Tips For Answering Essays

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Fernandez – Tips for Answering Essays

Understanding What the Essay Question Requires you to do (especially for ESL (English-as-
Second-Language) students)

DEFINE: provide the text or lecture definition, does not have to be in the exact words that
were used, you can use your own words but you must include all the ideas in the definition
to get the full marks

EXPLAIN/ DESCRIBE: explain the concept in your own words

BRIEFLY: 1-2 sentences (usually in tests)

FULLY: tell us everything you know about it (usually in exams)

WITH EXAMPLES: use any examples that are relevant (from lectures, text or your own
experience/knowledge- you can use different short examples for different aspects of your

ILLUSTRATE (use any examples as above)

AN EXAMPLE OF YOUR CHOICE – use one big example for your whole answer e.g. fitness
centres. This example can be from lectures, the text, cases that we’ve provided or your own

NOTE ON EXAMPLES: even if the question does not specifically ask for examples, you can
provide examples. This is especially important in longer essays.

COMPARE: tell us how the concepts of interest are the same

CONTRAST: tell us how the concepts of interest are different

CHOOSE/IDENTIFY/SUGGEST/RECOMMEND: Often you have to discuss the pros

(advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of more than one alternative (option). Be sure to
remember to actually identify/choose ONE alternative/option at the start or end of
that discussion because there are specific marks given for making that choice.

think that particular decision is the best one- use facts given from the question, and
theoretical information from lectures & the text. If you need to make an assumption, state
what that assumption is (it should be a reasonable one).


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