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The dash

How’s my life lately? It seems to me that the best word that could describe

life is when we call it a season. There’s a rainy season, winter and spring

seasons of life but for me there are a season of dryness and storm.

Dryness is when we loss of reasons for why we are doing things, it’s like

we are out of purpose, and the things that we enjoy no longer make us

excited. It is the season that we feel the emptiness. On the other hand, the

Season of storms is when we are experiencing lots of rain and high waves,

we face challenges that put us in tears. It is the season where there are a

lot of circumstances that was beyond our control and we face so many

giants. Hence, to describe my life lately, it’s my season of both dryness

and storm. I’m experiencing the dryness of my purpose and the rains and

high waves of university life along with life responsibilities. However, I am

holding into the hope that the things that I’m going through right now will

come to an end, as the season was changing. Moreover, in different

seasons I will stand still in life because I know that at the end of it all there’s

growth, in which I will color my dash like the trees and plant in nature that

goes in a different season, the color green.

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