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Final Paper Assignment Reflection

Morgan Bevell

Department of Special Education, University of Kansas

SPED 898: Masters Project

Dr. Irma Brasseur-Hock

July 3, 2023

Final Paper Assignment Reflection


C&T 709: Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction introduces students to foundations,

concepts, and influential figures in the study of curriculum. We examined curriculum trends in

the United States over time, paying particular attention to the orientation that various scholars

take in defining the aims and purposes of curriculum. Theoretical foundations and historical

views of curriculum were established in the first part of the course through exploring the views

of curricularists such as Bobbitt, Dewey, and Tyler. We also examined recent trends and

developments in curriculum studies. At the core of the course is the exploration of the question,

“Why do schools teach what they teach?” Throughout the course, students discussed possible

answers to this question and bolstered their thinking with evidence from curriculum scholars

who have studied dimensions of curriculum throughout the past century.


The purpose of this paper was to write a seven to ten double-spaced page paper

synthesizing our learning and describing our orientations to (or beliefs about) curriculum. The

paper consisted of three parts. Part I drew on an earlier response paper where we compared and

contrasted two theorists. Part II drew on an earlier response paper as well where we described a

curriculum issue on which we personally take a stance. Finally, in Part III we were provided the

opportunity to provide a framework of our philosophy of curriculum.


The feedback received on this assignment was positive and slight revisions were needed.

I received 95% of the possible points, as Dr. Della Anderson felt the paper needed more support

from literature in a couple places. As such, I added in backings as indicated throughout the

paper. Dr. Della Anderson felt my paper was otherwise well done and addressed all of the

assignment requirements.


Writing the final paper was instrumental in my development as a special educator. I enjoyed

the opportunity to explore my own philosophy on curriculum and put it into words. This project

was difficult for me because I oftentimes have trouble discerning the meaning behind

philosophers’ ideals, but was grateful I conquered the challenge because I learned so much. My

biggest takeaway from this assignment was that people may have different views of curriculum

and what they want their students to take away from lessons. I am grateful I was able to identify

my personal curriculum philosophy through writing this final paper.

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