Morgan Bevell 743 Reflection

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FABI Assignment Reflection

Morgan Bevell

Department of Special Education, University of Kansas

SPED 898: Masters Project

Dr. Irma Brasseur-Hock

June 26, 2023


FABI Assignment Reflection


SPED 743: Methods: Functional Behavioral Assessment, Positive Behavior Support and

Classroom Management presents definition and measurement of behavior, reinforcement

strategies, systematic program development, basic formats for classroom instruction, and

techniques for monitoring student progress. The course emphasizes procedures for increasing

academic and socially appropriate behavior through simulations and practice exercises. Students

apply their skills in classroom settings and/or with hypothetical data.


The focus of this assignment is to explore culturally responsive pedagogy and how

educators can adjust to teach within its framework. It was intended to help broaden our

perspectives and attempt to close the gap of connection between students and educators. This

assignment helped us recognize and embrace our students’ differences.


The feedback received on this assignment was positive and no revisions were needed on

the final submission. Our group received 100% of the possible points. Dr. Scott Fluke felt our

assignment addressed the assignment requirements and obtained strong results.


Working with my group on the FABI assignment was instrumental in my development as a

special educator. I enjoyed the hands-on experience of getting work with a team to find an

effective intervention and practice collecting and interpreting data. My biggest takeaway from

this assignment was that documentation is vital to an intervention plan and you need data to

support all decisions. This assignment was lengthy and difficult, but I truly feel more prepared to

enter the world as a special educator because of it!

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