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Box Storage

(website for files storage)

Dr.Mahmoud Rokaya

Rehab Alsufyani. 43903111

Shumookh Al-Mutairi. 44000789

Noof Alzhrani. 44003545

Rania Turkistani. 44050224

Atheer Al-Otaibi. 44002301

1. Establishing the Project Requiremen:...…......…………………… 3
1.1 Project Objective :...…………………………............................3
1.2 Project Scope :...………………………………..........................3
1.3 Project Deliverables: ...……………………...............................3
1.4 Assumptions/Dependencies: ...……………………...................4
1.5 Risks and Issues :..……………………......................................4
2. Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):....................................5
3. A list of the specific activities that could make up your project: ....6
4. A PERT chart of the specific activities that could make up your
project: ….........................................................................................6
5. The total completion time of the project: ………....………....…....7
6. critical activities that must be completed exactly as scheduled in
order to keep the project on schedule: ………....…....……….........7
7. non-critical activities, including how long can the non-critical
activities to be delayed before they cause a delay in the completion
time for the project: ….....................................................................8

1. Establishing the Project Requiremen
1.1 Project Objective:
• Improving profitabilitv: A business may have a need to
increase its revenue or reduce its costs in order to improve its
bottom line.

• Expanding into new markets: A business may need to enter

new markets in order to reach new customers and grow its
customer base.

• Enhancing customer satisfaction: A business may need to

improve its products or services in order to meet the needs and
expectations of its customers.

• Improving operational efficiency: A business may need to

streamline its operations and processes in order to reduce costs
and increase productivity.

• Developing new products or services: A business may need

to innovate and create new products or services in order to stay
competitive in the marketplace.

1.2 Project Scope:

The Box Storage website project scope includes the development of a file
storage platform that allows users to store and share files online. The
platform will include the following features:

• User registration and login.

• File upload and download capabilities.
• File sharing and collaboration tools.
• Integration with other software.
• Secure and reliable storage and access to files.

The project will be completed within a timeline of 6 months and the

budget for the project is $200,000. This includes all development
costs, testing, and post-launch support.

1.3 Project Deliverables:

• Website design: The website will be designed to be user-
friendly, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.

• Website development: The website will be developed using
modern web development technologies, and will be optimized for
speed, reliability, and security.

• User account management: The website will allow users to

create and manage their own accounts.

• File management features: The website will include a range

of file management features. The website will also include search
functionality to help users find their files quickly and easily.

• Payment processing integration: The payment processing

system will be secure and easy to use.

• Testing and quality assurance: The website will undergo

rigorous testing and quality assurance to ensure it is functioning
properly and meets user needs.

1.4 Assumptions/Dependencies:
• The project team will have access to all necessary resources,
including software, hardware, and personnel, to complete the

• All requirements and specifications will be clearly defined

and communicated to the project team.

• The project team will have regular communication with

project stakeholders to ensure alignment and timely decision-

• The project team will follow industry best practices and

comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

1.5 Risks and Issues :

Some of the potential risks associated with this project include

technical challenges that may arise during development, security
breaches that may compromise user data, delays in integration with
payment processing systems, and changes in technology that may
affect website functionality or user experience. The project team
will work proactively to identify and mitigate these risks as much
as possible.

2.Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):


1 Requirements Gathering

1.1 Identify user requirements

1.2 Define and Analyze system requirements

2 Design

2.1 User interface design

2.2 Database design

2.3 System architecture design

3 Development

3.1 Front-end development

3.2 Back-end development

4 Testing

4.1 Unit Testing

4.2 Integration Testing

4.3 System Testing

4.4 User Acceptance Testing

5 Deployment

5.1 Project launch

3. A list of the specific activities that could make up your project:

Activity Activity description Immediate Completion

predecessor time(weeks)
A Identify user - 1
B Define and Analyze A 2
system requirement
C User interface design B 3
D Database design B 2
E System architecture B 1
F Front-end C,E 4
G Back-end development D,E 4
H Unit Testing F,G 1
I Integration Testing H 1
J System Testing I 2
K User Acceptance J 1
L Project launch K 2

4. A PERT chart of the specific activities that could make up your


5.The total completion time of the project:
The project can be completed in 17 weeks if the individual activities are
completed on schedule.

6. critical activities that must be completed exactly as scheduled in

order to keep the project on schedule:

Activity ES EF

A 0 1

B 1 3

C 3 6

D 3 5

E 3 4

F 6 10

G 5 9

H 10 11

I 11 12

J 12 14

K 14 15

L 15 17

7. non-critical activities, including how long can the non-critical
activities to be delayed before they cause a delay in the completion
time for the project:
Activity ES LS EF LF Slack Critical?

A 0 0 1 1 0 Yes

B 1 1 3 3 0 Yes

C 3 3 6 6 0 Yes

D 3 4 5 6 1

E 3 5 4 6 2

F 6 6 10 10 0 Yes

G 5 6 9 10 1

H 10 10 11 11 0 Yes

I 11 11 12 12 0 Yes

J 12 12 14 14 0 Yes

K 14 14 15 15 0 Yes

L 15 15 17 17 0 Yes

❖ Based on the total , all activity in this project are critical as they
have zero slack, expect for activity E,D and G . These activity have
slack , indicating that they can be delayed by the amount for slack
without delaying the entire project. Therefore , the critical path
through the network of activities is A-> B->C->F->H->I->J->K-
>L with a duration of 17 weeks . Any delay in any of these
activities will delay the entire project .

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