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Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704

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Evaluating learners’ motivational and cognitive processing in an online

game-based learning environment
Wen-Hao Huang *
Department of Human Resource Education, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois, IL, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes the process and results of an evaluation on an online game-based learning environ-
Available online 17 August 2010 ment (GBLE) by focusing on learners’ motivational processing and cognitive processing. The goal is to
explore how online GBLE might initiate and support learners’ goal-setting activities and impact learners’
Keywords: cognitive loads. The study surveyed 144 undergraduate students after their autonomous participation in
Motivation the online game available at the Nobel Prize Foundation website teaching the Heckscher–Ohlin Theory on
Cognitive load international trade. Grounded in the integrative theory of motivation, volition, and performance (MVP),
Game-based learning
the evaluation indicated that participants felt significantly confident in learning the subject. The per-
Mental effort investment
ceived satisfaction, however, was lower than the rest of motivational components possibly due to heavy
cognitive processing. The finding of cognitive load reported that learners perceived a significantly higher
level of intrinsic load than the germane load due to the novelty of the subject matter. Data analysis fur-
ther indicated a significant canonical correlation between learners’ motivational and cognitive process-
ing. This particular finding could inform future research to investigate specific motivational processing
components’ effects on learners’ cognitive load levels in online GBLEs.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction system, and players continuously devise, implement, evaluate,

and revise new strategies to restore the system to the equilibrium
Studies in education and instructional design have been con- state. The game playing process therefore supports the learning
ducted with the intention of finding effective interventions that process by allowing players to acquire learning experiences in
can increase and sustain learning motivation. With today’s learn- games, encouraging interactions between learners and the game
ing technologies, however, insufficient emphasis has been placed system, and situating learners in complex learning environments
on the motivational impact induced by complex learning environ- (Johnson & Huang, 2008; Pannese & Carlesi, 2007).
ments enriched with multimedia and interactions. The complexity While the learning process in online GBLE might be promising
of highly interactive learning environments coupled with high le- to engage learners, the inherent complexity of interacting with on-
vel motivational support could pose high demand on learners’ lim- line GBLE might pose problems for learners. Huang and Johnson
ited cognitive processing capacity, which in turn, might impede the (2008) identified 10 digital game characteristics that are often seen
learning process (Warschauer, 2007). Online game-based learning in computer-based instructional games, all require learners’ signif-
environment (GBLE), as an example, might dissipate excessive icant cognitive investment to process the environmental and social
motivational support that could very likely overwhelm learners’ stimuli while identifying essential cues for the performance goals.
cognitive processing capacity (Ang, Zaphiris, & Mahmood, 2007; If managed improperly the learning process could be interrupted
Huang & Aragon, 2009). early, because learners’ limited motivational processing as well
A game, regardless of its delivery mechanism, is a context in as cognitive processing capacity could be overloaded (Ang et al.,
which individual and teamed players compete to attain game 2007; Keller, 2008).
objectives by following rules and principles. The playing process Studies have utilized the attention, relevance, confidence, and
is fun, voluntary, and intended to overcome challenges (Gredler, satisfaction (ARCS) model of motivational design (Keller, 1987a,
1994; Suits, 1978). In GBLE, playing becomes ‘‘serious” activities 1987b) to evaluate GBLEs’ motivational stimuli for learners’ perfor-
that require players to achieve the game and learning objectives mance (Chang & Lehman, 2002; House, 2003; Huang, Huang,
(Apt, 1970). Avedon and Sutton-Smith (1971) argued that playing Diefes-Dux, & Imbrie, 2006; Means, 1997; Song & Keller, 2001;
instructional games allows learners to control a disequilibrium Wongwiwatthananukit & Popovick, 2000). Recently ChanLin
(2009, p.101) applied ARCS model in guiding the design of
* Tel.: +1 217 333 0807. web-based courses. The qualitative analysis on participants’ online
E-mail address: discussion postings suggests that online learners could be

0747-5632/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704 695

benefited by the motivational strategies embedded in web-based Schunk, 1990), which plays a critical role in learning (Weiner,
courses based on ARCS principles. Other attempts have been situ- 1985). Studies also identified positive correlations between learn-
ated in interactive instructional settings to address the motiva- ers’ motivational levels and performance achievements (ChanLin,
tional processing issue (Dempsey & Johnson, 1998; Klein & 2009; Sachs, 2001; Sankaran & Bui, 2001). It is, however, often ne-
Freitag, 1991; Small & Ferreira, 1994). The learning environments glected in instructional design owing to its inherent complexity in-
that hosted these studies, however, were far less complex and dis- volved with self-regulatory skills, learner control (Armstrong,
tracting than what is commonly available in online GBLEs today. 1989; Baird & White, 1982; Lee, 1990) and meta-cognitive activi-
With regards to the cognitive demand, studies have concurred ties (Zimmerman, 1989; Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1988).
that learners could be cognitively overloaded by highly interactive The ignored motivational components might discount the final
learning activities in GBLEs. In massively multiplayer online role learning and performance outcomes attained by learners (Cheng
playing games (MMORPGs), for instance, players need to invest a & Yeh, 2009; Keller, 1983; Spitzer, 1996).
substantial amount of mental effort to be able to simultaneously
interact with the game environment, game objects, game tasks, 2.2. ARCS model of motivational design
and other players. If it is beyond what the player’s limited cogni-
tive processing could handle, cognitive overload occurs (Ang The ARCS model of motivational design (Keller, 1983, 1987a,
et al., 2007). Enriched multimedia in educational games also im- 1987b), widely applied in instructional design processes that con-
pacts the efficiency on learners’ cognitive processing. Nelson and nects learning motivation with performance (Ames, 1992; Ander-
Erlandson (2008) argued that the multimedia information process- man & Maehr, 1994; Bandura, 1997; Huang & Johnson, 2002;
ing drawn from multiple information sources increases learners’ Keller, 2008; Weiner, 1985), suggests that learning motivation is
mental effort investment (cognitive load) to process the visual, tex- dependent of four perceptual components: attention, relevance,
tual, and audio elements. The design of multimedia messages confidence and satisfaction (Keller, 2008). Attention refers to the
should be based on multimedia learning principles in order to learner’s response to perceived instructional stimuli provided by
avoid cognitive overload (Mayer & Moreno, 2003). the instruction (Keller, 1983). Relevance helps learners associate
To emphasize the equal positions of motivational and cognitive their prior learning experience with the given instruction. Confi-
aspects of learning processes in multimedia learning environments, dence stresses the importance of building learners’ positive expec-
studies have proposed a potential relationship between learners’ tation towards their performance on the learning task. Satisfaction
motivational processing and their mental effort investment. Situ- comes near the end of the learning process when learners are al-
ated in the theory of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2001), Astleitner lowed to practice newly acquired knowledge or skills (Keller,
and Wiesner (2004) proposed an integrated model of multimedia 1987b). The model was initially developed as a conceptual tool
learning and motivation to connect learners’ cognitive processing in for diagnosing motivational problems and prescribing motivational
multimedia learning environments with their motivational levels strategies (Keller, 1983), which includes pre-measurement of
measured by the ARCS model of motivational design. Later Deimann learners’ motivational level, motivational intervention implemen-
and Keller (2006) included learners’ volitional control to explain tation, and post-measurement of learners’ motivational level.
motivational learning process in multimedia learning environ- ARCS model, based on various learning, instructional, and moti-
ments. Both theoretical frameworks, however, have not been empir- vation theories (Driscoll, 2000; Small & Gluck, 1994; Steers & Por-
ically examined in online game-based learning environments. ter, 1983), focuses on the interactions between learners and the
Therefore, this study aimed to understand (1) how a common instructional programs. Its main thesis is rooted in the expec-
online GBLE might impact learners’ motivational processing capac- tancy-value theory (Porter & Lawler, 1968; Vroom, 1964) that
ity, (2) how the GBLE might impact learners’ mental effort invest- views human behaviors as evaluative outcomes among expecta-
ment based on the cognitive load theory, and (3) what might be the tions (beliefs), perceived probability for success (expectancy), and
empirical relationship between learners’ motivational processing perceived impact of the success (value) (Palmgreen, 1984). What
and cognitive processing suggested by recent integrative theories the model theoretically measures, therefore, is the amount of effort
(Keller, 2008). invested by learners to achieve the learning goal (Small, 2000;
Song & Keller, 2001).

2. Literature review
2.3. Integrative theory of motivation, volition, and performance

Learning motivation is complex to measure due to its multiple

In his latest rendition of motivational learning, the integrative
constructs inherent within the domain (Driscoll, 2000; Mayer,
theory of motivation, volition, and performance (MVP), Keller
2003). The increasing complexity of today’s online GBLEs further
(2008) argues that a complete motivational learning cycle is con-
challenges the current understanding of motivational processing.
sisted of several stages: motivational and volitional processing,
The following section first discusses the neglected motivation
motivational and information processing interfacing, information
component in instructional design and ARCS model of motivational
and psychomotor processing, and finally, the outcome processing
design (Keller, 1987a, 1987b). Then the paper discusses the inte-
(p. 94). Motivational processing helps learners set up initial perfor-
grative theory of motivation, volition, and performance (MVP) with
mance goals that are critical for sustainable learning processes.
specific focus on motivational processing and cognitive processing
Learners at first should have sufficient level of curiosity to explore
(Keller, 2008). A selected group of recent studies then demonstrate
the learning task (attention); then understand the value of the
the need to implement empirical studies to investigate learners’
learning task (relevance), and evaluate the possibility of attaining
motivational and cognitive processing in online GBLEs. Finally
successful performance (confidence), to identify and confirm the
the instructional materials motivational survey and cognitive load
performance goal. These processes, in turn, prepare learners for
scale are discussed as instruments for this study.
the follow-up actions of learning. The satisfaction component seen
in the ARCS model, however, is only considered at the end of the
2.1. The neglected motivation component in instructional design learning cycle.
The next stage is the volitional processing that converts learn-
Goal-directed behaviors are often stimulated and maintained by ers’ learning intentions into executable learning actions. Learners
an essential process known as motivation (Berliner & Gage, 1998; at this point should apply action control strategies to implement
696 W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704

needed activities that move them towards the performance goal. (e.g., multiple interactions in the game, user interface activities,
At the effect of volitional processing learners enter the interface and identity construction). The design online GBLEs, as interactive
between motivation and information processing. This is where learning environments, must consider learners’ limited cognitive
learners apply meta-cognitive strategies to actively manage their processing capacity, to ensure efficient learning processes (Kalyu-
learning processes within the limited cognitive processing capac- ga, 2007). Substantial efforts have also been devoted to study indi-
ity. The next stage, information and psychomotor processing, fo- vidual design elements in interactive learning environments and
cuses on how learners might utilize a variety of mental activities their effect on cognitive load. For example, the nonlinear fashion
to process information that leads to the desired performance. of textual information presentation often seen in GBLEs might in-
Learners at this stage carry out learning activities that help them crease learners’ cognitive load (Zumbach & Mohraz, 2008). Ani-
create and automate transferrable mental models. The processing mated instructional messages, by posing a higher level of
capacity, however, is limited by learners’ working memory. ineffective cognitive load, also might demand more cognitive pro-
Finally, the outcome processing stage allows learners to evalu- cessing capacity from learners (Ayres, Kalyuga, Marcus, & Sweller,
ate the discrepancy between the performance consequence and 2005; Ayres & Paas, 2007). While those findings were fruitful for
their invested efforts. Learners reflect upon all previous stages’ cognitive load studies to a large extent, further investigations are
experiences emotionally and cognitively, and develop a collective needed to discuss the collective effect of online GBLE elements
sense of satisfaction towards the learning process. on learners’ cognitive processing.
The implication of the theory of MVP is twofold. First, since
motivational processing is crucial at the early stage of the learning 2.5. Instructional materials motivational survey (IMMS) and cognitive
process, instructional designers must be cautious to neither over- load scale
whelm learners’ processing capacity nor distract them with com-
peting stimuli. In online GBLEs this design consideration is Keller (1993) developed a measuring instrument, instructional
particularly important (Astleitner & Wiesner, 2004). Second, learn- materials motivational survey (IMMS), to complement the imple-
ers’ cognitive processing activities could play a substantial role in mentation of the ARCS model. The instrument itself has raised sev-
sustaining the learners’ motivation, because after the motivational eral issues concerning its applicability to computer-based
and volitional processing, learners must interact with the learning instructional programs. First, there is a lack of empirical studies
environment cognitively with their limited processing capacity be- supporting the IMMS’s validity to measure each ARCS component.
fore the final outcome processing. Learners overloaded with cogni- Most of ARCS model-based research utilized ARCS model as a de-
tive stimuli, regardless of their initial attention, confidence, and sign guideline to design motivationally sound instructions
relevance levels (motivational processing results), are still vulner- (Arnone, 2003; Chyung, 2001; Jacobson & Xu, 2002). Second, there
able to be unmotivated by exhausting cognitive information pro- is a lack of studies investigating the motivational processing com-
cessing tasks. ponents as a whole. Sachs (2001) discussed the impact of confi-
dence level on learners’ ability to perform well, while Chang and
2.4. Recent studies on motivational and cognitive processing in online Lehman (2002) and Means (1997) both focused on the relevance
instructional games component of the ARCS model.
To address these issues, a study was conducted to preliminarily
GBLEs and many of their derivative forms are motivating to play validate the instrument in a computer-based learning environ-
(Huang & Johnson, 2008). Their effect in promoting meaningful ment. Based on the results of exploratory and confirmatory analy-
learning might be due to opportunities for ‘‘learning by doing” ses from 875 undergraduate students, the study concluded that
(Pannese & Carlesi, 2007). Klein and Freitag (1991) concluded that IMMS, while valid and applicable for the computer-based setting,
instructional board games had a positive impact on students’ its responsiveness to instructional programs’ features makes the
attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction levels. The instrument a design-practical diagnostic tool to evaluate learners’
context of the instructional board game, however, was not as inter- motivational processing in similar instructional settings (Huang
active and complex as learners can experience in online environ- et al., 2006).
ments today. Dickey (2007) analyzed a massively multiple-player
online game environment and reached two conclusions. First, on- 2.6. Cognitive load theory and mental effort measurement
line game environments could provide practical design models
for creating complex learning environments. Second, the character The gap between information structures presented in the
design and narrative environments of game environments could instructional material and human cognitive architecture must be
foster players’ intrinsic motivation and sustain their persistent par- bridged so that learners can use their working memory efficiently
ticipation in the game playing process. In a case study, Pannese and (Sweller, van Merriënboer, & Paas, 1998). Based on the assumption
Carlesi (2007) too identified factors that might integrate game that learning is supported by schema construction and automation,
playing with intended motivational learning processes with focus cognitive load theory (CLT) (Chandler & Sweller, 1991) proposes a
on the reflection aspect of the motivational processing. Although framework to connect cognitive learning processes with instruc-
studies have reported that digital games could be repurposed for tional design (van Merriënboer, Clark, & De Croock, 2002).
instructional applications due to their motivational support (Gee, CLT defines cognitive load as a multidimensional construct that
2003; Papastergiou, 2008; Prensky, 2001; Rieber, 1996), it remains includes task-based mental load induced by task characteristics,
inconclusive as to how those GBLEs could impact each motiva- learners’ performance, and mental effort invested by learners in
tional processing component, which poses challenges for designers the working memory to process information (Paas, Tuovinen, Tab-
to prescribe effective motivational design strategies (Cheng & Yeh, bers, & van Gerven, 2003; Paas & van Merriënboer, 1994; Sweller
2009). et al., 1998). Mental effort, among the three, is suggested as the
With regards to the cognitive processing in online GBLEs, many measure that reflects the authentic cognitive load of learners,
have discussed the design of GBLEs with focus on reducing learn- which indicates the actual cognitive load allocation by learners
ers’ cognitive load. In a qualitative exploratory study, Ang et al. as the result of interacting with task characteristics while achiev-
(2007) found that the game playing process in complex game- ing the desired performance (Kalyuga, 2007; Paas et al., 2003).
based environments could overtax players’ cognitive capacity due Three types of cognitive load which, combined, compose the to-
to common factors that are available in online GBLEs in general tal cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane. The total
W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704 697

cognitive load can never exceed a learner’s working memory 2.7. Purposes of the study
capacity. The total extraneous and germane cognitive load, com-
bined, is assumed to be equal to the total cognitive load minus Based on previous discussions on the lack of empirical support
the intrinsic cognitive load. Since the intrinsic cognitive load can- on how learners’ motivational processing and cognitive processing
not be manipulated via instructional interventions, instructional might be influenced by online GBLEs’, this study aimed to address
design’s main purpose is to optimize the combination of the extra- the following questions.
neous cognitive load and the germane cognitive load. That is to re-
duce the extraneous while increasing the germane cognitive load 1. What are learners’ motivational processing levels induced by
(van Gerven, Paas, van Merriënboer, & Schmidt, 2006). online GBLE based on the ARCS model of motivational design?
Intrinsic cognitive load is associated with the element interac- 2. What are learners’ cognitive processing levels induced by online
tivity – the degree to which information can be understood alone GBLE based on cognitive load theory?
without other elements’ involvement – inherent to the instruc- 3. Is there any empirical relationship between motivational pro-
tional material itself. Information with high element interactivity cessing and cognitive processing that might support the theory
is difficult to understand thus induces a high intrinsic cognitive of motivation, volition, and performance?
load, since the instruction requires more working memory for
information processing (Paas et al., 2003). The extraneous cogni- 3. Methodology
tive load and germane cognitive load, in contrast, can be manipu-
lated by instructional design (Brünken, Plass, & Leutner, 2003). 3.1. Overview of the online instructional game
Also known as ineffective cognitive load, as it only involves the
process of searching for information, extraneous cognitive load can The ‘‘Trade Ruler” game developed by the Nobel Prize Founda-
be influenced by the way information is structured and presented tion was selected as the target online GBLE for two reasons. First,
(Paas et al., 2003; Sweller et al., 1998). Considered a necessary cog- the content of the instructional game (economic theory) is novel
nitive cost of processing information, yet not related to the under- to the participants (undergraduate students majoring in Educa-
standing of the information or the construction of new schema or tion), and second, the interaction between learners and the game
mental models, extraneous cognitive load must be reduced (Brün- is enriched by its multimedia components and consistent cognitive
ken et al., 2003). One method found to be successful in reducing activities.
extraneous cognitive load is the use of well-structured instruc- Based on the Heckscher–Ohlin Theory, this online GBLE was de-
tional multimedia components since multimedia representations signed to teach general public about why countries need to trade
are able to lower the cognitive load by utilizing learners’ multiple goods and services with each other. The theory won the Sveriges
modalities to process information (Khalil, Paas, Johnson, & Payer, Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
2005a, 2005b; Mayer & Moreno, 2003). in 1977 for its contribution to the field of international trade. The
In contrast to the desired low degree of the extraneous cogni- game is accessible online with web browsers. When players access
tive load, instructional materials should be designed to increase the entry page (
the germane cognitive load. Also known as effective cognitive load, ics/trade/) they can review the overview of the instructional game
the germane cognitive load indicates the mental effort learners in- consisting of the introduction and rules of the game, system
vest in learning (Paas et al., 2003). A higher germane cognitive load requirement for playing the game, history of Nobel Prize, and the
level is suggested to induce a deeper learning experience, which in Heckscher–Ohlin Theory. Players are directed to the theory page
turn, supports both near and far transfers of desired performance of the game, Why Trade, at the end of the overview page. Players
(Kalyuga, 2009; van Merriënboer et al., 2002). The essential design can easily start the game using a link consistently listed on the
principle for enhancing germane cognitive load is to deliver top-right corner of the page.
instructions that compel learners to constantly reexamine every Once the game starts, an ambient sound plays to simulate the
new piece of information while accessing their long-term memory oceanic climate of the island. The player is the ‘‘trade ruler” of
(de Crook, van Merriënboer, & Paas, 1998). the island of his/her choice. The ruler has two tasks. First, the ruler
CLT provides a framework to allow researchers constantly is responsible of managing the island’s production on its labor-
developing and revising valid and reliable measurements to gauge intensive (jeans) and capital-intensive (cell phones) products.
learners’ cognitive load and it is an ongoing process (Kalyuga, Some islands are better for manufacturing labor-intensive prod-
2009), which focuses on learners’ mental effort as the result of ucts while others might be advantageous in making capital-con-
interacting with instructional materials and environments (Sweller centrated goods. The second task of the ruler then is to decide
et al., 1998). The subjective category of the mental effort measure- what to trade with its trading partner, to maximize the islanders’
ment was often used as the main indicator of learners’ overall cog- welfare. Based on the rules of Heckscher–Ohlin Theory the game
nitive load in earlier studies, because its higher reliability, validity, provides immediate feedback to the ruler’s trading decisions and
and sensitivity to learners’ small cognitive load changes when it completes one play cycle. Each player has three cycles to accu-
compared to the other two categories (physiological, and task/per- mulate as many points as possible. See Appendix A for the screen-
formance-based) (Paas & van Merriënboer, 1994; Paas, van Merrië- shots accompanied by each step.
nboer, & Adam, 1994). Paas and van Merriënboer (1994) proposed
a 9-point symmetrical category scale to ask learners to report their 3.2. Participants and setting
invested mental effort. Later a similar 7-point symmetrical scale
was proposed the tested by other researchers (Kalyuga, Chandler, The study recruited undergraduate students from a subject pool
& Sweller, 1999; Marcus, Cooper, & Sweller, 1996). Recent studies of a public Midwestern University in the United States. All partic-
suggested that the measurements also need to include data sources ipants were majoring in Education and novice about the topic of
to identify individual types of cognitive load to better inform fol- the GBLE. They accessed the target online GBLE in a laboratory set-
low-up design actions, which suggest that learners’ self-reported ting with minimal interruption. No time limit was imposed for par-
mental effort was related to the intrinsic cognitive load; and self- ticipants to finish the game. All participants were instructed to
reported task difficulty rating might indicate the germane cogni- read the intended economic theory on the entry page then proceed
tive load (Ciernak, Scheiter, & Gerjets, 2009; DeLeeuw & Mayer, to the game. After completing the game participants were redi-
2008). rected to an online survey program to respond to the motivational
698 W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704

processing and cognitive load survey. At the end 144 sets of re- Table 2
sponses were valid for data analysis. ARCS levels by components.

ARCS components Mean score

3.3. Instrument and data analysis Attention 5.68

Relevance 5.51
Confidence 6.20
For motivational processing, this study used a validated IMMS Satisfaction 5.28
scale (Huang et al., 2006) consisting of 20 items. Minor modifications
were incorporated to accommodate the online GBLE setting. The ori-
6.62 while the lowest is 4.17. See Table 1 for the tabulated results
ginal grammatical structure and tone of each survey item was pur-
by items.
posefully maintained to align with the research questions. Upon
the analysis of the scale’s reliability, scores of all ARCS components
4.2. Levels of motivational processing
were calculated to indicate the level of motivational processing.
For learners’ cognitive processing, this study asked participants to
Based on the scale validated in the previous study, the attention
self-report the mental effort investment level and the difficulty level
subscale has 11 items; confidence subscale has five items; and the
associated with the learning task on a 9-point symmetrical Likert
relevance subscale has three items. Each subscale generated an
scale. See Table 1 for the all employed items and reported ratings.
averaged score based on 144 participants’ responses on included
To identify the potential relationship between learners’ motiva-
items. The confidence scale has the highest mean of 6.20 while
tional processing and cognitive processing suggested by the theory
the relevance scale has the lowest mean at 5.51. All average scores,
of MVP, the study conducted a canonical correlation analysis to
nevertheless, were above the mid-point of the 9-point scale. See
investigate preliminary associations between two sets of multiple
Table 2 for the averaged ARC levels. To identify if the difference be-
variables (Newton & Rudestam, 1998, p. 278). According to the re-
tween subscales is significant, paired-sample t-test was employed
search question, the first set of variables was derived from the
at p = .05. The results reported that the confidence level was signif-
motivational processing components (attention, relevance, confi-
icantly different from the rest of the motivational processing com-
dence, satisfaction) and the second set of variables was from learn-
ponents; the attention component was different from the
ers’ self-reported mental efforts (intrinsic cognitive load) and
confidence and the satisfaction components; the relevance compo-
difficulty ratings (germane cognitive load).
nent was only different from the confidence component; and the
satisfaction component was different from the attention and confi-
4. Results dence components. This finding suggested a need to further exam-
ine the role of relevance during motivational processing and its
4.1. Scale reliability relationship with outcome processing. Because the relevance com-
ponent, in contrast with the attention and confidence components
The overall reliability of the scale on standardized Cronbach’s that are intrinsic in nature (Malone & Lepper, 1987), might be part
Alpha is .91 (n = 144 on 20 items), which indicated a good reliabil- of extrinsic motives (Ryan & Deci, 2000), it is possible that the rel-
ity of the scale. On the 9-point Likert Scale the highest item mean is evance component needs to be extracted from the motivational

Table 1
Reported levels by items.

Items for motivational processing Reported level 9-point scale

There was something interesting at the beginning of the game that got my attention. 5.78
Absolutely disagree (1)  Absolutely agree (9)
The interface design of the game is eye-catching 5.92
The quality of the writing in the game helped to hold my attention 5.63
I enjoyed the game so much that I would like to know more about his topic 4.41
The way the information is arranged in the game helped keep my attention 5.82
The game has things that stimulated my curiosity 5.77
I really enjoyed learning with the game 5.53
The wording of feedback after the exercises, or of other comments in the game, helped me feel rewarded for my effort 5.69
The variety of reading passages, exercises, illustrations, etc., helped keep my attention on the game 5.73
I could relate the content of the game to things I have seen, done or thought about in my own life 4.89
It was a pleasure to work on such a well-designed game 6.09
It is clear to me how the content of the game is related to things I already know 5.88
There were examples that showed me how the game could be important to some people in the learning setting 6.14
The content of the game is relevant to my interests 4.17
The game was more difficult to understand than I would like for it to be 4.97
The game had so much information that it was hard to pick out and remember the important points 6.24
The game is so abstract that it was hard to keep my attention on it 6.54
The exercises in the game were too difficult 6.62
I could not really understand quite a bit of the material in the game 6.00
It felt good to successfully complete the game 5.18
Items for cognitive processing
How much mental effort did you invest to learn the content from the game? 5.07
Very very low mental effort (1)  Very very high mental effort (9)
How difficult was it for you to learn the content from the game? 4.50
Very very easy (1)  Very very difficult (9)
W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704 699

Table 3
Paired t-test results.

Pair t df Sig. (p = .05) Cohen’s d

A–R 1.61 143 .11 .13
A–C 3.91 143 .00* .32
A–S 2.53 143 .01* .21
R–C 5.03 143 .00* .42
R–S 1.27 143 .21 .11
C–S 4.80 143 .00* .40
Significant at p = .05.

Table 4
Tests of canonical dimensions.

Dimension Canonical corr. F df 1 df 2 p Fig. 1. ARCS levels.

1 .35 2.97 8 276 .003*
2 .19 1.75 3 139 .159 and cognitive processing in the GBLE of this study. Future research
with a larger sample size might be able to identify significant corre-
processing stage in the theory of MVP. Table 3 shows the results of lations between the two constructs in GBLEs (Fig. 1).
paired-sample t-test.
5. Discussion
4.3. Perceived cognitive load
5.1. Motivational processing in GBLE
At the end of the study participants self-reported to two items
measuring the level of intrinsic cognitive load (mental effort invest- Overall the result of motivational processing in Trade Ruler was
ment) and germane cognitive load (difficulty rating). The result indi- beyond average. The study identified that learners perceived a sig-
cated that participants perceived a higher level of mental effort nificantly higher level of confidence during the learning process.
investment than the task difficulty level. A paired t-test further con- Learners’ responses toward attention and relevance components,
firmed that both scores are significantly different from each other however, seemed to be similar, which were both lower than the
(t = 3.77, p < .01). See Table 1 for the item content and scores. This confidence level perceived by learners.
finding confirmed the novelty of the subject matter for our partici- The design of the Trade Ruler game might have helped learners
pants as supported by the high intrinsic load. The germane load that believe that they can accomplish the learning task easily as indi-
indicates the depth of the learning, however, only suggested a rather cated by their confidence levels. For example, the game uses com-
shallow learning experience for our participants. mon terminologies to convey complex concepts. An ‘‘island”
simplifies the concept of countries involved in the international
4.4. Canonical correlation between motivational processing and trading process. Players needed to choose their own island while
cognitive processing each island is differentiated by its abilities to produce ‘‘jeans”
and ‘‘cell phones”, which uses simple items to represent complex
Tests of dimensionality for the canonical correlation analysis, as concepts of international trading. The jeans stand for labor-inten-
shown in Table 4, indicated that the canonical correlation between sive manufacturing capacity while the cell phone symbolizes cap-
motivational processing and cognitive processing is significant with ital-intensive industries. Other game features could also sustain
one dimension (p < .05) (Dimension 1). Dimension 1 reported a players’ confidence level. First, players receive immediate and con-
canonical correlation of .35 between two sets of variables. In terms structive feedback from the game on their manufacturing and trad-
of original variables’ importance in predicting the identified canon- ing decisions either from the news reporter or the reaction of
ical correlation, the attention, confidence, and mental effort invest- citizens. Second, players have three opportunities to trade with
ment components were found to positively contribute to the their selected trading partners. They can learn from their previous
canonical correlation. While identifying the underlying constructs success or failures to inform follow-up decisions.
of canonical variates, structure correlation analysis indicated that Participant’s attention level was reported the second highest
the attention, confidence, and mental effort investment might be among ARC components for motivational processing. But it is only
essential for their individual variate. Table 5 shows the standardized statistically different from the confidence component. The target
canonical coefficients, structure correlation coefficients, and the GBLE has provided several features to support learners’ attention
redundancy index. The finding of canonical correlation mainly im- level. In the beginning, the game uses oceanic ambience audio
plied an underlying relationship between motivational processing and brief animation to open the entry page. Later players get to

Table 5
Standardized canonical coefficients.

Dimension 1*
Canonical coefficient Structure correlation Redundancy index
Motivational processing components .05
Attention 1.08 .78
Relevance .42 .22
Confidence .40 .58
Satisfaction .48 .03
Cognitive processing components .05
Mental effort investment .92 .77
Difficulty level .65 .44
700 W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704

design his or her characters in the game by customizing the char- processing that contributed to continuously explore the learning
acters’ hair, facial features, clothing, and names. Finally, the game task. At the end of the learning process, however, they reported a
uses vivid color contrast for all visual representations and its page relatively low level of satisfaction as the result of the outcome pro-
layout remains consistent throughout the game, which prevents cessing. This finding can be explained by theories reviewed previ-
the game from overloading players’ visual modality in processing ously. Considering the MVP theory (Keller, 2008), although the
information. In this study learners reported a moderately high le- stages between motivational processing and outcome processing
vel of attention to initiate their exploratory activities. The attention serve numerous purposes, all of them require cognitive processing
level represents learners’ curiosity induced by the GBLE. Too much capacity. For instance, the volitional control processing stage
of it in the early stage of the motivational process could distract would need learners’ mental effort to convert intentions into ac-
learners from the intended learning task (Keller, 2008). Consider- tions (Gollwitzer, 1999). Clearly learners’ cognitive capacities were
ing learners’ significantly higher confidence level later in the moti- in high demand in the online GBLE. Since researchers on cognitive
vational processing, this finding implies that the attention stimuli load have concluded that an overloaded cognitive capacity can de-
level might be appropriate in the GBLE. motivate learners (Sweller et al., 1998), this paper argues that the
Although participants reported a moderate to high levels on the target online GBLE might overload learners’ cognitive capacity thus
confidence and attention components, they did not perceive a sig- lead to a fairly unsatisfactory learning experience.
nificantly high level of relevance from interacting with the game.
The novelty of the game content might contribute to the finding.
5.3. Relationship between motivational processing and cognitive
By reviewing the items on relevance component, it is clear that
although learners were moderately interested in the value of the
game content for other people, they did not see the immediate im-
The canonical relationship between motivational processing
pact of understanding international trade theory in their own lives.
and cognitive processing was found significant in the study. A
The self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) also could par-
canonical coefficient of .35 in Dimension 1, considered by many,
tially explain the finding. The theory considers relevance as part of
is sufficient for further empirical investigation (Garson, 2008). Ren-
extrinsic motivation to drive learner behaviors and it often de-
cher (2002) argued that the redundancy index calculation is not
mands a high level of contextual support to help learners internal-
appropriate for multivariate analysis, which might contribute to
ize the behavior. In other words, the design of GBLE in this study
the low redundancy indexes found in the study. Furthermore, the
might need to strengthen the connection between the subject mat-
structure correlation analysis showed promising results on how ori-
ter and learners’ experiences and needs.
ginal variables of motivational processing and cognitive processing
The perceived satisfaction level reported from participants was
could impact the canonical correlation between the two constructs
the lowest when compared to the ARC components. The t-test sug-
with exceptions of satisfaction and task difficulty variables. Based
gested that it is only significantly different from the attention and
on the theory of MVP, learners’ motivational processing and cogni-
confidence components. Satisfaction, in the context of MVP theory,
tive processing contribute to the final perceived satisfaction level,
is the result of learners’ cognitive evaluation on the discrepancy
which suggests satisfaction’s independent role in forming the
between invested efforts and perceived outcome. A substantial
canonical variate from either side. With regards to the perceived
learning outcome coupled with a small effort investment, for in-
task difficulty, the finding, to a large extent, concurs with previous
stance, can increase the satisfaction level. In this study learners re-
cognitive load studies. Because the germane cognitive load (mea-
ported a moderate level of satisfaction that is higher than the mid-
sured by self-reported task difficulty) is part of the overall cognitive
point of the scale, which implies that learners might consider the
load (measured by mental effort investment) thus it does not di-
learning outcome a fair result of their invested efforts. This finding,
rectly contribute to the canonical variate. On the other hand, the
however, presents a sustainability issue. Given learners were only
attention and confidence components of motivational processing
moderately satisfied with the learning experiences, they might not
and mental effort investment of cognitive processing demonstrated
come back to the same GBLE for future learning tasks.
a strong association with their individual canonical variates (i.e., the
canonical structure loading >.30) (Garson, 2008). This finding sug-
5.2. Cognitive processing and learners’ motivation in online GBLE
gests their potential impact in managing the canonical correlation
since they could substantially affect the composition of individual
As indicated in the integrative theory of motivation, volition,
variates that enable the canonical correlation. In summary the find-
and performance (MVP) (Keller, 2008), a full motivational learning
ings preliminarily support the relationship suggested by the theory
cycle should begin with the motivational processing that helps
of MVP that learners’ motivational processing could impact their
learners identify the performance goals and end with an outcome
cognitive information processing effort. Moreover, the findings
processing with learners’ satisfaction level towards the learning
empirically validate a previous conceptual framework in calculating
process. The motivational processing’s goal is to synthesize learn-
the relationship between learners’ motivational involvement and
ers’ interests, motives, values, and expectancies thus confirms their
mental effort investment in the context of cognitive load (Paas,
intention to participate in the learning process further. In the con-
Tuovinen, van Merriënboer, & Darabi, 2005). The results of this
text of ARCS model of motivational design, the motivational pro-
study, however, did not conclude the direction of the effect between
cessing refers to the attention, relevance, and confidence
motivational and cognitive processing. Likewise the roles of both
components respectively. The satisfaction component, based on
processing in supporting learners’ perceived satisfactory learning
the theory of MVP, becomes the result of the outcome processing
experiences are beyond the scope of this study.
at the end of the motivational learning cycle. Between the motiva-
tional processing (ARC) and outcome processing (S) are series of
interrelated learning activities that demand learners’ cognitive 6. Conclusion and future research
information processing capacity. These cognitive processing activ-
ities, therefore, could impact learners’ perceived satisfaction levels. Grounded in the theory of MVP, the study empirically con-
Learners with a high level of intention to pursue the performance firmed the underlying relationship between learners’ motivational
goal could be either encouraged or frustrated at the end of the processing and cognitive processing in an online GBLE. The find-
learning process due to experienced cognitive processing activities. ings further present new research directions to investigate the
In this study learners started out with an effective motivational dynamics between learners’ motivational processing and their
W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704 701

cognitive activities. Future research should focus on the utilization 4. After selecting the island, the player can customize his or her
of game characteristics in online GBLEs to better manage learners’ avatar in the game and name it.
motivational level, volitional control, and cognitive activities.

Appendix A

1. The starting page of the game.

5. On these pages the player gets to choose the trading partner

based on its labor and capital resources. In this case the
player chose the Yellow Island that has less labor resource
2. The welcome page of the game that states the goal. The bot- but more capital capacity than the Pink Island.
tom of the page also shows the dashboard for the player. At
the top the players controls the volume of the game’s audio

3. On this page the player can select his or her island to rule.
Note that each island has different allocation of labor and
capital resources that impact its production capabilities. In
this case the player selects the Pink Island.
702 W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704

6. On this page the player receives the specific of his or her 9. On this page the game provides immediate feedback to your
game tasks. production adjustment decision.

7. This page presents the trade ruler’s command center. All deci- 10. After receiving the feedback, the player clicks the trade but-
sion-making and feedback are delivered via the big monitor ton to decide what to trade. On this page the player can ad-
on the right side of the room. The player needs to click on just the amount of jeans and cell phones to be sold to the
the production, trade, and council buttons to decide what to trading partner. In this case the ruler decided to trade six
produce, what to trade, and receive feedback from the game. pairs of jeans for six cell phones with the partner (Yellow

8. The player clicks the production button to decide what to

manufacture. On the page the player can adjust the produc-
tion levels of jeans and cell phones in response to the island’s 11. On this page the trading partner provides feedback to the
labor and capital resources. Note that the value of goods also trade adjustment. In this case the Yellow Island liked the
changes based on the adjustment. The player should seek for deal.
the highest goods value as the result of this activity.
W.-H. Huang / Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2011) 694–704 703

12. At the end of the 1st play cycle, the player can review the 15. Finally, the player gets to be compared to other players who
outcome of the trade decision. Note that in the result are have played the game. Here shows an award stand with the
the citizens of the Pink Island were neither happy nor upset players.
about the trade outcome.

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