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Partiat Dirreneniation ano ITs APPLICATIONS of We get SE = cos B Isin A cos (A +B) + cos A sin (A + B)) = 008 B sin (2A +B) and 3 = cus A sin(A +28) f 9 F_ . ue » op =9 only when A = Also r= When A =B= 1/3, 1/2, t=—1s0 that rt —s? = These show that f(A, B) is maximum for A = B = w3. ‘Then C= 1-(A +B) = 13. Hence cos A cos B cos C is maximum when each of the angles is 1/3 i.c,, triangle is equilateral and its maximum value = 1/8. LAGRANGE’S METHOD OF UNDERTERMINED MULTIPLIERS Sometimes it is required to find the stationary values of a function of several variables which are not all independent but are connected by some given relations. Ordinarily, we try to convert the given function to the ‘one, having least number of independent variables with the help of given relations. Then solve il by the ubuve method. When such a procedure becomes impracticable, Lagrange’s method proves very convenient. Now we explain this method. Let u=f(%,y,2) AW) be a function of three variables x, y,z which are connected by the relation. x, 9,2)= 0 (2) For u to have stationary values, it is necessary that duldx = 0, uldy = 0, dulde = 0. Ute 4 My 4 oe due Sy Oe dy + St de = du = 0 (3) i i 8 eB ay OM de = ty = Also differentiating @), we get Se ds + Se dy + SP de =u =0 wd) ‘Multiply (4) by a parameter A and add to (3). Then He 4 20) ae + (2M 4 220) ay (28 4 9,20 (¢ +122) ax+(Se +122) dy +(e +a Ou , 70% wee ‘These three equations together with (2) will determine the values of x, y,2 and A for which w is stationary. Working rule: 1. Write F=f (x,y,z) + 20x, y,2) aF _ 9 ae oy 7 ee 8. Solve the above equations together with 9 (x,y,z) = 0. The values of x, y, z so obtained will give the stationary value of f (x, y, z). ‘Obs, Although the Lagrange’s method is often very useful in application yet the drawback is that we cannot determine the nature of the stationary point. This can sometimes, be determined from physical considerations of the ‘problem. - a =0 semmaares Bu 4 9, Be 9 28 This equation will be satisfied if & + ae =0, a + 43, 2. Obtain:the equations 2 "See footnote page 142. Solution. Let x, y and z ft. be the edges of the box and S be its surface. ‘Then S=ay+ dye + 2ex and xyz = 82 Eliminating from (@) with the help of i, we get S =ay + 2y +2) 82 aay + oa ASlox = y~ 64/3" = 0 and AS/y = x - 64ly? = “0. Botilig team, ergetamyia's. Now r= 0°S/ax? = 128s, s = a°S/axdy = 1, t = 0°S/dy? = 128%. At -x=y=4,rt—s?=2x2-1=+4veandrisalso+ve. Hence $ is |. Then from (ji), 2 = 2 Otherwise (by Lagrange’s method) : Write Fes ay + 2ye + Dex + Mayz ~ 82) ‘Then OF ay + 2e+hy =0 HF axaaevrar=0 Adv) SE a By 4 204 day =0 sav) ‘Multiplying (ii) by x and (v) by y and subtracting, we get 2x 22y=0 or x=y. IThe value z = 0 is neglected, as it will not satisfy (i)} Again multiplying (iv) by y and (v) by z and subtracting, we get y = 2. Hence the dimensions of the box are x = y = 22= 4 (vi) Now let us see what happens as z increases from a small value to a large one. When z is small, the box is flat with a large base showing that $ is large. As z increases, the base of the box decreases rapidly and S also decreases. After a certain stage, S again starts increasing as z increases. Thus S must be a minimum at some intermediate stage which is given hy (ni). Hence S is minimum when x=y=4 feand z= 9% Solution, Let f(x,y,2)=a"y'2! and ox, y,2)=24y 42a. Then Fux, y,2) =f (2,942) +2 460, 2) =xMytel + Me ty ez —a). For stationary values of F, $F = 0, 0, =o an mar lyre? + h= 0, nx” y"* 2? += 0, px” yer += 0 or == mex lyrer = nx yl 20 = pxryrel mint+p_m+ntp \ xy 2 ¥tyte a The maximum value of f occurs when x=umlin + 0+ phy =unkin + n+ pz = uphin +n +p) ah" P ml nlp Gmina pyrene ie, xeytera Hence the maximum value of fix, y, z) = Solution, Let P(x, y,2) be any point on the sphere and AC, 4, we the given point so that AP? = (x ~ 3)? + (y— 4)? + (2 - 12) = F(x, y, 2), say 2B) -Pasimat DIFFERENTIATION AND Its APPLICATIONS Ea We have to find the maximum and minimum values of f (x,y, 2) subject to the condition Ce, 9,2) =32 +92 +22-4=0 Adi) Let Fx, y,2) = F(x, ¥, 2) + Mx, 2) x — BP + (yA)? + (2-12)? + a? +9? +2? 4) OF Loe BF cay OF ae — Then BE a mtx 9) 4 22, 2B = ay 4) 4 By, = Ole 12) + Be ar _, ax dy x-34he=0,y—4 4 hy =0,2- 1242250 iii) - oF _ =Oand & =0 give which give Substituting for 2 in (iii), we get 3 TA iF 9416 +144 _ (aa JfP ai or 1a Jf =#13, Ff = 12,14. [We have left out the negative values of Jf , because /f =APis + ve by @)) Hence maximum AP = 14 and minimum AP = 12 x= aay? ee! Using (ii), Example 5.48. Show that the rectangular solid of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere is a cube, a (Kurukshetra, 2006 ; U.P.2.U., 2004), Solution. Let 2x , 2y, 2z be the length, breadth aud height of the rectangular solid so that its volume V = Bxyz Let 2 be the radius of the sphere so that x? + y2 + 2% = R? ‘Then Fix, y, 2) = Sxyz + Mx? +y? + 2” R?) and @Flax = 0, AFlay = 0 and IFidz =0 give Bye 1 BA = 0, Bex 1 Qyh = 0, Bey + BA=0 or 22), = — Baye = By" = 22% Thus for a maximum volume i.e,, the rectangular solid is a cube. ‘ | Exnasple 6.49. tent on a square base of side, hos its sides vertical of height y and the top tao Fegan, ocak rai ft ir hee te the tent to have @ given capacity. Til Ween Solution, Let Vbe the volume enclosed by the tent and S be its ourface area (Fig. 6.6). Then —V= cuboid (ABCD, A’B‘C’D’) + pyramid (K, A’B’'C'D) = xt + ath = x%Xy + h/3) 5 =4(ABGR) + 4A KGH = dry + 45 (e- KM) = xy x(x? + 4h") be KM = (kK? + LM) = Jin? + (x/2?") Hicker Enoinesrina Marmeuarics For constant V, we have 2 BV = Qxly + h/B) Bx + xy) + ae For minimum S, we have = [ay + OP +47) +2 3G" 44h?) . 2x) be + Any +x 1a? + 4h? 7U2 . gnBh = 0 2 By Lagrange’s method, [hy + fl? + 4h?) + 2? (x? + 4h? 17] 4.2. 2x(y + A/8) = 0 Ax thex?=0 Ahix(x? + 4h"? + 2 27/3 = 0 (ii) gives 4. = — dfx. Then (iii) becomes Ahx(a? + Ah2PV2 4x/8=0 or x= VEK Now putting x = V5 h, i =—4/x in (i), we get ay +3h+Gh—S.2e(y +h) =0 or 4y+3tn—wy-8h =0, ie, y= Wz, Sh 3 3 Example 5.50. Ifu =a"x* + b*y? + clz® wherex+y4 421 3, ents rece ta by x = Za/a, y= Ya/b, z= Lale. (Kerala, 2005) Solution. Let u=f (x,y,z) = 08x? + by? + cz? and (x, y,2)=a7 4 yer t-1 Let Fx, 9,2) = fy, 2) +214, 9, 2) sate? + bY? 40%? + Aor tty let) OF _ 9 RF oo Then F-=0.5,=0 and 5° =Ogive 25x? — Nx? =0, 2b8y— Ay? =0, 2e%s — Az? = or ate? =A, Dy = 2, ede? =A which give ax = by - cz — k (say) ines, x — hla, y — RUB, 2 — he. Substituting these in x1 + y1 +271 = 1, we getk=a+b+e Hence the stationary value of u is given by x=%ala, y=%alb and z= Yale. Example 5.51. Find the volume of the greatest rectangular Peete inscribed in the ellipsoid oid Bay 2006) atte WT. 2010; Anna, 2009 ; Madras, 106) Solution. Let the edges of the parallelopiped be 2x, 2y and 2z which are parallel to the axes. Then its volume V = 8xyz. Now we have to find the maximum value of V subject to the condition that wali) Write ‘Then ii) iii) £ =8y +222) =0 wiv) Equating the values of 2 from (ii) and (ii), we get x%/a? = y%b® Similarly from (iii) and (iv), we obtain y*/b? = 2c? =. x%fa® = yb? = 2%c? Substituting these in (i), we get x%/a? ‘These give x = a/V3,y = V3 ,2 = ohV/3 sv) When x = 0, the parallelopiped is just a rectangular sheet and as such its volume V = 0. Asx increases, V also increases continuously. ‘Thus V must be greatest at the stage given by (v). Babe 3V3_ ‘Hence the greatest volume = PEER 1. Find the maximum and minimum values of @ 24+ 99 Bary (U.P.T.U., 2005) (ii) xy + a5 + aby. (iit) 23 + Rxy? — Vix? — ig? + 72x (Mumbai, 2007) (iv) 22? -y*) — x4 + 4 (Osmania, 2003) () sin x siny sin (x +). 2. Ifsy2 = 8, find the values of x, y for which u = Sxyz/(x + 2y +42) is a maximum, (GV.TU, 2007 ; Kurukshetra, 2005) 8. Find the minimum value of x? + y? + 2, given that @syz=a* (P.7.U., 2009 ; Osmania, 2003) (ii) ax +by +2 =p. (V.2.U,, 2010 ; U.P-T.U., 2006) (ui) xy + yz + 2x = Ba? (Anna, 2009) 4, Find the dimensions of the rectangular box, open at the top, of maximum capacity whose surface is 432 59. cm. (Madras, 2000 S) 6, The sum of three numbers is constant. Prove that their product is maximum when they are equal. 6, Find the points on the surface 2? = xy + 1 nearest to the origin. (Burtwan, 2008 ; Andhra, 2000) 7. Show that, if the perimeter of a triangle is constant, the triangle has maximum area when it is equilateral. 8, Find the maximum and minimum distances from the origin to the curve Gx? + 6xy + 5y?— 8=0. 9, The temperature 7 at any point (x, », 2) in space is 7’= 400 xyz’. Find the highest temperature on the surface of the ‘unit sphere x? + y2 +2? = 1. (V.T.U., 2009 ; Hissar, 2005 8) 10. Divide 24 into three parts such that the continued product of the first, square of the second and the cube of the third may be maximum. (Bhiltai, 2005) 11. Find the stationary yalues of v =2? +9? + 2” subject to ax? + by? + cz*= 1and/x+my+nz=0. (S.V.T.U., 2008) DIFFERENTIATION UNDER THE INTEGRAL SIGN Ifa function f(x, a) of two variables x and «(called a parameter), be integrated with respect tox between ’ the limits @ and h, then J f(x, 0) dx is a function of a: Fle), say. To find the derivative of Fla), when it exists, itis not always possible to first evaluate this integral and then to find the derivative. Such problems are solved by the following rules : (1) Leibnitz’s rule* afta.) da Iff(x,a)and ho continuous funetions of x and a1, then » » z If f(x, 0) ax|= J Reo) dx where, a, b are constants independent of . +See foot note on p. 139.

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