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Murchison Drilling Schools, !n e.


Table of Conten ts

I. INTRODUcnON .. . . .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . 1

II. WHAT lS HzS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . 1




VI. WELL PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A. Planning Mud: 5
B. Planning Dril! Pipe, Tool [oints and Drill Collars 10
C. Casing and Tubular Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .... 12
D. Blow out Preventer and Related Equip men t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 14
E. Miscellaneous Drilling and Completion Equipment 15
F. Contingencíes . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 16
G. Drilling Foreman's Responsibilities and Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 17
H. Locations and Rig Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18
I. Planning Safety Equ ipment, Safety Training and Check Lists 20
J. Operating Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23



A. The Supplied Air type ••... ••.• . ..•.• • . .• .••••.. . . ... ... .. . . . .. .. . . . . . ... •• .. 28
B. The SeU-<:Ontained Breathing Apparatus 28


A. General Description 29
B. Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29
C. Service Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
D. Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30
E. General Description - scarr AIR-PAK II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
F. Instructions for Donning Scott AIR-PAK II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
G. Operation of scarr AIR-PAK II . ..................... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 32
H. Changing Air Cylinders 32
I. Recharging and Cascading Method of Charging (F ílling) AIR-PAK Cylinders 32
J. Oeaning and Storing 33
K. Fire Departments 34
L. Maintenance of Regulators 35
M. Maintenance of Air Cylinder Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

X. RESCUE ANO RESUSCITATION ~_.<7i¡r;f,.,.r(\.~\ .. .. 36

A R d F t Aid --fi$~1<" .:'- ~-~ , 36

a ":~':..m':' .... .• ••• •• ••••••••••••••• ••• ••~~~~~ .: :~~ '~

e .( {'\'(l,'
Murchis on Drill ing Schools, !ne.


l. INTROOUCTlON: Hydrogen Sulfid e (H2S) gas is extremely toxic and hazardous to work around. However,
drilling ope rations are cond u cted in a safe rnanner around ~S without endangering lives 01personnel by good
planning 01 equípment, safety and operating procedures. AIl personnel should be made aware 01 lhe dangers
01 lhe gas when working in areas where H~ may be presentoThey should be a ware 01 its propertíes, and
particularly 01lhe toxícíty levels. AIl individuals should know how to use gas deteetion equípment, and where
lhese are located around the worksite. Simllarly, a1I personneJ should know how to use lhe breathing
apparatus, and where 11 is located lhroughoul lhe worksile. This chapter outlines sorne 01 lhe special
precautions and procedures necessary to dril! or workover a weil in H~ environment. Remember that
operating around H~ is a lotlike operating a motorcycle. lE you fallto give eilher ir, proper respect, you will
probably get hurto

11. WHAT IS H2S? Hyd rog en Su lphide is a deadly gas. H2S is composed 01 a mixture 01 hyd rogen and sulphur,
!hat is, two at oms 01 hydrogen lo eaeh one 01 sul phur and is often found in hydrocarbon fuels such as coal,
oil, an d na tural gas. H~ frequently appe ars in oil refíneríes, gas plants, oil and gas wells , in fact, throughout
!he entire petroehenúcal industry. ~ can also be found in coa! mines, heavy water plants, pulp milis,
underground mines, sewers, swamps, or any area where lhere is decaying organie mallero An oil or gas whieh
contains H~ is known as "sour", H~ is cornmonly found in evaporite beds and is very prorninent in [urassíc,
Triassic and deeper horízons, Naturally occurring hydrogen sulfide is lhe product 01bacteria! action on ground
water sulphate. The ba cteria involved use petroleum as lhe energy source lor reduetion 01 sulphate.' Relatively
large volumes 01 sulphate and hydrocarbons are bolh necessary lor any significant occurrence 01 H 2S. The
logical souree 01 sul phate in nature ís lhe evaporite beds 01 anhydrite and gypsum. The mere occurrence 01
evaporites however, is not suffi cient cause to institute a full scale hydrogen sulfide safety programo It ís cause
to start a routin e rnonitoring for H~. No olher action is required unless hydrogen sulfide is aetua1Jy

11I. HOW DOES H2S ENTE!! ANO AFFECT THE BOOY? A sma1l quanlity 01 H~ in the atrnosphere (600 parts per
milIion, or 600 ppm) is enough lO knock a viclim unconscíous, and lO cause dealh if rescue does not take place
quickly. ~ norma1Jy enters the body by inhalalion; however, it may also enter through ru ptured eardrurns,
an open wound or sore. To understand how hydrogen sulphide affects the body, it is necessary to consider
the fundamentals 01 tite respiratory system. In a normal clean atmosphere, air is drawn down into lhe lungs
as we breathe, Oxygen from lhe air is lhen translerred through the lungs ínto the bloodstream. The heart
pumps tite blood through the body, and delivers oxyg en to a1I 01 tite cells, Carbon Díoxíde (CÜ;z) is a was te
produce from tite cells, and ts picked u p by lhe circulating blood an d deJivered back lO lhe lungs. Here the
CÜ;z ís extrac ted from the bloodstream and expelIed ínto the atrnosphere as we exhale. Breathing actio n is
controlIed by lhe respiratory center, which is located in tite nerv ous system 01 the brain. [1HzS is inhaled into
lhe lungs, the bloodstrearn carries H~ to a1I lhe cells 01 lhe body induding the respiratory center. The nervous
system is attacked by lhe gas with the result !hat lhe respiratory center rapidly ceases lo funetion. Breathing
stops within a lew seconds depending upon lhe concentration 01 H~. If bre athíng stops, the heart itself su ffers
from lack 01 oxygen and alter a very short perlod oí lime, it also ceases to funetion.

The effects 01 ~ on lhe respiratory system are rapid; however, if effeetive reseue aetion is taken, !hese effects
Can be combated, The vietim m ust fírst be remo ved from the area where the H 2S ís presento and air or oxyge n
lorced into the lun gs by artificial ventilation. Whe n tite hear t has slopped beanng, artificial circulation mu st
be created by ap p lyi ng cardiac compression to the ehest .2

Murchlson Drllling Schools, Inc,


1. H~ is a toxíc, colorless gas heavier !han airo

2. lt has an odor of rotten eggs (see 6 below). {
3. In concentTations greale r than 100 ppm. il wi1l cause loss of senses in 3 (three) to 15 (M een) minutes al
death within 48 (ícrty-eíght) hours.
4. In concentrations greater than 600 ppm death occurs in less !han 2 (two) minutes. Note: One ppm =
1/1,000,000 = 0.000001 = 0.0001%, one percenl = 10,000 ppm
5. The safe concentration for a normal working perlod without protection is 10 ppm (0.001%)
6. As in concentTations greater than 10 ppm, the olfactory sense lO smell the gas is 1051, the need for detectora
is apparenl.
7. It attacks the body through the respiralory organs.
8. lt dissolves in the blood and attacks through the nerve system.
9. lt is very irritating for the eyes as il forms sulfurous add together with water .
10. The OSHA sets a 20 ppm Threshold limil for an 8 (eíght) hours continuous exposure.
11. The best prolection is breathing apparatus, with mask covering the whole face and a bottle with breathing
airoBottles normally lasl from 2S-6O minutes withoul recharge.
12. It bums with a blue flame lo sulfur d íoxíde wlúch is almos! as dangerous as H~.
13. lt forms an explosive mixture with air at concentTations from 4 lo 46%. 01 has a very low kindling poinll
14. 5hort exposure of lúgh lensile sleel lo as Iittle as 1 ppm in aqueous solution can cause failures.
15. Concentrations grealer than 15 ppm can cause failure to steel harder than Rockwell C-22. High stress levels
and corrosive environments accelerale failures.
16. When pH is aboye 9 and solubility is relatively high, il is readi!y soluble in mu d and especiaUy oi! muds.
17. The compressibility factor (Z) is lúgher than natural gas and H~ wi1l thus expand al rather low pressures,
or further up in the bore hole than natural gas.
18. A 35% hydrogen peroxid e solution wi1l neutralize H~ gas in the mud or 20 gallons Of Hz02 per 100 barreis
19. lt occurs logether with natural gas in aU oi! provinces of the world .
20. In characterlstic H2S gas areas concentrations aboye 42% in natural gas have been reported.
21. H~ may also be formed in signlflcanl amounts frem the degradation of modified lignosulfonales a'
lemperatures exceeding 400° F. I
22. No symploms of chronic poisoning have been observed.

2- H~ (
Murchíson Drilling Schoo ls, lne.


The API published the lollowing comparison table.3


CommonName Chemical Specific Threshold! Hazardous / LethaI3
Formula Gravity(SG) Limil Limil Concentration
Hydrogen Cyanide HCN 0.940 lO ppm ISO ppm/hr 300 ppm

Hydrogen Sulfide HzS 1.176 lO ppm4 250 ppm/hr 600 ppm

20 ppms

Sulfur Dioxide 502 2.210 Sppm - 1000 ppm

Chlorine Cl2 2.450 1 ppm 4 ppm/hr 1000 ppm

Carbon Monoxide CO 0.970 50 pp m 400 ppm/hr 1000 ppm

Carbon Dioxide COz 1.520 SOOO ppm S% 10%

Methane CH 4 0.550 90,000 ppm (9%) Combustible -

aboye 5% in Air

1 Threshold Limil--eoncentration al which it is believed that all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after
day withoul adverse effects.

2 Hazardous Limil--eoncentration that may cause death.

3 LethaI Concentration--eoncentration that will cause death wíth short-term exposure.

4 Threshold Limil = lO PPM-1972 ACGIH (American Conference 01 Governmentallndustrial Hygienists).

s Threshold Limil = 20 PPM-1966 ANSI acceptable ceiling concentration lor eighl hour exposure (based on 40
hour week) is 20 PPM. OSHA Rules and Regulations (Federal Regisler, Volu me 37, No. 202, Part JI, dated
October 18, 1972).

An importanl point, conceming the toxíc íty 01 H2S, is the time 01 exposure as well as the conce ntration. The
lollowing table emphasizes the importance 01 minimizing the exposure time.

1·4 4-8 8-48

He"" He"" He""
Saliva lion lncreased Hemonh age
and muecas dís- symptoms and death
charge; eharp pain
In eyes, ccugh íng

D1fficull brea lhl ng; Seríous Hemcrrhage

blurredvis:lon; írrítatín g and d eath
líght shy effeds

Ughl .hy; nasal Hemorrhage

pain in eyet
calalT h; and death
d l/flcul l brea lhing

Dtzzíness; w eakn ese; Dealh

íncreased inilatioo;
dea lh
Murchlson DriJling Schools, lne.


Wells drilled in hydrogen suJfide environments require lhe drilling engineer lo give special allention to lhe
safety of personnel and lhe seleclion of drilling equípment, The plan must prevenl kicks if possible by carefully
studying all avallable offsel well data. Well planning must be based on the concepl that the escape of any
hydrogen suJfide to the atmosphere is very hazardous and that an uncontrolled blowoul of H 2S is intolerable.
Planning musl inc1ude rules and regu\alions sel forth by governmenl agendes such as : MMS, DüE, Texas
Railroad Commission, ele. The plan rnust include Mud Program, Casing Prograrn, Drill String Selection, BOP
and Wellhead Equipmenl, Safety Planrting, and Drilling Supervisor Checklists. Special operating praclices and
conlingencies should also be covered in lhe well plan.

A. Planning Mud: Proper mud selection, surveillance and mainlenance is the best defense agalnsl H2S. Every
effort should be made lo maintain a hydrostalic overbalance, a pH lúgher lhan 10 wilh caustic soda and
lhe proper amounl of chemical suJfide scavengers (Zinc and Iron compounds) to control H~ entry lnto lhe
wellbore. The use of a drilling fluid in wlúch oíl is lhe continuous phase is needed if lhe service stresses
involved in drilling and well servicing operations require materials and componenls having hardness
(strengths) grealer !han pennilled for carbon and low allow steels (HRC 22)4

1. Mud Weight: Use logs, drilling data and well observations (flow test and short trips) lo make sure mud
weighl gives a workable overbalance. Even wilh hydrostatic overbalance sorne gas will enter lhe
wellbore when dril1ing in a gas formation. is sometimes referred to as core or porosity gas and can
be a considerable volume when il reaches lhe surface, For this reason, gas zones and partieularly H~
gas zones, should be drilled under controlled conditions. For example, the estimaled gas al lhe surface
could be calculated for a sand zone drilled wilh lhe following conditions:

Sand Th.ickness 50 feel Well Depth 14,000

Porosity 25% Mud Weighl 18.0 ppg
Gas Saturalion 80% Formation Pressure 12,700
Hole Size 8Y.. in

[(Form. Press)(Vo\))¡¡o,tom Ho]e = [(Atrn Press)(Vol)]Surface

[(12,700)(50 x 0.00545 x 8.52 x 0.25 x 0.8)]Bottom Hole = [(I5)(V)]Surface

Volume = 3334 cu ft

Therefore, a volume of approximately 3400 cu ft of gas would be released al lhe surface even lhough
lhe well has a 400 psi hydrostatic overbalance. H25 gas would expand higher in lhe hole due lo ils
saturalion characterislics and this also can lead lo some "surprises". The loxidty and expansion
characterístícs of Hz5 necessitale lhe use of a rotaling head to deflect lhe gas down the flowline (away
from rig fioor) and a scavenger lo tie up lhe sulñde.

2. pH: The combinalion treatrnenl of lhe drilling fluid wilh sodium hydroxide lO absorb hydrogen sulfíde,
and zinc oompounds lo precipitate ít, has proven successful for small amounts of H~. The reaclion is:


Bul disadvantages of this combinalion, parlicu1arly lhe relalively large quanlilies of trealing chemicals
required and lhe hannful effects on dril1ing fluid properties (bicarbonate/ carbonate gel strengths) have
led lo use of iron oxide and /or oil muds. Because H~ reacts wilh water lo form a very corrosive acid,
large amounts of causlic are required lo neutra1ize. reaclion lheorelically requires 2.35 lbs of
sodium hydroxide (causlic soda) lO neutralize each 1.0 lb of H2S . A word of cautíon, lúgh pH mud
alone is nol an adequate defense agaínst H 25 . The reactíon is reversible. If lhe pH falls below 8.0,
significanl quanlilies of H~ can be released. The table below" shows the inflU.~C"115f'\ · H on absorbing
H ?Jo __",;;<i1í¡¡;mi'~>:
~ _ ~~~~~: .. "I'I-;f '{

. ~.~.~1 ir "; \.\\. 1~~t.l _-

....-.:O' .. '
_ _ - - í ~--

. E.
C\6 \O

\ ;: \I T'.\~·
l---~-~·· .
Murchlson Drllling Schools, lne.

pH H 2S HS' S'
5.0 0.9904 0.0096 0.‫סס‬OO
6.0 0.9115 0.0085 0.‫סס‬OO
7.0 0.5074 0.4926 0.‫סס‬OO
8.0 0.0934 0.9066 0.‫סס‬OO
9.0 0.0102 0.9897 0.0001
10.0 0.0009 0.9978 0.0013
11.0 0.0001 0.9875 0.0124
12.0 0.‫סס‬OO 0.SS81 0.1119
13.0 0.‫סס‬OO 0.4424 0.5576
14.0 0.‫סס‬OO 0.0735 0.9265

The volu mes of H2S necessary to change lhe pH of one barrel mud have been calculated for lhe pH
range of 14.0 to 5.0. These values are shown in Table below. These values are somewhat high, but they
can be used to gel a qualitative estimate of lhe amount of H~ presento

Quantity of H2S Needed to Otange pH of One Barrel of Mud

pH Std f¡3 of H:S Per Barrel lo Change pH lo Next Lower Value

14.0 34648
13.0 4862
12.0 535
11.0 54
1M ~
9.0 0.6
8.0 0.1
7.0 0.6
6.0 5.5

Example: Mud pH was 11.0. Hydrogen sulfid e entering the system lowers the pH lo 9.0. How much
H~ is now dissolved per barrel of mud7

pH Volume H 2S

11.0 to 10.0 54.0 ftl

10.0 to 9.0 5.5 ftl
H~ per barrel mud = 69.5it'
3. Zinc Carbonate: Zinc carbonate reacts wilh sulfide ions in soluti on to forro insoluble zinc sulfide:

ZnCO;¡ + NaHS .... zss; + NaHCO;¡

This reaction lheoretica1ly requires 3.679 kg of zinc carbonate to precipitate each kg of H~. Zinc sulfide
(Wurtzite or sphalerite) has a speciIic gravity of about 4.0. Precipitated zinc sulfide has an extremely
low solubility in water and does not pose any hazard in neutral or basic drilling fluid. But zinc sulfide
is solub le in dilute actds . Muds containing zinc sulfide could release hydrogen sulfide at any time if
the mud should become acidified.6

.. ~.;: .

6 -H~
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.


Molecular Solubility Reaction Wilh

Weight Denslty Water g/lOOcc HCl

NaOH 40.00 2.13 42 Very soluble

NaHS 56.06 Very soluble H:¡S
NaHC0 3 84.00 2.16 6.9 COz
H:¡S 34.08 437 H:¡S
ZnCO:J 125.39 4.4 0.001 COz
znS 97.43 4.0 0.00069 H:¡S
Fe304 231.54 5.18 i Soluble Concentrated
FeSz 119.98 5.0 0.00049 Inert

NormaUy zinc carbonate ís ad d ed in 3-5 ppb concentration as a pretreatment and then a Hach test kit
is used to measure free zinc and also to measure sulfid e content in lhe mud filtrate. Further treatrnen t
15 based on the resul ts of lhe Hach tests and on lhe side effects in lhe mud (gel strengths and flow
propertíes), To effectively control the alkalinity from the carbonate added, 025 lb/bbl lime or 0.32
lb /bbl caustic should be added for every 1 lb /bbl zinc carbonate. Aboutl lb/bbl of zinc carbonate 15
needed lo remove 500 ppm (500 mg /ll of lhe sulfide ion. Lime Note: Caustic soda and /or lime
(NaOH/CaOH z) can be used to raise pH (increase OH" ion). Lime can be kept in excess which helps
to keep pH buffered up when H:¡S influ xes enter lhe mudoExperience has shown lhat stable lime muds
can be maintained by controlling solids concentration, solid s dispersion, lhe P-filtrate and P-mud. Both
P-filtrate and P-mud are measurements of hydroxyl ion (OH") concentrations and are necessary for
calcuiations to determine how much excess lime is in lhe mudo P-filtrale (Pf) is a measure of lhe
hydroxyl ions that are disassociated from lhe caustic soda and lime in lhe filtrate. P-mud (Pm) is a
measure of lhe hydroxyl ions disassociated from lhe caustic sod a and lime in lhe filtrate, plus lhose
hydroxyls !hat are undissolved lime in lhe mudoAl! of lhe caustic, but oniy part of lhe lime, is soluble.
The accepted formula for detennining lime content is 0.26 (Prn - PfWf). Wf is lhe water fraction of lhe
mudo The water fraction may be obtained from a solids-by-volu me determination using a mud still ?


Equipment Required

1) HACH test kit (con taining HzS test paper, seltzer tablets, and sam ple vial).
2) Freshly prepared sodiwn sulfide solution of 100,000 mg NazS/liter.
3) Filler press apparatus.
4) Syringe or pipette for measuring sodiwn sulfide solution and filtrate.
5) Harnilton Beach Blender or mixer.
6) Defoarner (W.O. defoarn or oetyl alcohol).
7) 18% hydrochloric add.


1) To a one bbl equivalent of zinc treated mud, add 2.5 mi of sodi wn sulfide soluti on (100,000
mg /líter) while mud is being stirred. This amount of sulfide should react wilh lhe equivalent of
1 ppb zinc.
2) Stir sample for 15 minutes at moderale speed.
3) Filler lhe mud lo obtain 2.0 mi filtrare.
4) Place one disk of dry lead acetate paper inside the vial cap.
5) Measure wilh pi pette or syringe 2.0 mi of filtrate into sample vial.
6) Add one drop of defoarner. OiIute wilh ap proximately 25 mi dis tilled water. j\d~O d rops of
18% HCl and a fresh seltzer tablet to lhe sample vial. Quickiy ca~_~J!;¡~i\, test papero

\l.\\'i-' l' f ~ \.l\. 1'1l'll~ \ HzS _ 7
, 1. '\ _.\

'"\ ..' - - -
¡:\t('\ ~'
\\ <;.
t ... . ••-
Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc,

lf foam wets test paper, test should be rerun with 'h seltzer tablet. Allow seltzer tablet to dissolve
and then wait one minute.
7) Remove lead acetate paper and examine for brown coloration. If test paper is brown, the free zinc
concentration ís less than one ppb. If the test is negative, repeat steps 1-7 by increasin g lhe sodiurr
sulfide content by 25 m! until a positive test is obtained, The free zinc concentration is reportee
as the equivalent concentration at which the last negative results were obtained.


Equipment Required

1) HACH test kit (contains Hil test paper, seltzer tablets, and sample vial) .
2) Distilled water
3) Syringe or pipelle for measuring filtrate.
4) Defoamer (such as oetyl alcohol or sulfated castor oíl),
5) 18% add, sulfuric or hydrochloric,
6) ISD-m! beaker.


1) Place one disk of dry lead acetate test paper inside lhe dry cap of lhe test vial.
2) Measure 25 m! of freshly coUected mud filtrate into the test vial . Dilute to the 250m! mark with
distilled water.
3) Add several drops of defoamer (such as octyl alcohol) to the sample or rub a film of defoamer
(such as sulfated castor oil) aboye lhe water line in lhe test vial.
4) Add 2 drops of 18% acid; immediately add a fresh seltzer tablet and quíckly place the cap with
the test paper on the vial. A1low lhe seltzer tablet to dissolve and then wait one minute.
5) Remove lead acetate paper and observe for brown coloration. If no coloration can be detected, then
report soluble sulfide as "zero,' If brown coloration is present, compare lhe test paper wíth HACH
color chart, Read the appropriate ppm value <0.1, 0.3, 05, 1,3 or 5) from color chart and multiply
by 10 to obtain test result (1, 3, 5, 10, 30 or 50).
6) If the test paper matches lhe darkest color (5 ppm) on the color chart, the test result must be
interpreted as "grea ter than 50 ppm." To extend the test range to higher concentrations, dilute the
filtrate as foUows:
a. For a test range of 10 to 500 ppm, dilute 1.0 m! of filtra te with 9.0 m! of distilled water. Use
25 m! of the diluted sample for the sulfide determination. Multiply the color chart value by
100 to obtain the test result.
b. For a test range of 100 to 5000 ppm dilute 1.0 m! of filtrate with 99.0 m! of distilled water. Use
25 mi of the diluted sample for lhe sulfide determination. Multiply lhe color chart value by
1000 to obtain the test result,
7) Report the test results as filtrate sulfide in ppm.

4. Iron Oxide: The reaction of lhis magnetic iron oxide with hydrogen sulfide was reported lo be:

Fe304 + 6 H 2S --> 3 F~'¡' + 4 H20 + 2 H 2i

lt requires aboutl.4S kg of iron oxide to tie up 1 kg of Hil. The reaction products are pyrite (ínert) H 20
and hydrogen. "H ydrogen embrittlement" is a known undesirable effect of hydrogen sulfide reaction
on stee!. "Hydrogen embrittlement" apparenUy on1y occurs when the Hil reacts direcUy on the crystal
structure of the metal. Also reaction of lhe H 2S with the iron in an already oxidized (ferrous) state is
highly preferential. Therefore, the presence of iron in an oxidized state prevents hydrogen sulfide from
causing damage to stee!.

Hil + Fe(,tee n --> FeS¡,-on sulñde scale + 2 H\yelrogen

8 - Hil
M ur chis on Drilling Schools, lne.

!ron oxide is most effective in high concentrations of hyd rogen sulfid e and at bottom-hole temperatures
andpressures. Requirements for neutraJization can be in the 15-30 lb /bbl range. N ote: Comm erciaJ zinc
carbonate scavengers and caustic soda, altho ugh less effective on a quantity basis and more harmfuJ
to mud properties should be used to remove smal! quantities of sulfides from high pH drilling f1uids
because of their high reaction rates.6


Commercially available iron oxide has the advantage of being magnetic, which permits a very simple
test of lis presence and concentration in dril1ing fluid s. The proced ur e is as follows: 6

1) FilI the API sand content tube with mud to the "water" mark (lOO mi).
2) Transfer to a larger container and dilute with water. (400 mi beaker or similar thin walled glas s
or plastic container).
3) Stir while holding strong magnet against one side of container, careful ly pour off and discard
material not attracted by magnet.
4) Rewash material to get rid of an y trapped days, barite, etc; and repeat step 3.
5) Wash ma gnetie particles throu gh sand scree n back into API sand conten t tube . (Screen will remove
any iro n filings from bit or pipe.)
6) Mix once more while hold ing magnetic material against side of tube. AlIow any non-magnetic sand
or barite to settle. Read volume (thís ís not active material).
7) AlIow magnetic material to settle to bo ttom, using ma gnet to speed sett1ing. Tap to eliminate void
spaces and read volume.
8) Pounds per barreI active iron oxide = 1.4 x (readin g from step 7 - any reading from step 6).
9) Kg per cubic meter active iron oxide = 4 x (reading from step 7 - any reading from step 6).

S. Reactions oi Zinc and Iron Compounds and the Caustic Soda Requirements

Zinc compounds precipitate sulfide ions by an acíd-base ionie reaction. For this reaetion to contin úe,
the hydrogen sulfide must be con tinually neu traJized by sodium hydroxíde, Therefore, removal of each
kilogram of hydroge n sulfide actually requires additions of both 1.17 kilograrns of sodium hydroxide
and 3.68 kilograrns of zinc carbonate lo the dri11ing fluid. The precipitation of sulfides by the activated
iron oxide is essentially an oxidatíon-reductíon reaction between the gas and the solld, which actually
proceeds faster at a low pH. Therefore, in theory, no sodiu m hydroxid e is required. Field use shows,
ho wever, lhat addition of smal1 quantities of sodi um hyd roxid e to the dri11in¡ fluid is required to
solubilize organie thinning agents and to maintain satisfactory flow properties.

6. Severe!y HzS Contaminated Water Base Muds

Any mud badIy contaminated by H:zS should be neutraJized before it is pumped back ínto the holeo
Minor contamination can be eliminated by the addition of soluble zinc compou nds. Major contamination
resulting from we ll kícks, bottorns up from a drilI stem test, etc., require more treatrnent. !ron oxide in
slug concentrations of 20 - 30 ppb can be used for this purpose. A 35% hydrogen peroxide solution is
ideal for quickly neutraJizing H 2S . It is added to the mud at the flow lineo A 20 gallon treatrnent per
1,000 barreIs of mud , added over two circulations, should be sufficient.

NeutraJization is perrnanent as the sulfide is oxidized to sulfa te. A supply of peroxide should be
available for immediate treatrnent when free H:zS is detected. It should be emp hasized that the use of
hydrogen peroxide is an emergency procedure. Hydrogen peroxide is a very dangerous chernical.

It must be handled with extreme caution. Any area of the body con tacted by this chernica! must be
irnrnediately washed with copious quantities of water. Med ica! attention for the victim must be obtained
as quickly as possible.

7. O il Muds
Murchlson Drllling Schools, lne.

The use of a drilling fluid in which oíl is lhe continuous phase is probably the best way lo control the
dri11ing or well servicing envíronment. The service stresser involved in drilling and well servicing
operations, particularly deep wells , often require materials and components having hardness (strenglhs)
greater than permitted (or recornmended by NACE) for carbon and low alloy steels. In lhese cases m -
of oil based mud should be considered once H 2S is encounlered . Drill pipe fatigue Iife in H.
contarnínated oi! mud approaches its air fatigue life. Personnel prolection is achieved w íth oil muds by
adding lime (water phase) and iron oxide as scavengers of H 2S. Factors lo be evaluated in moniloring
an oi! mud include:
• Electrical stability (emulsion tightness)
• Alka1inity (reduction could inclicale H:zS)
• Corrosíon test rings (should nol have corrosión)
Oil muds also are more lemperature stable and give overall better shale and hole stability. The cost may
be higher if only "m ud cost" is calculated, Oil muds wilI dissolve more gas than waler based muds and
gas expands higher in lhe hole . Operating practices related lo well control musl take this into

8. Reserve Pi!

The reserve pit on wells that encounler H2S is a very polential source of danger. Greal quantities of H:zS
can be dissolved in lhe reserve pit mud, especially if a high pH was used. The pil musl be checked for
dlssolved H 2S. If any c1issolved H 2S is presenl, lhe pil musl be treated wilh a sufficienl quantity of
copper carbonate or soluble zinc compound lo complete neutra\ization. The reserve pil should never
be used lo catch spenl acid frorn stimulation treatrnents in a well producíng H 2S. Even a pit neutralized
wilh copper or zinc carbonate wilI give up H 2S if lhe pH ís lowered lo lhe range of 1.0 lo 6.0.

Nole: Sludge on bottom of active tanks and in cellars can also build-up dangerous concentrations of
H:zS even when no large arnounts of H 2S have been measured. If lhe pH 15 dropped H 2S can be
released. Sall water wilI lower lhe pH lo the danger stage. Many times high pressure salt water guns
are used lo wash this sludge out of mud tanks.

B. Plannlng Drill Pipe, Too! Joinls and Drlll Callan

Deslgning lhe dri11 string lo give proper weighl on lhe bit, stiffness, joinl and 1001 joinl strength is a
problem on deep wells because lhe string requires materials having hardness (strengths) grealer than
pemútted for carbon and low alloy steels (see table below), Unfortunalely, of lhe available drill pipe, only
Grade D is sulfide resistanl. Grade E, X, G, and S are susceptible lo hydrogen embrittlemenl. When lhe
susceptible Grades of drill pipe are required for design strength, lhe primary means for avoiding sulfide
stress cracking (SSC) is by control of lhe dri\ling or well serving environment, As service stresses and
material hardness increase, dri\ling fluid control and pipe handling practices become increasingly important.

Sulfide Stress Cracking is defined as lhe brittle failure by cracking under the combined action of tensile
stress and corrosion In lhe presence of water and hydrogen sul ñde, Embriltlemenl of lhe steel is caused by
lhe absorption and diffuslon of atomíc hydrogen. This atomíc hydrogen penetrates lhe metallattice. When
present in steel this hydrogen decreases lhe lattice bonding causing embrittlemenl, cracking and a 1055 of
usable strength. The relative susceptibilities of various pipe grades are shown below.
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.



Minlmum Yield Sulfide Cracking

Materia! Slrength Susceptibility

API Grade O 55,000 No t sus ceptible

API Grade E 75,000 Partly sus cep tible

¡ & L Blue Ribbon 80.000 at high stre ss

Youngstown X-95 All susceptible at

Youngstown X-lOS 105,000 moderate stress
¡ & L Blue Ribbon + V 105,000

Youngstown X-135 135,000 Very su scep tible at

USS 50135 135,000 low stress

Strenglh and hardness va!ues are shown below.


Grade YieId Strength Tensile Brinel! B C
Dril! Pipe

O 55.000 95,000 196-220 89-104

E 75,000 100,000 220-260 19-27
"X' - BR-95 95,000 115,000 240-290 22-30
Grade "G" - X-lOS 105,000 120,000 250-310 24-32
SBR-ll0 110,000 125,000 280-330 29-35
Spec Br-135 135,000 150,000 301-371 34-40

For complete acceptable API and ASTM Specifications for -tubular goods refer to lhe latest revision of NACE
Standard MR-Dl"7S (Na tiona! Association of Corrosion Englneer, P.O. Box 986, Katy, Texas 77450).

The situation is even worse with 1001 joints and drill collars, They are made of a medium carbon A1SI 4100
series steel, quenched and tempered lo produce a hardness of Re 30-37. YieId strength is in lhe range of
120,000 lo 130,000 psi. [oint strength requiremenls make il undesirable lo reduce the hardness to sorne lower
level. Hard faclng materials sultable for H:zS environments are stellíte, colrnoney and cemenled carbides.
The entir e hard faced par! musl be re-tempered al 1,150· F lo a base metal hardness of less than Rc 22. Since
lhere is no economic substitute for lhe high strength steel used in drill pipe and bottom hole assemblies,
operating procedures must be planned lo minimize exposure to and effects of H:zS.

N ACE Recommends: "The drilling environmenl be controlled by maintenance of drilling fluid hydrostatic
head and fluid density lo minimize formation fluids in-flow and by lhe use of one or more of lhe following:
(l) maintenance of pH lOor higher lo neutralize H:zS in lhe drilled formation, (2) use of ehemical sul fide
scavengers, and (3) use of a drilling fluid in which oi! is lhe eontinuous p hase .! -

The API RP 7G Recommends:

a) Control lhe drilling fluid pH. When practica! lo do so withou t upsetting olher de sired fluid properties,
maintain a pH of lOor higher. Note: In some drilling fluíd s, alurninum allo ys show slowly increasing
corrosion rates al pH values higher than 85 ; and lhe rate may become excessive al pJ:l, valu es higher
than 105. Therefore, in drill s!rings containing aluminum drill P::~~~~XCeed 105.

\~~~; '~~~"~tltl1 _ \ H 2S - 11

\ .-~ .,~ ~..

_. _---~~
\ ; ~ f ~.. ~
Mu:rchlson DrlIling Schools, !ne.

b) Lirnit gas-cuttíng and fonnation fluid lnflow by maintalning proper drilling fluid weigh!.
el Minirnize corrosion by the corrective measures shown in Par. 8.7. Note: While use of plastic ccated drill
pipe can minirnize corrosion, plastic coatíng does not proteet susceptible driIl pipe from sse.
d ) Chemically treat for hydrogen suifide inflows, preferably prior to encountering the sulfide. (
e) Use the lowest strength drill pipe capable of withstanding the required drilling conditions. At ar.,
strenglh level, properly quenched and tempered drill pipe will provide lhe best sse resistance.
f) Reduce unit stresses by using thicker walled components.
g) Reduce high stresses at connections by maintalning straight hole conditions, Insofar as po ssible.
h) Minimize stress concentrators such as slip marks, tong marks, gouges, notches, scratches, etc.
i) After exposure to a sour environment, use care in tripping out of lhe hole, avoiding sudden shocks and
high loads.
jl After exposure to a sour environment, remove absorbed hydrogen by aglng in open air for several days
to several .weeks (depending upon conditions of exposure) or bake at 400 to 600 F (204 to 316 C) for
several hours. Note: Plastic coated drilI pipe should not be heated abo ye 400 F (204 C) and should be
checked subsequently for holidays and disbonding. The removal of hydrogen is hindered by the
presence of corrosi ón products, scale, grease, oil, etc. Cracks that have formed (internally or extemalJy)
prior to removing lhe hydrogen wiIl not be repaired by the baking or stress relief operations.
k) Lirnit drill stem testing in sour environments to as brief a period as possíble, using operating
procedures that will minimize exposure to sse condítíonsf .

Cyclic stresses of suffident magnitude will develop fatigue cracks that may grow until complete failure
occurs (Fatigue límít) . in a corrosive environment, no fatigue limit exists, since failure will ultimately occur
from corros ión, even in lhe absence of cyclic stress. in most ínstances, cyclic stresses cannot be eliminated
because pipe rotation is usually done wilh a rotary drive. However, we can minimize the problem by
avoiding shallow doglegs. The RP 7G (Lubinski and N ícholson) had this to say o

Fatigue Damage. Most drill pipe failures are a result of fatigue . DrilI pipe will suffer fatigue when it is
rotated in a section of hole in which there is a change of hole angle and /or direction, commonly called a

The arnount of fatigue damage which results depends upon:

a) Tensile load in the pipe at the dogleg.
b) The severity of the dogleg.
e) The number of cycles experienced in lhe dogleg, as weIl as lhe mechanlcal dimensions and properties
of the pipe itself.
Since tension in the pipe is critical, a shallow dogleg in a deep hole often becomes a source of difficuity.
Rotatin¡ off bottom is not a good practice since additional tensile load results from lhe suspended drilI
collars. .

Drill Pipe Exposure

Any drill pipe actually exposed lo H 2S should be immediately washed with aSO/50 solution of arnmonia
hydroxide and water. A supply of this chemical should be kept at the rig. The drill string should be
handled gentlyand laid down for airing. Treatment wilh arnmonia hydroxide and wilh hydrogen peroxide
should not be confused. Arnmonia hydroxide is used to raise the pH and aerate the inside of the drilI pipe.
Hydrogen peroxide is used to neutralize H 2S in lhe mudoUnder no conditions should hydrogen peroxide
be used on the drilI pipe. Use of arnmonia hydroxide in lhe mud would serve to raise the pH. Sodium
hydroxide (caustic soda) is much better for this service .

C. Casing and Tubular Planning

Normal casing planning requires the drilllng englneer to calculate fonnation pressures and fracture
gradients so that casing setting depths and mud weights are correct , This is the íoundation of a good casing
plan and trouble free drilllng operation. The three basic load conditions affeeting casing string design
(collapse,:tension and burst) a1so have to be planned. When H 2S 15 anticipated, the design has to inelude
the casing and tubulars !hat are safe in sour environments. The National Association of Corrosion Engineers
Murchison Drilling Schools, lne.

have published a docwnent (ME-{)l -75), that has involved 20-50 rnan-years of industry effon tha t should
be refened lo if planning an H§ well. Sorne of the tables will be induded here for reference.

The Rockwell "c" Hardness Scale (HRC) is the primary basis for accep ta nce for casing tubu lar and other
drilling components. Rockwell (Re) 22 is the maximum recomm ended hardness number for casing and
tubulars unIess temperatures are in the correet range to prevent the reactio n of H§ (SSO . Suitable grades
of casing and tubing are H-40, ¡-55, C-75 (check out dosely ), Modified N-80 and Specíal 5-95. AH casing
however, should be hardness screened. "No couplings 01 next higher grade " should be clearly specified
when ordering casing. No welding should be done on an y casing in so ur environments. Temperature Note:
The SSC mechanism is sensitive toenvíronrnental temperature. The reaction is slowed atlow !emperatu res
and it ismost active at about room temperature; 77" F· has been mentioned as lhe temperature level for
maximum SSC attack. SSC activity then decreases with increasing tempera ture and aboye a threshold
temperature for a particular alIoy, SSC no longer occurs. (Refer to NACE Table belo w). Thus, operators ma y
be able to safely instaJ1 high strength casing and liners in the lower part of deep wells for maximum
coUapse resistance, if it is positively known that temperatures will never be d ecreased. However, even
temporary temperature reduction caused by injection of cool fluids (stim ulation, workovers), cooling by gas
expansion during production or testíng, or removal of pipe frorn lhe hole (rubíng, tieback stríng) can result
in rapid and permanent damage, particularly where metal is under high tensile stress. Therefore. tubing
or other removable stnngs, or downhole t001s would have to be carefully assessed before temperature
dependent materials are specified, Reduced tensile loading in the lower end of pipe strings may be an
irnportant factor lo consider.8


Materials listed in this table are acceptable under environmental conditions noted.

For AH Temperarures'!' For 65 C (ISO F) or Greater'2) For 80 C (I75 F) or greater

Tubing and Casing Tubing and Casing Tubing and Casing

API Spec 5A Gr H-40,13) API Spec 5A Gr N-sO (O & TI API Spec 5A Gr H-40 & N-sO
¡-55 & K-55 5AC Gr C-95 5AX Gr P·IOS & P-1I0
5AC Gr C-75 &L-sO
Proprietary Grades per Proprietary Q & T Grad es with Proprietary Q &: T Grades
Paragraph 3.3.3 110 ksi or less maximum yield to 140 ksi maximum yieId
strength strength


API Spec 5L Gr A & B

5LS Gr X-43 thru X-65(7)
5LX Gr X-42 thru X-65(7)

A·I06 Gr A, B, C
A-333 Gr 1 & 6
A-524 Gr 1 & 2
A-381 a 1 Y35-Y65(7)

Dril! 5lem Materia1s(5)

API Spec 5A Gr o & E

5AX Gr X-95, G-105
5-135 (See
Murchison Orilllng 5chools, lne.

API 5pec 7
A1uminum 2014-T6
(UNS A92014)(6)

(l) Impact resistance may be required by olher standards and codes for low operating temperatures.
(2) Continuous minimum temperature; for lower temperatures, select frorn column 1.
(3) 80 ksi maximum yield strength permissible (latest revísíon of API 5A includes thi s req uirement).
(4) Welded grades must meet lhe requirements of Sections 3 through 8.
(5) For u se under controlled environments as defined in Paragraph 11.1.2 (N ACE MR-D1 -75)
(6) Maximum d rilling fluid pH = 105 .
(7) Grades X-56 through X-65 and Y-56 through Y-65 shall havea maximum hardness of HRC 22.


Grade Yield 5trenglh Tensile BrineU B C


H-40 40.000 60.000 70-87

J-55 55 to 75,000 75.000 84-100
K-55 55 to 80,000 95.000 15-24
C-7S 75 to 90,000 95.000 15-26
N-BO 80 lo 110,000 100.000 2().31
P-I05 105 to 135,000 120.000 23-33
P-ll0 110 to 140,000 125,000 24-34
T·135 135 to 165,000 150.000 34-40


H-40 40 lo 60.000 60.000 7().87

J-55 55 to 80,000 75,000 84-100
K-55 55 to 80,000 95,000 15-24
C-7S 75 to 90,000 95,000 15-26
N-BO 80 to 110,000 95,000 18-31
X-S 500-95 "92-95 to 110,000 110,000 22-30
Spec S-95 75 to 95,000 95,000 14-22
r-no 110to 140,000 125,000 24-34
500-125 125 to 150.000 135,000 3().38
V-150 150 lo 180,000 160,000 36-43

Tool Joints
"S-95 material is said to have 92,000 lb. minimum yield.

O. Blowout Prevenler and Related Equipment

Blowout preventer body and parts (excluding ram and ram shear blades) should meet th e requirements in
NACE Standard MR-D1-75 Sections 3 through 8). The same applies to choke manifolds and killlines.

Blowout Prevenlers - Standard practice should be used in choosíng lhe pressure rating of lhe BOP stack.
All p!'t'venters. should be trimmed for sul lide resistanee. Sealing elements sho uld be of su1lide resistanl
rubber. Spare rubbers, bolh bag and ram, should be kept at lhe rig . Ring gaskets shouldbe of 300 series
stainless stee\. H ydraulie lines should be of sulfide resistant steel (mínimum yield 80,000 psi, hardness Re
Murchison DrIlling Schools, me.

22). Sulfide resistant bolts are abo required.ln the event that H 2S is encountered unexpectedly, the blowou t
preventers mus t be trirnmed for ~ in place. The amount of trimming necessary varíes depending on the
type, make and age of the preventer. Any Hydril preventer manufactured during the last 10 years has a
sulfide resistant body. The Hydril bag is inherentIy sulfide resistanl . No trirnming is necessary excepl to
change out lhe flange bolts. lf lhere is an y doubl about the age of the Hyd ril, lhe body should be
irnmedialely checked for hardness when ~ is encoun lered.

All Cameron prevenlers are now manufactured wilh a maximum body hardness of Re 22. Agaín, if lhere
is any doubt aboul the age of the preven ter lhe hardness of lhe body should be checked irnmed ialely when
H~ ís encountered. Hydrogen sulfid e trimming for Cameron preventers consists o f changing ou t the rams,
bonnetl bolts, lhe operating pistons and the cap screws. Chances are also good tha t aIl Shaffer p reventer
bodies are sulfide resistant, Again, hardness should be checked. Trirnming for hydrogen service involves
changing out lhe ram blocks, lhe retracting .saews, the ram shafts, and..the ram shafl seals . In any eve nt,
a manufacturer's representative should be contacted before a blowoul prevenler is trirnmed for H~. Once
H~ i. encountered, a rotating head should be installed. Its use will confine the H~ lo the flo w line and
help keep lhe rig flaor clear of poisonous gas . This device should also be trirnmed for sour service . Spare
rubbers sho uld be readily available.

Choke and KilI Unes - The choke manifold should be located up wind with respect lo the prevaiJing wind
from lhe mud pits . All pipe, valves, flanges, etc. upstream from lhe chokes musl be sulfide resistanl. A
secondaIy kili line musl be tied ínto the wellhead. This \ine should lie upwind fro m the well. lt should
extend to a safe poinl (150+ feel from the wellhead) so that men and equipment can operate to pump into
the well. Any weld in the choke manifold or killlines must be made in accordance with API Standard 1104.
The following rules have been developed for welding on equipmenl in sour service.

II Preheat the pipe and/or fittings lo be welded lo 250° F.

2) On pipe sections, preheal 12 inches on eilher síde of the weld.
3) Make all passes wilhoul aIlowing lhe pipe to cool,
4) When welding is completed, WTap weld wilh insulation material and aIlow lo cool to ambient

Do not perform welding when conditions are as follows:

II Temperature below 32° F.

2) Temperature below 40° F wilh wind exceeding 10 m ph.
3) Temperature above 400 F wilh wind exceeding 15 mph.
4) Any type of precipitation.

Floating Drilling Operations - Blowoul prevenlers and choke-killlines shoul d comply wíth sarne NACE
recommendations as surface BOP. U the flow of sour formation fluids is handled by diverting lhe flow at
the seaflao r BOP through lhe choke and kíll línes, the drilling riser pipe, riser connections, ball or flex joín ts,
and lelescoping joints need not comply wilh this Standard. U, ho wever, the riser system is lo be exposed
to sour envíronments, materials shall meel the requirements oESections 3 through 8 and Paragra ph
(NACE MR"()1-75).

E. MisceIlaneous Drilling and Completion Equipment

1. Han:! facing materials suitab le for H~ environments are Stellite, Colmoney and cem ented carb ide s. The
entire hard faced par! must be re-tempered al 1,1500 F lo a base metal hardness of less than Re 22.
2. N itrile rubber, cornmonly used in oil field service, does a respectable job in sour environmenls when
backed up by metal. Moving seals (seal nipples, gland packing, etc.) should be made of Buna H, Teflon
or Vitren A. Teflon, the mosl sulfide resistant sealing material, is only good EOr~pSi.
3. APl Flange Bolts - The common API flange bolts are nol sulfide resi<l~ approaches are
available lo obtain sulfide resistanl belting: d'Jr~ ~':.:"r:;
4\\~,:\' ...rl'
,,\l'. '\.. 't'U~~
~~'t. \
'I>~W \ ~\) .> \ H S _ 15
1.. ~<:¿íéííí0" ~., 2

Murchison Drilllng Schools, Inc,

a) Normal flange bolt design can be used with low strength sulfide resistanl bolts. This approach will
downgrade the pressure rating of the fianged connections by 25%.
b) The number or size of bolts can be increased so that normal pressure ratings can be obtained wilh
' low strength bolts,
el In extreme cases, high strength special materials can be substituled for B-7 bolting. Normal
pressure ratings can be obtained with standard flange design by using 105,000 psi minimum yield
K-monel bolts , OnIy those bolts likely lo be exposed lo H 2S and that will normally be under high
stress should be spedally designed. Criticallocations include flanges abo ye the production casing
hanger, flanges in lhe choke manifold upstream from the chokes, and kili line flanges. Normal
bolting material can be used at other locations.
4. Flange Gaskets - Gaskets for H 2S service should be made from a 300 series stainless steel , They should
be free from cold work. AlI flanges requiring special bolt design a1so require stainless gaskets.
5. Tubing Hanger - The tublng hanger may very well be exposed lo corrosive fluíds, It should be made
of a 410 stainless steel, double tempered lo Re 22 hardness.
6. Hard metal Components - Wear surfaces, Bourdon tubes, spríngs, etc, musl be made of hard materials.
K-monel or Inconel can be used for spríngs and Bourdon tubes. Stellíte or Colmoney are good sulfide
resistanl hard facing materials.
7. Casing Hanger - Norrnally the casing hanger is sealed away from the fluid inside lhe pipe. Slips are
primarily stressed in compression. Sulfide cracking does nol usually occur in metals under compressive
areas. Standard casing hangers should cause no problems.
8. Valves - All valves in criticallocations must be sulfide resistant. AH valves in sulfide servíce should
be designed in accordance with the specifications given by the National Association of Corrosion
Engineers <MR-ol-7S).
9. Olher Drilling Components - (swivels, kelly cocks, etc.) should comply with table of approved
materials and environments in NACE, MR-ol-7S, Table 1 and Sections 3 and 11.

F. Contingencies

A listing of emergency lelephone numbers and radio contact procedure instructions should be prepared and
maintained, considering the need lo contact all or any portion of the following:

1) ambulances
2) hospitals
3) doctors
4) helicopter servíce
5) veterinarians
6) state highway patrol
7) county (parísh) sheriff
8) city police (if near a city or town)
9) state civil defense agency
10) state national guard
11) state air and water conservation agency

These lelephone numbers and methods for proper contact and/or notification lo obtain imrnediale help or
assistance should be prominently dísplayed al strategíc points on the drilling location. It may prove
desirable lo contact sorne of the aforementioned services or agencies and explain the detailed circumstances
under which their assistance may be needed and why a quick response would be necessary. Trial runs by
ambulance services and/or helicopter services may be desírable, with instructions requiring attendants lo
be familiar with proper ñrst-aír treatrnent for personnel who have been exposed to hydrogen sulfide. A
clear plastic container with a listing of currenl emergency lelephone numbers and a map of the local area
with all residential areas c1early rnarked should be located at both cIrilling location headquarters (operating
company and cIrilling contractor) and in each location prolection center or traller. Detalled operating
conditions should be defined and posted for all personnel. Emergency procedures and duties should be
clearly defined, includlng responsibilities of a1l applicable supervisory personnel. Detailed step-by-step
remedial procedures should be developed and posted lo cover two emergency occasions:
Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc.

1) when a well control problem occurs whiJe making a trip.

2) when a well control problem occurs while dri\ling.

Established practices for installation oi, testing, and maintaining blowout preventers shou ld be followed .
Regular scheduled and unscheduled dri\ling crew well control driIls should be held. lf gas cuttíng of
drilling fluid is encountered, blowout preventers should be closed wlúle maintaining drilling fluid
circulation through lhe choke lines to lhe mud-gas separator. The mud- gas separator should be connected
into lhe flare line system. Norrnally, after drculating for a few hours the gas will decrease SO the blowout
preventers can be opened and normal dri\ling operalions resurned without use of the choke systern. The
degasser should be used unlil the dri\lingfluid is free of entrained gas. Personnel should put on applicable
proteclive equípment when the hydrogen sulfide concentralion in lhe atrnosphere reaches or exceeds 20
ppm. Afler circulating out all gas cut retums, lhe shale shaker area should be periodically checked with
hydrogen sulfide deteclion equipment until lhe concentralion of hydrogen sulfide in lhe atrnosphere drops
below 20 ppm. Breathing equipment rnay then be removed un til lhe hydrogen sulfide concen tralion again
rises to lhe 20 ppm concentralion leve!. Nonessenlial personnel should be prohibiled from remaining in or
entering contaminated areas where lhe hydrogen sulfide concentralion in the atrnosphere exceeds 20 ppm.
Exposure lo hydrogen sulfide contarninalion should be reduced by shutting down air condi tioning, heating,
or ventilalion systerns which service enclosures for personnel. "Gas disdpline" rules should be adhered
to. When lhe "masks on" requirement exísts, lhere are no exceptions. When coming out of lhe hole wilh
a core barre! under suspected hydrogen sulfide condilions, the drilling crew should wear proteclive
equipment wlúle pulling lhe last twenty stan ds or at any lime hydrogen sulfide reaches lhe surface. "Masks
on" should be continued whiJe opening the core barrel and exarnining lhe coreo Ignilion of lhe we!l should
be a last resort when human life and property are endangered and lhere is no hope of controlling lhe well
blowout If lhe well is ignited, lhe buming hydrogen sulfide will produce sulfur dio xide which is also
highly toxie.

For functional and sanitary reasons, rnasks should be washed and sterilized in accordance wilh
man ufacturers' recornrnendations.

One wind velocity and wind direction wealher stalion should be installed.

Approved wall type fu st aid kits wilh standard contents fill should be provided at each of the protection
center s or trailers wilh a spare fill. Kit contents should be periodically inventoried and missing iterns

A rninirnum of five 3(}.poun d dry chemícal fue extinguishers should be strategically located around the
drilling localion.

Two rolls (500 foot total lenglh) of 400 pound test, soft, fire-resistant rope should be pro vided for use as
safety línes.

A rigid, body-fitting type litter should be provided in a localion readily accessible to the work area.

A slide or olher means for quick and safe escape of rig personnel from the rig floor to lhe groun d or surface
of lhe water should be províded.'

G. Drilling Foreman's Responsibilities and Duties

The dri\ling foreman has lhe following spedal dulies when dri lling in H2S envirorunents.

• Enforcing strict adherence of everyone on locatíon to proper safety procedures.

• Maintaining the number of people on Iocalion to an absolute minimum.
• Maintaining a roster of alI personnel on localion and guarding the site to preven t ~3¡I visitors durin g
hazardous operalions. ~/~ ._:,~ \
• Obtaining and maintaining lhe safety equipment listed on page. 22.~ -,-·~~.,_· .~\ \\

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Murchlson Drllling Schools, lnc.

• Verifying!hat all on-site personnel have been medically examined for perforated ear drums.
• Enforcing the "buddy system" durlng hazardous operations.
• Designating which briefing area to use in any emergeney.
• Supervising the monitoring of the mud and crltical locations for H25 and taking appropriate actir
when H 25 is detected.
• Notífying of the proper office when an emergeney arlses.
• Authorizing evacuation of local residents if gas threatens their safety.
• Advising anyone entering the location of the hazardous nature of the operation.
• Being thoroughly familiar with the contingeney plan.
• Making the decision lo ignite the well in the event of an uncontrolled blowout.
• Notifyíng local offidals and medical authorlties of the possibility of an H25 emergeney.

in the event the drlll1ng foreman is absent or incapadtated, the contraet tool pusher assumes all the duties
and responsibilities.

The mud logger is responsible for malntainlng and calibrating the H~ recording monitor.

The mud engineer is respo nsible for determining the amount of H25 in the mud on a tourly basis.

H. Locations and Rig Layout

1) Locations With Uneonfined Boundaries - Dri1ling locations with unconfined boundarles are usually
found on land where a typical rig layout can be planned as shown below. 5uch locations should be
planned to obtain maximum safety benefits consistent with rig configurations, terrain, and prevailing
winds, Rig components should be arranged on the location so the prevailing wind wi11 blow across the
rig toward the reserve pit(s).3

Tvplcot Drilllng Equlpment

o', ", • .
" . layout - Unconfined Locations
Rg. 13.1

18 - ~5
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

2) Locations With Confined Boundarles - Drilling locations with confined be undaries are usually found
in marsh, marine, urban, or mountainous area s. A typlcal rig layout for such confined drilling locations
is illustrated below. A number of speciaI considerations should be gíven lhese type locations d ue lo
lheir geographicaI límítanons.'


~ ".c
Stll [A lIlI(1t

Typ ic ol Drilling Equipment

layout - Confined Location
Ftg. 13.2

3) General Comments On Locations and Rig Layout

Location and Rlg Layout - Larger than normal locations are usually required for wells whe re H 2S is
expected. Ample cIeared space must be available to permit crewrnen lO avoid any contaminated area.
A cIeared space about 300 feet on a side, exclusive of lhe reserve and bum pits, shouId be adequate.
Rig layou t ís govemed by lhe direction of lhe prevaiIing wind . All living quarters, offices, change
roorns, mud logging traílers, parking áreas, etc, are remotely located upwind to the weIl. Mud pits,
reserve pits, and IJares are downwind. Redundancy provides for changes in wind direction. MuItiple
localions ar e provided for safe briefing areas (3), IJares (2), BOP and choke control sta tions (2), and
Iadders to the rig floor (2 ). At least two exits to lhe localion are desirable. The three briefing areas
shouId be designated by Iarge signs. Ample lighting shouId be furni shed. These areas provide a "safe"
location for regrouping lhe crew and planning. Extra safety equipment is stored in each area. These
areas shouId be spa ced about 1200 apartoA special sign or signaI is used to designate lhe safest (mos t
upwind) briefing area, This sign must be moved when lhe wind shifts.

A loud hom or whistle must be provided as a signaI for evacuatio n to the briefing area. This d evice
shouId be loud enough to be heard throughout lhe location regardless of the drilling operation being
performed. Controls for lhe aIarm shouId be located at both the drillers console and in lhe mud logger's
trai\e r.

A mud-ga s separator and a degas ser are necessary. Bolh should be vented to lhe ~ lines. The IJares
shouId be equipped with stacks and pilo t lighls. Total gas containm:!}t,,~~~\:Snaqd be used if
possible. ~¡f&~~~' ..r- \

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, .~
Murchison Drllllng Schools, Inc,

Well monitoring equipment is especially important In sour gas áreas. The rig must be equipped with
pit level indicators, "Flo-Sho" devíces, pump stroke counters, etc. This equipment must be maintained
In good working order. A "Pitman" should record mud tests and pit measurements each lOor 15
Bug blowers should be mounted on lhe shale shaker, in lhe cellar, on lhe rig floor and on lhe monkey
board. They should be arranged so as to blow downwind and be explosion proof.

Special equipmenl particular to H 2S service include road barrícades, wind socks, and danger signs.
Barricades must have warning signs and should have blinklng lights. At least two wind socks are
necessary. Each should be equipped wilh three windstreamers.These streamers are lo be located al
tree top level, at draw works level and at about eight feet aboye ground leve\. The wind socks should
be illumínated at night. Generous use should be made of danger signs. It should be im possible lo
approach lhe ríg wilhout seeing one . For more details on locatíons, refer to API RP 49 - Safe Drilling
of We1ls Containing Hydrogen Su1fide.

l. Planning Safety Equipment, Safety Tralning and Check Lists

1. Safety Equipment - Any rig operating in an area where H 2S is expected must have a sufficient quantity
of safety equipment available and in good working order, In lhe maín, lhis equipment will a1low the
rapid and sure detection of H~ and provide fresh air to anyone forced to work in a conlarninated area.
Provision must a1so be made for treatment of anyone overcome by H 2S ".

The mud logger wi1I provide a continuously recording monitor. Its maintenance and calibration are lhe
logger's responsibility. The drilling foreman should personally verify !hat lhis monitor is in good
working order and reasonably accurate. The mud logger should note lhe condition of lhe monitor on
lhe drilling report daily.

Lead Acetate and /or M.5.A. H2S gas detectors should a1so be available. These devices are used to spot
check for H 2S in critical locations. Such locations include lhe bell nipple, shale shaker, mud píts, cellar,
mud logger's trailer, etc. Spot checks should be made periodically. (

Once H 2S is encountered, every person who approaches lhe rig closely will be provided with alead
acetate pocket badge H 2S detector. This badge is wom on lhe persono Exposure to H 2S discolors lhe
lead acetate. The amount of discoloration can be qualitatively correlated to lhe amount of exposure.

The rig will be equipped wilh self-contaíned aír packs. Once H 2S is actually detected, everyone working
near lhe rig will wear a hip type air pack wilh a hose connection.

Al least two single patient pneolators (resuscitators) must be on location. The drilling foreman will be
responsible for lheir malntenance and repair.

Spare air bottles, air cylinders and air hoses will be maintained at lhe rig. A complete list of lhe
minimum amount of safety equipment and lhe recommended storage location for each item are shown
in Table 8. This table should be used as a check list when preparing to drilJ in sour gas areas,

Instructíons for lhe use and maintenance of safety equipment are available. This material makes a large
package. lt was not included in lhe interest of reducing bulk. Copies will be furnished upon request
to PES.

2. Safety Tralning - Every man on locatíon will be taught lhe nature of hydrogen sulfide. A safety school
wi1I be convened before drilling operations actually start. The function of every piece of safety
equipment wi1I be demonstrated. Each man will be required to actually use lhe air packs, gas masks,
and resuscitators. Refresher courses will be held at least once a week during lhe dri1ling operations.
Any new man arriving on location will be checked out on a1l safety equipment before he is allowed to
Murc:hison Drilling Schools, Ine.

comrnence working. Servic e cornpaníes will have lhe primary respo nsibility for training lheir perso nnel,
but lhe driIling foreman rnust verify that these people ha ve indeed been trained.

Frequenl safety drills will be performed. These drills have the dual purpose of tra ining perso nnel and
checking lhe safety equípment, Gas masks and / or alr packs will aetually be used d uring lhe drill, An y
ilem of safety equipmenl foun d to be malfunctioning will be replaced immedia tely. Records of safety
drills should be enlered on lhe daily drilling rep ort oWell kick drills are espec íally importa nt in sour
gas areas. It is imperati ve tha t kick volumes be kep l small , The greatest limítatíon to control capability
is size of kick.

Both sched uled and unscheduled drills should be used lo improve crew efficiency and decrease reaction
time. All ~S safety precautions shoul d be enfor ced d uring drills. Any kick in a sour gas ar ea must be
considered lo contain H 2S. Saiety drills will serve lo enforce lhe buddy .system, This system consis ts
of assigning each man a buddy. Each member of lhe palr is respons ible for lhe other , Bud dies mu sl
account for one anolher during all safety drills.

3. Safety Equipmenl Checklisl - Ope ralo r polides, govemmen l agencies, and H 2S safety consultants
infl uence w hat safety equipmenl is requi red on a specific location. Onc e this lísr of equipmenl has bee n
. decided, a chec k lisl should be made for easier control by lhe rig supervisor(s). One such lisl is below.


Quantity Description Location OK

8· SCOTT or MSA Demand Work Masks, 45 Six on rig floo r, lw o ( )

cu ft, 30 minute alr su pply, convertible in pusher's quarters
for self-con taíned or fíxed syslem

1 per SCOTT or MSA Sling Masks, 11 cu ft 8 On per son once H 2S ( )

mino minute supply, with alr hose connec tion is delected

8 Spare 45 cu ft alr cylinders Three al lwo safe briefing ( )

ár eas, lw o al lhe other

24 Spare CHEMOX cannisters Eighl al each safe ( )

briefing area

1 6 bottler cascade alr recharging Safe briefing area ( )

system (1980 cu ft total)

1 5 bottle-manifold wi th alr bottles Ground level near ríg

1 3-bottle manifold wi th alr bottles Gro und level near rig

10 Spare alr bottles 330 cu ft Four al lwo briefing

statíons, 2 al lhe olher

2 MSA pneolators wilh auxiliary One al each of lwo ( )

atta chments briefing areas

8 100ft alr hoses connected lo Rig floor ( )

manifolded alr bottles

1 Strelcher

H 2S - 21
Murchlson Drllling Schools, lne.

Quantlty Descrlptlon Locatlon OK

1 Fire blanket Briefing area

1 3D-lb ANSUL fire extinguisher Dog house

1 First aid kit complete Briefing area

6 MSA pennissible flashlights Two at each briefing area

1 Continuous recording monitor for H 2S Mud logger's trailer (

4. Drllling Foreman's Check List - The drilling foreman has such tremendous responsibilities and so many
things to keep up with that a check list is necessary. The well plan should contain a drilling foreman's check
list of the equipment, training and preparations necessary for drilling in the presence of H 2S. A sample list
is shown below. This check should be completed at least 1000 feet aboye the H~ prospective horizon or
when designated in the well plan. A copy should be sent to the Headquarters office (Drilling Manager).


Quantity Descrlptlon OK

2 or more Sta te Briefing Areas . ( )

1 Designated Sale Briefing Area ( )
1 Sale Parking Area ( )
1 Sale Smoking area ( )
1 Standby Electric Power Source ( )
1 Salety Equipment Storage Shack ( )
4 No Smoking Signs ( )
1 Manifolded air-supply system to rig floor & monkey board ( )
2 Continuous H 2S monitors in mud return line ( )
2 Windsocks (lighted) ( )
6 Bug blowers with vapor proof motors
Rig Floor (2) (
Shaie Shaker (
Mud Hopper (
Monkey Board (
Substructure (

1 Mud-gas separator on first mud tank

1 Vacuum degasser between 1st and 2nd mud tanks ( )

2 FIare lines with 30 ft risers on mud separator & degasser units ( )
2 Remole controlled pilot lights on each flare ( )
1 LPG fuel tank for pilot lights ( )
1 High pressure, hydraulic choke manifold with lines to bum pi! and flares ( )
2 Remole BOP and hydraulic choke controls ( )
2 Warning signs "DANGER POlSONOUS GAS" ( )
1 per road Movable road barricade ( )
1 Quick escape device from derrick floor ( )
1 Quick escape device for derrick man ( )
Vapor proof lights and wiring ( )
Explosion proof motors at all locations near well and mud pits ( )
Sealed ignition system on all drilling engines ( )
1 High temperature flare gun ( )
Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc,

Quantity Desaiption OK

1 Rifle with tracer bullets

Communication Equipment
Walkie-Talkie Radios
Bull Homs
Sour Gas Trimed Equipment
BOP and Hydraulic Unes (
Choke Manifold (
Drill String (
Casing (
Miscellaneous Valves and Fittings (
Wellhead (
BOP Assembly as specified in Well Plan (
Rotating BOP (
Drill String Preventors
lnside BOP or Check Valve for each size ( )
DrillPipe ( )
Kelley cock below swivel ( )
Full opening Kelly cock that will pass through BOP ( )
Mud Monitoring Equipment
Recording pit level indicators with warning devices
Calibrated tank to measure fill up
Mud return indicator
Emergeney Mud Materials
Zinc Carbonate (or equivalent) (
Hydrogen Peroxide (
Amrnonia Hydroxíde (
!ron Oxide (
Safety Equipment required for each man is properly placed and protected (
Instructions are posted for testing BOP's (
Instructions are posted for handling kicks on bottom, (
while tripping and out of hole
A1I rig personnel trained for following :
Testing BOP System ( )
Handling well kicks while on bottom, while tripping ( )
and when out of the hole
Operating remote BOP controls )
Operating choke manifold )
Operating remote pilot ignition and fue! supply system for sarne )
Operating H 2S and SO¡ spot detectors )
Functioning safely when H 2S alarm sounds )
Perforrning emergeney First Aid )
Plastic weatherproof holders containing the Emergeney
Telephone Numbers, a drill site location plato, a map of
the imrnediate area keyed to a list of local residences
with names and telephone nurnbers are placed at:
Safety Equipment Shack
Tool Pusher's Trailer
One Safe Briefing Area

H 2S· 23
Murchison Drllling Sch oo1s, Inc,

J. Operaling Praclices - Dril1ing in areas where H:zS may be encounlered ma kes il imperative that certain
spedal preca utions be taken. Operating practices will vary with each ope rator and area; however, a lew
general operating practices do not vary mucho Some 01 these practices are lísted below.

D electio n of H 2S - lf and /or when H:zS is en coun tered, the dril ler and 1001 pus her will be notifíc
irnmedialely. An H:zS detector will be used by a man wearing an air mask lo determine the quantity 01
poisonous gas al the shale shaker. Warning signs will be posted on all roads lead ing lo the locati on and
al strategic danger points on the location. The buddy system will go inlo effect and remain in effecl during
any period when H 2S has bee n detected. OnIy authorized personnel will be permilled on location.

Degassing - Both the degasser and the mud-gas separator should be írnmediately put ínto operation. The
gas extracted from the mud will be exha usted lo lhe fiare line and burned . Reme m ber, one 01 the
combustion products 01 H:zS is 502 Thís is also a dangerous gas. All bug blowers will be started. Everyone
on location will be required lo keep a hip air pack and an H:zS delection badge on his person al all times.
lf the occurence 01 H 2S was unexpected, all tarps and wind breaks will be removed ímrnedíately.

Mud Stability - The pH 01 the mud rnust be checked continuously. H2S is an acid . It requires
approximalely 2.35 pounds 01 caustic soda lo neutral ize one pound 01 H2S. Enough caustic soda or lime
will be ad ded lo mainlain a pH 01 11.0 or high er. A treatrnenl 01 3-5 poun ds per barrel 01 zinc carbonate
(or equivalent) shou ld be started immedialely. lf oíl based mud is being used, personnel prolection is
achieved by adding lime and iron oxide. Monilor eleetrical stability and alkalinity. Keep Mud Trend Charts
so that changes in mud properties can quickly be caug ht.

After Trip Practice - Once H:zS has been detected, the crew musl don air masks al leasl 15 minules belo re
returns frorn bottom reach the surlace afler a lrip. Masks should be wom until the shale shaker and pil
areas test less than 20 ppm H 2S. lt is much safer lo divert the lasl hal l 01 bottoms-up from lrip thr ou gh the
choke manifold al reduced pump speed, H2S gas does nol give lhe same "early-expansion" warning as sweel
gas and consequently can catch drilling personnel unprepared. Wilh a rotating head it is a simple matter
lo divert frorn the flowline and still keep pipe rotating (or recipro catíng) .

Finl Aid - Anyone overcome by ~S must be removed lo a sale area by someone wearing an air pacl
While speed is essential, do nol altempl a rescue without an air pack. Such an allempt will almosl certainly
result in two víctíms. Once the victim is in a safe place, irnmed iately start artificial respiration. Contin ue
artificial respiration until the pneolato r is ready. Mouth-ro-mouth artificial respiration can be performed
safely on an H 2S víctím, Start the pneolator as soon as possible. When the vietim is attached lo the
pneolator, load both lor transportation lo the nearesl medical lacility. Call the doctor and /or the hospital
lo alert them tha t an H 2S vietim is lo be treated. Move the victim with all prude nl speed,

Well Kicks - POSl detailed kili procedures for kicks - (l) occurring while lripping, and (2) while drilling
ahead. Test blowout preventers, choke línes, kili lines and kelly cock to the working pressure 01 the last
casing string set u po n installation. Test weekly thereafler. Operale all the preventers each lrip. A kick with
gas containing H:zS is one 01 the mos l severe problems encountered in drilling operations. Every effort
should be made to keep the volume 01 the kick as smaJI as possible. Any kick in a sour producing area
must be considered lo contain H 2S. Institule the full safety pr ogram even though there is no surface
indication 01 H:zS. Shul the well in. CaII a meeting al the salesl briefing area. Initiate the buddy system.
Assign duties to each man involved.

Make sure lhat everyone knows his responsibility. When planning is completed, start the standard well kili
procedure. Venllhe choke line lhrough the mud-gas separator and the degasser to the fiare lineoMake sure
the fiare is burning. In water-based mud, add hydrogen peroxide to the suction pi! al the rate 01 20 gall ons
per circulation.lf the mud is not already inhibited, start adding zinc carbonate during the kil1ing operation.
Continue to add hydrogen peroxide so long as H2S can be detected at the shale shaker. !ron oxide, or other
scavengers may be required lo maintain flow properties and control 01 H 2S and mud treatrnenl should be
under the .dire<;tion 01 a qualified mud engineer (with back-up lab ).
.",.. ,'::::. :
Murchison Drilling Schools, lne.

Bull Heading of gas (sour or sweet) is usually only a good a1temative if the gas is still compressed (still
down on bottom), Once gas is brought to the top and allowed to expand, it is difficuJt and dan geraus to
recompress without gasifying one or more mud systems and breaking down shoe zones.

DST • 0011 stem testing should be discouraged. Production tests with pro per sulfide resistant tubing and
equipment is a much better a1ternative.

Trips - All trips in HzS zones should be made with a trip schedule made out. The drilling foreman and /or
toolpusher should monitor the complete trip out and back in,

Supervision - Usually two drilling supervisors are required to cover the 24 hours in an HzS zone, Always
place one of the superviso rs in charge. (DO Nar PlIT two people on a we11 with neither being over the
other) .

Drill String lnspection - lnspection of 0011 string should be done at least once per month and after any
kick (or bad bottoms-up), Laying down a drill string for air-neutralizing should be done after any bad
exposure. Pipe handling should be done carefully lo avoid ímpact-shock loads. Thís is particuJarly
important after abad exposure. Hardness tests can and should be made frequ entiy.

HzS Speclallst - A safety HzS special ist should be utilized to assist with training, monitoring and overall
HzS safety when operating in an H 2S zone, Full cooperalion of all people should be given this specialist in

Igniting the Well - The best way lo ignite the we11 is to use a high temperature fiare gun or tracer bullets
fired from a rifle. Two people are required for the actual ignilion. Both will wear self<ontained breathing
units and have 500 ft retrieval rapes tied around their waists. One man will check the atmosphere for
explosive gases with an explosimeter. The other will fire the igniting device. The rest of the crew will
assemble in a safe briefing area. They will handle the retrievi ng rapes. If either of the ignition tearn is
overcome by HzS, he must be irnmediately pulled to safety. Always ignite the well frem upwind. Do not
approach the well any closer than is actually necessary, Select a sheltered location lo fue the gun, behind
a parked car, etc. Choose a clear and accessible location with a clear line of retreat. Check the atrnosphere
for combustible gases befare firing. After the well is ignited, conlinue to fo11ow the emergency procedures.
If the weU will not bum, arrangements must be made for injecting gas or fue! oíl into the gas strearn.

Wind Direction Consciousness - Each person should be trained to observe one of the windsocks at regular
consistent intervals. Utilize the buddy system in making each person wind-direction conscíous. If a "buddy"
should become complacent abaut observing the windsock, the other "buddy" should give him a "nagging"
warning. Personnel should always break away frem wellhead and into the wind if an alarm is given.


Methods of detecting H 2S can range from simple lead acetate paper to sophis ticated electronic equipment with
multiple monitering points. Most operaters agree that a combination of the simple and sophisticated is the
safest and most prudent way te go. The sense of sme!l cannot be used for hydrogen sulfide detectíon, In low
concentrations, hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs. In concentrations of 100 to 150 ppm of hydrogen
sulñde, the gas deadens olfactory nerves and the gas can no longer be detected . Therefore, the nose should
not be consid ered a reliable de tection method. The most expensive and most sophislicated method of detection
is not necessarily the method that works best for an operator,

For example, 1 was involved in drilling five deep sour gas wells where no expense was spared. A very
sophislicated electronic rig monitoring system was implemented. Sensor heads were placed at the flowlíne,
bell nipple, cellar, mud tanks and around the pumps with the read out in the mud logging unit. Alarms , bath
audible and beacon light, were "seto to go off at 5 to 10 ppm of H2S . Because of " sensi t!c'li~or lack 00, the
driller had too many false alarms, False alarms cause lack of confidence and som ' i¡f~'tPBlt~ncy . A sim ple
technique tha t was found to work we!1 was pinning (d othes píns) lea~~ ~ • pape;. over \j:Ie hot vapor
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H 2S - 25
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

coming off of the flowline mud oH:zS in very small amounts, tumed the wlútish paper to a brown or dark
brown color. A person that we commonly referred to as our shaker/ flowline man would keep the two pieces
of lead acetate paper changed if it became mud spattered and ü it became discolored, he would ron up the
steps and tell his driller . This was a very reliable qualitative indicator of H:zS. Once the alarrns were sounded,
a Draeger sampling tube and a mud chemical test were made to get the accurate-quantitative amount of
hydrogen sulfide.

Basic Types of Detectors

1. Lead Acetate, Ampules or Coated Strips:

The ampule is convenienUy pinned to your ciothing and is earried around by person on the job site, lf H 2S
is present, the lead acetate in the ampule wil1 discolor and become brown..The darker the color, the greater
the concentration of H2S . The paper type is similar. As the paper contacts the hydrogen sulfide gas, the lead
acetate impregnated in the paper reacts with the gas to forrn lead sulfide which causes the paper to change
colors from wlúte to various shades of brown. The paper or ampule Oead acetate) detectors are not accurate
but do indicate the presence of H:zS. Once H:zS is indicated , use one of the following methods to measure
actual level of concentration.

2. Gas Sampling Tubes:

There are severaJ types of gas sampling tubes. They all work on a similar principie . Atmosphere (air and /or
gas) is drawn through the sampling tube either by a bellows or a vacuum pump. The atrnosphere reacts
upon the chemical-impregnated granules inside the sampling tube. H:zS will cause a discoloration of the
chemical compound so as to indicate the actual level of concentration. The sampling tubes are calibrated
for different ranges of H:zS. In sorne cases, dilierent detector tubes may be used so as to measure the
presence of gases other than H2S (C~, S02' etc.), In the case of the bellows-type gas detector, such as the
Draeger, the air-tightness test is carried out as follows:

a) Placing a sealed detector tube into the unil.

b) Squeezing the bellows to the maximum position.
e) As the beUows try to expand, a vacuum is forrned inside the unil. If there is any leakage, air wil1 enter
and aUow the beUows to expando To ensure that there is no leak, the beUowsshould remain compressed
for 10 minutes.

The simple operating procedure inereases the tool's utility. Tips of the detector tube are broken and inserted
into the suction inlet of the Draeger unit Ten compressions of the bulb are required to insure an accurate
reading in low concentrations of ~S. As the gas is drawn into the tube by the bulb, the granules become
discolored. This denotes the quantitative measurement of gas. Accuracy of the reading depends on the
training and practice of personnel using the unít, As varying amounts of air are drawn into the unit, the
measurements wil1 be dilierent than they would be if 10 compressions were used. Also in lúgh
concentrations of H 2S, only one compression is required to activate the hígh scale on the unit,
Measurements obtained with the Draeger unit are reliable for several reasons. Because lhere are no
e1ectronic parts, lhe unit is not subject to electronic malfunction. SheU life for an unbroken tube is
approximately 2 years and lhe tube can be used afier the tips are broken as long as no indication of H:zS
is presenl.

The Gastec piston-type pump uses a piston to draw atrnosphere into lhe detector tube. The presence of
H:zS wil1 discolor the chemical compound inside the detector tube and will indicate the concentration of gas
in ppm or percent, depending on the type of tube being used . If this equipnient is not maintained, in good
working condition, it will give inaccurate results. This could be lúghly dangerous to personne!.

A faulty gas detector may indicate a low level of concentration, when in fact, the gas is at a hazardous leve!.
When carrying out a test, it is essentiaJ that the correct amount of atrnosphere is drawn into the detector
tube. lf the pump itself is faulty, it may puU insuffident atrnosphere through the tube . Also, the presence

26 - H 2S
Murchlson Drllllng Schools, Ine.

of leaks around lhe pump have lhe same effect. 1t ís essential then, lhat a pre-servíce check be per fonned
on lhe de tectors before relying on lhem. The most important test is to check for air-tíghtness,

Wilh lhe Gastec piston-type pump, lhe procedure for checking air-tightness is as follows:

a) Place a sealed detector tube in lhe pump end.

b) Align the red dots on lhe pump body and pump handle. This places the handle in the "LOOC" posi tion .
e) Pull the handle until it locks in the fuJI open position. The pump body is now under vacuum and air
will try to leak in.
d) After one minute, release the handle lock by twisting and alIow ít to be pulled back into the body by
lhe vacuum. (Gently guide lhe pump handle back into the body).
e) lf air has leaked ínto lhe pump body, lhen the handle will not retum completely lo the closed position.
O The pump handle must retum lo within 6 míllímeters of the fuJly closed position to indicale tha t
leakage is minirnal and acceptable.

Wilh lhe Gastec type pump lhere is one olher tese lo check for valve leakage. The procedure is as follows :

a) Insert a sealed detector tube into the pump.

b) Misallgn lhe two red dols so that the pump handle will not lock when il reaches lhe open position.
e) Pump several full strokes from the pump handle.
d) Pull the pump handle out 6 millimeters from lhe pump body and hold it for two seconds.
e) When the handle is released, it should retum lo within 1.5 millirneters of lhe fully closed position to
indicate !hat lhere is no valve leakage.2 .

3. Contínuous ~S Rig Monitors

The advantage of Continuous ~S Monitors is, that lhey measure lhe atrnosphere at alI times. lf the
atrnosphere becomes contaminated wilh H~ at any time, lhe monilor sounds an alann and warns personnel
lo gel out of the area. Wilh this type of equipment, sensing of lhe hydrogen sulphide is perfonned by an
electronic circuit instead of lhe chemical sampling tube. It actually measures the effect of H2S on an
electronic circuil and this signa! is used to sound alarms, and indicate on a gauge, the actual concentration

The Personal H 2S Monitor is a small battery operated unit that can be clipped to the user's belt and carried
around with him on lhe worksite. 11 is important that lhe user remember lo have lhe unit switched on when
he is working around hazardous areas. lf lhe concentration of ~S in lhe area rises aboye 25 ppm, the alarm
will sound. The greater lhe level oí concentration, the higher lhe pilch of lhe alarm, This unit is not highly
accurate and does nol indicate the actuallevel of concentration. It is important that the user get oul of lhe
area immediately when the alann sounds. The batteries last for about 12 hours of continuous use and be
recharged ovemight. lf the batteries become discharged while in use, the alarm will sound intermittently.
An earphone is also supplied wilh this unil so !hat jt can be used in a noisy location. The alarm should be
tested, from time lo time, by squeezing H~ frorn a test boltle into lhe sensing equipment,

Another portable type of continuous monitor is lhe H~ Sentox. This unit is usuaJly placed between lhe
worker and a possible source of H2S. It will sound an alarm when lhe concentralion rises aboye 10 ppm.
1t will also give a continuous indication on a gauge up lo 50 ppm. A remote conneclion. alIows a second
sending unit lo be plugged into this unit. A local/remole switch selects which of lhe sensing units will
sound lhe alarmo There is also a connection for an extemal alarm that may be used to advise other
personnel of the concentration level. The Sentox is battery operated and must be recharged from lime lo

The condilion of lhe battery may be checked by placing the battery lest switch into the test position, lhen
observing lhe H~ ppm indicator. lf lhe reading is less !han 10 ppm, lhe battery needs recharging.
Murchlson Drllling Schools, Ine.

The Continuous H 2S Monilorlng Device is not portable. lt is normally mounted in lhe control room or sorne
olher centrallocation and operales on normal 110 or 220 volt power supply. Up to twelve sensing elements
can be plugged ínto lhis unit. The sensing elements will be located remotely around the jobsite. lf a large
number 01 sensors are required, lhen several continuous monitoring unils will be mounted together ir
panel. This unil is extremely useful in a large installation such as a refinery or gas plant. Any leakage •
H~ al any location throughout lhe planl wil1 be detected by lhe remole sensors and alarmed inunedialely
in lhe central control room. The alarm is normally sel to sound when lhe concentration reaches 10 ppm. in
addition lo the alarm, an indicating gauge indícates the actuallevel 01 concentration in the area selected.

lt is very important that H~ Continuous Monitors be kept in good working order and calibrated al regular is extremely importanl that lhe information gíven, by t1ús equipment, be accurate and reliable .2


Brealhing apparatus rnust be wom by anybody entering an area where lhere is insufficient oxygen or when
a toxic gas is present. Wilh any type 01 breathing apparatus, a mask is wom over lhe nose and moulh to
protect lhe respiratory system from the atmosphere. Air is supplied from a separale source, There are two basic
types 01 breatlúng apparatus:

A. The Supplied Air type in which air is supplied lo lhe mask from a source located sorne distance away via
a hose connection. The air may be supplied from an air compressor, in which case, lhere will be sufficient
air lor lhe individual lo remain in the area indefinitely. Where bottles 01 air are used, lhere is usually a
sufficienl supply for approximalely four hours, One disadvantage 01 lhe Supplied Air Systern is that lhe
connecting hose line rnust a1ways accompany lhe worker. This can hamper his flexibility 01 movement. lf
he has lo get out 01 the area, he must exit through exactIy the same route that he entered, The worker must
a1so be careful not to wrap the supply line around pipes or valves as it may well become darnaged or
ripped and tom aparto Because 01 this possibility, an escape cylinder is carried as par! 01 lhe equipment.
This is a1so known as lhe Egress Cylinder. lt contains sufficient air for about five minutes 01 breathing. In
case 01 trouble wilh lhe supply líne, it is necessary to disconnect the line and lhen open lhe Egress Cylinder.
Air pressure in lhe supply line may be anywhere from 100 psi to 500 psi, depending upon lhe source. Thr
regulator reduces t1ús pressure to 50 psi. At lhe lace mask, this pressure is further reduced by anothe
regulalor lo normal atrnospheric level according to the demands 01 breatlúng. The coupling for lhe air
supply line is lhe quíck-dísconnect type. When lhe line is dísconnected, a valve automatically closes. The
air pressure in lhe Egress Cylinder is about 2,160 psi when fully charged. When lhe valve is opened, air
will flow from lhe cylinder lhrough the regulalor which reduces lhe pressure lo 50 psi, and on up lhe hose
to lhe lace mask. A safety valve is also fitted lo lhe regulalor lo prolect againsl high pressure in case 01
lailure 01 lhe automatic regulalor.2

There have been cases where lhe worker panicked when using lhe supplied air type apparatus and instead
01 disconnecting lhe connecting hose and using lhe Egress Cylinder to escape, the worker instead lore the
mask off and was overcome wilh H 2S. Training will help overcome this possibility.

B. The Self-Contained Brealhing Apparatus - Wilh t1ús type 01 breathing apparatus, lhe air cylinder is
normally carried on lhe individual's back, When fully charged, al a pressure 01 about 2,110 psi, it gives
sufficienl air for approximalely 30 minutes; however t1ús time may be reduced if the individual is working
very hard and consuming more airo An alarm will sound when lhe quantity 01 air in the cylinder falls to
one quarter. The individual will have about 6 minutes to get out 01 lhe contaminated area.

The advantage 01 t1ús type 01 apparatus is that lhe individual is permitted much more freedom 01
movemenl witlún lhe area; however, he musl rernember lhe linúted time available. The regu1alor reduces
lhe pressure from approximalely 2,000 psi to normal atmospheric pressure. The yellow valve opens the air
supply to lhe regulator. The red vaive acts as a bypass. This will supply air from lhe cylinder directIy lo
lhe lace mask ilIld..must only be used in case 01 a delect in the regulator.
'. .
.." ~ . ~.
Murchison Drilling Schoo ls, In c,

The bypass should always be checked when preparing lo use lhe breathing apparatus. The face mask mu sl
also be checked for air leaks. Leakage around lhe mask would permil lhe contaminated atm osphere lo enter
ínto the individual's lungs. To check for air-tightness, place a hand over lhe end of the face mask hose and
draw in. The resultanl vacuum should draw lhe face mask down onto the nose, It is essential that all
personnel become familiar wíth lhe procedure for donning, removing and storing lhe breathing apparatus.
Al! personnel rnust also be able to check out lhe equipment before using it, The breathing apparatu s mu st
be kept in good working condition, as it may make lhe difference berween life and death. AIl perso nnel on
the job should know where it is located and how to use it.2


A. General Descríptíon (M5A DEMAND WORK MA5K (AlRl - The M5A demand air or oxygen mask
provides complete resp iratory protection and is approved by lhe Bureau of Mines as a one-half hour
duration unit. The air or oxygen mask also pro vides an Aud í-larrn signal which automa tically pro vides
sufficienl time for safely leaving hazardous areas . The demand regula tor provides air flow to the mask in
accordance wilh lhe user's need, NOTE: Certain cases such as hydrogen cyanide which poisons through
lhe skin or arnmonia which irritates lhe skin requlre protective dothíng in addition to !he apparatus to
provide complete protection.

B. Operation - The following consecutive steps should be followed in putting on lhe apparatus before entering
a toxic atmosphere:

1. Check lhe pressure gauge in lhe cylinder valve to insure !hat lhe cylinder is full (2,216 psi pressure).
lf lhere is less pressure, lhe service lile will be reduced accordingly.

2. Put on lhe apparatus using eilher of lhe following melhods:

a. Open lhe lid of lhe case and extend the shoulder straps to lheir full lenglh. Lean forw ard and
grasp lhe cylinder and waist belt. Lift lhe apparatus straight up and over lhe head and rest it on
your back. The shoulder strap will fall into place over !he shoulders. Adjust straps before
straightening up.

Fasten waist belt snugly. Should further adjustment be necessary, lean forward and adjust lhe
straps. Use of chest strap ís optional.

b. Extend narrow shoulder strap. Don lhe apparatus like a vest, Lean forward while lhe shoulder
straps are being adjusted. Fasten waist belt securely and snap chest strap if desired,

3. Open lhe cylinder valve handwheel fully (at least three tums) and close lhe by-pass (red) handwheel
on lhe demand regula tor.

4. Place palm of hand over lhe demand regulator outlet firrnly lo block it leak-tight. Thís is necessary as
a demand regulator is spring-loaded and air or oxygen will flow aulomatically if lhe outlet is not

5. Open lhe main line (yellow) handwheel fuUy and observe lhe pressure gauge on lhe demand regula tor.
This gauge indicates continually lhe pressure in lhe cylinder and should read approximately 2,200 psi
(2,216 actually) if fuUy charged. lflhere is less pressure in lhe cylínder, lhe service life will be reduced
accordingly. Tum off lhe cylinder valve and watch lhe pressure gaug e on lhe regulator. There should
be no drop in press ure if lhe equipment is leak-tigh t; and if lhere is a noticeable deflection of lhe
need le, !he equipment should be checked an d lhe leak corrected before entering a toxic atrnosphere.
Again open lhe cylinder valve handwheel fully. Shut off main line valve. ~ <,í::\
6. The face piece is lhen pul on using lhe following method: Pull oul .~~'f~'t~~d~t,J~traps so lhal
the ends are al !he buck1e and gri p lhe facepiece berween lh~ ~ I'ffuger. llI~ lhe ~hin into !he
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1. .. ; H2S - 29
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Murchlson Orllllng Schools, Ine.

facepiece and pull headband back over the head. To obtain a finn and comfortable fit against lhe face
at all polnts, adjust headband as follows:

a. See that straps lie f1at against lhe head .

b. Tighten lower or neck strap.
c. Tighten side straps. (Do not adjust forehead or front strap),
d. Press bolh ends of headband pad and push In toward the neck.
e. Repeat operation b and c.
f. Tighten forehead or front strap, if necessary, to position lhe lens for best visionoCHECK THE
IF THE SEAL IS SATISFACTORY. Connect mask hose to regulator. Open main line valve fu1Iy.

7. Breathe nonnally because the apparatus automatically satisfies any breathing requirement.

C. Servíce Lite -TIUs equipment is approved by the United States Bureau of Mines as a one-half hour duration
unit based on lhe fact lhat the equipment when tested by lhe Bureau on men perfonning moderate to heavy
work was found to last 30 minutes. The user should not expect to obtain exactly 30 minutes service life from
each use. The work being perforrned may be more or less strenu ous than !hat used in the Bureau of Mines
tests. When work is more strenuous, lhe duration may be shorter, possibly as short as 15 minutes . The
duration of lhe unit will depend on factors such as:

1. The degree of physica1 activity of lhe user.

2. The physical condition of lhe user.

3. The degree to which lhe user's brea1hing is íncreased by excitement, fear or other emotional factors.

4. The degree of training or experience which the user has had with this or similar equipment.

5. Whelher or not lhe cylinder is fu1Iy charged at lhe start of lhe work periodo

6. The possible presence in lhe compressed air of carbon dioxide concentrations greater lhan lhe 0.04%
normal1y found in atrnospheric airo

7. The atrnospheric pressure as used In a pressurized tunnel or caisson at two atrnospheres (15 psi gauge)
lhe duration will be one-half as long as when used at one atrnosphere and at three atrnospheres wilI
be one-third as long.

8. The condition of lhe apparatus.

D. Maintenance

It is necessary to periodical1y check the pressure gauge on lhe demand regulator as it continual1y indicates
lhe pressure in lhe cylinder. When lhe needle reaches approximately 400 psi on lhe pressure gauge, lhe
a1arm signa! will begin ringing. When lhe bell starts ringing or when lhe pressure reaches 400 psi, it is time
to return lo fresh airo During normal use, lhe by-pass (red) valve is closed and it is used only if lhe
automatic demand regulator becomes inoperative. It provides a continuous flow and should be opened first,
The main line (yellow) handwheel should be closed and lhe by-pass valve adjusted to provide lhe flow
desired, Leave hazardous areas irrunediately, since life of apparatus is greatly dirninished when bypass is
being used,

CAUTlON: Never use any lubricant on any part of lhe apparatus and a1ways keep aI1 parts entirely free
from oil and grease .
Murchison Drilling Schools, In e.

Alter use:
1. Unlock the lever on the eylinder valve and close the valve. Do not use excessive force (leak-tight with
little effort),

2. Release pressure in high pressure hose by openíng the by-pass valve slightly. Disconnec t the handtight
coupling nut at the eylind er valve. DO NaT DISCONNECT WITIl PRESSURE SHOWN ON DEMAND

3. Release the eylinder clamp drawbolt and remo ve the eylinder.

4. Replace the eylinder with a fulIy charged one and connect the handtight coupling nut at the eylind er

5. Remove the facepiece assembly and clean and sanítíze it with MSA Cleaner-Sani tizer, Part No. 34337
(25 - 1 oz. packages per box) as fol1ows:

a. Add one package of MSA Cleaner-Sanítízer to a gallon of warm water (about 120· F),
b. lmmerse the Respirator and scrub all parts with a soft brush with particular attention to the
exhalation valve and mouthpiece.
c. Rinse in clean warm water (about 120· F) and allow to air dry. The metal, plastic or rubber parts
wilI not be adversely affected by the Cleaner-Sanítízer solution.

6. Befare putting in case make sure the air is released from the regulator and hose by openíng and closing
the by-pass valve. Make sure the main line (yellow) handwheel is closed,

7. Place apparatus in case with the backplate at the bottorn, folding harness over eylinder. Arrange high
pressure hose so that it is not dístorted and put in facepiece on the side,

8. Store flat in a cool, dry place when possible.

E. General Descriptinn > sccrr AIR-PAK 11

The Scott Aír-Pak JI provides eye and respiratery protection. It consists essentially of a fulI face mask,
corrugated rubber breathing tube, demand regu1ator, air supply eylinder, and hamess, Both the
self-contaíned models and extension hose models operate on the demand principie. Pure breathing air from
the air supply flows te the mask automatically through the demand regulator.

The air flows te the mask exactly in accordance with the user's requirements. More specifically, upon
inhalation, air flows te the mask at arate precisely regulalOO lo the user' s demand oUpon exhalation, the
flow to the mask stops, starting again on the next inhalation. The selí-contaíned Model 9()()()()(J AIR-PAl<
(Back-Pak) is Bureau of Mines approved for 30 minutes of continuous operation when the 45 cu ft eylinder
is fulIy charged. These eylinders are capable of being charged lo 2215 psi. The duration figures given are
average values, and rlÚght be shorter under severe exertion. lf the eylinder is ñlled lo a lower pressure such
as 2000 psi, the duration will likewise be reduced. The Scott AIR-PAl< may be safely used in any
atrnosphere. However, protective clothing must be used in cases that irrila te or poison through the skin,
such as hydrogen cyani de, highly concentrated arnrnonia, etc. It can be used under virtually all conditions
of heat, cold, pressure or mís t in which man must work. The buílt-in Pak-Alarm rings and vibrates to warn
of dímínishing air supply at 400 psi, allowing sufficient time to leave the contamína ted area.

F. Instructlons for Donning Scott AIR-PAK 11

1. Alter opening case, grasp backplale and remo ve AIR-PAl< from case.

2. Swing u nit up and over head, with chest stra p buckled,

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Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

3. Lean forward and slide unit down back.

4. Pull down side straps to snug unit on back.

5. Connect and adjust waist belt,

6. Don Scottoramic facepiece and connect breatlúng tube to regulator.

7. Check the facepiece for proper fit.

G. Operation of SCOTIAIR-PAK n

1. Check reguIator hose hand-connection at cylinder valve for tightness and open cylinder valve 1'h full
turns. Engage cylinder valve safety lock and check by attempting to close valve. Check regulator
pressure gauge for "FULL" indication.

2. Adjust alI of the head hamess straps on the mask assembly fuI! out. Put the mask on "chin first," adjust
the chin straps, then temple, and the forehead straps last.

3. Test the mask and hose for leaks and tightness to the face by closing off the breathing tube at the quid
connect coupling with the palm of the hand and inhale slowly. The mask should collapse to the face
if leak-tíght. Test the exhalalion valve by exhaling with the hose slill closed off.

4. During normal operation the emergency by-pass valve (RED KNOB) would be fully CLOSED (turn
clockwise for CLOSED). lt is provided for use muy in event the automatic demand regulator has
become inoperative. lt provides a continuous flow or air to the mask "by-passing" the regulator
mechanism. lf needed, the emergency by-pass valve should be opened FIRST, then the regulator
shut-off valve CLOSED, and the flow of air adjusted through the by-pass valve to suit the user's

5. During normal operation the regulator shut-off valve (YELLOW KNOB) should be fully OPEN (turr
counterclockwise for OPEN). Automatic ratchet device will "Lock" valve in open position. This valve
is provided to shut off the operation of the automatic demand regulator in the event of its failure or
darnage. It should be closed by depressing the locking tab and turning clockwise only AFIER the
emergency by-pass has been opened, OPERATE SHUT-OFF ANO BY-PASS VALVES WlTH FINGER,

6. Do not connect the mask breathing tube to the regulator untiJ ready to enter the contaminated area. This
conserves the air supply. Tighten quick connect coupling firrnly with fingers.

H. Changing Air Cylinders

Note: Recharge cylinders with pure air only. 00 NOT USE OXYGEN.


1. Release cylinder valve safety lock and close cylinder valve.

2. Uncouple reguiator hose hand-connectíon from cylinder valve.

3. Pul! cylinder clamping lever down to release cylinder.

4. ..Remove cylinder and replace with fully charged one.

l. Recharging andCascading Method of Charging (Filling) AIR·PAK Cylinders

32 - H 2S
Mu.rchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

Note: Recharge cytinders wilh air onIy. DO NOf USE OXYGEN.

1. Connect lhe manifold, charging hose and gauge.

2. Before opening any valves, check the pressure remaining in the AIR·PAK cytinde r. If il is stil! partly
charged, note lhe pressure ind ícated on lhe AIR·PAK cylinder gauge. Then open and dose each valve
on lhe large (300 CI1 ft) storage cylinder lo find one wilh the lowes t pressure. When found, if this
cytinder has a pressure lower than lhe AIR·pAK cylind er, do not attempt using it for filling. Use the
slorage cylinder thal has a pressure higher !han the AIR-PAK cylinder bu t lower than the others,

3. After selecting the correct storage cylinder to begin lhe charging operation , open the valve on the
AIR·pAK cylinder and lhen open the valve on the selected storage cylinder. When lhe pressur e
indicated on lhe AIR·pAK cytinder gauge and the charging gauge has become equal, dose lhe valve
on lhe storage cylinder, lhen go lo lhe slorage cytinder wilh lhe next higher pressure and repear the

4. If after using the lasl slorage cylínder lhe AIR-PAK cylinder is still nol fulIy charged, a fuI! storag e
cytinder should be pul in place of the cytinder wilh the lowesl pressure and used in lhe same manner.
Make sure te close the cytinder valve on lhe AIR-PAK cytinder before disconnecting an y manifold

The recharging data is based on air al 2400 psi in the 300 CI1 ft cytinders; based on refilling 45 CI1 ft
AIR·pAK cylinders lO 2215 psi. Obviously a great deal of air will remain in lhe 300 CI1 ft cytinder after
filling onIy one 45 CI1 ft AIR·p AK cylinder, bu t such remaining air will be at a pressure of approxímate-
Iy 1900-2000 psi, nol of sufficienl pressure to complelely refill anolher 45 CI1 ft cylínder, a1lhough it
would refill several smaller cylínders. It is not econornical, even on a 3 or 4 cytinder cascade systern,
to begin recharging with air at less than 300 psi pressure in lhe 300 cu ft cytinders down to 300 psi, lhen
return for refilling. In 2 cytinder systems use lo 600 psi, lhen return for filling.

Recharging AIR·p Al< Cylinders

AIR·pAK cylínders must be recharged wilh pure brealhing airo The usual sources are oxygen
manufacturing companíes, who, to assure purity, produce breathing air wi lh lhe same eqtúpment used
for producing oxygen. This type of compressor uses water, or soap and water lubrication. The National
Cytinder Gas Company, Linde and olhers are nationaIly known air sources.

5. Lock cytinder in place, attach regulater hose and tighten couplin g.

6. Open cylinder valve 1'h fulI turns and observe pressure on regulator pressure gauge.

]. CIeaning and Storing

1. After each use, carefully inspect lhe eqtúpment. If in good cond itíon, scrub lhe mask assembly wilh a
brush using warm soap and water solutíon, Rinse mask by f1ushing water lhrough breathing tube and
letting it flow oul through openings onto lens .

2. Disinfect mask by sponging wilh a quaternary arnmoniurn solution. Rinse an d allow lo air d ry. Polísh
mask lens inside and outside, using Scoll IONlCLEAN plastic d eane r.

3. Damp-sponge dirt accurnulations frorn rest of equipment. Make sure !hat a1I equipmenl is lhoroughIy
dry before returning il lo lhe carrying case.

4. Replace used cylinder wilh a fulIy charged cylinder containing pure breathing airo C . der pressure
gauge should indicate "FULL." Open and dose cytinder valve, and test fgtd~'lle by observing
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Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc,

regulator pressure gauge. After valve is closed, pressure indicated on the gauge should remain constant
and not drop off over a periad of several minutes. NOTE: Make sure that by-pass valve is c1osed.

5. Exhaust air pressure from regulator and hose by slighUy opening the by-pass valve. Oose by-pass valvr
after bleeding off excess airoCheck to make sure that the regulator shut-off valve (YELLOW KNOB) .
fulJy OPEN.

6. Clean carrying case by brushing out. Dirt left in case ma y contaminate AIR·PAK.

7. lf storing Back-Pak, place unit, cylinder down in carrying case. Connect ches t strap and store connected
regulator in comer of case. Make certain ·waist beltsare open and all straps are fully extended, then
neatly store all straps.

8. Place mask assembly in front of case after fully extending a1l head straps. Take care to protect mask lens
from darnage,

9. Before closing case make sure all parts are clear of edges. lf possible store in a cool dry place.
NOTE: Storing AIR·pAK units in this manner prepares them for the recornmended donning p rocedures.
lf a1temate donning methads are used, storage of straps, etc., should be altered acco rdingly.

Air cornpressors, oil lubrícated, can be safely used for breathing aír, when in excellent condition and when
carbon monoxide indicating devices are constantly used lo check air purity.

le. Fire Departments

lf AIR-PAKS are to be used only for rare emergencies, it is suggested that depleted cylinders be refilled
immediately, al the nearest Scott distributor's warehouse, or at the nearest cornmercial recharge sour ee. Pure
breathing air musl be used, Extra AIR·pAK cylinders should be purchased with each AlR·PAK, for
maximum usefulness and to insure adequate air for emergencies.

Where AIR-PAKS are for use by Fire Departments of large towns and cities and when the y will be ir
service many times per month, for training and for actual ñre-ñgh tíng, it is a distinct advantage for the
departrnents to inslall their own "cascadí n g recharge systems." Installation of these recharge systerns makes
air so inexpensive and so readily available that lhe greatest utility is obtained. An extra cylinder for each
AIR·pAK should be kept fulJy charged at aII times so lhat cylinder changes can be quickly made in

Industrial, Chemical, Petroleum PIants and Mines

The procedure recornmended for the charging of AIR-P AK cylind ers for Fire Departrnents, applies also to
AIR·pAKS used in other types of servíce, The same care should be exercised to charge with only pure
breathing airo lf the AIR·pAK is to be used for working equipment, as in tank cleaníng, fumace or stack
repaír, inspection in toxic atrnospheres, etc., or if emergencies would require a greater air sup pIy than is
afforded by spare AIR-PA!< cylinders, it is recornmended lhat the user install a "cascad e recharge systern,"

Inspection and Mainlenance

After each six-week períod, or more often if equipmenl is in daily us e, the following visual inspection
should be made.

1. Check the condition of the case (wall or carrying type),

2. . Check the equipment to see if complete and in good condition.

3. Check cylinder pressure. lf below 2015 psi , recharge the cylinder or replace with a full one.
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

After eaeh three-month period, the following functional test and inspection should be made in addition to
the visual inspection outlined aboye.

1. Remove the equlpment from the case, open the cylinder valve and observe the regulator gauge

2. Put on the mask and ad just the head hamess straps. Check the rnask, breathing tube and exhalation
valve by inhaling with the palm over the end of the brealhing tube quick connect,

3. Plug in the mask breathing tube quick connect and check the regulator performance. inhale deeply and
quickly. The reguIatorshould apply a full flow of air to match the deeper breathing. If on slow
inhaIation a "honking" sound is heard in the regulator, it can usually be stopped by inhaIin g faster. The
sound is caused by the bellows vibrating and in no way affects the performance or safety of the
regulator. If the bellows continue to vibrate under any breathing condition, the regulator should be
overhauled at the earliest convenient time. Occasionally, a demand valve will stick open slightly, when
the diaphragm is very cold, A return te more moderate temperatures will correet the temporary
difficulty. A special diaphragm is available for unusual conditions. This condition can usually be
corrected by "blowing back" on the reguIator quick connect opening.

4. With the mask breathing tube out of the quick connect, dose off the cylinder valve. With "FULL"
indicated on the regulator gauge, the reguIator and the reguIator hose assembly should hold the
trapped-in pressure.

5. Prepare for storage (see Cleaníng and Storing) - After eaeh 2'h year period, the reguIator with regulator
hose shouId be retumed te your Scott distributor, te be sent to the factory for test and /or repair. After
each five-year period, the air cylinders should be retumed to the factory for test. Eaeh cylínder is
stamped with the month and the year of manufacture or that of the last test. This procedure must be
complied with to meet the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission. A1ways empty the
cylinders before returning them for service and test.

L Maintenance oi Regulators

Contact your Scott Safety Equipment dealer before returning the AIR·p Al< JI regulator to the factory for
complete overhaul and test. It is reeommended that reguIaters be shipped with hose attached. Listed below
are the repairs that may be made to the regulator by other than factory personne\.

1. Replace No. 10000046 Coupling, female

2. Replace No. 800016-00 Regulator Shut-off Valve
3. Replace No. 800012-00 By-Pass Valve
4. Replace Regulator Diaphragm
5. Repair or replace No. 10000048, Cover, front
6. Repair or replace No . 1()()()()()58, Cover, back

To Test ReguIator Shut-üff and By-Pass Valve for Leaks

With the regulator shut-off and by-pass valves closed and the cylind er valve open, remove all of the air
from the regulator by removing the top reguIator cover and manually depressing the diaphragm. Place onl y
the reguIator inhaIation tube connection in clean water and depress the díaphragm, Observe the submerged
tube connection. If bubbles appear the reguIator shut-off valve or by-pass valve leaks. If it leaks, remove
the plastic diaphragm-retaining ring and the diaphragm. Carefully place a soap bubble over the small hole
of the by-pass-to-expansion chamber passage whieh is in line with the by-pass valve. If the bubble expands,
the by-pass valve leaks. If the bubble does not expand, the shut-off valve leaks. Stop the leak by cleaning
the appropriate valve seat or by repairing or replacing the defective parts. Next, remove hut-off valve
knob and by-pass val~e knob and reinsert the pins in the holes of the valve S!~rm~ ' the cylinder
valve open, use the pm to fully open the shut-off valve only. Apply so~~e~~Thl! slllm d retamero
~\"'- .. n

~~~'"\< ~ J\)\. 1.\')1S H2S - 35
1. ~_

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Murchlson Drllllng Schools, Ine.

lf bubbles appear around lhe stem and retainer, eliminate lhe leak by replacing the gasket. Do not use
excessive force lo close eilher valve to stop leakage. Replace lhe diaphragm, diaphragm retaining ring and
regulator cover.

M. MaIntenance oi Air Cyllnder Valve

lf the cylinder valve fails to hold pressure, check lhe fol!owing:

Wilh lhe cylinder charged and lhe cylinder valve closed, apply a soap and water solulion to Ihe valve body
connection to lhe cylinder, lhe pressure gauge and its conneclion to the valve body, lhe safety plug, and
lhe oullet end of lhe valve, Expanding bubbles indicate leaks. Bubbles atthe valve oullet indicate lhat the
valve is not closed tighlly or lhat it has a defective seat. Opening and closing the valve several times may
blow foreign matler from the seat and eliminate the leak, Attach lhe regulator to lhe cylinder valve by
connecting lhe hose coupling assembly to lhe cylinder valve. Open the cylinder valve fuJly and apply soapy
water to lhe valve stem and lhe valve stem guíde, Air bubbles fonning around lhese parts indicate leaks.
Eliminate aJIleaks and repair, adjust or replace defective parts found during lhese tests before lhe cylinder
is used. lf necessary lo repair or replace lhe valve, drain al! pressure from lhe cylinder before disassembling
lhe valve.

Maintenance of Regulator Hose and Extension Hose

Wilh lhe regulator shut-off and by-pass valves closed and the cylinder valve open, apply soapy water lo
the regulator hose and its connections to lhe regulator and lhe cylinder valve. Bubbles indicate leaks.
Eliminate aJI leaks and repair or replace defective parts before lhe apparatus is worn. Blisters on lhe
regulalor hose do not necessarily indicate lhat lhe hose is defective. Normal air seepage through lhe hose
is sometimes trapped under lhe outside coating of rubber causing blisters. Blisters should be deflated by
pricking wilh a pino

NOTE: Scotl Aviation Corporation al its discretion will instruct wíthout charge, competenl personnel of
AIR-PAK users, in lhe minor repair, maintenance, and testing of AIR-PAI<5. Such personnel will be trained
al lhe manufacturer's plant. Arrangements can be made through lhe user's Scotl distributor.


A. Rescue and Flrst Aid - When working around lhe jobsite, il is essential that work always be performed in
pairs. This is lhe "buddy" system. A1ways keep an eye on your buddy, Know where he'is and whal he is
doing. lf an individual accidental1y inhales H2S gas and becomes unconscious, he rnust be removed from
lhe areas as quick1y as possible; however, lhe rescuer shouId remember to first put on rus breathing
apparatus. Otherwise, he may become a victim as wel!. The victim shouId be taken to an area where there
is ample fresh airo He must be kept warm and revived by artificial ventilalion or resuscitalion. It ís essential
lo act fasto Artificial venti1alion shouId be performed by using mouth-to-rnouth resuscitalion and/or a
resuscitator (pneolator). A resusdtator altemalively pumps oxygen into the lungs and draws CO2 out. A
resuscitator pumps oxygen and not air and is; lherefore, more effective. In addilion lo sloppage of
breathing, the victim may also be suffering frem stoppage of lhe heart, In this case, it is necessary to apply
artificial drculalion.


2. Remove victim irnmediately to fresh air zone,
3. Maintain victim at rest and adminisler oxygen if avai1able.
4. lf palient is not breathing, cornmence artificial respiralion irnmediately.
5. Surnmon doctor or get victim lo a doctor.
6. Keep palient warm.
Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc,

7. When breathing is restored , give patienl stimulants such as tea or coffee, but do not leave unaltended.
8. lf eyes are affected , wash them thoroughly with clear water (for slíght eye írritation), coId compresses
wilI help,
9. Patients should be kepl under medica! observation until the doctor declares them fit to retum lO work.
Once a victim is removed lo fresh air and normal respira tion restored before heart action ceases, rapid
recovery may be expected. In cases of slíght or minor exposures where the worker has not been totally
unconsdous and wants lO return lo work after a short rest períod, ít is recommended that duty be
postponed until the following day. Reflexes may nol have retumed to normal and the person could be
subject lo injury from other wor k hazards.

B. Resuscitation

lt is vitally importanl thal everyone working around or near hydro gen sulphlde gas HAS a good working
knowledge of artificial respíratíon, Practices should be held regularly,

NOTE: Every momenl lost before beginning artificial respiration lessens chances for success, Artificial
respiration should be continued until the patien l recovers or rigor mortis seis in.

Hg . 13.3 Hg. 13.4

1. Place victim on his back, loasen clothing 2. lnsert thumb in the mouth • grasp lower
around neck and waist. Tum victim's jaw and lift it forcibly upwards and
head lo the síde, wipe out the mouth forwards.
quickly, using you r fingers lo get rid
of any foreígn matter.

Hg. 13.5 Hg . 13.6

3. Hold the lower jaw up and with the other 4. Take a deep breath, place your
hand close the victim's nostrils. mouth firmly over the victim's
mouth and breathe in once every
5 seconds. .


Hg . 13.8

5. While breathing into victim, watch chest 6. Remove your mouth from the victim's
rise lo indicate air passage is clear. to allow breath lo be exhale;!: •.~~~
Counl three and re~.(\L'l \'i&'~" I\t.~~
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¡ .......... I".uutun unumg scnoots, Ine.

C. Pneolatoc Resusdtator (one type referred to as Minute-Man Resuscítator)

General Description - The MSA PneoIator ís a device which automatically performs artificial respiration
wilh a selected intennitlent positive pressure on inhalation and without suction on exhalation. When the
victim is breathing, lhe Pneolator becomes an effective oxygen inhalator by a simple adjustment. lf the ar
passage is obstructed by mucous or foreign material. a warning is immediately given by a chattering of the
eycling valve and lhe Pneolator provides the means (an aspirator) for removing lhe obstruction. When
asphyxia occurs, irnrnediately apply artificial respiration by moulh-to-moulh or other accepted manual
technique. This is imperative as lhe victim can live only a few minutes wilhout breathing. As soon as lhe
Pneolator is avaílable, apply itto the victim as it will perfonn artificial respiration more efficiently than
manual techniques. Throughout artificial respíratíon, every effortshould be made to maintain the victim's
normal body heat. As soon as lhe Pneolator is available it is reconunended strongly !hat lhe victim be
placed on hís back wilh his head pulled backward. Thís posilion pennits the best ventilation of the lungs.
It is desirable to place something such as a roUed blanket or the case top under the victim's shoulders to
aid in maintaining proper head position.

Operation - For lhe Non-Brealhing Viclim

1. Open the lid of the case and tum on eylinder valve fully.

2. Removing eycling valve assembly from holder and select !he proper slze mask. Two slzes are provided:
one for adults and the other for infants and children . These masks are a friction fit into the eycling valve
assembly and may be removed or inserted by a partial rotating action wilh a direct pull or push. Attach
a proper size mask.

3. Tum pressure adjusling knob so !hat the low pressure gauge needle is set at infant, child or adult as
required. As the knob is tumed counterclockwise, the pressure is increased.

4. Place the mask on the viclim's face holding it securely so that an airlight seal is obtained. lf seal is not
good, the device will not function. The exhalation valve cover must be hand light for proper operation
of the eycling valve,

5. lf cycling of the valve does not occur, ancI !he mask is securely in place, increase the delivered pressure
until smoolh eycling at arate not greater !han 2S times a minute is achieved. It is imperative !hat the
lungs be ventilated to re-establish brealhing. and relatively high pressures may be required initially to
overcome obstructions. As smoolh even eycling is achieved, the pressure may be reduced slightly, but
must be maintained at a level which insures ventilation.

6. If lhe eycling valve eycles very rapidly (chatters) lhere is an obstruction in the air passage and the lungs
are not receiving oxygen. lncreasing lhe pressure as in Step 5 may overcome this, but if it does not, it
is imperative !hat lhe obstruction be removed as quickly as possible as the lungs must be ventilated.
Remove the mask and insert lhe finger into the victim's mouth to remove any large obstruction such
as a piece of food, lf nothing is located, the obstruction is probably mucous which may be removed by
lhe aspirator.

CAUTION: The use of aspirator and airways by layrnen is subject to a difference of opinion medically.
Therefore, lhe aspirator or the airways should be used only with approval of a medical adviser and
subject to his instruction. Three slzes of airways are provided and lhe one most suitable should be used
if medical approval has been obtained for such use.

7. Plug in the aspirator assembly to the panel at lhe Female Quick Connect Fitting. (The Auxiliary
Allachment is also attached al this point.) lnsert the rubber tube (catheter) attached to the ASPIRATOR
mio the side of the airway wilh about 2 inches projecling beyond lhe airway and place airway and
catheter in the victim's air passage. Depress the knob on lhe aspirator. This should remove lhe
, '::. , ' ,'-': :

38 -~S
Muxchison Drllling Schools, Inc,

obstruction, but note the jar to see if fluid or mucous is collected. Remove the aspirator tube (catheter)
and the airway.

8. Replace the mask on victim and continue the artificial respiralion until breathing is re-es tablíshed . lf
the periad required to restore breathing becomes prolonged the mask can be posilioned to the víctím's
face by the headbands fumished with the mask, Slip doth part of headbands behind the hea d and ,nap
rubber bands over prongs at appropriate hole. A secure seal of the mask to the face must be obtained.

NOTE: Watch the breathing efforts of the victim and when there is a voluntary breath taken (usually
a gasp ), turn the adjusling knob so tha t low pressure gauge needle is set at ASSISTER posilion. lf
voluntary breathing doesnot continúe, return to artificial respiration .

Operation - For the Breathing Victim

lf the victim is breathing when lhe Pneolator arrives or after the restoralion of brealhing on a non-breathing
victím, oxygen should be administered for therapeulic sup port until a physician decides it ís no longer
necessary. To accomplish this mast effeclively, the Inhalator phase of the Pneolator is used as foUows:

1. Open the metal covering of the exha1alion valve on the eycling valve assembly. This exhalalion valve
pennits easy exha1alion when it is open and the Pneolator ís being used as an Inhalator. This metal
cover must be hand light during artificial respiralion to enable the eycling valve to operate.

2. Tum pressure adjusting knob so that low pressure gauge needle is set at ASSISTER posilion. This
provides a srnaU constant flow of oxygen at a slight posilive pressure so that easier breathing results.
Whenever the victim requires more oxygen than the constant flow will deliver, he automalically obtains
alI the desired oxygen by aetualing the inhalator valve. Exha1alion ís through the exha1alion valve on
eyding valve assembly.

3. lf headbands have not already been attached, they should be placed in posilion as described in previous
Section, Paragraph 8, and the victím be permitted to breath normally until the physician decides to
disconlinue the therapy.


The mask assembly and the eyding valve should be c1eaned and sanitized after eaeh use . The exhaIed
breath travels only to the eycling valve so the breathing tubes and other parts prior to the eycling valve will
not normally requíre sanitizing. After use, the airway and the aspirator definitely should be cleaned and
sanitized before storing or reuse.

For general sanitizing, the use of MSA Cleaner-Sanítizer is recommended.

All parts used on the palient should be cleaned and sanítized after eaeh use with MSA Cleaner-Sanitízer,
Part No. 34337 (25 - 1 oz, packages per box) as folIows :

a. Add one package of MSA Cleaner-Sanitizer to a gallon oí warm water (about 1200 F).

b. Immerse the respirator and scrub alI parts with a soft brush with particular attenlion to the exhaIalion
valve and mouthpíece,

c. Rinse in clean warm water (about 1200 F) and alIow to air dry. The metal, plastic or rubber pans will
not be adversely affected by the Oeaner-Sanitizer solulion.

The eycling valve is disassembled by unscrewing lhe green knurled coupling ring and separating the parts.
After sanitizing, as recommended above, the inner diaphragm assembly shouid be P.2sj . lo permit
drainage of the intemal 'paces through the radial holes and the uppe~~o~'\\1_. ... ~ ./ er use , the
. ~\~~. , -'

l<\\ ' J'J\. lllll':\ H 2S - 39
1, __
Murchlson Drilling Schools, Inc,

cylinder valve should be closed and lhe cylinder removed from lhe Pneolator for refilling. There should
be a spare cylinder available lo pul into lhe unil while lhe cylinder which has been removed is being
refil1ed. To remove lhe cylinder, unfaslen lhe knurled hand tighlening nut, unfasten lhe cylinder holding
clamp, and lift lhe cylinder from lhe case. To reassemble lhe cylinder, foUow lhe reverse procedure.

The device should be lested periodically for tightness using the following procedure:

1. Open cylinder valve.

2. Turn pressure adjusting knob lo off position unti1low pressure gauge regislers zero.

3. Close cylinder valve and watch high pressure gauge for drop in pressure. U lhe pressure drops more
than one hundred (lOO) pounds in thirty (30) seconds, a leak requiring correction is prescnt.

4. To correct such a leak, check connections with soap and water solution and tighten as required.

5. Replace any worn parts which are not functioning properly. An illustrated Parts List (994986) is
supplied with each Pneolator. Never use any lubricanl on lhe apparatus, aOO keep alI parts entirely free
from oil and grease.


lt ís importanl to rem ember, tha t other toxic gases such as benzene, carbon monoxide, chloride, carbon
tetrach1oride, and olhers are a1so found in certain ind ustries. Other gases such as carbon dioxide and methane
are nol loxic; but, are dangerous as lhey contain no oxygen and therefore cause lhe victim to die of asphyxia,
which is lack of oxygen. The handling of these dangerous gases is similar lo thal of H;zS, a1lhough differenl
detection tubes and sensing elements are used,

A. Benzene (Benzol C6~)

According lo Gold slein, this 15 lhe mosl dangerous solvenl used in lhe ind ustry largely because of il!
extremely toxic effecl on bone marrow. lt is used as a Slarting material for lhe manufacture of a great many
products, including plastic paínts, pesticides and rugs.

lt 15 also used as a solvenl and ís a componenl of gasoline. lt should not be confuse<! wilh lhe far less loxic
Benzíne, also referred lo as naphlha or petroleum benzine. Benzine consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons
of the methane series and has about the same degree of toxicity as the commonplace mineral spirits (ligroinl

1. Symptoms - Exposure to high concentrations of Benzene may produce death very quickly, preceded
by coma and convulsions. Lower concentrations produce exhilaration and excitemenl (referred lo
industrially as benzol jag). This stage Is followed by severe headaches, loss of balance control,
incoherent speech, nausea and vomiting. Chronic polsoníng develops insidiously after months or even
years of low-grade exposure. The symploms are largely related to changes in lhe hemopoietic' systern,
and lhe condítícn may offer a diagnostic and lherapeutic challenge.

2. Treatment· U Benzene has been ingested, olive oíl, olher vegetable oíls, buller or crearn, or even ice
crearn should be given to retard absorption. Castric lavage and vomiting should be avoided because
of the danger of aspiration, since respiratory loxicity is much grealer than oral toxicity. There is no
specific treatrnent for poisoning by inha1ation olher !han quick transfer to fresh aír and artificial
respiration. Oxygen and other supportive treatrnents are lo be used as Indicated .

.: Hemopoietic - Pertaining lo or affecting lhe forrnation of lhe blood cells,

B. Carbon Dloxlde
Murchison Drilling Schools, Ine.

This gas, cornmonly thoughl of as harmless, is routinely used as a respíratory slirnulan l during anaesthesia
and te help maintain acid base equilibriwn in certain complicated types of medical cases. It is norrnally
presenl in the atmosphere in a concenlration of about 0.04%. Concenlralions of from 0.1% lo 0.5% may
produce ma1alse and headache; concenlrations of 8% lo 9% are al the suffocalion level; higher leve!s may
produce death. Carbon Dioxide (C~) is heavier than air and, therefore, tends lo gravilale lOlow areas and
accumulate in such places as cellars, manholes, wells, silos, caves and mines where concenlralions may
reach asphyxial levels. Death occurs when such area s are enler ed witho ut adeq uate saleguards such as the
use 01 oxygen masks. A potentíal source of danger from CO 2 around the home or farm, arises when a large
amount 01 "Dry Ice" (solídified C~) is used in keeping ice cream and other perishables. The COz level in
a confined space can reach a lethal level by sublímation 01 the SOUD C~ lo GASEOUS C~ the
mechanism by which "Dry Ice" refrigerales. Deaths from C~ are not cornmon but there have been many

1. Symploms - Carbon dio xide (C~) produces asphyxia by replacing Iife-supporting oxygen in the
atmo sphere. The gas aets on the respiratery cenler lo accelerate the brealhing rate and hastens the
process. Early symploms are dizziness, ringing in the ears, a feeling as if the head were going to
explode, sweating, muscular weakness, faligue , and a feelíng of greal sleepiness. There lollows a rise
in blood pressure, pulse rate, and then general collapse, coma and death.

2. Treatmenl - lf a victim is rescued in time, the recornmended lreatmenl is artificial respiration with
oxygen adminislered sirnultaneously. lf poss ible, artificial respiration may have lo be carried on for a
long time before a victirn begins breathing on his own.

C. Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is found in aulomotive exhausta, poorly ventilated or defective gas water heaters,
defective gas operated refrigeralors, and ulility or iIlwninating gas when there is a límited supply of airo

1. Signs and Symptoms - The signs and symptems of carbon monoxide poisoning are: heada che,
yawnin g, dízzíness, falntnes s, ringing in the ears, nausea, pounding 01 the heart, bríght cherry-red color
of the skin, lethargy, stupor, and coma . Any person experiencing the early symptorns must seek fresh
air as rapidly as possible, even though he may have te exercise greal wiIlpower lO do so, as one effecl
of carbon monoxide poisoning is a lethargy which makes any effort seem hardly worth the bother.

2. Treatment

a. Move the victim into fresh air and start irnmediale artificial respiration if breathing has ceased or
is very peor.

b. Surnmon medical aid as quickIy as possible,

The victirn should preferably be taken lo hospital by a well-equípped firsl aid squad as quickly as
possible. Oxygen should be adminislered while continuing artificial respiratíon, preferabl y with a
respiralor. The oxygen disassociales the carbon mono xide from lhe red blood cells, and is needed to
replace the C~. In addition te oxygen and artificial respiration, there are drogs which can be given to
stimulate breathing and remove carbon mono xide in the blood.

D. Carbon Telrachloride

The principal danger of carbon tetrachloríde, which is very cornmonly used as a household cleaning fluid,
líes in the INHALATION of its vapors: in a confined, or poorly venlilaled space. It is non-ínflammable.
However, the loxic nature of its vapor is much grealer than that of man y cornmon inflarnmable solvents.
Carbon letrachloride is also used as the chemical in a cornmon type of hand fire eXting¡FSh\When the
carbon letrachloride hils the flame, il is converted ínto an irri tanl gas Whi.'ch iS~lJf~~~ have been
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Murchlson DrlJllng Schools, lne.

eonsidered a war gas . Therefore, in using this type of extinguisher índoors, get into the open aír as quiekly
as possible after attacking the fue .

1. The slgns and symptoms of Carbon Tetrachlorlde Polsoning are: headache, dizziness and merr
confusion fol1owed by nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps, The danger líes in its toxíc effecl .
the kidneys and liver. Death results from failure of these organs,

2. Treabnent · Gel the individual ínto fresh air as quickly as poss íble, remove al1 clothing which may be
saturated with the chemícal, sponge the body, and give oxygen and artifidal respiration. The victim
should be hospitalized, sínce he will require supportive treatment, therapyand observation for probable
liver and kidney darnage.

E. Chlorlne tcu
Chlorine is a well known gaseous element which has a distinctly pungenl, acrid and disagreeable odor. In
fairly large concentrations it may appear as a dirty greenísh-yellow cloud . Since it is difficull to build up
a large coneentration for a long time, it is classified as a non-persistenl gas. As little as TWO MINUTES
exposure lo a HIGH eoneentralion will produce death.

1. Symploms - The common symploms of Chlorine poisoníng are eoughing, shedding of profuse tears,
pain and buming in the throat, diseonúorl in the chest, nausea, vomiting, eollapse, death.

2. Treabnenl - The treatrnenl of patients who are exposed lo lung irritants requites close observatíon,
avoidance of any effort by the patient, and early supportive treatment, The palient musl be removed
from the noxious agent al once. Most patients will strongly insisl they can walk to the nearest first aid
post. All persons exposed to lung irritants must be carried by stretchers. The dangers of pulmonary
edema and acute toxie myocarditis are ever presenl so those coming to the rescue must strive to
conserve the palien!'s energy. There musl be no deviation from the rule that alllung irritant easualties
are stretcher cases, in spite of any patient protests, lack of stretcher bearers, etc. Avoid unnecessary
eonversation with the patient. Ogaretles should not be given lo such patients. Absolute rest is mos-
important and should be strictly enforced. Supportive treatrnenl for shock sueh as blankets, warmf
hot coffee or lea should be given at once. Alcohol is of no value, and is often harmful. Morphine should
never be given, as experience in World War I showed il to be dangerous. Restlessness may be treated
by adrninistration of barbital derivatives or, better stíll, oxygen. CritieaUy ill patients may need oxygen.
If some chiorine is acddently sprayed on the skín, the skin should be washed with soap and water,
Areas bumed by ehlorine should be treated as aIkali burns. The eyes should be earefuUy flushed with
cool, clear water, and covered. The palient should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. If chloríne
is sprayed on -the hands or Ieet, particular care musl be given lo the nails . An alcohol solution of
sodium hydroxide has been found useful for such lesions. In blue or cyanotic patíents, give artifidal
respiration al once. Give oxygen if available.

F. Methane

Methane (CH.), eommonly known as marsh gas, is fonned by decaying organie maller in marshes and
mines. It is also present in sewer gas and gas fonned by the fennentalion of sewage and other organie
matter in landfi1ls which have been mixed with substanlial amounts of hydrogen and earbon dioxide.
Commerdally, methane is presenl in a concentralion of 94% and up in natural gas. For this reason, it may
be encountered where there are leaking natural gas línes, and in backed-up or sluggish sewers. It is
explosive in a mixture of 1 par! in 10 parts of air, but air containing 14% or more methane burns without
exploding. It is eolorless and odorless and diffused readily in airoThe gas itself has little inherent loxidty
but acts as an asphyxiant by repladng essential narcosis oxygen in the atrnosphere. In very high
concentrations, it produces narcosis foUowed by death by asphyxiation.

Treatrnenl - Artificial respiralion and oxygen, simultaneously if possible.

Murchison Drilling Schools, lne.


1. Feely, Herbert W., and Kulp, [, Laurence; Gulf Ceast SaU Dome Sulphur Deposiis, Bul!. AAPG, Vol. 41, No. 8,
Aug., 1957, pp 1802-1853.

2. H:¡S, The Canadian Association of Oil Well Drilling Contractors, Training Man ual on H:¡S., April, 1979.

3. AP I Recommended Pra ctices for Safe Drilling of Wells Containing Hydrogen Su/fide: API RP 49, August 1978.

4. NACE Standard MR-{)1-7S (1980 Revis íon),

5. Henderson, Charles L., Jr., and Co x, Tom E.; Drill High Concentration HzS Gas Wells Safe/y, OGJ, Apri112, 1972,
pp 57-62.

6. Ray, James D., and RandaIl, B.V. and Parker, [.C¿ Use of Reactive ¡ron Oxide To Rem(JlJt! HzS From Drilling Fluid,
SPE 7498.

7. Magcobar, Drilling Fluid Engineering Manual, [anuary 1977.

8. API Recommended Practices For Drill Stern Design and Operating Limits (RP 7Gl May 28, 1984.

9. Suman, George O., [r., and Snyder, Robert E., Handbook of High Pressure Well Completions, Part 3, World
00, 1978-1979, Page 28.
Murchlson Drllling Schools, Inc,

C. Pneolator Resuscitator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

XI. OTHER TOXlC GASES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ....... ............ ....... .. 40

A. Benzene (Benzol CJif,) 4r
B. Carbon Dioxide 4.
C. Car bon Monoxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ............ ............ 41
D. Carbón Tetrachloride .. . • . . ... . . .. ... . . .. . . . . . . ..... • ... . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 41
E. Chlorine (O ) . . . • • . . • . . . . . • . • • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . .. . •. . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . 42
F. Methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...................... .. 42


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