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Fernando Jose Conejo León(Assistant)

Fabrizio Sebastian Quispe Ticona(note taker and boss)

Willian Smith Tucto Figueroa(time keeper)

Our physical and mental health are connected, and our actions affect how we feel. A
balanced diet and avoiding alcohol, tobacco and drugs are essential for mental wellbeing.
Physical activity improves sleep and fitness by releasing endorphins. Small daily changes,
such as walking and participating in recreational activities, are beneficial. Controlling calories
and reducing consumption of unhealthy foods is key. Seeking help and quitting smoking
improves my mood. Taking care of our health is essential and we should seek support.In
adition To improve your physical and mental health, you should not think that spending a lot
of money is the only healthy option, there are only small changes that you can make every
day. You can lower the amount of cortisol in your blood by walking just 30 minutes every
day. Walking in the fresh air makes us happy, as well as being smart, fast and keeping your
head are things that famous universities do. In addition to eating healthy, balanced meals
every week for a year, this has completely changed your diet and your mental health.And
To improve your health, focus on simple habits. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty
of water, and exercise regularly. Get enough sleep and manage stress through relaxation
techniques. Avoid sugary drinks and processed foods. Make time for activities you enjoy.
Surround yourself with supportive people, and set achievable goals. Remember, small
changes can make a big difference in your overall well-being.

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