Morgan Bevell 741 Reflection

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Case Study Assignment Reflection

Morgan Bevell

Department of Special Education, University of Kansas

SPED 898: Masters Project

Dr. Irma Brasseur-Hock

June 5, 2023

Case Study Assignment Reflection


SPED 741: Methods and Assessment: Literacy Interventions for Struggling Learners &

Students with High-Incidence Disabilities focuses on research based instructional practices and

interventions, assessment strategies, and program planning for the literacy development of

students with reading and/or writing disabilities. This course features hands-on experience with

implementing literacy assessments and identifying evidence-based literacy practices that respond

to the data gathered on students' reading and writing abilities and needs. A focus on building

research skills is emphasized with the examination of professional literature for evidence-based

literacy practices and exploration of literacy assessments.


The overall purpose of this assignment is to help us gain an in-depth understanding of the

reading needs of a particular student, develop an appropriate reading instructional and

intervention plan, and present what we learned from implementing our case study. We selected a

target student and assessed him or her in the five areas of reading (phonemic awareness,

phonics/word study, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) using a variety of the assessment

tools presented in class.


The feedback received on this assignment was positive and no revisions were needed. I

received 100% of the possible points. Dr. Suzanne Robinson felt my case study addressed the

assignment requirements and was ready to be shared with parents or other teachers.


Working through my case study was instrumental in my development as a special educator

and one of my favorite assignments of the program. I thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on

experience and seeing my student progress right in front of my eyes as a result of an intervention

I implemented myself. This experience solidified my choice of career and brought me great pride

to see my student improve. I learned the importance of evidence-based practices and saw their

impacts firsthand.

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