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(CHAPTER ONE: WEAVING REVISITED ....2 Irrodicton " Cones 2 Get Deonng i pe 3 evingstred 3 cca Py, ? Pore 3 Pas ° TheFaen 1. The Seven Tes. 1” 2b. Keser. 6 squats "i ” ene’ Sac Chih of Prophecy 0 ‘ke 8, Volane ne 0 ‘CHAPTER TWO: THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMYS Prologue Set hte r ‘exOre: Sacha 0 Bidston 20 Scere One. azn Habis 20 Scere Two, Wel Met by Moonght 2 Scere Thee: Fig ae Flake 3 ‘Two: song Loyaies Bacto By Scere Oe: Searching or th a Scere Tuo Ot Fend rd New 2 Scere Thee: Lote Ends % Ctcames& Aare Hooks 2 The Taste of fear = » age ote Damned . Madmen and Mary (CHAPTER THREE: NPCS AND ARCHETYPES ajorNecs. ‘el Don ham cues a Jenlutteron Sacha 7 ofthe Orem gta 2 phe Buren Age alan Dancer nan Nise eoh (Chained 7) Joana Cay Joante Wah Jeante Weaponstaper Johan Mage Diplomat Moxhant Pele Asan Squat % Teeban favor The Zuiser Zvi Monson Table of Contents writing Php Rae Nhl eo Art & Design Marketing pn ec abe bt silhouette Design etch peat Tribe 8 Created by: i diols a Ah The knoe Produced and Published by ream fol Sm dere ate 82 Monee par ‘he Dam ad log be thot the Seven Tbs he See Fat atin Weer Ant, a el disinctie o ander ae tras of Or ed 6188 rem Pale Alege rere eprom bpd hot arto pemison om he paer ecg srt a el pp ‘ayer ction tain cpa te ithe ie Fn) ery Dream nda beech gh he ‘webaward. A ch the sok ors02 Leglopsicnngat 16 aha Na du ude atl bry ofan ti ining eaving Revisited Past the Great Hil and beyond the Seven Fingers, far from the lat Joarite tower, the Z’brilands extend across most of the northem shore of Vimary and beyond. Thick, dark forests, shadowy ruin and mass graves characterize ths area, throwing ‘pale of teror ove those who dare venture into thern. On the boundary ofthe 2'bri lands warnings signs hang; some are prayers of protections, other votive oferngs for the loved ones lost to the beasts. Very few tials have traveled the twisted paths of the H' Kar (what the Z’bri cal their homelands), even, though lost within them ae the eight camps that gave birth to the Fatimas. There ae thse who've tried to ind them, to reclaim them and thee secrets, bur they have never returned. “The HI Kar are a foreboding teritory, 2 region where even the shadows can be dangerous, a place where itis said the dead walk, The tant ofthe Z’bris visible on everything, from the warped trees to the deformed animals that ie in these woods, The same taint touches all those who travel here, heightening their desires unt they become painful, transforming their worst {ears into flesh and blood. Scattered throughout the Harare the Z'b palaces and thei Ser hamlets. Twisted bulings of fsh and bone, the palaces ard hamlets are obscere structures that symbole the Z'br's ctherwordly nature, and where the stench of death is overpow- eng. In describing the H' Kar to your Players be sure to emphasize how alien and mysterious these areas are, The trees ae twisted beyond recognition, skeletons (both natural and unnatural) liter the shadowy ground, mute witnesses ofthe atroctes ‘committed upon them by the Z'bri and their Serf An insidious atmosphere prevas throughout the H1 Kara feeling that becomes almost unbearable the closer one gets to a Serf amet ‘Asa Weaver you can use the Hi Karto give the characters a ilimpse into the hears and minds ofthe 2°. Use the landscape and horrors within to ty and capture some of the torment and anger that al Z’bri feel about being trapped on Earth showing that there is more to them than savage beasts For example, the characters could stumble across a bri tending a small hidden garden, its patterns and detail staningin contrast tothe perverted husk ofthe Z’bi, The H' Kar also serve as perfect ervrons for having the characters confront their \wors fears, because these fears and doubts can take material form of lsh and blood. ATV USKYREALNS 202i wy High above, nthe uppe stores fhe tals buldegs om the World Before, rest the vile nests ofthe Z’bi known 35 Skyrealms. Home to some ofthe most powerful and oldest si, these Joh’ans — hidden — ive fr fom their brethren, not interested in the petty intrigues ofthe Baron's court Instead they live above the ties, minding ther own business, tying to recapture the glory ofthe days before the Cosing, [Athough the Joh’ans are 2°b, and some among the vlest, a few have begun to fee the weight oftheir ancestors’ actions Melancholic ard saddened, these Z'bri ae far more dangerous than the rest, prone to fits of depression from which no one is safe. These Joh'ans have become loose cannors, and neither the tribes nor the Z°br know what side they take inthe seasons to Feel free to use these joh’ans as you wish; they make great antagonists and tempers. Humanity was swayed by the ephemeral nature ofthe Z'bei once, and there i nothing stopping you fom trying to tempt your Players to folow one as well. On the other hand, the Jans can make for unexpected ales, though make sure that your Phys never fel to comforable dealing wth them Each Slyrealm sdfferent, an extension ofthe Z'br inhabiting it. Some have iron cages that huge muscle like cables lower and raise, others carpets made of human hai and binds and curtains offlesh, Asa Weaver, bear in mind that you depict al Skyrealms as pulsating chambers of blood and organs, they’ s00n lose ther mysterious auras to your Players. Subtle