Yex 01 Mixedability Worksheets Extension-6

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Extension ?

Extension 3 2
1 Read.

Come to the Riverside Activity Centre!

Music Centre Sports Centre
Do you like music? Come Do you like sports? Come
to the Music Centre and to the Sports Centre and
you can play the drums and you can play football
the piano. Can you play the and basketball. Can you
recorder? We have recorder rollerblade? We have a
classes every Friday. There are rollerblade disco
recorders for everyone. every Thursday.
Water Centre
Do you like water sports?
Come to the Water Centre
and you can swim every day.
Can you dive? We have diving
classes every Wednesday.

2 Write the activities.

Music Centre play the drums

Water Centre
Sports Centre

3 Write the days.

1 Recorder classes 2 Diving classes 3 Rollerblade disco
4 Write about the Lakeside Activity Centre.
Sports Centre Lakeside Activity Centre
Sports Centre Arts Centre

Come to the Sports Centre Come to the Arts Centre

tennis classes every Tuesday and you can ride a horse and
Arts Centre and
Can you ?
We have
singing classes every Monday
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press EXPL 24

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