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DESK RADIO "URAL" series 1952

GOST 5651-51
Before turning on the radiola, carefully read the contents of this manual and understand the purpose of each cont

RADIOLA "URAL" is powered only from a 50-period current of

gramophone record.
Do not turn on the radiola in the DC network!
RADIOLA "URAL" is a six-tube superheterodyne (GOST 2 class GOST5651-51) and a player in a desktop desig
RADIOLA "URAL" allows you to use not only your own loudspeaker, but allows you to turn on an external broa

RADIOLA "URAL" has an output power of 1.5 W, which provides

of the day.
Radiola "Ural" has a high sensitivity and does not require a large external antenna for normal operation, it is
RADIOLA "URAL" has a special device for playing gramophone records, equipped with a pickup that gives hig

Before connecting the radiola to the network, check whether the incl
connected to a voltage of 220 V.
To switch the radio to the desired mains voltage, it is necessary to remove the switch block located on the cove
position where the arrow of the block points to the number of the desired voltage.

Insert the block firmly into the sockets. Make sure that the fuse is ins
The fuse must be factory-made with the stamp "PC-1 A".
Do not replace the factory fuses with homemade wire fuses - this can ruin the radiola.
Check the presence and correct inclusion of radio tubes and scale lighting bulbs, using fig. 1 in the text.
Do not turn on the radiola without a back wall!

The ANTENNA is connected to a spring clip located on the rear wall

GROUND is connected to the same terminal located directly on the metal chassis of the receiver.
To connect the antenna and ground wires to the radiola receiver, it is necessary to squeeze the springy contacts w
of the conductor carefully cleaned of oxide or insulation is inserted into this hole, then the springy part is released
The sequence of switching on and configuring the radio receiver

INSERT the power plug of the radiola into the lighting socket.
Turn the radio ON by turning the knob (fig. 3 and 4) of the switch to the right (clockwise) one detent position. 
middle position, and finally "gramophone" - the extreme right position.
When you turn on the radio, the scale should light up, and after 30-40 seconds, necessary to warm up the receive
for operation. At the same time, the visual indicator of the “magic eye” setting starts to glow green.
SET the receiver's bandswitch KNOB to one of four fixed positions c
the first extreme (left) position of this knob corresponds to the long-wave range, i.e. waves from 2000 to 730 m
b) the second position of the wave range switch knob corresponds to the range of "medium waves", i.e. waves fro
c) the third (right) position of the wave range switch knob corresponds to the first range of "short waves", i.e. wa
d) the fourth (rightmost) position of the range switch knob corresponds to the second range of "short waves", i.e.
appears in the window under the graduation of the receiver scale corresponding to included range.
TUNING the receiver to the desired station. To do this, slowly turn the tuning knob until you hear the transmissi
You can judge the tuning accuracy by the tuning indicator, the “magic eye”, the shadow (dark) sector of which n
its complete "closing".
SET the desired volume by turning the manual volume knob. The highest volume corresponds to the extreme pos
SELECT the transmission tone that suits your conditions best by turning the tone control knob. The lowest timbr
DO NOT FORGET to turn off the radio after receiving. Leaving the radio on indefinitely will wear out the tubes
To turn off the radiola receiver, turn the switch knob to the left, i.e. counterclockwise until it stops.
Radiola "Ural" has an all-wave receiver, which allows you to receive radio transmissions even from distant rad
beneficial. As a rule, reception in big cities or industrial centers is always worse than in rural areas due to the
machines, X-ray installations, etc.
During the hot summer months, reception also deteriorates due to an abundance of atmospheric noise, usually fad
Each of the four wavelength ranges of the radio receiver has its own characteristics and is designed to receive rad
For regular reception of distant radio stations, use the shortwave ranges of the receiver, which are less sensitive t
In the daytime, it is better to receive in the short-wave section (25 m) of the second short-wave range, and aft
range. Sections of these ranges, replete with broadcasting stations, are marked on the scale with vertical dashes a
remote areas of the Soviet Union.
Remember that on the shortwave bands, tuning into a station is most difficult, since the stations are “tight” and ta
Therefore, in order not to miss a station, turn the tuning knob slowly and smoothly, as with a fast rotation you ca
Sometimes a radio listener is dissatisfied with his receiver due to interference that interferes with reception - var
be divided into 3 groups.
1. Atmospheric noise
Interference from atmospheric discharges accompanies mainly long-range reception and manifests itself in the fo
time of day: in summer they are always greater than in winter, during the day more than at dusk or at night. As a
in severe frosts and snowfalls in winter. The interfering effect of atmospheric discharges is very different in diffe
2. Local interference
In large industrial centers or large cities, as a rule, there is a large amount of interference created by variou
trolleybuses, telephone and electric calls, X-ray installations, etc. These interferences are also like atmospheric
usually greater intensity than atmospheric ones.
In some cases, significant mitigation of this type of interference can be obtained with proper sizing and type of re
3. Interference dependent on transmitting radio stations
Sometimes the reception of a station is accompanied by a whistle that does not change the pitch during tuning, bu
and is explained by the fact that another radio station operates on a wave close to the received one, and although
The quality of transmissions of the same radio station or one program on different radio stations is not always th
especially when relaying transmissions.

The strength of the reception of distant radio stations varies signific

only at different times of the year, but also at different times of the day. In winter, the reception strength is muc
strength is the location of the receiver antenna, its quality, as well as the quality of the ground.
As a rule, in large cities, among the mass of stone and reinforced concrete buildings that impede the passage of ra
The change in reception strength depending on the time of year and time of day should not be confused with th
The phenomenon of fading is explained by a change in the conductivity of the atmosphere and is not regular. Mo
You can run the antenna along the top of two walls, or between two opposite corners of the room. The wire mus
insulators. The wire is terminated in insulators as follows (Fig. 5). A wire or rope 50-70 cm long is passed along
of the "nut" insulator, the end of the antenna wire is passed, tied in a knot and twisted the short end of the wire
when pulled, they compress the insulator and it would not be possible for one wire to touch the other.  Having
intended attachment point, attach it with a loop, without cutting the wire, to another insulator. as indicated in fig.
to the wall. The free end of the antenna wire is brought to the receiver, having stripped the end of the wire fro
receiver not from the end of the antenna wire, but from any part of the horizontal wire. In this case, at the connec

It is recommended to make an external antenna 10-20 m long inclu

special antenna cord. Antenna and descent wires must be well insulated from the ground, roof, guys and mast.
antenna input should be lowered as vertically as possible and go no closer than 20-40 cm from the wall of the ho
as the end of the antenna with input. In the case when the reference point of the free end of the antenna is a tree
large sag or attach a block to the tree trunk with galvanized iron knitting wire and pass a rope from the chain wit
the insulators in the same way as in the case of a room antenna device, but not one, but two "nut" insulators are a
When pulling the wire, make sure that the antenna input does not touch the roof, for which a stick with an ins
antenna, including the input, from a solid wire. In the case of connecting several pieces, it is desirable to solder th
Before entering the window frame, the wire is attached to the wall with a chain of insulators and freely, so tha
sleeve into the room. In the case of using an external antenna, it is recommended to connect the antenna input th
as well as during a thunderstorm, the antenna is grounded.
A radiola receiver can work well without grounding at all, but in
A good ground should have as little wire length as possible from the ground to the receiver.
It can be done in one of the following ways.
a) connect the receiver with a wire to a water supply or central heating pipe. The junction of the wire with the pip
b) bury a sheet of metal in the ground or hammer a metal rod with a soldered wire. It is better if the metal is
Remember that poor grounding, a long wire that has high resistance, or poor contact will only increase the amoun
Radiola "Ural" makes it possible to reproduce high-quality gramopho
The gramophone device, consisting of an asynchronous motor, a disk, a pickup and an autostop, is located under
To play a record, you must: lift the top cover of the radiola case and put the record on the disc, lift the pickup fro
The inserted stylus should be securely fastened with a clamping screw protruding from the end of the cartridge.
Then set the "off - receive - gramophone" switch to the "gramophone" position, i.e. turn it to the extreme position
At the same time, the scale illumination bulbs will go out, and the tuning indicator - the “magic eye” - will remai
To start the engine of the gramophone device, it is necessary to lift the pickup from the stand and move it to the
on the engine, and the disk with the record will begin to rotate. Then lower the pickup onto the record so that the
Autostop has a trigger torque control, the lever of which is located at the p
If the lever is in the leftmost position, then the auto-stop will turn off the engine when the needle enters the exit g
If the lever is in the extreme right position, then autostop does not work, and at the end of playing any record, the
By setting the lever to intermediate positions, you can set the time of autostop operation in accordance with the e
To play the other side of the record, the pickup must be returned to the stand, the stylus changed and the engine t
The volume and timbre of playback of a gram recording are regulated by the same knobs as when receiving from
To extend the life of the records, you should use standard GOST 1117-51 type “G” needles, which must be chan
and leads to rapid wear of the records.
At the end of playing the records, move the "off - gramophone - receive" switch to the "reception" or "off" positi
The radiogram provides the ability to turn on an external loudspeaker,
ones. Such an additional loudspeaker must be connected to special sockets located on the rear wall of the receive
An external loudspeaker can be any type of loudspeaker intended for operation from radio broadcasting networks
Remember that the radiola is a complex technical device that requires careful and careful handling.
1. All radiola control knobs have a smooth, easy move or strictly fixed positions. Therefore, do not make great ef
2. Do not take out the receiver, speaker, motor, pickup yourself from the radiola box either for repair or for th
listener (changing lamps, replacing a blown fuse, re-connecting to another voltage, etc.), opens when the rear wa
3. In case of serious damage to the radio, when changing the lamps or replacing the blown fuse with a new one
but to special repair shops, since inept repairs can lead to irreparable damage.
4. Radiola is designed to be powered by a standard 50-period alternating current network of three voltages: 110,
no more than + 10-15% of the nominal.
5. If you are using an outdoor antenna, remember to stop receiving and ground the antenna during thunderstorms
6. Do not leave the radiola turned on unattended for an indefinitely long time - this can cause damage to the radio
7. Do not put the radiogram in damp rooms, as well as in the sun or near hot stoves - both are equally harmful to
Annex 2
for the owner of the radio
Registration of radio receivers is MANDATORY, so the owner of the radio receiver should know the following b
1. The owner is obliged to register the radio receiver at the nearest post office at the place of residence or at th
three days, and in other areas of the Union - within 10 days from the date of purchase.
2. If one person has several radio receivers, all radio receivers shall be subject to registration.
3. For evading registration, the owner of a radio receiver is subject to a fine or criminal liability in accordance wi
4. The registration certificate is issued to the owner of the radio receiver and cannot be transferred to another per
The registration certificate for the right to use the radio receiver is valid within the city or locality where the radio
The registration certificate together with the subscription fee payment receipt must be kept at the radio receiver.
5. Simultaneously with the registration of the radio receiver, its owner is obliged to pay a subscription fee for rad
for each tube radio I category. 36 rub. per year, II category. 54, III kaegor. 75, detector  - 5.
The subscription fee is paid in advance for any period, but not less than six months. The subscription fee not paid
6. When moving to another apartment in the same city or locality, the owner of the radio receiver is obliged to re
In case of moving to another city or settlement, the radio receiver must be registered at a new address within 7 da
When the owner of the radio receiver moves to a suburban area for the summer season, registration in this area is
7. If the radio receiver has become completely unusable or transferred to the use of another person, its owner m
the application, the post office makes a mark on the second copy and returns it to the owner.
The collection of the subscription fee is terminated from the date of submission of the application.
8. Non-use of radio receivers for receiving broadcast programs does not exempt their owners from subscription f
“Claims about quality should be sent to Leningrad 129, Kirov Islands, Krestovka River Embankment 25. externa

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