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By William J. Murchison

1....fSSlJ<ll'; CONTROl I

First Printing 1978

© copyright 1982 Murchison DriJling Schools
Revised/reprinted; 1984, 1987, 1990, 1991. 1992, 1994, 1997,1998,


P. O. BOX 14577
PHONE:SDS-293-6271 FAX:505-298~5294
MurchisDn Drilling SchaDI


OBJECTIVES: To provide informatien tor pre-planning field operations: and methods and tech-
nfques to analyze and solve Drilling Operational Problems.

PURPOSE: To better equip the field man with background lnforrnctíon on DrjlJjng Operations
Techno!ogy so that he can comfortably put a pencil to an operation prior to per-
forming the Job.
METHOOS: Lecture, homework, simulator practice, workshop, tests, class discussion & feed-
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1. Ask only for the mud properties you actually need.
2. Delay conversión (mud-up) as long as possible.
3. Improve top hole mud with minor chemical treatments.
4. See that rig equipment can carry out the mud programo
5. In field development drilling, re-evaluate the mud properties systematically.
6. Use mud additives which are compatible with the base system.
7. Think about Iost circulation before treating it.
8. Use solids control equipment wisely, and make sure primary separator (shale shaker)
does its jobo
9. Remember how much mud materials cost when handling them on the surface.
10. Add water before or below the shaker screen, not on it.
11. Use water wisely.
12. Carry good practices on through well completion.
13. Follow the trend method when treating mud or analyzing problems.

1. Basic Rig Math. Not being comfortable with the numbers and therefore,
faílíng to put a penci1 to the operatíons.
2. Lack of concern for pre-pIanning and lack of scope.
3. Not using the basic drilling pararneters such as strokes, pressure, torque,
drag, and mud to monitor drilling trends on a regular minute by minute basis,
4 Not relating surface indications to what ís taking place down holeo
5 Not understanding the U-tube principIe, and how it is related to DP and
6 Not understanding Pump Pressure and Pump Stroke relationslúp
7 Not understanding effect of Additive Pressure PrincipIe.
8 Start-up procedures when arrivíng at Initial Circulating Pressure (la)
without either causing Iost circulatIon or allowing a 2nd kick,
9. Not really keyed-ín on how to monitor a trip in or a trip out
10. Getting drill pipe pressure with a float in fue string.
11 . Arriving at Final Circulating Pressure (FCP) without flow or losses.
12. Expansion oí gas.
13. Haw te maintain constant bottom hole pressure when gas is percolating
during shut down periods.
14. Stripping techniques and ronsiderations.
15. Casing and cementing pre-plan and execution,
16. Gas at choke and quick changes in pressure.
17. Lost circu1atian and all implications whích include cernent plugs and kicks.
18. Concern for Safety.
19. The "Shift Concept" where work is put off so that it can be done by relíef,
20. General misunderstanding of constant bottorn hole pressure rnethod.
21. Lack of understanding of mud and how it influences operation.
22. Making truck drivers out of our drillers because of peor foundations, and lack
of rig discipline on what we should expect the drillers te do, and in sorne
cases not enough flexibility in poliey to allow the driller to 'think',
23. Lack of consern about BOPE and testing.
24. Inability to 'síde step', almost daily, obstacles in order to reach objectives
without getting weighted down with details.
25. Inability to deveIop team concept between operator and con tractor.
26. The fear oí being the "scape goat" willlead to indecision, and therefore lack of
progress, even to the point oí a "cover-up''.
27. Not understanding the drilling prograrn, and what the operator's and contrae-
tor' s obliga tions are.
28. Poor cornmunications up and down and between colleagues.
29. Incorrect reportíng of facts, and consequentIy bad recornmendations and

Lack oí concern for training. >~'?'fÍ!(~~!¡:r: ,,;'?¡ii~":':
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Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.


Table of Contents

Il'.'TRODucnON _.. 1

l. KEYS ro COMMUNICATIONS .••..•.....•........•.••.......................•..•.••. 1










A DRILLING PROBLEM. • . . .. .. • .. • . • .. .. .. . .. • • . • • • • • • • . . • • . .. . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . •• 12






PROBLEMS, ANO TO SOLVE HOLE PROBLEMS . . .. .. . . . .. • . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . • .. .... 16
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

INTRODUcnON more spedñcally, communications between people. Most

drilling problems can be either prevented or solved by
being more effective at the art of communications.
This book addresses alI phases of a drilling operation Communications is realIy just a question and answer
which include fue planning, the implementing of the session te interchange knowledge between people to get
program to prevent drilling problerns, and the post work done in an effective way and, if work isn't done
appraising oí the operation. lt is focused at alI levels of correctly, to find out why.
drilling supervísíon, from the driller te the manager.
This book has been written te use as the main text for The one thing in common about most successful drilling
the Operations Drilling Technology and Well Control operations is that they malee sure drilling plans are well
course taught in .Murchiso n DriHing-Schools. In addítíon, understood by the people carrying out the work. Drilling
the author hopes that the book will serve as a reference pIans should be clearly written operational steps. Good
for the roan on the rig. The material in the text is well trend monitoring habits make proper diagnosis oí
arranged by subject for easy reference. Problems and problems more corred and this leads to proper reporting
practices under each subject, however, are discussed by and solving of the problems.
hole intervals, simply because the depth and hole
interval have such an overall influence on the solution 11. TRENOS
and approach. For example, if the topie is lost circula-
tíon, the solution and approach are dictated by hole The only way a hole has of cornrnunicating with a driller
intervals. Lost circulation in top hole, with only a short is by the drilling trends, Drilling people should record
string of casing set, is a completely different problem drilling trends so that the ehanging drilling parameters
than lost circulation below a deep casing string. The list are properly diagnosed to prevent problems. Remember
of possible altérnate solutíons is different, If we treat all the trend of numbers in most cases is more important
lost cireulation as one problem, the cure will be very than the actual nurnbers,
costIyand unsuccessful.
H a problem does develop, a rig supervisor should be
Transferring drilling teclmology to the man on the rig in able to analyze the trends and implement the proper
a way that the teehnology is made simple and usable is operational plan to corred the problern, The basic
not an easy task. The job is easier, however, when the drilling trends are pressure & stroke, torque, drag,
man on the rig can relate to the technology being tripping, rnud, U-tube, rate of penetration & well control.
discussed. To accomplísh this job in the book, case
histories by hole interval are used to introduce the A. Pressure and Strokes
practice or solution to the drilling problems. The book is Changes in pressure and stroke trends indicate that
ded.icated to the men on the rig who are the co-develop- the hydraulic system has been altered. The trends
ers oi all drilling technology that has evolved over the that alter the hydraulíc system are:
last half century. Without the rig man's contribution all 1. Drill string washouts and twist-offs
of our technology would still be theoretical. 2. Hole squeezing or bridging with formation
3. Hole bridging with drilled euttings or cuttings
COMMUNICATIONS that heave or slough
4. Changes in lithology if drilling with diamond
The key te successful drilling operations is communíca- bit
tions . A Supervisor's job becomes one of giving instruc- 5. Formatíon kiek
tíons, receivíng questions, answering questíons, asking 6. Porosity gas cutting which causes mud heading
questions and keeping the flow of information or or surging
communications moving effectively at all times. Failure 7. Leaking water valve in pump suction or active
to communicate at a11 levels of supervision leads to mud system
drilling problems that cost millions of dollars, 8. Lost circulation
9. PIugged nozzle
l. KEYS TO COMMUNICATIONS 10. Plugged choke (íf on choke)
11. Mud treatment with frictíon reducer
A drilling problern is anything that interfered with 12. Aeration from mixing mud in suction tank (or
carrying out a successful drilling programo The drilling other reasons)
problern can be 10s5 of hole stability, such as lost circula- 13. Pump mechanical problems
tion, shale heaving, hole cleaning, stuck pipe, well 14. Balling of drilling assernbly
control, etc., but many times the problem is people and,
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\ Introduction - 1
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Murchison Drllllng Schools, !ne.

G. Rate oí Penetration Trend tions are opened. There are two mistakes being made
Rate oí penetration trends indicate: conceming pre-spud meetings. One místake is that
1. The need for hole sweeps during fast drilling they are ill-prepared and really become muy a
formations and/or control drilling kíss-and-promíse meeting. Lack of support frorn
2. Caprocks or well control transition rones rnanagement (drillíng superintendent or hígher) ís
3. Uthology changes and type fonnation the chief cause of this complaeent attítude. The
4. The need for mud property changes (solíds, second rnistake 15 that only one meeting is normally
plastíc viscosity and yield val úes. scheduled, and too many tlúngs are discussed with
5. Change in overbalance (formation vs . hydro- parties who have no business at the meeting. One
static pressure) meeting should be attended by only drilling contrae-
6. Potential ki~ zone -íuse with d'exponent) tor and operator staff. A second meeting would be
7. Dull bit and/or econonúca.l time lo pull bit attended by servíce eompany personnel, eontractor &
8. Wrong bit for formation (or proper bit selec- operator personnel.
tion) A. Pre-spud Meeting ONE - Operator & Con tractor
9. Potential casing seat (or poor selection) Staff
10. Improper weight and /or RPM on bit for hy- This meeting is very important for opening the
draulics being used. This is usually found out communications between the two parties. The
by a drill-off test. following points should be discussed:
11. Porosity and sometimes permeability (if roud 1. The Supervisory Línes oí Communications -
solids or high permeability can have negative When operating practices of either party are
influence on ROP) being violated, what are the lines of communi-
12. Bit balling in slicky formations (and this is cation necessary to prevent the rig people from
influenced by hydraulic horsepower at bit and becorníng cross-threaded? When rig problems
weight on bit) require contíngency plans, what are the neces-
13. The need for control drilling particularly when sary lines of communication? Do operating
related lo gas cut mud or gumbo representatives give orders lo drillers, bypass-
ing the toolpusher?
H. WeIl Control Trends 2. Review 01 the drllling contraet - The key
Well control trends indicate: poínts outlining the responsibilities of each
1. To the driller and/or drilling supervisor that a party should be discussed. Is the Operator's
potential or actual kick is possible or is taking Policy Manual part of drilling contract, and if
place yes is a copy available for rig people?
2. Amount of under balance of the mud (usually 3. Review oí the drilling program -The program
in a shale transition zone either using shale should be reviewed, wilh special emphasis on
densities, d'exponents or logging information) anticípated problem zones and how to prevent
3. The need for mud weight adjustrnents from the problems. The con tractor should be told
flowline tests while drilling or bottorns-up what drilling trends must be kept up with on
after trips a minute-by-minute basis to prevent and diag-
4. The posslbl1ity of kick if lost circulation trend nose problems, The contractor dríllers have to
is not controlled carefully know what the first action wiIl be in case of a
5. Transition zones problem, i.e., in case of lost círculatíon the ñrst
6. Swabbing (and/or surge) action ís to start fluid in annulus to prevent
7. The need for closer surveillance (drilling and secondary problems of kicks and stuck pipe.
tríppíng) 4. Rules & regulations should be reviewed
8. The need for controlling ROP pertinent to MMS or other commísslons
9. The need for special drilling practices and 5. Contractor and Operator polícies should be
contingencies (H~, etc.) reviewed - If the drilling program requires any
10. The need to caJculate kick tolerances and deviation from poli des, this is the time lo
re-evaJuate casing seat selection discuss the differences. Make sure the rig
drillers know what these policies are.
111. THE COMMUNICAnONS NECESSARY 6. Personnel qualifications for the Operator &
BEFaRE SPUD la PREVENT PROBLEMS Contractor should be reviewed by each dríll-
ing superintendent. Many times, requirements
Pre-spud meetings are very necessary for successful for technical or operational back-up can be
drilling operations because the lines of cornmunica- evaluated, ar.t,d .Jhis-· Id head off serious
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1¡:, ." lntroduction - 3
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Murchison DrUling Schools, Inc,

drilling problems, such as those described in dents should agree to having either the toolpu-
Section IV. Contractor and operator people that sher or drilling foreman on the floor at tour
s ttend training programs are generally better change to assure the proper comrnunícatíons
motivated and keyed-up. between the key people has transpíred, Re-
7. The Operator should spedfy the manner in member that written operational plans are
which the IADC report Is lo be filled out - easier to pass on 10 the next driller.
This book should accurately reflect the drilling 14. Equipment Check and Ríg-up - Almost every-
operation and people who pcrforrned the one agrees that nothing is gained by spudding
work. Hole trends should be spotlíghted on befare the rig ís eompletely rigged-up. Safe
the tour sheet for aJ1 drillers lo see. drilling operations result from good organiza-
8. Blowout Preventiorr Drílls ~ BOP drills should tion, and good organizatíon starts with a good
be thoroughly díscussed, Such things as who rig-up. Equipment limitations should be stud-
initiates the 00115, and which type of drills, ied closely, and whatever action is necessary
should be discussed. These drills should have before spud shouId be taken. Solids control,
heart & meat in them. Toolpusher & Operator trip tanks, diverter BOP Systems and monitor-
Representatives should be involved together. ing devices should be studied closely because
9. Blowout Preventer Testing - Con tractor & of their importance in problem prevention in
Operator policies should be studied closely. top hole,
Who should witness the tests on BOPE and 15. OriU Stríng Oesign and Operating Practices -
accumulators should be specified by the drill- Operators and contraetors should agree on
ing superintendents at the meeting. These tests operating praetiees related to the driIl string.
should comply with Government reguIations & The operating practiees would include: desígn,
Operator/Contractor polícies, MOP, corrosion control, mud mixing practíces,
10. How the well ís closed-ín when a kick is tripping praetices and pipe inspection. Corro-
dctected. - Again, operator & contraetor poli- sive environments (02-H~~) should be
cies may vary, and this should be resolved by given special attention. Mixing mud away from
the drilling superíntendent. Will a soft closure pump suction should be eoordinated to help
or a modified soft closure be used? 15 the BOP elirninate drill string corrosion (and other
system lined up to comply with the method of drilling problema).
dosing the we11 in? 16. Land Owner Covenants - Many times the
11. Morning Reports - Operators & Contraetors operator & land owner agree to many special
differ in what they want reported on the considerations concerning the traffic into and
moming report, and this should be clarified, off of locations and these should be clearly
Post appraisal is a very important part of outlined. An example might be not bringing
problem prevention and solution, and rig guns on to the land (or location),
people must provide the information for the 17. Drug Enforeement Polícies - Most operators
analysis. Both field men & drilling engineers eomply with contractor drug enforcement
benefit from good communication about the policíes and this should be reviewed befare
drilling operation & problems regarding carry- Spud.
ing out the drilling program.. The dialogue can 18. H 2S Contingencies (or other Spedal Prcblems)
stand in this pre-spud meeting by explaining - The polícies, people, safety equiprnent, etc .,
what information is required & the format for should be reviewed . Safety people need to
reporting it. The lADe book & report tumed have the cooperation of contraetor and operator
in to the offices should reflect the same infor- people.
mation. 19. Hydraulics Program - Hydraulics requires
12. Work Schedules - Operators & contractors speciaJ consideration because it is the part oí
sbould stagger shíft change days to make the driUing program that may need modifying
certain the continuity of the operation is main- with agreement between contractor and opera-
tained. Toolpushers should surnmarize impor- tor management (engineering & operational
tant hole problems from the JADC book to staff). The mud & hydraulícs program should
make certain the driller retuming from days be close1y coordinated, with the influencing
OFF is infonned of potential problems. factors being hole stabil íty, bit deaning, hole
13. Tour Change - Many problems and unsafe cleaning, and lost circulation. The hydraulics
drilling praetices develop at tour change. program should be written for the rig pumps
Operator and contractor drilling superinten- to be used and, ii a rig change takes place after

4 - lntroduction
the program is prepared, the neeessary chang- Al1 successful drilling operations have one in
es should be made. The use of hole sweeps common, and that is good communications between
should be a part oí lhe prograrn with the rig and operational office personnel. Operator and
driller indicating when sweeps are needed. Contractor personnel are cornmunicating openly on
all levels and are working toward a common objec-
B. Pre-spud Meeting TWO - A second prespud meet- tive, which is canying out the drilling programo The
ing should be held with the service company repre- keys lo preventing or minimizing drilling problems
sentatives invíted, These meetings can be a series oí are: Good well plans; good supervisión: good opera-
prívate meetings (rather than one single all encorn- tional practiees; good well trend monitoring habits,
passing meeting). The following points should be and; corred first action when a problem develops, lo
díscussed: prevent associated problerns. This should be based
1. The Drllling Program - The general drilling on written operational plans, propér diagnosis oí
program should be reviewed and, again, special problern and proper reporting of the problem,
emphasis placed on potentiaI problem rones. The
part of the drilling program that pertains lo each A. Good Well Plans. A drilling engineer must be a
service company should be reviewed with that good cornrnunicator if he is lo plan & implernent a
cornpany. drilling programo The general steps in planning a
2. The Mud Program - The mud program is the well are:
key te optimízation & should be reviewed in 1. Post appraisal oí control well data
detail with the mud company representative (or a. Data gatherlng. AH offset welI infonnation
consultant mud engíneer). An operator should has sorne use. Emphasis should be given
spedfy which tests are to be run and fue mud to logs, bit record s, rnud recaps and trend
property ranges required to assure hole stability. charts, daily reports, and problem case
Operators should specify that the mud represen- histories.
tative keep an up-to-date mud trend chart with b. Data evaluation, AHdata should be evalu-
mud propertíes, drilling parameters, and hole ated for its effect on hole stabUity and cost.
condítions recorded. Computer programs are useful in the
3. Casing & Cement Program - The casing program evaluation.
should be diseussed with fue geologist and mud c. Arranging data in order oí ímportance,
loggers making sure to poínt out how critical a Give prioríty to hole stability. Mud, hy-
particular casing seat is and how the casing point draulícs, bit selection, & weight/RPM will
will be selected. Cement programs should be follow probably in this order in how they
discussed with the cernent service company affect hole stability & cost.
representative, with special emphasis given to 2. Program planning
cementing production & problem zones. 3. Program implementing.
4. Directional Program - If the welI is to be deviat- 4. Reviewing results, (Post Appra ísíng). Field
ed, this prograrn should be reviewed careful1y, people should record accurate data when drilling
with specíal emphasis on kick off point, building a well so that future wells can be planned from
and dropping rate, bottorn-hole assemblies, mud, the recap & post appraisal. Better information is
surveys, and tripping practices. In fact, alI oper- needed on: mud, hydraulícs, bits (more grading
ating practices should be reviewed because oí the comments) & problems. (1f a good solution to a
potential hazards of deviated welIs . The direc- problem is developed in a specífic area, this
tional program should be discussed with direc- should be recorded in the fietd man's recap.)
tional driller, company, and rnud compa-
ny. B. Good Supervision A driUing superintendent rnust
S. Mud logging.. electríc loggíng, & testing These know the drilling foreman. Otherwise, he won't
programs should be well coordinated in advance know the wellsite supervísor's strong and weak
with alJowance for contingencies in case oí 105s poínts. By knowing the rig site supervisor, the
oí hole stabUity. High angle holes need special drilIing superintendent can give technical or opera-
planning with logging and testing companies. tional back-up, depending on the weakness, Rig and
office supervísors must communicate on the same
IV. COMMUNICATION NECESSARY JO PREVENT OR level, or costly goof-ups will develop. A proper
MINIMIZE ORIUlNG PROBLEMS chaín-of-cornmand will help communications be-
tween the rig and the office and will help avoid
costly mix-uEs: ':':r.~~pmg, elps to keep rig personnel
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Introduclion - 5
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Murchiaon Drllling Schools, Inc,

keyed-up, and keyed-up supervísors tend to plan • Run in the hole with a bit and drilling assembly lo
ahead of the bit to stay out of trouble. A good the top oí the bridge plug: ~. \

supervisor will make use of offset logs, offset bit • Pressure-up to 700 psi and, ti it holds, release the I '
récords, offset mud récords, current rate of penetra- pressure & drill the bridge plug.
tion plots and rnud logging data. Most surprises can • RIH & continue drilling ahead lo 11,000 ft.
be eliminated ti proper offset data are available and
are properly used.
MW above 8.33 ppg 1;,
The following case histories are typical examples of plug 1137 ft Hole in casing
how poor communications between office and field
personnel loo lo serious well problems,
Bridge plug
Example 1: The following case history ís an example
of the office supervisor assumíng the man on the rig
understood equivalent mud weights, and how 4500 ft, 133/8"
additive pressures are used to obtain a certain
rnudweight equivalent. The lack of cornrnunications
tumed a routine problem into a lost hole fiasco . The MW 11.00 ppg :
example well developed lost circulation & since the
13-3/8" intennediate casing was set through a 10,700 ft ~ present depth
" I
).-......-,...-',.,. .-4
dogleg a hale in the casing was diagnosed & found I

at 1137 n. I
I ,
11,000 ft 95/8"
At the time of the problem, drilling operations were
1--_---- -, casing depth
progressing at 10,700 feet, with the 9-5/8" casing pro-
grarnrned lo be set at 11,000 feet. An 11 ppg mud was
being used when the hole in the casing developed. A
bridge plug was used to find the hole and to isolate the Fig 1-1 ~., ......
lower zone whíle squeezing the casing. After setting the
bridge plug, the 11 ppg mud was displaced with water. The toolpu sher fol1owed the drilling foreman's verbal
Over a perlod of one week, the hole in the casing was order and was in the process of pressuríng up when the
squeezed with 20,000 sacks of cement. At 5:30 p .m., after squeeze broke down. Conflicting reports prevented the
a week of squeezing, the drilling foreman called in to the drilling superintendent from finding out what the
office and reported the casing hole had been successfuLly pressure was when the squeeze broke down. But, on
squeezed. The drilling superintendent asked the drilling analysis, the 700 psi was equivalent to about 20.3 ppg.
foreman to stand by while he checked with drilling An 11 ppg mud equivalent would have been 156 psi on
engineering about the future program for the well . top of water. Needless to say, the squeeze broke down,
and the casing was in such bad condition that a joint (or
Drllllng engineerlng gave this simple program: joínts) parted and caused the well to be abandoned after
spending 1.75 million dollars.
• Test the squeeze lo an equívalent of 11 ppg mud
• If fue squeeze stands up, drill the bridge plug, & How could this order have been comrnunicated lo the
finish drilling the 12-1/4" hole to 11,000 ft. rig? Whom do you blame for this fiasco? The order
• POH & ron 9-5/8" casing as prograrnrned should have been given in this manner:

The order was communicated to the rig verbatim by the • RIH to the top of the bridge plug.
drilling superintendent as it was received from driUing • Displace the water out with 11 ppg mudo
engineering. The drilling-foreman gave the following • Observe the well.
verbal order to the toolpusher: • If no losses are observed, drill the bridge plug, and
• The office wants us to test the squeeze to an equiva- run in the hale carefully.
lent of 11 ppg mudo • Drill to 11,000 ft, & prepare to run 9-5/8" casing as
• We have water in the casing aboye the hole in the programmed.
casing. An 11 ppg mud equivalent would be about
700 psi on the casing. The order should have been communicatecl to the rig as
suggested aboye, and the office personnel are to be

6 - lntroduction
blamed for assuming the rig man understood the 3. Many times field personnel have too much false
teehnology related to additive pressure, pride lo ask for c1arification oí an arder, and this
causes many aggravated drilling problerns.
Example 2: The following case history took place very 4. Many drilling foremen and toolpushers are so
recently on a well in the Bay Area below New Orleans. cross-threaded that adequate cornmunications don't
The círcumstances are very similar te example one and take place before an operation ís performed.
again involves a hole-ín-casíng. The hole was isolated 5. Many drilling foremen are not receptive to sugges-
with a bridge plug and squeezed over severa! days. The tíons, and this false pride leads to poor communica-
order was receíved at the rig to test the squeeze at 9100 tions,
feet lo an equivalent mud weight of 18.5 ppg. To
squeeze, a 16.5 .ppg mud was being used. Example 3:
In a recent history an order from the office partially
The roan en the rig did not understand the arithmetic helped solve one problern, but the cure loo to two other
involved to arrive at an 18.5 ppg equivalent mud weight problems. The drllling foreman called his aftemoon
with 16.5 ppg mud in the hole, and told the toolpusher report into the office, and reported tight hole the last
and servíce company pump operator to apply 1500 psi three connections while drilling 17 1/2" hale with a 9.0
on top of the 16.5 mud column. Thís is equivalent to ppg mud o Without any questions asked, the drilling
about 19.7 ppg. The correet pressure to give 18.5 ppg superintendent ordered the man on the rig lo increase
weuld have been 946 psi. The squeeze broke down at his mud wt three points to 9.3 ppg.
1230 psi (equivalent to 19.1 ppg) and, at last report, was
still not squeezed off. The mud bill was in excess of
three million dollars, Who is to be blamed for this
fiasco? Again, the roan in the office must make sure the MW - 9.0 ppg
fie1d roan understands the programo

Yp - 1.0 lb/lOO ft
16.5 ppg Mud aboye
bridge plug
~ Cuttings
/: 9100 ft
::: Hole in casing
High ROP

1711.z" ~
Mud below
bridge plug The order resulted in partially clearing up the tight hole
problern, because the tight hole was due to peor hole
cleaning, and the increased mud weight gave a litt1e
more viscosity and buoyancy. However, the increased
21,200 ft mud weight and additional solids caused the rate of
Fig.1.2 penetration to slow down. The proposed 8 day drilling
program in this sectíon of hole was now increased to 15
Summary of Ex. 1 & 2: The lack of proper communíca- days. Thís section of hole was through a 10 day shale,
tions in the preceding examp1e can be summarized as which means that casing needs to be cemented before 10
follows: days. The additional 5 days allowed the 10 day shale to
1. The drilling superintendent did not know the take on water and heave, which resulted in sticking the
technical competence of the man on the rig and casing off bottom. The overall drilling program suffered
made bad assumptíons in communicating the from this point on. What are the questions the drilling
orders. superintendent should have asked. the drilling foreman,
2. Too many times engineering personnel assume that and what are the questions the drilling foreman should
field operational personnel understand drilling have asked the toolpusher and driller? When drilling fast
technology, & therefore fail to cornmunicate on the hole, with unweighted mud, hole cleaning sh ould always
same level as the man on the rig. be suspected when tight hole develops, and the line of
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Murchison Drilling Schools, lne.

questioning to diagnose and evaluate the problem drilling parameters (such as ROP, torque, drag,
should be: pressure & strokes, etc.), A successful hole is one
1. What trend changes have been observed (torque, that is drilled as planned, evaluated, and one that
drag, pressure and stroke, etc.)? can be cased off , if necessary.
2. How often have pills been circulated, and what was 4. Goad hydraulic practíces. Optimum hydraulics
the weight & yield value oí pills? is the proper balance of the hydraulic elements
3. What has been recovered over shaker when pills that will adequately clean the bit and bore hole
come around? Does the drag & torque reduce after with mínimum horsepower. The balance oí the
the hole sweep? hydraulic elements is influenced by: hole stability
4. Have different circu1ation rates (lower and higher) (erosión), lost circuIation, bit deaning, and; hole
been tried to improve hale cleaning? cleaning. Mud and hydraulic elements rnust be
5. How long is mud circulated before each connection balanced to give hole stability, as well as an
and befare tríps. optimum rate of penetration. Four key superví-
6. 15 BHA causing the hale cleaning problem (hole sors must be in clase communication to achieve
enlargement)? this balance. The supervísors are: the drilling
7. Can the present mud (or water) be used to casing foreman, the toolpusher, the mud engineer, and
point if more hale sweeps are used? the driller. A1l four supervisors must be looking
8. 15 there a need to mud-up and, if so, is there a need below the rotary table lo rnaintain hale stability
to POH to shoe, or can mud-up be done while and at the same time maximize the rate of pene-
drilling? Note: If pits are cleaned completely, it tration. The variables to control are :
probably would be better 10 do it at the shoe or out a) flowrate 30-50 gpm/in
of the holeo b) Percent pressure at bit 50-65%
9. 15 the hydraulíc program causing hale enlargement e) Hydraulic horsepower@ bit 2.5 - 5.0 HH/-
and, consequently, a hole deaning problem? JN2
d) Jet velodty 35D-450 Fr /Sec.
C. Good Operational Habits 5. Good pipe handling and connection making
practices. Many optirnízation programs fail
Good drilling practiees are too numerous to address because of string washouts and bit damage, and
in this section, but a few are worth noting. both can be caused by bad connection practíces,
1. Good mud and mud mixing habits would Differential sticking also can result from poor
include how to mix a tourly treatment, when to connection making practices. Lost circulation,
míx a tourly treatment, which tank to mix into related to surge, is a problem in weighted mudo
(mixing into the suction tank should be díscour- Drillers need to be cautioned about these prob-
aged), monitoring the diagnostic rnud trends, lerns and should be closely supervised.
and treating mud trends before and after mixing 6. Good monitoring of drilling parameter habits.
mudo To avoid a brush fue operation, rig crews must
2. Good tripping practíces would indude the trip monitor drilling pararneters to prevent problems.
plan and trip rnonitoring. The trip plan would These trends were covered in Section TI of this
include: the mechanical considerations, and; the chapter.
metal displacement consideration. Monitoring oí
a trip should be done using the trend technique
and rnaking sure hole takes the corred amount
of mud based on calculated metal displacement.
Bad tripping practices cause five majar drilling
problems: (1) kicks off bottorn, (2) lost circula-
tíon, (3) shale problema, (4) stuck pipe & (5) drill
string failure. An operator will be money ahead
to pay for a well traíned person to supervise
trips or require drilling supervisors too
3. Good hole making practices. A driller must be
ínformed of his responsibility concerning hole
making, and this would include such things as:
finding the best weight & RPM to drill with,
using drill-offtests; using hale sweeps to .unload
the hale as necessary, and; monitoring oí all the

8 ~ Introduction
Murchison Drllling Schools,!ne.



When a hale problem develops the driller must take A good rig supervisor wilI communicate to the driller the
quick fírst-hand action to prevent one or more associated method oí preventing and handling each problem. Many
problems from developing. Since the required action problems can be anticipated by the driller and drilling
must be taken befare calling a toolpusher or drilling foreman by studying the trends, and consequently the
foreman (in most instances), the driller must know driller ís ready lo take quick actíon,
beforehand how each problem should be handled, befare
the problem develops. A few examples of problems and associated problema
are listed. (This is by no means a complete Iist.)
Dropin ~
J.. .
Huid level

Example 1:

Lost Circulation in a Potential Kick Zone

H a driller fails te start fluid in the annulus immediately,

,, a kick can result, and when the well is closed in, stuck
pipe is probable.

Primary Problem: Lost cireulation

Associated Problema; Kick and stuck pipe

Example 2:

J l Shale Sloughing.

H a driller fails to get the bit above a shale bridge, lost

_ ._ . ~~
circulation, a kick, and stuck pipe can develop quick1y.
Primary Problems: Shale sloughing and hole cleaning
-:..- :: ':.¿, 'Y' v O :4-..:; : Associated Problems: Lost circulation, kíck, and stuck
Problem on .--.
top oí bit ... - ... - .

Example 3:


If a driller fails to catch a kick quickly enough or fails to

Excess cIose in the kick properly, lost circulation, stuck pipe,
Pressure and underground blowouts are a possibility.
@Shoe Primary problem: Kick
Associated Problems: Lost drculatíon, stuck pipe, and an
underground blowout
Fig. 1.6
Murchíson Drllling Schools, Ine.

500 ft Shoe Example 4:

break down
Shallow Kick. If a driller fails lo divert a shallaw kick
and tries te close in the kick, lost circulation and t
blowout around the shoe wíll develop.
Primary Problemi Shallow kick
Associated Problems: Lost círculation & a blowout
around the shoe (to the surface)

dp pressure --ti> Example 5:

Stríng Washout. If a driller fails to catch the washout, a

twist off will develop and, possibly, stuck pipe.
Primary problem: String washout
Associated Problems: Twist off & stuck pipe (and ruined
diamond bit)
W.O. missed

Led to twist-off


Example 6:

Hale Cleanlng. If a driller fails to unload the cuttings he

is drilling, a lost circulation & stuck pipe problem could
Cuttings develop. Also, a slaw ROP would result frorn the
Creating increased differential pressure.
Differential Prima.ry Problem: Hole cleaning
Pressure Associated Problems: Slow ROP, lost círculation, and
stuck pipe

Fig. 1.9

Example 7:

Hale Deviation (dogleg). If a driller ereates a dogleg

with improper drilling parameters, many problems can
Dogleg and develop, such as, key seated stuck pipe, tripping prob-
Potential lems, ayer hale exposure leading to poor general hale
Keyseat i stability, hales in the casing, and associated well control
Tensile problems and eompletion problema.
Force Prímary Problem: Hale deviation (dogleg)
J, Associated Problems: 5tuck pipe, tripping problem, over
hole exposure, hale instability, well control assodated
with hole in casing and eompletion problems.

10 - Introduction
Murchíson Drilling Schools, Inc,

VI. COMMUNICAOONS NECESSARY ro CONT1NUE sor should be done with a trip tank, using the
LIVING WJTH PROBLEM. 3. ROP Many problems that are associated with
mass volume of cuttings, such as gas-cut mud
Many times we can live with a drilling problem in and gumbo, can be minimized or prevented by
arder to prevent lost time operations, by changing eontrolling rate-of-penetratíon,
aperating practices such as: pipe movement, connec- 4. Parameters to Monitor. A complete list of
tion practices,rate-of-penetration, tripping practices, parameters that pertain to particular problems
and well control practíces, If the above practices do is given in this chapter and throughout the
not solve the problerns, possibly either a change in book, Trend Method forces the driller and
mud properties (or compositíon) or a change in foreman to look below the rotary table to
hydraulics, accompaníed by eíther weighted or evalúate what is causing the trend change and
unweighted hole sweeps, might make it possible lo the proper diagnosis to prevent or solve a hole
continue drilling operations. A high percentage of problem.
the drilling problems are eíther caused (or con-
trolled) by: B. Mud Practices
Many mud engíneers treat the mud and fail to treat
• a sensitive hydrostatic balance or the holeo Mud trends, when closely associated with
• a restricted annulus (norrnally associated with hole hole trends, will help to pinpoint the problem and,
cleaníng) in many ínstances, the problem can be either pre-
vented or quickly solved without majar mud adjust-
This beíng the case, the followíng practices must be ments, Complete mud tests are essential. A rig
reviewed closely to avoid a serious lost time opera- supervisor should specify:
tion. 1. Mud properties to test.
2. Drilling trends to be recorded on the mud
Living With the Problem trend chart.
A. Operating Practíces. 3. That the mud engineer know whieh hole trend
1. Connections. Many drilling problerns start or he is treating when making major mud adjust-
take place on connections (differential sticking, ments.
lost circulation, damage to drill string, darnage C. Hydraulíes Practices.
to bit, kicks associated with 1055 of ECD, etc.) . When drilling very near balance, between a kick and
Many of these can be prevented. a lost circulation condition, hydraulics can be
a. Have driller leave pump on while picking fine-tuned to prevent both the kíck and loss prob-
up. lerns. Many hole cleaning problems are associated
b. Have driller pick up 10 to 15 feet aboye with over pumping a hole, causing hale erosian and,
rotary table and cut pwnp off before consequently, poor hale cleaning.
loweríng pipe te break-out point. If drag
is noted on pick-up, extra pumping and Turbulent flow can be prevented by either a hydrau-
pipe working should be done. lic or a mud approach, and the best solution is
c. Keep pipe moving during connection and when a balance has been achieved by trial and error.
exercise good pipe handling and make-up The rig site supervisor should understand the clase
practíces. relationship between mud and hydraulics. He
d. Have pipe moving when pump is en- should consider the:
gaged. This will help prevent differential 1. Relationship oí surface pressure, flowrate, and
sticking and lost circulation. hydraulíc horsepower
e. Pressure-up complete joint before lowering 2. Relationship of mud yield value and hydraulics
pipe below rotary tableo
f. Put the bit on bottom gently and, if fill is D. DriU String Design Consideration.
noted on connection, other drilling practíc- Many problems are closely associated with drill
es will have lo be exarnined. string design, such as stuck pipe, hale cleaning,
2. Trips. Five major drilling problems are caused deviation, twist-offs, rate-of-penetration, tripping, bit
by poor tripping practices. Basically, a trip plan performance, corrosi ón, and general hole stabílity,
addresses the problem of surge and swabbing Many drillers have not been told what their margin-
and should cover . pullíng-out-of-hole and -of-overpull is in case tight hole is encountered, and
running-in-hole. Monitoring by a key supervi- this lack of ..s~~Y.n!~,ª-tj.~ leads to expensive
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Introduction - 11
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Murchison Drllling Schools, Ine.

ñshíng jobs. Rig site supervisors should examine F. Monitor plan carefully and alter plan as neeessary,
closely: based on latest facts. DO not forget that, if good
l. Drill collar design and should avoid over or operational practices are not carried out, other
under designo associated problems can easily develop.
2. Stabilization and stiffness factors,
3. Drill pipe design and margin-of-overpull. X. COMMUNICATIONS NECESSARY TO ENABLE A
4. Handling practices to avoid down hole failures. DRILUNG SUPERINTENOENT ro GEr A GENERAL--
5. Corrosion practiees, with special ernphasís on QUICK EVALUATION OF A PROBLEM.
eliminating the source of oxygen.
The following general questions will help the
VII. THE OIFFERENCE BETWEEN VERBAL ANO WRITTEN drilling superintendent to get a quíck grasp oí the
COMMUNICATIONS. facts concerníng a drilling problem. Investigative
questioning will also have a positive influence on
Written operational plans are much safer because the rig foreman, causing him to take a closer look at
the muscle of your arm will not allow your brain the problem before calling it in.
and tongue to play tricks on you. Many drilling
foremen give verbal orders that they do not under- A. What is the present situation on the well?
stand. The same orders will not go down on paper B. What led to the problem?
until the man writing them understands the orders. C. What plans ha ve been made to salve the problem?
In other words, sorne of these half-baked ideas must D. What alternate solution is planned, just in case?
be shoved back into the oven for further cooking. E. What materials are needed?
Verbal orders are very good for preventing prob- F. What service company help is needed?
lems, and written orders are much better for solving G. Is any technical or operational back-up needed?
problema, A complete rig supervisor can do both,

When a drilling problem does develop, there are Many times a rig supervisor is so close to the job
many questions a drilling foreman should ask a that he may have a hard time seeing the forest for '
toolpusher and driller. The general questions are: the trees, so a drilling superintendent should ask
detailed questions about specific problems to help in
A. What trend changes took place that led to the the evaluation process. Once a specific problem has
problem? been isolated, the cure ís easier to implement. Poor
B. What had been done sínce the problern developed? diagnosis, however, leads rig people to ask for the
C. Whal ís the present situation? wrong cure and, even though it may help a situa-
D. What recomrnendations can be made? tion índirectly, it is a more expensive approach. One
E. What materials/tools are needed in order to help example oí thís would be a drilling foreman telling
solve the problem? the mud engineer to lower the water loss after a
F. 15 the well secure (in case of well control or lost shale sloughed on bottom irnmediately after drilling
circulation problem)? it. The water 1055 has nothing to do with the basic
problem but indirectly wíll help, because water loss
IX. HOW TO COMMUNICATE A PROBLEM TO mE additives build víscosíty, and the viscosity increase
OFFICE ANO FIRST ACTlON. helps salve the problem by unloading the shale. The
cure in this case, however, could have a detrimental
A. Make sure first action prevents other associated effect on drilling operatíons, and even worse prob-
problems from developíng. lems might develop as drilling progresses.
B. Analyze trends and related facts leading up to
problern, Detailed Questions for Specific Drilling Problems
C. Develop general plan to solve problem (1st and 2nd
recornmendations). A. Stuck Pipe. lf the problem is stuck pipe, the follow-
D. Report problem & recornmendatíons to solve prob- ing questions should be asked:
lem. Ask for permíssiorr lo carry out plan. 1. 15 the pipe stuck near bottom?
E. Develop detailed operational plan to solve problem, 2. What led to the problem?

12 - Introduction
3. What stretch was recorded, and how much 28. Have connection gas or background gas chang-
overpull was there? es been seen?
4. H stuck on bottorn, is pipe differentially stuck? 29. Has jarring out been tried?
5. Did it stick when driller engaged pump? 30. How close is bottom, and is the kelly clear oí
6. H differentialiy stuck, has BOPE?
a. 0i1 been spotted, or 31. Other questions spedñc te area? Has offset well
b. One of the methods to lower overbalance infonnation been studied?
on bottom been used,
7. If mechanically stuck, is the annulus complete- B. Hale Stability. These questions are covered under
ly packed off (no circulatíon), or is there re- either Stuck Pipe, Lost Circulation, Hale Oeaning,
duced circulation but lligh pressure? What síze ot Well Control.
and shape cuttings/sloughing are coming from
the well? If there is partial circulation, has a C. Hale Cleaning. If hole problem is due to peor hole
weighted pill (í.e., 18 ppg) been pumped? cleaning, but pipe isn't stuck:
8. If key seated, has pipe been worked and jarred 1. What trend changes have been noted (torque,
downward? Have 1/4 turns been tried to work drag, pressure and stroke, etc.)?
through key seat? 2. How often are pills circulated, and what is the
9. Have previous drags been seen at this depth wt & yield value oí pill?
on trips? 3. What has been recovered over shaker when pill
10. Have key seat wipers been ron, or has time comes around?
been spent reaming this section? 4. Does the drag and torque reduce after the hale
11. Is there a dogleg in the hole at the key seat sweep?
depth? 5. Have different circulation rates (lower and
12. Is the overpull below the MOP while working higher) been tried to improve hole
stuck pipe (usually 100,000 lbs.)? cleaning?
13. If freepoínt indicator and back-off operations 6. How long is mud circulated before each con-
are to take place, can lubricator be rigged up nection and before trips?
either on tool-joint or on swivel (gooseneck)? 7. Do you feel BHA is causing the hole cleaníng
14. Are pups available for fishing so that kelly is problem (hale enlargement)?
kept out of BOPs? 8. Can the present mud (or water) be used to
15. If stuck with kelly in, has a mechanical back-off casing point if more hale sweeps are
been evaluated te get kelly out of BOP's? used?
16. Have the economics oí how long to fish been 9. 15 mud-up needed and, if so, must the bit be
considered? pulled to shoe or can mud-up be done while
17. Has a fishing plan been developed with dia- drilling? Note: lf pits need to be c1eaned com-
gram of fish, fishing tools, and fishing string pletely, it would probably be better to do it at
(OO's, ID's, lengths, depth, etc.)? the shoe or out oí the hale.
18. Has the correlation log been checked? 10. Is the hydraulics program causing hale enlarge-
19. In what formatíon is pipe stuck? ment and, consequently, a hale cleaning prob-
20. 15 mud in good condition? lem?
21. If stuck because oí dirty hole, what mud yield
value do you have in hole? D. Lost Circulation. If problem is lost circu1ation, the
22. How often has hole been swept? questions vary depending on the hole interval, í.e.,
23. Has reducing the pump rate been tried? top hale, abnormal pressure or hydrocarbon zone.
24. If stuck on trip because of dirty hole, has hole Completion objectives aIso influence questions
been kept filled when working with low over- (deds íons),
balances (unweighted rnuds)? 1. Top Hole (No hydrocarbons antici.pated) -
25. Have weighted sweeps been tried to unIoad Total Losses.
dirty hole? a) Has water been measured into the annu-
26. Has hole been over exposed, i.e., 25 days in a lus?
20 day shale (time for shale to lose its stabili- b) What is the hydrostatic balance at the shoe
ty)? and at T.D.?
27. If stuck with shale sloughing on bottom, what e) How much mud weight reduction is neces-
other wellcontrol trends have been noted? sary?
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d) Would it be more econornical lo make g) Is this a good application of the ECD
new mud or water back old mud? drilling technique?
e) How much hole ís required to be drilled h) How much overba1ance is there, and how
befare running casing? much can mud weight be reduced?
f) Are retums needed or can it be blind í) lf POH lo shoe have plans been made to
drilled? spot pills on bottom and near shoe?
g) lf economics favor spotting an LCM pill j) Are plans made lo circulate across well-
and trying te reach casing point with head while POH? Haw much losses do
present mud, find out if trip is necessary you have while circulating only across the
or whether nozzles are large enough? wellhead?
h) If losses have to be stoppedr before drilling k) Do pwnp pressure/stroke trends indícate
ahead or before running casing, find out restrictions in annulus (hydraulic system)?
what materials are on location and what l} Did losses tie ínto any change in ROP?
needs to be ordered, í.e., LCM-assorted Where do you feel loss zone is?
particle síze, Cement, Soft Plugs (gunk), m) Did driller spud pipe to unplug bit, etc.?
Thixotropic plugs (servíce co.), grave! n) What do mud properties look like, i.e.,
(gravel pack). yie1d value, gels, etc.?
í) Where is the 1055 zone? o) Has a pressurized check on mud weight in
j) Is it a natural fracture? suction tank been ron te make sure air or
k) Is it a yugular formation? gas (which will compress down the hole
and create a gain in mud weight) is not
2. Top Hole (partíal returns), being recirculated back into hole?
a) Has pump been slowed down to mini- p) With present losses, what is the cost per
mum circulation rate for dríllíng, (30 hour for mud?
gprn/Inch)? q) Are plenty of materials on location? On
b) Has a hole sweep been circulated to un- arder?
load hole? r) How long do you anticipate waiting at
e) Has mud weight (solids) increased? shoe to let zone heal?
d) Can the mud weight be lowered to pro- s) Are you going to break circulation on the
grammed weight? way in the hole?
e) Has water meter trend gone up? t) What is the leak off mud weight at shoe?
f) Have losses been monítored while only
circulating across well head? lf losses are 4. Abnormal Pressure « Total Losses.
drastically reduced, calculate estimated a) Does fue hale fill up when circulating
ECO, and lower mud weight by this across the wellhead only?
arnount. b) Has the hale been kept full or fluid going
g) Wauld it be better to drill ahead to casing in the annulus?
point and do nothing about losses? c) What consíderation has been given to how
long to stay on bottom or when to pull to
3. Abnormal Pressure (Heavy Mud) Zone • the shoe?
Partial Losses, d) Have preparations been made for a possí-
a) Has the driller been instructed to have ble kick related to losses?
fluid going in annulus before total Iosses e) Have preparations to spot pills on bottom
develop? and near shoe?
b) What led up to losses? f) How much time should be allowed at shoe
e) How long has the bit been on bottom to allow hale to heal?
sínce the trip (or any pipe movement)? g) What is leak off mud weight?
d) Has the effect of reduced circulating rate h) Has driller been instructed to circulate
been evaluated? How much reduction in across wellhead at a1l times (to prevent
losses was observed? kick)?
e) Can mud be mixed fast enough to keep up i) Are sufficient mud and/or cement materí-
with losses? als available?
f) When do you feel you will pull to the j) Is pipe free? Has drag increased?

14 - lntroduction
k) Has driller been ínstructed to keep pipe e) Has the driller been instructed te keep
movíng at all times to prevent possible pipe moving?
differential sticking? O Have the reduced pump rate losses been
1) 15 a hydraulic valve installed on kill side checked?
of BOP Manifold so that driller can start
fluid in annulus thraugh kill line without E. Well ControL
sending a roughneck dawn to open manu- 1. Not Related lo Lost Circulation.
al val ve? a) What is the present situation?
m) 15 a bit float installed or on location? 1) SIDPP?
n) Is a separate mixing tank available for 2) SICP?
mixing new volume? 3) Well Secure?
o) In case bit has to be pulled under heavy 4) Any Losses?
losses and kick conditions, have stripping b) Has the drill pipe pressure been kept con-
operations (BOPE, fluid measurement, stant to maintain constant BHP during
pressure monitoríng) been considered? percolatian? (Fluid has to be bled off
p) Has analysis been done as to where the through choke to keep d .p, constant.)
loss zone might be? Such things as offset e) Has a kili plan been developed?
well records and present drilling pararne- d) How big a kick was taken, and does the
ters should be used. Temperature or flow influx gradient check out to be a hydrocar-
surveys can be ron on well íf situation bon?
calls for it, e) How much warking pressure is avaílable
5. Hydrocarbon andlor Gas Cap Zone-Partial 1) Consideration oí losses at shoe with
andlor Total Losses. Completion Zone bubble in open hole? Leak off mud?
a) Has the hole been kept full by putting 2) Cansideration for casing burst (&
fluid in annulus? BOP /WH rating) when bubble is at
b) Was the fluid level allowed to drop in the top?
annulus? f) Is the pressure too lúgh to wark pipe
e) he you rígged-up to put large arnounts (more than 1000 psi)?
of fluid in annulus? g) Are enough materials available to kili
d) he there lost circulation materíals Con well?
location) that can be acidized away? h) ls mud in gaod condition?
e) ls it necessary to get a service company i) Have surface lines, roud-gas separators,
truck and one of the non-forrnation darn- and fiare lines been checked?
aging materials to stop losses? j) Have pressureís) been checked with an
O Have preparations been made to strip out accurate pressure gauge?
in case completion operations begin in thís k) Have there been any indications of H 2S? If
zone? Spiral collars cannot be stripped out H~ has been detected, specíal precautions
under pressure. 15 there a float or BP valve (and preparatíons) need to be eonsidered.
available? 1) When will the kili operation begin?
g) Is there enough mud available to POH ro) Have plans been made to put M.W. trip
safely? margin in on second circu1ation?
n) Have any mechanical problems been expe-
6. None-completion zone, (Hydrocarbon Zone) rienced with the rig? Is a purop UIÚt need-
a) Has the hole been kept fuIl through annu- ed from service company?
lus fill line and, at the same time, has an o) ls a pressurized. mud balance on location
LCM pill been spotted on bottom? to make SUTe mud weight ís corred going
b) What are the losses while circulating in and not full of air/ gas that cause exces-
across the wellhead? sive down hale mud weights and, conse-
e) Have preparations been made to set ce- quently, lost circulation?
rnent plug for lost drculation (not bal- p) he there spark arrestors or water on
anced plug)? exhausts?
d) 15 it safe to POH (eíther to shoe or all the
way) to go· in with míxíng sub for ·plug

,,' Jo! ~ .. ~' • • -

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Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

a) What ís the present situation7 was that the drillers started watehing the dog and
1) SIDPP? Are pressures erratic? the dog, having very sensitive ears, would detect a
2) Slo>? motor sound change, a rotary torquíng-up, and
3) ls well secure? these trend changes would prompt the drillers to
b) Was an accurate DP pressure taken before start looking for the problem that was developing.
breaking down the wel1 (losses began)? I'm not saying that what we need en the rig is more
e) If an accurate DP pressure was taken dogs, but 1 am saying we must train drillers to start
(unaffected by losses) what mud weight using trends to ctiagnose what is taking place below
would be needed from ro to shoe to be the rotary tableo Good down hale drillers become
able to reduce mud weight from casing good down hale toolpushers, drilling superinten-
shoe to surface topríor mud weight before dents, and drilling managers. The time has passed
kick? when we can afford to be conununicating on two
d) Was the mud engineer asked to ron barite different levels. Office and ríg personnel must speak
plug pilot tests for settling? and understand the sarne language.
e) Has LCM: been tried in kili mud?
f) ls the pipe free? To bridge thís conununication gap, people on the rig
g) If necessary to strip out of barite plug, is need to record trends, and people in the office, as
there a back pressure float valve in string well as peopIe on the rig, need to understand what
or a BP sub for a BP valve to land in? the trends are indieating.
h) Is the stack rigged up to use a combina-
tion oí BOPs for stripping? Trends: Drilling people should record drilling
i) What is the rate of loss, and how was the trends so that changing drilling parameters are
rate measured? Circu1ating7 Circulating properly ctiagnosed to prevent problerns and, if a
across WH? Going through choke? problem does develop, a rig supervisor should be
j) What is recommended to stabilize the able to implement the proper operational plan lo
losses and control the kick? correct the probJern.
k) Could the control result in losing bottom
part oí the hole and possíbly the BHA? A. Basic Drilling Parameters for the Driller to Monitor
1) Are BOPs in good working order (date oí and Record
last test and what was tested)?
m) What was formation capability from drill- 1. Pressure
out test? a) Indicares hale restrictions.
1) Was leak-off reached? b) lndicates hale loading up.
2) Was it necessary to squeeze? e) Indicates stríng washout.
3) Was retesting done after squeeze? d) Indicates well control problem.
n) Did ROP trend (or other trends) indicate
losses may be near bottom, or are losses 2. Strokes
considered lo be somewhere other than a) Indicates hole restrictions.
shoe? b) Indicates hale loading up,
o) Do you need someone to help you? e) Indicates string washout.
d) Indicates well control problem.
HOlEPROBLEMS. TO DIAGNOSE HOLE PROBLEMS, 3. ~p (Pressure to kick float open)
ANO TO SOLVE HOLE PROBLEMS a) Indicates hole loading up.
b) Drill Pipe pressure for wel1 control.
1 once had a contractor drilling superintendent tell
me that, when he was pushing tools, a stray dog 4. Torque
wandered onto the ríg. The crews started íeeding a) Indicates formation changes.
the dog, and it hung around the ríg floor and dog b) Indicates bit Iockíng-up,
house. He went on to say that, on a number oí e) Indicates transition zone (well control flag).
wells they had a 10t oí hole problerns and, after the
dog arrived at the ríg, the problems stopped. The 5. Drag (ÓW)
dog was considered to be good luck for the rig. But a) lndicates possíble transition zone (well
the superintendent went on to saythat, looking control flag).
back at the situation, what was really happening b) Indicates hale loading up.

16 - Introduction
Murchison Drllling Schools, Ine.

e) Indicates tight hale. 5. Pipe handling

d) Indicates hale stability changes. a) setting slips.
e) Used in cementing related to recíprocatíng b) bending pipe (rotary Imouse hole)
of casing (drag trends). c) use of tongs.
f) Used on trips to indicate possible key-
seating zone. E. Mud
g) Used to establish normal drag trends. The diagnostic trends for the derrickrnan to check
h) Trends related to BRA changes. are: rnud weight, funnel viscosity, water loss and
chloride. The treating trends for the rnud engineer
B. WeH Control Trends to check are: Pv, Yp, gels, test temperature, chernis-
1. Flow line temperature by, MBT, solids, HPHT, (all properties).
2. Trip trends (mud requirement comparison 1. Waterrequirements to maíntaín mud wt (taken
actual vs. calcula ted & bottoms-up) from water meter or gauged)
3. ROP trends 2. Weight-in
4. Background gas 3. We íght-out
5. Connection gas 4. Viscos íties/ gels-ín (Pv, Yp, gels)
6. Shale density 5. Viscositíes/ geIs-out (Pv, Yp, gels)
7. d'exponent 6. MBT
8. Size and shape oí cuttings (shale shaker) 7. Solids
9. Mud (all properties) 8. Water loss
10. Pit gain 9. Chernistry (pH , O, Ca....., Mg ....., C031 HC031 pf,
11. F10w increase Pm, and possibly others)
12. Pressure/stroke changes 10. Treatment
13. Logs (soníc and resistívity) 11. Maintenance cost
14. Drag 12. General mud practices
15. Torque 13. Hole stability (what mud treatment should be
16. Fill on connectíon based on)
14. Solids control equipment running time
C. Tripping Trends 15. Drilling parameters befare and after any mud
1. Mud requírernent to fi11 hole while POH. Was treatment.
mud weight correct (not watered back) and
was pipe slugged? What was weight of slug F. Pump
and how long was it pumped? 1. Weekly volumetric check
2. Mud gained when pipe is Rlli. 2. Maintenance cost
3. Comparison of actual vs. theoretical mud 3. Valve/seat repair (related to corrosión)
requirernents 4. Lost time due to repaír
4. Drag trends (partícularly at one depth and 5. Pressure and stroke fluctuation
change since previous tríp)
5. Hole fill and bridges. Give depth and time to G. ROP
clean out. 1. Cuttings
6. Trip gas 2. Drag
7. Lost círculation (índuced), Compare metal 3. Torque
displacernent, 4. Lost circulation
8. Drill string failures related to pipe handling on 5. Well control
trips 6. Gas cut mud control
9. Key-seatíng 7. Gumbo control
10. Bridges 8. Incremental cost/ft. on bit during the dulling of
11. Mud weight and condition off bottom. bit (when it starts up the bit has reached its
econornícal limit)
D. Connections 9. Mud weight overbalance
1. Fill on connection 10. Solids/Pv
2. Bottoms-up from connection (well control) 11. Bit type
3. Bit plugging 12. Bit weight and RPM
4. Pump engagement related to Lost Circulation 13. Hydraulics
and Pipe Sticking 14. ROP (faster/slower)

Introduction - 17
Murchlson Drilling SclIools, Inc,

a Lost drculation K. Pipe StickinglStuck Pipe

1. Operation when losses start 1. ROP
2. Depth 2. Hydros~ticoV&~
3. Formation 3. Deviation (look for posslble doglegs)
4. Mud weight 4. Mud solids HPHT water loss (permeable zones)
5. Viscosities/gels 5. Drag (normal vs, trend change)
6. ROP 6. Torque (normal vs. trend ehange)
7. Visual observation of shaker 7. Pressure/strokes (norma! vs, trend change)
8. Hole Loading-up (sweeps) 8. Stuck in drill collar?
9. Solids increasing 9. Stuck In drill pipe? (are the BOPs open?)
10. Hydraulics 10. Drilling operation when pipe is stuck
11. ECO 11. Was lost c1rculation assodate with stuck pipe?
12. Overbalance 12. Was we11 control assodated with stuck pipe?
13. Loss rate c1rculating through bit 13. Was pump engagement assodated with stuck
14. Loss rate when pump slowed down pipe?
15. Loss rate when drculating aeross wellhead 14. Is key-seating a possibility (trip drag trends)?
16. Los. while tripping
17. How soon after trip did loss start? L. Hole S~blUty
18. Hole restrictions bridging (pump pressure/- 1. How many days has formation been exposed?
stroke) (days sínce last casing)?
19. PressW'ized mud balance check in pump suc- 2. How many lrips have been made through
tion compared lo regular mud balance interval? (The hole wil1 only take so many
20. Water to fi11 hole (1ow weight muds), and tríps.)
corresponding hydrostatic balance 3. What do trip trends indicate?
21. Is blind driliing possible? 4. Is hole stabílíty assccíated with wel1 control?
S. 15hole stability assodated with lost cIrculation?
L GeolographfI'otcolPVflFlow RecordersIMWD 6. Is hale stability assodated with differential
1. ROP sticking?
2. Mud 1055/gain trends 7. ls hole stability associated with mechanical
3. Torque sticking?
4. Depth 8. Is hole stabílity associated with time sensitive
S. Hook load/drag shales? --'
6. Flowrate 9. 15 hole stability assodated with transition zone
7. Trip trends shales?
8. Inclination 10. 15 hole s~bility associated with shale cavings?
9. Weight on bit (actual) 11. 15 shale caving associated with hole enlarge-
10. Temperature at bit ment?
11. Gamma ray 12. Is hole enIargement associated with hydraulics
12. Resistivity or time sensitive shales?
13. Has hole deaning been evaIuated?
J. Deviation 14. Does shale lhat sloughed have a low or high
1. From vertical MBT?
2. Direction changes 15. Have there been bridges off bottom and how
3. Dogleg severity long does it take lo ream bridges?
4. Drag/key-seating 16. Have hole fill and hole sweeps been used prior
5. Torque to tripping?
6. Pipe sticking 17. Have the number, slze, and type cuttings
7. Casing wear (possible we11 control problem) changed over the past few days?
8. Drill pipe wear 18. Have the basic driliing parameters (pressure,
9. Target (controlled) strokes, drago torque) changed over the last few
10. Weight/RPM program hours?
11. BHA program 19. What hole problem is diagnosed?
12. Surface location
13. Hydraulics M. Hydraullcs

18 - Introduction
Murchison Drllling Schools, Ine.

1. Are the basic elements baIanced (flowrate, 2. 15 mud being mixed with hopper oullets in
pereent pressure at bit, HH/in.2 jet velocityl? pump suction? Have the effects of oxygen on
2. Have the influencing factors been anaIyzed (bit pump seats and valves been observed?
and hale deaning,lost circulation, hole stabili- 3. Has a fincher-galvanic probe been run to moni-
ty? tor oxygen in mud at the standpipe?
3. Has ROP changed? How does this hole com- 4. Have corrosion rings been run in kelly saver
pare with control well? sub and above OC's? (Compare the difference.)
4. What is the ECO? 5. Has !he type mud been considered? Sorne
5. Has a log been run, and does it indicate hole muds have built-in oxygen scavengers (tannates
enlargement? - Iignosulfonates) &: do not require ZnSO, and
6. Has the shaker been observed for the past ammoníum bisu1fite.
several hours (or days)? Are the euttings 6. Are trips supervise<! lo make sure that good
(arnount, síze, type) the same? bushings, slips, tongs, slip setting practices are
7. What is the mud being used designed lo do being followed?
with reference lo shales and hole stability? 7. Do the toolpusher and company roan have a
8. Is the mud a shear tlúnning fluid? copy of RP-7G, and are they familiar with
9. Does the mud change when it goes from turbu- practices discussed in the book?
lence to 1aminar flow (1ike an increase in Yp)? 8. 15 the H,5 environmenl controlled so lhat
10. Is a higher Yp being used to suppress the mud higher grades ("X', "G" and "S") d.p. can be
out oE turbulence (smaller síze holes)? used in drill string design?
11. Is mud mixed with a hopper outlet in the 9. Are good storage practices being used? (Chemi-
suction tank (aeration)? caIs used fer spraying are designed lor both
12. Have pump suctíons been checked for leaks or short and long term storage.)
barite restrictions? 10. Is bent pipe being kepl out uf !he string?
13. Have weekiy volumetric checks been run on 11. Have string washouts been caught and mini-
the pump holding a litlie back pressure (say mized? (Washouts upset oplimized drilling
500 psil? programs more than anything e1se.)
14. Have high ñowrates and high jet velocities 12. Has consideratian been given to using 5-1/2
been consídered as a cause of interference with FH connections in the 17-1/2 & 26" hole ínter-
bit cleaning? 15 the hole balling because of vals? The 5-1/2 FH connection is a better
overbalance and/or nozz1es? balanced 'IJ compared lo 5", XH (7" OD com-
15. Has fiowrate been optimized before selecting pared lo 6-3/8). Remember lhat 5", 19.5 Ib/ft,
the bit nozz1es? XH, grade "E" has weak tool joints and requires
maintenance (build-up) when wom down.
N. Corrosion
1. Are the basíc three steps in corrosion control O. Hale Cleaning
being followed? 1. Have lhe trends been checked on the basíc (6)
a) Good driIl string design drilling paramelers?
b) Good maintenance a) Pressure/stroke trends
1) Tool joint maintenance (buildup t.j. at b) Torque trends
the right time, particularly Grade "E") e) Drag trends
2) Coating and recoating d) ~ (when using bit float) trends
3) Inspections (supervise the inspector) e) ROP trends
4) Rig practíces (proper torque make-up f) Mud wt <in-out-water requírements)
with proper air selting on rnake-up 2. Has !he pipe been trying to stick?
cathead) 3. Have hydraulics been checked? (Remember lhat
5) Are good and complete reports being pump maximwns are not a1ways best.)
received on drill pipe? 4. Has good use been made oE hole sweeps?
6) Is training constanlly going on? 5. Has the mud-viscosity been consídered, partic-
e) Corrosion control u1arly the Yp?
1) Corrosion control monitoring and 6. Has the hydraulics created hole enlargement,
2) Controlling environment with proper which many times makes hole c1eaning ímpos-
scavengers-inhibitors (mud treatment) síble, particularly with water or very low
weight muds.

[ ~:~~'~'~;:::~;""~'~ 1-<'.
., '1

1 Introduction - 19
\" ,. Z 1 J UI ZG05
, !
Muzchi&on DrU1ing Schoo1s, Ine.

7. Has viscous mud been left In the hale lo be 6. Have pipe hand1ing &; tripplng practices been
used for tripplng when clrilling with watér? examined?
8. Has the hale been kept eompletely fu)) (drcu- 7. Has corrosion control (basic three stepsl been
la.tlng acmss WHl when working with low eonsidered?
overbalances? 8. Has the driller been lnformed lo measure his
kelJy if he does twist off ?
P. Operating Practlces
1. Are the operating practices dear and In the Ro Key·Seating
hands of the cIriller? 1. Have!he trip drag trends changed?
2. If !he operating praetiees require driIIs and 2. 18 there a dogleg índícated by deviation Sur-
training. is this belng -done? veys? (angle & direction).
3. Do !he operating practices include the follow- 3. Has stabiJization &; BHA stiffness changed?
ing? 4. Has weight/RPM program changed?
a) Pipe movexrent S. Has the formation dri1lability changed?
bl Pump engagement &; connection making 6. Have any key-seat wipers been run? Did they
practices help?
el Mud mixing practices 7. How long does it lo work through
dl Tripping practices key seat?
e) What lo do when losses occur 8. After running casing through key seat,
f) How to monitor the well &; catch kicks how many days can drilling be done
quicldy before wearing a hole in the casing?
gl Hydraulie praetices &; pump efficiency 9. Have mechanica1 or electronie ca1iper
checks surveys been programmed lo monitor
hl Pre-Spud meetings casing wear?
i) Pre-dríll-out meetings (drilling Inlo abnor- 10. Are hale brldges responsible for kiek
mal pressure zones) off and key seat,
j) Pre-drill-out drills on the closíng-ín proce-
dures &; use of hydraulic choke. This S. Water Meter
should be done on top of F.e. before drill- 1. Has a water meter or other measuring device
out. been rlgged up lo monitor water added lo
kl H,5 and other contíngencíes mud?
1) MMS regula.tion compliance 2. Have crews been dísdplíned to keep up with --.../

4. Are the objectives of contractor and operator water added lo mud?

the same? Suecessful cIrillingoperations require 3. Have the water requirements changed lo maín-
that both parties be moving Ioward a eommon tain same mud weight?
objective. 4. Did ehanging shaker screen or improving
S. 15 supervision dear (people and responsibility)? desilting equipment ehange the water require-
6. Are chaín-oí-command and communication ment trend?
channels dear? 5. Has an anaIysis been made from the water
7. Are moming meetings required on the rig lo requiremenl trend on the effectiveness of the
discuss !he previous and upoornlng 24 haurs? solids control equipmenl?
6. Has the ROP changed, and how did thal affect
Q. Washouts and Twisl-offs the water requirement trend?
1. Have the pressure and stroke relationship been
monilored dosely? What change has taken T. People
place? 1. Whal is the tumover rate?
2. 15 the washout high (near surfaeel or low (near al For roughnecks
bit)? b) Fordrillers
3. 5hould further circu1ation be rninimized to el For toolpushers
prevent a Iarger washoul, &; should pipe be dl For company men
chained out? 2. Did lhe recent problern develop because
4. Have the driIIers been informed about what of personnel changes, turnover, poor
their MOP is? eommunication?
S. Have the basíc drilling parameters changed? 3. ls trainlng required (frorn a good school)?
4. ls training followed up by:

20 - lntroduction
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

a) Defining training objectives before school? 9. H tumover has increased, what can be done to
b) Asking if training objectives were met? reverse !he trend?
e) Ability to use the training on the rig? a) Would ranking people and compensaling
d) Observing performance of recentIy trained by rank help keep lhe good people?
person to see if bis job approach and (l) job performance
performance have improved? (2) altitude
5. Has the trained person been compensated for (3) test (technícal and job knowledge)
having and applying better teclmiques? (Or b) Would supervisory training help in deal-
does he make the same as the untraíned per- ing wilh people7
son?) c) Would better job screening be helpful7
6. Has the training cut down en the rig's lost time 10. Would cIear operating policies have eliminated
operalions? necessity oí corrective aclion (and possible
7. Has the percent lime on bottom drilling ím- quilling oí person being corrected)?
proved? (Jf it has, define and note basíc reasons 11. Would clear chaín-of-eommand poliey have
or improvements made.) eliminated recent personne1 problem?
8. Has training•.•. 12. IS COMMUNICATIONS THE I<EY ro PRE-
a) Cut down on tumover? VENTING ANO SOLVING DRILLlNG PROB-
b) Increased tumover? LEMS?
e) Reduced accidents?

lntroduclion - 21

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