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Population and Numeric Measurement

I will delve into a comprehensive analysis that looked at file transfer times on a network by

considering the measurements obtained for time (in seconds) to move data between various

computers. Through this exercise we can glean useful information about network performance,

data transfer efficiency and spots where processes could become hindered.

Detecting Outliers

When examining file transfer times, identifying outliers is crucial in gaining insights into

obtained results. To this end, a combination of visual techniques- using scatterplots and boxplots-

permits a detailed view of how the data is distributed while emphasizing any unusual

observations that are beyond what is probable (Illowsky et al.,2022). Moreover, combining

statistical procedures like calculating z-scores or using robust measures like the median absolute

deviation (MAD) enables greater precision by revealing any considerable variations from central

tendencies (Illosky et al., 2021), consequently providing reliable outcomes when analyzing

differential sets of information.

Identification of Two Extreme Outliers

The presence of two observations with twice as long file transfer times compared to other values

in a sample indicates extreme outliers that require attention. Before proceeding with any analysis

on the data set involving such extreme values, we should first verify if there were no errors or

abnormalities during their capture or recordation by reviewing our initial data collection process

carefully. Adopting different techniques for validating and verifying these outlier values would

further strengthen our confidence regarding their validity.

If there is verification that the extreme outliers are valid data points, thorough investigation is

critical to understanding why there were extended file transfer times. Multiple elements such as
network congestion, hardware limitations or software problems could have been contributing

factors leading to these atypical outcomes. Determining where this originated from will aid in

optimizing network efficiency via advancing file transfer protocols and accessing areas for

system improvement.


One must detect and address anomalies to safeguard the integrity and precision of collected data

successfully. When examining file transfer times specifically, outlier detection identifies any

atypical observations that might impact network performance negatively. Both visual graphics as

well as statistical analysis are critical tools for determining overall data quality while facilitating

accurate decisions based on sound information. Taking a comprehensive approach toward

investigating extreme outliers enables one to gain an understanding that optimizes both network

efficiency along with reliability levels through the identification underlining factors involved.


Illowsky, B., Dean, S., Birmajer, D., Blount, B., Boyd, S., Einsohn, M., Helmreich, J., Kenyon,

L., Lee, S., & Taub, J. (2022). Introductory statistics. OpenStax. Retrieved from

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