Mock Exam Ii

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Universidad Nacional de Moreno Trabajo Social Nombre y Apellido:

Idioma Optativo – Inglés Nivel 1 Comunicación Social Fecha:


A) Respondé las siguientes preguntas (4p):

a) Who posted this picture?

b) Where is it from?
c) When did Jamie Giller post the picture?
d) Do you think you are irreplaceable? Why?
Posted by Jamie Giller × 04/24/2014 at 10:03 am
Florida International University website

 Leé el siguiente texto y realizá las actividades posteriores:

January/February 2014 Issue
Social Media and Suicide Prevention Edited from:
By Sue Coyle, MSW om/archive/012014p8.shtml
Social Work Today
Vol. 14 No. 1 P. 8

(1)Ever since the Internet began offering users an unlimited supply of information and, more recently, significantly
opened social circles to include everyone from friends to frenemies to strangers, (2) cautious observers have worked to
protect vulnerable populations from what (3)they may find, see, or learn online.

Recent cases in which cyberbullying has led to self-harm and suicide have made this seem even more important. As a
result of these occurrences, social media often has been cast as a villain, and it is linked directly to the deaths of young
adults throughout the United States and the world.

(4)This correlation, however, only presents one side. The link between social media and suicide is not solely negative and
could in fact be positive. Today, researchers, clinicians, and other professionals both in and outside of the public health
and social work fields seek to determine how social media can be used to prevent suicide.

Edited from:

B) Respondé verdadero o falso, justificando las oraciones falsas (5p):

a) The text only transmits a negative view on the connection between social media and suicide. _____
b) There are people working to protect vulnerable populations from online content. _______

Universidad Nacional de Moreno Trabajo Social Nombre y Apellido:
Idioma Optativo – Inglés Nivel 1 Comunicación Social Fecha:

c) Social circles are integrated by cautious observers. _______

C) Encerrá en el texto aquellas palabras que se relacionan con los medios y el trabajo social (1p).

D) Situá 3 de las oraciones subrayadas en el texto en la línea de tiempo (3p):

pasado ►_____________________________________________ presente
cambio en el pasado ►______________
que aún tiene efecto
en el presente

 Explicá: ¿Cómo reconociste cada caso?

 Identificá, transcribí y traducí un ejemplo más de Pasado Simple y de Presente Perfecto (4p):

E) Explicá a qué refiere cada una de las palabras en negrita (2p):
F) Identificá y transcribí un caso de voz pasiva en el segundo párrafo y explicá su uso (2p):
G) Clasificá las siguientes oraciones según las siguientes categorías (4p):
aptitud (A)– hechos actuales (HA)– verdades generales (VG)
1-Sue Coyle is the author of the article. ______ 3- People believe there is a connection between cyberbullying
2-Social workers have good communicative skills. and suicides. _____
______ 4- There is a great number of suicides in The US.A. ____

H) ¿Qué expresan los verbos modales señalados en cursiva en el texto? Encerrá la opción correcta (2p):


I) Completá con los siguientes países teniendo en cuenta la tabla del texto (4p):
Greece - United States - Germany – UK -

The suicide rate in ______________ is higher than in There are more suicides in ______________ than in
France. Spain.
The suicide rate in ______________ is the highest. The suicide rate in______________ is the lowest.

Máximo: 31 (10) Mínimo: 13 (4)

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