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1. What does it mean to have red or swollen gums?

It means that you have an oral infection problema.
2. What should be taken for stomach pain?
It is advisable to take a buscopan.
3. What does X-ray mean?
A type of radiation used to diagnose and treat cancer and other diseases.
When given in low doses, X-rays are used to diagnose disease by creating
images of the inside of the body.
4. What does an electrocardiogram mean?
A electrocardiogram is a test that records the electrical activity of the heart.
5. What ia a blood test for?
Are used to measure or abalyze cells, chemicals, proteins and other
components of the blood.
6. ¿In which century did convencional medicine appear?
The fifth century BCE in ancient Greece.
7. In what century and where was homeopathy founded?
Homeopathy was founded in the eighteenth century in Germany.
8. How are patients treated in homeopathy?
In homeopathy, a patient´s symptoms are treated with remedies that cause
similar symptoms.
9. What does an acupuncturist do?
An acupucturist inserts needles at certain points on the body.
10. Where dis acupucture originate?
Acupunture originated in China.
11. What percentage of the population uses herbal therapy?
80% of the population.
12. What to use hip pain?
An ointment
13. What to use for red eyes?
A eye drops
14. What is a nasal spray used for?
To uncover the nose.
15. Name a type of vitamin?
Vitamin B1
16. Name a painkiller?
Aspirin, ibuprofen
17. Name an antibiotic?
Amoxicillin, cephalexin
18. Name two examples of antacids?
Rolaids, maalox, mylanta, tums.
19. What are antacids?
The help treat heartburn(indigestión), they work by neutralizing the gastric
acid that causes hearburn.
20. What is an antihistamine?
Are medicines that treat the symptoms of allergies by blocking the effect of

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