31
Required parameter 'pspStatusMessage' missed|EzeeWallet: Required 5
parameter 'pspStatusMessage' missed


EzeeWallet: Invalid credentials for source wallet account 15


EzeeWallet: Payouts for this account have been suspended 5


EzeeWallet: Transaction disallowed for source wallet account 2

EzeeWallet: Transfer failed due to internal error 1

Impaya 90


Impaya: Invalid input data 77


Impaya: Invalid input data 13

GumBallPay 27


GumBallPay: sale_3d_validating|%5BDECLINED%5D+Declined+by+client

GumBallPay: sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT 4
Response status code: 500|GumBallPay: Response status code: 500 4
GumBallPay: sale_3d_validating|%5BP003%5D+3DS+Authentication+-


GumBallPay: Parameter+email+is+required 3

GumBallPay: sale_3d_validating|SECURE_3D_TIMEOUT 3


Response status code: 500|GumBallPay: Response status code: 500 1


GumBallPay: Transaction+declined+-

Interkassa 16
ftdvcmc 3


Interkassa: Payway does not exist 1

Interkassa: Paysystem payment price with convertation [2.3 USD] is lower
minimum limit [5 USD]


Interkassa: Only currencies UAH|RUB|INR|EUR are supported 1

mastercard 8


Interkassa: Parameter set "ik_ia_u" forbidden 5

Interkassa: Error creating payment. Try to recreate again. If the error persists
- please contact technical support.

Interkassa: Only currencies UAH|RUB|INR are supported 1

mcvc 5


Interkassa: Payway does not exist 2

Interkassa: Checkout 642d9b7257e4f32cfb3f8d83 can not accept invoices.
Please contact technical support.
Interkassa: Paysystem payment price with convertation [2.1 EUR] is lower
minimum limit [5 EUR]


Interkassa: Missing account mcvc for Interkassa in config 1

Jeton 10


Jeton: Customer not found.|Payment method not supported. 10

What should user do to make
Why do I see this error? What to do with this error?
a deposit now?

User triggered fraud filter with his bank. For Card gets "locked" for some
example 5 transactions in short period of period of time, so it can't be Use a different card or some
time that didn't have successful 3DS used. User could resolve this other payment method like
verification, but it may vary depending on faster by contacting his bank, in wallet or crypto
the bank system rules. some cases.

Try again and check his 3DS

For some reason, user doesn't message. With this error, it
3DS verification request sent, but no reply recive the 3DS request on his
would be good to ask user
got back from it phone, or he failed to reply on
about more info what he
experiences on his end.

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
was either rejected or wrong mistake or had a typing error Try again
during verification
Sometimes simply retry after a
Bank declined the transaction for reason We don't have any power to period of time will do the trick.
they are not disclosing influense bank decision. If not, use a nother card or
different payment method.

Sometimes simply retry after a

We don't have any power to period of time will do the trick.
Bank declined the transaction
influense bank decision. If not, use a nother card or
different payment method.

This card will never work, so

Card issuer bank (or just this type of card We don't have any power to no point in retrying. Use
from that bank) is blocked influence different card or payment

Try again, if error repeats,

forward transaction number to contact Payments and ask user
Tech error, happens sometimes Payments to use some other card or

User probably made a typing

Wrong input of CC parameters in cashier, Try again and check CVV
error while entering card
wrong cardholer name, CVV code etc. number, card number etc.
User probably rejected 3DS by
3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong during verification

User had more than 10

transactions in last 24h and hit
Paymentcenter velocity rule the limit. Forward user Try different card or wallet.
DevcodeID number to

User triggered fraud filter with his bank. For Card gets "locked" for some
example 5 transactions in short period of period of time, so it can't be Use a different card or some
time that didn't have successful 3DS used. User could resolve this other payment method like
verification, but it may vary depending on faster by contacting his bank, in wallet or crypto
the bank system rules. some cases.

User probably made a typing

Wrong input of CC parameters in cashier, Try again and check CVV
error while entering card
wrong cardholer name, CVV code etc. number, card number etc.
This transaction is fallback from Gumballpay
to Paymentcenter. It failed with Gumballpay Bank decline, no point in
Try different card or wallet.
and then repeated on Paymentcenter and repeating with same card
failed again.

User had more than 10

transactions in last 24h and hit
Paymentcenter velocity rule the limit. Forward user Try different card or wallet.
DevcodeID number to

User doesn't have enough funds on his card User should try lower deposit Lower the deposit amount or
to make a deposit amount with new deposit try other card, wallet
Currently not mapped errors. You will see
those with newly implemented providers or forward transaction number to
Try different card or wallet.
with some rare errors with old providers we Payments

Sometimes simply retry after a

Bank declined the transaction for reason We don't have any power to period of time will do the trick.
they are not disclosing influense bank decision. If not, use a nother card or
different payment method.

retry the transaction. If the

communication error during
Tech error, happens sometimes error repeats, use different
deposit attempt
card or wallet.
card not supported or
Card issuer blocked in Devcode or with PSP Use different card or wallet if
suspected fraud. Send this
provider Risk doesn't object that
userID to Risk for check

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong during verification

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong
during verification
card not supported or
Card issuer blocked in Devcode or with PSP suspected fraud. Send this Use different card or wallet if
provider userID to Risk for check Risk doesn't object that

Sometimes simply retry after a

Bank declined the transaction for reason We don't have any power to period of time will do the trick.
they are not disclosing influense bank decision. If not, use a nother card or
different payment method.

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong
during verification
User doesn't have enough funds on his card User should try lower deposit Lower the deposit amount or
to make a deposit amount with new deposit try other card, wallet

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong
during verification

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
was either rejected or wrong mistake or had a typing error Try again
during verification

card not supported or

Card issuer blocked in Devcode or with PSP Use different card or wallet if
suspected fraud. Send this
provider userID to Risk for check Risk doesn't object that

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong
during verification

User triggered fraud filter with his bank. For Card gets "locked" for some
example 5 transactions in short period of period of time, so it can't be Use a different card or some
time that didn't have successful 3DS used. User could resolve this other payment method like
verification, but it may vary depending on faster by contacting his bank, in wallet or crypto
the bank system rules. some cases.
User probably rejected 3DS by
3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong
during verification

Sometimes simply retry after a

Bank declined the transaction for reason We don't have any power to period of time will do the trick.
they are not disclosing influense bank decision. If not, use a nother card or
different payment method.

User doesn't have enough funds on his card User should try lower deposit Lower the deposit amount or
to make a deposit amount with new deposit try other card, wallet

Card issuer blocked in Devcode or with PSP card not supported or Use different card or wallet if
suspected fraud. Send this
provider Risk doesn't object that
userID to Risk for check
retry the transaction. If the
communication error during
Tech error, happens sometimes error repeats, use different
deposit attempt card or wallet.

Player used wrong password or

User should check login
he didn't activate his
Bad login credentials or account not verified EzeeWallet account after credentials or check if the
account is activated

Usualy connection issue during

Tech error, happens sometimes the deposit attempt retry the transaction

Account is activated, but player used wrong check the username and
bad username or password
password to login password and retry

After some deposited amount, EzeeWallet

User should finish KYC with his
account needs KYC from user, until then it's KYC on Ezeewallet account
EzeeWallet account and retry
User should contact
User didn't do KYC in provided
EzeeWallet support, unblock
Account is blocked or some other tech error period of time and the account
his account and retry the
is disabled

If Risk doesn't object, try

Impaya is ment to fail, that's why we are
using it for Send user ID to Risk different card (MC if user is
from USA)

If Risk doesn't object, try

Impaya is ment to fail, that's why we are
Send user ID to Risk different card (MC if user is
using it for from USA)

User probably rejected 3DS by

3DS verification request sent, but request
was either rejected or wrong mistake or had a typing error Try again
during verification

Usualy connection issue during

Tech error, happens sometimes retry the transaction
the deposit attempt
User probably rejected 3DS by
3DS verification request sent, but request
mistake or had a typing error Try again
was either rejected or wrong
during verification

Tech error, happens sometimes Usualy connection issue during retry the transaction
the deposit attempt

Ask user to retry in 5 min after

send Card number to
User's card not whitelisted with Gumballpay the card number is sent to
Gumballpay for whitelisting

Usualy connection issue during

Tech error, happens sometimes retry the transaction
the deposit attempt

Configuration error, currency used by user is forward transaction number to Try another card or wallet
not supported Payments

Usualy connection issue during

Tech error, happens sometimes retry the transaction
the deposit attempt
Configuration error, currency used by user is forward transaction number to
Try another card or wallet
not supported Payments

Configuration error, currency used by user is forward transaction number to

Try another card or wallet
not supported Payments

Configuration error, currency used by user is forward transaction number to

Try another card or wallet
not supported Payments

Jeton is not configured and should not be send transaction number to Point user to EzeeWallet
used Payments
Your recent refill attempt got stuck in
payment provider system simply due to Don't let little system hitches stop you! 💪
Take the leap and find your fortune today! 
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a string of several payment attempts try another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a registered
triggering additional verifications or and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up
bank security check filters. your main currency wallet. Alternatively, you can also contact
the bank to confirm these were intended transactions to unlock
the card.
try another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a registered
a time out during additional checks on and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up
the transaction you were attempting at your main currency wallet. Alternatively, you can also contact
the time. the bank to confirm these were intended transactions to unlock
the card.

check connectivity and see if you are receiving messages from

a simple typo causing an errror or your bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for
timeout on an incomplete 3DS check for full completion. You can also try try another card, by another
transaction you started. bank, a Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet
(Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your main currency

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on an incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try try another card, by another bank, a
Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as
well as crypto to top up your main currency wallet.
try another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a registered
the bank issuer of your card finding the and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up
transaction a bit unusual and rejecting your main currency wallet. Alternatively, you can also contact
processing. the bank to confirm these were intended transactions to unlock
the card.

the bank issuer of the card you used

finding the transaction a bit unusual and try again later or use another card, by another bank, a
rejecting processing. Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as
well as crypto to top up your main currency wallet.

additional payment method system

checks causing a timeout on the
transaction you were attempting at the try another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a registered
time. and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up
your main currency wallet.

reserve for other outgoing payments top up or double check the balance of the method you are using
preventing processing of that particular and try again, trying a bit smaller amount, using another card, by
transaction at the time of your payment another bank, a Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet
attempt. (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your main currency

the bank issuer of the particular card

you used rejecting processing of such try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
type of transactions. registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
top up your main currency wallet.

a temporary technical glitch on try again using same or different card, by another bank, a
payment method provider side. Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as
well as crypto to top up your main currency wallet.

a simple typo or incorrect entry of double check the information you are entring, and try again using
invalid type or mismatched information same or different card, by another bank, a Mastercard, or a
into the payment form. registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
top up your main currency wallet.
a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on 3DS check for transaction bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

hitting the ceiling on transaction count try again using a different card, by another bank, a Mastercard or
in set and relatively short period of a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet),or well as crypto
time. to top up your main currency wallet. Give a shout on live chat to
be whitelisted for additional payment methods available to loyal

hitting the ceiling on similar transactions

count with your bank in relatively short try again using a different card, by another bank, a Mastercard or
period of time and bank finding such a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet),or well as crypto
transaction frequency pattern a bit to top up your main currency wallet. Give a shout on live chat to
unusual. be whitelisted for additional payment methods available to loyal

a simple typo or incorrect entry of double check the card information you are entring, and try again
invalid type or mismatched information using same or different card, by another bank, a Mastercard, or a
into the payment form. registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
top up your main currency wallet.
the bank issuer of the particular card
you used finding transaction a bit
unusual or rejecting processing of such try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
type of transactions. registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
top up your main currency wallet.

hitting the ceiling on transaction count try again using a different card, by another bank, a Mastercard or
in set and relatively short period of a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet),or well as crypto
time. to top up your main currency wallet. Give a shout on live chat to
be whitelisted for additional payment methods available to loyal

reserve for other outgoing transactions top up or double check the balance of the method you are using
preventing processing of that particular and try again, trying a bit smaller amount, using another card, by
transaction at the time of your payment another bank, a Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet
attempt. (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your main currency
try again using a different card, by another bank, a Mastercard or
a temporary technical glitch on
payment method provider side. a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet),or well as crypto
to top up your main currency wallet. Give a shout on live chat to
be whitelisted for additional payment methods available to loyal

the bank issuer of the particular card

you used finding transaction a bit try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
unusual or rejecting processing of such registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
type of transactions. top up your main currency wallet. Sometimes trying again later is
all it takes for transaction to go through the next time.

try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a

a temporary technical glitch on Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet),or
payment method provider side. well as crypto to top up your main currency wallet. If persists,
give a shout on live chat to be whitelisted for additional payment
methods available to loyal players.
the bank issuer of the particular card
you used finding transaction a bit
unusual or rejecting processing of such try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
type of transactions. registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
top up your main currency wallet.

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.
the bank issuer of the particular card
you used finding transaction a bit
unusual or rejecting processing of such try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
type of transactions. registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
top up your main currency wallet.

the bank issuer of the particular card

you used finding transaction a bit try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
unusual or rejecting processing of such registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
type of transactions. top up your main currency wallet. Sometimes trying again later is
all it takes for transaction to go through the next time.

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.
top up or double check the balance of the method you are using
reserve for other outgoing preventing and try again, trying a bit smaller amount, using another card, by
processing of that particular transaction another bank, a Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet
at the time of your payment attempt. (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your main currency

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

the bank issuer of the particular card

you used finding transaction a bit try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
unusual or rejecting processing of such registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
type of transactions. top up your main currency wallet. Sometimes trying again later is
all it takes for transaction to go through the next time.

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

a string of several payment attempts try another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a registered
triggering additional verifications or and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up
bank security check filters. your main currency wallet. Alternatively, you can also contact
the bank to confirm these were intended transactions to unlock
the card.
a simple typo causing an errror or try again, and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

the bank issuer of the particular card

you used finding transaction a bit try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
unusual or rejecting processing of such registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
type of transactions. top up your main currency wallet. Sometimes trying again later is
all it takes for transaction to go through the next time.

reserve for other outgoing transactions top up or double check the balance of the method you are using
preventing processing of that particular and try again, trying a bit smaller amount, using another card, by
transaction at the time of your payment another bank, a Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet
attempt. (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your main currency

the bank issuer of the particular card

you used finding transaction a bit try again using another card, by another bank, a Mastercard or a
unusual or rejecting processing of such registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to
type of transactions. top up your main currency wallet. Sometimes trying again later is
all it takes for transaction to go through the next time.
a temporary technical glitch on try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
payment method provider side. Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as
well as crypto to top up your main currency wallet. If persists,
give a shout on live chat.

a typo or incorrect Ezeewallet double check your registered and verified Ezeewallet account
credentials entered into the payment details and try again. Try again using a Mastercard or crypto to
form. top up your main currency wallet. If issues persist, give a shout
on live chat to be whitelisted for additional payment methods
available to loyal players.

a temporary technical or internet try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
connectivity glitch on payment method Mastercard, a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
provider side. crypto to top up your main currency wallet. If persists, give a
shout on live chat to be whitelisted for additional payment
methods available to loyal players.

double check your registered and verified Ezeewallet account

details (username and password) and try again. Try again using a
a typo or incorrect Ezeewallet Mastercard, or crypto to top up your main currency wallet. If
credentials entered into the payment issues persist, give a shout on live chat to be whitelisted for
form. additional payment methods available to loyal players.

an incomplete KYC verification with

Ezeewallet on your registerd account follow and complete Ezeewallet account verification process and
with them. try again, or try again using a Mastercard, or crypto to top up
your main currency wallet.
an incomplete KYC verification with contact Ezeewallet to unblock your account and follow and
Ezeewallet temporarily blocking your complete Ezeewallet account verification process and try again,
registerd account with them. or try again using a Mastercard, or crypto to top up your main
currency wallet.

regional limitations of particular

method or a temporary technical on
payment method provider side.
try again using Mastercard or crypto to top up your main
currency wallet.

regional limitations of particular

method or a temporary technical on try again using Mastercard or crypto to top up your main
payment method provider side. currency wallet.

a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity

glitch on payment method provider try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
side. Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet),or
crypto to top up your main currency wallet.
a simple typo causing an errror or try again and check if you are receiving messages from your
timeout on incomplete 3DS check for bank and follow 3DS security check prompts to the end for full
transaction you started. completion. You can also try a Mastercard, a registered and
verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well as crypto to top up your
main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity

glitch on payment method provider try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
side. Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
crypto to top up your main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity we now have whitelisted you with additional payment providers,
glitch on payment method provider therefore , just try again using same or different card, card by
side. another bank, a Mastercard, or a registered and verified e-wallet
(Ezeewallet), or crypto to top up your main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
glitch on payment method provider Mastercard, or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
side. crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
glitch on payment method provider Mastercard, or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
side. crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
glitch on payment method provider Mastercard, or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
side. crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.
a temporary technical or connectivity try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
glitch on payment method provider Mastercard, or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
side. crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
glitch on payment method provider Mastercard, or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
side. crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.

a temporary technical or connectivity try again using same or different card, card by another bank, a
glitch on payment method provider Mastercard or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), or
side. crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.

temporary glitch with Jeton we are try again using another methods available for your region. Try
trying to fix. card, , or a registered and verified e-wallet (Ezeewallet), as well
as crypto among methods available in your region to top up your
main currency wallet.

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