Narrative Report 8

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It was a straightforward class, our instructor, miss Leyson allowed us to report our project proposals in
front of the class, during the presentation our instructor provided feedback and helpful insights as well
as asking questions about the proposal itself, it also provided us with some insight about community
belongingness, that we as a nation can move forward helping those around us without expecting
something in return.

During the presentation of the project proposals, Miss Leyson not only focused on the technical aspects
of the proposals but also emphasized the importance of community belongingness. She highlighted the
fact that our projects should not only benefit ourselves but also contribute to the betterment of the
community we belong to.

Miss Leyson's insights reminded us that we have a social responsibility to our fellow citizens and that by
helping those around us, we can create a more cohesive and supportive society. This concept of
community belongingness is particularly relevant in today's world, where there is a growing need for
individuals to come together and support each other in the face of social, economic, and environmental

Miss Leyson's emphasis on community belongingness not only added depth to our project proposals but
also provided us with a valuable life lesson. It reminded us that true success is not only measured by
personal achievement but also by the positive impact we make on those around us.

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