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A natural event that has the potential to cause a

harm or loss. (hazard)
2. Give atleast 3 types of hazard. (Atmospheric,
biologic, hydrologic, geologic, technologic).234
3. Give atleast 3 impacts of natural hazards.
(Physical, psychological impact, socio-cultural
impact, Economic impact, environmental impact,
biological impact).567
4. Exposure refers to the presence of people,
livelihood, environmental services and resources,
infrastructure, or economic, social, or cultural
assets in places that could be adversely affected
by physical events and which, thereby, are subject
to potential future harm, loss, or damage. It may
be possible to be exposed but not vulnerable.
5. Average typhoon visited in ph. (20) 9
6. Give atleast 3 human factors that is vulnerable
(wealth, education, governance, technology,
age, gender).10 11 12
7. Give atleast 3 included sectors as vulnerable.
(agriculture and food, watersheds, coastal and
marine resources, human health. 13 14 15
8. Give atleast 3 various elements exposed to
hazards. (physical hazards, cultural hazards,
economic hazards, environmental hazards). 16 17
9. Give atleast 2 types of earthquake hazards. 19 20
Liquefaction, ground rapture, shaking, tsunami.

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