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Clinical Experience: Shaping School Culture Interview and Observation

Douglas Burrage

Grand Canyon University

Professor Deis

Sauk’s Mission:

Sauk Elementary School is committed to educating and preparing ALL students toward excellence.

Sauk’s Vision:

The Sauk Eagles believe excellence is attainable and is the product of risk, diligence, and perseverance.

PSEL standard 1: Explain major functions and activities that can be performed in a school to
meaningfully uphold the school’s mission and vision.

Interviewee 1: (Ms. Butler-Substitute Teacher)-30 Minutes

The way that I contribute to the mission and vision of the school is by making sure everyone is on board
when I notice a student is a behind. Most kids are always on the same page so I can take a couple who
are a little behind to help them out. I highlight those students whose behavior is excellent to show them
as a role model for the other students. I believe that everyone can display excellence at a certain cost if
they are given the proper help and encouragement.

Interviewee 2: (Mrs. Delby-Librarian) -30 Minutes

The way that I contribute to the mission and vision of the school is by supporting everyone in the
building with any resources they may need to be successful. I run the teacher matrix by doing the PBIS
program. This helps with coming up with ideas for student achievement and getting students motivated
to learn with good incentives. I am mentor to teachers because before I became a librarian I was a
teacher for 12 years here at Sauk Elementary School. My way of helping our community grow is by
sharing the knowledge and encouraging new teachers to ensure that they are successful. I am a team
leader of the specialist in the building. This requires me to ensure that the specialist are holding their
meetings and talking about data for students. I love my job and I believe that everything I do supports
and pushes us closer to the vision of Sauk Elementary School.


While interviewing both candidates they explained major functions and activities that can be performed
in a school to meaningfully uphold the school’s mission and vision. Even though their positions are
different in the school it is contributing to the improvement of the student achievement. Ms.Butler is
passionate about helping students stay on the same page and steering any group she is with on the right
track academically. Mrs. Delby is passionate about sharing her knowledge as a veteran teacher with the
staff and creating incentives to ensure students are motivated to learn. I can tell while speaking to both
candidates that they were both excited to support the school, learn new things, and be part of the
growth of the school. I thought about the topic for this week and how we were talking about shaping
the school culture. It made me realize that both candidates were accustomed to have a mindset of
working hard and meeting the needs of the students. It reminded of the temperament of our leader,
and how he is always working hard and figuring out ways to meet the needs of the students. The
foundation of hard work was laid and set from our leader and trickled down to the staff. Speaking to
both candidates was refreshing and I learned that it doesn’t matter what position you are in to support
the mission and vision of the school. Overall, this assignment opened my eyes to see that shaping the
school culture comes from being authentic, setting a foundation, and ensuring that the staff knows how
they are contributing to the school mission and vision. This assignment of shaping the school culture
reminds me of this scripture, Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law,
happy is he. Proverbs 29:18 KJV”

-Hours Spent in the field: 2 hours

One hour was dedicated to observing the school culture and how everyone operates in the school. I
watched to see how everyone supported the mission and vision of the school even if they are not in big
roles. I love the dynamic of my school and how everyone works together by supporting one another. GO

Matteson District 162 / homepage. Matteson District 162 / Homepage. (n.d.).

Proverbs 29:18 KJV where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that Keepeth the law,
happy is he. PROVERBS 29:18 KJV “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he
that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (n.d.-a).

-Mrs. Delby


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