Deg Tes 16 P 1n2 Electrical

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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET TILL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO S\ TRITES/E-VDEGIG | TEST BOOKLET Test Booklet Series ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PAPER-I (DEGREE) A (Signature of the Candidate) (Invigilator’s Signature) ‘Time Allowed : 3 hours (Three hours) Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY TEST BOOKLET OF SAME SERIES. 2. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE ANSWER SHEET BY BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY. 3. This Test Booklet is divided into three sections, ic Section-A, Section-B & Section-C. (A) Section-A (MICO pattern) contains 40 items (questions). Each question, carrying 2 (two) marks only, has four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the OMR Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the most appropriate, In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. There shall be no negative marking for wrong/multiple answer, (B) Questions under Seetion-B (Conventional Method) & Section-C (Conventional Method) are to be answered in separate answer book. 4. You have to mark all your responses of Section-A by Black Ball Point Pen only on the separate OMR Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 5, Before you proceed to answer the responses to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars both in the Answer Sheet for Section-A and in the Answer Book for Section-B & Section-C. 6. On completion of the examination, you should hand over the OMR Answer Sheet for Section-A & Answer Book for Section-B & C to the Invigilator only. You are permitted to take the Test Booklet with you. 7. Sheets for rough work are appended on the Test Booklet at the end. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET TILL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO. | TRITES/E-/DEG/16 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions. Symbols have theit conventional meaning. SECTION- A 40x2=80 Answer all questions. Each question carries two marks. Each question has four alternative answers. Select the correct answer and mark on the OMR sheet. KWh is the unit of @ Energy (C) Electric charge Example : 1. Conductivity is measured in terms of (A) Ohm / metre (B) Ohm / metre? (C) mhos / metre (D) mhos / metre? 2. Poynting vector has the unit of (A) Watt (B) Watt / metre (C) Watt / metre? () Newton 3. Magnetic field inside a current carrying solenoid is (A) directly proportional to current (B) directly proportional to its length (C) inversely proportional to numbers of turns (D) inversely proportional to current SITR/TES/E-V/DEG/16/A-500 @) (B) Power (D) Electric current 4. A magnetic needle is kept inclined in a uniform magnetic field. It experiences : (A) a force and a torque (B) a force but not a torque (C) a torque but not a force (D) neither a torque nor a force 5. The EM field and current are concentrated close to the surface of the conductor. The phenomenon is called (A) Faraday’s effect @) Skin effect (C) EM concentration effect @) Ohm’s effect 6. A time varying magnetic field produces (A) magnetic field only (B) electric field only (C) both magnetic and electric fields (D) none of these (Tum over | Vxii=paysis (A) Continuity equation (8) Maxwell's equation (©) Poisson’s equation ©) Laplacian equation Which material has the highest electrical conductivity 7 (A) Stee! ®) Silver (©) Aluminium (D) Lead . Dielectric constant for vacuum is (A) infinity ®) 100 ©1 @) zero . When a ferromagnetic substance is magnetised, small changes in dimensions occurs which is known as — (A) magnetic hysteresis (B) magnetic expansion (C) magnetostriction (D) magneto-calorisation S/TR/TES/E-VDEG/16/A-500 I. 13, 14, A material with unequal anti-paralle| atomic magnetic moment is (A) an anti-ferromagnet (B) ferrimagnet (© a ferrite (D) non-magnetic . Constantan is an alloy of (A) copper and lead (B) copper and nickel (©) copper and aluminium (D) copper and zinc The effect of moisture in the insulating material is (A) to increase insulation resistance (B) to increase dielectric strength (©) to increase dielectric loss (D) to decrease dielectric Constant Super conductors are Popularly used for (A) generating very strong magnetic field @) reducing PR losses (C) generating electrostatic field (D) generating regions free from mag- netic field 15, The unit of retentivity is (A) Weber B) Weber-metre (C) Weber per metre (D) Weber per square metre 16, Which of the following effects is mainly observed when two junctions of a thermocouple are kept at different temperatures ? (A) Thomson effect (B) Seeback effect (C) Peltier effect () Joule effect 17. An ideal current source has zero (A) internal conductance B) internal resistance (©) voltage on no-load (©) ripple 18. A network which contains one or more than one source of emf is known as (A) active network B) passive network (C) electric network (D) non-linear network S/TR/TES/E-VDEG/16/A-500 6) 19. Electrical appliances are connected in Parallel because it (A) is a simple circuit (B) draws less current (C) results in reduced power loss (D) makes the operation of appliances independent of each other 20. Kirchhoff’s voltage law deals with (A) Conservation of energy (B) Conservation of charge (C) Conservation of momentum (D) Conservation of angular momentum 21. Under the condition of maximum Power transfers, a voltage source is delivering a power of 30W to the load. ‘The power generated by the source is (A) 45W (8) 30W (© sow @) 90w 22. If one cycle of a.c. waveform occurs every milliseconds, the frequency will be A) He A) tooo (B) 50 Hz (C) 100 Hz (D) 1000 Hz [Turn over 23. When two 2-port networks are 27. A strain gauge a a Connected in parallel, it is convenient (A) piezo electric effect to use (B) piezo resistive effect (A) Z parameters (C) piezo capacitive effect @) Y parameters (D) piezo inductive effect (C) h parameters ; 28. In two wattmeter method, the power (D) inverse h Parameters factor angle is given by 24. A pointer of an instrument once (a) = tar BW) deflected returns to zero position, (w, + W,) When the current is Temoved, due to : ~ 33 (W, - Wy) (A) action of gravity (B) O= cos" WwW) (B) mass of the Pointer Bi : -1 V3 (W, + W,) ©) controlling torque © Oran Ww) ©) damping torque (D) 0- cog HW) 25. Maxwell bridge is used to measure 5 Mh) (A) resistance 29. Permanent magnets used in instruments (B) inductance are generally made of (C) capacitance (A) cast iron (D) frequency B) stainless steel (C) alnico 26. Which of the following instruments D) y-alloy will be suitable for the measurement of temperature of a furnace ? 30. Which voltmeter has the least power (A) Clinical thermometer sensumption ? (B) Mercury thermometer (A) induction type 2 (B) hotwire type (C) Optical pyrometer (C) electrostatic type (©) Bimetallic thermometer (@) moving iron attraction type S/TR/TES/E-VDEG/16/A-500 © al. 32, 33. 34, Piezoelectric transducers are (A) active transducers (B) passive transducers (C) secondary transducers (D) none of these A thermistor has (A) high and negative temperature coefficient of resistance (B) low and negative temperature co- efficient of resistance (C) high and positive temperature Coefficient of resistance (D) low and positive temperature co- efficient of resistance. What output voltage would be produced by a D/A converter whose output range is 0 to 10V and whose input binary number is 10 ? (A) 5V (8) 10V (© 15V (D) 20v In force-voltage analogy, moment of inertia is analogous to (A) capacitance (B) inverse capacitance (C) inductance (D) inverse inductance S/TR/TES/E-DEG/16/A-500 1) 35. 36, 37, 38. Signal flow graph is a (A) Semilog graph (B) log log graph (C) topological representation of a set of differential equations (D) a special type of graph for analysis of modern control system Nichols chart is useful in determining (A) closed loop frequency response only (B) open loop frequency response only (©) open loop and closed loop fre- quency response (D) none of these Presence of non-linearities in a control system tends to introduce (A) transient error (B) instability (C) steady state error (D) all of these If a system has some poles lying on the imaginary axis, it is (A) unconditionally stable (B) conditionally stable (C) marginally stable (D) unstable 39. Which of the following directly converts 40. Pressure error can be measured by temperature into voltage ? (A) strain gauge (A) Gear train (B) selsyn (B) Potentiometer (C) differential bellows and strain (C) Thermocouple gauge (D) LVDT (D) strain gauge and potentiometers. SECTION - B ee Answer all questions. Each question carries six marks, answer is to be restricted to 40 words. 1. State the superposition theorem. 2. Differentiate between active network and passive network. 3. Define rise time and settling time in transient response characteristics. 4. What are the desirable properties for insulating materials 2 5. What are super-conductors ? Define diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials in terms of permeability. 7. Define intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. 8. List the various A/D conversion techniques. 9. State Gauss law. What is electric field intensity ? 10. Describe the spring control method for providing controlling torque in indicating ii ts, 11. What are the characteristics of feedback in closed loop control system ? 12. What is signal flow graph ? 13. What are the advantages in thermistor as a temperature transducer ? S/TR/TES/E-VDEG/16/A-500 (8) is z 14, What are the advantages of three phase system over single phase power system 15. What is maximum power transfer theorem ? SECTION -C 5x6=30 Answer ail questions. Each question carries six marks. - Three coils, each having a resistance of 20 and an inductive reactance of 150 are connected in star to a 400V, 3-phase, 50 Hz supply. Calculate i the line current (ii) power factor and (iii) power supplied, 2. Derive the open-circuit impedance parameters of two Port network. 3. A current varying with time as i = i,t flows through an inductance L. Find the voltage across the inductor as a function of time. How much charge flows in time t, ? 4. A closed loop control system has the characteristic equation given by S$ +45 94+359+15=0 Investigate the stability using Routh-Hurwitz criterion. 5. A230V, 50 Hzac. supply is applied to a coil of 0.06H inductance and 2.5Q resistance, connected in series with a 6.8 uF capacitor. Calculate @ impedance Gi) current (iii) phase angle between current and voltage (iv) power factor and (v) power consumed. SITR/TES/E-VDEG/| }6/A-500 (9) [tum over DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET TILL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO so. | TRITES/E-IVDEGI16 TEST BOOKLET iiaaiiengreniice ad ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PAPER - II (Degree) (Signature of the Candidate) (Invigilator’s Signature) Time allowed : 3 hours (Three hours) Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY TEST BOOKLET OF SAME SERIES. 2. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE ANSWER SHEET BY BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY. 3. This Test Booklet is divided into three sections, ie Section-A, Section-B & Section-C. (A) Section-A (MCO pattern) contains 40 items (questions). Each question, carrying 2 (two) marks only, has four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the OMR Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the most appropriate. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. There shall be no negative marking for wrong/multiple answer, (B) Questions under Section-B (Conventional Method) & Section-C (Conventional Method) are to be answered in separate answer book. 4. You have to mark all your responses of Section-A by Black Ball Point Pen only on the separate OMR Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 5. Before you proceed to answer the responses to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars both in the Answer sheet for Section-A and in the Answer book for Section-B & Section-C. 6. On completion of the examination, you should hand over the OMR Answer Sheet for Section- A & Answer Book for Section-B & C to the Invigilator only. You are permitted to take the Test Booklet with you. 7. Sheets for rough work are appended on the Test Booklet at the end. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET TILL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO. TR/TES/E-IU/DEG/16 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions. Symbols have their conventional meaning, SECTION - A ‘Answer all questions, Each question carries two marks, Each question has four altemative answers. Select the best alternative and mark on the OMR sheet. 40«2=80 Example; Common emitter transistor has (A) low current gain and low voltage gain (B) high current gain and low voltage gain @ high current gain and high voltage gain (D) low current gain and high voltage gain. 1, The hysteresis loop of a material 4. The armature reaction in a dic. having low retentivity is generator can be increased by (A) wide increasing the ®)n (A) field current A , (B) armature current (C) very wide (©) both field current and armature (D) none of the above current f the abo 2. The open-circuit test on a transformer ©) none, ofthe shove is always made on 5. The speed of a d.c. motor is (A) low-voltage winding (A) always constant @) high-voltage winding (B) directly proportional to back em.f (C) either low or high voltage winding (C) directly proportional to flux (D) none of the above (D) inversely proportional to the product of back e.m.f and flux 3. Which loss in transformer varies ¢ sigificanty with loed 7 An alternator is said to be over excited when it is operating at eee (A) unity power factor (B) eddy current loss (B) leading power factor (C) copper loss (C) lagging power factor (D) core loss (D) lagging to leading power factor 6/TR/TES/E-IVDEG/16/B-500 @) [Tum over 11, An induction motor is 7. Dampers in a large generator (A) self-starting with zero torque (A) increase stabilit : eee z j (B) self-starting with high torque (B) reduce voltage fluctuation (c) setfstrting with smal torque #5 (C) reduce frequency fluctuation compared to rated torque (D) all of the above (D) none of these 8 In synchronous motor out of the 12. In pumped storage following losses, which one will have (A) power is produced by means of the highest proportion ? pump (A) stator copper losses (B) water is stored by pumping to high (B) friction and windage losses Pressure : (©) downstream water is pumped (C) eddy current losses upstream during off load periods (D) iron losses (D) water is recirculated through turbine 9. The hunting in a synchronous motor takes place when 13, Advantage of hydroelectric power (A) friction in bearings is more station is () airgap is less (A) a operating cost - @) from pollution (C) load is iabl 4 © cinta (C) no fuel transportation problems (D) load is constant (D) all of the above 10. aa running speed of a three phase 14, Which of the following plants is luction motor is almost inevitably used as base load (A) synchronous speed plant ? (B) 0.95 synchronous speed (A) gas turbine plant di , (C) synchronous speed x (1 - slip) (8) diesel engine plant (C) pumped storage plant (D) synchronous speed * slip (D) nuclear power plant 6/TR/TES/E-I/DEG/16/B-500 Oy 15. Various power system faults in increasing orders of severity are as below : (ALG LL, LLG LLLG @®) LLLG LLG LG LL (C) LLG LLLG LL, LG (D) LL, LG LLLG LLG 16. As we add shunt capacitors to a transmission line, its stability (A) decreases (B) increases (© remains unchanged (D) may increase or decrease 17. In a circuit breaker, the time duration from the instant of the fault to the extinction of arc is known as (A) operation time (B) total clearing time (©) lag time (D) lead time 18. In star connected system without 29, neutral grounding, zero sequence currents are (A) same as peak value of phase current (B) same as rms value of phase currents (C) vector sum of phase currents (D) zero 6/TR/TES/E-I/DEG/16/B-500 © 19. Skin effect depends on (A) size of the conductor (B) frequency of the current (C) resistivity of the conductor material (D) all of the above Presence of ozone as a result of corona is harmful because (A) it gives bad odour (B) it corrodes the material (O it transfers energy to the ground (D) reduces power factor 20. For transmission lines, the standing wave ratio is the ratio of (A) maximum voltage to minimum voltage (B) maximum current to minimum voltage (C) peak voltage to rms voltage (D) maximum reactance to minimum reactance 21. Resistivity is a property of a semiconductor that depends on (A) the shape of the semiconductor (B) the atomic nature of the semiconductor (C) the shape and atomic nature of the semiconductor (D) the length of the semiconductor [Tum over 23. When a P-N junction is biased in the forward direction (A) only holes in the P region are injected into the N region (B) only electrons in the N region are injected into the P region (C) majority carriers in each region are injected into the other region (@) no carriers move 24. A quiescent state ofa transistor implies (A) zero bias @B) no output (©) no distortion () no input signal 25. In case of amplifiers which coupling gives the highest gain 7 (A) transformer coupling @®) resistance coupling (©) impedance coupling (D) capacitance coupling 26. Which class of amplifiers operates with least distortion ? (A) class A (B) class B (C) class C (D) class D /TR/TES/E-I/DEG/16/B-500 « 27. In high frequency region, an amplifier behaves like a (A) band pass filter (B) low pass filter (C) high pass filter (D) any of the above 28. Which of the following finds applications in speed control of d.c. motor ? (A) FET (B) NPN transistor (©) SCR (D) none of these 29. A field effect transistor (FET) (A) uses a high-concentration emitter junction (B) uses a forward-biased P-N junction (©) has a very high input resistance (D) depends on minority-carrier flow 30. The overall gain of a two-stage RC-coupled amplifier is 100. A signal voltage of 10V, 1 kHz is applied across the output terminals of this amplifier. Then, the voltage obtained across the input terminals will be (A) 0.1V, 1 kHz ®)0v (C) 100 V, 1 kHz @) 10 V, 1 kHz © 31. A multivibrator produces (A) pure sine waves (B) distorted sine waves (C) square waves (D) sawtooth voltages in the 8085 32. The stack pointer microprocessor is a (A) 16 bit register which points to | stack memory locations (B) 16 bit accumulator (©) memory location in the stack (D) flag register used for the stack What do the contents of program counter specify ? (A) the address of the instruction being executed 33. (B) the address of the next instruction to be executed (C) the address of the instruction executed last (D) the count of number of instructions executed so far 34. Which of the following interrupts is unmaskable interrupt ? (A) RST 5.5 (B) RST 7.5 (©) TRAP () INTR 6ITR/TES/E-IV/DEG/16/B-500 () 35. The minimum duration of pulse in a pulse triggering system for thyristors should be at least (A) 10 ps (B) 10 ms (C) 30 ms (D) 1s RC snubber circuit is used to limit the rate of (A) rise of current in SCR 36. (B) rise of voltage across SCR (C) conduction period (D) all of the above 37, S In a step up chopper circuit, if V, is the source voltage and a. is duty cycle, then the output voltage is (A) V,/ (1+ @) @)V, (1+ a) OV, (1-@) ©) V,/ (1-9) 38. A fiee wheeling diode connected across an inductive load is (A) to restore conduction angle on phase (B) to avoid negative reversal voltgae drop (C) to improve the load power factor (D) all of the above (Tum over 39. Which of the following modulation system is digital 7 (A) PPM (B) PCM (C) PwM (D) PEM SECTION-B 40. In frequency modulation (A) noise decreases by increasing frequency deviation (B) noise decreases by decreasing frequency deviation (C) noise is unaffected by change of frequency deviation (D) noise decreases by increasing the bandwidth. 15x6=90 Answer all questions. Each question carries six marks. Each answer is to be restricted to 40 words. 1. Introduce briefly different types of d.c. generator. What is armature reaction 7 What are the various losses in d.c. motors ? ‘What are the essential conditions for parallel operation of two or more transformers? What are the various starting mechanism in induction motor? What is the function of control rod in nuclear power reactor ? What are the advantages of d.c. transmission 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the operation of pumped storage plant. 7. 8. 9. Define the important parameters of a JFET. 10. What are the advantages of per unit Tepresentation with respect to power system ? 11. What is modulation ? List different types of modulation. 12, State the characteristics of an ideal OP AMP. 13. What are the needs and functions of a.c regulator ? 14. What is the purpose of ‘stack’ in microprocessor Programming ? 15. State the Barkhausen criteria for oscillation, 6/TR/TES/E-I/DEG/16/B-500 (8) SECTION-C Answer all questions, Each question carries six marks. 5x6=30 1, A single phase 2200/250V, 50 Hz transformer has a net core area of 36 cm? and a maximum flux density of 6 web/m?, Calculate the number of turns oft primary and secondary. 2. A chopper circuit is operating on TRC principle at a frequency of 2 KHz on a 220V d.c. supply. If the load voltgae is 170V, computer the conduction and blocking period of thyristor in each cycle, 3. The voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 3000. Calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier if negative feedback is introduced in the circuit. Given that feedback fraction = 0.01, 4. A 230V motor has an armature circuit resistance of 0.60. If the full-load armature current is 30A and no load armature current is 4A, find the change in back emf from no load to full-load. 5. A two pole, 50 Hz, 60 MVA turbogenerator has a moment of inertia of 910° Kg-n’. Calculate the kinetic energy in MJ at rated speed and the inertia constants M and H. 6ITR/TES/E-I/DEG/16/B-500 o) [Tum over

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