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English Discovery; Basic

1: Reading

Compendio del Programa English Discovery.

Desarrolla la habilidad lingüística de LISTENING.
Mediante historias, artículos y Post cards

Esp. Fredy Espinosa Agudelo

Esp. Fredy Espinosa A ___ Institución E. Ángel Cuniberti __ Área: Ingles ___2015Pá gina 0
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



The Gold Coins Las monedas de oro

Brenda Cash is in Key West, Florida. She is Brenda efectivo es en Key West, Florida. Ella
looking for gold coins under the sea. Right now está buscando monedas de oro bajo el mar. En
she is looking for a boat. She sees two signs: este momento ella está buscando un barco.
Ella ve dos signos:
Captain Jim's Boat Barco del capitá n Jim
Only $50.00 a day! Só lo $ 50.00 por día!
Ven conmigo!
Come with me!

Barco del Capitá n Kidd

Captain Kidd's Boat Só lo $ 25 por día!
Barato! Barato! Barato!
Only $25 a day!
Brenda está tratando de ahorrar dinero.
Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!
Ella va con el capitá n Kidd.
Brenda is trying to save money. Brenda está nadando y buscando el oro. Ella
lo encuentra!
She is going with Captain Kidd.
Ahora ella está llevando el oro a la
Brenda is swimming and looking for the gold. embarcació n. Pero espera! Capitá n Kidd está
She finds it! tratando de tomar el oro lejos de Brenda!
Pero Brenda está enojado!
Now she is carrying the gold to the boat. But Ella está empujando Capitá n Kidd en el agua.
wait! Captain Kidd is trying to take the gold Ella está tomando su barco. Capitá n Kidd está
away from Brenda! But Brenda is angry! gritando,
"¡Ayuda! ¡Vuelve!"
She is pushing Captain Kidd into the water. She
is taking his boat. Captain Kidd is shouting, "Me voy a volver", Brenda grita, "con la
"Help! Come back!”

"I'm coming back," Brenda shouts, “with the

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



The Gold Coins The Gold Coins

Brenda Cash is in Key West, Florida. She is Brenda Cash is in Key West, Florida. She is
looking for gold coins under the sea. Right now looking for gold coins under the sea. Right
she is looking for a boat. She sees _________ now she is looking for a boat. She sees two
signs: signs:
Captain Jim's Boat Captain Jim's Boat

Only $50.00 a day! Only $50.00 a day!

Come with me!
Come with me!

Captain Kidd's Boat

Captain Kidd's Boat
Only $25 a day!
Only $25 a day!
Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!
Brenda is trying to save _________. Brenda is trying to save money.

She is going with Captain Kidd. She is going with Captain Kidd.
Brenda is swimming and looking for the gold.
Brenda is swimming _________ looking for the
She finds it!
gold. _________ finds it!
Now she is carrying the gold to the boat. But
Now she is carrying the _________ to the boat. wait! Captain Kidd is trying to take the gold
But wait! Captain Kidd is trying to take the gold away from Brenda! But Brenda is angry!
away from Brenda! But Brenda is angry!
She is pushing Captain Kidd into the water.
She is pushing Captain Kidd into the _________. She is taking his boat. Captain Kidd is
She is taking his _________. Captain Kidd is shouting,
"Help! Come back!”
"Help! Come back!” "I'm coming back," Brenda shouts, “with the
"I'm _________ back," Brenda shouts, “with the
Two money but And She Two money but And She
gold water boat car shouting gold water boat car shouting
coming coming
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Follow That Man! Siga a ese hombre!

Sam y Becky recorren la ciudad de Nueva

Sam and Becky are touring New York City. York. De repente, un hombre con un traje azul
está empujando Becky!
Suddenly, a man in a blue suit is pushing
Becky! "¿Está s bien, Becky?" le pregunta Sam. "¡No!
¡No, no! Mi bolso está abierto y mi cartera se
"Are you all right, Becky?" asks Sam. "No! No, ha ido!
no! My handbag is open and my wallet is gone! Ese hombre es un ladró n! ", Grita Becky.
Buscan al hombre toda la tarde.
That man is a thief!" shouts Becky. They look
for the man all afternoon. "Ahí está !" Grita Becky.
"É l está comiendo en ese restaurante
"There he is!" Shouts Becky. agradable."
"He is eating in that nice restaurant." Sam ve a un oficial de policía.
"Oficial! Funcionario! Ese hombre es un
Sam sees a police officer. ladró n!"
"Officer! Officer! That man's a thief!" "Eso es Nate la servilleta", responde el oficial
de policía. "É l roba a la gente y luego se come
"That's Nate the Napkin," answers the police el almuerzo en un buen restaurante."
officer. "He robs people and then eats lunch in "Está bien, Nate", dice el oficial de policía.
a nice restaurant." "Qué está s haciendo aquí?"
"OK, Nate," says the police officer. "What are "Só lo un minuto, Oficial.
you doing here?" Estoy terminando mi café ".

"Just a minute, Officer.

I'm just finishing my coffee."

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Follow That Man! Follow That Man!

Sam and Becky are touring New York City. Sam and Becky are touring New York City.
Suddenly, a man in a blue suit is ____________ Suddenly, a man in a blue suit is pushing
Becky! Becky!

"Are you all right, Becky?" asks Sam. "No! No, "Are you all right, Becky?" asks Sam. "No! No,
no! My handbag is open ____________ my wallet is no! My handbag is open and my wallet is
gone! gone!

That ____________ is a thief!" shouts Becky. They That man is a thief!" shouts Becky. They look
look for the man all afternoon. for the man all afternoon.

"There he is!" Shouts Becky. "There he is!" Shouts Becky.

"He is ____________ in that nice restaurant." "He is eating in that nice restaurant."

Sam sees a police officer. Sam sees a police officer.

"Officer! Officer! That man's a ____________!" "Officer! Officer! That man's a thief!"

"That's Nate the Napkin," answers the police "That's Nate the Napkin," answers the police
officer. "____________ robs people and then eats officer. "He robs people and then eats lunch in
lunch in a nice ____________ a nice restaurant."

"OK, Nate," says the police officer. "What are "OK, Nate," says the police officer. "What are
you doing here?" you doing here?"

"Just a minute, Officer. "Just a minute, Officer.

I'm just ____________ my coffee." I'm just finishing my coffee."

Pushing and man eating Pushing and man eating

Thief He restaurant Thief He restaurant
finishing finishing
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Richard's Romance Romance de Richard

Richard is a student at New York University.

Richard es un estudiante de la Universidad de
He's studying Spanish.
Nueva York. Está estudiando españ ol.
Right now he's in class.
Ahora mismo está en clase.
"Hi. I'm Penny,” says a young woman to
Richard. She is sitting next to him. The teacher "Hola. Soy Penny", dice una joven a Richard.
is talking. Ella está sentada a su lado. El profesor está
Richard isn't listening. He's writing a note to hablando.
Richard no está escuchando. Está escribiendo
I'm Richard. Meet me at Le Cafe Restaurant
una nota a Penny.
after class at 2:30.
Soy Richard. Nos vemos en Le Cafe Restaurant
It's three o'clock now. Richard and Penny are
at the restaurant. después de clase a las 2:30.

They are eating salads. They are looking at Son las tres ahora. Richard y Penny está n en el
each other. Penny is smiling. restaurante.

"What is she thinking?" Richard asks himself. Ellos está n comiendo ensaladas. Ellos está n
Penny is thinking, "What a salad!" buscando el uno al otro. Penny está

"¿Qué es lo que piensa?" Richard se pregunta.

Penny está pensando, "¡Qué ensalada!"

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Richard's Romance Richard's Romance

Richard is a _____________ at New York Richard is a student at New York University.

University. He's studying Spanish. He's studying Spanish.

Right now he's in class. Right now he's in class.

"Hi. I'm Penny,” says a young woman to "Hi. I'm Penny,” says a young woman to
Richard. She is sitting next to him. The teacher Richard. She is sitting next to him. The teacher
is _____________. is talking.

Richard isn't listening. He's _____________ a note Richard isn't listening. He's writing a note to
to Penny. Penny.

I'm Richard. Meet me at Le Cafe Restaurant I'm Richard. Meet me at Le Cafe Restaurant
_____________ class at 2:30. after class at 2:30.

It's three o'clock now. Richard _____________ It's three o'clock now. Richard and Penny are
Penny are at the _____________. at the restaurant.

They are _____________ salads. _____________ are They are eating salads. They are looking at
looking at each other. Penny is smiling. each other. Penny is smiling.

"What is she _____________?" Richard asks "What is she thinking?" Richard asks himself.
Penny is thinking, "What a salad!"
Penny is thinking, "What a salad!"

Student talking writing after Student talking writing after

and restaurant eating They and restaurant eating They
thinking thinking
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Time Traveling Tourist Tiempo de Viajar Turismo

Carol is visiting the Tower of London. She sees Carol está de visita en la Torre de Londres.
an old coin on the ground. Carol picks it up. Ella ve una vieja moneda en el suelo. Carol lo
Suddenly, she is moving far away.
De repente, ella se está moviendo muy lejos.
She is still in the Tower of London, but next to Ella todavía está en la Torre de Londres, pero
her is a beautiful young woman. junto a ella está una hermosa joven.
"Who are you?" asks Carol. "Quién eres?" le pregunta Carol.

"My name is Anne Boleyn. "Mi nombre es Ana Bolena.

My husband, King Henry VIII, is keeping me in Mi esposo, el rey Enrique VIII, me mantiene en
this tower." esta torre ".

"Por Qué?" Carol le pregunta.

"Why?" Carol asks.
"Porque él se casa con otra mujer," Anne
"Because he is marrying another woman," responde.
Anne answers.
"¿Puedes ayudarme a salir de esta torre?"
"Can you help me get out of this tower?"
Carol está pensando en un plan, pero ¡oh, no,
Carol is thinking of a plan, but oh, no, a guard is un guardia se acerca.
"¿Quién eres y qué está s haciendo aquí?" el
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" guardia grita.
the guard shouts. Carol está muy asustado. Ella está mirando a
la moneda en la mano.
Carol is very scared. She is looking at the coin
in her hand. Ella se está moviendo de nuevo. Carol se
encuentra todavía en la Torre de Londres,
She is moving again. Carol is still in the Tower pero. . . ¿dó nde está Ana?
of London, but . . . where is Anne?
¿Es só lo un sueñ o?
Is it only a dream?
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Time Traveling Tourist Time Traveling Tourist

Carol is _____________ the Tower of London. She Carol is visiting the Tower of London. She
sees an old coin on the ground. Carol picks sees an old coin on the ground. Carol picks it
_____________ up. up.

Suddenly, she is moving far away. Suddenly, she is moving far away.

She is still in the Tower of London, _____________ She is still in the Tower of London, but next to
next to her is a beautiful young woman. her is a beautiful young woman.

"_____________ are you?" asks Carol. "Who are you?" asks Carol.

"My name is Anne Boleyn. "My name is Anne Boleyn.

My husband, King Henry VIII, is keeping My husband, King Henry VIII, is keeping me in
_____________ in this tower." this tower."

"Why?" Carol asks. "Why?" Carol asks.

"Because he is marrying another woman," "Because he is marrying another woman,"

Anne answers. Anne answers.

"Can you _____________ me get out of this tower?" "Can you help me get out of this tower?"

Carol is _____________ of a plan, but oh, no, a Carol is thinking of a plan, but oh, no, a guard
guard is coming. is coming.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
the _____________ shouts. the guard shouts.

Carol is very scared. She is looking at the Carol is very scared. She is looking at the coin
_____________ in her hand. in her hand.

She is moving again. Carol is still in the Tower She is moving again. Carol is still in the Tower
of London, but . . . where is Anne? of London, but . . . where is Anne?

it only a dream?it but Who IsVisiting
it only a dream?it but Who
me help thinking and me help thinking and
guard coin guard coin
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Susan's Train Ride Paseo del tren de Susan

Susan Kim is a sales manager. Susan Kim es un gerente de ventas.

She is working on a big computer project in Ella está trabajando en un proyecto de equipo
New York City. But today she has an important grande en la ciudad de Nueva York. Pero hoy
meeting in Washington D.C. at 3:00 p.m. en día tiene una importante reunió n en
Washington DC a las 3:00 pm
It is now 9:30 a.m.
Ahora es 09:30 am
She is on the train. Ella está en el tren.
She's sitting next to a man. Ella está sentada al lado de un hombre.
"How are you this morning?" the man asks. "Có mo está s esta mañ ana?" pregunta el
Susan starts to answer, but the man is talking
again -- on and on. Susan comienza a responder, pero el hombre
está hablando de nuevo - y sigue.

After an hour, the man is still talking, but now

Después de una hora, el hombre sigue
Susan is sleeping. hablando, pero ahora Susan está durmiendo.
Suddenly, the train conductor is shouting, "The De repente, el conductor del tren está
next stop is Richmond, Virginia!" gritando, "La pró xima parada es Richmond,
"What? Richmond, Virginia? But that's after
Washington D.C. and I'm going to Washington "¿Qué? Richmond, Virginia? Pero eso es
D.C. for a three o'clock meeting!" Susan shouts. después de que Washington DC y voy a
Washington DC para una reunió n de tres!"
"Sorry, ma'am," says the conductor. "The next Susan grita.
train to Washington D.C. is at three o'clock. "Lo siento, señ ora", dice el conductor. "El
You're going to be very late." pró ximo tren a Washington DC es a las tres.
Usted va a llegar muy tarde."
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Susan's Train Ride Susan's Train Ride

Susan Kim is a sales _______________. Susan Kim is a sales manager.

She is working on a big computer project in She is working on a big computer project in
New York City. But today she has an important New York City. But today she has an
_______________ in Washington D.C. at 3:00 p.m. important meeting in Washington D.C. at 3:00
It is now 9:30 a.m.
It is now 9:30 a.m.
_______________ is on the train.
She is on the train.
She's _______________ next to a man.
She's sitting next to a man.
"How are you this _______________?" the man asks.
"How are you this morning?" the man asks.
Susan starts to answer, _______________ the man
is talking again -- on and on. Susan starts to answer, but the man is talking
again -- on and on.

After an hour, the man is still talking, but now

Susan is sleeping. After an hour, the man is still talking, but now
Susan is sleeping.
Suddenly, the train conductor is shouting, "The
next stop is Richmond, Virginia!" Suddenly, the train conductor is shouting,
"The next stop is Richmond, Virginia!"
"What? Richmond, Virginia? But that's after
Washington D.C. _______________ I'm going to "What? Richmond, Virginia? But that's after
Washington D.C. for a three o'clock meeting!" Washington D.C. and I'm going to Washington
Susan shouts. D.C. for a three o'clock meeting!" Susan
"Sorry, ma'am," says the conductor. "The next
train to Washington D.C. is at three o'clock. "Sorry, ma'am," says the conductor. "The next
You're going to be very late." train to Washington D.C. is at three o'clock.
Manager meeting She You're going to bemeeting
Manager very late." She

sitting morning but and sitting morning but and

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Computer salespeople wanted Vendedores informáticos querían

Can you sell computers? Puede vender las computadoras?
Eres amistoso?
Are you friendly?
¿Puede trabajar bien con la gente?
Can you work well with people?
Estamos buscando vendedores para nuestra
We are looking for salespeople for our tienda de informá tica.
computer store. Venga y hable con nosotros.
Estamos abiertos de lunes a sá bado 10 a.m.-9
Come in and talk to us.
We're open Mondays to Saturdays from 10 a.m. Buen salario.
to 9 p.m.

Good salary.



Computer salespeople wanted Computer salespeople wanted

Can you sell _______________ ? Can you sell computers?

Are you friendly? Are you friendly?

Can you _______________ well with people? Can you work well with people?

We are looking for _______________ for our We are looking for salespeople for our
computer store. computer store.

Come in and _______________ to us. Come in and talk to us.

We're open Mondays to Saturdays from 10 a.m. We're open Mondays to Saturdays from 10
to 9 p.m. a.m. to 9 p.m.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Good salary. Good salary.

Computers work salespeople




Name: Fiona Sato Name: Fiona Sato

Education: Business school Education: Business school

Job: Computer sales Job: Computer sales

Interests: Working with people Interests: Working with people

Name: Jack Ross Name: Jack Ross

Education: Technical school Education: Technical school

Job: Computer repair Job: Computer repair

Interests: Electronics Interests: Electronics

Choose the best person for the job. Choose the best person for the job.

Jack Ross Fiona Sato Jack Ross Fiona Sato

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Car for sale Se vende

Corvette sports car for sale. Corvette coche deportivo para la venta.
Rojo y blanco con una radio y reproductor de
Red and white with a radio and CD player.
CD. Necesita pintura nueva.
Needs new paint.
78.000 millas.
78,000 miles. Muy limpio y rá pido.
Very clean and fast. Un hermoso auto.
El precio es de $ 20.000.
A beautiful car.
Teléfono de Dave 980-6.321.
Price is $20,000.

Phone Dave 980-6321.



Car for sale Car for sale

Corvette sports ___________ for sale. Corvette sports car for sale.

Red and white with a ___________ and CD player. Red and white with a radio and CD player.
Needs new paint. Needs new paint.

78,000 miles. 78,000 miles.

Very clean and ___________. Very clean and fast.

A beautiful car. A beautiful car.

___________ is $20,000. Price is $20,000.

___________ Dave 980-6321. Phone Dave 980-6321.

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Car radio fast Price Phone Car radio fast Price Phone



My name is Steve Hardy. I am married and Mi nombre es Steve Hardy. Estoy casado y
have three children and a dog. We are looking tengo tres hijos y un perro. Estamos en busca
for a family car. de un coche familiar.

Hi! My name is Alan Brooks. My wife and I love Hola! Mi nombre es Alan Brooks. Mi esposa y
sports cars. We want a fast car. me encanta los coches deportivos. Queremos
un coche rá pido.

Hello! I´m Leona Helm. I´m looking for a cheap

car. I love the color red. I have 85,000. Hola! Estoy Leona Helm. Estoy buscando un
coche barato. Me encanta el color rojo. Tengo
Choose the best buyer for the car.

Elija el mejor comprador para el coche.

Car radio fast Price Phone Car radio fast Price Phone
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Meet me! Ven a verme!

I'm a rock and roll singer. Soy un cantante de rock and roll.
Tengo veinte y ocho añ os.
I'm twenty-eight years old.
Me gusta viajar, la comida sana, y las buenas
I like travel, healthy food, and good movies. películas.

I don't like classical music. No me gusta la mú sica clá sica.

Estoy buscando una nueva novia.
I'm looking for a new girlfriend.
Escribir apartado postal Box 123, New York,
Write P.O. Box 123, New York, NY. NY.



Meet me! Meet me!

I'm a rock and roll _____________. I'm a rock and roll singer.

I'm twenty-eight years old. I'm twenty-eight years old.

I like travel, healthy ____________, and good I like travel, healthy food, and good movies.
I don't like classical music.
I don't like classical ____________.
I'm looking for a new girlfriend.
I'm looking for a new girlfriend.
Write P.O. Box 123, New York, NY.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

____________ P.O. Box 123, New York, NY.

Car radio fast Price Phone Car radio fast Price Phone



Hi! I'm Roxy! I like sports, movies and rock Hola! Soy Roxy! Me gustan los deportes, el
music. I exercise and eat health food. cine y la mú sica rock. Hago ejercicio y comer
alimentos saludables.
Hello. I'm Alice. I like computer games and
movies. I want to get married to a nice quiet Hola. Soy Alice. Me gustan los juegos de
man. ordenador y películas. Quiero casarme con un
hombre agradable y tranquilo.

My name is Sissy. I like mystery books and

Mexican food. I love to travel. I love classical Mi nombre es Sissy. Me gustan los libros de
music. misterio y comida mexicana. Me encanta
viajar. Me encanta la mú sica clá sica.

Who is the best woman for Chris?

¿Quién es la mejor mujer de Chris?

Sissy Alice Roxy Sissy Alice Roxy

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Buy a home! Comprar una casa!

Large four - bedroom house for sale in New
Jersey suburbs. Grande de cuatro - Casa dormitorios en venta
en los suburbios de Nueva Jersey.
45 minutes from New York
A 45 minutos de Nueva York
City by bus or train. La ciudad en autobú s o en tren.
Small yard and a two - car garage. Pequeñ o patio y dos - garaje.
Cerca hermoso parque.
Near beautiful park.
Las buenas escuelas.
Good schools.
Tel: 687-0978
Tel: 687-0978



Buy a home! Buy a home!

Large four - bedroom ____________ for sale in Large four - bedroom house for sale in New
New Jersey suburbs. 45 minutes from New Jersey suburbs. 45 minutes from New York
York City by ____________ or train. City by bus or train.

Small yard and a two - car ____________. Small yard and a two - car garage.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Near beautiful ____________. Near beautiful park.

Good schools. Good schools.

Tel: 687-0978 Tel: 687-0978



We are Lorenzo and Maria Diaz. We have two . Somos Lorenzo y María Díaz. Tenemos dos
big dogs. We have one car. We work in New perros grandes. Tenemos un coche.
York City. Trabajamos en la ciudad de Nueva York.

Soy Liz Wong. Mi marido, Tom y yo tenemos

I'm Liz Wong. My husband, Tom, and I have un hijo y dos coches. Trabajamos en Nueva
one child and two cars. We work in New Jersey. Jersey.

Somos la familia Newbolt. Ann y yo tenemos

We are the Newbolt family. Ann and I have tres hijos, un perro y dos coches. Trabajamos
three children, a dog and two cars. We work in en la ciudad de Nueva York.
New York City.

Elija la mejor familia para la casa.

Choose the best family for the house.

The Diaz family The Wong family The Diaz family The Wong family

The Newbolt. The Newbolt.

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Take home a pet today! Llévate a casa una mascota hoy!

Large black dog for sale. Perro negro Grande para la venta.
10 meses de edad. Muy inteligente.
10 months old. Very smart.
Bueno con los niñ os.
Good with children.
Le encanta correr y jugar.
Loves to run and play. El precio es de $ 80.

Price is $80. Teléfono Steve después de 19:00 al 998-7621.

Phone Steve after 7:00 p.m. at 998-7621.



Take home a pet today! Take home a pet today!

Large black dog for sale. Large black dog for sale.

10 months old. Very smart. 10 months old. Very smart.

Good with children. Good with children.

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Loves to run and play. Loves to run and play.

Price is $80. Price is $80.

Phone Steve after 7:00 p.m. at 998-7621. Phone Steve after 7:00 p.m. at 998-7621.

Dog children Play Price Dog children Play Price

Phone Phone



We're the Chester family. We have two Somos la familia de Chester. Tenemos dos
children. There is a big yard in back of our niñ os. Hay un gran patio en la parte de atrá s
house. Our children want a dog. de nuestra casa. Nuestros hijos quieren un

I'm Sheila Murphy. I'm sixty-three years old. I Soy Sheila Murphy. Tengo sesenta y tres añ os.
live in a small apartment. !want a small dog. Yo vivo en un pequeñ o apartamento. Quiero
un perro pequeñ o.

We are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. We are looking Somos el señ or y la señ ora Gordon. Estamos
for a dog. We have a large house, but no yard. en busca de un perro. Tenemos una casa
grande, pero sin patio.

The best home for this pet is with El mejor hogar para esta mascota es con

the Gordon family Sheila Murphy the Gordon family Sheila Murphy

the Chester family the Chester family

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



See Picasso Paintings at MOMA Ver Pinturas de Picasso en el MOMA

Por: Jeremy Wood
by Jeremy Wood

Thousands of people are going to the Museum Miles de personas van al Museo de Arte
of Modern Art.
Ellos quieren ver las hermosas pinturas del
They want to see the beautiful paintings by the gran artista españ ol Pablo Picasso.
great Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso. Las pinturas está n en el museo durante seis
The paintings are at the museum for six weeks.
El museo está abierto de lunes a viernes de 10
The museum is open Monday through Friday a.m.-7 p.m.
from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Los jueves, el museo está abierto hasta las 9
On Thursdays, the museum is open until 9 p.m.
Los sá bados y domingos, el museo abre a las
On Saturdays and Sundays, the museum opens 12 horas.
at 12 noon. Los boletos cuestan $ 12.50 para adultos, $
10.00 para estudiantes y personas mayores de
Tickets are $12.50 for adults, $10.00 for
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

students and people over 65, and $2.00 for 65, y $ 2.00 para niñ os de 6-15.
children ages 6-15.
Los niñ os menores de seis añ os son gratis.
Children under six are free. Usted puede pagar por boletos por dinero en
efectivo y cheque solamente.
You can pay for tickets by cash and check only.



See Picasso Paintings at MOMA by Jeremy See Picasso Paintings at MOMA by Jeremy
Wood Wood

Thousands of people are _____________ to the Thousands of people are going to the
Museum of Modern Art. Museum of Modern Art.

_____________ want to see the _____________l They want to see the beautiful paintings by
paintings by the great Spanish artist, Pablo the great Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso.
The paintings are at the museum for six
The _____________ are at the museum for six weeks.
The museum is open Monday through Friday
The museum is _____________ Monday through from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
On Thursdays, the museum is open until 9
On Thursdays, the _____________ is open until 9 p.m.
On Saturdays and Sundays, the museum
On Saturdays and Sundays, the museum opens opens at 12 noon.
at 12 _____________.
Tickets are $12.50 for adults, $10.00 for
Tickets are $12.50 for adults, $10.00 for students and people over 65, and $2.00 for
students _____________people over 65, and $2.00 children ages 6-15.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

for _____________ ages 6-15. Children under six are free.

Children under six are free. You can pay for tickets by cash and check
You can pay for tickets by cash and check only.



Americans Are Eating Less Meat: Los estadounidenses están comiendo

menos carne
By Michael Bird Por Michael Bird

"Americans are eating less red meat and eating "Los estadounidenses está n comiendo menos
more chicken and fish," says Dr. Geraldo Garcia carne roja y comiendo má s pollo y pescado",
dice el Dr. Geraldo García del Hospital de
of New York Hospital. "They are exercising
Nueva York. "Ellos está n ejerciendo má s,
more, too. People are smoking and drinking también. La gente está fumando y bebiendo
less. Health is very important to Americans menos. La salud es muy importante para los
today." estadounidenses hoy en día."

More and more people are exercising at home Má s y má s personas estan haciendo ejercicio
en el país y en los clubes de salud.
and in health clubs.
Las personas se está n corriendo má s en estos
People are running more these days. días.

People are also buying books about health and Las personas también está n comprando libros
sobre la salud y el ejercicio.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Why is this happening? Por qué está pasando esto?

Americans are trying to stay healthy and live Estadounidenses está n tratando de
longer. mantenerse sano y vivir má s tiempo.



Americans Are Eating Less Meat: By Michael Americans Are Eating Less Meat: By
Bird Michael Bird

"Americans are ____________ less red meat and "Americans are eating less red meat and
eating more chicken ____________ fish," says Dr. eating more chicken and fish," says Dr.
Geraldo Garcia of New York Hospital. Geraldo Garcia of New York Hospital. "They
"____________ are exercising more, too. People are exercising more, too. People are smoking
are ____________ and drinking less. Health is very and drinking less. Health is very important to
____________ to Americans today." Americans today."

More and more people are ____________ at home More and more people are exercising at home
and in health clubs. and in health clubs.

People are running more these days. People are running more these days.

People are also reading ____________ about health People are also reading books about health
and exercise. and exercise.

Why is this happening? Why is this happening?

Americans are trying to stay ____________ and Americans are trying to stay healthy and live
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

live longer. longer.

Eating and They smoking Eating and They smoking

important exercising books important exercising books

healthy healthy



New Mexican Restaurant Open in Soho Nuevo restaurante mexicano Abre en Soho
By Carlos Suarez Por Carlos Suárez

There are a lot of Mexican restaurants in New

York City, but not all of them are good. Taco Hay un montó n de restaurantes mexicanos en
City is a good Mexican restaurant at 845 Spring la ciudad de Nueva York, pero no todos ellos
son buenos. Taco City es un buen restaurante
Street in Soho.
mexicano en 845 Spring Street en el Soho.
Taco City has wonderful Mexican food at low Taco City tiene maravillosa comida mexicana
prices. a precios bajos.
Hoy en día, Taco City está vendiendo dos
Today, Taco City is selling two big tacos with
grandes tacos con frijoles, pollo o carne de
beans, chicken or beef, cheese, lettuce, and res, queso, lechuga y salsa por só lo $ 4.25.
salsa for only $4.25.
Una cena completa, con sopa, un plato
A complete dinner, with soup, a main dish, a principal, una ensalada, y postre es de só lo $
salad, and dessert is only $10.95. 10.95.
Cerveza mexicana es de $ 2 una botella. Esta
Mexican beer is $2 a bottle. This week they are semana se está n dando una bebida gratis con
giving a free drink with each dinner.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Visit Taco City soon and enjoy some great cada cena.
Mexican food.
Visita Taco City pronto y disfrutar de una
buena comida mexicana.



New Mexican Restaurant Open in Soho: By New Mexican Restaurant Open in Soho: By
Carlos Suarez Carlos Suarez

There are a lot of Mexican ________________ in There are a lot of Mexican restaurants in
New York City, ________________ not all of them New York City, but not all of them are good.
are good. Taco City is a ________________ Mexican Taco City is a good Mexican restaurant at 845
restaurant at 845 Spring Street in Soho. Spring Street in Soho.

Taco City has wonderful Mexican food at low Taco City has wonderful Mexican food at low
________________. prices.

Today, Taco City is selling two big tacos with Today, Taco City is selling two big tacos with
beans, ________________ or beef, cheese, lettuce, beans, chicken or beef, cheese, lettuce, and
and salsa for only $4.25. salsa for only $4.25.

A complete ________________, with soup, a main A complete dinner, with soup, a main dish, a
dish, a salad, and dessert is only $10.95. salad, and dessert is only $10.95.

Mexican beer is $2 a bottle. This week Mexican beer is $2 a bottle. This week they
________________ are giving a free drink with each are giving a free drink with each dinner.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Visit Taco City soon ________________ enjoy some Visit Taco City soon and enjoy some great
great Mexican ________________. Mexican food.



Missing Money a Mystery at First Bank Falta dinero un Misterio en First Bank
Por John Dólar
By John Dollar

"Every night we are missing some money,"

"Cada noche que han desaparecido algo de
says Mr. Derek Davis, president of First Bank of
dinero", dice Derek Davis, presidente de First
New York. Sometimes it's $12, sometimes it's Bank of New York. A veces es $ 12, a veces es
$18, and sometimes it's only $8." $ 18, y, a veces es só lo $ 8.
Is someone at the bank taking money? ¿Hay alguien en el banco tomando el dinero?
"No lo sé", responde el Sr. Davis.
"I don't know," answers Mr. Davis.
"No es mucho dinero."
"It's not a lot of money." ¿Los ordenadores cometiendo un error todos
los días?
Are the computers making a mistake every
day? "Estamos verificando ahora", dice
Nancy White, director de banco.
"We are checking them now," says
Oficial de Policía Richard York, del
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

Nancy White, bank manager. Departamento de Policía de Nueva York, está

hablando con la gente en el banco. First Bank
Police Officer Richard York, of the
ahora está faltando un total de $ 126.
New York Police Department, is talking to
people at the bank. First Bank is now missing a
total of $126.



Missing Money a Mystery at First Bank: By Missing Money a Mystery at First Bank: By
John Dollar John Dollar

"Every night we are missing some "Every night we are missing some money,"
_______________," says Mr. Derek Davis, president says Mr. Derek Davis, president of First Bank
of First Bank of New York. Sometimes it's $12, of New York. Sometimes it's $12, sometimes
_______________ it's $18, _______________sometimes it's $18, and sometimes it's only $8."
it's only $8."
Is someone at the bank taking money?
Is someone at the _______________ taking money?
"I don't know," answers Mr. Davis.
"I don't know," answers Mr. Davis.
"It's not a lot of money."
"It's not _______________money."
Are the computers making a mistake every
Are the computers _______________g a mistake
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

every day? day?

"We are checking _______________ now," says "We are checking them now," says

Nancy White, bank manager. Nancy White, bank manager.

Police Officer Richard York, of the Police Officer Richard York, of the

New York Police Department, is talking to New York Police Department, is talking to
_______________ at the bank. First Bank is now people at the bank. First Bank is now missing
_______________ a total of $126. a total of $126.



More Women Traveling: By Virginia Vegan Más mujeres que viajan: Por Virginia
"More and more women are traveling on
"Má s y má s mujeres está n viajando por
business," says Linda Holms, manager of the negocios," dice Linda Holms, gerente del Hotel
Dorchester Hotel. Dorchester.
"More businesswomen are staying at our hotel. "Má s empresarias está n alojados en nuestro
So we are offering them more services." hotel. Así que les está n ofreciendo má s
"We now have more guards in the hotel," says "Ahora tenemos má s guardias en el hotel",
Ms. Holms. "There are two guards 24 hours a dice la Sra Holms. "Hay dos guardias las 24
day. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. , there are two horas del día. De 11 pm a 7 am, hay dos
more guards." guardias má s."
"Empresarias piden má s frutas y hortalizas
"Businesswomen are asking for more fresh frescas", dice la Sra Holms. "Así que ahora
fruit and vegetables," Ms. Holms says. "So we estamos sirviendo a má s de estos alimentos
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

are now serving more of these foods in our en nuestro restaurante.

Estamos haciendo muchas cosas para ayudar
We are doing many things to help our women a nuestros huéspedes mujeres”.



More Women Traveling: By Virginia Vegan More Women Traveling: By Virginia Vegan

"More and more women are _______________ on "More and more women are traveling on
business," says Linda Holms, manager of the business," says Linda Holms, manager of the
Dorchester Hotel. Dorchester Hotel.

"More businesswomen are staying at our "More businesswomen are staying at our
_______________. So we are offering _______________ hotel. So we are offering them more services."
more services."
"We now have more guards in the hotel," says
"We now have more _______________ in the hotel," Ms. Holms. "There are two guards 24 hours a
says Ms. Holms. "There are two guards 24 day. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. , there are two
hours a day. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. , there are more guards."
two more guards."
"Businesswomen are asking for more fresh
"Businesswomen are asking for more fresh fruit and vegetables," Ms. Holms says. "So we
fruit _______________ vegetables," Ms. Holms says. are now serving more of these foods in our
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading

"So we are now serving more of these restaurant.

f_______________ in our restaurant.
We are doing many things to help our women
We are _______________ many things to help our guests."
women guests."

Traveling hotel them Traveling hotel them

guard and foods doing guard and foods doing



Dear Sandra, Italy is beautiful in September. Querida Sandra, Italia es hermosa en

We are having a good time in Rome. septiembre. Estamos teniendo un buen
tiempo en Roma.
Bob and I are eating a lot of pasta. The children
are speaking good Italian. We are leaving for Bob y yo estamos comiendo un montó n de
pasta. Los niñ os hablan bien italiano. Estamos
Venice tomorrow.
dejando a Venecia mañ ana.
It is cold there. Are you enjoying the beach? Hace frío allí. ¿Está s disfrutando de la playa?
Give my love to Mom and Dad. Dale mi amor a mamá y papá .

English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading


Dear Sandra, Dear Sandra,

Italy is _______________ in September. We are Italy is beautiful in September. We are having

having a good time in Rome. a good time in Rome.

Bob _______________I are _______________ a lot of Bob and I are eating a lot of pasta. The
pasta. The children are _______________ good children are speaking good Italian. We are
Italian. We are leaving for Venice tomorrow. leaving for Venice tomorrow.

It is cold _______________. Are you _______________ It is cold there. Are you enjoying the beach?
the beach? Give my love to Mom and Dad. Give my love to Mom and Dad.

Ellen Ellen

Beautiful and eating Beautiful and eating

speaking there enjoying speaking there enjoying



Dear Alex and Catherine, Maria's cold is better,

Estimado Alex y Catalina, el resfriado de
but she's still in bed. The children and I are María esta mejor, pero aú n así esta en la cama.
having a good time seeing Paris. We are taking Los niñ os y yo estamos pasando un buen rato
lots of pictures. The museums are fantastic. viendo París. Estamos tomando muchas fotos.
The food is delicious. Clothing is very Los museos son fantá sticos. La comida está
expensive, but we aren't buying a lot of it. deliciosa. La ropa es muy cara, pero no
estamos comprando un montó n de él.
We're coming back next week. Estamos regresando la pró xima semana.
Tom, Maria, and the kids Tom, María, y los niños
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Dear Alex and Catherine, Maria's cold is better, Dear Alex and Catherine, Maria's cold is
_______________ she's still in bed. The children better, but she's still in bed. The children and
and I are having a good time _______________ I are having a good time in Paris. We are
Paris. We are _______________ lots of pictures. The taking lots of pictures. The museums are
museums are fantastic. The _______________ is fantastic. The food is delicious. Clothing is
delicious. Clothing is very expensive, but we very expensive, but we aren't buying a lot of
aren't buying a lot of it. it.

We're coming back next _______________. We're coming back next week.

Tom, Maria, and the kids Tom, Maria, and the kids

But in taking food But in taking food

week week



Dear Mom and Dad, Budapest is very old and Queridos mamá y papá , Budapest es muy
very beautiful. The buildings are fantastic. antiguo y muy hermoso. Los edificios son
There are many tourists in the museums, fantá sticos. Hay muchos turistas en los
shops, and cafes. The people are friendly. I am museos, tiendas y cafés. La gente es amable.
learning a little Hungarian. Olga and Ferenc are Estoy aprendiendo un poco de Hú ngaro. Olga
taking me to many interesting places. See you y Ferenc me está n llevando a muchos lugares
interesantes. ¡Hasta pronto de vuelta a casa en
soon back home in New York!
Nueva York!
Anne ana
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Dear Mom and Dad, Budapest is very Dear Mom and Dad, Budapest is very old and
_______________ and very beautiful. The buildings very beautiful. The buildings are fantastic.
are fantastic. There are many tourists in the There are many tourists in the museums,
_______________, shops, and cafes. The people are shops, and cafes. The people are friendly. I am
_______________. I am learning a little Hungarian. learning a little Hungarian. Olga and Ferenc
Olga _______________ Ferenc are taking me to are taking me to many interesting places. See
many interesting places. See you soon back you soon back home in New York!
_______________ in New York!

Old museums friendly Old museums friendly

l learning and home l learning and home



Dear Philip, Haiti is beautiful! There is a lot to Estimado Felipe, Haití es hermoso! Hay
see, to do, and to buy. There is color and music mucho para ver, hacer y comprar. Hay color y
everywhere! Haitian paintings are famous, and mú sica por todas partes! Pinturas haitianas
I am buying a lot of them. Port au Prince is the son famosos, y estoy comprando un montó n
capital. There are many good hotels there. The de ellos. Puerto Príncipe es la capital. Hay
food is delicious. Say hi to Mom and Dad for muchos buenos hoteles allí. La comida está
deliciosa. Saluda a mamá y papá para mí.
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Dear Philip, Dear Philip,

Haiti is beautiful! There is a lot to see, to do, Haiti is beautiful! There is a lot to see, to do,
_______________ to buy. There is color and and to buy. There is color and music
_______________ everywhere! Haitian paintings everywhere! Haitian paintings are famous,
are famous, and I am buying a lot of and I am buying a lot of them. Port au Prince
_______________. Port au Prince is the capital. is the capital. There are many good hotels
There are many good _______________ there. The there. The food is delicious. Say hi to Mom and
_______________ is delicious. Say hi to Mom and Dad for me.
Dad for me.

And music them hotels And music them hotels

food food



Dear Shirley, We're having a great time in Estimado Shirley, estamos teniendo un gran
Monaco! I'm sitting by the pool and drinking a tiempo en Mó naco! Estoy sentado en la
cool, pink drink. Susie is swimming. piscina y tomando una bebida fresca, de color
rosa. Susie está nadando.
The children are playing and fighting. John is
Los niñ os está n jugando y luchando. John está
muy bien.
He's reading in the hotel room. É l está leyendo en la habitació n del hotel.

Tomorrow we're going to Mañ ana vamos a

Barcelona. Espero que te sientes bien! Mucho
Barcelona. Hope you're feeling fine! Much love, amor,

Jenny, Juan, y los niños

Jenny, John, and the kids
English Discovery; Basic 1: Reading



Dear Shirley, Dear Shirley,

We're having a great time in Monaco! I'm We're having a great time in Monaco! I'm
sitting by the pool and _______________ a cool, sitting by the pool and drinking a cool, pink
pink drink. Susie is _______________. drink. Susie is swimming.

The children are playing _______________ fighting. The children are playing and fighting. John is
John is fine. _______________ reading in the hotel fine. He's reading in the hotel room.
Tomorrow we're going to Barcelona. Hope
_______________ we're going to Barcelona. Hope you're feeling fine! Much love,
you're feeling fine! Much love,
Jenny, John, and the kids
Jenny, John, and the kids

Tomorrow and He’s drinking Tomorrow and He’s drinking

swimming swimming

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