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According to Article 4 of Federal Constitution, Federal Constitution is the supreme law in this

country. Any laws that is inconsistence with the law is regarded null and void/unconstitution.

Elaborate the historical background on the Federal Constitution.

The Federal Constitution of Malaysia, known in Malaysia as Perlembagaan Persekutuan

Malaysia, is the supreme law of Malaysia and contains total of 183 articles was enacted in 1957. It is
a written legal document that was influenced by the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 and the
Independence Constitution 1957 both of which were created in 1940s. It provides for the
establishment and organisation of three main branches of the government which is Parliament,
which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate the executive branch led by the
Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers and the judicial branch headed by the Federal Court.

From 18 January to 6 February 1986, a Constitutional Conference was held in London

attended by a delegation from the Federation of Malaya, which included four representatives of the
Rulers, the Chief Minister of the Federations (Tunku Abdul Rahman), and three other ministers, as
well as the British High Commissioner in Malaya and his advisers.

The conference proposed a commission to devise a constitution for a completely

independent Federation of Malaya. Both Queen Elizabeth II and the Malay Rulers approved to this
proposal. As a result of this agreement, the Reid Commission, led by Lord William Reid and consists
of constitutional specialists from other Commonwealth nations, was chosen to give suggestions for a
suitable constitution. On 11 February 1957, the Commission's report was finished. The Federal
Constitution was then implemented based on the suggestions of a working group that had been
appointed by the British Government, the Conference of Rulers, and the Government of the
Federation of Malaya after reviewing the report.

Although official independence was attained on August 31, 1957, the Constitution only
became operative on August 27. The Malaysia Agreement, which included changing the name of the
Federation to "Malaysia," and other amendments to the constitution were agreed upon and made in
1963. Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore were admitted as extra member states of the Federation.
Accordingly, legally speaking, the creation of Malaysia did not result in the creation of a new country
per se but rather was just the naming change of the 1957 constitution's Federation and the
accession of additional member states.

In conclusion, the Federal Constitution of Malaysia serves as the foundation for the Law,
which is the supreme law of Malaysia. The validity of any law shall not be questioned. The validity of
any law made by Parliament or the Legislature of any State shall not be questioned on the ground
that it makes provision with respect to any matter with respect to which Parliament or, as the case
may be, the Legislature of the State has no power to make laws, except in proceedings for a
declaration that the law is invalid.

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